Performance Analysis of Self Compacting Concrete Without Super Plasticizer
Performance Analysis of Self Compacting Concrete Without Super Plasticizer
Performance Analysis of Self Compacting Concrete Without Super Plasticizer
DOI 10.1007/s41024-017-0029-6
Received: 18 January 2017 / Accepted: 9 August 2017 / Published online: 19 August 2017
© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
Abstract The use of self compacting concrete (SCC) in Keywords Self compacting concrete · Particle size
civil engineering works has become an attractive option distribution · Workability · Mineral admixtures · Glenium ·
which produces confident cohesive concrete. This paper EFNARC · Flexural behavior
reviewed the feasibility of preparing a SCC without using
super-plasticizer but with only mineral admixtures that are
available locally, with the coarse aggregate size of with 1 Introduction
20 mm well graded aggregates which is entirely a different
way of preparation of SCC. The enhancement aspects were Self compacting concrete (SCC) can be defined as a fresh
tested and ascertained with the EFNARC guidelines. The concrete which possesses superior flow ability under
hardened properties of SCC were tested and compared with maintained stability (i.e., no segregation), thus allowing
control concrete of M25 grade. In the preliminary investi- self-compaction, that is material consolidation without
gation, mechanical properties of the SCC which have been addition of energy. Venkataram Pai et al. [1] experimen-
prepared by the above said method were tested by its tally analyzed the development of self compacting concrete
unique testing methodologies. Based on the test results, in with various mineral admixtures. The required compaction
the second phase, the flexural behavior of the SCC speci- properties were achieved by adding super-plasticizers and
mens, using beam specimens were tested for its load mineral admixtures such as fly ash, rice husk ash, silica
carrying capacity by loading frame. In both the phases of fume, etc. Comparison of these SCC mixes in terms of their
investigation, the results revealed that this type of SCC will Compressive, Split Tensile, and Flexural strengths were
be promising and effective combination to that of the tra- analyzed. The effect of fly ash on fresh and hardened
ditional type of SCC prepared by Glenium product and also properties of self compacting concrete were analyzed by
cost effective. Shriram [2]. Heat of hydration, setting time and compres-
sive strength of SCC were studied experimentally and the
effect of super plasticizer (SP) on type of the properties of
& Ravichandran Subbarayalu the fly ash blended cement were investigated by Tkac-
[email protected]
zeuska [3]. Fouad Khairallah [4] have investigated the
A. M. Vasumathi mechanical behavior of confined self compacting rein-
[email protected]
forced concrete circular columns under concentric loading.
P. Kalai Selvi The SCC mix contained with ground granulated blast fur-
[email protected]
nace slag (GGBS) exhibited greater strength because of the
Madurai Institute of Engineering and Technology, high pozzalonic activity of GGBS. Yousaf et al. [5]
Pottapalayam, India investigated the performance of 3rd generation locally
Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, available chemical admixtures in the production of self
Viraganoor, Madurai, India compacting concrete (SCC). The fundamental rheological
KLN College of Information Technology, Pottapalayam, properties and stability of SCC in fresh state were found
India out with locally available chemical admixtures related to
10 Page 2 of 10 J Build Rehabil (2017) 2:10
ACI [6], EFNARC [7] Poulson [8] specifications. The of binder (cement + fly ash). Fly ash content was varied by
performance of various laboratory trails were compared 15, 25, 35, 45 and 55%. Flexural strength test was carried
with two types of admixtures belonged to sulphonated out on 10 9 10 9 50 cm specimens and compared with
naphthalene formaldehyde (SNF) and poly carboxylic ether control specimens of ordinary cement concrete (OCC), by
(PCE)s families. Silica fume Chenab sand were used as two point loading pull out strength test carried out on cubes
coarse aggregate, marble crush of 8 mm down was used as and the local bond strength was determined with a 12 mm
coarse aggregates. Mechanical properties of the materials diameter bar at the centre of cube specimens. Upadhyay
were found out. Testing was carried out as per ASTM [9] et al. [19] discussed the testing and mix design of SCC with
test methods. It revealed that 3rd generation admixtures various materials. The mechanical properties of SCC
performed much better than those of first and second reinforced with polypropylene fibres was investigated by
generation. The mechanical properties of self-compacted Gencel et al. [20]. This experimental investigation aimed
fiber concrete with steel and polypropylene fibers were and prepared a SCC with only mineral admixtures with the
investigated by Kamal [10]. Paja˛ [11] investigated the coarse aggregate size 20 mm well graded and tested its
flexural properties of SCC with several straight and hooked standard according to the EFNARC [7] guide lines. Pro-
end steel fibers of ratios varied from 0, 1.0, 1.5%. The portions have been made by trial and error methods based
bending tests were carried out on 550 mm beams with on the control mixture prepared as per IS 456-2000 [21]
150 9 150 mm cross section. The bottom side of each specifications and on the compatibility of materials. The
specimen was notched with 25 mm depth using 2 mm materials were chosen, which are easily available locally.
