WEF Building Blockchains
WEF Building Blockchains
WEF Building Blockchains
Building Block(chain)s
for a Better Planet
In collaboration with PwC and Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
September 2018
Building Block(chain)s for a Better Planet is published by
the World Economic Forum System Initiative on Shaping
the Future of Environment and Natural Resource Security in
partnership with PwC and the Stanford Woods Institute for
the Environment. It was made possible with funding from the
MAVA Foundation. It forms part of a series of reports from
the Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth project, run in
association with the World Economic Forum Centre for the
Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Working with experts from the environmental and technology agenda, the “Fourth
Industrial Revolution for the Earth” project is producing a series of insight papers
designed to illustrate the potential of Fourth Industrial Revolution innovations and
their application to the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Collectively
and individually, these papers offer insights into the emerging opportunities and
risks of this fast-moving agenda, highlighting the roles various actors could play
to ensure these technologies are harnessed and scaled effectively. The papers
are not intended to be conclusive, but rather to act as a stimulant – providing
overviews that provoke further conversation among diverse stakeholders about
how new technologies driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution could play a
significant role in global efforts to build environmentally sustainable economies,
helping to provide foundations for further collaborative work as this dynamic new
agenda evolves. This particular paper looks at blockchain and the planet. Previous
papers in the “Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth” series have looked at
how the Fourth Industrial Revolution could transform ocean management, enable
sustainable cities, and build an inclusive bio-economy that preserves biodiversity,
as well as examining how artificial intelligence could be harnessed to address
economic, social and governance challenges related to Earth systems.
A number of blockchain applications and platforms are becoming widely known, starting with
Bitcoin, which pioneered cryptocurrency (and crypto-assets), followed by Ethereum, which as a
platform for building decentralized applications through smart contracts has inspired a whole new
“token economy”. The emergence of applications in voting, digital identity, financing and health
illustrate how blockchain can potentially be used to address global challenges.4 There is now also
emerging enthusiasm about blockchain’s potential to support global efforts to advance environmental
Dominic Waughray
Head of the Centre sustainability. To date, however, there has been little appraisal of the use-cases or systematic
for Global Public orientation to vital environmental opportunities and challenges, much less of how to build the public-
Goods, private collaborations and platforms that will be needed to realize these nascent opportunities.
World Economic
Forum This report focuses on the application of blockchain to address pressing environmental challenges
such as climate change, biodiversity loss and water scarcity. It looks at emerging applications,
including those that might be the biggest game changers in managing our global environmental
commons, while assessing the potential challenges and developing recommendations to address
them. Some of these applications could dramatically improve current systems and approaches, while
others could completely transform the way humans interact with – and manage – our environmental
stability and natural resources.
Throughout this assessment, it is emphasized that the potential for blockchain lies in its architectural
ability to shift, and potentially upend, traditional economic systems – potentially transferring value from
shareholders to stakeholders as distributed solutions increasingly take hold.
Sheila Warren
Project Head, If harnessed in the right way, blockchain has significant potential to enable a move to cleaner and
Blockchain and more resource-preserving decentralized solutions, unlock natural capital and empower communities.
Distributed Ledger This is particularly important for the environment, where global commons and non-financial value
challenges are currently so prevalent.
World Economic
Forum’s Centre for
the Fourth Industrial However, if history has taught us anything, it is that such transformative changes will not happen
Revolution automatically. They will require deliberate collaboration between diverse stakeholders ranging from
technology industries through to environmental policy-makers, underpinned by new platforms that can
support these stakeholders to advance not just a technology application, but the systems shift that
will enable it to truly take hold. It is our hope that the following overview of the opportunities, risks and
suggested next steps will stimulate stakeholders to embark on an exciting new action agenda that
builds blockchains for a better planet.
The challenge are set to intensify as global trends are expected to put
an increasing strain on finite resources. The current world
From an anthropocentric perspective, the past century population of around 7 billion is expected to grow to nearly
(particularly the past few decades) of human existence 10 billion by 2050. As the world becomes more populous
has marked a very successful period for population and and the global middle class grows in size, it will increase
economic growth.6 the demand for energy, transport, food and water. Under
current approaches, as our consumption of resources
The “great acceleration”7 in human activity, particularly since continues to rise, so do the levels of waste, plastic and
the mid-20th century, has delivered exponential economic pollution. To put this in perspective, 8.3 billion tonnes of
growth. Real output grew five-fold in the four centuries plastic have been created in the past century, more than
leading to 1900, before accelerating more than 20-fold in 70% of which is now in waste streams. Alongside this,
the 20th century.8 The past 60 years and, in particular, the societies are under growing social and economic strain from
past 25 years, have witnessed an increased acceleration mounting inequality, youth unemployment, the threat of
in human economic activity. The recent past is an example automation and geopolitical volatility. Many of these issues
of markets working to their fullest extent, as technologies are exacerbated by environmental deterioration.
have driven progress and real commodity prices have
fallen, despite a 20-fold increase in demand for certain While we have seen a progressive increase in environmental
resources.9 The follow-on effects have included impressive interventions over the past four decades, the breadth and
improvements in human welfare as the number of people depth of environmental challenges and the pace with which
living on less than $1.25 a day has been cut by one-half they are evolving demonstrates the need for governments,
since 199010 and more than 700 million people have moved regulators and businesses to adapt more quickly than
into the global middle classes.11 before. Business as usual is clearly not enough, and the
evidence shows that progress made over the past four
Yet, from an Earth-systems perspective, the human decades has been insufficient for the scale of the challenge.
