Brief History of Leftist Guerrillas in Latin America

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Movimiento 26 de Julio (M-26), Cuba
Castrist, Nationalist, Marxist. When Fulgencio Batista took control of
the government on March 10, 1952, Fidel Castro stood up against
Partido Comunista de Venezuela/ Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación
Nacional (PCV-FALN), Venezuela
Marxist. After several riots in various Venezuelan cities from October
1965, the ELN attacked the town of Simacota, where they killed five
police officers and publicized their manifesto, claiming that armed
struggle was the only way to change Colombia. In 1973 the army
launched an anti-guerrilla campaign called “Operación Anorí,” and
underground organizations to surrender, but the FAR rejected his
demands. In 1973 the FAR joined the Montoneros, and this marked its
end as an independent organization. Leaders: Marcelo Kurlat, Juan
Pablo Maestre, Mirta Misetich, Carlos Enrique Olmedo, Marco
him and filed a lawsuit demanding his arrest, but the court ruled until December 1961, President Rómulo Betancourt initiated a hunt several ELN leaders were killed. The ELN re-emerged in 1983, when Osatinsky, Sara Palacios and Roberto Quieto.
against it. On July 26, 1953, Castro and 170 guerrillas attacked the for Communist leaders. The Partido Comunista de Venezuela (PCV) two of its fronts, led by Manuel Pérez and Nicolás Rodríguez,
Moncada barracks in Santiago. The attacks were a failure: Abel fought back the government. The PCV attempted to form a merged. In 1984 the ELN agreed to negotiate with the government, 1967-1973
Santamaría was killed and Castro received a 15-year prison guerrilla force in the eastern and western mountains, but they were but it remained active and attacked a multinational oil company in Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas (FAP), Argentina
sentence. After amnesty was granted in May 1955, Castro was quickly eliminated. However, through the creation of the Unidades 1986. In 1988 the Coordinadora Guerrillera Simón Bolivar (CGSB) was Peronist. The Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas (FAP) group was founded
released and he headed for Mexico to create and train a new Tácticas de Combate, organized jointly with the Movimiento de founded as an umbrella group of the ELN to negotiate with the by Peronist militants and by members of the Movimiento
guerrilla force. There he met Ernesto "Che" Guevara. The new force Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), the PCV was successful in urban government. In 1991 the ELN and the FARC launched military actions Nacionalista Revolucionario Tacuara (MNRT) to begin urban
set off for Cuba on November 26, 1956. Despite Batista's attempts to areas. The government officially banned the PCV in May 1962, after as a protest for being neglected by the political process. In 1992 the guerrilla warfare. The FAP supported the Cuban and Algerian
crush the movement, the M-26 continued to gain popularity; for it supported the occupation of a naval base in Carúpano. On June ELN began a series of kidnappings, including that of Argelino Durán, revolutionary movements, the idea of a prolonged popular war, and
example, the Partido Socialista Popular (PSP) and the Cuban 12, 1962, the PCV tried to assassinate Betancourt but failed, which a former minister, with the aim of pressuring the government into the organization of the masses. In 1970, the FAP attacked a housing
Communist Party (PCC) expressed their support. M-26’s best known stimulated further crackdowns against it. In 1963, the PCV officially peace negotiations. These actions caused the talks between the area designated for Campo de Mayo officers and the Maritime
action was when “Che” Guevara and his troops took over Santa joined forces with the MIR and founded the Fuerzas Armadas de ELN and the Colombian government to collapse. In the early 2000s, National Headquarters, and stole 600 boxes of dynamite that was to
Clara on December 24, 1958, forcing Batista to flee. After Batista’s Liberación Nacional (FALN). Before the presidential elections of during the early days of the Álvaro Uribe Vélez government there be used for the El Chocón dam. After the death and imprisonment
departure, Manuel Urrutia was appointed president and Castro December 1, 1963, the PCV-FALN carried out terrorist attacks to was an attempt at holding talks but eventually were severed, neither of their leaders, the FAP merged with the ERP, the Montoneros, and
became prime minister. Eventually, Fidel Castro became the destabilize the Betancourt government as a means to gain support party being fully trusting of the other. Only in mid-2004 the ELN and various other organizations. The FAP was the first Peronist movement
nation’s leader. M-26 was one of the few guerrilla groups that from politically disaffected groups and take control of the the government began to make a series of moves that, with the that switched to Guevarism. Leaders: Carlos Caride, Envar El Kadri,
succeeded in overthrowing a government and taking over power. government. AD candidate Raúl Leoni, who was also supported by announced mediation of the Vicente Fox government of Mexico, Gerardo Ferrari, Arturo Gadea and Miguel Zabala Rodríguez.
Fidel Castro was in power for over 50 years. Recently because of Betancourt, won the elections. The PCV-FALN lost a substantial lead to another round of exploratory talks. In December 2005, the
health concerns his brother Raúl assumed leadership of the island, amount of control from 1964 to 1965, as the army counterattacked ELN and the Colombian government began a new round of 1967-1984
although Fidel seems to still be active in the country’s political it. In 1966 President Leoni offered the PCV-FALN the possibility to exploratory talks in Havana, Cuba, with the presence of the ELN's Ejército Popular de Liberación (EPL), Colombia
affairs. Leaders: Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro, Camilo Cienfuegos, become legal in exchange for their calling off armed resistance. The military commander "Antonio García," as well as "Francisco Galán" Maoist. The Ejército Popular de Liberación (EPL) was founded by the
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Armando Hart, Frank País, René Ramos PCV-FALN accepted. PCV-FALN’s leader Douglas Bravo did not and "Ramiro Vargas." By 2007, after several rounds of talks, the ELN Partido Comunista Colombiano-Marxista Leninista (PCC-ML). The
Latour, David Salvado and Abel Santamaría. support the new direction of the PCV-FALN and continued to fight. said that the dialogues in Havana ended without agreement EPL was composed of peasants, workers and students. It was the first
The group dispersed in 1969, when Fidel Castro cut off his aid in order because of “two different conceptions of peace and methods get Latin American guerrilla group that applied a Maoist approach to
1959-1960 to resume relations with the Venezuelan government. Leader: to it.” In May 2009 the ELN stated that there were no “reserved issues” revolutionary tactics. The EPL based its actions on guerrilla warfare,
Uturuncos, Argentina Douglas Bravo. in possible peace talks with the government and called for a education of the peasant class and the creation of an army for the
Peronist, Castrist. “Uturunco” means, “tiger-man” in Quechua. The political solution to the more than 50-year-old “armed conflict” in the masses. The Movimiento Autodefensa Obrero (MAO) functioned as
Uturunco group was Argentina’s first guerrilla and it was heavily 1961-1979 Andean nation. Leaders: Nicolás Bautista, Francisco Galán, the urban faction of the EPL and was founded in 1978. A former
influenced by the Cuban Revolution. The majority of its leaders Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), Nicaragua Domingo Laín, Ricardo Lara Parada, Manuel Pérez, Nicolás government minister, Rafael Prado, was assassinated by the EPL in
were former militants of the Alianza Libertadora Revolucionaria Nationalist, Marxist. Rigoberto López Pérez assassinated Dictator Rodríguez and Fabio Vásquez Castaño. September 1978. President Belisario Betancourt passed Law 35 and
(ALR) and of the Partido Socialista de la Revolución Nacional Anastasio Somoza García in 1956. After his death, Anastasio Somoza granted amnesty to revolutionary organizations, but the EPL
(PSRN). The Uturuncos were based in the province of Tucumán and Debayle came to power, but López Pérez’s action had encouraged 1965-Present rejected the proposal. Writer Gabriel García Márquez became the
they demanded that President Arturo Frondizi, of the Unión Civica the formation of a revolutionary student movement. By 1961, Tomás Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), Chile middleman between the EPL and the government and the EPL
Radical (UCR), resign, in spite of Frondizi’s support of Peronism, the Borge, Carlos Fonseca Amador and Silvio Mayorga had founded Castrist, Guevarist. The Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria ceased fire in 1984. Leaders: Francisco Caraballo, Jaime Fajardo,
forfeit of oil contracts with foreign companies, and Perón’s return to the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN).The FSLN sought (MIR) was founded in 1965. The MIR believed in anti-imperialism, Bernardo Ferreira Grandet, Amanda Ramírez and Rafael Vergara
Argentina. The Uturuncos’ goal was to create a workers force and support for the Sandinista ideology from the peasant population. Its anti-capitalism and in the use of guerrilla warfare to establish a Navarro.
