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DeltaV Distributed Control System Product Data Sheet

December 2017

DeltaV™ Simulate
„„Allows DeltaV configuration on a single PC or in a
multi-node system

„„Provides integrated simulation of control system

(BPCS) and safety system (SIS)

„„Enables development and testing of batch and

continuous control applications in an off-line
simulation environment

„„Supports testing of smart field devices and

OPC interfaces
„„Provides an ideal environment for operator
training and process simulation

„„Enhances training with simulation playback

„„Reduces training and testing effort

„„Supports rigorous testing of control

configurations, operator graphics

„„Supports virtualization of DeltaV workstations

and control hardware DeltaV Simulate Suite for Training and Development.

Get the most out of your process simulation package using

the features of DeltaV SimulatePro. Execute dynamic process
Don’t delay development of your automation system simulation using DeltaV control modules or with simulation
configuration, logic checkout, and operator training until your packages such as MiMiC™ that access data via OPC. With DeltaV
automation system is delivered. Do it now with the DeltaV SimulatePro, you can control DeltaV execution with speed-up,
Simulate suite of products. slow-down, save and restore functionality.

DeltaV Simulate lets you use all DeltaV software for training and DeltaV Simulate also supports SIS simulation with a complete
development without purchasing duplicate system hardware. simulation environment for design, testing, and training of both
This means you can use exactly the same software provided BPCS and SIS systems.
with your actual DeltaV system at a fraction of the cost. With
the simulate suite you can also explore features of the DeltaV
system that you have not yet purchased.
DeltaV Simulate December 2017

Benefits Supports testing of smart field devices and OPC interfaces.

DeltaV Simulate Multi-node supports the addition of DeltaV
Allows DeltaV configuration on a single PC or in a controllers, allowing you to checkout smart field devices,
multi-node system. All features supported by the DeltaV incorporate DeltaV hardware for maintenance training, and test
system—such as continuous control, batch control, advanced your control configurations with smart field devices. DeltaV
control and the associated workstation displays, alarms, and Simulate also supports all DeltaV OPC features for development
historian data collection—may be configured without the need and testing of applications that execute in the DeltaV
for DeltaV hardware or licenses. By having access to all software, Application Station.
you can try every one of the powerful DeltaV capabilities in your
Provides an ideal environment for operator training
control strategies.
and process simulation. DeltaV Simulate uses the same
Provides integrated simulation of basic process control configuration and operator graphics used by your on-line
system (BPCS) and safety instrumented systems (SIS). Now DeltaV system, and is easily integrated with dynamic process
all of your BPCS and SIS control modules can be designed and simulation to provide a realistic training environment. Process
tested on a common simulation platform for rigorous checkout simulation may be done using DeltaV function blocks or by
and training. incorporating an OPC-compliant process simulation package
such as MiMiC.
Enables development and testing of batch and continuous
control applications in an off-line workstation environment. Enhances training with simulation scenarios and playback.
Check out control logic and operator interface using controller DeltaV SimulatePro significantly enhances the operator training
software that runs in a stand-alone ProPLUS or in networked experience by allowing the instructor to save, restore, and
Application Stations. After developing and testing your playback operator entries during training sessions.
software configuration in DeltaV Simulate, you can transfer the
Reduces training and testing effort. The DeltaV SimulatePro
configuration to your online system using the standard DeltaV
interface allows modules in a workstation to be initialized and
export/import utilities.
set up for simulation with a single easy to use interface. Also,
through this interface, the module may be easily set to execute
faster/slower than real time. These features reduce the time
and effort required to perform operator training or control
design evaluation. 2
DeltaV Simulate December 2017

Supports rigorous testing of control configurations, All function blocks that access process inputs and outputs are
operator graphics. Easily simulate process I/O for classic I/O, designed to support simulation. A simulation parameter is
CHARMS I/O and Ethernet I/O cards for non-intrusive control included in each of these blocks that may be used to enable
system testing prior to field commissioning, without any simulation capability. When simulation is enabled, the value
changes to your control system configuration. and status of the input may be manually entered or supplied by
another function block or application.
Supports virtualization of DeltaV workstations and control
hardware. Reduce equipment costs and increase flexibility with
virtual workstations, controllers, logic solvers, CHARMS I/O
cards and Ethernet I/O cards. DeltaV Simulate virtualization is
made easy with DeltaV Virtual Studio.

