Chapter 4. Cyclones
Chapter 4. Cyclones
Chapter 4. Cyclones
The effect of cyclone inlet dimensions on the flow pattern and performance
Khairy Elsayed ⇑, Chris Lacor
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Research Group Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The effect of the cyclone inlet dimensions on the performance and flow field pattern has
Received 8 July 2010 been investigated computationally using the Reynolds stress turbulence model (RSM) for
Received in revised form 23 September 2010 five cyclone separators. The results show that, the maximum tangential velocity in the
Accepted 12 November 2010
cyclone decreases with increasing the cyclone inlet dimensions. No acceleration occurs
Available online 18 November 2010
in the cyclone space (the maximum tangential velocity is nearly constant throughout the
cyclone). Increasing the cyclone inlet dimensions decreases the pressure drop. The cyclone
cut-off diameter increases with increasing cyclone inlet dimension (consequently, the
Cyclone separator
Cyclone geometry
cyclone overall efficiency decreases due to weakness of the vortex strength). The effect
Reynolds stress turbulence model (RSM) of changing the inlet width is more significant than the inlet height especially for the
Discrete phase modeling (DPM) cut-off diameter. The optimum ratio of inlet width to inlet height b/a is from 0.5 to 0.7.
Mathematical models Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In cyclone separators, a strongly swirling turbulent flow is used to separate phases with different densities. The typical
geometrical layout of a gas cyclone, used to separate particles from a gaseous stream, depicted in Fig. 1(a), corresponds
to the Stairmand high-efficiency cyclone. The tangential inlet generates the swirling motion of the gas stream, which forces
particles toward the outer wall where they spiral in the downward direction. Eventually the particles are collected in the
dustbin (or flow out through a dipleg) located at the bottom of the conical section of the cyclone body. The cleaned gas leaves
through the exit pipe at the top. Swirl and turbulence are the two competing phenomena in the separation process: the swirl
induces a centrifugal force on the solids phase which is the driving force behind the separation; turbulence disperses the
solid particles and enhances the probability that particles get caught in the exit stream. Both phenomena are related to
the particle size, and the flow conditions in the cyclone [1].
While the cyclone geometry is simple, the flow is extremely complicated three dimensional swirling flow. The complexity
of the gas solid flow pattern in cyclones has long been a matter of many experimental and theoretical works. At present laser
Doppler anemometry (LDA) [e.g. 2,3] and particle image velocimetry (PIV) [e.g. 4–6] are frequently employed to study exper-
imentally the flow structure in the cyclones. As for the theoretical work, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes have pro-
ven to be a useful tool for simulating cyclonic flows [e.g. 1,7–10]. The geometry of the cyclone affects the flow pattern and
performance. The cyclone geometry is described by seven geometrical parameters, viz. the inlet height a, and width b, the
vortex finder diameter Dx and length S, cylinder height h, cyclone total height Ht and cone-tip diameter Bc (Fig. 1(a)).
The effects of cyclone inlet section dimensions on the cyclone performance (pressure drop and cut-off diameter) have
been reported in many articles. Casal and Martinez-Benet [11] proposed the following empirical formula for the dimension-
less pressure drop (Euler number),
0307-904X/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968 1953
Greek letters
dij Kronecker delta
e turbulence dissipation rate [m2/s3]
l dynamic viscosity [kg/(m s)]
lt turbulent (eddy) viscosity [kg/(m s)]
m kinematic viscosity (m = l/q) [m2/s]
mt turbulent (eddy) kinematic viscosity (mt = lt/q) [m2/s]
q gas density [kg/m3]
qp particle density [kg/m3]
Dimensionless numbers
CD particle drag coefficient
Eu Euler number
Rep relative Reynolds number
Sg geometrical swirl number
CFD computational fluid dynamics
DPM discrete phase modeling
GLCC gas liquid cylindrical cyclone separators
LDA laser Doppler anemometry
LES large eddy simulation
MM Muschelknautz method of modeling
PIV particle image velocimetry
RNG renormalization group
RSM Reynolds stress turbulence model
Eu ¼ 11:3 þ 2:33; ð1Þ
implying proportionality with the square of the inlet area. Ramachandran et al. [12] on the other hand proposed,
1954 K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968
! 1=3
ab S
Eu ¼ 20 ; ð2Þ
D2x Ht hBc
i.e. a linear relation with the inlet area. Iozia and Leith [13,14] presented a correlation to estimate the cut-off diameter d50
and found proportionality to (a b)0.61. The importance of inlet dimensions becomes clearer after the study of natural length
(or vortex length) by several researchers, e.g. Alexander [15]. The cyclone has two spiral motions, outer and inner. In the
reverse flow cyclone, the outer vortex weakens and changes its direction at a certain axial distance Ln from the vortex finder
[16]. This distance is usually called the turning length, natural length or vortex length of the cyclone. The inlet area is one of
the relevant parameters influencing the natural length. Alexander [15] found that Ln decreased proportionally to the inlet
area (Ai = a b) but the opposite trend has been also reported [16].
