Parsifal 2263

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This new generation of RO/RO vessels for Wallenius signed for low resistance, good transport economy,
Wilhelmsen Logistics Round the World Liner Service is efficient and safe cargo handling and low environmental
designed for efficient transportation and handling of High impact. The vessel is built to the notation of Det Norske
& Heavy rolling cargo, Non Containerised Cargo (NCC), Veritas +1A1, General Cargo Carrier / RO/RO, MCDK, E0,
Breakbulk, Special Project Cargo and cars. TMON, PWDK, PET.
Major design objectives are optimum hull shape de-

Length over all 265 m Capacity deck area 50,344 m²
Length between perpendiculars 250 m Capacity deck area for High 31,204 m²
and Heavy
Beam, moulded 32.26 m
Capacity of car units* ~6000
Max height 53.7 m
Height to upperdeck 33.22 m
Draft, design/max 11.0/12.3 m
Deadweight at maximum draft 41554 t INDUSTRIES, LTD,
Nagasaki, Japan
Gross Tonnage 74,622
Call sign 9V9111
Net Tonnage 27,215
IMO Number 9515395
Stern ramp width 12 m
Flag Singapore
Stern opening height 7.1 m
Owner Wallenius Lines
Stern ramp capacity 505 t
Operator Wallenius Wilhelmsen
Number of car decks 9 (of which 3 are movable)
* RT 43 units (one RT43 gross unit ≈ 8.40 m²)
General Arrangement providing good ventilation during loading/dis-
The vessel has 9 cargo decks of which 6 are fixed charging. In the main holds air can be changed at
for loading High and Heavy, Non Containerised least 20 times per hour.
Cargo and break-bulk cargoes.
All cargoes are loaded and discharged over a 12 m The main engine is a MAN B&W 7L70ME - C8,
wide stern ramp with a 505 t capacity and access to electronically controlled, with a maximum output of
the main deck (deck 4). 20,100 kW at 95RPM.

The hull is double sided up to deck 5, which is water- Electric power is generated by a steam turbine gen-
tight as is the mail deck. Fuel oil is stored in protect- erator and by a shaft generator in normal sea going
ed deep tanks both forward and aft. condition. Electric output of the steam turbine is
about 800kW and 1100kW for the shaft generator.
The vessel’s engine room is located aft, protected
mooring stations are located both forward and aft, In port and during manoeuvring, electric power can
and the wheelhouse/accommodations are located be provided by 3 auxiliary generator sets giving up
forward to provide space for weather deck cargo. to 2400kW each or sourced from shore.
Accommodations are arranged in two decks on the Efficient, low resistance rudder and transverse
weather deck; one for common spaces and offices thrusters of 2200kW forward and aft are fitted for
and one for cabins. Much effort has been put into good manoeuvrability. All auxiliary systems and fuel
providing good common spaces with a high stand- tanks are arranged for operation on Low Sulphur
ard of interior design and extra sound insulation Heavy Fuel Oil and Marine Diesel Oil.
between the cabins.
Environmental initiatives
The pilot ladder, gangway and bunker station are The hull lines are optimised to give minimum
located in recesses on deck no 5 on both sides of resistance in calm water and waves. Extensive hull
the vessel. The rescue boat is located in a recess on optimisation and model tank tests have been un-
deck 5, port side. The free fall lifeboat is located aft dertaken to ensure good performance over a range
with a safe walkway from the accommodation block. of draughts reflecting the most frequently used
loading conditions. To further reduce the resistance
Cargo hold the vessel has been equipped with a rudder bulb
The cargo hold is arranged for efficient and safe and a duck tail.
cargo handling, with completely flushed bulkheads,
or alternatively horizontal cargo support rails to A steam turbo generator system is installed and es-
support efficient stowing of breakbulk cargoes. timated to cut the total annual fuel consumption by
about 5–6%. CO2, SOX and emissions of particles
Decks no 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are reinforced for forklift (PM) will fall proportionally; and NOX emissions by
operations and roll trailers. The main deck is rein- about 3%.
forced for heavy lift trailers including Samson-type
trailers. The clear height of the main deck is 7.1m. A PureBallast water ballast treatment system is in-
stalled with a capacity of 1000 m³/hour fulfilling the
The three hoistable car decks are constructed with IMO’s “Convention on Ballast Water Treatment”.
plywood plating to save weight and are operated A bilge water separation system of 5 ppm ensures
using electrical winches to eliminate the risk of minimum emissions to the sea.
hydraulic oil spills.
Systems and equipment have been designed to
Cargo is secured through closely spaced circular minimise energy consumption. Examples include a
holes and cloverleaves, to ensure safe and flexible chilled water air conditioning system, extra insula-
stowing. Side lashing points are arranged on all tion in the accommodation block, dual speed water
heavy decks and there are top lashing points on the ballast pumps and several separate light zones in
main deck to secure high and heavy cargoes. the cargo hold.

The weather deck is arranged for the transportation The vessel is built to the voluntary class notation
of project cargo such as windmill blades, yachts and CLEAN and delivered with a CLEAN PASSPORT,
containers. an inventory of all materials potentially hazardous
Fans are distributed along the vessel’s upper deck to human health or the environment, used in the

construction of a ship.

WALLENIUS LINES AB • PO BOX 17086 • SE-104 62 STOCKHOLM • TEL +46 8 772 05 00 • FAX +46 8 640 06 59 •

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