ICCT Public Comments NHTSA2026 NPRM 25oct2018
ICCT Public Comments NHTSA2026 NPRM 25oct2018
ICCT Public Comments NHTSA2026 NPRM 25oct2018
Public submission to
High-compression ratio (HCR) engine technology – in use today by at least six automakers –
appears to be representative of the agencies’ invalid and biased decisions to disregard auto
industry developments and remove highly cost-effective technology from use to meet future-
year standards. The agencies constrain HCR technology by disallowing it from 70% of the new
vehicle fleet (i.e., for all vehicle models for companies that do not currently deploy it on their
non-hybrid vehicles). By the agencies’ own analysis, HCR of levels 1 (HCR1) and 2 (HCR2), is
highly cost-effective. The first clear evidence of this unreasonable constraint is that, when the
agencies allow automakers to fully adopt the technology, a near complete shift to the technology
occurs in the agencies’ model by 2025. Second, when the agencies remove their arbitrarily-set
HCR constraints for other automakers in their CAFE model, the fleet complies with the
standards with an average fleet savings of approximately $600 per vehicle in 2025 –
approximately a 30% decrease in overall fleetwide compliance costs. A technology approach
this cost-effective, and in use by Mazda and Toyota on non-hybrids (and also by Ford, General
Motors, Hyundai, and Nissan, for example, on hybrids) is likely to be adopted more broadly by
automakers - and is available to virtually all of them. By disallowing the automakers from adopt
the most cost-effective technologies, the agencies are falsely increasing the modeled
compliance costs and proving that their overall fleet compliance modeling effort is invalid.
For the agencies to constrain HCR technology for use by other automakers, they have a
responsibility to demonstrate why each of the other automakers cannot adopt this known
technology in their fleet. The agencies, with their manufacturer-specific constraints, show they
have not consulted the recent data record, including real-world technology deployment and
existing agency data from EPA, to develop a realistic CAFE fleet compliance model. The
agencies’ decision to set company paths based on their 2016 baseline fleet belies the historical
record for technology adoption. The manufacturer-constraining logic of the agencies is shown to
be faulty by the recent Toyota example: In the 2016 TAR, based on 2015 data, NHTSA had
decided Toyota was disallowed from deploying HCR through 2025. Just one year later, Toyota
deployed HCR in its model year 2016 vehicles, proving NHTSA’s modeling of Toyota to be
wrong for model years 2017 through 2025. The agencies choice to neglect, ignore, or conduct
adequate research on technology developments like this HCR trend discredits the agencies’
efforts to project fleet technology penetration. Also, examining the recent historical record, we
find over 50 examples of companies applying efficiency technologies by 2016 that they had not
utilized 8 years previously (on the analysis fleet used for the 2012 rule), debunking the
agencies’ insistence in the CAFE model that it is somehow reasonable to limit future year
technologies based on currently-adopted technologies by each manufacturer (see Sections
I.A.1 and I.B.2 below).
Beyond HCR engine technology, the agencies invalidly dismissed or removed many
technologies that are viable and being actively deployed by the auto industry. The agencies
have not justified why each company cannot deploy each of these technologies, and, in fact,
many companies are proving that the agencies have made false and unsupportable
assumptions with their technology constraints. Ongoing developments by Mazda assure that
next-level HCR technology will be deployed. A model is already available in Europe, EPA has
the benchmarked data and a corresponding engine map, and EPA has data on an advanced
version with cooled exhaust gas recirculation and high energy ignition that the agencies have
artificially excluded (see Section I.A.5). Similarly, the agencies acknowledge that homogeneous
charge compression ignition (HCCI) for gasoline engines is in Mazda’s production plans for
2019 (called Spark Controlled Compression Ignition, or SpCCI), yet they choose to dismiss the
technology for deployment by all companies (including Mazda) through 2025 and beyond (see
I.A.4). Other examples include artificial and unexplained restrictions on electric turbocharging or
“e-boost” which is in use by Volkswagen and Mercedes (see I.A.6), turbocharged HCR “Miller
cycle” engines being used by Volkswagen and Mazda (see I.A.5), and variable compression
ratio technology in use by Nissan (see I.B.2) which have each also been disallowed for all
companies through model year 2025.
At a minimum, if the agencies are going to argue that the fleet cannot adopt these technologies,
they will need to systematically investigate what the automakers are already doing and what
they have announced they will do within several years. From the examples we found, it is
apparent the agencies have not done this basic due diligence and have likewise disregarded
essentially all of the prior administrative record projecting use of these technologies, all without
explanation. If the agencies are going to adopt these technology constraints, they are
responsible for arguing if, how, and why these constraints exist on a company-by-company
basis. This means specifically demonstrating why each of BMW, Daimler, FCA, Ford, GM,
Honda, Hyundai, Kia, JLR, Mazda, Nissan, Subaru, Volvo, and VW is incapable of deploying the
technology. It is utterly inconceivable that all these companies cannot deploy each of these
technologies—HCR2, cooled exhaust gas recirculation (CEGR2), Miller Cycle, variable
compression ratio (VCR), HCCI, e-boost—which the agencies have decided inappropriately to
constrain from use by all companies through 2025. This makes it clear that the agencies did not
consult with the automakers on all these applicable but disallowed technologies. Because it is
clear that there is going to be deployment of these advanced technologies in the 2025
timeframe, it is apparent that one of the parties (automakers in providing info to the agencies, or
the agencies in sharing reasons for their industry-wide constraints) is being less than
For the agencies to disallow technologies that were analyzed in the previous TAR and original
2017 Final Determinations, that are being applied by automakers, and that are benchmarked
and readily analyzable by EPA’s experts is highly problematic and unreasonable. This
demonstrates an evident bias to remove technology that ultimately artificially makes the Augural
2025 CAFE and adopted 2025 GHG standards appear to have higher modeled compliance
costs in the proposed cost-benefit analysis. If the agencies do not allow all the above-mentioned
efficiency technologies in their future-year fleet modeling, such that they can be deployed if and
when cost-effective compared to other technologies, the agencies’ modeling effort in the CAFE
modeling system will remain invalid.
Separate from the question of limiting the availability of technologies, the agencies also made a
series of assumption changes that greatly reduce the availability of given technologies. The
agencies have greatly limited the availability of many load reduction technologies by pushing
very large amounts of these technologies into the 2016 model year baseline fleet, thereby
making the technologies unavailable for use in future years. These changes were dramatic. The
agencies completely changed their assumed technology adoption in the model year 2016
baseline in the NPRM (compared to the for 2015 baseline in the draft TAR and original
Proposed Determination) to have over 7.6 million vehicles with mass-reduction technology
packages, 3.2 million vehicles with aerodynamic packages, 7 million vehicles with low rolling
resistance packages, 14.5 million vehicles with electric power steering, and 3.7 million vehicles
with improved accessory packages (out of more than 16 million total sales). These would
ostensibly amount to massive efficiency improvements; however, these assumed changes have
not been substantiated as resulting in any test-cycle efficiency improvements in the model year
2016 fleet versus the 2015 fleet. The adjusted baseline has been developed and presented
opaquely, apparently based primarily upon estimations from automaker-supplied data, without
critical analysis, vetting, or sharing of the necessary data to substantiate the changes and real-
world benefits by the agencies. If the automakers and the agencies are not willing to provide
make-and-model specific data for all these vehicle technologies in the 2015 and 2016 fleet to
provide substantiation of the technological changes, the agencies will have acted inconsistently,
and will remain highly susceptible to the appearance that they have yielded to biased industry
data, buried technology in the baseline, and artificially removed applicable future-year
technologies (See I.A.11-14)
Another highly cost-effective technology area the agencies have eliminated from use in future
model years within this proposed rulemaking is air-conditioning refrigerant emission reduction
(See Section I.A.15). Stating their rationale to harmonize the standards, EPA has proposed to
exclude air conditioning refrigerants and leakage from average performance calculations after
model year 2020. This is inappropriate, as air conditioning GHG-reduction technologies are
available, cost-effective, and experiencing increased deployment by many companies due to the
standards. As evidence of the technologies’ availability and cost-effectiveness, at least 16
companies have deployed some refrigerant leakage-related technologies and received GHG
credits. At least four companies are deploying low-global warming refrigerants, replacing the
main refrigerant R-134a with HFO-1234yf. EPA fails to acknowledge, much less discuss, these
developments. This oversight implies that U.S. EPA engineering experts that administer, review
automaker technology, and enforce these provisions have – inexplicably – not been involved.
The proposed approach to eliminate these GHG provisions amounts to an incorrect,
unsupported, and invalid action that removes about 15 g/mile emission reductions from 2021
on, arbitrarily removes a cost-effective technology and GHG provisions that deliver
approximately 16% of the total required g/mile GHG reductions from the existing 2017-2025
rules, and about 40% of the g/mile GHG reductions from just the 2021-2025 model year
The approach for off-cycle credit technologies is similar to the above ways in which the
agencies have falsely and artificially restricted the deployment of technology. Even though this
is an area where automakers have demonstrated the most bullish deployment and public
positions to deploy more such technologies, the agencies are essentially assuming that the auto
industry will continued to deploy off-cycle technologies worth just approximately 2.5 g/mile CO2
from 2016 straight through to 2025 and beyond. The only reasonable compliance scenario is
that the auto companies will each deploy all the off-cycle technologies that other automakers
are already deploying in 2016, by model year 2025, based on our analysis that demonstrates
the off-cycle technologies are evidently more attractive and cost-effective than many of the test
cycle technologies. Thus, for the agencies to have a reasonably plausible scenario for the
augural and adopted 2025 standards, they would have to include at least 15 g/mile CO2
reduction from off-cycle technologies. The technologies are highly cost-effective and being
deployed in greater sales penetrations than many of the test-cycle efficiency technologies that
the agencies are analyzing. If the agencies do not assess up to at least 15 g/mile CO2 off-cycle
technology use in their compliance assessment of the adopted 2025 GHG standards and
Augural 2025 CAFE standards, their compliance scenarios can be dismissed as wholly
unrealistic, as they are contrary to current trends and the automakers’ stated intentions to
pursue far greater off-cycle technology credits.
For the agencies to conduct a credible regulatory assessment they must remove all the
technology availability constraints, re-incorporate and make available the full portfolio of
technology options as was available in EPA’s analysis for the original 2017 Final Determination,
and include at least 15 g/mile CO2 for off-cycle credits by 2025, to credibly reflect the real-world
technology developments in the auto industry.
Technology packages and pathways
Based on the ICCT’s global analysis of vehicle regulations, the EPA’s physics-based ALPHA
model used in the mid-term evaluation offers the most sophisticated and thorough modeling of
the applicable technologies that has ever been conducted for a vehicle regulation. This EPA
model is based on systematic modeling of technologies and their synergies when combined as
packages. It was built and improved upon by extensive modeling by and with Ricardo, a global
engineering consultancy. It incorporated National Academies input at multiple stages. It has
included many peer reviews at many stages of the modeling, and the associated technical
reports were published in many technical journal articles and conference proceedings. This
previous work in the TAR also used state-of-the-art engine maps based on benchmarked high-
efficiency engines.
Despite these rigorous advances in vehicle simulation modeling, it appears that the agencies
have completely and expressly disregarded the ALPHA model and its enhancements. Instead,
the agencies have used Argonne National Laboratory’s Autonomie model and relied upon
generally older and less applicable engine maps than the EPA data and modeling that
underpinned the original 2016 Proposed and 2017 Final Determination. The input data and
methodological choices used in the NPRM are less rigorous, and fewer peer review processes
have been conducted to improve the work. The Autonomie model inputs have clear deficiencies
as shown by its demonstrably inaccurate projections of efficiency values for individual
technologies like turbo-downsized engines, CEGR engines, and stop-start systems, as well as
multi-technology synergies among advanced engine, transmission, and hybrid technologies, as
described in detail below. The Autonomie model does not include key efficiency technologies
like advanced DEAC, VCR, Miller Cycle, e-boost, and HCCI. This is especially problematic as
the agencies appear to have available engine maps from IAV on advanced DEAC, VCR, Miller
Cycle, e-boost (and from advanced DEAC, VCR, Miller Cycle, e-boost, HCCI from EPA) that
Argonne or the agencies have been unable, or decided not, to include in their modeling.
The agencies have failed to defend their decision to abandon ALPHA and its updated inputs
and their decision to exclusively adopt Autonomie and its evidently outdated inputs. The only
way to have a chance of accurately estimating future technology usage is by using the most up-
to-date inputs and realistic modeling available. It appears that the agencies have inexplicably
abandoned this approach to the detriment of their ability to competently model the likely
scenarios for the 2025 auto industry. By adopting Autonomie, it appears that the agencies have
become incapable or unwilling to model advanced technologies accurately, despite EPA’s vastly
superior model, integration of input data from benchmarked engines on state-of-the-art
technologies, and previous analysis on these technologies.
The agencies must conduct a systematic comparison of the Autonomie modeling system and
ALPHA model, and state why Autonomie was selected for use over ALPHA’s efficiency values
for technologies and synergies. Part of this comparison should be to assess how the agencies’
model choice of Autonomie versus ALPHA impacts each of the major 2025 technology package
synergies and where and why Autonomie provides different results from ALPHA. Because
ALPHA is the dominant, preferred, and better-vetted model and was used by EPA in the original
Proposed and 2017 Final Determination, the agencies are legally required to assess and
describe whether and how the use of the ALPHA modeling would result in a different regulatory
result for their analysis of the 2017-2025 adopted GHG and Augural CAFE standards. The
agencies must conduct a proper vetting of their NPRM’s foundational Autonomie modeling, and
must defend why they appear to have chosen to dismiss the superior and better vetted
technology modeling approach with more thorough and state-of-the-art advanced powertrain
systems modeling and engine maps from the EPA ALPHA modeling. Unless and until the
agencies conduct such a comprehensive and systematic comparison to determine whether the
Autonomie modeling is superior to ALPHA, the agencies have no basis on which to use
Autonomie, instead of the EPA ALPHA, as the technology package effectiveness input for fleet
modeling system. Because the agencies have used the insufficiently vetted Autonomie within
their CAFE modeling system in their final rulemaking, it is necessary that the agencies
comprehensively model the final regulation in EPA’s complete modeling system and share the
complete inputs and outputs and allow public comment on that analysis (See Sections I.B.1,
I.B.2, I.B.4)
In the construction of packages for the technology sequencing, the agencies have made
systematic errors that poorly relate to realistic automaker decisions on adoption of technologies
to comply with the CAFE and GHG standards. In the development of the pathways, the
agencies have made many systematic errors that artificially and falsely constrain the availability
of technologies based on subjective decisions on allowed technology packages. A primary flaw
by the agencies is to constrain technologies and technology paths according to the original
baseline technologies used on each make and model as mentioned above. This problem is then
compounded because the agencies layer on additional subjective and unrealistic constraints on
the combinations of technologies.
There are many specific cases where viable technology combinations are disallowed by the
agencies, despite being deployed by automakers. For example, turbocharging and cylinder
deactivation (DEAC) are treated as mutually exclusive by the agencies, as are HCR1 and
DEAC. However, as acknowledged by the agencies, these technology combinations are
technically viable. Volkswagen’s most recent EA211 engine has both cylinder deactivation and
uses the Miller cycle, which is, essentially, a turbocharged HCR engine. And Mazda now uses
cylinder deactivation and HCR technology on its SkyActiv 2.5L engine. Of course, these are
only current examples known in 2018, and many other automakers will continue to combine
TURBO, HCR, and DEAC, as well as more technologies when they have cost-effectiveness
synergies. It is critical that the agencies do not disallow any such combinations without
substantiation, but their current subjective process of determining technology packages in
pathways inherently precludes many dozens of such combinations.
Another basic example of an arbitrary agency limitation on technology packages is that the
CAFE model disallows the use of cooled EGR on naturally aspirated engines. A naturally
aspirated engine, meaning one that is simply not turbocharged, is the dominant engine on the
vehicle market today. This constraint is again belied by existing, real-world technology, as the
model year 2018 naturally-aspirated Toyota Camry uses cooled EGR (and also HCR) and
shows an efficiency improvement beyond the HCR engine.
In order to enable meaningful public comment, and a credible decision-making process, these
technology combination and pathway constraints must be explicitly documented and justified,
which they are not. Unless and until the agencies justify each and every constraint they impose
on any company, technology, and technology combination, the agencies must remove each of
their manufacturer-specific, vehicle model-specific, technology-sequencing, and technology-
combination-based constraints in their modeling framework. This is necessary in order to have a
credible and transparent regulatory assessment that does not obscure any unsupported or
possibly biased decisions by agency modelers. If the agencies do determine that their
constraints are valid, they must document the reasons for that conclusion, and provide an
additional public comment opportunity.
Due to our findings regarding the agencies’ incomplete analysis of existing technologies that are
on production vehicles, we ask that the agencies do a complete update of their reference
dataset to model year 2017. The model year 2017 dataset, including each model’s sales, fuel
economy, CO2 emission rates, footprint, and the associated efficiency technologies is in the
possession of the agencies due to EPA’s data-collection and enforcement responsibilities. The
examples we discuss in our comments where the agencies are failing to acknowledge in factual
terms what technologies the auto industry is deploying make it necessary that the agencies
update their initial reference dataset, re-examine every technology that is on those vehicles, and
use the updated 2017 dataset as the new basis for their future year compliance scenarios. This
update and sharing the 2017 dataset at a make and model level will ensure the agencies
compliance modeling is predicated on up-to-date data and the agencies are not neglecting real-
world trends, as with the examples we are sharing in these comments (e.g., related to HCR).
We ask that, based on this update for a complete 2017 dataset, the agencies also provide a
rigorous summary table that includes, for each significant efficiency technology used to comply
with the adopted and augural future standards, the model year 2010, 2016, and 2017 sales and
sales shares of those technologies. We also recommend that the agencies show the percent
increase from 2010 to 2017, and from 2016 to 2017 for each technology, to show that the
technologies (some of which they are constraining from use in their modeling) are being
deployed in increasing numbers in the marketplace. We also ask the agencies to disclose the
efficiency technologies that the automakers have disclosed will be on production vehicles by
2025 (without naming automaker names, to avoid disclosing confidential business information).
If the agencies do not do this, it would appear (based on our analysis of auto industry
announcements) that the agencies are not fully disclosing information in their possession that is
contrary to their own subjective technology constraints.
current real-world developments in 2018 (as analyzed by the ICCT and by the EPA). Other
examples, one being advanced cylinder deactivation, the agency costs are even more
exaggerated, by over 100%, based on the industry-developed innovations being far simpler than
the agencies have assessed. The agencies also fail to reflect the findings from the best-
available technology studies, which clearly indicated that a 5-10% mass reduction by 2025
actually reduces vehicle cost, and the auto industry will cost-effectively deploy at least 15%
vehicle curb mass reduction in the 2025 timeframe at near zero net cost (and consistently less
than $500 per vehicle) if the Augural 2025 and adopted 2025 GHG standards are maintained.
Overall, the NPRM compliance costs are much higher than EPA’s original 2016-2017 Final
Determination as well as ICCT’s estimates, and there are no overall or specific justifications to
support all of these significant individual technology differences that lead to the major
discrepancy. Nor do the agencies explain their failure to use the up-to-date technology
information that shows lower cost. (See Section I.C.1).
The agencies’ errors in analyzing costs extend beyond the individual technology cost inputs to
how they handle the selection and sequencing of technologies according to cost-effectiveness.
In the construction of packages for the technology sequencing, the agencies have made
systematic errors that do not reflect realistic automaker decisions on adoption of technologies to
comply with the CAFE and GHG standards. Our analysis of the inputs and the outputs
demonstrate a deeply flawed logic with nearly no quality control steps to ensure realistic
sequencing of technology adoption that reflects best available data on technology costs and
The first such technology sequencing problem is that the agencies follow the Volpe CAFE
approach with dedicated mutually exclusive paths that allows for no "off ramps" for companies
to ever change to many of the available and emerging technologies. Once a company’s vehicle
models are on a specific path, they are forced to advance through what the CAFE modelers
have determined as that specific future powertrain’s sequence of technology applications,
without regard to effectiveness or value. A consequence of these fixed pathways is that the
various vehicle models often do not select the most optimal cost-effective technologies by 2025.
The more general related issue is that technologies are not applied to a vehicle based solely on
cost-effectiveness (cost per fuel consumption or GHG improvement). Rather they follow a
subjective modeler-constrained path as chosen by NHTSA CAFE analysts, unlike the previous
objective cost-effectiveness-determined path by the EPA OMEGA fleet modeling approach.
Therefore, some technologies add no or negative efficiency benefits at significant costs but are
added anyway solely due to the fact that they have been placed as the next in line.
We provide several examples from our analysis that show how the agencies’ CAFE model is
working in its 2018 NPRM analysis, based on its inputs and algorithms. First, based on the
inputs and model outputs, cooled exhaust gas recirculation (CEGR) is incorrectly modeled in the
agencies’ datafiles. CEGR, added to TURBO2, has an assigned 0.0% effectiveness (a faulty
Autonomie input) with $359 cost in 2025. This would thus add zero value to any automaker, yet
the Augural 2025 analysis of the CAFE model forces CEGR on 38% of the new model year
2025 fleet. When we at the ICCT simply block CEGR from use in the CAFE Volpe model, the
result is to reduce the cost of compliance with the 2025 Augural standards by $116, on average
across all new vehicles in model year 2025. This is an inexplicable result, as the CAFE model
claims it is designed to choose the most cost-effective technology pathway for compliance. This
is clearly not the case, as removing technology choices should never reduce the cost of
compliance. This profound error reveals a CAFE modeling approach that is poorly vetted and
not competent to reflect the real-world, in which auto companies will only choose cost-effective
technology approaches. As already pointed out, the agencies chose to run a sensitivity case
which they activated HCR2—a highly cost-effective technology—in the CAFE model. This one
change alone reduced the cost of compliance with the Augural 2025 standards by
approximately $600. In another example of the flawed cost modeling, the benefits of the second
level of turbocharging (TURBO2) over the first level (TURBO1) vary widely in the agencies’
modeling, with the benefit of TURBO2 over TURBO1 sometimes being negative. It is
implausible for the more advanced TURBO2 package to be less effective than TURBO1, when
each has all the same additional efficiency technologies included as a package. This appears to
be a clear modeling deficiency without any real-world justification both in the Autonomie vehicle
modeling and the CAFE fleet modeling, which both carry this error through the regulatory
analysis. This is simply not a sensible result, as automakers would never add a next-generation
technology that has significant cost but a negative effect on CO2 and fuel economy. Yet the
agencies’ modeling includes penetration of TURBO2 regardless, demonstrating poor modeling
and no vetting for whether the results have real-world validity. (See Section II.B.2)
The agencies have apparently misrepresented the leading research on automotive battery costs
and electric vehicle costs generally. The result of this is to make electric vehicles so costly that
they are modeled to remain at approximately the same penetration in 2025 with the Augural
2025 fuel economy and adopted 2025 GHG standards, as they are in mid-2018 (i.e., between
1.5% and 2% of new vehicle sales). The agencies’ analysis of electric vehicle costs and the
resulting extremely low penetration levels is not in line with automakers’ announcements, which
include statements that they will produce far greater numbers of electric vehicles to comply with
standards around the world. The agencies’ sensitivity case that puts its electric vehicle
technology cost inputs in line with best available research, demonstrates this; with reasonable
electric vehicle costs, the 2025 compliance costs fleetwide decreased by over $200 per vehicle.
More generally, it is evident from the above that the agencies’ modeling is not a credible effort to
project compliance scenarios that minimize the cost of compliance by industry in their future-
year compliance scenarios. In fact, their various technology constraints (in technology
effectiveness, cost, and manufacturer/model/pathway-specific restrictions) all seem expressly
counter to seeking the most cost-effective industry compliance paths. As a result, it is necessary
that the agencies explain in detailed, categorical, and unequivocal terms how their modeling
framework seeks to identify the most cost-effective viable technology paths for companies to
comply with the standards, and that they make all the necessary changes to fix the issues
above to assure their modeling effort provides a reasonable approximation of auto industry
compliance with future-year standards. At a minimum, the agencies must also include modeling
using EPA’s OMEGA and ALPHA models, and not just CAFE and Autonomie modeling, to help
avoid the inappropriate elements of the CAFE modeling described above and in more detail in
the Appendix.
There are decades of clear historical data to inform the analysis of how to treat baseline fuel
economy when standards are not increasing. The data clearly and unambiguously demonstrate
that without regulations that require more stringent fuel economy or GHG standards, fuel
economy will not increase and GHG emissions will not decrease. Only in periods where fuel
economy or GHG standards have required improvement, improvements in test cycle fuel
economy have occurred. Based on the EPA and NHTSA data, from 1975 to 1986, US fuel
economy increased with more stringent standards. When standards did not get more stringent,
from 1986 through 2004, no fuel economy and GHG benefits were realized, and in fact fleet fuel
economy worsened. With the adoption of California’s GHG standards in 2004 (for model years
2009-2016), and NHTSA light-truck fuel economy standards in 2002 (for model year 2005), fuel
economy improvements resumed.
This phenomenon has been very well studied in the technical literature. What happens during
periods without required fuel economy improvement is that the industry deploys advanced
engine, transmission, and load reduction technology, but they use these technologies mostly or
exclusively to make higher-power, greater-acceleration, and larger vehicles. The agencies’
expert staff that handle and analyze this data know very well that this is the case, as they have
a robust 45-year record in the EPA fuel economy trends database, as well as from NHTSA’s
comparable data that is derived from EPA’s official compliance data. From the ICCT’s extensive
analysis across the world, we know that internationally the same general result has held true.
The only times we have observed any multi-year real-world fuel economy or CO2 improvement
trends in the absence of stronger regulations was in European markets in the lead-up to 2010,
when both fuel prices were several dollars higher per gallon than in the U.S., and automakers
had instituted voluntary CO2 targets in lieu of standards for new 2010 passenger vehicles. Even
there, regulators recognized the need for oversight, and the gains led to Europe developing CO2
regulations to ensure even more verifiable emission reductions occurred.
Despite this history, the agencies have made a novel and indefensible decision to assume that
the fleet will realize improved fuel economy and GHG emissions reductions even when
standards are flat due to the proposed rollback of standards for 2021 and beyond. The result of
the agencies’ unfounded adjustment in the baseline, based on our analysis, is that the agencies
are artificially removing over 20% of the GHG and fuel saving benefits that would result from
maintaining the adopted model year 2025 GHG and Augural CAFE standards. The decision to
assume an increasing efficiency even in the rollback scenario also has a result that would
appear rather inconvenient to the agencies: It directly contradicts the agencies’ claim that their
proposed flat 2021-2026 standards are the “maximum feasible.” (see Section II.A)
insignificant. The agencies recognize that the link is just as often positive as negative due to
automakers’ exemplary vehicle design improvements over the years.
However, the agencies have made some of the most inexplicable moves that we have ever
seen across U.S. and global vehicle regulations by employing two tricks that artificially and
falsely create a link between increased fuel economy and fleet fatalities.
The first trick is that the 2018 NPRM doubled the rate used to calculate the “rebound effect”
compared to their prior analyses from 10% to 20%. By doubling the rebound rate, the agencies
claim that under the existing/augural standards, Americans will buy higher-efficiency cars and
drive those cars at a greatly increased rate because they are cheaper to drive. This doubling of
the rebound effect is in contradiction to both theory and data trends. Studies the agencies rely
on for their new assumption are typically based on changes in fuel price, not changes in vehicle
efficiency, and these studies overstate the rebound effect associated with fuel efficiency.
Moreover, even studies of fuel price rebound indicate that the rebound effect has been
decreasing over time. The agencies’ evaluation of the rebound effect in the 2016 TAR (and in
EPA’s final 2016 TSD) more appropriately considered these effects - based on the same studies
discussed in the NPRM – and, found that a 10% rebound effect was appropriate. Based on the
most reliable data, the fuel price rebound effect will continue to decrease in the future and is
likely to be well under 10% by 2025, and the fuel economy rebound effect may be lower still.
Thus, the agencies cannot support the use of a higher value in their proposal. (See Section
While the rebound effect is real, owners would not drive more if they did not perceive economic
benefits to the additional driving, which include their consideration of the accident risk of driving
more. In fact, the agencies admit in the NPRM that Americans choosing to drive more and the
accident risks that driving carries should not affect the analysis of the costs and benefits of the
standards, because when people drive more, they do so because they are benefiting from the
driving—in their words, it is a “voluntary consumer choice.” The agencies have chosen to
separate the additional accidents from the economic benefit of increased driving in the rule,
creating a “loss” associated with additional accidents and fatalities balanced by an “economic
benefit” of exactly the same dollar value. This allows the agencies to quote the additional
fatalities and use them as justification for freezing the standards, while hiding the associated
economic benefits deep in the details of the proposed rule.
The second trick is that the agencies have created a new, untested, and ultimately erroneous
“scrappage model” of used car impacts to suggest that the regulation will cause more driving of
older, less safe vehicles. They attempt to model immensely complex market interactions in an
entirely new and simplistic way, and they do so with completely unvalidated methods which
have not been peer reviewed or apparently even internally reviewed with any rigor. The NPRM,
as indicated in these comments above, dramatically exaggerates the compliance costs of the
adopted GHG and Augural CAFE standards. These exaggerated costs are then plugged into
the agencies’ new vehicle scrappage model to project scrappage effects. The modeling then
inexplicably projects a dramatic increase in the number of used cars in the vehicle fleet under
the existing GHG and augural CAFE scenario, and a dramatic increase in the total number of
vehicle-miles being driven, which, when multiplied by the agencies’ fatalities-per-mile figures,
allow the agencies to ultimately assert that there will be more fatalities. By artificially revising
rebound rate and arbitrarily asserting scrappage effects, the NPRM projects that both new and
existing cars are going to be driven much more if standards are increased, which defies logic
and economic theory. The error is then compounded because, unlike the rebound driving that
the agencies admit is due to consumers voluntarily driving more and is not caused by the
standards, the agencies claim the scrappage-related increase in fatalities are caused by the
standards. Just like rebound, the scrappage “costs” of the augural CAFE and existing GHG
standards result (if at all) from consumers’ freely-made decision to drive more, and those
decisions are similarly attended by consumer benefits that at a minimum exceed the costs of
that driving. Therefore, just like rebound, these “costs” cannot be attributed to the rule.
This mysterious, incredible increase in driving of existing vehicles biases the cost-benefit
analysis by as much as $120 billion in reduced fatalities and non-fatal crash injuries. Including
the impacts from the associated, alleged reduction in congestion and noise from this driving
inflates the agencies’ estimated effect by another $52 billion. The agencies are citing these
alleged reductions in fatalities and associated effects—from essentially forcing Americans to
drive less—as the primary reason they need to roll back the CAFE and GHG standards.
This scrappage-related cost-benefit analysis trick is so novel that NHTSA, in its many dozens of
safety-focused regulations (which also add cost to vehicles) over the years, has never assessed
or created any such model to do any such analysis, nor does it appear to have even mentioned
the possibility of doing so. The attempt to estimate these effects was developed specifically, and
apparently hastily with no chance for a comprehensive peer or other review, for use in the 2018
proposed rollback of the CAFE and GHG standards. For the agencies to put forward a credible
final regulation on vehicle fuel economy and GHG regulations, they have no choice but to
remove the scrappage-related fatalities and associated costs. If the agencies do not remove the
artificial scrappage-related fatalities and associated costs, NHTSA, the nation’s vehicle safety
regulator, will cast into doubt its own expertise and credibility. (See Section II.B.3)
Consumer value
The NPRM continues a long-standing error of failing to consider the complete spectrum of
benefits from efficiency technologies that are valued by drivers beyond the efficiency benefits.
This failure is becoming more glaring over time, as efficiency technology deployment continues
to add more attributes consumers are willing to pay for. The most common benefit is improved
performance and drivability. One example is that adding more gears to the transmission
improves maximum acceleration, improves launch feel due to a lower gear ratio in first gear,
reduces noise on the highway by running the engine at lower speed, and reduces vibration and
harshness by reducing the change in engine speed between shifts. Examples in automotive
trade literature indicating these clear co-benefits include the Ford F150, Ford Mustang,
Chevrolet Camaro, Honda Accord, and Lexus LC500. Variable valve timing (VVT), variable
valve lift (VVL), and gasoline direct injection (GDI) technologies increase engine power in
addition to improving efficiency. Also the higher-voltage, higher-power electrical systems on 48-
volt hybrids offer many potential consumer features desired by customers, such as part-time
4wd, off-board power, heated seats, and other electric amenities. Examples of automakers
marketing 48-volt systems for their efficiency and these additional types of benefits are the
Dodge Ram and Jeep Wrangler.
Other prominent examples of efficiency technologies delivering dual benefits are turbocharged
engines and vehicle mass reduction. Downsized, turbocharged engines are usually sized to
maintain constant power at high engine speed. However, even within these constraints,
turbocharged engines can deliver their maximum power at lower engine speeds than naturally
aspirated engines and have more torque at lower engine speeds. Examples from the trade
literature regarding the dual fuel-saving and power benefits include the BMW Mini, Jeep
Wrangler, Ford F150, Ford Mustang, and Honda Accord. Mass-reduction or lightweighting has
many benefits beyond fuel savings, including faster acceleration, better ride, handling, braking,
increased towing capacity, and greater payload capacity. In addition, aluminum, a common
mass-reduction strategy, will not rust. Magazine reviews including these additional benefits
include BMW 7-series, Chrysler Pacific, Cadillac, and Chevrolet Cruze. These are just examples
of the nearly countless instances of automakers simultaneously marketing fuel efficiency
technologies and non-efficiency benefits from those technologies. (See section II.C)
The agencies have falsely ignored these very substantial benefits. If the agencies considered
these effects, they would find additional vehicle benefits that they are currently not accounting
for in the rulemaking. These benefits would also further counter the agencies’ erroneous
assertion that increased fuel efficiency will result in depressed vehicle sales.
International competitiveness
In addition, the agencies fail to comprehend how the indefinite relaxation of the standards would
jeopardize the U.S. automotive industry. The agencies have not even compared the U.S.
proposal to progress elsewhere around the world, such as in Europe, China, and other countries
where vehicles continue to get more efficient due to significant regulatory requirements and
steady industry progress in those markets (including industry progress achieved by many of the
same companies subject to regulation under the proposal). In the near-term, the proposed
rollback will strand existing investments and prevent new investments in the U.S. by suppliers
and automakers. Over the long-term the greater risk is that U.S. industry becomes unfit to
compete in a global market that is moving to low-emission and high-efficient vehicle technology.
(See Section IV)
recommend the agencies do not revoke the California waiver and take no action toward
removing state-level regulatory authority. (Section V).
Overall, the agencies’ rationale for their proposed rollback is invalid and unsupportable by the
best available data and methods. The EPA has not shown that the GHG standards for 2022-
2025 are inappropriate under the Clean Air Act or the agencies’ own Midterm Evaluation
regulations; nor that the proposed standards or any of the alternatives considered are
appropriate. Similarly, for the multitude of reasons discussed above and demonstrated below,
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s proposed freeze on post-2020 corporate
average fuel economy (CAFE) standards does not satisfy the agency’s obligation to set
standards that are the “maximum feasible” for 2021-2026 as dictated by statute. To the contrary,
the agencies have failed to acknowledge, discuss, or rebut the expert assessments and robust
analysis previously put forward jointly by the U.S. EPA, NHTSA, and California Air Resources
Board in their Draft Technical Assessment Report, an analysis which demonstrates definitively
that the standards remain appropriate, and that any rollback is without justification.
Perhaps most problematic among the many issues is that the agencies did not apply their own
applicable and best available data. In 2015-2017, the agencies developed and assembled an
immense amount of new data, evidence, information, and analysis related to technology
developments that have occurred since the 2012 rulemaking. This analysis culminated in the
2016 Draft TAR and EPA’s 2017 Final Determination. The level of technical scrutiny by the
agencies, especially EPA, in 2015-2017 for a vehicle regulation is, as far as the ICCT is aware,
unprecedented globally by a very large margin. Yet EPA and NHTSA have together ignored this
massive and rigorous technical analysis almost entirely, instead adopting input and model
constraints directly contrary thereto, generally without acknowledgment or explanation. This new
data and other information from continued technology developments clarify and show how the
standards are achievable and at lower cost than projected. The summarized comments above,
and details in the attached Appendix illustrate how the agencies’ analysis is biased, incomplete,
and opaque in its omission of best available information, including data that is known to be in
their own possession due to extensive public research, compliance data, and the previous
rulemaking documents.
Contrary to the agencies’ suggestion, the agencies’ own abundant technical evidence
demonstrates that the standards could be cost-effectively made more stringent. Nevertheless, in
the interest of maintaining regulatory certainty for industry investments, we believe that
maintaining existing adopted GHG standards for 2022-2025 is appropriate. Furthermore, we
strongly urge NHTSA to finalize its Augural 2022-2025 standards to ensure alignment with the
adopted EPA and California 2022-2025 standards.
In the Appendix that follows, we elaborate on the agencies’ series of unacknowledged and
unsupportable departures from the rigorous 2015-2017 technical analysis and the proposal’s
arbitrary adoption of erroneous, outdated, unsupported, and invalid data and methods, and we
suggest improved data and methods from which to make an appropriate regulatory analysis.
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) provides these comments to The
Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021-2026 Passenger
Cars and Light Trucks, which proposes to revise the model year 2021–2026 light-duty vehicle
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards. This
Appendix supplements the shorter summary of the ICCT’s public comments, with additional
details and references to the public comments above.1
Our comments are based on available technologies in the market today, announcements by
automakers and suppliers on emerging technology, and the research literature. Much of the
research contribution is from ICCT collaborations with automotive suppliers on a series of
working papers in 2016, evaluating technology progress and new developments in engines,
transmissions, vehicle body design and lightweighting. The collaborating supplier and research
groups include Aluminum Association, BorgWarner, Dana, Detroit Materials, Eaton, FEV,
Honeywell, ITB, Johnson Controls, Ricardo, and SABIC. In addition, ICCT extensively analyzed
the technology inputs to, and the outputs from, the Volpe CAFE model, both for the NPRM and
the TAR. We also compare the latest work with many of the rulemaking documents and data
inputs from the agencies previous work, including the inputs and outputs for EPA’s ALPHA and
OMEGA modeling, and the associated benchmarked engine data. These allowed us to assess
the technology cost and effectiveness inputs used by the Volpe CAFE model, as well as the
technology penetration rates and overall cost, GHG, and mile-per-gallon (mpg) data.
The agencies have ignored their own rigorous 2015-2017 technological assessment, and have
adopted a series of invalid and unsupportable decisions which artificially constrain the
availability and dramatically under-estimate levels of effectiveness of many different fuel
economy improvement and GHG-reduction technologies and unreasonably increase modeled
compliance costs. These include powertrain technologies, load reduction technologies, air-
conditioning technologies, and off-cycle technologies.
1 These comments, and their attachments, refer both to the EPA GHG regulations and the DOT NHTSA CAFE
regulations throughout. Even as the detailed comments below may at times refer to only the NHTSA CAFE or
EPA GHG standards separately, each such instance shall be read as applicable and warranting consideration for
the regulatory provisions in both programs.
1. High compression ratio engines
Perhaps the foremost example of the agencies incorrectly constraining technology in the NPRM
is for high compression ratio (HCR) engines. The agencies constrain this technology in two
ways: by restricting its availability for uptake in the fleet and by ignoring improvements and
developments by the automotive industry since 2014.
In the 2012 Final Rulemaking, the use of Atkinson cycle engines was primarily considered only
in hybrid-electric vehicle applications.2 Later, in the 2016 TAR, the agencies observed that this
was because, in 2012, hybrids were the only mechanisms used to overcome low-end torque
losses associated with the shift to an Atkinson Cycle.3 Thus, in 2012, application of Atkinson
cycle engines in non-hybrids was “unforeseen.”4
However, just two years into the 2012-2016 GHG program, Mazda employed Atkinson cycle as
the foundation for the first non-hybrid HCR naturally aspirated engine (at a compression ratio of
13.0:1 in the US) with exceptional efficiency and is already using this on most of their vehicles.5
Toyota has maintained strong vehicle performance by combining an Atkinson cycle engine with
variable valve timing and other technologies, and has also expanded its use to non-hybrid
vehicles.6 HCR engines, as of model year 2016, were on diverse models, including many
hybrids (by Toyota, Ford, Hyundai, Chevrolet, Nissan), and also non-hybrids like the Toyota
Tacoma pickup, Lexus RX350 SUV, Lexus GS 350 luxury sedan, and many Mazda cars and
SUVs.7 In total HCR engines made up over 1 million U.S. vehicle sales in model year 2016, or
6% of total U.S. sales.8 Comparing this against the model year 2015 data of 4%9, deployment of
HCR engines has expanded their market share in model year 2016 by approximately 50%.
