Status Report On STP's PDF
Status Report On STP's PDF
Status Report On STP's PDF
Sewage Treatment
in India
Pollution caused by sewage discharged from cities and towns is the primary cause
for degradation of our water resources. A solution to this problem not only requires bridging
the ever widening gap between sewage generation and treatment capacity (generation
being 29000 million litre per day against the existing treatment capacity of 6000 million litre
per day) but also calls for development of facilities to divert the treated sewage for use in
irrigation to prevent nutrient pollution of water bodies, utilize the nutrient value of sewage in
irrigation and bring down fresh water use in irrigation. The use of treated sewage in irrigation
was emphasised in the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974; however, by
and large, the State Governments have failed to recognize its importance during the last 30
years. It is a matter of grave concern that due attention is not paid to operation and
maintenance of existing sewage treatment facilities by State Governments and , as a result,
45 of the 115 sewage treatment plants studied recently by Central Pollution Control Board
failed to achieve the prescribed discharge standards.
This reports analyzes and presents in detail the gap between sewage generation and
treatment capacity, the technologies used for sewage treatment in India, performance of 115
sewage plants studied by Central Pollution Control Board with plant-specific technical
remarks and also discusses the efficacies of various treatment technologies. We hope the
information contained in the report would be useful to all concerned.
(Dr. V. Rajagopalan)
1. Introduction 1
2. Sewage genaration and existing treatment capacity 3
3. Treatment technologies in various sewage treatment plants 8
4. Performance evaluation of sewage treatment plants 12
5. Efficacy of STPs in improving bacteriological qualitty 15
6. Recommendations 17
Table A: Rise in urban population since 1901 3
Table B: Sewage generation and treatment capacity scenario in 4
Class I cities and Class II towns
Table C: State wise gap in sewage generation and installed treatment 6
capacity in Class I cities
Table D: State wise gap in sewage generation and installed treatment 7
capacity in Class II towns
Table E: Sewage treatment technologies employed in STPs 11
of Class I cities
Table F: Sewage treatment technologies employed in STPs 11
of Class II towns
Table G: State wise summary of performance status of STPs 12
Table H: Raw sewage characterstics in 97 STPs studied by CPCB 12
Annexure I
Table 1: State wise summary of STPs in Class-I cities and Class-II towns 21
Table 2: Sewage generation and treatment capacity in Class I cities 22
having STPs
Table 3: Sewage generation and treatment capacity in Class II towns 29
having STPs
Table 4: Sewage generation in Class I cities having no STP 30
Table 5: Sewage generation in Class II towns having no STP 40
Table 4: Sewage treatment plants in small towns having <50000 population 50
Annexure II
Data sheets of performance evaluation studies of STPs 51-97
1.1 The annual estimated precipitation, including snowfall, in India is 4000 billion cubic metres
(bcm). The resources potential of the country in the form of annual natural run off in the
rivers is about 1869 bcm, considering both surface and ground water as one system.
However, owing mainly to uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space, the total
water resources available for utilization, including ground water, is only about 1122 bcm.
1.2 The food requirement of the growing population will be about 450 million tons in 2050 as
against the present highest food grain production of around 198 million tons. Two-third of this
is obtained from irrigated food grain production areas. Thus, irrigation water requirements of
the country are likely to exert tremendous pressure on our water resources in the future.
1.3 Power generation is another sector which exerts ever increasing pressure on our water
resources as our major power plants are coal-based that consume significant quantity of
water in their cooling systems. Our dependency on coal-based power plant will have to
continue for long time. This entails an ever-increasing demand of water for power generation.
1.4 With the increasing population as well as all round development in the country, the competing
demand for water for irrigation, domestic use and power generation sectors are exerting
enormous pressure on our water resources as utilization of water has also been
consequently increasing at a fast pace. In 1951, the actual utilization of surface and ground
water was about 20% and 10%, respectively, of the utilizable potential. In 1997 - 1998, the
utilization of surface and ground water increased to about 57.8% (329 bcm) and about 53.2%
(230 bcm), respectively, of the utilizable potential. The precarious balance between growing
demands and supplies brings forth the importance of recycling and reuse of water so that
same water can be used for multiple uses one after the other thereby reducing demand for
fresh supplies.
1.5 Disposal of about 29000 MLD domestic sewage from cities and towns is the biggest source
of pollution of water bodies in India. A large number of rivers stretches are severely polluted
as a result of discharge of domestic sewage. Treatment of domestic sewage and subsequent
utilization of treated sewage for irrigation can prevent pollution of water bodies, reduce the
demand for fresh water in irrigation sector and result in huge savings in terms of nutritional
value of sewage in irrigation.
1.6 In spite of the urgencies of saving large number of river stretches from pollution and recycling
treated sewage for reducing ever-increasing pressure on our water resources, sewage
treatment and reuse remains a widely neglected field in our country. It is primary
responsibility of state governments to establish sewage treatment and disposal facilities.
Owing to the gross neglect of state governments in this area, Government of India took
initiative and financed many sewage treatment plants in cities along bank of rivers under
various river action plans. Whatever sewage treatment capacity exists in our country today
were mostly created under schemes financed by Government of India. There still remains a
large gap in sewage generation and sewage treatment capacity. This gap is widening
because urban population is increasing at a fast rate and state governments continue their
neglect towards this issue.
1.7 The existing sewage treatment plants, most of which have been established under schemes
financed by Government of India are to be operated by respective state governments. It is
observed that the neglect towards sewage pollution control is also reflected in the operation
of these sewage treatment facilities as a large number of plants are found operating at sub
optimal efficiency during their random inspections by Central Pollution Control Board.
1.8 This report compiles information on sewage generation and existing sewage treatment
capacity in all Class I cities (having more than hundred thousand population) and Class II
towns (having fifty to hundred thousand population), presents basic information on 269
existing and proposed sewage treatment plants and presents individual performance
evaluation reports of about 115 sewage treatment plants studied by Central Pollution Control
2.1 In India, out of the total population of 1027 million in the year 2001, about 285 million live in
urban areas. The percentage of urban population to the total population of the country, which
in the year 1991 was 25.7 percent, stands at 27.8 percent in the year 2001. The percentage
decadal growth of population in rural and urban areas during the decade 1991-2001 was 17.9
and 31.1 percent, respectively. Table A summarises the growth of urban population in the last
100 years.
Table A Rise in urban population since 1901
2.2 Problem of pollution of water bodies and that of ground water is more related to cities and
towns and their surroundings as pollution caused by villages and very small towns is either
assimilated by or has negligible effect on the surrounding environment. However, there is
possibility of bacteriological impacts on smaller communities that come in direct contact of
sewage. In India, cities having more than hundred thousand population are classified as
Class I cities and towns having fifty to hundred thousand population as Class II towns. This
report assesses pollution caused by sewage generated from these two classes of
cities/towns. According to the Census figure of 2001, the number of class I cities is 414 and
class II towns is around 489.
2.3 There are 211 sewage treatment plants (STPs) in 112 of the 414 Class I cities and 31 STPs in
22 of the 489 Class II towns. Besides, 27 STPs are in 26 other smaller towns. Of these, 186, 24
and 21 STPs are operational and 25, 7 and 6 are under construction in Class I cities, Class II
towns and other smaller towns, respectively. Thus, in all there are 269 STPs, including 231
operational and 38 under construction. A state wise summary of sewage treatment plants
(STPs) in various classes of cities is given in Annexure I -Table 1.
2.4 All Class I cities and Class II towns together generate an estimated 29129 MLD sewage. Against
this, installed sewage treatment capacity is only 6190 MLD. There remains a gap of 22939 MLD
between sewage generation and installed capacity. In percentage this gap is 78.7% of the
sewage generation. Another 1743 MLD (equal to 6%) capacity is under planning or construction
stage. If this is also added to existing capacity, we are left with a 21196 MLD (equal to 72.7% of
the sewage generation) gap in sewage treatment capacity that has not even planned yet.
Summary status of sewage generation and treatment capacity is given in Table B and detailes
are given in Annexure I-Table 2 to 5.
Table B Sewage generation and treatment capacity in Class I cities and Class II towns
(Sewage generation estimated on the basis of 2001 population)
Sewage Planned
Sewage Installed sewage Capacity gap in capacity
City category & Number generation in treatment
generation, treatment cities having gap,
population of cities cities having no capacity,
MLD capacity, MLD STPs, MLD (A) MLD
Class I cities having
more than 10 lac 39 13503 6135 2896 9031 1549
(In 29 cities)
Class I cities having 5 485
32 3836 1293 2058 3351 123
to 10 lac population (In 13 cities)
Class I cities having 2 768
119 4807 804 3235 4039 4
to 5 lac population (In 34 cities)
Class I cities having 1 322
224 4018 373 3323 3696 32.5
to 2 lac population (In 36 cities)
2.5 Estimation of sewage generation is primarily based on 2001 census population, the average
water supply figures for respective states as given in CPCB’s status reports on Class I cities
(CUPS/44/1999-2000) and Class II towns CUPS/49/1999-2000) and assuming sewage to be
80% of the water supply. In few cases estimation is based on 2001 census population and the
sewage generation factors wherever given in these two reports. Capacity of the STPs have been
taken form “MIS Report of Programmes under NRCP-Volume-II, November, 2004” of Ministry of
Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, as most of the STPs have been installed under various
National River Action Plans of Govt. of India.
2.6 An estimated 14652 MLD sewage is generated from 112 Class I cities having STPs. The
combined treatment capacity of the STPs in these Class I cities is 6047 MLD. Therefore, a
capcity gap of 8605 MLD exists in 112 Class I cities having STPs.
2.7 An estimated 143 MLD sewage is generated from 22 Class II towns having STPs whereas the
combined treatment capacity of the STPs in these 22 Class II towns is 234 MLD.
2.8 There remain 302 Class I cities and 467 Class II towns having no sewage treatment facilities. An
estimated 11512 MLD sewage is generated from 302 Class I cities not having STPs and 2822
MLD sewage is generated from 467 Class II towns not having STPs.
2.9 State wise gap between sewage generation and treatment capacity for Class I cities and Class II
towns are shown in Table C and Table D, respectively.
2.10 In case of Class I cities, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh
and West Bengal have a sewage treatment capacity gap of more than 1000 MLD each, and may
be considered the most lagging states. Among these, abnormally high gap of 5223 MLD in
Maharashtra is mainly attributed to inclusion of Mumbai where sewage is mostly discharged into
sea untreated or after primary treatment. These states are followed by Bihar, Delhi, Gujrat,
Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Tamil Nadu that have sewage treatment capacity gaps in 500-
1000 MLD range.
2.11 In case of Class II towns, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujrat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal have a
sewage treatment capacity gap of more than 100 MLD each, and may be considered the most
lagging states. Incidentally, except for Jharkhand, these are the same states that have sewage
treatment capacity gap of more than 500 MLD each in case of Class I cities.
Table C State wise gap in sewage generation and installed treatment capacity in Class I cities
(Sewage generation estimated on the basis of 2001 population)
3.1 Technologies employed in various sewage treatment plants are mentioned in the lists of
STPs in Table 2 and Table 3 of Annexure I. Based on the information available, an analysis
of various treatment technologies employed in different sewage treatment plants is presented
in Table E and Table F for Class I cities and Class II towns, respectively.
3.2 In Class I cities, Activated sludge process (ASP) is the most commonly employed technology,
covering 59.5% of total installed capacity followed by Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
(UASB) technology, covering 26% of total installed capacity. These two technologies are
mostly used as the main treatment unit of a scheme including other primary or tertiary
treatment units. A break up of various treatment schemes involving ASP or UASB as one of
the units is also given in the tables. Series of Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSP) technology is
also important as it is employed in 28% of the plants even though its combined capacity is
only 5.6%.
3.3 In Class II towns, series of Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSP) technology is the most
commonly employed technologies, covering 71.9% of total installed capacity and 72.4% of
STPs, followed by Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) technology, covering 10.6% of
total installed capacity and 10.3% of STPs. UASB technology is mostly used as the main
treatment unit of a scheme including other primary and tertiary polishing units.
