Presbyopia Prevalence PDF
Presbyopia Prevalence PDF
Presbyopia Prevalence PDF
Presbyopia: prevalence,
impact, and interventions
Ilesh Patel Sheila K West
Research Fellow El-Maghraby Professor of Preventive Ophthalmology
Dana Center for Preventive Ophthalmology, Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University,
600 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD, USA.
The future
Further research should be conducted to
determine why women and persons who live
in urban environments have more
presbyopia. As low- and middle-income
Near vision countries undergo the demographic
testing in a rural transition towards an ageing population, the
number of people with presbyopia will
increase. The impact on quality of life for
older persons is now clear and presbyopia
should be part of the WHO refractive error
agenda. Clearly, presbyopia poses an
important public health challenge, because
related tasks. For example, research in India improvements in overall quality of life. An
it affects older people’s ability to maintain
showed that presbyopic factory workers were appreciation of the usefulness of having
their economic independence. We need to
less productive than their co-workers adequate near vision made subjects willing
start working towards effective solutions.
(personal communication with Praveen K to pay for spectacles and obtain replace-
Nirmalan, LV Prasad Eye Institute, ments if the need arose. A high proportion References
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