Revit Srs
Revit Srs
Revit Srs
19 april, 2022
Version 1.5
Prepared by
CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
REVISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
1 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1.1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 PRODUCT SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.4 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.5 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1.6 REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 OVERALL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.4 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1 EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3 USE CASE MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 OTHER NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2 SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.3 SOFTWARE QUALITY ATTRIBUTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 OTHER REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
APPENDIX A – DATA DICTIONARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
APPENDIX B - GROUP LOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Version Primary Author(s) Description of Version Date Completed
Draft Type and Number Full Name Information about the revision. This
table does not need to be filled in whenever a document is touched, only
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 4
1 Introduction
2 Overall Description
2.1 Product Overview
Overall Description section of this document gives an overview of the
functionality of the product. It describes the informal requirements and is
used to establish a context for the technical requirements specification in the
next sections. After Overall Description section, Requirements Specification
section of this document is written primarily for the developers and
describes in technical terms the details of the functionality of the product.
• Sugar level check.
• Quantity of insulin in the pump.
• Time interval.
• Digital meter reader.
• Memory set-up.
• Method of purification of apparatus
• Cost effective.
• Blood pressure and body temperature.
• Battery recharging (back-up battery).
• User friendly.
• Automatic and manual operations.
• Data storage in computer when device connected to a computer.
• Online doctor consultant and GPS based system
2.2 Design and Implementation Constraints
1. Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) 2.Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
3.Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) 4.Java 5.Planttext 6.Plantuml text
editor 7.ArgoUML 8.Latex Overleaf 9.Angular node JS 10.Webflow and
Figma UI designer In design constraints we tell about limitations of our
system and software For Example, this could specify the requirement for
software to trace processing activity And we also tell about our system
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3 Specific Requirements
The initial capacity of the insulin reservoir is set to 100. Maximum daily
dose, maximum single dose and minimum dose are set to 35, 5, and 1,
respectively. Maximum daily dose is defined the maximum dose that can be
delivered in 12 minutes that is scaled down from a day. Maximum single
dose is the maximum dose of insulin that can be delivered in a single
injection. Minimum dose is the dose that may be delivered to maintain an
existing trend in blood sugar levels.
2) Once the dose has been computed the simulator then must determine
whether the dose calculated is safe. It is essential due to the critical nature
of the simulator. There are two scenarios about safety requirements
depending on simulator mode –AUTORUN Mode and MANUALMode.
simulator, the error messages such as “No Needle Unit,” “Sensor Failure,”
“Insulin Reservoir Removed,” and “pump Failure” are activated and
deactivated by the user. The error message, “No Insulin,” and the warning
messages such as “Maximum Daily Dose,” “Maximum Single Dose,” “Low
Insulin Level,” “Low Battery,” and “Low Blood Sugar Level” shall be
activated and deactivated by the simulator. These messages can be also
reset every 12 minute. Note that these messages reflect the status of the
insulin simulator. For example, “Low Battery” shall be issued if the status
of the battery has fallen to one-third of the full charge after the simulator
starts. Note that the level of battery shall decrease by 4 units every 30
second. Note that when the battery is completely empty, the simulator shall
stop. The table below specifies the error and warning messages and their
descriptions. When at least one error occurs, AUTORUN and MANUAL
modes are suspended until the errors are removed; simulation timer and
battery keep going.
7) Insulin Pump Status Requirments
1)The possible status of the insulin pump simulator includes SWITCHON,
AUTORUN, MANUAL and SWITCHOFF. 2)When the simulator is
loaded, it goes to SWITCHOFF mode. 3)The SWITCHON mode simulates
the behaviour of the pump when the user pushes the switch-onbutton.
When the user switches on the simulator, it goes to AUTORUN mode. It is
assumed that the user’s blood sugar is at SAFE stage (for example, the
blood sugar level is five. 4)Under normal operating conditions, the
simulator is defined by the AUTORUN. If the user increases the blood
sugar level, the simulator should respond properly based on. Unless the
user increases the blood sugar level, the simulator does not take any insulin
injections and the blood sugar level remains SAFE. Note that cumulative
dose is reset to zero at the beginning of the each 12 minutes period. The
AUTORUN can be further defined in three statuses: normal, warning, and
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 14
n ..¿amount:¡¡includes¿¿
h ..¿d2:¡¡includes¿¿
l ..¿d1:¡¡includes¿¿
amount –delivery
delivery ..¿ reservoir:¡¡include¿¿
p ..¿monitor:¡¡extend¿¿
delivery ..¿p:¡¡include¿¿
c – issues
issues ..¿ d3:¡¡includes¿¿
issues ..¿delivery:¡¡extends¿¿
delivery ..¿monitor:¡¡extends¿¿
4 Other Non-functional Requirements
Rich features
Errors can occurs with warning also gives the tips to repair
High testing of this software we done so we say that is this system is reliable
This software have high fault tolerance
• Security:
We secure data and resources
Analysis and design of this is secure
Security design of this software is best
Confidentiality is great application data base on the critically
Access privilege controls in place
Identifying the mode of data transmitted or processed within the application
Design application related infrastructure and designing the technical
Replication and redundancy in data base system
• Maintainability:
To make higher maintainability higher the bug fixing speed Modular design
Un needed complexity
We also make a portion for duplicate code if system crash we use duplicate
interface (GUI), the data is then presented to the user via text boxes positioned on the GUI.
