United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,116,517 B1: He Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 3, 2006

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US007 116517B1

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,116,517 B1

He et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 3, 2006

(54) STITCHED POLE WRITE ELEMENT WITH 5,208,715 A * 5/1993 Mowry ....................... 360,319
A TSHAPED POLE TIP PORTION 5,600,519 A * 2/1997 Heim et al. ................. 360,126
5,801.910 A * 9/1998 Mallary ...................... 360,126
(75) Inventors: Qing He, Fremont, CA (US); Hirohiko 5,805.391 A * 9/1998 Chang et al. ............... 360,317
Kamimura, Cupertino, CA (US); 6,055,137 A * 4/2000 Ishiwata et al. ............ 360,317
Shuhei Otani, Fremont, CA (US);
Yugang Wang, Milpitas, CA (US);
David J. Seagle, Morgan Hill, CA (US) * cited by examiner
(73) Assignee: Western Digital (Fremont), Inc., Primary Examiner David Davis
Fremont, CA (US) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Carr & Ferrell LLP, Joshua
C. Harrison, Esq.
*) Not
Ot1Ce: Subj
ubject to anyy disclai h term off this
d1Sclaimer, the thi
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (57) ABSTRACT
U.S.C. 154(b) by 41 days.
A T-shaped pole tip portion of an upper pole of a write
(21) Appl. No.: 10/323,128 element for a magnetic disk drive is provided. One end of the
pole tip portion, constituting the bottom of the “T” forms a
(22) Filed: Dec. 18, 2002 narrow nose segment at an air bearing Surface, while a wing
(51) Int. Cl segment at the opposite end of the pole tip portion consti
GiiB 5/147 (2006.01) tutes the cross-bar top of the “T.’ A transition segment
52) U.S. C 360/126 extends between the nose segment and the wing segment. A
. Fi id ic- - - - - - ficati - - - - - -s - - - - - - - h- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36Of 126 yoke portion of the upper pole includes a Surface that is
(58) Field of Classification Search ................ 360/37 parallel to the air bearing surface and recessed therefrom by
See application file for complete search history. a P3R depth. The transition segment does not widen sig
nificantly until after the P3R depth, accordingly, the wing
(56) References Cited segment is recessed from the air bearing Surface by more
than the P3R depth.
5,198.950 A * 3/1993 Wada et al. ................ 360,126 19 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

-1Throat 116
-> --ZTH
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 2006 Sheet 1 of 5 US 7,116,517 B1

Fig. 1
(Prior Art)

Fig. 2
(Prior Art)
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 2006 Sheet 2 of 5 US 7,116,517 B1

1.71 -
238 An
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 2006 Sheet 3 of 5 US 7,116,517 B1


U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 2006 Sheet 4 of 5
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 2006 Sheet S of 5 US 7,116,517 B1
US 7,116,517 B1
1. 2
STITCHED POLE WRITE ELEMENT WITH pole tip portion 58, sometimes referred to as a second pole
A TSHAPED POLE TIP PORTION or “P2. The yoke portion 56 typically does not extend all of
the way to the ABS. Instead, an insulating material (not
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION shown) fills the space between the ABS and an opposing
face 60 of the yoke portion 56. The opposing face 60 of the
1. Field of the Invention yoke portion 56 is recessed from the ABS by a distance,
The present invention relates generally to the field of P3R. Recessing the opposing face 60 from the ABS helps to
magnetic disk drives, and more particularly to an apparatus prevent magnetic flux from escaping from the opposing face
for writing data to a magnetic disk. 60 and bridging the distance to the magnetic disk which can
2. Description of the Prior Art 10 corrupt existing data bits. Since the amount of magnetic flux
Magnetic disk drives are used to store and retrieve data for reaching the magnetic disk from the opposing face 60
digital electronic apparatuses such as computers. In FIGS. 1 decreases as a function of P3R, designers seeks to make P3R
and 2, a magnetic disk data storage system 10 includes a at least large enough that the amount of magnetic flux
sealed enclosure 12, a disk drive motor 14, and a magnetic reaching the magnetic disk from the opposing face 60 is less
disk, or media, 16 supported for rotation by a drive spindle 15 than Some acceptable threshold.