Product Description
DeltaV Simulate Standalone
With DeltaV Simulate Standalone or DeltaV SimulatePro
Standalone, all DeltaV system features are available in a single
PC environment that acts as a ProfessionalPLUS Station. Using
your PC, it is possible to create controllers and workstations
that will be on your DeltaV system. DeltaV devices may be
Simulation support provided by all DeltaV I/O blocks.
configured offline, including any fieldbus devices that will be
included in your automation system.
When your Simulate workstation is downloaded, the assigned
With DeltaV Simulate, the transition between on-line and modules will automatically begin to execute at the assigned
off-line control is easy. On-line modules are normally assigned execution rate. The execution of a module in the PC may be
to a controller and used to implement DeltaV system specific examined from Control Studio’s online mode.
monitoring, process control, and calculation functions. Also,
modules designed for performance calculations are normally DeltaV Simulate and SimulatePro support the full range of
assigned to the DeltaV Application Station. With DeltaV advanced control products normally requiring additional
Simulate, process control and calculation functions are easily system licenses. This allows you to try out products like
tested by simply reassigning the associated control modules DeltaV InSight, DeltaV Fuzzy and DeltaV Predict in your
to your PC. simulation environment.

The following example shows the online view of a module in

Control Studio where the process is simulated using DeltaV
function blocks.

Module execution may be simulated and examined.

Modules assigned to the workstation for execution. 3
DeltaV Simulate December 2017

The execution engine in the PC is limited by memory. You will

be notified when this limit is exceeded. Typically, the modules
DeltaV Simulate Multi-node also supports the use of real and
that would be assigned to a single DeltaV controller can be
virtual machine controllers with simulated I/O for rigorous
assigned and downloaded to your PC for execution.
testing of your control configurations. For real controllers,
Application packages that support an OPC interface may be classic I/O simulation is easily implemented via a Virtual I/O
used in the DeltaV Simulate environment. For example, the Module (VIM) which connects directly to the DeltaV controller
OPC version of the MiMiC process simulation may be used with I/O bus. For real and virtual machine controllers, process
DeltaV Simulate for automation system checkout and operator simulation is supported using either an actual CHARMS I/O card
training. The MiMiC OPC interface uses the simulate capability in simulate mode, or via a virtual CHARMS I/O card running
of the DeltaV system and I/O blocks. on a host computer connected to the DeltaV network.
Refer to DeltaV Virtual CHARMS I/O Card Simulation and DeltaV
Virtual S-series and M-series Controller Simulation product data
sheets for more information.

DeltaV SimulatePro
You can install DeltaV SimulatePro Standalone on a single PC,
or assign a SimulatePro Multi-node license to a ProfessionalPLUS
and/or Application Workstation in a DeltaV Simulate
Multi-node system.

When SimulatePro capability is assigned to a workstation,

you may coordinate execution of the DeltaV control
modules running in the workstation with a dynamic
process simulation package via OPC.

Process simulation may interface to DeltaV using OPC. The number of control modules that can be simulated in
a workstation with a SimulatePro license is limited only by
DeltaV Simulate Multi-node the memory and processing power of the workstation. A
node with SimulatePro capability assigned to it can simulate
DeltaV Simulate Multi-node allows you to add other nodes
execution, in real-time, of the modules that would be assigned
to your simulation environment. Application Stations may be
to approximately four MD controllers (depending on the
added to run control modules for distributed control execution.
controllers’ loading). Workstation loading, which is a function
Operator Stations and controllers may be added to support
of the real-time execution multiplier setting, more than doubles
your training or development system requirements.
at 2X execution speed.
A special access key and licenses are utilized by a DeltaV
Simulate system. With a DeltaV Simulate Standalone license,
communication with other DeltaV nodes is not supported.
With DeltaV Simulate Multi-node licenses, connections to
an off-line DeltaV network are supported. A license is
required for each workstation in the DeltaV Simulate
Multi-node environment. DeltaV controllers and I/O cards
may be connected to this network without any additional
DST licenses. 4
DeltaV Simulate December 2017

Process ProfessionalPLUS Professional Operator

Simulator Workstation Workstation Workstation


DeltaV Simulate Multi-node for training and development systems.

