Iadc/Spe: IADC/SPE 11412 Surge and Swab Modeling For Dynamic Pressures and Safe Trip Velocities

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IADC/SPE 11412

Surge and Swab Modeling for Dynamic Pressures and
Safe Trip Velocities
by Manohar Lal, Amoco Production Co.

Copyright 1983, IADC/SPE 1983 Drilling Conference

This paper was presented at the IADC/SPE 1983 Drilling Conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana, February 20-23,
1983. The material is subject to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words. Write SPE, 6200 North Central Expressway, Drawer 64706, Dallas, Texas 75206.

ABSTRACT trip speeds has been studied since the early

days of drilling. Starting in the early 1930's,
Surge and swab pressures, which could cause several models and techniques have beI~18roposed
lost circulation or gas kicks and blowout, result for the prediction of such pressures. Almost
from running or pulling a pipe in a borehole. Recent all the traditional techniques consider these
downhole measurements indicate that these pressures pressures to be due to the steady-state flow,
differ considerably from the pressures anticipated and essentially compute the pressure through
by traditional computational models which compute the frictional pressure loss in the annulus.
such pressures on the basis of steady state flow. These techniques would give correct predictions
for the surge and swab pressures. Were it not
In this paper, a new dynamic surge and swab for the following facts. The fluid flow in the
model is presented that is based on the physics pipe and annulus is unsteady because the pipe
of the transient nature of the phenomenon. It is set in motion and then brought to a stop as
treats friction as a distributed parameter and soon as a complete joint of casing or a stand
considers various parameters in hole geometry. of drill pipe is run in or pulled from the hole.
hole expansion, varying trip velocity, return area Further. the fluid is compressible, and so are
for tricone and diamond drill bits, plugged jets, the various conduits through which it flows under
and the mud properties. The computer program for pressure. These factors have a significant effect
the model not only predicts the maximum surge and on the flow and thus on the surge and swab pressures.
swab pressures or their variation with time at
various points in the borehole, but also computes It is therefore ~~t surprising from recent
the safe maximum trip speed for a specified pressure downhole measurements that the actual surge
margin. Computer studies for running a casing, and swab pressures differ considerably from the
liner, and drill string in several actual wells pressures anticipated by the traditional computa-
show the model to have fast computer run times. tional techniques. The physics of the surge
The results of some of these studies are reported and swab phenomenon dictate that a dynamic model,
in the paper. The program is both interactive based on the unsteady flow, must be developed
and user-friendly, and is a significant improvement for the prediction of surge and swab pressures.
over the existing models. This fact was recognized by Lubinski in the early
1960's, and a dynamic model, based on a graphical
INTRODUCTION technique due to BergeronlOwas proposed for the
solution of this problem. However. besides
In drilling, a frequent and time-consuming other limitations, this model considered the
operation is the running of pipes in a borehole. friction as a "lumped" parameter and used artificial
Tripping a bit and running a casing or liner are orifices, placed at several points along the
a few common instances requiring such an operation. flow. to represent frictional pressure losses.
When pipe is pulled out of a hole at fast speeds
to save time, it may generate large swab, or negative In this paper. a new dynamic surge and swab
surge. pressures inside the hole, resulting in model is presented which not only predicts the
kicks. On the other hand, if pipe is run in too maximum surge and swab pressures or their variation
fast. it generates large surge pressures which with time at the bottom of the hole, casing-
can fracture the formation and result in lost circula- shoe, or at any other point in the borehole for
tion. a given trip speed, but also computes the maximum
safe trip speed for a specified pressure margin
In view of its importance, the problem of or effective circulating density (ECD). It treats
predicting surge and swab pressures and the safe friction as a distributed parameter and considers
r } ;,! various parameters in hole geometry, borehole
Reft=Lt=uct=1:> Ld ill ;t Lti, end If paper. expansion, varying trip speed, return area around