17 of motor 14. Also included are an actuator 18 and an arm FIG. 4 shows a plan view of the yoke portion 56 and the
20 attached to an actuator spindle 21 of actuator 18. A pole tip portion 58 of the write element 30 of FIG. 3 as
Suspension 22 is coupled at one end to the arm 20 and at viewed from above. The pole tip portion 58 includes a
another end to a read/write head 24. The suspension 22 and narrow nose segment 62 to restrict the magnetic flux (shown
the read/write head 24 are commonly collectively referred to as a set of arrows) to a narrow area at the ABS. The pole tip
as a head gimbal assembly (HGA). The read/write head 24 portion 58 widens behind the nose segment 62 into a broad
typically includes an inductive write element and a magne segment 64 that connects with the yoke portion 56 over a
toresistive read element that are held in a very close prox Stitched area 66 through which magnetic flux can pass
imity to the magnetic disk 16. As the motor 14 rotates the between the yoke portion 56 and the pole tip portion 58. The
magnetic disk 16, as indicated by the arrow R, an air bearing 25 stitched area 66 is preferably maximized to maximize the
is formed under the read/write head 24 causing the read/ amount of magnetic flux available at the nose segment 62 to
write head to lift slightly off of the surface of the magnetic write bits to the magnetic disk. The stitched area 66 is
disk 16, or, as it is commonly termed in the art, to “fly.” maximized by designing pole tip portion 58 Such that the
above the magnetic disk 16. Data bits can be written or read broad segment 64 reaches its full width at, or in front of
along a magnetic “track of the magnetic disk 16 as the 30 P3R.
magnetic disk 16 rotates past the read/write head 24. The It can also be seen from FIG. 4 that magnetic flux can also
actuator 18 translates the read/write head 24 from one leak from portions 68 of the broad segment 64 around the
magnetic track to another by pivoting the arm 20 and the nose segment 62 that are closer to the ABS than P3R. This
Suspension 22 in an arc indicated by arrows P. The design of magnetic flux leakage creates an undesirable effect com
magnetic disk data storage system 10 is well known to those 35 monly known as 'side writing.” In essence, side writing is
skilled in the art. the tendency of the write element to influence the magnetic
FIG. 3 shows a cross-sectional view of a read/write head. disk on either side of the track to which it is writing. Like
The read/write head includes a write element 30 for writing magnetic flux leakage from the opposing face 60, described
data bits to a magnetic disk and a read element 32 for reading above, side writing is deleterious because it can corrupt
the data bits. The read element 32 includes a first shield 34, 40 adjacent tracks. To alleviate problems of side writing, Suc
a second shield 36, a read insulation layer 38 disposed cessive tracks must be written further apart, thus lowering
between the first shield 34 and the second shield 36, and a the data density of the magnetic disk.
read sensor 40 disposed within the read insulation layer 38 Accordingly, what is needed is a design for a pole tip
and exposed at an air bearing Surface (ABS). The read sensor portion of an upper pole that can allow more magnetic flux
40 can be, for example, a magnetoresistive sensor Such as a 45 to reach the ABS while at the same time reducing magnetic
giant magnetoresistive (GMR) device or an anisotropic flux leakage from around the nose segment.
magnetoresistive (AMR) device.
The write element 30 includes a yoke 42 and one or more SUMMARY
layers of electrically conductive coils 44 wound around the
yoke 42. The yoke 42 includes a lower pole 46 connected to 50 A magnetic disk data storage system comprises a rotatable
an upper pole 48 by a back gap 50 at a back gap end. The magnetic disk and an actuator configured to translate a head
lower and upper poles 46, 48 oppose each other across a gimbal assembly including a read/write head relative to the
write gap 52 at an air bearing end. In some designs, often magnetic disk. The read/write head includes a read element
referred to as “merged head designs, second shield 36 and and a write element. The write element includes a lower, or
lower pole 46 are the same layer. In other designs, such as 55 first, pole and a write gap layer disposed above the lower
the one shown in FIG. 3, a thin insulating layer 54 separates pole. In some embodiments the write element also includes
the second shield 36 from the lower pole 46. In operation, an an insulation layer disposed above the write gap layer with
electric current is passed through the coils 44 to induce a a tapered portion that comes to a point at a Zero throat depth
magnetic field in the yoke 42. As the induced magnetic field from an air bearing surface (ABS). The write element also
bridges the write gap 52, lines of magnetic flux arch outward 60 includes an upper pole coupled to the lower pole. The upper
across the ABS and intersect the nearby magnetic disk (not pole includes a yoke portion that has a surface parallel to the
shown). Bits of data are written where the lines of magnetic ABS and recessed from the ABS by a P3R depth. The upper
flux intersect the magnetic disk. pole also includes a T-shaped pole tip portion disposed
In a stitched pole design for a write element 30, the upper between the yoke portion and the write gap layer.
