Power Distribution System Load Flow Usin PDF
Power Distribution System Load Flow Usin PDF
Power Distribution System Load Flow Usin PDF
Abstract—This paper presents a novel tool based on is also known as backward and forward load flow (BFLF)
Microsoft Excel for analyzing radial distribution systems. method. This method is also known as ‘feeder wise Load
New algorithms are developed to draw the network Flow’ and indeed is excellent to carry out the analysis for
diagrams graphically within the spreadsheet, once the input each feeder in the entire system. In other words, each
data is available. A 9-bus radial distribution system is feeder is treated separately as a single network.
considered for demonstrating the features of the developed
tool. Computations and results are verified with an existing A. Load Flow Studies
benchmarked tool. Network loading analysis is carried out In this method, the computations begin from the
on the sample 9-bus system and results were provided to extreme load end side of the network (from the back) and
demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of this tool. powers are calculated backwards till the source point
(usually the substation, where the HV line terminates or
Keywords-Power Distribution Networks, Radial Networks,
MS-Excel, VBA, Network Topology, Load Flow Analysis
feeds into the distribution feeder). Then voltages are
computed in the forward direction starting from the source
(HV substation node) and terminate at the far end nodes of
I. INTRODUCTION the network. After a few iterations network voltages will
Power Systems consist of High Voltage Transmission remain constant within a set tolerance just as in the case of
and Low Voltage Distribution networks. These two are HV load flow techniques. Convergence is achieved once
distinctly different from each other. Distribution networks the voltages (and angles) at all the nodes remain within the
work span more kilometers of length when compared to set tolerance limit. The detailed treatment and analysis of
their transmission counterparts. They are usually this method is not presented here to avoid repetition.
concentrated in a specific area or two, whereas HV
B. Issues with Existing Software Packages
networks connect regions which are quite apart from each
other. Distribution networks connect customers to the Several popular software solutions are commercially
power network and HV networks transport power from available such as Power System Simulator for
generation site to the distribution networks. Engineering (PSS/E), PowerWorld etc for the analysis of
Voltages, power flows and section losses are computed power networks. These applications are mainly for high
in the steady state, using the well-known technique ‘Load voltage power system studies, not necessarily for power
flow’[5]. The voltage range for power distribution distribution networks. There are several disadvantages
systems usually start from as low as 110Volts (or with the commercial software packages. Firstly, they are
220Volts) and go up to 33kV. Most distribution networks expensive and not suited for classroom learning, since
are radially operated and are characterized by higher ratio these software packages provide only the final results but
of resistance (R) to reactance (X) ratio (R/X). On the not the intermediate calculations. Secondly, these
contract, high voltage transmission networks are usually products are very complex and hence involve longer
operated in ring (or mesh) and have lesser ratio of R/X learning curves for the new users and also product
compared to distribution networks. This makes the case configuration and customization can be expensive. Most
for using separate load flow methods, which take
universities use MATLAB to teach power system studies.
advantage of the features such as mesh configuration and
low resistance of individual sections. This paper focuses However, the licensing system of MATLAB is proving to
specifically on the treatment of distribution networks using be expensive since toolboxes still have to be purchased
Microsoft-Excel. separately. Programs still require the MATLAB platform/
application for execution.
C. Use of Spreadsheets in Power System Studies
Several load flow methods have been proposed for
On the contrary to using the commercial applications,
distribution networks, but this paper uses the popular
spreadsheet based solutions are very promising as such
method that was proposed by Haque[3], and this technique
In fact, many applications have been developed for Figure 1. Front Cover with the Main Menu.
power system studies, but mostly for High Voltage Power
System Studies[1,2,4,7]. Lau and Kuruganty[2] provided TABLE I. BUS DATA OF 9 BUS SYSTEM
a lucid treatment of theory, algorithms and even
spreadsheet implementation. Their implementation used Load( Load Voltage
kW) (kVAR) (kV)
cell formulae and only two methods – Gauss-Seidel and 1 0 0 12
N-R methods have been presented. Then Sastry and 2 0 0 12
Ricardo[1] presented a single spreadsheet based solution 3 17 12.5 12
for the three popular iterative (Gauss-Seidel, Newton- 4 17 12.5 12
5 17 12.5 12
Raphson, Fast Decoupled NR) and non-iterative (DC) 6 17 12.5 12
load flow methods. This specific contribution provides 7 17 12.5 12
interactive screens for user inputs, detailed load flow 8 17 12.5 12
output, and even a comparative analysis of all the 9 17 12.5 12
methods. However, this contribution mainly focuses on
HV power system studies, but not on distribution
networks. Line From To Bus Length R/kM X/kM
No Bus (kM)
2 2 3 1.49 0.1 0.085
FLOW 3 2 4 1 0.1 0.085
Our MS-Excel sheet is very simple, user-friendly and 4 3 5 0.86 0.1 0.085
does not require any specialized learning. The front sheet 5 3 6 1.27 0.1 0.085
6 4 7 1.53 0.1 0.085
of the file presents the main menu with various options to 7 7 8 0.59 0.1 0.085
the users such as data input, output, generate the load flow 8 7 9 0.78 0.1 0.085
output and to view the network connectivity. A screen 1 1 2 1.4 0.1 0.085
shot of the front cover with the main menu is shown in
Figure 1.
