Rauck 1992
Rauck 1992
Rauck 1992
(Chemical Engineering)
at the
Refrigeration equipment consumes worldwide a major part of the annual electrical energy
the ozone layer or which contribute to the greenhouse effect. A possible solution may be
transfer process. The models account for irreversibilities due to heat transfer rate
limitations from the refrigeration cycle to external fluids. The COP obtained offers a
realistic design goal for the refrigeration system. Design guidelines which lead to the
maximum possible COP for such a system are established.
A standard vapor compression cycle is then investigated with another simulation
model. NARMs consisting of real refrigerants are used to evaluate the performance of
the cycle and these results are compared to the results from the previous developed ideal
My time in the SEL was enjoyable and intense at all times. I am going to miss the
stimulating environment: the seminars, the discussions with other students all over the
globe, my own office on campus and all the social events. The Chemical Engineering
Department, which was very challenging for me, 'provided' me also with a lot of work,
but also with even more friends. When do I see Louis, Stephan, Jon, Christine, Brian,
Dan, Jdrg, Svein, Gerold, Oystein, Jtirgen, Nate, Jeff, Bob, Paul,.... and Bob, Frank,
Rahmat, Rajesh and the fun guys from the Nottingham Coop, again?
I want to thank my brother Thomas and his wife Cilly for visiting me, sharing some
american experiences and taking care of all these nasty things like going through all the
formalities with the University of Hannover and a lot more.
My stay in Madison was made possible by the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) and the Institut fUr Thermodynamik at the University of Hannover in Germany.
I am grateful to Professor H. D. Baehr and Dipl. Ing. Dipl. Ing.(MS) Frank-Detlef Drake
for putting their personnel effort into this program. Frank also spent 1 1/2 years in
Madison at the Solar Energy Laboratory. He knew how great the study in Madison is
and initiated the program. Thanks a lot, Frank, for making this great study abroad
experience possible.
Last, but not least, I want to thank Klaus. We became great buddies during our stay in
America. He was a wonderful friend and listener when the time in Madison, with all the
Finally I dedicate this 'work' to my father Wolfgang who always believed in me and who
is probably now looking down from far far above to me.
My time was a great experience and I will always keep good memories of Madison
1.4 Limitations of the Carnot COP as a Realistic Design Goal for
Refrigeration Systems 9
1.4.1 Background 9
1.4.2 External Boundary Conditions 11
1.4.3 Identification of the optimum Refrigeration Cycle
using a pure Refrigerant 12
3.2.2 Variation of the Gliding Temperatures Differences
GTDl,refr and the Cooling Load 48 Gliding Temperatures Differences GTDlrefr at constant
Heat Capacitance Rates 48 Influence of Cooling Load 50 Gliding Temperatures Differences GTDl,refr at
constant Cooling Load 52
3.2.3 Influence of total Heat Exchanger Conductance 54
3.2.4 Influence of total Heat Capacitance Rate 54
3.2.5 Optimum Refrigerant Heat Capacitance Rate 56
3.3 Comparison of the Numerical and Analytical Model 58
3.3.1 COP of the different Models 58
3.3.2 Accuracy of the Numerical Model 63
3.3.3 Allocation of Heat Exchanger Conductance and
Heat Capacitance Rate for an isothermal process 64 Heat Exchanger Conductance 64 Heat Capacitance Rates 66
3.4 Comparison of different Refrigeration Cycles 69
3.4.1 Carnot Refrigeration Cycle 69
3.4.3 Brayton Refrigeration Cycle 70
3.4.4 Optimum Cycle 70
4.1.2 Components for a NARM 75
4.2 Description of the Simulation Model Cyclell 76
4.2.1 Heat Exchanger Model 76
4.2.2 Refrigerant Properties 77
4.3 Simulations with Cyclell 78
4.3.1 Base Case System 79
4.3.2 Optimum Composition of the NARM 80
4.3.3 Accompanying Superheat 81
4.3.4 Deviation of the optimum Temperature matching 83
4.3.5 Heat Exchanger Conductance Allocation 87
4.3.6 Comparison of Analytical Model and Results from
Cycle 11 89
4.4 Chapter Summary 92
5.1 Conclusions 94
5.2 Recommendations for Future Work 97
Table 4.1 Operating conditions for the standard vapor compression cycle
Table 4.2 COPs calculated from Cycle 11 and AM
Figure 2.5 Optimized individual cooling load QL,i of each individual Camot cycle for
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, UAL = UAH = 4 kW/K,
CL = CH = 1 kW/K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 2.6 COP 10 vs. heat exchanger conductance UA fractions for different heat
capacitance ratios with UAtotal = 1 kW/K, C L = 1 kW/K, TL,in = 273 K,
THn = 313 K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 2.7 COP10 vs. heat exchanger conductance UA fractions for different heat
capacitance ratios with UAtota1 = 1 kW/K, Ctotal = 2 kW/K, TLin = 273 K,
THn = 313 K, QL,i
Figure 2.8 COP 10 vs. heat capacitance ( fractions for different heat exchanger
conductance ratios with UAtotai = 1 kW/K, Ctotal = 2 kW/K,
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 2.9 COP 10 vs. heat capacitance rate C fractions for different heat exchanger
conductance ratios with UAL = 0.5 kW/K, Ctotal = 2 kW/K,
TL,in =273 K, TH,in = 313 K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 2.10 COP 1 o vs. heat capacitance C fractions for different heat exchanger
conductance ratios with UAtotal = 2 kW/K, Ctotal = 2 kW/K,
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 2.11 COP 1Ovs. heat capacitance C fractions for different heat exchanger
conductance ratios with UAtota 1 = 2 kW/K, Ctotal = 0.5 kW/K,
TLin = 273 K, TH,in = 283 K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 2.12 Temperature vs. Entropy transfer rate with low and high external stream
inlet temperature of TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K respectively,
UAL = UAH = 1 kW/K, CL = CH='1 kW/K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 2.13 Temperature vs. Entropy transfer rate with low and high external stream
inlet temperature of TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K respectively,
UAL = UAH = 1 kW/K, CL = (CH= 0.1 kW/K, OL = 10 kW
Figure 2.14 Temperature vs. entropy transfer rate diagram with low and high external
stream inlet temperature of TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K respectively,
UAL = UAH = 1 kW/K, (L = CH = 10 kW/K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 3.1 Schematic Temperature - Entropy diagram
Figure 3.2.a Potential COP improvement Q vs. temperature difference THin - TL,in for
different heat exchanger conductances, low external stream inlet
temperature of TL,in = 273 K, CL = CH = 1 kW/K, 0L = 10 kW
Figure 3.2.b Potential COP improvement Q vs. temperature difference TH,in - TL,in for
different heat exchanger conductances, low external stream inlet
temperature of TL,in = 273 K, CL = CH = 1 kW/K, (L = 10 kW
Figure 3.3 COPCO, COP 1 and potential COP improvement 92 vs. temperature difference
TH,in - TLin with external stream inlet temperature of TL,in = 273 K,
TH,in = 313 K and UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL = CH = 1 kW/K
Figure 3.4 COPOO, COP 1 and potential COP improvement Q vs. temperature difference
THin - TL,in with external stream inlet temperature of TL,in = 273 K,
THin = 293 K and UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL = CH = 1 kW/K
Figure 3.5 COP. vs. cooling capacity QL with external stream inlet temperatures of
TL,in = 273 K, THin = 313 K and UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL = 1 kW/K
Figure 3.6 0 vs. cooling capacity OL with external stream inlet temperatures of
TL,in = 273 K, THin = 313 K , UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL = 1 kW/K
Figure 3.7 COP., COP 1 and potential COP improvement Q vs. temperature
difference Tlin - TL,out with external stream inlet temperature of
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K and UAL AH = 2 kW/K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 3.8 COPoo, COP 1 and potential COP improvement Q vs. temperature
difference Tl,in - TL,out with external stream inlet temperature of
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 293 K and UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, QL = 10 kW
Figure 3.9 COP,, and potential COP improvement Q vs. UAtotal with external stream
inlet temperature of TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 293 K and UAL = UAH,
CL = CH = 1 kW/K, QL = 10 kW/K or QL =50kW/K
Figure 3.10 COP., and potential COP improvement 02 vs. Cexttotal with external
stream inlet temperature of TL,in = 273 K, THin = 293 K and
UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL = CH, QL = 10 kW/K or QL = 50 kW/K
Figure 3.11 Optimum refrigerant heat capacitance rate Crefr,opt vs. external heat
capacitance rate ratio CH/CL for different fixed 1CL and UAL = UAH
Figure 3.12 COP vs. heat constant capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr for
TL,in = 273 K, THin = 313 K, UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL = CH = 1 kW/K
Figure 3.13 COP vs. heat constant capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr for
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL = 1 kW/K and
CH =4 kW/K
Figure 3.14 COP vs. heat constant capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr for
TL,in = 273 K, THIn = 313 K, UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL - 1 kW/K and
CH = 20 kW/K
Figure 3.15 COP vs. heat constant capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr for
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, UAL = UAH =2 kW/K, CL = 1 kW/K and
CH = 0.25 kW/K
Figure 3.16 COPn/COP 1 vs. different low external inlet temperatures TL,in for
different cooling loads Oj for TH,in = 313 K, UAH = 2 kW/K,
UAH = 4 kW/K, C.L = 1 kW/K and CH = 5 kW/K
Figure 3.17 COP., and COP 1 vs. heat exchanger conductances fractions UAL for
different external heat capacitance rates ratios with Cexttotai = 2 kW/K,
UAtotal = 4 kW/K, TH,in = 293 K, TLin = 273 K and QL = 20 kW
Figure 3.18 Optimum allocation of the total heat exchanger conductance UAtotal for a
single Carnot cycle system vs. external heat capacitance rates ratios CH/CL
with Cext,1totai = 2 kW/K, T,in = 293 K, TL,in = 273 K, QL =f20 kW and
varying UAtotai
Figure 3.19 COP. and COP 1 vs. heat capacitance rates fractions CL for different heat
exchanger conductance ratios UAH/UAL With Cexttotai = 2 kW/K,
UAtotai = 4 kW/K, TH,in = 293 K, TL,in = 273 K and QL = 20 kW
Figure 3.20 Optimum allocation of the total heat capacitance rates Cext,totai for a single
Carnot cycle system vs. external heat exchanger conductance ratios
UAHIUAL With UAtotal = 4 kW/K, THin = 293 K, TL,in = 273 K,
QL = 20 kW and varying Cext,total
Figure 4.2 COP vs. mole fraction fR22 for a refrigerant mixture of R22/R141b and
different polytropic compressor efficiencies
Fraction superheat fsh vs. mole fraction fR22 for a refrigerant mixture of
Figure 4.3
R22/ R14lb and different polytropic compressor efficiencies
Figure 4.4 Location of gliding temperature differences