3.4 Activated sludge process (ASP) technology is the most suitable one for large cities because it
requires less space as compared to other two technologies, namely, UASB technology and
WSP technology, as both these technologies employ land intensive ponds in treatment
schemes. In treatment schemes based on conventional version of ASP technology, both
primary and secondary sludges are commonly treated in anaerobic sludge reactors. Thus,
only excess sludge of anaerobic reactor to be wasted to sludge beds. This reduces the
required area of sludge beds and also substantially reduces aeration cost of that organic
portion of primary and secondary sludge that is treated anaerobically as compared to the
Extended-Aeration version of ASP technology where primary settling tank and anaerobic
sludge digester are generally omitted from treated scheme and whole secondary excess
sludge is directly taken on to sludge beds. Biogas generated in anaerobic reactors is a
resource and, if utilized, further reduces overall operational cost. However, compared to
conventional ASP process, Extended-Aeration ASP process is expected to provide a better
quality effluent because the process is operated in a substrate-limited condition and also
because of better settling properties of mixed liquor. The secondary excess sludge is also
well stabilized and has better drainability. Since, treatment scheme based on conventional
ASP process and anaerobic digester for primary and secondary sludge have proven
successful in providing good quality effluent and possible energy recovery, there seems no
wisdom in opting for operationally costly Extended Aeration version for such large
3.5 Most of the treatment schemes using UASB technology include grit chamber as preliminary
treatment unit and one-day retention time pond as the terminal polishing unit. Operationaly,
this treatment scheme is one of the most economical ones, as it merely requires passing the
sewage through treatment scheme, with an added advantage of biogas generation. Ideally,
this makes UASB technology as the most suited for cities of all sizes. However, all anaerobic
treatment processes including UASB technology are very sensitive to environmental
changes. Intermittent feeding can greatly affect the performance of a UASB reactor, as the
anaerobic bacteria are very sensitive to shock loading. This happens frequently at most of
the places due to power cuts. Performance of polishing ponds, which is the terminal unit of
the scheme, is also very crucial in deciding overall performance of the plant. Many polishing
ponds have been found releasing TSS higher than an expected value of <30 mg/L due to
reasons discussed in next chapter. The combined effect of above factors often results in a
final effluent having BOD >20 or 30 mg/L. Inadequate operation of the plants based
UASB+Polishing Pond technology is gradually leading to development of a bad impression
about the technology itself, which otherwise is the most suitable option for sewage treatment
in our country.
3.6 Inclusion of polishing pond in most of the scheme employing UASB technology has made this
a less suitable scheme for large cities due to land scarcity. Alternative treatment schemes
having UASB as one treatment unit have been adopted at two places. An 86 MLD STP has
been set up at Ataldhara, Vadodara, Gujrat where UASB is the primary treatment unit of the
scheme followed by an ASP unit. Another 126 MLD STP has been set up at Vasna,
Ahmedabad, Gujrat where UASB is main treatment unit followed by coagulant-aided tertiary
sedimentation. This plant has been found reducing BOD, COD and TSS from 155, 753 and
218 mg/L to 49, 149 and 38 mg/L, respectively. This STP needs to be studied in detail to
assess the optimal efficiency of the treatment scheme in reducing BOD, COD, TSS and
Fecal & Total Coliform and its suitability for large cities.
3.7 It is observed that higher percentage of inert suspended solids that enter UASB has a direct
impact on steady state VSS to TSS ratio in the reactor and ash content to the tune of 60%
are common in UASB reactor. This leaves us with only about 40% active biomass that
actually plays role in treatment of incoming organic matter. Such a low VSS/TSS ratio may
not have been considered while deciding the normally encoundered 8 hr hydraulic retention
time for UASB reactors. Therefore, proper operation of grit removal facility is very important
to improve performance of UASB reactors. It may also be studied if higher hydraulic retention
time of UASB reactors can compensate for this situation. Higher hydraulic retention time will
also provide large settling area in UASB reactor that will result in more clarified effluent. A
treatment scheme including screening, grit removal, UASB reactor with higher hydraulic
retention time and coagulant aided tertiary sedimentation, if proven successful, may provide
an excelent solution for sewage treatment in cities, both operational cost wise and for
improving bacterial quality also.
3.8 Series of Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSP) technology is also one of the most economical
ones operationally, as it merely requires passing the sewage through treatment scheme.
However, unlike UASB technology, no resource in the form of biogas is recovered. The
advantages of WSP technology over UASB technology are its less sensitive operation and
greater improvement in bacteriological quality. Mostly employed configuration of WSP
technology uses two parallel streams of at least three stages of ponds, the first stage being
anaerobic ponds, the second stage being facultative pond and the third stage being
maturation pond. Total hydraulic retention time of all ponds is normally kept 5 to 7 days. At
few places two-stage or even single-stage oxidation ponds have also been used. At few other
places series of ponds have been used with final ponds used as fishponds, which helps
improve the quality of treated sewage in terms of nutrients also.
Table E Sewage treatment technologies employed in STPs of Class I cities
ASP (sum of all the above processes) 57 38.0 3456.87 59.5 60.6
UASB (sum of all the above processes) 30 20.0 1513.90 26.0 50.5
4.1 Central Pollution Control Board has conducted performance evaluation of 115 sewage
treatment plants. Based on these studies, operational performance of individual STPs along
with technical remarks are presented in Annexure II.
4.2 Based on the performance evaluation studies carried out by Central Pollution Control Board,
a state wise summary of performance status of STPs is given in Table G.
4.3 Based on the analysis of 106 raw sewage samples, average sewage characterstics in terms
of main parameters BOD, COD and TSS have been found 185.5 mg/L, 481 mg/L and 328
mg/L, respectively. Average COD to average BOD ratio is 2.6. A more detailed analysis of
these results is presented in Table H.
4.5 Of the 115 STPs studied, capacity utilization has been reported in 80 cases. It is observed
that average capacity utilization is only 72.2 %.
4.6 In 47 STPs employing Activated Sludge Process and having secondary clarifier as the
terminal treatment unit, TSS has been found less than 30 mg/L in 26 cases, 30-50 mg/L in 6
cases and >50 mg/L in 15 cases. Thus, it is possible to achieve TSS value less than 30 mg/L
in final clarified effluent of biological processes.
4.7 In 47 STPs employing Activated Sludge Process with no tertiary treatment, BOD has been
found less than 20 mg/L in 28 cases, 20-30 mg/L in 7 cases, 30-50 mg/L in 7 cases and 50-
100 mg/L in 5 cases. In most of the cases where BOD exceeded 20 mg/L, TSS also
exceeded 30 mg/L. From this and the observation given in section 4.6, it can be inferred that
Primary Settling + Activated Sludge (PST+ASP) technology can provide treated effluent
having BOD<20 mg/L and TSS< 30 mg/L
4.8 In 41 STPs employing Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) technology or Waste
Stabilization Pond (WSP) technology and having ponds as the terminal treatment units, TSS
has been found less than 30 mg/L in 9 cases, 30-50 mg/L in 11 cases, 50-100 mg/L in 13
cases and >100 mg/L in 8 cases. This indicates that in spite of a larger settling area available
in ponds as compared to secondary clarifiers, fewer percentage of ponds are able to provide
effluent having TSS less than 30 mg/L. Most obvious reasons behind this discrepancy appear
to be excessive algal growth due to stagnation and high weir loading. Efficiency of ponds in
terms of effluent TSS can be improved by preventing excessive algal growth, which generally
occur when effluent remain stagnant in ponds, and providing adequate effluent structures
with sufficient weir length and baffle preceding the effluent weir to arrest floating matter. With
these precautions/ improvements, ponds are also expected to provide effluent having TSS
<30 mg/L.
4.9 In 18 STPs employing UASB+Polishing Pond technology, BOD has been found less than 20
mg/L in 3 cases, 20-30 mg/L in 3 cases, 30-50 mg/L in 7 cases, 50-100 mg/L in 3 cases and
>100 mg/L in 2 cases. In most of the cases where BOD exceeded 20 mg/L, TSS also
exceeded 30 mg/L.
4.10 In 23 STPs employing series of Waste Stabilization Pond technology, BOD has been found
less than 20 mg/L in 12cases, 20-30 mg/L in 2 cases, 30-50 mg/L in 6 cases, 50-100 mg/L in
2 cases and >100 mg/L in 1 case. In most of the cases where BOD exceeded 20-mg/L limit,
TSS also exceeded 30-mg/L limit.
4.11 Importance of preventing excessive algal growth in ponds and improvement in outlet
structures of ponds has been emphasised in section 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 above. Cleaning of
accumulated sludge from ponds after recommended 6 month / 1 year period is the other most
important factor in operation of STPs based on Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB)
technology having ponds as the terminal treatment units or series of Waste Stabilization
Pond (WSP) technology. Other important factors for improving overall efficiency of the UASB
reactors are:
4.12 Most of the of STPs in India employ any one of the three technologies, namely, Primary
settling followed by Activated Sludge Process (PST+ASP), Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
+ Polishing Pond (UASB+PP) and series of Waste Stabilization Pond (WSP). The first
technology has been found capable of providing final effluent having BOD<20 mg/L and
TSS< 30 mg/L. The other two technologies are also expected to provide final effluent of this
quality provided the STPs based on these technologies are operated properly. This standard
is already made applicable to STPs in Delhi. An effluent conforming to this quality in terms of
BOD and TSS will also easily conform to COD value<100 mg/L, as the average COD/BOD
ratio of 115 treated sewage samples is found 3.3 . Gujrat State Pollution Control Board has
already stipulated 20 mg/L, 100 mg/L and 30 mg/L limits for BOD, COD and TSS,
respectively for treated sewage quality.
5.1 Central Pollution Control Board analyzed in 2004 performance data of a large number of
STPs employing different technologies for assessing their efficacy in improving bacterial
quality so as to determine norms for permissible coliform level in treated sewage in Delhi and
the process required for achieving the same keeping in view techno-economic feasibility. A
large data comprising of 319 observations on 85 STPs was collected for the purpose but only
those 44 observations were considered for evaluation of performance of STPs in terms of
coliform reduction where STPs were found operating between 90% to 110% capacity
5.2 Analyzed data indicated that Fecal Coliforms levels in sewage treated with Oxidation Pond
technology were 7 x 104, 3.1 x 105, 5 x 105 and 2.3 x 106. Geometric mean of these 4 values
is 3.97 x 105 .
FC levels in sewage treated with UASB + Polishing Pond technology were 4.9 x 104, 2 x 105,
2.8 x 105, 3.5 x 105, 4.2 x 105, 6 x 105, 7 x 105, 2.1 x 106, 3.6 x 106, 4 x 106, 1.9 x 107, 1.98 x
107 and 6.3 x 107. Geometric mean of these 13 values is 1.45 x 106
FC levels in sewage treated with ASP technology were 1.1 x 105, 7.1 x 105, 1 x 106, 1 x 106, 1
x 106, 1.3 x 106, 2.9 x 106, 3 x 106, 7.2 x 106, 1.1 x 107, 2.2 x 107 and 2.5 x 107 . Geometric
mean of these 12 values is 2.41 x 106 .
And FC levels in sewage treated with two stage bio-filtration technology followed by UV
disinfection were 180, 1080, 2.17 x 104, 2.06 x 105, 7 x 105, 1.1 x 106, 5.9 x 106 2.1 x 107 and
2.9 x 107. Geometric mean of these 9 values is 2.375 x 105 .Frequent disfunctioning of UV
unit in the STPs employing this technology was the reason behind the observed high levels of
Fecal Coliforms.
