Diabeticneuropathypart1: Overview and Symmetric Phenotypes
Diabeticneuropathypart1: Overview and Symmetric Phenotypes
Diabeticneuropathypart1: Overview and Symmetric Phenotypes
Diabetic neuropathy Diabetes mellitus Pathogenesis
Diabetic neuropathy is the most common type of neuropathy.
Various types of neuropathies are associated with diabetes mellitus.
Metabolic, vascular, inflammatory, and immune theories have been suggested for
Axonal and demyelination can be seen on electrophysiology and pathology.
Treatment is mainly aimed at glycemic control and neuropathic pain management.
Department of Neurology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA;
Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of Kansas Medical
Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Box 1
Clinical classification of diabetic neuropathies
I. Symmetric polyneuropathies:
Fixed deficits:
Distal sensory polyneuropathy (DSPN)
Acute, severe DSPN in early-onset diabetes
Pseudosyringomyelic neuropathy
Pseudotabetic neuropathy
Autonomic neuropathy
Episodic symptoms:
Diabetic neuropathic cachexia
Hyperglycemic neuropathy
Treatment-induced diabetic neuropathy
II. Asymmetric/focal and multifocal diabetic neuropathies:
Diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexopathy (Bruns-Garland syndrome, diabetic amyotrophy,
proximal diabetic neuropathy)
Truncal neuropathies (thoracic radiculopathy)
Cranial neuropathies
Limb mononeuropathies
the Rochester, Minnesota, population-based study, 1.3% of the population had DM.4
According to the 2011 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Dia-
betes Fact Sheet, diabetes affects 25.8 million Americans or 8.3% of the US popula-
tion. That estimate includes 7 million undiagnosed cases. Among US residents aged
65 years and older, 10.9 million, or 26.9%, had diabetes in 2010. In 2005 to 2008,
based on fasting glucose or hemoglobin A1c (HgbA1c) levels, 35% of US adults
aged 20 years or older and 50% of adults aged 65 years or older had prediabetes,
yielding an estimated 79 million American adults aged 20 years or older with predia-
betes. Almost 30% of people with diabetes aged 40 years or older have impaired
sensation in the feet.5
Approximately two-thirds of patients with insulin-dependent DM (IDDM) and non-
IDDM (NIDDM) had subclinical or clinical evidence of a peripheral neuropathy. Roughly
half of the diabetics had a symmetric polyneuropathy, a quarter had carpal tunnel
syndrome, about 5% had autonomic neuropathy, and 1% had asymmetric proximal
neuropathy. The occurrence of neuropathy correlates with the duration of DM, poor
glycemic control, and with the presence of retinopathy and nephropathy.4,6–11 In the
study by Picart,8 7.5% of patients had neuropathy at the time of diagnosis, and, after
20 years of DM, 50% had neuropathy. Partanen and colleagues9 showed that after
10 years of follow-up the percentage of diabetics with neuropathy increased from
8% at baseline to 42%.
DM Diagnostic Criteria
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) issued diagnostic criteria for DM in 1997,2
with follow-up in 200312 and 2010.13 The diagnosis is based on one of 4 abnormalities:
Diabetic Neuropathy Part 1 427
HgbA1c, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), random increased glucose with symptoms, or
abnormal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) as follows:
1. HgbA1c greater than or equal to 6.5%. The test should be performed in a laboratory
using a method certified by the National Standardization Program (NGSP) and
standardized to the Diabetes Control and Complications (DCCT) assay.
2. FPG greater than or equal to 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) on repeat testing. Fasting is
defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 hours.
3. Two-hour plasma glucose greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) during
an oral GTT. The test should be performed as described by the World Health Orga-
nization, using a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose
dissolved in water.
4. In a patient with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis,
a random glucose greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L).
In the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia, criteria 1 to 3 should be confirmed by
repeat testing.