pole 48 includes a yoke portion 56 coupled to a pole tip 65 The pole tip portion includes three segments that define
portion 58. The yoke portion 56, sometimes referred to as a the T-shape; a nose segment, a wing segment, and a transi
third pole or “P3, extends between the back gap 50 and the tion segment disposed between the nose and wing segments.
US 7,116,517 B1
3 4
The nose segment has a first width defined between two DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
sidewalls that in Some embodiments are Substantially par INVENTION
allel. The nose segment has a nose length that in some
embodiments is less than the Zero throat depth. The present invention provides an improved design for a
The wing segment is recessed from the air bearing Surface 5 pole tip portion of an upper pole of a Stitched pole write
by more than the P3R depth and in some embodiments the element. The improved pole tip portion is T-shaped such that
wing segment begins at a depth greater than the Zero throat the bottom of the “T” forms a narrow nose segment at the
depth. The wing segment has a second width, greater than ABS, while the cross-bar top of the “T” termed a wing
the first width, also defined between two sidewalls. In some segment, provides a greater Stitched area between the pole
embodiments the sidewalls of the wing segment are Sub 10 tip portion and the yoke portion. A transition segment
stantially parallel, while in other embodiments the sidewalls extends between the nose segment and the wing segment.
diverge from one another such that the second width The T-shaped pole tip portion does not widen significantly
increases with depth from the air bearing Surface. until after a distance, P3R, to minimize side writing.
The transition segment has a first end joined to the nose FIG. 5A shows a pole tip portion 58 of the prior art
segment, a second end joined to the wing segment, and a 15 compared to two exemplary pole tip portions 100, 102 of the
variable third width that is less than the second width of the invention (FIGS. 5B and 5C). Each exemplary pole tip
wing segment. The third width, as measured at the second portion 100, 102 includes a nose segment 104, a wing
end, is greater than the first width of the nose segment. The segment 106, and a transition segment 108 between the nose
third width, in Some embodiments, increases to an interme and wing segments 104, 106. It can be seen from FIGS. 5B
diate value and then remains Substantially equal to the and 5C that the nose segment 104 extends from the ABS to
intermediate value as a function of depth from the air a depth termed the “nose length' which is less than the
bearing surface. In other embodiments the third width recess depth of the yoke portion, P3R. Further, the transition
increases in a Substantially linear relationship as a function segment 108 crosses P3R, and the wing segment 106 is
of depth from the air bearing surface. completely recessed behind P3R.
25 The nose segment 104 is exposed at the ABS and includes
The lower and upper poles are formed of ferromagnetic two sidewalls that extend from the ABS to the nose length.
materials. In some embodiments the nose segment of the The distance between the two nose segment sidewalls
pole tip portion of the upper pole includes more than one defines a first width, W. In some embodiments the sidewalls
layer of ferromagnetic material. In some of these embodi are substantially parallel, as shown.
