Six Shells

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Six Shells by Kristina Vilimaite

This wide and long stole is cosy and dreamy at the same time.
It showcases waves, cockleshells, sea foam and amber drops — like
a beautiful sea.

The shawl is designed for two colours of lace weight or light fingering
yarn. In the sample shawl yarns of different texture are combined:
wool with long colour repeats and linen in solid colour. The shawl
is knit in two pieces of different lengths that are then grafted. Where
the pieces are joined the waves crash, and sea foam appears crowned
© Kristina Vilimaite, 2015 by two lines of amber-like beads. The sea foam lace helps to preserve
Contact designer via the curves of the cockleshells and hides the grafting location.
[email protected]
Kristina's other patterns:
Sizes, yardage and measurements
Each knitter is unique and each yarn behaves differently,
so probably no two shawls can be made to exactly the
same size. However, with a similar gauge you will get
a shawl of the size indicated in the table. The gauge is
given for 10 cm (4") stockinette square after wet blocking
(dry and unpin the swatch before measuring).
Please note that the needle sizes here are only
suggestions. You may need to go up or down a needle
size to achieve the recommended gauge, and to get
a fabric of pleasing drape with the yarn of your choice.
Similarly, yarn amounts are approximate – you may use
less or more yarn depending on your tension.
Measurements: Length: 186 cm (73”); width: 50 cm (20”).
Yarn: 920 m (1006 yds) of Aade Lõng Artistic 8/1 for MC
(100% Wool, 800 m/875 yds per 100 g/3.53 oz)
and 180 m (197 yds) of SIŪLAS Lithuanian Linen 4ply
for CC (100% Linen, 503 m/550 yds per 100 g/3.53 oz).
Needles: 3.5 mm (US 4) circular needles (or a size
suitable to obtain gauge), 80 cm (32”) or longer;
1 mm larger needles for cast-on
Gauge: 22 sts and 28 rows = 10 cm (4”) square
in stockinette stitch, blocked.
Beads: 216 beads (Miyuki Drop 3.4 mm Trans Silver
Lined Topaz, DP-9005-TB). Beads are optional.
Notions: 8 markers, yarn needle, blocking pins/wires.
Schematic and Construction
The measurements are given in centimeters/inches.
186 cm / 73"
130 cm / 51" 56 cm / 22" Beads
Side B Side A Two rows of beads can be
Knitting direction Knitting direction incorporated into the Sea
50 cm / 20"

Foam section. The beads

Sea Foam

Shells and Waves Shells and Waves

CO edge

CO edge

are pre-strung, however,

this is done only near
the end of the Sea Foam
grafting section. Therefore
The shawl is worked in two pieces and then grafted together. the knitter does not have
Side A is worked first starting at one end of the shawl; to slide the beads while
when the Shells and Waves section is finished, live stitches are knitting the Shells and
placed on hold. Then Side B is started at the other end of the shawl, Waves section.
both Shells and Waves and Sea Foam sections are worked. Sides A
and B are then joined by grafting.
Six Shells 2 by Kristina Vilimaite
st(s): stitch(es) k: knit
MC: main colour p: purl
CC: contrasting colour yo: yarn over
CO: cast on sl: slip purlwise
RS: right side k2tog: knit 2 together as one
WS: wrong side k15tog tbl: knit 15 together through back
M: marker loops as one
PM: place marker p2tog: purl 2 together as one
SM: slip marker k1p1: (k1, p1) into double yo
tbl: through back loop(s) pb: place bead (slide pre-strung bead
close to the st just worked, so the
wyif: with yarn in front bead is located between two sts
wyib: with yarn in back when the next st is worked). The
[] pattern repeat (repeat instructions beads are placed while working
inside brackets for indicated number WS rows, but they will be visible
of times) on the public side of the knitting.
() repeat instructions inside brackets for Cockle Shell Stitch: slip next 15 knit sts to RH ndl
indicated number of times while dropping double YOs
between them, return these
15 sts to LH ndl, k15tog tbl
(see photo tutorial on page 7).