Figure 4.5 Deviation of optimum temperature matching ji vs. mole fraction fR22
for a refrigerant mixture of R22/R14lb and different polytropic compressor
Figure 4.6 Temperature-Entropy diagram for the system with a polytropic compressor
efficiency of rl = 0.5
Figure 4.7 COP vs. heat exchanger conductance fraction fUA,evap for a refrigerant
mixture of R22/R141b and different polytropic compressor efficiencies
Figure 4.8 Temperature-Entropy diagram for the system with a polytropic
compressor efficiency of 'q = 0.5 and optimized UA allocation
p pressure [N/m 2]
S entropy transfer rate [kW/K]
T temperature [K]
W Power [W]
X quality
y parameter for the CSD equation of state defined in
Equation (4.6)
Symbol Definition
A difference
heat exchanger effectiveness
Symbol Definition
C compressor
cond condenser
evap evaporator
hx heat exchanger
i cycle
in inlet
L low, referring to external stream condition in low temperature heat
1 low, referring to refrigerant condition in low heat exchanger; liquid
Im logarithm mean
mean mean
min minimum
max maximum
n number of individual Carnot cycles
opt optimum
out outlet
refr refrigerant
sh superheat
T turbine
total total
v vapor
Symbol Definition
Various economic and ecological reasons make it necessary to look more in detail at the
potential performance improvements of refrigeration systems. More energy efficient
systems have to be developed because of stricter energy standards issued all over the
world. American refrigerator manufacturers are being forced by the government and by
environmental and economic interests to produce more energy efficient systems and to
Consequently a decrease of the energy consumption and of the use of these refrigerants is
Substitutes for CFCs must be used. It is now well known that the ozone layer
protecting the earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation is already dangerously depleted
primarily by CFCs. CFCs, the main culprit that causes ozone destruction, work their
way slowly to the stratosphere, break apart, and release ozone destroying chlorine. In
many parts of the world, especially in the southern hemisphere, the uv radiation is
Two of the most commonly used refrigerants, R11 and R12, are the major of ozone
destruction. These chemicals are used in small refrigeration systems, automobile air
conditioning and as a agent to blow plastic foam. These refrigerants have been used in
refrigeration systems for decades due to their desired characteristics like low toxicity,
found for this cycle , which is first considered to be ideal with no irreversibilities. These
guidelines are then applied and checked for real vapor compression cycles using pure
Many studies on alternative refrigerants have been published in the last few years. The
likely that these changes result in refrigeration systems which are more costly than the
for the refrigerant mixtures R22/R114 and R13B1/R-114 and compared to R12. Kruse
calculated an increase of 18% and 20% of the COP of the mixtures R22/Rl14 and
R13Bl/R-114 respectively. The corresponding experiments leaded to improvements of
13% (R22/R114) and 15% (R13B1/R-114) compared to R12.
Domanski and McLinden [14] worked on refrigeration cycle simulations models
for the performance rating of refrigerants and their mixtures. Their model Cycle 11 is able
to predict the COP for refrigerants and their mixtures in a vapor compression cycle.
McLinden and Radermacher [15] describe methods for comparing the performance of
pure and mixed refrigerants in a vapor compression cycle. They computed the COPs for
the mixtures R22/R1l14 and R221R1 1 and reported that COP improvements may be
obtained for mixtures where the temperature change of the refrigerant mixture matches
with the temperature change of the heat sink or source.
Klein [16] pointed out that the Carnot COP for a refrigeration cycle does not
provide a realistic upper limit for design considerations. He derived another expression
for the COP of a simple internal reversible refrigeration cycle. This COP considers heat
transfer mechanism from and to the cycle which are a necessarily an irreversible process
and the analysis assumes that the heat transfer occurs isothermally.
the use of a NARM will be investigated. The different components and the
4444 QL4444f
Figure 1.1 Vapor compression refrigeration cycle
Figure 1.2 Temperature-Entropy diagram for a vapor compression cycle
The refrigerant enters the evaporator as a two phase liquid-vapor mixture at low quality at
state 4. It changes to vapor and leaves the evaporator at state 1 with a quality of x=1 or in
a slightly superheated state. Heat transfer in the evaporator occurs from an external cold
region at lower temperature as the refrigerant to the refrigerant. For a pure fluid, the
pressure and temperature remain approximately constant throughout the phase change,
but the temperature of the refrigerant rises the a superheated region. The refrigerant is
then compressed from state 1 to state 2, where it leaves the compressor as superheated
vapor at a higher pressure and temperature.
3 €2
The refrigerant passes from the compressor into the condenser, where it changes at
constant pressure to saturated liquid at a quality of x=1. The phase change in the
condenser occurs, as in the evaporator, isothermal and almost isobar. The refrigerant,
now at state 3, returns then into state 4 of the inlet of the evaporator by expanding
adiabatically through a expansion valve. This throttling process during which the
refrigerants expands from the condenser pressure to the evaporator pressure, takes place
during compression and expansion (non-adiabatic), pressure drops in the evaporator and
condenser, and additional heat- and pressure losses in the remaining lines.
As the refrigerant passes through the evaporator, heat transfer from the
refrigerated space into the cycle results in the vaporization of the refrigerant. This is the
refrigeration capacity or the cooling load and determined by the product of enthalpy
difference across the evaporator and the mass flow rate of the refrigerant.
The power requirement for the cycle is given by the product of the mass flow rate of the
refrigerant and the enthalpy difference between evaporator outlet and condenser inlet.
The rate of heat transfer from the condenser to the surroundings is given by
The coefficient of performance (COP), is defined as the cooling load or cooling capacity
divided by the power supplied to the cycle. The COP may take values between zero and
The Carnot refrigeration cycle has no internal irreversibilities. Instead of the expansion
valve, as in the vapor compression cycle, an expander is applied to the system, so that the
energy which was dissipated in the expansion valve can now be gained as a power
output. Figures 1.4 illustrates the schematic of the Carnot cycle.
3 2
Figure 1.4 Temperature-Entropy diagram for a Carnot cycle
The coefficient of performance for the Carnot cycle is determined by [2]
where T2 is the temperature at which heat is rejected from the cycle to an isothermal heat
sink and T1 is the temperature at which heat is added to the cycle from an isothermal heat
The Carnot COP does not consider heat transfer mechanisms, which are necessarily
irreversible. This reduces its usefulness as a realistic design goal for refrigeration
The design of vapor compression refrigeration cycle which attains the maximum possible
coefficient of performance (COP) for specified heat exchanger sizes, capacitance rates,
as a design goal for actual cycles. Carnot introduced the concept of reversibility and the
principle that the thermal efficiency may be only expressed as a function of the heat
source and heat sink. Nevertheless, the Carnot COP, which assumes a thermodynamical
ideal cycle in which no irreversibilities exist and which yields the maximum COP, does
not provide a realistic upper limit for design considerations because of various reasons.
The reversible heat transfer processes, assumed in the Carnot analyses, do not
consider heat transfer mechanisms. Heat is added to the cycle in the evaporator by an
external stream, which is cooled as it flows through the evaporator; heat is rejected from
the cycle using an external stream, which is heated when it flows through the condenser.
Heat transfer at a finite rate is necessarily an irreversible process and unavoidable in a
refrigeration cycle. Further, heat exchangers represent a major size and cost constraint to
refrigeration cycles, but the Carnot cycle can not provide any useful information on heat
exchanger design.
The concept of constant temperature thermal reservoirs, as used in the Carnot
cycle analyses, has no direct parallel in practice. In reality, refrigeration cycles receive
and reject thermal energy from external streams. These streams, flowing at finite heat
capacitance rates and with known inlet temperatures, do not represent an isothermal heat
sink or heat source. This effect is not considered in the Carnot cycle analyses.
There is interest in non-azeotropic mixtures on refrigerants, for which the phase
change in the evaporator and condenser does not occur at a constant temperature.
Refrigerant mixtures offer the possibility of higher efficiencies and are possible
substitutes for CFCs. A simple determination of the maximum COP for these fluids is
desired and will be presented in the next chapter. This COP can not be calculated with a
simple Carnot cycle analysis because of the varying temperature of the refrigerant during
the phase changes and the heat exchanger limitations.
examined. The processes in the condenser and evaporator are assumed to be isobaric; the
cycle is designed to provide a specified cooling load (Q to an external stream with the
heat capacity CL entering the evaporator at the temperature TL,in. Another stream with the
heat capacity CRH rejects the heat and enters the condenser and at the temperature TH,in.
WTIN, Turbine WC
The evaluation of the heat transfer mechanism in the heat exchangers is based on the basic
heat transfer relations [4,5]. All the components of the refrigeration cycle are modeled
with the program Engineering Equation Solver (EES), [6] which is capable of solving
large systems of algebraic equations and has built-in mathematical and thermophysical
property functions.
COP= QL - Tj(1.7)
where QL is the cooling load (or cooling capacity), Vc and VT are the compressor and
turbine power respectively. T1 is the temperature at which the heat is transferred from the
refrigerated space through the low heat exchanger, the evaporator, to the cycle and Th is
temperature at which the heat is transferred from the cycle through the high heat
exchanger, the condenser, to the heat sink. The Carnot COP is the maximum COP
attainable for a refrigeration cycle with heat transfer at a constant temperature.
The determination of the Carnot COP is based only on the temperatures of the
working fluid (refrigerant) in the cycle. It does not take into account the cooling load or
any external conditions, like the external heat source (refrigerated space), external heat
sink and the heat transfer mechanism from the cycle to the surrounding.