In evaluating a patient with a neuropathy, it is not sufficient to stop with the FBS in
excluding DM. Although the new criteria allow for the use of HgbA1c as sufficient to
diagnose DM, we still usually recommend OGTT in patients who are evaluated for
neuropathy to consider DM as a potential cause.
Vascular Metabolic
Metabolic pathogenesis
Experimental models of acute, severe hyperglycemia can produce reduction in nerve
conduction velocity and axonal shrinkage.27 Glucose and myoinositol share a struc-
tural similarity and hyperglycemia may reduce myoinositol uptake in diabetic nerves.
This reduction secondarily impairs the function of membrane-bound sodium/potas-
sium ATPase, which can cause axoglial changes and alterations of conduction
velocity.28 However, in nerves from diabetic patients, endoneurial myoinositol was
not decreased and, in 2 clinical trials, there was no benefit to patients from myoinositol
Another popular mechanism is an alteration of polyol metabolism. Persistent hyper-
glycemia activates the enzyme aldose reductase, thereby converting glucose to the
polyol, sorbitol, and ultimately to fructose. Sorbitol, a compound with a degree of
impermeability, accumulates in the nerve creating a hypertonic condition and subse-
quent water accumulation.
Vascular pathogenesis
It has been postulated that hypoxia or ischemia is involved in diabetic polyneurop-
athy.16,42–47 The ultrastructural studies of Dyck and colleagues44–46 have shown that
the increase in basement membrane area and endothelial cell degeneration is associ-
ated with severity of polyneuropathy. On a more macroscopic level, the study of the
distribution of fiber loss in diabetic nerves also suggests a vascular disorder.20,48–50
In the study by Dyck and colleagues,50 the multifocal pattern of fiber loss could still
be identified in the sural nerve. Johnson and colleagues20 identified changes in the
perineurium and surrounding epineurium that resembled those seen in peripheral
nerve vasculitis. Although these ultrastructural vessel changes could account for these
ischemic morphologic features, there is evidence that chronic hyperglycemia may
produce hypoxia or frank ischemia.47,51,52
Autopsy material from patients with diabetic cranial third nerve palsy reveals central
fascicular injury suggesting ischemia.53–55 Even diabetic patients who never experi-
enced third nerve palsy show microfasciculation on autopsy compared with
Diabetic Neuropathy Part 1 429
Immunologic/inflammatory pathogenesis
An immune-mediated pathogenesis has recently been advocated in some cases of
diabetic neuropathy.66 In a study of proximal asymmetric neuropathy that showed
asymmetric nerve fiber loss, an additional feature was lymphocytic epineurial inflam-
mation resembling vasculitis. Krendel and colleagues67 found similar perivascular
inflammation in 7 of 10 patients with asymmetric lumbosacral neuropathy. In
a Mayo Clinic study of diabetic proximal neuropathy, 2 out of 6 sural nerve bio-
psies showed perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates.62 Younger and
colleagues68 biopsied 20 patients with diabetic neuropathy, 6 with distal symmetric
and 14 with asymmetric neuropathy. Seven patients had epineurial vessel inflamma-
tion on routine paraffin sections, 2 with distal symmetric and 5 with asymmetric
neuropathy. With immunohistochemistry, the number of patients with T-cell microvas-
culitis increased to 12 (60% of biopsied patients) with the inflammatory cells being
predominantly CD81 T cells. The presence of tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6,
interleukin-1b, interleukin-1a, and C5b-9 in several specimens further led the investi-
gators to suggest an immune-mediated pathogenesis of the neuropathy.
