Signed Index PDF

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‘ADCO Document Code Vol. | Code | Section or Sub-Section or Document Title | 2° Revision size |Pages| 2" 1 2 3 a [se A_|GENERAL = -[— | o ‘A-t_[ Inspection and Test Plan Aa ST [on Site (Construction) Inspection & Test Plan ‘A-2 | (signed-off at Site) (for Shop pre fabricated NA pee a Eee Eee and Site Assembled equipment only) A-3__|Sub-vendors list aa ej | 01 A-4.4 | Certificate of Origin & certificate of Conformity ae be el on AAD Certificate for use in Hazardous area including ATEX Certificate 42) Ad oi o1 Granted Technical Deviations Requests, BUYER/ADCO Non-Conformity Management Reports returned to Vendor, Vendor Non- Conformity Reports (closed) NA Copy of International Certificates for Supplier's A | Quality Assurance System based on ISO 9000 ‘A-7_|Name-plate rubbings. ‘A8_| Inspection Authority certificates and/or report ‘A.9 | inspection Release Notes, Punch lists [A-10 | Packing test certificate and Packing lists B__ FABRICATION ~ WELDING - NDE B-1_ | Manufacturing Procedures (where applicable) NA B.2_| Material Certification Map NA Materials’ certificates and/or test reports B-3 (including Mechanical / Destructive reports! Welding electrodes) B-4_|Weld Repair Location Map NA B-5_|Weld Repair Reports NA Heat treatment chart and PWHT 8-6 | certficate/tecord charts NA B-7_|NDE Procedures (02.01.90,9969_01 aa ByPze| 03 B-8 | NDE Map (Weld Summary Sheet) 03) B.9 [NDE / WELDER Operator Qualifications as ifiz|_03 8-10 |NDE Certificates / Reports A4 Holo!-pr/5i.03, Mechanical test reports on production test 5-11 | Coupons NA 03 8-12 |PMI Reports NA a thickness measurements) Visual & dimensional test reports (including |— Pressure Test Procedures (hydro, pneumatic, 8-14 | jeakage, tracing fluids) NA B15 | Pressure Test Certificates NA B-16 | Hydro-Test Water Quality Cerificate NA DOCUMENT TITLE: MATERIAL RECORD BOOK INDEX ors ADCO DOC. No. PAGE: 103 Sy) | TECNIMONT No. ‘ADCO Project No. | Rev. 3844-GT-VD-MBO008GEN001 | P02065 01: | bates 2o Merc0e Dredory Path Code Section or Sub-Section or Document Title ADCO Document Code Size |Pages| Vo! and Revision No. = 2 3 4 [se B-1T |Load Test Procedures, Lifting Points NAL ~[-|- 8-48 | Load Test Cerification, Lifting Points NA eee 19 [femal Linh Coating Paining Tet ni i C_|EQUIPMENT/ MECHANICAL TESTING _|~ ae ee eee | Static/ Dynamic Balance Test Procedure [ya a eee including Run out test a ca | State Dynami Balancing Test Cerfeston Iq Ep eae eee -3_ | Vibration Test Procedure NA Se C-4_| Vibration Test report NA ~[-[- C5 _| Over speed Test Procedure NA Se C-6 [Over speed Test Certification NA £ C-7_|Noise Test Certification Refer Section C-9 C-8 [Factory Acceptance Test Procedures (FAT) _| C9 | Factory Acceptance Test Reports c-1o | ter Meehan! Test Procedures (valve [vq So (cee eee C-11 [Other Mechanical Test Certificates NA Roe eee cota | Se Aeceptance Test Procedure (SAT) Lead |o2.91 90.0970.01 as Fohe | 05 C-13 |Site Acceptance Test Reports NA - |) - D_ [ELECTRICAL = = = D-1_ [Type Test Gertiicates Ad 05 [0-2 [Hazardous Area Certification Refer Section Aé.2 Soff -3_| Manufacturing Test Procedures NA =i D-4_| Manufacturing Test Certification NA ie (epee ig _| Factory Acceptance Test Procedure —(Site | yy Ecce Acceptance Test Procedure ~ if applicable) D-6 | Factory Acceptance Test Certification NA. = [= [= E_| INSTRUMENTATION 7 core ce ee E-1_ [Type Test Certficates NA See £2 [Hazardous Area Certification NA. Saas E-3_ [Manufacturing Test Procedures NA ea E-4 [Manufacturing Test Certification NA es E-5 | Instrument Calibration Procedures NA alae £-6 | instrument Calibration Certificates NA == pe x7 [Factory Acoeptance Test Procedure ~(Site | yy Pee eee ee Acceptance Test Procedure — if applicable) 8 | Factory Acceptance Test Certification NA L- | ~ |= x DOCUMENT TITLE: ae at ADCO DOC. No. MATERIAL RECORD BOOK INDEX oN” | PAGE: 2of3 tr TECNIMONT No. ADCO Project No. Rev. 3844-GT-VD-MB0008GENO01 | 02065 eee Dietary Pah Code | Section or Sub-Section or Document Title | ADEO Document Code size |Pages| \O" 1 2 3 4 5 6 | F | SITE ACCEPTANCE TESTING — = _ _ Fat_| Subsections fo be defined onthe basis of Ste yq cree lees Note: ~ NA=Not Applicable = Final issue of MRB Index (that inserted as Index on MRB) will have updated revision of all documents listed. Column "Vol. No.” will be filled after composition of MRB, before inserting itlon MRB itself. a co “A A) DOCUMENT TITLE: ‘ADCO DOC. No. MATERIAL RECORD BOOK INDEX PAGE: 30f3 Sx) | TECNIMONT No. ‘ADCO Project No. | Rev. oy Mar 3844-GT-VD-MB0008GENO01 | P02066 o1 | Date: 25-Mar-2018 ‘Direciory Path

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