Introductory Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
Introductory Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
Introductory Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
Introductory Physics:
Electricity and Magnetism
r dq
Electric field from the point charge: dE = k
= ∫ dE
Electric field from all point charges: E
E = ∫k 2
E = σ/2εo E = σ/εo
In the figure, showing a uniform field, note how potential decreases as you go
to the right. The potential doesn’t change if you go up or down. Also, notice
that since E = 25 V/m, you drop 25 volts for each meter traveled to the right.
Recap: Lecture #11 Electric potential
For a uniform electric field, we have:
∆V ∆V ∆V
Ex = − Ey = − Ez = −
∆x ∆y ∆z
So, for example, given two locations along the x-axis we can determine
the x-component of the electric field (in volts/meter) by measuring the
potential difference between those two locations (in volts) and the
distance between them (in meters).
If the electric field is not uniform, we must use:
∂V ∂V ∂V
Ex = − Ey = − Ez = −
∂x ∂y ∂z
From these relations we conclude that a non-zero electric field
requires the electric potential to vary spatially.
We can use equipotentials to visualize the variation of
potential in space. An equipotential line (or surface)
connects points in space that have the same potential.
• Adjacent equipotentials should always differ by the
same voltage difference (10 volts, for example).
• Equipotential lines are spaced more closely together
where the electric field is stronger AND
they are always perpendicular to the field lines.
• Conductors are equipotentials THUS
electric field lines near a 30v
20v 10v 0v
perpendicular to its
E <E
surface!!! A B
Recap: Lecture #13 Capacitors
A battery can be used to “pump” charge from one conductor
to another. A pair of conductors used in this way is called a
capacitor. parallel plate
capacitor +q
The charge q on
either plate is
given by: ∆V -q
-q capacitor
q = C ∆V
in parallel. ∆V ∆V
C1 C2 C3 Ce
∆V = ∆V1 = ∆V2 = ∆V3 True for any set of components in parallel !!!
q e = q1 + q 2 + q3 Ce = C1 + C2 + C3
Capacitors in series. C1
∆V C2 ∆V
1 1 1 1
qe = q1 = q2 = q3 = + +
Ce C1 C2 C3
We haven’t derived this yet.
Recap: Lectures #13-15 Parallel and Series.
Components in parallel have to have the same voltage.
Components in series have to share the same current.
The current (flow of charge) onto or off a capacitor is zero at steady
state, but while the current is charging there is a current so you can
follow the current flow to help you determine if two caps are in
Notice that the two statements above apply to any component, not
just capacitors.
A third option is that two components will neither be in series or in
parallel. This is usually the case.
C1 R2
The electric field inside a conductor when its charges are at rest
(electrostatic case) is zero. When a current
r r
flows through a conductor,
there is an electric field, given by: E = ρ J
J is the current density. If the current is uniform: J = i/A.
The direction of J is the same as the current. ρ is the resistivity.
It is a property of the medium and has units (V/A) m = Ω m.
These are components designed to resist the flow of current. They are
characterized by a “resistance” such that R = V/i (in Ω) or V = iR.
P = iV (in general!) PR = i2R = V2/R (for resistors)
Recap: Lecture #17 Multiloop Circuits
Resistors in combination: Parallel.
ie = i1 + i2 + i3 V R1 R2 R3
Ve = V1 = V2 = V3
1 1 1 1
= + +
Re R1 R2 R3 V Re
ie = i1 = i2 = i3 V
Ve = V1 + V2 + V3 R2 V Re
Re = R1 + R2 + R3 R3
VB ∆V = +VB R ∆V = -iR
VB ∆V = -VB R ∆V = +iR
Red arrows indicate your Blue arrows indicate the
step direction as you “walk” current direction.
around a loop.
Recap: Lecture #18 Problem solving
We looked at this circuit and started by iy R3 Q
identifying the currents. Currents go
R0 i1 i3 i2
between adjacent nodes. Some are R2 R4 i4
identified in the figure. E1 E2
E1 = 10V, E2 = 20V
i4 was found by inspection: i4 = E2/R4. R0 = R1 = R2 = 100 Ω.
R3 = 300 Ω, R4 = 400 Ω.
i3 was found using the loop rule and the R3 Q
loop in blue. R0 i1 i3 i2
R2 R4 i4
i2 was found using the node rule and E1 E2
node Q. P
We decided the best way to get iy was to R3 Q
We solve this class of problem by “walking” from location P to Q
keeping track of the potential changes found along the way. Any path
from P to Q will do, although it is easier to walk over batteries rather
than resistors.