ments the nose segment includes a seed layer of a material 30 Transition segment 108 includes a first end joined to the
with a first saturation magnetization, a middle layer above nose segment 104 and a second end joined to the wing
the seed layer formed of a material with a second saturation segment 106. Transition segment 108 also includes two
magnetization, and a cap layer above the middle layer sidewalls extending from the nose segment 104 to the wing
formed of a material with a third saturation magnetization. segment 106. A second width, W., of the transition segment
In some of these embodiments the first saturation magneti 35 108 is defined between the two sidewalls of the transition
Zation is greater than the second Saturation magnetization, segment 108. Since the transition segment 108 broadens
and the second Saturation magnetization is greater than the from the nose segment 104 to the wing segment 106, the
third saturation magnetization. second width, W, is variable. In all embodiments, W is
substantially equal to W where the transition segment 108
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS 40 joins the nose segment 104. The width, W., increases as the
transition segment 108 extends in a direction away from the
FIG. 1 is a partial cross-sectional view of a magnetic data ABS and towards the wing segment 106. In some embodi
storage system according to the prior art; ments, such as the exemplary embodiment in FIG. 5B, the
FIG. 2 is a partial cross-sectional view taken along line width, W., of the transition segment 108 increases rapidly to
2–2 of FIG. 1; 45 an intermediate width, Wy, and then remains Substantially
FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of a read/write head of the equal to the intermediate width until joining with the wing
prior art; segment 106. In other embodiments, such as the exemplary
FIG. 4 is a top plan view of a yoke portion and a pole tip embodiment in FIG. 5C, the width, W, increases in a
substantially linear relationship as a function of depth from
portion of the read/write head in FIG. 3. 50 the ABS. In these embodiments W is substantially equal to
FIG. 5A is a plan view of a pole tip portion of the prior W at the nose segment 104, is substantially equal to Wy
art; at the wing segment 106, and varies uniformly between the
FIG. 5B is a plan view of an exemplary pole tip portion two segments 104, 106.
according to an embodiment of the invention; Wing segment 106 also includes two sidewalls that define
FIG. 5C is a plan view of another exemplary pole tip 55 a third width, W3, therebetween. In some embodiments the
portion according to another embodiment of the invention; sidewalls of the wing segment 106 are substantially parallel
FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of an exemplary write and W3 is constant across the depth of the wing segment
element according to an embodiment of the invention; 106. In other embodiments, such as the exemplary embodi
FIG. 7A is an exemplary mask design for fabricating a ments shown in FIGS. 5B and 5C, the sidewalls diverge
pole tip portion according to an embodiment of the inven
60 from one another and, accordingly, W3 is variable and
increases with depth from the ABS. Since the wing segment
tion; 106 is intended to provide additional stitched area, the third
FIG. 7B is another exemplary mask design for fabricating width, W3, is greater than the first width, W1. The wing
a pole tip portion according to another embodiment of the segment 106 also includes a leading edge 111 that is recessed
invention; and 65 from the air bearing surface by more than the P3R depth. In
FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view of an exemplary pole tip Some embodiments, the leading edge 111 includes a portion
portion according to an embodiment of the invention. that is substantially parallel to the air bearing Surface.
US 7,116,517 B1
5 6
Further, an interior angle, C., is defined between the transi and the wing segment 106 is concave to match the shape of
tion segment 108 and the wing segment 106. the tapered portion of the third insulating layer 128.
FIG. 6 shows a cross-sectional view of an exemplary Wing segment 106 (FIGS. 5B and 5C) of the pole tip
write element 110 of the invention. The write element 110 portion 134 has a top surface that is also Substantially planar
includes a yoke 112 and one or more layers of electrically 5 and coplanar with the top Surfaces of the nose and transition
conductive coils 114 wound around the yoke 112. The yoke segments 104 and 108. A bottom surface of the wing
112 includes a lower pole 116 connected to an upper pole segment 106 can also be contiguous with the third insulating
118 by a back gap 120 at a back gap end. The lower and layer 128. Although FIG. 6 shows the pole tip portion 134
upper poles 116, 118 oppose each other across a write gap extending only over the tapered portion of the third insu
122 at an air bearing end. 10 lating layer 128, it will be appreciated that the invention is
A write gap layer 124 fills the write gap and in some not limited in this respect. Accordingly, the wing segment
embodiments extends over the lower pole 116 towards the 106 can extend to the same depth as that of the tapered
back gap 120 to insulate coil 114 from the lower pole 116, portion of the third insulating layer 128, as shown in FIG. 6,
as shown. In some embodiments the thinness of the write or the wing segment 106 can stop short of this depth or
gap layer 124 makes it desirable to include a second insu- 15 extend beyond this depth.
