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Í#'FIYilÄ(¡ FttMs

rh¡üusïfitAL TÅpäs & $3

tã*sch åiftçhaus B¡un':oos

$?4û U¿w¡l
Tel. +4iiäi7ì lr55 ?aJ ôt]
F;ìx r'4'l{iÐ71 SSI¡ ?û 0$
Technical Data sheet t-Moll 900.000 inf*@ryrag.tolrr I wlvw.ryrrag.*crxr

Soft, c[*.:.*d-ceII pclyethyfene foxr¡'r v,¡it]r self-
aclnresiue and lan'¡íni*ter:t Lûfi nrv film fcr r-r¡e as

'"u*rç*ti [e seal,i r':g, se¡:a ration, ir ¡rd l¡ rrr-*nti ng teFe

Cclrexponcls t* fi'r.r[Ë llt]l-6[¡?3 :fsr us,¡: in RLT
veltilati*n *q u i¡:nr rrnt iair c*n diti*r:ì r'lg eq,* iprr er:t

Pr*dt"¡ct Frmpertì** & Åp.pTi**T3*n*

+ Self-'.¿¡cr-rncn, u¡ith lan:ini¡teci, rilic*n$sed film {withol-rt lineri
r Sealir¡g hsnd l¡r ¡lr ccnqlitianing and terå-¡nt,ra[ der¿ire const,rurtion
r 6fa¿inE tape band fcr glasn cnnstructi*n

'* Ch*mically neutr:a,f u¡ith excellent ageilrg prc¡lertler

fiÍnl': sensEt[ve t* wõtÊr ancl irnputrercih!,e
* Auailable tl'¡i,cknesset: 2n 3, 4n 5, 6, 8, l"*, 12 mrn [n a*thrnc'it,e iL5tlx2-19] ,pr white {L5ü1Z-tiJ

Tac,hni**t ûata Foan:

Fsar'¡,1 r,lus*d rells FE-Foai'¡'r lamin¡ted r,vith 35 rny llner
D*r:sity 15*-845 ca.27-35 kg/ml
Tenrperatt:re R*sistance -6t.{,Lrp to + ltiJ"{
R*sistence to cürÌìpressíon 05ü-3386-L ca. L9 kPa at X*96 ccmprer*ì*r-l
ca. 38 kPa xt ]5.% ccl*pressi*n
ea. 1û5 kPa at 5ü9S com¡rresrion
Re.çiçlL¡al deform¡atlern nS* 185õ-t [35ç4] ra. 2S9* after 3* mri¡r
ca. L096 after 24 hcilrs
Ul/ Res[*tance *lN 53386 goori {foam oxty}

Therms I rondurtíviff À fi"G34 WlmK at l"û'C

t"ü3S W'/m,K at 4ü*{]
Elongatf*r: at hreak n$t]-f92ç ca. L2ü td {Ncngitudinel}
Reçistnn¡:e cå'¡fcrinnted sr:,luents limfted resi¡ta¡rre
salty wa,ter resistant
h,eatlng ail lim,ited reslstxnce
caççtic acici resistant
h,ydrcchl*ric acld Lû9ü rrsiçtant
sul¡rhu'rÌc acid 3û% resi sta nt

Technice:ï Ðata Adh*sîue

Arlheçþ¡e water'bcr¡re acryfic
TeerperatLrre Resiçtance -4ü"C up to"C
Liner v¡¡ith,nut {x*Nf-wau*d}
Agi tr g pe rfurlnör'Ìç,Ë gor:ci, **t wãter r€Ãistfint

Cristina Brander 02.O1,.2017 Seite l von 1

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