2008 Sprinter Owners Manual PDF
2008 Sprinter Owners Manual PDF
2008 Sprinter Owners Manual PDF
81-326-0899 First Edition Printed in U.S.A.
With respect to any Vehicles Sold in Canada, the name This manual illustrates and describes the operation of
Chrysler LLC shall be deemed to be deleted and the features and equipment that are either standard or op-
name Chrysler Canada Inc. used in substitution therefor. tional on this vehicle. This manual may also include a
DRIVING AND ALCOHOL description of features and equipment that are no longer
Drunken driving is one of the most frequent causes of available or were not ordered on this vehicle. Please
accidents. disregard any features and equipment described in this
Your driving ability can be seriously impaired with blood manual that are not on this vehicle.
alcohol levels far below the legal minimum. If you are
drinking, don’t drive. Ride with a designated non-drinking Chrysler LLC reserves the right to make changes in
driver, call a cab, a friend, or use public transportation. design and specifications, and/or make additions to or
improvements to its products without imposing any
obligation upon itself to install them on products previ-
ously manufactured.
Driving after drinking can lead to an accident. Your
perceptions are less sharp, your reflexes are slower,
and your judgment is impaired when you have been
drinking. Never drink and then drive.
Copyright © 2007 Chrysler LLC
nf_BA.book Page 1 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Thank you for choosing the new Country-specific vehicle equipment, lim- vehicle. For this reason, you should al-
Sprinter Vehicle. ited availability of items of special equip- ways keep them in the vehicle and pass
ment or different product labeling is them on to the new owner if you sell the
Before your first journey, please familiar-
possible in some countries. vehicle.
ize yourself with your vehicle and how it
operates, as well as its driving, control Chrysler Vans LLC reserves the right to The technical documentation team at
and convenience functions. introduce changes in design, equipment Chrysler Vans LLC wishes you safe and
Before you drive off, read these Operat- and technical features. You cannot, pleasant driving.
ing Instructions. This will help you get therefore, base any claims on the data,
the most out of your vehicle and avoid illustrations or descriptions contained in
endangering yourself and others. these Operating Instructions.
Your nearest authorized Sprinter Dealer
Since the scope of delivery is based on
will be happy to assist you further if you
the sales order, your vehicle’s equip-
have any other questions.
ment may differ from some descriptions
and illustrations. Items of optional The Operating Instructions, brief instruc-
equipment are also described in these tions, Sprinter Service Booklet, Owner’s
Operating Instructions, should you re- Warranty Information Book and equip-
quire a description of the way they work. ment-related supplementary operating
instructions are considered part of the
nf_BA.book Page 2 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Symbols Trademarks
H Environmental note
! Caution
i Tip
Action required
Sequence of actions (several )
Continuation symbol
page Page reference
DisplayDisplay in the multifunction
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Introduction ............................5
1 At a glance ............................17
2 Safety .....................................33
4 Operation ............................301
Index............................................. 637
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nf_BA.book Page 5 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Environmental protection
Environmental protection
Fuel consumption and engine, transmis- Do not carry any unnecessary weight
Environmental note H sion, brake and tire wear depend on the in/on the vehicle.
Chrysler’s declared policy is one of compre- two following factors: Keep an eye on the vehicle’s fuel con-
hensive environmental protection. Operating conditions of your vehicle sumption.
Your personal driving style Remove roof racks once you no long-
The objectives are for the natural resourc- er need them.
es which form the basis of our existence You can influence both factors.
A regularly serviced vehicle will con-
on this planet to be used sparingly and in Observe the following notes: tribute to environmental protection.
a manner which takes the requirements
Operating conditions You should therefore adhere to the
of both nature and humanity into ac- specified service intervals.
count. Avoid driving short distances as this
increases fuel consumption. Always have maintenance work car-
You too can contribute to environmental ried out at an authorized Sprinter
Make sure that the tire pressures are Dealer.
protection by operating your vehicle in an
always correct.
environmentally-responsible manner.
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Environmental protection
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Operating safety
Operating safety
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Operating safety
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Operating safety
Service and warranty information years or 100000 miles (160000 km) thorized Sprinter Dealer, there is a
or 3000 hours of engine operation, possibility that your vehicle has not been
The manufacturer warrants to the origi- whichever occurs first. registered in your name with the manu-
nal and each subsequent owner of a facturer. The manufacturer will only be
Mercedes-Benz heavy-duty on highway The Owner’s Warranty Information Book
able to inform you about vehicle inspec-
diesel engine that: contains detailed information about the
tions if the manufacturer is in posses-
warranties covering your Sprinter Vehi-
(1) the engine was designed, built and sion of your registration data.
equipped so as to conform at the
It is advisable to have your vehicle regis-
time of sale with the applicable regu- Registering your vehicle tered at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
lations adopted by the Federal Envi-
The manufacturer may instruct its au-
ronmental Protection Agency, and Inform the manufacturer as soon as pos-
thorized Sprinter Dealer to carry out
sible if your address has changed or
(2) the emission control system of such technical inspections on certain vehicles
there has been a change of vehicle own-
engine is free from defects in materi- to improve their quality or safety.
als and workmanship which would
If you did not purchase your vehicle from
cause it not to conform with those
an authorized dealership and your vehi-
regulations for a period of use of five
cle has not yet been inspected at an au-
nf_BA.book Page 10 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
Digital speedometer and total Modifying the engine power out- Tampering with the electronic engine
distance recorder put management system modifies emission
values and it will not be possible to guar-
Do not allow the electronically stored to- Having the engine power output of your antee the operating safety of the engine
tal distance covered by your vehicle to vehicle increased by tampering with the in every case. Increases in performance
be modified as a result of tampering with electronic engine management system may lead to malfunctions and conse-
the electronics system. will invalidate the vehicle’s general oper- quential damage to other assemblies.
This type of modification or failing to in- ating permit and insurance coverage, as
well as your warranty and warranty enti- If you sell the vehicle, failing to inform
form the buyer when selling the vehicle
tlement. the buyer of the modified engine power
could constitute an offense punishable
output could constitute an offense pun-
by law, depending on the country con- Modifications to the output of the engine
ishable by law, depending on the country
cerned. must be reported to the insurance pro-
vider and require the vehicle to be recer-
tified. The tires, chassis, brake and
cooling systems must be adapted to the
increased engine power output.
nf_BA.book Page 11 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
Vehicle alterations Body builder guideline Chrysler Vans LLC
P.O. Box 21-8004
The manufacturer recommends the use If you intend on making any alterations
Auburn Hills, MI 48321-8004
of genuine Sprinter parts and conversion to the vehicle, we strongly recommend
United States of America
parts as well as accessories that have that you select one of the following op-
been expressly approved for your vehi- tions in order to obtain all necessary in-
cle model ( page 600). formation:
These parts have been subjected to spe- Contact the authorized Sprinter
Dealer nearest you to obtain a copy
cial tests in order to determine their
of the Sprinter Body Builder Guide-
safety, reliability and suitability. line.
Call Chrysler Vans LLC at telephone
(800) 992-1997 to request a copy of
the Sprinter Body Builder Guideline
(there may be a charge).
Write to the following address and
order the Sprinter Body Builder
Guideline (there may be a charge).
nf_BA.book Page 12 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
Body builders and dealers who make any The manufacturer is not responsible for
modifications which may affect the final Warning G any final certification or claims regard-
certification of the engine, vehicle or ing product liability, or warranty claims,
equipment assume the sole responsibil- Any modifications or alterations of the which result from any component, as-
ity for the vehicle, including labeling and Sprinter vehicle not in compliance with sembly, or system being altered, or
documentation, affected by their modifi- the Sprinter Body Builder Guideline and which cause non-compliance with any of
cations. the Sprinter Operator’s Manual may seri- the emission control standards or motor
ously inhibit its roadworthiness and safe- vehicle safety standards, or which would
It is their responsibility to certify that the
ty and may lead to an accident resulting otherwise cause the vehicle to be or be-
altered vehicle conforms to all applica-
in serious personal injury or death. come defective or unsafe.
ble standards and regulations affected
by the vehicle alteration or continues to Consult the Sprinter Body Builder Guide- The manufacturer does not assume the
comply with the motor vehicle safety line and the Sprinter Operator’s Manual responsibility as the final stage manu-
standards and emissions regulations. prior to initiating any alterations or modi- facturer or the consequential product li-
fications. ability.
They are responsible for ensuring that
modifications or equipment installation
does not affect the safety of the vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 13 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
Correct use Stickers and warning labels Problems with your vehicle
If you should experience a problem with
Warning G Warning G your vehicle, particularly one that you
believe may affect its safe operation, we
Be sure to read the Operating Instructions. Various warning labels are affixed to your urge you to immediately contact an au-
Otherwise, you may not be aware of certain vehicle. These warning labels are intend- thorized Sprinter Dealer to have the
risks and could injure yourself or others. ed to make you and others aware of vari- problem diagnosed and corrected if re-
ous risks. You should not remove any of quired.
Observe the following information when these warning labels unless explicitly in-
structed to do so by information on the la- If the matter is not handled to your sat-
using your vehicle: isfaction, please discuss the problem
bel itself. Removal of any of these labels
The safety notes in this manual with the Sprinter Dealer management,
may cause you and others to be unaware
The “Technical data” section in this or if necessary contact us at the follow-
of certain risks which may result in an ac-
manual ing address.
cident and/or personal injury.
Traffic rules and regulations
Motor vehicle laws and safety stan-
nf_BA.book Page 14 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
In the USA: In Canada:
Chrysler Vans LLC Customer Center Chrysler Canada, Inc. Customer Center
P.O. Box 21-8004 P.O. Box 1621
Auburn Hills, MI 48321-8001 Windsor, Ontario N9A 4H6
United States of America Telephone: (800) 465-2001
Telephone: 800-992-1997
nf_BA.book Page 15 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
In the 50 United States and Washington D.C.: If you believe that your vehicle has a defect, which could cause a crash or cause
injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to noti-
fying the manufacturer.
If the NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of
vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between
you, your dealer, and the manufacturer.
To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll free at 1–888–327–4236 (TTY: 1-800-424-9153),
or go to http://www.safercar.gov; or write to: Administrator, NHTSA, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington DC 20590. You can
also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from http://www.safercar.gov.
In Canada:
If you believe that your vehicle has a safety defect, you should contact the Customer Service Department immediately.
Canadian customers who wish to report a safety defect to the Canadian government should write to
Transport Canada, Motor Vehicle Defect Investigations and Recalls, 2780 Sheffield Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1B 3V9.
nf_BA.book Page 16 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Information regarding electronic recording devices
Information regarding electronic recording devices
(Including notice pursuant to California Code § 9951)
Please note that your vehicle is equipped with devices that can record vehicle systems data.
This information helps, for example, to diagnose vehicle systems after a collision and to continuously improve vehicle safety.
Chrysler Vans LLC may access the information and share it with others
for safety research or vehicle diagnosis purposes
with the consent of the vehicle owner or lessee
in response to an official request by law enforcement or other government agency
for use in dispute resolution involving Chrysler Vans LL, its affiliates or sales/service organization and/or
as otherwise required or permitted by law.
nf_BA.book Page 17 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
At a glance
Cockpit............. 18
Instrument cluster............. 20 1
Steering wheel with buttons*............. 25
Center console............. 26
Overhead control panel*............. 27
Switch units............. 28
Door control panel............. 31
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At a glance
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At a glance
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At a glance
Instrument cluster
Instrument cluster
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At a glance
Instrument cluster
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At a glance
Instrument cluster
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At a glance
Instrument cluster
Indicator and Warning Lamps Page Indicator and warning lamps Page Indicator and warning lamps Page
Brake fluid level too 463 X Combination low tire 478 Turn signal, right 135
low pressure/TPMS mal- - ABS malfunction 466
function telltale, USA
EBV malfunction 462
k ASR malfunction 465
Malfunction in trailer's 464 only
BAS malfunction 465
brake booster Low tire pressure tell- 478
tale, Canada only # ESP® malfunction 468
N Engine oil level warning as47
1 J Windshield washer/ 482 ‰ Air cleaner dirty 477
± Engine diagnostic 477 headlamp cleaning sys- A Reserve fuel 475
indicator lamp tem* washer fluid level
Fuel filler flap open 476
too low
q Pre-glow system, die- 186
sel engine only 476 Door open 483
Turn signal, left 135 2 Brake pads/linings 470
nf_BA.book Page 24 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Instrument cluster
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At a glance
Steering wheel with buttons*
Steering wheel with buttons*
Function Page Function Page
1 Display 151 t Ends a call/ 1
rejects an incom-
Controlling the operat-
ing call
ing system
2 To select a submenu or 151 4 To jump from one menu 151
to another
adjust the volume
+ Up/increases the è Forward
volume · Backward
- Down/decreases 5 To jump from one 151
the volume submenu to another
3 Telephone* functions 178 j Forward
s Accepts a call/ k Backward
starts dialing
nf_BA.book Page 26 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Center console
Center console
Function Page Function Page
1 1 Storage compartment 290 5 Storage compart-
2 Radio* or COMAND*, ment or
see the separate oper- CD changer*,
N68.10-2288-31 see the separate
ating instructions
operating instruc-
3 Air-conditioning control 218 tions
6 Cup holder with 291
4 Center console switch 28
Ashtray 294
Cigarette lighter
7 12 V socket 297
nf_BA.book Page 27 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Overhead control panel*
Overhead control panel*
Function Page Function Page
1 Hands-free microphone 4 Eyeglass 290 1
for telephone* compartment or
2 Switches the right-hand 137 Anti-theft alarm sys-
reading lamp tem (ATA)*
on/off 5 Switches the interior 137
3 Switches the automatic 137
interior lighting
on/off 6 Switches the left-hand 137
reading lamp
7 Opens/closes the slid- 245
ing sunroof*
nf_BA.book Page 28 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Switch units
Switch units
Center console switch unit Function Page Activates/deactivates 74
1 Opens/closes the left- 92
hand electric sliding Switches the hazard 136
door* warning flashers on/off
Switches the left/right 122 Central locking 104
seat heating* Interior/rear
& on/off compartment
! Switches the Parktronic 253
Switches the rear win- 214 system (PTS)*
dow heating* on/off
i on/off Opens/closes the right- 92
The number of switches may vary, P Switches the windshield 213 hand electric sliding
depending on the vehicle’s equip- heating* door*
ment. on/off
nf_BA.book Page 29 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Switch units
Additional switch units Function Page Ventilates the load 247
³ Switches the heater 234
air in/air out*
booster function*
ö Switches auxiliary 238
³ heating*on/off The layout of the switches may vary,
N54.25-2913-31 depending on the vehicle’s equip-
Switches the heater 234 ment.
booster function*
Adjusts the working 275
engine speed*
Switches the operating 273
speed governor*
Switch unit between the light switch and on/off
the steering wheel
nf_BA.book Page 30 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Switch units
Function Page
Switches the rear-com- 140
partment convenience
1 interior lighting*
The layout of the switches may vary,
depending on the vehicle’s equip-
nf_BA.book Page 31 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Door control panel
Door control panel
Function Page
1 Adjusts the exterior 208 1
2 Selects an exterior 208
3 Opens/closes the left- 244
hand side window
N54.25-2914-31 4 Opens/closes the right- 244
hand side window
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nf_BA.book Page 33 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety............. 34
Emergency exit............. 66
Driving safety systems............. 69
Anti-theft systems............. 77
nf_BA.book Page 34 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Occupant safety
Restraint systems principally the seat belts supplemented Additional protection is provided by:
by emergency tensioning retractors, belt SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys-
This section contains all the most impor-
force limiters and airbags when neces- tem), comprising:
tant information about the restraint sys-
sary, is to minimize this risk of injury. emergency tensioning retractors
tems in your vehicle. In an accident, your
2 However, the seat belts and airbags can-
vehicle collides with another object, e.g. belt force limiters
not generally prevent injuries caused by
another vehicle. This may cause your ve-
objects penetrating the vehicle from the airbags
hicle to accelerate or decelerate ex-
tremely quickly. During this acceleration iAn airbag increases the degree of
or deceleration, the vehicle occupants The most important restraint systems protection afforded to vehicle occupants
will be moved in the opposite direction are: wearing a seat belt and is therefore only
to the force of the impact. There is there- the seat belts to be considered as an additional re-
fore the risk of vehicle occupants injur- restraint systems for children, since straint system to the seat belt. Airbags
ing themselves on the vehicle interior or they are the most effective means of do not in any way relieve any vehicle oc-
on parts of the vehicle. The purpose of reducing the extent to which the oc- cupants of the need to wear their seat
supplemental restraint systems, i.e. cupants are moved in the event of an belt correctly at all times.
nf_BA.book Page 35 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
This is partly because an airbag is e.g. in the event of a head-on collisi-
not activated in all accident situa- on, and is therefore better able to re- Warning G
tions because in some cases it would duce the risk of injury
not provide any additional protection In accidents in which an airbag is Modifications to or work incorrectly car-
to that already afforded by a correct- activated, the airbag will therefore ried out on a restraint system (seat belt
ly fastened seat belt. only offer an increase in the protec- and seat belt anchorages, emergency
tensioning retractor, belt force limiter or 2
Furthermore, an activated airbag can tion provided by the seat belt, i.e. ad-
ditional protection, if the seat belt is airbag) or its wiring, or tampering with
only provide increased protection if the
worn correctly. other networked electronic systems,
seat belt is being worn correctly, be-
could cause the restraint systems to stop
working correctly.
the belt helps to hold the vehicle
occupant in the best position in rela- Continued
tion to the airbag
the belt prevents the vehicle occup-
ant from being propelled in the oppo-
site direction to the force of impact,
nf_BA.book Page 36 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Airbags Seat belts
Warning (Continued) G
The most important restraint systems in
The airbags or emergency tensioning re- Warning G the vehicle are the seat belts and child
tractors could, for example, be activated restraint systems. They are the most ef-
Airbags do offer additional protection but
inadvertently or could fail in accidents in fective means of preventing vehicle oc-
2 they are not a substitute for the seat
which the deceleration force is sufficient cupants from moving towards the point
belts. To reduce the risk of serious or fatal
to trigger the airbag. For this reason, do of impact and thus reducing the risk of
injuries, make sure that all occupants – in
not modify the restraint systems. Do not occupants hitting parts of the vehicle in-
particular, expectant mothers – wear
tamper with electronic components or terior.
their seat belt correctly at all times, have
their software.
adopted a normal sitting position and that
the seat is positioned as upright as possi-
In many countries there are regula-
tions concerning the use of seat
belts and child restraint systems.
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Occupant safety
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Occupant safety
nf_BA.book Page 39 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Wearing seat belts
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
The belt strap could otherwise tear in the The manufacturer recommends that you
event of an accident. You or others could use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
be seriously or fatally injured. purpose. In particular, work relevant to
safety or on safety-related systems must 2
Always have seats belts that are damaged
be carried out at a qualified specialist
or have been subjected to a heavy load in
workshop .
an accident replaced, and their anchorag-
es checked, at a qualified specialist work- For safety reasons, the manufacturer rec-
shop which has the necessary specialist ommends that you only use seat belts
knowledge and tools to carry out the work that have been specially approved for
required. your vehicle by the manufacturer.
1 Belt sash guide ( page 40)
2 Belt latch plate
3 Release button
4 Buckle
nf_BA.book Page 40 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Pull the belt smoothly from the seat Adjusting the belt height Adjust the belt height in such a way that
belt reel holder. the shoulder belt is routed over the mid-
dle of the shoulder.
Route the belt over your shoulder. Warning G
Click belt latch plate 2 into buckle
Only adjust the belt height when the vehi-
2 cle is stationary and the handbrake is ap-
Adjust the belt to the correct height plied.
if necessary.
You could otherwise lose control of the
Pull the shoulder section of the belt vehicle as a result of the seat adjusting
upwards to tighten the belt against movement and thereby endanger yourself
your body if necessary. and others.
nf_BA.book Page 41 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
To raise the belt height: slide belt SRS (Supplemental Restraint 1 warning lamp
sash guide 1 upward. System) The SRS performs a self-test at regular
Belt sash guide 1 engages in vari- The SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys- intervals when the ignition is switched
ous positions. tem) may consist of the following com- on and while the engine is running. Mal-
ponents, depending on the equipment functions can therefore be detected in
To lower the belt height: press and
level: good time. 2
hold release button 5.
1 warning lamp The 1 warning lamp in the instru-
Slide belt sash guide 1 to the de-
sired height. Emergency tensioning retractors ment cluster ( page 20) comes on for
Belt force limiters approximately 4 seconds when you
Let go of release button 5 and Airbag system with: switch on the ignition.
make sure that belt sash guide 1
engages. Airbag control unit
nf_BA.book Page 42 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Activation of emergency tensioning
Warning G Warning (Continued) G retractors, belt force limiters and air-
A malfunction has occurred if the 1 In this case, have the SRS system
checked and repaired immediately at a In the event of a collision, the sensor in
warning lamp:
qualified specialist workshop which has the airbag control unit evaluates impor-
2 does not come on when you switch on the the necessary specialist knowledge and tant physical data, such as duration, di-
ignition tools to carry out the work required. rection and rate of vehicle deceleration
or acceleration. Based on the evaluation
does not go out after approximately 4 sec- The manufacturer recommends that you of this data and depending on the vehi-
onds use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this cle’s rate of longitudinal deceleration in
lights up again purpose. In particular, work relevant to a collision, in the first stage, the airbag
safety or on safety-related systems must control unit pre-emptively triggers the
Individual systems may be activated unin- be carried out at a qualified specialist emergency tensioning retractors.
tentionally or may not be triggered in the workshop.
event of an accident with a high rate of ve-
hicle deceleration.
nf_BA.book Page 43 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
The front airbags are not triggered un- The emergency tensioning retractor and i
less a second activation threshold is ex- airbag activation thresholds are variable
Airbags are not triggered in all types of
ceeded, i.e. if there is a greater rate of and are adapted to the rate of the vehi- accident. They are actually controlled
vehicle deceleration in a longitudinal di- cle deceleration. This process is pre- by complex sensor technology and eval-
rection. emptive in nature as the airbag must be uation logic. This process is pre-emptive
deployed during – and not at the end of in nature as airbag deployment must
Criteria for triggering of emergency – the collision. take place during the impact and must 2
tensioning retractors and airbags be adapted to provide calculated, addi-
tional protection for the vehicle occu-
To determine whether it is necessary to pants. Not all airbags are triggered in an
trigger an emergency tensioning retrac- accident.
tor or airbag, the airbag control unit eval- The various airbag systems work inde-
uates the duration and direction of pendently of each other. However, all
deceleration or acceleration during the systems depend on the type (head-on
initial phase of the collision. or side impact) and severity (in particu-
lar vehicle deceleration or acceleration)
of accident determined in the initial
phase of the accident.
nf_BA.book Page 44 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Vehicle deceleration or acceleration and The vehicle may be substantially deformed Emergency tensioning retractors,
the direction of the force are essentially without an airbag being triggered, for ex- belt force limiters
determined by: ample if only relatively easily-deformable
If the vehicle is equipped with a driver’s
the distribution of the force during vehicle parts such as the hood or fenders
airbag, the driver’s and the passenger’s
the impact are affected by the collision and the re-
quired deceleration threshold is not seat belts are equipped with emergency
the collision angle tensioning retractors.
2 reached. On the other hand, airbags may
the deformation characteristics of
be triggered even though the vehicle only A belt force limiter additionally installed
the vehicle
displays minor deformation, if, for exam- in the seat belt reduces the load exerted
the composition of the object in- ple, rigid vehicle parts such as a longitudi-
volved in the collision, for example by the seat belt on the occupant when it
nal member are affected by the impact, is triggered.
the other vehicle
thus causing vehicle deceleration to ex-
Factors that cannot be seen or mea- ceed the pre-determined threshold. Emergency tensioning retractors ten-
sured until after the collision are not sion the seat belts in an accident, pulling
used to determine whether the airbag them close against the body.
should be triggered and are not decisive
for this.
nf_BA.book Page 45 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
i When the ignition is on, the emergency If the emergency tensioning retractors
tensioning retractor is activated: are triggered, you will hear a bang that is
Emergency tensioning retractors do
only if the restraint systems are op- generally harmless to your hearing. A
not correct:
erational (the 1-warning lamp small amount of powder may also be re-
incorrect sitting positions comes on for approximately 4 sec- leased. The 1 warning lamp lights
onds after the ignition is switched up.
incorrectly worn seat belts 2
on.) ( page 41).
Emergency tensioning retractors do in the event of a head-on or rear-end
not pull occupants back towards the collision, if there is a high rate of ve- Warning G
backrest. hicle acceleration or deceleration in
the initial stages of a collision If the emergency tensioning retractors
have been triggered, have them replaced
in the event of a side impact, if the
vehicle suddenly decelerates or ac- at a qualified specialist workshop which
celerates in a lateral direction at the has the necessary specialist knowledge
initial stage of the impact and the ve- and tools to carry out the work required.
hicle is equipped with thorax/
sidebags and/or windowbags.
nf_BA.book Page 46 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
nf_BA.book Page 47 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
nf_BA.book Page 48 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Your vehicle is equipped with the follow- How airbags work
Warning (Continued) G ing airbags, depending on the equip-
An airbag inflates within milliseconds.
Do not cover the padded boss of the ment version:
The 1 warning lamp in the instru-
steering wheel, the passenger’s air- Driver’s front airbag, located in the
bag cover, the windowbag cover or ment cluster comes on.
steering wheel
the thorax/sidebag cover with film or
other material. Do not affix any badg- Passenger’s front airbag, located i
2 above the glove box
es or stickers to these areas. If the airbags are triggered, you will
Do not hang any hard objects, for ex- Thorax sidebags* in the outer sides hear a bang and a small amount of
ample coat hangers, on the grab han- of the driver’s seat and the passen- dust may also be released. The bang
dles or coat hooks. ger’s individual seat will not damage your hearing and the
Do not place any items in the storage Windowbags* in the side of the roof dust does not constitute a health
compartment above the passenger’s frame between the A and B-pillars hazard.
airbag if they protrude from the com-
Each airbag's cover is marked with the
partment. The passenger’s airbag
must be able to inflate unimpeded. letters "SRS/AIRBAG" or "AIRBAG". Airbag inflation slows down and restricts
the movement of the vehicle occupant.
The risk of injuries from an airbag cannot
be entirely ruled out due to the high speed
at which the airbag is required to inflate.
nf_BA.book Page 49 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
When the vehicle occupant makes con-
tact with the airbag, hot gas flows out of Warning G Warning G
the inflated airbag. This reduces the load
on the head and upper body of the vehi- After an airbag has been triggered: A small amount of fine powder is released as
cle occupant. The airbag is therefore in a airbag parts are hot – do not touch an airbag inflates. This powder does not con-
deflated state after an accident. them, otherwise you could be burnt stitute a health hazard, nor does it imply that
fire has broken out in the vehicle. This pow- 2
the airbags must be replaced at a
der could cause short-term breathing difficul-
qualified specialist workshop which
has the necessary specialist knowl- ties for persons suffering from asthma or
edge and tools to carry out the work other respiratory conditions. To avoid these
required. The manufacturer recom- breathing difficulties, you should either:
mends that you use an authorized leave the vehicle immediately, if it is
Sprinter Dealer for this purpose. possible to do so safely
In particular, work relevant to safety
or on safety-related systems must be or
carried out at a qualified specialist open the window to allow fresh air to
workshop. enter
nf_BA.book Page 50 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Front airbags The driver’s front airbag and passenger’s
front airbag are triggered:
The front airbags are designed to in-
crease protection to the driver’s and in the initial stages of an accident
passenger’s/passengers' head and with a high rate of vehicle accelera-
tion or deceleration in a longitudinal
2 The driver’s airbag is located in the N91.60-2140-31 if the system determines that airbag
steering wheel housing; the passenger’s deployment can offer additional pro-
is above the glove box. tection to that provided by the seat
1 Driver’s airbag independently of other airbags in the
2 Passenger’s airbag vehicle
Driver’s front airbag 1 inflates in front
of the steering wheel; passenger’s front
airbag 2 inflates in front of and above
the glove box and the center console.
nf_BA.book Page 51 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Thorax sidebags*
Warning G Warning G
Warning G To reduce the risk of injury to occupants Observe the following to reduce the risk of
if a thorax/sidebag is triggered, make serious or fatal injury if the thorax/
For safety reasons, the manufacturer rec- sidebag is triggered:
sure that:
ommends that you use seat covers that Vehicle occupants – in particular, chil- 2
have been tested for Sprinter vehicles no persons, animals or objects are dren – must never lean their head
and that have a seam for thorax/ present between the vehicle occu- against the area of the window in
sidebags. A thorax/sidebag may other- pants and the thorax/sidebag de- which the thorax/sidebag inflates.
wise not inflate correctly and could fail to ployment range Vehicle occupants must wear their
no accessories, for example cup hold- seat belt correctly at all times and
provide the intended degree of protection
lean back against the backrest, which
in the event of a collision. You can obtain ers, are secured to the doors
should be positioned as upright as
these covers from an authorized Sprinter only light items of clothing are hung possible.
Dealer, for example. from the coat hooks in the vehicle Always secure children who are less
there are no heavy or sharp objects in than 5 ft (1.50 m) tall or under
12 years of age in a suitable child re-
the pockets of items of clothing
straint system.
nf_BA.book Page 52 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
The purpose of the thorax/sidebags is on the side on which an impact oc-
to increase the level of protection for the curs
thorax (but not the head, neck and arms) if the system determines that airbag
of the occupants on the side of the vehi- deployment can offer additional pro-
cle on which the impact occurs. tection to that provided by the seat
2 The thorax/sidebags are installed in the independently of the front airbags
outer sides of the backrests on the driv-
er’s seat and the passenger’s individual In the event of an accident, the thorax
seat sidebag next to the outer seat side in-
1 Thorax sidebag flates between the door and the chest
area of the occupant.
The thorax sidebags are triggered:
in the initial stages of an accident
with a high rate of vehicle accelera-
tion or deceleration in a lateral direc-
tion, for example in the event of a
side impact
nf_BA.book Page 53 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
i Windowbags*
You will find additional information
Warning G
about airbag deployment on Warning G Observe the following to reduce the risk
( page 48).
of serious or fatal injury if the windowbag
To ensure that windowbags can provide
You will find additional information is triggered:
the intended degree of protection when 2
about the triggering of emergency Vehicle occupants – in particular,
deployed, make sure that no persons, an-
tensioning retractors and belt force children – must never lean their head
imals or objects are present between the
limiters on ( page 44). against the area of the window in
vehicle occupants and the deployment
range of the windowbags. which the windowbag inflates.
Vehicle occupants must wear their
seat belt correctly at all times.
Always secure children who are less
than 5 ft (1.50 m) tall or under
12 years of age in a suitable child re-
straint system.
nf_BA.book Page 54 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
The windowbags are designed to in- on the side on which an impact oc-
crease protection to the head (but not to curs
the chest or arms) of the vehicle occu- independently of the front airbags
pants on the side on which the impact
occurs. i
You will find additional information
2 The relevant windowbag is installed in about airbag deployment on
the side of the roof frame behind the
( page 48).
trim panel between the A and B-pillar.
You will find additional information
about the triggering of emergency
1 Windowbag tensioning retractors and belt force
The windowbags are triggered: limiters on ( page 44).
in the initial stages of an accident
with a high rate of vehicle accelera-
tion or deceleration in a lateral direc-
nf_BA.book Page 55 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Children in the vehicle
Warning G Warning G
If a child is traveling in the vehicle:
secure the child in a child restraint Do not leave children unsupervised in the If the children open a door, they could:
system appropriate to his/her age vehicle even if they are secured in a child
and size, preferably on a suitable cause injury to others as a result
restraint system. The children could:
seat in the rear 2
get out of the vehicle and could either
ensure that the child is strapped in injure themselves on parts of the injure themselves when doing so or
throughout the trip vehicle they could be injured by passing vehi-
You can obtain child seats and informa- be seriously or even fatally injured by cles
tion about the correct child restraint sys- prolonged exposure to extreme heat sustain serious injuries if they were to
tem from any authorized Sprinter or cold fall out of the vehicle, due in particular
Dealer. Do not expose child restraint systems to to the height of the passenger com-
direct sunlight. Metallic parts of the child partment from the ground
restraint system could heat up, for exam-
ple, and the child could burn him/herself Continued
on the hot parts.
nf_BA.book Page 56 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Child restraint systems To fasten a child restraint, follow child
Warning (Continued) G We recommend all infants and children
restraint instructions for mounting. Then
pull the shoulder belt out completely
Do not carry heavy or hard objects inside be properly restrained at all times while
and let it retract. During seat belt retrac-
the vehicle or load compartment unless the vehicle is in motion.
tion, a ratcheting sound can be heard to
they are secured. You will find further in- All lap-shoulder belts except the driver’s indicate that the special seat belt retrac-
2 formation under “Transporting” seat belt have special seat belt retrac- tor is activated. The belt is now locked.
( page 276) and “Features” tors for secure fastening of child re- Push down on child restraint to take up
( page 287) in the “Controls in detail” straints. any slack.
sharp braking
a sudden change of direction
an accident
nf_BA.book Page 57 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
To deactivate, release seat belt buckle
and let seat belt retract completely. The Warning G Warning (Continued) G
seat belt can again be used in the usual
To reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury It is not permitted to secure a child in the
to a child in the event of an accident, passenger’s seat or the center position of
sharp braking or a sudden change in di- the front bench seat if the vehicle is
Warning G rection: equipped with a passenger’s airbag. 2
Always secure children less than 5 ft Only secure a rearward-facing child re-
Never release the seat belt buckle while
(1.50 m) tall or under 12 years of age straint system on a suitable rear seat.
the vehicle is in motion, since the special
in a special child restraint system in-
seat belt retractor will be deactivated. Continued
stalled on a suitable vehicle seat,
since the seat belts are not designed
for this body size.
nf_BA.book Page 58 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
nf_BA.book Page 59 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
nf_BA.book Page 60 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
The use of infant or child restraints is re- A statement by the child restraint manu-
quired by law in all 50 states, the District facturer of compliance with this stan-
of Columbia, the U.S. territories and all dard can be found on the instruction
Canadian provinces. label on the restraint and in the instruc-
tion manual provided with the restraint.
Infants and small children should be
2 seated in an appropriate infant or child When using any infant or child restraint
restraint system properly secured by a system, make sure to carefully read and
lap/shoulder belt or, if so equipped, a follow all manufacturer’s instructions for
top tether anchorage point and a child installation and use.
restraint lower anchorage system that
Please read and observe warning labels Passenger sun visor with warning sticker
complies with U.S. Federal Motor Vehi-
affixed to inside of vehicle and to infant
cle Safety Standards 213 and 225 and
or child restraints.
Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
213 and 210.2.
nf_BA.book Page 61 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
ISOFIX child seat securing system/ i
Child seat anchors - LATCH type
Non-LATCH type child seats may also
ISOFIX is a standardized securing sys- be used and can installed using the
tem on the rear seats for special LATCH vehicle’s seat belt system. Install
(Lower Anchors and Tethers for Chil- child seat according to manufactur-
dren) child restraint systems with er’s instructions. 2
matching mounting fittings.
The LATCH type anchors for child re-
straint systems are installed between
Warning symbol for rearward-facing child the seat cushion and the backrest:
on the outside left and right on nar-
row rear bench seats with 3 seats
on the outside left on rear bench
seats with 2 seats
nf_BA.book Page 62 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
nf_BA.book Page 63 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Warning G Warning (Continued) G Take care not to trap the seat belt on
For this reason, have restraint systems the middle seat when you install the
If the child restraint system or its securing
and their mountings checked immediately child restraint system.
system, for example the ISOFIX child seat
securing system, are damaged or have and replaced if necessary at a qualified
been subjected to a load in an accident, specialist workshop which has the neces- 2
the child secured in it could suffer severe sary specialist knowledge and tools to
carry out the work required if they are
or fatal injuries in the event of an acci-
damaged or have been subjected to a
dent, heavy braking or a sudden change
load in an accident.
of direction.
The manufacturer recommends that you
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
purpose. In particular, work relevant to
safety or on safety-related systems must
be carried out at a qualified specialist 1 Securing rings - LATCH type anchors
nf_BA.book Page 64 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Warning G Warning G The TopTether anchorages are on the
Do not expose child restraint systems to feet of the rear bench seat.
Do not leave children unsupervised in the
vehicle, even if they are secured by a child direct sunlight. Metallic parts of the child
restraint system. The children could: restraint system could heat up, for exam-
2 ple, and the child could burn him/herself
injure themselves on parts of the ve- on the hot parts.
If the children open a door, they could:
be seriously or even fatally injured by cause injury to others as a result
prolonged exposure to extreme heat
or cold get out of the vehicle and could either in-
jure themselves when doing so or they
could be injured by passing vehicles
sustain serious injuries if they were to
fall out of the vehicle, due in particular 1 Head restraints
to the height of the passenger com- 2 TopTether anchorages
partment from the ground
nf_BA.book Page 65 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Occupant safety
Slide head restraint 1 upward. If necessary, slide head restraint 1
back down a little ( page 121).
Guide TopTether belt 4 under head
Make sure that TopTether belt 4
restraint 1 from the front and be-
can move freely.
tween the two head restraint bars.
Install the LATCH type child restraint
Hook TopTether hook 3 into
system with TopTether. The manu- 2
TopTether anchorage 2 on the feet
facturer’s installation instructions
of the bench seat.
must be observed.
2 TopTether anchorage
3 TopTether hook
4 TopTether belt of LATCH type child re-
straint system
nf_BA.book Page 66 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Emergency exit
Emergency exit
Emergency exit window*
The vehicle can be equipped with an
Warning G
emergency exit window. The emergency Compliance with the following require-
exit window is only intended for emer- ments is essential in order to be able to
2 gencies and may only be opened when safely use the emergency exit window in
the vehicle is stationary. the event of an emergency:
In an emergency or following an acci-
Inform the vehicle occupants about
dent, the occupants of the vehicle can
the emergency exit window and ex-
exit the vehicle via the open emergency plain its operation before setting out.
exit window. 1 Handles Clearly point out the known risks
The emergency exit window is the first 2 Safety bolts here.
3 Locking mechanisms
window behind the driver’s seat on the Continued
driver’s side. It bears the letters “Emer-
gency Exit”.
nf_BA.book Page 67 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Emergency exit
nf_BA.book Page 68 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Emergency exit
!CAUTION To close: close the window.
Warning G Make sure there is enough space to Turn both handles 1 to a horizontal
open the emergency exit window. position. Make sure that the locking
If you continue your journey without clo-
You must hold the open window in mechanisms 3 are located on the
sing and locking the emergency exit win-
position. Otherwise, you could dam- inside of the window frame.
dow, it may come out of its frame and
2 age it. The window is locked.
cause an accident.
You should, therefore, check the locking To open: turn both handles 1 to a Renew the safety bolts 2 before dri-
mechanism and safety bolts on the emer- vertical position. This releases the ving the vehicle again.
gency exit window before setting out. safety bolts 2. Please contact your authorized
The window is unlocked. Sprinter Dealer for information about
The emergency exit window may only be
how to do this.
opened when the vehicle is stationary. Use the handles to push the window
outward and hold it steady. Make
sure you have enough space to do
nf_BA.book Page 69 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving safety systems
Driving safety systems
In this section, you will find information i
about the following driving safety sys-
The maximum effect of ABS, BAS,
Warning G
ESP®, ASR and EBV can only be
ABS (Antilock Brake System) There is an increased risk of an accident if
achieved if you: you:
BAS (Brake Assist) 2
always drive with the correct tire drive too fast, in particular when corner-
ESP® (Electronic Stability Program)
pressures adjusted according to ing and on a wet or slippery road surface
ASR (acceleration skid control)
the load ( page 361) drive too close to the vehicle in front
EBV (electronic brake force distribu-
tion) use winter tires (M+S tires) in The driving safety systems described in
this section cannot reduce this risk and
wintry conditions, with snow
are unable to override the laws of physics.
chains if necessary
Always adapt your driving style to the pre-
vailing road and weather conditions, and
maintain an adequately safe distance
from other road users as well as any ob-
stacles on the road.
nf_BA.book Page 70 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving safety systems
i Antilock Brake System (ABS)
Only use wheels with the recom- ABS regulates the brake pressure in
Warning G
mended tire sizes ( page 623), oth- such a way that the wheels do not lock Do not depress the brake pedal several
erwise the driving safety systems will when you brake. This allows you to con- times in quick succession (pumping). De-
not work correctly. tinue steering when braking. press the brake firmly and evenly. Pump-
2 ing the brake pedal may reduce the
ABS works from a speed of about 3 mph
braking effect.
(5 km/h) upwards, regardless of road
surface conditions.
There is a malfunction if the - indica-
ABS works on slippery surfaces, even tor lamp is permanently lit while the en-
when you only brake gently. gine is running ( page 466).
Despite this, the normal driving and
braking functions remain available.
nf_BA.book Page 71 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving safety systems
Braking Brake Assist (BAS)
If ABS intervenes during braking, you will Warning G Brake Assist operates in emergency
feel the steering wheel vibrate gently braking situations. If you depress the
Always adapt your driving style to the pre-
and the brake pedal pulsate. brake pedal quickly, BAS automatically
vailing road and weather conditions, and
If ABS intervenes: maintain an adequately safe distance increases the brake pressure, thereby
from other road users as well as any ob- reducing the stopping distance. 2
Continue to depress the brake pedal
firmly until the braking situation is stacles on the road. Keep the brake pedal firmly de-
over. If ABS malfunctions, the wheels could pressed until the emergency braking
lock when you brake. This means that the situation is over.
For full brake application:
steerability of the vehicle is restricted ABS prevents the wheels from lock-
Depress the brake pedal with maxi- during braking and the stopping distance ing.
mum force. may increase. If ABS is deactivated due to
When you release the brake pedal, the
a malfunction, BAS is also deactivated.
brakes will work as normal again. BAS is
nf_BA.book Page 72 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving safety systems
Vehicles without steering wheel but- Electronic Stability Program
tons: (ESP®) Warning G
There is a malfunction if the k indi-
cator lamp is permanently lit while the ESP® monitors driving stability and de- Proceed as follows if the v warning
engine is running ( page 73). tects a tendency of the vehicle to under- lamp in the speedometer flashes:
steer or oversteer (skidding) in good Do not deactivate ASR under any cir-
2 time. ESP® stabilizes the vehicle by cumstances.
Warning G braking individual wheels, limiting the Only depress the accelerator pedal as
engine power output, and greatly assists far as necessary when pulling away.
If BAS malfunctions, the brake system is you when driving on wet or slippery road Adapt your driving style to suit the
still available with the full brake boosting surfaces. ESP® also stabilizes the vehi- prevailing road and weather condi-
effect. In an emergency braking situation, cle when braking. tions.
however, the braking force will not be ad-
When ESP® intervenes, the v warn- Otherwise, the vehicle could begin to
ditionally boosted automatically and the
ing lamp in the speedometer flashes. skid.
stopping distance may increase.
ESP® cannot reduce the risk of an acci-
dent if you drive too fast. ESP® is unable
to override the laws of physics.
nf_BA.book Page 73 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving safety systems
There is a malfunction if the # indica- !CAUTION Acceleration skid control (ASR)
tor lamp is permanently lit while the en-
Do not operate the vehicle on a roller ASR improves traction for a sustained
gine is running ( page 468).
dynamometer (for example for per- period, i.e. the transfer of power from
If ESP® malfunctions, engine power out- formance testing). If you wish to op- the tires to the road surface, and thus
put may be reduced. erate the vehicle on a roller also improves the driving stability of the
dynamometer, please consult an au- vehicle. ASR assists you when pulling 2
!CAUTION thorized Sprinter Dealer beforehand. away and accelerating, especially on
Only operate the vehicle briefly (max- You could otherwise damage the smooth and slippery surfaces.
imum of 10 seconds) on a brake dy- drive train or the brake system.
namometer. The key must be turned ASR brakes individual drive wheels and
to position 1 in the ignition lock dur- limits the engine torque to prevent the
ing this time. You could damage the drive wheels from spinning. When ASR
drive train or the brake system. intervenes, the v indicator lamp in
the speedometer flashes.
nf_BA.book Page 74 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving safety systems
If the road surface is not capable of pro- Activating/deactivating ASR If you deactivate ASR:
viding sufficient traction, bearing in the engine’s torque is then no longer
ASR is automatically activated as soon
mind the tires, load and gradient, it is limited and the drive wheels could
as the engine is switched on.
not be possible to pull away smoothly spin; the spinning wheels produce a
even with ASR. It may be best to deactivate ASR in the cutting effect for better traction
following situations: traction control still intervenes by
2 Vehicles without steering wheel but- braking if one drive wheel reaches its
tons: if snow chains are being used
grip limit, for example if the surface
There is a malfunction if the k indi- in deep snow under one side of the vehicle is slip-
cator lamp is permanently lit while the on sand or gravel pery. The wheel is then braked to in-
engine is running ( page 73). crease traction in this situation.
If ASR malfunctions, engine power out- ESP® still intervenes to stabilize the
put may be reduced. vehicle
nf_BA.book Page 75 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving safety systems
The ASR switch is located on the center To switch off: press upper
Warning G console. section 1 of the switch.
The v warning lamp in the speed-
ESP® remains active despite ASR having
ometer lights up.
been deactivated and carries out braking
interventions if this is necessary to im- To switch on: press upper
prove driving stability. The v warning section 1 of the switch again. 2
lamp flashes.
The v warning lamp in the speed-
If ASR is deactivated, there is an in- N54.25-2916-31 ometer goes out.
creased risk that the brake system of your
vehicle could overheat and be damaged
when subjected to high loads for a long
period of time. A hot brake system also in- 1 To deactivate/activate ASR
creases the stopping distance.
For this reason, only deactivate ASR when
it is absolutely necessary.
nf_BA.book Page 76 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving safety systems
Electronic brake force distribution There is a malfunction if the #, k,
(EBV) Warning G - and 6 indicator lamps are per-
manently lit while the engine is running
EBV monitors and regulates the brake If EBV malfunctions, the brake system is ( page 462).
pressure at the rear wheels to improve still available with the full brake boosting
driving stability during braking. effect. However, the rear wheels may
2 lock, for example if the brakes are applied
with maximum force. You could then lose
control of the vehicle and cause an acci-
dent. Always adapt your driving style to
the change in handling characteristics.
Have the system checked at an autho-
rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possible.
nf_BA.book Page 77 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Anti-theft systems
Anti-theft systems
Immobilizer Anti-theft alarm system (ATA)* Deactivating the anti-theft alarm
The immobilizer prevents the vehicle A visual and audible alarm is triggered if
from being started without the correct the alarm system is enabled and: Unlock the vehicle using the Œ
key. a door is opened button on the key ( page 83).
To switch on: remove the key from the hood is opened The indicator lamp in the central
the ignition lock ( page 111). locking switch ( page 104) goes
Enabling the alarm system out.
To switch off: switch on the ignition
( page 111). Close all the doors.
Lock the vehicle using the ‹ but- The vehicle locks again automatical-
ton on the key ( page 83). ly if you do not open a door within 40
The indicator lamp in the central seconds after unlocking the vehicle.
locking switch ( page 104) flashes.
nf_BA.book Page 78 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Anti-theft systems
i Tow-away protection* Tow-away protection is automatically
deactivated when you unlock the vehi-
The alarm system will be triggered if A visual and audible alarm is triggered if cle.
the vehicle has been locked with the the inclination of the vehicle changes
key and is then unlocked from the in- while tow-away protection is enabled. Deactivating the tow-away protec-
i tion for transportation
Switching off the alarm The tow-away protection alarm is Deactivate tow-away protection if the
triggered shortly before the wheel vehicle is transported or loaded onto an-
Insert the key into the ignition lock.
leaves the ground if the vehicle is be- other vehicle. This will prevent false
or ing jakked up on one side, for exam- alarms.
Press the Œ button ( page 83). ple. The button is located in the overhead
The alarm is switched off. control panel.
Enabling tow-away protection
Tow-away protection is automatically
enabled approximately 20 seconds after
you lock the vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 79 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Anti-theft systems
Turn the key to position 0 or 1 Interior motion sensor*
( page 111) in the ignition lock or
remove the key. If the anti-theft alarm system is enabled
and the vehicle is locked, a visual and
i audible alarm is triggered if one of the
When the ignition is switched off side windows or the rear window on your
( page 111), you cannot deactivate vehicle is smashed and someone reach- 2
tow-away protection. es into the interior, for example.
nf_BA.book Page 80 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Anti-theft systems
The interior motion sensor is enabled Turn the key to position 0 or 1
after approximately 40 seconds. ( page 111) in the ignition lock or
remove the key.
Press button 1.
Do not leave anything (for example
mascots or coat hangers) hanging on Indicator lamp 2 lights up for ap-
2 the rear-view mirror or on the grab proximately 5 seconds after the but-
handles on the roof trim. This will pre- ton is released.
vent false alarms.
1 To deactivate the interior motion sensor
Deactivating the interior motion 2 Indicator lamp The interior motion sensor remains
sensor deactivated until you lock the vehicle
Deactivate the interior motion sensor if
people or animals remain in the locked
vehicle. This will prevent false alarms.
The button is located in the overhead
control panel.
nf_BA.book Page 81 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Controls in detail
nf_BA.book Page 82 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
nf_BA.book Page 83 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Opening and closing
Your vehicle is supplied with either 2 or You will find information about opening i
4* remote keyless entry transmitters or and closing your vehicle with the key in
USA only:
4 keys* without remote control. the “Locking and unlocking the vehicle
This device complies with Part 15 of
Vehicle keys* which were not included with the key” section ( page 88).
the FCC rules. Operation is subject
with delivery must be activated before Remote control with key to the following two conditions:
they can be used. You can obtain further
Included with your vehicle are 2 or 4* re- (1) This device may not cause harm-
information at any authorized Sprinter 3
mote keyless entry transmitters with a ful interference, and
folding mechanical key. (2) this device must accept any in-
When leaving the vehicle, always take
terference received, including inter-
the key* or remote keyless entry trans-
ference that may cause undesired
mitter with you and lock the vehicle. The
engine could be started by anyone with
a valid key* or remote keyless entry Any unauthorized modification to
transmitter that is left inside the vehicle. this device could void the user’s au-
thority to operate the equipment.
nf_BA.book Page 84 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
i transmitter by checking whether the i
locking knobs on the driver's and pas-
Canada only: If the driver’s or passenger’s door is
senger's doors move down and whether
This device complies with RSS-210 not completely closed, the respective
the turn signals flash.
of Industry Canada. door is not locked.
The remote control unlocks the driver's
If one sliding door or rear door is not
Remote controls with keys which were door and/or all doors centrally. If pro-
completely closed, all doors of the
not included with delivery must be acti- grammed as a factory setting, it locks
load compartment are not locked.
3 vated at an authorized Sprinter Dealer the following centrally:
before they can be used. the driver’s and passenger’s door The remote keyless entry transmitter
The remote keyless entry transmitter the sliding doors will not function when there is a vehicle
transmits in all directions. It does not the rear doors key inserted in the ignition lock.
have to be pointed at the vehicle.
The remote keyless entry transmitter
has an average range of about 32 ft
(about 10 m). Always verify the correct
operation of the remote keyless entry
nf_BA.book Page 85 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Remote control with key
Warning G Warning (Continued) G 1 To unlock the sliding doors and
get out of the vehicle and could either in- rear doors and opens or closes the elec-
Do not leave children unsupervised in the
jure themselves when doing so or they tric sliding door*
vehicle, even if they are secured by a child 2 Œ Unlocking button
restraint system. could be injured by passing vehicles
3 ‹ Locking button
be severely or even fatally injured by pro- 4 Release button for mechanical key
The children could:
longed exposure to intense heat 5 Battery check lamp.
injure themselves on parts of the vehicle
! 3
unlock the door on vehicles with an elec-
Do not expose the key to high levels
tric sliding door by pressing the central
of electromagnetic radiation, other-
locking button, and then open the doors
wise this may interfere with the func-
and thereby injure other persons
tions of the key.
Protect the key from moisture to pre-
vent malfunctions.
nf_BA.book Page 86 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
i The battery check lamp 5 comes on Locking and unlocking the vehicle
briefly to indicate that the remote with the remote control
To prevent theft, only use the remote
control batteries are in order.
control in the immediate vicinity of
Unlocking the driver's door
the vehicle. Change the batteries immediately if
In an emergency, the driver’s door the lamp does not light up briefly Press the Œ button.
and rear door can also be unlocked during check ( page 540).