to increase the number of rural Peronist guerrilla movements. aim was to remove Somoza from power and to create a new socialist state in Chile. It was supported by the Mapuche Indians and
Leader: Enrique Mena. society based on Marxist ideas. In 1962, a Sandinista-supported by students from autonomous universities. The MIR gained 1967-1991
student organization, the Frente Estudiantil Revolucionario (FER), was further support from peasants and from the impoverished through Frente Morazanista de Liberación Nacional Hondureña (FMLNH),
1959-1973 founded in order to gain support from the student population. In the the distribution of propaganda. In 1970 the MIR suspended all Honduras
Movimiento 14 de Junio (M-14), Dominican Republic mid-1960s, the FSLN developed the strategy of “guerra popular” armed actions in observance of the election of Salvador Allende. Trotskyist. The Frente Morazanista de Liberación Nacional
Marxist, Castrist. The M-14 was originally a political organization through the distribution of propaganda. In 1966, the FSLN resumed its Ironically, the MIR became unsatisfied with Allende’s presidency Hondureña (FMLNH) was founded as a faction of the Partido
founded in 1959. It became a guerrilla group in response to the military strategy by recruiting peasants to form a guerrilla force, but because of his “lack of radical actions,” and continued its armed Comunista de Honduras (PCH) and became an independent
instability of the nation. In 1962 the M-14 split between a radical the National Guard detected the guerrillas and attacked the FSLN actions. Allende dismissed the MIR in order to gain support from organization in 1967. FMLNH’s goal was to gain power through the
faction, the Agrupación Política 14 de Junio (AP1J4) and a between 1967 and 1969, forcing it to go underground. On other organizations. The Communist Party (PCC) accused the MIR of use of arms. The FMLNH was re-established after Somoza’s
moderate faction called the Partido 14 de Junio (1J4). On December 27, 1974, the FSLN attacked a party held by José Maria being involved with the CIA and Allende permitted a counter- overthrow in 1979. Several activists of the Frente Unido Universitario
September 25, 1963, when president Juan Bosch was ousted by a “Chema” Castillo, a Somoza confident, taking government officials insurgency campaign in 1972. Augusto Pinochet overthrew Allende Democrático (FUUD) were assassinated by the FMLNH due to their
U.S.-supported intervention that replaced the government with a as hostages and demanding the release of twelve FSLN prisoners, as in 1973 and the MIR denounced his dictatorship. From 1974 until 1984 connections with military intelligence in 1989 and in 1990. The FMLNH
military junta, the radical faction of the group was named illegal. well as a million dollar ransom and the national broadcast of the the MIR launched numerous attacks against the Pinochet regime, joined the Directorio Nacional Unido- Movimientos Revolucionarios
Although the M-14 formed six guerrilla fronts, government forces Sandinista manifesto. After the FLSN’s attack, Somoza launched a and by 1984 it had established the Fuerzas Armadas de Resistencia Hondureños (DNU-MRH). The FMLNH put and end to its armed
quickly defeated them all. In 1965, the M-14 re-emerged under counterinsurgency campaign with help from U.S forces. The FLSN Popular (FARP). The MIR split between the Secretariado Nacional actions in 1990 but claimed the assassination of San Pedro Sula in
Francisco Caamaño Deño, but after an unsuccessful attack in split into three factions: Tendencia Proletaria (TP), Guerra Popular (National Secretariat), which believed in guerrilla warfare, and the 1991. Leader: "Octavio Pérez."
1973, all members of the group were killed. Leaders: Pedro Bonilla, Prolongada (GPP), and Tendencia Insurreccional (Terceristas). In Comité Central (Central Committee), which sought relations with
Roberto Duvergé, Leandro Guzmán, Juan Mejía, Polo Rodríguez, June 1978, all three agreed to immediate insurrection and founded other political parties and joined the United Left coalition.The MIR’s 1968-1971
Juan Miguel Román and Manuel Tavárez Justo. the Movimiento del Pueblo Unido (MPU). In August 1978 the FLSN Secretariado Nacional continued its armed resistance until the end Açao Libertadora Nacional (ALN), Brazil
attacked the National Palace, holding 1,000 hostages. Major FLSN of the Pinochet regime in 1990. The MIR sought the establishment of Marxist. João Goulart was elected president in 1954 and promised
Early 1960s leaders were released after the attack and the FSLN gained a socialist state. After Chile's return to democracy, the party was unrealistic reforms in Brazil, which prompted a coup that replaced
Frente Unido de Liberación Nacional (FULNA), Paraguay popular support. The FSLN founded the Frente Patriótico Nacional resurrected. It currently participates in the Juntos Podemos Más him with the military regime of General Humberto Castelo Branco in
Ideology unknown. The FULNA was a revolutionary group in the (FPN) as an alternative political structure whose goals were to coalition. Leaders: Hernán Aquilo, Miguel Enríquez, Andrés Pascal 1964. Marshal Arturo da Costa e Silva succeeded Castelo Branco as
regions of San Pedro, General Aquino, and Rosario that included disband the National Guard, to nationalize Somozista businesses Allende, Victor Toro and Arturo Villavella. president and sanctioned Act 5, a law that gave all of the
several members of the Communist Party. Fidel Castro supported it. and property and to establish a democratic popular government. executive power to the president. Carlos Marighella, a former
The FULNA infiltrated a group of seventeen rebels that crossed the The FSLN launched its final attacks in three different phases in 1979. 1966-1970 member of the Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), founded the
border into Paraguay from Brazil and attacked the village of Between May 29 and June 8, the FSLN initiated popular revolts and Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), Bolivia Açao Libertadora Nacional (ALN) in 1968.The group was founded to
Capitán Bado. Police and army forces fought back and ultimately strikes to attack the Somoza government. In its second phase, from Castrist, Foquista. “Che” Guevara founded the Ejército de bring together peasants who would eventually destroy the ruling
eliminated them. The FULNA made a second and a third armed June 9 to 25, the FSLN fought the battle of Managua, which Liberación Nacional (ELN) to spread the success of the Cuban regime through revolutionary armed actions. In 1969, Marighella
attempt, but neither was successful. On December 20, 1960, the commanded critical international attention. Finally, in its third phase, Revolution. He believed in the education of the peasant class in wrote the "Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla", which became an
FULNA gave up armed resistance. Leaders: Unknown. from June 26 until July 12, the FSLN took over the city of Carazo and Bolivia, where sixty percent of the population was illiterate. After influential text amongst terrorists. The "Minimanual" encouraged
consolidated the northern cities. Somoza fled from Managua on July forming a training camp in the region of Camiri, Guevara and 27 committing violent attacks but also emphasized the importance of
1960-1969 17, 1979, when he realized that there was no chance for him to guerrillas launched a 6-week campaign to claim territory and to maintaining popular support. U.S Ambassador Charles Burke Elbrik
Movimiento Izquierda Revolucionaria/ Fuerzas Armadas de remain in power. The FSLN had taken over the government. Leaders: increase their forces. By April 1967, Washington D.C. became was kidnapped in a joint action by the ALN and the Movimiento
Liberación Nacional (MIR-FALN), Venezuela Tomás Borge, Carlos Fonseca Amador, Silvio Mayorga, Daniel involved in an anti-guerrilla mission. The ELN received media Revolucionario Octubre 8 (MR-8) on September 4, 1969. He was
Castrist. Marcos Pérez Jiménez was overthrown during a popular Ortega, Humberto Ortega, Henry Ruiz, Jaime Wheelock attention when they imprisoned French philosopher/journalist Régis released after three days in exchange for fifteen political prisoners
revolution and Rómulo Betancourt, of the Acción Democrática Debray and two other journalists in May 1967. Between May and and the publication of a manifesto. Brazil permitted the application
(AD), rose to power. Although the AD represented a change from 1961-1979 October 1967, the ELN was defeated in numerous attacks, of the death penalty in response to this offensive. In November 1969,
the Pérez Jiménez dictatorship,Venezuelan citizens were unsatisfied Frente Izquierdista Revolucionario (FIR), Peru including the attack on October 8 that led to “Che” Guevara’s Marighella was killed during a police attack. Câmara Ferreira
because the AD did not carry out progressive action. On April 9, Trotskyist. Hugo Blanco became a member of the Partido Obrero execution by the CIA. Five ELN members succeeded in fleeing from succeeded Marighella and planned the kidnappings of the West
1960, Américo Martín, Moisés Moleiro and Domingo Alberto Rangel Revolucionario (POR) in 1956 and expressed the need to create a the attack, including Guido "Inti" Peredo. Peredo founded a new German and Swiss ambassadors in 1970. Ferreira was arrested,
founded the Acción Democrática Izquierdista (ADI), which later worker-peasant alliance that would be active in armed struggle. movement amongst the surviving ELN members, but he was tortured and killed on October 23, 1970, marking the end of the ALN.