In the Mayo large series of patients with diabetic radiculoplexus neuropathy, peri-
vascular mononuclear cells were found in all 33 biopsied patients, most of whom
also showed changes of ischemia.63
reflex loss on examination. The first symptoms are usually decreased feeling or tingling
in the toes. Dysesthesias, usually burning pain, may develop, although most diabetic
patients with a distal sensory neuropathy do not complain of significant discomfort. In
a population of 382 insulin-treated diabetic subjects, 41 (10.7%) had painful symp-
toms.85 In a 2-phase cross-sectional descriptive study of patients with type 2 diabetes
(postal survey followed by neurologic history and examination) up to 27% of diabetic
patients experienced neuropathic pain or mixed pain resulting in a significant negative
effect on quality of life.86 Sensory symptoms can eventually progress up the ankles
and knees and to the fingers, hands, and forearms. If sensory loss extends to the
elbows, patients can then develop a symmetric midline truncal wedge-shaped area
of sensory loss.87
Although there may be atrophy and weakness of the toe extensor and flexor
muscles, significant distal ankle weakness is uncommon. If profound distal upper
and lower extremity weakness is present in a diabetic patient, an evaluation for other
causes of neuropathy is warranted.
Progression of DSPN is usually slow. In the Rochester Diabetic Neuropathy Study,
none of the 380 diabetic patients had polyneuropathy that was disabling even when
followed for many years.4 An exception to this rule is the unusual cases of severe
sensory and autonomic neuropathy that can occur in the first several after the onset
of type 1 diabetes.73 It is not known why some patients develop this unusually severe
form of neuropathy in the early stages of the disease and there is no relationship
between the neuropathy and hyperglycemia or the initiation of insulin therapy.
Several examination scales have been developed to establish neuropathy.88,89
Most of these focus primarily on large-fiber function. The Utah Early Neuropathy Scale
was shown to be a sensitive clinical measure of sensory and small-fiber neuropathy.90
England and colleagues91,92 recently established the American Academy of Neurology
practice parameters for evaluation of distal symmetric polyneuropathy (DSP).93 In
routine clinical practice, documenting an abnormal sensory, reflex, and occasionally
a motor examination is sufficient to diagnose neuropathy in a diabetic patient with
appropriate symptoms. The use of monofilaments to assess touch-pressure sensation
has become important as well as the Rydell-Seifert semiquantitative tuning fork.94
Depending on the clinical context, it may be appropriate to perform screening blood
tests for other causes of neuropathy (complete blood count, chem 20, vitamin B12
level, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test, serum immunofixation). Equipment
for detecting sensory loss, such as computerized quantitative sensory testing, and
both simple and complex grading systems have been developed for assessing dia-
betic neuropathy, and are primarily useful in the context of entering patients in
research protocols; they are not needed clinically in most patients.95,96 Skin biopsies
have become a tool to diagnose small-fiber neuropathy in patients with normal elec-
trodiagnostic testing.84,88
If severe foot ulcers and neurogenic arthropathies develop, this is often labeled
pseudosyringomyelic diabetic neuropathy. There is a selective loss of pain fibers
resulting in impaired cutaneous and deep pain and temperature sensation.72,97 Severe
proprioceptive loss is uncommon, but occasionally this can occur when there is prom-
inent large-fiber involvement. These patients develop sensory ataxia and autonomic
manifestations with impotence, bladder atony, and pupillary changes and thus have
been called the pseudotabetic form of diabetic neuropathy. However, severe propri-
oception deficits and ataxia are uncommon in diabetes, and when present should
lead to a search for other potential causes (syphilis, vitamin B12 deficiency, paraneo-
plastic or Sjogren syndrome sensory neuronopathy, CIDP). However, we think that the
pseudosyringomyelic, pseudotabetic, and the early-onset neuropathy described by
432 Pasnoor et al
Said and colleagues73 are all severe variants of diabetic DSPN and probably not
distinct forms of neuropathy.