success story is not so positive. The stress on the Earth’s
natural systems caused by human activity has worsened The opportunity
considerably in the 25 years since the 1992 Rio de Janeiro
Earth Summit in Brazil. While these challenges are urgent and extraordinary, they also
coincide with an era of unprecedented innovation, technical
Underpinning these extraordinary human advances has change and global connectivity – the Fourth Industrial
been the consistently steady state of the Earth’s global Revolution.
environmental systems provided by the so-called “Holocene
equilibrium”. Global patterns of temperature, precipitation, This industrial revolution, unlike previous ones, is underpinned
seasonality and the overall health of our atmosphere, by the established digital economy and is based on rapid
cryosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere have remained advances in technologies such as blockchain, artificial
predictable for much of the past 10,000 years. During this intelligence, the Internet of Things, robotics, autonomous
period, they have functioned within a “Goldilocks” zone – vehicles, biotechnology, nanotechnology and nascent
not too hot and not too cold – for humans.12 quantum computing among others. It is also characterized
by the way in which the combination of these technologies
However, as a result of the great acceleration in human increasingly merges the digital, physical and biological
economic activity since the mid-20th century, research realms, and collectively increases the speed, intelligence and
from many Earth-system scientists suggests that our efficiency of business and societal processes.
planetary systems could now be entering a period of
unprecedented environmental systems change. This change The Fourth Industrial Revolution generates opportunities
can be observed across six critical challenge areas, with for global growth and value creation that far outstrip
implications for the planet and human prosperity, and the advancements of the past century. Left unguided,
demands transformative action early in the 21st century, as these advancements have the potential to accelerate the
illustrated in Figure 1. environment’s degradation. However, they also create an
opportunity for governments, regulators and companies to
Over the coming decades, these six critical challenges make the Fourth Industrial Revolution the first sustainable
Today’s greenhouse gas levels may be the The Earth is losing its biodiversity at mass The chemistry of the oceans is changing more
highest in 3 million years, rising to 412 parts per extinction rates. One in five species on Earth rapidly than at any time in perhaps 300 million
million in May 2018.13 now faces eradication; this will rise to 50% by years, as the water absorbs anthropogenic
the end of the century unless we take urgent greenhouse gases. The resulting ocean
action.15 acidification and warming are leading to
unprecedented damage to fish stocks and corals.17
Economic and human impact: Economic and human impact: Economic and human impact:
Changes in precipitation, extreme storms, rising Current deforestation rates in the Amazon Basin Some 8 million tonnes of plastic are predicted to
sea levels, coastal inundation and heatwaves could lead to an 8% drop in regional rainfall by enter the oceans each year.18 Plastics – and the
directly affect people’s security, economic 2050, triggering a shift to a “savannah state”, toxins they often carry – accumulate in the food
well-being and health. For instance, deaths with wider consequences for the Earth’s chain and find their way into humans. Estimates
caused by extreme heat in Europe could rise to atmospheric circulatory systems.16 Biodiversity suggest around 6,400 microplastics per year are
150,000 a year by 2100.14 loss has a direct human impact – threatening ingested by the average European shellfish
energy, clean water and food supply. consumer.19
The world’s demand for water has grown by Around 91% of the world’s people live in places In 2017, the world suffered 710 geophysical,
around 1% per year. By 2030, we may fall 40% that fail to meet World Health Organization meteorological, hydrological and climatological
short of the amount of fresh water needed to (WHO) air-quality guidelines.24 “natural-loss events” – almost triple the number
support the global economy as pollution and it suffered in 1980.26
climate change affect the global water cycle.20
Economic and human impact: Economic and human impact: Economic and human impact:
For 1.9 billion people, water scarcity is already a Around 7 million people die annually from These events caused approximately $330 billion
reality – this number is expected to rise to 3 exposure to air pollution – one death out of in damages, less than half of which was covered
billion by 2050.21 Microplastic fibres were found every eight globally.25 by insurance.27 In parallel, 23 million people were
in 83% of tap water samples around the world22 displaced.28
and more than 90% of bottled water analysed.23
Source: PwC
Blockchain basics For example, the creation of Ethereum in 2015 (now a $25
billion crypto-network) showed that blockchain was more
Blockchain is a decentralized (distributed) electronic ledger than just a niche technology for the financial sector, but
system that records any transaction of value whether it also offered a new, decentralized, trusted and transparent
be money, goods, property, work or votes.29 It is also an platform that could benefit a wider range of industries and
interlinked and continuously expanding list of records stored issues, with developers naturally seeking out areas where it
securely across a peer-to-peer network. 30 Every participant could add the most value.
with access can simultaneously view information with no
single point of failure, creating trust in the system as a As the volume of coders proficient in blockchain has
whole. increased, start-ups and established corporations alike
have begun to invest in tools, data, people and blockchain-
Each “block” is uniquely connected to the previous blocks enabled innovations. ICOs have also emerged as a new
by including the hash31 of the previous block in the new crypto-based alternative to classic early-stage capital/
block. Digital signatures are then used to authenticate debt finance, creating opportunities to quickly fund new
transactions. This structure means that making a change blockchain technology ventures. This has encouraged more
without disturbing the subsequent records in the chain is investors, speculators and entrepreneurs to take an interest
extremely difficult. These characteristics make blockchain in this emerging and potentially powerful technology.
cryptographically secure and currently tamper-proof.
