2nd Derivative
2nd Derivative
2nd Derivative
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SD. Second Derivative Test
fx(x, Y) = 0,
1. Find the critical points by solving the simultaneous equations
fy(x,y) = 0.
Since a critical point (xo,yo) is a solution to both equations, both partial derivatives are
zero there, so that the tangent plane to the graph of f (x, y) is horizontal.
2. To test such a point to see if it is a local maximum or minimum point, we calculate
the three second derivatives at the point (we use subscript 0 to denote evaluation at (xO,yo),
so for example (f )o = f (xo,yo)), and denote the values by A, B , and C:
Second-derivative test. Let (xo,yo) be a critical point o f f (x, y), and A, B , and C
be as in (1). Then
Example 1. Find the critical points of w = 12x2 + y3 - 12xy and determine their type.
Solution. We calculate the partial derivatives easily:
To find the critical points we solve simultaneously the equations w, = 0 and w, = 0; we get
Thus there are two critical points: (0,O) and (1,2). To determine their type, we use the
second derivative test: we have AC - B2 = 144y - 144, so that
at (O,O), we have AC - B 2 = -144, so it is a saddle point;
at (1,2), we have AC - B 2 = 144 and A > 0, so it is a a
minimum point.
A plot of the level curves is given at the right, which con-
firms the above. Note that the behavior of the level curves
near the origin can be determined by using the approximation
w z 12x2 - 12xy; this shows the level curves near (0,O) look
like those of x(x - y), which are hyperbolas with asymptotes
x(x - y) = 0, i.e., the y-axis (x = 0) and the diagonal line
(x - y =O).
This is what is happening here. We want to know whether, near a critical point Po,the
graph of our function w = f (x, y) always stays on one side of its horizontal tangent plane
(Po is then a maximum or minimum point), or whether it lies partly above and partly below
the tangent plane (Po is then a saddle point). As we will see, this is determined by how the
graph of a quadratic function f (x) lies with respect to the x-axis. Here is the basic lemma.
Proof of the Lemma. To prove ( 5 ) , we note that the quadratic formula in the form (4)
shows that the zeros of Ax2 + 2Bx + C are imaginary, i.e., it has no real zeros. Therefore
its graph must lie entirely on one side of the x-axis; which side can be determined from
either A or C , since
A>O + lim A x 2 + 2 B x + ~ = m ;
C>O + Ax2+2Bx+C> ~whenx=O.
(The neat look of the above explains the $ and 2B in (8).) Since (0,O) is a critical point,
(9) shows that a = 0 and b = 0, so our quadratic function has the form
w - wo = -(Ax2 2Bxy Cy2).
We moved wo to the left side since the tangent plane at (0,O) is the horizontal plane w = wo,
and we are interested in whether the graph of the quadratic function lies above or below
this tangent plane, i.e., whether w - wo > 0 or w - wo < 0 at points other than the origin.
If (x, y) # (0, O), then either x #0 or y # 0; say y # 0. Then we write (10) as
We know that y2 > 0 if y # 0; applying our previous lemma t o the factor on the right of
( l l ) , (or if y = 0, switching the roles of x and y in (11) and applying the lemma), we get
AC-B2>0, A>OorC>O W-WO>O forall(x,y)#(O,O);
(0,O) is a minimum point;
AC-B2 > 0 , A<OorC<O W-wo < O forall (x,y) # (0,O);
(0,O) is a maximum point;
w - wo > 0, for some (x,y);
w - wo < 0, for some (x,y);
(0,O) is a saddle point.
4 18.02 NOTES
Then the best quadratic approximation is (if the x, y on the left and u , v on the right is
upsetting, just imagine u and v replaced everywhere by x - xo and y - yo):
here the coefficients A, B, C are given as in (1) by the second partial derivatives with respect
to u and v at (0, 0), or what is the same (according to the chain rule-see the footnote below),
by the second partial derivatives with respect to x and y a t (xo,yo).
(Intuitively, one can see the coefficients have these values by differentiating
both sides of (13) and pretending the approximation is an equality. There are no
linear terms in u and v on the right since (0,O) is a critical point.)
Since the quadratic function on the right of (13) is the best approximation to w = f (x, y)
for (x, y) close to (xo,yo), it is reasonable to suppose that their graphs are essentially the
same near (xo,yo), so that if the quadratic function has a maximum, minimum or saddle
point there, so will f (x, y). Thus our results for the special case of a quadratic function
having the origin as critical point carry over to the general function f (x, y) at a critical
point (xo,yo), if we interpret A, B, C as the second partial derivatives at (xO,y o).
This is what the second derivative test says.
Exercises: Section 2H
Footnote: Using u = x - xo and v = y - yo, we can apply the chain rule for partial
derivatives, which tells us that for all x, y and the corresponding u, v, we have
= (~U)(O,O), = (wv)(o,o),
and differentiating once more and using the same reasoning,
= (wuu)(o,o),
(w~~)(XO,YO) (~xY)(xo,yo)
= (wuv)(o,o), = (wvv)(o,o).