Scientific American Oct, 2018 #10
Scientific American Oct, 2018 #10
Scientific American Oct, 2018 #10
PR O A journey int
o so
e rn
p h
t ideas
in m
Bracing for the age of fake video PAGE 38
VO LU M E 3 1 9, N U M B E R 4
28 The Unsolvable Problem
Three mathematicians, a 146-page proof
and a deep, unanswerable question in physics.
By Toby S. Cubitt, David Pérez-García
and Michael Wolf
38 Clicks, Lies and Videotape
AI is making it possible for anyone to
manipulate audio and video. By Brooke Borel
44 Earthquakes in the Sky
Can scientists predict temblors by watching
the ionosphere? By Erik Vance
W O R L D ’ S S C I E N C E 2 0 1 8
researcher. By Rebecca Boyle
64 Break Down Silos
Solving global problems requires inter
disciplinary science. By Graham A. J. Worthy
and Cherie L. Yestrebsky
etty Images (flooding in Houston, Tex.)
Forbidden Universes
Scientific American r eports that the multitude of universes
predicted by string theory may not exist after all, a sugges-
tion that has sparked controversy among physicists.
Go to
Scientific American (ISSN 0036-8733), Volume 319, Number 4, October 2018, published monthly by Scientific American, a division of Springer Nature America, Inc., 1 New York Plaza, Suite 4500, New York, N.Y. 10004-1562. Periodicals
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problem of reproducibility (page 56): a large percentage of scien-
tific papers cannot be replicated by other researchers. The rea-
sons can include multiple factors, such as imprecise methods,
bad reagents and flaws in data collection. Starting on page 52,
“This idea might seem obvious, b ut mathematics is about es- John P. A. Ioannidis writes about the ways we can “Rethink Fund-
tablishing concepts with absolute certainty,” ing,” from not spending enough to properly financing the work
write Toby S. Cubitt, David Pérez-García and in the first place to problems with the reward sys-
Michael Wolf in this issue’s cover story, “The tems for individuals. He also outlines potential
Unsolvable Problem.” In their feature, they de- solutions. In “Help Young Scientists,” begin-
scribe a mathematical odyssey to demonstrate ning on page 62, Rebecca Boyle discusses the
the “un decidability”—that is, the unsolvable difficulties faced by individuals at the start of
nature—of a certain problem in quantum phys- their career. Rounding out the section, in
ics. The journey takes them on a three-year “Break Down Silos,” Graham A. J. Worthy and
“grand adventure,” from a small town deep in Cherie L. Yestrebsky focus on interdisciplinary
the Austrian Alps into a world of complicated teamwork (page 64).
mathematics. The result was a 146-page proof Elsewhere in the issue, you can discover
and publication in the journal N ature. It all how engineered forms of the rabies virus have
starts on page 28. provided new insights into the brain’s inner
Several years ago a few different trips of my workings (page 68); ponder a controversial
own—to Moscow, Doha (Qatar), Beijing and oth- theory that holds that the best early warnings
ers—inspired the series “State of the World’s Sci- of an earthquake could appear 180 miles
ence.” At the time, I was struck by how other above the ground (page 44); learn about new
countries looked to science and invested in it, ways to evacuate in the event of a hurricane
with a variety of national goals. I decided that (page 74); and consider the all too disturbing reality
Scientific American, with 14 translated editions, should make a of fake videos (page 38). As always, we hope that you enjoy
point of taking an annual look at this global enterprise. making your way through the feature articles in this edition.
In this year’s special report, headed by senior editor Clara We welcome your comments.
Leslie C. Aiello Jonathan Foley Daniel M. Kammen Miguel Nicolelis Terry Sejnowski
President, Wenner-Gren Foundation Executive Director and Class of 1935 Distinguished Professor Co-director, Center for Professor and Laboratory Head
for Anthropological Research William R. and Gretchen B. Kimball Chair, of Energy, Energy and Resources Neuroengineering, Duke University of Computational Neurobiology
Roger Bingham California Academy of Sciences Group, and Director, Renewable and Martin A. Nowak Laboratory, Salk Institute for
Co-Founder and Director, Appropriate Energy Laboratory, Director, Program for Evolutionary Biological Studies
Kaigham J. Gabriel University of California, Berkeley
The Science Network Dynamics, and Professor of Biology and Michael Shermer
President and Chief Executive Officer,
Arthur Caplan Christof Koch of Mathematics, Harvard University Publisher, Skeptic m
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory President and CSO,
Director, Division of Medical Ethics, Robert E. Palazzo Michael Snyder
Department of Population Health,
Harold “Skip” Garner Allen Institute for Brain Science Dean, University of Alabama at Professor of Genetics, Stanford
NYU Langone Medical Center Executive Director and Professor, Morten L. Kringelbach Birmingham College of Arts and Sciences University School of Medicine
Primary Care Research Network Associate Professor and Senior Carolyn Porco Michael E. Webber
Vinton G. Cerf
and Center for Bioinformatics and Research Fellow, The Queen’s College, Leader, Cassini Imaging Science Co-director, Clean Energy Incubator,
Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
Genetics, Edward Via College University of Oxford Team, and Director, CICLOPS, and Associate Professor,
George M. Church Space Science Institute
of Osteopathic Medicine Steven Kyle Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Director, Center for Computational
Professor of Applied Economics and Vilayanur S. Ramachandran University of Texas at Austin
Genetics, Harvard Medical School Michael S. Gazzaniga
Management, Cornell University Director, Center for Brain and Cognition, Steven Weinberg
Rita Colwell Director, Sage Center for the Study University of California, San Diego
Robert S. Langer Director, Theory Research Group,
Distinguished University Professor, of Mind, University of California, David H. Koch Institute Professor, Lisa Randall Department of Physics,
University of Maryland College Park Santa Barbara Department of Chemical University of Texas at Austin
Professor of Physics, Harvard University
and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School David J. Gross Engineering, M.I.T. (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1979)
Martin Rees
of Public Health
Professor of Physics and Permanent Lawrence Lessig Astronomer Royal and Professor George M. Whitesides
Richard Dawkins Member, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Professor, Harvard Law School of Cosmology and Astrophysics, Professor of Chemistry and
Founder and Board Chairman, John P. Moore Institute of Astronomy, University Chemical Biology, Harvard University
Physics,University of California, Santa
Richard Dawkins Foundation Professor of Microbiology and of Cambridge Anton Zeilinger
Barbara (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2004)
Drew Endy Immunology, Weill Medical Jeffrey D. Sachs Professor of Quantum Optics,
Professor of Bioengineering, Lene Vestergaard Hau
College of Cornell Univetrsity Director, The Earth Institute, Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum
Stanford University Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Columbia University Information, University of Vienna
M. Granger Morgan
Edward W. Felten of Applied Physics, Harvard University
Hamerschlag University Professor Eugenie C. Scott Jonathan Zittrain
Director, Center for Information Danny Hillis Engineering and Public Policy, Chair, Advisory Council, Professor of Law and of Computer
Technology Policy, Princeton University Co-chairman, Applied Minds, LLC Carnegie Mellon University National Center for Science Education Science, Harvard University
not yet known. In some scenarios, the speed EDITORIAL David Biello, Lydia Denworth, W. Wayt Gibbs, Ferris Jabr, Anna Kuchment, Robin Lloyd,
Melinda Wenner Moyer, George Musser, Christie Nicholson, John Rennie, Ricki L. Rusting
of light arises from the dynamics of the ART Edward Bell, Bryan Christie, Lawrence R. Gendron, Nick Higgins
building blocks of spacetime. Like the rest EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATOR Ericka Skirpan SENIOR SECRETARY Maya Harty
of the structure of the spacetime we ob-
serve, the speed of light is a property of one
of the phases that theorists hypothesize. It PRESIDENT
loses meaning in the others. Think of the Dean Sanderson
speed of surface waves in liquid water: the VICE PRESIDENT, COMMERCIAL Andrew Douglas
waves cease to exist in the water’s solid PUBLISHER AND VICE PRESIDENT Jeremy A. Abbate
woman’s experience is particularly worrisome because delays
taking emergency birth-control medication can increase the
odds of pregnancy.
Shouldn’t Be
In states with “conscience carve-outs” for druggists, pharmacies
honoring those policies should be required to preemptively notify
state authorities and medical providers that they might refuse ser-
Morality Police
vice. That way, women and their doctors could make alternative
arrangements to fill prescriptions at pharmacies that will give
them the medications they need—avoiding situations such as the
recent one in Arizona. This follows a model worked out in 2014,
Some states let them deny care when the U.S. Supreme Court told the Obama administration that
for nonmedical reasons certain employers with religious objections did not have to offer an
By the Editors insurance plan with birth-control coverage. But these employers
did have to notify the Department of Health and Human Services
In June, an Arizona woman was told by her doctor that her so the government and insurers could provide birth-control cover-
nine-week-old fetus had no heartbeat and that she was miscar- age via a private insurance plan or a government-sponsored one.
rying. She was given a prescription for misoprostol, a drug that (The Trump administration has since complicated this approach
would help induce her body to clear the dead fetus. She went to and scrapped government notification requirements.)
a local Walgreens to get that medication, but the pharmacist And in situations where individual pharmacists may refuse
there refused. Instead he told her she could return when he service—even if their pharmacies generally fill family-planning
was not working or have her prescription passed along to an prescriptions—there should be a legal requirement to automat-
other pharmacy. The woman said she was left explaining in ically refer that prescription to another pharmacy within a
front of her seven-year-old and other customers that she had certain reasonable distance or to have a backup druggist on
wanted to have a baby but that there was no heartbeat. Yet she call to do the work so that patients can get medications quickly
was still refused the medication. and efficiently.
In Arizona and at least six other U.S. states, pharmacists Pharmacists play a vital role in the health care system: help-
have the legal right to refuse to fill emergency contraception ing patients treat illnesses, maintain their health, educating them
prescriptions—not for medical reasons but simply based on about drug interactions and answering questions. But these pro-
moral grounds. In such cases, the law allows druggists in Arizo- fessionals are hurting people—especially women—when they
na, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, South Dakota and force them to go hunting for a place to fill a prescription.
Texas to override the judgment of physicians.
This puts patients at risk—primarily women, because moral
qualms nearly always have to do with birth control or with so- Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
called abortion pills. But there are many reasons other than or send a letter to the editor: [email protected]
New Drugs
from Old
Repurposing medications could
let us treat intractable illnesses
By Joseph Gogos
Despite decades of research, disorders of the brain
have proved especially difficult to treat. Consider
Alzheimer’s disease. To date, every single clinical tri-
al of a treatment for Alzheimer’s has failed to halt its
progress. In January, Pfizer announced that it had
ended research on drugs for it, as well as for Parkin-
son’s disease. Autism has been similarly frustrating.
Then there is schizophrenia, which has not seen
a breakthrough for more than 60 years, since the
discovery of chlorpromazine (brand name: Thora-
zine)—which happened largely by chance. legal framework that lets companies protect their interests while
But the story of chlorpromazine offers a powerful lesson: orig- sharing drug data. Other initiatives to create similar databases of
inally an antihistamine, it was repurposed as an antianxiety med- approved and failed drugs are also under way.
ication. That led to doctors trying it in people with pathological If this information could be funneled into a centralized re-
anxiety and in agitated psychotic patients. Finally, with a few source, along with existing data on approved drugs—and com-
modifications, it was reborn as an antipsychotic, ushering in a bined with the explosion in genetic knowledge related to the un-
generation of medications to treat a variety of psychiatric disor- derlying disease mechanisms—it would be a revelation. Research-
ders, from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to severe depres- ers could employ the latest tools in bioinformatics, data science
sion and anxiety. These are not miracle cures, and they have seri- and machine learning to uncover common molecular themes
ous side effects—but they are far better than what existed before. among or between diseases and potential drugs.
As a neuroscientist who has studied schizophrenia for decades, Ultimately the key is access, but many pharmaceutical compa-
I am convinced that we could have similar successes with other nies are still reluctant to reveal anything that might jeopardize
medicines already on our shelves, which may hold untapped their intellectual property. Even academics may hesitate to share
promise for treating brain diseases—if only pharmaceutical com- with competing laboratories. To remedy this, the fda and similar
panies can be prompted to share their data with scientists. Be- entities must develop incentives for sharing data, such as by cre-
cause an existing drug has already passed fda tests to prove it is ating legal safeguards for privacy and commercial interests.
nontoxic to humans, successfully repurposing it could take less These incentives could then open the floodgates for easy-to-use,
than half of the estimated 13 years and significantly less than the open platforms for efficiently sharing and mining data. This
average $2-billion to $3-billion cost of developing a single drug would not have been possible five years ago. But now is a pivotal
from scratch. The thousands of fda-approved drugs thus repre- moment, and we have never been closer to real breakthroughs.
sent a vast resource that can potentially be modified to target any In my lab, we are testing certain cancer drugs that restore
number of conditions. But this potential is largely unexplored, in some of the biological processes that are disrupted in schizophre-
part because companies focus on specific diseases and would have nia. We want to see if the drugs have the same restorative proper-
to restructure their R&D programs to look at others. ties in the brain cells of schizophrenia patients. This is a proof of
There are also thousands of drugs that are not f da-approved, concept for the idea that a systematic and strategic approach to
such as those stalled in clinical trials or discontinued by drug- drug repurposing could actually move the needle. There is no
makers. When a company abandons development of a drug, time to waste. We now have the capabilities to deploy a legion of
whatever researchers know is locked up in that company’s files virtual researchers in search of these eureka moments. What we
and might as well be lost. Scientists need access to this informa- need is cooperation from drug companies and academic scientists
tion, and we need it now. Starting in the early 2010s, the U.S. Na- alike—and access to the lifesaving data they hold.
tional Institutes of Health and the U.K.’s Medical Research Coun-
cil have been striking deals to take abandoned drugs from their
pipelines and release that information publicly. The nih’s Nation- Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
al Center for Advancing Translational Sciences even provides a or send a letter to the editor: [email protected]
Slippery Slope
Seafloor maps reveal Antarctic
glacier had a bumpy ride
Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier h olds
a dubious honor—it is currently the largest
Antarctic contributor to global sea-level
rise, thanks to the enormous amount of ice
it has lost in recent decades. Now scien-
tists have identified the likely cause of
some of the glacier’s most spectacular
calving events, which have birthed ice-
bergs several times the size of Manhattan.
