Industrial Trainning Report (AAI)
Industrial Trainning Report (AAI)
Industrial Trainning Report (AAI)
Bachelor of Technology
October , 2018
DECLARATION................................................................................................... i
CERTIFICATE ..................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................................................. iii
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………
1.1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………..1
1.5 CNS…………………………………………………………………………….4
1.5.1 COMMUNICATION………………………………………………...………4
1.5.2 NAVIGATION………………………………………………………...……..5
1.5.3 SURVEILLANCE………………………………………………………..….6
3.1 DSCN…………………………………………………………………….…….13
3.2 GSAT-18………………………………………………………………….…….13
3.4.1 ADVANTAGES………………………………………………………….…...15
3.4.2 DISADVANTAGES……………………………………………………….….15
3.4.4 ECLIPSE……………………………………………………………………….16
I hereby declare that the report on Industrial Training entitled “AIRPORT AUTHORITY
OF INDIA” submitted to the Galgotia College Of Engineering And Technology, Greater
Noida, is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Mr. Mohd.
Alamgir Khan & Dr. Imran Ahmed Khan faculty Of Electronics And Instrumentation
Engineering at Galgotia College of Engineering & Technology and this project work is
submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering. The results
embodied in this report have not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the
award of any degree or diploma.
It gives a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the B.Tech Project undertaken
during B.Tech Final Year. I owe special debt of gratitude to our Director Sir ,Galgotias
College of Engineering & Technology for his/her constant support and guidance throughout
the course of our work. His/Her sincerity , thoroughness and perseverance have been a
constant source of inspiration for us.It is only his cognizant efforts that our endeavors have
seen light of the day.
Our deep sense of gratitude is accorded to Head of Department of EIE for his constant
official support , encouragement and motivation for our project work.
We wish to express our sincere thanks to our Project Coordinator Mr. Mohd. Alamgir Khan
and Project Incharge Dr. Imran Ahmed Khan for the enthusiasm they transmitted,for their
competence , as well as for the richness of their guidelines and invaluable suggestions
throughout the project.
We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all faculty
members and lab-Instructors of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation
during the development of our project. Last but not the least, we acknowledge our friends for
their contribution in the completion of the project.
Today in modern rush period Airport provides the best means of easy transport and
communication which saves valuable time as well as money. The Domestic and International
Airports Provide good facilities and infrastructure.
The report presents and overview of various sections of Airport like communication, security,
navigation aids as well as antenna operations and equipment used.
Airports Authority of India has relied on technology and procedures, however, not as much as
it has on its people skills. In a life critical industry, knowledge is not power, safety is. To
meet this overarching goal of safety, in addition to knowledge, attitude and skills play a very
vital role. Training is the essence of this transformation which adds value to individuals to
acquire knowledge, hone skills or develop the right attitude. It need not be overstated that
AAI, as a learning organisation itself lays adequate emphasis on employee training and
The Airports Authority of India or AAI under the Ministry of Civil Aviation is responsible
for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure in India. It
provides Air Traffic Management (ATM) services over Indian airspace and adjoining oceanic
AAI was formed under the act of parliament - AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA ACT -
AAI covers all major air-routes over Indian landmass via 29 Radar installations at 11
locations along with 700 VOR/DVOR installations co-located with Distance Measuring
equipment (DME). 52 runways are provided with Instrument Landing System (ILS)
installations with Night Landing Facilities at most of these airports and Automatic Message
Switching System at 15 Airports.
AAI is implementing the GAGAN project in technological collaboration with the (ISRO),
where the satellite based system will be used for navigation. The navigation signals thus
received from the GPS will be augmented to achieve the navigational requirement of aircraft.
First phase of technology demonstration system was completed in February.
Control and management of Indian airspace extending beyond the territorial limits of the
Air traffic services have two main departments that manage different functions
These are:
2. CNS
● Area control
● Approach position
● Aerodrome position
● Vacancy of Runway
● Aerodrome flight information: Provide advice and information for aircraft on or in the
vicinity of the aerodrome.
● Area flight information: Provides Weather and other information useful for the safe
conduct of flight in uncontrolled airspace.
