Is.4544.2000 0
Is.4544.2000 0
Is.4544.2000 0
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
ICS 71.060;13.300
© BIS 2000
This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Chemical Hazards Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council.
The standard was originally published in 1968. Due to the technological changes since last thirty years
committee felt a need to revise the standard. In this revision more information has been incorporated under
general properties and threshold limit has been changed according to the latest available data. Some important
practices have also been incorporated in this revision under the clauses, like handling of cylinders, unloading
of tank, storage, personal protective equipment and repair of tanks.
There is no ISO standard on the subject.
The elimination of accidents is vital to public interest. Accidents produce economic and social loss, and impair
individual or group productivity. Realization of this loss has led the authorities to devote a good deal of
attention to safety education. In any programme of safety education, preparation of code of safety is an
essential part.
Ammonia is mainly used in the manufacture of fertilizer and as refrigerant. It is also used as detergent; for
removing stains, in bleaching and calico printing; and for extracting plant colours (cochineal, archil, etc) and
alkaloids. Its other uses are in the manufacture of nitric acid; in rubber vulcanization, water treatment, nitriding
of steel, oil refining, extracting certain metals from ores, solvent and reaction medium in organic synthesis,
yeast nutrient, sulphite paper pulp process, and explosives.
The filling, transport and importation of liquid ammonia or compressed ammonia gas in cylinders is governed
by the Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981.
The manufacture of ammonia involves handling of flammable and corrosive gases under high pressures. Apart
from general precautions, some typical precautions are required to be taken and this code of safety lays special
emphasis on these points.
The composition of the technical committee responsible for formulation of the standard is given in Annex A.
( First Revision )
(Page 2, clause 5.1.3, last sentence) — Substitute the following for the
1 ACGIH (TLV-TWA) - The TWA concentration for a conventional 8 h work day and 40 h
work week, to which it is believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed, day after
day for lifetime without adverse effect.
2 ACGIH (TLV-STEL) indicates Short Term Exposure Limit. A 15 minutes TWA exposure
that should not be exceeded at any time during a work day, even if the 8 h TWA is within the
TLV-TWA. Exposures above the TLV-TWA up to the TLV-STEL should be less than four
times per day, and there should be at least 60 minutes between successive exposures in this
(CHD 8)
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1 SCOPE 4.2.5 Melting Point : (-)77.7°C
This standard prescribes a code of safety concerning 4.2.6 Vapour Density : 0.597 (at 0°C and 1 atm )
the hazards related to ammonia. It also describes the (air=l)
properties and essential information for safe handling 4.2.7 Specific Gravity : 0.682 [at(-)33.3°C]
and use of ammonia. (water = 1)
2 REFERENCES 4.2.8 Auto Ignition Temperature : 651°C
The Indian Standards listed below contain provisions 4.2.9 Minimum Ignition Energy : 100 mJ
which through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this Indian Standard. At the time of 4.3 Chemical Properties
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All 4.3.1 Corrosivity : Corrosive to copper, copper alloys
standards are subject to revisions, and parties to and galvanized surfaces
agreements based on this Indian Standard are 4.3.2 Light Sensitivity : No
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying
the most recent editions of the standards indicated 4.3.3 At 450-500°C it begins to decompose to form
below: nitrogen and hydrogen.
IS 4544 : 2000
Table 1 Effects of Various Concentrations of Ammonia in Air
Vapour Concentration General Effect Exposure Period
(1) (2) (3)
l-5 Odour detectable by most Prolonged repeated exposure produces no injury
25 No adverse effect for Maximum allowable concentration for 8 hour working exposure
average worker
35 No adverse effect for Exposure should not be longer than 15 minutes and should
erage worker not occur more than four times per day
400 to 700 Nose and throat irritation Infrequent short (1/2 hour) exposure ordinarily produces no
Eye irritation with tearing serious effect
2 000 to 3 000 Conculsive coughing No permissible exposure. May be fatal after short exposure
Severe eye irritation
5 000 to 10 000 Respirator spasm. Rapid No permissible exposure. Rapidly fatal
Liquid anhydrous ammonia produces skin burn on or boat should be used. Do not use hooks, tongs or
contact. similar fastening devices.
5.1.3 Chronic Toxicity 6.1.4 Do not use electric magnets for unloading or
Chronic irritation to the eyes, nose and upper
respiratory tract may result from repeated exposure to 6.1.5 Avoid dragging or sliding cylinders. It is safer
the vapours. A threshold limit value of 25 ppm in air to move the bottle type cylinders even short distances
has been set as the maximum safe concentration for by using a suitable truck rather than by tilting or rolling
daily 8 hour exposure. them on their bottom edges.