The turn signals flash once.
manually using the key.
i The anti-theft alarm system (ATA)* is
As a precaution, both remote controls If the batteries are checked within deactivated.
should always be carried. signal range of the vehicle, pressing
the Œ or ‹ button will lock or i
Checking the batteries unlock the vehicle accordingly. If you unlock the vehicle using the
key and do not open a door within 40
Press the Œ or ‹ button for seconds, the vehicle locks again au-
longer than 2 seconds. tomatically.
nf_BA.book Page 87 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Unlocking the vehicle centrally Locking the vehicle centrally Unlocking the sliding doors and the
rear door*
Unlock the driver's door. Press the ‹ button.
When the vehicle is locked, the
Press the Œ button within 2 sec- The turn signals flash three times if:
button can only be used to unlock the
onds again. the drive authorization system or sliding doors and the rear door.
The turn signals flash once. the anti-theft alarm system
(ATA)* is activated Press the button.
The turn signals flash once.
all the doors are closed 3
i Opening the electric sliding doors
Make sure that the locking knobs Press and hold the button.
have dropped down.
The turn signals flash once.
nf_BA.book Page 88 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Locking and unlocking the vehicle Unlocking the vehicle
with the key
Rear door
Driver's door 1 To lock
2 To unlock
1 To lock
2 To unlock Insert the key all the way into the
door lock and turn it in direction 2.
The door is unlocked.
nf_BA.book Page 89 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
i Locking the vehicle Opening the driver’s or passen-
The anti-theft alarm system (ATA) is Only the driver's door and the rear doors ger’s door from the inside
triggered when you open the vehicle can be locked with the key.
using the key. For all other doors, press the locking Warning G
knob down.
The alarm can be disabled in the follow- Make sure nobody can become trapped
ing ways: Close the doors. when you close or open the doors. Take
The doors are locked. particular care, especially when children 3
Press the Œ button on the remote
are near the vehicle.
control. Insert the key all the way into the
or rear door lock and turn it to the left. Make sure there is sufficient clearance
and that the traffic area is clear when ope-
Insert the key into the ignition lock. The rear doors are locked.
ning the doors.
Insert the key all the way into the
driver’s door lock and turn it to the You could otherwise injure yourself and
right. others.
nf_BA.book Page 90 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
You can open the driver’s/passenger’s Sliding door i
door from the inside at any time, even if
The sliding door is equipped with an
it is locked. Open door only when condi-
tions are safe to do so. Warning G active retainer, which engages the
door at the end stop when opened.
If the vehicle is parked on an incline, the Always make sure that the open slid-
sliding door may move of its own accord if ing door is correctly engaged in the
it is open but not engaged. You or others detent.
3 could be trapped.
To open the sliding door, it is neces-
Make sure that the sliding door is engaged sary to pull the outside door handle
in the active retainer. first, or press the button on the inside
handle, to release the sliding door
from its detent.
1 Inside door handle
2 Locking knob
Pull door handle 1.
The door opens.
nf_BA.book Page 91 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
i Opening/closing the sliding door
from the outside
When you open/close the sliding
door, you can also detent it around To open: pull door handle 1 to
half way so that it is not always nec- open the sliding door.
essary to open the door to the end Hold door handle 1 and slide the
stop to get in and out of the vehicle. sliding door towards the rear as far
The intermediate detent does not ful- as the stop.
ly engage the sliding door. 3
To close: pull door handle 1, to re-
1 Outside door handle lease the sliding door from its detent
2 Button and, holding door handle 1, pull the
3 Inside door handle door firmly towards the front until it
4 Locking knob engages.
nf_BA.book Page 92 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Opening/closing the sliding door To close: press button 2 to release Electric sliding door*
from the inside the sliding door from its detent and,
holding door handle 3, pull the door Depending on the vehicle’s equipment,
Open sliding door only when conditions there are electric sliding doors on the
firmly towards the front until it en-
are safe to do so. left and/or right-hand side.
To unlock: pull locking knob 4 up. Open sliding door only when conditions
To lock: press locking knob 4
Only this sliding door unlocks. The are safe to do so. You can operate the
other doors remain locked. electric sliding door as follows:
3 Only this sliding door is locked. Switch on the center console
To open: press button 2 to open
Switch in the doorway (B-pillar)
the unlocked sliding door. Electric closing aid*
Inside door handle
Hold door handle 3 and slide the Your vehicle may be equipped with an Outside door handle
sliding door towards the rear as far electric closing aid. Remote control
as the stop.
The electric closing aid helps you to
close the sliding door. Closing the door
does not require as much effort.
nf_BA.book Page 93 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
i If the electric drive of the sliding door is Opening/closing using the switch
at risk of overheating, e.g. as a result of
Following a battery disconnection or Observe the notes on anti-trap protec-
frequent opening and closing within a
malfunction, it is necessary to fully tion ( page 98).
short amount of time, the sliding door
close the sliding door once by press-
opens completely and is locked (func-
ing and holding the switch on the
tion override). After approx. 30 seconds,
center console or in the doorway
the sliding door is again operational.
( page 93) and then to fully open
and close the door once by pressing i 3
one of the switches briefly. This re-
In the event of a malfunction or if the
stores normal operation of the slid-
battery is disconnected, you can dis-
ing door.
connect the sliding door from the
electric drive via the unlocking me-
chanism and then open/close the sli- Sliding door switch on the center console
ding door manually ( page 96).
1 To close the sliding door/to program the
key ( page 97)
2 To open the sliding door
nf_BA.book Page 94 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
i To open the sliding door: briefly
press lower part 2 of the switch on
On vehicles with a partition, the
the center console or briefly press
switch is located on the partition
N72.16-2119-31 switch 3 in the doorway.
near the doorway level with the in-
side door handle. The indicator lamp in the switch flas-
hes. The sliding door opens.
To unlock the sliding door from in- To close the sliding door: briefly
3 side: press lower part of the central press upper part 1 of the switch on
locking switch on the center console the center console or briefly press
Sliding door switch in the doorway (B-pil- ( page 104). switch 3 in the doorway.
lar) The indicator lamp in the switch goes The indicator lamp in the switch
3 To open/close the sliding door out. flashes. The sliding door closes and a
or signal sounds.
Pull the locking knob of the sliding
door up ( page 91).
nf_BA.book Page 95 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
To stop the sliding door: press lo- Proceed as follows in the event of unfa- The indicator lamp in the switch
wer/upper part of the switch on the vorable operating conditions, e.g. frost, flashes. The sliding door closes and a
center console or press switch 3 in ice or heavy soiling: signal sounds.
the doorway. Release the switch.
To open the sliding door: press
The sliding door stops. lower part 2 of the switch on the The sliding door stops.
center console or press and hold
To lock the sliding door from in- To stop the sliding door: press lo-
switch 3 in the doorway.
side: press lower part of the central wer/upper part of the switch on the
locking switch on the center console The indicator lamp in the switch center console or press switch 3 in 3
( page 104). flashes. The sliding door unlocks and the doorway.
The indicator lamp in the switch co- opens, and a signal sounds. The sliding door stops.
mes on. To close the sliding door: press up- To lock the sliding door from in-
or per part 1 of the switch on the cen- side: press lower part of the central
ter console or press and hold locking switch on the center console
Press the locking knob of the sliding switch 3 in the doorway.
door down ( page 91). ( page 104).
nf_BA.book Page 96 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
The indicator lamp in the switch Press and hold lower part 2 of the The sliding door stops.
comes on. switch on the center console or press
and hold switch 3 in the doorway. Opening/closing using the inside
and outside door handles
Press the locking knob of the sliding The indicator lamp in the switch
door down ( page 91). flashes. The sliding door opens. Observe the notes on anti-trap protec-
tion ( page 98).
i Release the switch.
The indicator lamp in the switch on The sliding door stops.
the center console lights up whenev- N72.16-2118-31
To close the sliding door: press
er the sliding door is open.
and hold upper part 1 of the switch
on the center console or press and
The sliding door can jam under unfavor-
hold switch 3 in the doorway.
able operating conditions such as frost,
icing or heavy dirt. In this case, clean the The indicator lamp in the switch
door entry and proceed as follows: flashes. The sliding door closes and a
signal sounds.
To open the sliding door: unlock 1 Button
the sliding door ( page 94). Release the switch.
nf_BA.book Page 97 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Press button 1 again or pull outside Programming the remote control
door handle 2 again.
If the vehicle is equipped with 2 sliding
The sliding door stops. doors, it is only possible to program the
remote control for one of the sliding
Opening/closing with the remote doors.
Press and hold the button for
more than half a second. 3
2 Outside door handle The sliding door unlocks and opens N72.16-2136-31
or closes.
Briefly press button 1 or pull out-
side door handle 2. Press the button again.
nf_BA.book Page 98 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Make sure that the doors are closed. Anti-trap protection If the sliding door is obstructed during
the closing procedure, it opens fully
Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
Press and hold the upper part of Warning G
relevant switch 1 or 2 on the cen- i
The anti-trap protection function does not
ter console for 5 seconds. The anti-trap protection is pro-
eliminate the possibility of fingers or other
The indicator lamp in the switch for grammed to be less sensitive when
parts of the body being trapped against
the sliding door concerned flashes you press and hold the switch on the
3 the door frame and therefore does not
and a warning tone sounds three center console or the switch in the
eliminate the risk of injury.
times as confirmation. doorway than when the door opens
Always make sure that nobody is within
of its own accord.
the operating range of the sliding door.
nf_BA.book Page 99 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Resetting the sliding door: Close Rear doors
the sliding door completely once by
You can fix the rear doors in place at an
Warning G
pressing and holding down the
switch on the center console or in angle of approximately 90° or 270°. The rear lamps are concealed by more
the doorway. than 50% when you open the rear doors
Then Warning G through 90° or more.
The vehicle is then not sufficiently safe-
Open and close the sliding door com- When you open the rear door: guarded at the rear and may only be seen
pletely once by pressing and relea- by other road users when they are close 3
there must be sufficient clearance
sing one of the switches. to the vehicle. This could lead to an acci-
make sure that nobody can become
This restores normal operation of the dent.
sliding door. Make sure, therefore, that the vehicle is
safeguarded at the rear in accordance
with national legal requirements, e.g. with
a warning triangle.
nf_BA.book Page 100 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Opening the right-hand rear door Always make sure that the open rear Make sure that the right-hand rear
from the outside door is correctly engaged in the de- door is open and engaged.
Pull release lever 1 in the direction
of the arrow.
Opening the left-hand rear door from
the outside Swing the rear door out to the side
until it engages.
1 Handle
Pull handle 1.
Swing the rear door out to the side
until it engages. 1 Release lever
nf_BA.book Page 101 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Opening the rear doors to an angle of Pull door retainer 1 in the direction
270° of the arrow and hold it firmly.
Open the rear door beyond 90° so
that the door retainer can no longer
Release the door retainer and open
the door to an angle of 270°.
Warning G 2 Magnetic door retainer
Make sure that the traffic area is clear With the rear door opened to an an-
1 Door retainer when opening the rear doors beyond 90°. gle of 270°, push it against magnetic
Open the rear door to an angle of ap- You could otherwise injure yourself and door retainer 2 on the side wall.
proximately 45°. others.
nf_BA.book Page 102 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
When the magnet on the rear door is Closing the rear doors from outside Closing the rear doors from the 90° or
in contact with magnetic door retain- 270° position
er 2, the rear door is held in this po-
Warning G Pull the door away from the magne-
tic door retainer 1 if necessary
i Make sure that nobody can become ( page 101).
trapped as you close the rear door.
If you prefer to keep door retainer 1 Push the rear door closed firmly from
( page 101) out of the loading area the outside.
3 Close the left-hand rear door firmly
when loading the vehicle, you can The door retainer 1 ( page 101) is
from the outside.
swivel it 180° against the spring automatically released from its de-
pressure and onto the door, where it Close the right-hand rear door firmly tent.
engages. The door retainer then re- from the outside.
mains in this position and no longer
returns to its original position.
Before closing the door, release door
retainer 1 from the detent and re-
turn it to its original position.
nf_BA.book Page 103 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Opening/closing the rear door from To unlock: slide catch 2 to the left.
the inside
You will see a white marking. Only
The opening lever is on the inside of the the rear door is unlocked. The other
right-hand rear door. If a white marking doors remain locked.
is visible, this indicates that the rear
To open: pull opening lever 1 and
door is unlocked. Open rear doors only
open the unlocked rear door.
when conditions are safe to do so.
Always make sure that the open rear
door is correctly engaged in the de-
Rear door tent.
1 Opening lever
2 Catch Warning G
Make sure that nobody can become
trapped as you close the rear door.
nf_BA.book Page 104 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
To close: make sure that the left-
hand rear door is closed. Warning G Warning (Continued) G
Pull the right-hand rear door firmly Do not leave children unsupervised in the get out of the vehicle and could either
closed by the door handle. vehicle, even if they are secured by a child injure themselves when doing so or
restraint system. The children could: they could be injured by passing
To lock: slide catch 2 to the right. vehicles
Only the rear door is locked. injure themselves on parts of the
vehicle sustain serious injuries if they were to
The white marking is no longer visi- fall out of the vehicle, due in particular
ble. be severely or even fatally injured by to the height of the passenger com-
prolonged exposure to intense heat partment from the ground
Locking and unlocking centrally
If the children open a door, they could:
from the inside The central locking switch is located on
Using the central locking switch, you cause injury to others as a result the center console.
can centrally lock or unlock from the in- Continued
side either the entire vehicle or the slid-
ing doors and rear doors only.
nf_BA.book Page 105 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
i Locking the entire vehicle
If the key is in position 0 or no longer Press upper part 1 of the switch
in the ignition lock, the indicator when the doors are closed.
N54.25-2917-31 lamp in the central locking switch The indicator lamp in the switch
lights up for 5 seconds after it is comes on.
pressed. It lights up permanently if
the key is in position 1 or 2 in the ig- Unlocking the entire vehicle
nition lock. 3
1 To lock/unlock the entire vehicle Press upper part 1 of the switch.
2 To lock/unlock the sliding doors and The indicator lamp in the central locking
rear door
The indicator lamp in the switch goes
switch indicates when the sliding doors out.
and the rear door are locked. You can
determine whether the driver's door or
passenger's door is locked or unlocked
by the position of the locking knobs.
nf_BA.book Page 106 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Locking the sliding doors and the Automatic locking
rear door
As a standard feature on all vehicles, all
Press lower part 2 of the switch doors lock automatically when a speed
when the doors are closed. of 9 mph (15 km/h) is reached. N54.25-2917-31
The indicator lamp in the switch On some vehicles, depending on the
comes on. equipment, all doors lock automatically
as soon as the ignition is switched on*.
3 Unlocking the sliding doors and the
You can unlock and open a locked door
rear door
from the inside at any time. 1 To lock/unlock the entire vehicle
Press lower part 2 of the switch. 2 To lock/unlock the sliding doors and
rear door
The indicator lamp in the switch goes
nf_BA.book Page 107 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
!CAUTION i Activating the automatic locking
function for the entire vehicle
If your vehicle is centrally locked, this For information about different set-
could hinder rescue operations from the tings, please contact your authorized Close all the doors.
outside in the event of an accident. Sprinter Dealer. Turn the key to position 1 or 2 in the
When the automatic locking when ignition lock ( page 111).
driving function is activated, there is i
Press upper part 1 of the switch.
a risk of being locked out if the vehi- If activated, automatic locking is de- Keep it pressed for approximately
cle is pushed or towed. activated if the vehicle is unlocked or 3
5 seconds.
locked using the central locking
For this reason, always deactivate The indicator lamp in the switch
the automatic locking when driving flashes four times.
function: Automatic locking is reactivated af-
before pushing the vehicle ter the ignition is switched off or a
before having the vehicle towed door is opened with the vehicle sta-
if you are only leaving the vehicle tionary.
for a brief period
nf_BA.book Page 108 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Deactivating the automatic locking Activating the automatic locking Deactivating the automatic locking
function for the entire vehicle function for the sliding doors and the when driving function for the sliding
rear door doors and the rear door
Close all the doors.
Close all the doors. Close all the doors.
Turn the key to position 1 or 2 in the
ignition lock ( page 111). Turn the key to position 1 or 2 in the Turn the key to position 1 or 2 in the
Press upper part 1 of the switch. ignition lock ( page 111). ignition lock ( page 111).
Keep it pressed for approximately Press lower part 2 of the switch. Press lower part 2 of the switch.
5 seconds. Keep it pressed for approximately Keep it pressed for approximately
5 seconds. 5 seconds.
The indicator lamp in the switch
flashes twice. The indicator lamp in the switch The indicator lamp in the switch
flashes four times. flashes twice.
nf_BA.book Page 109 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Partition sliding door* Operating the partition sliding door To open: turn the key counterclock-
from inside the cab wise 3.
The partition sliding door is in the parti-
tion between the cab and the load com- The sliding door is unlocked.
partment. Slide the sliding door to the right as
far as the stop 2.
Warning G To close: slide the sliding door to the
left until it engages 1.
Make sure that nobody can become 3
trapped as you close the partition sliding The sliding door can be locked using
door. the key.
1 To close
2 To open
3 To unlock
nf_BA.book Page 110 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Operating the partition sliding door To open: press the lever to the
from inside the load compartment right 3.
The sliding door is unlocked.
Slide the sliding door to the left as far
as the stop 1.
To close: slide the sliding door to the
right until it engages 2.
1 To close
2 To open
3 To unlock
nf_BA.book Page 111 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Key positions
Key positions
0 To remove the key, to lock the steer- i
ing wheel
The key can only be removed from
1 To unlock the steering wheel (power position 0. Also observe the notes in
supply for some consumers, e.g. radio) the “Driving and parking” section
2 To switch on the ignition (power sup- ( page 183).
ply for all consumers)
To unlock the steering, turn the
Preglow1 and drive position 3
steering wheel slightly while turning
3 To start the key to position 1.
On vehicles with a battery isolating
switch, you must first switch on the
electrical system ( page 340).
nf_BA.book Page 112 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driver’s and passenger’s seats
Warning G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G Make sure that nobody can become Avoid seat positions that do not allow
trapped as the seat is adjusted. Never the seat belt to be routed correctly.
Only adjust the seats when the vehicle is The shoulder section of the seat belt
place your hands under the seat or near to
stationary and the handbrake is applied. must be routed across the middle of
moving parts.
3 You could otherwise lose control of the your shoulder and must fit closely
vehicle as a result of the seat moving and Your seat must be adjusted in such a way across your chest. The lap section of
cause an accident. that you can wear the seat belt correctly the belt must be routed as low as pos-
( page 39). sible across your pelvic area, i.e.
across your hip joints. Never drive
Observe the following points: with the backrest tilted too far back.
Position the backrest as vertically as Your arms should be slightly bent when
possible and sit upright. you are holding the steering wheel.
Continued Continued
nf_BA.book Page 113 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
nf_BA.book Page 114 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Standard, comfort* and suspension* 1 Seat fore-and-aft adjustment Seat fore-and-aft adjustment
seats 2 Lumbar support adjustment Pull lever 1 up.
3 Backrest adjustment
4 Seat height adjustment Slide the seat forwards or backwards
5 Seat angle adjustment until you can reach the pedals and
6 Seat suspension adjustment depress them.
7 Suspension lock lever Release lever 1.
i Slide the seat forwards or backwards
3 slightly until it engages audibly.
Different settings are possible, de-
pending on the seat version.
Backrest adjustment
Turn thumbwheel 3 forward.
The backrest moves to an upright po-
Turn thumbwheel 3 backward.
The backrest tilts towards the rear.
nf_BA.book Page 115 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Seat height adjustment Lumbar support adjustment* Turn thumbwheel 2 upward.
Push or pull lever 4 repeatedly until This increases the support provided
i to your lumbar region.
you have reached the desired seat
Using the lumbar support, you can
height. Turn thumbwheel 2 downward.
increase the level of support that the
backrest provides to your spinal col- This reduces the support provided to
Seat angle adjustment* your lumbar region.
Turn thumbwheel 5 forward.
When the lumbar support is correctly 3
The front of the seat cushion tilts adjusted, it reduces strain on your
down. back while you are driving.
Turn thumbwheel 5 backward.
The front of the seat cushion tilts up.
nf_BA.book Page 116 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Seat suspension adjustment* Suspension lock* The seat can now move up and down
The seat suspension must be adjusted If the seat bounces up and down fre-
to your body weight. Only adjust the seat quently, you can engage the seat the lo-
Swivelling front seats*
suspension when the seat is unoccup- wer position of its suspension travel.
Turn lever 7 downward.
Relieve the load on the seat. Warning G
The next time the seat bounces, it
3 Select your body weight 88 to will engage. Only adjust the seats when the vehicle is
265 lbs (40 to 120 kg) using thumb- stationary and the handbrake is applied.
wheel 6 for optimal seat suspensi- i You could otherwise lose control of the
on. The suspension lock will engage only vehicle as a result of the seat moving and
if your weight is identical or above cause an accident.
The seat suspension becomes har-
the adjusted suspension weight.
der as you adjust it to a higher body
weight. The seat will then travel
Turn lever 7 upward to release the
down as far.
seat from the suspension lock.
nf_BA.book Page 117 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
The seats engage in the direction of trav- Fold the handbrake lever down as far as
Warning G el or opposite the direction of travel as it will go. You could otherwise damage
well as at 50° pointing towards the exit. the handbrake or the handbrake lever.
The driver’s and passenger’s seat must be
adjusted and properly engaged in the di- i
rection of travel for driving. Otherwise you !CAUTION Move the passenger’s seat forward
will not be able to operate the vehicle When rotating the seats, make sure as far as it will go before rotating it
safely. there is sufficient space. If neces- ( page 114).
The restraint systems in your vehicle will sary, move the seat fore or aft to 3
only function as intended when the dri- avoid colliding with adjacent add-on Make sure the handbrake is applied
ver’s and passenger’s seat are engaged in parts. and the handbrake lever is folded
the direction of travel. Fold the handbrake lever down down as far as it will go
as far as it will go. You could ( page 191).
The driver’s and passenger’s seat can be otherwise damage the handbra-
ke or the handbrake lever. Set the steering wheel so that there
rotated by 180° to be opposite of the di- is sufficient clearance for turning and
rection of travel. adjusting the driver’s seat
( page 127).
nf_BA.book Page 118 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
The seat release lever is located behind Press lever 1 on the back of the
Warning G the seat between the seat backrest and seat to the middle and turn the seat
the seat base. slightly inwards.
Make sure nobody can become trapped
The turning device is unlocked.
when unlocking and turning the seats.
Never hold your hands under the seat or Release lever 1 again.
near moveable parts when turning the Turn the seat inwards to the desired
seats. position.
Passenger’s seat
1 Lever
nf_BA.book Page 119 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Twin passenger's seat* Folding the seat cushion forward
Warning G i
You could knock yourself against the un- The twin passenger’s seat does not
protected pivoting frame if the seat is oppo- provide the same level of comfort as
site of the direction of travel and pushed the driver’s and passenger’s seats.
right back in a longitudinal direction. There is only restricted seat width
and legroom.
Therefore, center the seat above the seat
base whenever you leave it. Point out this
danger to passengers.
nf_BA.book Page 120 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Pull the seat cushion towards the Positioning the seat cushion Armrests*
front slightly and out of rear
Fold the seat cushion back.
anchorage 2.
Slide the seat cushion under the
Fold the seat cushion up by the rear
backrest and into rear
anchorage 2.
i Fold the seat cushion down.
3 You can store various articles in the Press the front of the seat cushion
space under the twin passenger’s down until it engages in front
seat. anchorage 1.
1 To fold up the armrest
2 To unlock the armrest
3 To move the armrest to the desired posi-
nf_BA.book Page 121 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Adjusting the armrest angle Head restraints Adjusting the head restraint
Fold the armrest up by an angle of
more than 45° to unlock it 2.
Warning G
Fold the armrest forward to the
stop 3. There are six closely spaced Only drive with the head restraints in-
positions in which the armrest can stalled. You could otherwise suffer seri-
engage if you raise it. ous or fatal injuries in the area of the
upper spinal column.
Folding up the armrest Adjust the head restraint in such a way
If you do not wish to use the armrest, that the upper edge of the head restraint
is level with your head.
fold it up by an angle of more than 1 Release button
90° 1. Adjust your head restraint so that when
2 Height adjustment
your head is relaxed the back of your 3 Angle adjustment (comfort head re-
head is as close as possible to the head straint)
restraint. This will support your head ef-
fectively in an accident. The head re-
straint must be engaged in a detent.
nf_BA.book Page 122 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
To raise: pull the head restraint up Installing the head restraints Seat heating*
to the desired position.
!CAUTION The switches for the driver’s and pas-
To lower: press release button 1 senger’s seat are on the center console.
Make sure that the head restraint is
and slide the head restraint down to
reinstalled in such a way that its front
the desired position.
faces in the direction of travel (com-
To adjust the angle: hold the head fort head restraint).
restraint by the lower edge and fold
3 it to the desired position. Insert the head restraint so that the
rod with the notches is in the direc-
Removing the head restraints tion of travel on the left.
Pull the head restraint up as far as it Push the head restraint down until it
will go. engages.
Press release button 1 and pull the 1 Normal heating
2 Rapid heating
head restraint out.
Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
nf_BA.book Page 123 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Normal heating To switch off: press lower part of The folding seat is on the co-driver’s
the switch again. side.
To switch on: press upper part of
the & switch. The indicator lamps in the switch go
An indicator lamp in the switch comes out.
on. To switch down to normal heat-
To switch off: press upper part of ing: press upper part of the & switch.
the & switch again.
i 3
The indicator lamp in the switch goes The seat heating switches automati-
out. cally to normal heating mode after
approximately 5 minutes.
Rapid heating
Only one indicator lamp in the switch Folding seat next to the partition sliding
To switch on: press lower part of
remains lit. door
the switch.
1 Key for partition sliding door
Both indicator lamps in the switch
2 Seat cushion
come on.
nf_BA.book Page 124 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Warning G
Rear bench seat Warning (Continued) G
When folding down the seat cushion, make
Warning G The integrated seat belt can only offer the
degree of protection for which it is de-
sure that nobody can become trapped. All release levers on the legs of the rear signed if you install the specified rear
The Warning to the co-driver is increased bench seat must be parallel to the vehicle bench seats correctly. Therefore, you
in the event of sudden steering move- floor. A rear bench seat with 2 seats may must have the rear bench seat with four
ments or an accident if there is a key in- only be installed left-sided. seats installed only by a qualified special-
serted in the partition sliding door lock. You can obtain information from any au- ist workshop, e.g., an authorized Sprinter
thorized Sprinter Dealer. Dealer.
Remove the key from the partition sliding
door before using the folding seat. Continued Keep the seat bench mounting cups in the
vehicle floor free from dirt and foreign ob-
Remove key 1 from partition sliding jects. This is the only way to guarantee
door. that the locking mechanisms will engage
Fold seat cushion 2 down or up. securely.
The seat cushion is held in the rele- Continued
vant position.
nf_BA.book Page 125 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Removing the rear bench seat with 2 Turn all levers 1 for the bench seat
Warning (Continued) G or 3 seats fully upward.
For reasons of safety, only have seat The locking lever is located underneath The rear bench seat moves back into
mounting cups retrofitted at an autho- the bench seat, on the feet of the bench the seat mounting cups on the vehic-
rized Sprinter Dealer. seat. le floor.
For safety reasons, the rear bench
seat with 4 seats must only be remo-
ved or installed by a qualified specia-
list workshop, e.g., an authorized
Sprinter Dealer. 1 Lever
nf_BA.book Page 126 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Installing the rear bench seat with 2 Observe the specified installation lo- Slide the rear bench seat forward un-
or 3 seats cation for the rear bench seat. til you hear the locking mechanisms
A rear bench seat with 2 seats may
only be installed left-sided. Check levers 1 on the bench seat
Check seat mounting cups 2 on the
vehicle floor. All levers 1 must be parallel to the
Seat mounting cups 2 must be kept vehicle floor.
free from dirt and foreign objects.
Position the rear bench seat in the di-
rection of travel in respective seat
mounting cups 2.
1 Lever
2 Seat mounting cups
nf_BA.book Page 127 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Steering wheel adjustment
Steering wheel adjustment
Warning G Warning G
Only adjust the steering wheel when the Never leave children unsupervised in the
vehicle is stationary. Only drive with the vehicle. They could become trapped if
steering wheel locked in position. they try to adjust the steering column.
An incorrectly secured steering wheel 3
could make it more difficult to steer the The lever for adjusting the steering col-
vehicle safely, since the height and fore- umn is under the steering wheel.
and-aft adjustment could move out of po-
sition when the steering wheel is turned.
You could lose control of the vehicle as a
result, cause an accident and injure your-
self and others.
nf_BA.book Page 128 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Steering wheel adjustment
Swing lever 3 down to the stop.
The steering wheel is unlocked.
Move the steering wheel to the de-
sired position.
Pull lever 3 up to the stop.
N46.15-2032-31 The steering wheel is locked again.
nf_BA.book Page 129 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Legal requirements may impose variati- i Lamp failure monitor
ons in certain countries.
If you are traveling in countries Your vehicle is equipped as standard
where vehicles are driven on the op- with a lamp failure monitor.
posite side of the road to that in
which the vehicle is registered, you The lamp failure monitor monitors all
must have the headlamps: lamps of the exterior lighting with the ex-
ception of the identification lamps and
partially masked (halogen head- 3
lamps) the trailer lighting. In the event of a lamp
failure, either the indicator lamp .
switched over (bi-xenon head-
lamps) lights up or a corresponding message
appears in the display.
You will find further information in
the “Operation” section
( page 311).
nf_BA.book Page 130 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
i Light switch
Depending on the equipment versi-
Warning G The light switch is located between the
on, the lamp failure monitor may not driver’s door and the steering wheel.
The lamp failure monitor is only an aid.
monitor all lamps (with the exception
You are responsible for making sure that
of the turn signals)*.
the vehicle lighting is functioning cor-
rectly at all times.
1 Light switch
2 Front foglamp* indicator lamp
3 Rear foglamp indicator lamp
nf_BA.book Page 131 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Switching on the low-beam head-
U Automatic headlamp control*
M Lights off
Turn light switch to B. N82.10-2527-31
C Parking lamps, license plate
and instrument lighting on The B indicator lamp in the in-
strument cluster lights up.
B Low-beam headlamps on
Switching on the high-beam head-
lamps 3
The combination switch is located on 1 High-beam headlamps
the left of the steering wheel. 2 Headlamp flasher
Turn key to position 1 in ignition lock
( page 111).
Turn light switch to B.
nf_BA.book Page 132 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Press combination switch forward Constant headlamp mode* Automatic headlamp control*
On vehicles with steering wheel buttons, The parking lamps, low-beam head-
The indicator lamp A in the in- you can set constant headlamp mode lamps and license plate lamp are
strument cluster lights up. ( page 171). This does not apply to switched on automatically when the
countries in which there is a legal re- brightness of ambient light falls below a
Headlamp flasher quirement to use constant headlamp predetermined level.
Turn key to position 1 in ignition lock
3 ( page 111). Turn light switch to M.
Pull combination switch briefly in The low-beam headlamps, parking
direction 2. lamps and license plate lamp are
switched on when the engine is
The B indicator lamp in the in-
strument cluster lights up.
nf_BA.book Page 133 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
The parking lamps are switched on/
Warning G Warning (Continued) G off automatically when the key is in
position 1 ( page 111) in the igni-
If the light switch is at U: If it is dark, only turn the light switch from tion lock.
the headlamps could switch off tem- U to B when the vehicle is station-
The parking lamps, low-beam head-
porarily due to extreme glare, e.g. ary. You could otherwise cause an acci-
lamps and license plate lamp are
from oncoming traffic dent if the headlamps were to switch off
switched on/off automatically when
the lights do not switch on automati- the engine is running, depending on 3
cally in foggy conditions Automatic headlamp mode is only a driv- the ambient light conditions.
Set the light switch to B. Otherwise ing aid. You are responsible for the vehi-
Only use manual headlamp mode when
you are endangering yourself and others. cle’s lighting at all times.
you are driving in countries where driv-
Continued ing with the low-beam headlamps
Turn light switch to U.
switched on is required by law.
In this case, turn the light switch to
nf_BA.book Page 134 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Front foglamps*/rear foglamp The light switch is located between the Switching on the front foglamps
driver’s door and the steering wheel.
Make sure that the parking lamps or
i low-beam headlamps are switched
Foglamps will operate with the park- on.
ing lamps and/or the low beam
headlamps on. Foglamps should only Pull light switch 1 out to the first
be used in conjunction with low detent.
beam headlamps. Consult your State The ‡ green indicator lamp next
3 or Province Motor Vehicle Regula- to the light switch comes on.
tions regarding permissible lamp op-
i 1 Light switch
2 Front foglamp indicator lamp
When the light switch is set to U, 3 Rear foglamp indicator lamp
you cannot switch on the front or
rear foglamps. In this case, turn the
light switch to B or C.
nf_BA.book Page 135 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Switching on the rear foglamp i
Make sure that the parking lamps or To indicate minor directional changes
low-beam headlamps are switched such as changing lanes, press the
on. N82.10-2528-31 combination switch only to point of
Pull light switch 1 out to the second resistance and release. The corre-
detent. sponding turn signals will flash three
The † yellow indicator lamp next
to the light switch comes on.
1 Right-hand turn signal
Turn signals 2 Left-hand turn signal
The combination switch is located on Push combination switch up 1 or
the left of the steering wheel. down 2 until it engages.
The combination switch moves back
automatically if the steering wheel is
turned sufficiently.
nf_BA.book Page 136 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Hazard warning lamps To switch on: press the hazard war-
The hazard warning lamps still operate if
ning lamps switch. Warning G
the ignition is switched off and the key is All turn signals and the switch flash.
The rear lamps are concealed when the
removed. To switch off: press the hazard rear doors are opened 90° (detent posi-
The switch is located on the center con- warning lamps switch again. tion).
The vehicle is then not sufficiently safe-
guarded at the rear and may only be seen
by other road users when they are close
to the vehicle. This could lead to an acci-
N54.25-2919-31 Make sure, therefore, that the vehicle is
safeguarded at the rear in accordance
with national legal requirements, e.g.
with a warning triangle.
nf_BA.book Page 137 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Front interior lighting Front interior lighting with overhead Automatic control
control panel*
The front interior lighting (but not the
Standard front interior lighting rear interior lamps) comes on if you:
unlock the vehicle
open a door
remove the key from the ignition lock
The front interior lighting switches off
again automatically. 3
To switch off: press button 5.
1 To switch the left-hand reading lamp on/off The interior lighting remains off even
2 To switch the right-hand reading lamp if you open a door.
1 To switch on the interior lighting 3 Right-hand reading lamp To switch on: press button 5.
2 Automatic control 4 Interior lamp
3 To switch off the interior lighting The automatic function is activated. The
5 To switch automatic control on/off
6 To switch the interior lighting on/off interior lighting switches on and off
7 Left-hand reading lamp again automatically.
nf_BA.book Page 138 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
i i Rear interior lighting
The interior lighting switches off after If you switch a lamp on manually, it
approximately 20 minutes if it is con- switches off automatically after Switching the standard rear interior
trolled automatically and if a door re- 20 minutes on vehicles with an over- lighting on/off
mains open. head control panel. On panel vans/crewbuses equipped
with the standard rear interior lighting,
Manual control Switching the reading lamps on/off the switch for the rear interior lighting is
3 Press button 6. Press button 1 or 2. on the rear lamp in the load/passenger
Front interior lamps 4 come on. Reading lamp 3 or 7 comes on. compartment.
If you switch a reading lamp on man-
ually, it switches off automatically af-
ter approximately 20 minutes.
nf_BA.book Page 139 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
i There is a switch on each rear interior
lamp, which can be used to switch the
The rear interior lamps switch off au-
lamp concerned on/off separately, re-
tomatically after 20 minutes if a slid-
gardless of the position of the master
ing door or rear door is open.
control switch.
Switching the convenient rear interi-
or lighting* on/off
On panel vans/crewbuses equipped 3
with the convenient rear interior lighting,
Rear interior lamp with switch the rear interior lighting master control N83.30-3110-31
1 To switch on the rear interior lighting switch is between the steering wheel
2 To switch off the rear interior lighting and the ignition lock.
3 Automatic control
nf_BA.book Page 140 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Rear interior lighting master control Automatic control i
To switch on: set the rear interior The rear interior lamps switch off au-
1 To switch on the rear interior lighting lighting master control switch to tomatically after 20 minutes, even if
2 Automatic control position 2. the switches on the rear interior
3 To switch off the rear interior lighting
If the switch on the rear interior lamps lamps ( page 139) are in the On po-
To switch on: press upper part 1 of sition 1.
the switch. ( page 139) is set to automatic control
3, the rear interior lamps come on If you wish to reactivate the rear inte-
3 The rear interior lamps are switched when you: rior lamps, you must:
on when the switches on the rear in- open a door open a door
terior lamps ( page 139) are not in
unlock the vehicle switch on the ignition again
Off position 2.
set the rear interior lighting mas-
To switch off: press lower part 3 of ter control switch to position 2
the switch. again.
All rear interior lamps are switched
off regardless of the position of the
switch on the rear interior lamp.
nf_BA.book Page 141 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Load compartment motion detector* i the vehicle is stationary, the hand-
brake is applied and the service
On panel vans equipped with a motion If the motion detector detects move- brake is not applied
detector in the load compartment, the ment in the load compartment when
rear interior lighting may also switch on the vehicle is stationary, the rear in-
the selector lever is in position P and
if motion is detected. terior lighting switches on for ap- the service brake is not applied
proximately 2 minutes. If new
the vehicle has not been locked from
Warning G movements are detected, the dura- the outside using the key
tion resumes from the beginning and 3
Motion detectors work with invisible in- the rear interior lighting remains i
frared beams emitted by LEDs (Light switched on. The motion detector switches off auto-
Emitting Diodes). matically if no change is detected in the
The rear interior lighting can be switched
vehicle for several hours, e.g. door
Do not view invisible infrared radiation, la- on by the motion detector with a delay of opened, ignition key turned, etc.
ser class 1M, directly using optical instru- no more than 4 seconds if:
This prevents the battery from dis-
ments. the switch on the rear interior lamp charging.
Your eyes could otherwise be injured. ( page 139) is set to “automatic
nf_BA.book Page 142 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Instrument cluster
Instrument cluster
i Instrument cluster
Do not hang any objects (e.g. coats) 1 Vehicles without steering wheel
in the load compartment. This will
help to prevent the motion detector
from inadvertently switching on the 2 Vehicles with steering wheel but-
rear interior lamps. tons*
3 N54.32-2279-31 3 Adjustment buttons
You will find a full overview of the instru-
ment cluster in the “At a glance” section button
( page 20). button
Menu button
Reset button
To check the engine oil level
( page 322)
nf_BA.book Page 143 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Instrument cluster
The display in the instrument cluster is
activated when you: Warning G Warning (Continued) G
open the driver’s door
No messages can be displayed if the in- Contact a qualified specialist workshop
switch on the ignition
strument cluster and/or the display is immediately which has the necessary spe-
press the reset button
malfunctioning. cialist knowledge and tools to carry out
switch on the lights the work required.
The display switches off automatically You will not then be able to see informa-
tion about the vehicle status, such as The manufacturer recommends that you
after approximately 30 seconds if: 3
speed and outside temperature, warning use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
there is no vehicle lighting switched
and indicator lamps, malfunction and purpose. In particular, work relevant to
warning messages or the malfunction of safety or on safety-related systems must
the key is in position 0 in the ignition
systems. Handling characteristics may be be carried out at a qualified specialist
lock ( page 111)
affected. workshop.
Continued Continued
nf_BA.book Page 144 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Instrument cluster
Instrument lighting
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
With the lights switched on, you can ad-
Only use adjustment buttons , , , Do not rest your head or chest on the just the brightness of the instrument
or when traffic conditions permit. steering wheel or dashboard when operat- lighting using the and buttons.
You will otherwise be unable to observe ing the adjustment buttons. See the safe- Brighter: press the button.
road and traffic conditions and could ty precautions for airbags ( page 46).
cause an accident. Dimmer: press the button.
3 i
Do not reach through the steering wheel
to press the adjustment buttons. This will Vehicles with automatic headlamp
make the steering wheel much more diffi- mode*:
cult to control. Your attention will also be The instrument lighting also adjusts
diverted from the road and traffic condi- in line with the automatic headlamp
tions. This could cause you to lose control mode.
of the vehicle and could lead to an acci-
nf_BA.book Page 145 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Instrument cluster
Tachometer Fuel gauge
The red band in the tachometer indi-
Environmental note H
cates the engine’s overrevving range. Avoid high engine speeds. These could in-
!CAUTION crease your vehicle’s fuel consumption
unnecessarily and damage the environ-
Do not drive in the overrevving
ment through increased pollutant emis-
range. Doing so could damage the
engine. 3
To protect the engine, the fuel supply is Speedometer
interrupted when the red band is
In some countries, a signal sounds
when the vehicle reaches the maxi-
mum speed limit, e.g. at 75 mph
(120 km/h).
nf_BA.book Page 146 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Instrument cluster
nf_BA.book Page 147 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system without steering wheel buttons
Operating system without steering wheel buttons
The operating system is activated as
soon as you switch on the ignition. You Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
may perform the following using the op-
erating system: Do not reach through the steering wheel to See the safety precautions for airbags
press the adjustment buttons. This will ( page 46).
Call up vehicle information
make the steering wheel much more diffi-
Make settings cult to control. Your attention will also be di- The operating system shows the informa-
verted from the road and traffic conditions. tion in the display. 3
Warning G This could cause you to lose control of the
vehicle and could lead to an accident. You can control the display and the set-
Only use adjustment buttons , , tings in the operating system using the
or when traffic conditions permit. You Do not rest your head or chest on the adjustment buttons on the instrument
will otherwise be unable to observe road steering wheel or dashboard when oper- cluster.
ating the adjustment buttons.
and traffic conditions and could cause an
accident. Continued
nf_BA.book Page 148 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system without steering wheel buttons
Standard display Changing the standard display Outside temperature display*
Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
Press and hold the menu button Warning G
N54.32-2281-31 for more than 1 second.
Even if the temperature displayed is just
The information shown in the display above freezing point, the road surface may
changes from the outside tempera- still be icy, especially in wooded areas or on
ture to the digital speedometer. bridges. You could skid if you do not adopt
3 1 Odometer a suitable driving style. You should there-
2 Trip meter fore always adapt your driving style and
3 Time speed to suit the weather conditions.
4 Outside temperature* or digital
5 Fuel gauge ( page 145)
6 Selector lever position or current
shift range
nf_BA.book Page 149 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system without steering wheel buttons
There may be a short delay before a low- Menus i
er outside temperature is displayed, for
To return to the standard display:
example after leaving a garage. There Function Page
may also be a short delay before a rise in press and hold menu button
Calling up the service due 411 for more than 1 second
the outside temperature is displayed.
date* do not press a button for
This prevents you from seeing a temper-
ature display influenced by heat from Checking the engine oil level 322 10 seconds
the engine when the vehicle is stationary Selecting/setting the auxiliary 240 The display accepts the changed set-
or moving slowly. heating switch-on time* tings. 3
Tire pressure monitor 365
Setting the time 150
Setting the date 150
nf_BA.book Page 150 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system without steering wheel buttons
Setting the time Setting the date i
Switch on the ignition ( page 111). Switch on the ignition ( page 111). If you keep the button pressed, the
Press menu button repeatedly Press menu button repeatedly values will change continuously.
until the hours figure flashes. until the day flashes.
Set the hour using the or but- Set the day using the or but-
ton. ton.
3 Press the reset button . Press reset button.
The minute display flashes. The month display flashes.
Set the minutes using the or Set the month using the or
button. button.
nf_BA.book Page 151 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
The operating system is activated as Steering wheel with buttons
soon as you switch on the ignition. You Warning G You can control the display and the set-
may perform the following using the op-
tings in the operating system with the
erating system: Only use the operating system when road
and traffic conditions permit. You will oth- buttons on the steering wheel.
Call up vehicle information
Make settings erwise be unable to observe road and traf-
fic conditions and could cause an
You can use this not only to find out 3
when the next service is due, but also to
set the language for messages in the in-
strument cluster, for example, and much
The operating system shows the infor-
mation in the display.
nf_BA.book Page 152 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
nf_BA.book Page 153 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Several functions are combined themat- You can think of the order of the menus The Settings menu contains submenus
ically in the menus. and of the functions within a menu as a instead of functions with which you can
circle: call up or change a setting. The way in
The display changes when you press one
If you keep pressing the è or which you operate these submenus is
of the buttons on the steering wheel.
ÿ button, each menu will appear described in the “Settings menu” sec-
For example, the AUDIO menu contains one after the other. tion ( page 161).
functions for controlling the radio* or If you keep pressing the j or The number of menus depends on the
CD player*. You can use a function to k button, each function in the
optional equipment installed in your ve- 3
call up information or to change the set- same menu will appear one after the
tings for the vehicle. other.
nf_BA.book Page 154 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Menu overview This is what the display looks like when The explanations for the individual
you scroll through the menus. menus are shown in the following table.
nf_BA.book Page 155 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
1 Operation menu 157 2 Audio* menu 158 Instrument cluster sub- 165
Selecting a radio station 158 menu
Standard display with 157
trip meter and odometer Operating the CD play- 158 Clock/Date submenu 168
Displaying coolant tem- 157 er/CD changer Lighting submenu 170
Vehicle submenu 174
Function Page
Calling up the service 411 Auxiliary heating* 241
due date 3 Malfunction memory 160 submenu
Tire pressure monitor 367 menu
Convenience* submenu 175
Checking the engine oil 326 Display malfunctions
level (only on vehicles 4 Settings menu 161
with a diesel engine) Resetting settings 162
nf_BA.book Page 156 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
nf_BA.book Page 157 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Operation menu Standard display
Upper part of the display
In the Operation menu, you can select In its basic setting, you will see the 1 Trip meter
the following functions using the j odometer and the trip meter in the up-
per part of the display. This is referred to 2 Odometer
or k button:
as the standard display. Lower part of the display
Function Page 3 Outside temperature* or digital
Standard display with trip 157 speedometer
meter and odometer 4 Time
Display coolant temperature 158 5 Selector lever position or current
Call up the service due date* 411 shift range
Tire pressure monitor 365
If you see a different display, press
Check the engine oil level 326 the è or ÿ button repeatedly
(only on vehicles with a diesel until the standard display appears.
nf_BA.book Page 158 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Displaying the coolant temperature temperature to rise to the end of the Operating the CD player/CD chan-
scale at high outside temperatures and ger ( page 159)
Press the j or k button re-
when driving in mountainous terrain.
peatedly until you see the coolant
Selecting a radio station
temperature in the display. Audio menu*
Switch on the radio.
You can use the functions in the Audio
menu to control the audio equipment See the separate operating instruc-
that you have just switched on. tions.
3 Press the è or · button re-
If you have a Sound 5 or Sound 20 in-
stalled and no audio equipment is swit- peatedly until you see the station
ched on, you will see the AUDIO off currently selected.
The temperature displayed may climb to message.
250°F (120°C) when the vehicle is being
The following functions are available:
driven in normal conditions and if the
coolant contains the correct concentra- Selecting a radio station
tion of corrosion inhibitor and antifree- ( page 158)
ze. It is acceptable for the coolant
nf_BA.book Page 159 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Operating the CD player Press the j or k button re-
Switch on the radio and select the peatedly until you have set the desi-
CD player. red track.
See the separate operating instructions. i
Press the è or · button re- It is only possible to save new sta-
peatedly until the settings for the CD tions using the radio itself. See the
1 Reception frequency being played are displayed. separate operating instructions.
2 Waveband, with memory location 3
number if set You can also operate the radio in the
same way as usual.
Press the j or k button re-
peatedly until you have found the
desired station.
nf_BA.book Page 160 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Malfunction memory menu Press the è or ÿ button re-
peatedly until you see the corre-
The Malfunction memory menu displays sponding malfunction from the
malfunctions that may have occurred. malfunction memory in the display.
The message in the display depends on
whether malfunctions have occurred or No malfunctions 1 Number of malfunctions
The No malfunctions message appears Press j or k button.
if no malfunctions have occurred.
3 Warning G You can scroll through the malfunc-
Malfunctions occurred tions one by one. The possible mal-
The operating system only records and functions are described in the
If malfunctions have occurred, the num- “Practical hints” section
shows malfunctions and warnings from
ber of malfunctions will be displayed. ( page 429).
certain systems. Therefore, make sure
that your vehicle is safe to use. You could
otherwise cause an accident by driving an
unsafe vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 161 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
i Press the è or ÿ button re-
Function Page
peatedly until you see the Settings
The malfunction memory is cleared Reset settings 162
menu in the display.
when you switch off the ignition. If
any new malfunctions occur, they will Reset the functions of a sub- 162
be displayed again. menu
Submenus in the Settings 163
Settings menu menu
The Settings menu has two functions: Instrument cluster submenu 165 3
the To reset: Press reset button Clock/Date submenu 168
for 3 sec. function, with which you Settings menu
can reset all settings to the factory Lighting submenu 170
defaults Vehicle submenu 174
a collection of submenus which you Auxiliary heating* submenu 240
can use to make individual settings
for your vehicle Convenience* submenu 175
nf_BA.book Page 162 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Resetting settings i Resetting the functions of a submenu
You can reset the functions in all sub- If you do not press the reset but- You can reset the functions of an individ-
menus to the factory defaults. ton a second time to confirm, the ual submenu to the factory defaults.
Press the reset button for ap- changed settings remain set. The Select a function in a submenu.
proximately 3 seconds. Settings menu is displayed again af-
ter approximately 5 seconds. Press reset button for approxi-
You will see the message in the dis- mately 3 seconds.
play prompting you to press the For safety reasons, it is not possible
3 to reset all of the functions while the You will see the message in the dis-
reset button once more to confirm.
vehicle is in motion. For example, the play prompting you to press the
Press reset button again. Hdlmp. mode function in the Lighting reset button once more to confirm.
The functions in most submenus are submenu remains unchanged. Press reset button again.
reset to the factory defaults. Most functions in the submenu are
reset to the factory defaults.
nf_BA.book Page 163 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
i Submenus in the Settings menu The submenus are arranged in a hierar-
chy; press the ç button to scroll
If you do not press the reset but- Press the j button.
down, press the æ button to scroll
ton a second time to confirm, the You will see the collection of sub- up.
changed settings remain set. The menus. There are more submenus
Settings menu is displayed again af- You can select a function within the sub-
than can be displayed at the same
ter approximately 5 seconds. menus by pressing the j button.
For safety reasons, it is not possible The settings themselves are changed by
to reset all of the functions while the pressing the æ or ç button again. 3
vehicle is in motion. For example, the This table shows the settings you can
Hdlmp. mode function in the Lighting N54.32-2255-31 make in the individual submenus.
submenu remains unchanged.
You will find additional information on
the following pages.
Press ç button.
The selection marker moves to the
next submenu.
nf_BA.book Page 164 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
nf_BA.book Page 165 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Instrument cluster submenu Selecting the unit for the temperature Press the æ or ç button to se-
lect the unit for all messages in the
You can reach the Inst. cluster sub- Select the Inst. cluster submenu
display: °C (degrees Celsius) or °F
menu via the Settings menu using the æ or ç button.
(degrees Fahrenheit).
( page 161).
Press the j or k button re-
peatedly until you see the Temperat. Selecting the unit for the
Function Page
message in the display. speedometer
Select the unit for the temper- 165
The current setting is highlighted. Select the Inst. cluster submenu
ature 3
using the æ or ç button.
Select the unit for the 165
speedometer and odometer Press the j or k button re-
peatedly until you see the Dig.
Select the language 166
speedo. message in the display.
Select the display for the sta- 167 N54.32-2256-31
The current setting is highlighted.
tus line
nf_BA.book Page 166 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Press the j or k button re- Selecting the language
peatedly until you see the Trip mes-
Select the Inst. cluster submenu
sage in the display.
using the æ or ç button.
The current setting is highlighted.
Press the j or k button re-
peatedly until you see the Language
Press the æ or ç button to se- message in the display.
lect the unit for all messages in the The current setting is highlighted.
3 display: km/h or mph (kilometers or N54.32-2258-31
miles per hour).
Selecting the unit for the odometer Press the æ or ç button to se-
lect the unit for all messages in the
Select the Inst. cluster submenu N54.32-2259-31
display: km (kilometers) or miles.
using the æ or ç button.
nf_BA.book Page 167 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Use the æ or ç button to se- Selecting the display for the status Press the æ or ç button to se-
lect the language in which the oper- line lect whether to display the outside
ating system messages are to be temperature or the speed.
Select the Inst. cluster submenu
using the æ or ç button. The selected display is then shown
You can select: permanently in the bottom part of
Press the j or k button re-
German (Deutsch) the display.
peatedly until you see the Select
displ. message in the display.
British English
American English The current setting is highlighted.
nf_BA.book Page 168 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Selecting the unit for the tire pressure Clock/Date submenu Setting the hours
Select the Inst. cluster submenu You can reach the Clock/Date submenu Select the Clock/Date submenu us-
using the æ or ç button. via the Settings menu ( page 161). ing the æ or ç button.