B. Implementation of Forward and Backward Load
A. Input Flow
BFLF (or any distribution load flow technique) Data is provided in the MS-Excel document, in the
requires line parameters such as resistance per kilometer, ‘Input’ sheet. BFLF is implemented using the VBA using
reactance per kilometer, charging admittance, and length a series of functions and stored in the same document.
of the line etc. Usually this data is provided in terms of When users click the button ‘Execute Load Flow’, then
the well-known ‘from-bus’, ‘to-bus’ format. Then node the corresponding VBA function goes through the input
data consists of load details at each node. For the purpose data and computes the solution over iterations.
of demonstration, a sample 9-bus radial distribution is
considered to explain the implementation of BFLF and
C. Output built, Bus 6 and 7’s data position may have been re-
The intermediate results are written to a sheet called ordered and as such, we would have lines crossing each
‘Run time’, so that users can go through the values for other unnecessarily. The relative horizontal spacing
verification purposes. The final results are provided in ensures proper ordering to eliminate crossing lines and
the sheet ‘Output’, in terms of nodal voltages, power ensure a neater view.
losses and flows in all the sections of the network.
D. Single Line Diagram BEGIN
There are two types of single line diagrams – simple line
diagram with horizontal and vertical lines showing the
Get Number of levels in tree
network connectivity; the other one is the vector diagram
which can be modified to represent the physical layout of
the network (however, this requires further editing and Calculate width of tree (widest portion, i.e
processing) to match the GPS coordinates. greatest number of nodes)
being run on, the values for the x and y resolution (say
1024 by 768) are found by a standard system call.
Using these values, the real positions as in x and y on
the actual screen are calculated (for example the first
node is positioned at 320, 20 – midpoint of the screen
and at the top since it is the first node).
Figure 8. Comparison of kW flow in each section of 9-bus system with
different LF techniques
Figure 6. Single Line Diagram for the 9-bus system, when some
sections switched-off
A. Utility Engineers calculations. Furthermore, with some tweaking, students
The utility distribution system will have several can set their convergence criteria and look at the
substations and each substation will have several feeders performance of different load flow iterative methods,
with appropriate names. Since each feeder needs to be based on different loading schemes. This approach gives
analyzed separately, this excel sheet should be made the student an appreciation for the real-world
multiple copies with different names reflecting the names consequences to some of the engineering choices made.
of the feeders to avoid confusion. Then the data of the
feeder needs to be transferred into the ‘Input’ sheet and
then simply execute the load flows to see the output. A simple, yet novel tool based on MS-Excel for power
Planning studies can be done as needed by varying the distribution network analysis is presented. The BFLF
length of the lines, R and X values of the lines (for method is implemented using VBA in MS-Excel platform.
different types of conductors) and of course for different The network is drawn automatically to provide
loading conditions. The output is available in each case in connectivity between the nodes in two standard formats to
the ‘Output’ sheet for further, necessary processing as assist the users in understanding the topography of the
needed. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this tool, the network. The computations are successfully
load on the 9-bus system is varied from base value to 10 benchmarked for the verification of accuracy, with a
times the base value, in multiples of two. The variation of similar, properly benchmarked excel application. The
the voltage at all the buses is shown in figure 11. For results are satisfactory. From the discussion, it can be seen
instance, the line for 4x corresponds to four times the that this tool can be effectively used by both utility
original load at every bus. engineers for planning studies and by students for learning
[1] M.K.S. Sastry and Ramkhelawan, Ricardo B. (2012) "Power
System Load Flow Analysis using Microsoft Excel," Spreadsheets
in Education (eJSiE): Vol. 6: Iss. 1, Article 1.
[2] Lau, Mark A. and Kuruganty, Sastry. (2008). “Spreadsheet
Implementations for Solving Power-Flow Problems.” Electronic
Journal on Spreadsheets in Education (eJSiE), Vol.3: Iss. 1, No. 3
[3] Haque, H. (1996), “Efficient load flow method for distribution
systems with radial or mesh configuration”, IEEE Proc on
Generation, Transmission, Distribution, 143(1): 33 – 38
[4] Xu, W., Lui, Y. Koval, D. and Lipsett, M.A. (1999). “Using
Spreadsheet Software as a Platform for Power System Analysis”,
Figure 11. Voltage variation of 9-bus system for different loadings IEEE Transactions on Computer Applications in Power.
[5] D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath (2008),“Modern Power System
Analysis” New York, McGraw Hill.
[6] IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) Std
B. Classroom Teaching 399-1997. IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial and
Iterative methods for load-flow calculations are Commercial Power Systems Analysis.
normally taught using a sample distribution network, [7] N. D. Rao and N. Y. Haddad, “Typical Applications of New
Generation Spreadsheets To Power System Problems”, IEEE
alongside the generic equations governing each iterative Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 1991, pp. 159-162.
step. While the proposed tool helps to bring across the [8] Microsoft (2013), “System requirements for Office 2010”,
general idea, it is generally intensive for students to http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee624351.aspx; Last
manually calculate by hand for the entire network and Accessed November 2013.
analyze results at each step consistently. It also makes it [9] Gutierrez, J.F.; Bedrinana, M.F.; Castro, C.A. (2011), “Critical
tedious and error-prone to check for convergence. comparison of robust load flow methods for ill-conditioned
Our load flow excel sheet developed can assist in systems”, IEEE Int. Conf on Power System Technology
(POWERCON), Trondheim , Norway
students’ understanding, by allowing students to quickly
manipulate the data given, visualize how the network
looks (diagrams generated) and have a sense of the results
of the calculations at each step involved (runtime values).
These results may also be used verify the hand