the drill bit. plugged jets, and the properties points are determined from the pressure changes
of the mud. Significant effects of some of these and the continuity of flow across the junctions.
parameters on the surge and swab pressures are The compressib~6ity of_rhe fluid, a~6is as~~med
illustrated with the help of examples for several to be 2.7 x 10 (psi) (0.39 x 10 (KPa) ),
wells. The computer program, based on this model. which is the compressibility of water at 122°F
can be used to predict surge pressures and safe and 7255 psi (50.02 MPa). Computer studies show
trip speed when running a casing, a liner, or a that minor variations in the value of a have
drill string. Computer studies show the model an insignificant effect on the surge and swab
to have fast computer run time. The major emphasis pressures. The expressions for expansibility
in this paper is on the results obtained from the of various conduits, B. derived from the theory
model instead of the mathematical development and of elastici£o' are already available in the technical
theory of the model. However, the main features literature. Regarding the frictional pressure
of the theory for the model are presented in the term, hf(q,V ), we gse the power-law model for
next section, and a later section discusses the the driIlingPfluid. Without entering into a
highlights of the model and the computer program. lengthy discussion about the relative merits
Finally, we present some test examples and conclusions of various rheological models, it is sufficient
based on this study. to state that we found this simple power-law
model quite satisfactory for the surge and swab
THEORY model. Expression for the frictional pressure
loss for the power-law fluid, derived on the
When a fluid is set in motion in a fluid line, basis aS r~~1gy flow in stationary pipes and
which in our case is due to the motion of a pipe annuli, ' is modified to include the effect
in a borehole, the resulting unsteady flow causes of pipe motion on the mean -L~j~9~~~~ fluid
pressure transients or surges that propagate in velocity and the flow rate, q. The use of
the line at the acoustic speed, c. The dynamic a steady-state frictional term in the analysis
behavior of the fluid transmission line of a certain of unsteady flow problem may be justified on
cross-section, A, for a given set of initial and the basis that the pressure gradient, dp/aZ,
boundary conditions, depends upon the fluid density, along the z-axis remains essentially constant
p, the compressibility of the fluid, a, the expan- over the small space grid 6z. In other words,
sibility of the conduit. S. and the resistance its time-variation over 6z is extremely small.
to flow or friction term,
Eq. (1) becomes nonlinear for the turbulent
The basic equations that describe the dynamic flow due to the nature of the friction term,
pressure, p, and the mean cross-sectional flow We therefore employ the Method of Characteris-
rate, q. in a vertically-oriented fluid transmission , which is explained in 1~ elementary fashion
line of a constant cross-sectional area. A, can in Streeter and Wiley's book and which has
be obtained from the momentum ball~~I~ contin- become, since early 1960's, a popular numerical
uity of and the equation of state. The technique for the solution of unsteady flow problems.
two partial-differential equations thus obtained This method essentially converts the partial-
can be written as: differential equations (1) and (2) into a set
of two ordinary differential equations, one of
which holds along one characteristic and the
other along the second characteristic. The use
of explicit finite-difference methods converts
these equations into the desired algebraic equations.
Zl'+s-c~ (2)
at Clz Starting with known initial conditions at
t = 0, we can determine the unknown pressures
and the flow rates at internal spatial grid points
along the line length from the resulting algebraic
where z is distance along the line, t is time, equations for the next time instant t = 6T. The
h denotes the frictional pressure loss per unit pressure and flow rate at the end points at t
length along the z-axis, V denotes the trip velocity, = 6T, namely, the boundary conditions are determined
and 8 denotes the surge imBedance and is given from the pressure changes and the continuity
by of flow across the end points of the line.
Regarding the initial conditions, let us
briefly examine the effect of initial pressures
The acoustic speed of propagation, c, is given required for breaking the gel of the mud. From
by the definition of compressibility, a for a fluid,
the increase in pressure, 6P. resulting from
c = -./g/p(a + ~) (3) a compression of fluid volume V by a small amount,
6V. is given as

We consider each section in a borehole, filled

with drilling fluid and communicating with the
other sections, as a fluid transmission line which (4)
is coupled at the junctions to the other lines.
The corresponding transmission line equations (1)
and (2) for each of the lines are then solved for
given initial and the boundary conditions at the
end points. The boundary conditions at the end

