Poisoners Kit Guide

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Foraging Ingredients

Poisoner's Kit 2d6 Ingredient Effects DC

A poisoner’s kit includes the vials, chemicals, and other
equipment necessary for the creation of poisons. 2,12 Mandrake Root Increase Save DC by 2 +2
Proficiency with this kit allows you to find the plants 3,11 Wild Sageroot Deal 2d4 poison damage +3
needed to create poisons and allows you to add your 4,10 Milkweed Seeds Reduce Crafting DC -1
proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to craft or
use them. 5,9 Quicksilver Lichen Deal 1d4 poison damage +2
6,7,8 Wyrmtongue Required for all poisons 10
Foraging Ingredients
Make an Intelligence (Nature) check, adding your
proficiency in poisoner's kit to the check if you are not Special Ingredients
proficient in the Nature skill, with a DC based on your 1d6 Ingredient Effects DC
method of searching as per the table below. Each foraging
attempt takes 1 hour of time with the availability of 1 Wrackwort Target is frightened of poisoner +3
ingredients in the area determined by the DM. 2 Amanita Target can't make any sound or use +3
Cap any spells with a verbal component
DC Method of Search
3 Bloodleaf Poison damage die becomes d8 +4
10 Dedicated search without traveling
4 Emetic Wax Target speed becomes 0, flying +4
15 Traveling at a slow or stealthy pace enemies fall 60 ft. per round.
18 Traveling at a normal pace 5 Verdant Target rolls a d6 to start their turn, +4
Nettle on a 4-6 they take no action.
21 Traveling at a fast pace
6 Spineflower Double poison damage dice +5
On a success, you recover one ingredient from the
Foraging Ingredient table. On a failure, you find nothing. If
you roll a 20 on the d20 for your check, you automatically
succeed and recover one ingredient from the Special
Ingredients table instead. Poisons from Creatures
You can attempt to harvest poison from a poisonous
Crafting a Poison creature, such as a snake, wyvern, or carrion crawler
Once you recover an ingredient, you can begin the process encountered in the wilds. The creature must be
of crafting a poison. Crafting a poison requires an hour of incapacitated or dead, and the harvesting requires 1d6
work followed by an Intelligence crafting check using your minutes followed by a DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) check to
poisoner’s kit proficiency, with a DC established by the harvest enough material for a single vial. Should you fail
difficulty modifiers of your added ingredients. Poisons this check, you are unable to extract any poison. If you fail
require one wyrmtongue as a base and can include up to 4 this check by 5 or more, you rupture the creature's gland
additional ingredients (duplicates allowed). Any poison with and are subject to the full effects of that creature’s poison.
a total DC less than 13 may be crafted in the field during a To turn these ingredients into a usable poison, you must
short rest. Otherwise, crafting a poison must be done in a succeed on an Intelligence crafting check with a DC
safe workshop environment such as a room at an inn. determined by the DM at the time of crafting (minimum DC
On a successful Intelligence crafting check, you create of 15). See page 258 of the DMG for details on the effects
one vial of poison. On a failure, you do not create the of these poisons.
poison and all used ingredients are lost. Should you roll a Ingredients harvested from poisonous creatures cannot
20 on the d20 for your crafting check, you are able to be combined with foraged ingredients.
stretch the ingredients and make 2 vials. Vials remain
stable for 1 week after crafting before becoming inert.

Using Poisons
You may use an action to apply a vial of poison to a single Variant: Drow Poison
melee weapon or 3 pieces of ammunition. Applied poison A Dark Elf with proficiency in poisoner’s kit may craft
lasts for one hour and a single applied dose can harm a drow poison by imbuing a crafted base poison with
creature three times before depleting its potency. their innate magical abilities. The imbuing process is
exhausting, consuming all uses of your magical
If you apply poison while in combat, you must succeed abilities until you complete a long rest.
on a DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check or suffer the Drow poison causes a creature that fails their
poisoned condition until the end of your next turn. Constitution saving throw by 5 or more to fall
A creature hit by poisoned weapons or ammunition must unconcious. The poisoned creature wakes up if it takes
damage or if another creature takes an action to shake
make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + it awake.
the poison crafter's proficiency. On a failure, the creature is
poisoned for one minute and suffers the additional effects
of its ingredients, if any. If the crafted poison has added
damage, the creature takes half the poison damage on a
successful saving throw. A poisoned creature must repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effects on a success. Special thanks to /r/Unearthedarcana,
/r/dndnext, /r/dnd and mostly, my players.
Foraging Ingredients POISONER'S KIT | Rules by Morgan Boetsma

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