Research Article
Research Article
Research Article
1 : 10 – 18
ISSN-p : 2338-9427
DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm28iss1pp10
Research Article
challenging not only for clinician but also MATERIALS AND METHODS
researchers in drug discovery and development. Plant materials
Currently, effective drugs that stimulate liver Root bark of plant used in this study was
function that can protect the liver from injury obtained from several population of C. serratum
or regenerate liver cells are not available in the growing in Imogiri Subdistrict, Bantul District,
market (Chattopadhyay, 2003). Therefore, Yogyakarta. The species was authenticated by
the availability of alternative drugs to treat the Departement of Pharmaceutical Biology
liver diseases is needed. Some Indonesian Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
medicinal plants have been used traditionally Yogyakarta. A voucher specimen had been
to treat liver diseases for a long time. Some deposited at the same department.
of them were proven to have hepatoprotective
activity such as Curcuma longa (Baxia et al., Extract preparation
2013; Singh et al., 2012; Somchit et al., 2005), The C. serratum root barks were air-dried
Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Devaraj et al., 2014; at the room temperature (25-30°C). The dried
2010), Zingiber officinale (Bardi et al., 2013; Lebda root barks were then chopped in order to
et al., 2013; Atta et al., 2010), Phyllanthus niruri obtain small size and pulverized by using
(Harish and Shivanandappa, 2006; Chatterjee Retsch Muhle brand machine before extraction
et al., 2006) and Andrographis paniculate at the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biology,
(Nagalekshmi et al., 2011; Rajalakshmi et al., Universitas Gadjah Mada. Powdered plant
2012). material was graded and extracted by
Clerodendrum serratum L. Moon, with local maceration method using n-hexane and ethyl
name senggugu, is one of medicinal plants that acetate. The extract of ethyl acetate was then
has been used traditionally in India, China, filtered and the filtrate was evaporated to
Thailand, Korea, Japan and Indonesia to dryness using a rotary vacuum evaporator to
treat several illness such as syphilis, typhoid, obtain ethyl acetate fractions for in vivo
cancer, jaundice, hypertension, asthma, hepatoprotective activity testing.
bronchitis, and cough (Shrivastava and Patel, Experimental animals
2007; Heyne, 1950). Senggugu has been reported Male albino Wistar rats with 150-200g
to possess several biological activities including BW and aged 12 weeks were obtained from the
anticancer, antinociceptic, anti-inflammatory, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
antipyretic (Narayanan et al., 1999; Wahyono, Rats were maintained under standard animal
2001), antifertility (Julaeha et al., 2013), husbandry conditions (25±2°C, with humidity
mucolytic (Wahyono, 1998), tracheospasmolytic 40-70%, 12h dark/12h light cycle) and allowed
(Wahyono, 2004), antioxidant and antibacterial access to standard laboratory food and water ad
(Prasad et al., 2012). libitum. The protocol of this study has been
Our previous study showed that approved by the Research Ethics Committee,
ethyl acetate fraction of C. serratum L. Moon the Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory,
(EAFCS) root bark had in vitro antioxidant Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta (No.
activity to scavenge DPPH radical with IC50 457/KEC-LPPT/IV/2016).
of 30.968±0.686µg/mL (Nasrudin, 2015).
Furthermore, the hepatoprotective activity In vivo hepatoprotective activity testing
of the ethanol extract of C. serratum root Hepatoprotective activity test was
has also been reported (Vidya et al., 2007). performed according to the previous study
In this study, we reported that the conducted by Gomes et al. (2011). Thirty-six
hepatoprotective activity of the EAFCS rats were randomly divided into 6 groups of 6
root bark in rats induced by carbon rats in each group. Group 1 as normal control
tetrachloride (CCl4). Moreover, the effect of the was given 0.5% Na-CMC. Group 2 as negative
fraction on oxidative stress status of rats was control were induced by CCl4. Group 3 as
also reported. positive control was induced by CCl4 after given
silymarin at a dose of 100mg/Kg.BW in 0.5% used for analysis of oxidative stress parameters
Na-CMC orally. Group 4-6 as treatment groups Including MDA (malondialdehyde), GSH
were induced by CCl4 after given ethyl acetate (glutathione) and CAT (catalase) (Pareek et al.,
extract fraction at dose of 25; 50 and 2013).