became the Movimiento Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR). The MIR Between 1958 and 1961, Blanco created 148 worker-peasant unions. assassinated in September 1969. Peredo's brother, "Chato," Leaders: Joaquim Câmara Ferreira and Carlos Marighella.
functioned as the radical wing of the AD and was one of the first The Frente Izquierdista Revolucionario (FIR) was founded in 1961 to succeeded him in the movement by using funds provided by the
armed groups in Venezuela. On May 10, 1962, the MIR and the function as the revolutionary front of the POR. In 1963 Blanco was Uruguayan Tupamaros. Amnesty was granted by General Juan José 1968-1978
Communist Party (PCV) were banned because of their violent captured, and he was released in 1970 under the amnesty granted Torres’s regime, and former ELN members were permitted to exile Vanguardia Popular Revolucionaria (VPR), Brazil
actions. In response to the outlawing of their organizations, in 1963 by President Juan Velazco Alvarado. In the late 1970s, the FIR joined from Bolivia. Eight ELN members were invited to Chile by President Left-wing nationalist, Castrist. The Vanguardia Popular
the MIR and the PCV founded the FALN sector, which was an alliance with ultra-leftist groups in Peru. The FIR was expelled from Salvador Allende. The ELN re-emerged in 1989, but the Bolivian Revolucionaria (VPR) was founded in 1968 based on the ideology
composed of five hundred guerrillas. On July 4, 1964, the FALN the front in 1979, when they expressed their support of Blanco’s government succeeded in terminating all guerrilla actions. Leaders: that popular methods of protest would not bring change to the
founded the Frente de Liberación Nacional (FLN) as its political presidential ambitions. Leader: Hugo Blanco. Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Guido "Inti" Peredo and Roberto "Coco" military regime and armed action was the only solution. The VPR
branch. Raúl Leoni, of the AD, was elected president in 1963 and Peredo. based their economic structure on the Cuban Revolution and
began a peaceful reconciliation process between the guerrilla 1962-1965 believed in agrarian reform, the expropriation of large companies
forces and the government. Former MIR leader Domingo Alberto Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), Peru 1966-Present and the nationalization of foreign businesses through a socialist
Rangel agreed via a letter from prison that convinced the Castrist. The Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) was founded as a Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), Colombia revolution. The VPR secured funds through bank robberies,
MIR-FALN to end the armed struggle. Leaders: Américo Martín, faction of the Partido Comunista Peruano (PCP) in 1962. The ELN Marxist. The Partido Comunista Colombiano (PCC) called for an kidnapping, and the theft of arms and vehicles. The VPR leader,
Moisés Moleiro and Domingo Alberto Rangel. believed that revolutionary struggle was the only means to create a agrarian and anti-imperialist revolution and established the Bloque Onofre Pinto, was killed during a police crackdown in March 1969,
communist society. Movimiento 15 de Mayo (M-15) was founded in Sur (Southern Bloc) in 1964. The Bloque Sur consisted of guerrillas that and Carlos Lamarca succeeded him. The Japanese consul Nobuo
1960-1996 coalition with the FIR as a guerrilla front in 1963. In 1965, the ELN failed later evolved into the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Okuchi was kidnapped and released in exchange for five political
Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes (FAR), Guatemala in the seizure of private property and was defeated by the army. ELN Colombia (FARC), which originally functioned as the armed forces prisoners in 1970. After this action the VPR faced several internal
Nationalist, Anti-Imperialist, Marxist-Leninist. In 1960, the CIA began leaders Ricardo Léon and Juan Zapata Bodero were killed in the of the PCC. The FARC was officially established as an organization at conflicts, and Lamarca was killed in 1971. A faction of the VPR,
to train Cuban exiles in Guatemala for the “Bay of Pigs” invasion in attack, and the ELN disintegrated. Leaders: Héctor Béjar Rivera, the 10th Congress of the Communist Party in 1966. The FARC Vanguardia Armada Revolucionaria-Palmares (VAR- Palmares)
Cuba. On November 13, 1960, young military officers with a Ricardo León and Juan Zapata Bodero. demanded a fifty percent tax reduction for land and property, forty remained active until the late 1970s, but lost its organizational
nationalist agenda, formed the Movimiento Revolucionario percent reduction in public utility rates and the nationalization of influence when several militants were arrested in 1978. Leaders:
Alejandro de León 13 de Noviembre (MR-13) and launched an 1962-1965 foreign businesses. The FARC shifted its operations to rural guerrilla Ladislas Dowbor, Carlos Lamarca and Onofre Pinto.
attack in response to this U.S-led action. In 1962, there were several Movimiento Izquierda Revolucionario (MIR), Peru tactics for the next twenty years. In 1982, President Belisario
attacks in Guatemala City against the congressional elections due Castrist-Guevarist. The Movimiento Izquierda Revolucionario (MIR) Betancourt passed Law 35, which granted amnesty to guerrilla 1968- 1996
to the lack of transparency of the electoral process. After an army was founded as a faction of the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria forces. Internal conflicts emerged as a result of the negotiation Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo/ Fuerzas Armadas
crackdown, the organization was forced to reorganize in rural Americana (APRA) by Luis de la Puente Uceda in 1962. Puente process, and the extremist faction Frente Ricardo Franco (FRF) was Revolucionarias (PGT-FAR), Guatemala
areas. On March 30, 1963, all political parties were banned after a Uceda believed in the achievement of an agrarian reform through founded. In 1984 the FARC leader, Marulanda Vélez, accepted the Marxist-Leninist. The Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo (PGT) was
coup led by Colonel Enrique Peralta Azurdía. During this period the rural guerilla warfare and the mobilization of the peasantry and terms of the amnesty and announced his intention of going into founded in 1949 and remained illegal since the overthrow of
group switched from a nationalist and anti-imperialist agenda to progressive elements of the bourgeoisie. The MIR called for armed politics. Former FARC members founded the Unión Patriótica (UP) as Jacobo Arbenz in 1954. The PGT began its armed struggle in 1961,
Marxism-Leninism and changed its name to Movimiento struggle at the University of San Marcos in Lima. Luis de la Puente a legal party in 1985, but the FARC continued to increase in during the regime of General Miguel Ydígoras. The PGT joined forces
Revolucionario 13 de Noviembre (MR-13), while the Movimiento Uceda was killed during a counterinsurgency campaign in 1965. The membership and violent actions. The FARC claimed to have with the Movimiento Revolucionario 13 de Noviembre (MR-13) and
Revolucionario Alejandro de León 13 de Noviembre (MR-13) still MIR was officially reformed in 1977 and withdrew from armed executed hundreds between 1985 and 1991. President César the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR). In 1968 the PGT created
functioned as a front organization. Both groups focused on social resistance. In October 1980 the MIR joined the Izquierda Unida (IU), Gavíria ordered an attack on a FARC stronghold to represent the its own FAR faction, where the acronym "R" stood for
and military actions amongst the peasant class, by using “Che” a bloc of Peruvian leftist political parties. Leaders: Ricardo Gadea, outcome for guerrilla forces that refused to withdraw from armed “Revolucionarias” in place of “Rebeldes,” after a dispute between
Guevara’s Bolivia strategy as a model. In 1964, Turcios Lima and Yon Guillermo Lobatón and Luis de la Puente Uceda. actions. The FARC and the ELN killed approximately fifty officers in the two parties. The PGT-FAR abandoned armed warfare in the
Sosa began to have ideological differences, which led to Turcios response to the government’s attack. On May 6, 1991, the mid-1970s, when the majority of the PGT-FAR leadership was