Press the j or k button re- Press the j or k button re-
peatedly until you see the Tire pres. Function Page peatedly until you see the Set clock
message in the display. Hours message in the display.
Set the hours (clock) 168
The current setting is highlighted.
3 Set the minutes (clock) 169
Select the time format 169
Set the day (date) 169
N54.32-2261-31 Set the month (date) 170 N54.32-2262-31
Set the year (date) 170
Set the hour by pressing the æ or
Press the æ or ç button to se- ç button.
lect the unit for the tire pressure: bar
or psi.
nf_BA.book Page 169 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Setting the minutes Selecting the time format Setting the day
Select the Clock/Date submenu us- Select the Clock/Date submenu us- Select the Clock/Date submenu
ing the æ or ç button. ing the æ or ç button. using the æ or ç button.
Press the j or k button re- Press the j or k button re- Press the j or k button re-
peatedly until you see the Set clock peatedly until you see the 12/24 h peatedly until you see the Date Day
Minutes message in the display. message in the display. message in the display.
The current setting is highlighted.
Set the minutes by pressing the Set the day by pressing the æ or
æ or ç button. ç button.
Use the æ or ç button to se-
lect the 12 h or 24 h clock format.
nf_BA.book Page 170 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Setting the month Setting the year Lighting submenu*
Select the Clock/Date submenu Select the Clock/Date submenu us- You can reach the Lighting submenu via
using the æ or ç button. ing the æ or ç button. the Settings menu ( page 161).
Press the j or k button re- Press the j or k button re- Function Page
peatedly until you see the Date Month peatedly until you see the Date Year
message in the display. message in the display. Set constant headlamp mode* 171
Switch the locator lighting on 172
3 or off*
Switch the exterior lighting 173
delayed switch-off on or off*
Set the month by pressing the æ Set the year by pressing the æ or
or ç button. ç button.
nf_BA.book Page 171 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Setting constant headlamp mode* Press the æ or ç to select the Press the æ or ç button to se-
Lighting submenu. lect whether you wish to operate the
If you have set constant headlamp mode
lighting manually or whether you
and the light switch is at M, the fol- Press the j or k button re-
wish to set constant headlamp
lowing light up automatically when the peatedly until you see the Hdlmp.
engine is running: mode message in the display.
The parking lamps and low-beam The current setting is highlighted. i
For safety reasons, it is not possible
The tail lamps to reset the Hdlmp. mode function to 3
The license plate lamp the factory setting while the vehicle
For safety reasons, it is only possible to N54.32-2268-31 is in motion. You will see the follow-
change this setting when the vehicle is ing message in the display: Setting
stationary. The factory setting is Con- only possible at standstill
stant in countries in which constant
headlamp mode is mandatory.
nf_BA.book Page 172 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
USA only: Switching the locator lighting on or The locator lighting automatically
If you turn the light switch to C off* switches off after 40 seconds or when
or B, the corresponding light you:
If you switch the locator lighting to On,
switches on. Constant headlamp the following lamps light up in the dark open the driver’s door
mode remains activated if the light after you have unlocked the vehicle us- insert the key into the ignition lock
switch is turned to U. ing the key: lock the vehicle with the key
Canada only: The parking lamps Press the æ or ç to select the
3 If you turn the light switch to B, The tail lamps Lighting submenu.
the low-beam headlamps are The license plate lamp Press the j or k button re-
switched on. Constant headlamp The front foglamps peatedly until you see the Loc.
mode remains activated if the light lighting message in the display.
switch is turned to C or U.
The current setting is highlighted.
nf_BA.book Page 173 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Setting the exterior lighting delayed i
You can reactivate this function by
N54.32-2269-31 The Headlamps (headlamps delayed opening a door within 10 minutes.
switch-off) function enables you to set
The lights are switched off after 60
whether or not the exterior lighting
seconds if you do not open a door or
should remain on in the dark after the
Press the æ or ç button to if you close an opened door after the
doors have been closed.
switch the locator lighting On or Off. engine has been switched off.
When you have set the delayed switch- 3
off and have switched off the engine, the Press the æ or ç to select the
following light up: Lighting submenu.
The parking lamps Press the j or k button re-
The tail lamps peatedly until you see the Headlamps
The license plate lamp message in the display.
The front foglamps
The current setting is highlighted.
nf_BA.book Page 174 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Setting station selection
The Search function enables you to de-
N54.32-2270-31 termine whether the radio ( page 158) N54.32-2271-31
should search for a new station or a pre-
viously stored station each time the ra-
dio is switched on.
Press the æ or ç button to se- Press the æ or ç button to se-
lect whether and for how long the Press the è or ÿ button re- lect how the radio should tune into a
3 lights should remain on. peatedly until you see the Vehicle station.
message in the display.
Vehicle submenu Frequency: The nearest station
Press the j or k button re- on the waveband is selected
You can reach the Vehicle submenu via
peatedly until you see the Search
the Settings menu ( page 161). Memory: The nearest saved sta-
message in the display.
Function Page tion is selected
The current setting is highlighted.
Set station selection 174
Set the windshield wiper sen- 175
nf_BA.book Page 175 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Setting the windshield wiper Convenience submenu*
You can reach the Convenience submenu
You can use the Wipe sensor function to N54.32-2272-31 via the Settings menu ( page 161).
set the sensitivity of the rain sensor.
Key-dependent settings
Press the è or ÿ button re-
peatedly until you see the Vehicle Press the æ or ç button to You can use the Key function to deter-
message in the display. select the level of sensitivity of the mine whether the settings in the:
rain sensor. Instrument cluster 3
Press the j or k button re-
peatedly until you see the Wipe sen- Level 1: High sensitivity Lighting
sor message in the display. Vehicle
Wiping beings in light rain
The current setting is highlighted. submenus are stored as key-dependent
Level 2: Moderate sensitivity
Level 3: Low sensitivity
Press the è or ÿ button re-
Wiping only begins in heavy rain
peatedly until you see the Conve-
nience message in the display.
nf_BA.book Page 176 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Press the j or k button re- i Function Page
peatedly until you see the Key mes-
For safety reasons, it is not possible Consumption statistics after 177
sage in the display.
to set the Key function while the vehi- reset
The current setting is highlighted. cle is in motion. You will see the fol-
Reset consumption statistics 178
lowing message in the display:
Setting only possible at stand-
still. i
3 N54.32-2273-31 When you call up the trip computer
Trip computer menu again, it always displays the con-
sumption statistics after start first.
The Trip computer menu displays statis-
Press the æ or ç button to tical data for your vehicle. The units of the trip computer are
switch key dependence On or Off. country-specific and depend on the
Function Page setting in the Instrument submenu of
the Settings menu.
Consumption statistics after 177
nf_BA.book Page 177 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Consumption statistics after start i Press the j or k button re-
peatedly until you see the After re-
Press the è or ÿ button re- If you turn the key to position 0 in the
set message.
peatedly until you see the ignition lock or remove it, all the val-
After start message in the display. ues are reset after approximately 4
The values will not be reset if you turn N54.32-2275-31
the key back to position 1 or 2 during
N54.32-2274-31 3
this time.
1 Distance driven since last reset
Consumption statistics after reset 2 Time elapsed since last reset
1 Distance driven since start 3 Average speed since last reset
2 Time elapsed since start Press the è or ÿ button re-
4 Average fuel consumption since last
3 Average speed since start peatedly until you see the
4 Average fuel consumption since start After start message in the display.
nf_BA.book Page 178 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Resetting the consumption statistics i Telephone menu*
Press the è or ÿ button re- The consumption statistics after You can operate your cell phone using
peatedly until you see the start are automatically reset after the functions in the TEL menu, provided
After start message in the display. 999 hours or 9,999 miles (kilome- it is connected to the manufacturer’s
Press the j or k button re- ters). hands-free system*.
peatedly until you see the statistics The consumption statistics after re-
that you want to reset in the display. set are automatically reset after Warning G
3 9,999 hours or 99,999 miles (kilome-
Press and hold the reset button
until the values are reset to 0. ters). You must observe the legal requirements
for the country in which you are driving
when operating a cell phone in the vehi-
nf_BA.book Page 179 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Switch on the cell phone and audio Enter the PIN code using the cell
Warning (Continued) G system. phone, audio system.
See the separate operating instruc- The cell phone searches for a network. The
If it is permitted to operate a cell phone
tions. display remains blank during this time.
while the vehicle is in motion, you must
only operate it when road and traffic con- Press the è or ÿ button re- As soon as the cell phone has found a
ditions permit. You may otherwise be dis- peatedly until you see the TEL menu network, you will see the Ready message
tracted from the traffic conditions, cause in the display. in the display.
an accident and injure yourself and oth- You will see different messages in 3
ers. the display, depending on the status
of your cell phone:
Cell phones without exterior antennas N54.32-2276-31
may interfere with the vehicle electronics If the cell phone is switched off,
and thereby jeopardize the operational you will see the TEL off message
safety of the vehicle. You must therefore (Sound 20) .
only use these devices when they are con- If you have not yet entered a PIN, Once it has shown its operational readi-
nected to a separate exterior antenna. you will see the TEL PIN message ness, you can operate the cell phone us-
(Sound 20) . ing the operating system.
nf_BA.book Page 180 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Rejecting a call Ending a call Press the è or ÿ button re-
peatedly until you see the TEL menu
If you do not wish to speak to the person Press the t button.
with the operational readiness sym-
who is calling, you can reject the call.
The display now shows the opera- bol in the display.
Press the t button. tional readiness symbol again.
Press the j or k button.
The caller then hears the busy signal.
Dialing a number from the phone The operating system reads the
book phone book stored on the SIM card
3 Accepting a call or in the phone. This may take more
You may select and dial a number from
You can accept a call at any time, provid- than 1 minute.
the phone book at any time, provided
ed the cell phone is ready to receive
the cell phone is ready to receive calls. You will see the Processing message
(Sound 20) in the display.
Press the s button. i
Press the j or k button re-
The call duration is shown in the dis- It is only possible to create new
peatedly until you see the name you
play. phone number entries in the phone
are looking for.
book using the cell phone itself. See
the separate operating instructions.
nf_BA.book Page 181 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
The stored names are displayed al- Press the s button. Redialing
phabetically from A to Z, or Z to A.
The operating system dials the se- The operating system stores the most
i lected phone number. You will see recently dialed phone numbers. This
the dialing message (Sound 20) in means that you do not have to search
The operating system scrolls through
the display. through the entire phone book.
the names rapidly if you press and
hold the j or k button for The operating system stores the Press the ÿ or è button re-
more than one second. Releasing the phone numbers in the redial memo- peatedly until you see the TEL menu
button stops the rapid scroll. ry. with the operational readiness sym- 3
If a connection is made, you will see bol in the display.
If you no longer wish to make a call,
press the t button. the name of the person you are call- Press the s button.
ing and the call duration.
The redial memory shows the most
recently dialed numbers or names.
nf_BA.book Page 182 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating system with steering wheel buttons*
Press the j or k button re- i
peatedly until the number or the
If you no longer wish to make a call,
name you are looking for is dis-
press the t button.
Press the s button.
The operating system dials the se-
lected phone number.
If a connection is made, you will see
the call duration and name of the
person you are calling if stored in the
phone book. Otherwise, the number
you are dialing continues to be dis-
nf_BA.book Page 183 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Driving and parking
nf_BA.book Page 184 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
You will find information on: Starting the engine
regular checks ( page 312) Warning G
driving in winter ( page 406) Warning G A seat belt that is worn incorrectly or not
driving when towing a trailer
( page 303) at all, or that is not correctly engaged in
Never run the engine in an enclosed the seat belt buckle, cannot perform its
and other driving tips space. The exhaust fumes contain poi- intended protective function. In certain
in the “Operation” section sonous carbon monoxide. Breathing in circumstances, you could then be seri-
3 ( page 301). exhaust fumes constitutes a health haz- ously or even fatally injured. Make sure,
ard and can lead to loss of consciousness therefore, that all occupants – in particu-
and death. lar, expectant mothers – wear their seat
belt correctly at all times.
nf_BA.book Page 185 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
!CAUTION Automatic transmission Make sure that the automatic trans-
mission is in parking position P be-
Do not depress the accelerator pedal
fore starting the engine.
when starting the engine.
i It is also possible to start the engine
If you depress the brake pedal when in neutral N.
starting the engine, pedal travel may
be short and the pedal resistance 3
may be high.
Pedal travel and resistance return to
Gearshift pattern
normal when you depress the brake
pedal again while the engine is run- P Parking position (selector lever lock)
ning. R Reverse gear
N Neutral
D Drive position
nf_BA.book Page 186 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Starting the engine As soon as the q preglow indica- Pulling away
tor lamp goes out, turn the key to po-
Gasoline engine sition 3 in the ignition lock and
release it as soon as the engine is Warning G
Turn the key to position 3 in the igni-
tion lock ( page 111) and release it Do not downshift for additional engine
immediately ("touch-start" function). i braking on a slippery surface. The drive
wheels may lose their grip and the vehicle
The engine starts automatically. You can start the engine without pre- could skid.
3 glow when the engine is warm.
Diesel engine !CAUTION
Switch on the ignition ( page 111). After a cold start Only drive at high speeds once the
The q preglow indicator lamp in Warm the engine up quickly. engine has warmed up. This protects
the engine.
the instrument cluster comes on. Do not run the engine at full speed
When driving on slippery surfaces,
until it has reached operating tem- avoid spinning the drive wheels
perature. where possible as this could damage
the drive train.
nf_BA.book Page 187 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
i Depress the brake pedal and keep it i
On vehicles with a reverse warning Wait until the gear selection has
feature*, an audible warning sounds The selector lever lock is released. completed before pulling away.
for other road users when reverse
gear is engaged ( page 271). Release the handbrake Release the brake pedal.
( page 191).
Carefully depress the accelerator pedal.
i The 7 indicator lamp in the in-
Depending on the vehicle's settings, strument cluster goes out.
the vehicle automatically locks itself Automatic transmission upshifts are 3
centrally after it has driven off, at the !CAUTION made at higher engine speeds after a
latest ( page 106). The locking Only select reverse gear when the ve- cold start. This helps the catalytic
knobs on the front doors and the converter to reach its operating tem-
hicle is stationary, otherwise you
sliding door drop down. perature more quickly.
could damage the automatic trans-
You can open the doors from the in- mission.
side at any time. You will find more information about se-
lector lever positions, shift ranges and
You can also switch off the automat- Move the selector lever to position D driving tips in the “Automatic transmis-
ic door lock ( page 106). or R. sion” section ( page 201).
nf_BA.book Page 188 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Braking Do not accelerate to prevent your vehi- The first time the brakes are applied af-
cle from rolling backwards on an uphill ter a long period of driving in heavy rain
gradient. Instead, you should either use without braking, it is possible that:
Warning G the handbrake or depress the brake ped- there will be a delayed braking
al. This prevents excessive wear on the response
There is no power assistance for the ser-
clutch. you will need to depress the brake
vice brake when the engine is not running.
Select a lower gear (shift range 3, 2 or 1) pedal more firmly
You will need to use significantly more
3 ( page 204) in good time on long and You should therefore maintain a greater
force to brake and could therefore lose
steep downhill gradients, especially if distance from the vehicle in front.
control of the vehicle and cause an acci-
towing a trailer. This prevents the brakes
from overheating and wearing too rapidly.
Never switch off the engine while driving. Warning G
It is best not to stop the vehicle immedi-
ately after the brakes have been subject- Make sure that other road users are not
ed to an extreme load; continue driving put at risk by your braking.
for a short time instead. The brakes are
cooled down more quickly in the airflow.
nf_BA.book Page 189 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Apply the brakes so that you can feel For safety reasons, the manufacturer Parking
their response after a journey on wet recommends that you only have brake
roads, especially if the road has been pads/linings installed on your vehicle
salted. The brake discs will be warmed, that have been approved for the Sprinter Warning G
dry more quickly and be protected Vehicle.
Only remove the key from the ignition
against corrosion.
Brake pads/linings that have not been lock when the vehicle is stationary, since
If you make only moderate use of the approved for the Sprinter Vehicle could it is not possible to steer the vehicle with
service brake, check from time to time affect your vehicle’s operating safety. the key removed. 3
that it is fully functional. To do this,
i Always apply the handbrake after parking
brake more sharply at a higher vehicle
the vehicle.
speed. The brake will grip better as a re- In exceptional cases, the handbrake
sult. can be used for emergency braking if Never leave children unsupervised in the
the service brake fails ( page 192). vehicle. They could release the hand-
brake. This could lead to a serious or fatal
nf_BA.book Page 190 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Warning G Whenever you park the vehicle, al- Warning G
ways remove the key to prevent the
Always switch off the engine and apply Make sure that the exhaust system does
battery from excessively discharg-
the handbrake before leaving the vehicle. not come into contact with highly flamma-
The vehicle could roll away if it is not ble materials, e.g. dry grass or gasoline.
For vehicles which are out of use for
secured. The flammable material could otherwise
extended periods and have a battery
ignite and set vehicle components on fire.
3 On uphill or downhill gradients steeper isolating switch*, switch off the elec-
than 15%: trical system ( page 338).
apply the handbrake
secure an unloaded vehicle by chock-
ing the front axle ( page 521)
secure a loaded vehicle by, for exam-
ple, chocking the rear axle
( page 521)
nf_BA.book Page 191 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Handbrake The handbrake is located between the
Warning G driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat.
1 Lever
2 Release knob
You must only apply the handbrake
when the vehicle is stationary.
nf_BA.book Page 192 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Applying the handbrake Releasing the handbrake Emergency braking
Pull lever 1 up as far as the last de- i Normally, you are only permitted to ap-
tent. ply the handbrake when the vehicle is
On vehicles with a folding handbrake
The 7 indicator lamp in the in- stationary.
lever, you must first pull lever 1 up
strument cluster lights up while the
to the stop. In exceptional cases, the handbrake can
engine is running.
be used for emergency braking if the
i Raise lever 1 slightly and press re- service brake fails.
3 lease knob 2.
On vehicles with a folding handbrake Keep release knob 2 pressed and
lever, you can then press lever 1 Guide lever 1 down to the stop. carefully apply lever 1.
down to the stop. The 7 indicator lamp in the in-
strument cluster goes out.
nf_BA.book Page 193 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Stopping the engine Apply handbrake ( page 191).
Warning G Move selector lever to P.
The wheels on the rear axle could lock if If the coolant temperature is raised, Turn key to position 0 ( page 111)
the handbrake lever is applied too abrupt- e.g. following driving in mountainous in the ignition lock and remove it.
ly. The vehicle could then start to skid. terrain, run the engine at idling speed The immobilizer is activated.
Make sure that you apply the handbrake
for a further 1 or 2 minutes before
lever carefully to ensure that braking ap-
you switch off the engine. This allows i
the coolant temperature to return to You can only remove the key from
plication is moderated.
normal again. the ignition lock when the selector le-
ver is in position P.
When parking on steep uphill or Secure the vehicle at the front axle if
downhill gradients, turn the front unloaded and at the rear axle if load-
wheels towards the curb. ed, e.g. using a chock ( page 521).
nf_BA.book Page 194 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
General driving tips Steering !CAUTION
Do not hold the steering wheel in its
Drinking and driving
Warning G end positions for longer than neces-
sary (e.g. when turning or maneuver-
Warning G There is no power-steering assistance ing).
when the engine is not running. The hydraulic pump can be damaged
Drinking and driving and/or taking drugs by the increased temperature of the
and driving are very dangerous combina- You will need to use significantly more
3 force to steer and could therefore lose hydraulic fluid.
tions. Even a small amount of alcohol or
drugs can affect your reflexes, percep- control of the vehicle and cause an acci-
dent. Overrun cut-off
tions and judgment. The possibility of a
serious or even fatal accident is sharply Never switch off the engine while driving. The gasoline/diesel supply is cut off if
increased when you drink or take drugs the driver's foot is completely removed
and drive. from the accelerator pedal when the en-
Never drink or take drugs and drive or al- gine is overrunning at engine speeds
low anyone to drive after drinking or tak- outside of the idling control range.
ing drugs.
nf_BA.book Page 195 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Driving in wet conditions Driving on flooded roads Tires
If you are forced to drive on stretches of The tires are particularly important for
Warning G road on which water has collected, the operating and road safety of the ve-
please note that: hicle. You should therefore check the
The vehicle may hydroplane despite hav- the water level must not reach above pressure, tread and condition of the tires
ing adequate tire tread depth and being the lower edge of the front bumper on a regular basis.
driven at low speeds, depending on the the maximum speed at which you A tire dealer, a qualified specialist work-
depth of water on the road surface. may drive is walking speed 3
shop or any authorized Sprinter Dealer
For this reason, avoid tire ruts and brake will be able to provide further informa-
carefully. tion regarding the:
Note that vehicles in front or oncom-
ing vehicles create waves. list of recommended makes of tire
tire load-bearing capacity (LI Load
This may mean that the maximum Index)
permitted water depth is exceeded. maximum tire speed (SI Speed In-
These notes must be observed to dex)
avoid the risk of engine damage. tire age
nf_BA.book Page 196 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
causes and consequences of tire Treadwear indicators (TWI) are required
wear Warning G by law. These indicators are located in
measures to be taken in the event of six places on the tread circumference
tire damage If you feel a sudden significant vibration and become visible at a tread depth of
tire types for certain regions, areas or ride disturbance, or you suspect that approximately 1/16 in (1.6 mm), at
of operation or conditions of vehicle possible damage to your vehicle has oc- which point the tire is considered worn
use curred, you should turn on the hazard and should be replaced.
interchangeability of tires, etc. warning flashers, carefully slow down,
3 The Treadwear Indicator appears as a
Modifications to the brake system or and drive with caution to an area which is
solid band across the tread.
wheels are not permissible, nor is the a safe distance from the road.
use of spacer plates or brake dust Inspect the tires and the vehicle undercar-
shields. Any such modifications will in- riage for possible damage. If the vehicle
validate the vehicle’s general operating or tires appear unsafe, have the vehicle
permit. towed to the nearest authorized Sprinter
Dealer or tire dealer for repairs.
nf_BA.book Page 197 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Specified tire inflation pressures must For detailed information on tires, see
Warning G be maintained. This applies particularly "Tires and wheels" ( page 341).
if the tires are subject to extreme oper-
Although the applicable federal motor ve- ating conditions (e.g. high speeds, heavy Hydroplaning
hicle safety laws consider a tire to be loads, high ambient temperatures).
Depending on the depth of the water lay-
worn when the Treadwear Indicators
er on the road, hydroplaning may occur,
(TWI) become visible at approximately 1/
16 in (1.6 mm), do not allow your tires to
Warning G even at low speeds and with new tires.
Reduce vehicle speed, avoid track 3
wear down to that level. As tread depth
Do not drive with a flat tire. A flat tire af- grooves in the road and apply brakes
approaches 1/8 in (3 mm) for summer
fects the ability to steer or brake the vehi- cautiously in the rain.
tires or 1/6 in (4 mm) for winter tires, the
cle. You may lose control of the vehicle.
adhesion properties on a wet road are
Continued driving with a flat tire or driving
sharply reduced.
at high speed with a flat tire will cause ex-
Depending upon the weather and/or road cessive heat buildup and possibly a fire.
surface (conditions), the tire traction var-
ies widely.
nf_BA.book Page 198 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Tire traction Stopping distance, however, is still con-
Tire grip is greatly reduced on a wet, Warning G siderably greater than when the road is
not covered with snow or ice. Exercise
snow covered or icy road. Speed and
If ice has formed on the road, tire traction appropriate caution.
driving style must therefore be adapted
will be substantially reduced. Under such
to suit road conditions. The safe speed For information on winter tires, see
weather conditions, drive, steer and
on a wet, snow covered or icy road is al- "Winter tires" ( page 404).
brake with extreme caution.
ways lower than on a dry road.
3 Below a tread depth of 1/8 in (3 mm), In winter, install M+S radial tires with a Avoid spinning a drive wheel. This
tire grip begins to decrease rapidly on minimum tread depth of approximately may cause serious damage to the
wet roads. 1/6 in (4 mm) on all wheels to ensure drive train which is not covered by
Pay particular attention to the condition normal balanced handling characteris- the Sprinter warranty.
of the road whenever the outside tem- tics. On packed snow, they can reduce
peratures is close to the freezing point. your stopping distance compared to sum-
mer tires.
nf_BA.book Page 199 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Tire speed rating The vehicles are factory equipped with "L" Alignment and balance
Regardless of the tire speed rating, local (vehicle models type 2500 only) or "N"-rat-
Poor suspension alignment may result
speed limits should be obeyed. Use pru- ed tires, which have a speed rating of
dent driving speeds appropriate to pre- 74 mph (120 km/h) or 87 mph (140 km/
vailing conditions. h) respectively. Fast tire wear
Uneven tire wear, such as feathering
For information on speed ratings or for and one-sided wear
Warning G additional general information on tire Vehicle pulling to the left or right
speed markings on the tire side wall, see 3
Even when permitted by law, never oper- Tires may also cause the vehicle to pull
"Tire speed rating" ( page 386).
ate a vehicle at speeds greater than the to the left or right. Alignment will not
maximum speed rating of the tires. correct this condition. See an authorized
Exceeding the maximum speed for which Sprinter Dealer for proper diagnosis.
tires are rated can lead to sudden tire fail-
ure, causing loss of vehicle control and
possibly resulting in an accident and/or
serious injury and possible death, for you
and for others.
nf_BA.book Page 200 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving and parking
Improper alignment will not cause vehi- Coolant temperature
cle vibration. Vibration may be the result
During severe operating conditions and Warning G
of a tire and wheel imbalance. Proper
stop-and-go city traffic, the coolant tem-
balancing will reduce vibration and avoid Driving when your engine is overheat-
perature may rise close to approximate-
tire cupping and spotty wear. ed can cause some fluids, which may
ly 250 °F (120 °C). have leaked into the engine compart-
The engine should not be operated with ment, to catch fire. You could be seri-
the coolant temperature over 250 °F ously burned.
3 (120 °C). Doing so may cause serious Steam from an overheated engine can
engine damage which is not covered by cause serious burns which can occur
the Sprinter warranty. just by opening the hood. Stay away
from the engine if you see or hear
steam coming from it.
Turn off the engine, get out of the vehicle
and do not stand near the vehicle until the
engine has cooled down.
nf_BA.book Page 201 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Automatic transmission
Automatic transmission
Gearshift pattern Gearshift procedure The individual gears are selected auto-
matically. The gear selected depends
The automatic transmission adapts to
your individual driving style by continu-
the selector lever position in shift
ously adjusting its shift points. These
ranges D, 4, 3, 2 and 1 ( page 204)
shift point adjustments take into ac-
the position of the accelerator pedal
count the current operating and driving
( page 205) 3
the road speed
If the operating or driving conditions resistance (load, uphill gradient,
change, the automatic transmission re- trailer towing)
acts by adjusting the gearshift program.
P Parking position (selector lever lock)
R Reverse gear
N Neutral
D Drive position
nf_BA.book Page 202 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Automatic transmission
The selector lever position engaged or Selector lever positions
the current shift range is shown in the ë Neutral
display. Display on vehicles with steer- ì Parking lock No power is transmitted from
ing wheel buttons* ( page 151) and on the engine to the drive
Prevents the parked vehicle
vehicles without steering wheel buttons wheels. Releasing the brakes
from rolling away. Only move
( page 147). will allow you to move the ve-
the selector lever to P when
When the selector lever is in position D, the vehicle is stationary. hicle freely, e.g. by pushing or
3 you can influence the gearshifts made You can only remove the key
by the automatic transmission by: when the selector lever is in Do not move the selector le-
restricting the shift range position P. The selector lever ver to N while the vehicle is in
is locked in position P when motion. The automatic trans-
changing gear yourself
the key is removed. mission could otherwise be
í Reverse gear damaged.
nf_BA.book Page 203 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Automatic transmission
nf_BA.book Page 204 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Automatic transmission
Upshifting Selecting the ideal shift range Shift ranges
Press the selector lever to the right Press and hold the selector lever When the selector lever is in position D
towards D+. towards D–. you can restrict or derestrict the shift
The automatic transmission extends The automatic transmission will shift range for the automatic transmission.
the shift range by one gear. The auto- to a range which allows easy acceler- Press the selector lever briefly to-
matic transmission shifts to the next ation and deceleration. To do this, wards the right (D+) or left (D–).
gear up, depending on the current the automatic transmission will shift
3 The set shift range is shown in the
gearshift program. down one or more gears. display.
Derestricting the shift range i
Press and hold the selector lever to- If the maximum engine speed for the
wards D+ until D is shown once more shift range is reached and you de-
in the display. press the accelerator, the automatic
transmission will not upshift if the
The automatic transmission shifts
from the current shift range directly shift range is restricted.
to D.
nf_BA.book Page 205 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Automatic transmission
nf_BA.book Page 206 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Automatic transmission
Kickdown Stopping Maneuvering
Use kickdown for maximum acceleration. If you are only stopping briefly: Maneuvering in a tight space:
Depress the accelerator pedal be-
leave the selector lever in the drive Control the speed by braking carefully.
yond the pressure point.
position Accelerate only slightly and avoid
The automatic transmission shifts to
the next gear down, depending on secure the vehicle against rolling jolting.
the engine speed. away using the brake pedal
3 Release the accelerator pedal as For rapid maneuvering (e.g. to rock
soon as the desired speed has been the vehicle out of snow or slush), you
reached. can shift back and forth between
The automatic transmission shifts up drive position D and reverse gear R
again. at low speeds without applying the
nf_BA.book Page 207 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Automatic transmission
Trailer towing Working on the vehicle
Run the engine in the moderate en-
gine speed range on steep uphill gra- Warning G
Apply the handbrake before working on
Depending on the uphill or downhill
the vehicle and shift the automatic trans-
gradient, shift down to shift range 3
mission into parking position P.
or 2 ( page 204), even if cruise
The vehicle could otherwise roll away. 3
control* is switched on.
nf_BA.book Page 208 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Good visibility
Good visibility
Mirrors Setting the rear-view mirror to anti- Exterior mirrors
dazzle mode Adjust the exterior mirrors manually.
Before starting off, adjust the rear-view
mirror and the exterior mirrors in such a
way that you can get a good overview of Warning G
road and traffic conditions.
The exterior mirrors reduce the size of the
3 Rear-view mirror* image. Objects therefore appear further
away than they really are. You could
Adjust the rear-view mirror manually. therefore cause an accident if you only
observe traffic in the exterior mirrors.
For this reason, you should pay attention
1 Anti-dazzle lever to traffic behind you by also using the
main exterior mirror and, if necessary, the
Flick anti-dazzle lever 1 to the rear.
rear-view mirror, especially while maneu-
vering or overtaking.
nf_BA.book Page 209 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Good visibility
Adjusting the exterior mirrors Press left-hand side 1 of the switch
electrically* for the left-hand mirror or press
The switch and button for adjusting the right-hand side 2 of the switch for
exterior mirrors are located in the interi- the right-hand mirror.
or trim of the driver’s door. Press button 3 at the top or bot-
tom, right or left until you have ad-
justed the mirror to the correct
position. 3
1 Exterior mirror on the left-hand side
2 Exterior mirror on the right-hand side
3 Sets the mirror position
Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
nf_BA.book Page 210 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Good visibility
Windshield wipers Switching on the windshield wipers Turn the combination switch to the
required position in the direction of
The combination switch is located on Turn key to position 1 in the ignition
arrow 2 depending on how heavy
the left of the steering wheel. lock ( page 111).
the rain is:
!CAUTION 0 Windshield wipers off
Vehicles with rain sensor*:
I Intermittent wipe
Switch off the windshield wipers in
N54.25-2923-31 dry weather conditions, otherwise II Normal wipe
dirt on the surface of the rain sensor III Rapid wipe
or optical effects can cause inadvert-
ent wiper sweeps. This could dam- i
age the wiper blades or scratch the Canada only:
1 Single wipe The speed of the windshield wipers is
2 To switch the windshield wipers on automatically reduced if the vehicle
comes to a halt with the windshield
wipers switched on.
nf_BA.book Page 211 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Good visibility
For example, if you have selected Single wipe Wiping with washer fluid
speed II and stop the vehicle,the wip- Push the combination switch briefly Press the combination switch be-
ers wipe at intermittent speed until to the pressure point in the direction yond the pressure point in the direc-
you pull away again. The wipe intervals of arrow 1. tion of arrow 1.
are longer in intermittent mode. The windshield wiper will wipe with
The windshield wipers wipe once
Vehicles with rain sensor*: windshield washer fluid.
without washer fluid.
You can use speed I as the universal Vehicles with headlamp cleaning
speed. The rain sensor adjusts the system*: 3
wiping frequency according to how If the low-beam headlamps have
heavy the rain is. If you stop the vehi- been switched on, a high-pressure
cle, speeds III and II are automatical- water jet also cleans the headlamps.
ly switched down to speed I.
The original speed of the windshield i
wipers is resumed when you drive Wipe with windshield washer fluid even
faster than 5 mph (8 km/h) again. when it is raining. By doing so you can
prevent smears on the windshield.
nf_BA.book Page 212 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Good visibility
Intermittent wipe Rear window wiper* Turn key to position 1 in the ignition
lock ( page 111).
Only switch on intermittent wipe in The switch is in the combination switch
damp weather conditions or when it is on the left of the steering wheel. i
The rear window wiper switches on
Vehicles with rain sensor*: automatically if you engage reverse
The a rain sensor is activated when you gear and the windshield wipers are
switch on intermittent wipe. The appro- on.
3 priate wiping frequency is set automati- N54.25-2924-31
cally according to the rain falling on the Switching on intermittent wipe
sensor. Turn switch 1 to 3.
nf_BA.book Page 213 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Good visibility
Wiping with washer fluid The switch for the windshield heating is
Turn switch 1 to 5 or 2 and keep Warning G on the center console.
it pressed until the window is clean.
Clear ice or snow from the windshield be-
Windshield heating* fore commencing a journey. Iced-up win-
dows restrict your view. You could cause
The windshield heating is operational
an accident and endanger yourself and
while the engine is running.
others. Do not start the vehicle if the win- N54.25-2920-31
The windshield heating consumes a lot dows are iced up, fogged up or covered in 3
of energy. You should therefore switch snow.
the heating off as soon as the windshield
is clear.
1 To switch on/off
The heating switches off automatically
after approximately 5 minutes.
nf_BA.book Page 214 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Good visibility
To switch on: press upper part of the window is clear. The heating switch- To switch on: press upper part of
the P switch. es off automatically after a maximum of the F switch.
12 minutes.
The indicator lamp in the switch The indicator lamp in the switch
comes on. The switch for the rear window heating comes on.
is on the center console.
To switch off: press upper part of To switch off: press upper part of
the P switch again. the F switch again.
3 The indicator lamp in the switch goes The indicator lamp in the switch goes
out. out.
nf_BA.book Page 215 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Air conditioning
nf_BA.book Page 216 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
nf_BA.book Page 217 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
The interval for replacing the filter de- i
pends on environmental factors, e.g. Warning G If the vehicle interior has been heat-
high air pollution. The interval may be
ed up, ventilate the vehicle before
shorter than that indicated in the Ser- Air flowing out of the air vents in the foot-
starting your journey or briefly
vice Booklet. well when Tempmatic is in operation may
switch to air-recirculation mode for
be very hot or very cold. There is therefore
i faster cooling.
a risk of frostbite or burns to bare skin in
Condensation may collect under the the immediate proximity of these outlets. Keep the air inlet on the hood free
vehicle while Tempmatic is in opera- Keep bare skin away from these air out- from ice and snow. 3
tion. lets. If necessary, direct the airflow into a
Position the sliders for the center air
different area of the vehicle interior using
vents in the central position to pro-
the air distribution control.
vide practically draft-free ventilation.
nf_BA.book Page 218 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
nf_BA.book Page 219 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
To switch off: press the ° Heating Ventilation/cooling
switch for normal mode.
Set temperature selector control 1 This setting rapidly ventilates/cools the
The indicator lamp in the switch goes ( page 218) as required, but do not vehicle interior.
out. turn the control below the middle po-
Turn temperature selector control
Basic setting 1 ( page 218) to the lowest set-
Set airflow control 2 ( page 218) ting (maximum cooling).
as required, but do not turn the con- Set airflow control 2 ( page 218)
trol below the second speed. 3
as required, but do not turn the con-
Set the air distribution control as trol below the second speed.
Set air distribution control 5
Close the center air vents. ( page 218) to h.
Close the air vents.
Open the side air vents half-way and
Air distribution control
direct them at the side windows.
nf_BA.book Page 220 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Open as required: Only change the temperature in small in- Setting the airflow
the center air vents crements.
the side air vents
the ventilation vents
If you use the basic settings for heat-
Switch air-conditioning system on ing or ventilating the vehicle, you will
( page 218) if necessary. only rarely need to adjust the tem- N83.00-2125-31
perature, airflow and air distribution
3 Setting the temperature
( page 219).
The temperature is set using temperatu-
re selector control 1 in the control pa- To increase: turn the temperature
nel ( page 218). selector control clockwise. 1 Airflow control
The recommended setting for the target To reduce: turn the temperature se- To increase: press the Q airflow
temperature is 72 °F (22 °C) under nor- lector control slightly counterclock- control.
mal conditions, to which the air-condi- wise.
tioning system adjusts as rapidly and as To reduce: press the airflow
comfortably as possible. control.
nf_BA.book Page 221 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
The display next to the airflow con- Setting air distribution Air-recirculation mode
trols indicates the speed of the air-
The air distribution is set using the air You can switch off the flow of outside air
distribution control in the control panel if unpleasant odors are entering the ve-
i ( page 218). hicle from outside, e.g. before driving
The blower switches off if you press The symbols on the air distribution through a tunnel. No more outside air is
the ß airflow control again after the control have the following meanings: taken in and the air inside the vehicle is
slowest speed has been reached. Mark Meaning recirculated.
h Air from the air vents
Ô Air to the windshield Warning G
P Air from the air vents
Only switch over to air-recirculation mode
Ò Air to the windshield
briefly if outside temperatures are low.
Air from the air vents The windows could otherwise fog up. As a
Air to the footwell result, you could be distracted from road
Ó Air from the air vents and traffic conditions and cause an acci-
Air to the footwell dent.
nf_BA.book Page 222 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
The switch for air-recirculation mode is Residual heat mode To switch on: turn key to position 0
in the control panel ( page 218). in the ignition lock ( page 111) or
The engine stores residual heat after remove it.
To switch on: press the Ä long periods of driving. You can use the
switch. residual heat of the engine to heat the Set as required:
The indicator lamp in the switch stationary vehicle for a further 30 min- temperature ( page 220)
comes on. utes. air distribution ( page 221)
To switch off: press the Ä the air vents ( page 215)
3 i
switch again.
The heating period depends on: Press the ° switch
The indicator lamp in the switch goes ( page 218).
the coolant temperature
the interior temperature selected The indicator lamp in the switch
i the on-board voltage comes on.
Air-recirculation mode is automati- The blower runs at speed 1 regard- To switch off: press ° switch
cally switched off after about 10 to less of the position of the airflow again ( page 218).
30 minutes, depending on the out- control. The indicator lamp in the switch goes
side temperature. out.
nf_BA.book Page 223 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
i The indicator lamp in the switch The indicator lamp in the switch goes
comes on. out. Fresh air is supplied to the inte-
Residual heat switches off automati-
To switch on: press the Å switch rior.
after about 30 minutes ( page 218). Switch on the reheat function using
when you switch on the ignition The indicator lamp in the switch goes the Å switch ( page 218).
if the battery’s voltage drops out. The indicator lamp in the switch
comes on.
Special settings 3
Reheat function Turn airflow control 2
(dehumidification) i ( page 218) to a higher blower
The reheat function quickly ensures de- Only use special settings briefly. speed, but do not turn the control
frosted windows and dehumidification in below second speed.
the vehicle interior. Fogged-up windows
Turn temperature selector
To switch on: press the Å switch If necessary, switch off air-recircula- control 1 ( page 218) to a higher
( page 218). tion mode by pressing the Ä temperature.
switch ( page 218).
nf_BA.book Page 224 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Turn air distribution control 5 Set temperature selector control 1
to ‚ P. to P.
Close the center air vents and the air Turn airflow control 2 to fourth
outlets for the head area and the rear speed.
Turn air distribution control 5
Open the side air vents and direct to ‚ P.
them at the side windows. Close the center air vents and the air
If the windshield is fogged up on the vents for the head area and the rear
outside, switch on the windshield compartment. 1 Side window defroster vent thumbwheel
wipers ( page 210). Turn side window defroster vent
Open the side air vents fully.
thumbwheel 1 all the way up.
The defroster vent is open if the
The following settings can be used to defroster vent is visible.
clear the windshield and the side win-
dows, e.g. if covered with frost.
nf_BA.book Page 225 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Ventilated glove box* To switch off: press switch 1 to Control panel for the air conditioning in
the right. the rear
The glove box can be ventilated when
1 Air conditioning in the rear
Tempmatic is switched on, e.g. to cool Air conditioning in the rear* 2 Airflow control
its contents. 3 Temperature selector control
To switch on: press the
N83.60-2009-31 The indicator lamp in the switch 3
comes on.
To switch off: press the
switch again.
The indicator lamp in the switch goes
1 To switch the air supply on/off out.
To switch on: press switch 1 to the
nf_BA.book Page 226 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Setting the airflow Setting the temperature Air vents in the roof air duct
The airflow is set using the airflow con- Only change the temperature in small in- Adjustable air vents are integrated in the
trol for the rear compartment. crements. roof air duct.
To increase: press the Q airflow i
control. Your vehicle may be equipped with
To reduce: press the airflow an air-conditioning system in the rear
control. compartment and/or a rear heater.
3 If both systems are installed and the
The display next to the airflow con- temperature selector control is in the
trols indicates the speed of the air- middle position, only one of the sys-
flow. tems operates and air-recirculation
mode is active.
To increase: turn the temperature 1 Air vents
selector control clockwise. Adjust the airflow by opening/
To reduce: turn the temperature se- closing the air flaps.
lector control counterclockwise.
nf_BA.book Page 227 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Alter the air distribution by turning The interval for replacing the filter de-
the air vents. pends on environmental factors, e.g. Warning G
high air pollution. The interval may be
!CAUTION shorter than that indicated in the Ser- Air flowing out of the air vents in the foot-
Never close all the air vents, other- vice Booklet. well when the heater is in operation may
wise there is a risk of damage to the be very hot. There is, therefore, a risk of
air-conditioning system in the rear burns to bare skin in the immediate proxi-
compartment. Warning G mity of these outlets. Keep bare skin away
from these air outlets. If necessary, direct 3
Follow the settings recommended on the
Heater* the airflow into a different area of the ve-
following pages for heating or cooling.
hicle interior using the air distribution
The heater is operational when the engi- The windows could otherwise fog up. As a
ne is running. Depending on the tempe- result, you could be distracted from road
rature selected and the outside and traffic conditions and cause an acci-
temperature, it heats or ventilates. dent.
nf_BA.book Page 228 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
i Function
If the vehicle interior has been heat-
ed up, ventilate the vehicle before 1 Temperature selector control
driving off. ( page 230)
Keep the air inlet on the hood free of 2 Airflow control with indicator
ice and snow. ( page 230)
Position the sliders for the center air 3 Switch for air-recirculation mode
3 vents in the central position to provi- ( page 231)
de practically draft-free ventilation. 4 Air distribution control
Heater control panel
( page 231)
nf_BA.book Page 229 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Basic setting Heating Ventilation
Set temperature selector control 1 This setting rapidly ventilates the vehicle
( page 228) as required, but do not interior.
turn the control below the middle po-
Turn temperature selector control
1 ( page 228) to the lowest set-
Set airflow control 2 ( page 228) ting (maximum cooling).
as required, but do not turn the con- Set airflow control 2 ( page 228)
trol below the second speed. 3
as required, but do not turn the con-
Set the air distribution control as trol below the second speed.
Air distribution control Set air distribution control 5
Close the center air vents. ( page 228) to h.
Close the air vents. Open as required:
Open the side air vents half-way and the center air vents
direct them at the side windows. the side air vents
the ventilation vents
nf_BA.book Page 230 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Setting the temperature To reduce: turn the temperature se- The symbols on the air distribution
lector control slightly counterclock- control have the following meanings:
The temperature is set using temperatu-
re selector control 1 in the control pa-
Sym- Meaning
nel ( page 228).
Setting the airflow bols
Only change the temperature in small in- h Air from the side air
The airflow is set using the airflow cont-
crements. vents, center air vents
rol 2 in the control panel ( page 228).
and ventilation vents
3 i To increase/reduce: set the airflow
If you use the basic settings for heat- Ô Air to the windshield
control to the desired level.
ing or ventilating the vehicle, you will P Air from the air vents
rarely need to adjust the tempera- Setting the air distribution Ò Air to the windshield
ture, airflow and air distribution Air from the air vents
The air distribution is set using the air
( page 229). Air to the footwell
distribution control 2 in the control pa-
To increase: turn the temperature nel ( page 228). Ó Air from the air vents
selector control clockwise. Air to the footwell
nf_BA.book Page 231 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Air-recirculation mode The switch for air-recirculation mode 3 Fogged-up windows
is in the control panel ( page 228).
You can switch off the flow of outside air If necessary, switch off air-recircula-
if unpleasant odors are entering the ve- To switch on: press the tion mode by pressing the switch 3
hicle from outside, e.g. before driving th- Ä switch. ( page 228).
rough a tunnel. No more outside air is
The indicator lamp in the switch co- The indicator lamp in the switch goes
taken in and the air inside the vehicle is
mes on. out. Fresh air is supplied to the inte-
To switch off: press the rior.
Ä switch again. Turn airflow control 2 ( page 228)
Warning G to a higher blower speed, but do not
The indicator lamp in the switch goes
turn the control below second
Only switch over to air-recirculation mode out.
briefly if outside temperatures are low.
The windows could otherwise fog up. As a Special settings Turn temperature selector control
result, you could be distracted from road 1 ( page 228) to a higher tempe-
iOnly use special settings for a short
and traffic conditions and cause an acci- rature.
nf_BA.book Page 232 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Turn air distribution control 4 Defrosting
( page 228) to Ô P.
The following settings can be used to
Close the center air vents and the air clear the windshield and the side win-
outlets for the head area and the rear dows, e.g. if covered with frost.
Set temperature selector control 1
Open the side air vents and direct ( page 228) to P.
them at the side windows. Turn airflow control 2 ( page 228)
If the windshield is fogged up on the to fourth speed.
outside, switch on the windshield wi-
Turn air distribution control 5 1 Side window defroster vent thumb-
pers ( page 210).
( page 228) to Ô P. wheel
Close the center air vents and the air Turn side window defroster vent
vents for the head area and the rear thumbwheel 1 all the way up.
The defroster vent is open if the de-
Open the side air vents fully. froster vent is visible.
nf_BA.book Page 233 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
Rear heater* To switch on: press the switch. Setting the temperature
The indicator lamp in the switch co- Only change the temperature in small in-
mes on. crements.
To switch off: press the switch i
Your vehicle may be equipped with
The indicator lamp in the switch goes an air-conditioning system in the rear
out. compartment ( page 225) and/or 3
a rear heater*.
Setting the airflow
Rear heating control panel Use the airflow control 2 to adjust the i
airflow. If both systems are installed and the
1 Rear heating temperature selector control is in the
To increase/reduce: set the airflow
2 Airflow control middle position, only one of the sy-
3 Temperature selector control control 2 to the desired level.
stems operates and air-recirculation
mode is active.
nf_BA.book Page 234 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
To increase: turn the temperature The switch for the heater booster func-
selector control clockwise. tion is between the light switch and the
steering wheel.
To reduce: turn the temperature se-
lector control counterclockwise.
Heater booster function*
The fuel-fired heater booster system N54.25-2926-31
3 heats the vehicle interior as quickly as
possible while the engine is running.
Vehicles without auxiliary heating*
1 To switch the auxiliary heating on/off
The auxiliary heating automatically ( page 238)
switches to heater booster mode af- 2 To switch the heater booster function
Vehicles with auxiliary heating
ter the engine is started. on/off
nf_BA.book Page 235 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Air conditioning
To switch on: press the To switch off: press the ³ Electrical heater booster system
switch ³. switch again.
The vehicle is equipped with an electri-
The indicator lamp in the switch The indicator lamp in the switch goes cally powered heater booster system.
comes on. out.
The heater booster system ensures that
i The heater booster function oper- the vehicle interior is heated up as
ates for around a further 2 minutes quickly as possible during the engine’s
If you switch off the engine without
and then switches off automatically. warm-up phase.
switching off the heater booster 3
function, the system will be switched i
on the next time the engine is started
The heater booster system switches
(memory function).
on automatically as required.
nf_BA.book Page 236 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Auxiliary heating/ventilation*
Auxiliary heating/ventilation*
The auxiliary heating heats or ventilates
the interior to a temperature that you Warning G Warning G
have set. The auxiliary heating can be
operated with the engine switched on or Exhaust fumes are produced while the aux- Observe the relevant safety regulations in
off. iliary heating is in operation. For this rea- the case of vehicles used for the transport
son, switch off the auxiliary heating in of hazardous goods.
The auxiliary heating is equipped with a
enclosed spaces without an extraction sys- Aerosols, gas cartridges and other pressur-
3 water heater.
tem, e.g. a garage. ized containers transported in the vehicle
Operation of the auxiliary heating system is may be highly flammable and could explode
prohibited at gas stations or when refueling when heated.
your vehicle. The auxiliary heating must Make sure that the containers described
therefore be switched off at refueling sta- are kept away from the flow of hot air from
tions. the auxiliary heating.
Otherwise, you could endanger yourself
and others.
nf_BA.book Page 237 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Auxiliary heating/ventilation*
The auxiliary heating heats the coolant support the vehicle’s heating system You can switch the auxiliary heating/
and the vehicle interior and is therefore while the engine is running and out- ventilation on and off immediately using:
more favorable to the engine and con- side temperatures are low (heater the auxiliary heating/heater booster
sumes less fuel. The fuel tank must be at booster function) ( page 234) switch ( page 238)
least a quarter full to ensure that the the auxiliary heating remote control*
auxiliary heating/ventilation operates ( page 239)
correctly. The auxiliary heating automatically
switches to heater booster mode af- !CAUTION
The maximum heating period is ter the engine is started. 3
Switch on the auxiliary heating at reg-
60 minutes.
ular intervals (at least once a month)
You can use the auxiliary heating/ ven- You can use the operating system to de- for approximately 10 minutes.
tilation to: fine up to three switch-on times, one of
which can be selected to switch on the Make sure that the hot air flow is not
ventilate or preheat the vehicle inte- obstructed. The auxiliary heating
rior and to de-ice the windows auxiliary heating/ventilation
( page 240). would otherwise overheat and switch
start the engine better in cold weath- off.
nf_BA.book Page 238 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Auxiliary heating/ventilation*
Before switching on To switch the auxiliary heating on:
press and hold the ö switch for
Adjust the heat output to the desired
more than 2 seconds:
temperature using the temperature
control selector ( page 218). The auxiliary heating/ventilation
heats or ventilates the interior to
Set the air distribution as required. N54.25-2928-31
a temperature that you have set.
Operation using the switch The blower switches to the first
3 speed.
The switch for the auxiliary heating/
ventilation is between the light switch 1 To switch the auxiliary heating on/off The red indicator lamp in the
and the steering wheel. 2 To switch the heater booster function switch comes on.
on/off ( page 235)
nf_BA.book Page 239 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Auxiliary heating/ventilation*
i The auxiliary heating operates for
around a further 2 minutes and then
You cannot use the auxiliary ventila-
switches off automatically.
tion to cool the vehicle interior to a
lower temperature than the outside
Operation using the remote control*
The remote control has a maximum
The heating or ventilation period is
range of approximately 600 meters. The
limited to 60 minutes.
range may be reduced by: 3
To switch the auxiliary heating sources of interference
solid objects between the remote 1 Indicator lamp
off: press the ö switch. 2 To switch the auxiliary heating on
control and the vehicle
or 3 To switch the auxiliary heating off
the remote control being in an unfa-
Turn the key to position 0 in the igni- vorable position
tion lock ( page 111). transmitting from an enclosed space
The red indicator lamp in the switch You can use up to 4 remote control units
goes out. on the vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 240 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Auxiliary heating/ventilation*
To switch the auxiliary heating on: Synchronizing the remote control i
press button 2.
Press and hold the ö switch for If you press button 3 on the remote
Indicator lamp 1 lights up briefly. more than 10 seconds: control during the first 3 seconds of
To switch the auxiliary heating The red indicator lamp in the ö synchronization process, only this re-
off: press button 3. switch remains lit until it is released. mote control will be synchronized
with the clock.