Numerous studies have been performed for the effect of geometrical parameters on the flow pattern and performance
[e.g. 8,17–20] while the effect of cyclone inlet dimensions remained largely unexplored. The articles investigating the effect
of cyclone geometry report only briefly on the effect of inlet section dimensions on the cyclone performance without suffi-
cient details about their effects on the flow pattern and velocity profiles. The new trend is to study the multi-inlet cyclone
[e.g. 21–23].
The effects of cyclone inlet on the flow field and performance of cyclone separator have been numerically investigated by
Zhao et al. [24]. They compared the performance of two types of cyclones with the conventional single inlet and spiral double
inlets using the Reynolds stress turbulence model. The results show that, the new type cyclone separator using the adding
spiral double inlet can improve the symmetry of gas flow pattern and enhance the particle separation efficiency. While their
finding is for double inlets cyclone, but it support the importance of the effect of the inlet section dimensions on the perfor-
mance of cyclone separator.
The significant effects of the cyclone inlet dimensions on the cyclone performance have been acknowledged in many arti-
cles [e.g. 25]. For two inlets cyclone separators, Zhao [26] reported the possibility of increasing the cyclone efficiency without
significantly increasing the pressure drop by improving the inlet geometry of the cyclone. The effect of inlet section angle has
been tested by many researchers. Qian & Zhang [27] computationally investigated the effect of the inlet section angle. The
pressure drop of the cyclone decreases to 30% lower value than that for conventional cyclone, if h becomes 45°, where h is the
inlet section angle. However, Qian & Wu [28] reported only 15% reduction in the pressure drop for h = 45°.
The significant effect of the inlet section configuration on the performance of other highly swirling equipment (e.g., the
gas liquid cylindrical cyclone separators (GLCC)) has been also reported. Movafaghian et al. [29] studied the effect of the
inlet geometry on the hydrodynamics of two phase flow in GLCC. They compared two GLCC separators, one with singe inlet
and the other with dual inlet configuration. They found the performance of dual inlet is superior with respect to the single
inlet GLCC separators. However, they did not study the effects of the inlet section dimensions. Also Erdal & Shirazi [30]
investigated the effect of three different inlet geometries (one inclined inlet, two inclined inlets and a gradually reduced
inlet nozzle) on the flow behavior. They reported that, the gradually reduced inlet nozzle geometry is the preferred
K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968 1955
In summary, all articles mentioned above did not study the effect of inlet height or width dimensions on the performance
and flow pattern but they studied the effect of inlet configurations (inclined instead of tangential), or the effect of number of
inlets (single or double) or the shape of the inlet section (rectangular duct or nozzle).
The present study is intended to computationally investigate using the Reynolds stress turbulence model (RSM) the effect
of increasing the cyclone inlet width and height on the pressure drop and cut-off diameter and obtaining more details about
the flow field pattern and velocity profiles.
For the turbulent flow in cyclones, the key to the success of CFD lies with the accurate description of the turbulent behavior
of the flow [7]. To model the swirling turbulent flow in a cyclone separator, there are a number of turbulence models available
in FLUENT. These range from the standard k e model to the more complicated Reynolds stress turbulence model (RSM). Also
large eddy simulation (LES) methodology is available as an alternative to the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes approach.