W supplied by auxiliar
temperature of evaporating refrigerant
from refrigerated space
In addition, it does not consider the heat capacitance rates CH and CL of the heat transfer
fluids in the condenser and evaporator, their overall heat transfer coefficients UA or the
effectiveness EL and EH of the heat exchangers. Klein [7] found a more realistic
TL,in-AT (1.8)
TH,in - (TL,jn - AT)
where TL,in is the temperature at which the external fluid enters the low-temperature heat
exchanger and TH,in is the temperature at which the external fluid enters the high-
temperature heat exchanger (Indices with capital letters refer to the external stream
conditions and heat exchangers, whereas lower cases refer to the refrigerant.).
The remaining term AT, a temperature difference, is a measure for the performance of the
cycle based on the above described external conditions and is defined as:
AT = QL FHCH + CL (1.9)
The heat exchanger effectiveness, with one fluid undergoing isothermal heat transfer, is
eH=Iexp -UAH)(.1
where UAL and UAH are the heat exchanger conductances for the low- and high-
temperature heat exchanger respectively.
The COP defined in Equation (1.8) has its maximum for AT -4>0. This limit is possible
capacitance rates.
3. 2 3
-Th -Th
-TH R- ooo -TH,out 4
-TH,in -
V -TL,in
-TL 4-
-T1 -T1 1 2
Entropy Entropy
Figure 1.7 Temperature vs. Entropy for a Carnot cycle coupled to a heat sink and
heat source with infinite heat capacitance rates (left) or finite heat
capacitance rate (right)
In reality, the heat transfer to and from the external streams is not isothermal. Klein [7]
shows that the optimum COP in that case is attained for equal products of the heat
exchanger effectiveness and their heat capacitance rates
AT - 2EC
0L for EC = EHCH = ELCL (1.13)
For equal heat capacitance rates of the external streams CH = CL becomes Equation (1.12)
This equation indicates, that the total heat exchanger conductance UAtotal = UAL + UAH
should be split up equally UAL = UAH for equal heat capacitance rates.
In this chapter, the optimum refrigeration cycle-is determined using a finite difference
approach. The finite difference model is based on the Carnot cycle, but it considers the
external boundary conditions e.g., the heat exchanger sizes, the inlet temperatures of the
external stream at the heat exchangers and their heat capacitance rates. The model is able
to predict the maximum obtainable COP. First design guidelines are established and the
optimum refrigeration cycle shape is determined. The potential improvements of the COP
in a refrigeration system using a NARM, compared to a pure refrigerant are shown.
The Carnot cycle is used as starting point for the determination of a realistic upper limit
on the COP. To simulate a non-isothermal phase, it is possible to break the one Carnot
cycle into several smaller ones which together provide the same total cooling load. The
shape of such a cycle is shown in Figure 2.1. The COP obtained with this finite
Figure 2.1 Refrigeration cycle broken into several individual Carnot cycles
The temperature of the refrigerant during the phase change processes in both heat
exchangers of every single cycle remains constant, but it is different for each individual
external stream is necessarily changing along the heat exchangers and in general leads the
Qi- 1
][ Thi
Ti,i- 1 QL,i-1
The first and second laws of thermodynamics for each reversible Carnot cycle may be
expressed as
- (2.2)
Th,i Tli
Th,i is the temperature of the refrigerant in the high-temperature heat exchanger and Tli is
the temperature of the refrigerant in the low-temperature heat exchanger. The COP of this
refrigeration cycle with n individual Carnot cycles is then obtained with
n n
COP = n n i=1 n (2.3)
XQH,i- QL,i wi
i=1 i=1 i=l
where the heat rates and temperatures of all streams may vary for each individual cycle.
The rate equations between the refrigerant and the external streams in the high and low-
The heat capacitance rates of the external streams are assumed to be constant throughout
the heat transfer process. This is a good assumption considering that fluids such as air or
water will be used for these purpose and that the temperature change in each heat
assumed, that the cooling load provided by each cycle is equal and that the sum of all
individual cooling loads is equal to the total cooling load. The individual cooling load
QL,i- n(2.10)
In section 2.2.2 it is shown, that a significant increase of the COP does not occur if one
tries to optimize the allocation of the heat transferred from the refrigerated space to the
refrigerant and the heat exchanger conductance for every individual cycle.
Hence, the overall heat transfer coefficient area product of the heat exchangers is
determined as
UAi- UA (2.11)
specify the following boundary conditions: the heat capacitance rates of the external
streams CH and CL, the overall heat transfer coefficients area products of the high and
low heat exchangers UAH and UAL, the desired total cooling load QL and the inlet
temperatures THin and TLjn of the external fluids in both heat exchangers. With this
Carnot cycles.
calculate the desired COP. All external parameters and the number of Carnot cycles may
be varied. The COPn, obtained for constant boundary conditions, is shown versus the
number of individual Carnot cycles in sequence in Figure 2.3.
Hii T 293K - -T~~
FET 33K -- 33
. ...........
i ............
!, !..............
o i .............
ii - i..........
.............. ..............
' 0 40 -o --- 4 - 1- -- -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 2.3 COPn vs. number of individual Carnot cycles for different high
external stream inlet temperatures TH,in and low external stream inlet
temperature of T L,in = 273 K, U AL = UAH = 4 kW/K,
CL=CH=lkW/K, QL=10 kW
The inlet temperatures of the external fluid flowing into the high-temperature heat
exchanger are varied for the different curves in the figure. It is first assumed that the heat
capacitance rates (C = 1 kW/K) and heat exchanger conductances (UA = 4 kW/K) are the
asymptotic manner with increasing number of Carnot cycles, as shown in Figure 2.3,
leveling off to a maximum which is independent of n.
1.05= 93 K 3
THi -0K
o--TH -343K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 2.4 COPn/COP1 vs. number of individual Carnot cycles for different high
external stream inlet temperatures TH,in and low external stream inlet
temperature of TL,in = 273 K, UAL = UAH = 4 kW/K,
CL=CH=l1 kW/K, QL=10 kW
Figure 2.4 shows the potential COP improvement of COPn/COP 1 versus the number of
obtained. It depends on the operating conditions of the refrigeration cycle, a small TH,in
leads to large potential performance increases. The lower the inlet temperature of TH,in,
the higher is the calculated COP, but also the higher the potential COP improvement of
the COP.
The required number of Carnot cycles in sequence that will lead closely enough to
the optimum COP of the refrigeration cycle is about 6 cycles. However, for all following
simulations is the refrigeration cycle broken into 10 individual Carnot cycles.
In order to derive this numerical model, the assumption of constant heat flow and equal
heatexchanger conductances for every individual cycle was made. The effect of this
assumption is shown in Figure 2.5. The individual cooling capacity and heat exchanger
conductivity was optimized for each of the 8 individual Carnot cycles. The cycle is first
broken into two sub-cycles in sequence. The COP of the total cycle is optimized with
respect to the allocation of the cooling load and heat exchanger conductance on the two
sub-cycles. Each sub-cycle is then broken into two other sub-cycles and the optimization
is repeated for these cycles. At this state consists the refrigeration cycle of 4 individual
sub-cycles. Every sub-cycle is broken into two further sub-cycles and the optimization
procedure is repeated.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 2.5 Optimized individual cooling load Q L,i of each individual Carnot cycle
for TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, U AL - UAH, = 4 kW/K,
CL=CH--1kW/K, Q L=10kW
The optimized cooling load is for the Carnot cycles operating at relatively low
temperatures smaller and at relative high operating temperatures larger than the equal
average load. The optimized individual cooling load increases continuously throughout
the heat exchanger, but the influence on the over all COP is negligible. The optimized
heat exchanger conductances turn out to be nearly constant for all individual Carnot
cycles. The potential improvement of the COP optimizing the allocation of the individual
cooling loads QLi to constant QL,i is less than 0.001%. The assumption of constant heat
exchanger conductance and constant cooling load for every individual Carnot cycle is
very good.
The optimum distribution of the heat exchanger conductances and heat capacitance
heat capacitance ratios (H/C L of the external streams on the COP is shown in Figure 2.6.
The inlet temperatures of the external fluids are fixed at TL,in = 273 K and TH,in = 313 K
and the low heat capacitance is fixed at CL = 1 kW/ K. The sum of the overall heat
transfer coefficient area products UAH and UAL in the condenser and evaporator is held
constant at UAtotal = 1 kW/K. The allocation of the UA's is shifted between the two heat
exchangers. Figure 2.6 indicates that the maximum COP is always obtained for
UAL = UAH (the deviation of UAH to UAH is less than 0.5 percent). The distribution of
the COP is symmetrical about the even allocation line and exhibits a flat peak.
... .
........ UAL2 10
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
UAL •100
Figure 2.6 COPio vs. heat exchanger conductance UA fractions for different heat
capacitance ratios with UAtotal = 1 kW/K, CL = 1 kW/K,
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, QL=10 kW
A little deviation from the optimum allocation would still be very close to the maximum
attainable COP. The heat capacitance rate in the evaporator C L was fixed and the total
heat capacitance rate Cext = CH + CL changes for the different curves in Figure 2.6. The
optimum allocation of the overall heat transfer coefficient is independent on the heat
capacitance ratio CH/CL.
An increase of the high heat capacitance rate CH strongly increases the COP for
CH < C L. A further increase of the high heat capacitance rate for CH> CL does not result
in such a significant improvement of the COP. Hence there is a trade off, depending on
the particular operating conditions, between the increase of CH and the increase of the
2.501 --
COP 10
302 35 40 45 50 .55...........
0 ..........
2.00 ..........