Lima leaving the MR-13 and joining the Partido Guatemalteco del 1962-1972 Coordinadora Guerrilla Simón Bolivar (CGSB), which was in captured or murdered by the Armed Forces. The Núcleo de
Trabajo (PGT). In March 1965 the Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes (FAR) Movimiento de Liberación Nacional Tupamaros, Uruguay association with FARC/ELN, sent a communiqué to the Colombian Dirección Nacional (NDN) was founded as an armed faction in 1981
group was founded as the guerrilla front of the PGT. On February 9, Marxist. The Movimiento de Liberación Nacional Tupamaros Constitutional Assembly stating their willingness to meet government and later became a part of the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional
1965, the MR-13 shot Colonel Harold Houser, head of the U.S. (Tupamaros) was founded in 1961 as a result of protests led by Raúl officials at Cravo Norte for peace negotiations. Since the 90s until Guatemalteca (URNG). The PGT-FAR was involved, as a part of the
military missions in Guatemala. César Montes was chosen second in Sendic. The protesters demanded higher pay and fair working today, the FARC have continued its violent actions and have carried URNG, in the ongoing peace negotiations with President Ramiro de
command of the PGT after Yon Sosa left the group. This led to a conditions for sugar farmers. The Tupamaros’s ideology evolved into out thousands of kidnappings. It is said that they also finance their León Carpio. Direct negotiations between the government and
conflict between those who favored Turcios Lima's leadership and a call for land expropriation, redistribution of income and the activities through drug trafficking. Dialogues between FARC and the guerrillas began again in 1991.The talks bogged down over the issue
those who preferred César Montes’. In the 1966 elections many establishment of a new system that would represent all Uruguayans government were frequently disrupted and eventually dispersed. In of human rights and the 1993 constitutional coup. The talks were
members of the FAR expected a viable chance for progressive equally. Their goal was to create an independent nationalist 2008 Marulanda Vélez died and Raúl Reyes was killed during an renewed in 1994 under United Nations' auspices. A peace
Guatemalan forces to win the election. The alternative candidate identity and to have a socialist-based socio-economic system in attack by the Colombian government in Ecuador, challenging the agreement was signed in February 1996. Leaders: Ricardo Rosales
was Julio César Méndez Montenegro, from the Partido Uruguay by means of armed struggle. In 1970 the Tupamaros leadership of the organization. Currently there has been no ("Carlos González").
Revolucionario (PR), who was formally a law professor of César kidnapped U.S official Dan Mitrione, who was known to have trained significant dialogue although it has been indicated that talks may
Montes and gained official endorsement from the PGT. The FAR did the police in the interrogation of political prisoners. Tuparamos be resumed in the future. Leaders: Jacobo Arenas, Alfonso Cano, 1969-1977
not think well of Méndez as a candidate and Turcios Lima created ties with leftist political organizations in Uruguay and with Jaime Guaraca, Pedro Antonio Marín, Manuel Marulanda Vélez Movimiento Peronista Montonero (Montoneros), Argentina
denounced the elections as a hollow "electoral game." The FAR other revolutionary movements in Bolivia and Brazil from 1970 on. and Raúl Reyes. Leftist-Peronist. The Movimiento Peronista Montonero (Montoneros)
issued a statement officially announcing that they supported The Tuparamos called for a temporary truce in observance of the launched its first offensive in 1970 by kidnapping and executing
Méndez as candidate. Ironically, Méndez was elected president 1971 elections and supported the political party Frente Amplio (FA). 1967-1973 ex-president Pedro Aramburu. The Montoneros believed in
and the FAR began a partial demobilization. The FAR lost its In 1971 they abducted the British Ambassador, G. Jackson. In 1972 Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR), Argentina “revolution” as part of a national liberation. Their ideology was
popularity due to a new civilian leadership under Méndez, but it they lost a substantial amount of their influence after an Marxist, Leninist, Peronist. The Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias based on radical Catholic notions of social justice instead of on
claimed that the army still had a substantial amount of power. In anti-guerrilla operation led by the military. (Artist and writer Luis (FAR) was founded in 1967 by dissidents of the Partido Socialista de political theories such as Marxism-Leninism or Guevarism. The
response, Méndez authorized the military to exterminate guerilla Camnitzer has named the Tupamaros’ revolutionary strategy Vanguardia (PSAV) and the Partido Socialista Argentino (PSA). The Montoneros justified revolutionary war and violence as a means of
forces and allowed U.S. troops to assist in anti-insurgency actions in “conceptual,” considering them predecessors of Latin Ameircan FAR also associated with the ELN with the intention of joining the resistance, which was supported by Perón during his exile. Prior to
order to pacify the Guatemalan military and to maintain their conceptual art). Leaders: Pedro Almirati, Abraham Guillén and Raúl forces of “Che” Guevara. The FAR launched its first attack on July 26, Perón’s return to Argentina, the Montoneros encouraged the
support for his government. Through U.S.- led attacks, the FAR lost a Sendic. 1969, when it bombed thirteen Minimax supermarkets that were people to resist the regime of General Juan Carlos Onganía. Héctor
substantial amount of control. In 1968, the FAR separated from the owned by Nelson Rockefeller. The FAR plotted a coup against Cámpora became temporarily president as a result of the violent
PGT and that same year Colonel John Weber, head of the U.S. 1964-Present General Juan Carlos Onganía, who deposed constitutionally- uprisings caused by the Montoneros. Upon Perón's return, a large
military mission, and U.S.Ambassador, John Gordon Mein, were killed. Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), Colombia elected president Arturo Illía by occupying the town of Garín on July split emerged between the leftist Montoneros and the right-wing
The FAR struggled to maintain its status after Turcios Lima’s death in Marxist, Castrist. The Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) was 30, 1970. In 1971 the FAR initiated a program to unite all Argentinean Peronists. During a confrontation, 200 people were killed in what
1966 and Yon Sosa’s in 1970. In 1982, the FAR joined the URGN. The founded by Fabio Vásquez Castaño in 1964. The ELN was pro-Cuban revolutionary movements by using nationalism as a central ideology. became known as the “Ezeiza massacre” of 1973. Following this
1996 peace accords marked the end of the group. Leaders: César and its ideology was similar to that of the Movimiento de Obreros, The FAR, the ERP, and the Montoneros jointly planned the event, the Montoneros agreed to disarm and collaborate in the
Montes, Jorge Soto ("Pablo Monsanto"), Luis Alberto Turcios Lima, Estudiantes y Campesinos (MOEC). It believed in the distribution of assassination of naval intelligence officer, Admiral Emilio R. Berisso, in political realm. But Perón's ally, José Rucci, was assassinated by the
Marco Antonio Yon Sosa. power to the popular class through guerrilla warfare. On January 7, 1972. President Héctor Cámpora, a Peronist, demanded all Montoneros and in 1973, Perón committed himself to eliminating all
continued from front page... left-wing forces. Between 1975-1976, the peasantry. The EGP developed the strategy of forming ties with 1992, the PRTCH demobilized. In 1995 it turned into a political party. intellectuals who believed in anti-imperialism and anti-oligarchy. The
Montoneros launched a series of what would be their largest peasants through education as well as by creating a political Leaders: Wilfredo Gallardo Museli, Father James Hanley Carney AVC became active in 1983 and conducted bank robberies and
guerrilla offensives, such as the blow up of an Argentine Navy frigate organization amongst peasant communities in place of a small ("Padre Guadalupe") and José María Reyes Matta. kidnappings in order to publish or broadcast their statements.