● VHF/HF/UHF: This includes the radio transmitters and receivers operating on various
frequencies used for both long range and short range air/ground communications with
● RADAR: Primary surveillance radar (psr) detects and provides both range and
bearing information of an aircraft with in its effective coverage by radio wave
1.5 - CNS
● Ground to Ground: This enables various stations in the AFTN to communicate via
low or high speed links. The communication is based on store and forward principle.
● Ground to Air: this includes all the communication between the controllers and the
pilot. Ground to air communication generally uses either vhf or hf frequencies.
Communication takes place through transmitters and receivers installed on the ground
as well on board the aircraft.
● Air to Air: this may include communication between the pilots of two aircrafts in the
air such type of communication also uses VHF and HF frequencies.
Navigation is the process of reading and controlling the movement of the craft or vehicle
from one place to another.
● ILS: It is the instrument landing system which helps the aircraft to land safely.
1. DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT- Gives the slant distance of the
aircraft from the runway.
2. GLIDE PATH: Provides vertical guidance to a landing aircraft.
3. LOCALIZER: Provides the central line of the runway to the aircraft.
4. MARKER: Gives fixed distances from runway threshold and provide height
over marker
Surveillance is the monitoring of the behavior of a person or group of people, often in a
surreptitious manner.
● Primary Radar: In primary radars the cooperation of the target is not required to find
the range . The position, the relative velocity of the target, the target is said to be
passive and is limited only to reflect the radar signals back to the radar.
● Secondary Radar: In Secondary Radar the active cooperation of targets is very much
required. Secondary Radar system basically consist of two principal components
namely the interrogator which is ground based and the transponder which is carried
on the targets.
Very high frequency (VHF) is the ITU designation for the range of radio frequency
electromagnetic waves (radio waves) from 30 to 300 megahertz (MHz).
Is suitable for long range communication from ground to air and air to ground.
The VHF unit of Airports Authority of India provides for the following functions-
Recording Facilities
A dipole antenna is an antenna that can be made by a simple wire, with a centre-fed driven
element for transmitting or receiving radio frequency energy. These antennas are the simplest
practical antennas from a theoretical point of view; the current amplitude on such an antenna
decreases uniformly from maximum at the centre to zero at the ends.
Fig 2.1.2 - dipole antenna
The tips of the antenna are folded back until they almost meet at the feed point, such that the
antenna comprises one entire wavelength. This arrangement has a greater bandwidth than a
standard half wave dipole. If the conductor has a constant radius and cross-section, at
resonance the input impedance is four times that of a half-wave dipole
We stack dipoles in order to increase the gain over that obtainable from one dipoles and/or to
decrease the beam width. The increase in gain is due to the reduction in beam width and it
should be noted that the beam width is reduced in the plane of stacking only. If we stack
vertically the beam width is decreased in the vertical or "H" plane of a horizontally polarised
dipole. Stacking horizontally results in a narrower beamwidth in the horizontal or "E "plane
of a horizontally polarised dipole. In some applications, such as interference from or to points
off to one side or below the main lobe, the reduction in beam width is a more important
consideration than the gain increase. However mostly with stack to get more gain.
Control site consist of single equipment fitted with voting unit and band signaling unit
configured to control one two, three or four radio sites.
Media-VSAT or OFC
VSAT-provided by heel
OFC-provided by mtnl/bsnl
Local site-Delhi
Remote site
1. Amritsar
2. Jodhpur
3. Sundar Nagar
Frequency-124.55 MHz
Media - OFC (optical fiber communication) and DSCN (dedicated satellite communication network)
The current and real-time aeronautical information is essential for aircraft’s operation and air
Navigation, particularly the meteorological information and active NOTAMs in the approach
and landing phases. They are also important for the coordination and development of air
services. One of the systems providing this type of service to aircraft is the ATIS systems
(Automatic Terminal Information Service).
DATIS is a transcribed, digitally transmitted version of the ATIS audio broadcast, usually
accessed from a digital display. DATIS may be incorporated into the core ATIS system, or be
realized as a separate system with a data interface between voice ATIS and DATIS
The DATIS transmissions are used at airports to notify the landing and take-off aircrafts
regarding current local atmospheric conditions, runway conditions, communication
frequencies and any other important information. These transmissions are updated each time
when meteorological or runway conditions changes. The ATIS transmissions are used by
most of the airports, the operation frequency could be found in the aeronautical charts close
to the airport symbol. If there is an ATIS system, the operation frequency is close to the word
Data link-automatic terminal information service is a continuous broadcast of recorded
noncontrol information in busier terminal (i.e. airport) areas.D ATIS broadcasts contain
essential information, such as weather information, which runways are active, available
approaches, and any other information required by the pilots, such as important NOTAMs.