Suppose a pipe of cross-sectional area, A , 2. It warns about the danger of lost circula-
is moved a small distance 6L into an open hole P tion for the surge (or kick for the swab)
of cross-sectional area, ~, and length L from when the computed maximum pressure (or
the bottom of the pipe to the bottomhole. The minimum pressure for swab) exceeds (or falls
pressure increase, ~P, due to compressing the mud below) the specified pressure margin or
below the pipe, is given from Eq. (4) as the maximum (or minimum for swab) equivalent
mud weight. For each case, it computes the
maximum safe trip speed in order to avoid
(5 ) the lost circulation or the kick problem.
These answers can be obtained while running
in or pulling out pipe at various distances
-6 SubsE!tuting typi~gl for a 2.7 x from the bottom of the hole.
10 (psi) (0.39 x 10 (kPa) ,pipe OD = 9-
5/8 in. (26.45 em), openhole ID : 12-1/4 in. (31.1 The swab pressure is the negative of surge
em), L = 1000 ft (304.8 m), and 6L = 1 in. (2.54 pressure except when there is a float above the
em), we obtain the pressure increase 6P to be only drill bit which would permit flow in the downwards
19 psi (131 kPa) for moving the pipe one inch (2.54 direction when pulling the pipe from the hole.
cm). By the time the pipe has moved this small
distance, the gels would have broken. Therefore, The trip speed is time varying because the
the effect of breaking the gel on the initial pressure pipe is first accelerated to the maximum trip
may be considered insignificant, and the initial speed, run at that constant speed, and then decelera-
conditions can be assumed zero. ated to bring it to a stop. It has been found
that the acceleration and deceleration values
The computed pressures and flow rates along do not have a significant effect on the
the transmission line at t 6T are now used as We assume these values to be 1 ft per for
the initial conditions to compute these quantities the model. The speed profile, V (m), t = m6T,
at t 26T. This computation cycle is continued m 0, 1, 2, ... ,M, up to the timg of motion for
to determine the dynamic pressures and flow rates the pipe can be easily computed, and is assumed
at various time instants along a transmission line. constant over each small time increment, 6T.
If we are interested not in the time variation A typical trip speed profile is shown in Fig.
of the surge and swab pressures, but only in their 1.
maximum values at the hole-bottom and the casing-
shoe, it is relatively simple to do so. After The surge and swab pressures are computed
the computations for a given case have been completed, for the time of motion for the pipe. The pressures
if the surge or swab pressure exceeds (or is far can, however, be computed for the time after
below) the specified pressure margin or the permis- the pipe comes to a stop. It is interesting
sible mud weight - maximum for surge, and minimum to note that the surge and swab pressures may
for swab - the value of the maximum trip speed persist for a while after the pipe stops, due
can be decreased (or increased) and computations to the unsteady flow phenomenon, but they are
repeated until a safe maximum trip speed is deter- smaller than the pressures experienced during
mined that yields computed maximum surge or swab the motion of the pipe.
pressures within the specified margins.

