Prayer Diary Download Sunday Nights: L D: S S 1 Sam 18:20-23 1 Sam 22:1-2 1 Sam 25 2 Sam 5:6-10
Prayer Diary Download Sunday Nights: L D: S S 1 Sam 18:20-23 1 Sam 22:1-2 1 Sam 25 2 Sam 5:6-10
Prayer Diary Download Sunday Nights: L D: S S 1 Sam 18:20-23 1 Sam 22:1-2 1 Sam 25 2 Sam 5:6-10
Sunday Nights
5:30-7:00P.M. AWANA for Kids,
#FeedYourSoul Prayer Service for Youth & Adults
Wednesday Nights
6:30P.M. Junior Choir Rehearsal for Kids
Youth Fall Outdoor Series
Survey of the book of Hebrews for Adults
Pastor Alan Shelby 07 Oct 18
Like Me On thesis
Obstacles are __________________________ waiting for you
Follow Me On to unwrap with the Holy Spirit, and let the word of God
Instagram: washelby Twitter: @revshelby do the work.
Point Five
“God wants us to be at the drab Holy highlights allow you to experience
everyday level, where we live in the sacred ____________________.
valley according to our personal
relationship with Him. …Look back at
your own experience and you will find Point SIX
that until you learned who Jesus really Always dress yourself in Bible
was, you were a skillful skeptic about ________________________.
His power. When you were on the
mountaintop you could believe anything,
but what about when you were faced Outline of Today’s Text Point SEVEN
with the facts of the valley? …The last The key to behaving heroically is to
time you were on the mountain with I. LEAVING AS A SHEPHERD, 20-22
A. Command of the Father, 20-21 think ____________________.
God, you saw that all the power in
heaven and on earth belonged to Jesus— B. Coming of the Son, 22
will you be skeptical now, simply because II. ARRIVING AS A SOLDIER, 23-27
A. Champion of the Foe, 23
you are in the valley [facing the giant]?“
B. Climate of Failure, 24-25 Definition
— Oswald Chambers C. Question of the Fighter, 26 • Faith is belief plus unbelief, and
D. Confession of the Fellowship, 27 ____________ on the belief part.