The remaining software objects model the peripheral hardware units, the software contained
within these objects simply records the current state of the hardware unit and for the purpose
of simulation, provides the functionality to change that state. Together the aforementioned
objects combine to produce the working insulin pump system. However one other object is
also provided, the simulator software object. This object runs in a thread parallel to the
insulin pump software and provides the user with the functionality to perform a simulation
of real-world events that would affect the pump software in differing manners. The simulator
facilitates the testing process, making it quicker and easier to perform the necessary testing
required in order to determine whether the insulin pump system is adequately safe.
Object classes, represented here in UML, detail the make up of the objects within the system.
The objects are represented by three sections: 1. The name of the object class 2. The class
attributes 3. The operations associated with the object class
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actor patient as p
participant Sensor[
participant status[
=Status of glucose
””includes the level of glucose””
participant amount[
””amount of insulin to be delivered””
participant Issues [
””checks hardware issues””
participant delivery[
—- ””delivery of insulin””
status− > displayr ecord : displaysthereadingswhenlevelsareLOW
amount− > delivery : theamountof insulintobedeliveredis
c− > Issues : checksif thereareanyissues
status− > warningm essages : yourbloodsugarlevelsarehigh
status− > amount : amountof insulintobedeliveredis
groupN ormal[normall evel]
status− > amount : amountof insulintobedeliverediscalculated
whenlevelsareN ORM AL
status− > displayr ecord : displaysthereadingswhenlevelsareLOW
””deliveryof insulin””
amount− > delivery : theamountof insulintobedeliveredisdelivered
delivery− > displayr ecord : theinsulindeliveredismadeasarecord
delivery− > displayr ecord : theinsulindeliveredismadeasarecord
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 35
participantdisplaye rrors[
= displaye rrors
participantdisplayr ecord[
= displayr ecord
participantwarningm essages[
= warningm essages
”W arningmessagesaredisplayed””
displayr ecord− > p : therecordisdisplayedandletpatientknow
Issues− > displaye rrors : if needlenotinsertedproperly
delivery− > displayr ecord : theinsulindeliveredismadeasarecord
p3–¿p3:checks hardware
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 36
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A collaboration diagram, also known as a communication diagram, is an illustration of the
relationships and interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling Language
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 38
(UML). These diagrams can be used to portray the dynamic behavior of a particular use
case and define the role of each object..
skinparam actorStyle awesome
left to right direction
actor patient as p
rectangle Insulinp umpusecase(sendstheglucosereadings)assusecase(controlsignals)assignalsusecase(che
package monitor
usecase (displaying record) as d1
usecase (warning messages) as d2
usecase (display error) as d3
p –s
s –signals
signals –
c –h
c –n
c –l
h ..¿amount:¡¡includes¿¿
n ..¿amount:¡¡includes¿¿
h ..¿d2:¡¡includes¿¿
l ..¿d1:¡¡includes¿¿
amount –delivery
delivery ..¿ reservoir:¡¡include¿¿
p ..¿monitor:¡¡extend¿¿
delivery ..¿p:¡¡include¿¿
c – issues
issues ..¿ d3:¡¡includes¿¿
issues ..¿delivery:¡¡extends¿¿
pump – monitor
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 39
A collaboration diagram, also known as a communication diagram, is an illustration of the
relationships and interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling Language
(UML). These diagrams can be used to portray the dynamic behavior of a particular use
case and define the role of each object..
