This lesson plan aims to teach English to 20 second grade pupils. The topic is delicious food. The learning outcome is for pupils to state their favorite foods, rearrange recipe instructions in proper order using pictures, and appreciate delicious food available. The lesson involves explaining the difference between main courses and desserts, having pupils decide a meal order, rearranging a chocolate milkshake recipe steps, drawing the ordered food, and discussing food appreciation.
This lesson plan aims to teach English to 20 second grade pupils. The topic is delicious food. The learning outcome is for pupils to state their favorite foods, rearrange recipe instructions in proper order using pictures, and appreciate delicious food available. The lesson involves explaining the difference between main courses and desserts, having pupils decide a meal order, rearranging a chocolate milkshake recipe steps, drawing the ordered food, and discussing food appreciation.
Original Description:
how to write a lesson plan on recipe. this activity is for year 2 students of english kssr.
This lesson plan aims to teach English to 20 second grade pupils. The topic is delicious food. The learning outcome is for pupils to state their favorite foods, rearrange recipe instructions in proper order using pictures, and appreciate delicious food available. The lesson involves explaining the difference between main courses and desserts, having pupils decide a meal order, rearranging a chocolate milkshake recipe steps, drawing the ordered food, and discussing food appreciation.
This lesson plan aims to teach English to 20 second grade pupils. The topic is delicious food. The learning outcome is for pupils to state their favorite foods, rearrange recipe instructions in proper order using pictures, and appreciate delicious food available. The lesson involves explaining the difference between main courses and desserts, having pupils decide a meal order, rearranging a chocolate milkshake recipe steps, drawing the ordered food, and discussing food appreciation.
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Sample Writing Lesson Plan
Subject : English Language
Class : 2 Rajin Enrolment : 20 pupils Date : 22.08.2014 ime : 8.00 a.m. ! 8."0 a.m. heme : #orl$ o% &no'le$ge opic : Delicious (oo$ (ocuse$ S)ill : #riting *ntegrate$ S)ills : Spea)ing +re,ious &no'le$ge : +upils are %amiliar 'ith local an$ international %oo$. Content Stan$ar$ : 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able toform letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.
Learning Stan$ar$ : ".1.1 -ble to 'rite in neat legible print.
Learning .utcomes : /0 the en$ o% the lesson1 pupils are able to: i. state their %a,ourite %oo$. ii. rearrange the Chocolate 2il)sha)e Recipe instructions in the proper or$er accor$ing to the pictures gi,en. iii. appreciate the $elicious %oo$ a,ailable to us. Learning -pproach : +ro$uct -pproach Stages/Time Content Teaching/Learning Activities Rationale Remarks Set *n$uction 3" mins4 1.Di%%erence bet'een main course an$ $essert. 1. eacher e5plains the $i%%erent $ishes in a meal. 2. eacher $i%%erentiates bet'een main course $ishes an$ $esserts. . 1. o pro,i$e pupils6 'ith input. 2. o gi,e pupils the e5pectation o% 'hat the0 are going to learn. +re7'riting 38 mins4 1. 2enu. 1. eacher pro,i$es a menu containe$ in the 9ear 2 S& English te5tboo). 2. eacher instructs the pupils to $eci$e 'hat %oo$1 $rin)s an$ $essert the0 'oul$ choose to or$er i% the0 'ere in a canteen right no'. ". eacher selects a %e' pupils an$ as)s them 'hat their or$ers are. 1. o prepare pupils %or the ne5t stage. eaching ai$s: 79ear 2 S& English te5tboo) #hile7'riting 310 mins4 1. Rearrange the instructions o% the Chocolate 2il)sha)e Recipe in a coherent manner. 1. +upils are sho'n the Chocolate 2il)sha)e Recipe as containe$ in the 9ear 2 S& English te5tboo). 2. +upils use the pictures sho'n to rearrange the recipe instructions coherentl0. ". +upils 'rite out the correct or$er o% instructions.
1. o $e,elop pupils6 'riting s)ills. 2. o incorporate the pro$uct approach in 'riting. eaching ai$s: 79ear 2 S& English te5tboo) +ost7'riting 310 mins4 1. Dra' pictures. 1. eacher han$s out one -4 paper to each pupil. 2. eacher instructs the pupils to $ra' the %oo$1 $rin)s an$ $esserts the0 'oul$ or$er in the pre7'riting stage. ". eacher then tells the pupils to colour the pictures. eacher pro,i$es colour pencils to those 'ho $o not ha,e them. 1. o incorporate the element o% %un in learning. 2. o $e,elop pupils6 $ra'ing s)ills. 7-4 papers 7Colour pencils Closure 32 mins4 1. -ppreciate the $elicious %oo$ a,ailable %or us. 1. eacher e5plains that some people in this 'orl$ $o get to enjo0 $elicious %oo$ :uite o%ten. 2. eacher highlights the importance o% appreciating the $elicious %oo$ a,ailable %or us. 1. o instill moral ,alues. 2. o $e,elop pupils6 spea)ing s)ills. E$ucational Emphases: 2ultiple *ntelligences ;urture pupils )inaesthetic intelligence. &no'le$ge -c:uisition +upils gain )no'le$ge on ho' to prepare a Chocolate 2il)sha)e. anguage !ontent" #ocabulary $dd, %our, %ut& 'imple 'entences $dd the ice cream& $nticipated %roblem" %upils might not understand what is main course and dessert. %roposed 'olution" (eacher explains the two types of dishes with examples. (eaching $ids" )ear 2 '* +nglish textboo,
Lesson Plan (Day 1) Theme: World of Knowledge Topic: Fun With Shapes Focus: Listening and Speaking Content Standard(s) : 1.1 by The End of The 6-Year Primary