diamond saw. The three-point bending tests were con- The properties of the aggregates were tested according to
ducted on servo-controlled electro hydraulic machine. The IS 383-1970 [22] standards.
tests were performed until the beam reached the 5 mm
deflection. The deflection of the two opposite sides of the
specimen was measured in the center of the specimen by 2 Materials and methods
LVDT sensor placed on the steel frame. Flexural behavior
of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFR- 2.1 Materials
SCC), tests according to RILEM TC 162-TDF [12] and EN
14651 [13] were performed. Swernalatha [14] investigated 2.1.1 Aggregates
the properties of utilization of flyash and pond ash in self
compacting concrete and segregation and possibility under Well graded Coarse aggregates passing through 20 mm
dense reinforcement. Suryadi [15] experimentally investi- sieve and retained at 16 mm sieve size was used in this
gated the chemical admixture’s influence on the experimental study and the self Compacting Concrete
performance of self compacting concrete. Three different properties were tested (Tables 1, 2).
chemical admixtures were used in the research. Fly ash was
used and the micro structure of the concrete was modified. 2.1.2 Lime stone powder
The reduction of water-cement powder ratio decreased the
porosity and increased the performance of hardening con- A high quality lime stone powder generally permits a
crete. The higher use of chemical admixture increased the reduction in water content of a concrete mixture, without
compressive strength of SCC. Mithra et al. [16] investi-
gated the flexural properties of SCC prepared with GGBS Table 1 Fines modulus of aggregates
and super plasticizer. 100 9 100 9 2000 mm size speci-
Material Fines modulus (number)
mens with HYSD bars were used as beams and tested for
flexural behavior. GGBS with 0, 30, 40 and 50% with Fine aggregate 4.269
water powder ratio varied from 0.35 to 0.4 along with the Coarse aggregate 5.370
dosage of super plasticizer as 2.2% by weight of cement
was used in the study. Properties of self compacting con-
Table 2 Physical properties of materials
crete using recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) have been
analyzed by Bal [17]. Gaywala [18] presented the progress Material Specific gravity (number)
of the research on different hardened properties of SCC. Cement 3.02
Ordinary portland cement (OPC), low calcium fly ash were Lime 2.17
used as binder materials, crushed stones of size 12.5 mm Fly ash 2.37
downed and retained at 10 mm were used in equal weight
Fine aggregate 2.85
proportion as coarse aggregate. Glenium sky 784 was used
Coarse aggregate 2.84
as high performance plasticizer with 1.0–1.5% dosage level
J Build Rehabil (2017) 2:10 Page 3 of 10 10
loss of workability. Lime stone powder obtained from India 3 Specimen preparations
Cement Limited, Tirunelveli was used in this study
(Table 2). Mix design for control concrete: M25 As per IS 10262-2009
[26] was adopted. Mix proportions: 1:2.175:3.237.