missile launcher and several attacks against military installations. guerrilla force. The EGP killed Guatemalan landlord, Luis Arenas Banker Naín Isaías Barquet was kidnapped by AVC and the
These actions led to the destabilization of the government under Barrera, in 1975. The military launched a counterinsurgency 1980-1992 government denied negotiation. Government forces attacked the
Isabel Péron. In 1976 a coup overthrew the Peronist government, campaign in response to the EGP attacks, and by 1977 more than Frente Farabundo Martí de Liberación Nacional (FMLN), El Salvador building where Barquet was held hostage. Several AVC members
replacing it with a military junta headed by General Jorge Rafael 100 community leaders had been killed. The EGP kidnapped a Marxist-Leninist. The Frente Farabundo Marti de Liberación Nacional and Barquet were killed. Leaders Jarrín, Merino and Vazconez died
Videla. Between 1976 and 1983, during a military suppression former minister on December 31, 1977, and released him after the (FMLN) was founded when the Fuerzas Populares de Liberación in 1984, presaging the downfall of the AVC. The AVC maintained ties
campaign known as the “Guerra Sucia" (the Dirty War), government had met the group’s demands regarding publication (FPL), the Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP), the Fuerzas with the Movimiento 19 de Abril (M-19), but did not command
approximately 9,000 (official count) left-wing activists of their manifesto, payment of ransom, and guaranteeing the Armadas de Liberación (FAL), the Fuerzas Armadas de Resistencia popular support. The AVC surrendered its arms in a negotiation with
“disappeared.” By 1979, most of the armed resistance was put to a security of an EGP member who had sought refuge at the Embassy Nacional (FARN) and the Partido Revolucionario de Trabajadores President Rodrigo Borja in 1991 and terminated its actions by 1992.
halt, and by 1980 only 350 Montoneros remained. The surviving of Costa Rica. Violent attacks by official armed forces against de Centroamérica (PRTC) created a joint organization in 1980. The Leaders: Juan Carlos Acosta Coloma, Fausto Basantes, Ricardo
Montoneros switched to non-violent actions by 1980. Leaders: peasant villages motivated popular support for the EGP. The EGP FMLN believed that violent action was the only means to bring Arturo Jarrín, Edgar Frías, Santiago Kigman, Ricardo Merino and
Fernando Abal Medina, Mario Firmenich and Carlos Gustavo suffered heavily from government counterinsurgency attacks and change and liberation to the people. The FMLN gained Hamed Vazconez.
Ramus. joined the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG) international recognition after a successful offensive in January
in order to maintain their presence. The URNG believed in popular 1981. Following the failure of several armed struggles, the FMLN 1981-1990
1969-1992 revolutionary war and the freeing of people from governmental focused its strategy on cooperative policies. In 1983 the FMLN Fuerzas Populares Revolucionarias Lorenzo Zelaya (FPR-LZ),
Partido Revolucionario de Obreros y Campesinos/ Partido de los oppression. The Guatemalan Constitution rejected the re-organized its structure, gained approximately 12,000 new Honduras
Pobres (PROCUP/PdlP), Mexico participation of guerrilla groups in the 1985 elections, and peace members and returned to armed struggle. President Duarte Sandinista-Marxist. The Fuerzas Populares Revolucionarias Lorenzo
Marxist-Leninist. The Partido Revolucionario de Obreros y talks emerged in 1990. The EGP ended with the peace accords of proposed peace talks with the FMLN, but failed due to his lack of Zelaya (FPR-LZ) group was founded as the armed wing of the
Campesinos (PROCUP) was active for a short period in the Guerrero 1996. Leaders: Rolando Morán ("Ricardo Ramírez"), Mario Payeras control of the military. The public support for the FMLN began to Fuerzas Populares Revolucionarias (FPR). Its members were students
Mountains, but it became inactive in 1975, when leader Lucio ("Benedicto"). decrease in 1986, when people became tired of the violence from the Universidad Nacional, who believed in a popular
Cabañas was killed. In 1975 Lucio Cabañas' brother, David between the FMLN and the military. The FMLN began to focus on revolutionary war. The FPR-LZ shot two U.S. military advisers and
Cabañas, founded the Partido de los Pobres (PdlP) and joined 1973-1976 political efforts by having its leaders, Villalbos and Sánchez Cerén, bombed the Chilean and U.S embassies on October 31, 1981. In
forces with the PROCUP. PROCUP/PdlP was mainly active between Liga Comunista 23 de Septiembre (L-23), Mexico travel to Latin America to find diplomatic support. The FMLN 1982, the FPR-LZ attacked the offices of foreign businesses such as
the late 1970s and 1984, with the majority of their actions being Marxist-Leninist. The Liga Comunista 23 de Septiembre (L-23) was supported candidate Guillermo Manuel Ungo Revelo in the 1989 TACA Airlines, Air Florida and IBM. Its leader, Duarte Salgado, was
bombings. In 1984, PROCUP/PdlP kidnapped Arnaldo Martínez founded in 1973 by members of disbanded organizations such as presidential elections. Ungo was defeated and the FMLN launched captured in Guatemala in 1982. The FPR-LZ joined the Directorio
Verdugo, leader of the Mexican Communist Party. In 1990, the Movimiento de Acción Revolucionaria (MAR) and the Frente another attack on November 11, 1989. President Cristiani requested Nacional Unido- Movimientos Revolucionarios Hondureños in 1983.
PROCUP/PdlP attacked the offices of "La Jornada," a journal that Estudiantil Revolucionario (FER). Its leader, Ignacio Salas Obregón, that the United Nations organize negotiations with the FMLN after The FPR-LZ merged with other tendencies to form Partido
was critical about the group. This attack led to the arrest of leaders was not a communist; he came from a Hegelian Christian several FMLN supporters were murdered. In 1990, the FMLN agreed Renovación Patriótica. In 1991, President Rafael Leonardo Callejas
David Cabañas and Felipe Martínez Soriano, although Soriano was background. Even though the L-23 did not have ties with the U.S.S.R to have peace talks if they were mediated by the U.N. In 1991, a proposed an amnesty and the release of all political prisoners in
released in exchange for a kidnapped German diplomat. In 1991, or Cuba, its main objective was to overthrow the established system peace treaty between the FMLN and the government was signed. exchange for the group’s withdrawal from armed revolution. The
PROCUP/PdlP claimed responsibility for several bombings. In the through extremist actions and to replace it with a communist rule. The FMLN officially entered Salvadoran politics in 1992. In 2009 FPR-LZ stated that it would only withdraw if the National Intelligence
early 1990s, Martínez Soriano was arrested for the second time due Eugenio Garza Sada and the British consul were kidnapped – an Mauricio Funes of the FMLN was elected president of the country. Forces were dismantled. Leader: Efraín Duarte Salgado.
