2018 04 April
2018 04 April
2018 04 April
Christ is Risen!
Truly He is Risen!
Saturday, May 5
Women’s Expo and Spring Plant Pickup
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Wednesday, May 9
“Philoptochos Birthday” Dinner Meeting
Both the hymn and the expression “Christos 6:30 p.m.
Anesti” remind us that all believers will one Information to follow
day be raised to eternal life. This is the joy-
filled promise of our Easter celebration. Wednesday, June 13
Annual Meeting—Information to follow
❖ Carol Chaconas, Chairperson for our 1 can (14 oz.) condensed milk
Palm Sunday Luncheon. Thanks also to 2 tsp. vanilla
Carol, Thano and Vicky Masters, 5 1/2 cups sweetened, flaked coconut
Theanne Ballios, and Katerina Roumanis
who prepared our delicious luncheon ➢ Stir together ingredients
and to the ladies who helped to set up ➢ Shape into rounded teaspoonfuls or
on Saturday and served at the luncheon use an ice cream scoop
➢ Bake on parchment paper for 10-12
❖ Everyone who helped to clear tables minutes at 325 degrees
afterward ➢ Remove from pan IMMEDIATELY or
they will stick!
❖ Dena Petropoulos and her committee ➢ When cooled and hardened, store in
for boiling and dyeing the eggs on airtight container in refrigerator
Thursday, and thanks to everyone who
came and wrapped the Easter eggs on
We hear of autism yet we are not always familiar with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). A brief
overview is presented below to familiarize you with the spectrum of autism. The term
“spectrum” reflects the wide variation in challenges and strengths possessed by each person
with autism.
What is autism? Autism refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social
skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication as well as by unique strengths
and differences. We now know that there is not one autism but many types caused by different
combinations of genetic and environmental influences.
Behaviors. Autism’s most obvious signs tend to appear between 2 and 3 years of age. In some
cases, it can be diagnosed as early as 18 months. Some developmental delays associated with
autism can be identified and addressed even earlier. “Autism Speak” urges parents with
concerns to seek evaluation without delay, as early intervention can improve outcomes.