Sample Writing Lesson Plan

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Sample Writing Lesson Plan

Subject : English Language

Class : 2 Rajin
Enrolment : 20 pupils
Date : 22.08.2014
ime : 8.00 a.m. ! 8."0 a.m.
heme : #orl$ o% &no'le$ge
opic : Delicious (oo$
(ocuse$ S)ill : #riting
*ntegrate$ S)ills : Spea)ing
+re,ious &no'le$ge : +upils are %amiliar 'ith local an$ international %oo$.
Content Stan$ar$ : 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear
and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print
materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.

3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able toform letters and words in neat legible print
including cursive writing.

Learning Stan$ar$ : ".1.1 -ble to 'rite in neat legible print.

Learning .utcomes : /0 the en$ o% the lesson1 pupils are able to:
i. state their %a,ourite %oo$.
ii. rearrange the Chocolate 2il)sha)e Recipe instructions in
the proper or$er accor$ing to the pictures gi,en.
iii. appreciate the $elicious %oo$ a,ailable to us.
Learning -pproach : +ro$uct -pproach
Stages/Time Content Teaching/Learning Activities Rationale Remarks
Set *n$uction
3" mins4
1.Di%%erence bet'een
main course an$
1. eacher e5plains the $i%%erent $ishes in a meal.
2. eacher $i%%erentiates bet'een main course $ishes an$
1. o pro,i$e
pupils6 'ith input.
2. o gi,e pupils
the e5pectation o%
'hat the0 are
going to learn.
38 mins4
1. 2enu. 1. eacher pro,i$es a menu containe$ in the 9ear 2 S& English
2. eacher instructs the pupils to $eci$e 'hat %oo$1 $rin)s an$
$essert the0 'oul$ choose to or$er i% the0 'ere in a canteen right
". eacher selects a %e' pupils an$ as)s them 'hat their or$ers
1. o prepare
pupils %or the ne5t
eaching ai$s:
79ear 2 S&
310 mins4
1. Rearrange the
instructions o% the
Chocolate 2il)sha)e
Recipe in a coherent
1. +upils are sho'n the Chocolate 2il)sha)e Recipe as containe$
in the 9ear 2 S& English te5tboo).
2. +upils use the pictures sho'n to rearrange the recipe
instructions coherentl0.
". +upils 'rite out the correct or$er o% instructions.

1. o $e,elop
pupils6 'riting
2. o incorporate
the pro$uct
approach in
eaching ai$s:
79ear 2 S&
310 mins4
1. Dra' pictures. 1. eacher han$s out one -4 paper to each pupil.
2. eacher instructs the pupils to $ra' the %oo$1 $rin)s an$
$esserts the0 'oul$ or$er in the pre7'riting stage.
". eacher then tells the pupils to colour the pictures. eacher
pro,i$es colour pencils to those 'ho $o not ha,e them.
1. o incorporate
the element o% %un
in learning.
2. o $e,elop
pupils6 $ra'ing
7-4 papers
7Colour pencils
32 mins4
1. -ppreciate the
$elicious %oo$
a,ailable %or us.
1. eacher e5plains that some people in this 'orl$ $o get to enjo0
$elicious %oo$ :uite o%ten.
2. eacher highlights the importance o% appreciating the $elicious
%oo$ a,ailable %or us.
1. o instill moral
2. o $e,elop
pupils6 spea)ing
E$ucational Emphases:
2ultiple *ntelligences ;urture pupils )inaesthetic intelligence.
&no'le$ge -c:uisition +upils gain )no'le$ge on ho' to prepare a Chocolate
anguage !ontent"
#ocabulary $dd, %our, %ut&
'imple 'entences $dd the ice cream&
$nticipated %roblem"
%upils might not understand what is main course and dessert.
%roposed 'olution"
(eacher explains the two types of dishes with examples.
(eaching $ids"
)ear 2 '* +nglish textboo,

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