The culprit: submerged rock ridges that
poke up high enough to occasionally hit
the bottom of the glacier. This activity cre-
ates small cracks that grow and eventually
cause massive chunks of ice to break off.
But the undersea rocks are not all bad
news—they can also help stabilize the gla-
cier by grinding against its underside, but-
tressing it against flowing faster out to sea.
Jan Erik Arndt, a geophysicist at the
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center
for Polar and Marine Research in Germany,
and his colleagues departed Punta Arenas,
Chile, in February 2017 onboard the ice-
breaker Polarstern. A week or so later they
arrived in Pine Island Bay, an inlet filled
with icebergs and dominated by the gla-
cier’s 40-meter-high face. They were there
to figure out what controlled the stability
of this expanse of ice.
Arndt and his colleagues launched
sound waves from the P olarstern’s hull into
COGNITIVE SCIENCE blind to other visual stimuli. Jody Culham, a neuroscientist at West-
ern University in Ontario, and her colleagues launched a 10-year
Seeing Blind investigation into Canning’s remarkable vision and published the
results online in May in N europsychologia. T
he team confirmed that
A visually impaired woman Canning was able to detect motion and its direction. She could see a
can still perceive motion hand moving toward her, but she could not tell a thumbs-up from a
thumbs-down. She was also able to navigate around obstacles, reach
Milena Canning can see s team rising from a coffee cup but not and grasp, and catch a ball thrown at her.
the cup. She can see her daughter’s ponytail swing from Scans of Canning’s head showed an apple-sized hole
side to side, but she can’t see her daughter. Canning where the visual cortex should be. But the lesion
is blind, yet moving objects somehow find a way apparently spared the brain’s motion-processing
into her perception. Scientists studying her region, the middle temporal (MT) visual area.
condition say it could reveal secrets about “All the credit [for Canning’s perception]
how humans process vision in general. must go to an intact MT,” says Beatrice de
Canning was 29 when a stroke Gelder, a neuroscientist at Maastricht Uni-
destroyed her entire occipital lobe, the brain versity in the Netherlands, who was not
region housing the visual system. The event involved in the study.
left her sightless, but one day she saw a flash The next mystery is how information
of light from a metallic gift bag next to her. from the eyes gets to the MT without travel-
Her doctors told her she was hallucinating. ing through the visual cortex. “I think of the
Nevertheless, “I thought there must be some- primary visual pathway as a highway. In Mile-
thing happening within my brain [allowing me to na’s case, the highway dead-ends, but there are
see],” she says. She went from doctor to doctor until all these side roads that go to the MT,” Culham says.
she met Gordon Dutton, an ophthalmologist in Glasgow, “It’s got to be one of these indirect routes, but we are not
Scotland. Dutton had encountered this mystery before—in a 1917 yet sure which one.” These side roads most likely exist in all our
paper by neurologist George Riddoch describing brain-injured brains as remnants of the early visual system that evolved to detect
World War I soldiers. To help enhance Canning’s motion-based approaching threats even without full-fledged sight, Culham says.
vision, Dutton prescribed her a rocking chair. Canning is an eager participant in the researchers’ ongoing study.
Canning is one of a handful of people who have been diagnosed “If I can help them understand the brain more,” she says, “I could
with the “Riddoch phenomenon,” the ability to perceive motion while understand why I’m seeing what I’m seeing.” —Bahar Gholipour
ernment’s actions caused climate change is moving for- ments in a part of southern Finland that is now under
ward. The U.S. Supreme Court dismissed an attempt by several meters of lake water, researchers found.
People were performing den-
tistry on horses on the vast
MEXICO grasslands of the Mongolian
A Mexico City–based social enter- steppe roughly 3,000 years
prise is providing computer pro- ago, according to a research
gramming training to teenagers team’s fifindings.
ndings. The study sug-
deported from the U.S. The orga- gests nomads there were some
nization, Hola<code/>, is off ering of the fifirst
rst humans to use the
ve-month software engineering animals for wide-scale trans-
“boot camps” in a bid to give the port, spurring the early begin-
young deportees employable nings of globalization.
skills and ultimately boost the INDIA
nation’s technology sector. KENYA
KENYA Scientists wrote a letter to the Indian president to
Nairobi, a city with some of the world’s worst traffic,
traffic, voice concerns over alleged political attacks on science.
is planning to implement car-free Wednesdays and The letter criticized the government’s decision to
Saturdays in two of its most congested areas. Policy influential
transfer a senior scientist to a less infl uential post after
For more details, visit makers hope this will encourage public transporta-
he complained about moves to privatize parts of the
oct2018/advances tion use and reduce air pollution. nation’s central space agency.
© 2018 Scientific American
lished in May in Nature
Ecology & Evolution.
“Migratory birds, because of the life-
styles they have, have to deal with two
Immunity separate sets of pathogens,” O’Connor
says. “I was expecting them to have the
Birds’ ability to fight germs highest gene diversity of all the groups, so
depends on migration patterns I was really surprised to find it was really
similar to [that of] the European birds.”
As autumn slides into winter e very year, Young birds are most susceptible to
many birds in Europe and Asia pack up and pathogens just after hatching, and the
fly south to bask in the tropical African stress of reproduction makes their parents
sunshine. When spring rolls around, they Meadow pipit more likely to get sick then, too. For both
return to the temperate Palearctic zone to reasons, O’Connor suspects that evolution
mate and raise their offspring. Researchers trapped wild birds from a representative may have pushed migratory species to fa-
wanted to know why these long-distance subset of 32 species, taking blood samples vor genes associated with resistance to
fliers do not get travelers’ flu. for genetic analysis. The researchers were pathogens common in the north, where
“When we go abroad on holiday, we looking for genes that encode a class of im they are born, at the expense of those that
need all sorts of vaccinations,” says Emily mune system proteins called MHC-I, which protect against tropical germs.
O’Connor, an ecologist at Lund University are involved in recognizing pathogens. The Alternatively, migratory species may
in Sweden. “But birds don’t have the option greater the number of such genes, the more have invested in other forms of immunity
of pharmaceutical protection. It puzzled us: kinds of invaders an animal’s immune sys- that are not pathogen-specific, says Univer-
How is it they can cope so well with some- tem can detect, O’Connor says. sity of Exeter evolutionary biologist Camille
thing so difficult for us to cope with?” By this measure, sedentary African birds Bonneaud, who was not involved in the
To find out, O’Connor and her col- had the most robust immune systems. Be- study. “We now need to further explore
Body Balance
created a model in
mice. Borrowing a
technique previously
How different limbs grow at the developed for modi-
same rate during development fying cells in a labo-
ratory dish, the re-
Species with symmetrical b ody plans have searchers injected
been roaming the earth for about 400 mil- into the mouse fe-
lion years. Human beings have long shown tus’s left hind leg
an intense interest in this property in our a type of cell that re-
own species—take the importance of sym- stricted the leg’s
metry in perceptions of beauty or the fa- growth. They found
mous depiction of the outstretched human that the cells sur-
body in Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man. rounding the suppressed tissue communi- anism makes it possible for the slower one
Now scientists have gone a step further. cated with the placenta, which then sig- to catch up,” Cooper says.
Alberto Roselló-Díez, a developmental bi- naled the rest of the organism’s tissues— The study offers insight into limb devel-
ologist currently at the Australian Regener- including the other hind leg—to slow their opment and so-called catch-up growth.
ative Medicine Institute at Monash Univer- growth until the hindered limb caught up. But the research also raises new questions:
sity, led a study of how a mouse fetus main- Then, uniform growth resumed. The find- for example, once the limb has reached the
tains symmetry as it develops. By making ings were published in June in P LOS Biology. same level of growth, how does the other
one of the fetus’s limbs grow more slowly Think of this process as a “three-legged limb know to start growing again? “We
than the other, the team observed how race,” says Kim Cooper, a cell and develop- kind of expect symmetry in our limbs,” says
cells communicate to ultimately correct mental biologist at the University of Cali- Adrian Halme, a cell biologist at the Univer-
the asymmetry. No study had successfully fornia, San Diego, who was not involved in sity of Virginia, who was also not involved
examined this phenomenon until now. the study. “If one person is going faster, it’s with the study. “But how they achieve that
After a year of failed attempts, Roselló- harder to stay in sync. This placenta mech- symmetry is really striking.” —Maya Miller
New Version!
Brain Bar Codes
New technique lets scientists map
the organ in unprecedented detail
Neuroscientists know a lot lot about how indi-
vidual neurons operate but remarkably little
about how large numbers of them work to-
gether to produce thoughts, feelings and be-
havior. They need a wiring diagram for the
brain—known as a connectome—to identify
the circuits that underlie the organ’s functions.
Now researchers at Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory and their colleagues have devel-
oped an innovative brain-mapping technique
and used it to trace the connections emanating
from nearly 600 neurons in a mouse brain’s
main visual area in just three weeks. This tech-
nology could someday be used to help under-
stand disorders thought to involve atypical
brain wiring, such as autism or schizophrenia.
The technique works by tagging cells with
genetic “bar codes.” Researchers inject viruses
into mice brains, where the viruses direct cells
to produce random 30-letter RNA sequences
(consisting of the nucleotide “letters” G, A, U
and C). The cells also create a protein that binds
to these RNA bar codes and drags them the
length of each neuron’s output wire, or axon.
The researchers later dissect the mice brains
into target regions and sequence the cells in
each area, enabling them to determine which
tagged neurons are connected to which regions.
The team found that neurons in a mouse’s
primary visual cortex typically send outputs to
multiple other visual areas. It also discovered
that most cells fall into six distinct groups based
on which regions—and how many of them—
they connect to. This finding suggests there are
subtypes of neurons in a mouse’s primary visual
cortex that perform different functions. “Be-
cause we have so many neurons, we can do sta-
tistics and start understanding the patterns we
see,” says Cold Spring Harbor’s Justus Keb-
schull, co-lead author of the study, which was
published in April in N ature.
Nature. Over 75 New Features & Apps in Origin 2018!
The bar-coding method represents a major
For a FREE 60-day
leap for connectome mapping. With just 30 Over 500,000 registered users worldwide in: evaluation, go to
nucleotides, a researcher can generate more ◾ 6,000+ Companies including 20+ Fortune Global 500 OriginLab.Com/demo
unique sequences than there are neurons in ◾ 6,500+ Colleges & Universities and enter code: 9246
the brain, says neuroscientist Botond Roska of ◾ 3,000+ Government Agencies & Research Labs
the Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthal-
mology Basel in Switzerland, who was not in-
volved in the work: “I predict that as this tech-
nology matures, it will be a key way we analyze 25+ years serving the scientific & engineering community
brain connectivity.” —SSimon
— imon Makin
Untitled-194 1 17
October 2018, 17
18/07/2018 22:26
Representative Bill Foster weighs in on the most What is the most important science-
important science issues facing the country related issue now facing Congress?
Aside from evidence-based political de-
Before being elected t o Congress in Ehlers of Michigan—a very moderate bate, I think it is understanding that tech-
2008, Bill Foster, a Democrat, worked Republican and a thoughtful guy. We still nology is changing our society, our country
for more than 20 years as a physicist at have a Ph.D. in mathematics, Representa- and our world at an unprecedented rate.
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory tive Jerry McNerney of California (a Dem- It has already upended labor markets. We
in Batavia, Ill. Now, as one of a handful ocrat). But in terms of physics, chemistry, should have a dedicated tech committee.
of members of Congress with a Ph.D. in et cetera, I’m all that’s left. I think there are six or seven House com-
science, he says there is an urgent need mittees that claim they are doing informa-
for more scientists in politics. At least eight Does this background affect your tion technology. We should consolidate
candidates with science backgrounds— role as a politician? tech and get a core competence in that.
though not necessarily doctorates—will Almost every issue that comes up has a
be on the ballot for seats in the House or technological edge to it. For example, with What are some of your specific
Senate in November. Foster sat down with the Iran nuclear deal, I found that mem- technology concerns?
Scientific American to discuss science’s bers of Congress—both Democrats and If the U.S. started issuing digital cash [mean-
role on Capitol Hill amid the current divi- Republicans—would just come to me, ing virtual currency that would pass be-
sive political climate. An edited excerpt of asking me to serve as an interpreter on tween individuals with no transaction fee],
the conversation follows. the purely technical aspects of it. There’s immediately people would use that instead
— Dina Fine Maron only one of me, and there are 434 other of credit cards. That would affect a huge
members of the House, so I simply couldn’t source of revenue for banks large and small.
How does it feel to be one of the only provide the diffusion of technical knowl- Other countries are already moving in that
scientists in Congress? edge that is missing here. I spent a long direction. And if we just say, “No, we’re go-
Lonely. I was actually the third Ph.D. physi- time in classified briefings with the experts ing to stick with our way of doing things”—
cist when I came to Congress. We had then at the weapons labs and asked all the and the European Union starts issuing digi-
Representative Rush Holt of New Jersey (a “What if” questions and “Would we be tal euros, for example—you would find that
Democrat), who is now running the Amer- able to detect something under the agree- the whole world will just walk away from
ican Association for the Advancement of ment?” Then I had to translate all that the U.S. dollar. I don’t think that’s a recipe
Science, and the late Representative Vern technical information. for making American finance great again.