Indicator lamp 1 lights up briefly. Afterward, the red indicator lamp in
the ö switch flashes. The system Any other remote control units that
3 The auxiliary heating operates for were synchronized will be cleared.
is activated for synchronizing.
around a further 2 minutes and then
switches off automatically. Press button 2 on the remote con- Selecting a switch-on time
i You can use the operating system to de-
The indicator lamp in the ö fine up to 3 switch-on times, one of
Change the batteries immediately if
switch stops flashing and goes out. which can be selected to switch on the
indicator lamp 1 does not light up
The remote control and the control auxiliary heating/ventilation.
briefly each time a button is pressed
panel are synchronized.
( page 541).
nf_BA.book Page 241 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Auxiliary heating/ventilation*
Operating system without steering The switch-on time is selected. Operating system with steering wheel
wheel buttons The yellow indicator lamp in buttons*
Switch on the ignition ( page 111). the ö switch comes on.
Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
Press the ö switch. If you have not selected a switch-on time
and --:-- appears in the display, the au- Briefly press the ö switch.
The ö symbol in the display flashes.
tomatic switch-on is deactivated. The The Aux. heat. submenu is shown in
or yellow indicator lamp in the ö switch the display.
Press the menu button on the in- goes out.
strument cluster repeatedly until the The selected switch-on time is high- 3
ö symbol in the display flashes. i lighted or Timer off is highlighted if
Use the or button on the in- If you turn the key to position 0 in the no switch-on time has been selected.
strument cluster to select desired ignition lock, the yellow indicator
switch-on time 1 to 3. lamp in the ö switch goes out af-
The switch-on time selected is dis- ter 30 minutes.
The red indicator lamp in the ö N54.32-2277-31
Wait 10 seconds for the standard switch comes on when the auxiliary
display to appear. heating switches on.
nf_BA.book Page 242 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Auxiliary heating/ventilation*
i i Press the reset button on the in-
strument cluster to set the selected
You can reach the Aux. heat. sub- If you turn the key to position 0 in the
switch-on time.
menu via the Settings menu ignition lock, the yellow indicator
( page 161). lamp in the ö switch goes out af- The hours figure flashes and
ter 30 minutes. the ” symbol appears in the dis-
Press the æ or ç button to se- play.
The red indicator lamp in the ö
lect the desired switch-on time. The Set the hours using the or
switch comes on when the auxiliary
3 automatic switch-on is deactivated if am button on the instrument cluster.
heating switches on.
the Timer off setting is selected.
Press the reset button.
Press the è button. Setting the switch-on time
The minute display flashes.
The switch-on time is selected.
The yellow indicator lamp in
Operating system without steering Set the minutes using the
the ö switch comes on.
wheel buttons or button.
Select a switch-on time as described
under “Selecting a switch-on time”
( page 240).
nf_BA.book Page 243 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Auxiliary heating/ventilation*
i Press the j button. i
If you keep the button pressed, the The Hours menu appears in the dis- To return to the standard display,
values will change continuously. play. press the è or ÿ button re-
Set the hours using the æ peatedly until the standard display
To return to the standard display: appears.
or ç button.
press and hold the button
on the instrument cluster for Press the j button.
more than 1 second The Minutes menu appears in the
do not press a button for display. 3
10 seconds Set the minutes using the æ
or ç button.
Operating system with steering wheel Press the è button.
buttons The switch-on time is set and selected.
Select a switch-on time as described
under “Selecting a switch-on time”
( page 240).
nf_BA.book Page 244 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Open air
Open air
Side windows Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
You can open and close the side win- To open: press and hold switch 1
dows electrically. or 2 until the window has reached
The switches for all side windows are lo- the desired position.
cated on the door control panel.
3 The window opens automatically
Warning G when you press the switch beyond
the pressure point and then release
Make sure that nobody can become
Power window switches (driver’s side) it.
trapped as you close a side window.
To stop the window, pull or press the
Remove the key from the ignition lock 1 Power window, left
2 Power window, right
switch again.
even if you are only leaving the vehicle for
a short time.
To close: pull and hold switch 1
Never leave children unsupervised in the or 2 until the window has reached
vehicle. the desired position.
nf_BA.book Page 245 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Open air
Resetting the side windows Sliding sunroof*
The side windows must be reset if the
Warning (Continued) G
battery has been disconnected: Warning G In accidents in which the vehicle over-
Pull the two power window switches turns, there is an increased risk of injury
until the side windows are closed. Make sure that nobody can become even for occupants who have fastened
trapped as you close the sliding sunroof. their seat belts correctly, as their head or
Hold the switches in this position for
The glass may shatter in the event of an limbs could be thrust through the open-
about 1 second.
accident. ing. 3
The side windows are reset.
If you or other occupants are not wearing Remove the key from the ignition lock
your seat belt, there is a risk of being even if you are only leaving the vehicle for
thrown out of the opening in the event of a short time.
the vehicle overturning. Therefore, always
wear a seat belt to reduce the risk of inju-
nf_BA.book Page 246 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Open air
Do not raise the sliding sunroof if you The sliding sunroof opens automati-
have mounted a roof rack. It would cally when you press the sliding sun-
otherwise strike the roof rack. roof switch for opening beyond the
You could thereby damage the slid- pressure point and then release it.
ing sunroof and the roof rack. To stop the sliding sunroof, press the
sliding sunroof switch again in any di-
3 Switch on the ignition ( page 111). rection.
Press the sliding sunroof switch in
Sliding sunroof switch !CAUTION
the desired direction as far as the
1 To open first pressure point. Do not transport objects protruding
2 To close through the sliding sunroof. You
3 To raise Release the sliding sunroof switch
4 To lower when the desired position has been could otherwise damage the sliding
reached. sunroof.
nf_BA.book Page 247 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Open air
Resetting the sliding sunroof Roof ventilator in the load Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
The sliding sunroof must be reset after: compartment* Air out: press upper part 1 of the
the sunroof has been closed manual- The roof ventilator can be used to venti- switch.
ly using the emergency operation late or remove air from the load com-
partment. The roof ventilator removes used air
key ( page 522)
from the load compartment.
the sunroof has opened with a jerk The switch is between the light switch
a malfunction and the steering wheel. Air in: press lower part 2 of the
Switch on the ignition ( page 111). 3
The roof ventilator feeds fresh air
Press the sliding sunroof switch in
the direction of arrow 2 into the load compartment.
( page 246). N54.25-2929-31 To switch off: set the switch to the
Wait until the sliding sunroof is center position.
closed and then keep the sliding sun-
roof switch pressed for approximate-
ly 3 seconds.
1 To ventilate the load compartment (air out)
The sliding sunroof is reset. 2 To ventilate the load compartment (air in)
nf_BA.book Page 248 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Driving systems
Driving systems which may form part of The ABS, BAS, ESP®, ASR and EBV driv- i
your vehicle are described on the follow- ing safety systems are described in the
The increments for setting speed and
ing pages: "Driving Safety Systems" section
the threshold values for switching on
Cruise control* ( page 248), which ( page 33).
or automatically switching off cruise
you can use to control the speed of
Cruise control* control depend on the digital speed-
your vehicle
ometer setting, mph or km/h
3 Parktronic system*, which is an aid Cruise control maintains the speed of
( page 165).
for parking and maneuvering the vehicle for you.
( page 253)
Use cruise control if road and traffic con-
Rear view camera*, which is an aid ditions make it appropriate to maintain a
for parking and maneuvering
steady speed for a prolonged period.
( page 258)
You can set any speed above 20 mph
Reverse warning feature*, which
(30 km/h) in 1-mph increments (1-km/
helps you ensure the safety of other
road users ( page 271) h increments).
nf_BA.book Page 249 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Warning G Warning G Cruise control may be unable to
maintain the stored speed on uphill
The cruise control function cannot take Do not use cruise control:
or downhill gradients. The stored
account of road and traffic conditions. if road and traffic conditions do not speed is resumed if the gradient
Always pay attention to road and traffic permit a constant driving speed to be evens out and the vehicle’s speed
conditions, even when cruise control is maintained (e.g. heavy traffic or wind- has not fallen below 20 mph
activated. ing roads). You could otherwise cause (30 km/h).
an accident. 3
Cruise control is only an aid designed to Cruise control lever
on slippery roads. The drive wheels
assist driving. You are responsible for the may lose their grip when braking or The cruise control lever is the upper-
vehicle’s speed and for braking in good accelerating and the vehicle could most lever on the left of the steering col-
time. skid umn.
If there is a change of drivers, advise the when visibility is poor, e.g. in fog,
new driver of the cruising speed that is heavy rain or snow
nf_BA.book Page 250 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Storing the current speed ESP® or ASR is intervening and the
yellow ASR/ESP® warning lamp flas-
Accelerate/decelerate the vehicle to
hes in the instrument cluster
the desired speed.
Move the cruise control lever briefly i
N54.25-2925-31 upward 1 or downward 3. Altered vehicles from Body Manufac-
Release the accelerator pedal.
Other driving and braking systems
3 Cruise control is activated.
not described in these Operating In-
The current speed is stored. structions may affect cruise control.
1 To store the current or a higher speed Please refer to the body manufactu-
2 To resume the last speed stored You cannot activate cruise control if:
3 To store the current speed or a lower rer’s instructions for more informati-
you are driving under 20 mph
speed on.
(30 km/h)
4 To deactivate cruise control
you are braking
you apply the handbrake and the
7 indicator lamp in the instru-
ment cluster is lit
nf_BA.book Page 251 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Resuming the stored speed Cruise control is activated and ad- Setting the speed
justs the vehicle’s speed to the last
speed stored.
Warning G Warning G
Only resume the stored speed if you know The rate at which you increase the speed
When you pull the cruise control le-
what this speed is and the current situa- in 1 mph increments (1 km/h increments)
ver in direction of arrow 2 for the
tion is appropriate to do so. Otherwise, may be faster than your vehicle is able to
first time after starting the engine,
sudden acceleration or braking could en- accelerate. Your vehicle may then contin- 3
cruise control is switched on and the
danger you or others. ue to accelerate up to the newly set speed
speed at which you are currently
even after you have released the cruise
driving is stored.
Pull the cruise control lever briefly in control lever.
the direction of arrow 2. Only increase the speed if the current sit-
Release the accelerator pedal. uation is appropriate to do so. Sudden ac-
celeration could otherwise endanger you
and others.
nf_BA.book Page 252 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Briefly press the cruise control lever i Deactivating cruise control
upward 1 to increase the speed or
Cruise control is not deactivated if There are various ways of deactivating
downward 3 to reduce the speed.
you depress the accelerator pedal. If cruise control:
The last speed stored is increased or you accelerate briefly to overtake, for Briefly press cruise control lever
decreased in 1 mph increments example, cruise control adjusts the forward 4.
(1 km/h increments). vehicle’s speed to the last speed
or stored after you have finished over- or
3 Press and hold the cruise control le- taking. Apply the brakes.
ver up 1 or down 3 until the de- The last speed set remains stored.
sired speed has been reached.
Release the cruise control lever. i
The last speed stored is cleared when
The current speed is stored. you switch off the engine.
nf_BA.book Page 253 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
i Parktronic system (PTS)*
Cruise control is automatically deac-
Warning G
tivated if: Warning G Make sure that no persons or animals are
you are braking in the maneuvering range of the vehicle.
you apply the handbrake and Parktronic is only an aid and may not de-
They could otherwise be injured.
the 7 indicator lamp in the in- tect all obstacles. This system does not
strument cluster is lit relieve you of the need to pay attention.
you are driving under 20 mph 3
You are always responsible for safety and
(30 km/h)
must continue to pay attention to your im-
ESP® or ASR is intervening and
mediate surroundings when parking and
the yellow ASR/ESP® warning
lamp flashes in the instrument maneuvering. Otherwise, you could en-
cluster danger yourself and others.
you move the selector lever to po-
sition N while driving
ESP®, ASR or ABS has malfunc-
nf_BA.book Page 254 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Parktronic is an electronic parking aid Range of the sensors
and informs you visually and audibly of
The sensors must be free from dirt, ice
the distance between the vehicle and an
and slush, otherwise they may not func-
tion correctly. Clean the sensors regu-
Parktronic is automatically switched on larly, taking care not to scratch or
when you switch on the ignition and re- damage them ( page 422).
lease the handbrake. You must also
3 move the selector lever to position D, N
or R.
Parktronic switches off at speeds of over
11 mph (18 km/h). It switches on again
as soon as the vehicle’s speed falls be-
low this limit speed.
Parktronic is equipped with sensors in
the front and rear bumper to monitor the
area around your vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 255 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Front sensors If an obstacle is within this range, all seg- Parktronic can malfunction as a con-
ments of the warning displays light up sequence of:
Center about 39 in (100 cm) and a warning tone sounds (the warning ultrasonic sources such as a
Corners about 26 in (65 cm) for the front sounds different than the truck’s compressed-air brakes,
warning for the rear). The distance may an automatic car wash or a pneu-
Rear sensors no longer be displayed if you drive the matic drill
vehicle closer to the obstacle than the attachments to the vehicle, e.g.
Center about 71 in (180 cm) minimum distance. load-bearing implements or trail-
er couplings 3
Corners about 39 in (100 cm) !CAUTION
number plates (vehicle license
Pay particular attention to obstacles plates) that are not affixed flat
Minimum distance above or below the sensors when against the bumper
parking, such as flower pots or trailer dirty or icy sensors
Center about 12 in (30 cm)
Corners, front about 10 in (25 cm) Parktronic does not detect such ob-
Corners, rear about 12 in (30 cm) jects in the immediate vicinity. You
could damage the vehicle or objects.
nf_BA.book Page 256 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Warning displays
The warning displays indicate the dis-
tance between the sensor and the ob-
The warning display for the front area is
located on the middle of the dashboard N54.65-2075-31
above the center console.
Front area warning display Warning display in the left-hand exterior
mirror for the area to the rear left-hand side
1 Left-hand side of vehicle
2 Right-hand side of vehicle 4 Left-hand side of vehicle
3 Indicator segments 5 Indicator segments
The warning displays for the rear left and The warning display is divided into 5 yellow
right-hand sides are in the exterior mir- and 2 red segments for each side of the ve-
ror concerned. hicle. Parktronic is operational if yellow indi-
cator segments 3 and 5 light up.
nf_BA.book Page 257 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
!CAUTION One or more segments light up as the Roll-back warning
vehicle approaches an obstacle, de-
There is a malfunction if only the red Parktronic automatically begins to mon-
pending on the vehicle’s distance from
segments of the warning display light itor the area behind the vehicle if the ve-
the obstacle.
up ( page 451). hicle begins to roll backwards without
From the: reverse gear engaged, e.g. after stop-
The selector lever position determines sixth segment, an intermittent warn- ping on an uphill gradient.
whether the front and/or rear area is ing tone sounds for approximately If Parktronic detects an obstacle no
monitored. 2 seconds 3
more than 31 in (80 cm) away,
seventh segment, a continuous
all the segments of the warning dis-
Transmission Monitoring warning tone sounds for approxi-
plays light up
position mately 2 seconds. You have reached
the minimum distance. a continuous warning tone sounds as
D Front area the vehicle approaches the obstacle
R or N Front and rear and for a further 2 seconds after the
area vehicle has come to a halt
P No areas activated
nf_BA.book Page 258 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Switching Parktronic on/off To switch off: press upper part 1 Rear view camera*
of the switch.
You can switch Parktronic on and off The rear view camera is a visual parking
manually. The indicator lamp in the switch aid. It displays the area behind your ve-
comes on. hicle on a separate monitor located on
The switch is located on the center con-
sole. To switch on: press upper part 1 of the center console.
the switch again. The rear view camera is activated when
The indicator lamp in the switch goes you engage reverse gear.
out. The camera is located in the center of
the roof above the third brake lamp
Trailer towing ( page 422).
If you attach a trailer, Parktronic is deac-
tivated for the rear area as soon as you
make the electrical connection between
your vehicle and the trailer.
1 To switch Parktronic on/off
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Driving systems
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Controls in detail
Driving systems
nf_BA.book Page 261 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
For information on cleaning the camera, Switching the monitor on
see “Rear view camera lens”
You can switch the monitor on by:
( page 422).
Engaging reverse gear.
Activating the rear view camera This activates the rear view camera
which switches the monitor on.
Make sure that the ignition is switched
iIf you switched the monitor off using
the ; button, once you have enga-
Engage reverse gear. ged reverse gear, you will need to press 3
The rear view camera is activated. the ; button. Only then will the mo-
Monitor buttons
nitor come on.
Operating the monitor 1 % Down Pressing the ; button.
2 $ Up This activates the input for auxiliary
The monitor is operated using four but- 3 m Access menu/confirm selection devices (AUX) on the monitor.
tons located on a panel at the bottom of 4 ; Switch monitor on/off
the screen. 5 Loudspeaker cover
nf_BA.book Page 262 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Switching the monitor off Adjusting the volume
If the monitor was switched on by enga- Press the % or $ button.
ging reverse gear, it will switch off auto-
The volume of the built-in loudspea-
matically approx. 15 seconds after
ker is adjusted in steps.
reverse gear is disengaged. You can
switch the monitor off by pressing the The volume of the infrared headphones,
Input for auxiliary devices (AUX) ; button. If you do this, the following which can be purchased as an optional
message will appear for 7 seconds be- extra, is adjusted directly on the head-
3 If reverse gear is engaged while auxiliary
fore the monitor goes off. phones.
devices are in operation, the monitor will
switch over to the rear view camera. Press the m button to exit volume
When reverse gear is disengaged, the
monitor will continue to show the rear i
view camera screen for approx.
If 7 seconds pass without any but-
15 seconds before switching back to the
tons being pressed, the monitor will
input for auxiliary devices (AUX).
switch the volume control off.
nf_BA.book Page 263 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Menu guidance Press the % or $ button until Go to previous menu
the menu you desire is highlighted.
Selecting the main menu
Press the m button.
Press the m button.
The required menu is selected.
The main menu selection options The following settings and menus are
(menu level 1) appear. available in the main menu:
Display ( page 264) 3
Aspect ratio ( page 268)
Norm ( page 269)
Menu language ( page 270) Press the % or $ button until
Default settings ( page 270) is highlighted.
Back ( page 264)
Press the m button.
The higher-level menu is displayed.
nf_BA.book Page 264 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Display menu Screen illumination submenu
You can customize the monitor display You can configure the monitor’s back-
in the Display menu. lighting in the Screen illum. submenu.
You can select the following submenus: Press the m button.
Screen illumination The main menu (menu level 1) is dis-
Brightness played ( page 263).
3 Press the % or $ button until
the Display menu is highlighted.
Tint Press the % or $ button until
Back The Display menu is selected.
the Screen illum. submenu is high-
Press the m button. lighted.
The submenus (menu level 2) are Press the m button.
The lighting setting is displayed.
nf_BA.book Page 265 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Press the % or $ button. Brightness submenu Press the % or $ button until
the Brightness submenu is highligh-
The backlighting is set in steps. You can set the monitor’s brightness in
the Brightness submenu.
Press the m button.
Press the m button.
The submenus (menu level 2) are Press the m button.
displayed. The main menu (menu level 1) is dis- The brightness setting is displayed.
played ( page 263). Press the % or $ button.
Press the % or $ button until The brightness is set in steps. 3
If 7 seconds pass without any but-
the Display menu is highlighted.
tons being pressed, the menu will be Press the m button.
exited automatically. The Display menu is selected. The submenus (menu level 2) are
Press the m button. displayed.
The submenus (menu level 2) are
nf_BA.book Page 266 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Contrast submenu Press the % or $ button until Color submenu
the Contrast submenu is highligh-
You can set the monitor’s screen cont- You can set the monitor’s color in the
rast in the Contrast submenu. Color submenu.
Press the m button.
Press the m button. Press the m button.
The main menu (menu level 1) is dis- The screen contrast setting is dis- The main menu (menu level 1) is dis-
played ( page 263). played. played ( page 263).
Press the % or $ button.
3 Press the % or $ button until Press the % or $ button until
the Display menu is highlighted. The screen contrast is set in steps. the Display menu is highlighted.
The Display menu is selected. Press the m button. The Display menu is selected.
Press the m button. The submenus (menu level 2) are Press the m button.
The submenus (menu level 2) are The submenus (menu level 2) are
displayed. displayed.
Press the % or $ button until
the Color submenu is highlighted.
nf_BA.book Page 267 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Press the m button. Tint submenu (NTSC color balance) Press the % or $ button until
the Tint submenu is highlighted.
The color setting is displayed. You can set the monitor’s color balance
in accordance with the NTSC standard in Press the m button.
Press the % or $ button.
the TINT submenu.
The color is set in steps. The color balance setting is display-
Press the m button. ed.
Press the m button.
The main menu (menu level 1) is dis- Press the % or $ button.
The submenus (menu level 2) are played ( page 263).
The color balance is set in steps. 3
Press the % or $ button until
Press the m button.
the Display menu is highlighted.
The submenus (menu level 2) are
The Display menu is selected. displayed.
Press the m button.
The submenus (menu level 2) are
nf_BA.book Page 268 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Aspect ratio menu i Press the m button.
You can set the monitor’s display format The active display format is identified The display screen format is activa-
in the Aspect ratio menu. by the symbol. ted.
Press the m button. i
The main menu (menu level 1) is dis- The 16:9 format is full-screen format.
played ( page 263). The rear view camera is set to display
3 Press the % or $ button until in 16:9 format. The 4:3 format usual-
the Aspect ratio menu is highligh- ly needs to be selected for standard
ted. video signals.
nf_BA.book Page 269 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Norm menu i Press the m button.
You can set the monitor’s video stan- The active video standard is identi- The required video standard is
dard in the Norm menu. fied by the symbol. activated.
Press the m button. i
The main menu (menu level 1) is The rear view camera’s video signals
displayed ( page 263). conform to the NTSC standard. PAL
Press the % or $ button until should usually be selected for stan- 3
the Norm menu is highlighted. dard video signals.
nf_BA.book Page 270 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Menu language menu iThe active language is identified by Default settings menu
the symbol.
You can select the language for the mo- You can restore the monitor’s factory
nitor’s menu texts in the Menu language Press the % or $ button until settings in the Default settings menu.
menu. the desired language is highlighted.
Press the m button.
Press the m button. Press the m button. The main menu (menu level 1) is dis-
The main menu (menu level 1) is dis- The required language is activated. played ( page 263).
played ( page 263).
3 iIf you select and press the Press the % or $ button until
Press the % or $ button until m button, the monitor will revert to the Default settings menu is high-
the Menu language menu is highligh- the main menu (menu level 1) lighted.
ted. ( page 263).
Press the m button.
Press the m button. The following message appears on
The submenu (menu level 2) is the monitor.
nf_BA.book Page 271 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Monitor shutdown while driving If the vehicle’s road speed drops below
5 mph (8 km/h), the monitor will come
For safety reasons, the monitor will shut
back on.
off at speeds above 6 mph (10 km/h).
The following message will be displayed Reverse warning feature*
for 7 seconds prior to the monitor shut- On vehicles with a reverse warning fea-
ting off. ture, a warning signal sounds when re-
verse gear is engaged to alert other road
users. 3
The volume of the warning signal can be
Press the % or $ button until
reduced for night-time operation.
the desired setting is highlighted.
Yes: overwrite all settings with the
default values.
: go back to the main menu wi-
thout applying the default values.
nf_BA.book Page 272 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Reducing the volume of the warning
Warning G Warning (Continued) G signal
For this reason, always observe the road Select reverse gear twice in quick
The reverse warning feature signal could
and traffic conditions with due caution. succession.
be ignored by other road users. For this
reason, the reverse warning feature can- Make sure that there are no people or ob- The warning signal sounds more
not guarantee that there are no people or jects behind your vehicle when reversing, quietly.
objects behind your vehicle. in order to avoid injuring people or dam-
3 aging property. If necessary, ask some- i
The reverse warning feature is a system one to direct you when maneuvering. The warning signal always sounds at
which helps you ensure the safety of oth- normal volume and must be turned
er road users. However, it does not re- down again every time reverse gear
lieve you in any way from the is engaged.
responsibility of personally ensuring that
there are no people or objects behind
your vehicle when reversing.
nf_BA.book Page 273 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating the vehicle
Operating the vehicle
Operating speed governor (ADR)* i Activating/deactivating ADR
When activated, the operating speed The idle speed of the engine auto- The switch is between the light switch
governor (ADR) automatically increases matically increases after a cold start. and the steering wheel.
the engine speed to a preset or adjust- If the set operating speed is lower
able operating speed ( page 275). than the increased idle speed, the
set operating speed is attained only
after the engine has reached its op- 3
erating temperature. N54.25-2932-31
It is only possible to activate ADR
with the vehicle stationary and the
handbrake applied. The selector le-
ver must be in position P.
1 To switch on
2 To switch off
nf_BA.book Page 274 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating the vehicle
To switch on: press upper part 1 of Vehicles with steering wheel but- i
the switch with the engine running. tons:
ADR is automatically deactivated
The Operating speed governor ac-
The indicator lamp in the switch when:
tive message appears in the dis-
comes on. you release the handbrake
Vehicles without steering wheel but- the vehicle moves
To switch off: press lower part 2 of
tons: the control unit detects a mal-
the switch with the engine running. function
The ™ indicator lamp in the in-
3 strument cluster comes on. The indicator lamp in the switch and
the ™ indicator lamp in the in-
strument cluster go out.
nf_BA.book Page 275 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Operating the vehicle
Adjustable operating speed* Switch on ADR ( page 273). i
To increase: press upper part 1 of The idle speed of the engine auto-
Adjusting the operating speed the switch. matically increases after a cold start.
or You can only reduce the operating
speed to the current idle speed.
On vehicles with cruise control*,
press the cruise control lever* up
N54.25-2933-31 ( page 249).
To reduce: press lower part 2 of
the switch.
On vehicles with cruise control*,
1 To increase speed
2 To reduce speed press the cruise control lever* down
( page 249).
nf_BA.book Page 276 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Loading guidelines
Warning G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G Your vehicle's driving, steering and brak-
Do not exceed the vehicle's permissible
Secure and position a load as described in gross weight or the permissible axle loads ing characteristics change as the vehi-
the loading guidelines. Otherwise, the when loading the vehicle or carrying addi- cle's gross weight increases or its center
load could slide or be thrown around in tional passengers. of gravity is raised.
3 the event of strong braking maneuvers,
sudden changes of direction or poor road If you exceed the vehicle's permissible Always ensure that loads are distributed
conditions, thereby injuring you or others. axle loads or the maximum permissible correctly and adapt your driving style in
The same applies to dismantled seats if gross weight when transporting items or accordance with the load.
left inside the vehicle. carrying passengers, tire stability and
Please note that loads increase the risk of driving safety are reduced. The vehicle's
injury during an accident even if you com- driving and steering characteristics would
ply with all loading guidelines. be greatly altered. Braking and stopping
Observe the notes in the "Securing a load" distances would be significantly longer.
section ( page 280).
nf_BA.book Page 277 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
!CAUTION Before loading
Warning G If you are using a roof carrier system, Check the tire pressures and correct
observe the maximum roof load and them if necessary ( page 365).
After an accident, have a damaged load
maximum load-bearing capacity of Clean the load compartment floor.
compartment floor or damaged load sur-
the roof carrier system. The load compartment floor must be
face, the lashing eyes and lashing materi-
dry, cleanly swept and free of oil and
als inspected by a specialist workshop
For more information about the maxi- dust to reduce the risk of the load
having the necessary technical expertise
mum roof load and roof carrier systems, slipping. 3
and tools to carry out the required work.
please refer to the "Technical data" sec- If necessary, place anti-slip mats on
The manufacturer recommends that you tion ( page 599). the load compartment floor.
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
purpose. In particular, work relevant to
safety or on safety-related systems must As soon as the anti-slip mats start to
be carried out at a qualified specialist show signs of permanent deforma-
tion, squashed areas or tears/holes,
they are unsuitable for securing loads
and must be replaced.
nf_BA.book Page 278 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
During loading Observe the notes on load distribu-
Observe the maximum permissible
tion ( page 279). Warning G
axle loads and permissible gross Secure the load ( page 280). All
Make sure that the sliding doors and rear
weight for the vehicle. country-specific legal requirements
doors are always closed when the engine
must be observed.
!CAUTION is running.
In passenger vans with the maximum Checks after loading Otherwise, exhaust fumes could enter the
3 number of seats, the maximum pay- vehicle interior and poison you.
Securing a load: before each jour-
load would cause the permissible
ney and at regular intervals during
rear axle load to be exceeded. Tire pressure: adjust the tire pres-
longer journeys, check whether the
sure in accordance with the vehicle's
load is properly secured and take ad-
i load ( page 365).
ditional securing measures, if neces-
Bear in mind that your vehicle's un- sary. Driving characteristics: adapt your
laden weight is increased by the in- driving style to the load.
Doors: close the sliding doors and
stallation of optional equipment and
rear doors.
nf_BA.book Page 279 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Load distribution For crewbus models: i
The load's overall center of gravity Always transport loads in the load Observe the following notes:
should be as low and central as possible, compartment. Do not stack loads higher than
between the axles near the rear axle. Always place loads flush against the the upper edge of the backrests.
seat backrests of the rear bench Transport loads behind seats that
!CAUTION are not occupied.
Excessive loads on individual points If the rear bench seat is not occu-
of the load compartment floor or load Slide larger and heavier loads as far pied, insert the seat belts in a 3
surface have a negative effect on forward as possible when looking in crosswise pattern into the oppo-
handling characteristics and could the direction of travel. Stack items site belt buckles.
damage the floor covering. against each other behind the rear
bench seat.
Always secure loads with suitable
transport aids or lashing materials.
nf_BA.book Page 280 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Securing a load Before each journey and at regular inter- ting manner. For this purpose, use
vals during longer journeys, check solid transport aids, such as chocks,
As the driver of the vehicle, you are re- whether the load is secure and take ad- wooden blocks or storage cushions.
sponsible for ensuring that the load is ditional action to improve any incorrect
secured against slipping, tipping over, Secure tilt and tip-resistant loads in
or inadequate safety measures.
rolling or falling down, whether driving in all directions by using the lashing
normal traffic situations or on poor road i points or lashing eyes and load rails
surfaces or as a result of having to in the load compartment or on the
Information about how to secure a
3 swerve to avoid an obstacle or applying load surface, according to your vehi-
load correctly can be obtained from
the brakes fully. cle's equipment.
the manufacturers of transport aids
Failing to secure the load in accordance or lashing materials for securing Only use lashing materials that have
with relevant requirements and sound loads. been tested according to valid stan-
practice may be a punishable offense, dards, such as lashing nets and
depending on national legislation and Fill up any empty spaces between straps.
the consequences that arise. the load and the load compartment
For this reason, observe the legal re- walls or wheel arches in a form-fit-
quirements in all countries concerned.
nf_BA.book Page 281 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Always use the lashing points closest
to the load for securing it in place
and place padding around sharp edg-
Lashing materials that comply with
valid standards can be obtained in
any specialist shop or from an autho- 3
rized Sprinter Dealer.
If possible, use the lashing eyes
when securing a load, especially if it
is heavy.
Example illustration of crewbus Example illustration of panel van
1 Lashing eyes 1 Lashing eyes
2 Load rails*
nf_BA.book Page 282 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Always attach the lashing net or i
Warning G tarps to all available lashing points.
If your vehicle has load rails in the
While doing so, make sure that the
mounting hooks cannot open unin- floor, you should position locking
Do not carry out any modifications or repairs
to the lashing points, the lashing eyes or the tentionally. rods immediately in front of and be-
lashing materials. The load or the lashing hind the load. The locking rods ab-
!CAUTION sorb possible shifting forces directly.
points could accidentally come loose and
cause serious injury to you or others as well Observe the data on the maximum
3 as damage to property. load-bearing capacity of the individu-
al lashing points ( page 629).
Distribute loads evenly between the lash-
ing points or lashing eyes. During full-braking applications, for
example, forces can be involved that
Observe the loading guidelines.
are much greater than the weight
force of the load.
i Always use several lashing points in
Loose loads should be secured with order to distribute force absorption,
an approved lashing net or tarp. and make sure that the lashing
points have an equal load.
nf_BA.book Page 283 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Warning G Warning (Continued) G
Securing loads to the load compart-
For this reason, do not tension a lashing ment floor is only recommended for
If you tension the lashing straps between
strap between the side walls or between a lightweight loads and should be rein-
the side walls or between a side wall and
side wall and the load compartment floor. forced by using anti-slip mats.
the load compartment floor, the permissi-
ble load for the lashing rails, lashing Only locking bars or rods may be installed
points or lashing eyes could be exceeded between the load rails near the side walls.
in the event of strong braking, sudden
Warning G 3
Observe the operating instructions issued
changes of direction or an accident.
by the locking bar or locking rod manufac- Before releasing lashing straps, make
The load would no longer be secured, turer. sure that the load is stable and would not
which could result in serious injuries tip over even without being lashed down.
caused by the load slipping. Otherwise, you or others could be injured
Continued by a moving load.
nf_BA.book Page 284 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Mounting lashing points for load i
When you pull locking
Warning G
mechanism 1 out of the recess, the
If the lashing eye is not firmly anchored in
lashing eye is able to move within the
the load rail, the lashing eye may slip or
lashing rail or load rail. Make sure
snap out of the load rail in the event of
that locking mechanism 1 is always
sudden braking or an accident.
engaged in a recess.
The load would no longer be secured,
which could result in serious injuries
caused by the load slipping.
For this reason, always check that the
lashing eye is firmly in place whenever
1 Locking mechanism
you install it.
To install: slide the lashing eye
through a recess in the load rail close
to the load until locking mechanism
1 in the recess engages.
nf_BA.book Page 285 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Check whether the lashing eye is
firmly in place. Warning G
To remove: pull locking mechanism Handling and braking characteristics may
1 upward and pull the lashing eye change when you have mounted carrier
through a recess towards the locking systems on the vehicle. You could endan-
mechanism and out of the load rail. ger yourself and others.
Carrier systems Observe the manufacturer’s installation
instructions. An incorrectly secured carri-
It is possible to mount a roof rack if your
vehicle is equipped with securing rails 1 Securing rails er system or load could:
on the roof. Special mountings (sliding blocks) are come loose
available as accessories. These are fall off
available from any authorized Sprinter
Dealer. and thereby endanger yourself and
nf_BA.book Page 286 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
the sliding blocks are not positioned !CAUTION
Warning (Continued) G near the plastic caps If you wish to retrofit securing rails,
Observe the maximum roof loads the sliding blocks have the correct have them installed at a qualified
( page 630), the maximum axle load cross-section specialist workshop which has the
and the maximum load-bearing capacity the securing rails are free of dirt on necessary specialist knowledge and
of the roof rack. the inside tools to carry out the work required.
the securing bolts are retightened You could otherwise damage the ve-
3 evenly after approximately 300 miles hicle.
(500 km) The manufacturer recommends that
Make sure that:
This will help to avoid damage to the you use an authorized Sprinter Deal-
the securing bolts for the roof er for this purpose.
rack are tightened to a torque of vehicle.
6.0 – 7.4 lb-ft (8 – 10 Nm) in the slid-
Only install roof racks that have been Trailer towing
ing blocks provided
approved or recommended for Sprinter Observe the instructions in the “Opera-
the bolts do not make contact with vehicles. These are available in any au- tion” section ( page 303).
the rails when tightened thorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 287 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Interior storage compartments Storage compartments above the Storage compartment above the roof
windshield trim*
Warning G !CAUTION
It is permissible to load the right and
Only load the storage compartments in left-hand storage compartments up
such a way that occupants cannot be in- to a maximum of 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
jured by their contents in the event of an 3
accident, braking or a sudden change in
For this reason, do not transport heavy,
bulky, pointed or sharp-edged objects in
the storage spaces or compartments. 1 Storage compartment
nf_BA.book Page 288 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
!CAUTION Storage compartments in the doors Glove box
The entire storage compartment is You can use these storage compart-
permitted to hold a maximum load of ments for the safe storage of small and
66 lbs (30 kg). light items.
Do not store high, bulky loads in the
Storage compartment under the twin
storage compartment. You could oth-
passenger's seat*
erwise damage the roof trim in the
3 event of sudden braking. On vehicles with a twin passenger’s
seat, the storage compartment is under
the seat cushion ( page 119).
1 Glove box handle
You can use the storage compartment 2 Locked*
for the safekeeping of tools and other 3 Unlocked*
small items.
You can lock and unlock the glove
box using the key*.
nf_BA.book Page 289 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
To open: pull glove box handle 1 in Storage compartments on the dash-
the direction of the arrow. board Warning G
Do not store any items in the storage
compartment above the passenger’s air-
bag if they protrude from the compart-
ment. The passenger’s airbag must be
able to inflate unimpeded.
It is permissible to load the right and
4 Cards holder Example on the right-hand side
left-hand storage compartments up
5 Pen holder to a maximum of 11 lbs (5 kg) each.
To close: fold the cover upwards and
push against it until it engages in
nf_BA.book Page 290 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
i Eyeglasses compartment
The cover on the storage compart- The eyeglasses compartment is located
ment must remain closed while the in the overhead control panel.
vehicle is in motion.
Covered storage compartment above the
center console*
1 Cover
2 Release handle
1 Cover
Pull release handle 2.
Cover 1 swings upwards.
nf_BA.book Page 291 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
To open: press cover 1 of the eye- Folding table in the backrest* Cup holders
glasses compartment.
The eyeglasses compartment folds Warning G
To close: press cover 1 of the eye- Keep the closeable cup holders closed
while the vehicle is in motion and do not
glasses compartment into the over- leave drinks in the cup holders. You or
head control panel until it engages. others could otherwise be injured by ob-
jects in the cup holder being thrown 3
around in the event of:
sharp braking
1 Folding table a sudden change of direction
an accident
Pull folding table 1 forward by the
Only place sealable drinking containers of
tab. the correct size in the cup holders. The
Fold folding table down in the direc- drinks could otherwise overspill.
tion of the arrow and onto the seat Avoid hot drinks. You could otherwise
cushion. scald yourself.
nf_BA.book Page 292 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Do not use the recesses of the cup
holders as an ashtray. You could oth-
erwise damage the cup holders.
Example on the right-hand side 3 Cup holder compartment in the center
2 Bottle holder in the front door 4 Recess
5 Cup holder
6 Clamping arm
Pull out cup holder compartment 3
Example on the right-hand side by recess 4.
1 Cup holder in the storage compartment
in the dashboard Cup holder 5 opens fully.
nf_BA.book Page 293 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
i Cup holders in the rear
Vehicles with the non-smoking pack- The cup holders in the rear are located Warning G
age are equipped with an additional under the seats.
Slide the cup holders back underneath
cup holder in place of the ashtray.
the seat before leaving the vehicle. You
could otherwise be injured by the pro-
i truding cup holders.
You can change the diameter of the
cup holder. 3
nf_BA.book Page 294 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Ashtray Pull out ashtray compartment 1 by
recess 2.
Warning G To open: fold cover 3 upwards.
To remove the insert: reach into
Switch off the engine and apply the hand- the left and right-hand sides of the
brake before removing the ashtray to recesses on the ashtray and pull the
empty it. insert out to empty it.
3 Otherwise, you could accidentally put the
vehicle in gear. To replace the insert: hold the in-
1 Ashtray compartment sert and press it down into the re-
2 Recess tainer.
The ashtray is located in the ashtray
3 Cover
compartment in the center console.
nf_BA.book Page 295 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Ashtray in the passenger compart- To open: open the ashtray. Cigarette lighter
To remove the insert: press clip 1 The cigarette lighter is located next to
The ashtrays are located on the right- down and remove the entire ashtray the ashtray in the ashtray compartment
hand and left-hand side in the side trims. from the trim. in the center console.
To replace the insert: insert the
ashtray at the bottom into the trim
and fold it closed.
nf_BA.book Page 296 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Paper holder
Warning G Warning G The paper holder is on the control panel
Only hold the hot cigarette lighter by its Do not press the cigarette lighter in with for the air-conditioning system.
knob. Otherwise, you may burn yourself. too much force. The ashtray compart-
Remove the cigarette lighter if children ment could otherwise close and trap your
are traveling with you. They could injure finger.
themselves on a hot cigarette lighter or
3 start a fire. The cigarette lighter will pop out auto-
matically when the heating element is N68.00-2425-31
Switch on the ignition ( page 111). red-hot.
Press in cigarette lighter 1.
1 Paper holder
Press top of paper holder 1.
nf_BA.book Page 297 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
12 V socket sumption of 300 watts to the 12 V so-
cket (25 A) at the bottom of the center
The 12 V sockets for accessories are console.
on the bottom of the center console
(12 V, 25 A) !CAUTION
on the inside of the driver's seat Only connect the electric air pump*
base (12 V, 15 A) (Premium tire sealant*) to the 12 V
in the corner trim next to each rear socket (25 A) on the bottom of the
door in the passenger compartment center console. You could otherwise 3
(12 V, 15 A) damage the vehicle electrical sy-
in the load compartment next to the Socket at the bottom of the center con- stem.
rear door on the left-hand side (12 V, sole
15 A)*. 1 12 V, 25 A socket For more information about the electric
You can use the 12 V sockets (15 A) for air pump* and the Premium tire seal-
accessories with a maximum power con- ant*, please refer to the "Practical hints"
sumption of 180 watts. You can connect section ( page 521).
accessories with a maximum power con-
nf_BA.book Page 298 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
Warning G Warning (Continued) G
The sockets are supplied with power
even if the key is removed from the Cell phones without exterior antennas
You must observe the legal requirements
ignition lock. Please note that the may interfere with the vehicle electronics
for the country in which you are driving
battery may be discharged if you and thereby jeopardize the operational
when operating a cell phone in the vehi-
have connected an accessory, e.g. a safety of the vehicle. You must therefore
coolbox, and the engine is switched only use these devices when they are con-
3 off. If it is permitted to operate a cell phone nected to a separate exterior antenna.
while the vehicle is in motion, you must
Telephone* only operate it when road and traffic con-
ditions permit. You may otherwise be dis-
Telephones may only be used inside the
tracted from the traffic conditions, cause
vehicle if they are connected to a sepa-
an accident and injure yourself and oth-
rate exterior antenna of a type tested
and approved by the manufacturer.
nf_BA.book Page 299 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Controls in detail
The installation of the antenna must be i
approved by a qualified specialist work- Warning G Observe all legal requirements.
Only use the telephone when road, weath-
Always have maintenance work carried
er and traffic conditions permit you to do i
out at a qualified specialist workshop,
so. You will otherwise be too distracted. If The cell phone battery will be
e.g. an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
you are not using the hands-free system, charged depending on the charge
pull over to make a phone call. status and the position of the key in
the ignition lock. The cell phone dis- 3
Bear in mind that at a speed of just
30 mph (approx. 50 km/h), your vehicle play indicates the charging process.
is covering a distance of 44 feet (approx.
14 m) every second.
Telephones without exterior antennas
may interfere with the vehicle electronics
and thereby jeopardize the operational
safety of the vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 300 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
nf_BA.book Page 301 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
The first 1000 miles (1500 km)........... 302
Driving tips........... 303
Electronic equipment........... 315
Refueling........... 316
Engine compartment........... 318
Battery........... 335
Battery isolating switch*........... 338
Tires and wheels........... 341
Winter driving........... 404
Maintenance and servicing........... 409
Cleaning and care of the vehicle........... 416
nf_BA.book Page 302 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
The first 1000 miles (1500 km)
The first 1000 miles (1500 km)
You will find detailed information about You should therefore drive at varying Do not downshift manually in order
operating, maintaining and caring for road and engine speeds for the first to brake.
your vehicle in the “Operation” section. 1 000 miles (1 500 km). Only use shift ranges 4, 3, 2 and 1
Avoid heavy loads during this time, for slow driving, e.g. in mountainous
If you treat the engine with sufficient e.g. driving at full throttle. Do not ex- terrain.
care from the very start, it will reward ceed
2/ of the maximum permissible After 1 000 miles (1 500 km), you may
you with excellent performance for a 3 gradually bring the vehicle up to full road
very long time afterward. engine speed for each gear.
and engine speeds.
4 Avoid depressing the accelerator
pedal in vehicles beyond the pres-
sure point (kickdown).
nf_BA.book Page 303 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
Driving tips
For information about driving in winter Trailer towing Trailer hitches*
and with snow chains, see “Winter driv- Only install a trailer hitch receiver ap-
ing” ( page 404).
Warning G proved for your vehicle. For information
Rail transport on availability and installation, please
Failure to use proper equipment and driv- see your authorized Sprinter Dealer.
Transporting your vehicle by rail may be
ing technique can result in a loss of vehi-
subject to certain restrictions or require The bumpers on your vehicle are not de-
cle control when towing a trailer.
special measures to be taken in some signed for use with clamp-type hitches.
Improper towing or failure to follow the in- Do not attach rental hitches or other
countries due to varying tunnel heights
structions contained in this guide can re- bumper-type hitches to them. 4
and loading standards.
sult in serious injury.
You can obtain information at any To reduce the possibility of damage, re-
Follow the guidelines below carefully to
authorized Sprinter Dealer. assure safe trailer operation. move the hitch ball adaptor from the re-
ceiver when not in use.
Ask your authorized Sprinter Dealer if you
require an explanation of information con-
tained in this guide.
nf_BA.book Page 304 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
Electrical connections* Vehicle and trailer weights and GCWR (Gross Combination Weight
The Sprinter Vehicle is available with a ratings
The total allowable weight of vehicle and
variety of pre-installed conditions (lines
GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) trailer when weighed in combination in-
and turn signal indicator and brake mod-
The total allowable weight of the vehicle. cluding a 150 lbs (68 kg) allowance for
ule installed and/or not installed). Make
All occupants, all cargo, and the trailer the presence of a driver.
sure that the correct trailer hitch receiv-
er kit is used. For further information, tongue load must never exceed the
please see your authorized Sprinter GVWR. GTW (Gross Trailer Weight)
The maximum permissible trailer weight
GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) to be towed.
4 In order to prevent possible damage to The total allowable weight that can be
the vehicle’s electrical system by incor- carried by a single axle (front (FA) or rear TWR (Trailer Tongue Weight Rating)
rectly installing the trailer wiring plug, (RA)). The maximum permissible weight of the
we recommend having the harness con- trailer tongue (limit for Sprinter Vehicle
nected at an authorized Sprinter Dealer. approved hitch receiver).
nf_BA.book Page 305 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
!CAUTION For the permissible weights and ratings, !CAUTION
refer to the following table.
Cargo vans with a long wheelbase of For vehicle model type 3500, the al-
170.3 in (4325 mm) and an overall i lowable GCWR is less than the com-
vehicle length of 289.1 in (7344 mm) bined maximum weight of the GVWR
The GVWR and the front/rear GAWR
have a reduced GTW and TWR. and the GTW. Exceeding the GCWR
of your vehicle are indicated on the
can cause damage to the drive train,
certification label.
the transmission, or the trailer
Thus, the permissible values for
GVWR and/or the GTW are reduced 4
when either the trailer or the vehicle
is fully laden. you may therefore only
partly load the vehicle and/or the
nf_BA.book Page 306 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
5360 lbs 13500 lbs
2500 8550 lbs (3878 kg) 3970 lbs (1801 kg) 5000 lbs (2268 kg)
(2431 kg) (6123 kg) 500 lbs (227 kg)
4080 lbs (1851 kg)
7060 lbs 15250 lbs 5000 lbs (2268 kg) or 500 lbs (227 kg) or
3500 9990 lbs (4531 kg) 4410 lbs
(3202 kg) (6917 kg) 5000 lbs (2268 kg)1 500 lbs (227 kg)1
(2000 kg)*
4080 lbs (1851 kg)
4 11030 lbs 7720 lbs 15250 lbs 5000 lbs (2268 kg) or 500 lbs (227 kg) or
(5003 kg) 4410 lbs (3502 kg) (6917 kg) 5000 lbs (2268 kg)1 500 lbs (227 kg)1
(2000 kg)*
1 Cargo vans with a long wheelbase of 170.3 in (4325 mm) and an overall vehicle length of 289.1 in (7344 mm) only.
* optional equipment
nf_BA.book Page 307 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
Loading the vehicle and/or a Maximum permissible values are listed cluding driver, passengers and cargo,
trailer on the safety compliance certification la- trailer fully loaded) weighed on a com-
bels for the vehicle and for the trailer to mercial scale.
When loading the a trailer, you should be towed. The lowest value listed must
observe that the GCWR of your vehicle is Check the vehicle’s front and rear Gross
be selected when determining how the
not exceeded. Axle Weight (GAW), the GTW, the TW and
vehicle and trailer are loaded. For more
the Gross Combination Weight (GCW).
You must distribute total weight be- information, refer to “Vehicle and trailer
The values as measured must not be ex-
tween the vehicle and the trailer such weights and ratings” ( page 304).
ceeded, according to the weights listed
that neither the permissible GTW, nor
under “Vehicle and trailer weights and
the GVWR and front/rear GAWR , nor Checking weights of vehicle and
ratings” ( page 304).
the TWR are exceeded. trailer 4
The tongue weight at the hitch ball must To assure that the tow vehicle and trailer
be added to the GVWR to prevent ex- are in compliance with the maximum
ceeding your Sprinter tow vehicle’s rear permissible weight limits, and to know
GAWR. the actual weights, have the loaded vehi-
cle-trailer combination (tow vehicle in-
nf_BA.book Page 308 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
Attaching a trailer
Please observe the maximum permitted Warning G Warning (Continued) G
trailer dimensions (width and length). Most states and all Canadian provinces
Do not connect a trailer brake system (if
Most states and all Canadian provinces trailer is so equipped) directly to the vehi- require a break-away switch on trailers
require safety chains between your tow cle’s hydraulic brake system as your vehi- with a separate brake system. The switch
vehicle and the trailer. The chains should cle is equipped with antilock brakes. If activates the trailer brakes in the possible
be crisscrossed under the trailer tongue. you do, neither the vehicle’s brakes nor event that the trailer might separate from
They must be attached to the hitch re- the trailer’s brakes will function properly. the tow vehicle.
ceiver, and not to the vehicle’s bumper This could cause an accident resulting in
You should consider using a trailer sway
4 or axle. Be sure to leave enough slack in property damage, injury or death to you or
control system. For further information,
the chains to permit turning corners. others.
see your authorized Sprinter Dealer.
i The provided vehicle electrical wiring har-
Most states and all Canadian prov- ness for trailer towing has a brake signal
inces require a separate brake sys- wire for hook-up to a brake controller.
tem at various trailer weights. Continued
nf_BA.book Page 309 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
Towing a trailer If the trailer has electric brakes, start when operating the vehicle without a
your vehicle and trailer moving slowly, trailer. It is important to avoid sudden
There are many different laws, including
and then apply only the trailer brake maneuvers.
speed limit restrictions, having to do
controller by hand to be sure that the
with trailer towing. Make sure that your The vehicle and trailer combination is
brakes are working properly.
vehicle-trailer combination will be legal, heavier, and therefore is limited in accel-
not only for where you reside, but also When towing a trailer, check occasional- eration and climbing ability, and requires
for where you will be driving. A good ly to be sure that the load is secure, and longer stopping distances. It is more
source for this information can be the that lighting and trailer brakes (if so prone to reacting to side wind gusts, and
police or local authorities. equipped) are functioning properly. requires more sensitive steering input.
Before you start driving with the trailer, Always secure items in the trailer to pre- In order to gain skill and an understand- 4
check the trailer hitch, break-away vent load shifts while driving. ing of the vehicle’s behavior, you should
switch, safety chains, electrical connec- Take into consideration that when tow- practice turning, stopping and backing
tions, lighting and tires. Also adjust the ing a trailer, the handling characteristics up in an area which is free from traffic.
mirrors to permit an unobstructed view are different and less stable from those
beyond the rear of the trailer.
nf_BA.book Page 310 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
If possible, do not brake abruptly, but !CAUTION If the engine coolant rises to an ex-
rather engage the brake slightly at first tremely high temperature (coolant tem-
If the transmission hunts between
to permit the trailer to activate its brake. gears on inclines, manually shift to a perature needle approaching the red
Then increase the braking force. lower gear (select "4", "3", "2" zone) when the air conditioner is on,
or "1"). A lower gear and reduction turn off the air conditioner. Engine cool-
ant heat can be additionally vented by
Warning G of speed reduces the chance of the
engine overloading and/or over- opening the windows, switching the cli-
heating. mate control fan speed to high and set-
Take into consideration that when towing ting the temperature control to the
a trailer, the handling characteristics are When going down a long hill, shift maximum hot position.
different and less stable from those when into a lower gear and use the en-
4 operating the vehicle without a trailer. gine’s braking effect. Avoid riding the Extreme care must be exercised since
brakes, thus overheating the vehicle your vehicle with a trailer will require ad-
It is important to avoid sudden maneu-
and trailer brakes. ditional passing distance ahead than
vers. Sudden maneuvers may lead to loss
when driving without a trailer. Because
of control over the vehicle-trailer combi-
your vehicle and trailer is longer than
nation. This could cause an accident re-
your vehicle alone, you will also need to
sulting in property damage or injury to
go much farther ahead of the passed ve-
you or others.
hicle before you can return to your lane.
nf_BA.book Page 311 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
Operating the vehicle outside the i Programmed maximum speed
USA or Canada If you are traveling in countries You can permanently limit the maximum
If you plan to operate your vehicle in for- where vehicles are driven on the op- speed of your vehicle to 75 mph
eign countries, please be aware that: posite side of the road to that in (120 km/h).
service facilities or replacement which the vehicle is registered, you
The manufacturer recommends that you
parts may not be readily available, must have the headlamps:
have the maximum speed programmed
unleaded gasoline for vehicles with partially masked (halogen head- at an authorized Sprinter Dealer. This
catalytic converters may not be lamps) has the necessary specialist knowledge
available; the use of leaded fuels will switched over (bi-xenon head- and tools to carry out the required work.
damage the catalysts, lamps) 4
gasoline may have a considerably Relevant information can be ob-
lower octane rating, and improper
tained at an authorized Sprinter Deal-
fuel can cause engine damage.