to his involvement with the PROCUP/PdlP, whose members action that hindered peace dialogues with the government. In Leaders: Mélida Anaya Montes ("Ana María"), Salvador Cayetano
functioned as hit squads for the Frente Nacional Democrático del 1976, L-23 leaders David Jiménez Sarmiento and Salas Obregón Carpío, Francisco Jovel, Shafik Jorge Handal, Ana María 1982-1993
Pueblo that Martínez Soriano led. Leaders: David Cabañas, Lucio were killed by government forces, which led to the group’s Guadalupe Martínez, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, Eduardo Sancho Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA), Peru
Cabañas and Felipe Martínez Soriano. dissolution. Its other members joined organizations such as the and Joaquín Villalobos Hueso. Castrist, Guevarist. The Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru
Communist and Trotskyist parties. Leaders: Manuel Gámez, (MRTA) was founded in 1975 by elements of the Movimiento de
1969 - mid-1970s Rosalbina Garabito, José Ángel García, Gustavo Hiroles Morán, 1980- 1997 Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR). The MRTA focused on urban
Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación (FAL), Argentina David Jiménez Sarmiento and Ignacio Salas Obregón. Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez/ Partido Comunista de Chile guerrilla actions and zonal and regional order to develop a
Marxist-Leninist, Maoist. The Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación (FAL) (FPMR/PCC), Chile socialist-based foundation. In 1982, the MRTA initiated its first attack
movement was founded in 1969 by militants who supported the 1973-1979 Marxist-Leninist. The Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez/Partido by robbing the Banco de Crédito. In 1983, the MRTA attacked the
Cuban Revolution and believed that forming an armed group New Jewel Movement (NJM), Grenada Comunista de Chile (FPMR/PCC) was originally called the Partido offices of United Press International and other news and broadcast
would be the first step toward a revolution. On April 5, 1969, the FAL Marxist-Leninist. The New Jewel Movement (NJM) was the result of Socialista de los Trabajadores (PST), but it changed its name to the organizations to proclaim their propaganda, and attacked U.S-
attacked the Campo de Mayo and army barracks, an action that the merging, in 1973, of the Movement for Assemblies of the People Partido Comunista de Chile (PCC) in 1922. The PCC believed in the based businesses, claiming that they were part of an imperialist
gained them public recognition. In 1970, the Consul of Paraguay (MAP) and the Joint Endeavor for Welfare, Education, and Liberation control of the government by the workers unions instead of by agenda. Raúl Hiraoka, son of the founder of a major Peruvian
was kidnapped in exchange for the release of two imprisoned (JEWEL). The NJM was predominantly socialist, anti-imperialist and political parties and in the establishment of a socialist government appliances chain, was kidnapped by the MRTA. Its leader, Víctor
guerrillas. Oswaldo Sandoval, head of Political Affairs of the Federal nationalist, and called for an agricultural revolution, the through peaceful actions. The PCC was banned during the military Polay, was captured and sentenced to lifetime imprisonment in
Police was assassinated by the FAL in November 1970. The FAL split nationalization of hotels, and the control of wages/prices. Grenada dictatorship of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, established in 1927. The 1992. The MRTA ceased its actions by 1993. Leaders: Félix Calderón
into various leftist organizations such as the Comandos Populares de was under the rule of Eric Gairy, an ex-oilfield worker and trade union ban was lifted in 1931. The PCC was banned three times between Olazábal, Néstor Canchari Villena, Peter Cárdenas, José del Águila
Liberación (CPL), while others joined the Montoneros. Leader: activist, but Grenada’s government did not have an electorate. 1927 and 1948. The PCC’s leader, Luis Corvalán, was elected to the Valles, Andrés Mendoza, Pedro Mires Samaniego, Ernesto Montes
Eduardo Jozami. NJM began to communicate with Cuba through the urban trade Senate in 1961 and the PCC gained popularity among the masses. Aliaga, Víctor Polay Campos, Marco Antonio Turkowsky and Luis
unions. The People's Revolutionary Army (PRA) was founded as the The PCC joined the Unidad Popular (UP) coalition, which was Varese Scotto.
1970-1977 military wing of NJM in 1976. By 1977 the NJM was influenced supported by Salvador Allende, in 1970. Allende was overthrown by
Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP), Argentina entirely by a Marxist-Leninist ideology, On March 13, 1979, the PRA General Augusto Pinochet in 1973, causing the PCC to change its 1982-1996
Trotskyist, Guevarist. The Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP) attacked army barracks, police headquarters, and police stations. ideology of peaceful struggle. The Frente Patriótico Manuel Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG),
was founded at the Fifth Congress of the Partido Revolucionario de These successful attacks led to Bishop and the NJM gaining control Rodríguez (FPMR) was founded as the armed militia of the PCC in Guatemala
los Trabajadores (PRT) to function as a guerrilla vanguard that would of the nation. Eric Gairy was able to avoid arrest, since he had left 1980. The FPMR’s leaders believed that their struggle would not Marxist-Leninist. The Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional
speed up the establishment of a socialist society. The ERP was to for New York a day before for a United Nations meeting. Leaders: succeed unless they could undermine the government's armed Guatemalteca (URNG) was founded in 1982 by the Ejército
bring an end to capitalism and unite workers for the creation of a Maurice Bishop, Kendrick Radix and Unison Whiteman. forces. The FPMR gained recognition when it denounced Pinochet’s Guerrillero de los Pobres (EGP), the Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes (FAR),
socialist economy. The ERP was strongly against the Peronists and repressive leadership through a radio station jack on March 7, 1984. the Organización Revolucionaria del Pueblo en Armas (ORPA), and
against organizations associated with Perón, such as the Fuerzas 1974-1990 On March 23, 1984, Pinochet claimed a state of emergency leading the Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo/Fuerzas Armadas
Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR). In 1971, the ERP and the FAR Movimiento 19 de Abril (M-19), Colombia to the arrest of 600 leftists and to the stronger enforcement of Revolucionarias (PGT/FAR). The URNG believed in the end of
executed Juan Carlos Sánchez, known to have suppressed protests Nationalist, Socialist, Guevarist. Former members of the Alianza anti-terrorism laws. On March 7, 1984, the FPMR launched "Operation repression, the granting of human rights to all Guatemalan citizens,
during the second “Cordobazo.” On March 21, 1972, the ERP Nacional Popular (ANAPO), the FARC and of the Communist Party Twentieth Century," aimed at assassinating Pinochet. "Operation fair representation, the resolution of economic and political differ-
kidnapped Oberdán Sallustro, head of Fiat-Concord, in order to founded the Movimiento 19 de Abril (M-19) on March 8, 1974. M-19's Twentieth Century" did not succeed; Pinochet suffered only minor ences, equality between the population of indigenous and
retrieve jobs for fired workers; they also demanded the release of goal was to achieve political reform through the establishment of a injuries from the attack. Pinochet initiated a heavy crackdown on European descent, a policy of nonalignment, and international
fifty imprisoned guerrillas and a ransom of school supplies for socialist state. The M-19 was the first guerrilla movement to establish the FPMR and forty percent of its members were captured. In 1987 it cooperation. The URNG proposed negotiation with the government
destitute children. The government rejected the negotiations and a political platform in addition to its military actions. Between 1974 separated from the PCC. The PCC called for the FPMR to reduce its of President Vinicio Cerezo in 1986. The URNG refused the condition
Sallustro was killed on April 10. On December 6, 1973, the ERP and 1979, M-19 used Robin Hood-like tactics such as distributing violent actions, but the FPMR continued its violent attacks until the of having to disarm prior to negotiations, and in 1987 it proposed
committed another major kidnapping. Robert Samuelson, general food to the poor. José Raquel Mercado, president of the Colombian election of President Patricio Aylwin in 1990. From six years the group another negotiation, which was refused. That same year, the URNG
manager of Exxon Oil Company was held and would only be Federation of Workers, was considered responsible for crimes against ceased their actions but on December 30, 1996, in a an substituted PGT-NDN for the Guatemalan Party of Labour (PGT) in its
released in exchange for fourteen million dollars. The kidnapping the working class and was killed by the M-19 in 1976. The Embassy of espectacular operation the FPMR helped Ricardo Palma leadership.The Central American Peace Accord was signed in 1987.
became the crucial element that destroyed the relationship with the Dominican Republic was occupied by the M-19 from February Salamanca, Pablo Muñoz Hoffmann, Mauricio Hernández Although negotiations began between the two parties, military
Perón’s government. The ERP was banned in September 1973. Perón 27 to April 27, 1980. Among the hostages were the ambassadors of Norambuena y Patricio Ortiz Montenegro escape from a high action increased on both sides. On December 29, 1996, a peace
had no tolerance with the ongoing violent methods of guerrilla the United States, Israel and Mexico. In 1981, President Turbay Ayala security prison. On the night of April 30, 1997 FPMR held a agreement was signed by the government and the URNG. Leader:
groups and took the initiative to destroy all guerrilla cells. The ERP signed a treaty granting amnesty to all guerrillas who withdrew from clandestine press conference in Santiago to announce it was Rolando Morán ("Ricardo Ramírez").
