Circuit Breaker Cascading
Circuit Breaker Cascading
Circuit Breaker Cascading
• A strong distribution network with The incoming circuit breaker A feeds • the fault should be cleared
fully coordinated distribution the bus section of Panel 1. One of the immediately on its occurrence by
system outgoing feeders controlled by breaker a device closest to the location
B feeds Panel 2. The load L1 fed from of fault
• A well maintained and disciplined this panel is controlled by breaker C.
load management system There are other outgoing feeders for • only the faulty section is isolated
both the panels 1 and 2. Based on
• Proper selection of ratings of all
the discrimination scheme envisaged
• healthy feeders are not
devices,viz., transformer, unnecessarily isolated due to a
by the consultant or customer, the fault elsewhere
switchgear and loads
system may provide complete
Selection of appropriate switchgear discrimination or partial discrimination • the system is stressed least and
ensuring suitable discrimination or no discrimination at all. the extent of outage/power
upstream and downstream plays a very interruption is kept to a minimum.
The term “Discrimination” implies ‘co-
important role in ensuring good
ordination of the operating Fully Rated System With
performance of the distribution system.
characteristics of two or more over- Discrimination
Guidelines for selection of switchgear, current protective devices so that
especially the circuit breakers, may on the incidence of an over-current In a fully co-ordinated system, the
appear very simple as parameters like within stated limits, the device circuit breaker nearest to the fault is
rated service voltage, rated
current, and frequency are
obvious factors considered
during selection. However,
the short-circuit
performance specifications
are sometimes ignored/
missed. The price of a
circuit breaker of a given
thermal rating will vary
widely depending on the
short-circuit capabilities. In
order to keep the project
cost under control, there
could be a temptation to
compromise on the
breaking capacity/short
time rating requirements of
the circuit breakers,
without realising its
impact on the system Fig.1
reliability and operational
efficiency and
designed to sense and clear the fault. interrupting rating by being to achieve adequate short-circuit
Other feeders connected to the system connected to the load side of an interrupting ability unless the
continue to remain energised. In Fig.1 acceptable over current protective combination is specifically approved
for a fault at X, the breaker C is device having the higher rating, the for that purpose. Small moulded-
expected to operate for clearing the following shall apply: case breakers tend to open more
fault. In case this breaker fails to (a) Marking - The additional series quickly than larger frame sizes of
operate for any reason, the upstream combination interrupting rating hall moulded-case breakers and
breaker B will operate after a pre- be marked on the end-use therefore attempt to perform the job
determined time delay. Breaker A that equipment, such as switchboards of interrupting fault currents prior to
is upstream of breaker B will operate and panel boards the operation of the larger breakers
after a further pre-set time delay only (b) Motor Contribution - Series ratings with which they might be cascaded.
if both the breakers B and C fail to shall not be used where ....... (Text authored by W. B.
operate. This scheme will provide total (1) Motors are connected on theload PERKINS & D. E. MAXWELL,
discrimination. Discrimination is side of the higher rated over-current Distribution Equipment Division,
achieved by matching the time-current device and on the line side of the Square D. Company)
characteristics of the protective lower rated over-current device,
devices. and, A careful analysis of these
(2) The sum of the motor full load recommendations will highlight the
In this system, all the circuit breakers currents exceed 1% of the points listed below regarding the
should have breaking capacity equal interrupting rating of the lower-rated cascading of devices:
to or more than the prospective system circuit breaker. (This clause, i.e.,
fault level. The entire bus system Cl. 240.86 was added in the NEC
should also be designed to withstand as an amendment in 1999)
• In a cascaded system, the customer
the short-circuit stresses till the (ii) Reference:-IEC 364 Part 4 Chapter is compromising on discrimination
upstream breaker A clears the fault 43. Electrical Installations of requirements for a cost. For a fault
after its preset time delay as decided Building downstream of the breaker with the
by the requirements of co-ordination Cl. 434.3.1 The breaking capacity lowerbreakingcapacity,the upstream
and discrimination. (of the switching device) shall not breaker will trip along with the down-
be less than the prospective short- stream breaker cutting off power
Cascade system circuit current at the place of its supply to other healthy feeders as
installation, except where the well. This will reduce the useful life of
Though the good engineering practice
following paragraph applies. the upstream device.