17------- i.....-----
...... 0.1
1.50 L . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
UAL •10
T---23K T 1 1 = 31 UAL
K, Q1 kW
+ UAH.10
Figure 2.7 COPi0 vs. heat exchanger conductance UA fractions for different heat
capacitance ratios with U Atotal = 1 kW/K, Ctotal-" 2 kW/K,
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, QL=10 kW
The same boundary conditions as these applied in Figure 2.6 are used to create
Figure 2.7, only this time the total heat capacitance rate and the total heat exchanger
conductance are held constant. The total heat capacitance rate is fixed at Ctotal = 2 kW/K,
so that the maximum curve in Figure 2.7 matches the curve of Figure 2.6 for equal heat
capacitance rates. The maximum COP is obtained as before for equal heat exchanger
conductances. In addition, it is best to allocate the total heat capacitance rate evenly on
both external streams. The ratio of the two external heat capacitance rates is important,
but in this analysis it does not matter which one of the heat capacitance rates larger.
rates in the evaporator and condenser are varied instead of the heat exchanger
conductances. The same boundary conditions as these applied for Figure 2.7 are used to
obtain the results shown in Figure 2.8. The only difference is the fixed total heat
capacitance rate of Ctotal = 2 kW/K, which is now allocated between the two external
streams and that the overall heat transfer coefficient area product ratio UAH /UAL is
varied, where still UAtotal = 1 kW/K. The different curves refer to different ratios of the
2.50 , , ' i
1UAo2 1or 1/2
. ---
.. --.............
. - - .....
2.00 ! ............ ....... 3 orl/3
- 1o0
or -
' IJI.
UAL" o 150 ............
"......!... ....... ........ s........ ....... :
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
CL •100
1L+ H
Figure 2.8 COP1o vs. heat capacitance C fractions for different heat exchanger
conductance ratios with UAtotal = 1 kW/K, Ctotai = 2 kW/K,
TL,in = 273 K, T H,in = 313 K, QL=10 kW
The Optimum COP for the specified boundary conditions is, as expected, always obtained
for equal heat capacitance rates CH = CL and for equal heat exchanger conductances
UAH = UAL. The peak again is flat and symmetrical to the even allocation line. A
deviation of the optimum allocation is not severe for this special application. The
calculated COP for constant UAtotal is the same when UAH / UAL or UAL / UAH is used
to calculate it. Hence, it would be possible to exchange the heat exchangers without
changing the COP even if the heat exchanger sizes were different.
' ' ,, i ' 10
.................... ...........
3.0 2
................. ................... ..................
. . . . ..... . . . . . .................... •..................!..................
-- ' 0o.5''
...- ..................
;.-------------- ................. ................. . .................. ------------------.
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
CL+ CHi10
Figure 2.9 COPlo vs. heat capacitance rate C fractions for different heat
exchanger conductance ratios with UAL = 0.5 kW/K, C total = 2 kW/K,
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, QL= 10 kW
The total heat exchanger conductance is varied in Figure 2.9. An increase in the COP for
larger ratios of UAH/UAL is obtained for constant UAL. The total heat exchanger
conductance varies for the different curves and an increase of the COP for increasing
factor of 4. Larger values for the COP are obtained and the peak for the optimum COP
sharpens with increasing UAtotal. The larger UAtotal, the more sensitive is the allocation
2.75 2 or 1/2
COP10 3 or 1/3
4 or 1/4
or 1/5
7 r1 4
.... 1UA
M MrIoo
7 A=
-10 t . .... .. ......
............. ..i........".......
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
-•. 100
C, +C14
Figure 2.10 COP1o vs. heat capacitance C fractions for different heat exchanger
conductance ratios with UAtotal = 2 kW/K, Ctotal = 2 kW/K,
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K, QL=10 kW
For Figure 2.11 is the total heat capacitance rate decreased by the factor of 4. The COP
increases and again the peak for the optimum COP sharpens with decreasing Ctotai. The
smaller Ctotal, the more sensitive is the allocation of Ctotal on the two external streams.
COP1 0
2 52 or0 5..... i...... .......... --
2.0 = rO2
"5.................. ............ ................. ................. .
UA = 10 or - 1
UAL 10
25 35 45 55 65 75
CL 100
Figure 2.11 COP10 vs. heat capacitance C fractions for different heat exchanger
conductance ratios with UAtotal = 2 kW/K, Ctotail=-0.5 kW/K,
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 283 K, QL=10 kW
temperature-entropy transfer rate diagram for different heat capacitance ratios. The shape
of the optimum refrigeration cycle as shown in Figure 2.12 assumes a constant total heat
capacitance rate and total heat exchanger conductance which may be allocated between the
two heat exchangers. The temperature difference between the heat transferring fluids in
each heat exchanger is constant. For the cycle having the maximum COP, the heat
exchange process between the refrigerant and the external stream occurs throughout the
3202refrigerant in condenser
ATl = const
WS300 external streams
260 ATim-const
refrigerant in evaporator
240 I I I I
-0.005 0.005 0.015 0.025 0.035 0.045
Figure 2.12 Temperature vs. entropy transfer rate with low and high external
stream inlet temperature of TLin = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K respectively,
UAL = UAH = 1 kW/K, CL=CH= 1 kW/K, QL=10 kW
whole heat transfer process at a constant temperature difference. Hence the temperature
change of the external stream should match the temperature change of the refrigerant.
The temperature profiles of the external stream and the refrigerant are parallel to each
other in each heat exchanger as seen in Figure 2.12. It turned out that the COP i for every
individual cycle is constant and consequently equal to the total COP. A change of the
heat capacitance rates to CH <<CL or CH >> CL does not change this behavior
significantly. The temperature difference in the evaporator remains constant, due to the
equal heat rate in each single Carnot cycle in the evaporator. The temperature difference
in the condenser is still fairly constant.
I V -I! I
ATim slightly decreasng
I I1lob.
310 "
\ s
external streams
290 •
270 -
&TI =co I
1)I I
005 0.005 0.015 0.025 0.035 0.045
Figure 2.13 Temperature vs. entropy transfer rate diagram with low and high
external stream inlet temperature of TL,in = 273 K, TH,in = 313 K
respectively, UAL = UAH = 1 kW/K, CL= 1 kW/K, CH= 10 kW/K,
QL=1O kW
Only for very small heat capacitance rates CH (C << CL) increases the temperature
difference, between the external stream and refrigerant in the condenser. Nevertheless,
the increase in the temperature difference is fairly small compared to the absolute increase
of the fluid temperatures. The temperature change of the external stream should match
the temperature change of the refrigerant also for refrigeration system with unequal heat
capacitance rates of the external stream. The optimum refrigeration cycle shape will be
500 3
3.. 400
external streams
. . . . . .
250 ....... I
0.005 0.015 0.025 0.035 0.045
Figure 2.14 Temperature vs. entropy transfer rate diagram with low and high
external stream inlet temperature of TL,in=273 K, TH,in = 313 K
respectively, UAL = UAH = 1 kW/K, C L= 1 kW/K,CH=O.1 kW/K,
QL= 10 kW
It was shown that a relatively small number of individual Carnot cycles is sufficient to
Equal allocation of the total heat exchanger conductance on the high- and low-
temperature heat exchanger, independent on the heat capacitance ratio (H/CL and
independent on the heat exchanger conductance ratio UAH/UAL and the inlet
An increase of the total heat exchanger conductance increases the COP and
should be parallel to that of the external stream flowing through that heat
The calculation of the COP with the numerical model described in Chapter 2 leads to a
large set of non-linear equations. The solution of the equations requires extensive
optimum refrigeration cycle. This Analytical Simulation Model (AM, Appendix) does not
provide information about the temperature distribution of the heat transferring fluids in
the heat exchangers, but it is possible to specify internal heat capacitance rates of the
refrigerant. A general and simple expression for the COP of an arbitrary system is
found. The numerical and analytical model are then compared with each other.
Such a procedure leads to the optimum COP. The temperature of the external fluids and
the refrigerant flowing through the heat exchangers change continuously. The general
COP= QL(1.5)
In order to determine the COP, it is necessary to set up energy balances and rate
equations for the high temperature heat exchanger (the condenser). The heat transfer
does not occur isothermally for the refrigerant, as in each individual Carnot cycle, and the
where 'Ch is the heat capacitance rate of the refrigerant in the condenser and Th,in and
Th,out are the temperatures of the refrigerant at the condenser inlet and outlet,
The energy balance for the refrigerant in the low temperature heat exchanger, the
where C1 is the heat capacitance rate of the refrigerant in the evaporator and Tl,0 ut and
T 1,in are the temperatures of the refrigerant at the condenser outlet and inlet, respectively.
The rate equations between the refrigerant and the external streams for the condenser are
given as
1- exp -NTUH 1 - CH,min
CH ____
~ ~ [
=. xl(3.7)
1-(ICHmin')exp 1-NTUH1
- H'min
(CH,max I L H,max /
= 1-exp [-NTUL(1C-Lm2:)1L(3.8)
e-L L a(3.8)
for the low temperature heat exchanger, where NTUL and NTUH are defined as
NTUH=.UAH (3.9)
NT UAL (3.10)
The heat capacitance rates appearing in Equations (3.5)-(3. 10) are obtained with
If the heat capacitance rates ratio is CH,min/CH,max = 1, then the heat exchanger
reduces to
The application of the second law of thermodynamics for this refrigeration cycle is more
complex then for the Carnot cycle. The temperatures of the refrigerant in the low and
high temperature heat exchanger are not constant. Suitable mean temperatures for non-
isothermal heat transfer must be found so that the entropy balance for a reversible cycle
= H(3.17)
T1,mean Th,mean
The heat and entropy transfer must be examined carefully to determine these
where the second equation defines the thermodynamic mean temperature for a non-
Tm = ---T2dQS Q (3.19)
TM =AQ _ h2 - hi (3.20)
Tm Ss2-S1
To)2 5 + c lnnT2
where Tm is the thermodynamic mean temperature for non-isothermal heat transfer. The
mean temperatures which are to be used in Equation (3.17) are
T 1,out - T lin
( . 5
Ti,mean = n (3.25)
conditions. Solving the Equations (1.5), (3.1) to (3.17), (3.24) and (3.25) for the COP
leads to the following general expression.
QL1+ [ CH. -1
COPL= ICh(3.26)
where 3 is defined by
l ( nL,min
QLEL +1 (3.27)
LC1 (TLjnFl L1CL,mnin - QL)J
diagram in Figure 2.12. Parallel temperature curves of the fluids in each heat exchanger
have been obtained for that cycle. That indicates, that the heat capacitance rates of the
refrigerant and the external fluid flowing through the same heat exchangers
(CL,ext = Ci,ext & CH,ext = Ch,refr) should be equal in order to obtain an optimized COP.