A computer program, based on the theoretical A number of computer runs have been made
development of the dynamic surge and swab model, for several wells to study the effect of various
has been written, tested, and validated to some parameters on dynamic surge and swab pressures.
extent based on limited measured data. It simulates We present a few results from this study with
conditions in boreholes having fairly complex geo- the help of examples for several wells which
metries, taking into consideration casing, liner, illustrate the effect of some of the significant
open hole, tricone or diamond bits and return area parameters, namely, the tripping depth, hole
around the bit, drill collars, special pipe or expansion, mud properties, trip speed, annulus
top drill collars, and drill pipe. It also considers return area, and plugged jets for a tricone bit.
various other parameters such as dynamic trip velo- The input data required for the seven examples
city profile, mud properties, and the expansibility are given in Table 1.
of the various sections of the hole. The program
is interactive and user-friendly with simple input For the ~irst example (Example No.1, Table
requirements. It requires one megabyte of memory 1), Burkhardt actually measured the surge pressure
and has a fast computer run time. According to as the pipe was lowered into the wellbore. He
numerous test runs, the run time for the most com- also computed this pressure. based on his steady-
plex hole geometry has been about a minute of CPU state flow model. According to the results obtained
time on an IBM-3033 computer. from our program when the pipe is lowered into
the wel1bore at a depth of 1920 ft (585.2 m)
The program has the following main features: with a maximum trip speed of 6 ft/s (1.83 m/s),
the maximum surge pressure at the bottom of the
1. It predicts the maximum surge or swab cased hole is 218.6 psi per 1000 ft (4.94 kPa/m).
pressure or their variation with time at This compares favorably with the measured value
the bottomhole and casing-shoe when running of 218 psi per 1000 ft (4.93 kPa/m) as opposed
a casing joint, liner, or a drill pipe to a value of 246 psi per 1000 ft (5.56 kPa/m), 7
stand. computed from the steady-state traditional model.


The effect of tripping depth on the dynamic 1 minute, 30 seconds per stand) was computed
surge pressure at the bottom of the borehole is at a distance of 500 ft (152.4 m) from the bottom.
illustrated with the help of second example (Example While running the liner at a distance of 500
No.2, Table 1). Figure 1 shows the variation ft (152.4 m) from the bottom, the maximum surge
of surge pressure with time at the bottom of the pressures at the hole bottom and at the casing-
borehole &s a joint of casing is run at different shoe, for the maximum trip speed of 0.6 ft (18.29
depths at a maximum trip speed of 3 ft/s (0.914 cm) per second, were predicted to be 346 psi
m/s). It may be noted that the maximum surge pressure (2.386 MPa) and 128 psi (.882 MPa) , respectively.
at the bottom increases with depth at which the The liner was run successfully in the field according
pipe is moving. to this schedule. The well was later drilled
to a depth of 23,000 ft (7.01 km) and the trip
Example 3 illustrates the effect of hole expan- speed schedule for the production liner was also
sion on the surge pressure at the bottom for the computed from the model.
same wellbore as in Example 2, except that there
is not casing set in this example and the uncased In the seventh and last example (Example
hole has an ID of 9-7/8 in. (20.082 cm). It is No.7, Table 1), a drill string having tricone,
obvious from the plots in Figure 2 that the hole 8.5 in. (21.59 cm) size drill bit and 18 drill
expansion has a significant effect on the surge collars, ID = 2.75 in. (6.985 cm) and OD = 7.25
pressure. in. (18.4l5 m) below the drill pipe is run in
a wellbore. Each of the three jet nozzles is
Although density and viscosity of the mud 11/16 in. (1.746 cm) in diameter. The following
will affect the surge pressure, the yield value, results are obtained from the model for safe
yp. seems to be the most significant parameter. maximum trip speed and the corresponding maximum