Application packages that support an OPC interface may be A process simulation package used with DeltaV SimulatePro
used in the DeltaV SimulatePro environment. For example, may read and write the parameters assigned to the module
Mynah’s MiMiC dynamic process simulation software may node through OPC. By writing to these parameters, the
be used with DeltaV Simulate. The MiMiC interface uses the simulation package may enable/disable simulation in all I/O
simulation capability of DeltaV I/O function blocks. blocks with a single request. All dynamic blocks assigned to
the node may be initialized with a single request. Also, these
modules may be set to execute faster or slower than real time.

DeltaV SimulatePro has additional features to greatly

enhance operator training. With SimulatePro you can snapshot,
save, and restore your entire control simulation. With a
single click of a mouse, one or all of the workstations in your
system will freeze control execution and save every single
control parameter away to be recalled later. After finishing a
training scenario, an instructor can use this feature to load initial
conditions back into any or all of your workstation
control modules.

DeltaV SimulatePro also lets you record and playback all of the
operator entries made during a simulation session. This means
that after a training exercise you can go back and restore the
simulation and automatically playback the simulation with all
the operator entries. An instructor can also stop the simulation
Use MiMiC process simulation with DeltaV SimulatePro. where an operator error was made, and allow the operator to
resume operation before the error. This powerful functionality
makes DeltaV SimulatePro an absolute must for operator
training systems. 5
DeltaV Simulate December 2017

Use SimulatePro Interface to save, restore, and play back operator entries.

For control system checkout, DeltaV SimulatePro enables Application Stations, and support both simplex and redundant
simulation and checkout of control strategies using Fieldbus configurations. Simulation for SIS Logic Solvers also supports
and external I/O references. A Simulate Conversion utility both local and global peer-to-peer communications of secure
is provided with SimulatePro that converts Fieldbus control parameter references
blocks to their equivalent DeltaV function blocks, and external
Transferring logic configurations between on-line and
I/O references are mapped to internal DeltaV function block
simulation environments is easy using DeltaV export and
parameters so they can be simulated.
import functions. For additional SIS integrity, Simulate for SIS
Note: Starting with v14, DeltaV SimulatePro supports “save and restore” of Batch
Executive operations and modules using phase algorithms. Prior to v14, SimulatePro Logic Solvers supports CRC validation to insure configurations
does not support “save and restore” of Batch Executive or modules using phase are identical between on-line and testing environments.
algorithms, which may include Unit Modules, Equipment Modules, Phase Logic
Modules (PLMs), and Phase Classes.
DeltaV Simulate for SIS Logic Solvers also provides the ability
DeltaV SIS Simulation to write simulated process inputs to virtual SLS module input
DeltaV Simulate supports both traditional SIS Logic Solvers parameters, without any manual confirmation. Process values,
(SLS1508) and SIS with Electronic Marshalling using Charms signal status, and secure global parameters may be easily
Smart Logic Solvers (CSLS). With DeltaV SIS simulation you can entered via an I/O simulator for rigorous logic checkout.
design and test a safety instrumented system without logic DeltaV Simulate for SIS Logic Solvers also supports the use of
solver hardware. DeltaV SIS simulation uses the exact same comprehensive process simulators. A SIS network OPC server
logic solver modules and operator graphics that our used in the provides the ability to read SIS output parameters and write SIS
on-line system, enabling rigorous testing of configurations and input parameters by external process simulators, like MiMic.
operator interfaces prior to field implementation. Note: DeltaV Simulate for SIS Logic Solvers does not support simulation for CHARMS
Smart Logic Solvers (CSLS). Simulation for CLSL is supported through virtual machine
Simulation for DeltaV SIS Logic Solvers (SLS1508) simulation described below.

DeltaV Simulate for SIS Logic Solvers supports simulation of up

to 32 logic solvers per workstation, with up to 32 workstations
on a multi-node simulation system. Simulated logic solvers are
easily configured to run directly in the ProfessionalPLUS and 6
DeltaV Simulate December 2017

Simulate for SIS on Standalone PC.

Simulation for DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling

Simulation for DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling uses

virtual machine simulation for the DeltaV SZ Controller and
Charms Smart Logic Solvers (CSLS). With virtual simulation
of DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling you can rigorously
test safety logic and operator graphics with no configuration
changes required when transferring from simulation to actual
production hardware.

In addition to CSLS and SZ Controllers simulation, DeltaV SIS

with Electronic Marshalling simulation includes all the network
components including the Local Safety Network (LSN), the
Global Safety Network (GSN) and Local Safety Network
Bridge (LSNB).