Equations (3.28) and (3.29) do not require equal heat capacitance rates of the external
streams flowing through the different heat exchangers (CL,ext CH,ext). The COP in
Equation (3.28) is only optimized with respect to the ratio of external to refrigerant heat
COP. A verification of that result is fairly simple. COP's obtained with the expression
in Equation (3.28) must be equal or slightly larger then the COP calculated with the Finite
Difference Method for 10 cycle. The two models are compared in section 3.3.
The influence of different external inlet temperatures TH,in and TL,in will be investigated
along with different temperature drops TLin - TL,out of the external stream in the low-
The same boundary conditions applied as these for the numerical investigation in
the previous chapter with the additional assumption of equal heat exchanger
conductances, UAH = UAL and equal heat capacitance rate in each heat exchanger,
C H = Ch & CL = C1. A new parameter, the potential improvement of the COP named Q,
is defined as
f2 o
COPOO represents the COP obtained from the Analytical Simulation Model and COP 1 is
the COP obtained from the Numerical Simulation Model with n=l (one Carnot cycle).
Figure 3.1 shows a schematic temperature - entropy diagram. The external inlet
temperatures and a temperature difference, the gliding temperature difference GTD are
labeled in the figure. The GTD refers to the total temperature change which a fluid
acquires during the heat transfer process. These and other parameters will be
investigated. Q decreases as the difference between TH,in and TL,in increases. Figure
3.2.a indicates also, that 2 increases with increasing heat exchanger conductance. This
behavior is especially significant for small temperature differences and becomes less
important for higher incoming temperatures TH,in (TL, in is fixed at TL,in = 273 K).
GTD1 refr
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50
The range of larger temperature differences represents the realistic operating conditions of
a refrigeration system. TH,in will ordinarily be well above TL,in. It is unlikely that the
fluid which has to be cooled enters the low-temperature heat exchanger at the same or
littlehigher temperature than the temperature of the high external stream, which enters the
high-temperature heat exchanger usually at ambient temperature TH,in. The section of
interest is enlarged and shown in Figure 3.2.b. The potential improvement 92 can be as
the larger the potential COP improvement Q. The larger the total heat exchanger
conductance UAtotai, the larger the potential COP improvement Q.
1.6 i : '
. -- UAL=UAH=0.25 kW/K
... increasing
....... A......................
U........ UAL=UAH= 1kW/K
... i. ........
. .... ... ............
1 ... ...
.......... UAL=UAH=I16 kW/K
.. . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .
1.3 -- ------- -- ---.... . .. . ..
-.- ------- ---.
.-..-- . . .. . ,.
~ ... U..
i .... n.t
Immmmm mmmmmm
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
TH,in - TL,in K]
Figure 3.2.b Potential COP improvement 02 vs. temperature difference TH,in - TL,in
for different heat exchanger conductances, low external stream inlet
temperature of TLjn= 273 K, CL = C H= 1 kW/K, QL=10 kW
system to cool down a fluid to a certain temperature. The temperature drop of the system
investigated in chapter 3.2.1 was fixed at TLin - TL,out = 10 K. What is the influence of
The heat capacitance rates of the streams in each heat exchanger are assumed equal and
consequently the temperature drop of the external stream is equal to the temperature drop
of the refrigerant.
A variation of the GTDi,ext is attained by varying the cooling capacity Qi. or by varying
the heat capacitance rates. An increase of GTDi,ext increases the potential improvement
Q. It is possible to double the COP for very large gliding temperatures GTDi,ext in the
low-temperature heat exchanger, but the refrigeration system at this operating conditions
would operate at a very low COP. The COP and the potential improvement are strongly
dependent on the operating conditions. In Figure 3.3 for example is a CO = 3 and a
= 1.10 (10%) obtained for a system at GTDl,refr = 20 K. The external high inlet
non-intuitive and the reader might ask why it is useful to apply a refrigerant mixture when
the COP decreases. Actually the cooling capacity is increased in order to vary the
GTD,refr. The refrigeration system itself is not changed and the same system has to cope
with a higher cooling load which explains the reduced COP. Nevertheless it is seen, that
a system operating at large GTD and using a suitable refrigerant mixture would perform
6 1.75
0 20 40 60 80 100
GTDI,ref [K]
Figure 3.3 COPo., COPI and potential COP improvement 2 vs. temperature
difference Tlin- Ti,out with external stream inlet temperature of
TL,in=273 K, TH,in=313 K and UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL=CH= 1 kW/K
TH,in in Figure 3.3 is fairly high for ambient heat rejection. If the temperature TH,in is
decreased from TH,in = 313 K to TH,in = 293 K = 20 'C, which is more realistic, then the
COP increases to COPO = 4, and Q increases even to 0 = 1.13 (13%), as shown in
Figure 3.4. Consequently there is a trade off between the attainable COP, the potential
10 3.5
2 1.5
20 40 60 80 100
GTDlref [K]
Figure 3.4 COP., COPI and potential COP improvement Q vs. temperature
difference TIin- Ti,out with external stream inlet temperature of
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in=293 K and UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL=dH= 1 kW/K
cooling load, GTDLrefr ~ QL. Hence refrigeration systems of very different sizes have
QL > 0 to QL = 100 kW. In Figure 3.5 is the influence of QL on the COP for a
refrigeration cycle operating at different external high heat capacitance rates CH shown.
The COP decreases very quickly with an increasing cooling load. An increase of CH at
constant CL certainly helps the system, but does not change the tendency.
cop 0
10 100
Figure 3.5 COP. vs. cooling capacity QL with external stream inlet temperatures
of TLin=273 K, TI~in= 313 K and UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL = 1 kW/K
An accompanying plot for the potential performance increase 92 is given in Figure 3.6. It
indicates that 0 increases very rapidly for large cooling loads QL. On the one hand, large
0 may be obtained for large QL, but on the other hand would such a refrigeration system
C-- =0.25kW
4 ---
.. ..
4--- ......
.. --
----- -- ..
... ---....
.. ....
... ........
.. increasing. CH
....... .....
.............. ...... 2
............ i
8 4
10 100
Figure 3.6 Q vs. cooling capacity QL with external stream inlet temperatures of
TL,in=273 K, TH,in=313 K , UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, CL = 1 kW/K
CL. Figure 3.7 shows the same tendency as these indicated by Figure 3.3, but the
potential improvement Q and the COP. are larger. For a gliding temperature difference
increases more rapidly and the COP levels off slower than in the case of non-constant
cooling capacity.
10 3.5
6 . .2.5
0 20 40 60 80 100
GTDI, ref [K]
Figure 3.7 COPo., COPI and potential COP improvement Q vs. temperature
difference Ti n- Ti,out with external stream inlet temperature of
TL,in=273 K, TH,in=313 K and UAL = UAH = 2 kW/K, QL=10 kW,
CL = 1 kW/K
A decrease of TH,in from THjn = 313 K to TH,in = 293 K yields to the same tendency as
before. The COP and Q increases become even more significant as seen in Figure 3.8.
At a GTDl,refr of GTDl,refr = 20 K is now a COP of COP.o= 4.9 and an Q of
alone does not provide sufficient information about the performance of the system.
10 3.5
.... ..............
y'-.... 3
................ .............
.......................... D2 2.5
.. .....
.. ....
. .......
....... -..
... .....
....... 1.5
0 20 40 60 80 100
GTDIref [K]
Figure 3.8 COP., COPI and potential COP improvement Q vs. temperature
difference TIin- TI,out with external stream inlet temperature of
TL,1n = 273 K, TH,in= 293 K and U AL = UAH = 2 kW/K, Q L = 10 kW,
CL = 1 kW/K
The next investigation is devoted to the question how significant the potential
performance increase 0 is for different total heat exchanger conductances. The
and QL = 50 kW is shown in Figure 3.9. The COP increases with increasing UAtotai
and also does the potential performance improvement Q. The refrigeration system which
has to meet the smaller cooling load QL achieves the larger COP and also the smaller Q.
The larger the cooling load QL and the larger the total heat exchanger size UAtotai, the
larger the potential performance improvement Q .
10 2.5
00 ...
....... ......................
1 k .
2.-.-.---------...... ---------- : : L: . . . ..i...
........................ ............. 1.3
-"i"" nQL = 0kw
0 10 20 30 40 50
UAtotal [-K
Figure 3.9 COPo and potential COP improvement Q vs. UAtotai with external
stream inlet temperature of TL,i.=273 K, TH,in=293 K and UAL = UAH,
= =50 kW
CL C H= 1 kW/K, QL =10 kW and QL
It is interesting to consider the influence of the total external heat capacitance rate
Cexttotal-=CL,ext + CH,ext on the COP and Q. An increase of Cext,total results in a
smaller GTDI,refr, which reduces the potential COP improvement but increases the COP.
The heat transfer approaches an isothermal process for Cexttota l -4 oo and hence there are
no further improvements possible in operating the cycle with a working fluid which
undergoes non-isothermal heat transfer (COP 0) instead of a working fluid undergoing
10 : :: i :: : : : 1.5
:':2 i@QL=5OkW:"
,...... .........
8. . . . . -.......... ....... .....
i ... 1.4
COP 0 41COP 2 @Q ! 10k COP@Q
@QL OL10kW
50k 1 2i
6 ............. .'........ ..... i... ., , ------ ...
----.. . ...f --- '- ---... 1.3
..... .. ---...
. 4...... .. ...---..-----------...
01 1 100 100
: ii~ Ce, oti [1W.] i i!i~ i
Upton......wisitasumd... .apcianeraesof.... t..-- t
310 COO. an . COP iroemen
ponial i2 Cetti
VS ith xtena
0 i : a d i Id :'I ,.!!I i
o.1 1 10 100
Cexttotal [Kl-
Figure 3.10 COP., and potential COP improvement K2 vs. Cext, total with external
of th inlet temperature
externa exhngr K and have notbee
l streams ofi TL,in=273 K, iffrntha
U AL = UAH = 2 kW/K, ( L =( H, ( =10 kW or & = =50 kW
each heat exchanger (CL,ext = Cl,,refr and C H,ext = C h,refr) are equal, whereas the heat
capacitance rates of the external streams in the different heat exchangers have not been
necessarily the same (CL CH). Consequently as a result of this assumption are the
refrigerant heat capacitance rates in the different heat exchangers different. It is surely not
easy to find a fluid with these required properties. It is now time to look at a refrigerant
with constant heat capacitance rate Crefr in order to find the corresponding optimum heat
capacitance rate of the refrigerant for arbitrary given external heat capacitance rates. The
optimum heat capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr,opt is shown in Figure 3.11 and
C~refr,opt [K]
0.1 1 CH 10 100
Figure 3.11 Optimum refrigerant heat capacitance rate Crefr,opt vs. external heat
capacitance rate ratio CH/CL for different fixed CL and UAL = UAH
The low heat capacitance rate CL is fixed at different values for each curve in Figure 3.11.