The fourth example has the same input parameters surge pressures at the bottom and at the casing--
as Example 2 except that the plastic viscosity, shoe for the given pressure margin. For the
PV, is 25 cP (0.025 Pa·s) instead of 45 cP (0.045 specified pressure margin of 426 psi (2.937 MPa).
Pa.s) and the y~eld values are taken to be 15 the safe trip speed is predicted to be 2 ft (60.96
and 30 1b/lOO ft (0.733 and 1.466 kgf/m). Figure cm) per second when the drill bit is run in at
3 shows that the surge pressure at the bottom of a distance of 210 ft (64 m) from the bottom.
the borehole increases with the yield value of The maximum surge pressure at the bottom and
the drilling fluid. at the casing shoe, corresponding to the safe
trip speed, are 347 psi (2.392 MPa) and 244 psi
The fifth example (Example No.5, Table 1) (1.682 MPa), respectively.
concerns running a casing in an actual well. The
results from the model for surge pressures at the It is, perhaps, worthwhile to report here
bottom of the hole, while running in a joint of that since the model takes into account the effect
casing at various trip speeds at a distance of of return area around the drill bits, a detailed
1000 it (0.305 km) from the hole-bottom, are given study concerning the effect of balled bits has
in T~ble 2. For an overbalance of 0.4 lb/gal (47.93 been made. The normal return area for a tricone
kg/m ) which gives at the bottom of the hole a bit is about 15% of the projected bit face area.
pressure margin of 284 psi (1.965 MPa) , the safe For the seventh example, if the nozzles are completely
maximum trip speed schedule at various depths is plugged and the bit with normal annulus return
given in Table 3. This schedule was successfully area is run in at 2 ft (60.96 cm) per second
followed in the field. The IBM-3033 computer CPU at a distance of 210 ft (64 m) from the bottom,
time for obtaining the surge pressure for each the maximum surge pressure at the bottom is 420
maximum trip speed at a given depth for this case psi (2.896 MFa). If the available return area
was about 2 seconds. This time depends, of course, is constricted to 50% of the normal return area
mainly on the length of the minimum section, the in this example. this pressure increases only
total depth of the well, and the time of motion to 425 psi (2.93 MPa). This maximum surge pressure.
for a casing joint, or in other words, on the number however, increases to 425 psi (2.93 MPa). This
of spatial and time grid points at which the computa- maximum surge pressure, however. increases to
tions have to be performed. 1194 psi (8.232 MPa) if the return area is con-
stricted to 5% of the normal return area. The
The sixth example (Example No.6, Table 1) variation of the surge pressure with time at
concerns running a liner in an actual well in Texas. the hole-bottom for different return areas is
A 6,742 ft- (2055 m-) liner below a drill pipe shown in Figure 4. Further computer studies
of an ID = 4.276 in. (10.86 cm) and OD = 5 in. for this example show that opening of the jet
(12.7 cm) is to be run to the bottom of the hole. nozzles in the bit reduces the maximum surge
The open hole has an ID of 9 in. (22.86 cm) due pressure by providing relief through flow into
to washout and erosion. The maximum ~ermissib1e the drill pipe while running in the drill string.
overbalance is 0.4 lb/ga1 (47.93 kg/m ), which For example, with open jet nozzles - each of
specifies a pressure margin of 396 psi (2.73 MPa) diameter 11/16 in. (1.746 cm) - the maximum surge
at bottomhole. pressure at the bottom for 5% of the normal return
area drops to 662 psi (4.564 MPa).
According to the program. a safe maximum trip
speed of 0.8 ft (24.38 cm) per second (or 1 minute, Based on computer runs for the preceding
54 seconds per stand of drill pipe (90 ft = 27.43 examples and several other wells. the following
m» was recommended for running in the liner above conclusions regarding surge and swab pressures
2000 ft (609.6 m) from the hole-bottom so as not can be drawn.
to exceed the specified pressure margin. The safe
trip speed of 0.6 ft (18.29 em) per second (or