Missing E.T.
Ancient Earth’s atmosphere
raises questions in the search
Enjoy by the glass.
for extraterrestrial life Zzysh® keeps wine fresh for several
weeks after the bottle is open.
Take a deep breath. About bout 20
A 20 percent
percent of
the air that just moved through your mouth
or nostrils is oxygen—the gas much of life on
Earth needs to survive. If you had taken that
breath about 1.87 billion
1.87 billion years ago, however,
you would have croaked.
Until recently, little was known about oxy-
gen’s abundance in the atmosphere back then,
when microbes were the only life on the plan-
et. Now geologists doing fieldwork in north-
ern Canada have confirmed for the first time
that oxygen was extremely scarce.
The fact that life flourished amid such low
oxygen levels presents a problem for scientists
hunting for extraterrestrial life. The presence THE WORLD’S LEADING
of the
of the gas in the atmosphere of a planet is con-
sidered a telltale sign that it could harbor life, WINE PRESERVER
explains Noah Planavsky, a biogeochemist at
© 2018 Vinturi
Yale University and a co-author of the new
study, published in July in the P roceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences USA. B But
ut if envi-
ronments with extremely low oxygen concen-
trations can still support life, space telescopes
Untitled-27 1
IN REASON WE TRUST 24/08/2018 20:08
designed to detect an abundance of the gas
may never find such life. “Even [if such planets
are] teeming with complex life, they may ap- Religion has
pear—from a remote detectability point of
view—as dead planets,” Planavsky says.
Planavsky and his team tested rocks for been the greatest
concentrations of the element cerium, which bludgeon crushing
serves as a proxy for ancient oxygen levels.
Oxyg en binds to cerium in seawater and re-
gen women’s freedom.
Photo by Michelle Frankfurter
ly, a dip in progesterone, a hormone that
protects against swelling in the brain,
could heighten women’s vulnerability to
Female soccer players are brain injury during certain phases of their
more vulnerable to brain menstrual cycle.
damage than males are Thomas Kaminski, a sports physiolo
gist at the University of Delaware, who
Repeatedly heading a soccer ball exacts was not involved in the work, calls it
a toll on an athlete’s brain. But this cost— “truly groundbreaking.” The research is
measured by the volume of brain cells unique in highlighting the cumulative
damaged—is five times greater for wom effect of repetitive knocks on the skull, as
en than for men, new research suggests. opposed to major traumatic injuries, he
The study provides a biological expla says. “Very few of these subjects had a
nation for why women report more severe history of concussion.”
symptoms and longer recovery times Researchers are now eager to deter
than men following brain injuries in sports. mine if these white matter changes carry
Previously some researchers had dis long-term cognitive consequences. Until
missed female players’ complaints be be more is known, Kaminski advocates a pro
cause there was little physiological evi active approach to limiting the damage
dence for the disparity, says Michael Lipton, caused by headers. In August he met with
a neuroscientist at the Albert Einstein U.S. Soccer Federation officials to craft
science-based guidelines for practicing the
“Warning: She spares no the paper.
the paper.
co-author of
College of Medicine and a coauthor sciencebased
move in youth leagues.
detail!” Lipton’s team used magnetic resonance Carla Garcia, a participant in Lipton’s
study, says that after 47 years of playing
imaging to peer into the skulls of 98
98 adult
—Erik Larson, bestselling author of Dead Wake
amateur soccer players—half of them soccer, she has no plans to quit using her
female and half male—who headed the ball head. But she notes, “If there’s any way
“Atmospheric . . . with varying frequency during the prior we can make the sport safer for children,
The story it tells is one of year. For women, eight of the brain’s signal- important.”
that’s important.” Daniel Ackerman
carrying white matter
abiding fascination.” regions showed struc
—Jennifer Senior, The New York Times tural deterioration,
compared with just
“A formidable achievement— three such regions
in men (damage
a rousing tale told with brio, increased with the
featuring a real-life hero number of reported
headers). Furthermore,
worthy of the ages and jolts female athletes in the
of Victorian horror to rival the study suffered damage
to an average of about
most lurid moments of 2,100 cubic millimeters
Wilkie Collins.” of brain tissue, com
pared with an average
—John J. Ross,
The Wall Street Journal of just 400 cubic
millimeters in the
male athletes.
Lipton does not yet
know the cause of
these sex differences,
but he notes two pos
G etty Images
do not always result in a mating success.
Tinder for In the wild, female cheetahs wander
far and wide, apparently staking out poten-
Cheetahs tial mates by sniffing the scent markings
males leave around their territories. So the
The scent of urine could help researchers wanted to test the idea of
captive big cats find partners using urine to introduce possible partners
to one another in captivity. Mossotti and
Zoos looking to breed cheetahs iin n cap- her team drove around the U.S. collecting Gentlemen, it’s time
Untitled-126 1
30/07/2018 23:50
Rogue Industries
liaisons with animals at other facilities in er mating success. Although doing so
an effort
an effort to avoid inbreeding—which can may take some work, Mossotti says the
result in less
in less healthy offspring. Zoos use team’s research is already changing the
a matchmaking
a matchmaking system based primarily way zoos think about managing their
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on genetic
on genetic similarity, but their calculations captive ppopulations.
opulations. ——JJoshua
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Pregnancy causes a dramatic rise in the atypical in women [who] might suffer from
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Latin is off opioids and handles her pain with meditation, exercise,
psychological counseling and nonopioid nerve pain drugs.
Alas, few of the 10 million or so Americans taking opioids
long term for chronic pain have access to such a stellar program.
Around the country, state and federal authorities and insurance
companies are cracking down on opioid prescriptions in the
wake of a 345 percent spike in opioid-related deaths between
2001 and 2016. In some states, legislatures have restricted what
doctors can readily prescribe. As a result, many patients are be
ing forced to reduce their drug use without the support to do it
safely and effectively. “If somebody is on opioids at high doses
for many years, it takes time and work to help them come down
from those doses. How any politician thinks they know the
answer to this in a one-size-fits-all solution beats me,” says opi-
oid researcher Erin Krebs of the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs
Health Care System.
In fact, there’s very little research on how best to taper opioids
for chronic pain patients. For example, although studies show that
drugs such as buprenorphine can help addicts recover, little is
known about their value in the context of chronic pain. Last year
Krebs and her colleagues published a review paper that examined
67 studies on tapering opioids for pain patients and found only
three to be of high quality and 13 to be “fair.” The good news,
Coming Down Krebs says, “was that as you reduce dosages, most people do bet-
ter” in terms of pain and quality of life. The challenging news is
from Opioids
that the better studies emphasized multidisciplinary care and very
close patient follow-up—labor-intensive methods that are not
widely available in the U.S. and rarely covered by insurance.
One thing seems clear from research and clinical experience:
The search is on for safe ways to taper reckless restriction is not the right response to reckless prescrib-
ing. “Forced tapers can destabilize patients,” says Stefan Kertesz,
the drugs for people in chronic pain an addiction expert at the University of Alabama at Birmingham
By Claudia Wallis School of Medicine. Worried clinicians such as Kertesz report
growing anecdotal evidence of patient distress and even suicide.
Shelley Latin’s odyssey w ith chronic pain and opioids began The brightest rays of light in this dark picture come from a
innocuously enough in June 2011, when she awoke with a stom- burst of new research. In May a team led by Stanford pain psy-
achache. It took a year for the cause to be correctly diagnosed— chologist Beth Darnall published the results of a pilot study with
a bacterial infection in her gut—and arrested with antibiotics, 68 chronic pain patients. In four months, the 51 participants who
but by then the pain had taken on a life of its own, no longer completed the study cut their opioid dosages nearly in half with-
linked to the infection. “I couldn’t drive, or walk, or sit. I could out increased pain. There were no fancy clinics, just an attentive
only lie in bed on my back,” she recalls. community doctor and a self-help guide written by Darnall. A key
Over the next five years Latin, a legal aid lawyer in Oregon, element was very slow dose reduction during the first month. “It
found herself taking ever higher, doctor-prescribed doses of allows patients to relax into the process and gain a sense of trust
hydrocodone to manage her misery. It was disastrous. She could with their doctor and with themselves that they can do this,” Dar-
not focus, she felt crushing fatigue and, inexplicably, she says, “I nall says. She is now recruiting 1,300 patients for a multicenter
cried constantly.” Worse, her entire abdomen became so hyper- study of this method that will also assess the value of adding
sensitive that just wearing clothes was painful. This was likely behavioral support such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
caused in part by a paradoxical side effect of the painkillers Other big studies are also getting under way. One headed by
known as opioid-induced hyperalgesia. Krebs will compare a pharmacist-led program to modify drug
By last year, Latin had had enough. She enrolled for a week at regimens with one in which a medical and mental health team
Stanford University’s Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Pain Pro- helps patients decrease opioid use in the context of setting per-
gram, where she worked with doctors to taper her meds, occupa- sonal goals. Given the high level of fear that most patients feel
tional and physical therapists to get moving again, and psycholo- about making changes, it’s a safe bet that any successful program
gists to work on her pain-related anxiety and catastrophizing. Now will be long on patience and compassion.
5G Is Just around For example, apps will no longer degrade your video or post-
pone downloading when you’re out of Wi-Fi range. In fact, you’ll
the Corner
probably p refer to do your downloads when you’re on cellular be-
cause 5G will be much faster than whatever service you’ve got at
home or work. Furthermore, our phones can become radically
more powerful. Today the processors in our devices are limited by
It will make 4G phones heat and battery capacity. But imagine, Hanna says, if your phone
seem positively quaint is tied, by a 5G connection, to a much beefier computer online.
“It’s happening remotely, but because it’s such a high-speed con-
By David Pogue
nection, it will feel as though the additional processor is inside
You’re probably used to the periodic upgrades in our cell- your device, in your hand,” he says.
phone networks. There was 2G, which came along in 1991, re- Another big change: 5G is not just for phones. It reflects the new
placed with 3G in 2001, followed by 4G in 2009. Now we’re hear- world of Internet-connected gadgets, industrial machines, farming
ing about the coming of 5G. equipment and even cars. For example, the 5G protocol allows
But 5G is a much bigger leap than what’s come before. Qual- some transmissions to cut in front of others. In, say, 2023 when two
comm’s Web site, in fact, calls it “as transformative as the auto- self-driving cars need to communicate to avoid a collision, their
mobile and electricity.” (One of the world’s leading makers of data will get priority over your stream of S tar Wars: Episode XXV.
phone-networking chips, Qualcomm was a key player in the de- Not everyone is thrilled by the 5G development. The new stan-
velopment of the 5G standard—and stands to profit handsomely dard gets its speed partly by using existing transmission frequen-
from its success.) cies more efficiently and partly by harnessing the millimeter-
Of course, 5G is much faster than 4G—in the real world, a 5G wave spectrum. That’s a big, juicy swath of radio frequencies that
phone in a 5G city will enjoy Internet speeds between nine and 20 are currently underused—because millimeter wave is “really hard
times as fast. The latency of 5G (the delay b efore t hose fast data to use—very finicky, very tricky,” Hanna says.
begin pouring in) is one tenth as long. These frequencies are much higher than anything we’ve used
The arrival of 5G also means enormous leaps forward in capac- for cellular. (Your Wi-Fi network uses the 2.4- or 5.8-gigahertz
ity—so much that every cell-phone plan will offer cheap, truly un- bands. Millimeter wave is 24 gigahertz and up.) Which means they
limited Internet access. “The consequences of that are immense,” can offer unbelievable speed—but at the expense of range. Milli-
says Sherif Hanna, Qualcomm’s director of 5G marketing. meter-wave cellular towers have to be about 500 feet apart. Cell
carriers not only will have to upgrade all their cell transceivers
(called small cells) but will install a lot more of them as well.
That’s why the millimeter-wave flavor of 5G—the superfast
coverage—will be available only in densely populated cities such
as New York and San Francisco. In suburban and rural areas, 5G
will bring a speedup of “only” nine times faster.
The need to install more small cells means more rectangular
boxes on lampposts, more wires on utility poles and more indus-
trial-looking ugliness in places where local residents don’t always
want it. Lawsuits, fines and battles between towns and cell carri-
ers are already under way.
But 5G is a train that can’t be stopped. The big cell carriers will
be turning on 5G in a handful of cities by the end of 2018, and the
first 5G-enabled smartphones are expected to go on sale in early
2019. “I don’t think most people realize [that] initially 5G was tar-
geted for 2020, and now we’re talking about late 2018,” Hanna
says. “We’re working around the clock. Weekends, nights—it’s re-
ally pretty brutal right now, to be honest.”
Here’s to all those engineers and their millimeter waves.
Someday we’ll tell our grandkids about the days when YouTube
videos paused annoyingly, people paid for data by the gigabyte
and the only way cars could communicate was by honking.
After a years-long intellectual journey, three
mathematicians have discovered that a problem
of central importance in physics is impossible
to solve—and that means other big questions
may be undecidable, too
By Toby S. Cubitt, David Pérez-García
and Michael Wolf
October by Mark Ross Studios
2018, 29
on mathematical problems in quantum physics.
he three of us were sitting together in a café in Seefeld, a small town deep in the
Austrian Alps. It was the summer of 2012, and we were stuck. Not stuck in the café—the
sun was shining, the snow on the Alps was glistening, and the beautiful surroundings
were sorely tempting us to abandon the mathematical problem we were stuck on and
head outdoors. We were trying to explore the connections between 20th-century math-
ematical results by Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing and quantum physics. That, at least,
was the dream. A dream that had begun back in 2010, during a semester-long program
on quantum information at the Mittag-Leffler Institute near Stockholm.
Some of the questions we were looking into had been ex- about. The “spectral gap” problem Michael was proposing that
plored before by others, but to us this line of research was en- we tackle (which we will explain later) was one of central im-
tirely new, so we were starting with something simple. Just portance to physics. We did not know at the time whether this
then, we were trying to prove a small and not very significant problem was or was not decidable (although we had a hunch it
result to get a feel for things. For months now, we had a proof was not) or whether we would be able to prove it either way. But
(of sorts) of this result. But to make the proof work, we had to if we could, the results would be of real relevance to physics, not
set up the problem in an artificial and unsatisfying way. It felt to mention a substantial mathematical achievement. Michael’s
like changing the question to suit the answer, and we were not ambitious suggestion, tossed off almost as a jest, launched us
very happy with it. Picking the problem up again during the on a grand adventure. Three years and 146 pages of mathemat-
break after the first session of talks at the workshop in Seefeld ics later, our proof of the undecidability of the spectral gap was
that had brought us together in 2012, we still could not see any published in N ature.
way around our problems. Half-jokingly, one of us (Michael To understand what this means, we need to go back to the
Wolf ) asked, “Why don’t we prove the undecidability of some- beginning of the 20th century and trace some of the threads
thing people really care about, like the spectral gap?” that gave rise to modern physics, mathematics and computer
At the time, we were interested in whether certain problems science. These disparate ideas all lead back to German mathe-
in physics are “decidable” or “undecidable”—that is, can they matician David Hilbert, often regarded as the greatest figure of
ever be solved? We had gotten stuck trying to probe the decid- the past 100 years in the field. (Of course, no one outside of
ability of a much more minor question, one few people care mathematics has heard of him. The discipline is not a good
Kurt Gödel f amously discovered in the 1930s that physics—the so-called spectral gap question—falls midnight calculating and much theorizing over cof-
some statements are impossible to prove true or into this category. The spectral gap refers to the fee, the mathematicians produced a 146-page proof
false—they will always be “undecidable.” energy difference between the lowest energy state that the spectral gap problem is, in fact, undecid-
Mathematicians recently s et out to discover a material can occupy and the next state up. able. The result raises the possibility that other
whether a certain fundamental problem in quantum After three years o f blackboard brainstorming, important questions may likewise be unanswerable.
between the atom’s different energy levels. Explain- Excited state (level 3)
ing these atomic emissions was one of the problems Excited state (level 2)
physicists were wrestling with in the first half of the
Excited state (level 1)
20th century. The question led directly to the devel-
opment of quantum mechanics, and the mathemat- Gaps
other than sit in its ground state, something must above the ground
state is possible
excite it to a higher energy. The easiest way is for it
to absorb the smallest amount of energy it can, just
enough to take it to the next energy level above the
ground state—the first excited state. The energy
gap between the ground state and this first excited Ground state
state is so critical that it is often just called the
spectral gap.
In some materials, there is a large gap between
the ground state and the first excited state. In other materials, happen even when the temperature is kept extremely low. For
the energy levels extend all the way down to the ground state example, changing the magnetic field around a material or the
without any gaps at all. Whether a material is “gapped” or pressure it is subjected to can cause an insulator to become a
“gapless” has profound consequences for its behavior at low superconductor or cause a solid to become a superfluid.
temperatures. It plays a particularly significant role in quan- How can a material go through a phase transition at a tem-
tum phase transitions. perature of absolute zero (−273.15 degrees Celsius), at which
A phase transition happens when a material undergoes a there is no heat at all to provide energy? It comes down to the
sudden and dramatic change in its properties. We are all very spectral gap. When the spectral gap disappears—when a mate-
familiar with some phase transitions—such as water transform- rial is gapless—the energy needed to reach an excited state be-
ing from its solid form of ice into its liquid form when heated comes zero. The tiniest amount of energy will be enough to
up. But there are more exotic quantum phase transitions that push the material through a phase transition. In fact, thanks to
Halting Problem
Turing devised a simple question known as
the halting problem: Will a Turing machine running
on a given input ever stop? Furthermore, Turing proved
that no mathematical procedure could ever answer this
question. The authors built on Turing’s work to show that the
spectral gap is similar to the halting problem and is likewise undecidable.
the weird quantum effects that dominate physics at these very trying to solve them, though. Our proof shows that the general
low temperatures, the material can temporarily “borrow” this problem is even trickier than we thought. The reason comes
energy from nowhere, go through a phase transition and “give” down to a question called the E
the energy back. Therefore, to understand quantum phase tran-
sitions and quantum phases, we need to determine when mate- U NANSWERABLE QUESTIONS
rials are gapped and when they are gapless. By the 1920s H ilbert had become concerned with putting the
Because this spectral gap problem is so fundamental to un- foundations of mathematics on a firm, rigorous footing—an en-
derstanding quantum phases of matter, it crops up all over the deavor that became known as Hilbert’s program. He believed
place in theoretical physics. Many famous and long-standing that whatever mathematical conjecture one might make, it will
open problems in condensed matter physics boil down to solv- in principle be possible to prove either that it is true or that it is
ing this problem for a specific material. A closely related ques- false. (It had better not be possible to prove that it is both, or
tion even crops up in particle physics: there is very good evi- something has gone very wrong with mathematics!) This idea
dence that the fundamental equations describing quarks and might seem obvious, but mathematics is about establishing con-
their interactions have a “mass gap.” Experimental data from cepts with absolute certainty. Hilbert wanted a rigorous proof.
particle colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider near Gene- In 1928 he formulated the Entscheidungsproblem. A lthough
va support this notion, as do massive number-crunching results it sounds like the German sound for a sneeze, in English it
from supercomputers. But proving the idea rigorously from the translates to “the decision problem.” It asks whether there is a
theory seems to be extremely difficult. So difficult, in fact, that procedure, or “algorithm,” that can decide whether mathemati-
this problem, called the Yang-Mills mass gap problem, has been cal statements are true or false.
named one of seven Millennium Prize problems by the Clay For example, the statement “Multiplying any whole number
Mathematics Institute, and anyone who solves it is entitled to a by 2 gives an even number” can easily be proved true, using ba-
$1-million prize. All these problems are particular cases of the sic logic and arithmetic. Other statements are less clear. What
general spectral gap question. We have bad news for anyone about the following example? “If you take any whole number,
more important than the result itself.) a serious prospect. Now we had the first glim-
000 4
To solve the Entscheidungsproblem, T uring had to pin down merings that it might actually be possible.
precisely what it meant to “compute” something. Nowadays we But there was still a very long way to go. We
EC • EC •
think of computers as electronic devices that sit on our desk, on could not extend our initial idea to prove the
our lap or even in our pocket. But computers as we know them undecidability of the spectral gap problem itself.
did not exist in 1936. In fact, “computer” originally meant a per-
son who carried out calculations with pen and paper. Neverthe- B URNING THE MIDNIGHT COFFEE
less, computing with pen and paper as you did in high school is We attempted to make the next leap by linking the spectral gap
mathematically no different to computing with a modern desktop problem to quantum computing. In 1985 Nobel Prize–winning
computer—just much slower and far more prone to mistakes. physicist Richard Feynman published one of the papers that
Turing came up with an idealized, imaginary computer launched the idea of quantum computers. In that paper, Feyn
called a Turing machine. This very simple imaginary machine man showed how to relate ground states of quantum systems to
does not look like a modern computer, but it can compute ev- computation. Computation is a dynamic process: you supply the
erything that the most powerful modern computer can. In fact, computer with input, and it goes through several steps to com-
any question that can ever be computed (even on quantum pute a result and outputs the answer. But ground states of quan-
computers or computers from the 31st century that have yet to tum systems are completely static: the ground state is just the
be invented) could also be computed on a Turing machine. It configuration a material sits in at zero temperature, doing noth-
would just take the Turing machine much longer. ing at all. So how can it make a computation?
A Turing machine has an infinitely long ribbon of tape and a The answer comes through one of the defining features of
“head” that can read and write one symbol at a time on the tape, quantum mechanics: superposition, which is the ability of ob-
then move one step to the right or left along it. The input to the jects to occupy many states simultaneously, as, for instance, Er-
computation is whatever symbols are originally written on the win Schrödinger’s famous quantum cat can be alive and dead at
tape, and the output is whatever is left written on it when the the same time. Feynman proposed constructing a quantum
Turing machine finally stops running (halts). The invention of state that is in a superposition of the various steps in a compu-
the Turing machine was more important even than the solution tation—initial input, every intermediate step of the computa-
OUNTing them up. At the end of those two months,
• EC
• EC
• EC
• EC
• •
Toby sent around the completed proof.
6 tile options
box. You, of course, want to tile the infinite bathroom floor so es, the number of squares in the tiling pattern
that the colors on adjacent tiles match. Is this possible? 29
gets bigger. Thus, the number of copies of the
The answer depends on which boxes 000 of tiles you have avail- Turing machine increases, and their energy
able. With some sets of colored tiles, you will be able to tile the contribution becomes huge, giving us the pos-
EC • EC • EC • EC •
infinite bathroom floor. With others, you will not. Before you se- sibility of a spectral gap.
lect which boxes of tiles to buy, you would like to know whether
or not they will work. Unfortunately for you, in 1966 mathema- E XAMS AND DEADLINES
tician Robert Berger proved that this problem is undecidable. One significant weakness remained in the result we had proved.
One easy way to tile the infinite bathroom floor would be to We could not say anything about how b ig t he energy gap was
first tile a small rectangle so that colors on opposite sides of it when the material was gapped. This uncertainty left our result
match. You could then cover the entire floor by repeating this open to the criticism that the gap could be so small that it might
rectangular pattern. Because they repeat every few tiles, such as well not exist. We needed to prove that the gap, when it exist-
patterns are called periodic. The reason the tiling problem is un- ed, was actually large. The first solution we found arose by con-
decidable is that nonperiodic tilings also exist: patterns that sidering materials in three dimensions instead of the planar ma-
cover the infinite floor but never repeat. terials we had been thinking about until then.
Back when we were discussing our first small result, we stud- When you cannot stop thinking about a mathematical problem,
ied a 1971 simplification
PAGE C of Berger’s original proof
PAGE C made by Rafa- you make progress in the most PAunexpected places.
T • of this T•
el Robinson
N of the University of California,
N Berkeley. RobinsonNT David worked on the details
C idea in his
67 N 74
constructed a set of 56 different boxes of tiles that, when used to head while he was supervising an exam. Walk-
tile the floor, produce an interlocking pattern of ever larger ing along the rows of tables in the hall, he was
00 fractal pattern looks periodic, but in fact, it never totally oblivious to the students working fever-
squares.0This 4
quite repeats itself. We extensively discussed ways of using tiling ishly around him. Once the test was over, he
EC • EC • EC • EC • EC •
results to prove the undecidability of quantum properties. But committed this part of the proof to paper.
back then, we were not even thinking about the spectral gap. We now knew that getting a big spectral gap
The idea lay dormant. was possible. Could we also get it in two dimensions, or were
In April 2013 Toby paid a visit to Charlie Bennett at IBM’s three necessary? Remember the problem of tiling an infinite
Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Among Bennett’s many bathroom floor. What we needed to show was that for the Rob-
achievements before becoming one of the founding fathers of inson tiling, if you got one tile wrong somewhere, but the colors
quantum information theory was his seminal 1970s work on Tur- still matched everywhere else, then the pattern formed by the
ing machines. We wanted to quiz him about some technical details tiles would be disrupted only in a small region centered on that
of our proof to make sure we were not overlooking something. He wrong tile. If we could show this “robustness” of the Robinson
said he had not thought about this stuff for 40 years, and it was tiling, it would imply that there was no way of getting a small
high time a younger generation took over. (He then went on to very spectral gap by breaking the tiling only a tiny bit.
helpfully explain some subtle mathematical details of his 1970s By the late summer of 2013, we felt we had all the ingredients
work, which reassured us that our proof was okay.) for our proof to work. But there were still some big details to be
Bennett has an immense store of scientific knowledge. Be- resolved, such as proving that the tiling robustness could be
cause we had been talking about Turing machines and undecid- merged with all the other proof ingredients to give the complete
ability, he e-mailed copies of a couple of old papers on undecid- result. The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Science in
ability he thought might interest us. One of these was the same Cambridge, England, was hosting a special workshop on quan-
1971 paper by Robinson that we had studied. Now the time was tum information for the whole of the autumn semester of 2013.
right for the ideas sowed in our earlier discussions to spring to All three of us were invited to attend. It was the perfect opportu-
life. Reading Robinson’s paper again, we realized it was exactly nity to work together on finishing the project. But David was not
what we needed to prevent the spectral gap from vanishing. able to stay in Cambridge for long. We were determined to com-
Our initial idea had been to encode one copy of the Turing ma- plete the proof before he left.
chine into the ground state. By carefully designing the interactions The Isaac Newton Institute has blackboards everywhere—
between the particles, we could make the ground state energy a bit even in the bathrooms! We chose one of the blackboards in a cor-
higher if the Turing machine halted. The spectral gap—the energy ridor (the closest to the coffee machine) for our discussions. We
jump to the first excited state—would then depend on whether the spent long hours at the blackboard developing the missing ideas,
Turing machine halted or not. There was just one problem with then divided the task of making these ideas mathematically rig-
time and effort than it seems on the blackboard. As to deduce its macroscopic properties.
the date of David’s departure loomed, we worked You may be asking yourself if this finding has any im-
without interruption all day and most of the night. plications for “real physics.” After all, scientists can al-
Just a few hours before he left for home, we finally
EC • EC • EC ways try to measure the spectral gap in experiments.