For more information, see the product data sheet for DeltaV SIS
with Electronic Marshalling – Virtual Simulation.
Note: DeltaV SimulatePro does not support “Save and Restore” of simulated SIS logic
solver modules.
DeltaV Virtual Studio Application.
DeltaV Virtual Studio
DeltaV Virtual Studio is an integrated DeltaV application DeltaV Simulate Multi-node virtual workstations are easy to
environment designed for easy implementation and create and implement using virtual machine templates. These
management of virtual DeltaV control systems for both off-line templates allow you to easily add workstations from a single
and on-line production systems. DeltaV Virtual Studio is used to configuration dialog. Simply specify the host computer, enter a
create, modify, start, stop, and move DeltaV virtual machines. computer name, select the DeltaV workstation template, select
DeltaV Simulate Multi-node virtual workstations are easily the network connections from a drop down menu, and press
created and assigned to host computers using DeltaV OK. Within a few minutes the new DeltaV workstation will be
Virtual Studio. automatically generated from a prebuilt template. For more
information, see the product data sheet for DeltaV Virtual Studio. 7
DeltaV Simulate December 2017

Licensing 8. DeltaV SIS Logic Solver SimulatePro — Add-on. These

licenses may be assigned in conjunction with DeltaV
DeltaV Simulate consists of the following license options. Simulate PPN, ASN, and Standalone licenses. The SIS
SimulatePro capability enables simulation of up to 32
1. DeltaV Simulate, or DeltaV SimulatePro Standalone.
logic solvers (SLS1508) for the assigned workstation, plus
A single PC license that can be used only in a training or
support for OPC access to logic solver I/O via a SIS Network
development system. DeltaV DVDs and an access key are
OPC server. This add-on license does not include DeltaV
included so you may install DeltaV software on your PC.
SimulatePro add-on features which may be
Communications to other DeltaV workstations or to
added separately.
DeltaV controllers is not supported.

2. DeltaV Simulate Standalone with Basic SIS Logic Solver Related Products
Simulation. Provides all the capabilities of DeltaV Simulate
„„ DeltaV Virtual Studio is an integrated DeltaV application
Standalone plus simulation of up to 32 logic solvers
environment designed for easy implementation and
(SLS1508) assigned to a workstation; but does NOT include
management of virtual DeltaV control systems for both
support for SIS Network OPC server.
off-line and on-line production systems. Virtual machine
3. DeltaV Simulate ProfessionalPLUS Networked (PPN). templates are provided for automatic generation and
Same capabilities as DeltaV Simulate Standalone, but license configuration of DeltaV workstations and controller
enables communication with other DeltaV workstations hardware. For more information, see product data sheet
and DeltaV controllers to form a multiple node training for DeltaV Virtual Studio.
and development system.
„„ DeltaV Virtual S-series and M-series Controller
4. DeltaV Simulate Professional Station Networked (PSN). Simulation. For off-line use, virtual hardware controllers
The DeltaV Simulate PSN license allows you to perform provide an effective way to checkout control configuration
engineering, configuration, and operations activities in and I/O assignments for both classic I/O and CHARMS I/O
a multi-node system. DeltaV Simulate PSN includes all cards. The virtual controllers can be named and configured
of the base and optional software available on a normal the same as real controllers so that no configuration changes
Professional Station. or module re-assignments are required. S-series and
5. DeltaV Simulate Operator Station Networked (OSN). M-series controllers are supported for DeltaV v11.3.1 and
The DeltaV Simulate OSN license allows you to perform all v12.3, and are available for both DeltaV Virtual Studio and
operator activities in a multi-node system. Multiple OSN VMware environments. For more information see product
workstations allow you to simultaneously train multiple data sheet for DeltaV Virtual S-series and M-series
operators on the same process simulation system. Controller Simulation.

6. DeltaV Simulate Application Station Networked (ASN). „„ DeltaV Virtual CHARMS I/O Card Simulation. Simulation
The DeltaV Simulate ASN license includes all standard of CHARMS I/O cards using virtual machines running in a
and optional components available for a normal workstation PC. Virtual CHARMS I/O cards function in DeltaV
on-line Application Station in an off-line Simulate the same as real CHARMS I/O cards and can be used for
Multi-node environment. rigorous checkout of I/O assignments, operator displays,
and control functionality. For more information, see product
7. DeltaV SimulatePro—Multi-node Add-on. This license data sheet for DeltaV Virtual CHARMS I/O Card Simulation.
may be assigned in conjunction with DeltaV Simulate
PPN or DeltaV Simulate ASN license. The SimulatePro „„ DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling - Virtual
capability enables more memory for module execution Simulation. Provides virtualization of SIS hardware
(of any type) and a user interface for coordination of components for rigorous testing of CSLS safety logic and
module execution. SimulatePro also provides save, operator graphics. For more information see product data
restore, speed-up, slowdown, playback, and simulation sheet for DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling
conversion functionality. - Virtual Simulation. 8
DeltaV Simulate December 2017