1. The computations of surge and swab pressures

frictional pressure loss per Unl t length
on the basis of steady-state flow are
generally incorrect in view of the unsteady PV plastic: viscosity ft-om Fann meter
nature of the flow.
dynamic pres$u)';c or pcessure devl.J.tlull ~com the hydrostatic pressure
2. As far as the effect of various parameters
on the surge and swab pressures is concerned, mean cross-sectional flow rate
these parameters can be listed, in order
of their importance, as follows. The most = surge impedance, pel A
critical parameters are the maximum trip
speed and various parameters in hole geo- 6.T time lncrement
metry, such as size of the hole and various
pipes. depth of the well, and the relative :: time
depth at which a pipe is being run. We
observe from the first example and Table 3 = volwne
that we may run a pipe at a higher trip
speed when running at large distances from vp '" trip speed
the bottom, but one has to note carefully
the increase in surge pressure at the casing- YP yield value from fann meter
shoe (Table 3) when the pipe is close to it.
The effect of expansion of the hole and " spatial coordinat.e

other conduits is also significant. In

the case of drill string. the plugging of III spa tia 1 inc rement

the jet nozzles in tricone bits (or crowfoot

area in diamond bits) and the constriction
= compressibility of the fluid
of annulus return area can also have a
significant effect on the surge and swab
" expanslbility of the condult
pressures. Regarding the effect of mud
parameters, the increase in yield value has
mud weight dens i ty
maximum, although not as much as preceding
parameters, effect on the surge pressure,
followed by the plastic viscosity and the
mud weight. The mud weight appears to have ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
relatively small effect on the surge pres-
sures. The author wishes to thank Amoco Production
Company for permission to publish this work.
CONCLUSIONS The author also expresses his gratitude to L.
L. Hoberock for his valuable contribution to
The dynamic surge and swab model described many phases of this work.
in this paper is based on the physics of the surge
and swab phenomenon, which simply dictates considera-
tion of the unsteady flow dynamics. The computer
program written for the model includes almost all 1. Cannon, George E.: "Changes in Hydrostatic
the significant parameters. It is user-friendly Pressure Due to Withdrawing Drill Pipe from
and has fast run times. Above all, it accurately the Hole," Drill. and Prod. Prac .• API (1934) 42.
predicts not only the maximum surge pressure or
its time-variation at any point in the well, but 2. Goins, W. C.• Jr., Weichart. J. P., Burba, J.L .•
also computes the safe maximum trip speed when Jr., Dawson, D. D., Jr., and Teplitz, A. J.:
running a casing, liner, or a drill string at a "Down-the-Hole Pressure Surges and Their Effect
given depth in the borehole. We have employed on Loss of Circulation," Drill. and Prod. Prac.,
a power-law rheological model for the mud in this API (1951) 125.
program. Other rheological models, and for that
matter variation of mud properties with temperature 3. Cardwell, W. T .• Jr.: "Pressure Changes in
and pressure, can easily be incorporated. However, Drilling Wells Caused by Pipe Movement," Drill.
small variations: in mud properties do not appear and Prod. Prac., API (1953) 97.
to have as significant an effect as some of the
other parameters. 4. Ormsby, George S.: "Calculation and Control
of Mud Pressures in Drilling and Completion
In view of the frequency of running various Operations," Drill. and Prod. Prac .• API (1954)
pipes in drilling and the dangers of lost circulation 44.
and gas kicks associated with such operations,
this model should prove to be a very valuable tool 5. Clark, E.H., Jr.: "Bottom-Hole Surges While
for drilling assistance. Running Pipe," Pet. Eng. (1955) 27, B-68.

NOMENCLATURE 6. Clark, E. H., Jr.: "A Graphic View of Pressure

Surges and Lost Circulation," Drill. and Prod.
Prac., APC (1956) 424.
:= cross-sectional area, general term

acoustic speed of propagation

7. Burkhardt. J. A.: "Wellbore Pressure Surges
Produced by Pipe Movement," J. Pet. Tech.
'" gravitational Constant.
(June 1961) 595-605.


8. Schuh, F. J.: "Computer Makes Surge-Pressure Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New
Calculations Useful," Oil and Gas J. (Aug. 1964) York (1975) 629-667.
13. Streeter, V.L.: "Unsteady Flow Calculations by
9. Fontenot, J.E. and Clark, R.E.: "An Improved Numerical Methods," J. Basic Eng. (June 1972)
Method for Calculating Swab and Swab Pressures 457-466.
and Calculating Pressures in a Drilling Well."
SPE J. (Oct. 1974) 451-462. 14. Metzner, A. B. and Reed, J.C.: "Flow of Non-
Newtonian Fluids Correlation of the Laminar,
10. Lubinski, A., Jsu, F. R., and Nolte, K.G.: Transition, and Turbulent Flow Regions," AIChE
Transient Pressure Surges Due to Pipe Movement J. (Dec. 1955) 434.
in an Oil Well," revue de L'Inst. Franc. du Pet.
(May-June 1977) 307-347. 15. Dodge, D. W. and Metzner, A.B.: "Turbulent Flow
of Non-Newtonian Systems," AIChE J. (June 1959)
11. Robinson, L. H., Jr., Speers, J. M., Watkins, 189.
L. A., Barry, A. and Miller, J.F.: "Exxon MWD
Unexpected," Oil and Gas J. (April 1980) 86. 16. Savins, F. J.: "Generalized Newtonian (Pseudo-
plastic) Flow in Stationary Pipes and Annuli,"
12. Streeter, V.L. and Wylie, E.B.: Fluid Mechanics, Pet. Trans. AIME (1958) 213, 189.