You will find information about
gasoline/diesel in the “Technical data”
section ( page 610).
nf_BA.book Page 312 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
You will find information about the the contamination level of the rear
Warning G speed limit for your tires under “Tires air-conditioning air cleaner
and wheels” in this section ( page 414)
Exceeding the permissible maximum ( page 383).
Catalytic converter (gasoline engine)
speed can cause tire damage, which
could lead to loss of control of the vehi- Regular checks Your vehicle is equipped with monolith-
cle. Check regularly, e.g. weekly or when re- ic-type catalytic converters, an impor-
fueling: tant element in conjunction with the
As the driver, you must find out about the
oxygen sensors to achieve substantial
maximum speed of the vehicle and the re- the vehicle lighting
control of the pollutants in the exhaust
sulting permissible maximum speed of the condition of the tires
4 emissions. Keep your vehicle in proper
the tires (tire and tire pressure). ( page 346) and the tire pressures
( page 361) operating condition by following our rec-
Never exceed the speed limit for your ommended maintenance instructions as
the engine oil level ( page 322)
tires under any circumstances outlined in your Service Booklet.
( page 383). the brake fluid level ( page 331)
the fluid level in the windshield wash-
er system/headlamp cleaning sys-
tem reservoir ( page 333)
nf_BA.book Page 313 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
!CAUTION Oxidation catalyst (diesel engine)
To prevent damage to the catalytic Warning G Your vehicle is equipped with an oxida-
converters, only use premium un- tion catalyst, an important element in
As with any vehicle, do not idle, park or
leaded gasoline in this vehicle. conjunction with the oxygen sensors to
operate this vehicle in areas where com-
Any noticeable irregularities in en- bustible materials such as grass, hay, or achieve substantial control of the pollut-
gine operation should be repaired leaves can come into contact with the hot ants in the exhaust emissions. Keep
promptly. exhaust system, as these materials could your vehicle in proper operating condi-
be ignited and cause a vehicle fire. tion by following our recommended
Otherwise, excessive unburned fuel maintenance instructions as outlined in
may reach the catalytic converter, your Service Booklet.
causing it to overheat and potentially 4
start a fire.
nf_BA.book Page 314 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Driving tips
These systems, of course, will function
Warning G properly only when maintained strictly Warning G
according to factory specifications. Any
As with any vehicle, do not idle, park or adjustments to the engine should there- Inhalation of exhaust gas is hazardous to
operate this vehicle in areas where com- fore be carried out only by an authorized your health. All exhaust gas contains car-
bustible materials such as grass, hay, or Sprinter Dealer. bon monoxide (CO), and inhaling it can
leaves can come into contact with the hot cause unconsciousness and lead to
Engine adjustments should not be al-
exhaust system, as these materials could death.
tered in any way. Moreover, the speci-
be ignited and cause a vehicle fire. Do not run the engine in confined areas
fied service jobs must be carried out
regularly according to the manufactur- (such as a garage) which are not properly
4 Emission control er’s servicing requirements. For details ventilated. If you think that exhaust gas
refer to the Service Booklet. fumes are entering the vehicle while driv-
Certain systems of the engine serve to
ing, have the cause determined and cor-
keep the toxic components of the ex-
rected immediately. If you must drive
haust gases within permissible limits re-
under these conditions, drive with at least
quired by law.
one window fully open at all times.
nf_BA.book Page 315 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Electronic equipment
Electronic equipment
Radio, telephone, two-way radio, The vehicle’s general operating permit
fax machine and navigation Warning (Continued) G may be invalidated if you do not observe
system the manufacturer’s installation specifi-
A navigation system does not provide in- cations .
formation about bridge load-bearing ca-
Warning G pacities or headroom clearances.
You will find information about retrofit-
You are responsible for safety at all times.
ting electrical/electronic equipment in
Please do not forget that your primary re- the “Technical data” section
Observe legal requirements. ( page 602).
sponsibility is to drive the vehicle safely.
Only operate the electronic equipment Telephones, two-way radios and fax ma- 4
when road and traffic conditions permit. chines without an exterior antenna may in-
Keep in mind that at a speed of just terfere with the vehicle’s electronics, thereby
30 mph (about 50 km/h), your vehicle jeopardizing the vehicle’s operating safety.
travels 44 feet (about 14 m) per second. The risk of an accident increases.
Do not use this equipment while the vehi-
cle is in motion.
nf_BA.book Page 316 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
The fuel filler flap is next to the driver’s
Warning G Warning G door. You can only open the fuel filler
flap when the driver’s door is open.
Fuel is highly flammable. Fire, naked Do not allow fuel to come into contact
flames and smoking as well as the use of with your skin or clothing. Your health
auxiliary heaters (sparks) are therefore may be damaged if:
prohibited when handling fuel. you spill fuel onto your bare skin
For this reason, switch off the auxiliary you inhale fuel vapors
heating when refueling.
1 Retaining strap
2 Fuel filler cap
nf_BA.book Page 317 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Remove the key from the ignition A clicking sound indicates that the
lock. fuel filler cap is fully closed.
Switch off the auxiliary heating. Open the driver’s door and close the
fuel filler flap.
Open the driver’s door.
Open the fuel filler flap. You will find information about fuel in
the “Technical data” section
Close all the vehicle’s doors, so that ( page 610).
no fuel vapors can enter the vehicle.
Turn fuel filler cap 2 counterclock-
wise and let it hang by retaining 4
strap 1.
Only fill the tank until the pump noz-
zle switches off.
Replace fuel filler cap 2 and turn it
nf_BA.book Page 318 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Engine compartment
Hood Opening
Warning G Make sure that the windshield wipers
are not folded away from the wind-
Do not pull the release lever while the ve- N88.40-2060-31
shield. The windshield wipers or the
hicle is in motion. The hood could other- hood may otherwise be damaged.
wise open, thereby impairing visibility and
leading to loss of control of the vehicle.
4 For this reason, only open the hood when
1 Release lever
the vehicle is parked.
Pull release lever 1 under the in-
strument panel on the left-hand side
in the driver’s footwell.
The hood is released.
nf_BA.book Page 319 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Warning G
If the hood support strut is not engaged,
the hood can fall shut. You could be in-
N88.40-2063-31 N88.40-2062-31
After opening the hood, you should there-
fore check whether the support strut is
2 Securing hook 3 Support strut 4
Swing the hood upward until support
Push up securing hook lever 2.
strut 3 engages and the hood is
nf_BA.book Page 320 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Warning G Warning G
Engine parts may be hot and can rotate. The engine has an electronic ignition sys-
Warning G
There is a risk of injury if the hood is open tem which carries a high voltage. For this
Make sure that nobody can become
and the engine is running. reason, you must never touch the ignition
trapped as you close the hood.
Only open the hood when the engine has system components (ignition coil, test
stopped and cooled down. socket) while:
the engine is running
the engine is being started
the key is in position 2 in the ignition
lock and the engine is being cranked
by hand
nf_BA.book Page 321 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Warning G When you press the support strut Do not use your hands to push the
back, make sure that you do not hood down. Doing so could damage
Make sure that the hood is securely en-
press it against the detent position it.
gaged before driving off. Do no continue
and cause it to bend.
driving if the hood can no longer engage
after an accident, for example.
Let the hood drop from a height of
The hood could otherwise come loose approximately 05. ft (30 cm).
while the vehicle is in motion and endan-
ger you and/or others.
The hood engages audibly.
Check to make sure the hood is fully 4
Lift the hood gently. closed.
If the hood can be raised slightly, it
Push back support strut 3
is not properly engaged. Open it
( page 319).
again and allow it to drop from a
slightly greater height.
nf_BA.book Page 322 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Service products For specifications of engine oils, coolant Engine oil
and brake fluid, see "Service products
Mechanical elements and the lubricants and capacities" ( page 604) and con- The vehicle consumes a maximum of
used for them must be carefully tact your authorized Sprinter Dealer. 1 US qt (1.0 l) oil per 620 miles
matched. (1000 km), depending on your driving
For this reason, only brands tested and style.
approved by the manufacturer should be
Warning G Engine oil consumption may even be
used. Please contact your Sprinter Deal- If handled incorrectly, service products higher if:
er to obtain the necessary information. can constitute a health risk for people and the vehicle is new
No lubricant additives should be used. an environmental hazard. you mainly operate the vehicle under
4 The use of such additives could affect arduous operating conditions
Always observe relevant guidelines for
your warranty rights. Information is you often drive at high engine
handling, storing and disposing of service
available from any authorized Sprinter speeds
Dealer. The engine oil consumption can only be
judged after a lengthy distance has been
nf_BA.book Page 323 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Check the engine oil level on a regular ba- When the oil is being checked, the vehi- !CAUTION
sis, for example weekly or each time you re- cle must
Have any excess oil drained or si-
fuel. be standing level phoned off at an authorized Sprinter
be at normal operating temperature Dealer. Otherwise, the engine or cat-
have been standing with the engine alytic converter could be damaged.
If the oil level exceeds the maximum switched off for at least five minutes
level several times during operation,
have the malfunction rectified imme- i i
diately at an authorized Sprinter If no oil level reading is shown again, If at extremely low temperatures no
Dealer. check the engine oil level with the dip- engine oil level is displayed after 5
stick. minutes, wait a further 5 minutes be- 4
Checking the engine oil level in the fore repeating the engine oil level
Have the engine oil level display
display check.
checked at an authorized Sprinter Deal-
In vehicles with diesel engines, you can er.
view the engine oil level in the display. Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
The display is activated.
nf_BA.book Page 324 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Vehicles without steering wheel The following messages may be dis- i
buttons played:
Engine oil level display:
Press the menu button on the in- qt in USA only
strument cluster repeatedly until you l in Canada only
see the P symbol in the display. OK Do not add oil.
The --:-- display flashes during the -1.0 qt Add the amount of
measurement process. -1.5 qts oil shown
( page 328).
-2.0 qts
HI The engine oil level
4 is too high. Have
the oil siphoned off.
nf_BA.book Page 325 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Vehicles with steering wheel buttons* The following messages may be dis- N
Press the button on the instru- Engine oil The engine oil level is
ment cluster ( page 142). level Re- too high. Have the oil
duce oil siphoned off.
The following message is displayed Engine oil Do not add oil. level
for the duration of the measurement level OK
process: Eng. oil Switch on the igni-
Engine oil Add the amount of lev. Turn tion ( page 111).
N Engine oil level Measuring Add oil shown ignition
in progress 1.0 quart ( page 328). on for lev-
Engine oil el
Check the engine oil 4
level again after a
1.5 quarts
few minutes.
Engine oil
2.0 quarts
nf_BA.book Page 326 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
N N Checking the engine oil level with the
Observe Carry out another Engine oil Switch off the engine
wait. pe- measurement after level Not and wait for approxi- When the oil is being checked, the vehi-
riod approximately 5 min- when eng. mately 5 minutes if cle must
utes when the en- running the engine is at nor- be at normal operating temperature
gine is at normal mal operating tem- be standing level
operating tempera- perature. have been standing with the engine
ture. switched off for at least five minutes
Carry out another i
4 measurement after Engine oil level display:
approximately quart(s) in USA only
30 minutes when the liter(s) in Canada only
engine has cooled
nf_BA.book Page 327 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Insert it into the dipstick tube as far
as the stop and pull it back out.
The difference in the quantity of oil
between the upper and lower marks
on the dipstick is approx.
2 US qts (2 l) in vehicles with die-
sel engines
Diesel engine 3 US qts (3 l) in vehicles with gas-
Gasoline engine
oline engines 4
1 Engine oil filler neck 1 Engine oil filler neck
2 Engine oil dipstick 2 Engine oil dipstick
Pull out dipstick 2.
Wipe it clean with a lint-free cloth.
nf_BA.book Page 328 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Add engine oil if necessary !CAUTION
( page 328).
Have any excess engine oil drained
or siphoned off at an authorized
Adding engine oil
Sprinter Dealer. Otherwise, the en-
N18.00-2041-31 For specifications of engine oils see gine or catalytic converter could be
"Service products and capacities" damaged.
( page 604).
The alternator is underneath the en-
Unscrew the cap on engine oil filler gine oil filler neck. For this reason,
neck 1. add the engine oil carefully. There is
4 3 Engine oil dipstick Make sure that you only fill the en- a risk of damage to the alternator
Check the engine oil level. gine oil as far as the upper max from engine oil dripping down.
The oil level is correct if the oil is be- mark.
Unscrew the cap on filler neck 1.
tween the lower min and upper max
marks on the dipstick.
nf_BA.book Page 329 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Environmental note H The expansion tank is in the engine com-
When adding oil, take care not to spill any. partment. Only add coolant with the ve-
hicle standing on a level surface and
No engine oil must be allowed to enter with the engine switched off. The cool- N20.30-2063-31
sewage systems, surface water, ground ant temperature must have dropped be-
water or soil. low 122 °F (50 °C).
You would otherwise be damaging the en-
Dispose of engine oil in an environmental- 1 Coolant tank cap
2 Brake fluid reservoir cap 4
ly responsible manner. Comply with the
3 Windshield washer reservoir cap
manufacturer’s instructions.
nf_BA.book Page 330 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Slowly unscrew cap 1 counter-
Warning G Warning G clockwise to reduce excess pres-
When opening the coolant expansion tank Coolant contains glycol and is therefore
Continue turning the cap and remove
there is a risk of scalding from hot coolant toxic. Do not swallow coolant. Consult a
spraying out. The cooling system and the doctor immediately if any coolant is swal-
coolant expansion tank are pressurized lowed. Add coolant as far as the MAX mark.
when the engine is at normal operating Do not allow coolant to come into contact Twist cap 1 back on.
temperature. with your skin, eyes or clothing. In the
Wear gloves and eye protection. Only For coolant specifications, see "Service
event of contact with the eyes, rinse them
4 open the coolant expansion tank when products and capacities" ( page 604).
thoroughly with clean water. Clean skin
the coolant temperature is less than and clothes immediately with soap and !CAUTION
122 °F (50 °C). water. Change out of soiled clothing with- Check the cooling and heating sys-
out delay. tems regularly for leaks. If a large
quantity of coolant is lost, have the
cause traced and rectified at an au-
thorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 331 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Brake fluid i
The reservoir is in the engine compart- There is usually a notice in the engine
compartment to remind you when
ment. Check the brake fluid level:
the next brake fluid change is due.
regularly, e.g. weekly or when refuel-
ing N20.30-2063-31
only with the vehicle standing on a
level surface and with the engine
switched off
1 Coolant tank cap
2 Brake fluid reservoir cap
3 Windshield washer reservoir cap 4
The brake fluid level must be between
the MIN and MAX marks.
nf_BA.book Page 332 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Brake fluid corrodes paintwork. If Warning G Warning (Continued) G
brake fluid comes into contact with Only store brake fluid in its closed original
Brake fluid is hazardous to health. Do not
the paintwork, immediately rinse container and keep out of the reach of
swallow brake fluid. Consult a doctor im-
with water. children. Comply with safety regulations
mediately if any brake fluid is swallowed.
If the brake fluid does not reach the when handling brake fluid.
MIN mark, the vehicle’s hydraulic Brake fluid must not come into contact
system could be malfunctioning. Do with the skin, eyes or clothing. Wash af-
not add brake fluid under any cir- fected areas with plenty of clean water
cumstances. This will not solve the and consult a doctor immediately if nec-
problem. essary.You should always wear eye pro-
tection and gloves when you are adding
Do not drive any further. brake fluid.
Have the system checked immediate- Continued
ly at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 333 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Windshield washer system/
Warning G headlamp cleaning system*
If the boiling point of the brake fluid is too The windshield washer reservoir is in the
low, vapor pockets may form in the brake engine compartment. It holds approx.
7.4 US qt (7.0 l). N20.30-2063-31
system when the brakes are applied hard
(e.g. when driving on long downhill On vehicles with a headlamp cleaning
stretches). This has a detrimental effect system, this is also supplied from the
on braking efficiency, which could in- windshield washer reservoir.
crease the stopping distance. This in-
1 Coolant tank cap
creases the risk of an accident. 2 Brake fluid reservoir cap 4
Have the brake fluid replaced every 3 Windshield washer reservoir cap
two years.
Add windshield washer fluid concentrate
to the water all year round.
For specifications of brake fluid, see
"Service products and capacities"
( page 616).
nf_BA.book Page 334 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Engine compartment
Mix the windshield washer fluid in a The manufacturer recommends that you
Warning G container and in the specified pro- use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for
portions. this purpose. All work relevant to safety
Windshield washer concentrate is highly or on safety-related systems must be
Remove cap 3.
flammable. Fire, open flames and smok- carried out at an authorized Sprinter
ing are prohibited when you are handling Fill up the windshield washer fluid. Dealer.
windshield washer concentrate. Press cap 3 back on.
nf_BA.book Page 335 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Your vehicle may be equipped with two
batteries, depending on the equipment Warning G Warning (Continued) G
Starter battery in the battery recess
in the driver’s footwell A Risk of explosion
When batteries are being
B Battery acid is caustic.
Wear acid-proof protective
Auxiliary battery in the engine com- charged, explosive detonating gloves. Neutralize splashes of
partment* gas is emitted. Only charge bat- acid on skin or clothing immedi-
teries in well-ventilated areas. ately with soapy water or acid
neutralizer and clean with wa-
D Risk of explosion 4
Because of the risk of explosion,
avoid creating sparks from fire,
open flames and smoking.
nf_BA.book Page 336 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
nf_BA.book Page 337 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
The batteries must always be sufficiently !CAUTION
charged so that they achieve their in- !CAUTION
Switch off the engine and wait for
tended service life. Cleaning agents containing fuel can
approximately 20 seconds before you
Have the battery charge status checked loosen or disconnect the terminal corrode the battery casing. Only
more frequently if you use the vehicle clamps. You could otherwise damage clean with commercially available
mainly for short trips or if you leave it electrical system components. cleaning agents and clean the bat-
parked up for a long period. tery casing with the cell caps
Care of batteries screwed in.
If you intend to leave your vehicle
parked up for a long period, seek advice !CAUTION You will find further information in the
from an authorized Sprinter Dealer and Dirty terminal clamps and battery 4
“Practical hints” section ( page 573).
switch off the electrical system at the surfaces cause leakage current, lead-
battery isolating switch ( page 338). ing to battery discharge. Always keep
the terminal clamps and battery sur-
faces clean and dry. Lightly grease
the terminal clamps, particularly the
undersides, with acid-proof grease.
nf_BA.book Page 338 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Battery isolating switch*
Battery isolating switch*
You can disconnect the current to all i
your vehicle’s consumers using the bat-
Only disconnect the vehicle electrical
tery isolating switch. This will prevent
system from the power supply using
uncontrolled battery discharge caused
the battery isolating switch if the ve-
by quiescent current consumption.
hicle is to be parked up for a long pe-
riod or when this is absolutely
Warning G necessary.
After the power supply is switched
4 If the vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary on, you must reset the electric sliding
battery in the engine compartment, it is door ( page 92). 1 Connector
necessary to disconnect both batteries 2 Slide
when working on the vehicle electrical The battery isolating switch is to the
system. Only then is the electrical system right of the accelerator pedal in the driv-
fully disconnected from the power supply. er’s footwell.
nf_BA.book Page 339 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Battery isolating switch*
!CAUTION Switching off the electrical system !CAUTION
Make sure that the key is in Take the key out of the ignition lock When you clamp the connector under
position 0 in the ignition lock and and wait for approximately the accelerator pedal, make sure that
wait at least 20 seconds before dis- 20 seconds. the connector does not become:
connecting or connecting the battery dirty
Move red slide 2 down in the direc-
isolating switch. You could otherwise damaged
tion of the arrow and disconnect
damage electrical system compo-
connector 1 from the ground pin. It may otherwise not be possible to
Clamp connector 1 under the ac- restore the electrical connection
celerator pedal so that it cannot when the parts are reassembled.
make contact with the ground pin.
The consumers of the vehicle battery
are cut off from the electrical circuit.
nf_BA.book Page 340 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Battery isolating switch*
Switching on the electrical system Insert the key into the ignition lock.
Press connector 1 onto ground pin
2 until you feel it engage.
The connector must be in full contact
with ground pin 2.
All consumers are reconnected to
the power supply circuit.
1 Connector
2 Ground pin
nf_BA.book Page 341 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Tires and wheels
The tires on a new vehicle provide a bal- Refer to the tire and loading information Contact an authorized Sprinter Dealer or
ance of many characteristics. They placard1 or to the tire inflation pressure an authorized tire dealer with any ques-
should be inspected regularly for wear placard on the driver’s door B-pillar tions you may have on tire specifications
and correct cold tire inflation pressure. ( page 362) for the size designation of or capability.
The vehicle manufacturer strongly rec- your tire.
ommends using tires equivalent to the The service description and load identifi-
originals in size, quality and perfor- cation will be found on the original
mance when a replacement becomes equipment tire. Failure to use equivalent
necessary. replacement tires may adversely affect 4
the safety, handling, and ride of your
Sprinter vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 342 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
!CAUTION !CAUTION For more information on tire size desig-
nation, load and speed rating, see "Tire
Only use tires which have been test- Using tires other than those ap-
labeling" ( page 382).
ed and approved for your Sprinter ve- proved by the vehicle manufacturer
hicle by the vehicle manufacturer. can have detrimental effects, such as See an authorized Sprinter Dealer for in-
Tires approved by the vehicle manu- poor handling characteristics formation on tested and recommended
facturer are developed to provide the increased noise rims and tires for summer and winter op-
best possible performance in con- increased fuel consumption eration. They can also offer advice con-
junction with the driving safety sys- cerning tire service and purchase.
tems on your Sprinter vehicle such as Tires and rims not approved by the
ABS, BAS, ASR or ESP®. vehicle manufacturer may, under
4 load, exhibit dimensional variations
Using tires other than those ap- and different tire deformation char-
proved by the vehicle manufacturer acteristics that could cause them to
may result in damage that is not cov- come into contact with the vehicle
ered by the Sprinter vehicle warran- body or axle parts. Damage to the
ty. tires or the vehicle may be the result.
nf_BA.book Page 343 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Warning G Warning (Continued)
Replacing original tires with tires of a
Do not use a tire, wheel size or rating oth- Only use the tire and wheel sizes with load different size may result in false
er than that specified for your Sprinter ve- ratings approved for your Sprinter vehicle, speedometer and odometer read-
hicle. Some combinations of unapproved refer to "Tire and loading information". ings.
tires and wheels may change suspension Never use a tire with a smaller load index
dimensions and performance characteris- or speed index or capacity other than
tics, resulting in changes to steering, han- what was originally equipped on your
dling, and braking of your Sprinter vehicle. Sprinter vehicle. Using a tire with a small-
This can cause unpredictable handling er load index could result in tire overload-
and stress to steering and suspension 4
ing and failure. You could lose control and
components. You could lose control and have an accident.
have an accident resulting in serious inju-
ry or death. Failure to equip the vehicle with tires hav-
ing adequate speed capability can result
in sudden tire failure and loss of vehicle
nf_BA.book Page 344 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Only use wheels and tires which have
Warning G been tested and approved by the vehicle Warning (Continued) G
Only certain tires meeting the tire size/
Worn, old tires can cause accidents. If the
load/speed rating specifications are cer-
tire tread is badly worn, or if the tires have Warning G tified to conform to FMVSS 110 for the
sustained damage, replace them. Sprinter vehicle at this time. Please check
Fitting other wheel sizes to the vehicle will
When replacing rims, only use genuine your side walls of your originally equipped
change the vehicle’s handling characteris-
wheel bolts approved by the vehicle man- tires for specific makes/sizes, and speed
tics and may lead to an accident resulting
ufacturer and specified for the particular load ratings when you need to replace
in death, severe personal injuries and
rim type. Failure to do so can result in the your tires.
property damage.
4 bolts loosening and possibly an accident. To prevent accidents resulting in possible
Do not use retreaded/remolded tires. death, severe injury or property damage,
use only the tire and wheel sizes with load
This process does not always permit pre-
ratings approved for your Sprinter vehicle
vious damage to be detected. Therefore
for your tire replacement.
vehicle safety cannot be guaranteed if re-
treaded/remolded tires are fitted. Refer to "Tire and loading information"
( page 352).
nf_BA.book Page 345 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
For information on tire and wheel sizes Cuts and punctures in radial tires are re-
with load ratings, refer to "Tire and load- pairable only in the tread area because Warning (Continued) G
ing information" ( page 303). of side wall flexing. Consult an autho-
rized tire dealer for radial tire repairs. Do not install any of these parts on your
Radial-ply tires Sprinter vehicle. To help ensure safe and
Tire valves (snap-in valves) reliable operation of your Sprinter vehicle,
Warning G only use parts and accessories tested and
Warning G approved by the vehicle manufacturer for
Combining radial ply tires with other types your Sprinter vehicle.
of tires on your Sprinter vehicle will Sprinter vehicle tire valves are tested and ap-
change the vehicle’s handling characteris- proved under rough operating conditions. 4
tics and may lead to an accident resulting
in death, severe personal injuries and The installation of additional hub caps or
property damage. Always use radial ply other wheel simulators could cause dam-
tires in sets of 4 (or 6, in case of vehicles age to the tire valve and lead to a loss of
with dual rear wheels).
tire pressure at the valve stem.
Never combine them with other types of
tires. Continued
nf_BA.book Page 346 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
!CAUTION Important guidelines Do not allow your tires to wear down
too far. Adhesion properties on wet
Vehicles not equipped with Tire Pres- Only use sets of tires and rims of the
same type and make. roads are sharply reduced at tread
sure Monitoring System (TPMS)*: depths under 1/8 in (3 mm) for sum-
For safety reasons, whenever you Tires must be of the correct size for mer tires and 1/6 in (4 mm) for win-
change a tire, you must also change the rim. ter tires.
the tire valve. Break in new tires for approximately When replacing individual tires, you
The following tire valves from the 65 miles (100 km) at moderate should mount new tires on the front
company Schrader must be used on speeds. wheels first.
the vehicles not equipped with Regularly check the tires and rims
TPMS*: for damage. Dented or bent rims can
4 TR 600 for vehicle model type cause tire inflation pressure loss or
2500 damage to the tire beads.
TR 418 for vehicle model type If the vehicle is heavily loaded, check
3500 tire inflation pressure and correct as
Other tire valves could be damaged
by the specified tire pressures.
nf_BA.book Page 347 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Tire care and maintenance The tire inflation pressure should be Tire inspection
checked regularly, i.e. at least each time Every time when checking the tire infla-
you refuel the vehicle. The preferred in-
Warning G terval for checking the tire inflation pres-
tion pressure, the tires should also be in-
spected for the following:
sure, however, is before each trip.
Regularly check the tires for damage. excessive treadwear, refer to "Tread
Damaged tires can cause tire inflation For more information on checking tire depth".
pressure loss. As a result, you could lose inflation pressure, refer to "Recom- the condition of the tread depths, i.e.
control of your vehicle. mended tire inflation pressure" uneven tread wear or excessive
( page 361). treadwear on one side. Turn the front
Worn, old tires can cause accidents. If the
wheels to full lock if necessary to en-
tire tread is badly worn, or if the tires have 4
able you to check the inner edge of
sustained damage, replace them.
the front tires more easily. You must
also always check the inside of the
tire tread on the rear wheels.
cord or fabric showing through the
tire’s rubber
nf_BA.book Page 348 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
bumps, bulges, cuts, cracks or splits Tire damage
in the tread or side of the tire
Tire damage can be caused by: Warning G
foreign objects between the tires
the vehicle’s operating conditions Driving over curbs or sharp-edged objects
(on vehicles with twin tires)
tire aging can cause damage to the tire substruc-
Replace the tire if any of the above con-
curbs ture which is not visible from the outside.
ditions is found.
foreign objects
Also inspect the spare tire periodically Damage to the tire substructure cannot
insufficient or excessive tire inflation be detected until later and can cause the
for condition and inflation. Spare tires pressures
will age and become worn over time tire to burst. You could lose control of the
weather and environmental influenc- vehicle as a result, cause an accident and
even if never used, and thus should be es
4 injure yourself or others.
inspected and replaced when neces- contact with oil, grease, fuel, etc.
sary. Avoid driving up against curbs or parking
the vehicle with part of the tire tread sur-
face on the curb.
nf_BA.book Page 349 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Life of tire Tread depth Recommended minimum tire tread
The service life of a tire depends on vary- Do not allow your tires to wear down too
ing factors including but not limited to: far. Adhesion properties on wet roads Summer tires 1/8 in (3 mm)
Driving style are sharply reduced at tread depths un- Winter tires 1/6 in (4 mm)
Tire inflation pressure der 1/8 in (3 mm) for summer tires and
1/ in (4 mm) for winter tires.
Distance driven 6
Treadwear indicators (TWI) are required
Warning G by law. These indicators are located in
six places on the tread circumference
Tires and spare tire should be replaced af- and become visible at a tread depth of 4
ter 6 years, regardless of the remaining approximately 1/16 in (1.6 mm), at
tread. which point the tire is considered worn
and should be replaced.
nf_BA.book Page 350 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Storing tires
Warning G
Although the applicable federal motor Keep unmounted tires in a cool, dry
safety laws consider a tire to be worn place with as little exposure to light
when the Treadwear Indicators (TWI) be- as possible. Protect tires from con-
come visible at approximately 1/16 in tact with oil, grease and gasoline/
(1.6 mm), we recommend that you do not diesel.
allow your tires to wear down to that lev-
el. As tread depth approaches 1/8 in Cleaning tires
1 Treadwear Indicator (TWI)
4 (3 mm) for summer tires or 1/6 in (4 mm)
for winter tires, the adhesion properties The Treadwear Indicator appears as a !CAUTION
on a wet road are sharply reduced. solid band across the tread. Never use a round nozzle to power
wash tires. The intense jet of water
Depending upon the weather and/or road
can result in damage to the tire.
surface (conditions), the tire traction var-
ies widely. Always replace a damaged tire.
nf_BA.book Page 351 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Direction of rotation !CAUTION Loading the vehicle
An arrow on the side wall indicates the Spare wheels may be mounted
against the direction of rotation The following labels on the vehicle show
intended direction of rotation (spinning)
(spinning) even with a unidirectional how much weight it may properly carry.
of the tire which means the wheel must
be mounted in the direction of rotation. tire for temporary use only until the USA only - vehicles with a gross
regular drive wheel has been re- weight capacity less than 10,000 lbs
If a tire does not have an arrow on the paired or replaced. Always observe (4536 kg)
side wall indicating the direction of rota- and follow applicable temporary use
tion, the wheel can be mounted either restrictions and speed limitations in-
way. dicated on the spare wheel.
i Have a spare wheel that was mount-
The Tire Identification Number (TIN) ed against the direction of rotation
must always be visible on the out- replaced with a regular road wheel as
board side of the tire. soon as possible.
nf_BA.book Page 352 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
The tire and loading information This label tells you about
placard can be found on the driver’s
the gross weight capacity of your
door B-pillar. This placard tells you
vehicle, called the Gross Vehicle
important information about the
Weight Rating (GVWR)
number of people that can be in the
vehicle and the total weight that can the front and rear axle weight ca-
be carried in the vehicle. pacity, called the Gross Axle
Weight Rating (GAWR)
It also contains information on the
proper size and recommended tire the gross combination capacity
1 Tire and loading information placard on inflation pressures for the original of your vehicle, called the Gross
4 driver’s door B-pillar equipment tires on your vehicle. Combination Weight Rating
The certification label can be found (GCWR)
Tire and loading information below the driver’s seat on an out-
The information below explains how to ward facing position of the mounting
work with the information contained on pillar ( page 358).
the tire and loading information placard
with regards to loading your vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 353 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
The GVWR includes the weight of the ve-
hicle, all occupants, fuel and cargo. Warning G Warning (Continued) G
The GAWR is the total allowable weight Overloading of tires is dangerous. Over-
Do not overload the tires by exceeding the
that can be carried by a single axle (front loading can cause tire failure, affect vehi-
specified load limit as indicated on the
or rear). cle handling, and increase the stopping
tire and loading information placard on
The GCWR is the total allowable weight the driver’s door B-pillar or on the certifi- distance. Use tires of the recommended
of vehicle and trailer when weighed in cation label below the driver’s seat on the load capacity for the vehicle. Never over-
combination. mounting pillar. Overloading the tires can load them.
Never exceed the GVWR, the GAWR for overheat them, possibly causing a blow-
either the front axle or rear axle or the out. Overloading the tires can also result 4
GCWR. in handling or steering problems, or brake
nf_BA.book Page 354 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Placard (USA Only) i Seating capacity
For vehicles with a gross weight capacity The data shown on this placard is for The seating capacity 1 gives you im-
less than 10,000 lbs (4536 kg) only. illustrative purposes only. The load portant information on the number of
The tire and loading information placard limit data and seating data are spe- occupants that can be in the vehicle. Ob-
is located on the driver’s door B-pillar. cific to each vehicle and may vary serve front and rear seating capacity.
from the data shown in the illustra- Never let more people ride in the vehicle
tion below. Refer to the placard on than there are designated seating posi-
your vehicle for actual data specific tions and seat belts available. Make sure
to your vehicle. that everyone riding in the vehicle is cor-
4 rectly restrained with a separate seat
nf_BA.book Page 355 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Load limit information Steps for determining correct load Step 1
Locate the statement “The combined Locate the statement “The combined
weight of occupants and cargo should For vehicles with a gross weight capacity weight of occupants and cargo
never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs.” 2 on less than 10,000 lbs (4536 kg) only. should never exceed XXX kg or
the tire and loading information placard. XXX lbs.” on your vehicle’s placard.
The following steps have been devel-
The combined weight of all occupants,
oped as required of all manufacturers Step 2
cargo/luggage and trailer tongue load (if
under Title 49, Code of U.S. Federal Reg- Determine the combined weight of
applicable) should never exceed the
ulations, Part 575 pursuant to the “Na- the driver and passengers that will
weight referenced in that statement.
tional Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety be riding in your vehicle.
Act of 1966”. 4
Step 3
Subtract the combined weight of the
driver and passengers from XXX kg
or XXX lbs.
nf_BA.book Page 356 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Step 4 safely exceed the available cargo illustrative purposes only. Make sure
and luggage load capacity calculated you are using the actual load limit for
The resulting figure equals the avail-
in step 4. your vehicle stated on the vehicle’s tire
able amount of cargo and luggage
and loading information placard
load capacity. For example, if the Step 6 (if applicable)
( page 354).
“XXX” amount equals 1400 lbs and
If your vehicle will be towing a trailer,
there will be five 150 lbs passengers The higher the weight of all occupants,
load from your trailer will be trans-
in your vehicle, the amount of avail- the less cargo and luggage load capacity
ferred to your vehicle. Consult this
able cargo and luggage load capacity is available.
manual to determine how this reduc-
is 650 lbs (1400-750 (5 x150) =
es the available cargo and luggage
650 lbs).
4 load capacity of your vehicle.
Step 5 The following table shows examples on
Determine the combined weight of how to calculate total load, cargo load
luggage and cargo being loaded on and towing capacities with varying seat-
the vehicle. That weight may not ing configurations and number and size
of occupants. The following examples
use a load limit of 1500 lbs. This is for
nf_BA.book Page 357 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Exam- Combined Number of Seating Occupants' weight Combined Available cargo/luggage and
ple weight limit occupants configura- weight of all trailer tongue weight (total load
of occu- (driver and tion occupants limit or vehicle capacity weight
pants and passen- from placard minus combined
cargo from gers) weight of all occupants)
1 1500 lbs 5 Front: 2 Occupant 1: 150 lbs 750 lbs 1500 lbs - 750 lbs = 750 lbs
Occupant 2: 180 lbs
Rear: 3 Occupant 3: 160 lbs
Occupant 4: 140 lbs 4
Occupant 5: 120 lbs
2 1500 lbs 3 Front: 1 Occupant 1: 200 lbs 540 lbs 1500 lbs - 540 lbs = 960 lbs
Rear: 2 Occupant 2: 190 lbs
Occupant 3: 150 lbs
3 1500 lbs 1 Front:1 Occupant 1: 150 lbs 150 lbs 1500 lbs - 150 lbs = 1350 lbs
nf_BA.book Page 358 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Certification label USA only - for vehicles with a gross found below the driver’s seat on an out-
weight capacity less than 10,000 lbs ward facing position of the mounting pil-
Even after careful determination of the
(4536 kg) only: lar ( page 632).
combined weight of all occupants, cargo
To determine the maximum loading con-
and the trailer tongue load (if applicable) For more information on the trailer
ditions of your vehicle, locate the state-
as to not exceed the permissible load tongue load, refer to "Trailer tongue
ment "The combined weight of
limit, you must make sure that your vehi- load".
occupants and cargo should never ex-
cle never exceeds the Gross Vehicle
ceed XXX kg or XXX lbs." on the tire and Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR):
Weight Rating (GVWR) and the Gross loading information placard. The com- The total weight of the vehicle, all occu-
Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for either the bined weight of occupants, cargo/lug- pants, all cargo, and the trailer tongue
front or rear axle and the Gross Combi- gage and trailer tongue weight (if
4 load must never exceed the GVWR.
nation Weight Rating (GCWR) (if applica- applicable) should never exceed the
ble). weight referenced here. Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR):
The total allowable weight that can be
Under a maximum loaded vehicle condi- You can obtain the GVWR, the front/rear carried by a single axle (front (FA) or rear
tion, gross axle weight ratings (GAWR’s) GAWR and the GCWR from the certifica- (RA)).
for the front and rear axles must not be tion label. The certification label can be
nf_BA.book Page 359 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Gross Combination Weight Rating
(GCWR): The total allowable weight of ve-
hicle and trailer when weighed in comin-
bation including a 150 lbs (68 kg)
allowance for the presence of a driver.
3500 9990 lbs (4531 kg) 4080 lbs (1851 kg) 7060 lbs (3202 kg) 15250 lbs (6917 kg)
4410 lbs (2000 kg)* 4
11030 lbs (5003 kg) 4080 lbs (1851 kg) 7720 lbs (3502 kg) 15250 lbs (6917 kg)
4410 lbs (2000 kg)
nf_BA.book Page 360 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
To assure that your vehicle does not ex- Trailer tongue load For example, if the trailer tongue load
ceed the maximum permissible weight equals 140 lbs (63.5 kg) and the deter-
The tongue load (tongue weight at the
limits (GVWR and GAWR for front and mined available cargo/luggage and trail-
hitch ball) of any trailer is an important
rear axle and GCWR), have the loaded er tongue weight equals 500 lbs (227
weight to measure because it affects the
vehicle (including driver, passengers and kg), the amount of available cargo and
load you can carry in your vehicle. If a
all cargo and, if applicable, trailer fully luggage load capacity is 360 lbs (500 –
trailer is towed, the tongue load must be
loaded) weighed on a suitable commer- 140 = 360 lbs) (163.5 kg (227 – 63.5 =
added to the weight of all occupants
cial scale. 163.5 kg)).
riding and any cargo you are carrying in
the vehicle to prevent exceeding your For further information on vehicle and
Sprinter tow vehicle’s rear GAWR. The trailer weights and ratings, loading a
4 tongue load is 10% of the trailer weight trailer and trailer towing, see “Trailer
and everything loaded in it. towing” ( page303).
nf_BA.book Page 361 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Recommended tire inflation pressure Your vehicle is equipped with either the The tire inflation pressure (including the
tire and loading information placard1 or spare wheel) should be checked regular-
with the tire inflation pressure placard ly and adjusted as well as inspected for
Warning G located on the driver’s door B-pillar. signs of tire wear or visible damage. Use
a good quality pocket-type gauge to
Follow recommended tire inflation pres-
sures. check tire inflation pressure.
Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated Do not make a visual judgment when de-
tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, termining proper inflation. Radial tires
adversely affect handling and fuel econo-
may look properly inflated even when
my, and are more likely to fail from being
overheated. they are underinflated.
Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires The tire inflation pressure should be
can adversely affect handling and ride checked regularly, i.e. at least each time
1 Tire and loading information placard or
comfort, wear unevenly, increase stop-
ping distance, and result in sudden defla-
tire inflation pressure placard on driver’s you refuel the vehicle, and should only
door B-pillar be adjusted on cold tires. The preferred
tion (blowout) because they are more
likely to become punctured or damaged interval for checking the tire inflation
by road debris, potholes etc. 1. For vehicles with a gross weight capacity less pressure, however, is before each trip.
than 10 000 lbs (4 536 kg) (USA only).
nf_BA.book Page 362 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
The tires can be considered cold if the For more information, refer to “Impor-
vehicle has been parked for at least tant notes on tire inflation pressure”.
3 hours or driven less than 1 mile
(1.6 km) at an ambient temperature of Placard
approximately 68 °F (20 °C). The placard is located on the driver’s
door B-pillar.
Follow recommended cold tire inflation
pressures listed on vehicle placard.
Keeping the tires properly inflated pro-
vides the best handling, tread life and
riding comfort. Tire inflation pressure placard
The pressure difference between the 1 Recommended cold tire inflation
tires on a single axle should not exceed pressure
1.5 psi (10 kPa).
In addition to the placard, also consult
the tire inflation pressure table Tire and loading information placard
( page 628).
nf_BA.book Page 363 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
i The placard lists the recommended cold Important notes on tire inflation
tire inflation pressures for all load condi- pressure
The data shown on the tire and loa-
tions up to the maximum permissible
ding information placard1and on the
weight limits (GAWR). The tire inflation
tire inflation pressure placard is for il-
pressures listed apply to the tires in-
Warning G
lustrative purposes only. Tire data is
stalled as original equipment. If the tire inflation pressure repeatedly
specific to each vehicle and may vary
from the data shown in the illustrati- drops:
on below. Refer to your vehicle’s pla- Check the tires for punctures from
card for actual data specific to your foreign objects.
vehicle. Check to see whether air is leaking 4
from the valves or from around the
1 For vehicles with a gross weight capacity less
than 10 000 lbs (4 536 kg) (USA only).
nf_BA.book Page 364 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Tire temperature and tire inflation pres- For example:
sure are also increased while driving, de-
If the inside temperature is 68 °F Warning G
pending on the driving speed and the
(20 °C) and the outside temperature is
tire load. Tire pressure may increase during opera-
32 °F (0 °C) then the cold tire inflation
Tire inflation pressure changes by ap- pressure should be increased by 3 psi
proximately 1.5 psi (0.1 bar) per 18 °F (0.2 bar), which equals 1.5 psi (0.1 bar) Never reduce this normal pressure build
(10 °C) of air temperature change. Keep for every 18 °F (10 °C) for this outside up or your tire pressure will be too low.
this in mind when checking tire inflation temperature condition. Underinflated tires wear excessively and/
pressure where the temperature is dif- or unevenly, adversely affect handling and
Check tire inflation pressures more of-
ferent from the outside temperature. fuel economy, and are more likely to fail
4 ten if subject to a wide range of outdoor
temperatures, as tire pressures vary from being overheated.
with temperature changes.
nf_BA.book Page 365 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Checking tire inflation pressure parked for at least 3 hours or driven less If you check the tire inflation pressure
than 1 mile (1.6 km) at an ambient tem- when the tires are warm (the vehicle has
The tire inflation pressure should be perature of approximately 68°F (20°C). been driven for several miles (kilome-
checked regularly, i.e. at least each time ters) or sitting less than 3 hours), the
you refuel the vehicle. The preferred in- The cold tire inflation pressure must not
reading will be higher than the cold read-
terval for checking the tire inflation pres- exceed the maximum tire inflation pres-
ing. This is normal. Do not let air out to
sure, however, is before each trip. sure molded into the tire side wall, see
match the specified cold tire inflation
"Tire labeling" ( page 382).
The tire inflation pressures specified ei- pressure. Otherwise, the tire will be un-
ther on the tire and loading information derinflated.
placard or on the tire inflation pressure
placard on the driver’s door B-pillar are 4
always cold tire inflation pressures.
Check and adjust the tire inflation pres-
sure when the tires are cold. Cold tire in-
flation pressure is defined as the tire
pressure after the vehicle has been
nf_BA.book Page 366 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Checking tire inflation pressure
Warning G Warning (Continued) G manually
Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires Follow the steps below to achieve cor-
Observe the recommended tire inflation
can adversely affect handling and ride rect tire inflation pressure:
comfort, wear unevenly, increase stop- Remove the cap from the valve on
Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated ping distance, and result in sudden defla- one tire.
tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, tion (blowout) because they are more
adversely affect handling and fuel econo- Firmly press a tire gauge onto the
likely to become punctured or damaged
my, and are more likely to fail from being valve.
by road debris, potholes etc.
overheated. Read the tire inflation pressure on
4 Do not overload the tires by exceeding the
the tire gauge and compare it with
specified load limit as indicated on the the recommended tire inflation pres-
tire and loading information placard on sure on the placard ( page 362) lo-
the driver’s door B-pillar. Overloading the cated on the driver’s door B-pillar.
tires can overheat them, possibly causing
a blowout.
nf_BA.book Page 367 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
In addition to the placard also con- !CAUTION Checking tire inflation pressure elec-
sult the tire inflation pressure table tronically with the Tire Pressure Mon-
After inspecting or adjusting the tire
( page 628). itoring System (TPMS)* (vehicles
inflation pressure, always reattach
without steering wheel buttons)
If necessary, add air to achieve the the valve cap if equipped.
recommended tire inflation pressu- i
This will prevent moisture and dirt
from entering the valve stem, which USA only:
i could damage the valve stem. The Tire Pressure Monitoring System
If you have overfilled the tire, release (TPMS) is equipped with a combina-
Repeat this procedure for each tire. tion low tire pressure/TPMS mal-
tire inflation pressure by pushing the
metal stem of the valve with for ex- function telltale in the instrument 4
ample a tip of a pen. Then recheck cluster ( page 20). Depending on
the tire inflation pressure with the how the telltale illuminates, it indi-
tire gauge. cates a low tire pressure condition or
a malfunction in the TPMS system it-
Reattach the valve cap. self:
nf_BA.book Page 368 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
If the telltale illuminates continuous- i
ly, one or more of your tires is signif- Canada only:
Warning G
icantly underinflated. There is no
malfunction in the TPMS. The Tire Pressure Monitoring System The TPMS does not warn you against in-
(TPMS) is equipped with a low tire correctly selected tire inflation pressure
If the telltale flashes for 60 seconds
pressure telltale in the instrument and does not warn you when the tire pres-
and then stays illuminated, the TPMS
cluster ( page 20). If the telltale il- sure is not properly selected for the re-
system itself is not operating proper-
luminates, one or more of your tires spective vehicle load. It warns you only
is significantly underinflated. when the pressure of one or more tires
decreases significantly below the refer-
4 The TPMS only functions on wheels that ence inflation
are equipped with the proper electronic
pressure which was stored at the time of
sensors. It monitors the tire inflation
calibration of the TPMS after you inflated
pressure, as selected by the driver, in all
the tires.
four tires. A warning is issued to alert
you to a decrease in pressure in one or Continued
more of the tires.
nf_BA.book Page 369 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
nf_BA.book Page 370 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
nf_BA.book Page 371 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
i i
Warning (Continued) G
If a condition causing the TPMS to Operating radio transmission equip-
TPMS malfunctions may occur for a vari- malfunction develops, it may take up ment (e.g. wireless headsets, two-
ety of reasons, including the installation to 10 minutes for the system to sig- way radios) in or near the vehicle
of incompatible replacement or alternate nal a malfunction using the TPMS tell- could cause the TPMS to malfunction
tires or wheels on the vehicle that prevent tale flashing and illumination
the TPMS from functioning properly. Al- sequence. Reactivating the TPMS
ways check the TPMS malfunction telltale The telltale extinguishes after driving The TPMS must be reactivated when you
after replacing one or more tires or a few minutes if the malfunction has have adjusted the tire inflation pressure
wheels on your vehicle to ensure that the been corrected. to a new level (e.g. because of different 4
replacement or alternate tires and wheels load or driving conditions). The TPMS is
allow the TPMS to continue to function then recalibrated to the current tire in-
properly. flation pressures.
nf_BA.book Page 372 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
or the tire inflation pressure placard i
Warning G located on the driver’s door B-pillar
Reactivate the TPMS after adjusting
( page 362).
the tire inflation pressure to the infla-
It is the driver’s responsibility to calibrate
In addition to the placard also con- tion pressure recommended for the
the TPMS on the recommended cold infla-
sult the tire inflation pressure table vehicle operating condition. Tire
tion pressure. Underinflated tires affect
( page 628). pressure should only be adjusted on
the ability to steer or brake the vehicle.
cold tires. Observe the recommend-
You might lose control over the vehicle.
ed tire inflation pressure on the tire
and loading information placard on
Make sure the tire inflation pressure the driver’s door B-pillar
4 of all four tires is correct, using the ( page 354).
tire and loading information placard1
nf_BA.book Page 373 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Switch on the ignition ( page 111). If you wish to cancel the activation pro- i
Press the 5 menu button on the in- USA only:
strument cluster until you see the Press the . button or the 5 menu but- The Tire Pressure Monitoring System
+CAL TPMS message in the display. ton on the instrument cluster. (TPMS) is equipped with a combina-
Press the , menu button on the in- The activation process is canceled tion low tire pressure/TPMS mal-
strument cluster. automatically if 30 seconds elapse function telltale in the instrument
with no input. cluster ( page 20). Depending on
The following message is displayed:
how the telltale illuminates, it indi-
OK TPMS Checking tire inflation pressure elec- cates a low tire pressure condition or
The tire pressure monitor activation tronically with the Tire Pressure Mon- a malfunction in the TPMS system it- 4
process has begun. itoring System (TPMS)* (vehicles self:
The tire pressures of the individual with steering wheel buttons) If the telltale illuminates continuous-
wheels are stored as the new refer- Vehicles with steering wheel buttons are ly, one or more of your tires is signif-
ence values if they are determined to equipped with the Advanced Tire Pres- icantly underinflated. There is no
be plausible for the tire pressure sure Monitoring System. malfunction in the TPMS.
nf_BA.book Page 374 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
If the telltale flashes for 60 seconds The TPMS only functions on wheels that i
and then stays illuminated, the TPMS are equipped with the proper electronic
Possible differences between the
system itself is not operating proper- sensors. It monitors the tire inflation
readings of a tire pressure gauge of
ly. pressure, as selected by the driver, in all
an air hose, e.g. gas station equip-
four tires. A warning is issued to alert
ment, and the vehicle’s control sys-
you to a decrease in pressure in one or
i more of the tires.
tem can occur. Usually the readings
Canada only: issued by the control system are
Tire pressure inquiries are made using more precise.