5.3 It was found that Waste Stabilization Pond (WSP) and UASB+Polishing Ponds technologies
provided fecal coliform reduction to a level of >99%. From field studies it is observed that
there is further scope of increasing of coliform removal efficiency in the Waste Stabilization
Pond (WSP) and UASB+Polishing Ponds technologies by way of improved outlet structures
and modifications in flow regimes of Polishing Ponds. Efficiency of ponds in terms of effluent
TSS and, as a result, effluent coliform can be improved by providing adequate effluent
structures with sufficient weir length and baffle preceding the effluent weir to arrest floating
5.4 CPCB observed that less than 50% of the entire sewage of Delhi is being collected and
treated. Therefore to achieve the maximum removal of pollution load with the funds available,
it was recommended to make arrangements for treatment of the entire sewage up to
secondary level to achieve BOD<20 mg/l and SS<30 mg/l on priority basis rather than
treating part of sewage to tertiary level to achieve BOD,10 mg/L, TSS<15 mg/L and FC<2500
MPN/100 ml while leaving significant part of sewage untreated. Afterwards, when secondary
treatment facility for at least 90 % of sewage is installed, all STPs need to be augmented with
tertiary treatment facilities for removal of FC to a standard 2500 MPN/100 ml so that the main
objective of maintaining quality of Yamuna River may be fulfilled. A similar approach needs to
be adopted at other places also.
5.5 It was also recommended to utilize treated sewage, as much as possible, for irrigation of
trees or crops not eaten raw, for which no FC limit is prescribed as treatment of entire
sewage to the required FC level of 2500 MPN/100 ml will be very expensive.
5.6 CPCB has also proposed to carry out experimental studies on treated sewage in Delhi to
investigate effectiveness of following suggested tertiary treatment technologies required for
augmentation of STPs based on ASP and Trickling Filter (TF) technologies to achieve the
suggested FC standards of 2500 MPN/100ml for discharge into Yamuna or for utilization
sports fields and public park.
6.1 The estimated sewage generation from Class I cities and Class II towns (as per 2001 census)
is 29129 MLD, which is expected to be 33212 MLD at present assuming 30% decadal growth
in urban population. Against this, there exist STPs having 6190 MLD capacity while another
1743 MLD capacity is being added. Thus, the existing treatment capacity is just 18.6 % of
present sewage generation and another 5.2 % capacity is being added. However, the actual
capacity utilization of STPs is only 72.2% and as such only 13.5 % of the sewage is treated.
This clearly indicates dismal position of sewage treatment, which is the main cause of
pollution of rivers and lakes. To improve the water quality of rivers and lakes, there is an
urgent need to increase sewage treatment capacity and its optimum utilization.
6.2 State Governments should realize the problem of pollution of water bodies and pay attention
to their liability to set up sewage treatment plants in cities and towns to prevent this pollution.
This activity requires to be recognized as one of the most important indicators of overall
development of the States. If not realized urgently, this problem is fast going to magnify to an
unmanageable level.
6.3 Utilization of conventionally treated sewage for irrigation of crops not eaten raw is also
equally important i) to save fresh water considering our diminishing water resources, ii) to
prevent nutrient pollution of our water bodies and iii) to utilize nutrient value of sewage in
irrigation. Importance of utilization of treated sewage in irrigation was emphasized in Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974, i.e. more than thirty years back but this issue
continues to be largely neglected by State Governments. Therefore, State Governments are
required to take up sewage diversion and utilization schemes as an integral part of all
sewage treatment schemes. Sewage diversion schemes should adopt at least 25-30 years
plan period for design.
6.4 Considering the widening gap between sewage generation and treatment capacity, state
governments are required to prepare a very thoughtful action plan to fill this gap in a
minimum time frame. Large cities where pollution problem is more severe, cities/towns
responsible for pollution of critically polluted stretches of rivers, and cities/towns polluting
environmentally sensitive water bodies will be required to be taken up on priority basis in first
phase. Continuous upgrading of capacity with rise in population in cities/town taken in first
phase will also be required along with implementation of next phases.
6.6 Operation and maintenance of existing plants and sewage pumping stations is also a very
neglected field, as nearly 39% plants are not conforming to the general standards prescribed
under the Environmental (Protection) Rules for discharge into streams. STPs are usually run
by personals that do not have adequate knowledge of running the STPs and know only
operation of pumps and motors. The operational parameters are not regularly analyzed
hence the day-to-day variation in performance is not evaluated at most of the STPs. Thus,
there is a need that persons having adequate knowledge and trained to operate the STPs be
engaged to manage STPs and an expert be engaged to visit the STPs at least once a month
and advice for improvement of its performance. In a number of cities, the existing treatment
capcity remains underutilized while a lot of sewage is discharged without treatment in the
same city. Auxiliary power back-up facility is required at all the intermediate (IPS) & main
pumping stations (MPS) of all the STPs.
6.9 Treatment scheme based on series of Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSP) technology is quit
rugged, one of the most economical ones and suitable for small towns where sufficient land is
easily available. Multiple stage ponds (at least three) with first pond as anaerobic one is the
most widely used and suitable configuration. Continuous uniform feeding to the plant,
cleaning accumulated sludge from ponds after suitable intervals (prefrebly less than 6 month
for primary anaerobic pond and once a year for subsequent ponds), avoiding stagnation of
water in ponds to prevent excessive algal growth, providing proper wier length and baffle in
the outlet structure of pond and not allowing hycinth growth are the most important factors for
successful operation of such plants therefore these factors must not be ignored.
6.10 As mentioned in section 6.2 and 6.3 above, the first emphasis should be given to
development of 100% treatment capacity upto secondary level of treatment and diversion of
treated sewage for its utilization in irrigation of crops not eaten raw. Improvement in bacterial
quality of remaining sewage to be used for irrigation of sports fields and public parks or that
has to be discharge into water bodies due to unavoidable circumstances is the next area of
concern. This will require augmentation of treatment plants with tertiary treatment units, such
as coagulent-aided tertiary sedimentation and chlorination etc.
6.11 Six STPs in Shimla and one STP in Chandigarh have tertiary sedimentation unit after
activated sludge process. These plants need to be studied in detail with different
combinations of lime and alum dozing and also with additional chlorine dozing to assess
efficacy of this scheme in providing coliform reduction to the desired FC level of 2500
MPN/100 mL for utilization of treated sewage in sports field and public parks or where
sewage has to discharged in streams providing negligible/insufficient dilution.
6.12 Considering the urgency of preventing pollution of our water bodies and preserving our precious
water resources, sewage treatment and reutilization of treated sewage need to be accorded
higher priority.
Table 1 State wise summary of STPs in Class-I cities and Class-II towns
Design capacity of STP: 35 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 18-20 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 8.18 52 120 116 798 1.1x10 5x10
After primary clarifiers 8.15 20 72 60 468
5 6
After final clarifier 7.49 18 72 66 432 8x10 1.7x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant was receiving very low strength sewage and most of the treatment was achieved in primary stage itself.
ii) Plant faces problem of power failures and there is no standby arrangement.
iii) Plant faces problem of shortage of funds for operation and maintetance.
iv) Sludge scrapper of final clarifier is not functioning since January 2005.
v) One more final clarifier is required as SOR is high for the present final clarifier.
vi) The gas generated in sludge digestor is not utilized.
vii) One aeration tank and one final clarifiers are proposed in GAP
Design capacity of STP: 45 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 22-25 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 8
Raw sewage 7.45 90 264 96 674 1.4x10 1.6x10
After primary clarifiers 7.65 40 144 68 544
5 6
After Final clarifiers 7.91 12 40 76 456 5x10 1.1x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant was receiving low strength sewage that is effectively treated in primary units before feeding to subsiquent
activated sludge process. The activated sludge process recieves very low organic loading owing to low inlet
BOD (40 mg/L) and low flow (50% of design flow). This condition may allow operation of few aerators instead of
all just to fulfill the aeration and mixing requirements that will help reducing operation costs.
ii) Plant faces problem of power failures and there is no standby arrangement.
iii) Sludge scrapper of final clarifier is not functioning since January 2005.
iv) One more final clarifier is required.
v) The gas generated in sludge digestor is not utilized.
vi) One aeration tank and one final clarifiers are proposed in GAP
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 8
Raw sewage 7.68 65 188 112 700 9x10 2.4x10
After Aerated lagoon 8.04 23 100 74 492
5 5
After Fish pond 8.32 20 80 90 472 5x10 9x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant was receiving very low strength sewage.
ii) Plant faces problem of power failures and there is no standby arrangement.
iii) One lagoon was not functioning due to repairing of aeration system.
iv) Accumulation of sludge is less but desludgng may be needed once in few years.
Design capacity of STP: 30 MG/d (136.38 ML/d); Average flow reaching STP: 45 MG/d
(30 MG/d is being treated)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
First 15 MGD stream
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
8 8
Raw sewage 7.0 227 548 311 5x10 9x10 50.5
After primary clarifiers 7.0 122 281 117 4.7
After sec.clarifiers(15MGD) 7.2 39 92 49 29.3
After tert.clarifiers(10MGD) 8.8 18 46 35 2.2
Mixed streams
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Discharged into drain 7.1 112 246 251 2.5x10 5x10 8.0
5 MGD primary + secondary
+15 MGD secondary treated
+15 MGD untreated
Utilized for gardening Tertiary 8.8 18 46 35 2.2
treated 10 MGD
Standards for discharge in streams 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Standards for discharge on land
i) Primary clarifiers of the first stream are not performing at optimum efficiency both in terms of percentage TSS
removal (only 62%) and TSS in effluent (117 mg/L).
ii) Secondary treatment (ASP) unit of first stream providing 68% individual eficiency in terms of BOD reduction is
not performing at the expected efficiency for a conventional ASP
iii) Secondary treatment (ASP) unit of second stream providing 81% individual efficiency in terms of BOD reduction
is also not performing at the required efficiency for discharge of sewage in streams. If it is an extended aeration
type ASP, as indicated by absence of primary treatment unit, then the observed efficiency is also less than
expected from such systems.
iv) The two streams of secondary treated sewage of 5 MGD and 15 MGD are not conforming to the discharge
standards individiully. These streams are combined and further mixed with 15 MGD untreated sewage and the
total 35 MGD combined sewage is discharged into a drain.
v) 10 MGD tertiary treated sewage conforming to the standards for on land discharge is utilized for gardening.
vi) Overall housekeaping at the STP was not satisfactory.
Design capacity of STP: 1.25 MG/d (5.62 ML/d); Average flow reaching STP: ? ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
8 8
Raw sewage 7.1 236 781 689 3x10 5x10 6.5
Aeration tank 5859
5 6
After Final clarifiers 7.7 15 25 42.8 5x10 1.1x10 6.9
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Standards for discharge on land
i) Plant mostly serves urban villages and mixing of organic load of animal dung is expected.
ii) Treated effluent is utilised for irrigation.
iii) Overall performance of the plant is good.
Performance of STPs in Chhattisgarh
46 MLD STP at Kutelbhata village, Bhilai (Decmber 2002)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.4 66 672 180
Final outlet 7.8 27 230 154 210
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant was receiving low BOD sewage but COD/BOD ratio (10.2) is very high indicating possible mixing of
industrial effluents.
ii) Plant is able to achieve prescribed norms in terms of BOD, COD and TSS.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.6 75 634 190
Final outlet 8.1 22 211 64 32 120
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant was receiving low BOD sewage but COD/BOD ratio (8.5) is very high indicating possible mixing of
industrial effluents.
ii) Plant is able to achieve prescribed norms in terms of BOD, COD and TSS.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.8 21 173 110
Final outlet 8.4 14 49 70 105
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
iii) Plant was receiving very low BOD sewage but COD/BOD ratio (8.5) is very high indicating possible mixing of
industrial effluents.
iv) Plant is able to achieve prescribed norms in terms of BOD, COD and TSS.