Selection of a suitable turbulence model for the highly swirling flows has been investigated by many researchers [e.g.
The standard k e, RNG k e and Realizable k e models were not optimized for strongly swirling flows found in cyclone
separators [37,40]. Both the standard k e and RNG k e turbulence models give unrealistic distribution for the axial veloc-
ity profiles (upward flow close to the wall) [31,42]. Only the Reynolds stress turbulence model (RSM) is capable of predicting
the combined vortex in accordance with the experimental data [31,42]. The successful application of the RSM turbulence
model for different studies in cyclone separators has been reported by many researchers [e.g. 34,37,24,44,45,8,9]. Also its
successful applications in the most recent cyclone separators studies have been reported in many articles [e.g. 46–48,10,49]
The Reynolds stress turbulence model (RSM) requires the solution of transport equations for each of the Reynolds stress
components. It yields an accurate prediction on the swirl flow pattern, axial velocity, tangential velocity, cut-off diameter
and pressure drop in cyclone simulations [50,31,42,10]. It will be used in this study to reveal the effect of changing the cy-
clone inlet dimensions on the turbulent flow in the cyclone separator.
The Lagrangian discrete phase model in FLUENT follows the Eulerian–Lagrangian approach. The fluid phase is treated as a
continuum by solving the time-averaged Navier–Stokes equations, while the dispersed phase is solved by tracking a large
1956 K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968
number of particles through the calculated flow field. The dispersed phase can exchange momentum, mass, and energy with
the fluid phase.
A fundamental assumption made in this model is that the dispersed second phase occupies a low volume fraction (usually
less than 10–12%, where the volume fraction is the ratio between the total volume of particles and the volume of fluid do-
main), even though high mass loading is acceptable. The particle trajectories are computed individually at specified intervals
during the fluid phase calculation. This makes the model appropriate for the modeling of particle-laden flows. The particle
loading in a cyclone separator is small (3–5%), and therefore, it can be safely assumed that the presence of the particles does
not affect the flow field (one-way coupling) [10].
In terms of the Eulerian–Lagrangian approach (One Way coupling), the equation of particle motion is given by [24]
cosity respectively, qp and dp are the particle density and dimeter respectively, CD is the drag coefficient, ui and upi are the gas
and particle velocity in i direction respectively, gi is the gravitational acceleration in i direction, Rep is the relative Reynolds
qp dp ju up j
Rep ¼ : ð10Þ
In FLUENT, the drag coefficient for spherical particles is calculated by using the correlations developed by Morsi and Alex-
ander [52] as a function of the relative Reynolds numbers Rep. The equation of motion for particles was integrated along the
trajectory of an individual particle. Collection efficiency statistics were obtained by releasing a specified number of mono-
dispersed particles at the inlet of the cyclone and by monitoring the number escaping through the outlet. Collisions between
particles and the walls of the cyclone were assumed to be perfectly elastic (coefficient of restitution is equal to 1).
A velocity inlet boundary condition is used at the cyclone inlet, meaning that a velocity normal to the inlet is specified. An
outflow boundary condition is used at the outlet. The no slip boundary condition is used at the other boundaries. The air
volume flow rate Qin = 50 L/min for all cyclones, air density 1.0 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity of 2.11E5 Pa s. The turbulent
intensity equals 5% and characteristic length equals 0.07 times the inlet width [31].
The numerical simulations were performed on five cyclones with different inlet dimensions. Fig. 1(a) and Table 1 give the
cyclones dimensions. Table 2 gives more details for the used cyclones including the number of cells, geometric swirl number,
cyclone volume, flow residence time and the inlet velocity for each cyclone.
In swirling flow, the swirl number usually characterizes the degree of swirl. In cyclone separators, the swirling flow is
characterized by the geometric swirl number. The geometric swirl number Sg is a measure for the ratio of tangential to axial
momentum [1,53], defined by [31]
Table 1
The geometrical dimensions of the tested cyclonesa.
Table 2
The details of the five tested cyclones.
