Khabs and Khu
Khabs and Khu
Khabs and Khu
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note that we have kept ourselves quite busy in the interim. Since the
publication of the last issue of InSight in the Spring, we have
consistently celebrated the Gnostic Mass every Sunday including the
debut of a new Priest, a new Priestess, and two new Deacons. We
have also instituted a new “Community Visioning Discussion” to take
place every quarter, where the entire local community may gather to
discuss their visions for the future of Blazing Star Oasis. In late July,
we had an episcopal visit from Tau Iames who certified several
members in First Aid and CPR as well as ordaining a Deacon.
In terms of classes, we have instituted a new rotating Tuesday
schedule. On 1st Tuesdays, we have “Thelema Talk,” a roundtable
discussion about various topics that have so far included 'Thelema &
Age,' 'Thelema & Community,' 'Thelema & Magick,' and 'Thelema &
Superstition.' On our 2nd Tuesdays, we have “Magick in Theory”
where we talk about the theory and symbolism behind various
magical practices, which is complemented by our class on 3 rd
Tuesdays, “Magick in Practice,” where we get up and do the ritual
learned about in the previous week. So far we have had theory and
practice classes on the Star Ruby, the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram,
and Liber Resh. On 4th Tuesdays, we have “Reading/Discussion”
where we read a text by Crowley and discuss it; so far we have read
and discussed 'Duty' and 'Definitions and Theorems of Magick.' We
also regularly have a “Gnostic Boot Camp” once a month, where we
examine the Gnostic Mass in depth. Recently, we have had Gnostic
Boot Camps on the topics of 'The Creed,' 'The Anthem,' 'Why do we
celebrate Mass?,' 'Mechanics & Non-verbal Aspects of the Mass,' and
'The Deacon.' We have also instituted a new class, “The Foundation
of All Paths,” every 1st Thursday of the month where I lead an
ongoing experiential exploration of the methods of mysticism and
meditation that is more practical than didactic.
To mark formally the transition of our Executive Staff, we held an
Installation Ceremony on Sunday 23 September. This was followed
“…Appear on the throne of Ra! / Open the ways of the Khu! /
Lighten the ways of the Ka! / The ways of the Khabs run
through / To stir me or still me! / Aum! let it fill me!”
–Liber AL vel Legis III:37
While the name Ra and the mystical mantra Aum are familiar to
most, the meaning of the words Khu, Ka, and Khabs may be obscure.
To understand the meaning and significance of these words requires
a basic understanding of Egyptian metaphysics. My intention is to
unravel some of the mysteries of Egyptian metaphysics, which are
rather complex, and shed some light on these terms and put them is
a context so that we, as Thelemites, begin to understand how they
are fundamental components of our beliefs. Before reading on, I
would like to clarify that I do not proclaim to be an expert in this
field and that all of the information enclosed herein is available on
the internet. Therefore, I am not providing references or footnotes in
this document. However, if anyone would like general references for
their own purposes and/or edification, I will provide them.
components (Ha, Khat, the soul proper, Ku or Akh, and Khabs). The
soul proper was divided into five additional subcomponents (Ib or
Ab, Ren and Sekhem-paired, Khaibit or Sheut, Ba, and Ka). En toto,
the nine individual or paired components are:
The Ha is the physical body (muscle, bone, organs, blood, etc.) and is
beyond the scope of Egyptian metaphysics. Therefore, it will not be
discussed in this article. It was included only to provide a more
complete picture of how the Egyptians perceived “man”.
Ib or Ab (heart)
The Ib resides in the Khat. The glyphs for the word Ib are a heart
combined with the determinative for the number "one" and is
translated variously as: psycho-spiritually as “wish, intelligence,
The Analysis of the Keyword occupies the same place in the schema
of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram (L.B.R.H.) as does the
Qabalistic Cross in the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
(L.B.R.P.)— which is to say that it is both the first and the last thing
normally done in that ritual. In point of fact, the L.B.R.H. should be
preceded by the Qabalistic Cross in addition to the Analysis of the
Keyword; however, this is typically a moot point, as the L.B.R.P.
almost universally precedes the performance of the L.B.R.H.