PILLAR(1)- 45.46 0 Influent
F. Dec
2003 Nov- 7 7
PILLAR(2)- ASP 90.92 56.55 Influent 48 172 342 4.4 x10 7.8 x10
5 5
Effluent 15 48 93 2.0 x10 7.0 x10
S. Date of Fecal Total
STP Technology Cap. Flow Sample BOD COD TSS
No study Coliform Coliform
8 8
PILLAR(2)- 2004 Sep 90.92 43.46 Influent 148 278 205 3.0 x10 4.0 x10
6 6
Effluent 21 57 17 4.1 x10 4.7 x10
2003 Nov- 7 7
PILLAR(3)- ASP 45.46 40.84 Influent 112 317 179 3.2 x10 3.9 x10
5 5
Effluent 18 61 35 1.1 x10 2.0 x10
8 8
--do-- 2004 Sep 45.46 52.507 Influent 140 273 156 3.0 x10 4.0 x10
5 5
Effluent 19 44 18 3.0 x10 7.0 x10
2004 Sep 22.73 Influent
18 2003 Nov- 7 7
NILOTHI-40 ASP 181.84 15 Influent 90 328 432 5.0 x10 6.1 x10
4 5
Effluent 4 26 21 7.0 x10 1.2 x10
110 8 8
--do-- 2004 Sep 181.84 21.59 Influent 74 190 2.0 x10 4.0 x10
6 6
Effluent 3 41 15 1.2 x10 2.3 x10
122.74 8 9
--do-- 2004 Sep 136.38 Influent 206 411 364 8.0 x10 1.1 x10
7 7
Effluent 48 138 33 2.2 x10 5.1 x10
190.02 8 9
--do-- 2004 Sep 204.57 Influent 206 411 364 8.0 x10 1.1 x10
Effluent 8 42 6
2004 Sep 181.84 45.461 Influent 110 374 148 7.0 x10 1.0 x10
8 5
Effluent 17 64 18 5.0 x10 9.0 x10
27 2003 Nov-
ROHINI-15 ASP 68.19 0 Influent
2003 Nov- 7 7
KUNJ(1)- ASP 10 3.18 Influent 323 460 379 4.6 x10 7.1 x10
3 4
Effluent 7 43 23 8.0 x10 1.7 x10
8 8
--do-- 2004 Sep 10 7.274 Influent 464 665 359 3.0 x10 7.0 x10
6 6
Effluent 4 37 14 1.1 x10 9.5 x10
Design capacity of STP: 106 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 100% of design capacity
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.1 210 506 182 847 >1600 >1.6x10 22
Final outlet 7.5 21 118 15 860 >1600 >1.6x10 34
Standards for discharge 6.5-8.5 30 100 30 50
prescribed by GPCB
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant generates 17000 Kg/d sludge. Biological sludge is sold to farmers and is used as manure.
ii) UASB unit of the plant generates about 2000-4000 m /d biogas. This gas is used for electricity generation in
dual fuel engines.
iii) Efffluent COD (118 mg/L) is higher than the limit (100 mg/L) prescribed by Gujrat Pollution Control Board. Other
parameters are within the prescribed limits.
iv) Individual performance of UASB unit and facultative ponds cannot be commented upon as sample has not been
collected at intermediate point.
Design capacity of STP: 126 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 100% of design capacity
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
4 6
Raw sewage 7.3 155 753 218 1542 5x10 3x10 24
4 6
Final outlet 7.4 49 149 38 1137 5x10 3x10 23
Standards for discharge 6.5-8.5 30 100 30 50
prescribed by GPCB
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant generates 25000 Kg/d sludge. Biological sludge is sold to farmers and is used as manure.
ii) UASB unit of the plant generates about 2200 m /d biogas. This gas is used for electricity generation in dual fuel
iii) Efffluent BOD, COD and SS exceed the limits prescribed by Gujrat Pollution Control Board. BOD exceeds even
the general standards prescribed under the Environmental Protection Rules.
iv) Individual performance of UASB unit and the tertiary sedimentation cannot be commented upon as sample has
not been collected at intermediate point.
Design capacity of STP: 44.5 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 44.5 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.1 200 703 355 913 34
Final outlet 7.5 53 197 111 946 45
Standards for discharge 6.5-8.5 30 100 30 50
prescribed by GPCB
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Efffluent BOD, COD and TSS exceed the limits prescribed by Gujrat Pollution Control Board. BOD and TSS
exceed even the general standards prescribed under the Environmental Protection Rules.
ii) Individual performance of Facultative lagoon and ASP unit cannot be commented upon as sample has not been
collected at intermediate point.
iii) High TSS in final clarifier indicates that it is not operating well. A well performing ASP clarifier is expected to
provide TSS< 50 mg/L in effluent.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Grit chamber
UASB reactors
Aeration tank
Final clarifier
Sludge thickener
Sludge digestor
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
4 4
Raw sewage 7.45 125 647 66 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
4 4
Final outlet 8.0 30 37 6 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
Standards for discharge 6.5-8.5 30 100 30 50
prescribed by GPCB
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Efffluent BOD, COD and TSS are well within the limits of 20, 100 and 30 mg/L, respectively, prescribed by
Gujrat Pollution Control Board.
ii) Individual performance of UASB unit and the tertiary sedimentation cannot be commented upon, as
sample has not been collected at intermediate point.
iii) Sludge digestor unit of the plant generates about 1200 m /d biogas. This gas is used for electricity
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
4 4
Raw sewage 7.33 88.2 569 110 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
4 4
Final outlet 7.78 15.6 90 13 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
Standards for discharge 6.5-8.5 30 100 30 50
prescribed by GPCB
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Efffluent BOD, COD and TSS are well within the limits of 30, 100 and 30 mg/L, respectively,
prescribed by Gujrat Pollution Control Board.
ii) Individual performance of Primary clarifier and ASP unit cannot be commented upon, as sample has
not been collected at intermediate point.
iii) UASB unit of the plant generates about 1900 m /d biogas. This gas is flarred.
iv) Gas generated in sludge digester is not utilized for lack of any arrangement.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Grit chamber
Primary clarifier
Aeration tank
Final clarifier
Sludge thickener
Sludge digestor
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
4 4
Raw sewage 7.05 162 634 81 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
4 4
Final outlet 7.67 20 86 28 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
Standards for discharge 6.5-8.5 30 100 30 50
prescribed by GPCB
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Efffluent BOD, COD and TSS are well within the limits of 30, 100 and 30 mg/L, respectively, prescribed by
Gujrat Pollution Control Board.
ii) Individual performance of Primary clarifier and ASP unit cannot be commented upon, as sample has not
been collected at intermediate point.
iii) UASB unit of the plant generates about 6000 m /d biogas. This gas is flarred.
iv) Gas generated in sludge digester is not utilized for lack of any arrangement.
Design capacity of STP: 82.5 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 35-40 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Grit chamber
Primary clarifier
Aeration tank
Final clarifier
Sludge thickener
Sludge digestor
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
4 4
Raw sewage 6.91 93.7 748 138 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
4 4
Final outlet 7.56 19.6 106 12 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
Standards for discharge 6.5-8.5 30 100 30 50
prescribed by GPCB
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Efffluent BOD and TSS are well within the limits of 30 mg/L prescribed by Gujrat Pollution Control
Board. However, COD is slightly higher than the prescribed limit because of very high COD in
ii) Influent COD/BOD ratio is very high (=8) indicating possible mixing of some industrial effluent that
must be investigated and rectified.
iii) Individual performance of Primary clarifier and ASP unit cannot be commented upon, as sample has
not been collected at intermediate point.
iv) UASB unit of the plant generates about 1500 m /d biogas. This gas is flarred.
v) Gas generated in sludge digester is not utilized for lack of any arrangement.
Design capacity of STP: 120 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 80-90 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
4 4
Raw sewage 6.92 101 439 53 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
4 4
Final outlet 7.3 10.4 180 35 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
Standards for discharge 6.5-8.5 30 100 30 50
prescribed by GPCB
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Efffluent BOD is within the limits of 30 mg/L but COD and TSS exceed the limits of 100 and 30 mg/L,
respectively, prescribed by Gujrat Pollution Control Board. COD in influent.
ii) Individual performance of Primary clarifier and ASP unit cannot be commented upon, as sample has
not been collected at intermediate point.
iii) UASB unit of the plant generates about 7000-8000 m /d biogas. This gas is flarred.
iv) Gas generated in sludge digester is not utilized for lack of any arrangement.
Design capacity of STP: 100 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 50 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
4 4
Raw sewage 7.17 62 601 128 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
4 4
Final outlet 7.38 29 252 60 >1.6x10 >1.6x10
Standards for discharge 6.5-8.5 30 100 30 50
prescribed by GPCB
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Efffluent BOD is within the prescribed limit but COD and TSS exceed the limits of 100 and 30 mg/L,
respectively, prescribed by Gujrat Pollution Control Board.
ii) Influent COD/BOD ratio is very high (=9.7) indicating possible mixing of some industrial effluent that
must be investigated and rectified.
iii) Individual performance of Primary clarifier and ASP unit cannot be commented upon, as sample has
not been collected at intermediate point.
iv) UASB unit of the plant generates about 1100-1200 m /d biogas. This gas is flarred.
v) Gas generated in sludge digester is not utilized for lack of any arrangement.
Design capacity of STP: 25 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 6
Raw sewage 7.3 194 501 492 2.3x10 3x10 1.55
After UASB reactors 7.1 113 499 128 2.27
5 5
After Polishing pond 7.1 39 131 51 1.1x10 1.7x10 1.40
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Remark: UASB unit is functioning at suboptimal efficiency in terms of reduction in organic matter.
TSS in UASB outlet is also high.
Design capacity of STP: 10 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
5 6
Raw sewage 7.2 168 556 295 8x10 1.7x10 3.57
After UASB reactors 7.0 71 447 200 5.60
5 5
After Polishing pond 7.1 36 219 43 4x10 8x10 6.26
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) UASB unit is functioning at suboptimal efficiency in terms of COD reduction. TSS in UASB outlet is also high.
ii) Polishing pond is effecting about 50% reduction to its inlet BOD/COD
Design capacity of STP: 40 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 7
Raw sewage 7.4 133 483 261 8x10 1.3x10 5.73
After Grit channel 7.5 170 487 266 6.04
After UASB reactors 7.7 28 165 53 5.90
5 5
After Polishing pond 7.9 19 91 17 2x10 4x10 5.78
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Design capacity of STP: 8 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 7
Raw sewage 7.4 233 715 549 8x10 1.3x10 7.19
5 6
Final outlet of STP 8.0 11 61 17 8x10 1.1x10 6.36
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Design capacity of STP: 35 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 7
Raw sewage 7.5 176 441 218 8x10 1.3x10 3.43
After Grit channel 7.5 168 418 157 3.71
After UASB reactors 7.6 91 332 53 2.67
5 5
After Polishing pond 7.6 83 254 17 2x10 4x10 3.45
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) UASB unit is functioning at suboptimal efficiency in terms of COD reduction.
ii) Polishing pond is also effecting only mariginal reduction in BOD.
iii) The overall performance of the plant is not satisfactory.
Design capacity of STP: 10 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 8
Raw sewage 6.7 955 2187 326 8x10 2x10 8.66
After Grit channel 6.5 955 2249 382 8.74
After UASB reactors
After Polishing pond 365 796 176
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant is receiving sewage of exceptionally high strength indicating mixing of industrial effluents in
sewerage system.
ii) Plant is functioning at an overall BOD/COD removal efficiency of 60-65 %. TSS in Polishing pond outlet is
very high. Outlet structure of Polishing pond may be checked.
iii) Plant is not able to comply with the discharge standards due to above reasons.
30 MLD STP at Sonipat (March 05)
Design capacity of STP: 30 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 8
Raw sewage 7.7 230 536 330 4x10 3x10 6.67
After UASB reactors 7.9 114 174 76 6.85
5 5
After Polishing pond 8.2 64 99 45 3x10 5x10 6.02
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) UASB unit is functioning at suboptimal efficiency in terms of reduction in organic matter. TSS in UASB
outlet is also high.
ii) Polishing pond is also effecting 44% and 43% reduction in BOD and COD, respectively, which is rather low
iii) All sludge beds were filled with sludge and there was no further space for sludge.
iv) Plant is not able to comply with the discharge standards due to above reasons.