2.1.3 Fly ash
3.1 Control concrete specimens
Generally fly ash is used as filling material. In this inves-
tigation Class-A Fly ash from Thermal Power Station Specimens were prepared as cubes and cylinders for M25
(Tuticorin) has been used as binder material replacing grade concrete for control concrete (CC) specimens (Table 4).
cement by certain proportions (Table 2).
3.1.1 Self compacting concrete preparations
2.1.4 Cement
Self-compact ability can be largely affected by the charac-
Ordinary Portland Cement (53 grade) Dalmia cement teristics of materials and mix proportions. In this
conforming to IS 12269 [23] was used. Various laboratory experimental study, three types of Self-compacting concrete
tests were conducted on cement and the properties were mixture proportions were adopted. The mortar or the paste in
determined as per IS 4031 [24] standards. The results the self compacting concrete requires high viscosity and
conformed to the Indian Standard recommendations deformability, thereby the water-powder ratio has been
(Table 2). adopted as 0.50 (as per EFNARC guide lines) constantly.
After several trial mixes, due to its water absorbing charac-
2.1.5 River sand teristics lime powder content was fixed as 5% of the total
powder content for all the mix proportions. Self-compacting
River sand confirming Zone-IV was used in this experi- concrete (SCC) specimens were prepared for the three types
mental study (Tables 1, 2). such as SCC-1, SCC-2 and SCC-3 (Tables 4, 5).
2.1.6 Steel
4 Testing program
Thermo mechanically treated (TMT) bars confirming IS
1786:2000 [25] standards of 12 mm diameter were used for Workability test for control specimen was carried out by
main reinforcement and 6 mm diameter mild steel rods means of Slump cone method for three w/c ratios 0.5, 0.55
were used for stirrups (Table 3). and 0.6 likely, out of which 0.55 arrived as optimum.
Mechanical properties of SCC were carried out by standard
1. Control concrete-CC Cubes 9 Cured and tested at the age of 3,7 and 28 days
Cylinders 3 Cured and tested at the age of 28 days
2. Self- compacting concrete- SCC-1 Cubes 9 Cured and tested at the age of 3,7 and 28 days
Cylinders 3 Cured and tested at the age of 28 days
3. Self- compacting concrete- SCC-2 Cubes 9 Cured and tested at the age of 3,7 and 28 days
Cylinders 3 Cured and tested at the age of 28 days
4. Self- compacting concrete- SCC-3 Cubes 9 Cured and tested at the age of 3,7 and 28 days
Cylinders 3 Cured and tested at the age of 28 days
10 Page 4 of 10 J Build Rehabil (2017) 2:10
Table 5 Specimen proportions Table 7 Average compressive strength of cubes at the age of 3, 7 and
28 days
Specimen SCC 1 SCC2 SCC3
Sl. no. Specimens Compressive strength in N/mm2
Powder content
3 days 7 days 28 days
Cement 18% 70% 18% 60% 18% 50%
Flyash 25% 35% 45% 1. Control 17.98 27.62 42.22
Fine aggregate 45% 50% 52% 2. SCC-1 9.70 18.30 37.04
Coarse Aggregate (20 mm) 30% 20% 15% 3. SCC-2 8.08 16.22 34
