Canal Syphon
Canal Syphon
Canal Syphon
1.The proposals, be scrutinised and verified by the Unit
Officers before communicating to CDO for vetting.
2.Catchment Area (C.A.) of drains/rivers and the assessed
MFD/OMFL be scrutinised, verified and confirmed by the
Unit Officers.
1 Site Survey to be furnished as per check slip for CM & Check Slip enclosed.
CD works with the following details.
c LS of drain / river.
LS of drain : Horizontal Scale 1cm = 20m.
Vertical Scale : 1cm = 1m
i) Covering 500 metres on U/S & D/S.
ii) The LS with levels @ 10m to 20m interval with Cross sections of
drain on U/S, D/S @ centre line, 10 m, 25m, 50m,100m, & @
100m interval beyond for a length of 500m.
d The catchment area shall be marked on the Topo Sheet for all the
C.A.'s more than 2.5 Sq. Km. If the C.A. is less than 2.5,
the C.A. is to be traversed on ground and to be furnished.
The MFD may be computed as per the following formula. CE/CDO
Lr No:CDO/EEC1/1084/83-3
Dicken's Formula, Q = CM 3/4
where Q = Discharge in Cusecs.
M = Catchment area in sq.miles
C = Coefficient depending on Catchment area.
CA upto 1 Sq.mile. C=1400
CA from 1 Sq.mile to 30 Sq.miles C=1200
CA more than 30 Sq.miles C=1000
g Bore hole data / TPs upto Hard strata or for min. depth of 2m for Table I & II of APERL for test results
shallow foundations & upto 1/3rd embedment depth below of foundation soils,
maximum scour depth, along the Centre Line @ suitable intervals IRC 78:2000.
depending upon the importance of the structure with minimmum 5
Nos. of TPs covering both the Drain & Canal @ centre, U/S & D/S
a Note on Principles of Design, the assumptions made & the general
features of the structure.
1. MFL computations adopting Step by Step method. Design of Small Dams by USBR.
2. (a) Design of ventway for the Drain / river in Aqueduct / pipe IS ; 7784 (Part II / section5) :1995,
Aqueduct limiting allowable velocity. IS : 7784 (part I) - 1993
(b) For small discharge of Drain, Pipes can be proposed limiting IS 458 -1988, IS :783 - 1985
the velocity.
5. Transition lengths on U/S & D/S of drain. IS ; 7784 (part 2/sec5) : 1995
6. TEL calculations for the Drain considering eddy loss IS : 7784 (part - I) - 1993
coefficients as per IS code along with flow diagram with
dimensions and levels.
7. Scour depth calculations of drain. IS : 7784 (part - I) - 1993
8. Uplift calculations for the floor of the barrel and U/S & D/S side IS : 7784 (part - 2 / sec 5) - 2000
9. Exit gradient calculations IS : 7784 (part - I) - 1993
10.Proposal Sketch.
a) Design of Slab under canal trough & under earth bank / IS : 3370 - 1965 part I & part II,
RCC Box for critical load combinations. IS : 7784 (Part 2 / sec 5) : 1995
b) Design of Head wall on U/S & D/S by adopting TVA procedure / TVA Hand Book
Couloumb's Theory / Rankine's Theory with a top width of 500mm.
1. Design of Pier under canal trough & earth bank TVA Hand Book,
IS - 7784 (part 2 / sec-5): 1995.
TVA Hand Book,
2. Design of Abutment under canal trough and earth bank.
IS - 7784 (part 2 / sec- 5): 1995.