The Tire Pressure Monitoring System the multifunction display. The present
(TPMS) is equipped with a low tire inflation pressures are displayed only af- Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
4 pressure telltale in the instrument ter a few minutes’ travel time.
cluster ( page 20). If the telltale il- Press the j or k button until
luminates, one or more of your tires the current inflation pressures for
is significantly underinflated. each tire appear in the multifunction
nf_BA.book Page 375 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Warning G If a spare wheel without wheel sen-
sors is mounted, the system may still
54.32-2278-31 It is the driver’s responsibility to calibrate
indicate the tire inflation pressure of
the TPMS on the recommended cold infla-
the removed wheel for some min-
tion pressure. Underinflated tires affect
utes. If this happens, keep in mind
the ability to steer or brake the vehicle.
i You might lose control over the vehicle.
that the indicated value where the
When the message Tire pres. dis- spare wheel is mounted does not re-
played after driving for several flect the actual spare tire inflation
minutes appears in the multifunction pressure.
display, the individual inflation pres-
sure values are matched with the
tires. The individual values are dis-
played after a few minutes' driving.
nf_BA.book Page 376 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
nf_BA.book Page 377 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
nf_BA.book Page 378 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
If a condition causing the TPMS to
USA only: TPMS malfunctions may occur for a vari- malfunction develops, it may take up
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a ety of reasons, including the installation to 10 minutes for the system to sig-
TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate when of incompatible replacement or alternate
nal a malfunction using the TPMS
the system is not operating properly. The telltale flashing and illumination se-
tires or wheels on the vehicle that prevent
TPMS malfunction indicator is combined quence.
the TPMS from functioning properly. Al-
with the low tire pressure telltale. When the ways check the TPMS malfunction telltale The telltale extinguishes after driving
system detects a malfunction, the telltale will after replacing one or more tires or a few minutes if the malfunction has
4 flash for approximately 1 minute and then re- wheels on your vehicle to ensure that the been corrected.
main continuously illuminated. This se- replacement or alternate tires and wheels
quence will continue upon subsequent allow the TPMS to continue to function
vehicle start-ups as long as the malfunction
properly. Operating radio transmission equip-
exists. When the malfunction indicator is illu-
minated, the system may not be able to de- ment (e.g. wireless headsets, two-way
tect or signal low tire pressure as intended. radios) in or near the vehicle could
cause the TPMS to malfunction
nf_BA.book Page 379 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Reactivating the Advanced TPMS Make sure the tire inflation pressure i
of all four tires is correct, using the
The TPMS must be reactivated when you Reactivate the TPMS after adjusting
tire and loading information placard1
have adjusted the tire inflation pressure the tire inflation pressure to the infla-
or the tire inflation pressure placard
to a new level (e.g. because of different tion pressure recommended for the
located on the driver’s door B-pillar
load or driving conditions). The TPMS is vehicle operating condition. Tire in-
( page 362).
then recalibrated to the current tire in- flation pressure should only be adju-
flation pressures. sted on cold tires. Observe the
recommended tire inflation pressure
Warning! G on the tire and loading information
placard1 or on the tire inflation pres-
sure placard on the driver’s door B-
It is the driver’s responsibility to calibrate
the TPMS on the recommended cold infla- pillar ( page 362).
tion pressure. Underinflated tires affect
the ability to steer or brake the vehicle.
You might lose control over the vehicle.
1. For vehicles with a gross weight capacity less
than 10 000 lbs (4 536 kg) (USA only).
nf_BA.book Page 380 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Press button è or ÿ on the The following message will appear in If you wish to cancel the activation pro-
multifunction steering wheel repeat- the multifunction display: cess :
edly until the standard display menu Tire pres. Press ç button.
appears in the multifunction display Adjust pres.
( page 157).
Press æ button. Potential problems associated with
Press the j or k button re- underinflated and overinflated tires
The following message will appear in
peatedly until you see the current in-
the multifunction display: Proper tire inflation pressure is essential
flation pressures for each tire appear
to the safe and satisfactory operation of
in the display or the following mes- Tire pres. monitor
reactivated your vehicle. The following three primary
sage appears in the display
4 areas are affected by improper tire infla-
Tire pres. displayed After a few minutes' driving, the cur- tion pressure:
after driving rent tire inflation pressure values are
for several minutes accepted as reference values and
Press reset button 0 on the instru- then monitored.
ment cluster ( page 20).
nf_BA.book Page 381 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
1. Safety 2. Economy
Warning G Improper inflation pressures can cause
Warning G uneven wear patterns to develop across
Improperly inflated tires are dangerous
Follow recommended tire inflation pres- the tire tread. These abnormal wear pat-
and can cause accidents.
sures. terns will reduce tread life resulting in a
Unequal tire inflation pressures can need for earlier tire replacement. Under-
Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated
cause steering problems. You could lose inflation also increases tire rolling resis-
tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, ad-
versely affect handling and fuel economy, control of your vehicle. tance and results in higher fuel
and are more likely to fail from being over- Unequal tire inflation pressures from one consumption.
heated. side of the vehicle to the other can cause
Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires the vehicle to drift to the right or left. Al-
can adversely affect handling and ride com- ways drive with each tire inflated to the
fort, wear unevenly, increase stopping dis- recommended cold tire inflation pres-
tance, and result in sudden deflation sure.
(blowout) because they are more likely to
become punctured or damaged by road de-
bris, potholes etc.
nf_BA.book Page 382 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
3. Ride comfort and vehicle stability 1 DOT, Tire Identification Number (TIN)
( page 397)
Proper tire inflation contributes to a 2 Maximum tire load ( page 390)
comfortable ride. Overinflation produces 3 Maximum tire inflation pressure
a jarring and uncomfortable ride. ( page 396)
4 Manufacturer
Tire labeling 5 Tire ply material ( page 393)
6 Tire size designation, load and speed rat-
Besides the tire name (sales designa- ing ( page 383)
tion) and manufacturer's name, a num- 7 Tire name
ber of markings can be found on a tire.
Below are some explanations regarding
4 the markings on your vehicle’s tires:
For illustrative purposes only. The ac-
tual data on tires is specific to each
vehicle and may vary from the data
shown in the above illustration.
nf_BA.book Page 383 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Tire size designation, load and speed i Design standard
For illustrative purposes only. The ac- Depending on the design standards
tual data on tires is specific to each used, the tire size molded into the side
vehicle and may vary from the data wall may have no letter or a letter 1
shown in the above illustration. preceding the tire width or the tire load
rating designation.
Tire sizes for Sprinter vehicles Letter “LT” preceding the size designa-
Sprinter Vehicle type
Light Truck tire based on U.S. design
2500 LT 245/75 R 16 120/116 N standards. 4
3500 LT 215/85 R 16 115/112 N Letter “C” preceding the tire load desig-
1 Design standard
2 Tire width LT 215/85 R 16 115/112 Q nation:
3 Aspect ratio in % Commercial vehicle tire based on Euro-
4 Radial tire code pean design standards.
5 Rim diameter
6 Tire load rating
7 Tire speed rating
nf_BA.book Page 384 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Tire width Tire code Tire load rating
The tire width 2 indicates the nominal The tire code 4 indicates the tire con- The tire load rating 6 is a numerical
tire width in mm. struction type. The “R” stands for radial code associated with the maximum load
tire type. Letter “D” means diagonal or a tire can support.
Aspect ratio bias ply construction; letter “B” means
For example, a load rating of 120 corre-
belted-bias ply construction.
The aspect ratio 3 is the dimensional sponds to a maximum load of 3042 lbs
relationship between tire section height (1380 kg) the tire is designed to sup-
Rim diameter
and section width and is expressed in port.
percentage. The aspect ratio is arrived The rim diameter 5 is the diameter of If two values are given (as illustrated),
4 at by dividing section height by section the bead seat, not the diameter of the the first value, preceding the slash "/",
width. rim edge. Rim diameter is indicated in applies to single tires (rear axle). The
inches (in). second value, succeeding the slash "/",
applies to twin tires (dual wheel rear ax-
nf_BA.book Page 385 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
The commercial vehicle tires based on
European standards may have an addi- Warning G Warning G
tional value in the parentheses (as illus-
trated). In such cases, the value The tire load rating must always be at Do not overload the tires by exceeding the
preceding the parentheses is valid for least half of the GAWR of your vehicle. specified load limit as indicated on the
European countries and the parenthe- Otherwise, tire failure may be the result placard located on the driver’s door B-pil-
sized for the USA and Canada. which may cause an accident and/or se- lar. Overloading the tires can overheat
rious personal injury to you or others. them, possibly causing a blowout. Over-
Refer also to "Maximum tire load"
Always replace rims and tires with the loading the tires can also result in han-
( page 390) where the maximum load
same designation, manufacturer and type dling or steering problems, or brake
associated with the load index is indicat-
as shown on the original part. failure. 4
ed in kg and lbs.
Tire load rating 6 and tire speed
rating 7 are also referred to as “ser-
vice description”.
nf_BA.book Page 386 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Tire speed rating i
The tire speed rating 6 indicates the Warning G Always observe the speed rating of
approved maximum speed for the tire. the winter tires installed on your
Even when permitted by law, never oper-
The commercial vehicle tires based on Sprinter vehicle. If the maximum
ate a vehicle at speeds greater than the
European standards may have an addi- speed for which your tires are rated
maximum speed rating of the tires.
tional index in the parentheses. In such is below the speed rating of your
Exceeding the maximum speed for which Sprinter vehicle, you must place a
cases, the index preceding the paren-
tires are rated can lead to sudden tire fail- notice to this effect where it will be
theses is valid for European countries
ure, causing loss of vehicle control and seen by the driver.
and the parenthesized for the USA and
possibly resulting in an accident and/or
4 Canada. Such notices are available at your
personal injury and possible death, for
you and for others. tire dealer or any authorized Sprinter
nf_BA.book Page 387 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
i The TIN is a unique identifier which facil-
Index Speed rating
itates efforts by tire manufactures to no-
F up to 50 mph (80 km/h) Tire load rating 5 and tire speed
tify purchasers in recall situations or
rating 6 are also referred to as “ser-
G up to 56 mph (90 km/h) other safety matters concerning tires
vice description”.
and gives purchasers the means to easi-
J up to 62 mph (100 km/h)
ly identify such tires.
K up to 68 mph (110 km/h) DOT, Tire Identification Number
The TIN is comprised of the “manufac-
L up to 74 mph (120 km/h) (TIN)
turer’s identification mark”, “tire size”,
M up to 80 mph (130 km/h) U.S. tire regulations require each new “tire type code” and “date of manufac-
tire manufacturer or tire retreader to ture”.
N up to 87 mph (140 km/h) mold a TIN into or onto a side wall of 4
P up to 93 mph (150 km/h) each tire produced.
Q up to 100 mph (160 km/h)
R up to 106 mph (170 km/h)
nf_BA.book Page 388 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
i If the TIN is not found on the outboard
side then you will find it on the inboard
For illustrative purposes only. The ac-
side of the tire. In this case, the tire must
tual data on tires is specific to each
be remounted. Make sure the TIN is vis-
vehicle and may vary from the data
ible on the outboard side of the tire and
shown in the above illustration.
if applicable that the direction of rota-
tion is correct when remounting the tire.
The TIN may be found on one or both
sides of the tire; however, the date code Rotation (spinning) direction, see "Direc-
may only be on one side. Tires with white tion of Rotation" ( page 351).
1 DOT side walls will have the full TIN including
4 2 Manufacturer’s identification mark date code located on the white side wall
3 Tire size
4 Tire type code (tire manufacturer's op- side of the tire. Look for the TIN on the
tion) outboard side of black side wall tires as
5 Date of manufacture mounted on the vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 389 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
DOT (Department Of Transportation) Tire type code i
A tire branding symbol 1 which de- The code 4 may, as the manufacturer's Prior to July 2000, tire manufactur-
notes the tire meets requirements of the option, be used as a descriptive code for ers were only required to have 1
U.S. Department of Transportation. identifying significant characteristics of number to represent the year in
the tire. which the tire was manufactured.
Manufacturer’s identification mark For example, "031" could represent
The manufacturer’s identification
Date of manufacture the 3rd week of 1981 or 1991.
mark 2 denotes the tire manufacturer. The date of manufacture 5 identifies If the date of manufacture code indicat-
New tires have a mark with two symbols. the week and year of manufacture. ed on the tire is less than 4 figures, do
The first two figures identify the week, not use it. 4
Retreaded tires have a mark with four
starting with “01” to represent the first
symbols. For more information on re-
full week of the calendar year. The sec-
treaded tires, see ( page 341).
ond two figures represent the year.
Tire size For example, "031" could represent the
3rd week of 1981 or 1991.
The code 3 indicates the tire size.
nf_BA.book Page 390 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Maximum tire load i
Warning G For illustrative purposes only. The ac-
tual data on tires is specific to each
Tires and spare tire should be re-
vehicle and may vary from the data
placed after 6 years, regardless of
shown in the above illustration.
the remaining tread.
The maximum tire load is the maximum
weight the tires are designed to support.
1 Maximum tire load rating
nf_BA.book Page 391 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Maximum tire inflation pressure
Warning G Warning (Continued) G
Do not overload the tires by exceeding the You will not exceed the tire’s load carrying
specified load limit as indicated on the capacity if you adhere to the loading con-
tire and loading information placard on ditions, tire size and cold tire inflation
the driver’s door B-pillar. Overloading the pressures specified on the tire and load-
tires can overheat them, possibly causing ing information placard.
a blowout. Overloading the tires can also
result in handling or steering problems, or For more information on tire load rating,
brake failure. refer to "Tire size designation, load and 4
speed rating" ( page 383). 1 Maximum permissible tire inflation pres-
Never overload them.
For information on calculating total and
The vehicle maximum load on the tire cargo load capacities, refer to "Tire and
must not exceed the load carrying capac- loading information" ( page 352).
ity of the tire on your vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 392 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Warning G Warning (Continued) G
For illustrative purposes only. The ac-
tual data on tires is specific to each Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires
Never exceed the maximum tire inflation
vehicle and may vary from the data can adversely affect handling and ride
pressure. Follow recommended tire infla-
shown in the above illustration. comfort, wear unevenly, increase stop-
tion pressures.
ping distance, and result in sudden defla-
This is the maximum permissible tire in- Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated tion (blowout) because they are more
flation pressure for the tire. tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, likely to become punctured or damaged
adversely affect handling and fuel econo- by road debris, potholes etc.
Always follow the recommended tire in-
my, and are more likely to fail from being
4 flation pressure ( page 361) for proper
tire inflation.
nf_BA.book Page 393 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Tire ply material i Tire and loading terminology
For illustrative purposes only. The
actual data on tires is specific to Accessory weight
each vehicle and may vary from the The combined weight (in excess of those
data shown in the above illustration. standard items which may be replaced)
of automatic transmission, power steer-
This marking tells you about the type of ing, power brakes, power windows, pow-
cord and number of plies in the side wall er seats, radio, and heater, to the extent
and under the tread. that these items are available as factory-
installed equipment (whether installed 4
1 Plies in side wall or not).
2 Plies under tread
nf_BA.book Page 394 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Air pressure Bar Curb weight
The amount of air inside the tire pressing Another metric unit for air pressure. The weight of a motor vehicle with stan-
outward on each square inch of the tire. There are 14.5038 pounds per square dard equipment including the maximum
Air pressure is expressed in pounds per inch (psi) to 1 bar; there are capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, and, if
square inch (psi), or kilopascal (kPa) or 100 kilopascals (kPa) to 1 bar. so equipped, air conditioning and addi-
bars. tional optional equipment, but without
Bead passengers and cargo.
Aspect ratio
The tire bead contains steel wires
DOT (Department Of Transportation)
Dimensional relationship between the wrapped by steel cords that hold the tire
4 tire section height and the section width onto the rim. A tire branding symbol which denotes
expressed in percentage. that the tire meets the requirements of
Cold tire inflation pressure the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Tire inflation pressure when your vehicle
has been sitting for at least 3 hours or
driven no more than 1 mile (1.6 km).
nf_BA.book Page 395 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) GCWR (Gross Combination Weight GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight)
The GAWR is the maximum permissible The GVW comprises the weight of the
axle weight. The gross vehicle weight on The GCWR is the total permissible vehicle including fuel, tools, spare
each axle must never exceed the GAWR weight of vehicle and trailer when wheel, installed accessories, passen-
for the front and rear axle indicated on weighed in combination including a gers and cargo and, if applicable, trailer
the certification label located below the 150 lbs (68 kg) allowance for the pres- tongue load. The GVW must never ex-
driver’s seat on the mounting pillar. ence of a driver. It is indicated on the ceed the GVWR indicated on the certifi-
certification label located below the driv- cation label located below the driver’s
er’s seat on the mounting pillar. seat on the mounting pillar.
nf_BA.book Page 396 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) Maximum load rating Normal occupant weight
This is the maximum permissible vehicle The maximum load in kg and pounds The number of occupants the vehicle is
weight of the fully loaded vehicle (weight that can be carried by the tire. designed to seat, multiplied by 68 kg
of the vehicle including all options, pas- (150 lbs).
sengers, fuel, and cargo and, if applica- Maximum loaded vehicle weight
ble, trailer tongue load). It is indicated Occupant distribution
The sum of curb weight, accessory
on the certification label located below
weight, vehicle capacity weight and pro- The distribution of occupants in a vehi-
the driver’s seat on the mounting pillar.
duction options weight. cle at their designated seating positions.
Kilopascal (kPa)
4 Maximum tire inflation pressure
The metric unit for air pressure. There This number is the greatest amount of
are 6.9 kPa to 1 psi; another metric unit air pressure that should ever be put in
for air pressure is bars. there are the tire under normal driving conditions.
100 kilopascals (kPa) to 1 bar.
nf_BA.book Page 397 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Production options weight Recommended tire inflation pressure Side wall
The combined weight of those installed Recommended tire inflation pressure for The portion of a tire between the tread
regular production options weighing normal driving conditions listed on the and the bead.
over 5 lbs (2.3 kg) in excess of those tire and loading information placard1 or
standard items which they replace, not on the tire inflation pressure placard lo- TIN (Tire Identification Number)
previously considered in curb weight or cated on the driver’s door B-pillar.
Unique identifier which facilitates efforts
accessory weight, including heavy duty
Provides best handling, tread life and by tire manufacturers to notify purchas-
brakes, ride levelers, roof rack, heavy
riding comfort. ers in recall situations or other safety
duty battery, and special trim.
matters concerning tires and gives pur-
Rim chases the means to easily identify such 4
PSI (Pounds per Square Inch)
A metal support for a tire or a tire and tires. The TIN is comprised of the “man-
A standard unit of measure for air pres- tube assembly upon which the tire ufacturer’s identification mark”, “tire
sure. Another metric unit for air pres- beads are seated. size”, “tire type code” and “date of man-
sure is bar or kilopascal (kPa). ufacture”.
1. For vehicles with a gross weight capacity less
than 10 000 lbs (4 536 kg) (USA only).
nf_BA.book Page 398 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Tire load rating Tire speed rating Treadwear Indicators
Numerical code associated with the Part of tire designation; indicates the Narrow bands, sometimes called
maximum load a tire can support. speed range for which a tire is approved. “wear bars” that show across the tread
of a tire when only 1/16 in (1.6 mm) of
Tire ply composition and material Traction tread remains.
Force exerted by the vehicle on the road
TWR (Tongue Weight Rating)
This indicates the number of plies or the via the tires. The amount of grip provid-
number of layers of rubber-coated fabric ed. Maximum permissible weight on the
in the tire tread and side wall. Tire man- trailer tongue.
4 ufacturers also must indicate the ply ma- Tread
terials in the tire and side wall, which The portion of a tire that comes into con-
include steel, nylon, polyester, and oth- tact with the road.
nf_BA.book Page 399 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Uniform tire quality grading stan- Vehicle capacity weight Rotating tires
Rated cargo and luggage load plus 68 kg
A tire information system that provides (150 lbs) times the vehicle’s designated Warning G
consumers with ratings for a tire’s trac- seating capacity.
tion, temperature and treadwear. Rat- Rotate front and rear wheels only if they
ings are determined by tire Vehicle maximum load on the tire are of the same dimension.
manufacturers using government test-
Load on an individual tire that is deter- Changing the tire dimension for an axle
ing procedures. The ratings are molded
mined by distributing to each axle its
into the side wall of the tire. could cause the tire to come into contact
share of the maximum loaded vehicle
weight and dividing it by two. with the vehicle body or axle parts. Dam- 4
age to the tire or the vehicle may be the
nf_BA.book Page 400 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Tires on the front and rear axles of vehi- If applicable to your vehicle’s tire config-
Warning (Continued) G cles operate at different loads and per- uration, tires can be rotated according
form different steering, driving and to the tire manufacturer’s recommend-
could result in changes to steering, han- braking functions. For these reasons, ed intervals in the tire manufacturer’s
dling, and braking of your Sprinter vehicle. they wear at unequal rates, and develop warranty pamphlet located in your vehi-
This can cause unpredictable handling irregular wear patterns. These effects cle literature portfolio. If none is avail-
and stress to steering and suspension can be reduced by timely rotation of able, tires should be rotated every
components. You could lose control and tires. 10000 miles (16000 km), or sooner if
have an accident resulting in serious inju- necessary, according to the degree of
ry or death. The benefits of rotation are especially
tire wear.
worthwhile with aggressive tread de-
4 could result in tire overloading and failure, signs such as those on On/Off Road The same rotation (spinning) direction
if the tires' load index are not identical. type tires. Rotation will increase tread must be maintained when mounted, see
You could lose control and have an acci- life, help to maintain mud, snow, and wet "Direction of rotation" ( page 351).
dent. traction levels, and contribute to a
smooth ride.
nf_BA.book Page 401 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Rotate tires before the characteristic !CAUTION Check for and ensure proper tire infla-
tire wear pattern becomes visible (shoul- tion pressure, refer to "Recommended
If your vehicle is equipped with the
der wear on front tires and tread center tire inflation pressure" ( page 361).
tire pressure monitor*, each wheel
wear on rear tires).
has an electronic component.
The reasons for any rapid or unusual
Tire mounting tools should not be ap- Warning G
wear should be corrected prior to rota-
plied in the area of the valve, as this
tion being performed. In order to avoid loosing a wheel and in or-
could damage the electronic compo-
der to reduce the risk of fatal or serious
injuries or vehicle damage, please follow
Have the tires changed only at an these safety instructions:
authorized Sprinter Dealer. 4
Always replace wheel bolts that are dam-
Thoroughly clean the mounting face of aged or rusted.
wheels and brake disks, i.e. the inner Never apply oil or grease to wheel bolts.
side of the wheels/tires, during each ro-
tation. Continued
nf_BA.book Page 402 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
After changing a wheel, the wheel bolts or
Warning (Continued) G nuts must be retightened after the vehicle
If a wheel hub thread is damaged, you has been driven for about 30 miles
must not drive the vehicle. Consult an au- (50 km)
thorized Sprinter Dealer. If new or repainted rims are fitted, the
Only use genuine wheel bolts approved by wheel bolts or nuts must be retightened
the vehicle manufacturer and specified again after about 600 to 3000 miles
for your vehicle’s rims. Check tightness of (about 1000 to 5000 km).
wheel bolts or nuts regularly and retight- Rotation pattern for single and dual rear
4 en with a torque wrench, if necessary. wheels
Tighten wheel bolts or nuts in a crisscross
pattern. For information on mounting Single rear wheels:
bolts and tightening torques, refer to "In- Rotate the tires by axle. Never
stalling a wheel" ( page 548). change the direction of rotation of
your tires.
nf_BA.book Page 403 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Tires and wheels
Make sure that on one axle just one !CAUTION When replacing a flat tire, the spare
type of tire (same size, type con- tire may have to be remounted on the
3500 dual rear tires have only one
struction, load and speed rating) is rim or installed at a different location
approved direction of rotation. This is
used. to maintain the correct placement of
to accommodate the asymmetrical
the tire on the wheel relative to the
Dual rear wheels: design (tread pattern) of the ON/OFF
tire/wheel position on the vehicle.
Rotate front tires by axle and the out- road tire and the use of Outline White
For example, if the spare is used to
er rear tire side to side if there is no Letter (OWL) tires.
replace an outer rear tire it will have
approved direction of rotation. to remounted on the rim so that the
wheel is dished inward.
The tires used on dual wheel assem-
blies should be matched for wear to That way the tread design of asym- 4
prevent overloading one tire in a set. metrical tires and the white writing of
the OWL tires will maintain proper
To check if tires are even, lay a position.
straight edge across all four tires.
For information on wheel change, see
the “Practical hints” section
( page 548).
nf_BA.book Page 404 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Winter driving
Winter driving
Have your vehicle winterproofed at the You will find information about diesel ( page 362). Not all M+S rated radial-
onset of winter at an authorized Sprinter fuel for use at low outside temperatures ply tires provide special winter perfor-
Dealer. This service includes the follow- in the “Technical data” section mance. Make sure the tires you use
ing: ( page 614). show M+S and the mountain/snowflake
Oil change, if the current engine oil Please also observe the information marking . on the tire side wall.
used has not been approved for win- about winter driving ( page 406). These tires meet specific snow traction
ter use performance requirements of the Rub-
The antifreeze/anti-corrosion con- Winter tires ber Manufacturers Association (RMA)
centration in the coolant is checked Winter tires should also be operated as and the Rubber Association of Canada
4 The addition of a concentrated (RAC) and have been designed specifi-
printed on the tire and loading informa-
cleaning agent to the water in the tion placard1 or on the tire inflation pres- cally for use in snow conditions. Use of
windshield washer system winter tires is the only way to achieve
sure placard located on the driver’s door
Battery check B-pillar, refer to “Tires and wheels” the maximum effectiveness of the ABS,
A tire change BAS, ASR and ESP® in winter operation.
1. For vehicles with a gross weight capacity less
than 10 000 lbs (4 536 kg) (USA only).
nf_BA.book Page 405 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Winter driving
For safe handling, make sure all winter driver. Such notices are available at your
tires mounted are of the same make and tire dealer or any authorized Sprinter Warning G
have the same tread design. Dealer.
If you use your spare tire when winter
Reactivate the tire pressure monitor.
tires are fitted on the other wheels, be
Warning G While studded tires improve perfor- aware that the difference in tire charac-
mance on ice, skid and traction capabil- teristics may impair turning stability and
Winter tires with a tread depth under
ity on wet or dry surfaces may be poorer overall driving stability may be reduced.
1/6 in (4 mm) must be replaced. They are
than that of non-studded tires. Some Adapt your driving style accordingly.
no longer suitable for winter operation.
states prohibit studded tires; therefore,
Have the spare tire replaced with a winter
local laws should be checked before us- 4
Always observe the speed rating of the tire at the nearest authorized Sprinter
ing these tire types.
winter tires installed on your vehicle. If Dealer.
the maximum speed for which your tires
are rated is below the speed rating of
your vehicle, you must place a notice to
this effect where it will be seen by the
nf_BA.book Page 406 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Winter driving
i Driving in winter Drive with particular care on icy roads.
Avoid sudden acceleration, steering
When they have been removed, store
movements and braking.
wheels and tires in a cool, dry, and if Warning G
possible dark place. Protect the tires If it seems likely that the vehicle is about
from oil, grease, and gasoline/ Downshifting to brake could cause the to enter a skid or cannot be stopped at a
diesel. drive wheels to lose grip on a slippery sur- low speed:
face due to the increased difference in Move the selector lever to position
speed between the engine and the drive N.
wheels at this time. Try to maintain control of the vehicle
Do not downshift for additional engine using light corrective steering.
braking on a slippery surface. Use the ser- Road salt may adversely affect braking
vice brake in accordance with road condi- efficiency. It may therefore be necessary
tions. Only downshift to a lower gear to apply the brakes more forcefully in or-
when traveling at a low engine speed. der to achieve the same braking force as
nf_BA.book Page 407 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Winter driving
Apply the brakes regularly when making Snow chains must be the proper size for i
longer journeys on gritted or salted the vehicle, as recommended by the
When driving with snow chains, you
roads. This will have the effect of restor- chain manufacturer. They should only be
may wish to deactivate the ASR
ing the brakes to their normal level of driven on snow-covered roads at speeds
( page 73) before setting the vehi-
performance. not to exceed 30 mph (50 km/h). Re-
cle in motion. This will improve the
move chains as soon as possible when
When stopping the vehicle after travel- vehicle’s traction.
driving on roads without snow.
ing on roads that have been salted,
check that the brakes are fully functional !CAUTION
before proceeding further.
Use snow chains on rear wheels only.
Snow chains Some tire sizes do not leave ade- 4
Use "Class U" chains, or other traction quate clearance for snow chains. To
aids that meet SAE Type "U" specifica- help avoid serious damage to your
tions. vehicle or tires, use of snow chains is
not permissible with the spare wheel.
nf_BA.book Page 408 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Winter driving
Please observe the following guidelines To avoid damage to your vehicle, tires or Drive cautiously and avoid severe
when using snow chains: chains, observe the following precau- turns and large bumps, especially
Snow chains should only be used on tions: with a loaded vehicle.
rear wheels. In vehicles with dual Because of limited chain clearance Do not install tire chains on front
rear wheels, they should be mounted between tires and other suspension wheels.
on the exterior wheels. Follow the components, it is important that only Do not drive for a prolonged period
manufacturer’s mounting instruc- chains in good condition are used. on dry pavement.
tions. Broken chains can cause serious ve- Observe the tire chain manufactur-
Only use snow chains that are ap- hicle damage. Stop the vehicle im- er’s instructions on method of instal-
proved by the vehicle manufacturer. mediately if noise occurs that could lation, operating speed, and
4 For approved snow chains, please suggest chain breakage. Remove the conditions for usage. Always use the
contact your authorized Sprinter damaged parts of the chain before lower suggested operating speed of
Dealer. further use. the chain manufacturer if different
Use of snow chains may be prohibit- Install chains as tightly as possible than the speed recommended by the
ed depending on location. Always and then retighten after driving manufacturer.
check local and state laws before about 1/2 mile (0.8 km).
mounting snow chains. Do not exceed 30 mph (50 km/h).
nf_BA.book Page 409 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Maintenance and servicing
Maintenance and servicing
nf_BA.book Page 410 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Maintenance and servicing
Service products For specifications of engine oils, coolant
Warning (Continued) G and brake fluid, see "Service products
Mechanical elements and the lubricants and capacities" ( page 604) and con-
The manufacturer recommends that you used for them must be carefully tact your authorized Sprinter Dealer.
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this matched.
purpose. In particular, work relevant to Observe the information on spare parts
For this reason, only brands tested and
safety or on safety-related systems must in the “Technical data” section
approved by the manufacturer should be
be carried out at an authorized Sprinter ( page 600).
used. Please contact your Sprinter Deal-
Dealer. er to obtain the necessary information.
No lubricant additives should be used. Warning G
4 The use of such additives could affect If handled incorrectly, service products
your warranty rights. Information is can constitute a health risk for people and
available from any authorized Sprinter an environmental hazard.
Always observe relevant guidelines for
handling, storing and disposing of service
nf_BA.book Page 411 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Maintenance and servicing
Active Service System (ASSYST)* !CAUTION i
ASSYST, the Active Service System, in- Periods when the battery is discon- The service due date is displayed in
forms you when the next service is due. nected will not be recorded by AS- days or miles (kilometers), depend-
SYST. To make sure that you have ing on the total distance driven.
A service that is due is displayed about a
the vehicle serviced at the correct
month or 1900 miles (3000 km) in ad- The time between the individual ser-
time, you should therefore subtract
vance. A message is then displayed vice due dates depends on your style
periods when the battery is discon-
while the vehicle is in motion or the igni- of driving. You can increase this by:
nected from the days shown.
tion is switched on. driving with care and at a moder-
The service indicator does not pro- ate engine speed
vide information about the engine oil avoiding short journeys where 4
level. The service indicator should the engine does not reach the op-
not, therefore, be confused with erating temperature
the P engine oil level display.
nf_BA.book Page 412 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Maintenance and servicing
Service due date display Vehicles without steering wheel Missing the service due date
An authorized Sprinter Dealer, can reset
Vehicles with steering wheel buttons
The following messages may be dis- the service indicator when the service
The following messages may be dis- played: has been carried out.
played: 9 for service A
9 Service A in .. days ´ for service B
9 Service A in .. miles (km) If you fail to have the specified ser-
The following are also shown: vice carried out, you could be in
9 Service A due now
Service A: Oil Service Plus breach of relevant regulations and
The letters A or B indicate the type of ser- warranty and goodwill settlements
4 vice that is due. Service B: Maintenance Service
could be invalidated.
the remaining distance in kilometers,
e.g. 1900 miles (3000 km)
the remaining time in days, e.g.
30 days.
nf_BA.book Page 413 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Maintenance and servicing
Vehicles with steering wheel buttons* Vehicles without steering wheel but- Vehicles with steering wheel buttons*
If you have missed the service due date, Press the è or ÿ button on
one of the following messages appears If you have missed the service due date, the steering wheel repeatedly until
in the display: the following symbol flashes in the dis- you see the standard display
9 Service A overdue by .. days play for 10 seconds after the ignition is ( page 151) .
9 Service A overdue by .. switched on:
Press the j or k button on
miles (km) 9 for service A the steering wheel repeatedly until
A signal also sounds. ´ for service B you see the following in the display,
You will also see a minus sign before the for example:
service due date. 9 Service A in .. days 4
Switch on the ignition ( page 111). The letters A or B indicate the type of
service that is due.
The display is activated.
nf_BA.book Page 414 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Maintenance and servicing
Vehicles without steering wheel but- Air cleaner for the air-conditioning !CAUTION
tons system in the rear compartment* You must clean visible dirt from the
Press the menu button on the in- An increased amount of sand or dust air cleaner or replace it if necessary.
strument cluster repeatedly until you may collect in the air cleaner when you The dirt can otherwise damage the
see the following in the display: drive on dusty or sandy roads. air conditioning, which is not covered
9 for service A by warranty.
nf_BA.book Page 415 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Maintenance and servicing
Removing the air cleaner element Cleaning the filter mat Installing the air cleaner element
Carefully pry cover 1 out of Wash the filter mat with clean water. Insert the filter mat.
recesses 2 and remove it.
Leave the filter mat to dry. Attach cover 1.
Remove the filter mat.
The filter mat must not be cleaned or
dried in a machine.
nf_BA.book Page 416 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Regular and proper care will help to Scratches, corrosive deposits, areas af- Wash the vehicle more frequently in win-
maintain the value of your vehicle. The fected by corrosion and damage caused ter to remove salt residue.
best way to protect your vehicle from by neglect or inadequate care cannot al-
harmful environmental influences is to ways be completely remedied. In such
wash it and use protective treatments cases, visit an authorized Sprinter Deal-
Warning G
er. Always follow the instructions for using
i Repair damage caused by loose chip- the care products.
It is recommended that you use pings and remove the following sub- Always keep care products sealed and out
4 Mopar care products. These have stances immediately: of the reach of children.
been specially adapted to Sprinter Insect remains Do not use fuel as a cleaning agent. Fuel
vehicles and are state of the art. Bird droppings is flammable and constitutes a health haz-
Mopar care products are available Tree resin ard.
from any authorized Sprinter Dealer.
Oils and grease
Tar stains
nf_BA.book Page 417 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
!CAUTION Care of the vehicle
Environmental note H Under no circumstances should you
affix unsuitable stickers, films, mag-
Only clean the vehicle in a suitable place After cleaning your vehicle, especial-
nets or similar to painted surfaces.
for washing vehicles. Dispose of empty ly the wheel rims with rim cleaner, do
You could otherwise damage the
containers and used cleaning materials in not simply park the vehicle and leave
an environmentally responsible manner. it. Rim cleaners can promote corro-
sion of the brake discs and the brake
i pads/linings. Before parking and
leaving the vehicle after cleaning, al-
If you need to clean the areas to-
ways warm the vehicle up to normal 4
wards the top of the vehicle, always
operating temperature first.
suitable ladders
secure steps
nf_BA.book Page 418 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Automatic car wash !CAUTION !CAUTION
You can clean the vehicle in an automat- Make sure that the automatic car Make sure that the windshield wiper
ic car wash from the very start. It is pref- wash is suitable for the size of the ve- switch is set to 0 ( page 210), oth-
erable to use a car wash that does not hicle. erwise the rain sensor could be acti-
have brushes. vated, for example, and the
If you do not remove the radio/ tele-
If the vehicle is very dirty, prewash it be- windshield wipers could be triggered
phone antenna and fold in the exteri-
fore you drive into the car wash. unintentionally. This could cause
or mirrors, there is a possibility that
damage to the vehicle.
Remove the radio/telephone anten- the antenna, the exterior mirrors or
na and fold the exterior mirrors in be- the vehicle could be damaged by the
For information on windshield wiper
4 fore driving into the automatic car automatic car wash.
switch, see the “Controls in detail” sec-
wash. tion ( page 210).
nf_BA.book Page 419 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
After using an automatic car wash, wipe The minimum distance that must be !CAUTION
off wax from the windshield and the wip- maintained between the vehicle and
the nozzle of the high-pressure To avoid damage, do not aim directly
er blades. This prevents smears and re-
cleaner is: at the
duces wiping noises which can be
caused by residue on the windshield. door joints, brake hoses, electri-
approximately 2.2 ft (70 cm) for
cal components, connectors or
round-spray jets seals
High-pressure cleaners
approximately 1 ft (30 cm) for the rear view camera* or the
!CAUTION 25° flat-spray jets and concen- microphone openings on the un-
Do not use high-pressure cleaners trated-power jets derside of the rear view camera*.
with round-spray jets for cleaning the Move the high-pressure cleaner noz- Maintain a minimum distance of
tires. You could otherwise damage 1.6 ft (50 cm). 4
zle around when cleaning your vehi-
the tires. Have damaged tires re- cle.
nf_BA.book Page 420 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Steps Engine cleaning Light-alloy wheels*
nf_BA.book Page 421 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Outside of windshield and wiper Fold the wiper arms away from the Windows
blades windshield until you feel them en-
gage in place. !CAUTION
Turn key to position 1 in ignition lock
( page 111). Do not use a dry cloth, abrasive ma-
Switch on windshield wipers Warning G terial, solvent or solvent-based clean-
ing agent to clean the inside of the
( page 210).
Switch off the ignition before cleaning the windows. Clean the inside of the win-
When the wiper arms are vertical, dows with a damp cloth or a commer-
windshield or the wiper blades. The wind-
turn key to position 0 in the ignition cially available glass cleaner. Do not
shield wipers could otherwise move and
lock or remove the key. touch the inside of the rear and side
injure you.
!CAUTION windows with hard objects, such as 4
Do not fold the windshield wipers You can now clean the windshield an ice scraper or a ring. You could
away from the windshield unless the and the wiper blades. otherwise damage the windows or
hood is closed. You will otherwise the rear window heating.
Fold the windshield wipers back
damage the hood. again before you switch on the igni-
nf_BA.book Page 422 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Headlamps Parktronic sensors* !CAUTION
Wipe the headlamp lenses with a The sensors are located in the front and Do not use dry, coarse or hard cloths
damp sponge. rear bumpers. and do not scrub. You will otherwise
scratch or damage the sensors.
Only use washer fluid which is suit- If you clean the sensors with a high-
pressure cleaner or steam cleaner,
able for plastic lamp lenses.
observe the information provided by
Unsuitable washer fluid may damage the manufacturer regarding the dis-
the plastic headlamp lenses. tance to be maintained between the
vehicle and the nozzle of the high-
4 For this reason, do not use a dry pressure cleaner.
cloth, abrasive material, solvent or
solvent-based cleaning agent. You Rear view camera lens*
could otherwise scratch or damage 1 Parktronic sensors
the lens surface. The rear view camera is located in the
Clean the sensors in the bumpers us- center of the roof above the third brake
ing water, shampoo and a soft cloth. lamp.
nf_BA.book Page 423 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Be careful not to apply wax to the cam- camera or at the microphone openings
era lens 1 when waxing the vehicle. If on the underside of the rear view cam-
necessary, remove the wax using sham- era.
poo with plenty of water.
Plastic trims
Do not use dry, coarse or hard cloths !CAUTION
and aggressive cleaning agents. Do Do not use dry, coarse or hard cloths
not scrub or use high pressure. You and do not scrub. You will otherwise
will otherwise scratch or damage the scratch or damage the surfaces.
Rear view camera lens or the camera. 4
1 Camera lens Light soiling
2 Microphone openings If you clean the vehicle with a high-pres- Wipe plastic parts with a damp, lint-
sure cleaner or steam cleaner, maintain
Clean the camera lens 1 using wa- free cloth (e.g. a micro-fiber cloth).
a minimum distance of 1.6 ft (50 cm) to
ter and a soft cloth only.
the rear view camera. To prevent dam-
age, do not aim directly at the rear view
nf_BA.book Page 424 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Use a low-foaming grease solvent Use a solvent-free and non-caustic Warning G
(e.g. washing-up liquid) diluted in wa- cleaning agent. The manufacturer
Do not use cleaners or cockpit care
ter as a cleaning agent. recommends that you use a
sprays containing solvents to clean the
Mercedes-Benz product.
The surface color may temporarily dashboard or the padded boss of the
change shade during cleaning. Sim- The surface color may temporarily steering wheel. Cleaners containing sol-
ply wait for the surface to dry. change shade during cleaning. Sim- vents can make the surface porous, which
ply wait for the surface to dry. could lead to serious injuries if plastic
Heavy soiling parts were to come loose when an airbag
4 Wipe plastic parts with a damp, lint- Dashboard and padded boss of the is triggered.
free cloth (e.g. a micro-fiber cloth). steering wheel
Moisten a clean and lint-free cloth Radio* display and rear view cam-
with water and clean the plastic era* monitor
parts and the dashboard.
Switch off the Radio* or the rear
Use a mild soap solution for particu- view camera monitor* and allow it to
larly stubborn dirt. cool off.
nf_BA.book Page 425 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Clean the display surface with a Seat belts After driving off-road or on
commercially-available microfiber
Remove stains or dirt immediately to construction sites
cloth and cleaner for TFT/LCD dis-
prevent damage or the build-up of resi-
dues. Warning G
After drying, wipe the display surface
with a dry microfiber cloth using only !CAUTION Dirt on the vehicle can affect road and op-
slight pressure. Clean the seat belts with a mild wash- erating safety.
ing solution. Do not dry the seat belts In particular, the following dangers
!CAUTION in direct sunlight or at temperatures can arise:
Do not use dry, coarse or hard cloths, above 176 °F (80 °C).
abrasive material, solvent or solvent- Stone chippings 4
!Do not bleach or dye the seat
based cleaning agent. Do not scrub Stones trapped between the tires can be
belts. This could impair the function
or use high pressure. thrown out while the vehicle is in motion
of the seat belts.
You will otherwise damage the and injure other road users or damage their
pressure- and scratch-sensitive dis- vehicles (in particular the windshield).
play surface. Continued
nf_BA.book Page 426 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
nf_BA.book Page 427 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Cleaning and care of the vehicle
Check them for damage and have
Warning (Continued) G any damage repaired by an autho-
rized Sprinter Dealer if necessary.
The manufacturer recommends that you
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
purpose. In particular, work relevant to
safety or on safety-related systems must
be carried out at an authorized Sprinter
nf_BA.book Page 428 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
nf_BA.book Page 429 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Practical hints
What to do if .............. 430
Display messages........... 484
Where will I find...?........... 513
Changing bulbs........... 525
Changing the batteries........... 539
Fuel system........... 542
Replacing the wiper blades........... 545
Flat tire........... 547
Battery........... 573 5
Jump-starting........... 581
Towing........... 585
Fuses........... 589
nf_BA.book Page 430 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 431 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 432 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G which has the necessary specialist knowl- In particular, work relevant to safety or on
edge and tools to carry out the work re- safety-related systems must be carried
Always have maintenance work carried
quired. out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer
The manufacturer recommends that you There is a risk of an accident and injury if
Continued use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this this work is carried out incorrectly.
nf_BA.book Page 433 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 434 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Fuel and fuel tank
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G which has the necessary specialist In particular, work relevant to safety or on
knowledge and tools to carry out the safety-related systems must be carried
Always have maintenance work carried
work required. out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer
The manufacturer recommends that you There is a risk of an accident and injury if
Continued use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this this work is carried out incorrectly.
nf_BA.book Page 435 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 436 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G which has the necessary specialist In particular, work relevant to safety or on
knowledge and tools to carry out the safety-related systems must be carried
Always have maintenance work carried work required. out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer
The manufacturer recommends that you There is a risk of an accident and injury if
Continued use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this this work is carried out incorrectly.
nf_BA.book Page 437 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 438 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
The engine does not start. The on-board voltage is too low (the battery has The engine may be jump-started
You cannot hear the starter motor working. too little charge or is discharged). ( page 581).
The selector lever is not in position P or N. If the engine does not start despite jump-
Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
The battery isolating switch is disconnected. Switch on the electrical system
( page 338).
Vehicles with a gasoline engine: The engine electronics or a mechanical compo- Do not use too much throttle.
The engine is not running smoothly and it is nent of the engine control has malfunctioned. Have the cause rectified immediately at
misfiring. an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
5 Otherwise, unburned fuel may get into
the catalytic converter and damage it.
nf_BA.book Page 439 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
The coolant temperature gauge is above The coolant is too hot and the engine is not be- Park your vehicle in a safe location as
250 °F (+120 °C). ing sufficiently cooled. quickly as possible and let the engine
continue to run at idle speed for about
1 to 2 minutes before switching it off.
This allows the coolant temperature to
return to normal again.
If the coolant temperature is still too high:
Switch off the engine and let it as well
as the coolant cool down.
Check the coolant level and observe the
warning notes as you do so
( page 329).
Add coolant as necessary.
nf_BA.book Page 440 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Automatic transmission
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G which has the necessary specialist knowl- In particular, work relevant to safety or on
edge and tools to carry out the work re- safety-related systems must be carried
Always have maintenance work carried
quired. out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer
The manufacturer recommends that you There is a risk of an accident and injury if
Continued use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this this work is carried out incorrectly.
nf_BA.book Page 441 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 442 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Headlamps and turn signals
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G which has the necessary specialist knowl- In particular, work relevant to safety or on
edge and tools to carry out the work required. safety-related systems must be carried
Always have maintenance work carried
The manufacturer recommends that you out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this There is a risk of an accident and injury if
purpose. this work is carried out incorrectly.
nf_BA.book Page 443 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Windshield wipers
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G which has the necessary specialist knowl- In particular, work relevant to safety or on
edge and tools to carry out the work re- safety-related systems must be carried
Always have maintenance work carried quired. out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer The manufacturer recommends that you There is a risk of an accident and injury if
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this this work is carried out incorrectly.
nf_BA.book Page 444 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
The windshield wipers are jammed. Leaves or snow, for example, are hindering the Stop the vehicle as soon as possible
movement of the windshield wipers. and, for safety reasons, remove the key
The wiper motor has switched off. from the ignition lock.
Remove the cause of the obstruction.
Switch on the windshield wipers again.
The windshield wipers have stopped working The windshield wiper drive has malfunctioned. Select a different wiper speed on the
completely. combination switch.
Have the windshield wipers checked at
an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 445 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Remote control
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G which has the necessary specialist knowl- In particular, work relevant to safety or on
edge and tools to carry out the work re- safety-related systems must be carried
Always have maintenance work carried
quired. out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer
The manufacturer recommends that you There is a risk of an accident and injury if
Continued use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this this work is carried out incorrectly.
nf_BA.book Page 446 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 447 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
It is no longer possible to lock or unlock the The remote control batteries are weak or dis- Point the remote control towards the
vehicle using the remote control. charged. driver’s door handle at close range and
try again.
If this does not work:
Lock or unlock the vehicle using the key
( page 88).
Check the batteries of the remote
control ( page 86). Change the
batteries if necessary ( page 540).
The remote control is malfunctioning. Lock or unlock the vehicle using the key
( page 88). 5
Have the remote control checked at an
authorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 448 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
The battery check lamp on the remote control The remote control batteries are discharged. Change the batteries ( page 540).
does not light up briefly when a button is
You have lost a remote control. Have the remote control canceled at an
authorized Sprinter Dealer.
Report the loss immediately to the
vehicle insurers.
Your authorized Sprinter Dealer will be hap-
py to obtain a replacement for you.
nf_BA.book Page 449 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
The key can no longer be turned in the ignition The on-board voltage is too low. Remove the key and re-insert it into the
lock. ignition lock.
Switch off all non-essential consumers,
for example the seat heating, interior
lighting, and try to turn the key again.
If this does not work:
Check the starter battery and charge it
if necessary.
The engine may be jump-started
( page 581). 5
Consult an authorized Sprinter
nf_BA.book Page 450 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Driving systems
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G which has the necessary specialist knowl- In particular, work relevant to safety or on
edge and tools to carry out the work re- safety-related systems must be carried
Always have maintenance work carried
quired. out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer
The manufacturer recommends that you There is a risk of an accident and injury if
Continued use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this this work is carried out incorrectly.
nf_BA.book Page 451 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 452 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
The Parktronic* warning displays indicate im- The Parktronic* sensors are dirty or iced up. Clean the Parktronic* sensors
plausible distances. ( page 422).
For example, all the segments may be lit even Switch on the ignition again.
though there is no obstacle present.
An external radio or ultrasonic source may be Check whether Parktronic* works at
causing interference. another location.
The license plate or other attachment parts Check the number plate and attach-
near the sensors may not be secured correct- ment parts near the sensors to see if
ly. they are securely in place.
The speed cannot be set with cruise control* The display is showing a message of high prior- Proceed as instructed by the message
activated1. ity and cannot therefore show a change in in the display.
speed. Deactivate cruise control* if neces-
nf_BA.book Page 453 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Auxiliary heating*
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G The manufacturer recommends that you be carried out at an authorized Sprinter
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this Dealer. If this work is carried out incor-
Always have maintenance work carried
purpose. In particular, work relevant to rectly, the operating safety of the heater
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer which
safety or on safety-related systems must can no longer be guaranteed and there is
has the necessary specialist knowledge
a risk of accident and injury.
and tools to carry out the work required. Continued
nf_BA.book Page 454 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 455 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
The auxiliary heating does not switch on or the
engine does not start
WARNING G Have the auxiliary heating checked at
an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
The auxiliary heating has overheated about ten
times in succession.
The engine or heater is malfunctioning.
The heater has overheated. The coolant level is too low. Check the coolant level and add coolant
if necessary ( page 329).
nf_BA.book Page 456 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Leaving the vehicle in storage
Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
Warning G which has the necessary specialist knowl- In particular, work relevant to safety or on
edge and tools to carry out the work required. safety-related systems must be carried
Always have maintenance work carried
The manufacturer recommends that you out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this There is a risk of an accident and injury if
Continued purpose. this work is carried out incorrectly.
nf_BA.book Page 457 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Indicator and warning lamps in
switches Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
which has the necessary specialist knowl- In particular, work relevant to safety or on
Warning G edge and tools to carry out the work re- safety-related systems must be carried
quired. out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
Always have maintenance work carried
The manufacturer recommends that you There is a risk of an accident and injury if
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this this work is carried out incorrectly.
Continued purpose.
nf_BA.book Page 458 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 459 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
The residual engine heat utilization function There is insufficient voltage available as too Switch off all non-essential consumers,
switches off too soon or cannot be switched many consumers are switched on. for example the reading lamps, interior
on. The indicator lamp in the ° switch lighting, etc.
does not light up. The residual engine heat utilization
function will switch back on automati-
cally as soon as there is sufficient volt-
age again.
nf_BA.book Page 460 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Indicator and warning lamps in the
instrument cluster Warning (Continued) G Warning (Continued) G
which has the necessary specialist knowl- In particular, work relevant to safety or on
Warning G edge and tools to carry out the work re- safety-related systems must be carried
quired. out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
Always have maintenance work carried
The manufacturer recommends that you There is a risk of an accident and injury if
out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this this work is carried out incorrectly.
Continued purpose.
nf_BA.book Page 461 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 462 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
# The yellow ABS-, ASR/BAS
indicator lamps and the red brake
WARNING G Also observe the messages in the dis-
play on vehicles with steering wheel
- system indicator lamp are lit while EBV has malfunctioned. buttons ( page 489).
k the engine is running. The rear wheels could lock up sooner than ex- Continue driving, but with even greater
pected when you apply the brakes. care.
Have the system checked at an autho-
rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
The yellow ESP®, ABS, ASR/BAS
indicator lamps and the red brake
WARNING G Also observe the messages in the dis-
play on vehicles with steering wheel
- system indicator lamp are lit while EBV has been deactivated due to undervoltage. buttons ( page 489).
k the engine is running. The battery may not be being charged. Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to
do so.
6 The rear wheels could lock up sooner than ex-
pected when you apply the brakes. Do not drive any further.
Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 463 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
6 The red brake system indicator
WARNING G Also observe the messages in the dis-
lamp is lit while the engine is run- play on vehicles with steering wheel
ning. There is insufficient brake fluid in the fluid res- buttons ( page 489).
A signal also sounds. ervoir. Do not add brake fluid under any cir-
cumstances. This will not solve the
Do not drive any further.
Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 464 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
6 When towing a trailer:
WARNING G Also observe the messages in the dis-
The red brake system indicator play on vehicles with steering wheel
lamp is lit while the engine is run- The trailer's brake booster is malfunctioning. buttons ( page 489).
ning. The vehicle's driving and braking characteris- Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to
A signal also sounds. tics may change. There is a risk of the trailer do so.
overbraking. Do not drive any further.
Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 465 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
gine is running. ASR has been deactivated due to a malfunction. Have the system checked at an autho-
The engine power output may then be lower. rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
Continue driving, but with even greater
BAS has been deactivated due to a malfunction. Have the system checked at an autho-
The brake system continues to function with the nor- rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
mal braking effect but with no electronic support. ble.
ASR and BAS have been switched off due to under- Continue driving, but with even greater
voltage. care. 5
The battery may not be being charged. Have the system checked at an autho-
The brake system is still available with the normal rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
braking effect. ble.
nf_BA.book Page 466 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
- The yellow ABS indicator WARNING G Also observe the messages in the dis-
play on vehicles with steering wheel
lamp is lit while the engine is
ABS has been deactivated due to a malfunction. buttons ( page 489).