5.2 Fire and Explosion Hazards 6.1.6 Use a rack or chain to hold cylinders in place
when hooked up for discharging.
Ammonia is capable of forming flammable mixtures
with air within certain limits (16 to 25 percent by 6.1.7 Do not place or handle cylinders where they
volume). The presence of oil, or a mixture of ammonia might form part of an electrical circuit. Contact with
with other combustible materials, will increase the fire third rails or trolley wires shall be avoided.
hazard. The explosive range of ammonia is broadened 6.1.8 Do not remove valve protection until ready to
by admixture of oxygen replacing air, and by withdraw ammonia from the cylinder.
temperature and pressure higher than atmospheric
pressure. Contact of ammonia with certain other 6.1.9 Do not temper with numbers, markings, or test
chemicals, including mercury, chlorine, iodine, dates stamped on cylinders.
bromine, calcium, silver oxide, and hypochlorite, may 6.1.10 Cylinders for ammonia or any other compressed
form explosive compounds. Mercury instruments gas, whether full or empty, should never be used as
employed in anhydrous ammonia service should never rollers for moving heavy or bulky articles.
be connected in such a manner as to permit contact of
the mercury with liquid or gaseous anhydrous 6.2 Emptying of Cylinders
ammonia. 6.2.1 The tube type cylinder is normally used in the
horizontal position. Two general types of valves are
6 HANDLING AND STORAGE supplied. Depending on which type is involved, either
6.1 Handling of Cylinder the valve outlet or the valve stem is at an angle with
the longitudinal axis of the cylinder. It is the position
6.1.1 Before filling the cylinder with ammonia check of this valve outlet or stem which determines whether
and confirm for its validity. It shall have valid test liquid or gaseous ammonia will be discharged from
certificate from the competent authorities. the cylinder.
6.1.2 Cylinders should never be subjected to rough When the valve outlet or stem is on top, the dip-pipe
handling or to abnormal mechanical shock, such as on the inside of the cylinder is under the liquid, and
dropping and bumping. therefore, liquid anhydrous ammonia will be
6.1.3 Do not use rope slings for unloading. When discharged. To discharge gaseous ammonia, the
handling by crane or derrick, a suitable platform, cradle cylinder is turned so that the valve outlet or stem points
IS 4544 : 2000
downward. Follow instructions of ammonia prominently display the words: 'STOP - TANK CAR
manufacturer concerned. CONNECTED'.
6.2.2 The bottle type or vertical cylinder will 6.3.7 Anhydrous ammonia is unloaded by creating a
discharge ammonia as a gas when placed in an upright pressure differential between the tank car and the
or vertical position. Due to liquid ammonia expansion, storage tank. This may be accomplished by means of
a bottle type cylinder may, under certain elevated a compressor, with the suction side connected to the
temperature conditions, discharge a small amount of top of the storage tank and the discharge side to the
liquid when the valve is opened, and it is gas line on the tank car. Unloading compressor should
recommended that bottle type cylinders be allowed provide discharge pressure high alarm trip and safety
to reach room temperature before the valve is opened. valve in its discharge line.
To discharge liquid anhydrous ammonia, this type of 6.3.8 The connection between the liquid line on the
cylinder shall be placed in horizontal position with tank car and the unloading line to the storage tank
the valve outlet pointed up. should have a remote operated isolation valve, an
6.2.3 The rate at which gaseous ammonia may be excess How check valve and can be made by an
discharged from either type cylinder depends upon anhydrous ammonia hose equipped with high pressure
the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere and screw couplings. This will take care of any accidental
leak as well as provide flexibility in spotting the car.
the surface area of the liquid ammonia.
6.3.9 Bleed off pressure on flexible lines or
6.2.4 When the cylinder is empty, disconnect it, insert
connections at car through vent valve before
the valve plug and replace the cylinder protective cap. disconnecting hose or transfer lines.