Total Depth, ft 2100 18000 13650 19042 15500

(kIn) 0.640 5.486 4.16 5.804 4.724
Casing Set,
Depth, ft 2100 3000 4360 12808 14000
(m) 640.1 914.4 1329 3904 4267
ID, in. 8.835 10.192 8.679 8.535 8.681
(em) 22.440 25.889 22.044 21.678 22.050
OD, in. 9.625 10.750 9.625 9.625 9.625
(em) 24.448 27.305 24.448 24.448 24.448
Openhole ID, in. 9.875 10 9 8.5
(em) 20.082 25.4 22.86 21.59
Pipe Run, ID, in. 6.366 6.625 6.184 6.56 3.34
(em) 16.170 16.828 15.707 16.662 8.484
OD, in. 7 7.625 7 7.75 4
(em) 17.78 19.368 17.78 19.685 10.16
Mud ,
p: Ib/ gal 10.8 14 9.6 16.7 16.9
(kg/m 3 ) 1294 1678 1150 2001 2025
PV: eP 13 45 17 17 45
(Pa's) 0.013 0.045 0.017 0.017 0.045
YP: lb/lOO ft2 8 30 20 7 15
(kgf/m2) 0.391 1.466 0.978 0.342 0.723

JJtfl ~
Safe Maximum Max imum Eq u i v 11 1 en l
Computed Maximum Surge Pre$surc at Di fferent Maximum Weight 10 lb/gal Running Casing H
When Running a £t (304.8 m)
from Mud Wt. 9.6 (Example No.5)

Time Mal<. Bottomhole Pipe Distance

from flo le- Bottom
Min!"!c~ ~Jx_ .3D4gm) ...

2.0 0.40 498 10.30 8000 1. 20 0.63

1.6 9.96
0.48 438 10.22 6000 1. 00 0.75 219 9.98
1.4 405 10.17 5000 0.80 o 93
1.2 9.95
371 10.12 4000 0.80 0,93
1.1 9.97
354 10.10 'lOOO 0.80 0,93 277 194
1.0 0.75 336 ]0. 07
2000 0.7 1. 06 26S 173
0.9 0.83 9.97
317 10.15 1000 0.7 1.06 173
0.8 9 .99
0.93 297 10.02 500 0,6 1. 23 166 9 .98
0.7 1.06 276 9.99


~ ::~ ~~~:~~ ~~ ~~T. i! 1500

l~ 0 PIP£ MOVING AT 1700) FT. 8
21 24 I.&.J
c::: 1000 l;'

Q.. ..:.:...- HOLE EXPANS ION
. 0., .",
"tJ 500

o .'

Figure I EffHt of Depth on Surge Pressu(e a L RottQmbo Ie Figure 2. Effect of Hole Expansion on SLlrge Pressure at BotLomhole
(Example No. (F:xamplc No.3)


( , - -..,/ \
. --~.-\

I .
~ 1000
V'I . \
YP • 30 IbilOO ft2
I .,,\ \
~: ,:~.: , ..Q.':.~ .~ .::.~:.:~.:~.::~::.~::.::.::::~.::.:\\
.... 500
' .. ,.


o 10 40 50

Figure 3. Effect of Yield V,llue on Surge Pressure .1t Bottomhole Figure 4. Effect Annu.lus Return Area on Surge Pressure at Ronomllolc
(Example No.4) (Example No.7)

~,I l ....
/ (,..

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