Lime 5% 5% 5% 4. SCC-3 7.24 12.13 29.82
Water/powder ratio 0.5 0.5 0.5
exposed moderate strength that suits to the structural inertia, b is the width of beam (150 mm), d is the depth of
applications. The beams were casted as per the clause beam (150 mm). of IS: 456-2000 [21] with four numbers of 12 mm
diameter thermo mechanically treated (TMT) bars as main
reinforcement and 6 mm diameter of mild steel rods for 6 Results and discussions
stirrups. Control specimens were casted for M25 grade
concrete and SCC specimens for SCC-1, SCC-2 and SCC-3 The mechanical properties of SCC combinations showed a
combinations (Table 9). unique behaviour, such that, the compressive strength of
The mix proportion were designed as per IS 10262-2009 SCC-1 was more than (37.04 N/mm2) to that of SCC-2
[22] for M25 grade concrete and for SCC combinations. (34 N/mm2), whereas the split tensile strength results
1. SCC-1 1 2 800 6 0
2. SCC-2 1 4 750 8 0
3. SCC-3 0.95 7 710 9 2
J Build Rehabil (2017) 2:10 Page 5 of 10 10
Table 8 Average split tensile Specimen Loads P 9 103 (N) Diameter of specimen Length of specimen Tensile strength =
strength of cylinders at the age D (mm) L (mm) 2P/πDL (N/mm2)
of 28 days
Control 133.33 150 300 1.88
SCC-1 43.33 0.61
SCC-2 70.00 0.99
SCC-3 76.67 1.08
1. Control concrete CC Beams 6 Cured and tested at the age of 7 4–12 mm diameter 6 mm diameter mild steel at
and 28 days TMT rods 150 mm c/c
2. Self- compacting Beams 6 Cured and tested at the age of 7 4–12 mm diameter 6 mm diameter mild steel at
concrete- SCC-1 and 28 days TMT rods 150 mm c/c
3. Self- Compacting Beams 6 Cured and tested at the age of 7 4–12 mm diameter 6 mm diameter mild steel at
Concrete- SCC-2 and 28 days TMT rods 150 mm c/c
4. Self- Compacting Beams 6 Cured and tested at the age of 7 4–12 mm diameter 6 mm diameter mild steel at
Concrete- SCC-3 and 28 days TMT rods 150 mm c/c
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.0 0.3 6.250 1.0 0.30 6.250 1.0 0.34 6.25
2.0 0.3 12.500 2.4 0.36 15.000 2.0 0.35 12.50
3.3 0.3 20.625 3.7 0.36 23.130 3.5 0.38 21.875
4.2 0.3 26.625 4.4 0.37 27.500 4.9 0.42 30.625
5.9 1.5 26.250 5.9 1.52 36.875 5.5 1.59 34.375
7.2 2.9 36.875 7.6 2.96 47.500 6.8 2.57 42.500
6.4 2.3 45.000 6.8 2.39 42.500 5.7 2.89 35.625
4.9 2.9 40.000 5.3 2.73 33.125 4.8 3.3 30.000
4.0 3.1 30.630 4.8 2.97 30.000 4.0 4.1 25.000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.2 0.1 7.500 1.3 0.1 8.125 1.1 0.2 6.875
1.9 1.1 11.875 2.4 1.2 15.000 1.8 0.3 11.250
2.8 1.6 17.500 2.7 1.5 16.875 2.2 1.3 13.750
3.5 1.5 21.875 3.4 1.5 21.250 2.9 1.5 18.125
4.7 1.8 29.375 4.9 1.9 30.625 3.6 2.4 22.500
5.9 2.7 36.875 6.2 2.8 38.750 4.8 2.8 30.000
5.1 2.0 31.875 5.4 2.0 33.750 5.7 2.9 35.625
4.3 1.9 26.875 4.6 1.8 28.750 4.4 1.9 27.500
4.0 2.2 25.000 3.3 2.5 20.625 3.0 3.0 18.750
10 Page 6 of 10 J Build Rehabil (2017) 2:10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1.1 12.500 1.7 1.2 10.625 1.95 1.2 12.188