Cyclone A1 A2 = B2 A3 B1 B3
Number of cellsa 705,088 714,029 820,362 706,370 816,714
Sg 5.984 3.989 2.992 6.981 2.793
Cyclone volume 105 [m3] 6.878 6.95 7.017 6.875 7.012
tres [s] 0.0825 0.0834 0.0842 0.0825 0.0841
Inlet velocity [m/s] 13.214 8.809 6.607 15.416 6.166
The total number of hexahedral cells after the grid independence study.
Table 3
The used numerical settings for the current simulations.
pDx D
Sg ¼ ; ð11Þ
where Dx is the vortex finder diameter, D is the cyclone body diameter, and Ain is the inlet cross sectional area. For industrial
cyclones, the geometrical swirl number usually varies between 1 and 5 [31]. Table 2 shows that, the tested cyclones cover
this range. That means, the obtained results can be applied to the industrial cyclones.
Kaya & Karagoz [42] investigated the suitability of various numerical schemes in highly complex swirling flows, which
occur in tangential inlet cyclones. The presence of high-pressure gradients and double-vortex flow structure requires an effi-
cient algorithm for the pressure computation. The PRESTO (Pressure Staggered Option) pressure interpolation scheme is suc-
cessful in this respect. Among many schemes, the SIMPLEC (Semi–Implicit Method Pressure-Linked Equations Consistent)
algorithm for pressure velocity coupling and the QUICK (Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinetics) scheme
for momentum equations give better prediction of experimental data. The optimum choice seems to be the second order for
turbulent kinetic energy and the first order for Reynolds stresses. They also stated that, the first and second order upwind
schemes for turbulent quantities give almost the same results. The used numerical settings for the current simulations
are given in Table 3.
The average residence time in the cyclone is determined from the cyclone dimensions and gas flow rate [54]. The resi-
dence time tres = Qin/V where Qin is the gas flow rate and V is the cyclone volume. This value is used to select the time step.
The time step for the unsteady simulation should be a tiny fraction of the average residence time [37]. The tres 0.08 s (for all
tested cyclones) as shown in Table 2. So the time step of 1E4 is an acceptable value for the current simulation for accurate
results and achieve scaled residuals less than 1E5 for all variables. The selected time step results in an average inlet Courant
number of 29.25, 28.88, 21.67, 30.40, 21.45 for cyclones A1, A2, A3, B1 and B3 respectively. But as the solver is a segregated
implicit solver, so there is no limitations of Courant number for stability conditions.
With regard to the convergence criteria, two aspects should be considered. Firstly, the scaled residuals should be below
1E5 (The default convergence criterion of FLUENT is that scaled residuals of all equations fall below 1E3), while secondly,
some representative quantities such as velocity and pressure should be monitored until they are constant [27]. Although the
present simulations were conversed at about (t = 1.5 1.6 s), they were only terminated at t = 2 s to get more accurate time
averaged values. The total CPU running time was about (90 h for each case) on 8 nodes CPU Opteron 64 Linux cluster using
FLUENT 6.3.26 finite volume commercial solver. All simulations have been converged with the selected time step of 1E4 s
and the numerical settings given in Table 3.
Fig. 1(b) shows the surface grid of cyclone A2 used in this study. The hexahedral computational grids were generated
using GAMBIT grid generator.
1958 K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968
Table 4
The details of the grid independence study for cyclone A2.
Total number of cells Static pressure drop [N/m2] Total pressure drop [N/m2] Cut-off diameter [micron]
490,164 95.99 116.86 0.99
714,029 100.922 121.792 1.0
1,174,029 98.68 119.55 1.02
% Difference 2.73 2.25 2.94
The percentage difference between the coarsest and finest grid.
In order to validate the obtained results, it is necessary to compare the prediction with experimental data. The compar-
ison performed with the measurements of Hoekstra [31] of the Stairmand cyclone using laser Doppler anomemetry (LDA).