In the 2016 TAR, the agencies described HCR engines as “one of the most promising non-
electrified technologies capable of playing a major role in compliance with the standards through
2025.”10 From the 2012 FRM to the 2016 TAR, EPA shifted from a projection of 0% HCR to 44%
2 See e.g., 2017 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Corporate Average Fuel
Economy Standards, 77 Fed. Reg. 62624, 62864 (Oct. 15, 2012).
3 See EPA, NHTSA, CARB. Draft Technical Assessment Report: Midterm Evaluation of Light-Duty Vehicle
Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2022-
2025 at 5-31.
4 EPA, NHTSA, CARB. Draft Technical Assessment Report: Midterm Evaluation of Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse
Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2022-2025 at 5-1.
5 Goto et al. “The New Mazda Gasoline Engine Skyactiv-G.” MTZ worldwide Issue no.: 2011-06: 40-46. Accessed
June 2016. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1365/s38313-011-0063-8
6 “Toyota claims record gasoline efficiency.” Ricardo Quarterly Review Q2 2014, p. 4. Accessed June 2016.
http://www.ricardo.com/Documents/RQ%20pdf/RQ%202014/RQ%20 Q2%202014/RQ_Q2_2014_English.pdf
7 See datafiles at National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling
System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-system
8 See datafiles at National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling
System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-system
9 EPA. Technology and Benefit-Cost Analysis files. https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-
10 See EPA, NHTSA, CARB. Draft Technical Assessment Report: Midterm Evaluation of Light-Duty Vehicle
Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2022-
2025 at 12-35 also at 5-4, 5-31.
HCR engines for a compliant 2025 vehicle fleet.11 Despite the rapid introduction of HCR engines
and the higher market penetration projected by EPA in the 2016 Draft TAR, the agencies have
dramatically reversed course in the NPRM. They now argue that only “a few” manufacturers
produced HCR1 engines in model year 2016 and that these engines tended to be paired with
hybrid technologies.12
The agencies state that the technology “is not suitable for many vehicles due to performance,
emissions and packaging issues, and/or the extensive capital and resources that would be
required for manufacturers to shift from other powertrain technology pathways (such as
turbocharging and downsizing) to standalone Atkinson cycle engine technology.”13 The agencies
also suggested that HCR is not suitable for 6- or 8-cylinder engines.14 The agencies’ own data
proves this is false: HCR technology is already used on V-6 versions of Lexus GS 350, GS 350
F Sport, Lexus RX 350, Lexus 450h, Toyota Tacoma. These include non-hybrid models, pickup
trucks, performance sedans, all-wheel-drive versions, four-wheel-drive versions, and mid-sized
SUVs, and they deliver high-performance with up to 311 horsepower with the Lexus GS 350
and 424 horsepower with the Lexus 450h. Despite these developments that indicate there are
not limitations, the agencies have largely restricted HCR technology to the existing Mazda and
Toyota models (and select hybrids) that already have it, and the agencies’ revised fleet
penetration for naturally-aspirated HCR engines is only 26% to meet the Augural 2025
standards, and just 17% for the proposal to freeze post-2020 standards.15 There is essentially
no evidence or analysis to support restricting this technology or why some automakers would
opt not to adopt a clearly cost-effective technology.
The agencies’ own modeling, based on their effectiveness and cost inputs,16 shows that HCR
technology is one of the most cost-effective pathways to comply with the standards. According
to the agencies’ primary modeling in the agencies’ proposal, nearly all the vehicles that the
agencies’ model allows to have HCR technology do indeed adopt HCR technology (30% of the
fleet is allowed to apply the technology, and 26% of the fleet has the technology applied in the
modeled standards for the adopted 2025 standards). This demonstrates how the agencies have
restricted the use of a known cost-effective technology.
11 EPA, NHTSA, CARB. Draft Technical Assessment Report: Midterm Evaluation of Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse
Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2022-2025. at 12-35.
12 The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021–2026 Passenger Cars and Light
Trucks, 83 Fed. Reg. 42986, 43038 (Aug. 24, 2018).
13 83 Fed. Reg. at 43038.
14 Ibid.
15 Id. at 43316.
16 Based on NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects
Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-
system and also PRIA Figure 6-119 p 312 HCR1 tends to have a 12% effectiveness (range from 10-16%). For
costs see Section I.C. below.
turbocharging or hybrids just eight years ago from deploying any of them today (e.g., in 2010
versus 2018), which would have been wildly incorrect.17 The HCR constraint is an assumption
with no foundation in the real-world. In fact, in the 2016 TAR, NHTSA projected that Toyota
would not use HCR engines, with all 2025 scenarios having less than 1% market penetration.18
This projection completely missed Toyota’s introduction of improved HCR engines on the 2018
Camry and announcement of plans to spread this engine across their fleet.19,20 21 NHTSA has
corrected this for the NPRM and projected that 64% of Toyota’s fleet will use HCR engines by
2025.22 However, if NHTSA could be so wrong about Toyota just two years in advance, there is
no justification to continue to restrict HCR engines for other manufacturers for another 8 years
based solely on the fact that they had not yet adopted the technology in MY 2016.
The agencies’ own data is contrary to this limitation. The agencies’ model year 2016 datafile in
fact reflects the real-world trend that automakers have tended to first refine their application of
HCR by applying the technology to hybrids, and then adopt the technology more widely. Mazda
and Toyota have launched broader deployment beyond hybrids into non-hybrid models across
their fleets, including high-performance applications such as luxury cars, SUVs, and pickups.23
Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, and Nissan, have also now embraced HCR in their hybrid
models, demonstrating that deployment across the rest of their fleets is possible. Yet the
agencies artificially prohibit this broader application for all of these automakers without reasoned
support for doing so.
The constraints placed on HCR deployment appear to be uniquely restrictive among all
technologies included in the Volpe CAFE model, disallowing this proven and cost-effective
technology from approximately 70% of the model year 2020-2025 fleet. The great lengths the
agencies have gone to artificially impose “skip” constraints for HCR in the CAFE modeling
system demonstrates that the agencies have exerted an inexplicable and apparently deliberate
17 Based on the agencies’ data, in 2008 there were 5 companies with turbocharging (FCA, Ford, General Motors,
JLR, VW), but by 2016 there were 13 (BMW, Daimler, FCA, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai Kia, JLR,
Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, Volvo, VW). See Table 3 below for these and many other such examples of expanded
engine technology adoption across manufacturers over the same timeframe, showing that the agencies’ artificial
manufacturer constraints are unwarranted based on their own data.
18 EPA, NHTSA, CARB. Draft Technical Assessment Report: Midterm Evaluation of Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse
Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2022-2025
19 John German “How things work: OMEGA modeling case study based on the 2018 Toyota Camry” February 21,
2018. https://www.theicct.org/publications/how-things-work-omega-modeling-case-study-based-2018-toyota-
20 Toyota introducing new powertrain units based on TNGA; transmissions, engine, hybrid system, 4WD.
21 Camry’s engine tech will spread across Toyota; Powerplant boosts performance and efficiency. AutoNews. August
1, 2017. http://www.autonews.com/article/20170801/OEM01/170809949/camrys-engine-tech-will-spread-across-
22 Outputs from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects
Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-
23 Reference model year 2016 fleet, from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
“Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-
and-effects-modeling-system, the agencies’ assertion that “[o]nly a few manufacturers produced internal
combustion engine vehicles with Atkinson cycle engines in MY 2016” is demonstrably wrong. 83 FR at 43037.
bias toward forcing most of the automaker compliance technology toward higher cost, non-HCR
turbocharging paths. It is indisputable that if Mazda and Toyota have developed a cost-effective
technology solution in HCR that meets consumer demands and assists in regulatory
compliance, it will be much more broadly deployed. As a result, the regulatory analysis must
assess the technology’s broader potential adoption toward compliance with the existing/augural
2022-2025 standards – not just in a sensitivity analysis but as a primary technology compliance
pathway. As a result, the only reasonable and technically valid assumption is that HCR be
allowed for application to all vehicle models’ engine redesigns through all the model years of the
agencies’ compliance modeling analysis.
Furthermore, the claim that shifting the CAFE powertrain technology pathways “requires
extensive capital and resources that would be required for manufacturers to shift from other
powertrain technology pathways (such as turbocharging and downsizing) to standalone
Atkinson cycle engine technology”24 is not reasonable and does not support the numerous
constraints imposed on HCR in the Volpe CAFE model. HCR is one of the most simple and
cost-effective advanced engine pathways, and Mazda, one of the clear leaders in the
technology, is much smaller in sales volume, number of engine lines, and R&D budget than
many of the companies on which the agencies have imposed HCR constraints for non-hybrid
engines (including BMW, Daimler, FCA, Ford, General Motors, Honda, VWA).25 26
This indicates that the agencies are imposing a nonobjective constraint on use of HCR
technology. Even if this “more capital intensive” logic about switching engine technology
pathways were valid, the model would nevertheless have a hardwired bias against allowing
HCR, based on other constraints it imposes. Thus, the model already prevents vehicles from
switching pathways once a vehicle has been assigned an initial pathway. In the baseline fleet,
less than 30% of the 2016 baseline fleet uses some form of advanced engine (turbo, HCR, or
advanced cylinder deactivation), and thus is pre-assigned to that pathway. If the other 70% of
vehicles were allowed to apply HCR technology, they would not have to switch between engine
technologies in most cases, as they have not even started on an advanced engine pathway. Yet
the model nevertheless prevents those vehicles from adopting the technology, demonstrating
that the model has independent artificial limits applied that bar HCR from being applied to those
vehicles. In addition, the notion that HCR technology is exclusive of turbocharging and cylinder
deactivation is patently false. As explained below, engines employing the Miller cycle
(essentially a turbocharged HCR1 engine) already exist today, and advanced cylinder
deactivation has been both modeled and benchmarked on highly efficient, high compression
Beyond the invalid restriction on HCR technology, the agencies also unreasonably restrict any
improvements from HCR from ongoing auto industry developments. The agencies’ second level
of HCR, named HCR2, is discussed in the NPRM but dismissed as “entirely speculative.”27
HCR2 refers to a high compression ratio engine (14:1), paired with other changes such as
cylinder deactivation, engine friction reduction, and cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), as
studied by EPA. Because EPA has access to data on benchmarked Mazda engines (one from
Europe, and one from US prototype) applying this technology and achieving higher ratios
(compression ratio 14:1)28, the agencies have artificially excluded a technology they know is
applicable in the timeframe of the rulemaking. In addition, none of the additional technologies
paired with the higher compression engine are speculative in nature, all of them have been
produced in current vehicles and have been separately benchmarked for effectiveness. And
additional technical development can be expected for all of these technologies.
Moreover, EPA found that existing engine architectures are already well adapted for this
technology, and indeed well adapted for the emerging next level HCR2 package of
technologies, since the foundational technologies of gasoline direct injection, increased valve
phasing authority, higher compression ratios, and cooled exhaust gas recirculation are already
in widespread use.29 The HCR pathway becomes even more cost-effective when the emerging
next level HCR2 technology is included. When the agencies remove their artificial constraints on
HCR1 and HCR2 and allow technology improvement in a sensitivity analysis for HCR2, the
HCR technology penetration is far greater and the overall fleetwide compliance cost is
dramatically lower. Appropriately allowing all HCR technology in the modeling of the proposed
standards, based on the agencies’ best available data on this technology as described in the
Draft TAR, reduces the regulatory compliance with the standards by approximately $144 billion
dollars – which is a 28% reduction in fleet wide compliance costs.30 Related to this, the agencies
disingenuously try to suggest that it is too costly for companies to shift from engine pathways
like turbocharged downsizing to HCR,31 while this modeling by the agencies shows massively
reduced long-term compliance cost by making the switch. Essentially their own modeling
showing the huge cost savings refutes any such rationale.
For the 2016 TAR, EPA rigorously investigated potential improvements in HCR effectiveness by
benchmarking a 2014 2.0L Mazda SKYACTIV-G engine, building and validating a simulation
engines” sensitivity case costs are $357.7 billion. See PRIA Table 13-8 (page 1546). The fleet compliance
technology cost impact and percent cost reduction with allowing HCR in the CO2 modeling are even larger, per
PRIA Table 13-9. EPA and NHTSA. Preliminary Regulatory Impact Assessment: The Safer Affordable Fuel-
Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021–2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
31 83 Fed. Reg. at 43038. Shifting the CAFE powertrain technology pathways “requires extensive capital and
resources that would be required for manufacturers to shift from other powertrain technology pathways (such as
turbocharging and downsizing) to standalone Atkinson cycle engine technology”
using data related to performance and combustion processes.32 The agency found additional
efficiency improvements were possible through the application of cooled EGR, an increased
compression ratio, and cylinder deactivation.33 In a peer-reviewed paper published by SAE
International (2016), EPA found the enhanced Atkinson Cycle engine (HCR2), to be a
“promising alternative engineering path.”34 As noted above, in the 2017 Final Determination,
EPA argued that the building blocks necessary to operate an engine in Atkinson mode were
present in the MY 2016 fleet, and thus that the technology is commercially viable with ample
lead time to more broadly incorporate Atkinson Cycle engines, enhanced by the rest of the
HCR2 package of technologies, into the fleet.35 Such technologies included gasoline direct
injection (GDI), increased valve phasing authority, higher compression ratios, and cooled
EGR.36 As a result, EPA correctly observed that there was sufficient lead time to adopt the
technology before MY 2022 and that it could be incorporated without requiring major vehicle
In response to comments to the TAR, in its Proposed Determination, EPA thoroughly responded
to concerns over knock limitations and fuel octane for HCR2, explaining its consideration and
evaluation of those issues and how EPA had taken the issues into account in both its modeling,
engine validation testing, and component cost estimation.38 To address comments on lack of
physical tests from an engine with all the elements of HCR2, EPA explained that:
“Mazda presented data at the 2015 Vienna Motor Symposium from a SKYACTIV-G
engine with a cylinder deactivation system at an advanced stage of development. The
engine demonstrated effectiveness comparable to EPA estimates for applying cylinder
32 EPA, NHTSA, CARB. Draft Technical Assessment Report: Midterm Evaluation of Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse
Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2022-2025 at 5-280.
33 Id. at 5-282.
34 Id.
35 EPA, 2017. Final determination on the appropriateness of the Model Year 2022-2025 Light-duty Vehicle
Greenhouse Gas emissions standards under the midterm evaluation at 23.
36 Id.
37 Id.
38 EPA, 2016. Proposed Determination on the Appropriateness of the Model Year 2022-2025 Light-Duty Vehicle
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards under the Midterm Evaluation: Technical Support Document, section
39 EPA, 2017. Final determination on the appropriateness of the Model Year 2022-2025 Light-duty Vehicle
Greenhouse Gas emissions standards under the midterm evaluation: Response to comments. P. 52
deactivation to ATK2 and comparable to EPA engine dynamometer testing of the
SKYACTIV-G with 2 cylinders disabled. Mazda has used cooled EGR with previous
production applications of their SKYACTIV-G engine, currently uses cooled EGR in the
SKYACTIV Turbo engine in the 2017 Mazda CX9, and cooled EGR is currently used by
Toyota and Hyundai in Atkinson Cycle engines for both hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and
in non-HEV applications. At the 2017 North American International Auto Show, Toyota
announced that the base engine in the redesigned 2018 Toyota Camry would be
Toyota’s 2.5L I4 Dynamic Force Engine with a peak brake thermal efficiency of 40%.
The Toyota 2.5L I4 Dynamic Force Engine combines Atkinson Cycle with cooled EGR
and a dual PFI/GDI fuel injection system. In 2016, Toyota’s Camry model was the best-
selling mid-size passenger car in the U.S. VW has already introduced a 4-cylinder Miller
Cycle engine, the EA211 TSI® evo, which combines cylinder deactivation, cooled EGR,
early intake valve closing, and turbocharging. Miller Cycle is essentially a boosted
version of Atkinson Cycle.”40
Thus, the agencies’ purported concerns in the NPRM over the use and effectiveness of cylinder
deactivation in HCR2 engines—unsupported by data—have already been addressed and
resolved by EPA’s updated engine maps and extensive testing plus the corroboration of these
results when compared with data from current development vehicles. Despite the careful
benchmarking of improved HCR engines by EPA, HCR2 is dismissed in the 2018 proposal as
“entirely speculative.” Now, in the 2018 proposal, the agencies argue that EPA’s SAE paper
referenced in the TAR represented only the “theoretical application of additional technologies [to
Atkinson Cycle engines] in combination, like exhaust gas recirculation” and that such an
enhanced Atkinson Cycle engine is “entirely speculative, as no production engine as outlined in
the EPA SAE paper has even been commercially or even produced as a prototype in a lab
setting.”41 This technology advancement is not speculative. Instead, it is based on real-world
advancements that have already occurred as well as a logical and predictable advancements
that will occur in technology in the near-term.
Additionally, they state that, although “simulations with EPA’s HCR2 engine map produce
results that approach (and sometimes exceed) diesel powertrain efficiency,” they purport that
“the engine map has not been validated with hardware and bench data, even on a prototype
level (as no such engine exists to test to validate the engine map).”42 Therefore, the agencies
state that they do not include EPA’s SAE paper in the NPRM analysis “because there has been
no observable physical demonstration of the speculative technology, and many questions
remain about its practicability as specified, especially in high load, low engine speed operating
conditions.”43 This dismissive statement is contradicted by evidence of record: the higher
compression Atkinson engine “was previously available with [cooled exhaust gas recirculation]
and a higher compression ratio in Japan and Europe and the application of [cylinder
40 Id. at 52-53
41 83 Fed. Reg. at 43038.
42 83 Fed. Reg. at 43038.
43 Id.
deactivation] on future applications of the [Mazda] SKYACTIV-G engine has been announced
by Mazda. There are also production applications of [cooled exhaust gas recirculation] in current
production engines (e.g. Mazda SKYACTIV-G Turbo, VW EA211 TSI evo) which are essentially
boosted versions of these advances using engine dynamometer testing”.44 The agencies also
state that “many engine experts questioned its technical feasibility and near-term commercial
practicability” and that Fiat-Chrysler and the auto lobbying group, the Alliance of Automobile
Manufacturers, based on their assertion that performance of the HCR2 engine package has not
been validated, there are no physical test results replicating the modeling, and the technology is
unlikely to meet consumer needs or be ready for commercial application.45 The agencies do not
cite any further information to support the manufacturers’ claims. The agencies also claim that
many engine experts questioned its technical feasibility and near term commercial practicality;
however, the agencies do not identify any such comments or evidence, or agency analysis of
In fact, in the Technical Support Document for EPA’s Proposed and 2017 Final Determination,
EPA addressed all these concerns brought forth by the Alliance (including the costs and
effectiveness impacts of using regular octane fuel instead of premium fuel).47 It is clear that the
agencies are opting to defer technical decisions to industry stakeholders and dismissing the
EPA’s and other information cited in these comments in to apparently insert a deliberate bias
into the model by severely restricting HCR technology for consideration in the their compliance
modeling. Or, more precisely, it is clear that NHTSA is deferring to stakeholders, and that EPA
has been forced to defer to NHTSA. In the interagency review documents, EPA, the agency with
far more laboratory experience, applicable data, and modeling expertise at their disposal,
“There are Atkinson engine vehicles on the road today (2018 Camry and Corolla with
cooled EGR and the 2019 Mazda CX5 and Mazda6 with cylinder deac) that use high
geometric compression ratio Atkinson cycle technology that is improved from the first
generation, MY2012 vintage “HCR1” technology. While it is true that no production
vehicle has both cooled EGR and cylinder deac, as the EPA “HCR2” engine did,
nonetheless, these existing engines demonstrate better efficiency than estimated by
44 Proposed Determination TSD p. 2-309. See also discussion at Final Determination Response to Comment p. 52.
45 83 Fed. Reg. 83 FR at 43038, fns. 141,142
46 Id.
47 EPA. Proposed Determination on the Appropriateness of the Model Year 2022-2025 Light-Duty Vehicle
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards under the Midterm Evaluation: Technical Support Document, pp. 2-299 to
2-307. EPA showed how its “difference” engine maps validly represented performance of the ATK2 [HCR2]
packages including on different fuels (pp. 301-02); and that the difference maps submitted in the industry
comment “provided no information to compare vintage or application of the actual engine or engines tested, and
did not state whether or not testing was conducted”, lacking any information on “test and/or analytical methods,
assumptions, fuel properties. environment test conditions, how the engine was controlled or how control was
modeled, the number of data points gathered to generate the AAM ‘difference map’ to assure that identical testing
and a sufficient fit of data was performed” (p. 301). In addition, EPA showed that concerns about knock due to use
of cooled exhaust gas recirculation had been considered and resolved by ignition improvements (p. 302).
EPA. Therefore, it would be appropriate to continue to use EPA’s cooled EGR + deac
engine map to represent “HCR2” engines.” 48
The proposal completely disregards EPA’s accurate observations. It is thus clear that the
agencies have artificially excluded a known technology that is applicable in the timeframe of the
rulemaking. With many automakers already deploying the HCR1 technology in 2016, and (as
EPA has found) technology that has improved beyond HCR1 in 2018 and 2019, suggesting that
HCR technology will not improve belies how technology innovation occurs and its use
proliferates across the industry. Further, while the agencies acknowledge that Toyota
incorporated naturally-aspirated Atkinson technology into the 2018 Camry (the best-selling
passenger car in the U.S.), they minimize the significance thereof, suggesting the specific
source of efficiency gains in that vehicle are hard to attribute. The 2018 Camry packages HCR1
with most of the technologies evaluated by EPA in their SAE paper; cooled exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR), fast warmup, low friction lubrication, improved cam phasing, engine friction
reduction, and improved accessories. An extensive analysis by ICCT demonstrated that the
package of technologies on the 2018 Camry exceeded the efficiency gains projected by EPA’s
OMEGA model – a fact which confirms, rather than undermines, EPA’s previous judgments
regarding HCR2’s efficiency and market-penetration potential.49 Yet, contrary to both the
agencies’ prior assessments and to real-world evidence that has emerged since then, the
agencies now suggest without data that HCR2 is speculative and its efficiency levels are
speculative, and therefore propose to limit both applications thereof and innovations thereto.
These HCR technology restrictions are unsupportable by fact or theory.
The 2018 Camry also demonstrates that early problems with low-end torque losses associated
with Atkinson cycle engines have been completely solved. Compared to the 2015 2.5L Camry
engine, the 2.5L high-compression ratio engine in the 2018 Camry has 14% more horsepower
(203 up from 178) and 8% more torque (184 ft-lb up from 170 ft-lb), demonstrating that
performance is no longer a concern with high-compression ratio engines.
ICCT evaluated a MY2018 Camry that combines an HCR1 engine with several additional
improvements in the areas of oil and engine friction reduction, cam phasing, transmission,
steering, accessories, fuel injection, cooled EGR, rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag.50
This vehicle was tested to determine actual emissions results, and these results were compared
48 Docket Entry: E.O. 12866 Review Materials for The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for
Model Years 2021-2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks NPRM, Docket ID EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0283-0453
(hereinafter “EO12866 Review Materials”), File:
“EO_12866_Review_EPA_comments_on_the_NPRM_sent_to_OMB,_June_29,_2018” at 82,
49 John German “How things work: OMEGA modeling case study based on the 2018 Toyota Camry” February 21,
2018. https://www.theicct.org/publications/how-things-work-omega-modeling-case-study-based-2018-toyota-
camry. The agencies state that “Engine 25 may overstate the potential improvement with cylinder deactivation
technology for the other vehicle classes. Figure 6-108 below shows the engine 24 BSFC map used for 2016 Draft
TAR analysis. … Figure 6-109 shows the incremental difference BSFC and thermal efficiency between IAV engine
24 versus engine 25,” PRIA at 303, but fail to explain how this compares to or undercuts the significant evidence
discussed above showing the effectiveness of this technology.
50 Id.
to those projected by EPA’s OMEGA model. The results were fully consistent with EPA’s
projections for HCR2 engines, and showed EPA’s projections for HCR2 engine might
understate their effectiveness. This evaluation of a real world vehicle that comes close to
meeting all of the elements of an HCR2 engine makes it clear that HCR2 engines are far from a
speculative technology.
The agencies fail to recognize that the full extent of Toyota Camry 2018 improvements included
HCR1, with a package with cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), fast warmup, low friction
lubrication, improved cam phasing, engine friction reduction, and improved accessories.51 Our
analysis indicates that the available technologies including HCR exceed the agencies’
efficiency.52 The real world evidence to date of the ability of HCR engines to make significant
progress towards production of HCR2 technology shows that the agencies’ refusal to allow for
any future deployment of this technology in their primary analysis of the augural and adopted
2025 scenarios53 is technically invalid. Based on the interagency dialogue between EPA and
NHTSA, it is clear that EPA’s expert engineers also suggest including HCR2 broadly in the
primary regulatory scenarios:
“It would be appropriate to include HCR2 engine technology in the primary analysis
case as representative of Atkinson engine vehicles on the road today (2018 Camry
and Corolla with cooled EGR and the 2019 Mazda CX5 and Mazda6 with cylinder
deac) that are improved from the first generation, MY2012 vintage “HCR1” technology.
While it is true that no current production vehicle has both cooled EGR and cylinder
deac, as the EPA “HCR2” engine did, nonetheless, these existing engines
demonstrate similar efficiency”54
The agencies also point to the complexity of modeling or projecting the overall efficiency of a
package of technologies involving several components, such as HCR2, and note that the MY
2018 Camry showed improved efficiency due in part to improved accessory loads or reduced
parasitic losses from accessory systems (IACC).55 However this complexity issue is common to
all of the technology packages included in either OMEGA or CAFE modeling. It is neither a new
issue nor an issue that precludes making reasonable engineering judgments. For example, the
agencies purport to have a concern that there is no engine map for an HCR2 production engine
to verify efficiency projections. However, the agencies have projected efficiency rates for other
technology packages where there is no engine map from a production engine. See 83 FR at
43308, 39 (discussing advanced cylinder deactivation, considered an “emerging” technology,
and stating that “Some preproduction 8-cylinder OHV prototype vehicles were briefly evaluated
for this analysis, but no production versions of the technology have been studied. … Since no
engine map was available at the time of the NPRM analysis, ADEAC was estimated to improve
a basic engine with VVL, VVT, SGDI, and DEAC by three percent (for engines with more than 4
51 Id.
52 Id.
53 See PRIA p. 302
54 “EO_12866_Review_EPA_comments_on_NPRM_and_Preliminary_RIA_sent_to_OMB,_July_26,_2018”.
cylinders).”) That is the purpose of full vehicle simulation modeling, as done by industry and
regulatory engineers alike – to project the efficiency impact when several different parts of the
vehicle are simultaneously upgraded. In this case, the efficiency gains demonstrated for the
2018 Camry far exceeded any gains allowed for just IACC.
In this case, real world fact checking is also available by comparing the test results from the MY
2018 Camry and the modeled results for HCR2 from the OMEGA model. This comparison
supports the validity of the efficiency projection for HCR2, and, if anything, tends to show the
projected efficiency is likely underestimated, not overestimated.56 In sum, in the NPRM, the
agencies paint naturally-aspirated HCR2 as unproven with unacceptable performance tradeoffs
and uncertain efficiency benefits. But the agencies improperly, and without data, dismiss the
facts presented in the TAR and Final Determination, as described above, and the implications of
the 2018 Camry improvements and rapid increases in HCR market share. All of these
demonstrate that the technically valid approach is for the agencies to restore the availability of
HCR2 and allow its use across vehicle models by model years 2025 in the regulatory
compliance modeling.
2. Cylinder deactivation
The agencies have artificially and invalidly restricted the deployment of cylinder deactivation
technology in the NPRM analysis. The unique structure of NHTSA’s technology pathways
(discussed in detail below) seems to inexplicably, and without technical basis, disallow the use
of deactivation technology on turbocharging and HCR paths. In fact, the projected application of
cylinder deactivation (including advanced cylinder deactivation) for the augural standards
actually decreases from 10% in the 2016 baseline fleet57 to 8% in the 2025 fleet.58 This is just a
third of NHTSA’s projection of 23% in the Draft TAR. This is not a reasonable result for such an
accessible, attractive, and evidently cost-effective of a technology that is already being deployed
in 10% of 2016 vehicles. Also, without major changes in the technology input assumptions, this
suggests the agencies have made significant technology modeling decisions in the technology
pathway modeling that are obscured from public view or from agency discussion. There is,
however, no technical reason for the agencies to disallow the use of cylinder deactivation more
widely in its technology pathways.
56 Id. And see John German “How things work: OMEGA modeling case study based on the 2018 Toyota Camry”
February 21, 2018. https://www.theicct.org/publications/how-things-work-omega-modeling-case-study-based-
57 Reference model year 2016 fleet, from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
“Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-
58 Output files from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects
Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-
the baseline model year 2016 vehicles.59 Applications include cars, SUVs, and pickups,
including high-performance versions, by a variety of major automakers (such as Honda Accord,
Pilot, and Odyssey; Chevrolet Camaro and Silverado; Dodge Charger and Challenger).60 These
applications combine cylinder deactivation with many advanced valvetrain and direct injection
technologies.61 Some existing baseline combinations include turbocharging and cylinder
deactivation, including by multiple General Motors and Volkswagen models.62 This
demonstrates that the technology is viable in the marketplace and many automakers have found
it to be highly cost-effective, even with model year 2016 standards, which are far less stringent
than the adopted EPA 2025 standards and the Augural NHTSA 2025 standards. Furthermore, in
its work to update its vehicle simulation database, EPA benchmarked and characterized
continuous cylinder deactivation (termed ADEAC in the NPRM analysis) on an SUV and a 4-
cylinder sedan, demonstrating its effectiveness as a viable technology.63
The real-world applications stand contrary to the artificial limitations in the agencies’ model. For
example, as the agencies point out, as of 2013, Volkswagen had introduced turbocharging with
active cylinder management in Europe64 on an in-line 4-cylinder engine and can deactivate two
cylinders via cam-shifting under light load conditions. Because the proposal fails to provide
appropriate description of why and how it restricts such viable technology combinations in its
subjective construction of pathways, we cannot determine if this is an error in NHTSA’s unique
technology pathways or a technically false assumption. Whichever of these is the case, the
agency restrictions on the use of cylinder deactivation with the other engine technologies are
invalid. Automakers certainly have the capability to apply cylinder deactivation together with
more of the various other powertrain technology combinations.
With respect to HCR2 technology, the agencies state that there are concerns that “noise,
vibration and harshness (i.e., consumer acceptance issues) could limit the operation of cylinder
deactivation on non-pick-up trucks.”65 This fails to hold up to the real-world application of
cylinder deactivation in a wide variety of non-pickup applications, including SUVs. Again, the
agencies own model year 2016 dataset makes it clear that cylinder deactivation is many pickups
(by FCA and General Motors), but also on many SUV models (by FCA, Honda, General
Motors), and cars (by FCA, Honda, General Motors, and Volkswagen group). Based on the
dozens of models spanning different brands and vehicle classes, these issues have been
readily addressed. In addition EPA also simulated performance of DEAC as part of a package
59 Reference model year 2016 fleet, from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
“Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-
60 Id.
61 Id.
62 Id.
63 EPA, 2018. Benchmarking and Characterization of a Full Continuous Cylinder Deactivation System. Presented at
the SAE World Congress, April 10-12, 2018. Retrieved from https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-
64 Volkswagen. 2015. http://www.volkswagen.co.uk/technology/petrol/active-cylinder-technology-act, last accessed
January 19, 2018.
65 PRIA at 303
with a higher compression (14:1 rather than 13:1) Atkinson engine. These simulations included
kinetic knock modeling and calibration of the simulation to knock induction comparable to the
original engine configuration for both Tier 2 and LEV III certification fuel.66 The proposal fails to
acknowledge, much less address, this existing ample record of how concerns regarding engine
knocking have been identified and resolved.
The technically valid approach is to allow cylinder deactivation, including advanced cylinder
deactivation with higher effectiveness, on all vehicle models by model years 2025 in the
agencies’ compliance modeling analysis, including turbocharging and HCR pathways. Only by
allowing all the valid technology permutations can the agencies allow their CAFE model to
project cost-effective real-world technology combinations. If they do not remove these
constraints, the agencies would be assuring that their model falsely selects less cost-effective
technical approaches in their future-year fleet modeling.
An additional area that the agencies are incorrectly constraining technology in the NPRM is
advanced turbocharging. Automakers and suppliers have rapidly innovated and implemented
turbocharging technologies, including underlying components of direct injection and cooled
exhaust gas recirculation, since the original 2012 rulemaking. In reference model year 2016
there were approximately 3.3 million vehicle new vehicle sales with turbocharging, constituting
about 21% of total new sales in that year. Nearly every major automaker utilizes turbocharging
technology, including BMW, Daimler, Fiat-Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai-Kia,
JLR, Mazda, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, Volkswagen, and Volvo.67
As the agencies pointed out in the 2016 draft TAR, many auto manufacturers that have
launched third- or fourth-generation GDI engines and turbocharged GDI engines are now in
volume production at 21- to 25-bar brake mean effective pressure (BMEP).68 The agencies
address these improvements by separately modeling base 18-bar turbochargers (Turbo1) and
22-bar and higher turbochargers (Turbo2). The model also allows the addition of cooled exhaust
gas circulation (CEGR1) to Turbo2 engines, although not to Turbo1 engines or naturally
aspirated engines. The limitation on naturally aspirated engines is contrary to the real-world -
66 Draft TAR at 5-281, TSD at p. 2-294, 2-302 TSD p. 2-298-299. EPA compensated for the lack of validation of the
kinetic knock model by engine displacements to reflect a reduction in vehicle BMEP. This accounted for the
potential impact on performance due to knock protection measures used with regular grade fuel. EPA made
adjustments to the ignition system in its dynamometer testing to prevent knocking when cooled EGR technology is
used in the HCR2 package
67 Reference model year 2016 fleet, from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
“Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-
68 Environmental Protection Agency, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, California Air Resources Board,
July 2016, Draft Technical Assessment Report, https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-
engines/midterm-evaluation-light-duty-vehicle-greenhouse-gas#TAR at 5-23
even the agencies’ baseline dataset shows CEGR in model year 2016 applied to naturally
aspirated engines by Fiat-Chrysler, Subaru, Nissan, and Mazda.69
Nevertheless, outside of the baseline fleet the agencies link CEGR to Turbo2 in their
compliance modeling. And even this application is modeled incorrectly. The agencies find that
“Turbo Charging with Cooled Exhaust Gas Recirculation (CEGR1) improves the knock
resistance of Turbo2 engines by mixing cooled inert exhaust gases into the engine’s air intake.
That allows greater boost levels, more optimal spark timing for improved fuel economy, and
performance and greater engine downsizing for lower pumping losses. CEGR1 technology is
used in only a few vehicles in the MY 2016 fleet, and many of these vehicles include high
performance utility either for towing or acceleration.” 70
Based on our scrutiny of the various agency proposal datasets, the agencies have analyzed
their turbocharging technology steps in a way that is either a straightforward error or an
unsubstantiated constraint. Notwithstanding the agencies’ description above that CEGR1 allows
“improved fuel economy” and “greater engine downsizing”, the agencies modeled the step from
Turbo2 to cooled EGR (CEGR1) as having a 0% effectiveness benefit, despite CEGR1 having
an additional technical cost of about $359 per vehicle in 2025, which is clearly seen in the input
files and the output files of the CAFE model.71 This is both contrary to the agencies’ own
description and clearly erroneous, as manufacturers are adopting CEGR not just on Turbo2
engines, but also Turbo1 and HCR naturally aspirated engines.
In the real-world, automakers are adding CEGR technology to turbocharging (Turbo1 and
Turbo2), and they are also deploying it on non-turbocharged engines, because it clearly has a
significant non-zero benefit; otherwise they would not deploy it. If the agencies do not correct
and explain this, they will be retaining an obvious nonsensical error. The most obvious and likely
corrections are (1) include realistic effectiveness values for CEGR based on their real-world
tested vehicle and simulation data, (2) appropriately allow CEGR be deployed in all other engine
technology pathways at various stages (rather than only after Turbo2). To illustrate the extent to
which CEGR1 is improperly modeled (and how the model itself fails its primary function of
optimizing technology selection), removing CEGR1 reduces the 2025 average per-vehicle
technology costs by approximately $116.72 In 2025 If the CAFE model properly ranked and
chose technology by cost-effectiveness, then removing a technology choice would lead to an
increase in cost, not the decrease found here.
69 Reference model year 2016 fleet, from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
“Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-
70 From NHTSA input and output datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and
Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-
71 From NHTSA input and output datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and
Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-
72 83 Fed. Reg. at 43037
As discussed in more detail below, this clearly demonstrates three problems with the modeling
in the NPRM. The CEGR results demonstrate that: (1) the agencies have failed to appropriately
evaluate CEGR effectiveness in accordance with real-world mpg and CO2 impacts, (2) have
failed to vet their inputs against how auto industry leaders have actually implemented the
technology, and (3) the CAFE model does not properly select technology based on cost-
effectiveness, thereby overestimating compliance costs. Regarding the first issue, the modeling
of efficiency synergies by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), upon which all of the efficiency
calculations are based, is clearly wrong or not reflective of the technologies that automakers
deploy if it suggests there is no independent benefit from CEGR. As to the second issue, the
inputs for the Volpe model have evidently not been vetted for cost-effectiveness, as the model
should only implement technologies that offer additional cost-effective benefit (a technology with
a cost but with no benefit must logically fail any reasonable cost-effectiveness test).
Another possible issue is that the CAFE model is erroneously summing technologies into
packages that have a flawed internal logic without appropriate cost-effectiveness calculations or
quality control checks. One description we found that could plausibly be read as attempting to
describe the basis for CEGR’s zero-effectiveness value is that the agencies indicate reliance on
manufacturer confidential business information.73 This would seem to be the most troubling
possible explanation: that the automakers advised the regulators to count CEGR as having high
cost and 0% effectiveness, and that the agencies still forced turbocharged vehicles in future
years to include CEGR technology anyway, nevertheless attributing the full cost to the rules,
and tried not to disclose it. This would certainly help explain the bias in the agencies’ analysis
that ultimately drove up the vehicle costs so much higher than in the 2016 TAR. The only other
viable reason we can see is that the agencies simply accepted poor and irrelevant data from
their contractor who supplied the engine map that showed no CEGR benefit, and that was then
used in the Autonomie simulation model. We examine the question of the quality of the engine
maps used in the Autonomie model further below. Regardless, the agencies have to fix the
underlying problems or their analysis will have no credibility.
In other words, through one or more of these factors, the model is failing to optimize for cost-
effective compliance—which is its primary purpose. As a result, the compliance costs the model
is projecting cannot be relied upon in a rulemaking. Regardless of the combination of the above
issues that are in play, it is obvious that corrections are warranted, as is an explanation of how
the agencies would create a such a modeling approach and use such unreasonable and
unvetted results in its rulemaking.
Having provided no evidence to the contradict their previous analysis in the Draft TAR, the
agencies must apply a 3-4% benefit for CEGR1 (beyond a baseline turbocharged engine with
variable valve timing and lift) across all vehicle classes. This estimate is based on EPA’s more
rigorous original technology assessment in the TAR.74 This is one of many areas in the
rulemaking where the agencies have failed to support their dismissal of the original EPA
analysis and its peer-reviewed, laboratory-benchmarked data. Also, as CEGR is already in
production on multiple naturally aspirated engines (as described above, and as reflected in the
agencies’ own analysis fleet), CEGR1 benefits must be extended beyond turbocharged engines
to also be applicable to naturally aspirated engines.75
Furthermore, the agencies in the NPRM have ignored entirely the more advanced turbocharging
developments that continue to emerge . The agencies reject the deployment of such advanced
turbocharging technology, arguing that “[t]urbo engines with very high BMEP have
demonstrated limited potential to improve fuel economy due to practical limitations on engine
downsizing and tradeoffs with launch performance and drivability. Based on the analysis, and
based on CBI, CEGR2 turbo engine technology was not included in the NRPM analysis.” 76
Newer designs use head-integrated, cooled exhaust manifolds and coolant loops that enable
27-bar BMEP with greater benefits, including increased ability to downspeed the engine without
pre-ignition and cost savings in the design of the turbocharger turbine housing.77 In addition
electric-boost technology, discussed below, could even achieve 30-bar.78
It would be appropriate for the agencies to allow more advanced 27-bar turbocharging with
improved cooled exhaust gas recirculation (i.e., Turbo2 with CEGR2). The agencies considered
advanced Ricardo vehicle simulation, peer-reviewed the analysis in the agencies’ original
rulemaking,79 and conducted advanced benchmarking of turbocharging developments,80
indicating that 27-bar turbocharging technology will be available in within the timeframe of this
proposed rulemaking.
Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) has been the holy grail of gasoline engine
efficiency for decades, but controlling the timing of ignition of the gasoline requires great
engineering precision. Diesel fuel ignites immediately upon injection of fuel, so the ignition
timing is controlled by the fuel injection, but for gasoline engines the fuel is pre-mixed and the
gasoline ignites as the cylinder temperature rises due to compression.
75 However, of course, if the agencies did not fix their unsupportable high-cost-no-benefit CEGR error, or their ability
to select technologies only if they are cost-effective, as mentioned above, adding more CEGR to more packages
would be ill-advised as it would simply compound the agencies invalid modeling.
76 83 Fed. Reg. at 43037
77 Environmental Protection Agency, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, California Air Resources Board,
July 2016, Draft Technical Assessment Report, https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-
engines/midterm-evaluation-light-duty-vehicle-greenhouse-gas#TAR at 5-23
78 Aaron Isenstadt, John German, Mihai Dorobantu, David Boggs, Tom Watson, October 2016, Downsized, boosted
gasoline engines. https://www.theicct.org/publications/downsized-boosted-gasoline-engines
79 Ricardo 27-bar
80 William Charmley, 2018. Presentation to National Academies of Science Committee on the Assessment of
Technologies for Improving Fuel Economy of Light-Duty Vehicles – Phase 3.
http://sites.nationalacademies.org/cs/groups/depssite/documents/webpage/deps_188071.pptx and EPA
benchmarking. Test Data Packages from Benchmarking. https://www.epa.gov/vehicle-and-fuel-emissions-
Mazda solved the ignition timing problem by injecting a tiny amount of fuel directly at a spark
plug and coordinating this additional fuel injection with a spark to precisely control the
combustion timing and ignite the lean, pre-mixed fuel around it. Mazda calls this
process Spark Controlled Compression Ignition (SPCCI), using the branding SKYACTIV-X.
Here are key excerpts from Mazda’s statement:81
● “A proprietary combustion method called Spark Controlled Compression Ignition
overcomes two issues that had impeded commercialization of compression ignition
gasoline engines: maximizing the zone in which compression ignition is possible and
achieving a seamless transition between compression ignition and spark ignition.”
● “Compression ignition and a supercharger fitted to improve fuel economy together
deliver unprecedented engine response and increase torque 10-30 percent over the
current SKYACTIV-G gasoline engine.”
● “Compression ignition makes possible a super lean burn that improves engine
efficiency up to 20-30 percent over the current SKYACTIV-G, and from 35-45
percent over Mazda's 2008 gasoline engine of the same displacement. SKYACTIV-X
even equals or exceeds the latest SKYACTIV-D diesel engine in fuel efficiency.”
● As part of the new technology to achieve this vision, the company disclosed plans to
introduce a next-generation engine called SKYACTIV-X in 2019. SKYACTIV-X will
be the world's first commercial gasoline engine to use compression ignition.
This is an excellent example of how advances in computer aided design, computer simulations,
and on-board computer controls are accelerating technology development and enabling
technologies that were never possible before. Gasoline compression ignition requires highly
accurate simulations of how compression ignition can be controlled and extremely fast
computers to be able to accomplish proper control and adjust for each combustion event (at
4800 engine rpm, there are 80 combustion events every second). Mazda recently stated, “95
percent of the time-consuming calibration work on Mazda's next generation of vehicles will be
done digitally on a desktop, rather than the traditional way of trial and error on pricey prototypes.
It uses desktop modeling for about 75 percent of its development work today, and relied on it for
only 25 percent of the work in 2007.”82 Today, this computing power is readily available.
The agencies acknowledge the benefits of HCCI and Mazda’s production plans for 2019, but fail
to include it in their modeling, even for Mazda. The agencies argue that “HCCI has not been
included in simulation and vehicle fleet modeling for past rulemakings and has not been
included HCCI in this rulemaking as well; this is primarily due to the fact that manufacturers
were not manufacturing HCCI engines at the time of the 2012 rulemaking, and accordingly there
was a lack of conclusive and independently verifiable effectiveness, cost, and mass market
81 Mazda Announces Long-Term Vision for Technology Development, 'Sustainable Zoom-Zoom 2030', August 8,
2017. http://www2.mazda.com/en/publicity/release/2017/201708/170808a.html
82 Mazda turns to more virtual engineering to cut costs, Automotive News, September 13, 2018.
implementation data available.”83 Although the agencies are correct that HCCI was not in
production in 2012, it will be in model year 2019, and the agencies cannot continue to act as
though this production-ready technology remains unavailable within the timeframe of the
While Mazda is the first to solve the computational problems, enabled by Mazda’s commitment
to virtual engineering,84 Mazda is a small company with a much smaller R&D budget than most
other manufacturers. Given the large benefits of HCCI and the major competitive advantage it
gives Mazda, other manufactures must soon follow. EPA has proven its ability to accurately
estimate efficiency and cost for emerging technologies. For example, the agencies developed
estimates for ADEAC in the NPRM and the associated modeling even without “conclusive and
independently verifiable effectiveness”. It is essential for the agencies to develop and model the
best possible estimates for HCCI and allow the technology to spread across the fleet. Not doing
so would make the agencies negligent in their investigation into the viable available
technologies available within the rulemaking timeframe.
5. Miller cycle
Miller Cycle was not evaluated for the 2012 rulemaking. For the midterm evaluation, EPA
recognized the direct injection Miller cycle engine as one of the technologies that received a
significant update since the 2012 final rule. The agencies described that a “[n]ew generation of
turbocharged GDI engine combines direct injection, the ability to operate over a Miller Cycle
(boosted Atkinson Cycle) with increased expansion ratio, wide-authority intake camshaft timing,
and an optimized combustion process.”85
As the agencies have observed, Miller Cycle “combine[s] direct injection, a substantial increase
in geometric compression ratio relative to other boosted engines, wide authority intake camshaft
timing, and variable exhaust camshaft timing, and an optimized combustion process enabling
significant reductions in CO2 as compared to a standard direct injected engine. This is
essentially Atkinson Cycle with the addition of a turbocharger boosting system. The addition of a
turbocharger improves volumetric efficiency and broadens the areas of high-efficiency
operation. The ability to reduce pumping losses over a large area of operation may allow
avoidance of the additional cost of higher gear count transmissions. This technology was not
considered in the 2012 Final Rulemaking.”86 Then, in the Draft TAR, EPA identified several
recent or upcoming production models that used Miller Cycle engine technology, and identified
the potential for longer term development of Miller Cycle technology.”87
83 The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021–2026 Passenger Cars and Light
Trucks, Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis, page 240.
84 Mazda turns to more virtual engineering to cut costs. Automotive News, September 23, 2018.
85 Draft TAR at 5-4,5
86 Id. at 5-9
87 Id. at 5-15, 28, 31, 34, 41
However, in the NPRM, these Miller cycle engines (i.e., advanced high compression ratio
turbocharged engines) have been inappropriately excluded from the agencies’ analysis. The
agencies indicated that “[t]hese engines may be considered in the analysis supporting the final
rule, but these engine maps were not available in time for the NPRM analysis.”88 Because the
agencies have not incorporated the technology in the analytical modeling, they have greater
reduced the allowable efficiency packages that are allowed in their future year compliance
Yet, as the agencies have pointed out, the technology has been in use and the agencies do
have access to data and engine maps. Peugeot applied a 24-bar BMEP turbocharged Miller
cycle engine in 2014.90 The MY 2016 Mazda CX-9 2.5L SKYACTIV Turbo engine similarly
combines the use of Miller Cycle with cooled EGR.91 And Volkswagen introduced a Miller Cycle
variant that has been accepted in the European marketplace92 and is now being used in the
U.S. (Audi A4 and Volkswagen Tiguan), and EPA has even benchmarked the Volkswagen
engine.93 The agencies’ decision to exclude this technology has artificially restricted the cost-
effective technology’s penetration and contributes to the agencies’ exaggerated costs.
While the agencies discuss the Miller cycle engines to some extent in the NPRM and the PRIA,
they exclude this technology in their modeling, citing the engine map was not available in time,
as noted above. This logic is both unsound and demonstrably false. For another emerging
technology (advanced cylinder deactivation), the agencies have used a simulated engine map.
In the case of the Miller cycle engine, there is an IAV engine map.94 But, unlike advanced
cylinder deactivation, the agencies have arbitrarily decided not to create a simulated engine
map, and to instead exclude Miller cycle from the CAFE model without rational explanation. It is
unclear why the agencies decided to restrict the use of the technology when they have engine
map data and know the technology is emerging in the real-world.
Moreover, as reported publicly, EPA also has access to Miller cycle engine maps. The agency
has accessed the engine map for a 2-liter Volkswagen Miller Cycle engine. 95 Using this data in
the TAR, EPA estimated that Miller cycle would improve fuel economy by 3% to 5% over an
already highly efficient 24-bar turbo engine.96 And the agencies have benchmarked the MY
2016 Mazda CX-9 2.5L SKYACTIV Turbo engine, which not only includes the use of Miller
Cycle, but combines it with cooled EGR.97 This is another example where the agencies have
neglected to include available information that EPA has already assessed and benchmarked in
the TAR. The agencies’ decision to exclude this technology has artificially restricted the
technology penetration and contributes to the agencies’ exaggerated costs.
Because the Miller cycle has been proven in applications demonstrating significant efficiency
benefits, and because the agencies have at their disposal the relevant data to assess those
benefits, the agencies’ decision to artificially constrain application of the Miller cycle in the Volpe
model is unrealistic and unreasonable. The agencies must include Miller cycle as an option for
application on all turbocharging and HCR deployment paths, so it can be correctly incorporated
in the compliance modeling in all instances in which it is cost-effective.
6. Electric turbocharging
Like for Miller cycle, the agencies have excluded electric-turbocharging from their analysis of the
2025 standards, indicating “[t]hese engines may be considered in the analysis supporting the
final rule, but these engine maps were not available in time for the NPRM analysis.”98 But, as
with advanced cylinder deactivation, the agencies have a simulated engine map that could be
applied for an electrically boosted engine.99 These “e-boost” systems comprise a higher voltage
electrical system (48 volt) used to provide power to a small electric compressor motor within a
turbocharger. This directly boosts the engine and spins up the turbocharger to greatly reduce
turbo lag, thereby increasing the ability to downsize and downspeed the engine and also
reducing backpressure, thereby providing significant efficiency benefits.100 The first E-boost
system application in production was on the 2017 Audi QS7, although only in Europe.101 The
first production system in the US is on the Mercedes 2019 AMG CLS53.102 Excluding an existing
2017 technology that will be sold in the US fleet in model year 2019 shows the agencies have
failed to thoroughly assess current technologies and have therefore fallen far short of
considering the full range of potential deployment of probable 2025 technologies.
96 Environmental Protection Agency, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, California Air Resources Board,
July 2016, Draft Technical Assessment Report, https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-
engines/midterm-evaluation-light-duty-vehicle-greenhouse-gas#TAR. See Table 5.64
97 NHTSA Benchmarking, “Laboratory Testing of a 2016 Mazda CX9 2.5 I4 with a 6 Speed Transmission.” DOT HS
812 519.
98 The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021–2026 Passenger Cars and Light
Trucks, 83 Fed. Reg. at 43051, fn. 174
99 Engine map 24 High Compression Miller Cycle Engine with Electric. PRIA. Figure 6-116, p 308-309
100 BorgWarner (2015). Technologies for enhanced fuel efficiency with engine boosting. Presented at Automotive
Megatrends USA 2015, 17 March 2015. Slide 26
101 Stuart Birch. “Audi claims first production-boosting on 2017 SQ7,” Automotive Engineering, March 6, 2016,
102 The All New 2019 Mercedes-AMG CLS53 Coupe. https://www.mbusa.com/mercedes/future/model/model-
The only reason provided by the agencies for not allowing deployment of this technology in their
modeling is the absence of an engine map, as noted above. However, the simulated engine
map could provide insights into the general improvements offered by e-boosting. By choosing to
ignore the potential of this production-ready technology, while including others (advanced
deactivation, e.g.), the agencies have acted arbitrarily. While the agencies have not quantified
the efficiency and cost of E-boost systems, ICCT and the suppliers estimated efficiency benefits
of 5% at a cost of about $400 for e-boost systems, based on our analysis of efficiency suppliers’
developments.103 he agencies must assess and include e-boost technologies, including all
possible effectiveness and cost synergies with both Miller cycle and 48-volt mild hybrid systems,
within their compliance modeling. For the agencies to not utilize their own modeling experts (i.e.,
at EPA), their preferred contractor for this rulemaking (Argonne) or last rulemaking (Ricardo),
the supplier network that has developed this technology, or the automakers that have already
deployed this technology shows a lack of effort to include this technology in their assessment
that is supposed to include all applicable technologies through 2029.
7. Stop-start systems
The 12-volt stop-start system (12VSS) is a rapidly maturing technology, with applications on
over 1.95 million, or 12% of, new model year 2016 vehicle sales.104 Companies that are
deploying this technology in some form include BMW, Fiat-Chrysler, Ford, General Motors,
Honda, Hyundai-Kia, Jaguar Land Rover, Mercedes, Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen, and Volvo.105
The agencies have invalidly reduced the effectiveness of the 12-volt start-stop system. Without
acknowledgement or reasonable justification, the agencies have estimated that the CO2 and
fuel consumption of the 12-volt start-stop system for a baseline 2016 vehicle has dropped in
benefit from 4.1% in the TAR to 3.1% in the NPRM. When stop-start technology is applied in
combination with relatively typical technologies, the agencies are effectively limiting the CO2
effectiveness benefit of stop-start to approximately 1.0%.106
In addition, the agencies are not appropriately including the full regulatory benefit of stop-start
technologies due to their off-cycle improvements. At least 1.2 million model year 2015 vehicle
sales by BMW, Fiat-Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai-Kia, Jaguar Land Rover,
Mercedes, Nissan, Toyota have start-stop technology and received off-cycle credits in the
103 Aaron Isenstadt, John German, Mihai Dorobantu, David Boggs, Tom Watson, October 2016, Downsized, boosted
gasoline engines. https://www.theicct.org/publications/downsized-boosted-gasoline-engines
104 Reference model year 2016 fleet, from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
ROLL20, MR4, AERO20 are included with and without stop-start technology. See Table 5 below. These are
based on the datafiles of the agencies at National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and
Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-
modeling-system. We cannot determine why the results are effectively reduced from over 12% to more like 1%,
but we discuss vehicle modeling issues below.
existing regulations. 107 These off-cycle credits for idle stop-start technology resulted in an
additional 2.5 g/mile for cars and up to 4.4 g/mile for light trucks toward compliance, with similar
credits under the CAFE standards – and automakers have been routinely petitioning for more
credit.108,109 However, the agencies have inexplicably and unjustifiably excluded this associated
compliance benefit in the modeling for the proposal. The agencies, based on compliance data
held by EPA,110 would readily know precisely the percentage improvements for these start-stop
technologies, including both on-cycle and off-cycle. This appears to be another case where the
agencies are either intentionally ignoring the full compliance benefits of the technology or simply
have ignored the knowledge and expertise of the EPA engineering and compliance staff.
We recommend the agencies report a full listing of all the baseline 2016 vehicle models with
stop-start technology, with their test-cycle, and off-cycle improvement in g/mile and percent
effectiveness. Not doing so would be hiding relevant data the agencies have readily available to
more rigorously assess existing stop-start technologies and their impact for the rulemaking. The
agencies must ensure that the regulatory analysis correctly includes these valid test-cycle and
off-cycle effectiveness values in its compliance assessment for all future-year regulatory
scenarios. Not doing so would ignore applicable and available data, and it would also continue
to artificially inflate the agencies’ technology penetration and cost estimate.
The agencies have not comprehensively assessed mild-hybrid technology effectiveness. The
agencies have invalidly reduced the effectiveness of the mild-hybrid systems, both the belt- and
crank-integrated starter generator (BISG and CISG) systems. Without reasonable justification,
the agencies have estimated that the CO2 and fuel consumption benefit of BISG compared
against 2016 baseline vehicles dropped from 9.5% to 6.1% since the Draft TAR assessment,
while the benefit of CISG dropped from 16.1% to 5.8%.111 When the technology is applied along
with technologies included in the modeling for the augural standards, the benefit of BISG
dropped from 6.6% to 5.3% and the benefit of CISG from 10.1% to 4.4%.112 Given the high cost
107 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
108 Nic Lutsey and Aaron Isenstadt, 2018. How will off-cycle credits impact U.S. 2025 efficiency standards.
109 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
110 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
111 These are based on all the input files of the agencies at National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
of the mild hybrid systems and the 33% market penetration projected for the augural case, this
drop in efficiency is not only unjustified but has a major impact on the total cost projected in the
NPRM for the augural standards.
The agencies have also failed to examine available technology in the marketplace to determine
the technology CO2 and fuel consumption reduction effectiveness. The 2019 RAM fullsize
pickup with the V8 engine is offered with a stand-alone belt-integrated starter generator system
option. The efficiency benefit for both 2wd and 4wd pickup trucks is 10%113, much higher than
the agencies’ estimate of 5.7% versus baseline 2016 pickup trucks in the NPRM and also higher
than the 8.1% benefit estimated in the TAR.114 In addition RAM did not apply engine downsizing
with the BISG system on that truck, so there are also significant performance benefits that
should be accounted for, meaning that for constant-performance the fuel consumption reduction
would be even greater than 10%. The ICCT and supplier technology report on hybrids estimated
that that the benefit of mild-hybrid technology, when adjusted for constant performance, is
approximately 12.5%, remarkably similar to that actually achieved by the 2019 RAM pickup.115
This system will be eligible for start-stop off-cycle credits that increase the benefit further.
In addition, the agencies have failed to properly explain or assess the potential for advanced
pickup truck credits for mild hybrid and other low-emission technologies that can achieve “game
changer” credits. These credits amount to a bonus 10 and 20 g/mile CO2 credit, based on
several provisions. We see no analysis of the cost-effectiveness of these credits; however we
do see that the agencies are seeking comment on extending the credits and expanding their
use to other vehicle segments.116 These technology credits amount to poor public policy, as the
agencies are giving credit for technologies that are already being deployed to meet the
standards, they are scarcely discussed or assessed as to their value or implications for
individual companies selling pickups. Expanding these credits, without analysis of their impacts
to date or the potential implications truly amounts to poor and unthoughtful public policy. We
strongly recommend that the agencies do not expand “game changer” credit program for other
vehicle types. As a matter of running a credible regulatory analysis, the agencies must properly
assess the program’s value and implications on a fleet and individual company basis. They
should, at a minimum, include the applicable credits on all the pickups that have stop-start and
mild hybrid technology (these are 10 and 20 g/mile in benefit, at no additional technology cost)
within the technology packages and pathways in the CAFE and OMEGA modeling. They should
also examine whether any non-hybrid pickups might also be eligible for the credits in the 2025
timeframe and present their assessment the public.
113 Eric Junga, Pickups gearing up for huge fuel economy improvements. American Council for an Energy-Efficient
Economy. July 19, 2018. https://aceee.org/blog/2018/07/pickups-gearing-huge-fuel-economy
114 The agencies’ pickup truck BISG improvement estimates are somewhat less than the sales-weighted benefit for
all vehicle classes of 9.5% in the TAR and 6.1% in the NPRM.
115 Aaron Isenstadt, John German, Mihai Dorobantu, David Boggs, Tom Watson, October 2016, Downsized, boosted
We recommend that the agencies re-examine their mild hybrid benefits and revise them
accordingly to include an CO2 effectiveness value of 12.5% – and including off-cycle and game-
changing pickup credits in the effectiveness. It is the responsibility of the agencies to include all
applicable credits with their technology packages calculations and their projections, including
any additional credits that will automatically accrue (e.g., off cycle, game changing pickup
credits). This real-world example shows that agencies are not doing their due diligence on
emerging technologies in the current marketplace—and also perhaps that automakers are not
being forthcoming in describing their available technologies that they are deploying.
The agencies also have several flaws in their modeling of full hybrid technology. First, the
benefits of level 2 transmission efficiency and TURBO2 over TURBO1 are removed when P2
strong hybrid systems (SHEVP2) are selected on the electrification pathway, and this
inappropriately reduces the benefits of P2 hybrids when they use advanced transmission
technologies.117 Although the limited comment period rendered us unable to quantify the specific
cost impacts of this error, as the modeling for the augural case forecasts that 22% of the fleet
will have SHEVP2 systems, 118 this has major impacts on the overall costs. The agencies do not
acknowledge, justify, or substantiate this constraint It could be an error or a deficiency in the
Argonne Autonomie modeling system’s ability to analyze such systems like the Ricardo and
EPA Alpha modeling tools that were previously relied upon in the agencies earlier, more-
rigorous analysis.
The agencies’ hybrid modeling also has clear deficiencies related to their inappropriate
decisions on constraining HCR technology. As discussed above, the constraints on HCR
applications on all vehicles, are preventing non-hybrid baseline vehicles from adopting the most
cost-effective technologies (like HCR) if they become P2 hybrids. HCR technology is in use on
hybrid models by most automakers that are deploying hybrids,119 and it appears to be a very
likely combination by all real-world evidence, yet the agencies’ pervasive constraints are
disallowing HCR on many hybrids for most automakers. This constrains BMW, Daimler, FCA,
Honda, JLR, Subaru, Volvo, and Volkswagen from the likely most cost-effective hybrid-HCR
approach (based on the hybrid leaders to date), based on our analysis of the agencies datafiles.
117 These are based on all the input files of the agencies at National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
“Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-
and-effects-modeling-system. We cannot determine how or why the agencies chose to model in this way as we
only see these results according to the detailed datafiles that are largely obscured from public view.
118 The 22% share of 2025 model year vehicles is from output files, from National Highway Safety Traffic
Nissan, and Toyota. These are based on all the input files of the agencies at National Highway Safety Traffic
Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-
Additionally, the agencies’ modeling is pushing turbocharging on hybrid packages, thus both
restricting these packages’ effectiveness and increasing their costs. The artificially-imposed
turbocharging-hybrid effectively reduces their package effectiveness because HCR-hybrids
typically deliver 3-4% greater benefit than Turbo1 or Turbo2.120 Regarding costs, as identified
above, because the agencies’ turbochargers have higher cost than HCR and the agency
typically are falsely modeling ineffective CEGR with an additional $300 per vehicle despite no
benefit (as described above), the agencies hybrid modeling is falsely propping up compliance
10. Transmissions
The above discussion highlights a wide number of inconsistencies, errors, and various issues in
assigning effectiveness and modeling deployment of various engine technologies. The agencies
also apply flawed inputs with respect to the availability of high-efficiency transmissions. There
has been a steady shift from 4- and 5-speed transmissions five years ago toward 6-and-greater
speed transmissions through 2016.121 In the agencies’ model year 2016 reference sales
database, 2.95 million (i.e., 18%) of new sales have automatic transmissions with 7-10 speeds.
Companies in the 2016 reference fleet that have deployed these 7-and-greater speed
transmissions include BMW, Daimler, Fiat-Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai-Kia,
Mazda, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, and Volkswagen.122 Yet, as described below, the agencies’
treatment of these transmissions is incomplete and in direct conflict with these real-world
The agencies have failed to properly assess the effectiveness of high-efficiency transmission
technologies. The following Table 1 summarizes the efficiency improvements for each
transmission from the Volpe model, assessed using the technologies projected to be used by
most vehicles for the augural standards:
120 These are based on the input files of the agencies at National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
“Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-
121 Environmental Protection Agency. January 2018. The Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide
Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends Report. https://www.epa.gov/fuel-economy-trends and Reference 2016
datafile from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.”
122 Reference 2016 datafile from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects
Table 1. Efficiency improvement for given transmission improvements
NPRM Volpe model using highest volume technologies from augural run (CEGR1,
Technology Compared to MPG benefit (sales weighted average)
AT6 A5 3.6%
AT8 A5 7.5%
AT10 A5 10.3%
AT6L2 A5 12.0%
AT8L2 A5 9.1%
AT10L2 A5 11.5%
DCT8 DCT6 -1.9%
The efficiency improvement for adding additional gears from AT6 to AT8 to AT10 make sense.
However, the impact of adding level 2 transmission efficiency technologies123 varies wildly and
produces absurd results. A 6-speed AT6L2 Is modeled as much more efficient (12.0%
improvement) than a comparable 8-speed AT8L2 (9.1%) and even slightly more efficient than a
comparable 10-speed AT10L2 (11.5%). Plus, the 8-speed dual-clutch automated transmission
(DCT8) is modeled as being less efficient than a comparable 6-speed (DCT6). Accordingly, the
agencies CAFE model predicts that there are no new cars that adopt DCT technology between
2016 and their estimated compliance for the model year 2025 augural/adopted standards (i.e.,
they project a 3% market share remains from the 2016 reference fleet through 2025).
The net impact is that the modeling projects there are no efficiency benefits, in fact, a slight
efficiency loss, in moving along the transmission pathway from AT6L2 to AT10L2 transmissions,
and from DCT6 to DCT8. Despite this, for the augural standards for model year 2025 the Volpe
model projects only 0.1% of vehicles will use AT6L2 transmissions (12.0% benefit), but 33.2%
will use AT10L2 transmissions (11.5% benefit), despite their higher cost and negative
incremental value.124 Additionally, 4.1% use AT8 transmissions without level 2 (7.5% benefit)
and 13.4% use AT10 transmissions without level 2 (10.3% benefit). These results strongly
suggest there are major problems in the Argonne simulation and/or CAFE fleet modeling that
make one of the tools incapable of rigorously modeling advanced transmissions that are in the
market today and likely to be common in 2025. The results also suggest that the agencies made
hidden assumptions to reduce the technology effectiveness of the high-efficiency level 2
strategy of the transmission, without disclosure or justification. And the results show that the
model fails at its sole purpose of projecting cost-effective compliance pathways, as in this case
it adds cost but decreases efficiency,
123 The exact technologies included in level 2 efficiency improvements are not defined in the NPRM or the PRIA, but
likely include some combination of reduced parasitic losses, improved torque converter behavior, shift to neutral
during idle, improvements in clutches and brakes, off-axis oil pump, and increased torque converter lock-up area,
which are all discussed in the PRIA.
124 From output files from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling
System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-system
The agencies have also failed to include the related transmission technologies being deployed
for off-cycle credits (that are in addition to the test-cycle improvement). Transmission warm-up
technologies are being deployed due to regulatory test-cycle benefits and off-cycle credits by
Fiat-Chrysler, Ford, Honda, Hyundai-Kia, and Nissan in model year 2016.125 These are worth up
to 1.5 g/mile for cars and 3.2 g/mile in CO2 credits (and equivalent converted fuel consumption
credits). Even though transmission warm-up strategies are used by 3.7 million new 2016
vehicles – about 23% of new 2016 vehicles126,127 – the agencies have not included this
technology in their assessment of existing GHG and Augural 2025 CAFE standards. To
appropriately model the model year 2025 standards, the agencies need to include these credits
as applicable for these companies already using the technology, and any other companies that
are likely to use them based on existing product plans and cost-effectiveness. This appears to
be another of the many cases where the agencies did not include the EPA’s engineering
expertise or compliance data.128
The agencies must transparently show the combined efficiency and cost values of each
combination of transmission technology (each gear count, levels 2 and 3, and what the levels
include regarding shift logic and gear box efficiency improvement) in a logical cumulative set of
steps from an automatic 5-speed, including how high-efficiency gearbox and optimized shifting
strategy technologies are included. Otherwise it appears that that the agencies improperly
modeled transmission effectiveness and/or restricted applicable and highly cost-effective
transmission technologies. In addition, the agencies must use all their existing data on
transmission off-cycle credits, and assume that every automaker will deploy the off-cycle
technology with the maximum 2016 credit of 1.5 g/mile for cars and 3.2 g/mile in CO2 credits on
all of their 2025 vehicles. Not including known off-cycle technology would apparently amount to
negligently ignoring known low-cost compliance technology that are already experiencing very
high use in 2016.
The agencies have invalidly restricted the use of lightweighting technology and its likely
contribution to future-year industry efficiency improvements and compliance efforts. The
agencies have made a dramatic and unjustified shift in the baseline fleet related to mass
reduction. From the model year 2015 baseline used in the draft TAR to the 2016 baseline used
in the proposal, the agencies have applied an artificial increase in vehicle mass reduction.
125 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
126 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
127 Nic Lutsey and Aaron Isenstadt, 2018. How will off-cycle credits impact U.S. 2025 efficiency standards.
128 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
According to NHTSA’s datafiles, the 2015 fleet (Draft TAR) had 26% of vehicles sold with one of
the mass reduction packages, whereas the 2016 fleet (NPRM) had 47% of vehicles (i.e., 7.6
million vehicles).129 The agencies do not acknowledge this change, and do not even attempt to
justify it. Moreover, the real-world fleet did not see increases in mass reduction of this
magnitude in 2016. To the contrary, it appears that the agencies have applied mass reduction
technology to vehicles in the model that did not have mass reduction applied in the real world.
This unreasonable change thus fails to reflect real-world outcomes, and renders unavailable
mass reduction technologies for these vehicles in the model. And without these technologies
available, the model selects less cost-effective technologies instead, and the effect is to drive
the modeled compliance costs higher.
In addition, the agencies have also adjusted the glider mass fraction from 75% of total vehicle
mass as used in the draft TAR, down to 50% for the NPRM. This has the effect of reducing the
effectiveness of mass reduction technology. The agencies state that this change in glider mass
fraction is due to “excluding…some interior system components (because of safety
considerations).”130 This implies that the “interior system components” comprise 25% of total
vehicle curb weight, which is an unreasonably high number for such systems. Moreover, even if
those systems were that heavy, if such components were safety-critical and not open to
lightweighting, they would have been a larger concern in all past rulemakings. In fact, the very
studies used by the agencies to estimate costs show glider fraction greater than 75%, with
numerous safety features considered.131 The agencies must specifically identify the “safety
components” they are referring to, and justify the limitation they have placed on lightweighting in
These are dramatic changes that remove technology from potential use in the 2017-2025
analysis, and they are not substantiated with data showing the automakers actually deployed
the technology in the real-world or data showing that the glider mass fraction has changed. As
to the first problem - compounding the agencies’ lack of evidence, the agencies acknowledge
the difficulties in assessing actual mass reduction for fuel efficiency purposes, as compared to
mass reduction used to improve performance or offset weight of added features.132 Thus, in
order to substantiate the changes made to the baseline fleet mass reduction assignment, the
agencies need to show data on how these improvements are evident in the fleet and to quantify
and include their realized benefits in the analysis. If an improvement of this magnitude had
actually been implemented on-the-ground, it would be evident in fleet level miles-per-gallon and
CO2 emissions (e.g., in EPA’s compliance data, Trends133 and Manufacturer Performance134
129 Input files from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.”
130 PRIA at 417
131 PRIA section, at 390
132 Id. at 415
133 Environmental Protection Agency. January 2018. The Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
reports). But, to the contrary, none of the improvements that would be associated with this
additional mass reduction were reflected in the model year 2016 fleet.
Another apparent error is that within that baseline fleet, the agencies appear to have estimated
that the mass reduction of vehicle curb mass due to lightweighting technology is 2.3% (sales-
weighted across models based on their nominal baseline). By placing this technology in the
baseline, the agencies are artificially removing the most cost-effective lightweighting from future
use, which incorrectly increases the costs of all subsequent mass-reduction in the compliance
modeling. Due to the very large cost and technology impact, and the lack of data substantiation
by the agencies, the agencies must clearly and precisely share their estimated percent (and
absolute pounds) mass reduction amount for each vehicle make and model in the baseline fleet
(rather than simply showing binned categories), and their technical justification for each value.
To not do so obscures the agencies’ new methods and data sources from public view, rendering
their lightweighting calculations a black box. We also recommend that the agencies conduct two
sensitivity analyses that assume that every baseline make and model has not yet applied ay
lightweighting (that is, is setting their baseline to 0% mass reduction), that each has applied only
those previous baseline mass reduction levels shown in the from TAR to demonstrate how
much the agencies’ decision to load up more baseline technology affects the compliance
scenarios, as it appears that the agencies may have made an unsupportable and non-rigorous
assumption about mass reduction technology across the models.
135 Aaron Isenstadt and John German (ICCT); Piyush Bubna and Marc Wiseman (Ricardo Strategic Consulting);
Umamaheswaran Venkatakrishnan and Lenar Abbasov (SABIC); Pedro Guillen and Nick Moroz (Detroit
Materials); Doug Richman (Aluminum Association), Greg Kolwich (FEV). Lightweighting technology development
and trends in U.S. passenger vehicles, December 19, 2016. http://www.theicct.org/lightweighting-technology-
Table 2. Sample of vehicle mass reductions
Source Vehicle model Model year Mass reduction (kg) Mass reduction (%) Base year
ICCT Ford F-150 2016 288 14% 2014
Acura MDX 2017 172 8% 2013
GM Cadillac CTS 2017 95 5% 2013
Audi Q7 2016 115 5% 2015
Chrysler Pacifica 2017 146 7% 2016
Opel Astra 2016 173 12% 2015
Chevrolet Malibu 2016 135 9% 2015
GMC Acadia 2017 318 15% 2016
Chevrolet Volt 2017 110 6% 2014
Chevrolet Cruze 2017 103 7% 2015
Mazda Miata 2016 67 6% 2015
Chevrolet Equinox 2018 182 10% 2016
Chevrolet Camaro 2016 177 10% 2015
Agencies Chevrolet Corvette
Chevrolet Malibu
Honda Civic Sedan
Hyundai Elantra
Hyundai Veloster
Kia Forte
2016 105-160 10% Varied
Kia Soul
Mazda Mx-5 Miata
Nissan Versa
Ram Promaster City
Toyota Prius C
Toyota Yaris
Cadillac CT6
Ford F150
Kia Rio5
2016 85-165 7.5% Varied
Mazda CX-3
Subaru BRZ
Volvo XC90
The agencies’ analysis (i.e., that the fleet in 2025 will have a 7.5% mass reduction (or 5%
change from 2016 to 2025)) essentially indicates that some mass-reduction technologies will
see increased uptake, but that, on average, the industry will not adopt even today’s best
available technologies, and that there will be minimal innovation in the years between 2016-
2025. We recommend that the agencies assess why their analysis is so artificially conservative
in 2025 compared even to the leading lightweighting designs in the 2016-2017 fleet.
Specifically, the agencies must either correct their technology and cost analysis to reflect the
continued developments, or explain why automakers have chosen to deploy lightweighting in
successful products in 2016-2017 if they are not profitable or effective.
Other demonstrations of how artificially and unreasonably restrictive the agencies are on their
mass reduction assessment come from statements by the automakers that suggest that 10-15%
and greater mass-reduction are squarely part of their plans. Ford indicated that by 2020 it would
see the full implementation of known technology, including weight reduction of 250-750 lbs on
its vehicles.136 This level of lightweighting technology would roughly amount to 10% weight
reduction, likely a lower percentage for smaller vehicles and higher percentage for larger
vehicles. Toyota aims to reduce vehicle weight by 20% with its Toyota New Global Architecture
that was first introduced in 2015 and then will be phased in through its vehicles through the first
half of the 2020s.137 General Motors aims to shed 500 lbs (or about 10%) by 2016, and then as
much as 1000 lbs (or 20%), from its trucks in the early 2020s.138 Mazda aims to reduce each
model by 220 lb over 2011-2015 and another 220 lb from 2016 on.139 These company plans are
still underway. From model year 2010 to model year 2016, the average new light-duty vehicle
fleet average weight has remained virtually unchanged at about 4,000 lbs.140 As a result, these
mass-reduction efforts are still ongoing and demonstrate that there is much more technology
potential that goes well beyond what the agencies are projecting for 2025 mass reduction to
comply with the Augural standards.
Beyond making assumptions that largely fail to recognize these ongoing real-world mass-
reduction technology developments by companies, it appears clear that the agencies have
invalidly nullified the most relevant detailed engineering studies on mass-reduction technology,
demonstrating that potential mass reduction technology goes beyond the 10-15% mass-
reduction that is discussed above. Peer-reviewed studies by EDAG, FEV, Ford, and Lotus
Engineering use state-of-the-art engineering teardown analysis and holistic vehicle safety
simulation analysis to assess the technology potential and associated cost for mass reduction.
These studies demonstrate that at least 20% mass reduction is available for adoption across
vehicle classes by 2025.141 Much of this reference literature was based on California Air
Resources Board staff analysis performed in conjunction with the federal agencies, so the
138 Levine, M. (2010). Report: Pickup Truck Makers to Reduce Weight to Meet New Fuel Economy Targets.
139 Mazda Sustainability Report 2011. http://www2.mazda.com/en/csr/download/pdf/2011/2011_s_all.pdf
140 Environmental Protection Agency. The Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel
Prepared for WorldAutoSteel; FEV (2012) Light-Duty Vehicle Mass Reduction and Cost Analysis — Midsize
Crossover Utility Vehicle. Prepared for US Environmental Protection Agency. EPA-420-R-12-026.
http://www.epa.gov/otaq/climate/documents/420r12026.pdf; Lotus Engineering (2012) Evaluating the Structure
and Crashworthiness of a 2020 Model-Year, Mass-Reduced Crossover Vehicle Using FEA Modeling. Prepared for
California Air Resources Board. http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/levprog/leviii/final_arb_phase2_report-
compressed.pdf; Singh, H. (2012). Mass Reduction for Light-Duty Vehicles for Model Years 2017-2025. Prepared
for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Report No. DOT HS 811 666.
ftp://ftp.nhtsa.dot.gov/CAFE/2017-25_Final/811666.pdf (accessed in 2012); Geck, P. J. Goff, R. Sohmshetty, K.
Laurin, G. Prater, V. Furman, 2007. IMPACT Phase II – Study to Remove 25% of the Weight from a Pick-up
Truck. Society of Automotive Engineers. 2007-01-1727 https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-
federal agencies are well aware of these studies. As discussed below, the agencies also
reinterpreted the results of the main study relied upon in the TAR in order to inflate costs.142
Thus, it is troubling that the NPRM authors have chosen to disregard and distort analysis that is
clearly directly applicable, and this is indicative that the technical assessment by the agencies
has a clear technical bias towards reducing CAFE and GHG standards. Excluding these studies
amounts to intentionally disregarding the most pertinent and rigorous engineering studies that
are applicable to the rulemaking timeframe.
The agencies must revise their treatment of mass reduction. They must adjust their technology
inputs based on the most recent data,143 primarily to increase the maximum available mass
reduction potential levels to include up to 20% and 25% mass reduction. A more reasonable
result from the compliance analysis would indicate that the auto industry will cost-effectively
deploy at least 15% vehicle curb mass reduction in the 2025 timeframe at near zero net cost
(and consistently less than $500). The only vehicle class where such high mass reduction
appears less likely is smaller cars,144 where there is typically lower amounts of mass reduction
of less than 10%; therefore constraints at approximately 7.5%, as done in the TAR, appears to
be warranted for small cars. Updating their cost estimates to be lower would reflect the best
available data and actual industry practices to incorporate all the available and emerging mass-
reduction technologies.
The agencies must also re-adopt the TAR methodology in which glider mass is assumed to be
75% of vehicle mass, or provide detailed justification and evidence supporting the new value of
50%. The agencies must provide a detailed and justified explanation of all mass reduction
technologies that they have deemed to already have been applied to the model year 2016
analysis fleet. Because of these types of changes that are opaquely buried in the agencies’
datafiles and unexplained, we believe the agencies have to reissue a new regulatory analysis
and allow an additional comment period for review of their methods and analysis.
12. Aerodynamics
The agencies appear to have failed to appropriately and comprehensively consider all the
applicable aerodynamic technologies that are being deployed by automakers. This is the case
for both off-cycle credit and test-cycle aerodynamic technology. As a result of these changes,
the agencies have artificially increased the modeled compliance costs and decreased the
effectiveness of available aerodynamic drag reduction technology available as compared to the
Aerodynamic technology including the use of grill shutters are being deployed for regulatory off-
cycle credits by BMW, Fiat-Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Hyundai-Kia, Jaguar Land Rover,
142 Compare Figure 6-160 and Table 6-37 in the NPRM with Figure 5.141 and Table 5.175 of the Draft TAR, both of
which are based on the same study of a MY2011 Honda Accord.
