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United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,287,848

Cubb et al. ‘ [45] Date of Patent: Feb. 22, 1994

-[54] EASY INTUBATOR Assistant Examiner-Sebastiano Passaniti

[76] Inventors: Anthony Cubb, 4301 Avila Ct., [57] ABSTRACT
Arlington, Tex. 76003; Natalie The invention depicts an instrument for medical use
Landy, 801 15th St., S. #508, which facilitates and simpli?es elective or emergency
Arlington, Va. 22202 endotracheal intubation, to be used when indicated for
[21] Appl. No.: 64,677 ventilatory support. The invention consists of a one
piece instrument, inclusive of an upper handle portion
[22] Filed: May 21, 1993 and curved lower blade portion made of a hard plastic
material, fully disposable if desired, which allows suc
Related US. Application Data ’ tion capabilities as well as direct visualization of the
[631 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 767,873, Sep. 30, 1991, vocal cords and larynx for accurate endotracheal intu
abandoned. bation. The cndotracheal tube is preloaded into one of ‘
the bored chambers of the embodiment of the invention.
[51] Int. Cl.5 ........................................... .. A61M 16/00
In addition, a second port is available which may be
[52] US. Cl. ......................... .. 128/200.26; 128/11 connected at the top of the device to equipment for
[58] Field of Search ............................. .. 128/6, 10-13, suctioning, eliminating the need for a suction catheter.
128/16, 18, 22, 200.26 Direct visualization of the vocal cords, larynx, and
[56] References Cited upper airways is accomplished through ?beroptic bun
dles which bring the images to an eyepiece at the top
handle portion of the device. The endotracheal tube can
2,843,112 7/1958 Miller .................... .. be safely advanced from a close proximity to the upper
4,126,127 11/1978 May ....... .. airways, through the vocal cords, followed by in?ation
4,211,234 7/1980 Fisher ........ .. of the balloon located in the endotracheal tube cuff. The
4,244,362 1/1981 Anderson ...... .. ..
plastic intubator may be slipped in an upward direction
4,337,763 7/1982 Petrassevich .... .. 128/11 X
4,425,909 l/l984 Rieser ........ .. .. 128/13X
over the endotracheal tube, removed, and discarded.
4,638,792 1/1987 Burgin . .. . . . . . . . . .. 128/6
The process of intubation is completed and accom
4,832,020 5/1989 Augustine l28/10X plished under direct visualization of anatomical struc
4,901,708 2/1990 Lee ................ .. 128/6X tures throughout the procedure. Bene?ts are increased
4,905,669 3/1990 Bullard et a1. .. 128/11 rapidity, minimal trauma, accuracy, enhanced safety,
4,947,829 8/1990 Bullard .......... .. 128/11 and minimal operator training. Further eliminated are
4,947,896 8/ 1990 Bartlett .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 128/11 the trial and error characteristics of blind procedures.
5,003,963 4/1991 Bullard et a1. ...................... .. 128/11

Primary Examiner-—Vincent Millin 14 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

US. Patent Feb. 22, 1994 Sheet 1 of 4 5,287,848

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US. Patent Feb. 22, 1994 Sheet 2 of 4 5,287,848

US. Patent Feb. 22, 1994 Sheet 3 of 4 5,287,848

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US. Patent Feb. 22, 1994 Sheet 4 of 4 5,287,848