ESP®, ASR and BAS as well as cruise control have Continue driving, but with even greater
also been deactivated as a result. care.
The brake system continues to function with the nor- Have the system checked at an autho-
mal braking effect but with no electronic support. rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
The wheels could therefore lock up, for example if ble.
the brakes are applied with maximum force.
Drive on for a distance of more than
WARNING G 13 mph (20 km/h).
ABS is temporarily unavailable. ABS is available again if the message
5 Self diagnosis may not have been completed yet. goes out.
The brake system is still available with the normal
braking effect.
nf_BA.book Page 467 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
ABS has been deactivated due to undervoltage. Continue driving, but with even greater
The battery may not be being charged. care.
The brake system continues to function with the nor- Have the system checked at an autho-
mal braking effect but with no electronic support. rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
The wheels could therefore lock up, for example if ble.
the brakes are applied with maximum force.
nf_BA.book Page 468 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
# The yellow ESP® indicator WARNING G Also observe the messages in the dis-
play on vehicles with steering wheel
lamp is lit while the engine is
running. ESP® has been deactivated due to a malfunction. buttons ( page 489).
Cruise control is also switched off as a result. Continue driving, but with even greater
Vehicle stability is no longer automatically controlled care.
in good time. Have the system checked at an autho-
Engine power output may be reduced. rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
ESP® has been deactivated due to undervoltage. Continue driving, but with even greater
The battery may not be being charged. care.
5 Vehicle stability is no longer automatically controlled Have the system checked at an autho-
in good time. rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
Engine power output may be reduced.
nf_BA.book Page 469 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
Drive on with even greater care to an
1 The red SRS warning lamp WARNING G authorized Sprinter Dealer.
does not go out after ap-
proximately 4 seconds after The restraint systems have malfunctioned. The air-
the ignition system is bags or emergency tensioning retractors could be
switched on or lights up triggered unintentionally, or not at all in the event of
again. an accident.
# The red battery charge
warning lamp lights up while
immediately and check the poly-V-
the engine is running. The battery is not being charged. Possible causes: If it is torn:
malfunctioning alternator Do not drive any further. Consult
torn poly-V-belt the nearest authorized Sprinter
Dealer. 5
If it is not damaged:
Have your vehicle checked at an au-
thorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 470 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
The battery is malfunctioning. Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to
do so.
Do not drive any further.
Contact a breakdown service, an autho-
rized Sprinter Dealer.
2 The yellow brake pad wear
indicator lamp lights up after
WARNING G Have the brake pads/linings replaced
as soon as possible at an authorized
the engine is started or The brake pads/linings have reached their wear lim- Sprinter Dealer.
while the vehicle is in mo- it.
nf_BA.book Page 471 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
: The yellow engine oil level The engine oil level has dropped to the minimum lev- Check the engine oil level and add en-
warning lamp flashes after el. If the engine oil level falls any further, the indica- gine oil at the nearest refueling station
the engine is started or tor lamp will light up continuously. ( page 328).
while the vehicle is in mo- If there is visible oil loss from the
tion. engine, have the fault rectified immedi-
ately at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 472 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
: The yellow engine oil level There is insufficient or no oil in the engine. Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to
warning lamp lights up, the - There is a risk of engine damage. do so.
2.0 l engine oil level mes- Switch off the engine.
sage appears in the display
and the warning buzzer Check the engine oil level using the dip-
sounds after the engine is stick ( page 328).
started or while the vehicle If the oil level is correct, have the mal-
is in motion. function rectified immediately at an au-
thorized Sprinter Dealer.
If there is insufficient or no oil in the en-
gine, have the vehicle towed to an au-
5 thorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 473 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
: The yellow engine oil level The engine oil level has exceeded the maximum lev- Check the engine oil level and have any
warning lamp lights up, the el. excess oil siphoned off at the nearest
HI engine oil level message refueling station ( page 328).
appears in the display and The engine or the catalytic converter could
the warning buzzer sounds be damaged.
after the engine is started or
while the vehicle is in mo- If the oil level is correct, have the mal-
tion. function rectified as soon as possible at
an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
: The yellow engine oil level The engine oil level indicator is malfunctioning. Have the vehicle checked immediately
warning lamp lights up re- at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
peatedly while the vehicle is 5
in motion.
nf_BA.book Page 474 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
/ The yellow coolant level The coolant level is too low. Stop at the earliest opportunity.
warning lamp lights up while Never run the engine if the coolant level is too low. Switch off the engine to cool down.
the engine is running. The engine could overheat and be damaged. Check the coolant level and add coolant
as necessary ( page 329).
If you are having to add coolant fre-
quently, have the cooling system
checked at an authorized Sprinter Deal-
nf_BA.book Page 475 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
• The red coolant warning The coolant temperature is too high. Do not drive any further.
lamp lights up while the en- Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
gine is running.
If the vehicle is switched off after being sub-
jected to extreme loads (for example driving
in mountainous terrain, trailer towing, etc.),
the coolant warning lamp may light up when
the ignition is switched on or the engine is
restarted. Run the engine for approximately
1 minute at idling speed.
Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer if the
coolant warning lamp remains lit.
A The yellow reserve fuel The fuel level has fallen into the reserve range. Refuel at the nearest refueling station
warning lamp lights up while ( page 316).
the vehicle is in motion.
nf_BA.book Page 476 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
A The yellow reserve fuel The fuel filler cap is not closed. Close the fuel filler cap. A clicking
warning lamp lights up while sound indicates that the fuel filler cap is
the engine is running and closed.
the gauge for the fuel tank If the malfunction continues to be indi-
shows zero although there is cated, have it rectified immediately at
still fuel in the tank. an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
q The yellow preglow indicator There is a malfunction in the preglow system. Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
lamp lights up while the en-
gine is running.
nf_BA.book Page 477 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
Problem Possible cause/result Suggested solutions
± The yellow engine diagnostic The fuel tank has run dry. Refuel at the nearest refueling station.
indicator lamp lights up or The engine may be running in emergency mode. On vehicles with a diesel engine:
flashes while the engine is Bleed the fuel system ( page 544).
running. Start the engine three to four times after refu-
eling. Emergency mode will be canceled. You
do not need to have your vehicle checked.
There is a malfunction: Have the vehicle checked immediately at
in the fuel injection system an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
in the ignition system1
in the exhaust system.
The emission limit values may be exceeded and
the engine may be running in emergency mode.
Engine power output may be reduced.
‰ The yellow air cleaner indica- The service limit for the air cleaner has been Have the filter cartridge replaced at an au- 5
tor lamp2 lights up while the reached. The air cleaner is dirty. thorized Sprinter Dealer.
ignition is on.
nf_BA.book Page 478 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 479 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
X USA only: There is a malfunction in the TPMS. Read and observe messages in the mul-
tifunction display.
Combination low tire pressure/
TPMS malfunction telltale for Have the TPMS checked at an autho-
TPMS flashes 60 seconds and rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
then stays illuminated. ble.
After the malfunction has been remedied,
the combination low tire pressure/TPMS
malfunction telltale goes out after a few
minutes of driving.
nf_BA.book Page 480 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 481 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 482 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
nf_BA.book Page 483 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
What to do if ...
. The yellow bulb indicator lamp One of the bulbs of the exterior lighting or on Have the malfunction rectified as soon
lights up while the ignition is on. the trailer is malfunctioning. as possible at an authorized Sprinter
9 The yellow “door open” indicator You are already driving at walking pace, even Close the doors or the hood.
lamp lights up while the vehicle is though not all the doors or the hood are closed.
in motion.
nf_BA.book Page 484 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
nf_BA.book Page 485 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
nf_BA.book Page 486 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
nf_BA.book Page 487 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display messages Possible cause/result Possible solution
NO The TPMS is malfunctioning. Have the TPMS checked at an autho-
The message is displayed for 30 seconds. rized Sprinter Dealer as soon as possi-
The message is also displayed after The tire pressure monitor is not receiving sig- Have wheels with wheel electronics
30 seconds. nals from one or more wheels because: units mounted at an authorized Sprint-
a wheel was replaced with the spare er Dealer.
wheel, which is not equipped with a wheel
electronics unit
the maximum temperature in one of the
wheel electronics units has been exceed-
one of the wheel electronics units is mal-
functioning 5
nf_BA.book Page 488 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display messages Possible cause/result Possible solution
— — The tire pressure monitor detects a moderate Check the tire pressure at the earliest
The message is displayed for 30 seconds. loss of pressure in at least one of the tires, or opportunity and correct it if necessary.
the difference in pressure on one axle is too
The message is also displayed after
30 seconds.
nf_BA.book Page 489 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display messages on vehicles with Low-priority messages can be ac-
steering wheel buttons
knowledged using the è, ·, Warning G
j or k buttons on the steer-
The operating system shows warnings, ing wheel or using the reset button No messages can be displayed if there is
malfunctions or additional information in on the instrument cluster a failure of the instrument cluster and/or
the display. ( page 142). They are then stored the display. You will not then be able to
in the malfunction memory.
Certain messages are accompanied by a see information about the vehicle status,
warning signal or a permanent tone. Highest-priority messages cannot be such as speed and outside temperature,
acknowledged and are automatically
warning and indicator lamps, malfunction
High-priority messages are highlighted stored in the malfunction memory.
and warning messages or the failure of
in red in the display. If you select the Malfunction memory systems. Handling characteristics may be
Please respond in accordance with the menu in the operating system affected.
messages and follow the additional ( page 160), the acknowledged and
notes in these Operating instructions. unacknowledged messages will appear. Continued
nf_BA.book Page 490 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
The following table shows messages
Warning (Continued) G Warning G which could appear in the display. The
messages are divided into two types to
Contact an authorized Sprinter Dealer im- Always have maintenance work carried make it easier for you to find the rele-
mediately which has the necessary spe- out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer vant message:
cialist knowledge and tools to carry out which has the necessary specialist Text messages are shown in alpha-
the work required. knowledge and tools to carry out the betical order from ( page 491) on-
The manufacturer recommends that you
work required. wards
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this The manufacturer recommends that you Symbol messages ( page 497)
purpose. In particular, work relevant to use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
safety or on safety-related systems must purpose. In particular, work relevant to
be carried out at an authorized Sprinter safety or on safety-related systems must
5 Dealer. be carried out at an authorized Sprinter
Dealer. There is a risk of an accident and
injury if this work is carried out incorrect-
nf_BA.book Page 491 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Text messages
nf_BA.book Page 492 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display messages Possible cause/result Possible solution
ABS has been deactivated due to undervoltage. Continue driving, but with even greater
The battery may not be being charged. care.
The brake system is still available with the normal Visit an authorized Sprinter Dealer imme-
braking effect. diately.
nf_BA.book Page 493 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display messages Possible cause/result Possible solution
Continue driving, but with even greater
ESP Visit workshop
ESP® has been deactivated due to a malfunction. Have the system checked at an authorized
Cruise control is also switched off as a result. Sprinter Dealer as soon as possible.
Vehicle stability is no longer automatically con-
trolled in good time.
Engine power output may be reduced.
ESP® has been deactivated due to undervoltage. Continue driving, but with even greater
unavailable Cruise control is also switched off as a result. care.
The battery may not be being charged. Have the system checked at an authorized
Vehicle stability is no longer automatically con- Sprinter Dealer as soon as possible.
trolled in good time. 5
Engine power output may be reduced.
nf_BA.book Page 494 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display messages Possible cause/result Possible solution
Tire pres. The pressure is too low in one or more tires. Check and correct tire inflation pressure
Adjust pres. as required.
Tire pres. The TPMS is malfunctioning. Have the TPMS checked at an authorized
monitor Sprinter Dealer.
Tire pres. displayed The tire inflation pressure is being checked. Drive the vehicle for a few minutes.
after driving
several minutes
nf_BA.book Page 495 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display messages Possible cause/result Possible solution
Tire pres. The TPMS or Advanced TPMS* is unable to moni- As soon as the causes of the malfunction
monitor tor the tire pressure due to have been removed, the TPMS automati-
currently cally becomes active again after a few min-
unavailable a nearby radio interference source.
excessive wheel sensor temperatures. utes of driving.
Tire pres. There are wheels without appropriate wheel sen- Have the TPMS checked at an authorized
monitor sors mounted (for example winter tires). Sprinter Dealer.
No wheel Have the wheel sensors installed by an au-
sensors thorized Sprinter Dealer.
Wheel sens. One ore more sensors are malfunctioning (for ex- Have the TPMS checked by an authorized
missing ample battery discharged). Sprinter Dealer.
One or more wheels without appropriate wheel Have the wheel sensors installed by an au-
sensors mounted (for example spare tire) thorized Sprinter Dealer. 5
The tire pressure for the respective tire is
shown in the multifunction display.
nf_BA.book Page 496 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display messages Possible cause/result Possible solution
Slid. sunroof You have the removed the key from the ignition If necessary, close the sliding sunroof us-
open lock and the sliding sunroof is still open. ing the switch in the overhead control pan-
el ( page 245).
Cruise cont. Cruise control is malfunctioning. Have cruise control checked at an autho-
Visit workshop rized Sprinter Dealer.
Continue driving, but with even greater
SRS Restraint system
Visit workshop WARNING G care.
The restraint systems have malfunctioned. The Visit an authorized Sprinter Dealer as soon
airbags or emergency tensioning retractors could as possible.
be triggered unintentionally, or not at all in the
event of an accident.
nf_BA.book Page 497 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Symbol messages
nf_BA.book Page 498 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
6 Brake force
WARNING G Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do
distribution so.
EBV has been deactivated due to undervolt- Do not drive any further.
Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
The battery may not be being charged.
The rear wheels could lock up sooner than
expected when you apply the brakes.
6 Brake fluid
WARNING G Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do
Visit so.
workshop There is insufficient brake fluid in the fluid Do not add brake fluid under any circum-
5 reservoir. stances. This will not solve the problem.
Do not drive any further.
Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer. .
nf_BA.book Page 499 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
6 Brake force
WARNING G Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do
distribution so.
Visit EBV has malfunctioned.
workshop Do not drive any further.
The rear wheels could lock up sooner than Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
expected when you apply the brakes.
7 Parking brake You are driving with the handbrake applied. Release the handbrake ( page 191).
Release brake
A signal also
nf_BA.book Page 500 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
Continue driving, but with even greater
k Visit
workshop WARNING G care.
ASR has been deactivated due to a malfunc- Have the system checked at an authorized
tion. Cruise control is also switched off as a Sprinter Dealer as soon as possible.
The engine power output may then be lower.
Continue driving, but with even greater
BAS has been deactivated due to a malfunc- Have the system checked at an authorized
tion. Sprinter Dealer as soon as possible.
5 The brake system continues to function with
the normal braking effect but with no elec-
tronic support.
nf_BA.book Page 501 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
k unavailable ASR as well as BAS have been switched off Continue driving, but with even greater
due to undervoltage. care.
The battery may not be being charged. Have the system checked at an authorized
The brake system is still available with the Sprinter Dealer as soon as possible.
normal braking effect.
ì Please enter PIN: You have not yet entered your details in the Enter the PIN for your SIM card.
Have the system checked at an authorized
< Seatbelt sys.
Visit WARNING G Sprinter Dealer as soon as possible.
workshop The belt system has malfunctioned.
nf_BA.book Page 502 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
Z Coolant The coolant temperature is too high. Do not drive any further.
Stop, turn engine
off Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
If the vehicle is switched off after being
subjected to extreme loads (for example driving
in mountainous terrain, trailer towing, etc.), this
message may be displayed when the ignition is
switched on or the engine is restarted. Run the
engine for approximately 1 minute at idling
Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer if the
message remains displayed.
H Coolant The coolant level is too low. Add coolant ( page 329).
Check level
Never run the engine if the coolant level is If you are having to add coolant frequently,
too low. The engine could overheat and be have the cooling system checked at an au-
damaged. thorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 503 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
. Low beam left The left-hand low-beam headlamp is mal- Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Low beam right The right-hand low-beam headlamp is mal- Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Turn signal left The left-hand turn signal is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Turn signal right The right-hand turn signal is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Brake lamp left The left-hand brake lamp is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Brake lamp right The right-hand brake lamp is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Third brake lamp The third brake lamp is malfunctioning. This Visit an authorized Sprinter Dealer as soon
message will only appear if all LEDs have as possible.
failed. 5
High beam left The left-hand high-beam headlamp is mal- Change the bulb as soon as possible.
nf_BA.book Page 504 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
. High beam right The right-hand high-beam headlamp is mal- Change the bulb as soon as possible.
License plate A license plate lamp is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Foglamp front The left-hand front foglamp is malfunction- Change the bulb as soon as possible.
left ing.
Foglamp front The right-hand front foglamp is malfunction- Change the bulb as soon as possible.
right ing.
Rear foglamp The rear foglamp is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
5 Parking lamp The front left-hand standing lamp/side Change the bulb as soon as possible.
front left marker lamp is malfunctioning.
Parking lamp The front right-hand standing lamp/side Change the bulb as soon as possible.
front right marker lamp is malfunctioning.
Reverse lamp A reverse lamp is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
nf_BA.book Page 505 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
. Tail lamp left The left-hand tail lamp is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Tail lamp right The right-hand tail lamp is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Perim. lamps A perimeter lamp is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Additional ind. An additional turn signal is malfunctioning. Visit an authorized Sprinter Dealer as soon
lamps as possible.
Cornering lamp The left-hand cornering lamp* is malfunc- Visit an authorized Sprinter Dealer as soon
left tioning. as possible.
Cornering lamp The right-hand cornering lamp* is malfunc- Visit an authorized Sprinter Dealer as soon
right tioning. as possible.
Trailer turn sig- The left-hand turn signal on the trailer is mal- Change the bulb as soon as possible. 5
nal left functioning.
Trailer turn sig- The right-hand turn signal on the trailer is Change the bulb as soon as possible.
nal right malfunctioning.
nf_BA.book Page 506 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
. Trailer tail lamp A trailer tail lamp or license plate lamp is Change the bulb as soon as possible.
Switch off lights You have forgotten to switch off the lights Switch off the lights.
when leaving the vehicle.
Lights on auto- Automatic headlamp mode is active Remove the key.
matic. ( page 132). The key is in the ignition lock
Remove key and the driver’s door is open.
I Replace key The authorization to drive must be checked. Visit an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 507 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
C Warning One or more tires are deflating. Carefully bring the vehicle to a halt, avoid-
Tire defect ing abrupt steering and braking maneuvers.
The respective tire is shown in the multifunc-
tion display. If necessary, change the wheel.
Check The tire pressure in one or more tires is al- Carefully bring the vehicle to a halt, avoid-
tire(s) ready below the minimum value. ing abrupt steering and braking maneuvers.
The respective tire is shown in the multifunc- Check and adjust tire pressure as required.
tion display. If necessary, change the wheel.
The telltale extinguishes after a few minutes of
driving if the malfunction has been corrected.
nf_BA.book Page 508 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
N Engine oil level There is insufficient or no oil in the engine. Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do
Stop, turn engine There is a risk of engine damage. so.
Switch off the engine.
Check the engine oil level using the dipstick
( page 326).
If the oil level is correct, have the malfunc-
tion rectified immediately at an authorized
Sprinter Dealer.
If there is insufficient or no oil in the engine,
have the vehicle towed to an authorized
5 Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 509 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
N Engine oil level The engine oil level has dropped to a critical Check the engine oil level ( page 323)
Check level. and add oil as necessary.
oil level
Have the engine checked for possible leaks
if you are having to add engine oil more fre-
quently than normal.
Engine oil The engine oil level is too low. Check the engine oil level ( page 326) the
Add next time you refuel and add oil if neces-
1.0 quart sary.
(Canada: liter)
nf_BA.book Page 510 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
N Engine oil level You have added too much engine oil. There Check the engine oil level and have any ex-
Reduce is a risk of damage to the engine or the cat- cess oil siphoned off at the nearest refuel-
oil level alytic converter. ing station ( page 328).
The engine or the catalytic converter could be
If the oil level is correct, have the malfunc-
tion rectified as soon as possible at an au-
thorized Sprinter Dealer.
Oil sensor The measuring system is malfunctioning. Have the measuring system checked at an
Visit authorized Sprinter Dealer.
Engine oil level You are attempting to check the engine oil Switch off the engine.
Not when eng. level even though the engine is running.
running Check the engine oil level ( page 322).
nf_BA.book Page 511 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
W Reserve fuel The fuel level has fallen into the reserve Refuel at the nearest gas station
Drive to a range. ( page 316).
gas station
Tank open The fuel filler cap is not closed. Close the fuel filler cap. A clicking sound in-
Check dicates that the fuel filler cap is closed.
filler cap
If the malfunction continues to be indicat-
ed, have it rectified immediately at an au-
thorized Sprinter Dealer.
9 Doors open You are already driving at walking pace, even Close the doors.
though not all the doors are closed.
Hood open You are already driving at walking pace, even Close the hood.
though the hood is not closed.
nf_BA.book Page 512 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Display messages
Display symbol Display message Possible cause/result Possible solution
/ Water in The water that has collected in the water Drain the water separator ( page 542).
Fuel separator has reached the maximum level.
Visit or
workshop Have the water separator drained at an au-
thorized Sprinter Dealer.
W Washer fluid The washer fluid level has dropped to ap- Add windshield washer fluid ( page 333).
Check level proximately 1/3 of the reservoir capacity.
nf_BA.book Page 513 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Warning triangle* Road hazard lamp* Turn the two quick-release locks
counter-clockwise to unlock 2 and
The warning triangles are behind the The road hazard lamp is located in the fold out the cover
driver's seat. storage compartment in the driver’s
nf_BA.book Page 514 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Fire extinguisher* Pull tabs 2 upward. First-aid kit*
The fire extinguisher is secured to the Take fire extinguisher 1 out of the The first-aid kit is located in the storage
front of the passenger’s seat base. bracket. compartment in the passenger’s door.
Read the instructions on the fire ex-
tinguisher carefully and familiarize
yourself with its operation.
1 Fire extinguisher 1 Locked
2 Tabs 2 Unlocked
Turn the two quick-release locks clock-
wise to unlock 2 and fold out the cover.
nf_BA.book Page 515 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Jack and vehicle tool kit
Warning G
The jack and the vehicle tool kit are lo-
cated under the hatch in the passen- To avoid the risk of causing serious or fa-
ger’s footwell. tal injury, or damage to the vehicle, please
bear the following points in mind:
The jack is designed only to raise the ve-
hicle for a short time, for example while a
wheel is being changed.
It is not designed to enable work to be
3 First-aid kit carried out underneath the vehicle.
The jack must be placed on a firm, flat sur-
face only. 5
Check the expiry dates of the first-
aid kit materials every year, and re- Do not change wheels on uphill or down-
place them if necessary. hill gradients under any circumstances.
nf_BA.book Page 516 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Warning (Continued) G
Do not crawl under the vehicle if it is only
supported by the jack.
Make sure that no persons are present in
the vehicle when raising the vehicle.
Do not start the engine while the vehicle
is raised.
Make sure that the distance between the
1 Quick-release lock 3 Tensioning lever
underside of the tires and the ground
2 Unlocked 4 Jack
does not exceed 30 mm.
To unlock: turn quick-release lock 5 Vehicle tool kit
5 If work is to be carried out under the
1 counterclockwise or clockwise. Remove the vehicle tool kit.
vehicle, the vehicle must be placed on
stands. Remove the cover. Pull tensioning lever 3 upward and
unhook the retaining strap of
To lock: press quick-release lock 1
jack 4.
down until it engages.
nf_BA.book Page 517 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Remove jack 4 upward out of the Spare wheel More information about tire inflation
retainer. pressures can be found in the "Opera-
If you are replacing the tires on the vehi- tion" section ( page 365).
i cle, you may use the spare wheel as a
Place the jack into the retainer as road wheel provided that: Panel van/crewbus
shown when storing it back into the tires are no more than 6 years
place. Make sure that the jack’s re- old
taining strap is hooked in and ten- the wheel and tire have the same
sioned. specified design as the road wheels
The spare wheel is located in a spare
wheel bracket under the rear of the vehi-
Check regularly that the spare wheel
is secured correctly. 1 Cover
2 Recess
nf_BA.book Page 518 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Open the rear doors ( page 100). Slide the pump lever for the jack into
sleeve 4 on spare wheel
Insert a screwdriver into
bracket 5.
recesses 2 and pry off covers 1.
Raise spare wheel bracket 5 using
Using the wheel wrench from the ve-
the pump lever and release right se-
hicle tool kit ( page 515), now un-
curing hook 3.
screw the visible bolts approximately
20 turns counterclockwise. Slowly lower spare wheel bracket 5
to the ground.
3 Securing hook Raise spare wheel bracket 5 slight-
4 Sleeve ly and pull the pump lever out of
5 Spare wheel bracket sleeve 4.
5 Raise spare wheel bracket 5 slight-
ly and release left securing hook 3.
nf_BA.book Page 519 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Warning G
Take care not to trap your fingers when
you lift out the spare wheel.
nf_BA.book Page 520 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Loosen thumb nuts 3 by hand and Raise spare wheel bracket 4 slight- Carefully remove the spare wheel
remove. ly and pull the pump lever out of from the bracket.
Loosen fixing nuts 2 to the thread Warning G
Raise spare wheel bracket 4 slight- Take care not to trap your fingers when
ly and release left securing hook 1. you lift out the spare wheel.
nf_BA.book Page 521 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Premium tire sealant* To open: press both latching Chock
springs 1 down and remove the
The Premium tire sealant is located in cover. Panel Van
the storage compartment in the right- The wheel chock (optional for model ve-
hand doorway. To close: attach the cover at the bot-
hicle type 2500) is on the right-hand
tom and fold it closed.
side of the load compartment.
Press both latching springs 1 up
until they engage.
1 Latching springs
2 Electric air pump
3 Premium tire sealant
nf_BA.book Page 522 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
nf_BA.book Page 523 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Open or close the sliding sunroof by
turning it in the appropriate direc-
Pull out emergency operation key 4
N77.20-2041-31 and place it in the vehicle document
Clip cover cap 2 back on.
With the ignition switched on
1 Trim 3 Opening ( page 111), press and hold the
2 Cover cap 4 Emergency operation key sliding sunroof switch ( page 246)
Remove cover cap 2 from trim 1. forward or backward for 45 seconds
Take emergency operation key 4
to reset the electronics. 5
from the vehicle document wallet in
the glove box. Reset the sliding sunroof
( page 247).
Insert emergency operation key 4
into opening 3 of the drive.
nf_BA.book Page 524 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Releasing the parking lock manu- Remove cover cap 1.
In the event of a malfunction, it is possi-
ble to manually release the selector le-
ver from the lock in parking position P,
for example to have the vehicle towed N27.60-2089-31
2 Pencil
Insert a pencil 2 or similar imple-
ment into the opening.
5 N27.60-2088-31
Press pencil 2 in and at the same
time move the selector lever out of
position P.
Pull out pencil 2.
1 Cover cap Clip cover cap 1 back on.
nf_BA.book Page 525 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Changing bulbs
Bulbs and lights are an important aspect If the newly installed bulb does not
of vehicle safety. For this reason, make light up either, visit an authorized Warning G
sure that all bulbs are in working order at Sprinter Dealer.
all times. Have the following LEDs and bulbs Bulbs and bulb holders can become very
changed at an authorized Sprinter hot. For this reason, allow the light to cool
Before changing bulbs Dealer: down before changing the bulb.
Switch off the lights to avoid a short
The additional turn signals in the Keep bulbs out of the reach of children.
Only touch new bulbs with a clean exterior mirrors Never use a bulb which has been dropped.
lint-free cloth or something similar. The third brake lamp (cargo and Such a bulb may explode and injure you.
Do not work with wet or greasy fin-
passenger vans only)* H7 bulbs are pressurized and may ex-
gers. 5
plode when changed. You should there-
Only fit 12 V bulbs of the same type The bi-xenon headlamps*
fore wear eye protection and gloves when
as before and of the correct wattage. The foglamps* you are changing them.
Have the headlamp setting checked
nf_BA.book Page 526 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Front bulbs Bulb Model Bulb Model
3 Halogen headlamp: H7 55 W 6 Parking lamp/side WY 5 W
low-beam headlamp marker/standing
Bi-xenon headlamp*: D1S-35 W lamp (Canada only)
headlamp/high- Switch off the lighting.
beam headlamp Open the hood ( page 318).
4 Halogen headlamp: H7 55 W
high-beam headlamp
Cornering lamp* H7 55 W
Bulb Model
5 (Canada only)
1 Additional turn sig- PY 16 W
5 Foglamp* H11 55 W
2 Turn signal PY 21 W
nf_BA.book Page 527 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Bi-xenon headlamps* High-beam headlamps, low-beam
Warning (Continued) G headlamps
Warning G Do not change xenon bulbs yourself.
Instead, always have them changed at an
Xenon bulbs carry a high voltage. You
authorized Sprinter Dealer which has the
could receive a serious or fatal electric
necessary specialist knowledge and tools
shock if you touch the electrical contacts
to carry out the work required.
on the xenon bulbs. Do not remove hous-
ing cover 2 ( page 527) if the head- The manufacturer recommends that you
lamps are xenon headlamps. use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
purpose. In particular, work relevant to
safety or on safety-related systems must
1 Catches
be carried out at an authorized Sprinter 2 Housing cover
nf_BA.book Page 528 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Press catches 1 down. Pull the connector off the bulb hold- Pull first the inner and then the outer
er. catch 1 upward until it audibly en-
Swing housing cover 2 in the direc-
gages in place.
tion of the arrow and remove it. Unclip the retainer spring and re-
move the bulb.
Turn signals
Insert the new bulb such that the
base locates in the recess of the bulb
Clip on the retainer spring and plug
the connector onto the bulb.
Insert housing cover 2 into lower
3 Low-beam headlamps Swing housing cover 2 toward
4 Halogen high-beam headlamps/xenon headlamp casing.
headlamp cornering lamp* 1 Bulb holder
nf_BA.book Page 529 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Turn bulb holder 1 and the bulb Parking lamps/side marker Pull the bulb out of the bulb holder.
counterclockwise and remove the
Press the new bulb into the bulb
Press down on the bulb, turn it coun-
Insert the bulb holder with bulb into
terclockwise and remove it from bulb
the reflector.
holder 1.
Replace cap 1 and turn it clockwise
Press the new bulb into bulb to the stop.
holder 1 and screw it in clockwise.
Place bulb holder 1 into the lamp
and turn it clockwise.
1 Cap
Turn cap 1 counterclockwise and 5
remove it.
Remove the bulb holder together
with the bulb.
nf_BA.book Page 530 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Rear bulbs Bulb Model
1 Third brake lamp LED
2 Brake lamp P 21 W
3 Turn signal PY 21 W
4 Tail lamp/ R5W
side marker/Stand-
ing lamp (Canada
Example illustration of chassis
5 License plate lamp W5W
6 Rear foglamp (driv- P 21 W
5 N82.10-2529-31 er’s side)
7 Reverse lamp P 21 W
Panel van/crewbus
nf_BA.book Page 531 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Changing the rear bulbs (van/crewbus) Undo screws 1 and remove the rear
Bulb Model
lamp unit in the direction of the ar-
Switch off the lighting.
8 Perimeter lamp/side R 5 W row.
marker Rear lamp units Remove the connector.
9 Turn signal PY 21 W
a Brake lamp P 21 W
b Reverse lamp P 21 W
c Rear foglamp P 21 W
(driver’s side)
d Tail lamp R5W
e License plate lamp R5W 5
1 Securing screws
nf_BA.book Page 532 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
2 Retaining lugs Press the new bulb into the bulb
3 Brake lamp holder and screw it in clockwise.
4 Side marker, Standing lamp (Canada
only), tail lamp Plug the connectors into the bulb
5 Reverse lamp holder.
6 Turn signal lamp
7 Rear foglamp (driver’s side) Fit the rear lamp unit.
Release retaining lugs 2 and re- To do this, clip the bulb holder into
move the bulb holder from the rear the three holes provided on the side
lamp unit. and tighten screws 1.
Press down on the bulb, turn it coun-
terclockwise and remove it from the
nf_BA.book Page 533 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Changing the rear bulbs (chassis) 6 Tail lamp Changing additional bulbs
7 Rear foglamp (driver’s side)
8 License plate lamp Switch off the lighting.
9 Reverse lamp
Identification lamps W 5 W (cab
Switch off the lighting. chassis only)
Undo screws 1 and remove lens
Press the bulb into the bulb holder
and screw it out in a counterclock-
wise direction.
Example illustration of chassis Press the new bulb into the bulb
1 Securing screws holder and screw it in clockwise. 5
2 Lens
3 Perimeter lamp, side marker Replace lens 2 and retighten
4 Turn signal lamp screws 1.
5 Brake lamp 1 Securing screws
2 Bulb holder
nf_BA.book Page 534 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Switch off the lighting. License plate lamp W 5 W Insert a screwdriver or similar imple-
ment into recess 2 and carefully
Undo screws 1 and remove lamp
pry off lens 1.
Pull the bulb out of the bulb holder.
Turn the bulb holder 2and remove it
together with the bulb. Insert the new bulb.
Pull the bulb out of the bulb holder Align lens 1 and clip it in, making
2. sure that it engages.
Press the new bulb into the bulb hol-
der 2.
Screw the bulb holder 2 containing 1 Bulb holder with lens
2 Recess
5 the bulb into the lamp housing.
Carefully reattach the lamp housing
and retighten screws 1.
nf_BA.book Page 535 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Clearance lamp* W 5 W Undo screw 1 and remove lamp Side marker lamps* W 5 W
(cargo and passenger vans only) housing 2 in the direction of the The lamps are mounted on the side of
arrow. the vehicle.
Turn the bulb holder and remove it
together with the bulb.
Pull the bulb out of the bulb holder.
Press the new bulb into the bulb
Screw the bulb holder containing the
bulb into the lens.
1 Securing screw Replace lamp housing 2 in the op-
2 Lamp housing 1 Lens
posite direction to the arrow and re- 2 Bulb holder
tighten screw 1.
nf_BA.book Page 536 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Insert a screwdriver or similar imple- Identification lamps 12V 4CP Press the bulb into the socket, turn it
ment at the side and carefully pry off (cargo vans only) counterclockwise and remove it
lens 1 in the direction of the arrow. from the holder.
Turn bulb holder 2 in the direction Press the new bulb into the bulb
of the arrow and remove it together holder and screw it in clockwise.
with the bulb.
Carefully reattach the lamp housing
Remove bulb 2 from the bulb hold- and retighten screw 1.
Press the new bulb into bulb
holder 2.
Screw bulb holder 2 together with
the bulb into the lens. 1 Securing screw
On vans and crewbuses, reattach the Remove screw 1 and remove the
lens together with bulb holder 2. lamp housing.
nf_BA.book Page 537 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Entry lamp* W 5 W Pry off lamp housing 1. Interior lamp K 18 W
Remove cable connector 3.
Turn bulb holder 2 in the direction
of the arrow and remove it together
with the bulb.
N82.20-2081-31 Remove bulb 2 from the bulb holder. N82.20-2079-31
nf_BA.book Page 538 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing bulbs
Switch off the lighting. !CAUTION
Press in the latching springs of lamp Have the interior lamps in the over-
housing 1 using a suitable tool, for head control panel changed at an au-
example a screwdriver. thorized Sprinter Dealer which has
Pry off lamp housing 1. the necessary specialist knowledge
and tools to carry out the work re-
Remove bulb 2 from the bulb hold- quired.
er. The manufacturer recommends that
Insert new bulb 2. you use an authorized Sprinter Deal-
er for this purpose.
Align lamp housing 1 on the right
and engage it. You could damage the overhead con-
5 trol panel.
nf_BA.book Page 539 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing the batteries
Changing the batteries
If the remote control batteries (remote
keyless entry) are discharged, you will Warning G Environmental note H
only be able to lock and unlock the vehi-
cle manually using the key. Keep batteries away from children. Batteries contain materials that can harm
Consult a doctor immediately if a battery the environment if disposed of improper-
If the batteries in the auxiliary heating
is swallowed. ly. Recycling of batteries is the preferred
remote control are discharged, you will
method of disposal. Many states require
only be able to switch the auxiliary heat- Dispose of used batteries in an environ- sellers of batteries to accept old batteries
ing on or off using the auxiliary heating/ mentally responsible manner. for recycling.
heater booster switch inside the vehicle
Danger of explosion if the battery is not
( page 238).
correctly replaced.
It is advisable to have the batteries 5
Replacements should always be either of
changed at an authorized Sprinter Deal-
the same type or one which has been rec-
ommended by the manufacturer.
nf_BA.book Page 540 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing the batteries
i Remote control
Always replace all the batteries at (remote keyless entry)
the same time. Suitable batteries are You need two CR 2025 3 V cell batteries
available from an authorized Sprinter or equivalent.
Dealer. You can also have the batter-
Do not touch the battery contact surfac-
ies changed there and return used
When inserting the batteries, make
1 Battery cover
sure that they are clean and lint-free. 2 Release button for mechaniocal key
Release the mechanical key by
5 !CAUTION pressing the release button 2.
Do not operate the remote control
Remove the battery cover 1.
while the battery is being replaced.
nf_BA.book Page 541 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Changing the batteries
Auxiliary heating remote control* Remove battery cover 1 using a
suitable implement, for example a
You need three Micro/AAA/LR03 bat- key, and put it to one side.
teries or equivalent.
Remove old batteries 2.
Insert three new batteries 2. Ob-
serve the plus and minus signs in the
remote control.
N83.00-2062-31 Slide battery cover 1 onto the re-
Remove the battery and install a new mote control as illustrated.
one (note correct polarity; positive Check the auxiliary heating functions
terminal up). on the vehicle using the remote control.
Press battery cover 1 until it snaps
1 Battery cover
into place. 2 Batteries
Check the function of all remote con-
trol buttons on vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 542 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Fuel system
Fuel system
Draining the fuel filter The fuel filter with water separator is in
On vehicles with a diesel engine, it is
Environmental note H the engine compartment.
necessary to drain the fuel filter if When handling, storing and disposing of
the / indicator lamp lights up. diesel and diesel mixtures, please ob-
!CAUTION serve the relevant regulations.
nf_BA.book Page 543 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Fuel system
Switch off the engine and open the Unscrew drain plug 2 immediately When you have drained the fuel filter
hood ( page 318). one turn or until liquid flows out of with water separator, turn the key
drain hose 1. back to position 0 in the ignition lock
Place a suitable container under
( page 111).
drain hose 1. Make sure that the liquid flows into
the container under drain hose 1. Dispose of the collected liquid in an
Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
environmentally responsible man-
Close drain plug 2 as soon as ap-
proximately 0.2 US qt (0.2 l) of liquid
has been collected.
The electric fuel delivery pump stops
the flow of liquid automatically after
30 seconds.
nf_BA.book Page 544 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Fuel system
Bleeding the fuel system Start the engine repeatedly for no
Environmental note H If the fuel tank on a vehicle with diesel
more than 60 seconds until it runs
Have the drained liquid disposed of at an engine has been run dry, there is a pos-
sibility that the engine may not start im- If the engine does not start:
authorized Sprinter Dealer.
mediately after refueling because air Wait approximately 2 minutes.
may remain in the fuel system.
Drain the fuel filter again if the / Then start the engine repeatedly
indicator lamp remains lit. i again for no more than 60 seconds
Too many attempts to start the en- until it runs smoothly.
gine could drain the battery. If this attempt also fails, do not continue
If the / indicator lamp remains
lit even after draining for the second to start the engine. Consult an autho-
After refueling: rized Sprinter Dealer.
5 time, have the cause checked imme-
diately at an authorized Sprinter Switch on the ignition for approxi-
Dealer. mately 10 seconds.
nf_BA.book Page 545 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Replacing the wiper blades
Replacing the wiper blades
!CAUTION Removing the wiper blades
Do not open the hood while the wiper
arms are folded away from the wind- Warning G
shield. You would damage the hood
and the wiper arms. When the windshield wipers are set to in-
Do not fold the wiper arms onto the termittent wipe or the rain sensor is ac-
windshield without wiper blades be- tive, the windshield wipers could move at
ing attached. You could scratch the any time and injure yourself or others
windshield. upon contact with them.
1 Wiper blade
Always remove the key from the ignition 2 Retaining clips
For your own convenience, have this
work carried out at an authorized
lock before replacing the wiper blades. 3 Wiper arm 5
Sprinter Dealer. Fold the wiper arms away from the
Apply the handbrake ( page 191). windshield.
nf_BA.book Page 546 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Replacing the wiper blades
Press two retaining clips 2 together Installing the wiper blades
in the direction of the arrow and fold
wiper blade 1 away from wiper Slide wiper blade 1 into the retainer
arm 3. on the wiper arm.
Press wiper blade 1 onto wiper
Pull wiper blade 1 up and out of the
arm 3 until you hear retaining
clips 2 engage.
Fold wiper arm 3 onto the wind-
shield again.
nf_BA.book Page 547 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Flat tire
The vehicle is either equipped with a When you replace a tire, the manufactur-
spare wheel or the Premium tire seal- Warning G er also recommends that you replace
ant*. the tire valve.
Defective or worn tires, and tire pressures
The spare wheel is located under the !CAUTION
that are either too high or too low, can
rear end of the vehicle if the vehicle is
cause significant changes in the vehicle’s For safety reasons, the following tire
not equipped with Premium tire sealant*
handling and braking characteristics. valves from the company Schrader
( page 517).
There is an increased risk of an accident. must be used on the vehicles:
Replace the tires, including the spare tire, TR 600 for vehicle model type
at least every 6 years, regardless of the 2500
degree of treadwear. Check the tire pres-
TR 418 for vehicle model type 5
sure on the spare wheel at regular inter-
nf_BA.book Page 548 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Preparing the vehicle Changing a wheel Warning (Continued) G
Park the vehicle as far away as pos-
sible from traffic and on a level, firm, Warning G Before raising the vehicle, also secure it
and non-slip surface. against rolling away, for example using
To avoid the risk of causing serious or fa- chocks or similar. Never release the hand-
Switch on the hazard warning lamps. tal injury, or damage to the vehicle, please brake while the vehicle is raised. Make
Apply the handbrake. bear the following points in mind: sure that the distance between the under-
Engage first gear or reverse gear or The jack is only designed to raise the ve- side of the tires and the ground does not
move the selector lever to hicle for a short time when changing a exceed 1.2 in (3 cm). The vehicle could
position P. wheel. slip or topple off the jack.
Any passengers should leave the ve- Position the jack under the appropriate Do not reach under the raised vehicle with
hicle, ensuring that they are not en- jacking point only ( page 551). Check your hands or feet.
5 dangered as they do so. that the jack is correctly seated under the Do not start the engine and avoid creating
jacking point before raising the vehicle. other vibrations while the vehicle is
Place the warning triangle or hazard
warning lamps at a suitable distance. The jack must be placed on a firm, flat sur- jacked up. The vehicle could slip off the
face only. jack.
Observe legal requirements.
nf_BA.book Page 549 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Preparing the vehicle On a level road:
Prepare the vehicle as described Place the chocks in front of and be-
( page 548). hind the wheel diagonally opposite
to the wheel that is to be changed.
Prevent the vehicle from rolling away
using chocks or similar. Take the vehicle tool kit and the jack
from the footwell on the passenger’s
side ( page 515).
Warning G
Remove the spare wheel from the
The vehicle could slip off the jack on uphill spare wheel bracket ( page 517). Wheel with wheel bolts
and downhill gradients.
For wheels with wheel bolts remove Loosen the wheel bolts and nuts on
To avoid the risk of causing serious or fa- the wheel cover. the wheel you wish to change about
tal injury, or damage to the vehicle, do not one turn. Do not remove them. 5
change wheels on uphill and downhill gra- As an extension for the wheel
dients. wrench, use the shaft from the jack’s
3-part pump lever that has the larg-
est diameter.
nf_BA.book Page 550 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Hydraulic jack To do this, turn the flattened section Raise the vehicle by pumping the le-
on the pump lever clockwise to the ver until the wheel is raised clear of
Assemble the three-part pump lever
stop. the ground.
for the jack.
i Make sure that the distance between
the underside of the tires and the
Never turn pressure release
ground does not exceed 1.2 in
screw 1 more than 1 or 2 full turns.
(3 cm).
Hydraulic fluid could otherwise es-
P58.10-2053-31 cape.
nf_BA.book Page 551 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Jacking point at the front axle Jacking points at the rear axle
The vehicle jacking point is located un- The vehicle jacking point is located un-
der the longitudinal member in front of der the longitudinal member in front of
the front axle. the rear axle.
Do not apply the jack to the leaf 5
spring or the differential housing.
Vehicle model type 2500
nf_BA.book Page 552 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Removing a wheel Mounting the new wheel
Unscrew the wheel bolts or wheel
Warning (Continued) G
nuts. Warning G The manufacturer recommends that you
!CAUTION use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
Replace the wheel bolts and wheel nuts if
purpose. In particular, work relevant to
Do not place the wheel bolts or the they are damaged or have become rusty.
safety or on safety-related systems must
wheel nuts in sand or dirt. The bolt
Never oil or grease wheel bolts or wheel be carried out at an authorized Sprinter
and wheel hub threads could other-
nuts. Dealer.
wise be damaged.
If a wheel hub thread is damaged, you For safety reasons, the manufacturer rec-
For wheels with wheel nuts remove must not drive the vehicle. ommends that you only use wheel bolts
the wheel nut cover. and wheel nuts which have been ap-
5 Consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer proved for Sprinter vehicles. Other wheel
Remove the wheel. which has the necessary specialist knowl- bolts or wheel nuts could work loose.
edge and tools to carry out the work re-
Clean the wheel and wheel hub con-
Continued tact surfaces.
nf_BA.book Page 553 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Push the wheel onto the wheel hub
and press it on. Warning G
!CAUTION Do not tighten the wheel bolts and wheel
If your vehicle is equipped with the nuts completely while the vehicle is still
tire pressure monitor, each wheel jacked up. The vehicle could tip.
has an electronic component.
Tire mounting tools should not be ap- Wheels with centering by wheel bolts:
plied in the area of the valve, as this Screw in the wheel bolts and tighten
could damage the electronic compo- them finger-tight. 1 Wheel bolt for light-alloy wheel
nents. 2 Wheel bolt for steel wheel
or wheels with wheel nuts:
nf_BA.book Page 554 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
For wheels with wheel nuts: Tightening torque pattern As an extension for the wheel
wrench, use the shaft from the jack’s
Center the wheel nut cover over the
3-part pump lever that has the larg-
wheel and push it onto the wheel.
est diameter.
Screw on the wheel nuts and tighten
them finger tight. !CAUTION
The tightening torque is:
i for wheel bolts 177 lb-ft
Screw on the three wheel nuts that (240 Nm) (steel wheel)/133 lb-ft
hold the wheel nut cover first. (180 Nm) (light-alloy wheel).
for wheel nuts 133 lb-ft (180 Nm)
Lowering the vehicle
1 – 6 Wheel bolts
5 Slowly open the jack’s pressure re- For wheels with wheel bolts attach
Tighten all the wheel bolts and wheel
lease screw one turn using the pump the wheel cover.
nuts evenly in the sequence indicat-
lever ( page 550) and lower the ve-
hicle slowly.
Put the jack to one side.
nf_BA.book Page 555 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Vehicles with wheel caps: Store the jack and the remaining ve-
Make sure that the opening in the hicle tools. Warning G
wheel cap is positioned over the tire
Place the defective wheel in the
vent. For safety reasons, you must observe the
spare wheel bracket after changing
following after changing a wheel:
Vehicles with center caps: the wheel ( page 517).
Make sure that the retaining lugs of Have the tightening torque checked:
Check the tire pressure
the hub cap are positioned over the
( page 361). for wheel bolts 177 lb-ft (240 Nm) (steel
Retighten the wheel bolts and wheel wheel)/133 lb-ft (180 Nm) (light-alloy
i nuts to the specified tightening wheel) or
Give the middle of the center cap a torque once the vehicle has been
for wheel nuts
knock to engage it on the wheel. driven for 30 miles (50 km).
133 lb-ft (180 Nm). 5
Compress the piston of the hydraulic
The wheels could otherwise come loose.
jack and close the pressure release
screw. Continued
nf_BA.book Page 556 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
nf_BA.book Page 557 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Using Premium tire sealant*
Warning G Warning (Continued) G
You can use the Premium tire sealant to
seal small punctures, particularly those Do not drive any further. Consult an au-
Your safety is at particular risk and the
in the tire tread. Tire sealants can be thorized Sprinter Dealer which has the
tire sealant is unable to repair a tire in the
used at outside temperatures down to – necessary specialist knowledge and tools
following situations:
22 °F (–30 °C). to carry out the work required.
if there are cuts or punctures in the tire
Prepare the vehicle as described The manufacturer recommends that you
greater than 0.23 in (6 mm)
( page 548). use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
if the rim is damaged purpose. In particular, work relevant to
safety or on safety-related systems must
Warning G if you have driven with very low tire pres- be carried out at an authorized Sprinter
sures or with flat tires Dealer.
Smoking, fire and naked flames are pro- 5
hibited when handling Premium tire seal- Continued
Avoid creating sparks.
nf_BA.book Page 558 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
!CAUTION It is beneficial to the sealing process
Only connect the electric air pump to
if you remove the foreign body that Warning G
has pierced the tire, for example the
the 12 V socket ( page 297) on the
screw or nail. Comply with the manufacturer’s safety in-
center console (12 V, 25 A,
structions as seen on the sticker on the elec-
300 watts). You could otherwise Remove the Premium tire sealant,
tric air pump and the tire sealant bottle.
damage the vehicle electrical sys- the accompanying "max. 50 mph
tem. (80 km/h)" sticker and the electric
air pump from the storage compart-
Try to park the vehicle in such a way ment in the right-hand doorway Warning G
that the tire puncture is close to the ( page 521).
Tire sealant must not come into contact
ground. If the tire puncture cannot Affix the sticker within the driver’s with your skin, eyes or clothing.
be seen, park the vehicle in such a field of vision.
5 way that the tire valve of the flat tire If tire sealant comes into contact with
is in horizontal alignment with the ax- your eyes or skin, immediately rinse thor-
le. oughly with clean water.
nf_BA.book Page 559 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Electric air pump
Warning (Continued) G 1 Switch
The tire sealant is water soluble. If
2 Angle bracket
Immediately change out of clothing that tire sealant escapes, you can wash it
3 Electric air pump hose
has been in contact with tire sealant. away with water. 4 Flap
5 Pressure gauge with pressure release
If an allergic reaction occurs, consult a
doctor immediately. 6 Connector with cable
Keep tire sealant away from children. Open flap 4 on the electric air pump.
If tire sealant is swallowed, immediately Pull connector 6 and hose 3 out
rinse your mouth out thoroughly and drink of housing together with pressure
plenty of water. gauge 5.
Do not induce vomiting. Consult a doctor
nf_BA.book Page 560 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Press angle bracket 2
( page 559) on hose 3 of the elec-
tric air pump all the way onto valve
7 of tire sealant bottle 8 and
clamp it in place.
The following steps may vary depending
on vehicle tires.
Single tires ( page 561).
Twin tires, inner wheel ( page 563)
Tire sealant bottle for single tires Tire sealant bottle for twin tires Twin tires, outer wheel ( page 566)
7 Valve 7 Valve
8 Tire sealant bottle with hook, hose and 8 Tire sealant bottle with hook, hose and
5 valve core extractor angle brackets
Shake tire sealant bottle 8.
Unscrew and remove the cap from
valve 7 on tire sealant bottle 8.
nf_BA.book Page 561 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Single tire Pull knob a out of valve core extrac- Turn knob a counterclockwise until
tor c as far as the stop. the valve core is unscrewed.
Unscrew and remove the valve cap Pull knob a out of valve core extrac-
from tire valve d on the flat tire. tor c as far as the stop.
Hook the tire sealant bottle into the This pulls the valve core into the
upper vent hole in the wheel using valve core extractor and seals it
hook 9. against the valve core extractor stop.
Keep lever b pressed, connect Make sure that the pressure release
valve core extractor c firmly to tire screw on pressure gauge 5 is
valve d and release lever b. closed.
9 Hook
a Knob Press knob a into the valve core of Connect connector 6 to the 12 V
tire valve d, turning it gently as you socket (12 V, 25 A, 300 watts) on
b Lever
c Valve core extractor do so, until the shaft of valve core the center console ( page 297).
d Tire valve extractor c engages.
nf_BA.book Page 562 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
!CAUTION tire sealant bottle 8 is completely The electric air pump is switched off.
empty and a minimum tire pressure Slide knob a quickly to the stop in
Do not connect the electric air pump
of 43.5 psi (3.0 bar) is achieved. valve core extractor c.
connector to the cigarette lighter
socket or another 12 V socket. These !CAUTION Turn knob a clockwise until the
are not designed for operating the valve core is firmly screwed into tire
Do not run the electric air pump for
electric air pump. valve d.
more than 20 minutes without a
break, otherwise it may overheat.