Design capacity of STP: 1.35 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
8 8
Raw sewage 6.8 904 1931 2253 1.7x10 9x10 14.5
Aeration tank 665
5 6
Final outlet of STPs 7.4 2 21 8 9x10 1.4x10 3.57
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very high strength sewage. Its reasons need to be investigated.
ii) It is seen that even if the plant was operated at a MLSS level of 4000 mg/L (or 3200 mg/L MLVSS) it would
run at an F/M ratio 0.43 for the observed influent BOD. Thus the plant can operate as conventional
process and not as an extended process.
iii) Overall efficiency of the plant is very good. However, it appears that tertiary sedimentation played a major
role in achieving this efficiency.
iv) Low MLSS in aeration tank indicates that the biological treatment is not being utilized to its full capacity.
Optimum use of biological unit will help reducing chemical costs in tertiary treatment.
0.76 MLD STP at Dhalli, Shimla (April 05)
Design capacity of STP: 0.76 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 7.3 550 755 552 5x10 9x10 10
Aeration tank 2950
6 6
Final outlet of STPs 6.6 24 95 62 1.4x10 1.4x10 16.5
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives high strength sewage.
ii) Overall efficiency of the plant was very good.
iii) MLSS in aeration tank appear low for an extended aeration process. Use of Extended Aeration ASP to its fullest
will help reducing chemical costs in tertiary treatment..
iv) A lttle high TSS value in tertiary sedimentation tank indicates that its performance can also be improved further.
Design capacity of STP: 3.93 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 7.3 370 1102 464 2x10 3.5x10 21.7
Aeration tank 1942
5 5
Final outlet of STPs 7.1 7 64 29 2x10 2x10 15
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Overall efficiency of the plant is very good.
ii) MLSS in aeration tank appear low for an extended aeration process. Use of Extended Aeration ASP to its
fullest will help reducing chemical costs in tertiary treatment.
4.44 MLD STP at Maliana, Shimla (April 05)
Design capacity of STP: 4.44 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
8 8
Raw sewage 7.1 242 630 454 3x10 5x10 7
Aeration tank 4465
5 5
Final outlet of STPs 7.4 15 45 24 5x10 8x10 10.6
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Overall efficiency of the plant is very good and ASP is operating in the usual range of F/M ratio for an
extended prosses.
ii) Individual performance of the extended aeration process and the chemical aided tertiary sedimentation
cannot be commented upon as intermediate sample was not collected.
Design capacity of STP: 5.8 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
8 8
Raw sewage 7.2 452 1096 718 1.7x10 5x10 14.9
Aeration tank 2991
6 6
Final outlet of STP 7.4 5 19 13 1.4x10 2.2x10 4
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Overall efficiency of the plant is very good.
ii) MLSS in aeration tank appear low for an extended aeration process. Use of Extended Aeration ASP to its
fullest will help reducing chemical costs in tertiary treatment.
Performance of STPs in Karnataka
----MLD STP, Madiwala, Bangalore (xxx)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Grit channels
UASB reactors
Polishing ponds
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 6.9 190 570 222 468
Final outlet of STP 7.6 3 39 4 434
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Primary clarifiers ?
Aeration tank
Secondary clarifiers
Sludge digester ?
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.8 220 771 317 483
Final outlet of STP 7.8 46 205 83 431
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Remarks: Overall efficiency of the plant is not satisfactory as the plant is not able to meet the prescribed standards in terms of
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Primary clarifiers ?
Biological filters
Secondary clarifiers
Sludge digester ?
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.4 203 562 307 823
Final outlet of STP 7.9 56 173 60 576
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Remarks: Overall efficiency of the plant is satisfactory as the plant is able to meet the prescribed standards in terms of BOD,
COD and TSS.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Primary clarifiers ?
Aeration tank
Secondary clarifiers
Sludge digester ?
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.3 160 379 186 592
Final outlet of STP 7.6 23 67 29 555
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Remarks: Overall efficiency of the plant is satisfactory as the plant is able to meet the prescribed standards in terms of BOD,
COD and TSS.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Grit chamber
Trickling filter
Final clarifier
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.06 167 380 190 20 1700 22
After Claridigester 7.02 94 212 134
Outlet of trickling filter 7.29 76 184 108
Final outlet STP 7.27 67 169 136 Nil 200 20
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Operation and maintenance of the plant is very poor and it is merely working as a holding tank. More over
sewage is passed through the plant only for 6 hour duration every day during peak hours.
ii) Plant is not able to meet the prescribed norms.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Grit chamber
Primary clarifier
Bio filter
Final clarifier
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.27 77 144 113 >1600 >1600
Final outlet STP 7.47 18 38 14 >1600 >1600
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Standards for discharge on land
i) Operation and maintenance of the plant is good.
ii) Overall performance of the plant is satisfactory so that the plant is able to meet the prescribed norms.
iii) About 16000 Ft gas is generated per day from the digester, which is fully utilized.
iv) Treated effluent from the plant is utilized for irrigation.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Grit chamber
Primary treatment unit
Sludge digester
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 6
Raw sewage 69 130 574 172 572 1.1x10 1.1x10 22
5 5
Final outlet of primary STP 6.9 103 232 73 447 9x10 9x10 20
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Installed capacity of sewage treatment (16 MLD Kalyan + 14 MLD Dombivali) is negligible compared to
estimated 200 MLD total sewage generation from the city.
ii) Efficiency of primary clarifiers in terms of BOD reduction (21%) is less than expected. High effluent TSS
value also indicate suboptimal performance of primary clarifier.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
UASB reactor ?
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 6.7 930 1574 2071 698 38
Final outlet of STP 7.3 143 353 111 491 26
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant operation and maintenance and housekeeping were very poor.
ii) Plant was not meeting the prescribed norms in terms of main pollutants BOD, COD and TSS
Design capacity of STP: 78 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 90-95 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
UASB reactor
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.5 138 328 114 392 38
Final outlet of STP 7.5 51 172 9 395 26
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant operation and maintenance and housekeeping were very poor.
ii) Plant was not meeting the prescribed norms in terms of BOD.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 6
Raw sewage 6.8 105 331 119 3 x 10 3 x 10 21
4 4
Final outlet of primary STP 6.9 56 179 74 5 x 10 9 x 10 16
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Installed capacity of sewage treatment (56 MLD) is only about one fourth of estimated 216 MLD total
sewage generation from the city.
ii) High effluent TSS value indicates suboptimal performance of primary clarifier.
iii) Plant was not meeting the prescribed norms in terms of main pollutant BOD.
Design capacity of STP: 1.75 MG/d (6.62 ML/d); Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 6.8 93 322 271 5x10 9x10
7 7
Final outlet of STPs 7.3 6.5 12.8 15.5 2.3x10 8x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives low sewage of low BOD.
i) Overall efficiency of the plant is very good.
Design capacity of STP: 1.5 MG/d (5.68 ML/d); Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
8 8
Raw sewage 6.7 63 174 82 1.6x10 1.6x10 1.8
4 4
Final outlet of STPs 7.4 5.3 9.3 13.8 4x10 8x10 4.4
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives low strength sewage.
ii) Overall efficiency of the plant is very good.
iii) Reduction of coliform is also of very high level.
Design capacity of STP: 2.6 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 7.2 244 571 439 2.4x10 5x10 6.53
5 6
Final outlet of STP 7.8 13 93 24 9x10 4x10 6.87
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Remark: At the time of power failures, whole sewage is bypassed. This defeats the purpose of having STP to an extent.
Otherwise, observed overall efficiency of the plant in terms of reduction of organic matter and solids was good.
Design capacity of STP: 2.56 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Oxidation ponds 2 nos.: 72 x 30 x ? m 5 d HRT for all ponds
Maturation pond 72 x 30 x ? m --do--
Sludge drying beds 27 nos.: 25 x 10 m each --do--
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 7.4 111 318 274 9x10 9x10 2.0
6 7
Final outlet of STP 7.4 19 99 53 8x10 1.49x10 1.9
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Remark: Plant is not looked after properly and no records are maintained. Otherwise, observed overall efficiency of the
plant in terms of reduction of organic matter and solids was good.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Design capacity of STP: 2.7 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Oxidation ponds-first stage 1A & 1B 2 nos.: 150 x 100 x 1.4 m each
Oxidation ponds-second stage 131 x 115 x 1.4 m
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point PH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 7
Raw sewage 7.66 33 124 133 8x10 & 1.7x10 & 7.22
7 7
1.7x10 2.2 x10
After Oxidation Pond 1A 8.32 36 248 168 2.85
After Oxidation Pond 1B 8.64 32 350 198 1.97
4 4
After final Oxidation Pond 9.13 55 232 133 4x10 9x10 1.88
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Standards for discharge on land
i) No reduction in BOD and an increase in COD are observed within the first stage oxidation ponds.
Simillarly, an increase in BOD is observed in the second stage oxidation pond. This phenomenon can be
attributed to algal growth, which was also observed physically. High TSS in oxidation ponds’ effluents also
supports this observation.
ii) Plant is not able to meet the standards for discharge in streams due to high algal growth eventhough it is
receiving very dilute sewage.
iii) There is no standby arrangement of generator during power cuts for running sewage pumps.
iv) Treated sewage is utilized for irrigatio/farming.
Design capacity of STP: 5 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 4.7 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Bar Screen
Grit channel 2 nos.: 13.5 x 0.9 x 0.35 m each
UASB reactors 1 no.: 10.22 x 13.04 x 4.5 m SWD 5.75 hrs HRT
2 nos.: 10.22 x 6.52 x 4.5 m SWD each
Sludge drying beds
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 300 503 520
After UASB reactors 90 220 81
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Observed efficiency of UASB unit is terms of BOD reduction (70%) and COD reduction (56%) indicates
that its performance can be improved further.
ii) Treated sewage quality does not conform to the standards for discharge in streams.
Design capacity of STP: 36 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP:31 ML/d (24 MLD on day of monitoring)
(27 MLD sewage+9 MLD ind. Effluent) (25 MLD sewage+6 MLD ind. Effluent)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Screen channel (Industrial) 2 nos.: 9.4 x 2 x 0.3 m each
Grit channel (Ind.) 2 nos.: 11.15 x 2 x 0.7 m each
Equalization tank (Ind.) 2 nos.: 38 m dia and 3.84 m WD 24 hrs
Screen channel (sewage) 2 nos.: 8.56 x 1.2 x 0.3 m each
Grit channel (sewage) 2 nos.: 9.63 x 1.5 x 0.63 m each
Mixing tank 4.25 m dia and 3.24 m WD
UASB reactors 2 nos.: 38.94x 20.8x 7.45 m SWD each 8 hrs HRT, 0.5 Kg COD/ Kg VSS
Sludge drying beds 64 nos.: 25 x 16 m each
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.87 480 793 954
After UASB reactors 8.0 193 321 58
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Observed efficiency of UASB unit is terms of BOD and COD reduction (60%) indicates that its performance
can be improved further.
ii) Treated sewage quality does not conform to the standards for discharge in streams.
Design capacity of STP: 130 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 94 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 264 548
Final outlet of STP 67 99
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) The Sewage interception works at Kanpur are maintained and operated poorly. During heavy shortage of
power (5 hr. load shedding) the sewage pumping station at Jajmau, Kanpur remains non-operational
resulting in discharge of 25 to 30 MLD untreated sewage into R. Ganga every day.
ii) Individual performance of primary settling unit and ASP unit can to be commented upon. However, overall
performance of the plant is suboptimal.
iii) Considering the minimal HRT of the aeration tank, it may not be possible to operate the plant at the
recommended SRT of 9 days. However, if the plant could be operated at any SRT value higher than 5 day,
it may provide sufficient safety factor.
iv) High TSS in final clarifiier outlet also indicate that the plant is not operating properly.
v) Treated sewage quality does not conform to the standards for discharge in streams.
vi) It is observed that the performance of plant can be improved further.