I’ll use the purple path. We start at iy R3 Q
point P and thus at potential VP. Our R0 i1 i3 i2
potential changes as we walk towards R2 R4 i4
E1 E2
Q. When we get to Q, our potential is
VP - ixR1 + E2 = VQ
VQ - VP = E2 - ixR1
We need ix. ix = E1/(R1 + R2) = 1/20 A.
VQ - VP = 20V - (1/20A)(100Ω) = 20V - 5V = 15V.
Location Q is at higher potential than location P.
Recap: Lecture #19 RC Circuits
When a capacitor charges, electrons are e
pumped from one plate to the other. Effectively,
this is no different than a current flowing
through the capacitor in the opposite direction.
q=0 q=0
Vc = 0
E C E = E
E C E = E
Vc = E
(in this case)
Recap: Lecture #21-22 Magnetic force
From the demonstrations it appears we must conclude:
• A non-contact force can exist between currents, and
it’s not the gravitational or electric force.
• A force can exist between a magnet and a current.
We guessed (correctly, it turns out) that the force
between currents is also magnetic.
Currents generate magnetic fields and magnetic fields
can exert forces on other currents.
We’ll consider the way in which currents generate
magnetic fields later. For now, we simply accept that they
exist. What force do they exert? Start with the simplest
situation: A moving point charge in a uniform field.
q The magnitude of the force is given by:
B F = qvB sinθ
r r r
Now, since we have: F = q v × B we see immediately that:
• The force is zero for stationary charges.
• The force is zero if the velocity vector is parallel (or anti-
parallel) to the field.
• The force is perpendicular to both the velocity vector
and the field.
• The force on a positive charge is opposite in direction to
the force on a negative charge.
Finally, if we have a straight wire carrying a current, the
r r r
force on the wire due to a magnetic field is: F = i L × B .
L is a vector that describes the wire: L is the length of
the wire that is in the magnetic field and the direction is
the same as the current. B
Recap: Lecture #24 Ampere’s Law.
RHR for currents generating a magnetic field!!!!! Current out of the
page (note symbol)
Magnetic field lines circle around currents. Grasping
the current with your right hand and your thumb in the
direction of the current, your fingers give the direction
of the field lines.
r r Field lines
This last result requires the chain-rule in the last step. To go further, you
will need θ(t). For the case where the loop rotates uniformly with period T,
(or frequency f = 1/T) we have: θ(t) = 2π t/T = 2πf t, θ in radians.
Recap: Lecture #27 Lenz’s Law
For the problems we’ll look at, use Faraday’s Law to get the
magnitude of the EMF. Use Lenz’s Law to determine which
way the EMF is oriented (or which way it will try to drive a
Lenz’s Law: The EMF generated will always try to drive a
current that opposes the change in flux. Lenz’s Law is a
consequence of the conservation of energy.
B is decreasing
Example. The flux through the
loop is out-of-the-page and
decreasing. We know there will
wire loop
be an induced current, but cw or
ccw? B
Since B is
Well, the induced current will decreasing the
induced current will
generate it’s own magnetic field flow ccw (counter-
in addition to the external field clockwise).
wire loop
B. Let’s call this new field Bind.
From Lenz’s Law it must be B
B induced
Inside the loop formed by the rails and rod, we have an increasing flux into-
the-page so Bind will be out-of-the page. This requires that the induced current
flow ccw (counter-clockwise). Thus, the induced current flows upwards
through the rod. Because of this current, there will be a magnetic force on the
rod to the left. Fext must cancel this force since the rod moves at constant speed.
dΦ B d dA
E=N = ( AB cos θ ) = B
dt dt dt
Comments: N = 1 because the loop only has 1 turn. B is a constant and comes out of
the derivative. θ is the angle between the normal to the loop surface and the field
and is either 0o or 180o for our problem, so the cosine is either 1 or -1. (We only
want the magnitude of E at this point, so we don’t care about signs.)
To take the derivative, I need an expression for the area. Let x be the distance
the rail has traveled. Then A = Lx (length times width).
dA d dx
= ( Lx ) = L = Lv
dt dt dt
The rest follows:
E = BLv i = E / R = BLv / R
Fext = FB = iLB sin θ = ( BLv / R ) LB sin 90o = B 2 L2v / R
r r r
Put in the numbers to see what’s possible. This comes from F = iL × B . So here
“θ” is the angle between L (the
current direction in the rod) and B .