The present simulation are compared with the measured axial and tangential velocity profiles at an axial station located at
94.25 cm from the cyclone bottom (Dx/D = 0.5) as shown in Fig. 2 (cf. Hoekstra [31] for more details about the used cyclone in
this validation). The RSM simulation matches the experimental velocity profile with underestimation of the maximum tan-
gential velocity, and overestimation of the axial velocity at the central region. Considering the complexity of the turbulent
swirling flow in the cyclones, the agreement between the simulations and measurements is considered to be quite
3.2. Comparison of experimental and simulation pressure drops and cut-off diameter
The cyclone pressure drop is calculated as the pressure difference between the inlet and the average pressure across the
vortex finder exit [31]. The experimental pressure drop of the cyclone can be calculated by the difference between the pres-
sures at the inlet and outlet [27]. The estimation of the total pressure drop (static pressure plus dynamic pressure) is more
accurate as it takes into consideration the change in the flow kinetic energy between the inlet and outlet sections. A com-
parison of the pressure drops (both, the static and total), the cut-off diameter (at particle density of 2740 kg/m3) obtained
from the experimental data [31], CFD prediction is shown in Table 5. Table 5 indicates a very small deviations from the
20 7.5
Tangential velocity [m/s]
Axial velocity [m/s]
0 -5
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Radial position [-] Radial position [-]
Fig. 2. Comparison of the time averaged tangential and axial velocity between the LDA measurements, Hoekstra [31] and the current Reynolds stress
turbulence model (RSM) results at 94.25 cm from the cyclone bottom. From left to right tangential and axial velocity, Dx/D = 0.5, The inlet velocity = 10 m/s.
K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968 1959
Table 5
Validation of the computational pressure drop and cut-off diameter.
Static pressure drop [N/m2] Total pressure drop [N/m2] Cut-off diameter [micron]
Experimental [31] 300 312.95 1
CFD 309 321.95 0.965
% Error 3 2.876 3.5
experimental values in both the calculated pressure drop and cut-off diameter. As the errors are less than 4%, so it is in the
same magnitude as the experimental error [27]. The above comparison results show that the numerical model employed in
this study can be used to analyze the gas flow field and performance of the cyclone separator.
4. Results
The tangential velocity is the dominant component of the gas flow in cyclones, which results in the centrifugal force for
particle separation [44]. Also the development of axial velocity profile in axial direction will be analyzed for the five cyclones.
Nine sections are used to plot the velocity profiles as shown in Table 6.
Figs. 3–5 present the radial profiles of the time-averaged static pressure, tangential and axial velocity at 9 axial stations.
As expected, the tangential velocity profiles exhibit the so-called Rankine vortex, which consists of two parts, an outer free
vortex and an inner solid rotation in the center (Fig. 4). The tangential velocity distribution in the inner region is rather sim-
ilar at different sections for the same cyclone. In the outer region, due to the sharp drop in velocity magnitude in the near
wall region, the distribution is different and the change in the value of maximum tangential velocity is rather limited. Gen-
erally, the tangential velocity distribution varies only slightly with axial positions for the same cyclone, which is also re-
ported in other articles [e.g. 2,44,56,57]. This means that, if the tangential velocity increases at one section of the cyclone,
it will increase at all other sections. The same conclusion can be drawn from the radial profile of static pressure with higher
values of pressure drop expected for cyclone A1 in comparison with cyclones A2 and A3. Cyclone B1 also depicts higher val-
ues of pressure in comparison with cyclones B2 and B3 (Fig. 3). The axial velocity profile has the shape of an inverted W for
all cyclones except B3 with the shape of an inverted V, as a result of the change in the flow field pattern due to very wide inlet
4.2. The effect of cyclone inlet dimensions on the tangential and axial velocity profiles
To evaluate the effect of increasing the cyclone inlet width on the tangential and axial velocity profiles, the tangential and
axial velocity profiles at section S9 (close to the inlet section) for the three cyclones (both for A cyclones and B cyclones) are
compared in Fig. 6. As is clear from Fig. 6 the variation of axial velocity is limited close to the wall with changing the inlet
width or height. The axial velocity profiles for the three cyclones are very similar except at the central region. The most
important is the effect of cyclone inlet height or width on the tangential velocity (proportional to the centrifugal force, which
is the main force in the separation process). Increasing the cyclone inlet width or height decreases the maximum tangential
velocity. Cyclone A1 & B1 have the maximum tangential velocity in comparison with other cyclones. This means that
decreasing the cyclone inlet dimension will enhance the collection efficiency.