143 Ibid.
144 Aluminum Association. https://www.drivealuminum.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Mass-Reduction-Chart.pdf
145 PRIA section and
Nissan, Subaru, and Toyota in model year 2016. 146 These are worth up to 0.6 g/mile for cars
and 1.0 g/mile in CO2 credits (and equivalent converted fuel consumption credits). In the 2016
fleet they are used by 3.2 million vehicles or about 20% of new 2016 vehicles,147 demonstrating
that this cost-effective technology will be more broadly deployed post-2016. To appropriately
model the Augural standards, the agencies would need to include the increasing use of the
aerodynamic off-cycle technology credits as applicable across all companies through 2025. This
means giving additional credits in future years for the likely use of grill shutters and any other
off-cycle aerodynamic technologies. This appears to be another case where the agencies did
not include the EPA’s engineering expertise or compliance data, who would be able to better
advise based on their certification data from the off-cycle program.148 As discussed above, this
is part of a broader issue, where the agencies are failing to acknowledge a clear and growing
trend for automaker applying for and getting approvals for off-cycle technology that is lower cost
than the test-cycle technologies the agencies are modeling (these aerodynamic off-cycle credits
are approximately 2 g/mile out of 15 g/mile of expected off-cycle credit use by model year
In addition, the agencies make a different type of error in the treatment of aerodynamic
technology in the reference model year 2016 data fleet. The agencies have artificially limited the
availability of aerodynamic technologies in the CAFE model in future years by making a very
significant and unjustified shift in the model year 2016 baseline fleet.149 From the model year
2015 baseline to the 2016 baseline, the agencies have deemed approximately three times as
many vehicles to have pre-existing aerodynamic improvements as they did in the TAR. The
TAR’s 2015 fleet had about 8% vehicles sold with one of the aerodynamic packages, whereas
the NPRM’s 2016 fleet had 53%.
This is a dramatic change that removes technology from potential use in the 2017-2025
analysis, and it is not substantiated with data to show that the automakers deployed the
technology. The agencies justify this change by introducing new, intermediate aerodynamic
improvement steps, which redistributes the baseline fleet into more advanced aerodynamic
levels without observing or verifying real-world aerodynamic improvements. To substantiate this
change, agencies need to show data on how these improvements are evident in the fleet and
delivering benefits. If an improvement of this magnitude were true, it would be evident in fleet
146 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
147 Input file with reference model year 2016 vehicle fleet from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
149 Input file with reference model year 2016 vehicle fleet from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
level miles-per-gallon and CO2 levels (e.g., in EPA’s Trends150 and Manufacturer Performance151
reports). But, to the contrary, none of the quantifiable mpg or CO2 benefits that would be
associated with these additional aerodynamic improvements were reflected in any real-world
evidence in the model year 2016 fleet. As with mass reduction, this seems to be a case of the
agencies artificially burying efficiency technology in the baseline, rendering it unusable in the
post model year 2016 compliance scenarios.
Due to the very large cost and technology impact, and the lack of data substantiation by the
agencies, the agencies must clearly and precisely share their absolute road load coefficients
(i.e., the basis for any aerodynamic calculation) and exact estimated percent improvement
(rather than binned percentage categories) for each vehicle make and model in the baseline
and future modeled fleet, and their technical justification for each value. To not do so would
obscure the agencies’ methods. The agencies must also conduct two sensitivity analysis cases
that assume that every baseline make and model is set to 0% aerodynamic improvement and
set to the previous baseline aerodynamic levels (i.e., from TAR) to demonstrate how much the
agencies’ decision to load up more baseline technology affects the compliance scenarios, as it
appears that the agencies may have made a unsupportable and non-rigorous assumption about
aerodynamic technology across the models. Because of these types of changes that are
opaquely buried in the agencies’ datafiles and unexplained, we believe the agencies have to
reissue a new regulatory analysis and allow an additional comment period for review of their
methods and analysis.
Similarly, the agencies have made a dramatic and unjustified shift in the baseline fleet related to
tire rolling resistance. From the model year 2015 baseline to the 2016 baseline, the agencies
have introduced a massive increase in tire rolling resistance improvements. According to
NHTSA’s datafiles, the 2015 fleet had 0% vehicles sold with one of the rolling resistance
packages, whereas the 2016 fleet had 46% (i.e., more than 7 million vehicles).152 Nearly 20% of
vehicles now have a 10% reduction in rolling resistance, and more than 26% have a 20%
reduction in rolling resistance.153 This is a dramatic change that removes technology from
potential use in the 2017-2025 analysis, and it is not substantiated with data to show that the
automakers deployed the technology. To substantiate this, agencies need to show data on how
these improvements are evident in the fleet and delivering benefits. If an improvement of this
magnitude were true, it would be evident in fleet level miles-per-gallon and CO2 levels (e.g., in
150 Environmental Protection Agency. January 2018. The Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide
Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends Report. https://www.epa.gov/fuel-economy-trends
151 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
152 Input file with reference model year 2016 vehicle fleet from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
EPA’s compliance data, Trends154 and Manufacturer Performance155 reports). But, to the
contrary, none of the quantifiable mpg or CO2 benefits that would be associated with these
additional rolling resistance improvements were reflected with any real-world evidence in the
model year 2016 fleet. Again, this seems to be a case of the agencies artificially burying
efficiency technology in the baseline, rendering it unusable in the post model year 2016
compliance scenarios.
In addition, the agencies adopt a new assumption that the fleet average coefficient of rolling
resistance (0.009) is higher than that of the TAR (0.0075–0.009).156 This is quite confusing and
perhaps troubling, as it would imply that the fleet rolling resistance got worse, but the agencies
are deciding to provide baseline credit as if there was more rolling resistance technology
deployed. In the vehicle simulation modeling supporting the TAR, rolling resistance varied by
vehicle class. For example, compact cars had a rolling resistance coefficient of 0.0075, whereas
midsize cars were 0.008, and small SUVs 0.0084. The agencies appear to attribute this
difference to the agencies’ use of CBI on tire rolling resistance received since the TAR. This CBI
was used to bin vehicles according to the level of rolling resistance reduction from the newly
assumed fleet average 0.009. Using this logic, the agencies are essentially stating that nearly
20% of all vehicles achieve 0.0081 (or better) rolling resistance value, and more than 26%
achieve 0.0072 (or better). These values were considered as ROLL0 for midsize and compact
cars in the TAR. Rather than changing the definition of rolling resistance technology to include
improvements beyond the baseline, the agencies have, instead, redefined the technology
available in the baseline. Again, this reduces the number of vehicles that can use tire
improvements in future compliance years within the agencies modeling framework, artificially
forcing companies to use other, more expensive technologies.
Due to the very large cost and technology impact, and the lack of data substantiation by the
agencies, the agencies must clearly and precisely share their absolute road load coefficients
(i.e., the basis for any rolling resistance calculation) and exact estimated percent improvement
(rather than binned percentage categories) for each vehicle make and model in the baseline
and future modeled fleet, and their technical justification for each value. To not do so would
obscure the agencies’ methods. The agencies must also conduct two sensitivity analysis cases
that assume that every baseline make and model is set to 0% rolling resistance improvement
and set to the previous baseline rolling resistance (from the Draft TAR) to demonstrate how
much the agencies’ decision to load up more baseline technology affects the compliance
scenarios, as it appears that the agencies may have made a unsupportable and non-rigorous
assumption about rolling resistance technology across the models. Because of these types of
changes that are opaquely buried in the agencies’ datafiles and unexplained, we believe the
154 Environmental Protection Agency. January 2018. The Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide
Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends Report. https://www.epa.gov/fuel-economy-trends
155 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
156 PRIA section at 446; Draft TAR section, Table 5.219 at 5-503
agencies have to reissue a new regulatory analysis and allow an additional comment period for
review of their methods and analysis.
The agencies have likewise made several additional unjustified shifts in the baseline fleet in
NHTSA’s data files. From the model year 2015 baseline to the 2016 baseline, the agencies
have deemed use of electric power steering improvements to have increased from 38.5% to
89% of vehicles sold; use of improved accessories to have increased from 0% to 20% of
vehicles sold; and use of low drag brakes to have increased from 0% to 13% of vehicles sold.157
Furthermore, the agencies have eliminated the TAR’s first level of accessory improvement and
kept only the second level. They have thus assumed that 100% of the 2015 baseline has shifted
to the first level of accessory improvement, and a further 20% of those have adopted the second
level, thus mysteriously burying even more of the accessory efficiency technology in the model
year 2016 reference fleet. If there is comprehensive data basis for this shift, it remains
undisclosed by the agencies.
Electric power steering, improved accessories, and low-drag brakes are worth 1-1.5%, 2%, and
0.8%, respectively, in efficiency improvement against baseline vehicle technology. However
putting this technology in the baseline removes it from potential use in the 2017-2025 analysis,
and it is not substantiated with data to show that the automakers deployed the technology in the
real world. To substantiate this, agencies need to show data on how these improvements are
evident in the fleet and delivering benefits. If an improvement of this magnitude were true, it
would be evident in fleet level miles-per-gallon and CO2 levels (e.g., in EPA’s compliance data,
Trends and Manufacturer Performance reports). But, to the contrary, none of the quantifiable
mpg or CO2 benefits that would be associated with these additional electric power steering,
improved accessories, and low-drag brakes were reflected with any real-world evidence in the
model year 2016 fleet. This seems to again be a case of the agencies artificially burying
efficiency technology in the baseline, rendering it unusable in the post model year 2016
compliance scenarios.
Due to the very large cost and technology impact, and the lack of data substantiation by the
agencies, the agencies must clearly and precisely share their technical justification for including
all each individual case of these new electric power steering, improved accessories, low-drag
brake technologies by make and model. To not do so would obscure the agencies’ methods.
The agencies must also conduct two sensitivity analysis cases that assume that every baseline
make and model is set to the same as the Draft TAR data to demonstrate how much the
agencies’ decision to load up more baseline technology affects the compliance scenarios.
157 Input file with reference model year 2016 vehicle fleet from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
“Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-
15. Air conditioning
Stating their rationale to harmonize the standards, EPA has proposed to exclude air
conditioning refrigerants and leakage from average GHG performance calculations after model
year 2020. This is inappropriate, as GHG-reduction technologies are available, cost-effective,
and currently experiencing increased deployment by many companies due to the standards. As
evidence of the technologies’ availability and cost-effectiveness, at least 16 companies (BMW,
Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar Land Rover, Kia, Mercedes,
Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru, Tesla, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo) have deployed some leakage-
related technologies and received GHG credits.158 In addition, at least four companies (GM,
Honda, Jaguar Land Rover, Fiat-Chrysler) have begun deploying low-global warming
refrigerants, replacing the main refrigerant R-134a with HFO-1234yf.159 EPA fails to
acknowledge, much less discuss, these developments. This information is widely available in
the U.S. EPA Manufacturer Performance Report.160 This major oversight implies that U.S. EPA
engineering experts that administer, review automaker technology, and enforce this aspect of
the program have not been consulted in this decision.
Furthermore, we cannot find any analysis of the availability, cost, or cost-effectiveness of the
emerging HFO-1234yf refrigerant technology in the NPRM or PRIA, when there were dozens of
pages of assessment in the original rulemaking161 and there have been many technology
deployments by at least 16 automakers since.162 Without offering credits in the GHG regulation,
these technologies will not be deployed across the fleet, as they do not have associated
consumer fuel-saving benefits that make them more attractive to consumers. Based on the
extensive analysis in the original 2012 rulemaking and original 2017 Final Determination, it is
clear that EPA has simply been incomplete in their technical assessment related to these
refrigerant technologies and provisions within this rulemaking.
158 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
159 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
160 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
161 See “Air Conditioning Related Credits” at 77 Code of Federal Register (October 15, 2012), 62804-62810. Joint
Technical Support Document: Final Rulemaking for 2017-2025 Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission
Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards Page 5-1 to 5-61
162 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
aspects of the rule clearly demonstrates that the EPA is forgoing a known cost-effective
technology that effectively removes technology from deployment without basis. As a result, the
agencies have failed in their analysis of likely industry compliance with respect to the refrigerant
technology and made an inappropriate conclusion to remove the refrigerant provisions after
If the agencies remove these refrigerants from the program, they will effectively be ignoring the
effects of known substantial climate pollutants. Removing refrigerant credits that were
previously available for reductions of 13.8 gram CO2 per mile (g/mile) cars and 17.2 g/mile for
light trucks inappropriately removes significant environmental protections, and it also undercuts
existing investments by automakers and suppliers. Through model year 2016, based on U.S.
EPA data163, companies have deployed the refrigerant and leakage technologies up to a fleet
average of 6 g/mi, or about 40% of the maximum fleet average of 15 g/mile.
EPA is obligated to adopt standards for the group of greenhouse gases, as specified in the
related endangerment finding. This group of greenhouse gases includes the gases found in
vehicle refrigerants and addressed by EPA’s current provisions for control of these gases. There
is no technical or other basis to remove the provisions currently in place that control these
GHGs and are part of satisfying EPA’s obligation to adopt standards that control emissions of
the entire group of GHGs, not just some of them.164 Nor is there a clear or better option put
forward to develop a separate standard for air conditioning leakage and refrigerant substitution
to recapture the lost benefits. EPA indicates that “If the agency moves forward with its proposal
to eliminate these factors, EPA would consider whether it is appropriate to initiate a new
rulemaking to regulate these programs independently, which could include an effective date that
would result in no lapse in regulation of A/C leakage.”165 However, dropping a substantial
amount of environmental protection for a vague statement that it might be picked up at a later
point, while creating uncertainty for industry who is well along on a path to deploy the
associated technology, is not acceptable. Considering this regulation’s apparent overall bias
toward less action, this appears to clearly be a move toward eliminating environmental
protection, while making it appear for the moment as if EPA will perhaps eventually live up to its
responsibility at some later date.
Based on our above assessment, the agencies have made an incorrect, unsupported, and
invalid proposal to exclude leakage and replacement refrigeration provisions. The agencies
must fully maintain the original air conditioning provisions and their application in setting the
footprint-indexed performance standards as previously, up to 13.8 g/mile (passenger cars) and
17.2 g/mi (light trucks) more stringent GHG standards to incorporate their use from model year
2021 on. Otherwise the agencies would be arbitrarily removing a cost-effective technology and
GHG provisions that deliver approximately 16% of the total required g/mile GHG reductions
163 Ibid.
164 See 77 FR 62624, 627, 672, 770 (October 15, 2012).
165 83 Fed. Reg. at 43194
from the existing 2017-2025 rules, and would amount to about 40% of the g/mile GHG
reductions from just the 2021-2025 rules.166
Moreover, to appropriately model the adopted GHG standards through model year 2025, the
agencies must include the widespread use of these air conditioning technology credits as
applicable across all companies. The agencies have not done so, demonstrating that this
appears to be another case where the agencies did not include the EPA’s engineering expertise
or compliance data.167
The agencies’ assumptions regarding off-cycle credits (what the agencies propose to re-name
as fuel consumption improvement values), and the model’s treatment of those credits/values,
are both deficient and contrary to real-world historical evidence and to any reasonable
projection of likely future technology penetration.
The agencies sought comment on various flexibilities including the off-cycle crediting
program.168 In particular, the agencies requested comments on expanding the program to
include more technology, streamlining the process to approve credits, and also potentially
removing the off-cycle provision altogether. These proposed ideas are presented by the
agencies despite providing less analysis of the associated technologies than was presented in
the original 2012 rulemaking or EPA’s 2017 Final Determination in the Mid-Term Evaluation that
determined that the MY2022-2025 standards are appropriate under section 202(a).
In particular, the agencies have failed to correctly assess the technology, costs, and
effectiveness of both available and projected off-cycle technologies. Off cycle technologies have
proliferated much more quickly than the agencies projected. In the rulemaking for model years
2012-2016, these off-cycle provisions were established only for EPA but not for NHTSA i. In the
model year 2017-2025 rulemaking these provisions were updated and expanded to include
NHTSA. In that rulemaking the agencies projected just 2.5 g/mile on average for off-cycle
credits in 2025. However, companies have already surpassed the agencies’ projection, with the
166 These calculations of 16% (of 2016-2025 emission levels) and 40% (of 2021-2025 emission levels) are based on
the fleet going from 268 g/mile in 2016, to 221 g/mile in 2021, to 173 g/mile in 2025, and based on the car-truck
average air conditioning credit of approximately 15.6 g/mile. Also see for more related info from Nic Lutsey and
Aaron Isenstadt, 2018. How will off-cycle credits impact U.S. 2025 efficiency standards.
167 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
168 83 FR at 43444 and 43446-43447.
use of off-cycle credits increasing to that level in model year 2016.169 The use of off-cycle credits
was worth more than 5 g/mile for individual companies like Fiat-Chrysler, Ford, and Jaguar Land
Rover in model years 2015 and 2016.170 The off-cycle technologies are cost-effectively being
applied by automakers as part of multiple automakers’ compliance strategies, and it is highly
likely other automakers will adopt similar technologies. Simply adopting the leading technology
in current use (through 2016) from each of the off-cycle technology areas would put the
fleetwide off-cycle credit use at over 10 g/mile by 2020. This information is widely available in
the U.S. EPA Manufacturer Performance Report,171 and it is a major oversight to not analyze the
current and projected usage and present such information.172
If the agencies had appropriately analyzed the implications of the off-cycle provisions, they
would conclude that far greater use of the off-cycle provisions will occur by 2025, and this would
greatly reduce the penetration of on-cycle technologies (e.g., engine, transmission, and hybrid),
with major reductions in reducing overall GHG and CAFE compliance costs. The use of these
provisions have been analyzed much more extensively by both U.S. EPA173 and Lutsey and
Isenstadt (2018).174 than in the NPRM. It is clear that the agencies have presented an
unsubstantiated, uninformed case in considering whether and how to expand and streamline the
off-cycle provisions, or remove them, as well as in their compliance modeling of use and cost of
this technology for compliance with the proposed freeze of the standards. The agencies do not
provide a rationale for any of their proposals related to the off-cycle program, and specifically do
not estimate technology cost, effectiveness estimates, future deployment by company, or cost-
effectiveness within technology pathways. Without any description or rationale, the NPRM
leaves stakeholders to wonder whether off-cycle technology was excluded from the analysis
due to a bias to make the regulatory assessment of compliance costs artificially higher.
Any minimal and reasonable analysis of the how the off-cycle crediting provisions are being
used by the industry would conclude that off-cycle credits will account for 15 g/mile (without
further streamlining of the provisions), even up to 25 g/mile by 2025.175 These levels of off-cycle
technology use account for 10-25% of the total required 2017-2025 GHG reduction, and 35-56%
of the total GHG reduction as currently required over 2022-2025176. These implications are
large, yet they have not been considered in the compliance analysis that naively assumes off-
169 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
170 Id.
171 Id
172 For example, the NPRM only discusses the use of off-cycle technologies that generate credits under the menu
option, and states that MY2016 manufacturers received menu based credits averaging 2.5 g/mile. 83 FR at
43059, Table II-23.
173 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
Manufacturer Performance Report for the 2016 Model Year. Accessed from
174 Nic Lutsey and Aaron Isenstadt, 2018. How will off-cycle credits impact U.S. 2025 efficiency standards.
175 Ibid.
176 Ibid
cycle credit use in model year 2025 is approximately the same as model year 2016 at about 2.5
g/mile.177 The agencies need to explicitly include projections that describe how, with which
technologies, and on which models automakers are likely to employ off-cycle technologies and
receive well over 15 g/mile by 2025 off-cycle technologies, otherwise they appear to be
purposely obscuring a known, widely used, and cost-effective path toward compliance on which
nearly all automakers are clearly and obviously pursuing and increasing usage.
This is not to say that there are no concerns about the current process for validation of off-cycle
technologies. It is concerning how the agencies appear to disregard the need for robust
evidence that clearly indicates every off-cycle technology has real-world benefits.178 If the
agencies allow more use of off-cycle credits without clear validation of their real-world benefits,
the regulations cannot serve their intended objectives to reduce GHG and fuel use. Allowing
greater use of off-cycle technologies without validated real-world benefit would effectively be
allowing more emissions and higher fuel use for any given stringency level. The off-cycle
provisions should not be changed unless they are studied at least as rigorously as the test-cycle
technologies that are analyzed as the primary means of compliance. However, the agencies
have not done so. The manner in which the agencies have proposed to streamline the approval
process179 and grant more technologies would fail this basic test. With the large implications of
the proposed off-cycle crediting provisions, the regulatory agencies cannot credibly analyze the
appropriateness of the effect of these proposals on the current 2025 standards or alternatives
without fully analyzing the off-cycle credit provision and the applicable technologies.
At the other extreme, the proposal to eliminate the off-cycle program is also unwarranted. 180 As
described above, the agencies appear to have ignored the most recent data on technologies
being deployed in significant numbers by leading companies, which technologies have resulted
in significant, real-world reductions in GHG emissions and fuel consumption. Without robust
analysis undermining this empirical record, the agencies must maintain the 2017-2025
provisions for off-cycle technologies. At the same time, for the reasons described above, they
also should not finalize any expansion or streamlining of the off-cycle credit program.
This provision, as much as any in the rulemaking, shows how profoundly unthoughtful the
agencies have been in thinking through all the regulatory elements and their actual implications
for technology deployment. The off-cycle credit program, which could be worth up to half of all
the total GHG reduction as currently required over 2022-2025 model years181 is proposed to
either be strengthened or eliminated, without any significant analysis. Based on essentially no
analysis, the agencies are proposing two extremes of streamlining or eliminating a key part of
177 Based on 83 Fed. Reg. at 43160, Table II-79, fleet-wide off-cycle use through model year 2025 appears to remain
at less than 3 g/mile CO2, essentially showing the agencies either made no effort to analyze the trend and
automakers persistent attempts to get far more off-cycle technologies approved and credits, or that they are
ignoring these credit trends in order to hide a highly cost-effective technology.
178 Nic Lutsey and Aaron Isenstadt, 2018. How will off-cycle credits impact U.S. 2025 efficiency standards.
179 83 FR at 43444.
180 Nic Lutsey and Aaron Isenstadt, 2018. How will off-cycle credits impact U.S. 2025 efficiency standards.
181 Ibid
the regulation. Considering this is a cost-effective provision—and one agreed to by the industry,
the previous administration, and the states offering a proposal that could swing either way is
simply bad public policy. We strongly recommend that the agencies maintain the off-cycle
program as is.
Regardless of the chosen policy path, it is necessary that the agencies appropriately reflect that
the fleet will use at least 15 g/mile in off-cycle technology to comply with the Augural standards,
and analyze and project the specific technologies automakers will use to do so. In the real
world, off-cycle technologies are more cost-effective, and are being adopted in advance of,
many advanced engine technologies (e.g., turbocharging level 2) or mild hybrid technology.182
This is more consistent with automaker technology deployment patterns today than the
compliance pathways modeled in the NPRM. If the agencies do not make this change in their
baseline and modeling, their modeling of industry compliance will be erroneous by ignoring
mainstream existing industry technology with trends that are clearly showing increasing
adoption of off-cycle technologies that are evidently cost-effective for most automakers in the
baseline 2016 fleet.
Because of this glaring omission of what is a top auto industry compliance approach and top
request for flexibility, we believe the agencies have to reissue a new regulatory analysis that
includes at least 15 g/mile in off-cycle technology use in the central regulatory scenario, and
allow an additional comment period for public review.
In summary, as the section demonstrates, there are significant errors in how the agencies have
developed their primary technology inputs for their regulatory analysis. Our findings are
corroborated by EPA’s communications with NHTSA officials, as shared in interagency emails
and posted in the rulemaking docket. EPA notified NHTSA of many technologies having
incorrect effectiveness values and poor assumptions on technology application which
are inconsistent with the trends in the current vehicle market:
“EPA has observed and presented to NHTSA that several of their inputs regarding
technology effectiveness are incorrect. These technologies include some applications of
advanced transmissions, 12V stop/start, cooled EGR (CEGR), crank integrated starter
generator (CISG), turbo-charged GDI engines, strong hybrids and the application of high
compression ratio engines (HCR1). For each of these technologies EPA has identified
either errors in the input data or incorrect assumptions regarding the application of the
technology which are inconsistent with trends seen in the current vehicle market. Each
incorrect technology input contributes to a higher estimate of average vehicle cost to
meet future standards.”183
Based on our research into the rulemaking data, and as discussed above, there is no evidence
that NHTSA responded to correct these incorrect data inputs that EPA pointed out.
182 Ibid
183 “Email 5”: Email_5_-_Email_from_William_Charmley_to_Chandana_Achanta_-_June_18,_2018.
https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0283-0453. Page 57.
B. Technology packages and pathways
In addition to the agencies’ invalid assessment of several of the individual technologies, the
agencies assessment of combinations of technologies in packages that are used in all their
compliance scenarios is erroneous in several important ways.
The latest analysis for the NPRM should improve upon the body of analytical work in the
previous rulemakings. However, this rulemaking relies upon a modeling tool and inputs that
have largely dismissed the seminal, rigorous, and well-vetted analysis used in the EPA analysis
in the 2016 TAR and the original Final Determination in January 2017.
Based on the ICCT’s global analysis of vehicle regulations, the EPA’s physics-based ALPHA
modeling offers the most sophisticated and thorough modeling of the applicable technologies
that has ever been conducted. The EPA modeling is based on systematic modeling of
technologies and their synergies. It was built and improved upon by extensive modeling by and
with Ricardo.184 The EPA approach incorporated National Academies input at multiple stages,
including to inform the development of the initial Ricardo vehicle simulation and the follow-on
ALPHA development, benchmarking engines to develop robust engine maps, the use of
engineering teardown analysis for costs, and its method for estimating the learning-by-doing for
future year costs.185 It has included many peer reviews at many stages of the modeling and the
associated technical reports published by engineers in many technical journal articles and
conference proceedings.186,187 This previous work in the EPA analysis in the TAR also used
state-of-the-art engine maps based on benchmarked high-efficiency engines.188 Despite these
rigorous advances in vehicle simulation modeling, it appears that the agencies have inexplicably
abandoned this approach, expressly disregarding the EPA benchmarked engines, ALPHA
modeling, and all its enhancements since the last rulemaking.189
184 77 FR at 62702, 62711. Also see Joint Technical Support Document: Final Rulemaking for 2017-2025 Light-Duty
Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards, beginning page
185 Wililam Charmley, 2018. Presentation to National Academies of Science Committee on the Assessment of
Technologies for Improving Fuel Economy of Light-Duty Vehicles – Phase 3.
186 Environmental Protection Agency. Advanced Light-Duty Powertrain and Hybrid Analysis (ALPHA) Tool.
187 Wililam Charmley, 2018. Presentation to National Academies of Science Committee on the Assessment of
Technologies for Improving Fuel Economy of Light-Duty Vehicles – Phase 3.
188 Environmental Protection Agency. Engine Mapping Process Documents. https://www.epa.gov/regulations-
emissions-vehicles-and-engines/advanced-light-duty-powertrain-and-hybrid-analysis-alpha#engine-mapping and
Benchmarking Advanced Low Emission Light-Duty Vehicle Technology. https://www.epa.gov/vehicle-and-fuel-
189 This discussion refers to modeling, because it is the combination of the vehicle simulation model itself as well as
all the inputs (such as engine maps) and technology pathways that lead to modeling results.
Instead, the agencies have relied on inputs based on Argonne National Laboratory’s Autonomie
modeling and relied upon generally older engine maps than the EPA data and modeling that
underpinned the original Proposed and Final Determination. The modeling used in the NPRM is
less rigorous and fewer peer review processes have been conducted to improve the work. The
agencies insufficiently defended their choice of vehicle simulation model and outdated inputs.
We have flagged dozens of technology and cost issues throughout these comments that any
serious peer-review process would have identified and forced the NHTSA and or the
Automomie modeling team to fix before going forward with a major rulemaking based on their
modeling approach.
Engine maps. To accurately estimate state-of-the art technology, the foundation is up-to-date,
state-of-the-art engine maps as inputs and to ensure realistic vehicle simulation modeling. The
heart of this is the engine maps. The EPA has a world-class spectrum of benchmarked engines
that is apparently vastly superior to what the agencies have presented in the rulemaking . EPA’s
benchmarked engines for the applicable advanced-technology engines include the following: 190
• Turbocharged engines
o 1.6L Ford EcoBoost –2013 Ford Focus (Euro)
o 1.6L Ford EcoBoost – 2013 Ford Escape
o 1.6L PSA Valvetronic turbo – 2012 Peugeot
o 2.7L V6 EcoBoost (2015 Ford F150)
o 1.5L I4 (2016 Honda Civic)
o 2.5L I4 Skyactiv-G (Mazda CX-9)
o 1.0L I3 EcoBoost (2014 Ford Fiesta)
o 2.0L I4 (VW) with and without Miller cycle operation
o 1.4L I4 (VW) – from a copyrighted 2016 Ricardo Report
o Tula ‘Dynamic Skip Fire’ I4 turbocharged
o GT-Power modeling of cooled-EGR and Variable Nozzle Turbocharger/Variable
Geometry Turbocharger (VNT/VGT)
• Naturally aspirated, high-compression ratio, and cylinder deactivation engines
o 2.5L I4 Ecotec engine - 2013 GM Malibu
o 2.5L I4 Skyactiv – 2014 Mazda 6
o 2.0L I4 Skyactiv – 2014 Mazda 3 (13:1 CR)
o 2.0L I4 Skyactiv – 2014 Mazda 3 (14:1 CR – Euro)
o 4.3L V6 Ecotec3 with cylinder deac - 2014 GM Silverado 1500 2WD
o 2.5L I4 Toyota TNGA – 2018 Toyota Camry (in-process)
o 2.5L I4 TNGA prototype engine (from Toyota Aachen paper)
o 4.3L V6 Ecotec3 with cylinder deac - 2014 GM Silverado 1500 2WD
o 6.2L V8 GM – 2011 Tula demonstration of ‘dynamic skip fire’ in GMC Denali
o 1.8L I4 VW Jetta – 2015 Tula demonstration of ‘dynamic skip fire’ (in-process)
190 Wililam Charmley, 2018. Presentation to National Academies of Science Committee on the Assessment of
Technologies for Improving Fuel Economy of Light-Duty Vehicles – Phase 3.
o Tula ‘Dynamic Skip Fire’ V8 naturally aspirated engines
o Prototype Mazda SkyActiv with 14:1 CR + Cooled EGR and high energy ignition
Instead of using this immense resource of laboratory data, the rulemaking is predicated upon a
handful of engine maps by IAV. Based on our reading of the NPRM and its PRIA, the
rulemaking is based primarily on 5 engine maps developed IAV to model advanced engines in
Autonomie: 191
• Engine #12: Turbo 1.6L direct injection with variable valve timing and lift
o Engine #13: Downsized version of engine #12
o Engine #14: CEGR added to engine #13
• Engine #24: Model year 2014 SkyActiv 2.0L (HCR1)
o Engine #25: CEGR+DEAC added to engine #24 (HCR2)
To analyze the advanced efficiency technologies, the agencies essentially decided to use the
more limited IAV modeling of two engines (Engine 12 and 24), with three derivatives of those
engines, without advanced turbocharging of greater than 24 bar, Miller Cycle, or e-boost
engines. Beyond the question of the limited IAV-based engine maps that used for the advanced
technologies, there also appear to be clear errors in those engine maps. Based on the
interagency dialogue between EPA and NHTSA, regarding engine #12, EPA indicated “Based
on the information provided in this NPRM, the assumptions used for fuel octane, heating value,
and carbon content do not appear to be internally consistent and representative of GHG
performance of turbocharged engines over the certification cycles”192. Based on our reading of
the applicable documentation, it appears to be clear that no changes were made to the engine
map by the agencies to address this problem,193 and this problem essentially affect all engines
on the turbocharged engine pathway. It is also unclear if or how engines have validated their
derivative simulated engines #13 and #14 with physical testing and/or state-of-the-art vehicle
simulation modeling to the level of quality of EPA’s simulation modeling. Engines #24 and #25
are sourced as coming from EPA data,194 which again signifies that the real sources for the best
available information is from the more comprehensive benchmarked engine data for engine
maps from the EPA expert engineers.
Furthermore, beyond the clear disparity in the applicable engine lists utilized above, there is an
indication that NHTSA did not utilize all EPA’s more extensive engine technology based on the
interagency dialogue between EPA and NHTSA: “EPA has not been consulted by NHTSA
regarding a list of engine technologies which NHTSA should consider for the purposes of this
191 See PRIA, starting page 270 and page 287. Also see Argonne National Laboratory. A Detailed Vehicle Simulation
Process To Support CAFE Standards. https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NHTSA-2018-0067-0007,
starting at page 177
192 “EO_12866_Review_EPA_comments_on_NPRM_and_Preliminary_RIA_sent_to_OMB,_July_26,_2018”.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking”195 More generally, the agencies have a responsibility to more
clearly and consistently show sources for all their assumed engine effectiveness values from the
engine maps cases and as presented in tables in NPRM and PRIA, where there are many
different effectiveness values for various technologies throughout. Based on the interagency
dialogue between EPA and NHTSA, it is clear that EPA tended to agree with this:
As a result we ask the agencies to clearly specify every instance where confidential business
information was used, and also specify each place that information was used when publicly
available data were available. We ask the agencies to summarize these instances in a
comprehensive table in order to transparently reveal their approach to handling the technology
inputs for all their models. In addition we ask that the agencies’ clearly show the publicly
available data that was not used, compare the public data with the confidential business
information that was used, and defend their choice to use the industry data.
Based on our reading of the proposed rule and its documentation, it is clear that the agencies
inappropriately handled two aspects of their IAV-based engine maps in a manner that shows the
agencies’ bias and makes their modeling with the engine maps they use in Autonomie and
CAFE invalid. The IAV modeling and agency engine maps were adjusted in a way that
unjustifiably and artificially reduces the effectiveness of the technologies. The entire set of
turbocharging technology engine maps were updated to reflect operation on 87 AKI regular
octane fuel, which the agencies explained as a necessary change because they believed the
previously used agency maps used in the TAR required the use of premium fuel.197
However, the agencies are ignoring how the agencies had already previously addressed this
question. EPA’s testing shows CO2 emissions using 87 AKI, 10% ethanol (E10) fuel actually
reduces GHG emissions over the combined cycle compared to Tier 2, 0% ethanol (E0), 93 AKI
fuel.198 This reveals that the basic adjustment the agencies are deciding to make, due the way it
is a crude adjustment rather than base on rigorous study, is in the wrong direction for some
195 “EO_12866_Review_EPA_comments_on_NPRM_and_Preliminary_RIA_sent_to_OMB,_July_26,_2018”.
https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0283-0453. Page 1021.
196 “EO_12866_Review_EPA_comments_on_the_NPRM_sent_to_OMB,_June_29,_2018”.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards under the Midterm Evaluation: Technical Support Document. Table 2.71, p
technologies because GHG-per-mile emissions can actually being lower with the switch to
higher octane ethanol blends. The agencies can easily fix this by relying on EPA’s better vetted
engine maps, which would ensure their results are valid, and at least directionally correct. EPA
has accounted for cost and effectiveness of technology used to protect for operation on regular
octane fuel199 by increasing costs and reducing effectiveness. In addition, manufacturers are
required to confirm that vehicles not labeled as “premium fuel required” do not show emissions
changes over all test cycles (including fuel economy label test cycles like the US06) when using
regular octane fuel.200 Reducing effectiveness for fuel differences, in the way that the agencies
have done with IAV engine maps, is unrealistic and inappropriate.
The handling of CEGR in the engine maps is another indication of the limitations that agencies’
approach, as compared with EPA’s valid, rigorous, and well documented engine maps. The IAV
handling of CEGR is not correct for use in this rulemaking. In IAV’s handling of CEGR, the
technology is used for knock abatement in the NPRM.201 This helps to explains why the
agencies in the NPRM (and NHTSA in the Draft TAR) are falsely showing no benefit of CEGR,
as they have simply modeled the incorrectly chosen a CEGR technology that is not applicable.
CEGR is manifestly capable of delivering GHG and efficiency benefits, as it is being deployed
by manufacturers, as discussed above. However IAV (and thus Autonomie and CAFE model)
are analyzing something different – a knock-abatement form of CEGR technology rather than
CEGR as an efficiency technology. Modeling the type of CEGR technology the delivers
efficiency benefits is the purpose of the rulemaking’s assessment of available efficiency
technologies. The agencies explicitly state that, “[b]ecause IAV’s models are not trained for
emissions, cEGR was only considered for areas that are knock-limited and/or to reduce
combustion temperatures.” 202 In the Draft TAR203 and in the Proposed Determination,204 EPA
illustrates how important CEGR can be for reducing emissions and fuel consumption at part-
load, which is more important for drive-cycle effectiveness.205 The real-world examples of
engines with CEGR described above demonstrate how CEGR is a viable and attractive
efficiency technology being deployed by companies. No explanation is given as to why EPA’s
modeling is not considered for application of CEGR, as the technology has high potential to
reduce GHG emissions and increase efficiency, and EPA has demonstrated it can properly
model it based on its validated data. Had EPA’s extensive modeling been incorporated in the
NPRM, the effectiveness of CEGR would have been more realistic.
199 Ibid.
200 EPA, 2016. Proposed Determination on the Appropriateness of the Model Year 2022-2025 Light-Duty Vehicle
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards under the Midterm Evaluation: Technical Support Document. Table 2.71, p
201 PRIA, page 271.
202 Ibid.
203 Draft TAR, Figure 5.99
204 EPA, 2016. Proposed Determination on the Appropriateness of the Model Year 2022-2025 Light-Duty Vehicle
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards under the Midterm Evaluation: Technical Support Document. Fig 2.106
205 EPA, 2016. Proposed Determination on the Appropriateness of the Model Year 2022-2025 Light-Duty Vehicle
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards under the Midterm Evaluation: Technical Support Document. PD p2-302
Unfortunately, the agencies indicate that there are other engines that IAV did study, but that the
agencies did not include: The agencies did include more advanced turbocharging (24- to 27
bar), Miller Cycle, turbocharging with cylinder deactivation, e-boost, and variable compression
ratio.206 In addition the IAV modeling included technology combinations that the agency
pathways are explicitly disallowing. For example, IAV in engine map 25a, modeled an advanced
cylinder deactivation (ADEAC) engine based on a turbo engine with CEGR and VVT, yet the
agencies make TURBO and ADEAC exclusive of one another in their technology pathways
(which we point out is clearly not appropriate from an engineering standpoint). Note that these
are all areas above that we mention above as critical for the agencies to assess the viable
engine technologies, and the unconstrainted use of all viable technology combinations and
pathways, for the timeframe of this rulemaking. This is mystifying: the agencies knowingly
disregarded EPA’s benchmarked engine maps, instead opting to only use a more limited set of
engine maps, and then they chose to not use all of the ones available. We do not know the
reasons; for example, either the engine maps were not of high quality, were not well vetted,
could not be ably utilized in the Autonomie model, were not reviewed by the engineering experts
at the EPA, or perhaps the agency staff decided not to use them for other reasons. Regardless
it is clear that the agencies have decided to disregard the superior data for a limited and less
credible set of engine maps.
After the choice of engine maps, the critical question for the agencies was about whether
ALPHA or Autonomie modeling was best to handle the complex synergies of all the technology
packages. The agencies justify their sole reliance on Autonomie to develop model inputs by
claiming that the Autonomie model addresses several analytical needs, and that several years
have been spent by DOE developing, applying, and expanding the means to use distributed
computing to exercise its full-vehicle simulation. It has scalability and flexibility in terms of
expanding the set of technologies used for research purposes. The agencies appear to place
special weight simply on convenience and how Autonomie is used by the U.S. Department of
Energy, which uses the tool in making budget and other planning decision for its Vehicle
Technologies Office, and that it meets EPA legal requirements, which do not require that it use
any specific model.207
In addition, one particular issue is especially troubling regarding the agencies’ decisions
regarding their engine maps inputs. EPA’s communications with NHTSA officials, as shared in
interagency emails and posted in the rulemaking docket, reveal that EPA notified NHTSA that
their data were clearly out-of-date:
“EPA has also noted that more recent and representative data are available. In their Draft
TAR analysis, NHTSA applied engine maps developed by IAV in 2013 from a DOE-
funded project unrelated to the assessment of CAFE standards. During the course of
EPA’s evaluation of the NHTSA analysis, NHTSA informed EPA that they were using the
206 PRIA figures 6-115, 6-116, 6-58 through 6-64, 6-111 through 6-113
207 The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021–2026 Passenger Cars and Light
Trucks, 83 Fed. Reg. at 43000 and 43001. And also there is a mention at PRIA at p 188 to say the OMEGA model
was previously used.
same IAV engine maps for their NPRM analysis. These maps were out of date at the time
of the 2016 Draft TAR and we have additional, and newer data, further strengthening our
conclusions that the engine maps used in the CAFE analysis are not representative of
what the industry is currently producing and will be producing in the 2020~2030 time
frame assessed in the CAFE model. This out-of-date characterization of modern engines
also contributes to the higher estimated vehicle cost.”208
Based on our research into the rulemaking data, there is no evidence that NHTSA responded to
correct these incorrect data engine map inputs that EPA pointed out or updated the engine
maps in question. In fact, despite being notified of this, NHTSA still used the same IAV engine
maps in the NPRM and even reduced the efficiency of the simulated engines, as indicated
Vehicle performance. There are also substantial and pervasive errors in how the agencies
have developed nearly many of their primary technology inputs for their regulatory analysis
related to their deficient analysis of vehicle performance. The agencies, in analyzing the
technologies above and then developing their multi-technology packages from them, made
major changes in the vehicle powertrain and load reduction. With such shifts from the vehicle
technology packages, there was apparently no calibration or adjustment to ensure the vehicles
in future years deliver similar performance. An example is that when vehicle lightweighting is
deployed at up to a 7% mass reduction, the engine is not resized even though less power would
be needed for the lighter vehicle, meaning any such vehicles inherently are higher-
performance.209 As the EPA points out, “mass reduction, advanced transmissions, or other load
reduction will increase acceleration performance. This additional benefit is not accounted for in
the CAFE model.”210 The result of this is that the “CAFE Model Projects Unquantified and
Unmonetized Increase in Vehicle Performance.” 211 We have found no evidence that the
agencies have solved this issue, and we address this issue further in Section II.C below.