At the same time, a number of converging global trends
Verification of transactions is achieved by participants have helped to create an environment conducive to the
confirming changes with one another, replacing the need proliferation of blockchain. Increasingly, digitalization
for a third party to authorize transactions. Decentralized and connectivity of the global economy, along with the
consensus makes blockchain platforms immutable, and emergence of powerful global tech firms, has meant that
updatable only via consensus or agreement among peers. corporations have become increasingly open to adopting
This design is meant to protect against domination of the blockchain and other emerging technologies of the Fourth
network by any single computer or group of computers. Industrial Revolution. Developments in computer processing
power and networked computer systems have facilitated
Blockchains can be public, private (permissioned) or hybrid advances in blockchain programs, while the domination
systems. Unlike public blockchains, whereby transactions of smartphones has made digital wallets possible and
can be validated by anyone and there is no access control increasingly relevant. Alongside this, there has been a
– private blockchain participants or validators must be proliferation of IoT and AI applications that can automate
authorized by the owners of the blockchain. Between the big-data collection and processing for use in blockchain
two there are hybrid systems, combining both private- and platforms.
public-ledger characteristics.32
Taken together, these advances in technology and an
emerging global enabling environment have created a
Why now? platform from which many blockchain applications are now
being launched.
Distributed computing and cryptography have both existed
for decades. However, in 2009 these ideas came together in
the form of Bitcoin: a cryptocurrency network. Though initially Blockchain capabilities: Now and in
slow to take hold, more recently there has been a proliferation
of its use and a rapid increase in the number of transactions.
the future
As the world became enamoured with Bitcoin, both large
It is worth noting that the technology itself is still very
corporations (first financial institutions, then others) and
smaller-scale technology entrepreneurs saw a bigger picture. new, and there is a considerable way to go to build trust
The underlying technology behind Bitcoin had the power to among businesses, investors and regulators in relation to
cut intermediary and reconciliation costs and revolutionize blockchain applications.
manual, frequently disjointed, opaque processes to increase
their efficiency. Thus, broader ideas and conceptual However, blockchain’s potential – and at least some of the
applications for blockchain technology emerged. associated hype – stems from a combination of its current
How it works:
capability and the anticipated technology development performance and scalability, as these are limitations that
roadmap, which suggest that as the technology matures it currently keep them from challenging centralized incumbents.
could become a foundational technology like the internet and In particular, these limitations relate to blockchain’s distributed
could dramatically improve operating efficiencies in some verification protocols.
sectors while completely disrupting others. Two of today’s
most prominent blockchain applications – cryptocurrencies To avoid the use of an intermediary, blockchain applications
and smart contracts – illustrate this potential. are characterized by a distributed verification process, which
is designed to achieve consensus on the content of the
Cryptocurrencies are designed to be used as an alternative distributed ledger. The following two mechanisms are most
to real currencies and to create new token economies that, commonly used for verification of a transaction to establish
among other things, could capture and monetize currently consensus:
unrealized economic value, while smart contracts use a digital – Proof of work (PoW) – Each block is verified through a
protocol to automatically execute predefined processes of a process called “mining” before information is stored. The
transaction without requiring the involvement of a third party data contained in each block is verified using algorithms
or intermediary. that attach a unique hash to each block based on the
information stored in it. Users continuously verify the
The next few years of blockchain will focus on fixing the hashes of transactions through the mining process in
most severe technical limitations of blockchain networks’ order to update the current status of the blockchain
10 Building Block(chain)s for a Better Planet
Figure 3 – Timeline of blockchain developments
Open-source movement Bitcoin Blockchain platforms and smart contracts Blockchain scaling – the future
1940s – Cryptography emerged 2008 – Satoshi publishes a white 2015 – The Ethereum project is Expansion of blockchain Expansion and evolution of Use of blockchain for social
paper describing the bitcoin created, introducing smart platforms such as bitcoin and the networks that form the purposes including messaging,
digital currency contracts and blockchain apps crypto market exceeds $100 infrastructure layer of the crypto games, social networks and rating
billion (over 1,000 different stack (e.g. protocol for security systems
cryptocurrencies) tokens)
1980s – Open-source communities;
digital money; distributed computing 2009 – First bitcoin transaction
between Satoshi and Hal Finney Potential
Growth of decentralized wide-scale application of
2017 – First proof of stake Emergence of new platforms e.g blockchain to sectors beyond
applications (dApps) to create
verification on Ethereum Corda, Openchain and Stellar finance (e.g. governance, real
1980s – 2000s – Development and large-scale decentralized
platform estate, energy and more)
use of cryptography (e.g. ECDSA, services
SHA functions) 2011 – Market exceeds $1 bn
Source: PwC
assets. Doing so requires an enormous number of multistakeholder efforts to experiment, adopt and apply the
random guesses, making it a costly and energy-intensive technology, building trust when doing so. The speed at which
process – one that also faces speed constraints as the such technical developments could unfold makes it crucial
network grows. Early blockchains such as Bitcoin use for the notion of responsible blockchain to be rapidly adopted
PoW verification. by all stakeholders, in particular the burgeoning developer
– Proof of stake (PoS) – PoS simplifies the mining community.