The heat exchanger conductance of the low- and high-temperature heat exchanger are
equal, UAL = UAH. All curves level off to a constant Crefr,opt, which is always twice as
much as the constant CL. These values represent the optimum (refr for an refrigeration
cycle with isothermal heat rejection.
The optimum Crefr,opt does not change for different inlet temperatures of the
external stream, different total heat exchanger conductances or different cooling loads.
The optimum heat capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr,opt is solely dependent on the
two heat capacitance rates of the external streams. The Crefr,opt for the optimum heat
Crefr,opt 2(L+3
* The COP 1 calculated from the numerical model with one single Carnot Cycle
The COP tO calculated from the numerical model with 10 Carnot cycle in sequence
The COP. calculated from the analytical model with fluids of the same heat
capacitance rates in each heat exchanger (CL,ext = 11,refr & CHext = Ch,refr)
The COP * calculated from the analytical model with a constant heat
capacitance rate Crefr of the refrigerant
In Figures 3.12 to 3.15, plots of COP0 . vs. a constant heat capacitance rate of the
refrigerant Cefr are shown. The heat capacitance rates of the external streams are varied
for the different figures; all other boundary conditions are constant. In order to note the
similarities and the differences, the corresponding COP 1 , COP 10 and COP. are plotted
as horizontal lines. The value of the optimized Crefr is indicated in each figure. This
value is calculated with the optimization process in EES and gives the same result as
Equation (3.31.a).
COP*@ refr,opt - 1.00 kW/K
. ..........
...... ........ .................. ......... .................. ... .....~ ° ...........................
4.20 -. . Co 10
,'i' I COP I
CL- CH 1kW/K
C refr Ik
Figure 3.12 COP vs. heat constant capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr for
TL,in=273 K, TH,in=313 K, UAL=UAH=2 kWK, CL=CH= 1kW/K
COP* levels off to the COP 1 for increasing heat capacitance rate Creft- The heat transfer
is isothermal for Crefr->coo and is identical to a Carnot cycle process. The heat
capacitance rate Crefr should be at least Creft -CL- Otherwise the COP. may drop
would be obtained for CH = Ch,refr = 4 kW/K and CL = C1,refr = 1 kW/KL which would
lead to the optimum temperature matching where the gliding temperature differences are
equal, GTDext = GTDrefr. It is not possible to meet both conditions for a refrigerant with
a constant heat capacitance rate throughout the whole refrigeration process.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Crf kW
Figure 3.13 COP vs. heat constant capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr for
TL,in=273 K, TH,in=313 K, UAL=UAH=2 kW/K CL= 1 kW/K and
Cu=4 kW/K
The corresponding Crefr,opt is somewhat between the external heat capacitance rates CL
and CR and indicated in Figure 3.13. The value is obtained by optimizing the COP with
respect to Crfr. This number is identical to the Crefr,opt obtained with Equation (3.31.a).
The difference between the COP and COP* becomes even larger for a further
increase of the heat capacitance rate to CH =20 kW/K, as Figure 3.14 shows. The heat
rejection becomes virtually isothermal and the optimum C refr,opt approaches the number
... . . . . . . .... .......
... . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . ....
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
CO0P,-@ Crefr opt 1.90 kW/K
C re r°P
................ .....................
.... :..... .......
. .......... .... ...................... .
, , kW
,1 . . . .oi . . . . .=... k . . .
10 15 20 25
Figure 3.14 COP vs. heat constant capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr for
TL,in = 273 K, TH,in= 313 K, UAL=UAH= 2 kW/K CL= 1 kW/K and
CH= 20 kW/K
The same behavior is obtained for a very small heat capacitance rate of CH = 0.25 kW/K.
The optimized Crefr,opt is again somewhat between the external heat capacitance rates CL
and 'CR as indicated in Figure 3.15. A deviation of the Creft from the Crefr,opt results in a
significant decrease. The heat capacitance rate of the refrigerant should be at least
Crefr min (ICL,'CH).
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Crefr [kw]
Figure 3.15 COP vs. heat constant capacitance rate of the refrigerant Crefr for
TL,in=273 K, TH,in=313 K, UAL=UAH=2 kW/K CL= 1 kW/K and
CH= 0.25 kW/K
In this section is first shown, that the solutions of the numerical and analytical model are
nearly identical. Then is the distribution of the total heat exchanger conductance UAtotai
Some arbitrary conditions have been picked to compare the models in Figure
3.16. The cooling load QL is changed for the different curves in the Figure and the ratio
of COPn/COP. vs. the incoming external temperature TL,in is shown.
COPn ..........
0.998 -.O.,,[email protected].... ....
COP../COP 2 o @ QL= 10 kW/K
COP./COPl 0 @ QL= 10 kW/K
COP ICOP2 o @ QL = 50 kW/K
COP./COPlo @QL = 50 kW/K
200 220 240 260 280 300
TL,in [K]
Figure 3.16 COP/COPn vs. different low external inlet temperatures TL,in for
different cooling loads QL for THn 313 K, U AL = 2 kW/K,
UAH=4 kW/K, CL=l1kW/K and CH 5 kW/K
The COP's are always nearly identical. A model of 10 Carnot cycles in sequence
calculates the COP accurately. The error is less than 0.5% for the system with a cooling
load of QL = 50 kW/K. For large QL is the agreement less than for smaller ones. Large
QL leads to a stronger temperature change of the fluids, so that the alignment of several
Carnot cycles in sequence to the continuous temperature change of the external stream
becomes more difficult. The deviation is still less than 0.5 % for relatively large QL.
The numerical model has the advantage of being able to solve for the temperature
distribution of the fluids throughout the heat exchangers and it represents close enough
the maximum possible COP. On the other side, it is not possible to specify the heat
capacitance rates of the refrigerant. This is the great benefit of the analytical model.
Furthermore it offers a single algebraic equation only in terms of external boundary
conditions for the determination of the COP.
exchanger conductance UAtotal and total heat capacitance rate should be allocated equally
for constant Cext,totai and UAtotal. The analytical model leads to the same result as
Figure 3.17 indicates. The corresponding COP 1 for an isothermal heat transfer process
is also presented. The optimum allocation of the UAtotai is not equal for the different
simulations. As expected, the analytical simulation shows an even allocation of the total
heat exchanger conductances, whereas this is not true for the simulation with one Carnot
cycle. For this system, an even allocation is only recommended for equal heat
capacitance rates of the external stream. Otherwise it is useful to reallocate the UA for a
As shown in Figure 3.18, the optimum allocation of the UAtotal depends on the
heat capacitance ratio CH/CL. For ratios of CH/CL < 1 is the optimum allocation shifted to
larger UAL, whereas it is shifted to larger UAH for CH/CL> 1.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
100 UAL
Figure 3.17 COP. and COPi vs. heat exchanger conductances fractions UAL for
different external heat capacitance rates ratios with Cext, total== 2 kW/K,
UAtotal=4 kW/K, TH,in=293 K, TL,in=273 K and QL= 2 0 kW
The different curves in the figure refer to different total heat exchanger conductances and
it is seen that the larger the total heat exchanger conductance is, the more sensitive is the
allocation of the UAtotai. Nevertheless the optimum COP 1 is always obtained at the same
operating point, which are equal heat exchanger conductance and heat capacitance rates.
Hence Figure 3.18 is a little misleading for heat capacitance rates CH/CL far off unity,
.. fOALopt fUAtotal=16 kW/K
. fUA,total=4 kW/K
0.50 . ............ _.
0.00 I A
0.1 1 10
Figure 3.18 Optimum allocation of the total heat exchanger conductance UAtotai for
a single Carnot cycle system vs. external heat capacitance rates ratios
CH/CL with Cext, total= 2 kW/K, THin = 293 K, TL,in = 273 K, QL = 20 kW
and varying UAtotai
external streams leads to very similar results to these of section The analytical
simulation results in a even distribution of Cexttotai on the external streams, whereas this
is not always the case for the refrigeration cycle applying a pure refrigerant.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
100 (L
Figure 3.19 COP.. and COP1 vs. heat capacitance rates fractions CL for different
heat exchanger conductance ratios UAHI/UAL with C ext, total=2 kW/K,
= =
UAtotai=4 kW/K, TH,in 293 K, TL,in 273 K and OL=20 kW
An even allocation of heat capacitance rates is optimum only if the UAtotai is distributed
equal, but the cycle achieves the maximum COP 1 under these operating conditions. For
ratios of UAH/UAL < 1 is the optimum allocation shifted to larger ICL, whereas it is
shifted to larger CH for UAHUAL > 1 . The allocation of the Cext,totaI for the chosen
operating conditions was most sensitive for a total external heat capacitance rate of
Cexttota 1 = 2.7 kW/K. Nearly 60 % of the total heat capacitance rate should have been
passed through the low temperature heat exchanger at a ratio of UAH/UAL = 0.1 kW/K.
It is less sensitive for other ratios.
0.40 L
0.1 1 10
Figure 3.20 Optimum allocation of the total heat capacitance rates Cext,total for a
single Carnot cycle system vs. external heat exchanger conductance
ratios UAH/UAL with UAtotal=4 kW/K, TH,in=293 K, TL,in=273 K,
QL =20 kW and varying Cext,total
It has been demonstrated, that the optimum allocation of Cext,total and UAtotaI for a
refrigeration system applying a pure refrigerant should be both equal in order to obtain
the optimum COP 1 . If one of these parameters is not allocated evenly, then the remaining
parameter is also not equally allocated for the corresponding optimum COP 1 .
in chapter 3.1. First are the general Equations (3.28) and (3.29) recalled.