Design capacity of STP: 60 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 48.84 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
3 2
Primary clarifiers 3 nos.: 31 m dia each 2.49 hr HRT, 28 m /m /d SOR
Aeration tanks 3 nos.: 17.8 x 16.6 x 5 m WD each 12.3 hr HRT, 0.42 d F/M*
with 9 aerators of 50 BHP each
3 2
Final clarifiers 3 nos.: 34 m dia each 3.26 hr HRT, 28 m /m /d SOR
Sludge digesters 3 nos.: 27 m dia each 30 d HRT
Sludge drying beds 24 nos.: 24.6 x 24.6 m
* at 2400 mg/L MLVSS and 0.65 times the observed BOD (assuming 35% removal in primary treatment),
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 7
Raw sewage 7.6 115 439 276 2.7x10 1.3x10 40.3 2.5
After Primary clarifier 1 7.7 53 108 82 44.4 3.1
After Primary clarifier 2 7.8 50 161 71 49.0 2.71
After Primary clarifier 3 7.8 32 82 66 47.0 3.61
Aeration tank 1 512
Aeration tank 2 798
Aeration tank 3 1207
After Secondary clarifier 1 8.0 23 29 32 44.2 2.26
After Secondary clarifier 2 8.0 28 51 47 45.1 2.14
After Secondary clarifier 3 8.0 29 35 39 40.0 3.19
4 6
Final outlet of STP 8.0 28 54 47 1.710 2.2x10 41.0 2.41
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Distribution of sewage to STP & bypass is not regular, sometimes plant gets huge amount of sewage &
sometimes very low.
ii) Results of analysis of samples indicate that the primary settling units are performing fairly well in terms of
BOD/COD reduction. Their operation needs further improvement to achieve <50 mg/L TSS in outlet.
iii) The low MLSS contents and further lower content of its organic proportions, MLVSS indicate that the plant
is not properly operated. This may also be due to dilute inlet characteristics
iv) ASP unit is being fed with low organic load. Still, its performance in terms of percentage BOD/COD
reduction is not upto the mark. Performance of biological unit can be improved. Scope for using fewer
aerators can be studied.
v) Treated sewage quality conforms to the standards for discharge in streams.
vi) It is observed that the performance of plant can be improved further.
Design capacity of STP: 14 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 13.78 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Screen channel 9.43 x 4.2 m
Grit channel 2 nos.: 9.4 x 2 x 0.6 m each
UASB reactors 2 nos.: 46.02x20.81x5.03 m SWD each
Polishing pond One 24 hour HRT
Sludge drying beds 12 nos.: 18 x 14 m each
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 7
Raw sewage 7.5 125 326 279 8x10 1.3x10 24.46 3.06
After UASB reactor 1 7.4 51 176 104 27.73 4.04
After UASB reactor 2 7.8 44 177 99 30.23 4.23
Before Polishing pond 7.5 46 144 100 29.29 3.96
5 5
After Polishing pond 7.6 29 123 41 2.7x10 3.3x10 25.4 4.07
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant recieves low strength sewage.
ii) Gas formation in UASB system was found below optimum level and thus the treatment economics of the
plant is being affected.
iii) Flow in inlet varied highly and thus put pressure on reactor's performance and in maintenance of sludge
iv) Proper screening must be ensured; otherwise it is delivering trash into the reactors.
v) Overall performance of the plant is satisfactory. TSS in UASB effluent seems higher. If it can be improved,
efficiency of UASB in terms of BOD/COD will also improve correspondingly.
vi) Treated sewage quality conforms to the standards for discharge in streams.
Design capacity of STP: 12 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 10.82 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 6
Raw sewage 7.7 86 169 113 2.3x10 5x10 10.9 1.8
After Primary clarifier 1 7.5 43 135 70 9.1 1.8
After Primary clarifier 2 7.5 27 96 43 3.3 2.1
Aeration tank 1 150
Aeration tank 2 704
4 5
After Secondary clarifier 1 7.6 30 158 161 8x10 1.1x10 3.4 1.8
4 4
After Secondary clarifier 2 7.6 8 59 23 7x10 8x10 8.3 1.6
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Results of analysis of samples indicate that the primary settling units are performing fairly well in terms of
BOD/COD reduction. Their operation needs further improvement to achieve <50 mg/L TSS in outlet.
ii) ASP unit is being fed with low organic load. Still, its performance in terms of percentage BOD/COD
reduction is not upto the mark. Performance of biological unit can be improved. Scope for using fewer
aerators can be studied.
iii) Treated sewage quality conforms to the standards for discharge in streams.
iv) It is observed that the performance of plant can be improved further.
80 MLD STP at Dinapur, Varanasi (March 2005)
Design capacity of STP: 80 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 81.63 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 6
Raw sewage 7.3 156 438 417 2.3x10 5x10 42 1.99
After Primary clarifier 1 7.5 90 238 195 42 1.65
After Primary clarifier 2 7.4 89 263 181 45 1.30
After Primary clarifier 3 7.4 80 172 144 49 1.84
After Trickling filter 1 7.4 79 253 149 54 1.47
After Trickling filter 2 7.4 66 215 142 49 1.50
After Trickling filter 3 7.5 62 227 167 50 1.44
Aeration tank 1 3257
Aeration tank 2 2347
Aeration tank 3 2903
After Secondary clarifier 1 7.7 26 96 55 35 1.59
After Secondary clarifier 2 7.6 37 85 42 50 0.61
After Secondary clarifier 3 7.8 25 46 54 50 0.50
4 4
Final outlet 7.7 27 72 53 7x10 8x10 40 0.92
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Results of analysis of samples indicate that the primary settling units are performing well in terms of
BOD/COD reduction but not in terms of outlet TSS. Their operation needs to be improved to achieve <50
mg/L TSS in outlet.
ii) ASP unit is being fed with low organic load. Still, its performance in terms of percentage BOD/COD
reduction is not upto the mark because of BOD/COD associated with escaping solids. Scope for using
fewer aerators can be studied.
iii) Treated sewage quality conforms to the standards for discharge in streams.
iv) It is observed that the performance of plant can be improved further.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage
After Primary clarifier
Aeration tank
Final outlet
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant is always under loaded (3-4MLD) and has always been receiving highly diluted sewage. Intermittent
sewage supply from the Main Pumping Station (MPS) is a major problem.
ii) Raw sewage characteristics are appreciably diluted and this makes plant operation difficult as the plant
has been designed for higher organic loading.
Design capacity of STP: 42 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: Approx. 40 ML/d
3 3
(Instant values varied widely between 290 m /hr to 2900 m /hr)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
10 11
Raw sewage 7.8 153 297 275 1.6x10 1.6x10
After Grit chamber 139 293 285
After FAB reactor 1 122 259
After FAB reactor 2 121 186
After FAB reactor 3 127 241
After Clarisettler 1 45 97 52
After Clarisettler 2 63 145 106
After Clarisettler 3 61 158 124
9 9
Final outlet 7.9 58 132 107 1.5x10 1.9x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant operation and maintenance is very poor as indicated by fluctuation in flow being fed to the plant and
high TSS in final califiers’ outlet.
ii) Final clarifiier being an integral part of aerobic biological system for it seperates settleable organic matter
and results in a clarified effluent, proper operation of final clarifiers is key to achieve better overall
efficiency. It is observed that overall performance of the plant could have improved if clarifiiers were
operated properly. SOR is too high.
iii) Treated sewage quality does not conform to the standards for discharge in streams.
38 MLD STP at Saharanpur (March 2005)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
5 6
Raw sewage 7.5 67 440 415 8x10 2.3x10 3.34
After Grit channel 7.5 67 465 320 3.29
After UASB reactor 7.3 18 135 64 4.50
5 6
After Polishing pond 7.3 8 99 24 1.4x10 1.7x10 4.64
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant recieves low BOD sewage but COD to BOD ratio of raw sewage (6.6) is quit high indicating possiblity
of industrial waste being mixed with sewage.
ii) Overall performance of the plant is satisfactory.
iii) Treated sewage quality conforms to the standards for discharge in streams.
iv) Of the two polishing ponds, only one was in use and the other was damaged.
v) During power cuts of arround 10 hr per day, the sewage is bypassed untreated.
Design capacity of STP: 32.5 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 7.4 156.6 564 570 1.9x10 1.9x10 5.19
After Secondary pond 1 8.5 23.7 205 70 3.29
After Secondary pond 2 8.4 41.9 218 72 2.83
5 6
Final outlet (Average of the two 8.5 32.8 111.5 71 9.5x10 4.6x10 3.06
secondary ponds)
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant is not able to achieve the discharge standards in terms of BOD.
ii) It was obseved that the primary ponds were nearly full with sludge and their cleaning was over due. This
condition must have led to reduced efficiency
iii) TSS in final effluent is also high. Control of TSS by checking adequacy of outlet structures will also help in
improving overall efficiency of the plant.
70 MLD STP at Cis Hindon area Ghaziabad (xxx)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 6
Raw sewage 7.3 209 608 479 1.7x10 1.3x10 5.18
After Grit channel 7.3 178 500 379 4.82
After UASB reactor 7.4 80 248 105 5.24
5 6
After Polishing pond 7.4 50 149 40 2x10 2.4x10 4.01
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Overall performance of the plant is not satisfactory and plant is not able to achieve the norms for dicharge
in strems.
ii) Effiency of UASB reactor in terms of COD reduction is less. High TSS in UASB outlet appaers to be main
reason for this.
iii) Efficiency of polishing pond unit in terms of BOD/COD reduction is also low because only one pond was in
use the other was closed for removal of accumulated sludge.
iv) Gas generated in UASB reactors is not being utilized in dual fuel generators.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
After Grit channel 7.1 140 325 228
After UASB reactor 7.3 51 145 68
5 6
After Polishing pond 7.3 37 114 39 1.3x10 2.4x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Overall performance of the plant is not satisfactory and plant is not able to achieve the norms for dicharge
in strems.
ii) Efficiency of polishing pond unit in terms of BOD/COD reduction is low because only one pond was in use
the other was closed for removal of accumulated sludge.
iii) Gas generated in UASB reactors is not being utilized in dual fuel generators.
27 MLD STP at Sector 54 NOIDA (xxx)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 7
Raw sewage 7.06 139 454 317 8x10 2.3x10 3.75
After Grit channel 7.15 151 559 161 3.79
After UASB reactor 7.22 62 213 90 5.70
4 5
After Polishing pond 7.38 30 99 47 8x10 3x10 5.11
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Overall performance of the plant is such that it is just able to achieve the norms for dicharge in strems.
ii) Efficiency of polishing pond unit in terms of BOD/COD reduction is low.
iii) Gas generated in UASB reactors is not being utilized in dual fuel generators.
iv) Plant receives 36 MLD flow of which 9 MLD is diverted after Grit channel to another 9 MLD plant based on
oxidation pond technology.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.07 92 330 183 3.14
7 7
After Grit channel 7.20 114 418 280 1.7x10 3x10 3.53
After UASB reactor 7.11 47 221 70 4.43
5 5
After Polishing pond 7.59 35 123 31 4x10 4x10 4.89
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives low BOD sewage but COD to BOD ratio (3.6) is high.
ii) Overall performance of the plant is not satisfactory and it is not able to achieve the norms for dicharge in
strems inspite of low BOD raw sewage.
vii) Efficiency of polishing pond unit in terms of BOD/COD reduction is very low.
9 MLD STP at Sector 54 NOIDA (xxx)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.02 161 616 363 4.63
5 5
Final outlet 7.45 39 178 134 1.3x10 2.3x10 0.42
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
Remarks: Plant is not maintained properly and is not able to achieve the discharge standards.