process. Instead of mining, users can validate and
make changes to the blockchain on the basis of their Like any new and evolving technology, further advances in
existing share (“stake”) in the currency. This approach blockchain are difficult to predict accurately as the technology
reduces the complexity of the decentralized verification (and its potential) are evolving so fast that it can be hard to
process and can thus deliver large savings on energy and know how much of the hype will be realized and, in turn, how
operating costs. Increasingly, emerging blockchains such exactly the broader enabling market will mature. How far and
as Ethereum, NEO and WAVES use PoS verification. how fast blockchain evolves will be somewhat a function of
how quickly (and successfully) technical, regulatory, scalability
and other challenges – including trust – can be overcome
To date, PoW has been the most frequently used verification (see below). One area to watch will be the financial and social
method in conjunction with blockchain technology. In light incentives created as these will likely determine the aspects
of concerns regarding cost, energy intensity and scalability, on which developers focus and where investment flows. We
however, emerging blockchain applications rely increasingly can also expect the most transformational blockchain use-
on PoS and other less cost- and energy-intensive verification cases to emerge where collaborative and multistakeholder
methods. Recent and emerging verification methods include ecosystems are built to tackle matters of industry-wide or
(but are not limited to) “proof of authority” (PoA), “proof of society-wide importance – such as decentralized energy
importance” (PoI) and “proof of history” (PoH), which are also platforms.
deemed to be less cost-, energy- and time-intensive (see
Glossary for terms). Second-layer “proof of stake” solutions Looking further afield, expected advances in AI, distributed
currently being developed for the Ethereum platform, such computing and quantum computing will likely support – and
as Casper, Plasma and Sharding, should address the potentially accelerate – blockchain’s technological evolution.
fundamental scalability challenges of Ethereum and pave the If it truly lives up to its promise, this new global computational
way for more innovative and scalable protocols. architecture could rewire commerce and transform how
society operates, becoming one of the most significant
Once the networks that form the infrastructure layer of the innovations since the creation of the internet. The opportunity
cryptostack are built, technologists will increasingly turn to harness this innovation to help tackle environmental
their energy to building decentralized applications (dApps) challenges is equally significant.
on top of this infrastructure. We are also likely to see the
emergence of numerous bespoke ledgers customized for
specific purposes. In parallel, there will need to be a focus
on developing fit-for-purpose regulation, and on industry and
While blockchain has the potential to become a powerful cases also represent opportunities to unlock and monetize
foundational technology used across different sectors to (or tokenize) economic value that is currently embedded
tackle a wide range of challenges and opportunities, if it is to within environmental and natural resource systems, but
be truly transformative for our global environment, it will need which has been largely unrealized to date. Examples include
to be deployed in the right areas. Figure 4 highlights six of opportunities to build an inclusive bio-economy, capture the
the world’s most pressing environmental challenges and the value of intact forests and create new markets for trading
priority action areas to successfully address them. natural resources.
In meeting these challenges, there is wide scope for Currently, the majority of use-cases identified are in the
innovation and investment. There is potential for blockchain to concept or pilot phase, with only a handful having been
provide solutions in and of itself and also to facilitate solutions fully developed. Climate change and biodiversity were the
that involve other Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. challenge areas where most use-cases were identified, with
Indeed, more than 65 existing and emerging blockchain use- fewer developed in the areas of water resource management,
cases for the environment were identified through desk-based ocean management and clean air so far. Recent investment
research and interviews with a range of stakeholders from figures highlight the largely untapped nature of the
the industrial, technological and entrepreneurial sectors, in opportunity. In the first quarter of 2018, for example, 412
addition to research associations and governments. blockchain projects raised more than $3.3 billion through
ICOs.33 However, less than 1% of these were in the energy
Figure 5 provides a glimpse of such blockchain applications and utilities sector, representing around $100 million of
by environmental challenge area. The snapshots are not investment, or around 3% of the total investment for the
intended to be exhaustive, but to provide an initial overview, quarter.
represent the most prominent innovations and stimulate
a more concerted action agenda. These snapshots show The 65-plus use-case solutions identified as being particularly
that each environmental challenge area stands to benefit relevant across environmental applications tend to cluster
from the use and deployment of blockchain, and that the around the following cross-cutting themes:
majority of solutions operate by transforming an underlying – Enabling decentralized systems
economic, industrial or governance system. Many of the use-
– Peer-to-peer trading of natural resources or permits
– Supply-chain monitoring and origin tracking
Figure 4 – Priority action areas for – New financing models, including democratizing
addressing Earth challenge areas investment
– Realization of non-financial value, including natural capital
Sma homes
ptio d
lizin ital
con ction a
prod stainab
n co
Biodiversity and
rt cit
g na
based land, collection and other natural pesticide use
corporate, civil verification of resources on agricultural
and asset ESG data provenance land
registries • Soil properties data tracking • Incentivized system
• Citizen loyalty and collation from • A decentralized for responsible
reward platforms Sustainable distributed sensors natural asset exchange Invasive species and waste management
• Decentralized voting land use • Blockchain-powered platform disease control
platforms for climate platform for carbon
action offsetting
• Secure paperless • Waste-to-energy
transactions • Blockchain-enabled sustainable mining blockchain solutions
• Automation of data collection and management • Digital data platform for species tracking and
for better sustainability accounting disease control
• Financing sustainable land use
Pr Ca
g po ven pl
y tc
in ly llu tin p co hm
sh ab tio g su nt en
Fi tain n er ro t
s at l
su W
Imp nge (in tion)
cha idifica
hab ting
Dro ing
Healthy oceans
effic ter
from luding
monitoring of and intensity enabled
open-source peer-to-peer
ict st
e d
on re
st rn
ur n
ed reca
pt g a
em in
ito ve
P fo s g
rin ntio
ca rin
g n
Res ning
Weather and
infra silient
emergency rerouting of
prevent blackouts
• Decentralized
mini-grids improving
In addition to enhancing current efforts to address from 100% renewable energy use34 to zero deforestation,35
environmental issues, there is enormous potential to conflict-free minerals or 100% recycled material36 pledges.