Fig. 7 shows the contour plots of the time-averaged static pressure, tangential and axial velocity for cyclones A1, A2 and
A3. It is observed that, the highest value of the static pressure decreases with increasing the inlet height. The tangential
velocity pattern is very similar for all cyclones (Rankine profile). The highest value decreases with increasing the inlet height,
so that a better collection efficiency can be expected when decreasing the inlet height. The axial velocity patterns for the
three cyclones have the shape of an inverted W profile.
Fig. 8 shows the contour plots of the time-averaged static pressure, tangential and axial velocity for cyclones B1, B2 and
B3. It can be seen that, the non-symmetry of the flow increases with increasing the inlet width. The highest value of the static
pressure decreases with increasing the inlet width. The tangential velocity pattern is very similar for all cyclones (Rankine
Table 6
The position of different plotting sectionsa.
Section S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
z0 /D 2.75 2.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.0 0.75
a 0
z measured from the inlet section top.
1960 K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968
A1 B1
300 350
250 300
100 S1 S1
S2 100 S2
S3 S3
50 S4 S4
S5 50 S5
S6 S6
0 S7 S7
S8 0 S8
S9 S9
-50 -50
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Radial position [-] Radial position [-]
A2 B2
200 200
150 150
Static pressure [N/m ]
100 100
50 S1 50 S1
S2 S2
S3 S3
S4 S4
S5 S5
0 S6 0 S6
S7 S7
S8 S8
S9 S9
-50 -50
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Radial position [-] Radial position [-]
A3 B3
200 125
Static pressure [N/m ]
50 S1 S1
S2 S2
S3 25 S3
S4 S4
S5 S5
0 S6 S6
S7 0 S7
S8 S8
S9 S9
-50 -25
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Radial position [-] Radial position [-]
Fig. 3. The radial profile for the time-averaged static pressure at different sections. (Note A2 = B2).
profile). The highest value decreases with increasing the inlet width, so that a better collection efficiency can be expected
when decreasing the inlet width. The axial velocity patterns for cyclones B1 and B2 have the shape of an inverted W profile
while that of cyclone B3 has an inverted V profile. In cyclone B3, the inlet width b/D = 0.375 is wider than the gap between
the cyclone barrel and the vortex finder wall. As a result some part of the incoming flow will impact the vortex finder and
hence will not experience any swirling motion around the vortex finder. This results in different axial velocity profile in
K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968 1961
Fig. 4. The radial profile for the time-averaged tangential velocity at different sections. (Note A2 = B2).
cyclone B3 in comparison with the other two cyclones. Furthermore, this will cause excessive stresses on the vortex finder,
vibrations and noise).
In order to estimate the effect of cyclone inlet dimensions on the performance parameters, the grade efficiency curves
(cut-off diameter), pressure drop have been calculated and presented in Figs. 9 and 10. A discrete phase modeling (DPM)
1962 K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968
Fig. 5. The radial profile for the time-averaged axial velocity at different sections. (Note A2 = B2).
study has been performed by injecting 104 particles from the inlet surface with a particle density of 860 kg/m3 and with a
particle size ranging from 0.025 to 5 lm.
Fig. 6. Comparison between the radial profiles for the time averaged static pressure, tangential and axial velocity at section S9. From top to bottom: static
pressure, tangential and axial velocity.
main contributions: (1) the pressure drop at the inlet section (decreased by increasing the inlet dimensions). (2) the pressure
drop in the cyclone body due to swirling motion and due to wall friction, this contribution decreases with increasing the
cyclone inlet height (as the vortex strength will decrease). (3) the main contribution to the cyclone pressure drop is the en-
ergy loss in the exit tube, which mainly depends on the maximum tangential velocity in the cyclone. As is clear from Fig. 6
the maximum tangential velocity decreases with increasing cyclone inlet height, consequently in general the total cyclone
pressure drop will decrease with increasing the cyclone inlet height. Fig. 10 also depicts the pressure drop for the three cy-
clones using four different mathematical models; Muschelknautz method of modeling (MM) [16,58], Casal and Martinez-
Benet [11], Shepherd and Lapple [59], Stairmand [60] indicating the same overall trend obtained using RSM simulations
for the pressure drop with better matching between the MM model and the current RSM simulation.