100mg/Kg BW in 0.5% Na-CMC orally, Liver MDA levels were measured
respectively. The silymarin and ethyl acetate according to Singh et al. (2008). As much
extract fraction were given once daily for 7 as 0.5mL of liver supernatant was added 2.0mL
days. The CCl4 induction was performed of cold HCl (0.25N) containing 15% TCA,
intraperitoneally at dose of 1mL/Kg.BW on TBA 0.38%, and 0.5% BHT. The mixture was
day 8th. On day 9th rats were anesthetized with heated at 80°C for one hour. Once cooled, the
ketamine 60mg/Kg.BW intramuscularly and mixture was centrifuged at 3500 rpm
blood sample was drawn by retro-orbital for 10min. The absorbance of the supernatant
puncture. The blood samples were placed at was measured at 532nm. Tetraethoxypropane
room temperature for 30min and then (ETP) was used as the standard solution.
centrifuged (2000g, 10min) to separate the The activity of GPx enzyme was
serum. The serum samples were collected and determined as follows: 200µL of 10mM
stored in vacutainer vials at -4°C temperature reduced glutathione (GSH) and 200µL of
until analysis. At the end of the experiment, rats glutathione reductase enzyme (2.4 units) were
were sacrificed under deep anesthesia by incubated at 37°C for 10min and added by
inhalation of diethyl ether and then the 200µL of 1.5nM NADPH. The mixture was
abdominal incision was made. Livers were incubated again at 37°C for 3min, followed by
removed from the rats and immediately washed addition of 200µL of 1.5nM H2O2. The
with salt (0.9% sodium chloride) in cold absorbance was measured by using spectro-
conditions. The liver tissues were dried and photometer at 340nm. The enzyme activity was
weighed as much as 100 mg (10%) for analysis calculated based on following formula:
of oxidative stress parameters (Pareek et al., Abs X Vt X 2 X 1000 X 1/mg Protein
2013). M unit of GSH-Px =
6,22 X Vs
Table I. The effect EAFCR root bark on liver functions of rats after CCl4 induction
Group of treatment*
(U/L) (U/L) (U/L) (mg/dL) (g/dL)
215.06± 96.46± 206.11± 0.75± 7.29±
Na-CMC (1.0mL/Kg.BW)
188.16 192.28 116.89 0.11 0.42
716.13± 644.72± 761.26± 1.06± 5.85±
CCl4 (1.0mL/Kg.BW)
116.56 137.57 312.80 0.14 0.51
315.12± 303.66± 255.08± 0.68± 7.05±
Silymarin (100mg/Kg.BW)
190.80a 137.84a 90.92a 0.10a 0.76a,b
690.05± 665.22± 564.38± 0.91± 6.14±
EAFCR (25mg/Kg.BW)
263.17 169.85 176.58 0.07 0.43
838.42± 656.70± 426.67± 0.79± 5.95±
EAFCR (50mg/Kg.BW)
184.42 184.59 82.34 0.06 0.45
528.34± 275.71± 277.70± 0.72± 7.10±
EAFCR (100mg/Kg.BW)
154.37a 146.23a 41.28a 0.08a 0.33a,b
EAFCR: ethyl acetate fraction of C. serratum root barks; *Data was presented as mean ± SD from 5 rats of
each group (n = 5); SGOT: serum glutamic oxaloacetic; SGPT: serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase; ALP:
alkaline phosphatase; BRN: biliubin; TP: total protein. asignificantly different compared to CCl4 and Na-
CMC groups (p <0.05); bnot significantly different compared to Na-CMC group (p>0.05)
Table II. The effect of EAFCS root barks on stress oxidative status of rats after CCl4 induction
Group of treatment MDA (nmol/g) GPx (U/mg) CAT (U/mL)
Na-CMC (1.0mL/Kg.BW) 2.75±0.19 72.91±0.92 6.61±0.23
CCl4 (1.0mL/Kg.BW) 9.15±0.47 11.35±0.32 1.66±0.22
Silymarin (100mg/Kg.BW) 3.68±0.38a 57.83±0.85a 5.46±0.27a
EAFCS (25mg/Kg.BW) 7.53±0.24a 15.98±0.39a 2.43±0.09a
EAFCS (50mg/Kg.BW) 5.35±0.23a 48.71±2.23a 4.33±0.15a
EAFCS (100mg/Kg.BW) 3.39±0.14a 58.70±0.51a 5.59±0.32a
EAFCS: ethyl acetate fraction of C. serratum root barks; *Data was presented as mean ± SD from 5 rats of
each group (n = 5); MDA: malondialdehide; GPx: glutathione peroxidase; CAT: catalase; asignificantly
different compared to CCl4 and Na-CMC groups (p <0.05).
1989). The decrease of GPx and CAT after of roots bark of this plant has been proven to
CCl4 induction also indicated the occurrence of possess antioxidant activity through the DPPH
liver damage. It the present study we free radical scavenging activity with an IC50
demonstrated the effectiveness of the ethyl value of 30.968±0.686µg/mL (Nasrudin, 2015).
acetate fraction of EAFCS barks in the Bhujbal et al. (2009) reported that ethanolic
recovering reduced GPx and CAT levels and to extract of the C. serratum Linn roots possessed
prevent tissue disorders and injuries. antioxidant activity through the DPPH free
The decrease in the level of lipid radical scavenging activity, reducing power
peroxidation and the increase in GPx and CAT assay and scavenging of hydrogen peroxide.
levels might be due to the potent antioxidant The IC50 value of the ethanolic extract
activity of C. serratum L. Moon. Studies compared with ascorbic acid as control through
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