create blockchain-enabled “game changers” in which the However, global supply chains are often complex and
application of blockchain, often in combination with other opaque, and companies frequently struggle to implement
Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, has the potential their commitments or showcase their achievements in the
to deliver transformative or disruptive solutions. absence of better visibility into their supply chains. Such
The following set of potential game changers are defined by provenance, traceability and transparency of data across
five important features: supply chains is also critical to business management in a
broader sense – from improving enterprise-risk management
1. Transformational impact (i.e. it could completely disrupt practices to enabling corporate disclosure and reporting.
or alter current approaches)
2. Adoption potential (i.e. the potential population size is Blockchain-based solutions are providing, for the first time,
significant) full transparency and traceability within the supply chain.
3. Centrality of blockchain to the solution (i.e. blockchain is This can build confidence in legitimate operations, expose
a vital cog in the solution) illegal or unethical market trading or activities, mitigate
4. Systems impact (i.e. the game changer could really shift quality or safety problems, reduce administrative costs,
the dial across human systems) enable greater access to finance, improve monitoring,
5. Realizable enabling environment, including political and verification and reporting, and potentially help avoid
social dynamics (i.e. the enabling environment can be litigation. As these solutions become more mainstream,
identified and supported) they will likely push companies to be aware of their actions,
and enable them to clearly demonstrate responsible
The eight most significant game changers are listed below. and ethical operations in a cost- and time-efficient way.
Some of these are cross-cutting and more overarching Better corporate data will also enable investors and asset
in nature (but clearly have significant ramifications for managers to implement responsible investing practices with
environmental challenges), while others focus more improved effect.
specifically on environmental challenges. Although some
of these game changers could improve the efficiency of Solutions that harness blockchain for supply-chain
existing markets, others could drive transformational shifts management are some of the more advanced applications
in how we operate and how we tackle environmental currently observed that address environmental challenges.
For example, in agriculture, blockchain has been used,
thanks to its ability to provide a verifiable record of
1. ‘See-through’ supply chains possession and transaction, to manage and authenticate
harvesting of resources to ensure sustainable practices. The
Transactional data throughout the supply chain can be
Instituto BVRio has developed an online trading platform it
recorded through the blockchain and an immutable record
has termed a “Responsible Timber Exchange” to increase
of provenance (i.e. origin) can be created, offering the
efficiency, transparency and reduce fraud and corruption in
potential for full traceability of products from source to store.
timber trading.37
Providing such transparency creates an opportunity to
optimize supply-and-demand management, build resilience
In 2016, Provenance, a UK-based start-up, worked with
and ultimately enable more sustainable production,
the International Pole and Line Association (IPLA) to pilot
logistics and consumption. There are a number of potential
a public blockchain tuna-tracing system from Indonesia to
applications, some of which are more advanced and
consumers in the UK.38 Similarly, Carrefour Supermarkets
specifically address environmental challenges.
have recently introduced an application where customers
can scan products to receive information on a product’s
Corporations are facing increasing regulatory, reputational,
source and production processes. Ventures such as
investor and consumer pressure to address supply
FishCoin are developing a utility token tradable for mobile
chain risks, such as corruption, human rights violations,
phone top-up minutes in an attempt to incentivize fishers
modern slavery, gender-based violence, water security
to provide information on their catch. The data captured
and environmental degradation. An increasing number of
is then transferred down the chain of custody until it
companies are responding with bold public commitments –
reaches consumers. Such data could also be invaluable for blockchain applications can track fish all the way from the
governments seeking to better manage global fish stocks.39 boat to the plate, they cannot guarantee they were caught
how and where the data claims. Other technologies, such
From a consumer angle, the complexity of supply chains as satellite monitoring and handheld DNA sequencers, could
means that it is difficult for consumers to know how their potentially help overcome this concern.
consumption habits and purchasing decisions are affecting
the environment, or the associated working and living Looking into the future, blockchain has the potential to
conditions along the supply chain. Using blockchain tools connect all stakeholders in a global supply chain – from
to enable retailers and consumers to transparently track workers in factories through to logistics companies, retailers,
products from source to shop floor will enable more informed consumers, investors, NGOs and regulators – under one
purchasing decisions. platform. A platform that provides the data, traceability,
transparency and control or compliance mechanism that the
Current barriers to scaling blockchain applications for given user needs would be a truly transformational proposition
supply-chain traceability and management include: the for workers in the informal economy and consumers alike.