calls for all breakers used in a network
A lower breaking capacity is
to have breaking capacities equal to
admitted if another protective
or more than the prospective system
device having the necessary
• The specific combination of the
fault level, some customers may use upstream and downstream breakers
breaking capacity is installed in
breakers of lower breaking capacities should be tested for the required
the supply side. In that case, the
for certain special applications. This fault level before selection. NEC
characteristics of the devices must
practice existed in certain countries, recommendation implies that
be coordinated so that the energy
especially in the North America till the thecombination may not have
let through by these two devices
recent past (may be due to technology abreaking capacity equal to that of
does not exceed that which can
limitations at that time), but today it
be withstood without damage by the upstream or downstream device.
is not preferred by most consultants
the device on the load side and
and customers. Modern handbooks on
Electrical Engineering do not
the conductors protected by these • If more inductive (motor) loads
devices. areadded to the system on a future
recommend this practice for new
installations. The National Electrical (iii) Reference:- Switchgear and Control date, a combination,
Code (of USA), i.e., NEC 1999 as Handbook edited by Robert. W. consideredadequate till then, may
well as IEC on Electrical standard Smeaton and published by suddenly turn out to be non-
Installations of Building-IEC 60364 McGraw-Hill Book Company acceptable as per the NEC Code
lay down special requirements for such .....The cascade system, once due to the increased motor
applications. Relevant details are considered acceptable is no longer contribution considerations.
extracted and reproduced below: recommended by the
standards.......... (Text authored by
(i) Reference:- NEC 1999 National MAX. E. EVERETT, Senior
• While faults upstream and also
Electrical Code-Chapter 2 downstream of the cascaded
Engineer Allis-Chalmers
Cl.240.86 Series ratings - Where Corporation) system are taken care of, the
a circuit breaker is used on a ...... Note that small moulded-case protection for an internal fault at a
circuit having an available fault circuit breakers or fuses and circuit location between the two devices is
current higher than its marked breakers should not be cascaded not verified and guaranteed.
• Any system upgradation or In a cascade system, both the Comparison between distribution
replacement of any of the protective upstreamand downstreamdevices systems
devices, on a future date, can cause are expected to operate A balance sheet analysis of the pros
havoc unless extreme care is simultaneously so that the fault and cons of fully rated system with
exercised. E.g. replacing one 100A discrimination versus cascade
energy is shared by the breaking
MCCB by another 100A MCCB as system will look as given in the chart.
devices. Unless the combinationis
part of maintenance can lead to a tested for the required fault level, Conclusion
safety hazard unless the replaced
the performanceof the combination It is up to the consultant who in
breaker is identical to the old consultation with the end user should
cannot be guaranteed in the field.
breaker in all respects. make the choice of systems and
After a major fault is cleared both devices after assessing the real cost
Referring to Fig.1, if the breaker C the devicesof the combinationneed of the cheaper-looking option and its
does not have the breaking capacity equalto be thoroughly examined and impact on the long-term service
to the system fault level, for a fault at X, replaced if necessary to ensure performance, operational convenience
breakers B and C may have to operate safe operation during any future and efficiency of his installation. In most
in cascade to clear the fault. This will fault in the system. cases, the final decision will be obvious.
result in an undesired power outage
for the other healthy feeders
connected to Panel 2 as the
system is not, in this case, Fully rated system Cascade system
designed for discrimination between with discrimination
breakers B and C.
There are some similarities Total discrimination possible Only partial discrimination can
between SCPD of contactors/ be expected
motor-starters and the cascade
Only the device closest to Larger outage in case of fault
system of circuit breakers in a
distributionfeeder. It is well-known
fault needs to operate
that the contactors/motor-starters As only one device needs to In case of any fault tripping, all devices
have making and breaking operate for a given fault, life of have to be thoroughly inspected and
capacities of only 6-8 times the
upstream devices not affected serviced before re-commissioning.
operational current rating which
may be far lower than the system Minimum disruption in case of Short-circuit rating of the combination
fault level. In these cases a SCPD any fault has to be assessed by testing prior
is selected so that in case a to use
current above the breaking
capacity of the starter is to be All devices are fully rated and Will appear economical (on initial cost
broken, it will be the SCPD and hence no safety hazard in considerations only), but will work out
not the starter that will operate. service more expensive if total cost of outages
This is ensured by proper co- and the cost of lost opportunity are
ordination of the upstream SCPD
properly computed.
and the downstream starter. The
feeder to be isolated in this case Could be marginally more Future system upgradation/equipment
is only a single motor feeder unlike expensive, though extra service replacement needs extreme caution
in a distribution network where reliability/less outage will be more
multiple loads fed by the upstream
than off-set the extra cost
feeder will also get isolated
causinglargeand undesiredpower High reliability Less reliable