• EC •
had a complete proof. Imagine if we could engineer the quantum material from
In physics and mathematics, researchers make most our mathematical proof and produce a piece of it in the lab.
results public for the first time by posting a draft paper to the Its interactions are so extraordinarily complicated that this task preprint server before submitting it to a journal for is far, far beyond anything scientists are ever likely to be able to
peer review. Although we were now fairly confident the entire do. But if we could and then took a piece of it and tried to mea-
argument worked and the hardest part was behind us, our proof sure its spectral gap, the material could not simply throw up its
was not ready to be posted. There were many mathematical de- hands and say, “I can’t tell you—it’s undecidable.” The experi-
tails to be filled in. We also wanted to rewrite and tidy up the pa- ment would have to measure something.
per (we hoped to reduce the page count in the process, although The answer to this apparent paradox lies in the fact that,
in this we would completely fail). Most important, although at strictly speaking, the terms “gapped” and “gapless” only make
least one of us had checked every part of the proof, no one had mathematical sense when the piece of material is infinitely large.
gone through it all from beginning to end. Now, the 1023 or so atoms contained in even a very small piece of
In summer 2014 David was on a sabbatical at the Technical material represent a very large number indeed. For normal ma-
University of Munich with Michael. Toby went out to join them. terials, this is close enough to infinity to make no difference. But
The plan was to spend this time checking and completing the for the very strange material constructed in our proof, large is
whole proof, line by line. David and Toby were sharing an of- not equivalent to infinite. Perhaps with 1023 atoms, the material
fice. Each morning David would arrive with a new printout of appears in experiments to be gapless. Just to be sure, you take a
the draft paper, copious notes and questions scribbled in the sample of material twice the size and measure again. Still gap-
margins and on interleaved sheets. The three of us would get less. Then, late one night, your graduate student comes into the
coffee and then pick up where we had left off the day before, lab and adds just one extra atom. The next morning, when you
discussing the next section of the proof at the blackboard. In measure it again, the material has become gapped! Our result
the afternoon, we divided up the work of rewriting the paper proves that the size at which this transition may occur is incom-
and adding the new material and of going through the next putable (in the same Gödel-Turing sense that you are now famil-
section of the proof. Toby was suffering from a slipped disc and iar with). This story is completely hypothetical for now because
could not sit down, so he worked with his laptop propped on we cannot engineer a material this complex. But it shows, backed
top of an upturned garbage bin on top of the desk. David sat by a rigorous mathematical proof, that scientists must take spe-
opposite, the growing pile of printouts and notes taking up cial care when extrapolating experimental results to infer the be-
more and more of his desk. On a couple of occasions, havior of the same material at larger sizes.
we found significant gaps in the proof. These turned 146
And now we come back to the Yang-Mills problem—the
out to be surmountable, but bridging them meant question of whether the equations describing quarks and
T •continued
substantial material to
it. The page count
their interactions have a mass gap. Computer simulations
N 74 to grow. N N indicate that the answer is yes, but our result suggests
After six weeks, we had checked, completed and that determining for sure may be another matter. Could
improved every single line of the proof. It would it be that the computer-simulation evidence for the
take another six months to finish writing every- Yang-Mills mass gap would vanish if we made the simu-
VIDEOTAPE Artificial intelligence is making it possible for anyone
to manipulate audio and video. The biggest threat is
that we stop trusting anything at all
By Brooke Borel
Rapidly evolving AI technologies allow for the Computer scientists are working on AI detection Written fake news was a troubling factor in the 2016
automated creation of fake video and audio. Some tools to flag fake videos, but they lag behind the abili- U.S. elections. Research suggests that fake video may
experts worry that the spread of disinformation via ty to create manipulated content. Meanwhile social be especially effective at stoking fear—an emotion
social media could have profound effects on public scientists warn that policing fakes post hoc is not a that powers viral content. One concern is that it could
discourse and political stability. sufficient solution. erode our trust in all media, including what is real.
T his past April a new video of Barack Obama surfaced on the Internet. Against a
backdrop that included both the American and presidential flags, it looked like many of
his previous speeches. Wearing a crisp white shirt and dark suit, Obama faced the
camera and punctuated his words with outstretched hands: “President Trump is
a total and complete dipshit.”
Without cracking a smile, he continued. “Now, you see, I
would never say these things. At least not in a public address. But
someone else would.” The view shifted to a split screen, revealing
the actor Jordan Peele. Obama hadn’t said anything—it was a real
recording of an Obama address blended with Peele’s imperson
ation. Side by side, the message continued as Peele, like a digital
ventriloquist, put more words in the former president’s mouth.
Stanford University. Persily studies, among other topics, how the
Internet affects democracy, and he is among a growing group of
researchers who argue that curbing viral disinformation cannot
be done through technical fixes alone. It will require input from
psychologists, social scientists and media experts to help tease
out how the technology will land in the real world.
“We’ve got to do this now,” Persily says, “because at the mo
In this era of fake news, the video was a public service an ment the technologists—necessarily—drive the discussion” on
nouncement produced by BuzzFeed News, showcasing an appli what may be possible with AI-generated video. Already, our trust
cation of new artificial-intelligence (AI) technology that could do in democratic institutions such as government and journalism is
for audio and video what Photoshop has done for digital images: ebbing. With social media a dominant distribution channel for
allow for the manipulation of reality. information, it is even easier today for fake-news makers to
The results are still fairly unsophisticated. Listen and watch exploit us. And with no cohesive strategy in place to confront an
closely, and Obama’s voice is a bit nasally. For brief flashes, his increasingly sophisticated technology, our fragile collective trust
mouth—fused with Peele’s—floats off-center. But this rapidly is even more at risk.
evolving technology, which is intended for Hollywood film edi
tors and video game makers, has the imaginations of some na INNOCUOUS BEGINNINGS
tional security experts and media scholars running dark. The The path to fake video t races back to the 1960s, when computer-
next generation of these tools may make it possible to create con generated imagery was first conceived. In the 1980s these spe
vincing fakes from scratch—not by warping existing footage, as in cial effects went mainstream, and ever since, movie lovers have
the Obama address, but by orchestrating scenarios that never watched the technology evolve from science-fiction flicks to For
happened at all. rest Gump shaking hands with John F. Kennedy in 1994 to the
The consequences for public knowledge and discourse could revival of Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher in R ogue One. T
he goal
be profound. Imagine, for instance, the impact on the upcoming has always been to “create a digital world where any storytelling
midterm elections if a fake video smeared a politician during a could be possible,” says Hao Li, an assistant professor of comput
tight race. Or attacked a CEO the night before a public offering. A er science at the University of Southern California and CEO of
group could stage a terrorist attack and fool news outlets into Pinscreen, an augmented-reality start-up. “How can we create
covering it, sparking knee-jerk retribution. Even if a viral video is something that appears real, but everything is actually virtual?”
later proved to be fake, will the public still believe it was true any Early on, most graphics came from artists, who used comput
way? And perhaps most troubling: What if the very idea of perva ers to create three-dimensional models and then hand-painted
sive fakes makes us stop believing much of what we see and textures and other details—a tedious process that did not scale
hear—including the stuff that is real? up. About 20 years ago some computer-vision researchers start
Many technologists acknowledge the potential for sweeping ed thinking of graphics differently: rather than spending time on
misuse of this technology. But while they fixate on “sexy solutions individual models, why not teach computers to create from data?
for detection and disclosure, they spend very little time figuring In 1997 scientists at the Interval Research Corporation in Palo
out whether any of that actually has an effect on people’s beliefs Alto, Calif., developed Video Rewrite, which sliced up existing
on the validity of fake video,” says Nate Persily, a law professor at footage and reconfigured it. The researchers made a clip of JFK
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Ger At the University of California, Berkeley, scientists built one that
many, taught a computer to pull features from a data set of 200 can turn images of horses into zebras or transform Impressionist
three-dimensional scans of human faces to make a new face. paintings by the likes of Monet into crisp, photorealistic scenes.
The biggest recent jump in the relationship among computer Then, this past May, researchers at the Max Planck Institute
vision, data and automation arguably came in 2012, with advanc for Informatics in Saarbrücken, Germany, and their colleagues
es in a type of AI called deep learning. Unlike the work from the revealed “deep video,” which uses a type of GAN. It allows an actor
late 1990s, which used static data and never improved, deep to control the mouth, eyes and facial movements of someone else
learning adapts and gets better. This technique reduces objects, in prerecorded footage. Deep video currently only works in a por
such as a face, to bits of data, says Xiaochang Li, a postdoctoral trait setup, where a person looks directly at the camera. If the
fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in actor moves too much, the resulting video has noticeable digital
Berlin. “This is the moment where engineers say: we are no longer artifacts such as blurred pixels around the face.
going to model things,” she says. “We are going to model our igno GANs are not yet capable of building complex scenes in video
rance of things, and just run the data to understand patterns.” that are indistinguishable from ones captured in real footage.
Deep learning uses layers of simple mathematical formulas Sometimes GANs produce oddities, such as a person with an
called neural networks, which get better at a task over time. For eyeball growing out of his or her forehead. In February, however,
example, computer scientists can teach a deep-learning tool to researchers at the company NVIDIA figured out a way to get
recognize human faces by feeding it hundreds or thousands of GANs to make incredibly high-resolution faces by starting the
photographs and essentially saying, each time, t his is a face o
r this training on relatively small photographs and then building up
the Sky The best early warnings of a big disaster
may appear 180 miles above the ground,
a controversial new theory says
By Erik Vance
O n Friday afternoon, March 11, 2011, Kosuke Heki was in his office
in Hokkaido University in northern Japan when the ground
began to shake. The pulses were far apart, and each one last-
ed a few seconds. Heki, a geophysicist who studies an arcane
phenomenon involving odd patterns formed by electrons in
the sky after quakes, was interested but not unduly alarmed.
It seemed like a large earthquake but far away. As the shak-
ing continued, he thought perhaps data from the event might help his research. Then someone
flipped on the news, and Heki’s curiosity turned to horror.
The waves he felt had come from the biggest temblor in mod-
ern Japanese history—the devastating magnitude 9.0 To–hoku
earthquake, which cost the country hundreds of billions of dol-
lars and claimed more than 15,000 of his compatriots’ lives. The
tsunami after the quake crippled the Fukushima Daiichi Nucle-
were such a warning, they could save thousands of lives a year.
Heki, whom colleagues describe as unassuming, quiet and
cautious, was immediately skeptical of his own data, so he
pulled up information from two other earthquakes. He saw the
density change again and decided to keep digging. To date, he
ar Power Plant and triggered the worse nuclear disaster in a has found the electron signal before 18 big quakes, and over the
quarter of a century. past seven years he has come to believe it is real.
While emergency personnel worked to evacuate people and Other experts are now starting to take a close look at the
save lives in another part of the country, Heki could only wait idea. “Years ago people didn’t think we could predict the weath-
for spotty phone and Internet service to come back online. By er, but we do now,” says Yuhe Song, an expert in remote sensing
Sunday, the Internet was working, and he quickly downloaded at nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “We probably can see
satellite observations of the air over the region of To–hoku and something earlier than when we feel it on the ground. There is
hungrily combed through them. As he expected, electrons in something there . . . I think this warrants a discussion.”
the ionosphere showed a disturbance 10 minutes after the Not everyone agrees. Many scientists see Heki’s work as the
quake. But he could not get his model to fit the data by just latest in a long line of false prediction promises. “These things
looking at the minutes after the quake. So he tried expanding are like the common cold: they’re always going around,” says
the time frame, including the hour before. That is when he saw seismologist Robert J. Geller, an emeritus professor at the Uni-
something that stopped him in his tracks. versity of Tokyo, who has spent years debunking various earth-
Forty minutes before the earthquake struck, there was a sub- quake forecasting ideas. “If you ignore them, they go away.”
tle rise in electron density above the temblor’s epicenter. May- Heki’s idea seems to be sticking around, however, and may be
be it was an anomaly, a one-off or an instrument malfunction. getting stronger. The electron signal has shown up in medium-
Or maybe it was something more. Scientists have yet to find a sized quakes as well as the largest ones. Other scientists have
reliable earthquake precursor—a telltale sign that could alert formed a theory that connects faults in the ground to activity in
people before the onset of a large quake. If electron changes the sky. Heki has published his findings in reputable journals
Tens of thousands o f people can be killed by a sin- New observations s uggest that clumps of electrons There have been false promises o f prediction in
gle earthquake, so scientists have struggled to pre- form in the ionosphere, sometimes 30 minutes or the past, so this notion is drawing skeptics—but the
dict quakes well enough to sound an alarm. more before a temblor, giving an early warning. data are beginning to convince more scientists.
field lines
Fractures e¯ Electron
down, Sparse
into void electrons
Positive hole
e¯ moves up to Extra Magnetic field
neighboring electrons
Positive oxygen atom
hole e¯
breaks peroxy - - - Fault Crust
bond, forms - Fault
- - -
positive holes
(orange shells) Upper mantle
such as Geophysical Research Letters a nd been invited to lecture Others have looked at wells that suddenly go dry, tempera-
about the results at the American Geophysical Union’s annual ture changes, radon gas emissions and, of course, groups of
meeting. This past spring Japan’s Chiba University hosted an en- smaller foreshocks as possible precursors. In 1975, using a com-
tire meeting to debate quake prediction, including his idea. If bination of these signs (including animal behavior), the Chi-
Heki is right, the implications for public safety are enormous, nese even managed to predict a 7.3 quake early enough to begin
but there are difficult questions about how to use such a precur- evacuating the city of Haicheng. It raised hopes. “In the 1970s
sor. How accurate must a warning system be to sound an alarm, American and Japanese seismologists became pretty optimistic
and what kind of emergency response should ensue? about short-term earthquake prediction,” says Masao Nakatani,
an expert in rock mechanics at the University of Tokyo. “We
PREDICTING THE WORST tended to believe that earthquakes must be predictable.” By the
Charles F. Richter—creator of the quake magnitude scale that 1980s both the U.S. and Japan had created research groups to
carries his name—is said to have remarked that “only fools and pursue the challenge.
charlatans predict earthquakes.” But that hasn’t stopped peo- Reliable signals proved elusive, however. One year after the
ple from trying. In 373 b.c., animals reportedly ran for shelter Chinese success the same techniques failed to spot another,
five days before an estimated 6.0 to 6.7 magnitude temblor larger quake that killed hundreds of thousands of people.
rocked Greece and destroyed the city of Helike. The Japanese Japan, sitting on the tectonically restless Ring of Fire around
once thought that twitching or thrashing catfish could predict the Pacific, put in a fair amount of effort only to find that a pre-
earthquakes. Dogs, sheep, centipedes, cow’s milk and a Suma- cursor would work once and not again. Nature seemed to keep
tran pheasant called the great argus have all been said to changing the rules. The U.S. abandoned forecasting efforts in
change their behavior before a quake. the late 1990s after a predicted quake—based on the pattern of
centration more than 30 minutes beforehand. The larger the the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy. He
quake, the longer the advance time, it seemed. A magnitude has published papers refuting not just Heki but other earthquake
8.2 quake in 2014 in Chile had a 25-minute lead time, whereas prediction ideas and says Heki’s responses are “a skillful way to
9.0 To–hoku gave the 40 minutes. So the signals not only hinted distract the reader.” Many of the criticisms focus on Heki’s reading
that the faults were about to slip; they also indicated the relative of baseline electron levels. The tiny particles permeate our planet
Whether or not there is an actual “war on science” under way, a million
supporters of evidence-based thinking felt threatened enough to show up
to the global 2017 March for Science. President Donald Trump has called
global warming a “hoax,” and his administration has canceled, blocked and
defunded scientific efforts to protect the environment and public health.
