F290 Paper Final
F290 Paper Final
F290 Paper Final
A preliminary study was conducted to evaluate the effect of activated bamboo charcoal from
giant thorny bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea) as filter in closed recirculating system. Other
treatments used in this experiment were wood charcoal and sand and gravel (control). There were
200 Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings (size 22) stocked in each tank to serve as test
animals. The reduction of ammonia and nitrite from week 0 up to week 3 were analyzed and
recorded. Statistically, the abovementioned filter agents did not show any significant (p<0.05) in
reducing the ammonia and nitrite level of the water. The results of this study indicates that bamboo
charcoal is the better filter agent as compared to other filters such as sand and gravel and wood
charcoal, due to its capacity to reduce the level of nitrite in the culture system for one week. In
addition, bamboo charcoal can also minimize the risk environmental disease such as the abrupt
changes in nitrite level. And bamboo charcoal can also be a reliable and cost-effective source of
filter and it will ultimately contribute to the success of culturing fish in closed recirculating system.
Keywords: Nile tilapia, activated bamboo charcoal, wood charcoal, mechanical filtration, ammonia,
1. Introduction
Environmental diseases such as low traditional method of growing fish outdoors in
dissolved oxygen, high ammonia, high nitrite, open ponds, net cages or tanks, this system
or natural or man-made toxins in the aquatic rears fish at high densities, in indoor tanks
environment are very lethal to cultured within a controllable rearing environment.
organism. Inadequate water quality can cause Recirculating systems filter and clean the
more losses than any other problem. It can water for recycling back through fish culture
wipe out an entire stock of fish in a tanks. New water is added to the tanks only to
short period of time. make up for water loss due to splash out and
evaporation and for that used to flush out
Thru period of time, aquaculture
waste materials to storage tanks. In contrast,
has undergone various innovations such many older style tank systems used to grow
as the creation of intensive farming trout are termed "open" or "flow through"
system. This is due to the high demand systems because all the water makes only
of aquaculture products in the market. one pass through the tank and then is
Closed recirculating system is one discarded (Losordo, et al. 1998).
classic example of intensive aquaculture
However, total adoption of the
system. High stocking density and
recirculating system in the Philippines for
excessive use of feeds are some of the
commercial scale may not be fully realized
characteristics if this farming method.
due to the high cost of energy and materials,
These systems demonstrate a lot such as pipes, water pumps and different filter
of problems in the environment if it will agents. As a country with rich natural
be handled improperly. Such problem is resources, indigenous materials should be
The purpose of the present study was 2.3. Feeding and stocking
to investigate the effect of activated bamboo
charcoal from Giant Thorny Bamboo Before stocking, the test animals were
(Bambusa arundinacea) as filter in closed initially weighed (g) in order to determine their
recirculating system and to determine its
feed requirements. Total biomass of fish in
capacity in reducing ammonia and nitrite.
each tank was determined using analytical
2. Materials and Methods balance. A 32% protein diet was given for the
whole period of the experiment. Feed ratio
2.1. Experimental design and treatment
was 10% of the average body weight of
The experiment was conducted in Tilapia. The feed was adjusted every week
University of the Philippines Visayas, after sampling. And growth rate was also
Brackishwater Aquaculture which is located in monitored every week to determine the exact
Nabitasan, Leganes, Iloilo. amount of feeds to be given to the test
The experiment was performed using
two treatments with three replicates each. After the experiment, the survival and
Treatment one was the activated bamboo growth rate of fish in each tank was also
charcoal and treatment two was the ordinary recorded. The stocking density was
wood charcoal. Sand and gravel was also approximately 200 pcs. of fingerlings per
established as control. Nine concrete tanks (1 square meter in a tank filled with water to
tonner) were used in this experiment. The about 100 cm level.
2.4. Monitoring of Physico-chemical Throughout the duration of the experiment,
properties physico-chemical properties of the water in
the experimental tanks were observed.
Table 1
Dissolved oxygen, salinity and
Ammonia level in different filters from week 0
temperature were monitored in daily basis
to week 3.
throughout the duration of the experiment,
Treat Week Wee Week Week
while ammonia, nitrite and pH were monitored
ment 0 k1 2 3
once a week. DO was determined using the
oxygen meter YSI model 57 while
. . . .