6.2.5 If a bottle type cylinder has frozen during 6.3.10 There should be provisions for high level alarm
discharge, never use a pry under the valve end to in storage tank set to operate at a level which gives
loosen the cylinder. Use water to loosen the cylinder time for effective action and also for two independent
or wait for it to thaw out. level indicating devices one of which can be a float-
6.2.6 Store empty cylinders separate from filled and-tape type or a float guided on a stainless steel
cylinders and fasten an EMPTY tag on cylinders tube containing a magnetic follower.
immediately upon emptying. Close valve, replace 6.4 Return of Tank Cars
plug or nut on valve outlet, and secure valve protecting
As soon as the tank cars are completely unloaded all
cap snugly.
valves shall be made tight, the unloading connections
6.3 Unloading of Tank removed, and all other closures made tight. Before
releasing empty tank cars, the dome cover should be
6.3.1 Unloading operations should be conducted by
closed tightly.
carefully instructed, reliable employees under
adequate supervision. They should be provided with 6.5 Indoor Storage
proper personal protective equipment. 6.5.1 If anhydrous ammonia shall be stored inside;
store in a fire resistant structure, away from steam pipes
6.3.2 See that train or engine crew accurately spots
and heating devices. Storage should be dry and cool.
the car at the unloading line. The unloading track
Avoid mechanical damage or overheating of storage
should be level.
tanks and cylinders.
6.3.3 Only licensed tanks/ tankers are to be used for 6.5.2 Suitable safety device like pressure control
transporting ammonia. relieving system must be there to avoid excess
6.3.4 All tanks/tankers should have excess flow check pressurization. Safety valve on ammonia storage tanks
value as per the current rule in force. are to be designed for fire conditions.
6.3.5 Brakes shall be set and wheels blocked on all 6.5.3 Ventilation should be provided through the
cars being unloaded. It is considered good practice structure in such a manner that full advantage of
that derails be placed at one or both ends of the natural ventilation may be obtained. If natural
unloading track approximately one car length from ventilation is not sufficient, then storage area should
the car being unloaded, unless the car is protected by be equipped with suitable type of mechanical
a closed and locked switch or gate. ventilation.
6.3.6 Metal caution signs shall be so placed on the CAUTION: Avoid pocketing of ammonia gas under
track or car as to give necessary warning to persons floors, roofs, and similar structures.
approaching car from open end or ends of siding. These 6.5.4 The vents from the storage tanks, relief valve
signs shall not be removed until the car has been must lead to a safe location to avoid any unwanted
unloaded and all fittings disconnected. Signs should ammonia contamination in the working area.
IS 4544 : 2000
6.5.5 Locations used for inside storage of anhydrous of 15.5 bar absolute and maximum temperature of
ammonia shall be cut off from other occupancies and -10°C (preferably - 33°C). Each storage tank shall
the building to be protected with automatic sprinklers, be equipped with relief valve(s). Two relief valves may
vapour tight electrical equipment, good natural be mounted on a 3 way hand valve to provide means
ventilation, good floor drainage and adequate for repair of faulty valve while protecting the tank.
exposition venting. Inlet to relief valve should be designed or protected
so that internal fittings such as level floats do not
6.5.6 There should be provision of diagonally opposite
block it, which may get accidentally detached. Vent
emergency exits of each corner of the building and
pipes from the valves should terminate upward.
emergency push button at each exit which should
Suitable provision should be made to prevent water,
sound alarm as part of warning system. Source of water
ice, or snow from entering the vents. A drain should
should be available in vicinity for dealing with small
also be provided at the bottom of vent pipe. They
spill and leaks. Fire hydrants should be located within
should be so arranged that in case of a release through
25 m of storage.
the safety devices, the escaping ammonia will not
6.6 Outdoor Storage enter working areas, collect under roofs, contact
sources of ignition, or endanger workmen.
6.6.1 Outside storage tanks may be located at least
15 m away from buildings or adjacent to blank 6.7.6 If gauge glasses are used, they should be
masonry building walls. The location should be away provided with excess flow check valves. The gauge
from any flammable liquid storage. Dyke of adequate glasses should not be longer than 120 cm and not
size should be constructed around the storage tank more than 60 cm between supports. If gauge glasses
are less than 25 mm, excess flow check valves may
6.7 Bulk Storage (Non-Refrigerated) not be necessary. The gauge glasses should be
protected by suitable guards to prevent breaking on
6.7.1 Anhydrous ammonia vappurizes at atmospheric
external impact.
temperature and pressure and for that reason shall be
stored in gas-tight containers under pressure. Storage 6.7.7 Arrangement for personnel water drench facilities
tank if kept outside should have arrangement for should be made to provide immediate access to
protection from sun. affected personnel.