Moreover, climate change denial is not restricted to the U.S., and dozens
of countries have banned the cultivation of GMO crops, despite evidence that
genetically modified foods are just as safe as traditionally bred varieties.
There are many ways to fight back, including improving education, outreach
and political reform. But science must also tackle its own problems, from how
we fund it to how we treat young scientists, ensure reproducible results, curb
sexual harassment and encourage interdisciplinarity. Some creative solutions
are already showing promise on these fronts, but science must fortify itself to
withstand the current assault.
To weather antiscience currents, scientists fall apart under scrutiny and fail the reproduc- unnecessary hurdles finding jobs and funding
must shore up their enterprise from the inside. ibility test. Sexual harassment is a crisis that and starting families on academic time lines.
The way research is funded is inefficient and threatens all of science. And too many scientists are isolated from
often leads to poor results. Too many findings Life is too hard for young scientists, who face like-minded colleagues in other disciplines.
published every year and more than
$2 trillion invested annually in research We Do Not
and development, scientists make Encourage Replication
Under continuous pressure to deliver
plenty of progress. But could we do new discoveries, researchers in many
better? There is increasing evidence fields have little incentive and plenty
that some of the ways we conduct, of counterincentives to try replicating
results of previous studies. Yet replica-
evaluate, report and disseminate research are miserably tion is an indispensable centerpiece
ineffective. A series of papers in 2014 in the L
ancet, f or of the scientific method. Without it,
instance, estimated that 85 percent of investment in we run the risk of flooding scientific
journals with false information that
biomedical research is wasted. Many other disciplines have never gets corrected.
similar problems. Here are some of the ways our reward
and incentives systems fail and some proposals for fixing Solutions:
the problems. — Funding agencies must pay for
replication studies.
— Scientists’ advancement should
We Fund We Do Not Reward be based not only on their discov
Too Few Scientists Transparency eries but also on their replication
Funding is largely concentrated in the Many scientific protocols, analysis track record.
hands of a few investigators. There are methods, computational processes and
many talented scientists, and major data are opaque. When researchers try We Do Not Fund
success is largely the result of luck, as to crack open these black boxes, they Young Investigators
well as hard work. The investigators often discover that many top findings The average age of biomedical scientists
currently enjoying huge funding are cannot be reproduced. That is the case receiving their first substantial grant is
not necessarily genuine superstars; for two out of three top psychology 46 and is increasing over time. The av-
they may simply be the best connected. papers, one out of three top papers erage age for a full professor in the U.S.
in experimental economics and more is 55 and growing. Only 1.6 percent of
Solutions: than 75 percent of top papers identify- funding in the nih’s Research Project
ing new cancer drug targets. Most Grant program went to principal inves-
— Use a lottery to decide which grant
important, scientists are not rewarded tigators younger than 36 in 2017, but
applications to fund (perhaps after
for sharing their techniques. These 13.2 percent went to those 66 and older.
they pass a basic review). This scheme
good scientific citizenship activities Similar aging is seen in other sciences,
would eliminate the arduous effort
take substantial effort. In competitive and it is not explained simply by life-
and expenditure that now goes into
environments, many scientists even expectancy improvement. Werner Hei
reviewing proposals and would give
think, Why offer ammunition to com- senberg, Albert Einstein, Paul Dirac
a chance to many more investigators.
petitors? Why share? and Wolfgang Pauli made their top con-
— A proposed cap to the maximum
tributions in their mid-20s. Imagine tell-
funding that any single investigator Solutions: ing them it would be another 25 years be-
can receive was fiercely shot down by
— Create better infrastructure for fore they could receive funding. Some of
the prestigious institutions that gain enabling transparency, openness the best minds may quit rather than wait.
the most from this overconcentration. and sharing.
Shifting the funds from senior people Solutions:
to younger researchers, perhaps even — Make transparency a prerequisite
in the same laboratory, however, for funding. — A larger proportion of funding should
would not affect these institutions — Universities and research institutes be earmarked for young investigators.
and would also make the cohort could preferentially hire, promote — Universities should try to shift the
of principal investigators more open or tenure those who are champions aging distribution of their faculty by
to innovation. of transparency. hiring more young investigators.
Better incentives could reduce the
alarming number of studies that
turn out to be wrong when repeated
By Shannon Palus
what temperature the
coffee was supposed
to be. She was doing a
psychology experiment—
well, redoing an experi-
periments in 100 papers in the field as part of University of Virgin-
ment. The original find- ia psychologist Brian Nosek’s Reproducibility Project: Psychology.
ings, suggesting that In 2015 they declared that just 36 percent of the repeated experi-
ments showed significant results in line with the original findings.
holding something warm can make a person
Although the landmark reproducibility studies have been in
behave warmly, had been published in 2008 biomedicine and psychology, the issue is not confined to those
in the prestigious journal S
cience t o a flurry fields. Lorena A. Barba, an engineer at George Washington Uni-
versity, who works in computational fluid dynamics, spent a full
of media coverage. Yet as Corker tried to retrace
three years collaborating with a student to reconstruct a com-
each step in the study, there were so many plex simulation from her own lab on how flying snakes, which
unknowns: the temperature of the hot coffee leap off tree branches to glide through the air, wiggle as they
soar. The new results were consistent, but she learned that sift-
distributed to subjects, how quickly the mug
ing through other people’s code to piece together what they did
cooled in their hands. can be a nightmare. She essentially encountered the same prob-
lem that Corker did with the hot cups of coffee. Scientists are fo-
Corker, a psychologist at Grand Valley State University, was try- cused on publishing results, not necessarily on every mundane
ing what few scientists attempt: to carefully replicate research and step of how they arrived at them. “There’s just not a lot written
publish the results. The goal, in her case, was to find out whether down,” Corker says. She got lucky, though: the original first au-
she, working in another laboratory with a different group of sub- thor of the coffee study was “very willing to work with us.” She
jects, would find the same effect as the S cience study, which had also collaborated with a chemist to standardize how quickly the
been conducted by just one research group with only 94 partici- test apparatus changed temperature. “I found it more challeng-
pants clutching coffee or therapeutic pads of varying temperatures. ing than some of the original research I’ve done,” she says.
In theory, this is how science is supposed to work: as a self-correct- Long-ingrained scientific habits such as an aversion to shar-
ing process in which researchers build on the findings of others. ing techniques for fear of being scooped often work counter to
For decades it has been something of an open secret that a the goal of reproducibility. Barba’s own field was born in a veil of
chunk of the literature in some fields is plain wrong. In biomed- secrecy in Los Alamos, N.M., during the Manhattan Project, as re-
icine, the truth became clear in 2012. At the time, C. Glenn Beg- searchers designing the first nuclear weapons used early com-
ley was a vice president and global head of hematology and on- puters to calculate how blasts of air and energy would ripple off
cology research at the pharmaceutical company Amgen, over- exploding bombs. The Manhattan Project, of course, provided
seeing the development of cancer drugs based, in part, on fuel to large swaths of the hard sciences. Scientists at the time
promising breakthroughs from academia. After a decade in the actively tried to prevent outsiders from replicating their work.
gig, he wanted to know why some projects looking into promis- Furthermore, journals and tenure committees often prize new,
ing targets for drugs were being halted. He turned to the compa- flashy results instead of piecemeal advances that carefully build
ny’s files and found that, incredibly, often the problem lay with on the existing literature. “My training was about trying to find
the preclinical research, something that his teams double- the unexpected effect,” says Charlotte Tate, a social and personal-
checked before pouring money and resources into basing a ity psychologist at San Francisco State University. She jokes that
treatment on it. “To my horror, I discovered that 90 percent of members of her field “run around with this model that we have to
the time, we were unable to reproduce what was published,” get on the D aily Show.” This attitude is not just vanity: flashy re-
says Begley, who is now CEO of the Australian firm BioCurate. A sults are often how you secure a job. Those quietly fact-checking
study would later find that failures to replicate preclinical work the work of others or spending extra hours toiling to ensure that
in the field of biomedicine eat up $28.2 billion every year in the their code is easy for another researcher to understand do not
U.S. Begley even sent Amgen scientists to some labs to watch earn a name in lights—or even at the top of a stack of resumes.
them try to replicate their own results. They failed, too. Many emphasize the role that better training—on how to
Meanwhile the crisis was becoming apparent in psychology. write a bullet-proof “methods” section of a paper or carefully
Nearly 300 scientists were volunteering their time to repeat ex- document code so that it is legible to others—can play in helping
institutions from being transparent and inhibit them from
being able to provide information that could be important to
other institutions.
HARASSMENT You also found that only a minority of people who experience
harassment report it. How can we change that?
There are some novel approaches for reporting experiences of
harassment that provide more control to the target. One is a pro-
gram called Callisto that’s now being adopted by a growing num-
ber of colleges and universities. It allows people to go in and
record if an experience of harassment occurred and time-stamp
A leader of a major it, without actually formally reporting it. People can see if others
have recorded experiences with the same accused harasser. It
report on sexual allows people to share data in an anonymous way. It’s a very
misconduct explains hopeful, interesting tool.
how to make science Did the report address how harassment affects women
of color and other minority groups differently?
accessible to everyone We found women of color experience more harassment than
do white women, white men and men of color. And that wom-
By Clara Moskowitz en of color also experience racial and ethnic harassment.
We crafted our recommendations with this finding in mind.
Creating a more diverse, inclusive, respectful environment—
that will help address this issue.
Ashley Juavinett, 2 8,
Jennifer Harding was
postdoctoral researcher in
in her fourth year as
neuroscience at Cold Spring
a doctoral student at the
Harbor Laboratory
University of Texas at
Austin when the 2018 fed- “So few people within academia
eral budget was finalized. talk about it because it’s so ex
A marine geophysicist, she pected: ‘Of course, you’ll move
had spent years training across the country for a postdoc
to use a National Science because that’s what everybody
Foundation–funded research vessel to image sub- does.’ The move definitely took a
duction zones underneath the seafloor. Then she toll on my relationship. My partner
learned the nsf planned to sell the vessel, cutting is in the Bay Area. There was, for
off her access to new data. At 26 and in her final a long time, this question of wheth
year of graduate school, Harding is trying to decide er she should move to New York
what to do next and expects she may have to find instead. It’s a hard call, especially
in a same-sex couple. We don’t
a job in the oil and gas industry. “The rug is being
know whose career comes first.”
pulled out from under me,” Harding says.
Young scientists such as Harding run a gauntlet
that begins as soon as they don their undergradu- MONEY
ate commencement caps. They cope with moving
across countries, continents or oceans for Ph.D. Save Kumwenda, 4 1,
programs, postdoctoral appointments or professor- h.D. student in epidemiology
ships. They contend with long-distance relation- at the University of Malawi
ships and family stresses, including agonizing over “The biggest challenge is to get
when or whether to have children despite their funding, let alone enough funding.
uncertain future. They compete for scarce funding. Most grants assume that the
Some leave academia for industry careers, which institutions where you are apply
present their own set of challenges and, some ing from have some basic infra
argue, have a negative reputation among academics. structure, especially related to
And these are all problems that face those fortunate research involving the lab. But
enough to be accepted into graduate research when you get the funding, it is
programs in the first place. not enough, because most of
Early-career research is in dire need of reforms, the equipment is not available
asserts an April report by the National Academies and if it is available, it is outdated.
of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. According Alexis Weinnig, 2 8, third-year Using it makes your results ques
to the report, in 2016 the average researcher was Ph.D. student in biology tionable and difficult to publish
43 years old before securing his or her first indepen- at Temple University in high-impact journals.”
dent grant from the National Institutes of Health, “We work probably between 60 and
compared with an average age of 36 in 1980. 80 hours a week, and we get paid
Several scientists shared with us their most com at a salary of probably 25 hours a
mon frustrations, struggles, challenges—and joys. week. The system has just not kept
up with the cost of living. I love what
Rebecca Boyle is an award-winning freelance journalist. She is I’m doing, but I would also like to be
a contributing writer for the Atlantic, and her work regularly appears compensated for the level of work
in New Scientist, Wired, Popular Science and other publications. that I’m doing.”
W O R L D ’ S
of the two. I see my calling to be an advocate for environ-
mental justice, especially given that climate change is exacer-
bating lots of social inequities.”
