Sentinel-2 ESA Bulletin161
Sentinel-2 ESA Bulletin161
Sentinel-2 ESA Bulletin161
Combining high-resolution
and novel multispectral
capabilities, with frequent
revisit times, the new
Sentinel-2 mission offers
views of Earth’s changing
lands in unprecedented
detail (ESA/ATG medialab)
→ copernicus
The story of Sentinel-2
ESA’s Sentinel-2 team
Directorate of Earth Observation, ESTEC, Noordwijk,
the Netherlands & ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
↑ Sentinel-2A in the thermal vacuum chamber during testing at IABG in Munich, Germany (IABG)
The launch of the Sentinel-2A satellite in a few Following on from the Sentinel-1A radar satellite, Sentinel-2A
weeks is set to open a new chapter in our ability to is the next in ESA’s fleet of satellites dedicated to Europe’s
monitor the health of Earth’s vegetation and track Copernicus programme – the largest environmental
changes in the way land is used. monitoring programme in the world.
Carrying a novel multispectral imager, this state-of-the- Managing Earth from space: a new era
art mission will provide information that will not only
help improve agricultural practices and map changes The European Commission’s Copernicus programme has
in land cover, but also monitor the world’s forests and been put in place to help manage the environment more
detect pollution in lakes and coastal waters. In addition, effectively and help respond to the challenges of global
images of floods, volcanic eruptions and landslides will change. This innovative global monitoring initiative offers a
contribute to disaster mapping and help humanitarian set of key information services for a wide range of practical
relief efforts. applications.
→ copernicus
Since the provision of accurate data is central to Copernicus, Following completion of testing at the IABG test centre in
ESA has been tasked with coordinating the programme’s Germany, Sentinel-2A will be ready for launch on a Vega
‘space component’, which includes developing six Sentinel rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana in June 2015.
missions, their ground segment and user interfaces. Each
mission carries different technology to deliver a stream of
complementary imagery and data tailored to the needs of Rising to the challenge
Copernicus users. Importantly, these data are open to users Seven years in the making, this novel mission has been built
worldwide and are available free of charge. to operate for more than 20 years. Ensuring that it will meet
users’ exacting requirements has been a challenging task.
The first satellite in the series, Sentinel-1A, was launched into Developing Sentinel-2 has involved a number of technical
orbit in April 2014 and is now delivering operational radar challenges, from early specification in 2007 to qualification
images for numerous applications including the monitoring and acceptance in 2015.
of ice in the polar oceans and tracking land subsidence.
The satellite requires excellent pointing accuracy and
In June 2015, it will be followed by Sentinel-2A, which carries stability and, therefore, high-end orbit and attitude control
a high-resolution multispectral optical imager with 13 sensors and actuators. The multispectral imager is the most
spectral bands to offer a new perspective of our land and advanced of its kind, integrating two large visible near-
vegetation. The combination of high spatial resolution, infrared and shortwave infrared focal planes, each equipped
advanced multispectral imaging capabilities, a very wide with 12 detectors and integrating 450 000 pixels.
swath of 290 km and frequent revisit times make this
mission exceptional. Pixels that may fail in the course of the mission can be
replaced by redundant pixels. Two kinds of detectors
As with most of the Sentinel missions, Sentinel-2 is based on integrate high-quality filters to isolate the spectral bands
a constellation of two identical satellites launched around perfectly. The instrument’s opto-mechanical stability must
a year apart. Orbiting 180° apart, they will cover all Earth’s be extremely high, which has meant the use of silicon
land surfaces, inland and coastal waters between 84°N and carbide ceramic for its three mirrors and focal plane, and for
56°S every five days. the telescope structure itself.
for periods of up to 15 days. This requires sophisticated system uses tight quality-monitoring functions and key
autonomous failure analysis, detection and correction on performance indicators that will be made available to the
board. users throughout the duration of the mission.
Land in focus
Ensuring that land is used sustainably, while meeting the
food and wood demands of a growing global population
– a projected eight billion by 2020 – is one of today’s
→ copernicus
and only 10 days with Sentinel-2A alone, along with the
mission’s range of spectral bands means that changes in
plant health and growth status can be easily monitored.
B1 B9 B10
60 Snow/ice/cloud discrimination
Snow/ice/cloud discrimination
B5 B7 B8a Vegetation status
red edge
B6 B11 B12
B2 B3 B4 B8
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
↑ Spatial resolution versus wavelength: Sentinel-2’s span of 13 spectral bands, from the visible and the near-infrared to the shortwave
infrared at different spatial resolutions ranging from 10 to 60 m on the ground, takes land monitoring to an unprecedented level
→ copernicus
Sentinel-2A launch June 2015, by Vega from Kourou, French Guiana
Sentinel-2B launch July 2016, by Rockot from Plesetsk, Russia
Orbit Polar, Sun-synchronous at altitude 786 km
Mean Local Solar Time at descending node: 10:30 (optimum Sun illumination for image acquisition)
Geometric revisit time Five days from two-satellite constellation (at equator)
Life Seven years (carries consumable for 12 years: 123 kg of fuel including end of life deorbiting)
Multispectral instrument (MSI) Multispectral imager covering 13 spectral bands (443–2190 nm), with a swath width of 290 km and
a spatial resolution of 10 m (four visible and near-infrared bands), 20 m (six red edge and shortwave
infrared bands) and 60 m (three atmospheric correction bands).
Receiving stations MSI data: transmitted via X-band to core Sentinel ground stations and via laser link through EDRS.
Telecommand and telemetry data: transmitted from and to Kiruna, Sweden
Main applications Agriculture, forests, land-use change, land-cover change. Mapping biophysical variables such as leaf
chlorophyll content, leaf water content, leaf area index; monitoring coastal and inland waters; risk and
disaster mapping
Mission Managed, developed, operated and exploited by various ESA establishments
Funding ESA Member States and the European Union
Prime contractors Airbus Defence & Space Germany for the satellite, Airbus Defence & Space France for the instrument
Cooperation CNES: Image quality optimisation during in-orbit commissioning
DLR: Optical Communication Payload (provided in kind)
NASA: cross calibrations with Landsat-8