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The illuminating system of the invention may be
EASY INTUBATOR powered by either a battery or electrical source and
includes a light source, which attaches to a connecting
This application is a continuation-in-part of applica port located at the upper end of the handle portion of
tion Ser. No. 07/767/873, ?led Sep. 30, 1991, now aban the device. The area is illuminated and provides better
doned. visualization of the anatomical structures involved.
Fiberoptic bundles enable transmission of light and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION images from the end of the device to the viewing por
Examples of prior known intubator devices are tion of the invention.
shown in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,038,766; 2,433,705; 2,854,004; BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
and 4,947,896.
The features and advantages of this invention will be
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION further clari?ed by the description as follows, accompa
The invention refers to an instrument for medical use nied by drawings wherein:
in endotracheal intubation during elective or emer FIG. 1 is a front view of the one piece intubator
gency indications for ventilatory support. Endotracheal showing an upper handle portion and a lower blade
intubation is a procedure which requires a plastic, ?exi portion which houses three bored internal channels: a
preloaded endotracheal tube, suction capability, and
ble tube to be passed through the nasal or oral cavity in
a downward direction through the vocal cords and into light source connection, respectively. An eyepiece is
the trachea. This procedure is performed during cir 20 located in the upper back of the upper handle portion.
cumstances which require ventilatory support such as Depicted in this ?gure is an endotracheal tube with an
in?atable balloon and its mechanism for in?ation. Also
anesthesia during surgical procedures, trauma, and se
shown is a light-power supply source.
vere respiratory failure. Endotracheal intubation re
FIG. 2 is an idealized inner view of the channels
quires the use of a laryngoscope for visualization of
described in FIG. 1.
anatomical structures. This is not always accomplished, FIG. 3 is a side view of the invention showing the
requiring blind endotracheal intubation based on trial upper handle, eyepiece, and lower blade portion with
and error. This procedure carries high risk of injury to the beginning opening of the suction channel.
the vocal cords and adjacent anatomical structures. FIG. 4 is a rear view of the upper portion of the
Failed attempts can be frequent and require a high de invention showing eyepiece, viewer lens structures, and
gree of training to safely perform the procedure of suction channel. The recessed portion shows a pre
intubation. The invention consists of a curved, one loaded endotracheal tube.
piece, disposable, hard plastic structure which embodies FIG. 5 is a side view of the snap-on eyepiece portion
channels for suctioning, direct viewing of anatomical and external sheath carrying ?beroptics and light to the
structures involved in endotracheal intubation, and a end portion of the device.
channel which houses a preloaded endotracheal tube. FIG. 6 is a cross section of the structure shown in
The end of the endotracheal tube, to be placed in the FIG. 5, showing the location of the ?beroptic bundle,
trachea is located at the lower end of the invention. and the electrical conduction structure of the device.
Once the anatomical structures are visualized through FIG. 7 is a top view of the structures depicted in
the device, the endotracheal tube may be advanced FIG. 5. '
through the vocal cords into the trachea, which is the FIG.‘8 is an environmental view of the subject intu
desired area of placement. bation device.
The Easy Intubator consists of a curved, single unit,
the upper portion being used as a handle, and the angled FURTHER DISCUSSION OF THE INVENTION
lower portion being used as a blade which gently lifts REFERENCING THE DRAWINGS
the base of the tongue in an upward direction to obtain Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown a front view of
direct visualization of the upper airways and vocal the curved, one piece, hard plastic intubator which has
cords. an upper handle portion and a lower blade portion 31.
The Easy Intubator provides channels which extend An open port 33 runs from the bottom of the intubator,
downward through the length of the device. One chan 50 through the intubator, to the top of the intubator han
nel can be used for suctioning of secretions, eliminating dle. Direct suction may be applied to the top port 33,
the necessity of a suction catheter, to enable enhanced eliminating the need for suction catheters. A small port
direct visualization of the anatomical structures in 35 for the connection of a light source 42 powered by
volved. A second channel holds an endotracheal tube either a power cell 37 or external source 44 is provided.
which can be advanced with little effort through the A lateral recessed port 32 runs the length of the device
vocal cords when direct visualization is obtained. With and centrally exits the end of the lower blade portion
the use of this invention, endotracheal intubation can be 31. The recessed bored channel 32 accornodates endo
