Asking and Giving Opinion

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Asking and Giving Opinion

Dr. Febriyantina Istiara, M.Pd

- Agreeing, Disagreeing and Interrupting –

In business we typically must be more diplomatic than Dirty Harry,

but we have all had managers and bosses about that difficult!
Our goal here though, is to be more tactful, but yet still
express our opinions and sometimes, even strong disagreement.

General opinions, agreements or disagreements typically follow these structures:

General Opinion Agreeing Disagreeing

I think . . . I agree. I wish I could agree, but I can’t.

I would prefer . . . I think so too. I’m sorry, I don’t agree . . .

In my opinion, . . . I think you are right. Yes, but . . .

Personally, . . . I’m afraid I disagree . . .

I disagree . . .

It might be better if . . .

I’m not so sure about that . . .

That could be a problem, . . .

Example Dialog 1 [in a meeting]:

A: So, relocating our office to the city center would help improve our business?
B: It might be better if we just stayed here. Our clients know where to find us and
parking is much easier here.
C: I think you are right. Personally, I don’t think our clients want the hassles of
going downtown.
A: I would prefer staying here, but our survey of clients said that a downtown
location would be much easier for them.
Activity 1:
Using the structures and example dialog on the previous page and the information on the table
below, work with a partner expressing opinions, agreement and disagreement about the issues.

Issue Agree Disagree

1. Raising prices to increase Prices are elastic* right Prices are already too
cash flow now, sales will continue high. People will quite
regardless of a rise in buying our products and
prices go to our competitors.
Redesigning our Our customers are
2. electronic A new look and new func- familiar
dictionary to increase tions for the dictionary with our product. If we
sales would increase sales change it too much, sales
will go down. A change in
design and functions will
raise costs, too.
Opening a new sales It will make it easier for
3. office our It will only reduce sales for
on the other side of town customers to buy our this office and increase
products our costs.
4. Having a big sale for A sale will lower the price The price is already very
good. Sales won’t
Christmas to increase and many more people will increase
sales buy our product and will only make less
* elastic means flexible

B. Interrupting to give your Opinion

Use the following phrases when needed to interject your opinion into a discussion.

 Polite Phrases for Interrupting, Correcting, and Disagreeing

 I’m sorry to interrupt, but . . . (more polite)
 Excuse me, but . . . (less polite)
 I’m sorry, but to the best of my understanding . . . (more polite)
 Actually, I don’t think that is right . . . (less polite)
 I am afraid I disagree. I think . . .
C. Asking for Opinions
Use the following phrases to ask for opinions.
Asking for Opinions
 What do you think?
 How about you, John?
 Would you agree, Munir?
 Does anyone else have an opinion on this?
 Are there other ideas about this?
 How about some fresh thinking on this issue?

D. Strengthening an Opinion or Statement

Precede your opinions or statements with these phrases to make them stronger.
Strengthening Opinions and Statements
 I really think . . .
 I’m quite sure . . .
 I strongly believe . . .
 We really must . . .

Example Dialog 2 [Dialog 1 continuing . . . in red]:

A: I would prefer staying here, but our survey of clients said that a downtown
location would be much easier for them.
B: I’m sorry to interrupt, but I quite disagree, I really think they were saying it was easier for
them to come here. Does anyone else have an opinion on this? John?
D: I thought the survey was inconclusive - there just wasn’t enough information. But I am quite
sure no one is looking for all the parking problems being downtown would pre-sent.
E: To the best of my understanding our three biggest clients have their offices downtown and
I’m quite sure they would prefer just walking over to our office rather than having to drive
across town as they do now . . .
Activity 2:
Using the structures and example dialogs on the previous three pages,
work with a partner expression opinions, agreement and disagreement about the issues.Use the
suggest phrases to interrupt your partner and to strengthen your opinion.Use your own
information and opinion about your company as the basis for your dialogs.Work around the
room and talk with several other students.
11. Supporting your Opinions
Expressing Advantages and Disadvantages:
“Pros and Cons”
To best support your opinions in discussion, you will need to add supporting information and
advantages, and note disadvantages to opposing positions.
The structure of supporting your opinions follows this pattern:

State your Opinion + Support + Support

add more
for or against + add information + information
I agree, in my opinion . . . + support + support
I don’t agree, I think . . . + first point + point

In the Example Dialog notice the words that connect the supporting points:
they are in red.
Example Dialog:
A: The board has suggested opening our first overseas office in Panama City. The
purpose of this meeting is to ask your opinions on the issue.
B: Opinion: I think It might be better if we looked at Pusan, Korea. Support: Office space and
housing costs for our staff would be about half the price of Panama City, and (support) the
population base of potential customers is much larger. Even more Support: Another point
is that the Korean regulatory system is more supportive of new businesses.
C: Opinion: I think Korea might be a problem. Support: None of our staff speak Korean and
(support) we have a good number of staff who are fluent in Spanish and operate
comfortably in that environment. Even More Support: In addition, Panama City is in the
same time zone as here and only a few hours flying time.
A: Well, I can see that we have some differing opinions here. I think that we probably need to
study the points that both of you have made. The language issue is certainly important and
so is the fact that it is much closer and much easier to get to Panama from here. The costs
of language training, transportation and communication are also important considerations.
Connecting words: Connecting your Supporting Points
 And . . . as well
 In addition . . .
 Another point is . . .
 Another consideration is . . .
 Another thing . . .
 I should also add that . . .

Integrated Activity 1:
Using the structures and example dialogs in this and the previous sections use the information in the
table below to agree and disagree as noted using the points given.

The CEO has suggested that the sales team expand overseas. She feels
that there is a huge market in other countries that could easily double or
triple our sales.
She has asked me to seek your opinions on this issue.

Opinion 1st Support 2nd Support Connecting

1. Disagree We have not yet Shifting our focus over- and
politely maximized our sales seas will be distracting
here and hurt our perform-
ance here

2. Agree strongly Our sales peaked a An overseas market In addition . . .

year ago, it is time would give us an oppor-
we started looking tunity to test new prod-
elsewhere to in- ucts, before trying them
crease our sales here

3. Disagree We are all already The extra work will burn And another
strongly working 60 hours a us out and create turn- thing is that . . .
week and more! over, our experienced
staff will quit
Activity 2
Working with a partner, use the table below to discuss the suggested issues. Give your opinions,
agree and disagree, and provide at least two points of sup-port for each opinion.
Our company should . . .
 Raise prices by at least 20% for our products and/or services
 Open another office on the other side of the city
 Reduce the number of staff, but pay everyone more
 Expand into other countries in which we are not yet present

Activity 3:
Working with a partner, create your own issues for your company. They can be real or
imaginary.Give your opinions, agree and disagree, and provide at least two points of support for
each opinion.
Conversation Cards
How to give personal opinions and how to express hesitation
Cut up the cards and give one set to each group to work on giving opinions, and
expressing hesitation.

The best way to

improve your speaking
What is your opinion on skills is to speak
buying a house or English everyday at What is your point of
renting a house in home. What do you view on drinking
Winnipeg? think? alcohol in the park?

What is the most

important information
What are the most What are the top three that you would like to
important things that things at work that new share with new
Canadian government immigrants need to immigrants in
needs to do right now? know about? Winnipeg?

Can you spank kids in

your home country? Do you think drinking
Do you think it is legal and smoking should be What is your personal
to spank kids in banned in Canada, and opinion on …?
Canada? why?
Gambit Cards for giving personal opinions

I think … I think it …
In my mind, …

As far as I am I believe … Personally, I think …


It seems to me
In my humble
Yes. I agree. I think

Gambit Cards for expressing hesitation

Well, let me think

Well, um I really
Um, I’m not so sure about it and I’ll get
don’t know what
back to you later…
… to say

Well, that is a
I will have to difficult question to
I don’t know how
think about it…. answer….
should I put it…

I have nothing to
Well, um I am
not sure how to comment on it.
Um, a tough
describe it …
question for me ….
Expressing Opinion
Test your understanding of the video lesson by answering these questions:

1. If you _______ me, it is better to live in cities than towns.

 tell
 believe
 question
 ask

2. __________ seems to me that parents are the best teachers.