1964 K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968
Fig. 7. The contour plots for the time averaged flow variables at sections Y = 0 and throughout the inlet section. From top to bottom: the static pressure N/
m2, the tangential velocity m/s and the axial velocity m/s. From left to right cyclone A1 through cyclone A3.
The effect of the cyclone inlet height on the cut-off diameter (particle diameter of 50% collection efficiency) is shown in
Fig. 10. The general trend is an increase of the cut-off diameter with increasing cyclone inlet height, due to weakness of the
vortex. Fig. 10 also depicts the cut-off diameter for the three cyclones using 2 mathematical models; Iozia & Leith [14] and
Rietema [61] indicating the same overall trend obtained using RSM simulations for the cut-off diameter with exact matching
between the current RSM results and Rietema model.
Fig. 8. The contour plots for the time averaged flow variables at sections Y = 0 and throughout the inlet section. From top to bottom: the static pressure N/
m2, the tangential velocity m/s and the axial velocity m/s. From left to right cyclone B1 through cyclone B3.
cyclone inlet width. The used mathematical models again indicate the same overall trend obtained using RSM simulations
for cut-off diameter and pressure drop.
Fig. 10 indicates the need of applying a multi-objectives optimization procedure to get the optimum value for the inlet
dimensions. Both the collection efficiency (cut-off diameter) and the pressure drop in cyclone separator are important objec-
tive functions to be optimized simultaneously [48]. The effects of changing the cyclone inlet dimensions on pressure drop
and collection efficiency are opposite. Increasing the inlet width will save more driving power but leads to reduced collection
efficiency (larger cut-off diameter). From the graph, the optimum value will be close to b/D = 0.25 with large reduction in
pressure drop (energy losses) and small increase in cut-off diameter. Elsayed & Lacor [10] estimated the optimum value
for inlet width (b/D) equals 0.236.
1966 K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968
1000 2 1000 2
RSM Pressure drop RSM Pressure drop
900 Casal Cut-off diameter 1.8 900 Casal Cut-off diameter 1.8
Shepherd Shepherd
800 Stairmand 1.6 800 Stairmand 1.6
Cut-off diameter [micron]
Pressure drop [N/m ]
Iozia Iozia
700 1.4
Pressure drop [N/m 2 ]
500 1 500 1
0 0 0 0
0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
a/D b/D
Fig. 10. The effect of inlet dimensions on the pressure drop and cut-off diameter using CFD simulations and different mathematical models.
Cut-off diameter [micron]
Pressure drop [N/m ]
700 1.4
600 1.2
500 1 200
400 0.8
300 0.6
200 0.4 0.8
0 0 0 0.4
0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Inlet height a/D b/a
Fig. 11. Comparison between the effect of inlet height and width on the pressure drop and cut-off diameter using CFD simulations.
K. Elsayed, C. Lacor / Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1952–1968 1967
5. Conclusions
Five cyclones of different inlet width and height have been simulated using Reynolds stress model (RSM), to study the
effect of cyclone inlet dimensions on the cyclone separator performance and flow pattern. The following conclusions have
been obtained.
The maximum tangential velocity in the cyclone decreases with increasing both the cyclone inlet width and height.
No acceleration occurs in the cyclone space (the maximum tangential velocity nearly constant throughout the cyclone).
Also the variation of both the static pressure and axial velocity in the axial direction is very limited.
Increasing the cyclone inlet width or height decreases the pressure drop at the cost of increasing the cut-off diameter. So
an optimization procedure is needed to estimate the optimum value of inlet dimensions.
Wider inlet cyclones (b/D> gap between the cyclone barrel and the vortex finder are not preferred.
The effect of changing the inlet width on the cut-off diameter is more significant in comparison with that of the inlet
The optimum ratio of the inlet width to the inlet height b/a is from 0.5 to 0.7.
As a recommendation of future work, the same study is to be performed but at different flow rates and different particle
densities. Also the effect of increasing the cyclone inlet dimensions on natural vortex length and precessing vortex core
needs more investigation.
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