2.2 1.6 13.750 2.4 1.7 15.000 2.3 1.4 14.375
3.2 2.0 20.000 2.9 2.1 18.125 2.9 1.7 18.125
3.9 2.5 24.375 3.6 2.8 22.500 3.5 2.4 21.875
4.6 2.7 28.750 4.4 2.9 27.500 4.4 3.1 27.500
3.6 3.4 22.500 3.7 3.2 23.125 4.1 3.3 25.625
2.7 3.7 16.875 2.9 3.5 18.125 3.6 3.5 22.500
2 4.1 12.500 2.3 3.9 14.375 2.7 3.8 16.875
2.1 5.0 13.125 2 4.3 12.500 2.2 4.1 13.750
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1.1 12.500 2.4 1.3 15.000 1.7 1.4 10.625
2.2 1.6 13.750 2.9 1.9 18.125 2.2 1.7 13.750
3.2 2.0 20.000 3.4 2.7 21.250 2.9 2.1 18.125
3.9 2.5 24.375 4.2 3.6 26.250 3.4 2.7 21.250
3.7 3.3 23.130 4.7 3.9 29.375 4.8 3.6 30.000
3.4 3.4 21.250 5.1 4.3 31.875 4.9 3.6 30.625
4.1 4.3 25.625 4.8 4.4 30.000 5.2 4.1 32.500
5.0 4.7 31.250 3.7 3.7 23.130 4.7 3.9 29.375
4.6 4.2 28.750 3.1 2.8 19.375 3.7 3.4 23.130
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.0 0.30 6.250 1.3 0.1 8.125 1.95 1.2 12.188 1.7 1.4 10.625
2.4 0.36 15.000 2.4 1.2 15.000 2.3 1.4 14.375 2.2 1.7 13.750
3.7 0.36 23.130 2.7 1.5 16.875 2.9 1.7 18.125 2.9 2.1 18.125
4.4 0.37 27.500 3.4 1.5 21.250 3.5 2.4 21.875 3.4 2.7 21.250
5.9 1.52 36.875 4.9 1.9 30.625 4.4 3.1 27.500 4.8 3.6 30.000
7.6 2.96 47.500 6.2 2.8 38.750 4.1 3.3 25.625 4.9 3.6 30.625
6.8 2.39 42.500 5.4 2.0 33.750 3.6 3.5 22.500 5.2 4.1 32.500
5.3 2.73 33.125 4.6 1.8 28.750 2.7 3.8 16.875 4.7 3.9 29.375
4.8 2.97 30.000 3.3 2.5 20.625 2.2 4.1 13.750 3.7 3.4 23.130
J Build Rehabil (2017) 2:10 Page 7 of 10 10
Table 15 Twenty eight days flexural strength results for control specimens
CC1 CC1.2 CC1.3
Load in Deflection in Flexural strength Load in Deflection in Flexural strength Load in Deflection in Flexural strength
(Tons) (mm) (N/mm2) (Tons) (mm) (N/mm2) (Tons) (mm) (N/mm2)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.9 0.3 18.125 2.7 0.3 22.500 3.2 0.4 20.000
4.1 0.3 25.625 3.9 0.4 24.375 4.4 0.5 27.500
5.8 0.3 36.250 4.7 0.4 29.375 6.1 0.5 38.125
6.7 0.3 41.875 5.6 0.9 35.000 8.0 1.7 50.000
7.9 1.5 49.375 6.5 1.4 40.625 9.4 3.2 58.750
9.7 2.9 60.625 7.8 1.5 48.750 8.6 2.7 53.750
6.4 2.3 40.000 8.9 2.7 55.625 7.6 1.5 47.500
4.9 2.9 30.625 9.1 3.1 56.875 6.3 1.3 39.375
4.0 3.1 25.000 7.6 2.7 47.500 4.2 2.9 26.250
Table 16 Twenty eight days flexural strength results for SCC1 specimens
SCC1 SCC1.2 SCC1.3
Load in Deflection in Flexural strength Load in Deflection in Flexural strength Load in Deflection in Flexural strength
(Tons) (mm) (N/mm2) (Tons) (mm) (N/mm2) (Tons) (mm) (N/mm2)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.4 0.1 15.000 2.2 0.1 13.750 2.0 0.2 12.500
3.4 1.1 21.250 2.9 1.3 18.125 2.9 1.3 18.125
4.8 1.6 30.000 4.7 1.8 29.375 3.8 1.5 23.750
5.3 1.5 33.125 5.6 1.8 35.000 4.9 1.9 30.625
6.8 1.3 42.500 7.1 2.3 44.375 6.4 2.5 40.000
8.1 2.7 50.625 8.3 2.9 51.875 8.1 2.8 50.625
5.1 2.0 31.875 6.1 1.9 38.125 9.3 3.7 58.125
4.3 1.9 26.875 3.9 1.6 24.375 7.2 2.9 45.000
3.8 2.2 23.750 2.7 2.4 22.500 5.1 2.6 31.875