Pilots usually listen to an available DATIS broadcast before contacting the local control unit,
in order to reduce the controllers' workload and relieve frequency congestion.
The recording is updated when there is a significant change in the information, like a change
in the active runway. It is given a letter designation (e.g. bravo), from the ICAO spelling
alphabet. The letter progresses down the alphabet with every update and starts at Alpha after
a break in service of 12 hours or more. When contacting the local control unit, a pilot will
indicate he/she has "information" and the ATIS identification letter to let the controller know
that the pilot is up to date with all current information.
Data link-automatic terminal information service (D-ATIS). The provision of ATIS via data
1. Control Equipment
2. Operator interface
- Location - Tower
The VHF Tx /Rx work on Amplitude Modulation principle. There are three
transmitter/receivers used in the VHF unit- those made by ECIL, PAE and OTE.
Fig 2.2 - VHF Transmitter
Carrier oscillator-The carrier oscillator generates the carrier signal, which lies in the RF
range. The frequency of the carrier is always very high because it is very difficult to generate
high frequency with good frequency stability, the carrier oscillator generate a sub multiple
with the required carried frequency. This sub multiple frequency is multiplied by the
frequency multiplier stage to get the required carrier frequency.
a) It first matches the output impedance of the carrier oscillator with the input
impedance of frequency multiplier.
b) This is required so that the multiplier does not draw a large current from the carrier
oscillator. If this occurs, the frequency of the carrier oscillator will not remain stable.
Frequency Multiplier- This stage is also known as harmonic generator. The frequency
multiplier generates higher harmonics of carrier oscillator frequency.
Power Amplifier- The power of the carrier signal is then amplified in the power amplifier
stage. This is the basic requirement of a high-level transmitter.
Class C power amplifier-It gives high power current pulses of the carrier signal at its
Audio driver amplifier-The audio signal to be transmitted is obtained from the microphone.
The audio driver amplifier amplifies the voltage of this signal. This amplification is necessary
to drive the audio of this signal.
Audio power amplifier- class A or a class B power amplifier amplifies the power of audio
RF Amplifier-This provides amplification for the signal as soon as it arrives from the
antenna. The amplified signal is then passed to the mixer.
Mixer- The purpose of the mixer is to translate the frequency of the incoming signal to the
intermediate frequency.
● Active: An active satellite is one which has transmitting equipment aboard such as a
transponder , a device which receives the signal from earth, amplifies it and
retransmits the same signal back to earth.
● Passive: The passive Satellite is a reflector which receives the signal from the
transmitting earth station and scatters the signal in all directions.
● Artificial: A artificial satellite is a man made object that is put into orbit around the
earth or some other body.
● Natural: Something that was already in space and was captured in a body’s gravity.
3.2 - GSAT-18
The satellite was launched on 5 October 2016 at approximately 20:30 UTC aboard an Ariane
5 ECA rocket from the Guiana space centre in Kourou, French Guiana.
● MUX(Multiplexer)
● TT(Modem)
● Reliable
● Weather dependent
● Sun outage
● Eclipse
3.4.3 - SUN OUTAGE
A sun outage, sun transit or sun fade is an interruption in or distortion of geostationary
satellite signals caused by interference of solar radiation. The effect is due to the sun’s
radiation overwhelming the satellite signal. The natural phenomenon happens twice a
year when a satellite and receiving earth station comes directly in the line with the sun.
3.4.4 - ECLIPSE
● A satellite is said to be in eclipse when the earth or the moon prevent sunlight from
reaching it. Solar eclipse are important as they affect the working of the satellite and
in particular the energy generated by solar cells is greatly affected. The solar eclipse
due to earth occurs during 2 periods that begin 23 days before equinox and 23 days
after equinox. This happens on march 21 and September 21.
Fig 3.4.4 - depicts eclipse affect the working of the satellite
As future is concerned the airport authority will only grow further and will provide us with
more improved services .
Now it's the era of all wireless connections so the AAI is also trying to send one more
satellite and to overcome the demerits that exists now.
Fig 1.1 - logo of AAI