decided to make citizens aware of the contradictions of the armed operations. He called a truce in 1982. The truce ended in leaving the armed struggle and seeking to become a legal political
government’s system and reveal its repressive nature. In 1974, the 1983, when the military launched an attack against the M-19. On organization. Leaders: Luis Corvalán, Manuel Huerta and Luis Emilio 1986-1988
ERP formed a regional bloc with the Tupamaros, the Movimiento de March 14, 1984, the M-19 attacked a prison and released 158 Recabarren (PCC). Organización Patriótica Santamaría/ Ejército de la Democracia y la
Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), and the Ejército de Liberación prisoners. The government responded to this attack by assassinating Soberanía (OPS), Costa Rica
Nacional (ELN). The region of Tucumán was taken over by the ERP, in a former M-19 leader, Dr. Carlos Toledo Plata. The M-19 gained 1980-1991 Marxist-Leninist. The Organización Patriótica Santamaría/ Ejército
an attempt to create a socialist community. Isabel Perón signed political support by signing a cease-fire agreement with the Movimiento Popular de Liberación "Cinchoneros" de la Democracia y la Soberanía (OPS) was founded in 1985 by
"Operación Independencia," which permitted armed forces to Colombian government in 1984, but this agreement was put to an (MPL-Cinchoneros), Honduras twenty-one Costa Ricans who claimed to have ties with Libyan
eliminate the ERP in response. In 1976, leaders Santucho and end when military forces attempted to assassinate several other Marxist-Leninist. TThe Movimiento Popular de Liberación dictator Moammar Khadafy. The OPS were involved in the bombing
Urteaga were found in hiding and Santucho died during the attack. M-19 leaders. On November 6, 1985, the M-19 took over the Palace "Cinchoneros" (MPL-Cinchoneros) was a branch off of the Partido the U.S. consulate and the Centro Cultural Costarricense
Santucho's death led to the end of the ERP. Leaders: Mario Roberto of Justice and the military responded by attacking the building. This Comunista de Honduras (PCH) and was composed of former PCH Norteamericano in 1986 and 1987, respectively. The OPS ceased its
Santucho, Enrique Harold Gorriarán Merlo, José Benito Urteaga, resulted in 106 deaths. Under President Virgilio Barco's administration, members who found PCH's reformist approaches pointless. The actions in 1988. Leaders: Ricardo Araya Almanza, Livia Cordero
Juan Eliseo Ledesma, and Luis Mattini. the M-19 entered peace negotiations from 1986 until 1990. The M-19 Cinchoneros called for a “guerra popular prolongada.” The Gené, Bolívar Díaz Rojas, Germán Guendal Angulo, Francisco Guier
ended their armed actions and became a political party. Leaders: Cinchoneros hijacked a plane to free political prisoners in 1982. In Almanza and Domingo Solís.
1970-1992 Gustavo Arias, Jaime Bateman Cayón, Álvaro Fayad, León Gómez, the same year the Cinchoneros held eighty-three members of the
Fuerzas Populares de Liberación - Farabundo Martí (FPL), El Salvador Antonio Navarro Wolff, Iván Marino Ospina, Rosemberg Pabón and San Pedro Sula Chamber of Commerce hostage and demanded 1994-Present
Maoist-Castrist. The Fuerzas Populares de Liberación- Farabundo Carlos Pizarro. for the expulsion of foreign military advisers. Their demand was Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN), Mexico
Martí (FPL) was El Salvador's oldest and largest guerrilla group until rejected and the guerrillas fled to Cuba. The Cinchoneros joined the Guevarist. The Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) has
1983. Salvador Cayateno Carpio and "Ana María" Montes left the 1975-1982 Directorio Nacional Unido-Movimientos Revolucionarios a strong focus on the indigenous population. The majority of its
Partido Comunista de El Salvador (PCES) because it refused to Fuerzas Armadas de Resistencia Nacional (FARN), El Salvador Hondureños. The Cinchoneros claimed their involvement in the members are Mayan, Tzeltzal, and Tzotzil. The EZLN seized four towns
endorse rural guerrilla warfare, and formed the FPL on April 1, 1970. Marxist. The Fuerzas Armadas de Resistencia Nacional (FARN) murder of General Gustavo Álvarez Martínez, former chief of the and several villages in Chiapas on the inauguration of NAFTA,
The FPL believed in the establishment of a communist-based movement was founded in 1975 as the armed branch of the Armed Forces, in 1989. Exiled Cinchoneros members returned to January 1, 1994. President Carlos Salinas called for a ceasefire on
economy and of a “guerra popular prolongada” involving the Resistencia Nacional (RN), which was composed of dissident Honduras in 1990, when President Leonardo Callejas launched an January 13, and both sides agreed on a thirty-two-point
peasant population. The FPL’s first operation was an attack on the members of the Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP). FARN used amnesty program. Like other Honduran leftist groups, the agreement. The EZLN withdrew from negotiations due to its
Embassy of Argentina to express their solidarity with the Montoneros military revolutionary strategies based on urban terrorism and Cinchoneros began to fade away after the denouement of the skepticism towards the government. Ernesto Zedillo was elected
and the Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP). Later, the FPL supported political and mass movements as complements to Nicaraguan civil war in the spring of 1990. The leadership of the president in 1995 and launched an offensive against the EZLN. The
kidnapped Foreign Minister Mauricio Borgonovo and the South armed struggle. The FARN used kidnappings to gain funds and Cinchoneros officially renounced violence in a meeting with top Chiapas region was taken back through force and the guerrillas
African Ambassador, Archibald Gardner Dunn, in 1977 and 1979, create political impact. The FARN became one of the richest government officials in March 1991. Leader: Fidel Martínez. went into hiding. The EZLN has made communication with the rest of
respectively. Both men were killed because the FPL's ransom was not guerrilla groups through the kidnapping of foreign industrialists such Mexico and the world a high priority. The EZLN has used technology,
met. The FPL joined the Frente Farabundo Martí de Liberación as Japanese businessman, Fujio Matsumoto. The FARN joined the 1980-Present including cellular phones and the Internet, to generate
Nacional (FMLN) in 1982. The FPL’s leader Salvador Carpio Directorio Revolucionario Unificado (DRU), which called for Partido Comunista del Perú por el Sendero Luminoso del international solidarity with sympathetic people and organizations.
committed suicide for unknown reasons in 1983. After Carpio's unification with Salvadoran guerrilla groups. The DRU merged with Pensamiento de José Carlos Mariategui (Sendero Luminoso), Peru In 2002, Subcomandante Marcos assumed a more aggressive tone,
death, the FPL lost its influence amongst the FMLN, and the ERP the Frente Farabundo Martí de Liberación Nacional (FMLN) in 1982. Maoist-Mariateguista. The Partido Comunista del Perú por el and his attacks on former allies angered some of the EZLN's
gained power. Leaders: Mélida Anaya Montes ("Ana María"), Leaders: Fermán Cienfuegos, Augusto Coto, Ernesto Jovel Funes Sendero Luminoso del Pensamiento de José Carlos Mariategui supporters. Except for letters and occasional critical
Salvador Cayetano Cario and Sánchez Cerén ("Leonel González"). and Anabel Ramos. (Sendero Luminoso) was associated with the Partido Comunista del "communicados" concerning the political climate, the EZLN was
Perú-Bandera Roja (PCP-BR). Sendero Luminoso was founded in largely silent until August 2004. On June 28, 2005 the EZLN released
1971-1996 1976-1992 1970 as a break off from the PCP-BR due to ideological differences. an installment of what it called the Sixth Declaration of the
Organización Revolucionaria del Pueblo en Armas (ORPA), Partido Revolucionario de Trabajadores de Centroamérica/ Fuerzas Sendero Luminoso believed that imperialism in Peru led to a Lacandon Jungle. According to the communique, the EZLN has
Guatemala Armadas Revolucionarias de Liberación Popular (PRTC/FALP), dependency on capitalist economy, which neglected the local reflected on its history and decided that it must make changes in
Marxist, Leninist, Maoist. The Organización Revolucionaria del El Salvador population. Sendero Luminoso focused on the participation of the order to continue its struggle. Accordingly, the EZLN has decided to
Pueblo en Armas (ORPA) was founded in 1971 by Rodrigo Asturias Trotskyist, Marxist-Leninist. The Partido Revolucionario de peasantry in the fields of local literacy, farming and nutrition unite with the "workers, farmers, students, teachers, and employees...