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.1 1.1 13.125 2.0 1.0 12.500 2.3 1.0 14.375
3.3 1.6 20.625 2.9 1.3 18.125 3.4 1.7 21.250
4.2 2.0 26.250 3.7 1.9 23.130 4.6 2.2 28.750
5.1 2.5 31.875 4.8 2.7 30.000 5.4 3.0 33.750
6.4 2.7 40.000 6.1 2.7 38.125 6.7 3.3 41.875
7.5 3.4 46.875 7.8 3.6 48.750 7.8 4.1 48.750
5.2 3.7 32.500 6.2 3.5 38.750 5.2 3.4 32.500
4.0 4.1 25.000 5.1 4.2 31.875 4.3 3.9 26.875
3.8 5.0 23.750 3.6 4.9 22.500 2.9 4.3 18.125
10 Page 8 of 10 J Build Rehabil (2017) 2:10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.0 1.1 12.500 2.6 1.0 16.250 2.0 1.2 12.500
3.1 1.6 19.375 3.9 1.4 24.375 2.9 1.6 18.125
3.9 2.0 24.375 4.8 1.9 30.000 3.4 2.0 21.250
4.6 2.5 28.750 5.9 2.7 36.875 4.7 2.7 29.375
5.8 2.7 36.250 6.8 3.3 42.500 6.0 3.1 37.500
6.4 3.4 40.000 7.5 3.9 46.875 7.2 3.9 45.000
5.4 3.7 33.750 5.6 3.4 35.000 6.3 3.9 39.375
4.1 4.1 25.625 3.9 4.2 24.375 5.2 4.0 32.500
3.8 5.0 23.750 2.8 4.9 17.500 4.4 4.7 27.500
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.7 0.3 22.500 2.0 0.2 12.500 2.0 1.0 12.500 2.0 1.2 12.500
3.9 0.4 24.375 2.9 1.3 18.125 2.9 1.3 18.125 2.9 1.6 18.125
4.7 0.4 29.375 3.8 1.5 23.750 3.7 1.9 23.130 3.4 2.0 21.250
5.6 0.9 35.000 4.9 1.9 30.625 4.8 2.7 30.000 4.7 2.7 29.375
6.5 1.4 40.625 6.4 2.5 40.000 6.1 2.7 38.125 6.0 3.1 37.500
7.8 1.5 48.750 8.1 2.8 50.625 7.8 3.6 48.750 7.2 3.9 45.000
8.9 2.7 55.625 9.3 3.7 58.125 6.2 3.5 38.750 6.3 3.9 39.375
9.1 3.1 56.875 7.2 2.9 45.000 5.1 4.2 31.875 5.2 4.0 32.500
7.6 2.7 47.500 5.1 2.6 31.875 3.6 4.9 22.500 4.4 4.7 27.500
4 CC1
3 CC1.2
1 CC1.3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
obtained, exhibited a different manner of tensile strength (Table 14) was tabulated according to the ultimate loading
(SCC-1 = 0.61 N/mm2) which is less than that of SCC-2 values attained by the specimens from their respective
(0.99 N/mm2). It was perceived that proportion of coarse combinations. The incorporation of steel reinforcement in
aggregate in the combinations influenced the strength the specimens was that to analyze the compatibility of SCC
properties. In the beginning, all the specimens showed a for structural applications. The failure crack appeared
gradual and almost uniform deflection in terms of loading seemed to be shear pattern by its location. The test results
pattern. The maximum flexural strength at the age of 7 days revealed that among the SCC combinations, SCC1.2
J Build Rehabil (2017) 2:10 Page 9 of 10 10
7 12
4 8
3 6 CC1
2 SCC1.2
4 CC1.2
1 SCC1.3
0 2
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.5 2.9 3
0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.5 2.9 2.3 2.9 3.2
Fig. 3 Load vs deflection—SCC1specimens comparison
Fig. 7 Load vs deflection—Control specimens comparison
SCC2 6
2 SCC1
SCC2.2 4
1 SCC1.2
SCC2.3 2
0 0
0 1.1 1.6 2 2.5 2.7 3.4 3.7 4.1 5 0 0.1 1.1 1.6 1.5 1.3 2.9 2 1.9 2.2
Fig. 4 Load vs deflection—SCC2 specimens’ comparison Fig. 8 Load vs deflection—SCC1 specimens’ comparison