object ”Patient” as p
object ”Sensor” as s
object ”Controller” as c
object ”Amount of Insulin” as a
object ”Delivery of insulin” as d
object ”Monitor” as m
p : —INPUT–
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 40
p : Patientn ame
p : P atientI D
s : − − −IN P U T − − −
s : T akesb lood
s : − − −OU T P U T − − −
s : Glucoser eadings
s : Controls ignals
c : − − −IN P U T − − −
c : Glucoser eadingsi nput
c : Controls ignals
c : − − −OU T P U T − − −
c : Statuso fG lucose
c : W arningm essages
c : Hardwarei ssues
c : Alarm
c : N eedlea ssembly
a : − − −IN P U T − − −
a : Statuso fG lucose
a : − − −OU T P U T − − −
a : Amounto fi nsulint ob ei nserted
d : − − −IN P U T − − −
p ∗ − − m : 10.T herecordisdisplayed
p − −| > s : 1.Givesblood
s − −| > c : 2.Sendsthecontrolsignals
a − −od
d − −om : 9.T heinsulindeliveredisdisplayed
c − −oa
d − − ∗ p : 6.T heinsulinisdeliveredtopatient
a − −om : 4.T heamountof insulintobedelivered
c − −| > c : 3.Computesthesugarlevels
c − −| > c : 5.checksf orhardwareissues
c − −| > d : 7.if needlenotinsertedproperly
c − −| > m : 8.if needlenotinsertedproperly
a − −| > m : 11.Displaythestatusof glucose
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To estimate the cost of the personal insulin pump in a cocmo model
ocomo (Constructive Cost Model) is a regression model based on LOC, i.e number of Lines
of Code. It is a procedural cost estimate model for software projects and is often used as a
process of reliably predicting the various parameters associated with making a project such
as size, effort, cost, time, and quality. It was proposed by Barry Boehm in 1981 and is based
on the study of 63 projects, which makes it one of the best-documented models.
The key parameters which define the quality of any software products, which are also an
outcome of the Cocomo are primarily Effort Schedule:
Effort: Amount of labor that will be required to complete a task. It is measured in person-
months units.
Schedule: Simply means the amount of time required for the completion of the job, which
is, of course, proportional to the effort put in. It is measured in the units of time such as
weeks, months.
Different models of Cocomo have been proposed to predict the cost estimation at different
levels, based on the amount of accuracy and correctness required. All of these models can be
applied to a variety of projects, whose characteristics determine the value of constant to be
used in subsequent calculations. These characteristics pertaining to different system types
are mentioned below.
Organic – A software project is said to be an organic type if the team size required is
adequately small, the problem is well understood and has been solved in the past and also
the team members have a nominal experience regarding the problem.
Semi-detached – A software project is said to be a Semi-detached type if the vital charac-
teristics such as team size, experience, knowledge of the various programming environment
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 44
lie in between that of organic and Embedded. The projects classified as Semi-Detached are
comparatively less familiar and difficult to develop compared to the organic ones and require
more experience and better guidance and creativity. Eg: Compilers or different Embedded
Systems can be considered of Semi-Detached type.
Embedded – A software project requiring the highest level of complexity, creativity, and
experience requirement fall under this category. Such software requires a larger team size
than the other two models and also the developers need to be sufficiently experienced and
creative to develop such complex models.
All the above system types utilize different values of the constants used in Effort Calculations.
Types of Models: COCOMO consists of a hierarchy of three increasingly detailed and ac-
curate forms. Any of the three forms can be adopted according to our requirements. These
are types of COCOMO model:
Intermediate COCOMO takes these Cost Drivers into account and Detailed COCOMO ad-
ditionally accounts for the influence of individual project phases, i.e in case of Detailed it
accounts for both these cost drivers and also calculations are performed phase-wise hence-
forth producing a more accurate result. These two models are further discussed below
Basic Model –
E= a(KLOC)b
time = c(Ef f ort)d
P ersonrequired = Ef f ort/time
T heabovef ormulaisusedf orthecostestimationof f orthebasicCOCOM Omodel, andalsoisusedinthesubsequ
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 45
The effort is measured in Person-Months and as evident from the formula is dependent on
Kilo-Lines of code.
The development time is measured in months.
These formulas are used as such in the Basic Model calculations, as not much consideration
of different factors such as reliability, expertise is taken into account, henceforth the
estimate is rough.
Intermediate Model – The basic Cocomo model assumes that the effort is only a
function of the number of lines of code and some constants evaluated according to the
different software systems. However, in reality, no system’s effort and schedule can be
solely calculated on the basis of Lines of Code. For that, various other factors such as
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 46
reliability, experience, Capability. These factors are known as Cost Drivers and the
Intermediate Model utilizes 15 such drivers for cost estimation.