lation layer 126 between coil 114 and the lower pole 116. In The pole tip portion 134 can be formed, for example, by
some embodiments a third insulation layer 128 disposed plating a ferromagnetic material over the write gap layer 124
over the write gap layer 124 tapers towards the air bearing and over the third insulation layer 128. Plating is preferably
end of the yoke 112 to define an apex angle, C., and can also performed with a mold, or plating dam, that has substantially
serve to at least partially insulate Successive turns of coil 20 the shape of the intended pole tip portion 134. The plating
114. A fourth insulation layer 130 fills in the remaining space dam can be formed of photoresist, for example, by standard
between the yoke 42 and the coil 114. The write gap layer photolithographic techniques. Exemplary mask designs for
124 and the second insulation layer 126 are typically formed patterning photoresist to form Such plating dams are shown
of inorganic materials such as alumina (Al2O), while the in FIGS. 7A and 7B. It will be appreciated that a pole tip
third and fourth insulation layers 128, 130 are typically 25 portion formed with either of the exemplary mask designs
formed of organic materials such as cured photoresist. shown in FIGS. 7A and 7B will have, without further
The upper pole 118 includes a yoke portion 132 stitched refinement, essentially the same shape as the mask. Such a
to a pole tip portion 134, of which pole tip portions 100 and pole tip portion is within the scope of the invention.
102 in FIGS. 5B and 5C are but two exemplary embodi Further refinement to the shape of the pole tip portion can
ments. The yoke portion 132 extends between the back gap 30 be performed to round deleterious sharp corners. Further
120 and the pole tip portion 134. The yoke portion 132 does refinement can take a pole tip portion produced with the
not extend all of the way to an ABS. Instead, an insulating mask in FIG. 7A, for example, and modify it until it has the
material (not shown) fills the space between the ABS and an shape of pole tip portion 100 in FIG. 5B. Similarly, a pole
opposing face 136 of the yoke portion 132. The opposing tip portion produced with the mask in FIG. 7B can be refined
face 136 of the yoke portion 132 is recessed from the ABS 35 to have the shape of pole tip portion 102 in FIG. 5C. Further
by a distance, P3R. refinement can be achieved, for example, by ion milling by
The pole tip portion 134 shown in FIG. 6 is a cross ion beam etching (IBE). Ion milling can round sharp corners
section, Such as taken from the perspective of line 6–6 in not only in the plane of the drawing shown in FIGS. 5A-5C,
FIG. 5B, or a similar perspective in FIG. 5C, of an exem but also perpendicular to that plane.
plary pole tip portion of the invention. The point at which the 40 Once the shape of the pole tip portion 134 has been
apex angle is defined is commonly referred to as the “Zero properly defined, insulating material can be formed around
throat' and defines a depth behind the ABS commonly the pole tip portion 134. Thereafter, the pole tip portion 134
referred to as the “Zero throat height” or ZTH. The length of can be planarized. Such as by chemical-mechanical polish
a nose segment of the pole tip portion 134, the nose length ing (CMP), to form a generally flat top surface over which
in FIGS. 5A-5C, is in some embodiments less than ZTH, 45 the yoke portion 132 can be formed.
and in Some embodiments a wing segment of the pole tip In some embodiments the pole tip portion 134 is formed
portion 134 begins at a depth greater than ZTH. as a layered structure as shown in FIG. 8. The exemplary
The nose segment 104 (FIGS. 5B and 5C) of the pole tip embodiment shown in FIG. 8 can be formed in a similar
portion 134 includes a bottom surface that in some embodi manner as described above. A seed layer 138 is first formed,
ments is Substantially planar and forms the upper boundary 50 for example, by depositing a ferromagnetic material over the
of the write gap 122. A top surface of the nose segment 104 write gap layer 124 and over the third insulation layer 128.
is also substantially planar and Substantially parallels the The seed layer 138 can be formed by a vacuum deposition
bottom surface. technique Such as RF sputtering or ion beam deposition
Atop surface of the transition segment 108 (FIGS. 5B and (IBD). The seed layer 138 is preferably formed of a material
5C) of the pole tip portion 134 is substantially planar and 55 having a high Saturation magnetization (e.g., a high B,
also coplanar with the top surface of the nose segment 104. material) such as an alloy of CoNiFe.