The Keyword to be analyzed is I.N.R.I., an abbreviation that can be
Pillar of the Tree of Life and is then either circulated throughout the
magician's sphere of sensation or projected out through Kether,
Malkuth, Gevurah and Chesed to the rest of the universe. Of course,
these last acts are virtually identical when one considers that the
sphere of sensation is the "magic mirror" or individual microcosm of
the macrocosmic universe. Thus, we see that Light in Extension not
only is a direct strengthening/energizing of the sphere of sensation
of the individual magician (as mentioned in a previous article on the
Qabalistic Cross), but is a sharing or extending of that energy with
the All. Thus, it is an exercise of the Great Work — both for the
“A Vision”
by Frater IAO131
In the East there are two obelisks, with countercharges in black and
white. The Positive Child stands facing North in front of the white
obelisk holding a censer of fire and a casket of perfume. The Negative
The small altar and font stand in the temple, as in the Gnostic Mass.
The two post-shaped talismans lie upon the central small altar; the
glass vase with water and the the two circular talismans lie upon the
font. The talismans have already been strung with their respective
color threads (i.e. white for the post-shaped and black for the
circular talismans).
The Children say the incantation and visualize the LUX between
The Children approach the font and stand facing West. The negative
child mixes the water and salt in the font and says:
NEGATIVE CHILD: “Let the salt of Earth admonish the water to bear
the virtue of the Great Sea.”
Both Children, with their right hands, pick up the circular talismans
by their threads and dip them into the water. After raising them from
the water, the Children place them in their left hands genuflect,
raising the pendants and say:
The Positive Child lays her talisman back onto the altar. The Children
turn towards each other. The Positive Child takes the talisman from
the Negative Child and ties it around her neck.
The Children then turn around and approach the central small altar,
facing East. The Positive Child places incense in the censor and says:
POSITIVE CHILD: “Let the Fire and the Air make sweet the world!”
The Negative Child places her talisman on the altar. The Children
turn towards each other. The Negative Child takes the talisman from
the Positive Child and ties it around her neck.
The Children return to their spots as in the beginning and repeat the
incantation and visualize the LUX.
lingering identity issues and are this planet. Who do you want to
ready to take a more decisive be?
approach to life's challenges.
With Saturn entering Scorpio on Sagittarius: The Archer
October 5th, the realistic eye of Your ruler, Jupiter (Good Fortune
Saturn turns to your financial life. and Luck), is transiting your
It's time to get organized and House of Partnerships. This is a
create a solid budget. If there's fantastic time to make con-
some area of your career that nections that will bring pros-
requires persistence and com- perity into your life. Now is the
mitment, you will be over time to negotiate for what you
supplied with those qualities. want! Business relationships are
highlighted. Saturn moving into
Scorpio: The Scorpion Scorpio on October 5th ushers in
Scorpio will get a massive power a time to purge the situations,
boost. Your ruling planet, Mars, behaviors and negative thoughts
will be entering your sign along that hold you back. Resolve the
with Saturn this Fall. It means parts of your life that feel vague
you can put ambition together or undefined, because in two
with perfect timing - a winning years Saturn will be entering
combination. Saturn will wrap your sign. This will usher in a
you in a leaden blanket of new phase of your life. By
support, giving you greater spending the next two years on
protection for the next two years. purification, you will be ready.
As for love, you will have a
tremendous amount of sex Capricorn: The Sea Goat
appeal! The main thing for you Your horoscope this Fall is VERY
though, is reflection and new interesting. Your ruler, Saturn, is
growth around how you see entering Scorpio, while Scorpio's
yourself. Saturn moving into ruling planet, Pluto, is in
Scorpio is the start of a period of Capricorn. This is referred to as
self reflection and clarification of "mutual reception" which means
your identity and your path on Authority (Saturn) meets
Every Sunday
Public celebration of the Gnostic Mass.
Doors open at 3:30pm;
Mass begins at 4:18pm.
Every Tuesday
Oasis Master office hours
Talk with the Master of the Oasis about
Thelema, pick up or drop off applications,
or whatever you will. 5:30pm-7:30pm