Cherie L. Yestrebsky is associate director
a shallow estuary that of UCF Coastal and chairs the department
stretches for 156 miles of chemistry. Her research expertise is
environmental chemistry and remediation
along Florida’s eastern of pollutants in the environment.
coast, is suffering from
the activities of human
society. Poor water
quality and toxic algal blooms have resulted
in fish kills, manatee and dolphin die-offs
and takeovers by invasive species. But the
humans who live here have needs, too:
the eastern side of the lagoon is buffered
by a stretch of barrier islands that are critical tend to train our students in our own image, inadvertently pro-
to Florida’s economy, tourism and agriculture, ducing specialists who have difficulty communicating with the
as well as for launching nasa missions scientist in the next building—let alone with the broader public.
This makes research silos ineffective at responding to develop-
into space. ing issues in policy and planning, such as how coastal communi-
ties and ecosystems worldwide will adapt to rising seas.
As in Florida, many of the world’s coastlines are in serious
trouble as a result of population growth and the pollution it pro- SCIENCE FOR THE BIGGER PICTURE
duces. Moreover, the effects of climate change are accelerating As scientists who live a nd work in Florida, we realized that we
both environmental and economic decline. Given what is at risk, needed to play a bigger role in helping our state—and country—
scientists like us—a biologist and a chemist at the University of make evidence-based choices when it comes to vulnerable
Central Florida—feel an urgent need to do research that can coastlines. We wanted to make a more comprehensive assess-
inform policy that will increase the resiliency and sustainability ment of both natural and human-related impacts to the health,
of coastal communities. How can our research best help balance restoration and sustainability of our coastal systems and to con-
environmental and social needs within the confines of our polit- duct long-term, integrated research.
ical and economic systems? This is the level of complexity that At first, we focused on expanding research capacity in our
scientists must enter into instead of shying away from. biology, chemistry and engineering programs because each
Although new technologies will surely play a role in tackling already had a strong coastal research presence. Then, our univer-
issues such as climate change, rising seas and coastal flooding, sity announced a Faculty Cluster Initiative, with a goal of devel-
we cannot rely on innovation alone. Technology generally does oping interdisciplinary academic teams focused on solving
not take into consideration the complex interactions between tomorrow’s most challenging societal problems. While putting
people and the environment. That is why coming up with solu- together our proposal, we discovered that there were already 35
tions will require scientists to engage in an interdisciplinary faculty members on the Orlando campus who studied coastal
team approach—something that is common in the business issues. They belonged to 12 departments in seven colleges, and
world but is relatively rare in universities. many of them had never even met. It became clear that simply
Universities are a tremendous source of intellectual power, of working on the same campus was insufficient for collaboration.
course. But students and faculty are typically organized within So we set out to build a team of people from a wide mix of
departments, or academic silos. Scientists are trained in the tools backgrounds who would work in close proximity to one another
and language of their respective disciplines and learn to commu- on a daily basis. These core members would also serve as a link to
nicate their findings to one another using specific jargon. the disciplinary strengths of their tenure home departments. Ini-
When the goal of research is a fundamental understanding of tially, finding experts who truly wanted to embrace the team
a physical or biological system within a niche community, this aspect was more difficult than we thought. Although the notion
setup makes a lot of sense. But when the problem the research is of interdisciplinary research is not new, it has not always been
trying to solve extends beyond a closed system and includes its encouraged in academia. Some faculty who go in that direction
effects on society, silos create a variety of barriers. They can lim- still worry about whether it will threaten their recognition when
it creativity, flexibility and nimbleness and actually discourage applying for grants, seeking promotions or submitting papers to
scientists from working across disciplines. As professors, we high-impact journals. We are not suggesting that traditional aca-
CONNECTING WITH THE PUBLIC Assessing Scientists for Hiring, Promotion, and Tenure. D avid Moher et al. in P LOS
The reality i s that communicating research findings to the pub- Biology, V
ol. 16, No. 3, Article No. e2004089; March 29, 2018.
Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic
lic is an increasingly critical responsibility of scientists. Doing Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. N ational Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
so has a measurable effect on how politicians prioritize policy, and Medicine; 2018.
funding and regulations. UCF Coastal is being born into a world Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS):
where science is not always respected—sometimes it is even FROM OUR ARCHIVES
portrayed as the enemy. There has been a significant erosion of The Roots of Science Denial. Katharine Hayhoe, as told to Jen Schwartz; State of the
trust in science over recent years, and we must work more World’s Science, October 2017.
deliberately to regain it. The public, we have found, wants to
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
see quality academic research that is grounded in the societal
forms of the
rabies virus,
can map
brain circuits with
By Andrew J. Murray
The rabies virus is adapted to jumping from one Virologists and neuroscientists h ave harnessed The technology involves e ngineering the rabies
neuron to another as it makes its way from the site this capability to identify the neurons that send virus so that it glows, infects only the neurons of
of a bite to an animal’s brain. signals to the particular neurons they are studying. interest and can jump once across a connection.
Glycoprotein 5 Infection of
Initial infection point neighboring
1 Binding Motor neuron neuron
and entry
To ensure that they could follow the exact route of the virus, sci
entists replaced the glycoprotein gene in its RNA with one for a
fluorescent protein. The modified RNA manufactured the glow
ing protein, so that the infected neuron glowed, but it could not Hack 1 target: 4 Assembly
make the glycoprotein. Thus, the virus could not move into the next RNA glycoprotein of daughter
neuron. Next, the researchers added into the target neuron a harm virion
less virus (called an adeno-associated virus, or AAV) that had a gene
for rabies glycoprotein added to its DNA. That gene made the glyco
protein, which the virions could harness to jump once—but only once. 2 Uncoating
3 Production of virion
The target neuron (in practice, a class of neurons) was also
supplied with an AAV containing the gene for rabies glycopro-
tein. Once inside, the rabies virus shed its chicken costume, system to understand the neural circuits that guided motor com-
picked up its normal cloak and jumped into upstream neurons. mands. Finding relatively low numbers of connections to motor
By engineering the rabies virus to infect—and hop only once neurons in the spinal cord or the brain, we suspected we were get-
from—a well-defined group of “starter” neurons, researchers ting an incomplete picture of the circuitry. Another issue was neu-
could now get a clear image of how the brain was wired. rotoxicity. Once the virus was in a cell, it would start to break
down and die within a couple of weeks. If the virus itself was caus-
TUNING RABIES ing individual neurons to alter their behavior, interpreting any
The simplicity and elegance of the delta-G rabies system (as its observations could be problematic.
inventors called it because of the altered glycoprotein) took the Schnell and Christoph Wirblich, both at Thomas Jefferson Uni-
neuroscience community by storm. Using it, researchers could versity, had done pioneering work on rabies virus biology, so we
see right away what kinds of neurons send signals to the neurons went to them for help. They knew right away that our problems
of interest. Like all new technologies, however, the scheme had its stemmed from the strain of virus that we were using. It had origi-
imperfections. Sometimes the number of connections labeled nally been developed for use in a rabies vaccine. Vaccines incorpo-
were rather small—on the order of 10 per starter neuron. rate special strains of the germ that humans have selected to
Around 2015 Thomas Reardon, Thomas Jessell, Attila Loson reproduce unusually rapidly so that the multitudinous daughter
czy and I, all then at Columbia University, were using the delta-G virions explode out of the infected cells and alert the immune sys-
OUTEvacuating an entire city
ahead of a threatening storm
is all but impossible.
New risk maps highlight
who really needs to leave
By Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio,
Devika Subramanian and Robert M. Stein
environmental engineer at Rice University.
e did not intend to hurt anyone. Our goal had been to help
our neighbors in the Houston area get out of danger. Yet
in 2015 the phone started ringing, and Internet messages
started piling up, saying we were making safety worse. “You
are doing a disservice,” said one public official from a district
on Houston’s northern edge. A meteorologist chastised us:
“How come you are telling people they are at low risk for
flooding when there is flooding all around them?”
The messages were about our Web-based map, the Storm killing 23 onboard. So when Hurricane Harvey bore down on
Risk Calculator (SRC), which we developed and operated for the Houston last August, Mayor Sylvester Turner refused to evacu-
city. We had designed it to tell residents which of them should ate. “You literally cannot put 6.5 million people on the road,” he
flee in the face of an oncoming hurricane because their homes said at the time. “If you think the situation right now is bad, you
could be destroyed and who could stay because their house was give an order to evacuate, you are creating a nightmare.”
likely to remain safe. The dangers were real: this region had In the years after Rita and Ike, the three of us—an engineer,
been pummeled by Hurricanes Rita and Ike several years earli- a computer scientist and a political scientist focused on public
er. But clearly something about our map had gone wrong. safety—decided to help Houston fix this nightmarish situation.
When cities near the coast like Houston face severe storms, We built our interactive SRC map to show safe and unsafe
evacuations seem the obvious way to protect people. But mov- regions in the face of hurricane-force winds and storm surge.
ing millions of people carries its own dangers. When Rita took But we learned, after the complaints started piling up, that our
aim at our area in 2005, officials told everyone to leave. Giant map was focused on the wrong things. Houstonians and people
traffic jams turned Interstates 45 and 10 and U.S. Route 59 into in the surrounding area, Harris County, worry about major
parking lots as people at low risk fled, blocking escape routes floods from heavy rainstorms, not just hurricanes, because the
for individuals who needed them most—residents directly in region gets a lot more of the former. People also wanted risk
the path of high winds, heavy rain and storm surge. A few died information on a much finer scale than our map provided.
on the road in the tremendous heat. A bus evacuating residents This situation pushed us into a major research project to
from a nursing home caught fire, igniting an oxygen tank and understand people’s views of risk and to develop new sources
In big cities, getting out of a storm path has pro- The trouble h as been that warnings are too gener- A new type o f risk map, being tested in flood-prone
voked mass panic and clogged escape routes, with al, lumping together people at high and low risk for Houston, uses fine-scale data to pinpoint high-risk
deadly results. things like hurricane damage and flooding. homes and reassure those who can safely stay.
strongly the roof is fastened to the walls. The resulting model would have a lower risk. Bob’s home, built in the 1990s, is just
predicted risk of house damage or power outage in different one story high and surrounded by trees. The lower house would
areas, in one-kilometer squares. When we tested it against vari- catch less wind. The trees also would slow the winds, reducing
ous simulated hurricanes, as well as the actual damage from their impact, and his more modern roof-to-wall connections
did not have any hurricanes from the time we launched through their own situation. This is obvious to us in hindsight, but
2016, yet map traffic spiked during large rainfall events. A heavy think of how it contrasts with the way most storm information
downpour can cause big problems. The city sprawls, and rapid is handed out today—official blanket statements for rare events
urban and suburban growth has replaced water-absorbing covering areas of many hundreds of square kilometers, such as
meadows and stream channels with miles of concrete, which entire counties and zip codes.
shunts water into neighborhoods and floods houses. In 2015 we With our new focus on local events, we began to build a sys-
had the Memorial Day flood and the Halloween flood. In 2016 we tem around rainfall runoff and accumulation. We call it the Hur-
had the Tax Day flood. Twenty to 30 centimeters of rain—eight to ricane and Rain Vectorized Exposure Yielder, conveniently
12 inches—fell during events like these; some bayous could not abbreviated to HARVEY. Our computer model HARVEY has a
channel away all the water and topped their banks, and homes much finer geographical terrain grid than our earlier map, using
were ruined. When local forecasters started talking about sever- cells that are only several square meters, instead of square kilo-
al hours of heavy rain, people turned to our map. meters. A single street can have many of these new squares, and
Our HARVEY system will show land, where homeowners have been sur-
prised by flooding multiple times during
users the dangers that affect the past five years. Their residences have
been wrecked, rebuilt and wrecked again.
route choices, the possibility On many occasions people have been stuck
in these houses, watching the water rise.
of getting trapped and the likely We hope to give them better and earlier
warnings. Our next step will be to expand
levels of flooding for homes. the system to reach the rest of the city. Our
team is entering into a collaborative agree-
ment with the city of Houston, the Kinder
Institute for Urban Research, and the
much water is held in the clouds heading for the city and how Severe Storm Prediction, Education, & Evacuation from Disas-
fast the wind is moving them. Slower winds give the clouds ters (SSPEED) Center to test and deploy HARVEY in stages
time to dump a great deal of water. That scenario produces a lot toward future city-wide coverage. And if the model works for
of nonhurricane flooding and was behind the inundation creat- Houston, it could be adapted to other cities across the world that
ed by slow-moving Hurricane Harvey last year. face similar problems from severe weather.
All these data are superimposed on a high-resolution terrain A changing global climate is going to make rainfall worse in
map, derived from the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s laser- our region, according to conclusions reached by a 2018 Houston
driven remote-sensing system, which captures minute differ- severe storm conference organized by the SSPEED center. Storms
ences in ground height. The entire thing is integrated by AI pro- will stagnate more frequently, dumping more rain as a conse-
grams that use fancy-termed techniques such as ensemble quence. Tools such as HARVEY will provide flood estimates at a
regression models, deep-learning algorithms and high-dimen- scale that public officials and private citizens seek as they try to
sional vector spaces. But the basic point is they are much more plan for this intensifying chronic rainfall and runoff. Most impor-
capable of combining different types of data sets than were the tant, these tools will give people who must live under these
engineering models and mathematics we used for our original clouds the ability to answer, for their own safety and that of oth-
storm calculator. ers, one urgent question: Should I stay, or should I go?
We have tested HARVEY by giving it several sets of initial
conditions seen prior to storms since 2015 and have asked the
program to produce flood estimates for multiple places across MORE TO EXPLORE
the city. The predictions HARVEY has churned out have Engineering-Based Hurricane Risk Estimates and Comparison to Perceived Risks
matched actual field observations of these storms well. The pro- in Storm-Prone Areas. L eonardo Dueñas-Osorio et al. in Natural Hazards Review,
gram does best with heavy downpours, more than five centime- Vol. 13, No. 1, pages 45– 56; February 2012.
