B-901 Mixer Impellers LTN 12

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At LIGHTNIN we surround your mixing process

with over 75 years of knowledge, technology and service excellence.

We call on the knowledge and

experience of our worldwide
network of engineers to fully
understand your process
objectives. We utilize our
technological expertise to
continuously analyze and apply
new methods to maximize your
mixing performance. And we
stand by our products and
services with the promise to
always guarantee your 100%
satisfaction with the end result.

For predictable mixing results. The key to successful impeller design.
Having a multi-million dollar state-of-the-art The heart of LIGHTNIN’s impeller research
technical center is only half the mixing equation – and design effort is its Rochester, NY-based
you need the scientific know how to harness the Knowledge and Technology Center featuring
technology. At LIGHTNIN, that knowledge rests the world’s first integrated Laser Doppler
with an incredibly talented and diverse group of Velocimeter (LDV) and Computational Fluid
researchers and engineers, combining hundreds Mixing (CFM) workstations.The LDV converts
of years of experience in process, mixing and fluid motion measurements into digital informa-
impeller design. tion. As a result, many variations of impeller
design can be accurately assessed for optimum
With our intellectual assets working for you, we
can solve virtually any mixing challenge, while
maximizing produc- LDV data can be
tivity and minimizing combined with
energy requirements. the power of
We also can test Computational
your process – from Fluid Mixing (CFM),
the lab, through pilot where predictions
plant up to full scale. can be made about
Using LIGHTNIN’s the mixing dynam-
proven scale-up ics of any vessel
techniques, you’ll configuration.This
be confident you’re powerful capability
getting optimum significantly reduces The LIGHTNIN laser can simultaneously
measure flow, power, and mechanical
performance from the time and cost load. A computer controls all the tests and
your process without of pilot scale ex- displays the results.
the need for exten- Full scale testing performed in a 50’ tank periments and full
sive modifications in at LIGHTNIN. scale trials.The result is an impeller selection that
the future. meets the needs of your process accurately and
efficiently, while requiring the lowest combination
of capital and operating costs.
A200 For low-to-
medium viscosity flow
controlled applications.
Although superceded
by the A510/A310, the
A200 still has a specific
role in applications
where a degree of fluid
shear is beneficial to the overall process result.

A340 High efficiency

hydrofoil up-pumping
impeller for use in
multi-phase mixing.The
up-pumping A340 can
greatly increase process
gains (up to 100%).This
is accomplished by its gas
Reassembly of a 700 series reducer after repair.
induction at the surface and its high
velocity at the tank wall, which increases
heat transfer.There is no practical upper
limit for the amount of gas the A340
impeller can handle.
No matter where in the world you’re mixing.
At LIGHTNIN, we make more than
a great mixer. We offer
comprehensive support A315 Axial flow
services that protect impeller for gas/liquid
your investment, applications. Can handle
increase your pro- 3 times the gas of
ductivity, maximize conventional hydrofoil
your profitability, and impellers and eliminates
minimize your capital staging that occurs with
equipment costs. radial flow impellers.
Can improve mass transfer by 30% compared with the
Rushton impeller. Energy costs can be reduced up to
That’s why we created a dedicated
support organization – LIGHTNIN 45% and yields improved in shear-sensitive processes.
Process Equipment Services (LPES) –
to provide comprehensive aftermarket
services covering everything from
installation to mixer maintenance and
asset management programs. And, if A400 Helical impeller
repairs are needed, we guarantee results for very high viscosity
for a full year. (+100,000 cps) applica-
tions. Options include
When you partner with LPES, you’re number of flights, pitch
assured of customized, comprehensive and helix to suit the
and dependable support from a world- specific requirements.
wide network of dedicated service Also promotes surface
centers and local LIGHTNIN sales renewal and heat
representatives. transfer.
R320 Curved blade Our mix of impeller designs
pumper impeller used
in the Solvent is unparalleled…providing an
Extraction process. impeller for virtually any process,
Optimizes head and
flow while reducing for accurate, guaranteed process
air entrainment results.
through lower power
consumption. Has lower shear generation
and turbulence and greatly decreases A510/A310 For low
operating expenses. viscosity flow controlled
applications. Combines
R400 Contoured, two performance and high
bladed anchor for high flow efficiency not found
viscosity applications. in other axial flow
Used for blending and impellers.
heat transfer where
viscosities range from It reduces power requirements by 40% over the older
10,000 to 100,000 cps. technology of pitch blade turbines.The A510 impeller
system, with its varying angle options, can optimize
processes by changing its shear characteristics or
impeller/tank diameter ratio.

R100 For use in A6000 For low viscosity

high shear mixing flow controlled applica-
and gas-liquid mass tions. Uses a high-grade
transfer controlled vinyl ester resin system
systems. Produces for strength and corro-
high shear rates ideal sion resistance in hostile
for gas dispersion, environments. Composite
liquid-liquid construction makes it an
immiscible contacting, particle size reduction effective alternative to exotic metals.Truly an
and other process requirements. optimized airfoil design, the A6000 is 25% more
efficient than the A510/A310.
R500 For high shear
applications, especially A320 High flow impeller
difficult to disperse for higher viscosity and
pigments. Generally, gas applications.The
used in conjunction wide blade fabricated
with a high flow A320 impeller blends
impeller in applications 40% faster than a con-
requiring a combina- ventional pitch blade
tion of blending and a need for physical change impeller.
created by fluid shear.

C110 For draft tube A312 Axial flow impeller

circulators.A true for side entry applica-
airfoil shape that tions. Designed for
provides high flow, arduous requirements
even in unstable of pulp, paper and oil
process conditions, storage.The A312
while minimizing produces the same
power requirements. process result at 50%
The unique airfoil design of the C110 can increase of the power of the
the wear life of the impeller by 2 to 6 times. conventional impeller.

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