3. Abutment and Pier foundations shall be Isolated Footing / RCC 1) IRC - 78- 2000 2) SP - 16 ;
raft as the case may be. 3) SP 34
I b) RCC BOX :-
RCC box under canal trough, earth bank and Head wall. IS : 7784 (Part 2 / sec5) : 1995
I c) PIPE :-
Pipe details IS 458 : 1988 , IS 783 - 1985
II Design of Wing walls & Return walls both on U/S & D/S of drain
- The walls adopting TVA procedure / Couloumb's Theory / TVA Hand book
Rankine's Theory with a top width of 500mm.
a) General Layout on net level plan duly showing contours.
b) General Plan, Sectional Elevation & End View - Plan indicating Scale : 1:50, 1:100 (or) 1:200
Half plan @Top & Half plan @ bottom & Sectional elevation along
the LS of the drain & End view along the cross section of the
c) Wall Sections, RCC Details & Details of miscellaneous items. Scale : 1:50 (or) 1:100 for sections
1. This Proposal shall be for exceptional cases only.
1 Site Survey to be furnished as per check slip for CM & Check Slip enclosed.
CD works with the following details.
c LS of drain / river.
i) Covering 500 metres on U/S & D/S.
ii) The LS with levels @ 10m to 20m interval with Cross sections of
drain on U/S, D/S @ centre line, 10 m, 25m, 50m,100m, & @
100m interval beyond for a length of 500m.
d The catchment area shall be marked on the Topo Sheet for all the
C.As more than 2.5 Sq. Km. If the C.A. is less than 2.5, the
C.A. is to be traversed on ground and to be furnished.
The MFD may be computed as per the following formula. CE/CDO
Lr No:CDO/EEC1/1084/83-3
Dicken's Formula, Q = CM 3/4
where Q = Discharge in Cusecs.
M = Catchment area in sq.miles
C = Coefficient depending on Catchment area.
CA upto 1 Sq.mile. C=1400
CA from 1 Sq.mile to 30 Sq.miles C=1200
CA more than 30 Sq.miles C=1060
Ryve's Formula Q = CM2/3
C = 1000 for Q more than 500 cusecs
g Bore hole data / TPs upto Hard strata or for min. depth of 2m for Table I & II of APERL for test results
shallow foundations & upto 1/3rd embedment depth below of foundation soils enclosed.,
maximum scour depth, along the Centre Line @ suitable intervals IRC 78:2000.
depending upon the importance of the structure with minimmum 5
Nos. of TPs covering both the Drain & Canal @ centre, U/S & D/S
a Note on Principles of Design, the assumptions made & the general
features of the structure.
1. MFL computations adopting Step by Step method. Design of Small Dams by USBR.
2. (a) Design of ventway for the Canal with minimum 1200 mm IS ; 7784 (Part II / section3) :1995,
height in case of barrel and 900 mm dia in case of pipe conduit, IS : 7784 (part I) - 1993
limiting allowable velocity.
(b) For small discharge of canal, Pipes can be proposed limiting IS 458 -1988, IS :783 - 1985
the velocity with minimum 900 mm dia.
3. Design of Tail channel & Approach channel keeping in view the IS : 7784 (part - I) - 1993
Lacey's Formula for Wetted perimeter & velocity limits depending
on stratification.
4. Transition lengths on U/S & D/S of drain. IS ; 7784 (part 2/sec3) : 1995
5. TEL calculations for the canal considering Unwins Formula and IS : 7784 (part - I) - 1993
eddy loss coefficients as per IS code along with flow diagram with
dimensions and levels.
6. Scour depth calculations of drain. IS : 7784 (part - I) - 1993
7. Uplift calculations for the floor of the barrel and U/S & D/S side IS : 7784 (part - 2 / sec 3) - 2000
8. Exit gradient calculations IS : 7784 (part - I) - 1993
9. Proposal Sketch.
a) Design of Slab / RCC Box for critical load combinations. IS : 3370 - 1965 part I & part II,
IS : 7784 (Part 2 / sec 3) : 1995
b) Design of Head wall on U/S & D/S by adopting TVA procedure / TVA Hand Book
Coulomb's Theory / Rankine's Theory with a top width of 500mm.
I b) RCC BOX :-
RCC box (It is preferable to provide Inspection Chambers at IS : 7784 (Part 2 / sec3) : 1995
50 m interval in case of lengthy barrels.)
I c) PIPE :-
II Design of Wing walls & Return walls both on U/S & D/S of drain
- The walls adopting TVA procedure / Coulomb's Theory / TVA Hand book
Rankine's Theory with a top width of 500mm.
c) Wall Sections, RCC Details & Details of miscellaneous items. Scale : 1:50 (or) 1:100 for sections