Classification of Cost Drivers and their attributes:
(i) Product attributes –
Required software reliability extent
Size of the application database
The complexity of the product
(ii) Hardware attributes –
Run-time performance constraints
Memory constraints
The volatility of the virtual machine environment
Required turnabout time
(iii) Personnel attributes –
Analyst capability
Software engineering capability
Applications experience
Virtual machine experience
Programming language experience
(iv) Project attributes –
Use of software tools
Application of software engineering methods
Required development schedule
Detailed Model –
Detailed COCOMO incorporates all characteristics of the intermediate version with an
assessment of the cost driver’s impact on each step of the software engineering process.
The detailed model uses different effort multipliers for each cost driver attribute. In
detailed cocomo, the whole software is divided into different modules and then we apply
COCOMO in different modules to estimate effort and then sum the effort.
The Six phases of detailed COCOMO are:
Planning and requirements
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 47
System design
Detailed design
Module code and test
Integration and test
Cost Constructive model
The effort is calculated as a function of program size and a set of cost drivers are given
according to each phase of the software lifecycle.
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To calculate the Function point for the persional insulin pump
Function Point Analysis was initially developed by Allan J. Albercht in 1979 at IBM and it
has been further modified by the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG).
The initial Definition is given by Allan J. Albrecht: FPA gives a dimensionless number
defined in function points which we have found to be an effective relative measure of
function value delivered to our customer.
FPA provides a standardized method to functionally size the software work product. This
work product is the output of software new development and improvement projects for
subsequent releases. It is the software that is relocated to the production application at
project implementation. It measures functionality from the user’s point of view i.e. on the
basis of what the user requests and receives in return.
Function Point Analysis (FPA) is a method or set of rules of Functional Size Measurement.
It assesses the functionality delivered to its users, based on the user’s external view of the
functional requirements. It measures the logical view of an application, not the physically
implemented view or the internal technical view.
The Function Point Analysis technique is used to analyze the functionality delivered by
software and Unadjusted Function Point (UFP) is the unit of measurement.
Objectives of FPA: The objective of FPA is to measure the functionality that the user
requests and receives. The objective of FPA is to measure software development and
maintenance independently of the technology used for implementation. It should be simple
enough to minimize the overhead of the measurement process. It should be a consistent
measure among various projects and organizations.
Types of FPA:
Transactional Functional Type –
External Input (EI): EI processes data or control information that comes from outside
the application’s boundary. The EI is an elementary process.
External Output (EO): EO is an elementary process that generates data or control
information sent outside the application’s boundary.
External Inquiries (EQ): EQ is an elementary process made up of an input-output
combination that results in data retrieval.
BATCH NO:3; SRS Document 49
F = 14 * scale
Scale varies from 0 to 5 according to character of Complexity Adjustment Factor (CAF).
Below table shows scale:
0 - No Influence
1 - Incidental
2 - Moderate
3 - Average
4 - Significant
5 - Essential
Calculate Complexity Adjustment Factor (CAF).
CAF = 0.65 + ( 0.01 * F )
Calculate Unadjusted Function Point (UFP).
Calculate Function Point.
function pointer.png
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Illustrate the use of the Gantt project.
A gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart used in project management to visually represent a
project plan over time. Modern gantt charts typically show you the timeline and
status—as well as who’s responsible—for each task in the project.
Here’s a quick look at the details a gantt chart enables you to capture at a
In other words, a gantt chart is a super-simple way to communicate what it will take to
deliver a project on time and budget. That means it’s a whole lot easier to keep your
project team and stakeholders on the same page from the get-go.
Gantt charts may seem complicated at first. But once you learn the basics, you’ll be able
to read and create a gantt chart easily and tell exactly where your projects are and what
needs to happen to guide them to success.
Let’s review some basic terminology so you understand the key parts of a gantt
chart and how they function in a project plan: Task list: Runs vertically down the
left of the gantt chart to describe project work and may be organized into groups and
Timeline: Runs horizontally across the top of the gantt chart and shows months, weeks,
days, and years
Dateline: A vertical line that highlights the current date on the gantt chart
Bars: Horizontal markers on the right side of the gantt chart that represent tasks and
show progress, duration, and start and end dates
Milestones: Yellow diamonds that call out major events, dates, decisions, and deliverables
Dependencies: Light gray lines that connect tasks that need to happen in a certain order
Progress: Shows how far along work is and may be indicated by percent complete and/or
bar shading
Resource assigned: Indicates the person or team responsible for completing a task
Here’s a gantt chart with these components highlighted. This gantt chart highlights 8
features every gantt chart should include: