2018 04 April

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

CORNER April 2018
3109 Scio Church Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Nationa

Χριστός Ἀνέστη! Hristos a Inviat!

Ἀληθῶς Ἀνέστη! Adeverat a Inviat!

Christ is Risen!
Truly He is Risen!

Christ is Risen! This month we celebrate DATES TO REMEMBER

the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior
MONTH (see last page)
Then the angel spoke to the women. “Do
not be afraid!” he said. “I know you are
Wednesday, April 11
looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He
Dinner and Monthly Meeting. Prizes!
isn’t here. He is risen from the dead just as
6:30 p.m.
He said would happen. Come, see where
His body was lying.”--Matthew 28:56 Friday, April 27
Baby Shower for Presvytera Silvana
7 p.m.

Saturday, May 5
Women’s Expo and Spring Plant Pickup
10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Wednesday, May 9
“Philoptochos Birthday” Dinner Meeting
Both the hymn and the expression “Christos 6:30 p.m.
Anesti” remind us that all believers will one Information to follow
day be raised to eternal life. This is the joy-
filled promise of our Easter celebration. Wednesday, June 13
Annual Meeting—Information to follow

Many blessings this Easter season. RECIPE OF THE MONTH

We thank our many parishioners who
attended our Palm Sunday Luncheon to Coconut Macaroons
begin Holy Week as a St. Nicholas family
and who contributed to its success.

We received many compliments not only

about the meal but on the overall
presentation of the luncheon.

And now a huge “thank you” to . . . These are so easy to make!

❖ Carol Chaconas, Chairperson for our 1 can (14 oz.) condensed milk
Palm Sunday Luncheon. Thanks also to 2 tsp. vanilla
Carol, Thano and Vicky Masters, 5 1/2 cups sweetened, flaked coconut
Theanne Ballios, and Katerina Roumanis
who prepared our delicious luncheon ➢ Stir together ingredients
and to the ladies who helped to set up ➢ Shape into rounded teaspoonfuls or
on Saturday and served at the luncheon use an ice cream scoop
➢ Bake on parchment paper for 10-12
❖ Everyone who helped to clear tables minutes at 325 degrees
afterward ➢ Remove from pan IMMEDIATELY or
they will stick!
❖ Dena Petropoulos and her committee ➢ When cooled and hardened, store in
for boiling and dyeing the eggs on airtight container in refrigerator
Thursday, and thanks to everyone who
came and wrapped the Easter eggs on

❖ Perry Katsikas who coordinated the

beautiful Easter baskets for the

Happiness keeps you SWEET

Trials keeps you STRONG
Sorrows keeps you HUMAN
Failures keeps you HUMBLE
keeps you GOING
Have you ever wondered about the different symbols
Our Philoptochos provided
that are used at Easter? Let’s take a look!
Saline Social Services with
113 Easter Baskets serving
Eggs and Chicks. Like rabbits and hares, eggs
kids ages 0-12. Your
and chicks are often associated with Easter
generosity has surely made some children
because, in Pagan times, they were signs of fertility
very happy.
and new life. The early Christians took over the
meaning of new life with the Resurrection of Christ
Thank you to all of the parishioners who
and having new life through His Resurrection
donated and gave of their time to assemble
and deliver the baskets. We would also like
Eggs were used by the ancient Persians and
to thank the following corporations for their
Egyptians to celebrate New Year which, for them,
donations: A2Idea; Anthony Kahn, DDS;
happened in the springtime. The eggs were
Eleni Res; and Ann Arbor Kindermusik by
colored and eaten during the celebrations and
Jeanna Hoyt.
were also used to celebrate Easter as house
Thank you also to committee members
Elaine Karam, Teddy Sotiropoulos,
Anastasia Yocum, Andrea Kahn, Robin
Michos, Sandra Kotsis, Stasi Webber,
Athena Papageorgiou, Elizabeth Bairactaris,
Bunnies, Rabbits, and Lambs are often and Kerri Dixon.
associated with Easter because most babies of the
animals are born in the Spring around Easter time. In A special thanks to Diana Rooks for
Pagan times, bunnies, rabbits, and lambs were signs of coordinating this project.
good luck and new life. The lamb is the symbol of
Christ as He was called “The Lamb of God.”

According to some sources, the Easter bunny first

arrived in American in the 1700’s with German
immigrants who transported their tradition of an egg-
laying hare called “Osterhase.” Their children made
nests in which the hare could lay its colored eggs.

Eventually, the custom spread across the U.S. and the

fabled rabbit’s Easter morning deliveries expanded to
include chocolate and other types of candy. Children
left carrots for the bunny in case he got hungry from all
of his hopping! Pictured are Vangie Kolokithas, Diana Rooks,
and Elaine Karam

Spring is far more than just a

changing of seasons. It is a
rebirth of the spirit
As you know, our two-year challenge has been focused on helping to build a playground for the
children at the “Creating Brighter Futures” autistic center here in Ann Arbor. It is a center for
children ages 3-18 and is located at 4201 Varsity Dr.

We hear of autism yet we are not always familiar with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). A brief
overview is presented below to familiarize you with the spectrum of autism. The term
“spectrum” reflects the wide variation in challenges and strengths possessed by each person
with autism.

What is autism? Autism refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social
skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication as well as by unique strengths
and differences. We now know that there is not one autism but many types caused by different
combinations of genetic and environmental influences.

Behaviors. Autism’s most obvious signs tend to appear between 2 and 3 years of age. In some
cases, it can be diagnosed as early as 18 months. Some developmental delays associated with
autism can be identified and addressed even earlier. “Autism Speak” urges parents with
concerns to seek evaluation without delay, as early intervention can improve outcomes.

Some of the behaviors associated with autism include:

• Delayed learning of language
• Difficulty making eye contact or holding a conversation
• Difficulty with “executive functioning” which relates to reasoning and planning
• Narrow, intense interests
• Poor motor skills and sensory sensitivities
• Persistent fixations on part of objects

A person on the spectrum might follow many of these behaviors

or just a few or many others. The diagnosis of ASD disorder is
applied based on analysis of all behaviors and their severity.

For additional information, go to . . .

www.autismspeaks.org or www.autism-society.org

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