6 10
2 SCC3.2 SCC2.2
1 2
SCC3.3 SCC2.3
0 0
0 1.1 1.6 2 2.5 3.3 3.4 4.3 4.7 4.2 0 1.1 1.6 2 2.5 2.7 3.4 3.7 4.1 5
Fig. 5 Load vs deflection—SCC3 specimens comparison Fig. 9 Load vs deflection—SCC2 specimens comparison
45 8
40 7
35 6
30 5
4 SCC3
SCC1.2 3 SCC3.2
SCC2.3 2 SCC3.3
SCC3.3 1
10 0
5 0 1.1 1.6 2 2.5 2.7 3.4 3.7 4.1 5
0 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.7 3.6 3.6 4.1 3.9 3.4
BENDING STRAIN IN MM Fig. 10 Load vs deflection—SCC3 specimens comparison
of control specimen, such that the ultimate load achieved 30 SCC1.2
for CC1.2 was 7.6 Tons to that of 6.2 Tons of SCC1.2 20
specimen. The flexural strength increment of CC1.2 was of 0 SCC3.3
125% increase to that of SCC1.2 as a whole comparatively 0 1 1.3 1.9 2.7 2.7 3.6 3.5 4.2 4.9
to the rest of other combinations. At the age of 28 days, the
flexural strength results indicated a similar behavior to Fig. 11 Bending stress vs bending strain—specimens comparison @
CC1.2 and SCC1.3 rather than SCC1.2. Moreover the 28 days
10 Page 10 of 10 J Build Rehabil (2017) 2:10
flexural strength of SCC1.3 specimen achieved a value of 6. American Concrete Institute (2005) ACI committee 318: building
58 N/mm2 (9.3 T) to that of 57.00 N/mm2 (9.1T) for CC1.2 code requirements for structural concrete. American Concrete
Institute, Farmington Hills
specimen, respectively. The ductility characteristics of 7. EFNARC specifications and guide lines for self-compacting
control concrete were seemed to be better than that of SCC concrete ISBN 0953973344 “EFNARC” pp 1–32 (2002)
due to the addition of lime in SCC combinations which 8. Rilem TC (2002) 162-TDF. Test and design methods for steel
adversely affect the bonding strength. It was perceived that fibre reinforced concrete, final recommendations. Mater Struct 35
the performance of self-compacting concrete showed a 9. ASTM C 1018. Standard test methods for flexural toughness and
positive effect in terms of load carrying in the long run. first crackstrength of fiber reinforced concrete (using beam with
Hence forth the test results revealed that the SCC concrete third point loading).ASTM 2002(4):637–44
prepared with non-rational method by using large size 10. Kamal MM, Safan MA, Etman ZA, Kasem BM (2013)
Mechanical properties of self-compacted fiber concrete mixes.
coarse aggregates such as 20 mm well graded and with HBRC J 10(1):25–34
only mineral admixtures proved efficient and effective for 11. M. Paja˛ka, T. Ponikiewskib “Flexural behavior of self-com-
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12. Barros JAO, Antunes JAB (2003) Experimental characterization
7 Conclusion of the flexural behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete
according to RILEM TC 162-TDF recommendations. In: Sch-
This research work focused on the utilization of SCC that nutgen B, Vandewalle L (eds) Proceedings of the RILEM TC
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