A bottom surface of the transition segment 108 is coplanar Photolithography can then be used to form a plating dam
with the bottom surface of the nose segment 104 between the over the seed layer 138. A middle layer 140 is then formed
nose segment 104 and the Zero throat, and is then contiguous within the plating dam and over the seed layer 138 from a
with the third insulating layer 128 between the Zero throat 60 material having a high Saturation magnetization, and in
and the wing segment 106 (FIGS. 5B and 5C). It should be some embodiments the middle layer 140 is also formed of an
noted that the tapered portion of the third insulating layer alloy of CoNiFe. The middle layer 140 can be formed by a
128 is not limited to the triangular cross-section shown in plating technique Such as electroplating. In some embodi
FIG. 6, and in some embodiments the third insulating layer ments the seed layer 138 and the middle layer 140 are both
128 in the tapered portion is curvalinear, for example, 65 formed of the same material. In some of these embodiments
dome-shaped. In these embodiments, therefore, the bottom the Sputtered seed layer 138 has a higher Saturation magne
surface of the transition segment 108 between the Zero throat tization than the plated middle layer 140, the difference
US 7,116,517 B1
7 8
believed to be due to a slightly greater level of impurities in P3R width measured at the P3R depth, the P3R width
the plated middle layer 140. It will be appreciated that being less than the second width.
plating is preferred for fabricating the bulk of the pole tip 2. The write element of claim 1 wherein the nose segment
portion because plating builds a layer of material to a includes two substantially parallel sidewalls.
requisite thickness much more quickly than vacuum depo 3. The write element of claim 1 wherein the nose segment
sition techniques, and that the seed layer 138 is provided includes:
primarily to assist the formation of the plated middle layer a seed layer of a material with a first Saturation magne
140. However, one can also combine the middle layer 140 tization;
and the seed layer 138 into a single layer formed exclusively a middle layer of a material with a second Saturation
by either vacuum deposition or plating. 10 magnetization above the seed layer; and
A cap layer 142 is formed over the middle layer 140 from a cap layer of a material with a third saturation magne
a ferromagnetic material that preferably has a lower Satura tization above the middle layer.
tion magnetization than the middle layer 140. In those 4. The write element of claim3 wherein the first saturation
embodiments that use a CoNiFe alloy for the middle layer magnetization is greater than the second saturation magne
140, a suitable cap layer 142 can be made of a NiFe alloy 15 tization, and the second Saturation magnetization is greater
such as 18% Permalloy. The cap layer 142 is also preferably than the third saturation magnetization.
formed by plating but can also be formed by vacuum 5. The write element of claim 1 wherein the recessed
deposition. Because Saturation magnetization is a measure segment includes Substantially parallel sidewalls.
of a materials capacity to carry magnetic flux, it will be 6. The write element of claim 1 wherein the recessed
appreciated that the design in FIG. 8 can shape the magnetic segment includes sidewalls that diverge from one another
field at the write gap by restricting the number of lines of such that the second width increases with depth from the air
magnetic flux that can cross a unit area of the cap layer 142 bearing Surface.
at the ABS compared to the middle and seed layers 140 and 7. The write element of claim 1 wherein the third width,
138. It will be understood that while it is preferable to tailor as a function of depth from the air bearing Surface, increases
the magnetic field at the write gap through the use of layers 25
to an intermediate value and then remains substantially
with different Saturation magnetizations, it is not essential equal to the intermediate value.
and in some embodiments the middle and cap layers 140 and 8. The write element of claim 1 wherein the third width
142 are combined into a single layer. increases in a Substantially linear relationship as a function
After the cap layer 142 is completed, the plating dam can of depth from the air bearing surface.
be removed to allow for further processing. As above, the 30
9. The write element of claim 1 wherein the transition
shape of the pole tip portion 134 can be refined by ion segment extends between the nose segment and the recessed
milling. Following any refinement of the shape, an insulat segment, and wherein the transition segment includes two
ing material can be formed around the pole tip portion 134. sidewalls that are parallel along a portion of the transition
Thereafter, the pole tip portion 134 can be planarized, such segment and define an intermediate width therebetween that
as by chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP), to form a 35
is greater than the first width of the nose segment and less
generally flat top surface to which the yoke portion 132 can than the second width of the recessed segment.
be joined. 10. The write element of claim 1 wherein the transition
In the foregoing specification, the invention is described segment extends between the nose segment and the recessed
with reference to specific embodiments thereof, but those segment, and wherein the transition segment includes two
skilled in the art will recognize that the invention is not 40
sidewalls that diverge from the nose segment to the recessed
limited thereto. Various features and aspects of the above Segment.
described invention may be used individually or jointly.