Instructions for working the  Note: In the I-cord ‘drop yo, yo’ indicates
I-Cord borders and hiding that you will drop the previously made YO
strands when changing yarns and create a new YO. This technique is used
The I-Cord borders are worked at the same time to lengthen the I-cord edges and prevent them
as the body of the shawl. When working with from puckering the main fabric.
two colours, strands of yarn currently not in use
are enclosed inside the right I-Cord border. Instructions for resizing
To achieve this at the beginning of each RS row To adjust the width of the shawl, you can add
place the working yarn behind the yarn that should or reduce the number of repeats of the cockle
be hidden and then work the row according to the shell pattern. The number of stiches to CO can
pattern instructions. When changing yarns, be calculated according to this formula:
stretch the knitting up agressively to make sure (18*X)+7, where X is the number of pattern
that the yarn hidden inside the I-Cord would repeats. Work X number of pattern repeats in
not pucker the knitting even after blocking. each of the sections. To count the number of
 Note: When changing yarns the stitches are beads needed use this formula: (18*X*2),
worked and not slipped in the beginning of the where X is the number of pattern repeats.
RS row, therefore the I-Cord is not formed there. To adjust the length of the shawl or proportions
However, because of stockinette's tendency between side A and side B, change the number
to curl, after blocking this is not noticeable. of times the Shells and Waves section is worked.

Six Shells 3 by Kristina Vilimaite

Instructions for working Markers for pattern repeats are not indicated
the shawl in the instructions. Slip these markers
as you come to them.
Side A: Switch to smaller needles. Using MC,
1. Follow Setup instructions (see bellow)
Row 1 (RS) for the first pattern repeat after CO
2. Then work Shells and Waves section only: K2, yo, k1, SM, knit to last M , SM, k1, yo,
(see bellow) as follows: repeat Rows 1-18 six k2. (117 sts)
times, then work Rows 1-15 once. For subsequent repeats work Row 1 as follows:
3. Place all stitches on hold and cut yarn, K2, drop yo, yo, k1, SM, knit to last M , SM, k1,
leaving a tail long enough for weaving in. drop yo, yo, k2. (117 sts)
Side B: Row 2 (WS): Sl4 wyif, SM, knit to last M , SM, p1,
1. Follow Setup instructions (see bellow) drop yo, yo, p2.
2. Then work Shells and Waves section Row 3: Sl4 wyib, SM, [k1, yo twice, p2tog, k13,
(see bellow) as follows: repeat Rows 1-18 p2tog, yo twice] , k1, SM, k1, drop yo, yo, k2.
fifteen times, then work Rows 1-14 once. (129 sts)
3. Work Sea Foam section (page 5) once. Row 4: Sl4 wyif, SM, k1, [k1p1, k15, k1p1, k1] ,
SM, p1, drop yo, yo, p2.
4. Cut yarn leaving a tail that is at least four
times the width of the shawl. Proceed to Row 5: Sl4 wyib, SM, knit to last M , SM, k1,
Grafting section (page 5). drop yo, yo, k2.
Row 6: As Row 2.
Set up instructions Row 7: Sl4 wyib, SM, [k1, (yo twice, p2tog) x 2,
With MC and two larger needles held together, k11, (p2tog, yo twice) x 2] , k1, SM, k1, drop yo,
CO 115 sts using the long tail method, placing yo, k2. (153 sts)
markers as follows: Row 8: Sl4 wyif, SM, k1, [(k1p1, k1) twice, k12,
CO3, PM, CO1, PM, (CO18, PM) 6 times, CO3. (k1p1, k1) twice], SM, p1, drop yo, yo, p2.
 Tip: If you find it difficult to place markers Row 9: As Row 5. (321 sts)
on one of the needles during the CO, use Row 10: Sl4 wyif, SM, k1, [k5, (yo twice, k1) x 14,
scrap yarn instead. k5] , SM, p1, drop yo, yo, p2. (117 sts)
 Tip: If you do not want to guess the tail  Note: For the Cockle Shell Stitch please refer
length you may use two ends of yarn as to the photo tutorial on page 7.
described in these instructions:
Row 11: Sl4 wyib, SM, [k1, (yo twice, p2tog) x 2,
yo twice, work Cockle Shell Stitch, (yo twice,
p2tog) x 2, yo twice] , k1, SM, k1, drop yo, yo, k2.
Shells and Waves Row 12: Sl4 wyif, SM, k1, [(k1p1, k1) x 6] , SM,
p1, drop yo, yo, p2.
Chart for this section is available on page 6.
Row 13: As Row 5.
In the written instructions the text in bold font
located between []'s is one pattern repeat. Row 14: As Row 2.
You will repeat these instructions six times Switch to CC for the next 4 rows.
on each row. Other bold text is for the sake
of more convenient reading.
Six Shells 4 by Kristina Vilimaite
Row 15: K2, drop yo, yo, k1, SM, knit to last M , Row 11: As Row 1.
SM, k1, drop yo, yo, k2. Row 12: Sl4 wyif, SM, k1, [k6, yo, k1, yo twice,
Row 16: Sl4 wyif, SM, purl to last M , SM, p1, k1, (yo three times, k1) x 3, yo twice, k1, yo,
drop yo, yo, p2. k6] , SM, p1, drop yo, yo, p2. (207 sts)
Row 17: As Row 5. Row 13 : Sl4 wyib, SM, knit to last M dropping
Row 18: As Row 16. all YOs from needle , SM, k1, drop yo,
yo, k2. (117 sts)
 Reminder: When working the section
for side A for the last time finish with Row 15. Row 14: As Row 4.
When working the section for side B for the
last time finish with Row 14. Grafting
Graft sides A and B loosely using the Kitchener
Sea Foam stitch described in the tutorial at
In the written instructions the text in bold
font located between []'s is one pattern Drop the YOs in the I-cord edging when
repeat. You will repeat these instructions grafting.
six times on each row.
Switch to CC. Finishing
Row 1 (RS): K2, drop yo, yo, k1, SM, knit to last M , Weave in yarn ends (trim after blocking).
SM, k1, drop yo, yo, k2. (117 sts) Soak the shawl at least for 20 minutes,
wash if needed. Handle carefully when wet.
Row 2 (WS): Sl4 wyif, SM, purl to last M , SM, p1, Roll into a thick towel and press out
drop yo, yo, p2. the remaining water. Transfer to blocking board.
Row 3: As Row 1. Use blocking wires or pins at the sides
Row 4: Sl4 wyif, SM, knit to last M , SM, p1, of the shawl. At the CO edges use pins to form
drop yo, yo, p2. cockle shells. You will need at least 5 pins for
Row 5: Sl4 wyib, SM, [k6, yo, k1, yo twice, k1, each shell to achieve a nice curve of the edges.
(yo three times, k1) x 3, yo twice, k1, yo, k6] , Stretch the shawl aggressively while pinning.
k1, SM, k1, drop yo, yo, k2. (207 sts) Take the shawl off the blocking board after
Row 6: Sl4 wyif, SM, knit to last M dropping it is completely dry. Trim the yarn ends.
all YOs from needle , SM, p1, drop yo, yo, p2.
(117 sts)
Row 7: As Row 1.
Unwind at least 17 meters (19 yards) of working
yarn (CC), cut yarn. String 216 beads, slide
beads towards the knitting while winding yarn
to a ball. Distribute the beads loosely along
the last third of the yarn.
Row 8: Sl4 wyif, SM, (k1, pb) to 1 st before M,
k1, SM, p1, drop yo, yo, p2.
Rows 9: As Row 1.
Row 10: As Row 8.