interoperability of blockchain solutions with existing systems
for supply-chain management; the lack of supply-chain
standards in place for blockchain solutions or providers; the
2. Decentralized and sustainable
transactional capacity of blockchains versus the capacity resource management
that big data from supply chains will require; and the
regulatory implications regarding data security and privacy Centralized utility systems can often struggle to match
among participants. An additional challenge is ensuring the supply and demand optimally, are prone to single points of
reliability of information entered on the blockchain – e.g. while failure, and suffer from distribution losses and leaks across
4. Incentivizing circular economies plastic containers in exchange for a token from automated
machines in Europe and around the world.55
Today, 90 billion tonnes of resources are extracted every
year to meet consumption demands and that number is Similar mechanisms can be deployed or created for
expected to more than double by 2050. Estimates also re-incentivizing markets for food, water, forests and
predict that by 2050 there will be more plastic waste in the conservation activities, even if investors have lower
oceans than fish. If harnessed in the right way, blockchain expectations of a financial return. Gainforest is an example
could fundamentally change the way that materials and of “crypto-conservation”, using smart contracts to
natural resources are valued, incentivizing individuals, incentivize farmers in the Amazon to preserve the rainforest
companies and governments to unlock financial value in return for internationally crowdfunded financial rewards.
from things that are currently wasted, discarded or treated Remote sensing using satellites verifies the preservation of
as economically invaluable. This could drive widespread a patch of forest, which then triggers a smart contract using
behaviour change and help to realize a truly circular blockchain technology to transfer payment.
The potential extends beyond merely changing behaviour
Early-stage blockchain applications are being developed to and could also incentivize companies to design and
reward individuals or companies with cryptocurrency credits manufacture products in ways that make it easier to manage
the product lifecycle and to reharvest materials and unlock
that represent value, in return for sustainable actions (e.g.
their embedded value.
collection of ocean plastic, recycling or water conservation).
For example, Plastic Bank has created a social enterprise Another potential application of blockchain in incentivizing
that issues a financial reward in the form of a cryptographic the move towards a circular economy involves its use
token in exchange for depositing collected ocean in more traditional systems of waste management. For
recyclables such as plastic containers, cans or bottles.54 example, extended producer responsibility (EPR) systems
Tokens can be exchanged for goods including food, water, incentivize the recycling of waste by transferring a fee paid
etc. RecycleToCoin is another blockchain application in at the point of purchase to recyclers in order to subsidize
development that will enable people to return their used the cost of recycling non-profitable or even toxic materials
Early efforts are under way to collect, manage and transact Blockchain platforms are also being trialled for the
data for managing environmental habitats, including observation of environmental conditions, including pollution
cataloguing the genetic biodiversity of species and habitats levels and weather conditions. Coupled with data collection
to inform conservation efforts (for both marine and land from decentralized data sources (e.g. home sensors or
habitats). For instance, the Amazon Third Way initiative wearable technologies), these projects aim to increase the
is developing the Earth Bank of Codes (EBC).73 This is accuracy and granularity of monitoring and, in combination
a project to create an open, global, public-good digital with other technologies, can improve the performance of
platform that registers nature’s assets, recording their spatial forecasting and risk mitigation.
and temporal provenance74 (see break-out box: Spotlight on
the bio-economy). Given the scale and complexity of the platforms envisaged,
new forms of public-private collaboration will be required to
In terms of the ocean, a global ocean data platform is being ensure trust, governance and accuracy. Navigating cross-
developed to simplify free data access, enabling unbiased jurisdictional regulations will also be important given the
research and facilitating a data-driven debate. This open transboundary nature of many of these “global commons”
platform will allow any stakeholder to prioritize future efforts. Projects operating in this space will also need to be
roadmaps and strategies based on ocean health, providing clear about when a blockchain-based database is needed
comprehensive monitoring of ocean resources. Integrating and when a standard digital database will suffice. Such
blockchain technology with such a platform could further digital databases still tend to be cheaper and more energy
secure and enforce fishing rights and ease broader efficient to operate.
transactions, enabling better monitoring and response
Blockchain risks and challenges to scale up effectively, gaining widespread industry and user
widespread deployment
The usability of the technology is currently a crucial barrier to
While blockchain offers exciting potential in terms of building entry – many existing interfaces for blockchain ledgers are
a sustainable future, as with many emerging technologies, too complex for mainstream adoption today. Specific areas
there are a number of risks to manage and challenges to improve include the user experience, system speed and
to overcome in order to harness its full capabilities in the lack of formalized blockchain protocols.
addressing environmental challenges.