Further, the invention can be utilized in any number of 11. The write element of claim 1 further comprising an
environments and applications beyond those described insulation layer disposed above the write gap layer and
herein without departing from the broader spirit and scope of 45 including a tapered portion that comes to a point at a Zero
the specification. The specification and drawings are, throat depth from the air bearing surface.
accordingly, to be regarded as illustrative rather than restric 12. The write element of claim 11 wherein a nose length
tive. of the nose segment is less than the Zero throat depth.
What is claimed is: 13. The write element of claim 11 wherein the recessed
1. A write element comprising: 50 segment begins at a depth greater than the Zero throat depth.
a first pole; 14. An upper pole for a write element of a magnetic
a write gap layer disposed above the first pole; recording head, the upper pole comprising:
a third pole coupled to the first pole and including a a yoke portion including a surface parallel to an air
Surface parallel to an air bearing Surface and recessed bearing surface and recessed therefrom by a P3R depth,
therefrom by a P3R depth, and 55 and
a second pole disposed between the third pole and the a pole tip portion disposed beneath and coupled to the
write gap layer and having yoke portion and having
a nose segment having a first width, wherein the nose a nose segment having a first width, wherein the nose
segment includes more than one layer of ferromag segment includes more than one layer of ferromag
netic material, 60 netic material,
a recessed segment, entirely recessed from the air a recessed segment, entirely recessed from the air
bearing surface by more than the P3R depth, and bearing surface by more than the P3R depth, and
having a second width greater than the first width, having a second width greater than the first width,
and and
a transition segment having a variable third width 65 a transition segment having a variable third width
disposed between the nose segment and the recessed disposed between the nose segment and the recessed
segment, wherein the variable third width includes a segment, wherein the variable third width includes a
US 7,116,517 B1
9 10
P3R width measured at the P3R depth, the P3R width a recessed segment, entirely recessed from the air
being less than the second width. bearing surface by more than the P3R depth, and
15. The upper pole of claim 14 wherein an interior angle having a second width greater than the first width,
is defined between the transition segment and the recessed and
Segment. 5 a transition segment having a variable third width
16. The upper pole of claim 14 wherein the recessed disposed between the nose segment and the
segment includes a leading edge having a portion that is recessed segment, wherein the variable third width
Substantially parallel to the air bearing Surface. includes a P3R width measured at the P3R depth,
17. A write element comprising: the P3R width being less than the second width.
a lower pole; 10
19. A magnetic disk data storage system comprising:
a write gap layer disposed above the lower pole;
an upper pole including a rotatable magnetic disk;
a yoke portion coupled to the lower pole, and an actuator configured to translate a head gimbal assem
a pole tip portion disposed between the yoke portion bly including a read/write head relative to the magnetic
and the write gap layer and having 15 disk,
a nose segment with a first width, wherein the nose the read/write head including
segment includes more than one layer of ferro a read element; and
magnetic material, a write element having
a transition segment having
a first end joined to the nose segment, and a first pole;
a second end with a second width greater than the a write gap layer disposed above the first pole;
first width, and a third pole coupled to the first pole and including a
a recessed segment joined to the second end of the Surface parallel to an air bearing Surface and
transition segment and having a third width recessed therefrom by a P3R depth, and
greater than the second width, 25 a second pole disposed between the third pole and
wherein the transition segment also has a P3R width the write gap layer and having
measured at a P3R depth, the P3R width being less a nose segment having a first width, wherein the
than the third width.
nose segment includes more than one layer of
18. A read/write head for a magnetic disk drive, the ferromagnetic material,
read/write head comprising: 30
a recessed segment, entirely recessed from the
a read element; and
a write element including air bearing surface by more than the P3R depth,
a first pole; and having a second width greater than the first
a write gap layer disposed above the first pole; width, and
a third pole coupled to the first pole and including a 35 a transition segment having a variable third
Surface parallel to an air bearing Surface and recessed width disposed between the nose segment and
therefrom by a P3R depth, and the recessed segment, wherein the variable third
a second pole disposed between the third pole and the width includes a P3R width measured at the
write gap layer and having P3R depth, the P3R width being less than the
a nose segment having a first width, wherein the nose 40 second width.
segment includes more than one layer of ferro
magnetic material,

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