Design capacity of STP: 10.445 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 16 ML/d
10.445 ML/d treated in plant
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
6 6
Raw sewage 7.70 52 262 434 3x10 7x10 4.4
4 4
Final outlet 8.02 21 167 118 4x10 8x10 3.1
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives low BOD sewage but COD to BOD ratio (5) is high.
ii) Plant is not able to meet the standards in terms of TSS which is 118 mg/L in final effluent. High TSS in
effluent primarily consisted of algae.
iii) Improvement in outlet structure to arrest floating algal floccs will help reducing outlet TSS and increase
effiency of BOD/COD removal.
iii) Plant receives 16 MLD effluents. 10.445 MLD is treated in the plant and the rest is bypassed untreated.
Epantion of the plant is proposed in Phase-3
Design capacity of STP: 0.5 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 0.315 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 7.3 118 407 329 5x10 9x10 3.81
6 6
Final outlet 7.4 57 223 74 1.7x10 1.7x10 4.38
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) About half of the sewage reaching STPs was being bypassed and only half was taken for treatment in the
ii) Excess sludge accumulation was observed in anaerobic and facultative ponds, which reduced retention
time and efficiency.
iii) Plant is not able to meet the standards in terms of BOD, which was 57 mg/L in the final effluent.
iv) Plant is facing problem of availability of funds for operation and maintenance.
4 MLD STP near Pagal Baba Mandir, Vrindavan (March 30, 2005)
Design capacity of STP: 4 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 8.2 MLDML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 8
Raw sewage 7.49 240 628 554 8x10 1.3x10 8.15
6 6
Final outlet 7.56 125 197 108 1.1x10 6.54x10 6.54
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant was overloaded because more than twice the design flow was reaching the plant.
ii) Excess sludge accumulation was observed in ponds, which reduced retention time and efficiency.
iii) Plant is not able to meet the standards in terms of BOD and SS.
iv) Overloading, reduced retention time are the main reasons responsible for poor performance of the plant.
However, improvement in outlet structures may be required to control high TSS, and the associated
BOD/CODin the effluent.
v) Plant is facing problem of availability of funds for operation and maintenance.
Design capacity of STP: 13.59 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 15.4 MLDML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
5 6
Raw sewage 7.6 10 62 75 3x10 3x10 1.07
3 3
Final outlet 7.8 31 185 60 2x10 2x10 3.76
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) About 60% flow was being bypased and only 40 % was being treated in the plant.
ii) Outlet BOD/COD were observed higher than inlet values due possibly to dilution of sewage.
iii) Plant operation and maintenance was very poor. Desludging of only anaerobic pond is done and
desludging of facultative ponds is not done.
iv) Plant is not able to meet the standards in terms of BOD.
14.5 MLD STP at Bangali Ghat, Dairy Farm Zone, Mathura (March 29, 2005)
Design capacity of STP: 14.5 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: MLDML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
5 6
Raw sewage 7.8 141 752 861 3x10 3x10 3.99
3 3
Final outlet 7.9 41 140 168 2x10 2x10 4.43
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Desludging of only anaerobic pond is inpractice.
ii) Plant was nonoperational in the moring hours of day of monitoring due to power cut.
iii) Plant is not able to meet the standards in terms of BOD and TSS. Improvement in outlet structures may be
required to control high TSS, and the associated BOD/CODin the effluent. It is expected that control of
TSS within 50 mg/L may enable achieving BOD standards also.
iv) About 20% of treated sewage is utilized for irrigation but the rest 80% is discharged into an unlinned drain
and this is accumulating and water logging a large area.
v) High TSS and COD as compared to BOD in raw sewage indicates possibility of addition of industrial
Design capacity of STP: 2.25 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Anaerobic ponds 2 nos.: 29.5 x 28.5 x 3.5 m each
Primary facultative ponds 2 nos.: 61 x 40 x 1.5 m each and
2 nos.: 59 x 42 x 1.5 m each
Secondary facultative ponds 2 nos.: 61 x 40 x 1.5 m each
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 7.5 149 514 294 5x10 9x10 5.86
7 7
Final outlet 7.4 37 214 64 1.7x10 2.2x10 4.82
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) About 90% flow was being bypased and only 10 % was being treated in the plant.
ii) Outfall of treated as well as untreated sewage is upstream of Old water works at Agra and affects raw
water quality.
iii) Plant is not able to meet the standards in terms of BOD.
iv) Desludging of anaerobic ponds was in progress and removed sludge was being placed very near to
Yamuna River, which will flow into the river with rain water.
10 MLD STP at Peela Khar, Agra (March 30, 2005)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 7.6 98 411 182 5x10 5x10 5.54
6 6
Outlet of STP 7.7 42 210 97 1.3x10 1.7x10 4.83
Final outlet (treated + untreated 7.5 46 233 74 4.86
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) About 90% flow was being bypased and only 10 % was being treated in the plant.
ii) Outfall of treated as well as untreated sewage is upstream of Old water works at Agra and affects raw
water quality.
iii) Plant is not able to meet the standards in terms of BOD.
iv) Desludging of anaerobic ponds was in progress and removed sludge was being placed very near to
Yamuna River, which will flow into the river with rain water.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
7 7
Raw sewage 7.3 120 424 57 3x10 9x10 5.67
Outlet of UASB reactors 1-3 7.5 56 208 399 6.27
Outlet of UASB reactors 4-6 7.7 46 224 80 6.39
6 6
Final outlet after polishing ponds 7.4 38 173 71 5x10 5x10 6.22
Standards for discharge in streams 5.5- 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant capacity is under utilized as less than the design flow is being treated in the plant.
ii) Very less flow reaches STP during night hours 1200 midnight to 0400 am.
iii) Excess sludge accumulation in ponds was observed as the main reasons for under performance.
iv) Plant is not able to meet the standards in terms of BOD.
Performance of STPs in Uttranchal
0.32 MLD STP at Swargashram, Rishikesh (xxx)
Design capacity of STP: 0.32 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: (?) ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
3 2
Settling pit 5 x 4.24 x 2.2 m 15 m /m /d SOR, 3.5 hr HRT
3 2
Primary clarifier 5 m dia and 2.55 m SWD 16.3 m /m /d SOR, 3.8 hr HRT
UASB reactors 2 nos.: 20 x 7.3 x 2 and 20.5 x 6.5 x 2
Polishing pond 20 x 6.5 x 1.2 m
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
8 8
Raw sewage 6.8 212 456 210 2.4x10 5x10 1.91
After Primary clarifier 6.8 212 464 204 2.3
After UASB reactors 6.8 194 440 184 2.55
7 7
After Polishing pond 7.1 126 325 109 3x10 9x10 3.74
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Primary settling unit is performing badly as there is almost no change in sewage characterstics within this unit.
ii) UASB unit is also functioning very poorly as there is negligible improvement in characterstics of sewage within
this unit.
iii) Polishing pond is also effecting only mariginal reduction in BOD (35%) and COD (26%).
iv) High TSS levels in the outlets of primary clarifier, UASB reactor and Polishing pond indicates that settling in
each of these unit is not satisfactory. TSS level after proper settling is expected <50 mg/L and should not
exceed 100 mg/L.
v) There is no arrangement for handling/disposal of primary and secondary sludge, which is a must for proper
functioning of primary clarifier and UASB reactors.
vi) Plant is not able to comply with the discharge standards due to above reasons.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Screen 4 nos.: 3 mechanical, 1 manual; each for 15 MLD
Grit channel 3 nos. 3.2 m each; each for 15 MLD flow
3 2
Primary clarifiers 3 nos.: 15 m dia and 3 m SWD each 34 m /m /d SOR, 2.1 hr HRT
Aeration tanks 3 nos.: 15 x 15 x 5.2 m each 4.68 hr(?) HRT, 0.27 d F/M*
with three aerators of 40 HP each
3 2
Secondary clarifier 3 nos.: 18.6 m dia and 3.5 m SWD each 22 m /m /d SOR, 3.8 hr HRT
Sludge thickeners 2 nos.: 11.4 m dia and 3 m SWD each 6 % consistency
Sludge digesters 2 nos.: 18 m dia and 7.9 m SWD 25 day HRT
Sludge drying beds 12 nos.: 34.8 x 24 m
* at 2400 mg/L MLVSS and 0.65 times the observed BOD (assuming 35% removal in primary treatment),
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
8 8
Raw sewage 7.1 195 557 463 1.4x10 2.5x10 2.73
After Primary clarifier 7.1 93 174 121 3.02
4 4
Final outlet of STP 7.2 6 47 26 2x10 2x10 1.84
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives 30 MLD sewage. 18 MLD sewage is treated in the plant, and the rest is bypassed.
ii) High TSS in outlet of primary settling unit indicates that its performing can be improved further.
iii) ASP unit is being fed with low organic loading and it is performing well even though one of the three
aeration tank was under maintenance at the time of study.
iv) Gas generated in anaerobic sludge reactor is not being utilised
v) Plant is able to comply with the discharge standards.
Performance of STPs in West Bengal
45 MLD STP Cossipore-Chitpore, Bangur, VIP Road, Kolkata, West Bengal (24.05.04)
Design capacity of STP: 18 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 25-45 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Grit channel
3 2
Primary clarifiers 2 nos.: 26.5 m dia and 3.5 m SWD each 40.8 m /m /d SOR, 2.06 hr HRT
Aeration tank 91 x 15 x 3.5 m with 14 aerators of 25 HP each 2.56 hr HRT, 119-174 mg/L MLSS, 2.84 d
F/M* , (?) d SRT
3 2
Secondary clarifier 2 nos.: 36 m dia and 3.5 m SWD each 22.1 m /m /d SOR, 3.8 hr HRT
Sludge thickeners 2 nos.: 15.3 m dia and 3.5 m SWD each
Primary sludge digester 15.3 m dia and 3.5 m(?) SWD 20-25day HRT (will depend on sludge qty)
Sec.sludge digester+gas holder 24 m dia and 3.5 m(?) SWD 10-15day HRT (will depend on sludge qty)
Sludge centrifuge 3 nos.: 20 HP each
* at MLVSS=0.8 x 147 mg/L(observed average MLSS) and BOD=35.5 mg/L (observed average BOD after primary treatment)
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.2 69 194 165 458
After Primary clarifier-1 7.12 34 103 60 448
After Primary clarifier-2 7.15 37 101 70 449
After Secondary clarifier-1 7.72 9 54 21 414
After Secondary clarifier-2 7.7 9 53 15 440
Final outlet of STP 7.79 8 49 16 464 3x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Sewage flow reaching STP varied between 25-45 MLD.
ii) Plant is able to acheve standards because very low strength sewage is being received.
iii) Considering a little high SOR at full design flow on PSTs, hourly flowrate may be regulated to improve their
efficiency if total flow reaching STP per day is less than full design flow.
iv) A lot of energy is being consumed in ASP unit to achieve a marginal reduction of BOD in this unit. It is
required that under existing conditions of low strength sewage, a minimum number of aerators may be
aerators may be operated.
v) Abnormally high F/M (2.84) is observed at design flow condition. Even at half the design flow F/M will be
very high.
vi) Gas digestors have never been used as the solids content of sewage is very less.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Anaerobic pond 106 x 50 x 4.8 m
Facultative ponds 2 in parallel 2 nos.: 170 x 88 x 4.3 m each
Maturation pond 178 x 116 x 3.9 m
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 29 56 59 525
After Anaerobic pond
After Facultative pond-1 18 47 33 483
After Facultative pond-2 7 14 18 466
After Maturation pond 4 11 BDL 443 3x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very low strength sewage because most of the sewage connected is first treated in septic
tanks. Even the raw sewage quality is meeting the discharge standards.
ii) Accumulated sludge from the ponds has never been cleaned since the plant was established in 1991.