Treatment of DSPN
Glucose control In general, patients with strict control of blood glucose have fewer
diabetic neuropathy complications.10,11,98 Several studies have shown that tight
glucose control with aggressive insulin therapy can reduce the risk for development
of neuropathy.7,99,100 The DCCT trial convincingly showed that intensive insulin
therapy with an insulin pump or 3 or more daily injections is more effective than
conventional therapy in reducing neuropathy.99 Neuropathy occurred in only 5% of
intensively treated patients compared with 13% of those conventionally treated. Over-
all neuropathy was reduced by 64% over 5 years in the intensively treated group. In
a follow-up 13 to 14 years after DCCT closeout, the prevalence of neuropathy
increased from 9% to 25% in the former intensive and from 17% to 35% in the former
conventional treatment groups (P<.001), and the incidence of neuropathy remained
lower among former intensive treatment subjects.101 This finding supports the impor-
tance and benefits of early intensive insulin treatment in reducing the risk of neurop-
athy, even more than a decade later.
components of neuropathy impairment score. However, in the larger phase III trial,
there was no benefit in the NGF group on any end point.
Table 1
Pharmacologic therapy for neuropathic pain
Therapy Route Starting Doses Maintenance Doses
First Line
Tricyclic antidepressants Oral 10–25 mg at bedtime Increase by increments of
10–25 mg to 100–150 mg at
Gabapentin (Neurontin) Oral 300 mg tid Increase by increments of
300–400 mg to 2400–6000
mg daily divided in 3–4 doses
Tramadol (Ultram) Oral 50 mg bid or tid Increase by 50-mg increments
to a maximum of 100 mg qid
Duloxetine (Cymabalta) Oral 30 mg/d Increase by increments of
30–60 mg up to 120 mg/d
Pregabalin (Lyrica) Oral 50 mg tid Increase to 300 mg/d
Second Line
Venlafaxine XR (Effexor) Oral 37.5–75 mg once a day Increase by 75-mg increments
to 150–225 mg a day
Valproate Oral 250 mg bid to tid Increase by 250-mg increments
up to 1500 mg/d
Carbamazepine Oral 200 mg bid Increase by 200-mg increments
to 200–400 mg 3 to 4 times
a day; follow drug levels on
doses greater than 600 mg/d
Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) Oral 150–300 mg bid Increase by 300-mg increments
to 600–1200 mg 2 times a day
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) Oral 25 mg once a day or bid Increase by 25-mg increments
weekly to 100–200 mg bid
Topiramate (Topamax) Oral 25–50 mg at bedtime Increase by 50-mg increments
weekly to 200 mg bid
Third Line
Bupropion SR (Welbutrin) Oral 150 mg/d After 1 week, increase to
150 mg twice a day
Tiagabine hydrochloride Oral 4 mg/d Increase to 4–12 mg bid
Keppra (Levetiracetam) Oral 250 mg at bedtime Increase by increments of
250–500 mg to 1500 mg
2 times a day
Zonisamide (Zonegran) Oral 100 mg at bedtime Increase by 100-mg increments
to 400–600 mg at bedtime
Mexiletine Oral 200 mg once a day Increase by 200-mg increments
to a maximum of 200 mg tid
Phenytoin Oral 200 mg at bedtime Increase by 100-mg increments
to 300–400 mg daily divided
in 1–2 doses, following drug
Newer Drugs
Savella Oral 12.5 mg at 12.5 mg bid 2 d then 25 mg
bedtime 1 d bid 4 d, then stay on 50 mg
bid. May increase up to
100 mg bid
(continued on next page)
Diabetic Neuropathy Part 1 435
Table 1
Therapy Route Starting Doses Maintenance Doses
Vimpat Oral 50 mg by mouth bid In 1 wk, go to 100 mg bid.