Six Shells 5 by Kristina Vilimaite

Shells and Waves Chart

Six Shells

Work these four stitches instead of the first and last four sts of Row 1
by Kristina Vilimaite

when working the first pattern repeat after CO only.

Read charts from bottom to top. Stitch Count
Read RS rows from right to left Rows 1-2: 117 sts
and WS rows from left to right. Rows 3-6: 129 sts
The charts show the public side of work. Rows 7-8: 153 sts
As instructed in the Setup section, use markers Row 9: 321 sts
k1p1 to separate I-Cord edges and pattern repeats .
Rows 10-18: 117 sts
For Side A work rows 1-18 six times
15 RS: work Cockle Shell Stitch and then work rows 1-15 once.
See tutorial on page 7. For Side B work rows 1-18 fifteen times
pattern repeat (work six and then work rows 1-14 once.
times on each row)
Tutorial for working the Cockle Shell Stitch
This photo tutorial illustrates how to work
the Cockle Shell Stitch located on Row 11
of the Shells and Waves Section.

Step 1: slip next 15 knit sts to RH ndl while

dropping double YOs between them
The photo on the left shows the fourth st being
slipped onto the RH ndl and two YOs ready
to be dropped from the LH ndl

The photo on the left shows all 15 sts

slipped to RH ndl

Step 2: return these 15 sts to LH ndl

When returning the 15 sts to LH ndl,
do not drop them from the RH ndl, just reinsert
the LH ndl to all 15 sts at once, so LH ndl
is located in front of the RH ndl. Be careful
not to catch the double YO worked previously.
The photo on the left shows 15 sts located
on both needles, ready for knitting them
together tbl.

Step 3: k15tog tbl

The photo on the left shows 15 sts after
knitting them together tbl.

Six Shells 7 by Kristina Vilimaite

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