B-901 Mixer Impellers LTN 12
B-901 Mixer Impellers LTN 12
B-901 Mixer Impellers LTN 12
For predictable mixing results. The key to successful impeller design.
Having a multi-million dollar state-of-the-art The heart of LIGHTNIN’s impeller research
technical center is only half the mixing equation – and design effort is its Rochester, NY-based
you need the scientific know how to harness the Knowledge and Technology Center featuring
technology. At LIGHTNIN, that knowledge rests the world’s first integrated Laser Doppler
with an incredibly talented and diverse group of Velocimeter (LDV) and Computational Fluid
researchers and engineers, combining hundreds Mixing (CFM) workstations.The LDV converts
of years of experience in process, mixing and fluid motion measurements into digital informa-
impeller design. tion. As a result, many variations of impeller
design can be accurately assessed for optimum
With our intellectual assets working for you, we
can solve virtually any mixing challenge, while
maximizing produc- LDV data can be
tivity and minimizing combined with
energy requirements. the power of
We also can test Computational
your process – from Fluid Mixing (CFM),
the lab, through pilot where predictions
plant up to full scale. can be made about
Using LIGHTNIN’s the mixing dynam-
proven scale-up ics of any vessel
techniques, you’ll configuration.This
be confident you’re powerful capability
getting optimum significantly reduces The LIGHTNIN laser can simultaneously
measure flow, power, and mechanical
performance from the time and cost load. A computer controls all the tests and
your process without of pilot scale ex- displays the results.
the need for exten- Full scale testing performed in a 50’ tank periments and full
sive modifications in at LIGHTNIN. scale trials.The result is an impeller selection that
the future. meets the needs of your process accurately and
efficiently, while requiring the lowest combination
of capital and operating costs.
A200 For low-to-
medium viscosity flow
controlled applications.
Although superceded
by the A510/A310, the
A200 still has a specific
role in applications
where a degree of fluid
shear is beneficial to the overall process result.