14±.0 23±. 48±. 47±.
temperature and salinity were monitored ol
3 06 08 07
using thermometer and refractometer.
Ammonia and Nitrite were determined using . . . .
Wood 12±.0 20±. 30±. 35±.
the spectrophotometer (spectronic 20+) while
2 02 03 04
pH was monitored using the MP 220 pH
meter. . . . .
11±.0 16±. 18±. 31±.
2.5. Statistical analysis 1 01 01 01
Values are means + SD
Physico-chemical properties of water
such as ammonia, nitrite and pH were 3.2 Changes in Nitrite level
analyzed using a One-Sample T test to
Nitrite level from week 0 to week 3 in
compare the effects of different filters in
each treatment using sand and gravel
different treatments.
(control) wood charcoal and bamboo charcoal
3. Results as filter demonstrate a gradual reduction as
presented in table 2, but statistically, using T-
3.1 Changes in ammonia level
test, the three treatments does not show any
Ammonia level from week 0 to week 3 significance (P<0.05) in reducing nitrite level
in each treatment using sand and gravel in the water.
(control) wood charcoal and bamboo charcoal
Table 2
as filter doesn’t shows any reduction as
presented in table 1, and statistically, using T- Nitrite level in different filters from week 0 to
week 3
test, the three treatments does not show any
Treat Week Wee Week Week During the entire period of the
ment 0 k1 2 3 experiment, physico-chemical properties of
. . . . the water were slightly varied in every
06±. 02±. 24±. 2o±. treatment. In treatment 1 (wood charcoal), the
04 01 04 01 DO was maintained at 5.64±0.40, while in
Cont 6.88± 7.07±. 6.89± 7.37± Treat Week Wee Week Week
rol .37 64 .40 .05 ment 0 k1 2 3
Woo 7.31± 7.58±. 7.34± 7.46± Contr 6.07± 5.30± 3.53±. 4.53±.
d .11 09 .02 .01 ol .51 .0 31 35
Table 5 4. Discussion
The level of Nitrite in tank under sand
Salinity level (ppt) in different filters from week
0 to week 3 and gravel filter (control) doesn’t shows any
Treat Week Wee Week Week significant (p<0.05) effect statistically and
ment 0 k1 2 3 numerically. It means that sand and gravel
have no capability in reducing the level of
35 35 40 42 Nitrite as the culture period increasing (fig.1).
Wood 35 35 40 42
nitrite level in week 1 doesn’t shows any The use of bamboo charcoal as one of
Fig.3. Comparison of Nitrite level in tank and pit of compare to the sand and gravel (control) and
bamboo charcoal filter (control) from week 0 to wood charcoal. But in observing the ammonia
week. level in the water, all treatments have no
However, in comparing the ammonia capability in reducing the level of ammonia as
level in tanks and pits as shown in figure 4 to the culture period increases. Therefore, it is
6 , all treatments does not show any concluded that in closed recirculating system,
significant (p<0.05) effect statistically and bamboo charcoal is the better filter agent
numerically in reducing ammonia in the water. among the two other filters. In addition, it is
With this regard, mechanical filters such as also concluded that bamboo charcoal can
sand and gravel (control), wood charcoal and minimize the risk of environmental disease
bamboo charcoal does not have the capability such as the abrupt changes in nitrite level.
to decrease the amount of ammonia as the And bamboo charcoal can also be a reliable
culture period increases. and cost-effective source of filter and it will
Moreover, even though the level of ultimately contribute to the success of
nitrite and ammonia in the culture system did culturing fish in closed recirculating system.
not fit to the recommended requirement
(Masser et al, 1999), the culture animals still Acknowledgment
have a rate of 100% survival. The author would like to thank
Professor Valeriano L. Corre for his
Fig.4. Comparison of Ammonia level in tank and immeasurable support for this experiment and
pit of sand and gravel filter (control) from week 0 all the staff in BAC, Mr. Vianney T. Ojerio and
to week 3. Rey Alaban for their encouragements and
undying assistance.