Vehicle simulation modeling. It is notable that the agencies’ explanation and justification for
its sole reliance on Autonomie full-vehicle simulation modeling and rejection of ALPHA full-
vehicle simulation modeling fails to discuss ALPHA modeling in detail and to compare and
contrast the two models. The EPA cannot select its modeling tool arbitrarily, yet it appears that
the EPA has whimsically shifted from an extremely well-vetted, up-to-date, industry-grade
modeling tool to a less-vetted, academic-grade framework with outdated inputs without even
attempt to scrutinize the change. Moreover, the agencies are legally obligated to acknowledge
and explain when they change position. The agencies cannot simply ignore that EPA previously
concluded that the ALPHA modeling accurately projected real-world effects of technologies and
technology packages.212 Instead, the agencies must now explain and directly compare the
modeled efficiency differences and how they have fundamentally altered the regulatory
technology penetration and compliance cost estimations. The modeled vehicle technology
outputs, because they are so fundamental as the starting point for nearly every other aspect of
regulatory assessment (including technology penetration, compliance cost, rebound effect,
overall cost-benefit analysis), deserve the most scrutiny and vetting of all agency decisions.
However, counterintuitively, the agencies have barely scrutinized and discussed this deviation
from the EPA’s TAR, 2016 Final TSD, Proposed Determination, and Final Determination.
We recommend that the agencies conduct a systematic comparison of the Autonomie modeling
system and ALPHA modeling, and state why Autonomie modeling was selected for use over
ALPHA’s modeling of technologies and synergies. ALPHA modeling, of course, also can serve
as a corroborative cross-check on the Autonomie simulations (and vice versa), as occurred in
the TAR.213 Otherwise, it seems obvious that the agencies have subjectively decided to use the
modeling that increases the modeled cost, providing further evidence of a high degree of bias
without an objective accounting of the methodological differences and the sensitivity of the
results to their new decision. Only with a thorough comparison of the ALPHA and Autonomie
modeling and their validity can the agencies explain why the millions of dollars and dozens of
person-years of expert technical work by expert auto industry engineering firms FEV and
Ricardo, and EPA engineers, have been forgone for what seems like a hasty and opportunistic
use of the NHTSA and Argonne analysis.
Part of this recommended comparison should be to assess how the agencies choice of
Autonomie modeling versus ALPHA modeling impacts each of the major 2025 technology
package synergies and where and why Autonomie provide different results from ALPHA.
Because ALPHA is the dominant, preferred, and better-vetted modeling and was used in the
original Proposed and Final Determination, the agencies are responsible for assessing and
describing how the use of the ALPHA modeling would result in a different regulatory result for
their analysis of the 2017-2025 adopted GHG and Augural CAFE standards. While the agencies
are conducting a proper vetting of their NPRM’s foundational Autonomie modeling, they must
also defend why they appear to have chosen to dismiss the be superior and better vetted
technology modeling approach with more thorough and state-of-the-art advanced powertrain
systems modeling and engine maps from the EPA ALPHA modeling, as discussed above.
As part of this assessment of the modeling frameworks, the agencies should also disclose how
much commercial business is conducted by the Ricardo, IAV, and Argonne Autonomie teams
that underpin the modeling of EPA and NHTSA, respectively, including how much related
research they have done for auto industry clients over the past ten years. We mention this
because we strongly suspect that Ricardo, upon which EPA built its ALPHA model, has done at
212 EPA has explained in the past why it developed ALPHA for use in modeling. A recent discussion occurred in the
mid-term evaluation, See EPA’s Technical Support Document 2-268 for the proposed Determination and
Response to Comments document pp 25 – 29, for the Final Determination. EPA must identify and describe how
and why it developed these modeling tools and inputs and used them, instead of Autonomie modeling and related
inputs, in the past including the very recent past, and fully justify the abrupt departure for this rulemaking.
213 See Draft TAR at pp. 2-9 to 2-10.
least an order of magnitude (in number of projects, person-hours, and budget) more work with
and for the automotive industry than the IAV and Autonomie teams have in direct work for
automotive industry clients. A conventional government procurement effort that competitively
vets potential research expert teams would presumably have selected for such automotive
industry credentials and experience, yet it appears that the agencies are wholly deferring to
Autonomie’s less rigorous research-grade modeling framework and data due to convenience
and easier access by the NHTSA research team, rather than for any technical improvement,
and this is to the detriment of showing clear understanding of real-world automotive engineering
developments (as demonstrated by many erroneous technology combination results throughout
these comments).
Related to this, we recommend the agencies disclose how and whether the ALPHA and
Autonomie models have been routinely strengthened by incorporating cutting edge 2020-2025
automotive technologies to ensure they reflect the available improvements for the technologies
discussed above. It appears the agencies have opted to use a simpler, less-vetted model with
more outdated and falsely conservative assumptions that do not reflect emerging efficiency
advancements. Specifically, per the comments elsewhere in these comments, we mention two
areas in particular. First, there is the question of the benchmarked engines by EPA and IAV and
whether each can reasonably stand as a foundation for automotive developments and
technology combinations discussed in Section I above. Second, there is the question about
whether the ALPHA and Autonomie models realistically and validly model synergies between
technologies. For example we mentioned the problem of CEGR not having a benefit above and
the transmission issues in Table 1. Below there are additional synergy issues with turbocharging
effectiveness in Figure 2, and other synergy issues in Table 5. A systematic comparison is
needed as a matter of due diligence on the agencies’ choice to dismiss the original work, and it
would also ultimately bring the immense amount of person-years of recent and applicable
engineering work by EPA engineers and their contractors into this rulemaking process.
Similar to scrutinizing the modeling approach, the agencies must directly compare every
efficiency technology in the 2016 Draft TAR and original EPA TSD and Proposed and Final
Determination analysis against the NPRM and explicitly show and defend every change that has
been made. As evident from the comments above, the opaque and often counterintuitive and
erroneous results within the input and output files seem designed to obscure the complete list of
technical input changes that contribute to the agencies essentially increasing the Adopted 2025
and Augural 2025 compliance cost by 2-3 times since the TAR. The agencies must also
compare all the major technology package pathways (i.e., all combinations with high uptake in
the Adopted and Augural 2025 standards) in the current NPRM versus the 2016 Draft TAR and
the 2016 TSD and original Final Determination analysis. Without doing so, it otherwise appears
that the agencies switched from a better-vetted model and system of inputs with more recent
input data to a less-vetted model and system of inputs as a way to bury many dozens of
changes without transparency or expert assessment (as illustrated in the above errors and
invalidated data on individual technologies). The three aspects of technical inputs, technology
pathways, and modeling methodology are named together here because they appear to be
interlinked in ways that only the agency staff can disentangle to describe which 10 or 20 or 100
changes are responsible for approximately doubling compliance cost.
Related to this, the agencies must conduct and disclose a systematic investigation and
comparison of the modeling work of EPA’s, Ricardo’s, and Argonne’s 2014-2018 model year
engine benchmarking and modeling of top engine and transmission models. The findings from
above indicate that much of the EPA benchmarking and state-of-the-art modeling has not been
included in the NHTSA and Argonne modeling, and this contributes to many erroneous findings
that suggest there is only limited technology improvement available. While the agencies are in
their process of conducting a proper vetting of their NPRM’s foundational Autonomie-based
modeling, we recommend that they rely on what appears to the be superior and better vetted
technology modeling approach with more thorough and state-of-the-art advanced powertrain
systems modeling and engine maps from the EPA ALPHA modeling.
The agencies have created a system of technology constraints that illogically restrict the
adoption of technology in the future. The agencies essentially are imposing modelling
constraints that restrict when technologies can be introduced on models and preclude vehicle
models from migrating between different technologies over the 9 years of their analysis from
model year 2016 through 2025 for the Augural standards.214 For instance, companies in many
cases are not allowed to adopt technologies that aren’t already on their 2016 fleet, such as
switching to HCR in lieu of turbocharged downsizing or switching from conventional automatic
transmissions to DCTs. The logic that the agencies have hard-coded into their algorithm and
methodological approach for their technology pathways, and their fleet modeling constraints on
“skips” in the market input file, limits the migration and deployment of technology in a way that
defies recent automotive history. This is evident even within the agencies’ own data used to
develop their rulemaking.
To demonstrate how arbitrary and unrealistic the agency’s proposed technology constraints are,
Figure 1 and Table 3 show that there are approximately 50 instances that we found from the
agencies’ data where a company that did not have a given powertrain technology in their 2008
model year vehicles had that technology deployed on their 2016 model year vehicles. Table 3
illustrates the rapid increase in technology deployment in less than 9 years, including naming
the associated companies that newly deployed each technology by 2016. It shows how the
agencies’ decisions to restrict available technology on a company-specific and fleet-wide basis
to their current product offerings are contrary to recent industry practice and are thus invalid.
214 In addition to the discussion here, please see discussion above with respect to HCR1 and HCR2,
Turbodownsizing, and cylinder deactivation technologies, among others.
Model year 2008 Model year 2016
Number of automakers with given
Variable Direct Turbocharging Cooled Cyinder High Automatic Automatic Mild hybrid Full
valve injection EGR deactivation compression 8-speed 9-speed (stop start or hybrid
lift ratio integrated…
Figure 1. Number of automakers with given powertrain technology, 2008 and 2016215
215 Datafiles from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.”
https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-system, and datafiles
from U.S. EPA original 2017-2025 rulemaking https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-
Table 3. Companies with given technology deployment in model year 2008 and 2016 new
Technology Companies with technology in Companies with technology in 2016
Variable valve lift 4 (BMW, Honda, Subaru, VW) 7 (BMW, FCA, General Motors, Honda,
Nissan, Toyota, VW)
Direct injection 7 (BMW, Daimler, General Motors, 14 (BMW, Daimler, FCA, Ford, General
Honda, Mazda, Toyota, VW) Motors, Honda, Hyundai Kia, JLR,
Mazda, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota,
Volvo, VW)
Turbocharging 4 (Ford, General Motors, JLR, VW) 13 (BMW, Daimler, FCA, Ford, General
Motors, Honda, Hyundai Kia, JLR,
Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, Volvo, VW)
Cooled EGR - 4 (FCA, Mazda, Nissan, Subaru)
Cylinder deactivation 3 (FCA, General Motors, Honda) 4 (FCA, General Motors, Honda, VW)
High-compression ratio - 6 (Ford, General Motors, Hyundai Kia,
Mazda, Nissan, Toyota)
Mild hybrid (Stop-start or integrated 1 (Honda) 10 (BMW, Daimler, FCA, Ford, General
starter generator) Motors, Honda, JLR, Nissan, Volvo,
Full hybrid 1 (Toyota) 7 (Ford, General Motors, Honda,
Hyundai Kia, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota,
8-speed transmission 1 (Toyota) 7 (BMW, FCA, Hyundai Kia, JLR,
Toyota, Volvo, VW)
9-speed transmission - 4 (Daimler, FCA, Honda, JLR)
Total companies with above 21 77
Based on agencies baseline data from original 2012-2026 rulemaking and latest 2020-2026 rulemaking
Along with the multitude of examples in Table 3, the decision by Toyota to switch to HCR
engines discussed above is a particularly noteworthy example that illustrates the faulty agency
logic in subjectively deciding to constrain manufacturer options. In the draft TAR, the agency
manufacturer constraints indicated that Toyota would move primarily to turbocharged engines
by 2025, with 0% share of HCR engines.217 However, by model year 2016, just one year after
the TAR model baseline, Toyota had a fleetwide Atkinson naturally-aspirated engine penetration
of 20.5% and started a later-realized switch to HCR on the high volume non-hybrid 2018
Camry.218 The CAFE model for the draft TAR employed the same kind of general technology
constraint as the current CAFE model, and the draft TAR disallowed HCR use for Toyota
through 2025, while in the real world the cost-effective technology was already substantially
deployed in 2018. To their credit, the 2018 NPRM removes the constraint on Toyota, and the
216 Datafiles from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.”
https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-system, and datafiles
from U.S. EPA original 2017-2025 rulemaking https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-
217 “Technology Utilization report” in output datafailes from 2016 Draft TAR “Compliance and Effects Modeling
System.” National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.”
218 Input datafiles from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling
System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-system
modeling predicts nearly 64% HCR penetration for Toyota by 2025. Nonetheless, in a single
year’s time, Toyota’s technology choices demonstrated that NHTSA’s modeling constraints are
incorrect and unfounded for all other automakers as well, yet those constraints remain in the
model. The Toyota example demonstrates that it is invalid to assume that because a
technology—in this case, HCR—is not deployed by a manufacturer in a specific year, it cannot
or will not be deployed by that manufacturer going forward. Yet the agencies have hard-wired
the model to prevent other automakers from utilizing HCR technology during the analysis period
because they are not using it in 2016.
Essentially, the agencies’ modeling approach with manufacturer-specific constraints ignores this
overwhelming recent history, including this especially pointed Toyota example, and perpetuates
the same kind of unfounded modeling constraints in the NPRM. Any time that the agencies
constrain the adoption of cost-effective technology by 2025—as the NHTSA CAFE modeling
system does for dozens for technology cases through its manufacturer constraints and the fixed
technology paths—they are creating a false model that artificially props up and inflates their
estimated modeled compliance cost. The recent historical data, with many of the exact same
technologies and other incremental next steps of those technologies that are already emerging
with various automakers (as discussed above), clearly shows that the agencies cannot
reasonably justify their manufacturer-specific constraints or their rigid technology pathways that
restrict baseline makes and models from being able to embrace new technologies. If the
agencies continue to use these constraints, they have to justify specifically, company-by-
company, why each automaker physically cannot adopt existing cost-effective technologies
(rather than their current opposite approach that fixes companies’ products to a more limited
technology path, based on the baseline 2016 technology)
The agencies, based on their own extensive data on company technology deployment (e.g., the
data shown in Table 2), ignore or dismiss these examples. Toyota’s HCR switch appears to be
the most glaringly incorrect modeling decision illustrating how invalid the model’s logic is, but it
is not the only one. The agencies’ artificial technology constraints prevent 10 companies (BMW,
Daimler, FCA, Ford, GM, Honda, JLR, Subaru, Volvo, and VW) from utilizing HCR technology
on all their non-hybrid models (8 of these are prevented on all models including hybrids), even
though the agencies estimate HCR is highly cost-effective and already projected by the model
to be in use by 6 companies by 2025.219 This fails to acknowledge how a competitive auto
industry works and how competitive suppliers strive to achieve the same or greater efficiency at
lower costs. This constraint also is not supported by the recent historical record. These
examples -- based on the agencies’ own data -- show how the agencies are using artificial
manufacturer-driven constraints that do not stand the test of how the automotive industry works.
Continued use of manufacturer-specific technology constraints for any of the above discussed
technologies is unsupportable, as suppliers and automakers have the full capacity to deploy
these technologies within the nine years from model year 2016 to 2025.
219 Output datafiles from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling
System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-system
The agencies’ modeling constraints are thus inconsistent with their own engineering data and
compliance data. The only other explanation we can think of is that the automakers are
supplying false or incomplete information that is unduly restrictive in saying which technologies
can be deployed by 2025. As illustrated by Table 3 above, automakers have a tremendous
ability to adopt technologies – even technologies that are not on their current models or
anywhere within their full U.S. sales fleet – within 8 years of lead time. If the automakers are
indicating they cannot adopt technologies by 2025 that are available in 2016-2018 by other
automakers, the historical record clearly indicates otherwise for a wide variety of technologies
across most companies.
Beyond the company-specific constraints, the agencies’ compliance model also artificially
constrains automakers by blocking the availability of known technology on a fleet-wide basis.
Table 4 lists technologies that are already in production or for which production plans have been
announced that are not allowed in the agencies’ modeling, as well as technologies that are
severely limited in application by the model. We make several observations based on our
analysis of the agencies’ constraints and technology omissions as compared to the automakers’
actual technology developments.
Table 4. Summary of technologies, NPRM model technology constraints, and notes about
Technology In NRPM NPRM discussion Production & comments
Miller Cycle No “These engines may be considered in Included in TAR
the analysis supporting the final rule, 2017 Audi A4, 2018 VW Tiguan
but these engine maps were not 2017 Mazda
E-boost No available in time for the NPRM Audi 2017 SQ7 diesel
analysis.” Mercedes 2019 AMG CLS53
CEGR2 No Removed because 27-bar turbos also Included in TAR
HCCI No Not included “primarily because 2019 Mazda SPCCI
effectiveness, cost, and mass market
implementation readiness data are not
Beltless CVT No “This technology may be commercially
available as early as 2020.”
“VCR technology appear to be at a
production-intent stage of development,
Variable 2019 Infinity QX50
but also appear to be targeted primarily
compression No 2019 Nissan Altima
towards limited production, high
performance and very high BMEP (27-
30 bar) applications.”
HCR2 No, only HCR1 EPA’s future engine concept “remains HCR2 included in TAR
and IACC are entirely speculative”, as it has never 2018 Camry improves on HCR1 with
allowed been commercially produced and the not just IACC, but cooled EGR, fast
engine map has not been validated warmup, low friction LUB, improved
even on a prototype level. cam phasing, and engine friction
“The CAFE model allows for reduction. ICCT tech brief showed
incremental improvement over existing techs exceeded EPA’s efficiency
HCR1 technologies with the addition of projections
improved accessory devices (IACC)”
Cylinder Limited to base Modeling outputs show it cannot be Multiple production models from
deactivation engines combined with HCR or turbocharging GM, VW, and Mazda already
combine turbocharging and cylinder
DCT Limited to “Today’s analysis limits the application DCT transmissions are more
existing of improved DCTs to vehicles that efficient and early drivability
applications (3% already use DCTs.” problems have been solved
of fleet)
CEGR1 Limited to Technology pathways only allow CEGR 2018 Camry uses cooled EGR on
TURBO2 to be added to TURBO2 naturally aspirated engine. (no
engines turbocharging)
Some TURBO1 engines use CEGR
(ex: 2016 Mazda turbo)
VVL Modeling 52% share in augural case The model forces 55% hybrids into
GDI constraints limit 92% share in augural case the fleet before maximizing the use
TURBO2 application 8% TURBO1 share in augural case of low-cost conventional
Advanced 10% of engines use neither HCR nor technologies. This is unrealistic
engines turbocharging in augural case
Level 2 18% of transmissions do not include
transmissions level 2 improved efficiency
What is especially befuddling is that the agencies included advanced cylinder deactivation in
their modeling yet still constrained it from being used for compliance. As noted above, the
agencies’ modeling outputs show it cannot be combined with HCR or turbocharging. In addition,
they stated “[t]oday’s analysis relied on CBI to estimate costs and effectiveness values of
ADEAC. Since no engine map was available at the time of the NPRM analysis, ADEAC was
estimated to improve a basic engine with VVL, VVT, SGDI, and DEAC by three percent (for 4
cylinder engines) six percent (for engines with more than 4 cylinders).” 220 If reasonable
estimates could be made for ADEAC without fully validated engine maps, there is no reason to
exclude other technologies on these grounds, especially considering the deep expertise by the
agencies and their state-of-the-art technology simulation capabilities with the ALPHA modeling.
One major example is HCR level 2 (HCR2). Despite the facts that (as discussed above) the
agencies have cost and effectiveness data for this technology, many automakers are already
deploying the HCR1 technology, and the 2018 Camry has already put most of the HCR2
technologies into production, the agencies did not allow any application of HCR2 by 2025.
Suggesting that HCR technology will not improve belies how technology innovation occurs and
its use proliferates across the industry. Just as advanced cylinder deactivation and
turbocharging technologies are emerging, next-generation level 2 HCR engines will also
emerge. Because the agencies have access to data on higher compression ratio engines221,222,
it is readily feasible to make it available fleetwide in the timeframe of the rulemaking.
As discussed above, other omissions for technologies that are already in production, or for
which production plans have been announced, are Miller cycle, E-boost, improved cooled EGR
(CEGR2), gasoline homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI), and variable
compression ratio (VCR). Miller cycle, E-boost and CEGR2 are well known and understood
technologies that have been extensively modelled, including in the TAR, and are already in
production. There is no justifiable reason to exclude these technologies. HCCI will be on a
production vehicle in 2019, and is a potentially groundbreaking technology with major efficiency
benefits that should not be ignored. Nissan’s version of VCR is a Nissan exclusive technology
for the foreseeable future, but Nissan clearly has substantial plans for this engine that should be
included in the agencies’ compliance modeling.223 Further information on these viable
technologies that have planned introductions are mentioned above. Again, the only explanations
we can surmise for the agencies’ system of omissions and constraints are that the agencies
have biased the analysis against including all the viable technologies by inserting their own
artificial constraints (either for lack of research, lack of analytical effort, or not fully utilizing all
SkyActiv 2.0L 13:1 Compression Ratio Engine,’’ SAE Technical Paper 2016–01–1007, 2016. Available at
https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/2016-01-1007/ and Lee, S., Schenk, C., and McDonald,
J., ‘‘Air Flow Optimization and Calibration in High-Compression-Ratio Naturally Aspirated SI Engines with Cooled-
EGR,’’ SAE Technical Paper 2016–01–0565, 2016. Available at https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-
223 “Nissan variable-compression engine gets first shot at volume with new 2019 Altima.” Automotive Engineering.
the agencies’ best analytical tools and data) or that the auto industry is providing information
that erroneously suggests their innovation is far less than what is demonstrated both above and
in the agencies’ own previous analyses.
An HCR2 sensitivity analysis conducted by the agencies illustrates how sensitive overall costs
of compliance are to the artificial restrictions on technology in the NPRM. Simply making HCR2
available reduced the cost of complying with the Augural standards in 2025 by over $610, or
nearly one third of the central case of $1,908, even with all the other unreasonable modeling
constraints and algorithms in place.224 This sensitivity run validates that modeling inputs for
HCR2 have been fully developed and that it is a cost-effective technology, but the agencies
have invalidly and artificially constrained it from being used in the primary regulatory
assessment as described above.
In the development of the pathways, the agencies have made many systematic errors that
artificially and falsely constrain the availability of technologies based on subjective decisions on
allowed technology packages. The agencies’ primary flaw is to constrain technologies and
technology paths according to the original baseline technologies used on each engine,
transmission and platform. When the agencies affix baseline powertrains (e.g., turbocharged
baseline vehicles are irrevocably committed to the agencies’ turbo path) they are artificially
constraining powertrains for nine years. This is a common problem that pervades the agencies’
CAFE modeling approach. This problem is compounded because the agencies layer on
additional constraints due to its subjective and false constraints on the combinations of
technologies allowed in each pathway.
224 HCR2 sensitivity analysis “Compliance report” output datafile and standard-setting “compliance report” output
datafile from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.”
225 Standard-setting “technology utilization report” output datafile from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration,
There are many specific cases where viable technology combinations are not allowed. This
demonstrates the existence of illogical technology steps and pathway constraints that clearly
would not be allowed if the agencies had properly built their model based on what is happening
in the auto industry. For example, turbocharging and cylinder deactivation (DEAC) are treated
as mutually exclusive by the agencies, as are HCR1 and DEAC.227 However, as acknowledged
by the agencies, these technology combinations are technically viable. Volkswagen’s most
recent EA211 engine has both cylinder deactivation and uses the Miller cycle, which is,
essentially, a turbocharged HCR engine.228 Mazda also now uses cylinder deactivation on its
SkyActiv 2.5L engine, which, again, uses a high compression ratio.229 These real world
examples demonstrate the absurdity of the agencies’ constraints.
An even more basic example of arbitrary limitations on technology packages is that the model
prohibits the use of cooled EGR on naturally aspirated engines.230 The model only permits this
technology as the final step on the turbo pathway. This constraint is again belied by existing,
real-world technology. As described above, the model year 2018 naturally aspirated Toyota
Camry uses cooled EGR (and high compression ratio) and shows on-the-ground efficiency
improvement beyond the HCR1 engine. Given this real-world, tested application of cooled EGR
(CEGR1) to a naturally aspirated engine, the model’s prohibition on applying CEGR1 to
naturally aspirated engines is another unreasonable and unjustified constraint.
The agencies’ primary way to implement these package constraints appears to be by obscuring
the arbitrary and unrealistic constraints in pre-determined technology paths. In other words, the
agencies have – without basis in the real world – simply made certain technologies unavailable
within certain pathways, such that, for example, a vehicle within the HCR pathway cannot adopt
CEGR1, but a vehicle within the turbocharging pathway can.231
To recognize the actual automotive technology developments that are occurring, the agencies
would need to remove these artificial constraints and allow all the above mentioned technology
combinations (Turbo-DEAC; HCR1-DEAC; HCR-CEGR1) to be utilized by every manufacturer if
and when they are cost-effective. In addition, as mentioned below in the cost section, there are
many further turbocharging combinations that are erroneously not included in the analysis,
including adding the Miller cycle for an additional 4%-5% benefit; axial flow turbines and variable
geometry turbos for 1-2% benefit; and e-boosting for a 2%-5% benefit (greater if coupled with a
48-volt mild hybrid system).232 Not including all these combinations as options on the technology
230 PRIA Figure 6-181 shows CEGR is only on the Turbo Engine Path, which is exclusive of all other advanced
paths for all automakers by 2025 would amount to a false agency modeling constraint that
artificially inflates their estimated compliance costs.
Further, in order to enable meaningful public comment, these technology combination and
pathway constraints must be explicitly documented and justified, which they are not. Until the
agencies justify each and every constraint they impose on a company, technology, and
technology combination basis, the agencies must remove their manufacturer and model-specific
technology-sequencing and technology-combination based constraints in their modeling
framework. This is necessary in order to have a credible and transparent regulatory assessment
that does not obscure any possibly biased decisions by agency modelers. The agencies should
provide this critical information and provide an additional public comment opportunity.
In the construction of packages for the technology sequencing, the agencies have made
systematic errors that do not reflect realistic automaker decisions on adoption of technologies to
comply with the CAFE and GHG standards. Table 5 summarizes specific technology examples
that demonstrate a deeply flawed logic with nearly no quality control steps to ensure realistic
sequencing of technology adoption that reflects best available data on technology costs and
Examination of the modeling code and outputs suggests that part of the Volpe CAFE problem is
the mutually exclusive path design that allows for no "off ramps" as standards increase in
stringency, as described above. Moreover, once you're on a path, you're forced to walk through
what the CAFE modelers have determined as the path for each starting point. A consequence of
this is the model may not select the most optimal technologies, since its pathways are fixed.
Another issue is that technologies are not applied to a vehicle based solely on cost-
effectiveness (cost per fuel consumption or GHG improvement). Rather, technologies are
applied based on a calculation that considers all vehicles applying that technology or
combination in a manufacturer’s fleet.233 The result is that changing input parameters for one
vehicle, engine, platform, or vehicle type affects the entire model output. We list several
examples from our analysis that show how the agencies’ CAFE model is working to cause this
effect, based on its inputs and algorithms.
Cooled exhaust gas recirculation. CEGR1 added to TURBO2 has 0.0% effectiveness with $359
cost in 2025, as falsely modeled in the agencies’ data files. This, according to the agencies’
modeled assumptions, is not an attractive technology, yet for the Augural case the CAFE model
forces it on 38% of the fleet. When we blocked the adoption of CEGR1, it reduced the 2025
Augural standards cost of compliance by $116. This is a ridiculous result, as removing
technology choices should never reduce the cost of compliance, and it reveals a CAFE
233 Model Documentation for 2018 NPRM at equation 45 in section 5.3.2, https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-
modeling approach that is poorly vetted and fails at its sole purpose of projecting auto
companies’ future cost-effective technology approaches.
Stop-start 12-volt. The agencies assume SS12V has direct manufacturing costs of $403-$498
for just a sales-weighted average reduction in fuel consumption of 1%.234 EPA’s Proposed and
Final Determinations’ analyses appropriately find SS12V costs nearly $100 less with 3-4%
benefit.235 Unfortunately, evaluating the impact of these erroneous assumptions regarding
12VSS on the total cost of compliance is more difficult than it is for CEGR1. CEGR1 is at the
end of a technology pathway, so blocking the technology has no impact on other technologies.
However, 12VSS is at the beginning of the electrification pathway, so simply blocking 12VSS
would reduce the cost of BISG hybrids, as the model adds the incremental cost of BISG over
12VSS. Thus, we were not able to definitively assess the impact of including 12VSS in the
model. Nevertheless, the fact that SS12V is not as cost effective as other technologies in the
chain suggests that it likewise causes an unrealistic increase in compliance costs. BISG is an
example of a technology that comes after SS12V in the agencies technology sequence even
though it appears to be more much more cost-effective. The agencies assume BISG has direct
manufacturing costs of $1,459–$1,710, incremental to a baseline vehicle with no electrical
improvements or electrification.236 With all the same assumptions used to estimate average
SS12V effectiveness, the agencies’ data indicates that BISG has a sales-weighted average
reduction in fuel consumption of 5.3%.237 Thus, BISG has an estimated cost-effectiveness of
$275–$322 per percent reduction in fuel consumption, whereas SS12V has a cost-effectiveness
of $403–$498 per percent reduction in fuel consumption. Reasonable modeling for fleet
compliance (by agencies, or in the real-world by automakers) would do a better job at selecting
technologies according to their cost-effectiveness.
Improved turbocharging (TURBO2). The modeled benefits of TURBO2 over TURBO1 vary
widely, depending on the vehicle class and technology combination. EPA graphed the
incremental benefit of TURBO2 over TURBO1 for the CAFE modeling and found many
instances where the benefits were negative (Figure 2).238 For the combination using the highest
volume technologies from the augural standard run, with AT10L2 transmissions, all of the
vehicle classes had a benefit of at least 0.7%. Given the high incremental cost of TURBO2,
$446, it is likely that TURBO2 is cost-effective for some vehicle classes but not others.
234 This is the sales-weighted average across vehicle classes, when the most popular technologies in 2025 (CEGR1,
AT10L2, EPS, IACC, ELEC, LDB, ROLL20, MR4, AERO20) are included with and without stop-start technology.
“ELEC” may be “CONV” or “SS12V”. These are based on the datafiles of the agencies at National Highway Safety
Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-
235 EPA Proposed Determination Technical Support Document at Tables 2.88 and 2.89, p. 2-336
236 PRIA Table 9-3
237 This is the sales-weighted average across vehicle classes, when the most popular technologies in 2025 (CEGR1,
AT10L2, EPS, IACC, ELEC, LDB, ROLL20, MR4, AERO20) are included with and without BISG technology.
“ELEC” may be “CONV” or “BISG”. These are based on the datafiles of the agencies at National Highway Safety
Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-
238 Email 5 - Email from William Charmley to Chandana Achanta - June 18, 2018” and is available at:
Figure 2. Incremental effectiveness of TURBO2 on a medium-sized performance SUV
plotted for various transmission packages.
This is another example of obvious errors in ANL modeling, which is exacerbated by CAFE’s
unreasonable modeling constraints, It is unsupportable both that the incremental benefit of
TURBO2 over TURBO1 should vary by 10% depending on the baseline vehicle model and
technology, and that the technology would be added despite sometimes having a negative
incremental benefit. The Volpe CAFE model appears to compound the ANL modeling problem
by adding TURBO2 for scenarios where the cost-effectiveness is very poor due to the high cost
of the technology. This is another illustration that the Volpe CAFE model is adding technologies
without first checking to assure they are cost-effective.
10-speed transmissions, DCTs, EPS. The impacts of the other technologies listed in Table 5 are
small. As described above, AT10L2 is erroneously modeled as being less effective than AT6L2
in many technology combinations.239 Moreover, although AT10L2 is also slightly cheaper than
AT6L2 (although this makes no sense) and so the modeled cost-effectiveness is almost as good
as the AT6L2 despite having lower efficiency, AT10L2 is nevertheless less cost effective than
AT6L2. Thus, the shift from AT6L2 to AT10L2 adds cost while reducing both overall
effectiveness and cost-effectiveness - thus, it should never be adopted as modeled. Yet, as
described above, AT10L2 is projected to be adopted by a significant portion of the fleet (more
than 30%). Similarly, DCT8 transmissions carry a direct manufacturing cost of $349 more than
239 PRIA Figure 6-151. The effectiveness of AT10L2 vs AT6L2 can also be seen by comparing the fuel consumption
improvement values of AT10L2 and AT6L2 (with other technologies held constant) within the ANL database
“FC1_Improvements.csv” (contained within the CAFE model source code and viewable through the CAFE model
user interface), which serves as an input into the CAFE model.
DCT6 but actually reduce efficiency over DCT6.240 Although their market penetration was
restricted to 1.2% of the fleet, and so the impact in 2025 is less than $10 per vehicle, the fact is
these transmissions should never be applied if they have negative effectiveness. Yet the model
does apply it. And Electric power steering (EPS) likewise has no benefit for the augural case
scenario and costs $94.241 It is already used on 88% of the baseline 2016 fleet, so the
incremental impact on 2025 compliance is only about $13. But, again, a rational model would
never apply this technology modeled to have zero benefit. Yet, again, the model irrationally
applies it anyway.
Regardless of the impact on total costs, inclusion of technologies with little, no, or negative
efficiency benefits does not make any sense and illustrates two separate problems with the
NPRM modeling. The ANL simulations, on which the efficiency benefits are based, cannot be
accurate. The benefits of TURBO2 engines, cooled EGR, 10-speed automatic transmissions, 8-
speed DCT, electric power steering, and stop-start systems are well established. This is
supported by the rapid adoption of these technologies by manufacturers, who would not use
them if they did not have significant efficiency benefits. These estimates by ANL can only be the
result of major problems with their modeling. In addition, it shows that the Volpe model is not
even assessing the cost-benefit of adding incremental technologies, much less using
incremental cost-benefit as the basis of adding technologies. If something so basic as
preventing the addition of technologies with little or even negative benefit is not being done, it
suggests that there is little or no optimization of costs in the Volpe model. And given that
projecting cost-effective compliance pathways is the model’s sole purpose, it is evident that the
model fails in that purpose.
240 Transmission direct manufacturing costs from PRIA Table 9-2. Transmission effectiveness estimated in two ways:
(1) by comparing the fuel consumption improvement values of DCT8 and DCT6 (with other technologies held
constant) within the ANL database “FC1_Improvements.csv” (contained within the CAFE model source code and
viewable through the CAFE model user interface), which serves as an input into the CAFE model; (2) using the
sales-weighted average across vehicle classes, when the most popular technologies in 2025 (CEGR1, TRANS,
EPS, IACC, BISG, LDB, ROLL20, MR4, AERO20) are included with and without DCT8 technology. “TRANS” may
be “DCT6” or “DCT8”. These are based on the datafiles of the agencies at National Highway Safety Traffic
Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-
241 Direct manufacturing costs from PRIA Table 9-3. Effectiveness is based on the sales-weighted average across
vehicle classes, when the most popular technologies in 2025 (CEGR1, AT10L2, EPS, IACC, BISG, LDB, ROLL20,
MR4, AERO20) are included with and without EPS technology. These are based on the datafiles of the agencies
at National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling System.”
Table 5. Addition of technologies with little or no efficiency benefit.
NPRM Volpe model using highest volume technologies from augural run
2025 Cost Technology
Technology Compared to MPG benefit
increment penetration
Varies by vehicle type
TURBO2 TURBO1 $446 55%
0.7% to 6.5%
CEGR1 TURBO2 0.0% $359 37.7%
AT10L2 AT6L2 (0.5%)* ($13) 33.2%
DCT8 DCT6 (1.9%)* $545 1.2%
EPS -- 0.0% $112 99.9%
SS12V No electrification 1.0%* $509 14.1%
* sales-weighted average
We urge that the agencies must examine efficiency technology retrospectively with an aim to
improve their manufacturer-based logic in the CAFE model. The agencies have inserted many
constraints in their modeling that bind automakers in 2025 to the technologies (and technology
pathways) that are in their baseline 2016 fleets. This incorporates a narrow and unfounded
approach that ignores the historical record regarding how the industry adopts technologies over
a nine-year period. It appears clear from the turbocharging example how restrictive the
agencies’ approach has been. As discussed above, in 2016, BMW, Daimler, Fiat-Chrysler, Ford,
General Motors, Honda, Hyundai-Kia, JLR, Mazda, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, Volkswagen, and
Volvo have many models with turbocharging; however, these companies had very few such
models with turbocharging in model year 2007, nine years previous. The agencies’ restriction on
all technologies to existing 2016 baseline adoption (including turbocharging, CEGR, cylinder
deactivation, HCR) shows that the agencies have failed to fully utilize the historical EPA data242
at their disposal to develop a more rigorous method for how technology adoption really occurs
across companies.
As a result, based on a retrospective view on how turbocharging has been widely deployed, we
make the general recommendation that the agencies’ modeling allow all companies to adopt
any combinations of turbocharging, CEGR, and HCR technologies by 2025, regardless of their
baseline 2016 technology adoption. Without such a change, the agencies are falsely and
unreasonably constraining realistic cost-effective scenarios in their rulemaking assessment.
This would reflect what is happening in the fleet in 2016-2018, and it also reflects how
automaker- and supplier-developed technologies each have the ability to migrate across all
companies over a 9-year span. We recommend all necessary underlying corrections within the
CAFE modeling to ensure that this more realistic and less-restrictive technology adoption is
242 Environmental Protection Agency. The Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel
Economy Trends Report. https://www.epa.gov/fuel-economy-trends
Overall, there are many cases identified above where the approach used to impose constraints
on deployment or migration of technology across the fleet is improperly restricted, contrary to
recent evidence of industry practice as well as contrary to the competitive and other factors that
clearly support the expectation of continued and further migrations of technologies as
developments are made by suppliers and manufacturers. However, the objections to the
artificial technology migration constraints employed in the CAFE modeling are not limited to
these many specific instances. The basic approach underlying such constraints appears to be
subjective in nature, and is not based on a clear and transparent analysis of data and evidence.
The agencies must reject this approach. They need to identify each and every technology
constraint imposed in their modeling, and provide a clear engineering and evidence based
justification for each such constraint. Absent such a justification, the default assumption must be
that the industry and the competitive market will make decisions based on cost and
effectiveness alone, and the CAFE modeling should impose no additional constraint other than
to seek the minimum cost compliance solution among available technologies. As described in
detail above, the model currently fails entirely to do so.
Unless or until there is a systematic vetting of the agencies new system IAV-Autonomie-CAFE
modeling (including fixes identified in these comments), the previous approach using EPA’s
engine maps ALPHA and OMEGA modeling seems vastly superior as a reliable framework to
assess the impacts of the regulation. At a minimum, the agencies must also include modeling
using EPA’s OMEGA and ALPHA models, and not just CAFE and Autonomie modeling, to help
avoid the inappropriate elements of the CAFE modeling described above.
Due to our findings regarding the agencies’ incomplete analysis of existing technologies that are
on production vehicles, we ask that the agencies do a complete update of their reference
dataset to model year 2017. The model year 2017 dataset, including each model’s sales, fuel
economy, CO2 emission rates, footprint, and the associated efficiency technologies is in the
possession of the agencies due to EPA’s data-collection and enforcement responsibilities. The
examples we discuss in our comments where the agencies are failing to acknowledge in factual
terms what technologies the auto industry is deploying make it necessary that the agencies
update their initial reference dataset, re-examine every technology that is on those vehicles, and
use the updated 2017 dataset as the new basis for their future year compliance scenarios. This
update and sharing the 2017 dataset at a make and model level will ensure the agencies
compliance modeling is predicated on up-to-date data and the agencies are not neglecting real-
world trends, as with the examples we are sharing in these comments (e.g., related to HCR).
We ask that, based on this update for a complete 2017 dataset, the agencies also provide a
rigorous summary table that includes, for each significant efficiency technology used to comply
with the adopted and augural future standards, the model year 2010, 2016, and 2017 sales and
sales shares of those technologies. We also recommend that the agencies show the percent
increase from 2010 to 2017, and from 2016 to 2017 for each technology, to show that the
technologies (some of which they are constraining from use in their modeling) are being
deployed in increasing numbers in the marketplace. We also ask the agencies to disclose the
efficiency technologies that the automakers have disclosed will be on production vehicles by
2025 (without naming automaker names, to avoid disclosing confidential business information).