The degree to which users trust and understand the
Broadly speaking, these challenges relate to blockchain’s technology could also prove a barrier to adoption. For
maturity as a technology, stakeholders’ trust in the instance, investors interested in blockchain-based
technology and the blockchain network, and their approaches to finance face significant barriers to
willingness to invest in applications.80 For example, doubts participation as such investment applications require a
exist about blockchain’s reliability, speed, security and certain degree of blockchain literacy.
scalability. Managing and overcoming the following risks
and challenges will require stakeholders to work together Example: Blockchain enables aggregation of microfinancing
to develop solutions that are effective, holistic, relevant and by individuals to collectively fund larger-scale projects
deployable. that address environmental challenges and increase
renewable energy deployment. However, unless these
Adoption challenges adoption challenges are overcome, such platforms will not
grow sufficiently to raise capital at the scale needed to be
In order to be transformative in tackling global environmental effective.
issues, blockchain applications will need to be able to
1 2 3 4 5 6
Adoption Technology Security risks Legal and regulatory Interoperability Energy consumption
challenges barriers challenges risks challenge
• Security risks
• User experience • Lack of • Unclear legal • Lack of blockchain • Energy-intensive
production-ready • Cybersecurity jurisdictions standards cryptocurrency
• Technology networks risks validation process
useability • Identifying • Developing (PoW)
• Limited • Shared data responsible actors suitable data
• System speed transaction among multiple models • Scaling other
capacity peers • Legal framework proofs e.g. “proof
• Broad public trust
around contracts • Fit-for-purpose of stake” and
• Scaling due to • Data leaks
• Lack of authentication and “proof of authority”
processing • Regulatory communication
knowledge requirements • Limited
cryptographic key barriers associated protocols • Improving energy
protection with data protection efficiency
Source: PwC
In addition, as the size of the blockchain network grows, Example: Blockchain could revolutionize corporate and
there will be more competition for the limited transaction government reporting and assurance, along with carbon-
capacity. Currently, this means transaction confirmations market transactions. However, the often sensitive nature of
take longer and higher fees are often charged per the data being reported means that organizations may be
transaction as users seek to outbid each other to ensure reluctant to fully support the move to blockchain platforms.
their transactions are processed first. Today, public
blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum can handle Legal and regulatory challenges
only between three and 30 transactions per second. To be
able to underpin the complete energy grid, for example, As technologists focus over the next few years on fixing the
a blockchain platform would need to be able to handle technical limitations of blockchain and building networks
millions of transactions per second. For comparison, Visa that form the infrastructure layer of the crypto stack, a fit-for
circuits about 60,000.82 purpose legal and regulatory environment for blockchain
must also be established and operable across jurisdictions
These characteristics create a scalability challenge, whereby globally. Current vital regulatory and legal challenges for
the size of the network is constrained. In order to scale, blockchain scaling include:
blockchain protocols will likely need to develop mechanisms
to limit the number of participating nodes (a device on the “Distributed” jurisdiction and “networks” of laws:
blockchain) needed to validate each transaction, without Legislative frameworks are currently defined by each
losing the network’s trust that each transaction is valid. jurisdiction. Blockchain ledgers do not have a specific or
clearly identified location for each transaction, with each
Example: An inability to cope with a large number of users node potentially being located in a different part of the world.
and rapidly process large numbers of transactions could, This means it is not clear which jurisdiction a blockchain will
for instance, limit the adoption of blockchain in global fall under, with the potential to create complex, duplicative
decentralized energy systems. and, at worst, conflicting regulatory and compliance
demands for entities implementing blockchain solutions.
Security risks In the case of legal disputes, deciding which law(s) should
be applied and which courts have the right to decide on
One of the essential attributes of blockchain is that it is said matters will be complex.
to be virtually unhackable due to the complex cryptography
and the distributed nature of the ledger. All IT systems, Legal framework for legal validity: If blockchain
however, are subject to cybersecurity risks, and blockchain technology is to be successfully deployed in “smart
is no exception. contracts” or transactions, the legal framework surrounding
contract formation and recognition will need to evolve to
reflect technological developments. First, blockchain will
Interoperability risks
The integration of blockchains with each other and with
other IT systems will be fundamental to its success.84 Given
the early stages of blockchain development, it is only natural
that there are no concrete blockchain standards. While the
standards are being developed within each platform, the
interoperability between platforms and with other IT systems
is currently extremely limited and often non-existent.85
Blockchain for the Earth principles a centralized system? What other advantageous
decentralization characteristics does the new
Today’s excitement surrounding blockchain can lead to system need that blockchain may support,
a temptation to try to use blockchain to solve everything. including, for example, peer-to-peer transactions,
A reasoned and structured approach is needed to demand-supply balancing, transaction efficiency
help practitioners assess whether and how to deploy a and speed, enabling participation of wider market
blockchain-based solution for a defined environmental participants (consumers and devices)?
problem and to guide investors in considering if a – Are you looking to access new sources
prospective blockchain application is actually needed or not. of finance for sustainability outcomes?
Below are three principles to guide such an assessment: Blockchain is an enabler for accessing project
finance from wider investor types (including the
1. Will blockchain solve your actual environmental wider public), or creating financial value and
or natural resource security problems? Consider trade from non-traditional asset classes (e.g.
whether blockchain is actually needed to solve the natural capital, water). Is this a requirement of
problem by asking what the problem is and how might the application? What are the distinct advantages
distributed ledger technology realize your envisaged relative to crowd-financing or other established
solution. financing solutions?
– Is blockchain the most suitable tool to address 2. Can you acceptably manage the downside risks or
the challenge? Is blockchain the only solution to unintended consequences? Consider the risks and
the problem, or are there other simpler or more challenges posed by a blockchain-enabled solution to
appropriate tools? And in parallel, which aspect of the biological and institutional systems that underpin
the technology is most needed for this particular the environment or natural-resource issue in question,
solution? the technical and commercial feasibility of being able to
– Is transparency and traceability an important mitigate these, and the likely time frames to be realized.
part of your challenge/proposed solution?