accomplished under direct visualization of the anatomi tracheal tube 51,52,53 which may be prepositioned in
cal structures in a safe, direct, easy, and rapid manner channel 32 for direct intubation. An eyepiece 34 carries
minimizing complications. Once endotracheal intuba 60 the distal image through ?ber bundle strands upward to
tion is accomplished, the device may be removed by the eyepiece, which is angled anatomically to provide
retracting the entire body of the device upward over ease of visualization of the vocal cords and allows direct
the endotracheal tube, which securely remains in the visual access for safe and certain intubation by advanc
desired location in the trachea. The preloaded endotra ing the preloaded endotracheal tube 51 down through
cheal tube projects upward from the device allowing 65 the vocal cords into the trachea.
upward removal of the intubator while maintaining Referring to FIG. 2, there is shown an cross~sectional
placement of the endotracheal tube in the trachea. The view of the intubating device shown in FIG. 1. FIG. 2
intubator may then be discarded. ' shows a channel for suctionin g 33 which runs the length
3 4
of the device, beginning at the the top of the handle of cover 39 contains a lens which serves as a screen for
the invention 31 to the opening at the lower end portion images received from the ?beroptics. A protective
of the blade of the invention 31. This channel 33 permits sheath 36 encloses and surrounds the ?beroptics 43, as
suctioning of foreign material and secretions from the shown in FIG. 6.
throat when suction is applied to the upper opening of Referring to FIG. 8, the intubation device of the
the channel, eliminating the need for a suction catheter. present invention is shown entering the human larynx
A recessed channel 32, located toward the side of the area and passes the roof of the mouth 29, the epiglottis
device, accomodates a long, preloaded, commercially 27, the vocal cords 28, and into the larynx and trachea
available endotracheal tube 51, as shown in FIG. 1. The 26, as shown by the arrow. The endotracheal tube is
preloaded endotracheal tube 51 with an in?atable cuff advanced, upon intubation, along with the intubator,
52 and cuff in?ating valve mechanism 53 is located through the mouth to the epiglottis, where the vocal
centrally in close proximity to the end of the channel 32. cords are directly visualized. The endotracheal tube is
A port 35 for the connection of a light 42 and a power then advanced slightly, through the focal cords and
source 37 for illumination of the throat and vocal cords, larynx and into the trachea, where the cuffed endotra
using a battery or electrical source, 37, as shown in cheal tube balloon is in?ated. The intubator allows for
FIG. 1, is provided. The extension 38 which connects direct visualization throughout the entire intubation
the light to the ?beroptic system of the device is shown. _ procedure. The endotracheal tube can then be held at
A cross-sectional view of the eyepiece 34 is illustrated. the top portion of the tube and the intubator can be
The eyepiece 34 serves as a means of visualizing ana pulled back up and over the length of the endotracheal
tomical structures during the intubation procedure. The tube and discarded after intubation is complete. The
image is carried from near the end of the channel 30 cut-away portion of the intubator allows the operator to
upward through the ?beroptics to the eyepiece 34, grasp the endotracheal tube and aid the in?ated balloon
which is located at the upper end of the device. Images to hold the tube in place while the intubator is being
and light are carried back from the end of the device to retracted following completion of the intubation pro
the eyepiece 34 by ?beroptic bundles. The ?bers 43, as cess. The ?ber optic bundles terminate at 19 within the
shown in FIG. 6, are surrounded by a sheath and are transparent distal portion 20 of the intubator, allowing
located within a channel 30 of the embodiment of the continuous and direct visualization of the pathway of
device and end a short distance from the end of the the endotrachael tube to observe the anatomical struc
blade portion. The ?bers and light source enable direct tures therein. Transmitted light enters the channel por
visualization of the anatomical structures, which are tion 35 and, upon intubation, illuminates the anatomical
necessary to visualize during endotracheal intubation. structures, with the resulting image being viewed by the
The distal portion 20 of the blade 31 is constructed of operator through the ascending ?ber optic bundles to
transparent plastic to facilitate light dispersion into the the eyepiece, covered by the eyepiece cover 39.
surrounding areas. While the present invention has been described with
Referring to FIG. 3, a side view is shown of the
reference to specifics, it will be understood that changes
curved device 31, eyepiece 34, snap-on eyepiece cover may be made and substituted while maintaining the
39, and the lower end of the suction channel 33. The
scope of the invention. Modi?cations may also be made
eyepiece cover 39 contains a lens for visualization of
images collected at the end of the blade portion, as to adapt to a situation, size, composition of material, or
desirability of structure without departing from its in
described in FIG. 2. -
Referring to FIG. 4, a rear view is shown of the herent characteristics of practicality, safety, and speed