Amado. Amado conceived this branch of the Fuerzas Armadas Trabajadores de Centroamérica (PRTC) was founded in Costa Rica assistance programs. The Ayacucho region was neglected under the workers of the city and the countryside." They propose to do so
Rebeldes (FAR) in 1971 because he believed that the FAR was racist on January 26, 1976. The PRTC was active in Honduras and the government of Velazco Alvarado, and Sendero Luminoso through a non-electoral front to talk and collectively write a new
and excluded the indigenous population of Guatemala. The ORPA Guatemala, and emerged in El Salvador in 1979. The PRTC was gained popularity by providing social services that the government constitution to establish a new political culture. In late 2006 and early
was active in the Indian Highlands, where the peasant and engaged in terrorist tactics until it joined the FMLN in 1982 and did not offer. Sendero Luminoso believed in the need for a socialist 2007, the Zapatistas, along with other indigenous peoples of the
indigenous population resided. The OPRA focused on military began to focus on peace negotiations. In 1982 the PRTC was dictatorship and in the rejection of all previous forms of government Americas, announced the Intercontinental Indigenous Encounter.
actions with the idea that there was a need for a national revolution involved in terrorist activities modeled after the Tupamaros and the through guerrilla warfare. Sendero Luminoso initiated their attacks by They invited indigenous people from all over the Americas and the
amongst the Indians. The OPRA ceased its actions from 1973 until Montoneros. The group dissolved in 1992 as a result of the peace burning ballot boxes the day before the general elections to rest of the world to gather on October 11-14, 2007 near Guaymas,
1979 and then reemerged on September 18, 1979, with the negotiations. Leaders: Fabio Castillo Figueroa, Luis Adalberto Díaz, denounce the lack of representation in the Ayacucho region. In Sonora. In the declaration for the Indigenous Intercontinental
occupation of a coffee farm in Quetzaltenango. General Efraín Ríos Ismael Dimas Aguilar, Mario González, Humberto Mendoza, Roberto March 1982, Sendero Luminoso raided an Ayacucho prison and Conference, it designated this date because of "515 years since the
Montt launched a counterinsurgency campaign, but the ORPA Roca and María Concepción Valladares. released its prisoners. Government forces responded to the attack invasion of ancient Indigenous territories and the onslaught of the
survived and joined the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional by sending armed forces into Ayacucho. President Belaúnde Terry war of conquest, spoils and capitalist exploitation." Comandante
Guatemalteca (URNG) in 1982. The signing of a final peace accord 1977-1992 declared a state of emergency in 1983. After its first National David said in an interview: "The object of this meeting is to meet one
in 1996 signaled the end of the organization. Leaders: Rodrigo Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación (FAL), El Salvador Congress in 1988, Sendero Luminoso shifted their tactics from another and to come to know one another’s pains and sufferings. It
Asturias Amado ("Gaspar Ilom") and Julia Solórzano Foppa. Marxist-Leninist. The Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación (FAL) group was guerrilla warfare to open combat. In 1990, Alberto Fujimori became is to share our experiences, because each tribe is different."
founded as the armed branch of the Partido Comunista de El president, and a third of Peru was controlled by the military. On Leader: "Subcomandante" Marcos.
1972-1992 Salvador (PCES) in 1977. The FAL used armed actions as a method to September 12, 1992, “Comrade Gonzalo” and other leaders of the ••••••••••••••
Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP), El Salvador establish a socialist state and its members received training organization were captured. Sendero Luminoso lost a significant Editor’s Note: • The focus of this newsprint is on armed groups that were/are
Maoist. The Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP) was founded by overseas in the USSR, East Germany, Bulgaria, Cuba and Nicaragua. amount of influence after these arrests. Since then factions of the explicitly leftist in their ideology and that aimed at overthrowing the government
dissident members of the Juventud Comunista (JC) radicalized In 1980, the FAL, the Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP), the group have continued active although it is now significantly and to replace it with a Marxist state. This idea was borrowed from Liza Gross’s
members of the Christian Democratic Youth and the Acción Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Nacionales (FARN) and the weakened. Leaders: Catalina Adrianzen, Julio Casanova, Antonio Handbook of Leftist Guerrilla Groups in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Cristiana intially known as El Grupo. El Grupo evolved into the ERP in Fuerzas Populares de Liberación (FPL) formed the Frente Farabundo Díaz Martínez, Abimael Guzmán ("Comrade Gonzalo"), Luis Kawata • The dates are based on these groups’ first and most significant public actions.
1972. The ERP was composed of ultra-radical members of the Martí de Liberación Nacional (FMLN). In 1986, the government Mackabe, Osmán Morote. • Each group is identified by its ideological background, namely Marxist, Castrist,
middle class and was also known to include a large number of launched “Operation Phoenix” to dislodge the guerrilla forces and etc.• The emphasis of this publication is on the years of the Cold War.
women. Violent action was the central element the ERP resorted to push them to the Honduran border. Leaders: Abel Cuenca, Max 1981-1983 ••••••••••••••
in order to overcome the established system. In 1977, the ERP Cuenca, Shafik Jorge Handal and Rigoberto López. La Familia, Costa Rica Bibliography
kidnapped Roberto Poma, president of the National Tourism Marxist-Leninist. La Familia's goal was to destroy the bourgeois state • Handbook of Leftist Guerrilla Groups in Latin America and the Caribbean, Liza
Institute, who died during his captivity. ERP's demands, however, were 1977- 1995 through the use of “guerra popular prolongada.” On May 17, 1981, Gross (in collaboration with the Council on Hemispheric Affairs), Westview Press,
met: two guerrillas were released and a ransom was paid. The ERP Partido Revolucionario de Trabajadores Centroamericanos- La Familia assaulted the Embassy of Honduras, and they also 1995.
was one of the most powerful organizations in El Salvador and it Honduras (PRTCH), Honduras attacked marines that were stationed at the U.S Embassy. On June • Guerrilla Movements in Latin America, Richard Gott, Seagull Books, 2009
joined the FMNLH in 1982. Leaders: Arquímedes Canadas, Roque Trotskyist. The Partido Revolucionario de Trabajadores 17, 1981, the police found La Familia's hideout in Mozotal de • Guerrillas and revolution in Latin America: a comparative study of insurgents
Dalton García, Mercedes del Carmen Letona, Ana María Centroamericanos-Honduras was a joint revolutionary movement Goicoechea. The group ceased to exist after the arrest of its leaders and regimes since 1956, Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley, Princeton University Press,
Guadalupe Martínez, Carlos Humberto Portillo, Sebastián Urquilla founded by El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Honduras. The in 1983. Leaders: Alejandra Bonilla, Mario Guillén García, Miguel 1993.
and Joaquín Villalobos Hueso. PRTCH launched its armed struggle in 1983, claiming the need for a Regueira and Freddy Rivera Lizano. ••••••••••••••
regional vanguard movement. The Olanco Operation was carried This is the first edition of this paper edited by artist Carlos Motta with the research
1972- 1996 out in July 1983, infiltrating one hundred Nicaraguan guerrillas into 1981-1992 assistance of Kay Saida ( and it was
Ejército Guerrillero de los Pobres (EGP), Guatemala Honduras. In 1984, the PRTCH conceived the Directorio Nacional ¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo! (AVC), Ecuador produced on the occasion of the artist’s exhibition Brief History at PS1/MoMA
Marxist. The Ejército Guerrillero de los Pobres (EGP) was founded by Unido-Movimientos Revolucionarios Hondureños, which was Marxist-Leninist, Bolivarian Panamericanists. ¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo! Contemporary Art Center, New York in June 2009.
Rolando Morán and Mario Payeras as a branch of the Fuerzas composed by Morazanistas, Cinchoneros and by members of the was named after Eloy Alfaro, who was a central figure in the ••••••••••••••
Armadas Rebeldes (FAR). The EGP emphasized the need for Fuerzas Populares Revolucionarias Lorenzo Zelaya (FPR-LZ), but there independence of Ecuador. The ¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo! (AVC) was
Guatemalan politicians and society to establish relations with the was never a joint action. After the Chapultepec Peace accords in composed by pro-Cuban, pro-Sandinista, middle and upper class This paper has no commercial value. Please take one. Copyleft 2009

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