IS 4544 : 2000
8 PREVENTIVE MEASURES preplacement examinations may wish to exclude from
exposure people with the following disabilities:
8.1 Employee Education and Training
a) Those with only one functioning eye;
8.1.1 Safety in handling ammonia depends, to a great
b) Those with severe faulty vision; and
extent, upon the effectiveness of employee education,
proper safety instructions, intelligent supervision and c) Those with chronic diseases of the nose, throat
the use of safe equipment. or lung.
8.1.2 The education and training of employees to 8.3.2 Periodic Health Examination
work safely and to use the personal protective Usually periodic health examinations will not be
equipment or other safeguards provided for them is conducted solely by reason of the employee exposure
the responsibility of supervision. Workers should be to ammonia.
thoroughly informed of the hazards that may result
from improper handling of ammonia. Each employees 8.4 Personal Protective Equipment
should be fully informed as to what to do in an 8.4.1 Availability and Use
emergency. While personal protective equipment is not an
8.1.3 Employee education and training should include adequate substitute for good, safe working conditions,
the following: adequate ventilation, and intelligent conduct on the
part of employees working with ammonia, it is, in many
a) Instruction and periodic drill or quiz regarding instances, the only practical means of protecting the
the locations, purpose and use of respiratory worker, particularly in emergency situations. One
protective devices and other personal should keep firmly in mind that personal protective
protective equipment and action to be taken equipment protects only the worker wearing it, and
during emergency. other unprotected workers in the area may be exposed
b) Instruction and periodic drill or quiz regarding to danger.
the locations of safety showers, eye baths, The correct usage of personal protective
bubbler drenching fountains, or the closest
equipment requires the education of the workers in
source of water for use in emergencies.
proper employment of the equipment available to him.
c) Instructions to avoid all unnecessary inhalation Under conditions which are sufficiently hazardous to
of vapours of ammonia and all direct contact require personal protective equipment, its use should
with the liquid. be supervised and the type of protective equipment
d) Instruction and periodic drill or quiz regarding selected should be capable of control over any
the location, purpose and the use of emergency potential hazards.
fire fighting equipment. Instruction to strictly 8.4.2 Eye Protection
prohibit smoking in storage area.
Gas-tight chemical goggles or full face mask should
e) Instructions to report to the proper authority all be worn when handling ammonia where leaks or spills
equipment failures and any unusual odour of may occur. Water wash or water sprays should be
ammonia. available in areas where ammonia leaks, spills or
8.2 Personal Hygiene splashes may be encountered.
8.2.1 Emergency showers and eye baths should be 8.4.3 Respiratory Protection
placed at convenient locations wherever anhydrous Severe exposure to ammonia may occur in tanks during
ammonia is used in quantity. Every employee should equipment cleaning and repairs, when decontami-
understand that direct contact with the chemical nating areas following spills, or in case of failure of
requires the instant application of large amounts of piping or equipment. Employees who may be subject
water to the affected area. These safety showers should to such exposures should be provide with proper
be tested periodically for their proper functioning. respiratory protection and trained in its use and care.
8.2.2 Skin, eye and respiratory protective equipment Available types are described below.
will often be necessary. NOTE — Respiratory protective equipment shall be
carefully maintained, inspected, cleaned and sterilized at
8.3. Physical Examinations regular intervals, and always before and after use by another
8.3.1 Preplacement Examinations
Most employees may be assigned to processes in which Self-contained breathing apparatus
the use of anhydrous ammonia is carefully controlled. It permits the wearer to carry a supply of oxygen or
Under some circumstances the physician carrying out air compressed in the cylinder (the self-generating
IS 4544 : 2000
type produces oxyge.n chemically) and allows used as required. Rubber boots should be thoroughly
considerable mobility. The length of time a self- cleaned and ventilated after contamination.
contained breathing apparatus provides protection
varies according to the amount of air, oxygen or 8.4.6 Body, Skin and Hand Protection
regenerating material carried. Rubber or other protective gloves should be worn
Compressed oxygen should not be used where there where any danger of contact with ammonia may occur.
is danger of contact with flammable liquids or vapours, Impermeable wears may also be used.
especially in confined spaces such as tanks or pits. A For the protection of the skin, cotton shirt,
special type of self-contained breathing apparatus may trousers and underwear should be worn (cotton resists
be used which is provided with a small cylinder of alkalis better than wool).
compressed air for escape but is supplied with air
through an air line for normal work purposes. In case of emergency, a rubber apron or rubber
coat may provide sufficient protection, but in areas of Positive pressure hose masks high ammonia concentration a complete gas suit
These are supplied by blowers and require no internal should be worn.