 That
 It
 This
 I

3. Choose the word that emphasizes that you really disagree.

I __________ disagree that money is the only way to define success.
 sort of
 somewhat
 strongly
 kind of

4. "I think" is an opinion expression you should use as much as possible on the IELTS.
 true
 false

5. "To be honest", "if you ask me", and "personally speaking" are good opinion expressions to
use when you write an essay.
 true
 false

These are expressions used in speech.

6. _____________ many people think that same-sex schools are a bad idea, I hold the opposite
 Although
 Despite

7. As far as I'm _____________, physical exercise should be a mandatory part of every school
 concerned
 believing
 thinking
 inclined

8. "I totally agree", "I absolutely agree", and "I completely agree" can be used in speech to mean
"strongly agree".
 true
 false
9. When you express your opinion, it is good to contrast it to the opinions of others. Which of the
answers is an example of this?
 Although some people may disagree, it appears to me that...
 Although some people agree, it appears to me that..

10. You are likely to get a better mark on the IELTS and TOEFL if you show the degree of
certainty of your opinion when agreeing or disagreeing with a statement. Which words are
examples of this?
 although, however
 somewhat, strongly
 to be honest, personally speaking

Giving your opinion

Look at the following ways to describe your opinion.
Notice how we can vary the strength of our opinion.

A) Remaining neutral
 "I think (that)."
 "I feel (that)."
 "In my opinion"
 "As far as I'm concerned"
 "As I see it"
 "In my view"
 "To my mind"
 "Well, if you ask me I’d say …” (fam.).
B) Expressing a strong opinion
 I'm absolutely convinced that."
 "I'm sure that."
 "I strongly believe that."
 "I have no doubt that."
 "I firmly believe that."
 "Without a shadow of a doubt, I’m for / I'm against this issue."
C) Asking someone to share their opinion with you
 "What do you think?"
 "What's your view?"
 "How do you see the situation?"
 "What do you reckon?”(fam.).
 "How do you see things?"
 "I’ interested in what X has to say. Let’s hear him / Let’s hear her out."

To agree or not to agree – That is the question!
In many everyday situations, whether at work or home people will be asked to give their opinion. This
may also involve agreeing or disagreeing with colleagues and friends around you.Look at the following
degrees of agreement/disagreement.
A) Agreeing
 “I think you're right.”
 “Yes, I see what you mean.”
 “I agree with you.”
 “Yes, I see what you’re getting at”
 “Yes, I see where you’re coming from”
B) Agreeing totally
 “I couldn't agree with you more.”
 “You’ve hit the nail on the head there!”(fam.)
 “You're absolutely right.”
 “I agree entirely.”
 “I totally agree.”
 “We really see eye to eye on that matter.” (idiom)

C) Partially agreeing
 “I agree with you up to a point, but...”
 “That's quite true, but...”
 “I agree with you in principle, but...”
 “I see what you mean but don’t you think that …”

D) Disagreeing
 “I'm not sure I agree with you.”
 “(I'm afraid) I don't agree.”
 “(I'm afraid) I disagree.”
 “(I'm afraid) I can't agree with you.”
 “(I'm afraid) I don't share your opinion.”
Note the diplomatic use of the expression "I'm afraid..." when disagreeing politely
with someone.

E) Disagreeing totally
 “I don't agree at all.”
 “I totally disagree.”
 “You’ve got to be kidding!”(fam)
 “I couldn't agree with you less

Expression of asking attention, giving attention, asking opinion,

Expressing of Asking attention in front of the class
When you have to deliver announcement in front of class you need to express the expression to
make you become the centre of attention. Below are some common expression used to make
the class listen to your speech or announcement.
May I have your attention, please
Can I get the attention! Thanks
Excuse me!
Attention please!
Stop talking please…
Everybody, may I have your attention, please ?
Expression of giving attention
1. OK. I See you
2. Ok.
3. Yes sir/mam/madam
4. Really
5. I know what you mean
6. How interesting
7. What’s next

Several expressions to check someone’s understanding

Are you understand?
Do you know what I mean?
Do you understand the text?
Have you got the point ?
are you with me?