Product Specifications
Description Model Number
Simulation Scope All DeltaV system features. The number of modules that may be executed in a single PC
at one time is approximately equal to that which may be assigned to one MD controller.
Laptop or office PC System Guidelines — Simulate Standalone*

CPU 2.0 GHz dual core processor or better

Memory Minimum: 8 GB

Display Minimum: 1024 X 768 with 65K colors

Operating System Windows XP Professional for v9.3 – v10.3

Windows 7 32-bit Professional for v11.3
Windows 7 64-bit or 32-bit Professional for v12.3 - v13.3
Windows 10 for v13.3.1
Disk Space 40 GB free space on Drive C before installing DeltaV Simulate

Ports A USB port is required for the DeltaV Simulate system dongle (hardware key).

SimulatePro Specifications
Range of Module Execution Speedup 30X to 1/30, but no faster than 100 milliseconds.

Modules Coordinated Those assigned to the Assigned Modules folder of the DeltaV Application Station or
Professional PLUS Station on which the license is installed. The number of modules is
limited only by the memory and processing power of the workstation.

Note: All workstation hardware used in the DeltaV Simulate Multi-node environment must be purchased from Emerson.

Note: No hardware is included with DeltaV Simulate. Technical support is provided for 90 days from the date of delivery for questions related to the installation of DeltaV
Simulate. Full Foundation Support Services are available for DeltaV Simulate to provide help-desk support and all DeltaV software upgrades released during the covered period.

Note: DeltaV Simulate may not be used in or be connected to any system involving a live process. It must be used only for
software configuration development, process and control design, system operation checkout and training in a strictly
off-line environment.
* DeltaV software is only tested and supported on DeltaV workstation PC’s. The guidelines provided are recommended
specifications for using DeltaV Simulate Standalone on non-DeltaV workstation. 9
DeltaV Simulate December 2017

Ordering Information
Description: DeltaV Simulate—Single PC Model Number
DeltaV Simulate, Standalone VE9921RxxxLyy

DeltaV SimulatePro, Standalone VE9922RxxxLyy

DeltaV Simulate, Standalone with Basic SIS Logic Solver Simulation VE9923RxxxLyy

Description: DeltaV Simulate—Multi-Node Model Number

DeltaV Simulate, ProfessionalPLUS Networked (PPN) VX2101RxxxLyy

DeltaV Simulate, Professional Station Networked (PSN) VX2102S01

DeltaV Simulate, Application Station Networked (ASN) VX2201S01

DeltaV Simulate, Operator Station Networked (OSN) VX2104S01

Description: DeltaV SimulatePro—Multi-Node Model Number

DeltaV SimulatePro—Multi-node (added to DeltaV Simulate PPN and/or DeltaV VX2207S01
Simulate ASN to obtain the increased capabilities of SimulatePro)
Description: DeltaV SIS Logic Solver SimulatePro—Add-On2 Model Number
DeltaV SIS Logic Solver SimulatePro —Full SIS Simulation Add-on for DeltaV Standalone VE3201
(Add-on for VE9921 or VE9922)
DeltaV SIS Logic Solver SimulatePro —Full SIS Simulation Add-on for DeltaV Multi-Node VX3201
(Add-on for VX2101 or VX2201)

Note: DeltaV SIS Logic Solver Simulate supports the DeltaV SIS Logic Solver SLS1508. DeltaV SIS Logic Solver Simulate does not support CHARMS Smart Logic Solver (CSLS) which
is part of v12.3 DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling. DeltaV SIS Logic Solver SimulatePro Add-on license does not include DeltaV SimulatePro features which may be
purchased separately.

Note: Product numbers with RxxxLyy are for multiple releases where ‘xxx’ represents the DeltaV major version (e.g., 133 for DeltaV v13.3), and ‘yy’ is a two digit code
representing the language (e.g. 39 for English).

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