TH,inFHCH,min( -1) - L 1 + HH -1
eL (TL,in + 1j.
EL CL,mnin - L)+11h
[Ci.~rnin ~QLSFL (3.27)
condenser. Consequently the heat capacitance rates of the refrigerant are infinite, it is
CL -> oo and Ch -> oo. Klein [7] shows that
A constant heat capacitance rate Crefr = Ch = i for the refrigerant is assumed. The
This equation holds for the ideal Brayton refrigeration cycle. The heat exchanger
effectiveness factors are defined by the Equations (3.15) and (3.16). The temperature
difference AT is a measurement of the performance of the system. The smaller AT, the
larger the COP.
A expression for a partially optimized COP with equal heat capacitance rates in each heat
It was shown, that the optimum cycle is obtained for equal allocation of the total
heat exchanger conductance, equal allocation of the external heat capacitance rates, and
equal heat capacitance rate of the refrigerant and external stream in each heat exchanger.
The COP for this cycle may be expressed as
where X is defined as
= oF
QL +11 (3.35)
The heat exchanger effectiveness and heat capacitance rates in the Equations (3.34) and
(3.35) are e =CL = 8 H (defined by Equation (3.15)) and C =CL = CH, respectively.
exchanger. However, the analytical model does not provide the temperature profile of the
refrigerant, as for the numerical model.
Important aspects and design guidelines for the optimum cycle are:
It was shown, that very high Q may be obtained, but the corresponding COP
was always very small for unreasonable high 92.
The COP does not vary significantly for moderate deviations of the optimum
distribution of UAtotal and Cexttotal-
The heat capacitance rate of a refrigerant with constant heat capacitance rate
Crefr = Ch = C, should be at least Crefr > min (CL, CH).
• The UAtotal and Cext,total should be also for this system allocated evenly for the
option to improve the performance of the system is investigated and compared to a pure
refrigerant. The optimum possible COP.. for this system is determined with the
Analytical Model from Chapter 3 and compared to the COP obtained with the simulation
from Cyclel 1.
or an azeotropic mixture. It may be described most easily as a fluid which changes its
or condensation.
composition in the liquid and vapor phases during boiling
NARMs have different vapor and liquid lines as shown in Figure 4.1. This
phase and the corresponding vapor phase. For example, a binary NARM with a mole
fraction of fAo and a temperature of T1 is heated isobarically to the liquid line. The
refrigerant with the lower boiling point will preferentially evaporate first at the
temperature T2 .
[- .+
f3,A,l f Ao
mole fraction fA
The composition of the vapor phase in equilibrium with the liquid is f2,A,v and the
composition of the remaining liquid is fA. The mole fraction fA of the less volatile
component A is larger than the initial mole fraction fAo. Consequently the boiling
temperature of the remaining liquid shifts to the component with the higher boiling
temperature for instance to the temperature T3 . The composition of the liquid and vapor
phase at that state is f3,A,1 and f3,A,v, respectively. At the temperature T4 the NARM
consists only of saturated vapor with the same composition fA0 as at the temperature T 1.
Hence, the isobaric evaporation and condensation occur over a temperature range.
This temperature range is strongly dependent on the mixture components and the
freedom which may be used as a design parameter. For instance, a NARM consisting of
two components of very different boiling temperature and with a suitable initial
composition will result in a mixture with a large temperature range.
have to be replaced. Other aspects like low toxicity, non-flammability, chemical and
The CYCLE11 model was developed by Domanski and McLinden [14,16,17,18] at the
refrigeration cycle works like the cycle described in section 1.3.1, but with an polytropic
compressor efficiency il smaller than unity and it accounts for pressure drops in the
Counterflow heat exchangers are assumed in the evaporator and condenser. The
performance of the heat exchangers is specified in terms of an average effective
temperature difference A Thx between the refrigerant and the external streams and
U = const, of the heat exchanger and a linear pressure drop A p in the heat exchangers
with respect to the length L, dp/dL = constant. The heat exchanger average temperature
difference is defined as
A Thx- UAhx (4.1)
exchangers. The two phase region in the condenser is broken into several individual
sections, because the temperature profile of the refrigerant may be non-linear. Cycle 11
splits the two-phase portion of the heat exchangers into a number of sub-sections,
computes the log mean temperature of each of them and then evaluates the heat exchanger
average effective temperature difference consistently with Equation (4.4). The individual
Qi = UAi A Ti (4.2)
where Ai and A Ti are the individual heat transfer area and temperature difference in each
Qhx X Qi (4.3)
with the fraction of heat transferred in the individual sections of the heat exchanger.
_1 Q(4.4)
Thx Qhx A Ti
where R is the universal gas constant, T is the fluid temperature, V is the molar volume
of the mixture and p is the pressure. The values of the parameter a and b are strong
functions of the mixture composition and the temperature. The parameter y is defined by
b (4.6)
McLinden [15, 24] showed that the CSD equation of state accurately represents the vapor
and liquid phase for CFC refrigerants and their mixtures. This routine was built in
Cycle 11 by Domanski.
losses occur in the evaporator and condenser and no heat and pressure losses occur in the
manifold. The electric efficiency of the compressor is assumed to be unity.
Table 4.1 Operating conditions for the standard vapor compression cycle
Irreversibilities such as pressure drops in the heat exchangers are not taken into account,
because, by far, the largest irreversibilities, besides these generated by the heat transfer,
occur in the compressor. The potential improvement of the COP increases with larger
GTDext if the GTDrefr of the refrigerant mixture matches the temperature change of the
external streams. The gliding temperature differences of the incoming and outgoing
external streams in the heat exchangers GTDL,ext and GTDH,ext are 15 and 30 K,
components R22 and R141b are possible replacements for the CFCs.
Figure 4.3 shows the COP vs. the mole fraction fR22 for a refrigeration system operating
at the conditions specified in Table 4.1. The different curves refer to different polytropic
compressor efficiencies, rj = 1.0, ril = 0.7 and ril = 0.5. The maximum COP is always
obtained at a mole fractions of about fR22 = 0.1. All three curves demonstrate the same
behavior. The COP obtained for a system employing the pure refrigerant R141b is in
every case about twice as high as the COP obtained when pure R22 is employed.
average of the COPs of the pure components. A composition with a large mole fraction
fR22, the refrigerant which leads to a low COP, does not show any improvement of the
mixture COP relative to the COP of pure R141 b. Otherwise is for a mixture with a small
mole fraction fR22 a significant improvement of the COP obtained. The COP obtained
with such a mixture would always out performance the COP obtained with pure R141 b.
The increase of the COP is about 16% for the isentropic compressor and about 13% for
4.0 . . 09..=0.5
. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. ..-----
..--- --------- --
.--- ----. . .
--- .- .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .
. .............
.... A......
................ ..... ...
2 .0. 08........
2. ............... .. " " "............ ............................. .............................
10.L______L . L_..
Figure 4.2 COP vs. mole fraction fR22 for a refrigerant mixture of R22/R141b
and different polytropic compressor efficiencies
It is of interest to know how large the heat transferred in the superheated region in the
condenser Qsh is and how well the GTDrefr of the refrigerant matches the GTDext of the
fsh = Qcond - Qmain
Ocond Qcond (4.1)
where Qcond is the total heat transferred in the condenser, Qain is the heat transferred in
the two phase vapor liquid region in the condenser and Qsh is the heat transferred in the
superheated region in the condenser.
The fsh is small for NARMs at lower mole fractions fR22. The minimum occurs
about fsh = 0.3. Only about 5% or less of the heat is transferred in the superheated
region. Whereas the superheat is large at higher mole fractions fR22. A system using
pure R22 as the refrigerant instead of a mixture would run with a fsh of 20% or more.
. 15
Cm 10
Figure 4.3 Fraction superheat fsh vs. mole fraction fR22 for a refrigerant mixture
of R22/ R141b and different polytropic compressor efficiencies
At these operating conditions is it due to the large superheat not possible that the
temperatures of the two streams in the condenser are well matched. A larger condenser
(GTDH,ext = GTDcond).
I-GTDH,ext (sh)
KHin ---------- f
------- TL,in
where the A GTDevap is the absolute difference of the GTDs of the refrigerant
The absolute difference of the GTDs from the refrigerant and the external stream in the
condenser A GTDcond is broken into two regions. These regions, the liquid vapor phase
and superheated region, are weighted by the fraction of heat transferred in each region.
where A GTDcond,main is the difference of the GTD of the refrigerant and the external
stream in the two phase region in the condenser and A GTDsh is the difference of the
GTD in the superheated region respectively. The A GTDcond,main is defined as
where GTDcond,refr,main is the GTD of the refrigerant in the two phase region and
GTDH,ext (1-fsh) is the GTD of the external stream in the two phase region.
where GTDrefr,sh is the GTD of the refrigerant in the superheated region and GTDH,ext fsh
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
mole fraction fR22 (mixture R221Rl41b)
function of the mole fraction fR22 shown. The curves are very similar to each other and
two minima at the same mole fractions of about fR22 = 0.12 and fR22 = 0.8 are obtained
for each of the systems with the different polytropic compressor efficiencies r1. V
increases with decreasing 11, due to the larger superheat occurring in the condenser. The
smaller minimum of V is obtained for mixtures at a mole fractions of about fR22 = 0.12.