To give and ask opinion / Contoh contoh expression of asking and giving opinion Asking opinion
What do you think of …?
What is your opinion about ….?
Do you have any other idea ?
Please say something about my ….?
Please, give your view/ opinion about ….

Giving opinion
I think that you are very beautiful with the dress
I have a view that you are so smart
I think you should have a louder voice
You are very …
I agree with your opinion

To show appreciation /expression of showing appreciation

you are very kind
thanks for the attention
you are the best
that is my son

Dialog expression of asking attention and giving attention

This conversation happened in front of the class. The teacher is explaining the material , the
students are not paying the teacher explanations.
Teachers : OK. Today we are going to learn about Simple past tense, do you know
that is simple past tense
Students : no
Teachers : O.K please pay the attention, I will describe what the simple past tense
Students : I see.
Teachers : have you known about simple past tense?
Students : yes, I have known a little, please explain again.
Teacher :O.K listen to my….
Students : You are best
Teachers : that’s my son
An opinion is a judgment, viewpoint, or statement that is not conclusive. In general, an opinion is
a subjective belief, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts.
Purpose of expressing of asking and giving opinion : To describes how we are to ask the
opinions of others and how we provide opinions to others.

Asking Opinions
 What do you think of … (Apa pendapatmu tentang …)
 Is that right (true) that … (Apakah itu benar bahwa…)
 Do you think it’s going … (Apakah Anda pikir itu akan …)
 Why do they behave like that? (Mengapa mereka berperilaku seperti itu?)
 Do you have any idea? (Apakah kamu punya ide?)
 Please give me your frank opinion. (Tolong beri saya pendapat jujur Anda.)
 What’s your opinion? (Apa pendapatmu?)

 In my o p i n i o n , …
 (Menurutku, … )
 Ipersonallybelieve…
 (Saya pr ibadi percaya … )
 Ipersonallythink…
 (Saya pr ibadi berpikir … )
 I personal ly feel
 (Saya pr ibadi merasa… )
 Not ever yone wi l l agree wi th me, but …
 (Tidak semua orang akan setuju dengan saya, tapi … )
 To my mi n d …
 (menurut pendapat saya)
 Fr om my p o i n t o f v i ew…
 (Dar i sudut pandang saya..)
 Well, personally ..
 (Nah, secara pribadi …)
 If I had my way I would …
 (Jika saya punya cara saya saya akan…)
 What I’m more concerned with is …
 (Apa yang lebih saya perhatikan adalah..)


Today’s TV programs are terrible.
 I agree, but what bothers me more is that they’re too violent.
 I think so too and besides, they’re not educational enough.
 That’s how I feel
In my opinion, the news shows are extremely superficial.
 I don’t know about that. I think they’re excellent.
 Do you think so? I think they’re good.
 I don’t think so. They’re excellent I think.
 Oh, no.
 I disagree with you.

Andy :Hi Arief. How’re you doing?
Arief :Great, thanks. By the way, have you read a news paper today?
Andy :No. why?
Arief :You know, the government will close Facebook on March 2011, and I
think that’s not a good idea.
Andy :I don’t think so. In my opinion, Facebook is dangerous,especially for
teenagers. You know, there was a girl kidnapped by a stranger and she knew
that guy who kidnapped her from Fb.
Arief :I know, but we can’t blame Fb as the cause of the problem. That’s only a
tool, isn’t that?
Andy :Yeah. I agree, but it’s still dangerous because the users, especially
teenagers can’t still use it well

Supporting your Opinions

Expressing Advantages and Disadvantages: “Pros and Cons” To best support your opinions in
discussion, you will need to add supporting information and advantages, and note disadvantages
to opposing positions. The structure of supporting your opinions follows this pattern:

 State your Opinion + Support + Support

 for or against + add information + add more information
 I agree, in my opinion + support + more support
 I don’t agree, I think + first point + second point
References :
Diakses pada(12/08/2018)
opinions.pdf diakses pada(12/08/2018)
diakses pada 12/08/2018)

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