If the agencies do not do this, it would appear (based on our analysis of auto industry
announcements) that the agencies are not fully disclosing information in their possession that is
contrary to their own subjective technology constraints.
We conclude by pointing out there are many flaws that EPA pointed out to NHTSA, but these
flaws have not, apparently, been constructively responded to or resolved. EPA identified
numerous flaws and problems with the CAFE model, including problems that are new since the
Draft TAR. 243,244 Based on this, the OMEGA model is preferable, since it does not suffer from
these issues, and has been more thoroughly vetted for these exact issues. EPA’s OMEGA and
NHTSA’s Volpe differ in redesign and refresh rates. However, based on extensive analysis with
and adjustments with the various model inputs and methodologies, EPA concludes that it is not
the difference in redesign frequency in OMEGA versus Volpe that generates the large
differences in compliance costs. Rather, it is more fundamental differences in inputs,
constraints, and anomalies within the CAFE model that are driving its high costs. 245 This is fully
consistent with our own independent analysis of the rulemaking data files, as indicated
throughout these comments.
The agencies failed to capture the latest available information and, as a result, their assessment
incorrectly and artificially overstates technology costs. Based on our analysis of the NPRM and
its supporting information, and on comparing it with best available information elsewhere, we
point out several examples that illustrate how and where the agencies have failed to include the
most accurate and updated information in their rulemaking. Note that, although the agencies
handle costs in different ways at various stages in the rulemaking (e.g., total vs direct
manufacturing, and for different years), costs as used below are intended to show 2025 direct
manufacturing costs, and incorporate manufacturer learning.
We note that because the agencies present cost data in so many different ways in dozens of
different places in the NPRM, impact assessment, and supporting data files, the precise
agencies’ costs are obscured and not transparent. We have done our best to corroborate each
agency cost below from at least two places in the agencies’ documentation. This difficulty in
understanding the costs was also shared by EPA staff, who were ostensibly involved in the
analysis. As shared in interagency emails and posted in the rulemaking docket. “The CAFE
model vehicles_report output file provides vehicle price increases, which in some cases is the
same as the tech cost increase, and other cases significantly higher” 246 Without a clear
explanation of the methodology, it is unclear precisely how price increases are determined, as
well as the relationship between the technology costs, fines, and price increases. Regardless,
based on the best available information, including the text and the input and output data files,
we provide comments below on the agencies cost estimates.
1. Individual technologies
Direct injection. The agencies substantially overestimate cost of gasoline direct injection (GDI),
a high-volume compliance technology in use by many automakers. They have not examined the
most updated and applicable information. ICCT, together with FEV EU, specifically calculated
updated costs for gasoline direct injection in 2016.247 Their cost estimates were $28-$52 per
cylinder. FEV’s costs are scaled to V6 and V8 engines using FEV I3 cost divided by EPA’s I3
cost. In contrast, the agencies estimated that GDI costs $59 per cylinder over variable valve
timing (VVT) ($78 per bank). The ICCT and FEV figures are summarized Table 6, alongside
our attempt to isolate the applicable GDI costs (total, and incremental costs to VVT). ICCT’s and
FEV’s technology working paper found costs to be substantially lower than the agencies
assessment, which did not reference the ICCT’s and FEV’s 2016-published work. For Table 6,
note that I-configuration engines have one cylinder bank and V-configuration engines have two
cylinder banks.
Table 6. Technology cost for direct injection
I3 I4 V6 V8
Agency proposal (total) $233 $287 $466 $573
Agency proposal (over VVT) $162 $216 $323 $430
Updated data (ICCT, FEV) $120 $160 $240 $320
Cooled exhaust gas recirculation. The agencies invalidly overestimate the costs of cooled
exhaust gas recirculation (CEGR) for gasoline engines. As with direct injection, the agencies
have not investigated or discussed the information ICCT previously published and shared on
cooled EGR costs. FEV specifically calculated updated costs for gasoline CEGR.248 They
calculated a cost of $116 for inline engines (4-cylinder) and $149 for V engines (i.e., V-6 and V-
8). The most updated costs, based on ICCT and FEV data, as compared to our best estimate of
the comparable agencies’ costs, are in Table 7. The agencies assumed CEGR applies as the
last step in the turbocharged engine pathway, thus the costs are incremental to the penultimate
turbo technology (TURBO2). Furthermore, as pointed out elsewhere in these comments, the
FEV estimate of cooled EGR effectiveness is 2.5%, whereas the NPRM estimate is 0%. As a
result, for CEGR, the agencies have artificially added a technology, which it falsely indicates has
no benefit, and then artificially increased that technology costs, thus compounding multiple
errors. As with all tables presented in this section, note that Table 7 shows direct manufacturing
costs adjusted for manufacturer learning.249 Elsewhere, we also cite the total cost of CEGR
($359), which includes the retail price equivalent markup.
High compression ratio engines. In the case of HCR, in addition to the agencies’ invalid
decision to make HCR1 unavailable for most vehicles, they inappropriately increased HCR1
costs above what is indicated from best available data and the agencies’ previous TAR analysis.
Table 8 illustrates the agencies costs in comparison to more appropriate and up-to-date data.
The agencies estimated the base cost of HCR1 at $550-$1,108 incremental over variable valve
248 David Blanco-Rodriguez, 2025 Passenger car and light commercial vehicle powertrain technology analysis. FEV
GmbH. November 21, 2016. https://www.theicct.org/publications/2025-passenger-car-and-light-commercial-
vehicle-powertrain-technology-analysis and Aaron Isenstadt and John German (ICCT); Mihai Dorobantu (Eaton);
David Boggs (Ricardo); Tom Watson (JCI). Downsized boosted gasoline engines, October 28, 2016.
249 Direct manufacturing costs are found PRIA Tables 9-1 through 9-9. Learning rates are found in PRIA Table 9-94
timing (VVT).250 Improvements due to learning over time reduces this to $402-$809 by 2025.251
The Proposed Determination estimate for HCR costs, however, were $93-$222, incremental to
GDI (see above costs) and VVT ($65-$139).252 This is a clear case where the agencies appear
to have not used the best available data from EPA which has extensively analyzed this
technology and its associated cost, nor have the agencies justified how they have increased the
associated costs, apparently by a factor of three. The agencies should reinstate the better
justified and more deeply analyzed original Proposed Determination HCR cost numbers from
EPA for this rulemaking.
Miller cycle for turbocharged engines. The Miller cycle, essentially Atkinson Cycle engine
operation and technology, applied on a turbocharged engine, was not included in the model by
the agencies. Most of the cost of the Atkinson engine (above) is due to increased scavenging to
maintain performance and extend the efficiency region. However, for the Miller cycle, this
performance function is duplicative of the 24-bar turbo system with a variable geometry
turbocharger added in the Proposed Determination to maintain performance for the Miller
cycle.253 Thus, Atkinson cycle costs are valid for naturally aspirated engines but these costs
should not be applied for the Miller cycle. Miller cycle is estimated to improve efficiency 4-5%
over an already-turbocharged engine.254 The agencies have erroneously excluded Miller cycle
approach, and it should be reinstated as viable for all automakers that can use turbocharging or
HCR technology, as the agencies own data reveals it be very cost-effective technology and is
already in production (by Volkswagen and Mazda), as described above. This is another case
where the agencies appear to have not used the best available data from EPA which has
extensively analyzed this technology and its associated cost.
253 Aaron Isenstadt and John German (ICCT); Mihai Dorobantu (Eaton); David Boggs (Ricardo); Tom Watson (JCI).
high costs as compared to our costs from our working paper255 (which was submitted in the
Proposed Determination and not responded to). We find the appropriate advanced cylinder
deactivation cost to be based on variable valve lift (VVL) technology of $121 for a 4-cylnder
engine, plus an additional $32 for noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) improvements. The
agencies’ previous Joint TSD for the 2012 rulemaking, p 3-81, states that engines equipped with
“mechanisms required for cylinder deactivation” would only need this level of NVH. The
rationale for especially high agency costs are unclear, but their costs appear to account for
finger-follower de-lashing on a fixed block of cylinders (half the cylinders of a V6 or V8), which is
not needed for dynamic cylinder deactivation.
Table 9. Technology cost and fuel consumption reduction for cylinder deactivation
Cost Fuel consumption
I4 V6 V8 reduction
Agency advanced deactivation (over VVT) $835 $1,253 $1,671 3% - 6%
Dynamic deactivation (ICCT, FEV) $153 $248 $320 6.5% - 8.3%
These findings are corroborated by EPA’s communications with NHTSA and other officials, as
shared in interagency emails and posted in the rulemaking docket. EPA indicates that the
agencies’ assumed cost for ADEAC is 2 to 4 times the cost of industry-quoted costs for the
version of the technology in production in MY2019. 256 This is troubling that the assumed agency
cost would so wildly diverge from important information, and that the agencies would choose not
to share this clearly applicable information other than buried in interagency dialogue.
Turbocharging. One of the more substantial technology areas that the agencies are incorrectly
overestimating costs is in turbocharging packages. Advances in these technologies increasingly
expand the efficiency frontier and make turbocharging more cost effective. Related to this, the
agencies have overestimated the costs by hundreds of dollars per application of the
turbocharging package.
First, a principle benefit of turbocharging is the capacity for engine downsizing, which can
reduce the parts and complexity of the engine when cylinder count decreases. Downsizing
reduces the cost of the turbocharger system and associated engine changes, especially when
the number of cylinders can be reduced. This is demonstrated by the widespread substitution of
4-cylinder turbos for naturally aspirated V6 engines in the fleet. It appears that the agencies
have not appropriately downsized the fleet to maintain constant vehicle utility and performance.
255 Aaron Isenstadt and John German (ICCT), Mihai Dorobantu (Eaton). Naturally aspirated gasoline engines and
cylinder deactivation, June 21, 2016. http://www.theicct.org/naturally-aspirated-gas-engines-201606 and David
Blanco-Rodriguez, 2025 Passenger car and light commercial vehicle powertrain technology analysis. FEV GmbH.
November 21, 2016. https://www.theicct.org/publications/2025-passenger-car-and-light-commercial-vehicle-
256 “Email 5”: Email_5_-_Email_from_William_Charmley_to_Chandana_Achanta_-_June_18,_2018.
Because there are many buried analytical assumptions, the agencies need to comprehensively
report in their “vehicle report” file, the final engine displacement, the maximum power of each
engine, the maximum torque of each engine, the initial and final curb weight of each vehicle (in
absolute terms), and estimated 0-60 mph acceleration time of each model in their compliant
Augural 2025 fleet, and then allow an additional public comment opportunity. Without showing
this data, the agency is showing that they have not even attempted to accurately analyze the
future year fleet for their performance. It also appears clear that the agencies are intentionally
burying a critical assumption, whereby their future fleet has not been appropriately downsized,
and it therefore has greatly increased utility and performance characteristics. Any buried
increase in performance is an unaccounted for benefit of the standards and related
inappropriate over counting of the compliance costs.
As previously determined by the agencies and the National Academy analysis, engineering
teardown studies are the ideal basis for technology cost analysis.257 Yet compared to FEV
engineering teardown analyses258 as well as EPA’s detailed technology benchmarking analysis
for the TSD and Proposed Determination, the agencies have greatly increased turbocharging
costs. Based on the FEV teardown and EPA analysis, turbodownsizing costs for 18-bar
turbocharging range from a -$391 (i.e., a benefit due to moving from 6 to 4 cylinders) to a cost
increase of $376 (for shift from V8 to V6).259 These, along with EPA’s more rigorous
assessments of 24-bar and CEGR technology from its original Proposed and Final
Determination, are in Table 10.260 As evident in the table, the latest agencies’ cost estimates for
turbo-downsizing are greatly exaggerated, and these differences are not substantiated with
improved data. One aspect of the overestimate is the fact that downsizing to an I4 from a V6
shows virtually no difference in cost, despite real world evidence that such a change is
accompanied by much-reduced costs, or even net savings. We recommend the agencies revert
back to EPA’s previous analysis in the TAR and original Final Determination on these
downsized turbocharged engine costs.
Determination TSD Figures 2.113 through 2.115. EPA’s response to comments begin on 2-318 of the Proposed
Determination TSD; and section 2.5.2 of the Final Determination Response to Comments.
Table 10. Technology cost on turbocharging and downsizing
I4 to I3 V6 to I4 V8 to V6
Agency 18bar turbo (over VVT) $638 $642 $1,052
Agency 24bar turbo (over 18bar) $204 $204 $343
Agency CEGR (over 24bar) $244 $244 $244
Updated, appropriate (ICCT, EPA) 18bar (over VVT) $315 ($391) $376
Updated, appropriate (ICCT, EPA) 24bar (over 18 bar) $223 $223 $387
Updated, appropriate (ICCT, EPA) CEGR (over 24 bar) $116 $116 $149
That turbocharging costs in the NPRM have been inappropriately inflated is supported by a real-
world example. The 2018 Ford Fusion is offered with 3 engine options, a 2.5L naturally
aspirated, a 1.5L turbo, and a 2.0L turbo. The 2.5L is standard on the Fusion SE and the 1.5L
turbo is a $400 option.261 As the agencies apply a Retail Price Equivalent of 1.5 to establish
retail prices,262 this means that the technology cost of the Fusion 1.5L turbo is less than $270 –
less than half the estimate in the NPRM and even less than the ICCT and EPA’s updated
estimate shown above.
The errors in the agencies’ cost analysis of turbocharging goes beyond the above comparisons.
In particular, as discussed above, the step from turbocharging to cooled EGR offers no CO2 or
fuel consumption effectiveness benefit in the model, contrary to the real-world. Also as
discussed above, the agencies own benchmarking and simulation modeling clearly show that
there is a benefit to CEGR on top of turbocharging of 3-4%, demonstrating that the agencies’
modeling contains obvious error. Although the real-world cost-effectiveness of this technology
demonstrates that it is appropriate to include it within an improved and appropriate progression
of technologies on turbocharged engines, the CEGR efficiency values (and the algorithms’
general failure to choose only cost-effective technologies) must be fixed. Other turbocharging
technologies are also available that can further reduce fuel consumption, yet were not
considered at all in the NPRM. The Miller cycle can provide an additional 4%-5% benefit at a
cost of $0 - $67; axial flow turbines and variable geometry turbos offer 1-2% benefit for $67; and
e-boosting alone can provide another 2%-5% benefit (greater if coupled with a 48-volt mild
hybrid system) for $400.263
Mild hybrid 48-volt hybrid systems. 48-volt mild hybrids are another example of a technology
where the agencies’ cost is inflated. This is supported by both the ICCT/supplier technology
report on hybrids264 and by a real world example, the 2019 RAM 1500 pickup truck.
There appears to be discrepancies in the agencies’ reporting of battery costs in the PRIA
compared to the input files of their compliance model. In a departure from the draft TAR, the
agencies separate battery and non-battery costs and bury the battery costs used in the CAFE
model inside a database.265 266 267 Not only is this database exceedingly difficult to access to
modify battery costs (as battery costs should be a user input), but it makes it much harder to
see how battery costs affect mild hybrid costs over time. On top of this, the agencies appeared
to have used outdated and grossly overstated battery costs in their analysis. This conclusion is
based on the tables in section of the PRIA, as well as the outputs of the agencies’ low
battery cost sensitivity run of the Volpe model. In that run, which used battery costs more
closely in line with EPA’s and leading research on battery costs (see more on this below), the
per-vehicle cost of compliance with 2025 standards decreased by $214.268 We were unable to
make these written and datafile costs match up and NHTSA and Volpe staff did not respond to
our request for clarification. Our best estimate of BISG costs from the NPRM are listed in Table
11, but these may not be completely accurate, due to the agencies incomplete efforts to
disclose all their assumptions to the public in an discernible and accessible way.
Contrasting with the agencies’ analysis is the 2019 RAM 1500 pickup truck, which, when it was
first introduced early in the summer of 2018, offered a BISG hybrid system as a free standing
option for $800269. The price increment was recent raised to $1,450270.The 48-volt system is
branded as an “eTorque” system that provides 130 pound-feet of electric torque for greater
utility and acceleration.271 Even with the new, higher price, applying the agencies RPE of 1.5,
this means the direct manufacturing cost is less than $1,000, much less than the $1,616 direct
manufacturing cost estimate in the NPRM for 2016 pickup trucks.272
264 John German. Hybrid vehicles: Trends in technology development and cost reduction, July 23, 2015,
265 PRIA section at 375
266 2018 CAFE Model Documentation, section 4.7.2 at 46.
267 “Battery_Costs.csv” input datafile of the agencies at National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
output datafile from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects Modeling
System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-system
269 Aaron Cole. The Car Connection. https://www.thecarconnection.com/news/1115635_2019-ram-1500-truck-will-
270 Mark Phelan. USA Today. https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/mark-phelan/2018/08/24/2019-ram-mild-
271 Id.
272 PRIA at 1113, Table 9-3
Note that the eTorque system offers improved performance and drivability and contributes to
higher payload and towing ratings for 2019 compared with 2018.273 In fact, the very branding of
the option as eTorque suggests that RAM believes the utility benefits are of value to customers
– yet the agencies have completely failed to account for the consumer value of the utility
benefits. Therefore, this is not an equal-performance comparison.
The agencies modeled costs for BISG systems for cars and small SUVs appear to be even
more off base. In particular, the cost of BISG systems are modeled as being approximately
$600 more expensive for cars and small SUVs than those for pickups and medium SUVs.274
This appears to run counter to the agencies’ own brief descriptions of battery and electrification
costs in the PRIA.275 It is also contrary to basic engineering logic, which holds that a system
which would be smaller and have lower energy and power requirements would be less
expensive, not more.
Based on the joint 2016 ICCT/supplier analysis of 48-volt mild-hybrid systems276 48V hybrid
system cost is $600-$1,000 (with costs lower on the lower side for cars and higher side for light
trucks) in the 2025 timeframe. As discussed above, the RAM 1500 pickup has already validated
the ICT figures in 2019. In contrast, the agencies’ figures are contrary to this best-available
research and real-world evidence. Using these updated estimates would reflect industry
practices for developing these systems, ensure constant-utility, and match the technology
improvement of 10-15% for the given technology benefits. The agencies must use more
reasonable cost estimates in their rulemaking.
Full hybrids. The agencies have substantially overestimated the costs of full hybrid vehicles.
Because we continue to be unable to decipher the agencies’ multiple and inconsistent hybrid
cost components, we analyzed the complete vehicle costs (rather than the bottom-up cost
components) for strong hybrids. But we emphasize that, due to the confusing and inconsistent
costs in this technology, among others, the agencies must release a clear explanation of these
cost components, and provide an additional opportunity for public comment.
We analyzed the agencies’ final output files in the Augural standard analysis, which indicate
their full hybrid vehicle costs – for all the vehicles that had hybrid technology applied during the
compliance period (i.e., removing those models that were already hybrid in 2016). This revealed
the modeled incremental price increase for hybrids was approximately $6,600 per hybrid vehicle
in 2017, decreasing to $4,800 in 2025.
As analyzed in our previous work,277 this is not a plausible result, considering hybrid component
costs and full-vehicle prices in the marketplace in 2016 as well as the technology improvement
that continues to enter the fleet. Full hybrid systems are options on dozens of mass market
vehicles. The agencies have continued to fail to properly analyze those dozens of hybrids in the
marketplace, their much lower costs than the agencies are assuming, and their rapid
improvements due to high-activity among automakers and suppliers to competitively develop
lower cost components.
The agencies must set a maximum cost premium for full hybrids (which improve CO2 and fuel
consumption by 30%-35%) of $2,500 in 2017, declining linearly to $1,400 by 2025 for mid-size
cars and crossovers.278 The cost components would also likely scale by vehicle power
requirements, up for pickups, down for smaller cars, which the agencies must also account for
in the modelling.
The agencies must completely and transparently disclose the basis for their cost estimates, to
enable the public to clearly connect the bottom-up cost components (e.g., battery and power
electronic costs) to full vehicle costs for all vehicle models that have hybrid costs applied in the
existing and Augural 2025 standards. To date, the documentation (or lack thereof) provided by
the agencies veils from public view their justifications for unrealistically high hybrid cost
estimates—one of the most important technology cost estimations to assess the Augural
standards’ compliance cost, as the NPRM projects that 22% of vehicles will need full hybrid
systems to meet the augural standards. The various components of these costs be made
explicit and justified with real-world analysis and evidence. After disclosing these costs, the
agencies must provide another opportunity for public comment.
Mass reduction. The agencies have unjustifiably impeded the uptake of mass reduction
technology, and have unrealistically inflated the associated costs. As discussed above, it
appears that the agencies have invalidly assumed that 47% of baseline vehicles already have
some level of this technology , thereby artificially removing the most cost-effective lightweighting
from future use. This means that for nearly half of vehicles to adopt any lightweighting at all,
they must skip past the least expensive options, and adopt only more advanced, more
277 John German (ICCT). Hybrid vehicles: Trends in technology development and cost reduction, July 23, 2015.
http://www.theicct.org/hybrid-vehicles-trends-technology-development-and-cost-reduction. This work has been
shared with the agencies on multiple occasions before the 2018 NPRM
278 John German (ICCT). Hybrid vehicles: Trends in technology development and cost reduction, July 23, 2015.
http://www.theicct.org/hybrid-vehicles-trends-technology-development-and-cost-reduction. This work has been
shared with the agencies on multiple occasions before the 2018 NPRM
expensive options. This incorrectly increases the costs of all subsequent mass-reduction in the
compliance modeling.
Moreover, the agencies have unrealistically inflated the costs associated with the various levels
of mass reduction. There are numerous material improvements in development that were not
considered in the rule,279 such as higher strength aluminum,280 improved joining techniques for
mixed materials, third-generation steels with higher strength and enhanced ductility,281 a new
generation of ultra-high strength steel cast components, and metal/plastic hybrid components.282
And these developments are just a sample of the developments discussed in the joint
ICCT/supplier technology working paper on lightweighting that are ignored in the proposal. 283
The National Academies284 specifically endorsed tear-down studies as the most appropriate way
to get at vehicle technology costs. These studies are typically more accurate and far more
transparent than the older method of surveying manufacturers, and such whole-vehicle studies
are key to capturing holistic vehicle level mass-reduction technology costs. There are many
such studies that have assessed mass reduction technology and costs since 2011. Peer-
reviewed studies, including by EDAG, FEV, Ford, and Lotus Engineering use state-of-the-art
engineering teardown analysis and holistic vehicle safety simulation analysis to assess mass-
reduction technology and its cost; these studies demonstrate that at least 20% mass reduction
is available for adoption across vehicle classes by 2025.285 Yet the agencies have either
279 In PRIA section, no mention is made of higher strength aluminum, third generation advanced high
strength steel, nor improved joining (for example glue or other adhesives). The lightweighting study used as the
basis for mass reduction costs (PRIA Table 6-37), shows only material substitution using none of the above-listed
280 Richard Truett. “Novelis: Automakers test stronger aluminum.” Auto News. August 10, 2015. Web. Accessed July
2016. http://www.autonews.com/article/20150810/OEM01/308109982/novelis:-automakers-test-stronger-
281 Ryan Gehm. “NanoSteel confident its new AHSS is ready for volume production.” Automotive Engineering. July
Nagwanshi D. et.al, “Vehicle Lightweighting and Improved Crashworthiness – Plastic/Metal Hybrid Solutions for
BIW”, SPE ANTEC, technical program, 2016.
283 Aaron Isenstadt and John German (ICCT); Piyush Bubna and Marc Wiseman (Ricardo Strategic Consulting); );
Umamaheswaran Venkatakrishnan and Lenar Abbasov (SABIC); Pedro Guillen and Nick Moroz (Detroit
Materials); Doug Richman (Aluminum Association), Greg Kolwich (FEV). Lightweighting technology development
and trends in U.S. passenger vehicles, December 19, 2016. http://www.theicct.org/lightweighting-technology-
284 National Academies. Cost, Effectiveness, and Deployment of Fuel Economy Technologies for Light-Duty Vehicles.
2015. https://www.nap.edu/catalog/21744/cost-effectiveness-and-deployment-of-fuel-economy-technologies-for-
285 EDAG (2011) Future Steel Vehicle. http://www.worldautosteel.org/projects/future-steel-vehicle/phase-2-results/
Prepared for WorldAutoSteel. FEV (2012) Light-Duty Vehicle Mass Reduction and Cost Analysis — Midsize
Crossover Utility Vehicle. Prepared for US Environmental Protection Agency. EPA-420-R-12-026.
http://www.epa.gov/otaq/climate/documents/420r12026.pdf; Lotus Engineering (2012) Evaluating the Structure
and Crashworthiness of a 2020 Model-Year, Mass-Reduced Crossover Vehicle Using FEA Modeling. Prepared for
California Air Resources Board. http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/levprog/leviii/final_arb_phase2_report-
compressed.pdf; Singh, H. (2012). Mass Reduction for Light-Duty Vehicles for Model Years 2017-2025. Prepared
for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Report No. DOT HS 811 666.
ftp://ftp.nhtsa.dot.gov/CAFE/2017-25_Final/811666.pdf (accessed in 2012); Geck, P. J. Goff, R. Sohmshetty, K.
Laurin, G. Prater, V. Furman, 2007. IMPACT Phase II – Study to Remove 25% of the Weight from a Pick-up
incorrectly interpreted or invalidly nullified the most relevant detailed engineering teardown
studies on mass-reduction technology.
In the Draft TAR, the agencies based their direct manufacturing costs on a study that reduced
the mass of a MY2011 Honda Accord by first shedding glider weight, then downsized powertrain
components to maintain equivalent performance. The cumulative cost per kilogram before
powertrain downsizing was $2.69 (for a net reduction of 10.74% of the curb weight, or 13.6% of
the glider weight).286 After downsizing the powertrain—which led to cost savings—the net cost
per kilogram was estimated to be $1.20 (20.52% reduction in curb weight).287 This same study
was used in the NPRM. However, in the NPRM, only glider weight reduction is ever considered,
without the cost-offsetting engine downsizing. Thus, not only do the agencies omit a key cost
component that reduces total costs, they also erroneously improve vehicle performance,
contrary to their own assertion and intention to assume a constant performance trend.
Additionally, the omissions mean the agencies fail to account for associated the powertrain
weight reductions (which allow higher total mass reduction - up to 20% total mass reduction -
and thus even greater efficiency benefits at a lower cost per kilogram than glider weight
reduction alone), and instead create a new mass reduction cost curve that peaks at 20%
reduction in glider mass at nearly $16 per kilogram. The agencies do not offer explanation to
justify this sudden and dramatic increase.288 The agencies acknowledge the potential to enable
powertrain downsizing and realize its associated fuel efficiency benefits by reducing glider mass
by more than 10%. However, it is unclear if, and how, costs are reduced while downsizing, as
well as the precise changes to fuel efficiency.
We recommend the agencies adjust their technology cost inputs to reflect best-available
technology studies.289 The correct cost assumption from all these studies is that a 5-10% mass
Prepared for WorldAutoSteel. FEV (2012) Light-Duty Vehicle Mass Reduction and Cost Analysis — Midsize
Crossover Utility Vehicle. Prepared for US Environmental Protection Agency. EPA-420-R-12-026.
http://www.epa.gov/otaq/climate/documents/420r12026.pdf; Lotus Engineering (2012) Evaluating the Structure
and Crashworthiness of a 2020 Model-Year, Mass-Reduced Crossover Vehicle Using FEA Modeling. Prepared for
California Air Resources Board. http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/levprog/leviii/final_arb_phase2_report-
compressed.pdf; Singh, H. (2012). Mass Reduction for Light-Duty Vehicles for Model Years 2017-2025. Prepared
for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Report No. DOT HS 811 666.
ftp://ftp.nhtsa.dot.gov/CAFE/2017-25_Final/811666.pdf (accessed in 2012); Geck, P. J. Goff, R. Sohmshetty, K.
Laurin, G. Prater, V. Furman, 2007. IMPACT Phase II – Study to Remove 25% of the Weight from a Pick-up
Truck. Society of Automotive Engineers. 2007-01-1727 https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-
papers/content/2007-01-1727/. Caffrey et al, 2015. Cost-Effectiveness of a Lightweight Design for 2020-2025: An
Assessment of a Light-Duty Pickup Truck https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-10/documents/2015-01-
0559_0.pdf. Caffrey et al, 2013. Cost-Effectiveness of a Lightweight Design for 2017-2020: An Assessment of a
Midsize Crossover Utility Vehicle. https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/2013-01-0656/
reduction by 2025 reduces vehicle cost, and the auto industry will cost-effectively deploy at least
15% vehicle curb mass reduction in the 2025 timeframe at near zero net cost (and consistently
less than $500). The agencies should thus increase the maximum available mass reduction
potential levels to include 20%-25% mass reduction to reflect the potential and associated costs
as shown in the leading teardown studies.290 This would reflect actual industry practices to
incorporate all the available and emerging mass-reduction technologies.
Electric vehicle battery costs. Electric vehicles are by and large unnecessary for companies
to comply with the 2025 augural fuel economy and existing GHG standards, as demonstrated by
the agencies’ analyses in the Draft TAR and the EPA 2016-2017 Proposed and original Final
Determination.291 This remains true in the NPRM,292 even with all of the artificial restrictions
placed on conventional powertrain technologies as discussed in Section II. Nonetheless, we find
that the agencies’ inputs have failed to reflect the leading industry data on how rapidly these
technologies are approaching cost parity with combustion vehicles. Overall the agencies appear
to have overestimated electric vehicle costs dramatically. The agencies have purported to utilize
state-of-the-art tools including the DOE BatPac model on battery costs, but their cost
calculations have erroneously pushed up electric vehicles’ incremental costs above $10,000 per
vehicle. The agencies have thus introduced errors that have artificially pushed up the battery
costs much higher than indicated by BatPac and other experts in the field.
Table 12 summarizes the most reliable available projections of electric vehicle battery costs for
2020-2030.293 The agencies have not analyzed these studies to understand the potential for
cost-effective electric drive technology. The data include a variety of different technologies,
production volumes, and cost elements. Although there are differences in the methods, they
290 Ibid.
291 Draft TAR Tables 12.29 through 12.42; Proposed Determination Table IV.5 (not the technical support document)
292 PRIA Tables 7-49, 7-53, 7-57
293 Ahmed, S., Nelson, P., Susarla, N., Dees, D. (2018). Automotive Battery Cost Using BatPac. IEA Workshop on
generally include in some variation of material, process, overhead, depreciation, warranty, and
profit costs; an exception is that the Ahmed et al (2018) study excludes profit. In addition, the
table shows statements regarding battery costs from automakers. These are in the three bottom
rows. As shown, most of the studies and automaker statements show battery pack costs
declining to $150/kWh by 2020-2023 and then to about $120-135/kWh by 2025. The exception
is Tesla, which (as shown in the bottom row) reports an accelerated cost-decline, stating that it
reached $150/kWh in 2018 and will reach $100/kWh by 2022, associated with its earlier high-
production than others.
Our findings are corroborated by EPA’s analysis of the chosen Autonomie/CAFE battery costs
used in the proposal, as shared in interagency emails and posted in the rulemaking docket. The
battery costs appear to be 20% to 40% higher that the estimates that EPA has found in the
same BatPaC model used by ANL. 294 Based on the interagency dialogue between EPA and
NHTSA, it is clear that EPA’s experts not only found battery costs to be too high compared to
their own analysis of the BatPac model that was used, but NHTSA did not even provide enough
information to allow EPA to understand why the newly-assumed battery costs were so
inexplicably high:
“Overall, battery costs included in this analysis are higher than what EPA has obtained
from the most recent version of the BatPaC model. There is not enough detail provided
for EPA to determine what is contributing to these higher costs, but two potential
factors are notable. First, the text refers to both ANL/ESD-15/28 and the BatPac
model, so there are potentially inconsistencies in the application of assumptions from
one of these sources to the other. Second, the text frequently refers to the BatPaC
model to lend authority to the battery cost estimates, without providing sufficient
information on the much more significant issue of how battery sizing or other model
inputs were determined, much less the battery sizings or cost estimates that
The agencies have not resolved, reconciled, or even discussed these clear problems in
NHTSA’s erroneous use of the BatPac numbers their rulemaking documentation. The agencies
have largely obscured their battery electric vehicle (BEV) cost sources or calculations, making it
nearly impossible for even very interested researchers to understand how all the BatPac costs
translate into BEV costs that can be compared with other full-BEV costs in the literature. To
enable meaningful public comments, these sources and cost calculations must be made explicit
and the agencies must provide an additional public comment opportunity.
Furthermore, from the datafiles available, it appears clear that the agencies have not assessed
the ability for BEV efficiency improvements from load reduction (weight, rolling resistance,
aerodynamic) to reduce the battery and power electronic component sizing, thereby reducing
battery costs. If BEVs battery and other component costs are considered appropriately, cost
parity with conventional combustion vehicles will be reached in the 2025-2027 timeframe.296
In addition, the agencies prevented their fleet compliance model from allowing battery electric
vehicles from being applied in their analysis of the Augural standards. If the agencies include
appropriate BEV costs (where BEVs achieve cost parity in the 2025-2027 timeframe), and
remove all their constraints on electric vehicles, they would appropriately realize that the 2025
standards are more cost-effective when electric vehicles are included.
Tier 3 vs Tier 2 fuel. In the NPRM modeling the agencies incorrectly apply fuel economy and
CO2 penalties to the switch from Tier 2 to Tier 3. In its Proposed Determination, EPA explicitly
states that it did not base any technology effectiveness values on engines requiring high octane
fuel.297 On the contrary, EPA selected technologies assuming regular 87 AKI fuel and included
technologies “necessary to protect for operation on such fuels.” Thus, if the agencies had
appropriately used the most up-to-date and recently vetted vehicle simulation tool available to
295 “EO_12866_Review_EPA_comments_on_NPRM_and_Preliminary_RIA_sent_to_OMB,_July_26,_2018”.
https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0283-0453. Page 1142.
296 Paul Wolfram and Nic Lutsey. Electric Vehicles: Literature review of technology costs and carbon emissions.
them (i.e., ALPHA modeling), they would not have needed to inappropriately modify the engine
maps for advanced engine technologies. We also discuss this fuel topic above, as it applies to
the agencies choices of, and their adjustments to, engine maps.
Learning curves. A subtle change by the agencies in this NPRM is in the learning curves of all
technologies. In the NPRM, the agencies use a decaying exponential function. In the TAR, the
agencies used fixed rates of cost decline over set time increments.298 EPA’s learning curve rates
used in the TAR and in its Final Determination used a decaying curve, but less steep than the
NPRM. In the NPRM, the agencies used safety technology as a proxy for fuel efficiency
technology in order to determine learning effects.299 As a result, the learning curves for many
important fuel efficiency technologies are not as steep as in the TAR. That is, the decrease in
cost over time is lower in the NPRM than it is in the TAR. Safety technology was chosen for the
NPRM because it is used by almost every manufacturer. The nature of fuel efficiency
technologies (particularly advanced ones) is that not every manufacturer will use them,
especially not when they are first introduced. Consequently, the choice of safety technology as
a model for fuel efficiency technology leads to lower rates of learning. This is further
emphasized by the fact that EPA in both the TAR and its Final Determination also used
decaying exponential learning curves based on empirical data. These curves were, broadly
speaking, less steep than NHTSA’s in the TAR, but were also steeper than the agencies’ curves
in the NPRM.
Examples comparing the TAR and NPRM differences due to learning rate discrepancies include
(over the years 2016-2025):
● Turbodownsizing (all levels) show 18%-24% slower learning rate
● 67% reduction in learning for VVT, VVL, SGDI, DEAC
● 21% reduction in learning for HCR (as compared to EPA’s Atkinson cycle engine)
● 29% reduction in learning for batteries (as compared to EPA’s battery learning curves)
To show the impact of changing learning rates, the agencies should run a sensitivity analysis
similar to the ICM sensitivity run (using EPA’s indirect cost multipliers). In the learning rate
sensitivity, the agencies should consider the learning rates used in the TAR, as well as EPA’s
learning rates in its Final Determination. Without doing so and without conducting a peer review
of the change in approach, it appears clear the agencies have decided to switch to a new
costing method that affects all future costs, but without any significant research justification,
vetting, or review.
Indirect costs and retail price equivalent. The agencies abandoned their previously-used
indirect cost multiplier method for estimating total costs, which was vetted with peer review, and
more complexly handled differing technologies with different supply chain and manufacturing
aspects. The agencies have, at this point, opted to use a simplistic retail price equivalent
method, which crudely assumes all technologies have a 50% markup from the direct
manufacturing technology cost. We recommend the agencies revert back to the previously-used
and better substantiated ICM approach.
In the construction of packages for the technology sequencing, the agencies have made
systematic errors that do not reflect automaker decisions on adoption of technologies. We point
out several specific examples that we believe are representative of a deeply flawed logic with
nearly no quality control steps to vet for realistic sequencing of technology adoption reflecting
best available data on technology costs and effectiveness.
The effect of artificial exclusion of improved technologies and restrictions on market penetration
discussed in this section are exacerbated by their impact on the technology cost-benefit curve.
Manufacturers usually add technology from the most cost-effective (i.e. the largest efficiency
benefit per dollar) to the least cost-effective. If low cost technologies are ignored or constrained
in the model, more costly technologies must be used instead. This is illustrated in Figure 3,
which shows the incremental benefits and costs for technologies assessed by EPA in their Final
Determination.300 As the figure demonstrates, the slope of the curve rises smoothly from one
technology to the next, as each proves slightly less efficiency gain-per-dollar than the last. As
discussed further below (and shown in Figure 4), the technology pathway curves for the NPRM
do not rise smoothly, instead jogging between more and less cost-effective technologies as they
progress. This causes compliance to be more expensive, in part because limitation on cost-
effective technology early in the path forces the model to adopt the more expensive
technologies later in the path. For example, The NPRM analysis projects that 32% of all
vehicles needed 48V mild hybrids and an additional 22% needed full hybrids to comply with the
augural standards.301 As can be seen in the figure, 48V hybrids are far above the “elbow”
separating cost-effective to cost-ineffective technologies in the agencies’ and Draft TAR
analysis – they were the least cost-effective option assessed by EPA. And full hybrids, were not
even included in EPA’s Draft TAR modeling because they were not needed, are far higher cost
and less cost-effective even than 48V hybrids. Thus, it appears that limitations on cost-effective
conventional technologies below the elbow in the NPRM modelling have forced the model to
adopt technologies at the top end of the curve to compensate, dramatically increasing the total
cost of compliance for every restriction.
300 Nic Lutsey, Dan Meszler, Aaron Isenstadt, John German, Josh Miller. Efficiency technology and cost assessment
for U.S. 2025–2030 light-duty vehicles. March 22, 2017 https://www.theicct.org/publications/US-2030-technology-
301 “Compliance Report” outputs from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018,
Figure 3. Lowest cost efficiency technology progression for CO2 reduction in passenger
cars and crossover vehicles.
The following is a series of findings regarding these technology constraints based on our
analysis of many sensitivity cases using the same CAFE model used by the agencies, to
explore how the agencies’ CAFE model is working based on its inputs and algorithms. We found
that examining the outputs corroborates the conclusion that many of the inputs and
methodological choices of the agencies are erroneous, as discussed above.
● Cooled exhaust gas recirculation. CEGR1 added to TURBO2 has 0.0% effectiveness
with $359 total per-vehicle cost in 2025. These assigned characteristics would make this
an unattractive technology for manufacturers, with added cost and no benefit. We
investigated further to see how the agencies’ fleet compliance modeling utilized the
technology. When we blocked the adoption of CEGR1, it reduces 2025 Augural
standards cost of compliance by $116. Of course removing a technology should not
decrease the cost of meeting the standard, as that should mean removing the
technology results in the adoption of a different and less cost effective set of technology.
The model is supposed to be designed to choose the more cost effective technologies
first and the less cost effective later, not the other way around. This reveals a CAFE
modeling approach that is poorly designed and subject to poor quality control, and fails
in its sole purpose of projecting on auto companies’ cost-effective technology
approaches using the agencies’ technology and cost inputs.
● High compression ratio. As a sensitivity analysis, the agencies chose to run the CAFE
model in which they activated HCR2. This one change alone reduced the total per-
vehicle cost of compliance with the Augural 2025 standards by $690. Because the
agencies restricted the use of HCR2 in their primary analysis, this shows that the
agencies intentionally excluded a highly cost-effective technology (by their own analysis)
in the rulemaking analysis. As discussed above, they apparently did so based on an
invalid technical assumption. In the ICCT modeling, we found that by activating HCR2 as
well as making all technology applicable to all automakers’ engines, transmissions, and
platforms, compliance costs with the 2025 Augural standards were reduced by $817.