May increase up to
200 mg bid
Topical Agents
Over the Counter
Capsaicin 0.075% Topical Apply to affected region Continue with starting dose
tid to qid
Salicylate 10%–15% Topical Apply to affected region Continue with starting dose
tid to qid
Menthol 16%/ Topical Apply to affected Continue with starting dose
camphor 3% (1/ ) region tid to qid
By Prescription
Lidocaine 2.5%/ Topical Apply to affected Continue with starting dose
prilocaine 2.5% region tid to qid
Lidocaine patch 5% Topical Apply over adjacent, Increase up to 3 patches worn
intact skin for 12 h of 24-h period
Doxepin 5% (Zolopan) Topical Apply to affected Continue with starting dose
region bid
Diclofenac sodium gel Topical Apply to affected region Continue with starting dose
(Voltaren Gel 1%) tid to qid
By Prescription: Only at Compounding Pharmacies
Ketoprofen 5%/ Topicala Apply to affected Increase up to a schedule
amitriptyline 2%/ region bid of qid
tetracaine 1%
Ketoprofen 10%/ Topicala Apply to affected Increase up to a schedule
cyclobenzaprine 1%/ region bid of qid
lidocaine 5%
Ketamine 5%/ Topicala Apply to affected Increase up to a schedule
amitriptyline 4%/ region bid of tid
gabapentin 4%
Carbamazepine 5%/ Topicala Apply to affected Increase up to a schedule
lidocaine 5% region bid of qid
Amitriptyline 2%/ Topicala Apply to affected Continue with starting dose
lioresal 2% region tid to qid
Must be compounded by pharmacy (to locate your local compounding pharmacy, call the Inter-
national Academy of Compounding Pharmacists, 1-800-927-4227).
passage of barium through the gut.134 Impotence is the most common clinical mani-
festation of autonomic neuropathy, affecting more than 50% of men with diabetes.
Treatment Orthostatic symptoms can be treated with fludrocortisone (0.1 mg twice
a day), the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents ibuprofen and indomethacin, and the
oral sympathomimetic agent midodrine.105–107,135–137 Midodrine (ProAmatine) is an
alpha-adrenoreceptor agonist that increases blood pressure by producing arterial
and venous constriction. The recommended dose is 10 mg 3 times daily. Pharmaco-
therapy can be tried for delayed gastric emptying (metoclopramide; erythromycin)138,139
and diarrhea (clonidine).140 Impotence can be treated with oral phosphodieterase-5
436 Pasnoor et al
inhibitors such as sildenafil (Viagra)141 and, less commonly, with injectable (phentol-
amine/papervine) drug therapy or penile prosthesis.142,143
Fig. 2. Patient’s weight over time and the onset of neuropathic pain and initiation of diabetic
therapy. 1, initiation of oral hypoglycemic; *, initiation of insulin; Y, onset of pain. (From
Jackson CE, Barohn RJ. Diabetic neuropathic cachexia: report of a recurrent case. J Neurol Neu-
rosurg Psychiatry 1998;64:786; with permission.)
Diabetic Neuropathy Part 1 437
Case study
A 42-year-old man developed numbness and tingling in the toes, progressing up to the ankles
over 2 years. He describes burning pain in his feet, mainly at night. He recently started noticing
symptoms of numbness and tingling in distal fingers. He denies any weakness. He was recently
diagnosed with diabetes.
Examination showed normal strength, with decreased pinprick and light touch sensations to
the ankles and distal fingers. Timed vibration is 0 seconds at the toes, 10 seconds at the ankles,
and proprioception is normal at the toes. Reflexes are normal in the arms and at the knees but
ankle reflexes are absent. Gait is normal.
Routine neuropathy laboratory studies were unremarkable except for mild increase of HgbA1c
6.0%, and 2-hour glucose tolerance test showed a 2-hour glucose of 250 mg/dL. Electrodiag-
nostic testing showed absent sural sensory responses and decreased peroneal and tibial motor
amplitudes, showing evidence of moderate axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy.
He was started on gabapentin with initial improvement of pain. Over the next 2 years there was
progression of pain with mild worsening of weakness distally. Duloxetine was later started
because of worsening of the pain. He also developed diabetic retinopathy and diabetic medi-
cations had to be adjusted because of worsening blood sugar control.
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