upper portion of the handle 31, eyepiece 34, and snap of use of the device.
on eyepiece cover 39 containing a lens 40. The lens 40 What is claimed is:
serves as a screen to visualize images of anatomical
1. An intubation guide for the easy and accurate posi
structures at the end portion of the device. The lens 40 tioning of an endotrachael tube through the vocal cords
is contained within the snap-on eyepiece cover 39. A of a patient being intubated, comprising:
suction connecting port 33 and a recessed portion hous an upper handle portion;
ing an endotracheal tube 51 is shown. a lower blade portion joined to the upper handle
Referring to FIG. 5, a side view is shown of the portion for inserting into the patient’s mouth;
snap-on eyepiece portion and external sheath which a plurality of spaced conduits longitudinally extend
carries the ?beroptics, power source, and light to the ing from the upper portion into the lower portion
end portion of the device. A sheath 36 covers the ?ber of said guide;
bundles 43, shown in FIG. 6. The sheath and its con one of the conduits being adapted to removeably
tents are attached to the snap-on eyepiece cover 39. The receive the endotrachael tube therein, said conduit
sheath and its contents are introduced into the channel extending the entire length of said lower blade
30, as shown in FIG. 2, which is provided in the em portion and penetrating a terminal edge of said
bodiment of the device for the purpose of illuminating lower blade portion;
the anatomical structures. The eyepiece cover 39 can be a second conduit being adapted to be connected to a
easily disassembled to be removed as a unit, consisting suction source, said second conduit penetrating a
of the lens 40, and the ?beroptics 43, contained within terminal edge of said lower blade portion to re
the sheath 36, as shown in- FIG. 6. This unit may be move ?uids from within the patient’s mouth;
reused. a third conduit being adapted to both receive a light
Referring to FIG. 6, a cross section of the structures source for illuminating the area into which the
described in FIG. 5 are shown. Structures include a endotrachael tube is to be positioned and receive
cross section of the snap-on lens cover 39, lens 40, ?ber receiving images from the illuminated area, said
optic bundle 43, and covering sheath 36. third conduit terminating within said lower blade
Referring to FIG. 7, a top view of the structures portion to prevent contact with the patient’s bodily
depicted in FIG. 5 are shown. A snap-on eyepiece ?uid; and ‘
5 6
an eyepiece positioned in the upper handle portion 8. The intubation guide of claim 6 wherein said ?ber
cooperatively connected to said third conduit for optic bundle is permanently positioned in said third
viewing the patient’s throat. conduit.
2. The intubation guide of claim 1 and further includ 9. The intubation guide of claim 10 wherein said
ing a light source removeably positioned in said third guide is formed of plastic.
conduit for illuminating the patient’s throat. 10. The intubation guide of claim 9 wherein the ?rst
3. The intubation guide of claim 1 formed of plastic. and third conduits are disposed at an acute angle with
4. The intubation guide of claim 3 wherein the ?rst respect to each other at the distal portion, whereby a tip
of the endotracheal tube can be readily observed by the
and third conduits are disposed at an acute angle with
viewer as it is moved into operational position.
respect to each other at the distal portion whereby a tip 11. The intubation guide of claim 10 and further in
of the endotracheal tube can be readily observed by the cluding a light source removeably positioned in said
viewer as it is moved into operational position. third conduit for illuminating the patient’s throat.
5. The intubation guide of claim 1 wherein the ?rst 12. The intubation guide of claim 8 wherein the ?rst
and third conduits are disposed at an angle with respect 15 and third conduits are disposed at an acute angle with
to each other at the distal portion whereby a tip of the respect to each other at the distal portion whereby a tip
endotrachael tube can be readily observed by the of the endotracheal tube can be readily observed by the
viewer as it is moved into operational position. viewer as it is moved into operational position.
6. The intubation guide of claim 1, wherein the third 13. The intubation guide of claim 6 wherein said ?ber
conduit includes a ?ber optic bundle for transmitting optic bundle terminates within the distal end of said
light out of said lower blade portion and a ?ber optic guide, said distal end being made of transparent material
bundle for receiving and transmitting images to said to permit observation of the guide pathway via the ?ber
eyepiece to enable the proper positioning of the endo optic bundle.
trachael tube. 14. The intubation guide of claim 13 wherein the ?rst
7. The intubation guide of claim 6 wherein the ?rst 25 and third conduits are disposed at an acute angle with
and third conduits are disposed at an acute angle with respect to each other at the distal portion whereby a tip
respect to each other at the distal portion whereby a tip of the endotracheal tube can be readily observed by the
of the endotracheal tube can be readily observed by the viewer as it is moved into operational position.
i t t t t
viewer as it is moved into operational position.






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