Summary of The Readings

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Selected readings (The Advocacy Coalition Framework by Paul Cairney and The Multiple Streams
Framework by Nikolaos Zahariadis) focus on different aspect of policymaking process. ACF text place its
attention on variety of actors (deferring from model of ‘iron triangle’ model) involved on various levels of
policy process, based on different ‘beliefs’. It defines ‘sub-systems’ within a wider political system as place
where political change is happening in a long scope of time, introducing politicization of issues as a
determining factor in power dynamics between advocacy coalitions. This coalitions are formed based on
long-term beliefs (there are three main types of beliefs: deep core beliefs, policy core beliefs, and
secondary aspects), which are tide to policy actions. These believes are hierarchically ordered based on
their scope, how they influence learning, and how likely they are to change in relation to new experiences
and events. The framework is enabling descriptions of policy process in aspects of its attention over on
long-term policy cycles and both continuity and change, and stability and instability of political sub-

The second text pays attention to a model developed to explain the, in first place, agenda setting and
policy formulation stages of policymaking, but it has potential to be applicable to the other steps of ‘policy
cycle’. In its core the model assumes political manipulation as a way of maintaining the ‘ambiguity’
presumed by the ‘garbage can model of choice’. Manipulation is used by the policy entrepreneurs, who
have resources and access to policy makers, to make the most of the policy window. Considering the unity
of other three (independent) ‘streams’ (problems, policies and politics) at critical moment in time, the
entrepreneurs (individuals or corporate actors) apply manipulative strategies to gain the support of
policymakers. The model as well considers the processes of attention, search and selection that constitute
ultimate choice. Although criticized in several aspects, model offers analytical tool of policy choice and
processes by organizations and political systems.

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