How Risk Perceptions Influence Evacuations from Hurricanes and Compliance with
ters—two inches—per hour that last several hours, and in spots Government Directives. R obert Stein et al. in P olicy Studies Journal, V
ol. 41, No. 2,
with poor drainage because of bayou overflows and bay tides. pages 319–342; May 2013.
For smaller events, we will be calibrating HARVEY one water- Building and Validating Geographically Refined Hurricane Wind Risk Models for
shed at a time over multiyear periods, to capture local factors Residential Structures. D evika Subramanian et al. in N atural Hazards Review, V ol. 15,
No. 3, Article No. 04014002; August 2014.
and longer-term effects of climate change. Efficient Resilience Assessment Framework for Electric Power Systems Affected
What would this mean for our worried Houstonians Bob and by Hurricane Events. A kwasi F. Mensah and Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio in Journal
Alice? Our new map would provide them different levels of risk, of Structural Engineering, Vol. 142, No. 8, Article No. C4015013; August 2016.
with more attention paid to the history of flooding near Alice’s FROM OUR ARCHIVES
house and the height of the land around Bob’s. The key differ- After the Deluge. J ohn A. Carey; December 2011.
ence is that even if Bob and Alice lived two blocks apart, rather
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
than two kilometers, they would be given different risk levels.
Inside the
Dark World of
Wildlife Trafficking
by Rachel Love Nuwer.
Da Capo Press,
2018 ($28)
From the swampy wilderness o f southern Vietnam, where hunters pursue threatened pangolins, to a bustling wholesale traditional medicine market
in Guangzhou, China, where the pinecone-resembling mammal’s scales are sold, journalist Nuwer brings the reader along on her globe-trotting
mission to understand the complex, thriving world of the illegal wildlife trade. She interviews hunters who capture endangered species, practitioners
of Chinese traditional medicine who ingest rhino horn powder for unproved benefits and the conservationists trying to stem the slaughter of dozens
of dwindling species. Forces such as entrenched poverty and corruption prevent easy solutions to the wildlife trafficking, especially given the limited
resources of local governments and existing reserves. While the accounts can be gut-wrenching, Nuwer finds rays of hope in the park rangers and
other conservation experts who are dedicating their lives to saving some of the earth’s most majestic creatures. —Andrea Thompson
On the Future: Prospects for Humanity The Poison Squad: One Chemist’s Laika’s Window:
by Martin Rees. Princeton University Press, Single-Minded Crusade for Food Safety T he Legacy of a Soviet Space Dog
2018 ($18.95) at the Turn of the Twentieth Century by Kurt Caswell. Trinity University Press,
by Deborah Blum. Penguin Press, 2018 ($28) 2018 ($24.95)
Powerful new technologies—
from gene editing to geoengi- Milk whitened with chalk. In 1957 t he Soviet Union sent
neering—are poised to remake P eas made greener with its second satellite into orbit
life as we know it. These inno- copper. Chemicals added to around Earth, this one carrying
vations could prove fruitful or meat to prolong a pinkish, a dog named Laika. Sputnik 2
damaging, depending on how we deploy them. fresh hue. In the late 1800s made 2,570 revolutions over
Astrophysicist Rees neatly packages his sprawling U.S. food manufacturers took these liberties, five months before its fiery reentry in our planet’s
subject matter into a guidebook for the responsi- along with dozens more, to trim costs. Journalist atmosphere. Laika did not survive her journey—
ble use of science to build a healthy and equitable Blum chronicles the efforts of one chemist to an outcome the space agency anticipated. Writer
future for humanity. He ponders the prospects of fight back against these dangerous practices. Caswell profiles the program that trained dozens
long-term palliative care: Should doctors use tech- Her subject, Harvey Washington Wiley, was of such “space dogs” as test subjects for early mis-
nology to keep vegetative patients alive indefinite- an outspoken political actor, who sparred with sions. Plucked from the streets of Moscow, Laika
ly? And should “objective” artificially intelligent the likes of Theodore Roosevelt in an effort to endured extreme gravitational forces, vibration
computers recommend surgeries or launch bombs regulate the industry. Blum draws from her and long periods of isolation. She was the first ani-
instead of biased humans? Such questions consti- meticulous research to re-create the battle mal to orbit Earth. The program was a “tipping
tute Rees’s spirited assessment of technology’s between regulation in the name of consumer point” for space exploration, Caswell writes, but
role in shaping our future—whether constructive protection and production in the name of profits. Laika’s treatment was undeniably cruel. The book
or catastrophic. —Daniel Ackerman —Maya Miller is meant as a testament to her experience.
Change of Mind
ment at a status apex in his academic career (success can lead to
unreasonably high standards for happiness, later crushed by the
vicissitudes of life). Yet most oppressed gays and fallen academ
ics don’t want to kill themselves. “In the vast majority of cases,
Why do people die by suicide? people kill themselves because of other people,” Bering adduc
By Michael Shermer es. “Social problems—especially a hypervigilant concern with
what others think or will think of us if only they knew what we
Anthony Bourdain (age 61). Kate Spade (55). Robin Williams (63). perceive to be some unpalatable truth—stoke a deadly fire.”
Aaron Swartz (26). Junior Seau (43). Alexander McQueen (40). Like most human behavior, suicide is a multicausal act. Teas
Hunter S. Thompson (67). Kurt Cobain (27). Sylvia Plath (30). ing out the strongest predictive variables is difficult, particular
Ernest Hemingway (61). Alan Turing (41). Virginia Woolf (59). ly because such internal cognitive states may not be accessible
Vincent van Gogh (37). By the time you finish reading this list even to the person experiencing them. We cannot perceive the
of notable people who died by suicide, somewhere in the world neurochemical workings of our brain, so internal processes are
another person will have done the same, about one every 40 typically attributed to external sources. Even those who experi
seconds (around 800,000 a year), making suicide the 10th lead ence suicidal ideation may not understand why or even if and
ing cause of death in the U.S. Why? when ideation might turn into action.
According to the prominent psychologist Jesse Bering of the This observation is reinforced by Ralph Lewis, a psychiatrist
University of Otago in New Zealand, in his authoritative book at the University of Toronto, who works with cancer patients
Suicidal: Why We Kill Ourselves (University of Chicago Press, and others facing death, whom I interviewed for my Science
2018), “the specific issues leading any given person to become Salon podcast about his book Finding Purpose in a Godless
suicidal are as different, of course, as their DNA—involving World ( Prometheus Books, 2018). “A lot of people who are clini
chains of events that one expert calls ‘dizzying in their variety.’ ” cally depressed will think that the reason they’re feeling that
Indeed, my short list above includes people with a diversity of way is because of an existential crisis about the meaning of life
ages, professions, personality and gender. Depression is com or that it’s because of such and such a relational event that hap
pened,” Lewis says. “But that’s people’s own subjective
attribution when in fact they may be depressed for rea
sons they don’t understand.” In his clinical practice, for
example, he notes, “I’ve seen many cases where these exis
tential crises practically evaporated under the influence of
an antidepressant.”
This attributional error, Lewis says, is common: “At a
basic level, we all misattribute the causes of our mental
states, for example, attributing our irritability to some
thing someone said, when in fact it’s because we’re hungry,
tired.” In consulting suicide attempt survivors, Lewis re
marks, “They say, ‘I don’t know what came over me. I don’t
know what I was thinking.’ This is why suicide prevention
is so important: because people can be very persuasive in
arguing why they believe life—their life—is not worth liv
ing. And yet the situation looks radically different months
later, sometimes because of an antidepressant, sometimes
because of a change in circumstances, sometimes just a
mysterious change of mind.”
monly fingered in many suicide cases, yet most people suffering If you have suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Pre
from depression do not kill themselves (only about 5 percent vention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or phone a family member or
Bering says), and not all suicide victims were depressed. “Around friend. And wait it out, knowing that in time you will most like
43 percent of the variability in suicidal behavior among the gen ly experience one of these mysterious changes of mind and once
eral population can be explained by genetics,” Bering reports, again yearn for life.
“while the remaining 57 percent is attributable to environmen
tal factors.” Having a genetic predisposition for suicidality, cou
pled with a particular sequence of environmental assaults on Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
one’s will to live, leads some people to try to make the pain stop. or send a letter to the editor: [email protected]
True Story
ing science. I feel shame.
Maria Konnikova is a science journalist. She also has a doc-
torate in psychology. So she should feel shame, too. She wrote
an article for a place called Politico entitled “Trump’s Lies vs.
Look, I know what I know. I think Your Brain.” She wrote, “If he has a particular untruth he wants
By Steve Mirsky to propagate ... he simply states it, over and over. As it turns out,
sheer repetition of the same lie can eventually mark it as true in
I distinctly remember t he moment when I started to feel my mind our heads.” She also wrote that because of how our brains work,
go. It was Tuesday, July 31. Or what happened was that day, and I “Repetition of any kind—even to refute the statement in ques-
heard about it the next day. Or I saw it live as it happened. Those tion—only serves to solidify it.”
details are not important. The only important thing is that I Anyway, groceries. I was sure that I had bought groceries at
remember it distinctly. President Donald J. Trump was at a rally in some point during the week before the president said that I
Florida, explaining the need for strong voter-identification laws. would have needed to show a picture ID to buy those groceries.
“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need And I did not remember showing or even being asked to show a
a picture on a card, you need ID,” he said. “You go out and you picture ID to buy those groceries. The cashiers usually only want-
want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture.” ed pictures of Alexander Hamilton or Andrew Jackson against a
I had, of course, heard the president say many, many things green background—these pictures are money. Or my credit card,
over the years that were true ... I mean, not true. The Washing- which does not have my picture on it. I’d need to look at it again
ton Post tallied 4,229 “false or misleading claims” by Trump in to say for sure whether it has my picture on it.
his first 558 days in office. Can you believe that? I could. Before And so I started to remember showing my photo ID to buy
my mind went. groceries. Everything was all right. The struggle was finished. I
Here’s an example of my conundrum. Early this year, Trump had won the victory over myself. I loved Big Lying.
refuted the idea of climate change: “The ice caps were going to
melt, they were going to be gone by now, but now they’re setting
records, so okay, they’re at a record level.” But a researcher at Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
the National Snow and Ice Data Center said that polar ice was or send a letter to the editor: [email protected]
1968 Astronomy
of supposing that every queer sig- Cuba, Ezra K. Dod, we have re Taking a Stand
nal on their records is truly celes- ceived a communication relating on Darwin
tial; in 99 cases out of 100, pecu- his experiences on sugar estates “Dr. J. D. Hooker, in his recent
liar ‘variable radio sources’ turn on the ‘ever faithful Isle,’ and ask- address to the British association
out to be some kind of electrical ing for improvement in our sugar at Norwich, says: ‘Ten years have
interference—from a badly sup- interests. ‘It is well known that elapsed since the publication of
pressed automobile ignition cir- in France the cost of manufacture “The Origin of Species by Natural
cuit, for example, or a faulty con- has been reduced in greater ratio 1868 Selection,” and it is hence not too
nection in a nearby refrigerator. early now to ask what progress
We finally concluded that the only that bold theory has made in sci-
plausible explanation for these entific estimation. The scientific
mystifying radio sources was that writers who have publicly rejected
they were caused in some way the theories of continuous revolu-
by the vibrations of a collapsed tion or of natural selection take
star, such as a white dwarf or a their stand on physical grounds,
neutron star. —Antony Hewish” or metaphysical, or both. Of those
Hewish shared the 1974 Nobel who rely on the metaphysical, their
Prize in Physics for his research arguments are usually strongly
in radio astrophysics. imbued with prejudice, and even
odium, and, as such, are beyond
1918 Poison
Defense against
“There is no place in trench war-
the pale of scientific criticism.
Having myself been a student of
moral philosophy in a northern
fare for individual oxygen tanks. university, I entered on my scien-
Accordingly, the gas mask is not tific career full of hopes that meta-
a respirator providing an artificial physics would prove a useful Men-
atmosphere for the wearer to tor, if not quite a science. I soon,
A Mammals got bigger for 65 million years Mammals got smaller in the past 125,000 years
65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Today 125 100 75 50 25 Today
Millions of Years Ago Thousands of Years Ago Projected (+200 years)
For millions of years the extinction rates among B Cows Rule the Future
large, medium and small land mammals were simi- In 200 years, elephants could be gone, and cattle could be the
lar. Yet the large species started dying off much fast- biggest beasts remaining on land—if humans continue aggressive
er, about 100,000 years ago in Eurasia, 50,000 years hunting and habitat destruction.
ago in Australia, and 15,000 years ago in North and
Number of Land Mammal Species Projected in 200 Years
South America ● A . These shifts, it turns out, corre- SOURCE: “BODY SIZE DOWNGRADING OF MAMMALS OVER THE LATE QUATERNARY,”
spond with when a hominin species—Homo erectus, Extinct Mammoth
Homo neanderthalensis and especially Homo sapi- Projected to exist (10,000 kg)
ens—spreads across a continent. “There is an as-
300 House cat
toundingly tight fit” among the data sets, says Feli- (6.5 kilograms)
sa A. Smith, a paleoecologist at the University of New
Mexico, who led the research. Hefty animals suffered Cattle
from being hunted, as well as habitat change and (800 kg)
fires caused by human activities. The imbalance
continues today, leaving far fewer massive animals,
even though small ones go extinct, too. Two centu-
ries from now, cows may top the size chart ● B . “We
have changed the entire Earth,” Smith says. “Now
we have to be nature’s stewards.” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Body Mass (grams, log scale)