lubrication. The wearer shall be able to use the same For optimum protection of the body, the collar
route for exit as for entrance and shall take precautions should be kept buttoned, glove (gauntlets) should be
to keep the hose line free of entanglement. The air tucked inside of sleeves, and trouser legs should be
blower shall be placed in an area free of contaminants. left outside of boots. Air-line masks It is also suggested to have a valcro type tight fitting
These are supplied with clean compressed air, are strap to have the legs and arm areas tight enough to
suitable for use only where conditions will permit safe avoid ammonia gas entry into the protective suit.
escape in case of failure of the compressed air supply. In area of high ammonia concentration,
These masks are usually supplied with air piped to the ammonia may be absorbed by perspiration on the body
area from a compressor. It is extremely important that even though appropriate protective clothing is worn.
the air supply is taken from a safe source, and that is Severe discomfort may be minimized or prevented by
not contaminated by oil decomposition from the application of protective oil to such body areas in
inadequate cooling at the compressor. The safer addition to the wearing of protective clothing.
method is to use a separate compressor of the type not
requiring internal lubrication. Pressure reducing and 8.5 Spills and Leaks
relief valves as well as suitable traps and filters, shall 8.5.1 Leaks of ammonia should be searched for,
be installed at all mask stations. preferably with hydrochloric acid solution or with Chemical cartridge respirators either chlorine gas or sulphur dioxide gas using a small
cylinder of the compressed gas. A white cloud is
These may be used to avoid inhaling disagreeable but produced in the presence of ammonia. Because of the
relatively harmless concentrations of ammonia vapour. fire risk, sulphur candles should not be used.
These respirators, however, are not recommended for
protection where toxic quantities of ammonia may be 8.5.2 If leaks or spills occur, only properly protected
encountered. While using cartridge care must be taken personnel should remain in the area. In cases where
to check the oxygen content in the area. It should be leaks cannot be valved off, use large volumes of
more than 16.5 percent (v/v) and chemical cartridges water sprayed directly on the leak and maintain
whose life is over, must not be available for use contact until the contents have been discharged
and the tank is empty. Leaking cylinders should be
CAUTION : Filter type respirators do not offer removed to the outdoors or to an isolated, well-
protection against gases and are unsuitable for use ventilated area and the contents transferred to other
when working with ammonia. suitable containers. All spills should be flushed
8.4.4 Head Protection away promptly with water.
Where there is no danger from falling objects, safety 8.5.3 In handling or operating any type of ammonia
or 'hard* hats are considered unnecessary, soft system, always be sure that all valve connections and
brimmed hat or caps should be worn to give protection pipe lines are in proper order and condition before
against liquid leaks and splashes. starting the operation. Keep compressors and motors
clean and in good condition.
8.4.5 Foot Protection
8.5.4 During cold weather keep all steam traps warm,
Rubber boots or safety-toed rubber booties should be whether or not tanks are in service.
IS 4544 : 2000
8.5.5 Never, under any circumstances, close all valves head lower than hips, this prevents vomitus from
on a full line of liquid ammonia unless protected by entering the lungs and causing further injury.
pressure relief or liquid expansion device.
9.5 Inhalation
9 FIRST-AID Exposed persons should be removed at once to an
9.1 General Principles uncontaminated area. If the exposure has been to minor
concentrations for a limited time, usually no treatment
After severe exposure to ammonia gas, it is important will be required.
to move the patient from the contaminated area
promptly. In case of contact of the liquid with the eyes 9.5.1 When there is severe exposure to higher
or skin, immediate flushing with large quantities of concentrations, and if oxygen apparatus is available,
running water is imperative. In all cases of serious oxygen may be administered but only by a person
injury, call a physician at once giving him a complete authorized for such duty by a physician. If the patient
account of the accident. is not breathing, an effective means of artificial
respiration should be initiated immediately. Call a
9.2 Contact with Skin and Mucous Membranes physician.
Speed in removing ammonia from contact with the 9.5.2 The patient should be kept comfortably warm
patient and in moving the patient to an uncon- but not too hot and should be kept at rest.
taminated atmosphere is of primary importance.