● Electric vehicles. The agencies also ran their model with reduced battery costs, which is
directionally appropriate as their estimated battery and overall electric vehicles are well
out of line with leading research, as indicated above. This scenario appears to reduce
the cost of compliance by $220. Through a combination of incorrectly high electric
vehicle prices (that do not reflect ANL302 or other leading battery research groups’
work)303, and modeling restrictions on electric vehicles, the agencies have unduly inflated
technology costs of electric vehicles to comply with the standards.
Figure 4 illustrates the cumulative effect of the agencies’ unsubstantiated technology cost and
effectiveness inputs, as well as inappropriate constraints on technologies and manufacturers,
using the agencies modeling.304 For a Medium Car (MedCar) vehicle class, following the
turbocharging (Turbo) path in blue results in a 37% reduction in fuel consumption at a cost of
over $5,000. On the other hand, using the agencies’ own technology inputs and following the
HCR path (brown) leads to similar levels of fuel savings at a cost of around $3,450. As
explained above, the HCR path is only available for a select group of engines from a select
group of manufacturers, due to artificial and inappropriate decisions made by the agencies’
302 Ahmed, S., Nelson, P., Susarla, N., Dees, D. (2018). Automotive Battery Cost Using BatPac. IEA Workshop on
Batteries for Electric Mobility. https://www.iea.org/media/Workshops/2018/Session2ShabbirAhmedANL.pdf
303 Anderman, M. (2016). The Tesla battery report: Tesla Motors: Battery technology, analysis of the Gigafactory and
Such a vehicle already has low friction lubricants and engine friction reduction (LUBEFR), variable valve timing
(VVT), 6-speed automatic transmission (AT6), 5% mass reduction (MR1), and 5% aerodynamic drag reduction
Agency August 2018
Cumulative technology cost in 2025
primary path
August 2018
HCR path
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Cumulative fuel consumption reduction
Figure 4. Primary technology paths taken by the medium sized technology class in the
CAFE model
As Figure 4 shows, the two technology paths and especially the agency primary path do not
follow a smoothly increasing curve where each successive technology has lower cost-
effectiveness than its predecessor (i.e., with a higher slope from one point to the next). Rather,
there are several points where the slope indicating highly cost-effective technologies are being
chosen after less cost-effective technologies. If the model reflected the real world and an
appropriate regulatory impact assessment, the model would project that the auto industry would
choose the most cost-effective technology first, and the lines would have continually increasing
slope. Even these sporadic chart lines are merely simple illustrations of the flaws in the
agencies’ technology paths. As indicated in the comments above there are many more
anomalous, erroneous, and inappropriate technology constraints that the agencies have chosen
to integrate in their modeling algorithms.
Figure 5 compares the agencies’ August 2018 (NPRM) projection of total technology costs for
compliance with EPA’s original 2016 Proposed and 2017 Final Determination. This shows that
the agencies have dismissed (largely without explanation or justification) much of the existing
2016-2017 technical work on the efficiency technologies, and adopted inappropriate modeling
constraint on technology deployment the result of which is to artificially push automakers into
very high cost technology paths in the compliance modeling of the Augural standards. The
figure also shows the ICCT’s total technology cost estimates from 2017, which feature more up-
to-date estimates of cost and effectiveness than even the TAR.305 And even more technology
has been developed since ICCT’s 2017 assessment, which further lowers the cost to comply
with the standards.
Agency August 2018
primary path
Cumulative technology cost in 2025
EPA 2017 Final
ICCT updated data
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Cumulative fuel consumption reduction
Figure 5. Comparison of the primary medium-sized car pathways in the NPRM, EPA
Proposed/Final Determination, and ICCT
For the same level of maximum fuel consumption reduction assumed by the agencies, EPA’s
own cost projections from the TAR are $2,700 lower, and ICCT’s are $3,600 lower.306 In other
words, to achieve the fuel consumption improvement required by the Augural standards, the
agencies’ new 2018 cost is 100% higher than the EPA 2016 cost. These findings are
corroborated by EPA’s data analysis, as shared in interagency emails. NHTSA’s inputs lead to
the application of technology packages that are $1,000 to $2,000 more costly than the most
305 Nic Lutsey, Dan Meszler, Aaron Isenstadt, John German, Josh Miller. Efficiency technology and cost assessment
for U.S. 2025–2030 light-duty vehicles. March 22, 2017 https://www.theicct.org/publications/US-2030-technology-
cost-assessment Note that EPA and ICCT cost curves have been shifted to align with the baseline in the
Agencies’ August 2018 primary path. The origin of the EPA and ICCT curves represents a vehicle with LUBEFR,
electric power steering, aerodynamic drag reduction, low drag brakes, VVT, 6-speed automatic transmission, 10%
mass reduction, and 10% reduction in rolling resistance. In the cited paper, this point corresponds to the first
technology package applied to a baseline vehicle with no technologies.
306 Id.
cost-effective packages.307 And the ICCT updated cost estimate is 35-45% lower than EPA
2016. Based on this, the agencies’ 2018 rulemaking appears to effectively have technology
costs that are 3.5 times the cost of ICCT’s estimated cost to achieve compliance with the
Augural 2025 standards. But the EPA 2016 and ICCT 2017 curves are based on more up-to-
date data and analysis, including consideration of the most recent automotive technology
deployment developments as described above. And this is the result for only one major, high
volume vehicle segment (medium-sized cars). Our assessment of other vehicle classes appears
to be consistent with this one example.
As with technology effectiveness and deployment, discussed earlier, there are many cases
identified in this section where the estimate of technology costs is contrary to the best evidence
and to real world adoption of the technologies. There are also several cases where the
modeling results show a clear lack of logic in the choice of technologies, by choosing a lower
cost effective technology before a higher cost effective technology. However our objections to
the invalid assignment of technology costs and to improper modeling are not limited to these
specific instances. The agencies need to identify each and every technology cost input used in
their modeling, and provide a clear engineering and evidence based justification for why that
cost differs from the costs employed in the extremely well documented and well justified Draft
TAR and in EPA’s 2016 TSD and 2017 Final Determination, taking into account the above
discussion of significant new evidence developed since those prior estimates were made.
Absent such disclosure and justification, the default assumption needs to be that the prior costs
estimated based on the most recent data are more appropriate than the estimates used for the
The technology for compliance with the standards is developing as or more quickly and cost-
effectively as predicted in the agencies’ past analyses. There are many technical paths to
comply with the 2025 standards using only combustion technology. Automaker innovation is
outpacing what the agencies projected in 2012, and the costs for compliance appear to be
similar or lower than originally projected.
In both EPA’s Proposed and Final Determination and the draft Technical Assessment Report
and TSD for the midterm evaluation of the 2022-2025 fuel economy and GHG standards, the
agencies conducted a massive amount of work to update the technologies and the technology
cost and effectiveness assessments since the 2017–2025 rulemaking. The new NPRM and
PRIA analysis ignores, suppresses, dismisses, or restricts its use. In summary, these omissions
include removal of existing efficiency and GHG-reduction technologies; not using available
results from state-of-the-art vehicle simulation modeling; not using available industry-leading
and peer-reviewed engineering teardown studies; not using the most recent estimates of
technology cost and effectiveness; failure to include multiple technologies already in production
or for which production phans have been announced; and ignoring recent work performed and
data gathered by EPA. The agencies fail to clearly identify all of the many technologies and
technology packages where they have changed their position on technology cost or
effectiveness, and explain and justify the basis for the change.
We also emphasize two findings. First, in the Draft TAR and Final Determination, EPA observed
the real-world advances toward production vehicles using HCR2 technology, and determined
that that technology could be adopted by automakers during the compliance period. In the draft
TAR, without rational explanation, the agencies now describe this technology as “speculative”
and have omitted the technology from their primary compliance scenarios altogether. This is a
dramatic change, as the agencies’ own sensitivity run allowing HCR2 technology to be used
reduced compliance costs by over $610. This single technology reduces the compliance cost for
the augural standards to $1,292, on par with NHTSA and EPA estimates in the TAR. And this is
only one example - there are many other examples in the NPRM of technologies that are not
allowed or for which use is constrained without rational justification.
Second, the agencies have adopted estimated costs for individual technologies that lack real-
world support. For example, the 2019 RAM 1500 pickup truck offers a 48V BISG hybrid system
as a stand-alone option, which offers a real world comparison to the estimates in the NPRM.
The NPRM estimates for adding a BISG system to a pickup truck were an efficiency
improvement of 5.7% at a manufacturing cost, without the retail price increase, of $1,616. This
results in a cost of $284 per 1% efficiency improvement. In comparison, the BISG system on the
2019 RAM pickup costs $1,450, which, after factoring in the 1.5 RPE markup, yields a
manufacturing cost of $967. Official fuel economy values from fueleconomy.gov show that BISG
on the RAM improves efficiency by 10.1% on the 2wd version and 10.3% on the 4wd version,
for an average cost of $95-per-one percent efficiency improvement – just a third of that modeled
in the NPRM. But this does not include the performance, drivability, and utility benefits of the
BISG system realized on the RAM as well (meaning that the technologies’ full potential was not
realized in efficiency gains alone). As Fiat-Chrysler calls this system eTorque, it suggests that
these other benefits are valuable to their customers. Roughly assuming half cost is properly
assigned to these other consumer benefits (and thus the full efficiency potential is approximately
double what was realized), the cost-per-one percent efficiency improvement drops to less than
$50, or about a sixth of the NPRM estimates. These two examples illustrate how much the
agencies have ignored, suppressed, dismissed, and restricted data and inputs for the NPRM.
The agencies have created a new system of handling technology inputs and dismissed the older
system that underpinned all the GHG regulations. However, the agencies have not justified and
explained their choices to reject the vast amount of research and information gathered by the
agencies during the midterm evaluation prior to the Proposed Rule. For example, as a result of
the new model and inputs, we find the following issues:
• Largely without explanation, EPA abandoned its use of its superior engine maps, ALPHA
simulation, and OMEGA fleet modeling tool, and thereby also abandoned its efficiency,
availability, technology cost, and compliance cost estimates. The agencies instead used
NHTSA’s inferior IAV-Autonomie-CAFE modeling system, and inadequately analyzed
compliance scenarios for the EPA Greenhouse Gas Emission program.
• EPA abandoned its use of its superior engine maps based on benchmarked high
efficiency engines, and instead uses NHTSA’s outdated engine maps.
• Without explanation, EPA abandoned its use of its superior ALPHA vehicle simulation
modeling which has a better and more proven track record in handling technology
combinations. Instead the agencies are relying on a less vetted Autonomie tool that
struggles to handle engine-transmission synergies and suffers from older engine maps
and lack of updating from the latest automotive powertrain developments.
• HCR costs went up (from EPA’s values), ADEAC cost went up, GDI costs went up,
CEGR1 costs went up, turbocharging (and turbocharged downsizing) costs went up,
complete strong hybrid vehicle costs went up, and battery costs went up. Further cost
increases may yet be undiscovered.
• The agencies buried mass reduction, low rolling resistance tires, aerodynamic
improvements, electric power steering, improved accessories, and low-drag brakes into
the baseline fleet. With these baseline shifts, the agencies, without acknowledgement,
made dramatic updates to the technologies deemed to have been applied in the
baseline fleet, without any real-world justification for doing so. Doing this removes
technology for later use, and artificially pushes companies to adopt more costly
• The agencies abandoned their previously-used indirect cost multiplier method for
estimating total costs (which was vetted with peer review, and more complexly handled
differing technologies with different supply chain and manufacturing aspects) in favor of
only using a retail price equivalent (which crudely assumes all technologies have a 50%
markup from the direct manufacturing technology cost).
• CEGR1 was revised to have an efficiency level of 0%, but the agencies imposed the
technology on the fleet anyway.
• EPA removed HCR2 technology and instead the agencies studied the technology as a
sensitivity case (which showed that it greatly reduced compliance costs).
• The agencies have adopted the assumption that automakers cannot apply numerous
technologies unless they were already applying them in model year 2016 (HCR for all
companies that have not applied it in 2016; various individual technologies and
technology combinations on a given model—by-model basis depending on their
technology baseline in 2016)
• The agencies have adopted the assumption that certain technologies cannot be applied
together (e.g., Turbo-DEAC; HCR1-DEAC; HCR1-CEGR)
• The agencies have removed Miller Cycle as an available technology
• The agencies reduced their effectiveness estimates for stop-start and mild hybrid
• The agencies reduced their effectiveness estimates for 7-, 8-, 9-, and 10-speed
transmissions, and specifically assign advanced 10-speed transmissions a negative
value compared to advanced 6-speed transmissions
• The agencies reduced their effectiveness estimate for dual clutch transmissions, and
specifically assign 8-speed dual clutch transmissions a negative effectiveness value
compared to 6-speed dual clutch transmissions
• The agencies have removed any analysis of the availability, cost, or cost-effectiveness
of the refrigerant HFO-1234yf, which previously was capable of very cost-effectively
delivering GHG benefits of up to 13.8 g/mile (cars) and up to 17.2 g/mile (light trucks).
• The agencies have removed analysis of automakers’ ongoing efforts to adopt air
conditioning technology, the cost-effectiveness of those technologies compared to other
technologies, and have failed to even describe the lost benefits from the substantial
removal of GHG benefits (up to 40% of GHG reductions from the adopted 2021-2025
standards) that would result.
• Overall, EPA has doubled its compliance cost estimates, based primarily or entirely on
modeling changes, without real-world justification.
• Overall, NHTSA has increased its compliance cost estimates by approximately 50%-
100% (depending on the precise summary cost numbers from the rulemaking
documents), based primarily or entirely on modeling changes, without real-world
justification. In the TAR, NHTSA estimated 2025 technology costs to comply with the
augural standards would be $1,161 and EPA’s estimated costs were $894, dropping to
$875 in the Final Determination. Yet, despite new technology developments that improve
efficiency at lower cost, the agencies have increased the compliance cost to $1,908. A
clear summary of the causes for this massive increase in cost are not directly addressed
in the NPRM, suggesting that the agencies know that the cost increase cannot be
justified by any real and updated data that has newly arisen from their NPRM research.
The model’s approach to limiting technology availability and constraining manufacturers does
not reasonably reflect the real-world choices made by automakers and suppliers to develop and
proliferate cost-effective technology. Technology is available for all manufacturers as the
methods of improving vehicle fuel consumption and reducing emissions are well-known, as
discussed and referenced above. Additionally, the model fails to correctly capture the rate at
which technologies can penetrate the fleet through manufacturer product refresh and redesign
cadence, which results in new technology introduction by each company at a faster rate than
the agencies are suggesting (See Table 3). Due to the model’s flawed algorithms, structure, and
hard-coded constraints, the model’s use leads to bizarre technology applications and
combinations that grossly inflate the costs of compliance.
Compounding these flaws are the methodological errors used in vehicle modeling. Outputs of
the model indicate that technology packages do not follow the most cost-effective paths, nor are
vehicles and fleets truly optimized. Slight changes in technology effectiveness and cost inputs,
along with constraints in technology availability, result in dramatically increased costs of
compliance. By using outdated data and ignoring recent updates and innovations, the agencies
developed technology packages that are incorrectly less effective and more expensive. By the
agencies’ analysis, some technologies have negligible effectiveness, yet significant cost, and
explicably are widely deployed in future year standards. The agencies also did not explicitly
model or attempt to estimate costs for several applicable technologies, for example: e-boost,
variable compression ratio, Miller cycle, gasoline compression ignition, cooled EGR on naturally
aspirated engines, and cylinder deactivation on advanced engines. Though the agencies are
always going to be somewhat behind in their assessments of potentially promising technologies
due to data availability constraints, the assessments in the NPRM are woefully and unjustifiably
deficient. We emphasize that the single most important factor in the accuracy of costs and
benefits for projections is the use of the latest, most up-to-date technology data and
developments. Using older data guarantees that the cost of meeting the standards will be
overstated, as it does not include more recent technology developments and thus defaults to
more expensive technology, such as full hybrids, the costs of which are themselves greatly
exaggerated. Assuming that the end of innovation has been reached and basing projections on
what was in production in 2016, which the agencies have essentially done, ignores technology
developments that have been achieved since then and developments in process, and this
invalidly overstates the cost of future compliance.
The agencies’ technical analysis for the proposal fails to use the best evidence available and
uses improper constraints on technology and its deployment. There is clear evidence of
numerous cases where the inputs to the model on cost, effectiveness, and technology
deployment are improper, and clear evidence of significant cases where the model produces
illogical and invalid results. There are unexplained adjustments to the baseline technology,
without evidence to support the change and inconsistent with the fleet average performance for
recent years. For each technology, technology package, and modeling constraint there is a
systematic failure to identify the estimate or choice the agencies made in the 2012 rulemaking
and Mid-Term Evaluation, the evidence and reasoning underlying that prior estimate or choice,
the changes made for this proposal, and the evidence and reasoning justifying this change.
Overall this reflects a failure to properly develop, do quality control on, and vet the model and its
inputs, and a failure to conduct reasoned and decision making. The result is a proposal that
significantly overestimates the cost and underestimates the cost-effectiveness of compliance,
for the current standards as well as for various alternatives.
II. Cost-benefit methodology
In this section we provide comments in areas of the rulemaking related to how the agencies
have conducted their cost-benefit analysis. Overall we find their cost-benefit analysis to be an
unusual and novel approach that we have not seen before in U.S. regulations or elsewhere
around the world. The agencies’ new alterations in their analysis include creating a new
approach to adopt technology into a baseline fleet in the absence of stronger standards,
adopting a method that suggests consumers do not value fuel economy, to projecting lower
sales of new vehicles and more driving and fatalities in older vehicles, and finally combining all
their new costs and benefits to suggest that decreasing fuel economy will produce net societal
benefits. We summarize our comments on the agencies’ new analysis in the sections below.
A. Baseline dynamics
The agencies have made an inappropriate decision to artificially reduce the regulation benefits
and increase the estimated costs of the current standards by adjusting their vehicle fuel
economy and GHG emissions baseline fleet. Here we use the term “baseline fleet” to refer to
the projected fleet under the agencies’ proposed rollback scenario (that is, their projections of
achieved mpg and GHG emissions levels in the absence of increasingly stringent standards
over time). The agency decision to assume a continually improving fuel economy baseline in the
absence of standards is new, misrepresents all available historical evidence, and shows the
agencies are not utilizing the agencies’ own extensive analysis and data on this topic.
There is a long history with clear data to inform this decision about how to treat baseline fuel
economy when standards are not increasing. The data clearly and unambiguously demonstrate
that when fuel economy or GHG standards do not get more stringent, new vehicle fleet-wide
fuel economy will not increase and GHG emissions will not decrease. Because it appears that
the agencies are not drawing upon their own data, which provides a rich historical record, we
present the applicable official EPA data in Figure 8 below. As depicted, the periods where fuel
economy and GHG standards require improvement, improvements in test cycle fuel economy
occur. On the other hand, the period where standards did not get more stringent, from 1986
through 2004, no fuel economy and GHG benefits are evident. With the adoption of California’s
GHG standards in 2004 (for model years 2009-2016), and NHTSA light-truck fuel economy
standards in 2002 (for model year 2005), fuel economy improvements resumed.
Period of Period without Period of
increasing increasing increasing
standards standards standards
Test cycle fuel economy (mpg)
30 Passenger cars
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Figure 6. Test cycle fuel economy 1975 through 2016 based on official EPA data308
This phenomenon has been very well studied in the technical literature. What happens during
periods without fuel economy improvement is that the industry deploys technology to make
higher-power, greater-acceleration, and larger vehicles309. The agencies’ expert staff that handle
and analyze this data know that this is the case, as they have a robust 45-year record in the
EPA fuel economy trends database, and comparable NHTSA data that is derived from EPA’s
official compliance data from the entire auto industry. We note that, from the ICCT extensive
analysis elsewhere around the world the same general result is true.310 The only times we have
observed any real-world fuel economy or CO2 improvements in the absence of regulations are
in European markets where fuel prices are several dollars higher per gallon than in the U.S.,
and when automakers had instituted voluntary CO2 targets in lieu of standards for new 2010
passenger vehicles. This ultimately led to Europe developing CO2 regulations to ensure
verifiable emission reductions occurred.311
308 Environmental Protection Agency. The Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel
Economy Trends Report. https://www.epa.gov/fuel-economy-trends
309 Environmental Protection Agency. The Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel
Economy Trends Report. https://www.epa.gov/fuel-economy-trends. Nicholas Lutsey and Daniel Sperling, 2005.
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Economy, and Policy Implications. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the
Transportation Research Board. Volume: 1941 issue: 1, page(s): 8-17
310 The ICCT analyze aspects of global CO2 and efficiency standards, which are in place where approximately 80% of
Despite this history, the agencies have made a novel decision to assume that the fleet sees
improved fuel economy and GHG emissions even when standards are flat, as in the agencies’
proposed rollback of standards for 2021 and beyond. In the NHTSA CAFE analysis of its
Augural 2022-2025 standards, the agencies project that fleet would see improved GHG
emission levels of 201 g/mile (on the test cycle) in 2025.312 The proposed rollback would keep
the GHG standards at about 241 g/mile for 2021-2026.313 The novel conclusion of the agencies
in this NPRM was to project that the fleet, under the proposed regulatory freeze from 2021 on,
still would realize a real-world GHG reduction down to 232 g/mile - thus beating the standard by
nearly 10 g/mile. As shown above, the historical record for fuel efficiency certainly does not back
this assertion. The result of the agencies unfounded adjustment in the baseline is that the
agencies have artificially removed 22% of the GHG and fuel saving benefits that would result
from maintaining the adopted 2025 GHG standards and the Augural 2025 CAFE standards. The
decision to assume an increasing efficiency under the rollback also has a presumably
inconvenient result for the agencies: It directly contradicts the agencies’ claim that their
proposed 2026 standards are the “maximum feasible” and should remain flat from 2021 on.
Augural standards
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Figure 7. Estimated CO2 emissions for proposed rollback standards, agencies’ assumed
improvement that occurs with the rollback, and Augural 2021-2025 standards under
CAFE scenarios.
312 Outputs from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects
Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-
313 83 Fed. Reg. at 42989, Table I-3
B. Fleet rebound, vehicle activity, and safety
The switch to footprint-based CAFE and GHG standards has been widely credited with
diminishing safety concerns with efficiency standards. Footprint standards encourage larger
vehicles with wider track width, which reduces rollovers, and longer wheelbase, which increases
the crush space and reduces deceleration forces for both vehicles in a two-vehicle collision.
Despite the compelling record on this issue, the agencies project relatively large increases in
traffic fatalities, over 1000 per year, for the augural standards for model years 2021 through
2026. These projected additional fatalities are used as a basis for freezing the CAFE and GHG
standards for model years 2021 through 2026. The agencies’ finding is in direct opposition to
U.S. trends, which show improvements in both vehicle efficiency and safety driven by
government policy.
Vehicle fuel economy and safety have improved remarkably. Figure 8 compares annual
highway fatalities per 100 million miles314 and the in-use fuel economy (mpg) of all cars and light
trucks on the road315 in the U.S. from 1970 to 2015. The trends show reasonably steady
increases in in-use fuel economic and decreases in fatalities per 100 million miles for 35 years.
In fact, the period from about 1980 to 1990 has simultaneously some of the steepest increases
in fuel economy and decreases in fatalities. A simple linear regression of fatalities per 100
million miles as a function of in-use fuel economy has an r-squared of 0.93. These suggest that,
statistically, higher in-use fuel economy has been strongly correlated with lower fatalities,
contrary to the claims of the agencies. Of course, there are a multitude of driver, road, and
vehicle safety technology factors that affect fatalities that might be correlated with fuel economy.
314 Traffic Safety Facts 2015, DOT, NHTSA, 2017 Edition, Chapter 1, Table 2.
315 Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 36.1, Released April 30, 2018 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Table
4.3. https://cta.ornl.gov/data/tedbfiles/Edition36_Chapter04.pdf
30 6
In-use fuel economy (MPG)
25 5
In-use mpg
15 3
Fatalities / 100
10 2
million miles
5 1
0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Figure 8. 1970-2015 U.S. highway fatalities per 100 million miles and in-use fuel economy
Comparing new vehicle fuel economy with crash test results offers a more direct comparison of
the efficiency and safety of individual vehicles. Figure 9 compares average new car and new
light truck fuel economy (mpg)316 with results from five different crash tests conducted by IIHS
on model year 1995 to 2018 vehicles.317 The proportion of vehicles that were rated “good” in
IIHS’s moderate overlap, side impact, head constraints/seats, roof strength, and small overlap
crash tests are plotted individually. The rapid rise in the proportion of new vehicles rated “good”
in each of the crash tests reflects both an increase in the number of vehicles tested by IIHS
using the new test as well as automakers adapting their designs to address the problems
highlighted by the test when it was brought on line. While the lower proportion of vehicles tested
in the first year or two after a new test is introduced contributes to the rapid increase in the
number of vehicles rated “good”, it is still clear that manufacturers are rapidly responding to the
new crash tests with robust safety designs, regardless of the absence or present of new vehicle
CAFE and GHG standards. In fact, manufacturer response to the moderate overlap crash test
introduced by IIHS in 1995, a period when efficiency standards were not changing, was slower
than manufacturer responses to new crash tests after introduction of efficiency requirements.
update. Highway Loss Data Institute Bulletin Vol. 34, No. 18 : September 2017
50 100%
40 80%
10 side and seats 20%
small overlap
0 0%
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Figure 9. New vehicle (car and light truck) fuel economy (mpg) and proportion of vehicles
rated “good” in IIHS crash tests
The positive trends in both fuel economy and safety were driven by government regulations.
The large majority of the fuel economy and GHG reductions required by government
regulations are achieved with powertrain technology. Prominent examples include
downsizing engines for better efficiency while maintaining performance with turbocharging,
improved transmissions and additional gear ratios, higher compression ratio for higher
efficiency, Atkinson cycle engines that extract more useable work from combustion, and hybrids.
But these are just the major steps – there are a host of other technologies that also improve
efficiency. In addition, there are improvements in aerodynamic design to reduce drag,
reductions in tire rolling resistance, and higher efficiency accessories and pumps. None of these
affect safety in any way. Among the technologies, lightweighting sometimes receives added
scrutiny, but the agencies have pointed out it does not have a statistically significant effect on
safety. 318
318 83 Fed Reg. 43111. “None of the estimated effects have 95-percent confidence bounds that exclude zero, and
thus are not statistically significant at the 95-percent confidence level.”
319 Joint Technical Support Document of the 2012 original 2017-2025 rule at 2-2
● The safety analysis in the 2016 joint EPA/NHTSA Draft TAR found, “small net fatality
decreases over the lifetimes of MY2021-2025 vehicles.”320
● The 2015 NAS study that reviewed the 2017-2025 standards found that “the empirical
evidence from historical data appears to support the argument that the new footprint-
based standards are likely to have little effect on vehicle safety and overall safety.”321
● The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has said "The Obama-era changes to the
rules, essentially using a sliding scale for fuel economy improvements by vehicle
footprint, addressed safety concerns that IIHS raised in the past."322
● Automakers themselves have noted, they are “increasingly using lightweight materials to
help meet greenhouse gas (GHG) and fuel economy standards without having to
sacrifice the safety and performance of their vehicles.”323
● The head of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers stated during testimony, “The
auto industry invests more than $100 billion annually in research and development to
improve vehicle fuel economy and safety, and this investment is paying off as vehicles
on the road today are safer, cleaner, and more fuel-efficient than ever before.”324
It is clear that, as designed, footprint-based systems remove incentives to build smaller cars that
might be less safe. Thus, fuel economy and GHG standards have no measurable impact on
safety. In fact, no country or region in the world other than the U.S. has raised concerns about
their fuel economy or CO2 standards affecting vehicle safety.
Looking forward, there are important synergies between efficiency and safety, and major areas
of potential improvement that continued from the recent positive trends. High-strength steel,
aluminum, and carbon fiber are increasingly employed in new vehicle designs not just because
they are lighter and help comply with fuel economy and GHG standards, but because they have
better crash properties than conventional steel and help improve NCAP scores. This is not
reflected in NHTSA’s current vehicle safety analyses, which are based upon historical data (the
newest vehicles in NHTSA's current crash data set date from model year 2011).
The agencies falsely claim that rolling back the CAFE and GHG Standards will reduce traffic
fatalities. The reductions in projected fatalities discussed by the agencies are not related to
changes made to cars and trucks under the CAFE and GHG standards. The agencies claim
323 Joint statement of the Association of Global Automakers and the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Jan. 21,
at: http://docs.house.gov/meetings/IF/IF17/20160922/105350/HHRG-114-IF17-Wstate-BainwolM-20160922.pdf
fatalities result from more stringent standards because, with the standards, Americans
voluntarily decide to drive more. Effects like these cannot reasonably be attributed to standards
that make vehicles lower polluting and more fuel efficient. Otherwise, anytime we have policies
or programs to invest in our roads and highways or make cars more accessible by improving
financing, the associated driving—and any related accidents—would have to be evaluated from
a cost-benefit analysis perspective on those programs. Of course we do not do that.
The agencies are using two different tricks to falsely justify a future increase in modeled driving
(“vehicle miles traveled” or VMT) under the standards—and then they use the increased driving
projections to argue that vehicle accidents and fatalities will increase under the adopted GHG
and Augural CAFE standards.
The first trick is that the proposed rule doubles the rate used to calculate the “rebound effect”
from the rate used in prior analyses from 10% to 20%. The rebound effect is used to estimate
how much more individuals drive a car that is more fuel efficient and therefore cheaper to drive
relative to a car that is less fuel efficient and more expensive to drive. By doubling the rebound
rate, the agencies can claim that under the augural standards Americans who buy more fuel-
efficient cars will drive those cars much more because they are cheaper to drive.
This doubling of the rebound effect is in contradiction to both theory and data trends. The
rebound effect is not fixed. Vehicle owners adjust how much they drive based upon how much
they value their time and the marginal cost of driving. The value of time goes up as disposable
income increases, such that economic growth causes owners to value the time necessary to
drive more highly and making the fuel-cost of driving relatively less important, thus decreasing
the rebound effect. Similarly, improving vehicle fuel economy decreases the marginal cost of
driving, making any further reductions in fuel consumption relatively less important and
decreasing the rebound effect. Small and VanDender wrote the first report discussing and
analyzing these trends.325
Most studies are based upon changes in fuel price, not changes in vehicle efficiency, and
limited data suggest that customers respond more strongly to changes in fuel prices. Thus,
studies based upon fuel price overstate the rebound effect. Limited data also suggest that
customers respond more strongly to increases in the cost of fuel than to decreases, also
overstating the rebound effect for reductions in vehicle fuel consumption. Finally, more recent
studies tend to support that the rebound effect has been decreasing over time.
The agencies’ evaluation of the rebound effect in the 2016 TAR appropriately considered these
effects and, found that the best available data supported a 10% rebound effect. However, the
NPRM reverses course and ignores all of these considerations, giving equal weight to all
studies – including studies on non-U.S. market and older studies. Further, note that economic
growth is projected to continue into the future and baseline vehicle fuel economy is improving
due to standards already adopted for 2011 to 2020. Thus, contrary to the doubling of the
325 Small, K. and Van Dender, K., 2007a. “Fuel Efficiency and Motor Vehicle Travel: The Declining Rebound Effect.”
The Energy Journal, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 25-51.
rebound effect in the NPRM, the rebound effect will continue to decrease in the future and is
likely to be well under 10% by 2025.
While the rebound effect is real, owners would not drive more if they did not perceive economic
benefits to the additional driving, which include their consideration of the accident risk of driving
more. And, in fact, the agencies admit in the NPRM that Americans choosing to drive more, and
the accident risks that driving carries, should not affect the analysis of the costs and benefits of
the standards, because when people drive more, they do so because they are benefiting from
the driving—in their words, it is a “voluntary consumer choice.” However, the agencies have
chosen to separate the additional accidents from the economic benefit of driving more in the
rule, creating an artificial “loss” associated with additional accidents and fatalities balanced by
an “economic benefit” of exactly the same dollar value. This allows the agencies to quote the
additional fatalities and use them as justification for freezing the standards, while hiding the
associated economic benefits (equal in magnitude, in the opposite direction) deep in the details
of the proposed rule. Even the agencies admit that exactly offsetting the cost and benefits is
insufficient, as they acknowledge that “at a minimum” the real world benefits exceed the real
world costs.326
The second trick is that the agencies have created a new, untested model of used car
impacts—which attempts to model something in an entirely new way and which has not been
peer reviewed—to look at the effects on the used car market of changes in the cost of new cars.
The NPRM dramatically exaggerates the compliance costs of the current standards relative to
the analyses of costs that were completed in 2012 and in 2016. The agencies’ exaggerated
compliance costs are plugged into their new fleet scrappage model while ignoring the value that
consumers place on fuel savings from more efficient vehicles, which results in an increase in the
cost of new cars and to a modeled small decrease in new car sales. The modeling also
inexplicably projects a dramatic increase in the number of used cars in the vehicle fleet ,and
thus a dramatic increase in the total number of vehicles being driven. Even more inexplicably,
the model indicates there will be a dramatic increase in how much used cars are driven. The
problems in the scrappage modeling, or perhaps at least some of its most glaring flaws, would
have presumably been caught if the agencies had conducted a comprehensive peer review and
validation of their novel scrappage modeling approach, as was suggested by EPA.327 However,
the scrappage model has not been reviewed and validated since the addition of the scrappage
326 83 Fed. Reg. at 43107 (“[i]f consumers choose to do so, they are making a decision that the utility of more driving
exceeds the marginal operating costs as well as the added crash risk it entails.” (emphasis added)); id. at 43,158
(“rebound-related fatalities and injuries [are] . . . offset by societal valuations that at a minimum exceed the
aggregate value of safety consequences plus added vehicle operating and maintenance costs” (emphasis
327 EPA commented “"Many of the policy conclusions of this proposal, especially regarding safety, rely on the new
scrappage model’s findings. How has the model been reviewed and validated?” See
https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0283-0453. Page 161.
model.328 It is unclear why the agencies would make such a dramatic, novel, and consequential
move within a rulemaking like this, without comprehensive expert scrutiny.
Thus, from the two tricks, the agency modeling in the NPRM projects both new and existing cars
are going to be driven much more if standards continue to be increased (per the adopted 2025
GHG standards and augural 2025 CAFE standards), which defies all logic and economic theory.
The error is further compounded because, unlike the rebound effect that the agencies admit is
due to consumers voluntarily driving more and is not caused by the standards, the agencies
claim this increase in driving is not voluntary consumer choice and the related fatalities are
caused by the standards.329 Finally, note that this modeling has never been applied to any of
NHTSA’s safety regulations (which they also project will add future year costs to new vehicles) –
rather it was developed specifically for the 2018 proposed rollback in the CAFE and GHG
This mysterious, incredible increase in driving of existing vehicles biases the cost-benefit
analysis of the proposal by as much as $120 billion in reduced fatalities and non-fatal crash
injuries. Including the impacts from the associated, alleged reduction in congestion and noise
from this driving inflates the agencies’ estimated effect by another $52 billion. The agencies are
citing these alleged reductions in fatalities and associated effects—from getting Americans to
drive less—as the primary reason they need to roll back the CAFE and GHG standards.
For the agencies to put forward a credible final regulation on vehicle fuel economy and GHG
regulations, they have no choice but to remove the scrappage-related fatalities and associated
costs. If the agencies do not remove the artificial scrappage-related fatalities and associated
costs from the regulatory analysis, NHTSA, the nation’s vehicle safety regulator, will cast into
doubt its own expertise and credibility.
The potential direct impacts of weight reduction on safety are extremely small compared to the
two factors just discussed, but are discussed here for completeness. NHTSA and other
organizations, such as DRI and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, have analyzed the
historical impacts of vehicle size and weight for the last 15 years. NHTSA’s most recent study,
from 2016, is included in the NPRM, using updated data. NHTSA’s latest safety analysis results
in slightly lower fatalities if weight is reduced while holding vehicle size constant than the
previous study from 2012 used in the TAR.330
the road longer, but the vast majority of the additional fatalities are driven by the inappropriate increase in travel.
330 83 Fed Reg. 43111. “None of the estimated effects have 95-percent confidence bounds that exclude zero, and
In the agencies’ assessment of weight reduction and fatalities, the agencies found that any
effects of weight reduction and fatalities are not statistically significant at the 95-percent
confidence level. This is a positive recognition of where the leading research in the field has
been consistent in past years. However, for the proposed rule, the agencies decided to use the
results that were statistically not significant, and an assumption that mass reduction is done
relatively evenly across vehicle classes and sizes, to suggest that there would still be a small
increase in overall fatalities of 160 per year.
This assumption of constant mass reduction for all vehicles is not consistent with historical or
projected weight reduction, which has been concentrated primarily in medium to large vehicles
and trucks. The Ford F150 aluminum body pickup truck is the primary example. Based on info
from the Aluminum Association, it appears that the largest weight reduction is primarily in larger
vehicles331 Using any reasonable assumption about larger weight reduction in larger vehicles,
the impact of weight reduction on overall fatalities would likely be slightly positive. Also note that
these historical analyses do not fully consider the better crash properties of high strength steel
and aluminum compared with conventional steel, which will reduce overall fatalities in the future.
We recommend that the agencies acknowledge that more mass reduction is occurring on larger
vehicles and incorporate this development in their modeling. We also recommend that agencies
acknowledge their own results regarding how mass reduction is not statistically linked with
fatalities, and, as a result, remove any related fatalities (positive or negative) from their
regulatory analysis. We also recommend that NHTSA, within this rulemaking, report on their
leading research, research from the literature, and automaker developments, on how
lightweighting designs that the auto industry is pursuing are positively impacting vehicle crash
and crash avoidance properties.
The NPRM continues a long-standing error of failing to consider technology benefits that are
valued by consumers, in addition to the efficiency benefits. This failure is becoming more glaring
over time, as technology deployment continues to add more attributes consumers are willing to
pay for. The most common benefit is improved performance and drivability, but many
technologies also offer other benefits.
1. Transmission gears.
Adding more gears to the transmission improves maximum acceleration by keeping the engine
closer to its maximum power output, improves launch feel due to lower gear ratio in first gear,
reduces noise on the highway by running the engine at lower speed, and reduces vibration and
harshness by reducing the change in engine speed between shifts. Magazine reviews include
the following—
331 https://www.drivealuminum.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Mass-Reduction-Chart.pdf
• Ford F150. “For the ever-critical towing aspect of trucking, the 10-speed doesn’t disappoint.
We drove a 2017 F-150—with a big dual-axle trailer that Ford claimed amounted to 9900
pounds of ballast—back to back with a 2016 model with the same load. Although we can’t
speak to the V-6’s power advantage over its predecessor, the 10-speed holds a clear edge.
Its extra ratios afford more options when downshifting, such as when descending a steep
grade, and the shifts are even rev matched in Tow/Haul mode for maximum smoothness.
The six-speed, by comparison, is slower to shift and feels lumpier when selecting a lower
gear; it can also be caught out trying to choose among gears.”332
• Ford Mustang. “The new 10-speed auto is one thing that doesn’t need fixing on the street.
On our favorite roads, it was perfect. Even with its software update, the EcoBoost still runs
out of breath at high rpm, but you wouldn’t know it because this transmission knows exactly
how to use all its gears to keep the engine in the meat of its power. That includes both
shifting at the horsepower peak and downshifting under braking so you’re right at the torque
peak when you’re ready to accelerate out of the corner.”333
• Chevrolet Camaro. “One of the most stand-out features of Chevy's brutish Camaro ZL1 is its
optional 10-speed automatic transmission. The gearbox, also found in the 2017 Ford F-150
Raptor, was able to help get the ZL1 around the Nurburgring in a blistering 7:29.6.” “What's
interesting is just how much spacing there is between some of the gears. Through the first
six gear ratios, every gear is very closely spaced, clearly aimed for maximum power output
and performance. But as the car shifts into seventh, the RPMs drop significantly, indicating
that gears seven through ten are optimized for economy driving. It's like having a close-ratio
racing gearbox and an economy-minded transmission all in one.”334
• Honda Accord. “When the Accord’s new 2.0-liter engine is paired with the 10-speed
automatic, it’s a few tenths of a second quicker to 60 mph than the outgoing V-6 despite its
lower horsepower rating. It takes only 5.5 seconds to zip from zero to 60 mph, which puts
this Accord in the company of sports sedans.”335
• Lexus LC500. “In most driving conditions, the [10-speed] transmission is an excellent match
for the engine, adding to the fun by holding gears and downshifting smartly.”336
Variable valve timing (VVT), variable valve lift (VVL), and gasoline direct injection (GDI)
technologies increase engine power in addition to improving efficiency. VVT and VVL optimize
valve timing to avoid compromises between efficiency and power, allowing more air to enter the
engine when more power is needed. Because GDI injects fuel directly into the cylinder,
evaporation of the fuel in the cylinder has a cooling effect, allowing more air and fuel to be
burned without detonation.
