Cookery Week 2-Day2
Cookery Week 2-Day2
Cookery Week 2-Day2
I. Objectives
A. Content B. Content C. Performance D. Learning E. LC Code F.
Standards Standards Competencies Date
1. Factors in the The learners The learners recognize L1. Assess TLE_EM7/8- Week
business demonstrate his/her PECs and Personal 00-1 2/Day
environment an prepare an activity plan Entrepreneurial 2
2. Identifying understanding that aligns that with that Competencies
business one’s PECs of a 1.1. Explain
opportunities practitioner/entrepreneur dimensions/clusters
in cookery of PECs and the
characteristic traits
per cluster
1.2. evaluate one’s
IV. Procedures:
A. Reviewing previous 1. The instructor will ask questions related to previous topics so
lesson or presenting the new that the students can recall
lesson 2. The instructor will present the topic through showing videos
and photos.
B. Establishing a purpose for Classroom Opinion Polls – The instructor asked the idea of the
the lesson students about the topic and provided the objective and outline of
the matter
Video Presentation – The instructor presented a video that
shows the overview of the topic
C. Presenting 1. Presentation of photos and videos related to the lesson.
examples/instances of the 2. Presentation Power Point Presentation
new lesson 3. Relates industry based experiences to students.
4. Checks students' comprehension through asking related
D. Discussing new concepts Discussion Method:
and practicing new skills # 1 Discuss the factors in the business environment through power
point presentation.
V. Remarks:
The students have been able to learn the following through elaborative discussion, setting of
examples through photos and video presentation and formative assessment strategies.
1. Three clusters of PECS (achievement, planning, and power clusters)
2. Characteristics
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment From previous activities 100%
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