This mole fraction corresponds to the mole fraction which leads to the maximum COP, as
matching of such a mixtures is relative good. The problem is, that the COP of the pure
refrigerant R22 is compared to the R141b very small so that the benefit of the relative
well matched GTDs is not sufficient to cause an increase of the COP at that large mole
fraction fR22.
in- and outlet temperatures of all fluids in the heat exchangers, the saturated vapor
temperature of the refrigerant in the condenser and the corresponding entropies are used
to present the diagram. The Cycle 11 program does not provide information concerning
the temperature profiles of the fluids in the heat exchangers so the temperature profile is
operating condition (Table 4.1, fR22 = 0.12) indicates nearly parallel temperature profiles
in the evaporator and in the condenser. The temperature profiles of the streams are nearly
ideal matched, except in the superheated region. The amount of heat transferred in the
superheated region is less than 5% of the total energy and the mismatch of the GTDs in
I jvk
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1
Entropy [kJ/kgK]
the heat in the evaporator and condenser at the best possible temperature matching. The
outlet temperatures of the external streams are changed until V reaches a minimum. The
change of the GTD causes a change of the heat capacitance rates of the external streams,
because Cext = 0/ GTD and Q remains nearly constant. The refrigeration systems differ
now not only in different compressor polytropic efficiencies 71, but also in different
external heat capacitance rates (Table 4.2). The GTDs of both external streams were
reduced, which results in larger heat capacitance rates of the external streams and hence in
a higher COP. This alteration increased the COP compared to the COP obtained with the
optimum mole fraction (section 4.2.2). The improvement is for ' =-0.5, i =0.7 and
= 1.0 in average about 9%, 2.5% and 5%, respectively.
5 .0 .........
........... .........................-----
-- ...............
J..... ........
1] 0.7
........... 1.=.0.5 . ................... .----
--- -_..... ........................
....... i...
3 . ---- . 5. -------
........ . . . . . .
2. 0
Figure 4.7 COP vs. heat exchanger conductance fraction fUA,evap for a
refrigerant mixture of R22/ R141b and different polytropic compressor
The distribution of the total heat exchanger conductances on the evaporator and condenser
is now optimized. The heat exchanger conductance of the evaporator and condenser have
been initially fixed at UAevap = 0.25 kW/K and UAcond = 0.35 kW/K. The total heat
exchanger conductance UAtotal = 0.60 kW/K remains constant, but the allocation is
varied. Figure 4.7 indicates, that the total heat exchanger size should be allocated nearly
evenly for the two heat exchangers, independent on the compressor polytropic efficiency
fl. The optimum distribution for the three different systems occurs if 48% of the total
heat exchanger conductance UAtotal are allocated to the evaporator. The optimum
distribution is always about UAcond = 0.315 kW/K and UAevap = 0.285 kW/K. A
moderate deviation of the optimum distribution does not decrease the COP significantly.
This indicates, that the UAtotal should be allocated even for that system.
Chapter 3 is also shown in Figure 4.7. In the plot the upper line represents the upper
limit of the COP. This COP is determined with considerations of heat transfer
mechanism. The COP of the refrigeration system with the isentropic compressor is very
close to that limit and reaches nearly the optimum COPO. The difference between the
COPs of the systems with the non-isentropic compressor and the optimum COP. is of
course larger.
The external heat capacitance rates have been changed to obtain the best temperature
matching (section 4.3.5). For this reason, the optimum COPO for the systems with the
different polytropic compressor efficiency r" varies. Table 4.2 shows the different
The external heat capacitance rates are calculated as the heat transferred in each heat
Hext cond(4.13)
GTDH, ext
The COP of the cycle with rj = 1.0 falls only 12% short of the optimum COP. = 6.0
determined from the analytical model. Vapor-slip and reduced heat transfer coefficients
in the heat exchanger leads to smaller COPs than predicted. For the system with lower
polytropic compressor efficencies is the difference to the optimum COP larger. A parallel
temperature profile as obtained for xj -0 corresponds to identical heat capacitance rates
of the external stream and the refrigerarant. An energy balance for the refrigerant in the
condenser leads to
The heat exchanger as a closed system yields Qcond,refr = QH,ext and for equal GTDs
The same result is for the evaporator attained, so that the heat capacitance rates of
the external stream and the refrigerant are also equal, CL,ext = Cevap,refr.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Entropy [kJ/kgK]
A accompanying T-S diagram for optimized fR22 = 0.08, fUAevap = 0.48 and 11 = 0.5 is
presented in Figure 4.8. The change of the initial UA allocation (for which the GTDs
have been matched) to the optimum UA allocation alters the temperature profile a little.
Nevertheless are the temperature profiles nearly parallel lines.
In this chapter was a binary NARM in a standard vapor compression refrigeration cycle
investigated and compared to the COP. determined from the Analytical Model developed
in Chapter 3.
The COP reaches a maximum for a refrigerant compositions which lead to the
smallest deviation of parallel temperature profiles of the external stream and the
refrigerant in each heat exchanger.
COP --->COPmax for A -0
the external stream and the refrigerant. The heat capacitance rate of the
external stream should match the heat capacitance in the heat exchanger.
Cext - Chx,refr
The COPs obtained with a refrigeration system employing the pure refrigerants of
the mixture should be reasonable large, otherwise the benefit of the temperature
matching is undermined by the low COP of one of the components.
The COP experiences an optimum for equal allocation of the total heat
each other.
The analytical COP defined by Equation (3.26) represents an upper limit for the
Carnot COP considering heat transfer mechanism and may be used as a design
The Carnot cycle places an upper limit on the COP of a refrigeration cycle. This Carnot
Carnot COP may only be obtained for a refrigeration cycle with zero cooling capacity.
Furthermore the Carnot analysis assumes that the heat transfer from and to the cycle
occurs at a constant temperature. All this reduces its usefulness as a realistic design goal
The maximum possible COP for a standard vapor compression cycle, which takes
specified external boundary conditions into account and does not require an isothermal
heat transfer for the refrigerant and the heat transferring external fluid, is given by
Equations (3.28) and (3.29). The COP is determined by the cooling load, the heat
exchanger conductances of the low- and high temperature heat exchangers, the inlet
temperatures of the external heat transferring fluids in each heat exchanger and their heat
capacitance rates. A numerical and an analytical simulation model for the refrigeration
cycle has been developed. The investigation of the cycle leads to several design
guidelines for the cycle obtaining the maximum COP. The most important are:
The slope of the temperature change (or gliding temperature difference (GTD)) of
the refrigerant in the heat exchangers should be parallel to that of the external
stream flowing through that heat exchanger. This result corresponds to equal
heat capacitance rates of the refrigerant and the external stream flowing through
heat exchangers independent on the cooling load, the inlet temperatures and heat
external heat capacitance rates independent on the inlet temperature of the external
stream, the cooling load and the heat exchanger conductances.
The larger the GTD of the refrigerant, the larger the potential COP improvements
A simulation of a standard vapor compression cycle with internal irreversibilities and real
COP of a specified system experiences a maximum for the best possible GTD matching
(GTD of the refrigerant in the heat exchanger nearly identical to the GTD of the external
stream flowing through that heat exchanger). In addition it was found, that the total heat
exchanger conductance for the two heat exchanger should be evenly allocated, as shown
for the ideal model.
The COP determined by Equation (3.26) and (3.27) offers a realistic upper limit
refrigerant. This becomes important for refrigeration systems where the GTDs of the
refrigerant and external stream in each heat exchanger are not matched and Equations
NARMs offer the potential for significant improvements of the COP in refrigeration
systems. These potential gains are strongly dependent on the fluid properties. A mixing
of two refrigerants often yields lower COPs than the COPs which would be obtained if
the pure refrigerants were used in the same system. The choice of the components is
difficult because several properties like ozone depletion potential, toxicity and commercial
availability exclude many refrigerants. The refrigerant mixture should consist out of
refrigerants with different boiling point temperatures depending on the desired gliding
In this work simulation models are used to investigate the performance of a refrigeration
cycle and to establish design guidelines. A verification of the design guidelines using
heat capacitance rates, cooling load and COP are most important. The potential
performance improvements are significant, but experimental results have shown, that
they might be quite smaller than expected.
A refrigeration system using dedicated mechanical subcooling is of interest. In
such a refrigeration system, a second smaller vapor compression is applied, which task it
is to subcool the refrigerant flowing out of the main cycle's condenser. Studies have
shown [22], that large energy savings are possible for systems employing pure
refrigerants. A investigation with a NARM instead of a pure refrigerant might lead to
{ *************************************************************
Matthias Rauck November 1992
Calculation for the Coefficient of Performance (COP)
for an ideal Refrigeration cycle
Modeled with •
I) single Carnot cycle
II) Numerical Solution Model - Finite Difference Method (FDM) with n
Carnot Cycle
III) Analytical Solution Model (AM)
{Inlet temperature low (cold) external fluid in low temperature heat exchanger}
TLext[i10{ n]=273 {K}
{inlet tenperature high (warm) external stream in high temperature heat exchanger)
THext[O]=313 {K)
{ I & IIl) Refrigeration cycle modeled with one and n Carnot Cycle
NOTE: Infinite heat capacitance rates of the working fluid for Carnot analysis)
{Define low and high inlet temperatures for single Carnot cycle)
{Defime low and high inlet temperatures of the external stream for AM)
TLextanalyin=TLext[ 10(n)]
{B) for arbitrary cycle (COP not @ maximum): unequal heat capacitance rates of external
stream and refrigerant (wf, working fluid) }
{specify heat capacitance rates of the refrigerant }
CwfL=l.5 {kW/K}
{corresponding heat exchanger effectiveness factors for the low and high temperature
heat exchangers @ CwfL unequal CextL & CwfH unequal CextH !!}
A=min(CextH/CwfH, CwfH/CextH)
B=min(CextL/CwfL, CwfL/CextL)
{Determination of Number of Transfer Units NTU for the low and high hx }
{heat exchanger effectiveness factors for the low and high temperature hx }
{Energy balances and rate equations: (wf=refrigerant (workingjfluid)=Carnot cycle) }
QHCal=EpsCa1H*CextH*(TwfH Cal-THextin)
QL total=EpsCalL*CextL*(TLextin-TwfLCal)
{Entropy transfer rate balance)I
QLjtotal/TwfLCa1=QHCa l/TwfHCa1
{compressor work)
{COP definition: (reversibel))
COPCal1 =QLtota/WorkCal1
{compressor work)
W=sum(QH [i] ,i=1 ,10 {n })-QLtotal
{Determination of Number of Transfer Units NTU for the low and high hx)
CminH=min(CextH, CwfH)
CminL=min(CextL, CwfL)
(COP defmition:)I
(equations (3.26) and (3.27)
(Unequal heat capacitance rates of external stream and refrigerant)I
Cop-general=QLtotal*alpha/(THextanalyin*(betha- l)*gamma-QLjtotal*alpha)
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