9.5.3 Never attempt to give anything by mouth to an
If skin contact is extensive and emergency showers unconscious patient.
available, the employee should get under the shower
immediately. Contaminated clothing and shoes should 10 CLEANING AND REPAIRS
be removed under the shower. In other instances 10.1 Preparation of Tanks and Equipment
Hushing with large amounts of running water should
10.1.1 Tank and equipment cleaning and repairing
be continued for at least 15 minutes.
should be done under the direction of thoroughly
9.2.1 Under no condition should salves or ointments trained personnel who are fully familiar with all of the
be applied to the skin or mucous membrane burns hazards and the safeguards necessary for the safe
during the 24-hour period following the injury. performance of the work.
Subsequent medical treatment is otherwise the same
10.1.2 In addition to the precautions generally
as for thermal burns.
recommended for tank work, such as procurement of
9.3 Contact with the Eyes written approval of supervision, testing for oxygen
content, use of rescue harness or life belt and life line,
If even small quantities of ammonia enter the eyes,
provision of grounded equipment in good condition
they should be irrigated immediately and copiously
for portable lights and power tools and stationing of
with water for a minimum of 15 minutes. The eyelids
thoroughly trained 'watchers' outside and tank
should be held apart during the irrigation to ensure
entrance, additional precautions are recommended as
the contact of water with the tissues of the eye surface
and lids. A physician should be called at the earlier
possible moment. After the first 15 minutes period of a) Make sure that all pressure has been relieved
irrigation, if a physician is not available, the irrigation from tank. Use of compressor is frequently made
should continue for a second period of 15 minutes. It to remove bulk of gas remaining after the liquid
is then permissible as a first-aid measure to instill 2 or has been removed.
3 drops of 0.5 percent pontocaine solution or an b) Pressurize and depressurize the tank with air
equally effective aqueous topical anesthetic. No oils till ammonia content inside the tank becomes
or oily ointment should be instilled unless ordered by nil. After stopping the compressor, slowly vent
a physician. The employee should be sent to a the tank. Make sure that any gas escaping does
physician, preferably an eye specialist, as soon as not enter working area or expose other person.
c) Fill tank completely with water and drain out.
9.4 Ingestion Repeat if any ammonia gas remains.
If liquid anhydrous ammonia has been swallowed, call d) Keep adequate vents in open condition to avoid
a physician immediately. If the patient is conscious vacuum formation during filling the tank with
and able, he should drink large amounts of water to water.
dilute the chemical. Do not induce vomiting if the e) If oil is found in the tank and requires to be
patient is in shock extreme pain or is unconscious. If removed, it should be done by steaming and
vomiting begins, place the patient face down with draining and not by the use of solvents.
IS 4544 : 2000
f) Provide adequate fresh air supply. respiratory equipment or air supply which is provided
g) Use proper personal protective equipment. for employees inside the tank.
h) Flush all lines completely with water until no 10.2.4 If a tank cleaner or repairman is overcome, he
ammonia remains. should be removed to fresh air immediately, artificial
j) Blank off lines; do not depend on shut-off respiration should be applied if breathing has stopped,
valves. and a physician summoned at once.
10.2 Entering Tank 10.3 Repair Work
10.2.1 No one should enter a tank or confined space 10.3.1 No welding and cutting of any type should be
until a work permit has been signed by an authorized conducted on tanks or lines until they are completely
person, indicating that the area has been tested and free of ammonia and certified by competent person as
found to be safe. Furthermore, no workman should well as safety work permit issued.
enter a tank or vessel that does not have a manhole
10.3.2 Before refilling the tank with anhydrous
opening large enough to admit a person wearing his
ammonia, the tank should be thoroughly dry and
safety harness, life line and emergency respiratory
vented to safe location.
equipment. It should be ascertained that the tank or
vessel can be left through the original entrance. 11 WASTE DISPOSAL
10.2.2 One man on the outside of the tank should 11.1 Waste disposal of ammonia and materials
keep the men in the tank under observation and another containing ammonia depends to a great extent upon
man should be available nearby to aid in rescue if any local conditions. Be sure that all central, state, and
of the men in the tank are overcome. local regulations regarding health and pollution are
10.2.3 A supplied-air respirator or self-contained
breathing apparatus, together with rescue harness and 11.2 If not prohibited, waste may be disposed of by
life line should always be located outside the tank diluting with large quantities of water and washing
entrance for rescue purposes, regardless of the type of into sewers.
IS 4544 : 2000
Chemical Hazards Sectional Committee, CHD 7
Chairman Representing
SHRI AJAY PANCHAL Tata AIG Risk Management Services, New Delhi
IS 4544 : 2000
(Continued from page 9)
Members Representing
Addl Director (Chem), BIS
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BlS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CHD 7 (912).