Blockchain facilitates transparent and traceable – Have you considered the implications of data
transactions. Is data on provenance, movement privacy regulations and the wider data security
and ownership something that would be valuable risks? Environmental and natural resource issues
for the solution? are rightly emotive and often viewed as public
– Is decentralization vital to your solution? Can goods or common property resources. If the
a blockchain-enabled decentralized solution solution requires an open network and a public
improve environmental performance relative to blockchain system – for example, a blockchain
Is blockchain the most suitable tool to Have you considered the implications of Have you identified the ecosystem of actors
address the challenge? data security regulations and risks? vital to your solution and important areas
for cooperation?
Is transparency and traceability an Have you considered the implementation
important part of your challenge? risks related to data quality or wider Have you engaged both users and wider
constraints of the real-world interface? stakeholders to help define responsible use?
Is decentralization vital to your solution?
Is the relative energy consumption of the How can you ensure that stakeholders
Are you looking to access new sources of new solution justifiable? understand and trust how blockchain
finance and enable transactions? is being used?
Are you using an energy-optimal platform?
4. Anticipate wider political economy challenges Mainstream institutional investors and asset
and unintended consequences: Given the potential managers should consider embedding sustainability
for blockchain to upend current well-established and considerations into their investment criteria for
centralized systems, it is important for all stakeholders blockchain-related (and other Fourth Industrial
to consider how changes might feed through to the Revolution) investments. This would be consistent
economy and society, in addition to wider trust issues with the methodology now being adopted by investors
regarding data privacy and security. Multistakeholder across other parts of their portfolio and will be crucial for
dialogue will be crucial to navigate high levels of managing future risk to the value of those investments.
expected change, build trust and identify and manage It would also encourage developers to ensure
unintended and unforeseen consequences. environmental considerations (such as energy efficiency)
do not prevent real-world scalability of promising
5. Deliver “responsible blockchain”: Put in place “smart” blockchain applications.
design, deployment and governance measures for
blockchain solutions to ensure responsible use for Formulating the necessary governance arrangements
society and the environment. This includes a range of
measures, from ensuring compliance with privacy rights 6. Develop an agile approach to governance and
and clarification of accountability in case things go regulation: Given the infancy of the use of blockchain
wrong through to minimizing energy consumption and technology and the speed of its evolution, governments
incentivizing developers to contribute improvements. and regulators should expect to take an agile approach.
Currently, regulators in many jurisdictions have been
It will be important for companies and developers playing an active role in monitoring developments
to actively inform the regulatory landscape and help and reacting as and when they see potential harm.
to shape standards (see “Governance” below): this However, this is on a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis
includes working together via industry bodies such and firms operating blockchain-based companies (e.g.
as Global Digital Finance, which is working towards crypto-trading exchanges) can, with relative ease,
a harmonized set of standards (the global code) and move their offices, key officers and primary servers
practices for the cryptocurrency space and/or engaging to different jurisdictions. Likewise, differences across
directly with governments and regulators at the national jurisdictions, including at worst conflicting requirements,
level on needs in regards to blockchain governance and are challenging given the distributed and transboundary
public-private partnerships. Crypto-relevant industry nature of the technology.
bodies such as Global Digital Finance should also look
to embed sustainability considerations into the emerging 7. Build a more global solution to governance, or at
industry code of conduct and principles. least a globally coordinated solution: The distributed
nature of blockchain technology accentuates the
Internally, companies should establish board leadership importance, in the longer term, of developing a more
of, and accountability for, blockchain and its impact on globally coordinated governance architecture. There
the business to ensure that their technology strategies are three main potential options for how blockchain
build in and optimize the effect blockchain will have on could be regulated and governed more widely with
sustainability outcomes, both to capture new business recommendations presented as they apply to each:
opportunities and to manage potential risks. Companies
that develop an understanding at the leadership level a. Employing industry self-regulation. Industry
of the barriers, safety, ethics, values, governance and cooperation to achieve a set of common
regulatory considerations associated with responsible principles can be an important mechanism to
The Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth initiative is Working from these thematic areas, the World Economic
designed to raise awareness and accelerate progress Forum, supported by Stanford University and PwC (as
across this agenda for the benefit of society. In the first project adviser) and advised by the members of the Global
phase of the project, specific environmental focus areas will Future Councils on the Future of Environment and Natural
be considered in depth, exploring in detail how to harness Resource Security and specific Fourth Industrial Revolution
Fourth Industrial Revolution innovations to better manage technology clusters, will seek to leverage their various
the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Initial networks and platforms to:
focus areas will include: – Develop a set of insight papers, taking a deep dive
– Air pollution into the possibilities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
– Biodiversity and each of these issues.
– Cities – Build new networks of practitioners and support
them to co-design and innovate for action on the
– Climate change and greenhouse gas monitoring
environment in each of these issue areas, leveraging
– Food systems the latest technologies and research that the Fourth
– Oceans Industrial Revolution offers
– Water resources and sanitation – Design a public-private accelerator for action,
enabling government, foundational, research
organization and commercial funds to be pooled and
deployed into scaling innovative Fourth Industrial
Revolution solutions for the environment.
– Help government stakeholders to develop and trial
the requisite policy protocols that will enable Fourth
Industrial Revolution solutions for the environment to
take hold and develop.
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2015. Amazônia e At.