Coelacanth: Assembly Instructions

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Coelacanth : Assembly Instructions

Assembly Instructions

Mountain fold line Slot line

(dotted line) (solid line)
Make a mountain fold. Cut a slot.

Valley fold line

(dotted and dash line) Cut out
Make a valley fold. Cut these areas out.

Cut line
(solid line)
Cut out.

1. Use a set square or 3. Use scissors to cut

ruler and a dried up pen along the solid line.
to score along the dotted
lines, and fold along
them to make creases.
The coelacanth is thought to have existed as far back as the Devonian period (around 380
million years ago), having been at its prime in the Triassic period (around 250 to 200 million
years ago). It was believed to have become extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period
(around 70 million years ago), along with the dinosaurs and ammonites. 2. Work curves into the 4. The pale-colored
pieces using a metal numbers on the glue
However, in 1938, a live coelacanth was discovered in the sea off the coast of South Africa, rod before beginning tabs indicate the number
and it was then revealed that coelacanths existed around the Comoros Islands and other assembly. For small of the part to be attached
pieces, add curves before there.Use a spatula for
areas of the Indian Ocean side of the African continent. In 1997 a coelacanth was found in
cutting them out. the small glue tabs.
Indonesian waters, and DNA analysis showed that it was a different type to the one
discovered in Africa.
Coelacanths live in the sea at depths of more than 150m, in caves or in cracks between
Tools and Materials Assembly tip Caution
rocks. They have ten fins which they move in a complicated way to propel themselves
through the water and to stay still.
It has been shown that the Comoros Island coelacanth is ovoviviparous, meaning its young
are incubated in eggs inside the mother's body. However, so far only adult coelacanths have
been discovered, and the details of the fish's ecology remain unknown.

Parts list (pattern) :Eight A4 sheets

Assembly Instructions : Three A4 sheets Scissors, set square, glue Before gluing, crease the Glue, scissors and other
( such as woodwork glue), paper along mountain fold tools may be dangerous to
*Read the Assembly Instructions carefully in page order referring to the page numbers on the parts list. metal rod, spatula, a used and valley fold lines and young children so be sure to
*It is easy to get pieces mixed up if you cut them all out at once, so just cut the pieces as you need them. pen , toothpicks , tweezers make sure rounded sections keep them out of the reach
(useful for handling small parts). are nice and stiff. of young children.
*Red numbers are numbers of each respective part. Gray numbers are numbers of parts to be attached
to red parts.
Coelacanth : Assembly Instructions

Glue tabs have been omitted from the diagrams to make them easier to understand.
curl glue Assemble Fb_1 into a cylinder shape,
envelop its glue tabs inside Fb_2,
Assemble 04, and attach eye-l and eye-r, and glue them together.
Assemble 08 into a cylinder shape,
which you have made into cone shapes, attach it to 07 by gluing the reverse
to the inside. sides of the glue spots marked
with stars ( , ) together,
and attach it to 06.

Assemble Fb-r_1 and Fb-r_2 into cylinder shapes,

and connect them together. Envelop the glue tabs on
Fb-r_2 inside FB-r_3 and fold in half, and glue together.
*Assemble Fb-l, Fc, and Fe in the same way.

Attach 01 to 03, and attach 04 and 05 together.

For 06, cut out the green areas first,

assemble it into a cylinder shape, and attach to 05.
Coelacanth : Assembly Instructions

Assemble 08 to 16, and connect together.

Finally, attach the reverse sides of the glue tabs
on the tip of 16 together, and attach fins 17, 18,
and 19 on top, enveloping 16 inside.

Attach fins Fb_r, Fb_l, Fc, Fd,

As shown in the diagram, and Fe to the specified points,
insert fins Fa-l and Fa-r at the specified points, and gently curve the ends of the fins to your liking.
glue them down, and gently curve the ends to your liking.

Attach the stand parts together in order from D1,

and set your completed coelacanth on top.
*Adjust the smoothness of the stand as you glue it together.

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