332 https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/2017-ford-f-150-35l-v-6-ecoboost-10-speed-first-drive-review
333 http://www.motortrend.com/cars/ford/mustang/2018/2018-ford-mustang-ecoboost-first-test-chip-shoulder/
334 https://www.roadandtrack.com/new-cars/car-technology/videos/a33243/the-10-speed-chevy-camaro-zl1-shifts-
335 https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/2018-honda-accord-in-depth-model-review-2018-honda-accord-fuel-
336 https://www.edmunds.com/lexus/lc-500/2018/review/
3. Turbocharging
Downsized, turbocharged engines are usually sized to maintain constant power at high engine
speed. However, turbocharged engines can deliver their maximum power at lower engine
speeds than naturally aspirated engines and have more torque at lower engine speeds. This
means that turbocharged engines have better drivability, as the driver does not have to wait for
the transmission to downshift to accelerate and provides an effortless acceleration feel, which is
highly desired by many customers. They also climb steeper hills without having to downshift the
transmission, and provide more towing ability. Magazine reviews include the following—
• BMW Mini. “It also is a major improvement over its 4-cyl. predecessor, the very competent
1.6L Prince engine, which BMW jointly developed with PSA Peugeot Citroen. The entry-
level Mini’s torque increases by 42%, and 0-60 mph acceleration is chopped by 2.3 seconds
compared with the Prince. Fuel efficiency increases as much as 8%.”337
• Jeep Wrangler. “Although the turbo 2.0-liter’s 270-hp output is lower than the base V6’s
engine’s, the 4-cylinder feels faster. Its twin-scroll turbocharger spools quickly, summoning
295 lb.-ft. of peak torque earlier in the rev range than the V6 does, making for good
• Ford F150. “The other EcoBoost engine is a turbocharged 3.5-liter V6 that puts out 375
horsepower and 470 pound-feet of torque. That torque rating is higher than anything rivals
offer, and it’s a major reason why this engine is the best one for towing.” “All of the F-150’s
engines are strong, but the turbocharged engines are the best towing options. They can tow
heavy trailers without feeling the least bit strained, even when going uphill.”339
• Ford F150. “We really liked the F-150’s previous combination of the 3.5-liter EcoBoost and
the six-speed automatic. The powertrain provides plenty of thrust and is nicely polished,
which was enough for us to give it a win in a recent two-truck comparison test with the V-8–
powered F-150.”340
• Ford Mustang. “Regardless of which mode you prefer or how you dial in the settings, there’s
no denying the EcoBoost Mustang is damn quick on a back road once you figure out how to
drive it right. This was born out at the test track, as well. At 5.3 seconds to 60 mph and 13.9
seconds in the quarter at 97.2 mph, this is the quickest EcoBoost Mustang we’ve ever
• Honda Accord. “The Accord has nixed its old V-6 and naturally aspirated four-cylinder
engines in favor of a pair of downsized turbo fours, and the results are generally positive.
Both new engines returned strong results in our testing, with the 2.0T model matching the
impressive efforts of the outgoing V-6. The Accord’s entry-level turbocharged 1.5-liter
engine trounces the EPA figures of the previous 2.4-liter four-cylinder that it replaces. The
337 http://wardsauto.com/2015/2015-winner-mini-15l-turbocharged-dohc-3-cyl
338 http://www.nydailynews.com/autos/latest-reviews/drive-redesigned-2018-jeep-wrangler-review-article-1.3694649
339 https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/ford/f-150/performance
340 https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/2017-ford-f-150-35l-v-6-ecoboost-10-speed-first-drive-review
341 http://www.motortrend.com/cars/ford/mustang/2018/2018-ford-mustang-ecoboost-first-test-chip-shoulder/
2.0-liter turbo nets very modest fuel-economy gains compared to the V-6 it replaces, and the
EPA’s ratings were borne out in our real-world testing.”342
Consumer demand for turbocharged engines is dramatically illustrated by the Ford 3.5L
EcoBoost engine offered on their F150 pickup truck. The 3.5L V6 turbocharged engine was an
optional engine on the F150. In the first model year, Ford charged an extra $1750 over the
standard 3.7L V6 engine, or $595 over the 5.0L V8 standard in higher trim levels. Ford originally
expected that 20% of customers would pay the additional $595 for the smaller engine.343 The
reality was that 45% of F150 customers paid $595 for the 3.5L EcoBoost and sales were higher
than the standard 5.0L V8 (the F150 offered two other engines that combined for about 15% of
sales, with 40% for the 5.0L V8).344 Certainly the better efficiency of the smaller engine was
desirable, but customers also wanted the higher low rpm torque and greater towing capacity of
the 3.5L EcoBoost. These drivability and performance benefits make consumers more
accepting of downsized-boosted engines, avoiding any tradeoffs that might make consumers
balk at the technology.
4. Lightweighting
Lightweighting has many benefits beyond fuel savings that have substantial value to customers.
These benefits include faster acceleration and better ride, handling, and braking, as well as
higher towing and payload capacity. Aluminum also will not rust. Magazine reviews include:
• BMW 7-series. “The 2016 BMW 7 Series is a better dancer than the S-Class largely
because it’s lighter on its feet. Much of the new unibody, including the center tunnel, is
made of carbon fiber — a payoff of BMW’s huge investment in the stuff for Project i. That
helps melt away up to 190 pounds compared with the last 7 Series and represents a
100-pound advantage over a similarly equipped S-Class. The 7 Series is thus quicker
than before, even though its engines — a revised 4.4-liter turbo V-8 and an all-new 3.0-
liter turbo inline-six — make similar power to their counterparts in the outgoing car.”345
• Chrysler Pacifica. “This is Chrysler’s sixth generation of the superlative kid hauler, which
has never been quicker, better-looking, or more fuel efficient, and we promptly awarded
it Best Van on our 10Best Trucks and SUVs list. Impressively, the new van managed to
shed some weight in its redesign while getting substantially stiffer and acing NHTSA and
IIHS crash tests.”346
• Cadillac CTS. “Since its launch in 2003, the CTS sedan has been Cadillac's stylish, fun,
and agile sports sedan. This model shed a couple of hundred pounds, grew four inches
longer, and acquired a plusher, more posh interior. In short, it emerged from GM's
342 https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/2018-honda-accord-in-depth-model-review-2018-honda-accord-fuel-
343 Aaron Isenstadt, John German, Mihai Dorobantu, David Boggs, Tom Watson, October 2016, Downsized, boosted
finishing school as one of the most driver-focused midsized luxury sedans you can buy.
The CTS delivers an inviting blend of comfort, quietness, and sporty driving
• Chevrolet Cruze. “The new Cruze benefits from a weight-reduction program that reduced
weight up to 250 pounds from the previous car, despite the fact that the new car’s
wheelbase is 0.6-inch longer. The Cruze’s light weight and stiff chassis contribute to
smooth, composed handling.”348
The additional value of lightweighting is supported by the 2015 fuel economy technology report
published by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS),349 which projected that manufacturers
will reduce light-truck mass by 20% in 2025, despite high cost. They reached this determination
because “implementation of mass reduction techniques can provide several benefits that might
be attractive to an OEM.”
As a specific example, the Ford Motor Company website for the F-150 pickup truck emphasizes
the multiple benefits of lightweighting, not just fuel economy, “Doing something the right way
often results in multiple benefits. Case in point: going from steel to high-strength, military-grade,
aluminum alloys in the F-150 cab and bed. Hardening aluminum alloy through heat-treating
produces greater strength. Working with aluminum alloy also allows engineers to increase
gauge (or thickness) where needed to achieve extra strength without increasing weight. The
stronger F-150 weighs up to 700 lbs. less than the previous generation, resulting in greater
power-to-weight ratio, enhanced fuel efficiency, plus higher maximum payload and tow ratings
that are best in class. Yet another benefit — resistance to dents and corrosion.” 350
The higher-voltage, higher-power electrical system on hybrids could offer many potential
consumer features desired by customers; such as part-time 4wd, off-board power, heated seats,
wiperless windshield systems, ride control systems, steer-by-wire, four-wheel steering, voice-
activated controls, voice-recognition security systems, video systems, cellular phones,
navigation systems, audio amplifiers, high-speed Internet access, stability control, short-range
radar and video-camera warning systems, visibility systems for older drivers, and systems to
detect and wake drowsy drivers. Other benefits result from the electric motor’s ability to reduce
turbo lag and improve drivability of turbocharged engines (see the E-boost discussion in Section
While the use of higher electrical power to provide consumer features is somewhat hard to
predict, a concrete benefit is that the electric motor can instantly deliver all of its power at low
motor speeds, increasing lower engine speed torque. The drivability and performance benefits
are similar to those of turbocharging, except that the low speed torque is available instantly and,
347 https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/cadillac/cts/2015/overview
348 https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/mark-phelan/2016/04/21/first-drive-2016-chevrolet-cruze-premier-
349 National Research Council, Cost, Effectiveness, and Deployment of Fuel Economy Technologies for Light-Duty
Vehicles (Washington, DC: National Academies Press), 2015. doi:10.17226/21744. (see pp. 6–10, specifically).
350 https://www.ford.com/trucks/f150/features/Tough/?intcmp=vhp-featcta-tough, accessed October 5, 2018.
thus, is even better than turbocharging where the torque boost is delayed by turbo lag.
Magazine reviews include:
• Dodge RAM pickup truck. “The total eTorque system, cables and all, adds about 100
pounds of weight to the truck. What you get in return for the weight penalty is a 90 lb-ft of
torque boost with the V6 and a full 130 lb-ft worth of help with the V8.” “The 2019 Ram
comes either with a 3.6-liter V6 outputting 305 hp and 269 lb-ft of torque or a 5.7-liter V8
with 395 hp and 410 lb-ft. And those peak numbers are unaffected by the eTorque system.
The extra oomph comes in when the gas engines are at low speed, like between idle and
1,500 rpm, before they are able to produce bigger torque numbers on their own. The hybrid
system broadens the torque band as opposed to adding to peak torque available.” “And
that’s just fine. Peak torque is useless when you’re trying to pull your 22-foot deck boat out
of the water at 0-2 mph. Adding torque down low not only helps get heavy loads moving
from a standstill, it takes stress off the powertrain while doing so.”351
• Jeep Wrangler. “It is paired with an 8-speed automatic and features a new eTorque mild-
hybrid system with a belt-driven 48-volt starter/generator and regenerative braking. The idea
here is to inject electrically fed torque immediately following accelerator application to
reduce lag, and to improve efficiency when coasting and by shutting the engine off sooner
as the Wrangler comes to a stop.” “Considering that a 4,000-lb Alfa Romeo Stelvio can
sprint from zero to 60 mph in around 5.5 seconds, the slightly heavier Wrangler 4-door
should be able to manage the same feat in about six seconds. And that’s not factoring in the
electric power assist from the eTorque system, which you can definitely feel in the seat of
your pants.” “But considering that the eTorque hybrid system supplies fuel shut-off during
coasting and deceleration, intelligent battery charging, and regenerative braking, it should
have no trouble improving upon the V6 engine’s ratings of 18-city/23-highway.”352
As discussed in Section II.B. and the magazine review, the eTorque system on the 2019 RAM
1500 pickup truck improves performance and drivability and contributes to higher payload and
towing ratings for the 2019 pickup truck. In fact, the very branding of the option as eTorque
suggests that RAM believes the utility benefits are more important to customers than the fuels
In summary, it is clear from the discussion in this section, that many efficiency technologies offer
other benefits that are highly valued by consumers. In particular, the consumer benefits of
turbocharging, lightweighting, and 48v hybrids are likely just as large as the value consumers
place on the fuel savings. Yet the agencies modeling both assumes that automakers will deploy
some of the technology for performance benefits rather than fuel economy (contrary to the
agencies’ statements that they only model performance parity), and assigns 100% of the costs
to the fuel economy and GHG standards. This is not appropriate and dramatically understates
the benefits of efficiency technology and overstates the cost to reduce fuel consumption and
351 http://autoweek.com/article/technology/2019-ram-etorque-system-torque-down-low#ixzz5EMQzduXx
352 http://www.nydailynews.com/autos/latest-reviews/drive-redesigned-2018-jeep-wrangler-review-article-1.3694649
D. Overall cost-benefit analysis
Given the short time for comment, we have assessed many of the major decisions that the
agencies have proposed. Overall, as discussed above, the agencies have made many dozens
of decisions regarding their data and methods to override their previously adopted GHG and
Augural CAFE 2025 standards. The agencies have transformed a robust and overwhelmingly
beneficial regulation into a regulation that, on paper, artificially looks poor based on faulty,
poorly supported, and less-rigorous assumptions that it has buried in their opaque and hard-
coded modeling algorithms.
Because the agencies chose not to provide a clear summary of the changes from their previous
analysis, we present into the record a summary of how the agencies have transformed the
rulemaking’s overall cost-benefit analysis, so it is more plainly visible exactly what costs it chose
to prop up, and what benefits it chose to diminish. This section summarizes early findings on
several aspects related to the cost-benefit analysis and the technology assessment within the
August 2018 regulatory analysis on proposed U.S. light-duty vehicle standards. The following
three parts illustrate the overall regulatory program costs and benefits, the per-vehicle costs and
benefits, and the percent change in costs and benefits from three cases: (1) EPA original
Proposed Determination in 2016 and Final Determination in 2017, (2) Joint-agency EPA-
NHTSA-California Draft TAR from 2016, and (3) the EPA-NHTSA NPRM from 2018.
Table 13 summarizes the past three regulatory assessments of the U.S. light-duty vehicle
regulations for fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions. The table summarizes the overall
societal benefits and costs of the current standards from three analyses: (1) EPA’s analysis in
its Final Determination on the appropriateness of the 2025 standards in January 2017353; (2)
NHTSA’s analysis in the joint-agency Technical Assessment Report in July 2016354; and (3)
NHTSA’s latest analysis in the NPRM in August 2018355. Along with the societal impacts for the
technology cost and other impacts in billions of dollars, the final rows include overall effect on
the vehicle model years affected, number of vehicles in the analysis, and resulting benefit-to-
cost ratio. The figure shows the various areas where there were problematic assumptions (as
identified above) that falsely led to a negative 2018 benefit-to-cost analysis (i.e., with lower
benefit than cost), from what had been a robust finding of a regulation with benefits 2-3 times
the costs.
353 EPA, "Proposed determination on the appropriateness of the model year 2022–2025 light-duty vehicle
greenhouse gas emissions standards under the midterm evaluation" (2016).
https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi?Dockey=P100Q3DO.pdf. EPA, "Final determination on the appropriateness
of the model year 2022–2025 light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emissions standards under the midterm
evaluation" (2017). https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi?Dockey=P100QQ91.pdf
354 EPA, NHTSA, and California Air Resources Board, “Draft technical assessment report: Midterm evaluation of light-
duty vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards and corporate average fuel economy standards for model years
2022-2025“ (July 2016). https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi/P100OXEO.PDF?Dockey=P100OXEO.PDF
355 EPA, NHTSA, “The safer affordable fuel-efficient vehicles rule for model years 2021-2026 passenger cars and
Table 13. Impact of U.S. efficiency and GHG regulations.
Figure 10 shows the impacts from Table 13, normalizing them to a per-vehicle basis for all the
vehicles included in each regulatory assessment to help isolate the major differences in the
cost-benefit analyses. Moving from left to right shows the EPA Final Determination analysis, the
NHTSA TAR analysis, and NHTSA’s latest proposal analysis for the current standards. As
shown, the EPA Final Determination analysis indicates $660 in total average per vehicle cost
and $2160 in benefits. The three largest factors in EPA’s analysis are the technology cost (-
$523 per vehicle), fuel savings ($1,415), and pollution benefit ($431), and the overall benefit-
cost ratio is 3.3-to-1. The latest pre-proposal analysis by NHTSA from 2016 shows a relatively
similar analysis but higher costs and lower benefits resulted in a 2.0-to-1 benefit cost ratio.
Compared to EPA’s analysis the primary difference is that it used costs that were 40% higher
($1,425 for NHTSA versus $875 for EPA for model year 2025 vehicles). The latest NHTSA
analysis to justify a freeze in post-2020 standards shows a 0.6-to-1 benefit cost ratio for the
current standards. Overall, including model year 2021-2029 vehicles, the 2018 NPRM indicates
total societal costs of $3,100 per vehicle compared to societal benefits of $2,000. The
differences from EPA and NHTSA’s previous analysis, including in technology cost, fuel saving
benefits, and the fleet-level impacts are vast, and explored in detail in the analysis above.
Additional travel, $31
$2,000 Pollution benefit, $431 Additional travel, $381
Other impacts, $292 Additional travel, $78 Pollution benefit, $34
Pollution benefit, $329
Regulation impact ($/vehicle)
Technology cost, -$523
Technology cost, -$763
-$500 Fatalities and crashes, -$123
Congestion and noise, -$15 Fatalities and crashes, -$43 Technology cost, -$1,581
Congestion and noise, -$9
Fatalities and crashes, -$1,235
EPA Proposed Determination 2017 NHTSA Draft TAR 2016 Trump Administration NHTSA 2018
(3.3-to-1 benefit-cost ratio) (2.0-to-1 benefit-cost ratio) (0.6-to-1 benefit-cost ratio)
Figure 10. Per-vehicle impact from vehicle efficiency and GHG standard analyses.
Table 14 summarizes how the impacts have changed from the previous analyses to the latest
2018 NHTSA proposal. By comparing the cost elements of the August 2018 proposal regulatory
analysis from Figure 10 with the associated impacts in the previous two analyses, we see how
the latest regulatory assessment resulted in such a different outcome. The NHTSA 2018
proposal analysis of the Augural standards shows greatly increased technology costs (by 2-3
times), fatalities and crash costs (by 10-28 times), congestion and noise costs (by 21 to 37
times)—while also showing decreased fuel-saving benefits (by 21%-41%) and pollution benefits
(by 90%-92%).
We provide these differences to underscore just how dramatically the agencies have changed
their results since their previous technical assessment. Examining the assumptions as we have
done above, we find that if the agencies restored key data technology inputs on effectiveness
and cost, technology modeling assumptions, and cost-benefit modeling assumptions (such as
the rebound, sales, scrappage, and other technology input errors and inconsistencies discussed
above), their overall benefit-cost ratio would flip right back to at least a 2-to-1 ratio, as it was
previously. However, we point out that the agencies have not systematically done any such
comparison that breaks down how, where, and why they have made all these changes. The
above comments help to at least partially illustrate and summarize the ways that the agencies
have artificially flipped their regulatory impacts results.
Table 14. Impact of U.S. efficiency and GHG regulations.
III. Regulatory certainty and jobs
Although there is overwhelming evidence to support the development of even more stringent
standards than the existing GHG and augural fuel economy standards, in the interest of
maintaining nearer term regulatory certainty for industry investments, we believe that
maintaining EPA’s adopted GHG standards and NHTSA’s CAFE standards for model years
2021-2025 is appropriate. Maintaining 2022-2025 regulatory stringency would assure a stable
regulatory environment and is well supported by the evidence.
Any new uncertainty about the federal 2025 standards would provoke uncertainty with California
and other states (representing as much as one third of the U.S. market), who will continue to
develop policies to enforce the equivalent of the existing standards on all passenger cars and
light trucks sold within their borders. It is not just Section 177 states and California that stand
opposed to the agencies proposal. Based on the positions as of August 14, 2018, state and city
commitments to cleaner cars represent over half – 55% – of the U.S. auto market.356 The
opposition from states and cities is due to their obligations to provide clean air for their resident
populations and mitigate the worst consequences of climate change.
Figure 11. States and cities opposing the proposed rollback of federal CAFE and GHG
356 Lutsey, N. and P. Slowik (2018). States and cities seeking to maintain clean car standards.
These jurisdictions’ continued opposition to the weakening of the federal CAFE and GHG
standards virtually ensures the proposed rollback to the vehicle standards will be tied up in
courts for years. This will also cause great uncertainty for automakers, which face the prospect
of either planning to comply with the existing adopted 2025 GHG rules or halting progress
towards cleaner and more efficient cars. If the rollback moves forward, the states and cities will
be much farther behind in their ability to meet their air quality and climate goals, many of which
are legal requirements. It seems clear that the opposing states and cities are going to impose a
wide array of city- and state-level policies that will be more complicated for the auto industry to
grapple with in the years ahead, if the federal policy is weakened and state government
authority is removed.
Destabilization of the 2025 standards would put grave uncertainty on the returns on major
investments that automakers and suppliers have made. Table 15 highlights a selection of
industry investments in the U.S. related to automobile efficiency technology357. As shown, the
investments represent many thousands of high-tech manufacturing jobs and billions of dollars in
investments. The success and sustainability of such technology investments depends on a
stable regulatory environment. There is a clear connection between the standards and
investments that directly contribute to American jobs. In fact, the agencies’ own modeling in the
NPRM did indeed model how the proposed rollback would result in a loss of 50,000 jobs per
year by 2021 and 60,000 jobs per year by 2023.358 Maintaining the standards would protect
high-technology manufacturing investments in efficiency technologies, whereas weakening or
uncertainty about the standards jeopardizes such investments. In addition, any new uncertainty
about the federal 2025 standards would cause uncertainty with California and other states and
their continuation with adopted 2025 regulatory standards.
ICCT supports EPA’s 2016 critique in the Proposed Determination of the jobs study by the
Center for Automotive Research (CAR).359 ICCT also wrote a detailed critique360, discussing the
multiple problems with this study. In short, the report rests on a false premise about the costs of
meeting the standards. CAR ignored the dozens of recent state-of-the-art technology analyses
and, instead, the report relies on costs from a twenty-five-year-old retail-price manipulation
strategy. A 1991 study by David Greene361 found that automakers could improve their CAFE fuel
economy level by increasing the sales price of less fuel efficient models while simultaneously
decreasing the price of more fuel efficient models. Greene concluded that this pricing scheme is
effective in the short-run for fuel economy improvements of up to 1 mpg, and would cost $100–
$200 (in 1985 dollars). But, Greene also found, for fuel economy improvements greater than 1
mpg, pricing out less-efficient vehicles generates increasing losses for automakers and
357 Lutsey, N. (2012). Regulatory and technology lead-time: The case of US automobile greenhouse gas emission
standards. Transport Policy. 21: 179-190. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0967070X12000522
358 83 Fed Reg at 43265
359 https://www.cargroup.org/publication/the-potential-effects-of-the-2017-2025-epanhtsa-ghgfuel-economy-
360 Isenstadt, A. (2016). The latest paper by the Center for Automotive Research is not what it thinks it is.
361 Greene, D.L., (1991). Short-run pricing strategies to increase corporate average fuel economy
improved technology and design changes are by far the more cost-effective solution for long-
term, large fuel economy improvements. CAR ignored Greene’s findings on mpg changes of
more than 1 mpg and applied the retail-price manipulation results to the 2025 standards.
Further, CAR ignored the economy-wide jobs created by reduced spending on fuel after the first
3 years of ownership.
Table 15. Auto industry investment and job growth related to efficiency technologies
Company Technology Location Jobs Investment
Ford Efficient engines (EcoBoost) Cleveland, Ohio 250 $55 million
GM Efficient engines (Ecotec) Tonawanda, New York 350 $825 million
GM Efficient engines (Ecotec) Spring Hill, Tennessee 483 $483 million
GM Engine, transm., stamping Lordstown, Ohio 1200 $500 million
Hyundai Efficient engines Montgomery, Alabama 522 $270 million
Chrysler Engine (FIRE) Dundee, Michigan 150 $179 million
ZF Transmissions Laurens County, South Carolina 900 $350 million
Buffalo, West Virginia; Jackson, Tenn.;
Toyota Transmission, aluminum parts 40 $64 million
Troy, Missouri
GM Transmission, electric motors White Marsh, Maryland 200 $246 million
Fiat-Chrysler, ZF Transmission (8-speed) Kokomo, Indiana $300 million
Bosch Gasoline injectors, diesels Charleston, South Carolina 300 $125 million
Michelin Tires South Carolina 100 $350 million
Lenawee Stamping Metal stamping Tecumseh, Michigan 140
Tenneco Autom. Emission control Michigan 185 $15.6 million
Gestamp Stamping Chattanooga, Tennessee 230 $90 million
Gestamp Steel components Mason, Michigan 348 $74 million
ThyssenKrupp Steel Mount Vernon, Alabama 2700 $3700 million
Nanshan Aluminum extrusion parts Lafayette, Indiana 200 $100 million
Magna Composite parts North Carolina 327 $10 million
BMW, SGL Carbon fiber parts Moses Lake, Washington 80 $100 million
Faurecia, Ford Plastic parts US and Mexico 350
TRW, Ford Electric power steering Marion, Virg; Rogersville, Tenn. 115 $55 million
Continental, Ford Engine, brakes, tires, access. Henderson, North Carolina 60
Nexteer Autom. Driveline, steering Saginaw, Michigan $431 million
Denso Aluminum parts Hopkinsville, Kentucky 80 $4.2 million
NHK Suspension parts Bowling Green, Kentucky 100 $20 million
Fuel-efficient, hybrid, electric 1800 $600 million
Ford Louisville, Kentucky
vehicles (7000) ($1000 million)
V-Vehicle Hybrid vehicles Monroe, Louisiana 1400 $248 million
Battery, drivetrain, engine, Brownstown, Hamtramck, Warren, Bay
GM 1000+ $700 million
generator City, Grand Blanc, and Flint, Michigan
Nissan Electric vehicles, components Smyrna, Tennessee 1300 $1700 million
Magna Electric drive components Michigan 500 $49 million
Ford Batteries, transaxles Rawsonville, Sterling Heights, Michigan 170 $135 million
Toda America Batteries Battle Creek, Michigan 60 $35 million
JC-Saft Batteries Holland, Michigan 550 $299 million
LG Chem Batteries Holland, Michigan 400 $151 million
Fortu PowerCell Batteries Muskegon Township, Michigan 1971 $625 million
Bannon Autom. Electric vehicles Onondaga County, New York 250 $26.6 million
A123 Batteries Ann Arbor 5000 $600 million
Batteries, drivetrain, power Auburn Hills, Troy, Shelby Township,
Magna 500 $50 million
electronics, flexible foam Lansing, Michigan
Toyota, Tesla Electric vehicles Fremont, California 1000 $50 million
Source: Lutsey, N. (2012). Regulatory and technology lead-time: The case of US automobile greenhouse gas emission standards.
Transport Policy. 21: 179-190. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0967070X12000522
Fuel savings from fuel economy and GHG regulations contribute to increased employment.
There are three ways that fuel economy standards can potentially impact jobs:
1. Vehicle price effects, through a potential decline in new vehicle sales and higher vehicle
prices for consumers, which in turn curbs spending on other goods and services
2. Supply chain innovations induced by the regulations
3. Savings in gasoline expenditures, which give consumers move money to spend on other
However, the NPRM only analyzed the first two of these three factors. For the first two factors,
the NPRM modeled a loss of 50,000 jobs by 2021 and a loss of 60,000 jobs by 2023 for the
proposed rule to roll back the standards. 362 However, economy-wide job gains from the fuel
savings of the 2012 rule were completely ignored. While these jobs do not directly affect the
auto sector, the failure to assess economy-wide job gains from fuel savings is a clear bias in the
Fuel savings are extremely important because spending a dollar on fuel creates far fewer jobs
than spending a dollar on general goods or services in the U.S. economy. Modeling done by
Indiana University in 2017,363 with corrections in 2018,364 found that when properly accounting
for all three impacts, the augural standards create more than 300,000 jobs by 2035. This is a
major study originally contracted by the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers that was
submitted to the docket. Yet the agencies failed to even mention this study or, indeed, include
any discussion of job impacts from reduced fuel expenditures.
For an administration that claims to be all about jobs, and that is rolling back emission standards
and damaging public health in the name of creating jobs, it is inexplicable why the agencies
would want to destroy over 300,000 jobs by rolling back the efficiency standards.
IV. International competitiveness
The currently adopted U.S. GHG regulations and augural CAFE standards have the U.S. fleet
headed in the same direction as most other major world automobile markets, reducing per-mile
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions at approximately 3% per year. About 80% of world automobile
sales are regulated to increase their efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.365 Like the U.S.
standards, all other standards around the world are indexed to vehicle size (or mass), and
therefore require that efficiency technologies like those described above are increasingly
deployed on all vehicles in the fleet. Figure 12 shows the progression of global efficiency
standards in major world car markets.366 In the U.S. case, industry consistently met the 2012-
2015 standards while U.S. vehicle sales increased to an all-time high, and with most companies
producing high profits.
Figure 12. Passenger car efficiency standard CO2 emissions (with U.S. standards as
currently adopted)
If EPA, NHTSA, and California maintain the adopted 2025 standards, this would ensure that the
U.S. auto market remains globally competitive with Europe, China, and elsewhere. However,
365 International Council on Clean Transportation. Passenger vehicle fuel economy. https://www.theicct.org/chart-
366 International Council on Clean Transportation, 2015. Global passenger vehicle standards.
the administration’s proposal would do the opposite: as illustrated in Figure 13, rolling back the
vehicle efficiency standards would put the United States out of step with the rest of the
global major auto markets that are seeing continued innovation. In particular, the policies of
China or Europe are increasingly driving global technology innovation and investment.
Figure 13. Comparison of international fuel economy, fuel consumption, and GHG
emission standards, with proposed post-2020 freeze on U.S. standards shown367
Based on the agencies’ own analysis, the lost technology investments from the rollback will be
profound. The rollback means far lower annual technology deployment, including, for example
many millions less turbochargers, direct injection engines, mild hybrid systems, and advanced
10-speed transmissions by 2026368 (see Figure 3). The proposed freeze on standards at the
2020 levels ensures that products designed for the U.S. market will be less competitive globally,
and that vehicles designed in Europe and Asia will have more technical innovation and
technology investment on vehicle efficiency and electrification.
367 International Council on Clean Transportation. The Trump Administration’s vehicle efficiency proposal is not
supported by underlying data and runs counter to global trends. https://www.theicct.org/news/us-cafe-proposal-pr-
368 Forbes. By freezing vehicle standards, the Trump Administration will grind auto innovation to a halt.
Annual sales in 2026 (million)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Gasoline direct injection
Aerodynamic improvement (20%)
Variable valve lift
Mild hybrid
10-speed transmission
Mass reduction (5%)
High compression ratio
Current standards
Full hybrid Proposed freeze on 2020+ standards
Figure 14. Annual sales of efficiency technologies in 2026 under currently planned
standards and under a freeze of standards at 2020 levels (based on NHTSA estimates)369
The proposal would put us back into the cycle that occurred from the mid 1980s to early 2000s
when frozen vehicle efficiency standards caused U.S. vehicle technology to stagnate, when
domestic manufacturers became less competitive, contributing to General Motors and Chrysler
declaring bankruptcy just nine years ago.
369 Forbes. By freezing vehicle standards, the Trump Administration will grind auto innovation to a halt.
V. Zero-emission vehicles
The agencies sought comment on “the extent to which compliance with the ZEV mandate
frustrates manufacturers’ efforts to comply with CAFE standards.” 370 The agencies’ proposed
approach to remove the authority of California and other states on low-emission vehicles is
profoundly shortsighted. In 2018, the global auto market is at the early stages of a significant
and unprecedented transition to an alternative fuel vehicle technology. This transition of course
is toward zero-emission electric vehicles. Nearly every major automaker has, in some form or
another, publicly indicated that they believe the future of the automotive industry is electric.
These automakers include Audi,371 BMW, 372 General Motors, 373 Mercedes Benz, 374 Mitsubishi,
375 Nissan, 376 Porsche, 377 Renault, 378 Škoda, 379 Tesla380, Toyota,381 Volkswagen, 382 and Volvo383.
Many automakers have publicly shared details on their plans for an electric future, including
targets and a timetable. The table below sums up the automakers’ announcements for electric
vehicles, reflecting only investments and intended sales of plug-in (and small amounts of fuel
cell) vehicles – announcements for hybrids without plug-in capability are excluded. These total
$200 billion in electric vehicle investments and over 15 million electric vehicle sales per year by
2025. Considering there were about 1.2 million global electric vehicle sales in 2017, this
increase in electric vehicle sales, based on automakers’ announcements, amounts to an order
of magnitude increase in 8 years. These announcements signal the timing for the industry as a
whole to cross the proverbial "valley of death” to where electric vehicles ultimately reach
significant production volume and achieve economies of scale needed for profitability.
370 The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021–2026 Passenger Cars and Light
Trucks, 83 Fed. Reg. at 43239
371 Jardine Motors. https://www.jardinemotors.co.uk/audi/news/future-electric-etron/
372 BMW. https://www.bmw.com.au/world-of-bmw/bmw-news
373 Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/we-believe-all-electric-future-heres-what-were-doing-today-mary-barra/
374 Mercedes Benz. https://www.mercedes-benz.com/en/mercedes-benz/next/e-mobility/the-future-is-electric/
375 Wheels. http://wheels.ae/news/news-stories/article/3871/renault-nissan-and-mitsubishi-motors-alliance-the-future-
376 Nissan. https://www.nissan.co.uk/experience-nissan/electric-vehicle-leadership.html
377 Fortune. http://fortune.com/2015/03/26/porsche-electric-cars/
378 Car Magazine. https://www.carmagazine.co.uk/car-news/tech/ze-boss-eric-feunteun-on-renaults-electric-ev-future/
379 Skoda. http://www.skoda.ie/news/news-detail/future-is-electric
380 Tesla. https://www.tesla.com/blog/future-cars-electric
381 Toyota. https://newsroom.toyota.co.jp/en/corporate/20353243.html
382 Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/vws-ceo-knows-the-future-is-electricfirst-he-must-convince-his-
383 Volvo. https://www.volvocars.com/us/about/our-innovations/drive-e
Table 16. Automaker electric vehicle announced investments and future year sales384
Automaker group Announced investment Global sales (shares)
Nissan-Renault-Mitsubishi $9.5 billion 3 million (30%) by 2022
Volkswagen $40 billion+$60 billion (battery) 2-3 million (20-25%) by 2025
Toyota (not available) 2 million (25%) by 2025
Chonqing Changan $15.9 billion 1.7 million (100%) by 2025
BAIC $3.4 billion 1.3 million (100%) by 2025
Geely $3.3 billion 1.1 million (90%) by 2020
General Motors (not available) 1 million (12%) by 2026
Tesla $4-5 billion 1 million (100%) by 2020
Mercedes $13 billion 0.4-0.6 million (15-25%) by 2025
BMW $2.4-3.6 billion 0.4-0.6 million (15-25%) by 2025
Ford $11 billion (not available)
Dongfeng (not available) 0.4 million (30%) by 2022
Hyundai $22 billion (not available)
Fiat-Chrysler $10.5 billion (not available)
SAIC $2.9 billion (not available)
Great Wall $2-8 billion (not available)
We also note several other applicable global developments on the electric vehicles, based on
our recent analysis.385 Five regions of China, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and the United
States account for nearly all global electric vehicle production to date (the U.S. is now third, after
China and Europe). These markets have grown fastest because they have had clear policies
that support the transition of the auto industry, while also supporting the consumer market. The
successful policies in the top global markets include vehicle regulations, incentives, charging
infrastructure, and consumer awareness campaigns. Due to the sustained policy support from
those early markets, nearly every automaker has made significant strides to develop their
electric vehicle supply chain. By 2017, there were six battery companies supplying batteries for
at least 100,000 electric vehicles per year and 10 automakers making at least 50,000 electric
vehicles per year. From global electric vehicles sales of just hundreds per year in 2010, these
developments make it clear where the world is headed.
Along with being driven by policy developments, what we found in our global study is that
electric vehicles are primarily manufactured in the region where they are sold. So, if the U.S.
wants to be on the leading edge of the transition to electric vehicles—from an industrial
perspective—it will need to support the growing U.S. electric market. However, the proposed
rollback to the CAFE and GHG standards, and especially doing so while withdrawing state
authority to protect their air and the climate, would do the opposite of this. The proposal would
strike a blow, not just to U.S. environmental goals at all levels, but also to long-term U.S.
automotive industry leadership in new electric-drive technologies. Even though nearly every
automobile company leader is affirming electric vehicles are their future, as indicated above,
they are planning their investments in manufacturing plants where the market is, and
increasingly that appears to be in China and in Europe.
These automotive developments, with leading electric vehicle makers moving toward
economies of scale and staking out their positions in the evolving market, coincide with the
timeframe of the proposed U.S. regulation. As indicated by the agencies’ data, compliance with
the 2025 augural CAFE and adopted GHG standards, even without the proposed freeze on
post-2020 standards, would result in less than 3% of new vehicles being plug-in electric by
model year 2025.386 The agencies’ proposal would virtually guarantee that the U.S., and its
automotive manufacturing industry in particular, is not playing an integral role in the world’s
long-term transition to zero-emission mobility. With the agencies’ proposal, U.S.-based auto
companies would be increasingly vulnerable over the long-term as a global shift to electric
vehicles passes it by.
Yet, the California-initiated Zero-Emission Vehicle regulation has kept the U.S. vehicle market
apace with the global transition to electric vehicles. California alone amounts to half of U.S.
electric vehicle sales with electric vehicle uptake that is over 5 times that of the rest of the
U.S.387 Including the nine other ZEV-adopting states, the ZEV regulation applied to 29% of the
U.S. auto market and accounts for 63% of U.S. electric vehicle sales. 388
The immense progress to date to grow the U.S. electric vehicle market was, in part, because
the federal government, California, and the auto industry were willing to come together in 2011
to agree on stable long-term standards to 2025. It was also in large part due to the leadership of
California and other states in utilizing their authority to implement their regulations and the
supporting policy to help meet their longstanding clean air and climate commitments. We
recommend the agencies do not revoke the California waiver and take no action toward
removing state-level regulatory authority.
386 Outputs from NHTSA datafiles. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, 2018, “Compliance and Effects
Modeling System.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/corporate-average-fuel-economy/compliance-and-effects-modeling-
387 Nic Lutsey, California’s continued electric vehicle market development. May 7, 2018.
388 Peter Slowik and Nic Lutsey. The continued transition to electric vehicles in U.S. cities. July 24, 2018.
VI. Summary of attachments
We are enclosing the following reports as attachments to the comments submitted by the
International Council on Clean Transportation:
• Aaron Isenstadt and John German (ICCT); Piyush Bubna and Marc Wiseman (Ricardo
Strategic Consulting); Umamaheswaran Venkatakrishnan and Lenar Abbasov (SABIC);
Pedro Guillen and Nick Moroz (Detroit Materials); Doug Richman (Aluminum Association),
Greg Kolwich (FEV). Lightweighting technology development and trends in U.S. passenger
vehicles, December 19, 2016. http://www.theicct.org/lightweighting-technology-
• Aaron Isenstadt and John German (ICCT); Mihai Dorobantu (Eaton); David Boggs
(Ricardo); Tom Watson (JCI). Downsized boosted gasoline engines, October 28, 2016.
• Aaron Isenstadt, John German, Mihai Dorobantu. June 21, 2016. Naturally aspirated
gasoline engines and cylinder deactivation. https://www.theicct.org/publications/naturally-
• John German (ICCT). Hybrid vehicles: Trends in technology development and cost
reduction, July 23, 2015. http://www.theicct.org/hybrid-vehicles-trends-technology-
• Josh Miller and Nic Lutsey. Consumer benefits of increased efficiency in 2025-2030 light-
duty vehicles in the U.S.. June 15, 2017. https://www.theicct.org/publications/consumer-
• Nic Lutsey and Aaron Isenstadt, 2018. How will off-cycle credits impact U.S. 2025
efficiency standards. https://www.theicct.org/publications/US-2025-off-cycle
• Nic Lutsey, Dan Meszler, Aaron Isenstadt, John German, Josh Miller. Efficiency technology
and cost assessment for U.S. 2025–2030 light-duty vehicles. March 22, 2017
• Nic Lutsey, Mikhail Grant, Sandra Wappelhorst, Huan Zhou. Power play: How governments
are spurring the electric vehicle industry. May 15, 2018.
• Nic Lutsey. California’s continued electric vehicle market development. May 7, 2018.
• Nic Lutsey. Modernizing vehicle regulations for electrification. October 21, 2018.
• Nic Lutsey and Peter Slowik. States and cities seeking to maintain clean car standards.
August 21, 2018. https://www.theicct.org/publications/state-city-clean-car-20180814
• Peter Slowik and Nic Lutsey. The continued transition to electric vehicles in U.S. cities. July
24, 2018. https://www.theicct.org/publications/continued-EV-transition-us-cities-2018