10 MLD STP Bhatpara (Old), Jagaddal, Bhatpara, West Bengal (24.05.04)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 60 127 168
After Primary clarifier
After Secondary clarifier 23 58 51 1x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant is able to acheve standards because very low strength sewage is being received.
ii) A lot of energy is being consumed in ASP unit to achieve a marginal reduction of BOD in this unit. It is
required that under existing conditions of low strength sewage, a minimum number of aerators may be
aerators may be operated.
iii) Gas digestors have never been used, as the solids content of sewage is very less.
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 179 466 442
After Primary clarifier
After Secondary clarifier 54 141 72 1.4x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant is not able to acheve standards..
ii) Reasons for poor performance of STP need to be investigated and plant needs to be operated properly to
achieve the standards.
iii) Gas digestors have never been used.
4.5 MLD STP Titagarh, Dumping Ground, Dangapara, Rahra, West Bengal (27.05.04)
Design capacity of STP: 4.5 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 4-4.5 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.47 96 303 249 698
After Primary clarifier 7.02 91 289 153 596
After Secondary clarifier-1 7.6 15 104 53 640
After Secondary clarifier-2 7.5 12 95 47 598
After Secondary clarifier-3 7.65 11 84 36 577
Final outlet of STP 12 95 42 652 5x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant is able to acheve standards because very low strength sewage is being received.
ii) Considering a very high SOR at full design flow on PST, additional PST mayt be added to the scheme.
iii) Abnormally high F/M (1.56) is observed at full design flow condition
iv) About 90% of the treated sewage is used for irrigation
4.54 MLD STP Titagarh, Dumping Ground, Dangapara, Rahra, West Bengal (27.05.04)
Design capacity of STP: 4.54 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 4-4.54 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Oxidation pond-single stage 90 x 55 x 1.5 m 2 day HRT
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 96 303 249 698
After Oxidation pond 22 113 54 617 5x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant is able to acheve standards because very low strength sewage is being received.
ii) Separate flow measurement after distribution box of ASP plant and Oxidation pond is not possible.
iii) About 90% of the treated sewage is used for irrigation
14.1 MLD STP Titagarh, Bandipur Gram Panchayat, Titagarh, West Bengal (27.05.04)
Design capacity of STP: 14.1 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 12 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.37 94 303 284 584
After Anaerobic pond-1 6.92 91 281 82 594
After Anaerobic pond-2 7.4 107 947 963 571
After Facultative pond-1 8.57 5 89 72 548
After Facultative pond-2 8.94 14 82 31 529
After Maturation pond -1 8.48 4 72 32 510 3x10
After Maturation pond -2 8.97 6 41 15 388 1.7x10
Final outlet (average) 5 57 24 449 2.4x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very low strength sewage and treated sewage quality is meeting the discharge standards.
ii) Accumulated sludge from the ponds has never been cleaned since the plant was established in 1993.
Anaerobic ponds were filled with accumulated sludge.
iii) Bunds between the ponds have been damaged at few places and need repair.
12 MLD STP Panihati, Natagarh Gram Panchayat, Panihati, West Bengal (27.05.04)
Design capacity of STP: 12 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 4.2 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.17 93 315 441 625
After Anaerobic pond-1 39 122 122 604
After Anaerobic pond-2 33 110 110 648
After Anaerobic pond-3 29 99 107 681
After Facultative pond-1 29 106 70 575
After Facultative pond-2 33 122 56 540
After Facultative pond-3 36 133 60 619
After Maturation ponds 8.47 20 72 55 602 2.3x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very less flow as compared to its capacity and the treated sewage quality is meeting the
discharge standards.
ii) Accumulated sludge from the ponds has never been cleaned since the plant was established.
iii) Bunds between the ponds have been damaged at few places and need repair.
47.5 MLD STP Garden Reach & South Suburban, Garden Reach, Kolkata, West Bengal (03.06.04)
Design capacity of STP: 47.5 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 30-38 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 6.9 115 297 221 494
After Primary clarifier-1 6.95 53 138 57 487
After Primary clarifier-2 6.98 35 127 57 289
After Secondary clarifier-1 7.6 21 101 55 390
After Secondary clarifier-2 7.61 19 101 62 358
Final outlet of STP 32 112 62 402 1.7x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant is not able to acheve standards inspite of very low influent BOD level to activated sludge process.
ii) Reasons for poor performance of STP need to be investigated and plant needs to be operated properly to
achieve the standards.
iii) Considering low influent BOD to aeration tank, use of aerators may be optimised to save energy.
iv) Gas digestors have never been used.
30 MLD STP South Suburban (East) and Tollyganj-Jadavpur, South Suburban (East), Kolkata, West Bengal (27.05.04)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Anaerobic pond 2 in parallel 2 nos.: 5.26 acre each, 3m depth 1 d HRT
Facultative ponds 2 in parallel 2 nos.: 20.38 acre each, 1.5 depth 4.5 d HRT
Maturation pond 2 in parallel 2 nos.: 15.71 acre each, 1.5 depth 3 d HRT
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.65 29 107 130 312
After Anaerobic pond-1 7.80 17 50 86 416
After Anaerobic pond-2 7.70 34 103 35 285
After Facultative pond-1 7.9 15 68 64 362
After Facultative pond-2 7.86 20 68 124 737
After Maturation ponds 7.85 14 57 99 495 1.7x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very low strength sewage. Treated sewage quality is meeting the discharge standards
except fro TSS. Reasons for high TSS need to be investigated and rectified.
ii) Accumulated sludge from the ponds has never been cleaned since the plant was established.
iii) Bunds between the ponds have been damaged at few places and need repair.
45 MLD STP Howrah, Arupara, Howrah, West Bengal (07.06.04)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 6.7 96 285 464 481
After Primary clarifier-1 7.1 14 39 23 501
After Primary clarifier-2 7.15 14 39 20 511
Final outlet of STP 7 21 11 1.1x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very low strength sewage. Treated sewage quality is meeting the discharge standards
ii) Gas digestors were being used but no gas production was observed.
Design capacity of STP: 18.16 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 15 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.54 9 28 31 474
After Primary clarifier 7.65 8 25 20 447
After Trickling filter 8.2 9 25 18 457
Final outlet 8.1 5 14 9 438 9x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very low strength sewage. Treated sewage quality is meeting the discharge standards
ii) Gas digestors have never been used because of low strength of waste and low solids content.
11 MLD STP Kalyani, Block B2 & B3 Kalyani, West Bengal (10.06.04)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Grit channel
3 2
Primary clarifier 24.2 m dia and 5 m SWD 19.54 m /m /d SOR, 4.18 hr HRT
Trickling filter 35 m dia and 1 m media depth
3 2
Secondary clarifiers 2 nos.: 18.3 m dia and 2.27 m SWD 10.69 m /m /d SOR, 6.73hr HRT
and 19.1 m dia and 2.44 m SWD
Sludge ponds 2 nos.: 66.5 x 40.7 x 2 m and 66.5 x 39.8
Sludge drying beds 20 nos.: 30 x 8 m each
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 6.4 38 126 266 706
After Primary clarifier 6.6 40 130 146 560
After Trickling filter 6.8 36 126 165 558
After Secondary clarifier-1 6.85 26 85 121 555
After Secondary clarifier-2 6.89 24 68 49 564
Final outlet of STP 7.02 23 85 87 540 2.2x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very low strength sewage. Treated sewage quality is meeting the discharge standards
ii) Trickling filter was found submerged due to clogging of pores and therefore trickling filter was operating
under anaerobic conditions.
iii) Industrial effluent mixed acidic sewage from Kalyani Silpanchal Area causes frequent corrosion of sewers.
Design capacity of STP: 6 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 4.5 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Anaerobic pond 2 in parallel 2 nos.: 52 x 26 x 2 m each 1 d HRT
Facultative ponds 2 in parallel 2 nos.: 150 x 64 x 1.5 m each 5 d HRT
Maturation pond 4 in parallel 4 nos.: 156 x 52 x 1 m each 4 d HRT
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-
Colliform Coliform N P
Raw sewage 6.4 38 126 266 706
After Anaerobic pond-1 7.05 37 92 172 781
After Anaerobic pond-2 7.1 21 82 152 716
After Facultative pond-1 7.7 21 68 35 468
After Facultative pond-2 7.1 12 38 36 599
After Maturation ponds 7.9 17 55 58 394 1.7x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very low strength sewage. Treated sewage quality is meeting the discharge.
ii) There is no flow measurement facility and flow distribution is also uneven.
iii) Water hyacinth was present in abundance in anaerobic ponds.
iv) Bluegreen algae were seen in some portion of one of the facultative ponds. Dead fish were also observed
in the facultative ponds.
v) Algae and fish were observed in abundance in maturation ponds.
40 MLD STP Baranagar Kamarhati, Mathkol, Near Belgachia Metro Car Shed, Baranagar, West Bengal (14.06.04)
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 7.1 54 189 170 307
After Primary clarifier-1 6.99 31 108 42 544
After Primary clarifier-2 6.95 19 102 27 255
After Trickling filter 7.3 13 89 32 540
After Secondary clarifier/Final outlet 7.4 11 59 17 551 5x10
Standards for discharge in streams 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very low strength sewage. Treated sewage quality is meeting the discharge standards
ii) One Trickling filter unit was found completly damaged due to break down of shaft and bearings and it was
under maintenance.
18.9 MLD STP Serampore, Jannagar Road, Serampore, West Bengal (14.06.04)
Design capacity of STP: 18.9 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 10 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-P
Colliform Coliform N
Raw sewage 6.95 52 113 90 474
After Primary clarifier-1 27 71 53 349
After Secondary clarifier-1 12 38 13
After Secondary clarifier-2 12 38 13
Final outlet 7.6 8 57 13 359 3x10
Standards for discharge in streams 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant receives very low strength sewage. Treated sewage quality is meeting the discharge standards
ii) The treated sewage was slightly red in colour due to probabily to mixing of some cottage dying industry.
iii) Owing to clogging of orifice of trickling filter, uneven distribution of wastewater and non-uniform growth of
biomass over the media bed and shortcircuiting of wastewater were observed.
10 MLD STP Nabadwip, West Bengal (17.06.04)
Design capacity of STP: 10 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: 4.5 ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-
Colliform Coliform N P
Raw sewage 6.95 154 286 86 809
After Anaerobic pond-1 7.10 42 112 26 599
After Anaerobic pond-2 7.15 44 109 26 607
After Facultative pond-1 32 155 69 620
After Maturation ponds 8.5 12 99 18 622 1.7x10
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
3.7 MLD STP Behrampore, Interception-Diversion Treatment Scheme, Behrampore, West Bengal (17.06.04)
Design capacity of STP: 3.7 ML/d; Average flow reaching STP: ML/d
Unit sizes and loading on main treatment units at full load condition:
Treatment unit Number/Size HRT/SOR/Loading
Anaerobic pond 3462.7 m area 1 d HRT
Facultative pond 28323.45 m area 5 d HRT
Maturation pond 69129.37 m area 4 d HRT
Results of analysis of composite samples after different stages of treatment (All values in mg/L except pH, and Colliform in
MPN/100 mL):
Sample point pH BOD COD TSS TDS Fecal Total Amm- PO4-
Colliform Coliform N P
Raw sewage-Baramuri drain 7.0 82 263 131 722
Raw sewage-Saidabad drain 7.05 93 276 130 883
Raw sewage-Gorabazar drain 7.10 100 213 74 687
After Anaerobic pond-1
After Anaerobic pond-2
After Facultative pond-1
After Facultative pond-2
After Maturation ponds
Standards for discharge in 5.5-9 30 250 100 2100
i) Plant does not receives sewage due to failure of civil structure near main pumping station, which occurred
within a fortnight time of its commissioning in 1994.
ii) There are three nearby drains that presently discharge sewage into three different Beels (Ponds).
Gorabazar drain discharges sewage into Chaltia Beel, Barmuri drain that carries about 70% sewage
discharges into Bishnupur Beel, and Saidabad drain discharges sewage into Chatra Beel. The three Beels
meet another biger Beel, namely, Bhanderdah Beel and thereafter the sewage is discharged into River
Pagla Chandi.