Start the engine ( page 186). i
The air pump can be used again once Do not pull the valve core extractor
Press I on electric air pump it has cooled down.
switch 1. from the tire valve while the valve
core is unscrewed from the tire
The electric air pump is switched on. Inflate the tire using the electric air valve. Tire sealant could otherwise
5 The tire sealant is then pumped into pump until the recommended tire escape onto your hands.
the tire and the tire pressure is in- pressure ( page 361) is achieved.
creased. Allow the electric air pump The tire sealant is water soluble. If
Then press 0 on electric air pump tire sealant escapes, you can wash it
to run for at least 10 minutes until
switch 1. away with water.
nf_BA.book Page 563 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Press lever b and remove valve Twin tires, inner wheel Screw valve core extractor a clock-
core extractor c from tire valve d. wise all the way onto valve
extension 9.
Screw the valve cap onto tire
valve d. Continue to screw valve core
extractor a about half a rotation to
After filling with tire sealant
loosen the valve extension.
( page 570).
Unscrew and remove the valve ex-
tension and valve core extractor
counterclockwise from tire valve.
Unscrew and remove the valve ex-
9 Valve extension tension from the valve core extrac-
a Valve core extractor tor. 5
Unscrew and remove the valve cap
from valve extension 9 on the flat
nf_BA.book Page 564 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Screw valve core extractor a clock- Pull knob c out of valve core
wise onto tire valve e. extractor a as far as the stop.
This pulls the valve core into the
Press knob c into the valve core of
valve core extractor and seals it
tire valve e, turning it gently as you
against the valve core extractor stop.
do so, until the shaft of valve core
extractor a engages. Hook tire sealant bottle 8 into the
upper vent hole in the wheel using
Turn knob c counterclockwise until
hook b.
the valve core is unscrewed.
Press angle bracket d on hose of
a Valve core extractor
tire sealant bottle 8 to the stop on
b Hook
the flange of valve extractor a and
c Knob
5 d Angle bracket clamp it in place.
e Tire valve Make sure that the pressure release
Pull knob c out of valve core screw on pressure gauge 5 is
extractor a as far as the stop. closed.
nf_BA.book Page 565 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Connect connector 6 to the 12 V Press I on electric air pump !CAUTION
socket (12 V, 25 A, 300 watts) on switch 1.
Do not run the electric air pump for
the center console ( page 297).
The electric air pump is switched on. more than 20 minutes without a
!CAUTION The tire sealant is then pumped into break, otherwise it may overheat.
the tire and the tire pressure is in-
Do not connect the electric air pump The air pump can be used again once
creased. Allow the electric air pump
connector to the cigarette lighter it has cooled down.
to run for at least 10 minutes until
socket or another 12 V socket. These
tire sealant bottle 8 is completely
are not designed for operating the Inflate the tire using the electric air
empty and a minimum tire pressure
electric air pump. pump until the recommended tire
of 43.5 psi (3.0 bar) is achieved.
pressure ( page 361) is achieved.
Start the engine ( page 186). Then press 0 on electric air pump
switch 1. 5
The electric air pump is switched off.
Slide knob c quickly to the stop in
valve core extractor a.
nf_BA.book Page 566 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Turn knob c clockwise until the Unscrew valve core extractor a Twin tires, outer wheel
valve core is firmly screwed into tire counterclockwise and remove it
The tire valve is on the inside of the out-
valve e. from tire valve e .
er wheel and should be horizontal on the
i Screw valve extension 9 onto tire left-hand side of the vehicle for the re-
valve e and tighten. pair procedure.
Do not unscrew the valve core ex-
tractor from the tire valve while the Screw the valve cap onto valve
valve core is unscrewed from the tire extension 9.
valve. Tire sealant could otherwise After filling with tire sealant
escape onto your hands. ( page 570).
The tire sealant is water soluble. If
tire sealant escapes, you can wash it
5 away with water.
nf_BA.book Page 567 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Use one hand to hold handle 9 on
valve tool firmly and use the other
hand to unscrew and remove the
valve core from the valve tool using
turning workpiece a.
Remove the valve tool carefully
through the opening in such a way
that the valve core remains engaged
in the valve tool.
9 Handle b Tire valve
a Turning workpiece c Angle bracket
Unscrew and remove the valve cap
from tire valve d on the flat tire.
Guide valve tool through the opening
in the wheel and press it onto tire
valve b.
nf_BA.book Page 568 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Hook tire sealant valve 8 into the !CAUTION
upper vent hole in the wheel using
Do not connect the electric air pump
hook d.
connector to the cigarette lighter
Press angle bracket c on hose of socket or another 12 V socket.
tire sealant bottle 8 ( page 560) These are not designed for operating
to the stop on tire valve b and the electric air pump.
clamp it into place.
Make sure that the pressure release Start the engine ( page 186).
screw on pressure gauge 5 is Press I on electric air pump
c Angle bracket
closed. switch 1.
d Hook
Connect connector 6 to the 12 V The electric air pump is switched on.
5 socket (12 V, 25 A, 300 watts) on The tire sealant is then pumped into
the center console ( page 297). the tire and the tire pressure is in-
nf_BA.book Page 569 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Allow the electric air pump to run un- !CAUTION Then press 0 on electric air pump
til tire sealant bottle 8 is completely switch 1.
Do not run the electric air pump for
empty. The electric air pump is switched off.
more than 20 minutes without a
Press 0 on electric air pump break, otherwise it may overheat.
switch 1 after about 15 seconds.
The air pump can be used again once The tire sealant is water soluble. If
Unscrew angle bracket c from tire it has cooled down. tire sealant escapes, you can wash it
valve b and remove it. away with water.
Screw in the valve core with the Press angle bracket 2
valve tool again and take out the ( page 559) on hose 3 of the elec- Screw the valve cap onto tire
valve tool through the opening. tric air pump to the stop on tire valve b.
valve b and clamp it into place.
After filling with tire sealant
Press switch 1 on the electric air ( page 570). 5
pump to I and pump up the tire until
the recommended tire pressure
( page 361) is achieved.
nf_BA.book Page 570 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
After filling with tire sealant Unscrew and remove angle bracket This enables the tire sealant to dis-
2 from valve 7 on tire sealant bot- tribute inside the tire and create a
Turn the pressure release screw on
tle 8 and screw the valve cap onto more effective seal.
pressure gauge 5 counterclock-
the valve. Stop after about 3 minutes and
wise and bleed the system.
check the tire pressure using the
Turn the key to position 0 in the igni-
tion lock ( page 111). Warning G electric air pump, for example.
Pull the electric air pump connector Do not exceed the maximum speed of
out of the 12 V socket. 50 mph (80 km/h). You must connect the angle bracket
on hose 3 of the electric air pump
Store the electric air pump, tire seal- The "max. 50 mph (80 km/h)" sticker
directly to the tire valve on the tire.
ant bottle 8 with valve core must be affixed within the driver's field of
extractor c and, if used, the warn- vision.
5 ing triangle and hazard warning The vehicle’s handling characteristics
lamps inside the vehicle. may be affected.
nf_BA.book Page 571 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Correct the tire pressure accordingly Drive to the nearest workshop and
if it does not correspond to the rec- have the tire repaired or replaced. Warning G
ommended tire pressure
Clean the valve core extractor using
( page 361). If the minimum tire pressure of 43.5 psi
clean water.
(3.0 bar) still cannot be achieved, the tire
Increasing the tire pressure
Have tire sealant bottle 8 replaced is too badly damaged.
Switch on the electric air pump. as soon as possible at an authorized
Do not drive any further. Consult an au-
Reducing the tire pressure Sprinter Dealer.
thorized Sprinter Dealer which has the
Open the pressure release screw necessary specialist knowledge and tools
on pressure gauge 5. to carry out the work required.
The manufacturer recommends that you
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
purpose. In particular, work relevant to
safety or on safety-related systems must
be carried out at an authorized Sprinter
nf_BA.book Page 572 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Flat tire
Environmental note H
Have the used Premium tire sealant dis-
posed of at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
Have the tire sealant bottle replaced
every 8 years at an authorized
Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 573 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Your vehicle may be equipped with two i
batteries, depending on the equipment
The auxiliary battery* in the engine
Warning G
compartment is not suitable for
Starter battery in the battery recess Observe the safety notes in the “Opera-
jump-starting operations. Only use
in the driver’s footwell tion” section ( page 335).
the jump-starting connection in the
Auxiliary battery* in the engine com- Do not place any metal objects on the bat-
engine compartment if you require
partment tery. Doing so can cause a short circuit.
jump-starting assistance or wish to
provide jump-starting assistance Use only impact-resistant batteries with a
( page 581). central gas release cover to prevent cor-
rosion damage and to protect occupants
from caustic burns in the event of an acci-
nf_BA.book Page 574 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Have the batteries removed at an autho- Disconnecting the battery
rized Sprinter Dealer which has the nec- Warning (Continued) G
essary specialist knowledge and tools to
carry out the work required. Warning G Do not place any metal objects or
The manufacturer recommends that you tools on the batteries.
There is a risk of a short circuit if the pos-
use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for When disconnecting the batteries, al-
itive terminal of the connected battery
this purpose. ways disconnect the negative termi-
comes into contact with vehicle parts.
nals first and then the positive
The highly explosive gas mixture could ig- terminals.
nite as a result. You and others could be
When reconnecting the batteries, al-
seriously injured as a result.
ways reconnect the positive terminals
Continued first and then the negative terminals.
5 Do not loosen or disconnect the ter-
minal clamps on the batteries while
the engine is running.
nf_BA.book Page 575 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
!CAUTION Disconnecting the starter battery
Switch off the engine and take the The starter battery is in the battery re-
key out of the ignition lock before cess in the driver’s footwell.
you loosen or disconnect the termi-
nal clamps. You may otherwise de- Removing/installing the floor cover-
stroy electronic components such as ing in the driver's footwell
the alternator.
Always disconnect the starter bat-
tery in the battery recess in the driv-
1 Floor covering
er’s footwell first. 2 Trim
3 Securing screws
Switch off all electrical consumers. 5
To remove: undo screws 3 and re-
move trim 2.
Remove floor covering 1.
nf_BA.book Page 576 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
To install: place floor covering 1 Push floor covering 1 under the Removing the battery cover in the
into the driver’s footwell. plate metal bracket of the accelera- driver’s footwell
tor pedal and align it with the driver’s
Warning G seat base and the doorway
The movement of the pedals must not be ob- Make sure the floor covering does
structed. The vehicle’s operating and road not obstruct the accelerator’s range
safety are otherwise jeopardized. of movement.
Make sure to push the floor covering under Position trim 2 and screw
the plate metal bracket of the accelerator screws 3 back in.
pedal. The floor covering may not slip bet-
ween the bracket and the accelerator pedal.
1 Cover
5 Otherwise, you may not be able to fully 2 Securing screws
depress the accelerator pedal, which will Undo screws 2 and slide cover 1
restrict the vehicle’s acceleration capability, in the direction of the arrow.
for example when passing another vehicle.
The screws must protrude beyond
the recesses.
nf_BA.book Page 577 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Remove cover 1 upward. Loosen the negative terminal of the Disconnecting the auxiliary battery*
battery first and remove it so that the
Open the hood ( page 318).
negative terminal cannot come into
contact with the pole terminal.
Remove the cover from the positive
Loosen the positive terminal and fold
the positive terminal and the prefuse
box up to the side.
nf_BA.book Page 578 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Loosen the negative terminal of the Removing the battery Pull vent hose with connection angle
battery first and remove it so that the 2 from connection 1 of the gas re-
negative terminal cannot come into Starter battery lease cover.
contact with the pole terminal.
Disconnect the battery
Remove the cover from the positive ( page 577).
Loosen the positive terminal and re-
move it.
3 Retainer
Loosen the bolts of retainer 3 pre-
1 Central gas release cover connection venting the battery from moving
2 Vent hose with connection angle around.
nf_BA.book Page 579 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Auxiliary battery* in the engine com- Recharging the battery
Recharge the removed battery. Ob-
Disconnect the battery serve the notes in the operating in-
( page 577). structions for your battery charger.
Unscrew the bolts preventing the Reinstall the battery in the reverse
battery from moving around in the order.
engine compartment.
Remove the battery retainer and
take out the battery. Only charge the installed battery us-
ing a battery charger tested and ap-
Pull retainer 3 upward and slide the proved by the manufacturer. These
battery out of its anchorage in the di- devices allow you to charge the bat- 5
rection of travel. tery while it is installed. The vehicle’s
electronics system may otherwise be
Fold the clip upward and remove the
battery from the battery recess.
nf_BA.book Page 580 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
i Reconnecting the battery
Warning G It is also possible to charge the start- Switch off all electrical consumers.
er battery using the jump-starting
Only charge the battery in well-ventilated Connect the positive terminal and
connection point in the engine com-
areas. As the battery is being charged, secure the cover.
partment ( page 581).
gases can escape and generate minor ex-
Connect the negative terminal.
plosions, which can injure you and others
and may cause damage to the paintwork !CAUTION
or permit acid corrosion on the vehicle. Never swap the terminal clamps.
During the charge procedure, there is a Otherwise, the vehicle’s electronics
risk of acid burns due to gases escaping system may be damaged. After re-
from the battery. Do not, therefore, lean connecting the battery, you must re-
5 over the battery while it is being re- set the electric sliding door*
charged. ( page 92).
nf_BA.book Page 581 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
If the starter battery in the battery re- !CAUTION Only use a battery of the same rated
cess in the driver’s footwell is dis- voltage and of approximately the
Avoid repeated and lengthy starting same capacity for jump-starting.
charged, the engine can be jump-started
from another vehicle using jump leads. Only use jumper cables of adequate
Never start the vehicle using a rapid cross-section with insulated battery
For this purpose, the vehicle is equipped terminal clamps.
battery charger.
with a jump-starting connection point.
nf_BA.book Page 582 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Make sure that the two vehicles do Connect positive terminal of donor
not touch. battery 2 to jump-starting connec-
tion point 1 with the jumper cable.
Apply the handbrake or move the se-
Start with the donor battery.
lector lever to position P.
Using red positive terminal clamp 1
Switch off all electrical consumers.
of the jumper cable, slide the red
Switch on the battery isolating protective cap of the jump-starting
switch* if necessary ( page 338). connection point back with a clock-
Remove the key from the ignition wise turn and connect the positive
lock. Jump-starting connection point terminal clamp of the jumper cable
to the positive terminal of the jump-
Open the hood ( page 318). 1 Positive terminal clamp of jumper cable
starting connection point.
5 The jump-starting connection point is on Remove the positive terminal cover
the left-hand side of the air cleaner in from the donor battery.
the engine compartment when looking
in the direction of travel.
nf_BA.book Page 583 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
i Disconnect the jumper cable from
negative terminal 3 of the battery
Do not connect the jumper cable to
and ground contact 4 first, then
the auxiliary battery* in the engine
from positive terminal 2 of the bat-
compartment. This is not suitable for
tery and jump-starting connection
jump-starting operations.
point 1.
Run the other vehicle’s engine at The red protective cap springs back
idling speed. to its initial position when the termi-
nal clamp is removed from the jump-
Connect negative terminal 3 of the
1 Positive terminal of jump-starting con- starting connection point.
nection point (under cover) donor battery to ground contact 4
2 Positive terminal of donor battery of your own vehicle. Have the battery checked at an
3 Negative terminal of donor battery authorized Sprinter Dealer. 5
4 Ground contact of own vehicle Start with the donor battery.
(negative terminal of your own battery) Start the engine.
nf_BA.book Page 584 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Warning G
Your vehicle is equipped with an au- When tow-starting another vehicle, its
tomatic transmission. Do not tow- weight should not be greater than the per-
start your vehicle. missible gross weight of your vehicle.
nf_BA.book Page 585 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Having the vehicle carried away on a
Warning G Warning (Continued) G transporter or trailer is preferable to
towing it away. We recommend the use
Do not tow the vehicle if the key cannot
Tow the vehicle using a rigid towing bar if: of a rigid towing bar if towing is neces-
be turned in the ignition lock. The steering
the engine is not running, is then locked and it will not be possible
to steer the vehicle. Installing /removing the towing
there is a malfunction in the power supply
or the vehicle’s electrical system. When towing another vehicle, its weight eye
should not be greater than the permissi- The fixture for the front towing eye is lo-
There is no power assistance for the ble gross weight of your vehicle. cated behind the cover in the bumper on
steering and braking when the engine is the right-hand side when viewed in the
not running. You must then use signifi- direction of travel. 5
Comply with legal regulations when tow-
cantly greater force to steer the vehicle
and brake.
nf_BA.book Page 586 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Installing the towing eye Removing the towing eye
Press bottom of cover 1 in the di- Remove the wheel wrench from the
rection of the arrow and remove it. vehicle tool kit.
You will see the fixture for the towing Insert the wheel wrench handle into
eye. the towing eye and turn the wrench
Take the towing eye and the wheel counterclockwise.
wrench from the vehicle tool kit Unscrew the towing eye.
( page 515).
Insert bottom of cover 1 using the
1 Cover Screw in the towing eye clockwise to lug and press it in at the top until it
the stop. engages.
5 Insert the wheel wrench handle into Return the towing eye and the wheel
the towing eye and tighten. wrench to the vehicle tool kit.
nf_BA.book Page 587 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
i For a distance greater than 30 miles Where possible, tow the vehicle out
(50 km), remove the propeller shafts backwards along the track made by the
Deactivate the automatic locking
to the driven axles. vehicle previously.
while driving function when towing .
You could otherwise become locked Towing out a vehicle that is stuck Towing the vehicle in the event of
out when pushing or towing the vehi- particular malfunctions
Take great care when attempting to tow
the vehicle free if its drive wheels have
become embedded in loose earth or With transmission damage
Switch on the ignition ( page 111).
mud, particularly if the vehicle is loaded. Always remove the propeller shafts
For a distance of up to 30 miles to the driven axles.
Tow the vehicle smoothly and straight-
(50 km), move the selector lever to
ahead. The chassis could otherwise be !CAUTION
position N.
Use new self-securing nuts when in- 5
!CAUTION Do not attempt to tow out the vehicle if stalling the propeller shafts.
Do not exceed a towing speed of a trailer is coupled up.
50 km/h, otherwise the transmis-
sion could be damaged.
nf_BA.book Page 588 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
With front axle damage In the event of a malfunction in the Transporting the vehicle
electrical system
Turn the key to position 1 in the igni- The towing eye can be used to pull the
tion lock( page 111). If the battery is malfunctioning, the auto- vehicle onto a special transporter or
matic transmission will be locked in trailer for transportation.
!CAUTION position P. To shift the automatic trans-
The vehicle must not be towed with mission to position N, you must provide !CAUTION
its front wheels raised and with the power to the vehicle’s electrical system Only secure the vehicle at the
key in position 2 in the ignition lock. in the same way as jump-starting wheels/rims. Your vehicle could oth-
Active brake intervention by ESP® or ( page 581). erwise be damaged.
ASR could otherwise lock the wheels Have the vehicle transported on a trans-
and damage the brake system. porter or trailer. Shift the transmission to neutral or
move the selector lever to
5 position N.
nf_BA.book Page 589 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Fuses The fuses and relays for the standard Main fuse box
equipment are in the main fuse box in
Warning G the footwell on the left-hand side of the
The fuse box is in the footwell on the left-
hand side of the vehicle.
Only use fuses of the amperage recom- i
mended by the manufacturer. Any autho-
i The fuse allocation chart for the fuse
rized Sprinter Dealer will be happy to Additional fuses and relays for the boxes is in the vehicle document wal-
advise you. optional equipment are in the fuse let in the glove box and names all the
box in the driver’s seat. numbered fuses.
Do not attempt to repair or bridge blown
Switch off the ignition and electrical
Have the cause determined and rectified consumers before replacing fuses.
at a qualified specialist workshop, e.g. an 5
authorized Sprinter Dealer.
nf_BA.book Page 590 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
To open: release 1 the quick-re-
lease lock and remove the cover.
To close: attach the cover at the bot-
tom and fold it closed.
The cover must engage.
Lock 2 the quick-release lock.
1 Unlocked
2 Locked
nf_BA.book Page 591 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
nf_BA.book Page 592 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
No. Consumer Amp. No. Consumer Amp. No. Consumer Amp.
1 Horn 15 A 9 Terminal 87 (3) 20 A 19 Interior lights 7,5 A
2 Electric steering lock ESTL 25 A 10 Terminal 87 (4) 10 A 20 Power window co-driver’s 25 A
(electronic ignition switch side/terminal 30/2 signal
EIS) 11 Terminal 15 R vehicle 15 A acquisition and actuation
12 Airbag control unit 10 A module
3 Terminal 30 Z, vehicles 10 A
with gasoline engine/ 13 Cigarette lighter/glove 15 A 21 Engine control unit 5A
electronic ignition switch box lighting/radio*
EIS 22 Antilock Brake System 5A
14 Diagnostic socket/light 5A (ABS), brake lamp switch
4 Light switch/center con- 5A switch/instrument cluster
sole switch unit 23 Starter motor 25 A
15 Front heating system* 5A 24 Diesel engine 10 A
5 Windshield wipers 30 A
16 Terminal 87 (1) 10 A components
5 6 Fuel pump 15 A
17 Airbag control unit 10 A 25 12V socket on the bottom 25 A
7 MRM (jacket tube mod- 5A of the center console
ule) 18 Terminal 15 vehicle, brake 7,5 A
lamp switch
8 Terminal 87 (2) 20 A
nf_BA.book Page 593 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Fuse block F55/1 Fuse block F55/2 No. Consumer Amp.
No. Consumer Amp. No. Consumer Amp. 17 Motion detector*/conve- 10 A
1 Control panel, left door 25 A 10 Radio* 15 A nience interior lighting*/
11 Telephone* 7,5 A satellite radio*
2 Diagnostic socket 10 A
12 Front blowers/auxiliary 30 A 18 Air conditioning in the 7,5 A
3 Brake system (valves) 25 A rear*
heating* (blower speed 1)
4 Brake system (delivery 40 A
13 Auxiliary heating* (receiv- 7,5 A
er)/pre-wiring mounting
5 Terminal 87 (5), vehicles 7,5 A slot (center console)*
with gasoline engine
14 Seat heating*/center con- 30 A
6 Terminal 87 (6), vehicles 7,5 A sole switch unit
with gasoline engine 15 Non MB-body electrics 10 A 5
7 Headlamp cleaning system* 30 A 16 Heater (rear heating*)/air- 10 A
8 Anti-theft alarm system 15 A conditioning system,
(ATA)* front/CD-player*
9 Auxiliary indication module* 10 A
nf_BA.book Page 594 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Preliminary fuse box in the battery re- No. Consumer Amp. To open: adjust the seat to its high-
cess in the driver’s footwell F59 6 Connecting point in driv- Bridge est position ( page 69).
er’s seat base Press both latching springs 1 down
No. Consumer Amp.
7 Heater booster (PTC) 150 A and remove the cover.
1 Pre-glow relay/second- 80/40 A
ary air pump To close: attach the cover at the bot-
Fuse box in the driver’s seat tom and fold it closed.
2 Engine fan (air-condi- 60/40 A
tioning system) – The fuse box is located in the base of the
driver’s seat on the outboard side. The cover must engage.
cab chassis/crewcab
3 Signal acquisition and 80 A
actuation module SAM/
fuse and relay block SRB
4 Auxiliary battery* in the 150 A
engine compartment/
5 retarder* N54.15-2149-31
5 Terminal 30 fuse boxes, 150 A
signal acquisition and
actuation module SAM/
fuse and relay block SRB
1 Latching springs
nf_BA.book Page 595 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
nf_BA.book Page 596 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Fuse Box in the Driver’s Seat
Fuse Box in the Driver’s Seat
No. Consumer Amp. No. Consumer Amp. No. Consumer Amp.
1 Mirror adjustment*/rear 5A 6 Unassigned 14 Trailer socket* 20 A
window heating* 7 Electronic selector level 10 A 15 Trailer recognition device* 25 A
2 Rear window wiper* 30 A module ESM 16 Tire pressure monitoring 7,5 A
3 Rear view camera*/tele- 5A 8 Terminal 15 body builder, drop 10 A system (TPMS)*/Parktron-
phone*/pre-wiring mount- side/3-way tipper ic system (PTS)*
ing slot (roof)* 9 Roof ventilator*/audio sig- 15 A 17 PSM control unit* 25 A
4 Operating speed governor 7,5 A nal equipment* 18 PSM control unit* 25 A
(ADR)*/PTO*/trailer con- 10 Terminal 30, tapping wire 25 A 19 Overhead control panel*/ 5/
nection unit AAG* body builder sliding sunroof* 25 A
5 5 Terminal 87 electronic 10 A 11 Terminal 15, tapping wire 15 A 20 Identification lamps* 7,5 A
transmission control ETC, body builder
control unit/automatic 21 Rear window 30 A
12 D+, tapping wire body 10 A heating* 1
transmission, control and builder
switch unit 22 Rear window 15 A
13 Air conditioning in the rear* 30 A heating* 2
nf_BA.book Page 597 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Practical hints
Fuse Box in the Driver’s Seat
No. Consumer Amp. No. Consumer Amp. No. Consumer Amp.
23 12V socket* rear left, load/ 15 A 27 Heater booster* 25 A 32 Unassigned
passenger compartment 28 Unassigned 33 Electric sliding door*, right/ 30/
24 12V socket, driver’s seat 15 A 29 Unassigned electric closing aid* (sliding 15 A
base door, right)
30 Brake booster* 30 A
25 12V socket rear right, load/ 15 A 34 Unassigned
passenger compartment 31 Blower unit (rear heating*)/ 30/
electric sliding door*, left/ 15 A 35 Unassigned
26 Auxiliary heating* 25 A electric closing aid* (sliding 36 Unassigned
door, left*)
nf_BA.book Page 598 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
nf_BA.book Page 599 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
*Technical data
Genuine Sprinter Vehicle parts........... 600
Vehicle electronics........... 602
Service products and capacities........... 604
Rims and tires........... 623
Tire inflation pressure........... 626
Lashing points and carrier systems........... 629
Vehicle identification labels........... 632
nf_BA.book Page 600 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Genuine Sprinter Vehicle parts
Genuine Sprinter Vehicle parts
The “Technical data” section contains Make sure that spare parts are suitable Every authorized Sprinter Dealer main-
important technical data regarding your for your vehicle. Parts that constitute a tains a stock of genuine Sprinter vehicle
vehicle. modification to the vehicle by: parts for maintenance and repair work.
You will find other vehicle-specific and changing the type of vehicle ap- Over 6000 retailers around the world
equipment-dependent technical data, proved in the general operating per- guarantee that you can be supplied with
such as: mit, genuine Sprinter vehicle parts wherever
creating a risk to road users or you are. Over 300,000 different parts
engine power output data
having an adverse effect on the vehi- and assemblies, including parts for older
cle’s emissions and noise levels, vehicle models, are distributed from a
vehicle dimensions
will in many countries invalidate the gen- central parts warehouse using an opti-
vehicle weights
eral operating permit. The use of non- mally tuned logistics concept.
in your vehicle documents. approved parts could have a detrimental
effect on road safety.
nf_BA.book Page 601 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Genuine Sprinter Vehicle parts
Genuine Sprinter vehicle parts are sub- For cost-effective repairs in accordance You can obtain further information about
jected to the most stringent quality in- with sound recycling principles, the use approved conversion parts and accesso-
spections and will ensure that the of non-genuine parts and accessories ries and permitted technical modificati-
vehicle is maintained at a high level of not authorized by the manufacturer ons from your authorized Sprinter
operating efficiency and safety, and that could damage the vehicle or compro- Dealer. Always quote the vehicle identi-
it maintains its value. Each part has been mise its durability or safety. fication number and the engine number
specifically designed and manufactured when ordering genuine parts. You will
or selected and approved for use in find these numbers on your vehicle’s
Sprinter vehicles.
Environmental note H identification labels ( page 632) and
also on the vehicle data card for certain
It is therefore best to use only genuine The manufacturer also supplies recondi-
Sprinter vehicle parts. tioned assemblies and parts for cost-ef-
fective repairs in accordance with
recycling principles. These parts have the
same quality and warranty as new parts.
nf_BA.book Page 602 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Vehicle electronics
Vehicle electronics
Tampering with the engine elec- Retrofitting electrical/electronic
tronics Warning G equipment
! For safety reasons and to avoid invalidat- Electrical and electronic equipment can
ing the general operating permit, always jeopardize the operational safety of your
Work on the engine electronics and
have work on the engine electronics and vehicle. If equipment of this kind is ret-
all associated parts such as control
associated parts performed at an autho- rofitted, it must be type-approved and
units, sensors and connector leads
rized Sprinter Dealer which has the nec- must bear the e mark.
should only be performed at an au-
thorized Sprinter Dealer. Vehicle essary specialist knowledge and tools to If you wish to install telephones or two-
parts could otherwise wear more carry out the work required. way radios in the vehicle, you must ob-
quickly and the vehicle’s warranty or The manufacturer recommends that you tain formal approval.
general operating permit could be in- use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this
The manufacturer recommends that you
validated. purpose. In particular, work relevant to
consult an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
6 safety or on safety-related systems must
be carried out at an authorized Sprinter
nf_BA.book Page 603 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Vehicle electronics
You may retrofit telephones and two-
nf_BA.book Page 604 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Service products and capacities
Service products are: formation about approved service The vehicle operator is responsible at all
fuels products is available from all authorized times for any use of special additives.
lubricants (e.g. engine oils, transmis- Sprinter Dealers. The use of special additives may result in
sion oils, hydraulic fluids, greases) You will find details about windshield a limitation or an invalidation of your
antifreeze additives, coolant washer fluid in the “Operation” section warranty entitlement.
brake fluid ( page 333).
Service products are tested for suitabili- It is neither necessary nor permissible to
ty in our assemblies. Approved service mix special additives with approved ser-
products meet the highest quality stan- vice products (except for approved fuel
dards and are listed in the Mercedes- additives). Therefore, special additives
Benz Specifications for Service Pro- must not be mixed with fuels or lubri-
ducts. For this reason, only use service cants. The properties of the service
products that have been approved for products could be adversely affected by
6 your vehicle. This is an important condi- special additives and result in damage to
tion for warranty claims to be upheld. In- the assemblies.
nf_BA.book Page 605 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Warning G Damage caused by the use of non-ap-
Warning (Continued) G
proved service products is not cov- Do not inhale fumes. Make sure that en-
Failure to use fluids and lubricants which
ered by the Sprinter vehicle warranty. closed spaces are adequately ventilated
meet the standards and specifications de-
scribed in this booklet or failure to adhere to prevent poisoning.
to the specified replacement intervals
may result in damage to safety/ and/or
Warning G Service products must not come into con-
tact with the skin, eyes or clothing. If con-
emissions-related systems of your vehi-
Service products constitute a health haz- tact is made with a service product, clean
cle, such as the brake system, which
ard. They contain toxic and highly corro- the affected areas of skin with water and
could cause an accident and/or serious
sive constituents. soap to prevent burns and other injuries.
injury to you and others.
Use only fluids and lubricants meeting the For this reason, bear the following points Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water in
standards and specifications and adhere in mind to avoid injury to yourself and oth- case of contact with eyes. Consult a doc-
to specified replacement intervals. ers: tor immediately if a service product is
nf_BA.book Page 606 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Chrysler Vans LLC recommends the
Warning (Continued) G Environmental note H use of MB approved engine oils listed
in the Mercedes-Benz oil specificati-
Change out of clothing soiled with service Dispose of service products in an environ- on sheets MB 228.51, 229.3,
products immediately to avoid the risk of mentally responsible manner. 229.31, 229.5 and 229.51 which
fire and other injuries.
also meet ACEA and/or API classifi-
Fire, naked flames and smoking are there- Engine oils cations listed on the following chart.
fore prohibited when handling service Only engine oils (including synthetic)
products due to their highly flammable !CAUTION with any of the following classificati-
nature. Engine oils are labeled on the contai- on grades, or combinations thereof,
ner with various ACEA (Association are approved.
Keep service products out of the reach of
des Constructeurs Européens d’Au-
tomobiles) and/or API (American Pe-
You must observe the notes on danger troleum Institute) designations of
concerning the risk of poisoning, acid quality.
burns and fire on the service product con-
nf_BA.book Page 607 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Valid Mercedes-Benz oil specification The following oils have been
sheets: determined to meet the Chrysler Vans
LLC requirements as shown below:
Engine MB sheet
MB approved engine SAE MB sheet
Gasoline 229.3, 229.31 oil
M272 229.5, 229.51 Castrol Syntec 5W-40 5W-40 229.3
Diesel 228.51, 229.31, Castrol Syntec 0W-30 0W-30 229.5
OM642 229.51 European Formula
Chevron Supreme 5W-40 229.31
Always refer to the following viscosity This chart supersedes ALL previously Synthetic Motor Oil
chart for the proper viscosity grade published viscosity charts. SAE 5W-40
based on ambient temperature. Select Fuchs Titan Cargo 10W- 228.51
For further information contact your au- Maxx SAE 10W-40 40
oil viscosity according to the lowest air thorized Sprinter Dealer.
temperature expected before the next Fuchs Titan GT1 SAE 5W-30 229.51
oil change. 5W-30 6
nf_BA.book Page 608 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
The following oils have been The following oils have been The following oils have been
determined to meet the Chrysler Vans determined to meet the Chrysler Vans determined to meet the Chrysler Vans
LLC requirements as shown below: LLC requirements as shown below: LLC requirements as shown below:
MB approved engine SAE MB sheet MB approved engine SAE MB sheet MB approved engine SAE MB sheet
oil oil oil
Fuchs Titan Supersyn 5W-30 229.3 Lotos Syntetic SL/SJ/ 5W-40 229.3 Pennzoil European 5W-30 229.5
Longlife SAE 5W-30 229.5 CF/CD Formula Ultra
Havoline Ultra S 5W- 5W-30 229.31 Mobil 1 0W-40 0W-40 229.3 Pennzoil Platinum Eu- 5W-40 229.3
30 229.5 ropean Formula
Havoline Ultra S 5W- 5W-40 229.31 Mobil 1 5W-50 5W-50 229.3 Pento High Perfor- 5W-30 229.31
40 mance 5W-30 LA
Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-40 229.51
High Star 5W-30 229.3 MB Pento High Perfor- 5W-40 229.3
mance 5W-40
Lotos Economic SL/ 5W-30 229.3 Mopar Part No 5W-30 229.51
CF 68001334AA Pento High Perfor- 5W-40 229.31
mance 5W-40 LA
6 Lotos Syntetic Auto 5W-40 229.3 Pennzoil Platinum 5W-30 229.51
Diesel CF Synthetic Ultra Pentosin Diesel 10W- 10W- 228.51
Diesel 40 LA 40
nf_BA.book Page 609 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
The following oils have been The following oils have been Adding engine oil
determined to meet the Chrysler Vans determined to meet the Chrysler Vans
LLC requirements as shown below: LLC requirements as shown below: !CAUTION
Diesel engine:
MB approved engine SAE MB sheet MB approved engine SAE MB sheet
oil oil Never use any amount of engine oil
for the diesel engine that does not
Pentospeed 0W-30 229.3 Shell Rimula Signia 10W- 228.51
40 conform to MB 228.51, 229.31
Pentospeed 0W-30 0W-30 229.3 or 229.51 specifications. Otherwise
VS* 229.5 Texaco Havoline Syn- 5W-40 229.31
thetic Motor Oil SAE the diesel particle filter (DPF) could
Q Diesel Plus 5W-30 229.51 5W-40 be damaged.
Q European Engine 5W-40 229.3 Valvoline SynPower 5W-30 229.51 If the above specified engine oils are
Q European Engine Ul- 5W-30 229.5 MST
not available, you may also use engi-
ne oils conforming to MB 228.5,
Quaker State Euro 5W-30 229.51 229.3 and 229.5 specifications. You
Synthetic Ultra
Diesel should add no more than 1 qt (1 l) of 6
these engine oils, however.
Shell Helix Ultra AX 5W-30 229.51
nf_BA.book Page 610 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Fuels !CAUTION Fuels for gasoline engines
If you are refueling the vehicle from
Premium unleaded gasoline
Warning G drums or canisters, you should filter
the fuel before adding it to the tank. !CAUTION
Gasoline is highly flammable and poison- This will prevent malfunctions in the
To maintain the engine’s durability
ous. It burns violently and can cause seri- fuel system caused by contaminated
and performance, premium unleaded
ous injury. Whenever you are around fuel.
gasoline must be used. If premium
gasoline, avoid inhaling fumes and skin unleaded is not available and low oc-
contact, extinguish all smoking materials. tane fuel is used, follow these pre-
Never allow sparks, flame or smoking ma- cautions:
terials near gasoline! Direct skin contact
Have the fuel tank only partially filled
with fuels and the inhalation of fuel va-
with unleaded regular and fill up with
pors are damaging to health.
premium unleaded as soon as possi-
Switch off the engine before refueling. ble.
Avoid full throttle driving and abrupt
nf_BA.book Page 611 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Do not exceed an engine speed Fuel requirements The ratio of methanol to gasoline must
of 3000 rpm if the vehicle is loaded not exceed 3% plus additional cosol-
Only use premium unleaded fuel:
with a light load, such as two persons vents.
The octane number (posted at the
and no cargo. pump) must be 91 min. It is an aver- Using mixtures of ethanol and methanol
Do not exceed 2/3 of maximum ac- age of both the Research (R) octane is not allowed. Gasohol, which contains
celerator pedal position if the vehicle number and the Motor (M) octane 10% ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline,
is fully loaded or operating in moun- number: (R+M)/2). This is also can be used.
tainous terrain. known as the ANTI-KNOCK INDEX.
These blends must also meet all other
Unleaded gasoline containing oxygen- fuel requirements, such as resistance to
ates such as ethanol, IPA, IBA and TBA spark knock, boiling range, vapor pres-
can be used provided the ratio of any sure, etc.
one of these oxygenates to gasoline
does not exceed 10%; MTBE not to
exceed 15%.
nf_BA.book Page 612 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
!CAUTION Fuels for diesel engines Fuel requirements
The following may lead to increased !CAUTION Only use commercially available vehicu-
wear or engine damage: lar ULTRA-LOW SULFUR HIGHWAY DIE-
Marine diesel fuel, Bio diesel fuel,
Using gasoline that does not SEL FUEL (15 ppm SULFUR MAXIMUM).
heating oil or the like must not be
meet the specifications men- used. Chrysler Vans LLC USA now approves
tioned above the use of B5 bio diesel (standard diesel
The use of non-approved special Do not blend diesel fuel with marine
with a maximum of up to 5% Bio diesel
additives diesel fuel, Bio diesel fuel or heating
content) in the Sprinter vehicle CRD die-
oil. The use of such non-approved fu-
sel engine.
els or blending diesel fuel may result
in malfunction or cause engine dam- Information on diesel quality can
age. Damage or malfunctions result- normally be found on the fuel pump.
ing from poor fuel quality or from
blending specific fuel additives are
6 not covered by the Sprinter warranty.
nf_BA.book Page 613 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
!CAUTION Diesel fuels containing a higher percen- !CAUTION
tage of Bio diesel content will cause da-
As bio diesel can be refined from a va- The exhaust aftertreatment device
mage to your engine and are not
riety of raw materials resulting in (DPF) will be seriously damaged if
widely varying properties, the only ap- you use
proved bio diesel content is one that Damage or malfunctions resulting from LOW SULFUR HIGHWAY DIESEL
meets ASTM D6751 specification. It poor fuel quality are not covered by the FUEL (500 ppm SULFUR MAXI-
must also have the necessary oxida- Sprinter vehicle Warranty. MUM)
tion stability (min. 6h, proved with EN any other diesel fuel with a sulfur
14112 method) to prevent damages content of above 15 ppm
to the system from deposits and/or any other diesel fuel with a Bio
corrosion. diesel content of above 5%
If the B5 Bio diesel blend is not suffi- any other diesel fuel with a Bio
diesel content up to 5%, which
ciently labeled to clearly indicate that
does not meet the above men-
it meets the above standards, do not tioned standards
use it. 6
nf_BA.book Page 614 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
For more information on diesel fuels To prevent malfunctions, diesel fuel with Engine power may drop according to the
contact your authorized Sprinter Dealer. improved cold flow characteristics is of- proportion of fuel flow improver. For this
fered in the winter months. Check with reason, keep the percentage of fuel flow
i your fuel retailer. improver to the minimum necessitated
Commercially available vehicular by the ambient temperature.
At very low temperatures the fluidity of
No. 2 diesel fuel may become insuffi- !CAUTION
SEL FUEL may contain up to 5% bio
cient due to paraffin separation. For this
diesel. This proportion will not have Do not fill the tank with gasoline.
reason the vehicle comes equipped with
an effect on performance and wear. Do not mix diesel fuel with gasoline
a fuel preheater. It permits trouble-free
engine operation to a temperature of ap- or kerosene. The fuel system and en-
Diesel fuels for use at very low tem- gine will otherwise be damaged,
proximately 14 °F (–10 °C).
peratures which is not covered by the Sprinter
At temperatures below 14 °F (–10 °C) a vehicle warranty.
Only use commercially available vehicu-
certain quantity of fuel flow improver
lar ULTRA-LOW SULFUR DIESEL FUEL Adding kerosene to diesel fuel is not rec-
may be added. These substances may
6 (15 ppm SULFUR MAXIMUM). ommended even at low temperatures.
only be mixed within the vehicle’s fuel
nf_BA.book Page 615 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Do not blend other specific fuel addi- Flow improvers
tives with diesel fuel except for fuel flow
The effectiveness of flow improvers can-
improver. They only result in unneces-
not be guaranteed with all fuels. Ob-
sary cost, and may be harmful to the en-
serve the mixing ratio and comply with
gine operation.
the handling instructions given from the
Warning G
Under no circumstances should gasoline
be mixed with diesel fuel.
Due to the high pressure and high temper-
ature in the injection system, there is a
risk of fire and explosion.
In addition, there is a risk of engine damage.
Always follow basic safety rules when 6
working with any combustible material.
nf_BA.book Page 616 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Coolants, lubricants, etc.
Air conditioning
The air conditioning system of your vehicle contains R-134a, a refrigerant that does not deplete the ozone layer in the upper
Refrigerant R-134a — Refrigerant R-134a 361.0
Automatic transmission
Automatic transmission fluid 60,000 mi MOPAR® 05127382AB
(96,000 km) Shell ATF 3403 236.10
Shell ATF 3353 236.12
nf_BA.book Page 617 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Service interval Product name/product number MB sheet MS-No.1
Use brake fluid approved for Chrysler Vans LLC standard MB 331.0 and/or Chrysler Vans LLC material standard MS-9971, brake
fluid certified to DOT 4 Plus standards, that also maintains a minimum dry boiling point (ERBP) of 500 °F (260 °C), a minimum wet
boiling point (WERBP) of 356 °F (180 °C) and a maximum viscosity of 1500 mm2/s, conforming to FMVSS 116 and ISO 4925.
Brake fluid 2 years2 Intac B026E Dry boiling point: 500°F 331.0 9971
Wet boiling point: 356°F
MOPAR® MS-9971 Part No. 04549625AC or
nf_BA.book Page 618 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
nf_BA.book Page 619 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Service interval Product name/product number MB sheet MS-No.1
Engine oil for gasoline engine 1 year or 10,000 see “Engine oils” (page 350) 229.31, 229.3
M272 mi (16,000 km) 229.51, 229.5
Engine oil for diesel engine 2 years or 10,000 See “Engine oils” (page 350) 228.51
OM642 mi (16,000 km) 229.31
nf_BA.book Page 620 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
nf_BA.book Page 621 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
1 Whenever the coolant is replaced, a concentration of 50% by volume of corrosion inhibitor/antifreeze should be maintained. This provides antifreeze pro-
tection down to -34,6 °F (-37 °C). Do not exceed a concentration of 55% by volume (antifreeze protection down to approximately -49 °F (-45 °C)), as the
heat dissipation properties deteriorate at higher concentrations. Observe the Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service Products, Sheet 325. 6
2 Including a reserve of 5.3 US gal (20 l).
nf_BA.book Page 622 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Service products and capacities
Fuel consumption The vehicle will use more fuel than usual
in the following conditions:
at very low temperatures
Environmental note H
in urban traffic
A vehicle’s CO2 emissions and fuel con- on short trips
sumption depend on: when towing a trailer
efficient use of fuel by the engine when driving with a heavy load
in mountainous terrain
the style of driving adopted
other non-technical factors such as
environmental influences or road con-
nf_BA.book Page 623 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Rims and tires
Rims and tires
!CAUTION Using tires other than those ap-
Only use tires which have been test- proved by the vehicle manufacturer
ed and approved for your Sprinter ve- can have detrimental effects, such as
hicle by the vehicle manufacturer. poor handling characteristics
Tires approved by the vehicle manu- increased noise
facturer are developed to provide the increased fuel consumption
best possible performance in con- Moreover, tires and rims not ap-
junction with the driving safety sys- proved by the vehicle manufacturer
tems on your Sprinter vehicle such as may, under load, exhibit dimensional
ABS, BAS, ASR or ESP®. variations and different tire deforma-
Using tires other than those ap- tion characteristics that could cause
proved by the vehicle manufacturer them to come into contact with the
may result in damage that is not cov- vehicle body or axle parts. Damage to
ered by the Sprinter vehicle warran- 6
the tires or the vehicle may be the re-
ty. sult.
nf_BA.book Page 624 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Rims and tires
Warning G Warning (Continued) G
Further information on tires and rims
If new or repainted wheels are mounted, is available at any authorized Sprint-
Loose wheel nuts or bolts could cause the
the wheel bolts or wheel nuts must be re- er Dealer.
vehicle to lose a wheel while it is in mo-
tightened again to the specified tighten- A placard with the recommended
tion. This would jeopardize the operating
ing torque after approximately 600 to cold tire inflation pressure is located
and road safety of the vehicle. You could
3000 miles (about 1000 to 5000 km). on the driver’s door B-pillar
lose control of the vehicle as a result,
( page 354).
cause an accident an injure yourself or
In addition to the placard also con-
sult the tire inflation pressure table
If a wheel was replaced or new wheel nuts ( page 628).
are used, the wheel bolts or wheel nuts The tire inflation pressure should be
must be retightened to the specified tight- checked regularly and should only be
ening torque after 30 miles (50 km). adjusted on cold tires.
6 Continued
nf_BA.book Page 625 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Rims and tires
Vehicle Model Type 2500 3500
Rims (steel) 6.5 J x 16 5.5 J x 16
Rims (light alloy) 6.5 J x 16 –
Wheel offset 2.13 in (54 mm) –
Half dual spacing 4.82 in (122.5 mm)
Wheel fixture Wheel bolts Wheel nuts
Tightening torque (steel wheel) 177 lb-ft (240 Nm) 133 lb-ft (180 Nm)
Tightening torque (light-alloy wheel) 133 lb-ft (180 Nm) -
Summer tires – –
All-season tires1 LT 245/75 R16 120/116N LT 215/85 R16 115/112N
LT 215/85 R16 115/112Q
Winter tires2 LT 245/75 R16 120/116N M+S . LT 215/85 R16 115/112N M+S .
1 Radial-ply tires
2 Radial-ply tires
nf_BA.book Page 626 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Tire inflation pressure
Tire inflation pressure
Observe the information on recom- i
mended tire inflation pressure in the
In addition to the following table the
Warning G
“Operation” section ( page 361).
recommended cold tire inflation
Follow recommended tire inflation pres-
The following table lists the recommen- pressures are listed on a placard lo- sures.
ded cold tire inflation pressures for all cated on the driver’s door B-pillar
Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated
load conditions up to the maximum per- ( page 354). tires wear excessively and/or unevenly,
missible weight limits (GAWR). The tire adversely affect handling and fuel econo-
inflation pressures listed apply to the ti- my, and are more likely to fail from being
res installed as original equipment. overheated.
Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires
can adversely affect handling and ride
comfort, wear unevenly, increase stop-
ping distance, and result in sudden defla-
6 tion (blowout) because they are more
likely to become punctured or damaged
by road debris, potholes etc.
nf_BA.book Page 627 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Tire inflation pressure
Set the correct tire pressure before Tire inflation pressure changes by ap- Check tire inflation pressures more of-
loading the vehicle. If the vehicle has proximately 1.5 psi (0.1 bar) per 18 °F ten if subject to a wide range of outdoor
been loaded, check the tire pressures (10 °C) of air temperature change. Keep temperatures, as tire inflation pressures
and correct them if necessary. this in mind when checking tire inflation vary with temperature changes.
The tires can be considered cold if the pressure where the temperature is dif-
ferent from the outside temperature. !CAUTION
vehicle has been parked for at least
3 hours or driven less than 1 mile For example: The pressure difference between the
(1.6 km) at an ambient temperature of tires on a single axle should not ex-
If the inside temperature is 68 °F ceed 1.5 psi (10 kPa).
approximately 68 °F (20 °C). (20 °C) and the outside temperature is
Keeping the tires properly inflated pro- 32 °F (0 °C) then the cold tire inflation
vides the best handling, tread life and pressure should be increased by 3 psi
riding comfort. (0.2 bar), which equals 1.5 psi (0.1 bar)
Tire temperature and tire inflation pres- for every 18 °F (10 °C) for this outside
sure are also increased while driving, de- temperature condition.
pending on the driving speed and the 6
tire load.
nf_BA.book Page 628 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Tire inflation pressure
nf_BA.book Page 629 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Lashing points and carrier systems
Lashing points and carrier systems
Lashing points You will find further information on the Load rails*
lashing eyes in the “Controls in detail” The maximum tensile load of the lashing
!CAUTION section ( page 280). points in the load compartment is:
Observe the data on the maximum
load-bearing capacity of the individu- Lashing eyes Lashing point Permissible
al lashing points. The maximum tensile load of the lashing nominal tensile
During full-braking applications, for eyes is: force
example, forces can be involved that Load rails in the 5000 N
are much greater than the weight Lashing eyes Permissible load compart-
force of the load. nominal tensile ment floor
Always use several lashing points in Lower load rail on 2500 N
order to distribute force absorption, Crewbus 3500 N the side wall
and make sure that the lashing Panel van 5000 N 6
Upper load rail on 1500 N
points have an equal load.
the side wall
nf_BA.book Page 630 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Lashing points and carrier systems
The specified values only apply to loads Roof carrier systems The data is valid when the load is distrib-
on the load compartment floor if: uted evenly over the entire roof area.
Maximum roof load and minimum num-
the load is secured to 2 lashing When using a shorter roof rack, reduce
ber of pairs of roof rack supports on ve-
points on the rail and the load proportionately.
hicles with:
the distance to the next lashing point
used on the same rail is about 3 ft The maximum load is 110 lbs (50 kg) per
Maxi- Minimum pair of roof rack supports.
(1 m).
mum number
roof load of pairs of
Standard 660 lbs 6
roof (300 kg)
Raised roof 330 lbs 3
(150 kg)
nf_BA.book Page 631 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Lashing points and carrier systems
The weight of any load carried on the Warning G
roof, including the roof rack, must
High roof loads may cause a significant
not exceed the maximum permissible
deterioration in handling, steering and
roof load.
braking characteristics even if the maxi-
The roof rack supports must be ar- mum permissible gross vehicle weight or
ranged at equal distances. axle loads have not been exceeded.
The manufacturer recommends that Always ensure that loads are distributed
you have an anti-roll bar installed on correctly and adapt your driving style in
the front axle. accordance with the load.
nf_BA.book Page 632 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Vehicle identification labels
Vehicle identification labels
i For reasons of security, card 1 must
For certain vehicles, vehicle data not be kept in the vehicle. It contains
cards are delivered with the vehicle. the key number required for obtain-
These vehicle data cards contain all ing replacement keys.
the important details of your vehicle, Handing cards 2 and 3 to an autho-
e.g. vehicle identification number, rized Sprinter Dealer will simplify or-
engine number and subassembly der processing.
numbers together with the model
and optional equipment codes.
This data is required when ordering Base of the driver’s seat
parts and for questions of a technical 1 Vehicle safety certification label
nature. or
Incomplete vehicle safety certification la-
6 bel
nf_BA.book Page 633 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Vehicle identification labels
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Example vehicle safety certification label
can be found: (U.S. vehicles)
on the vehicle or incomplete vehicle
safety certification label
embossed on the engine compart-
ment rear bulk ( page 379)
nf_BA.book Page 634 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Vehicle identification labels
Example Engine Compartment
3 VIN (embossed on the engine compart-
ment rear bulk)
4 Engine number (engraved on gasoline en-
5 Engine number (engraved on diesel en-
6 Emission control information label and
engine oil warning label1
7 Emission control information label (gaso-
line engine) ( page 380)
Example incomplete vehicle safety certi-
fication label (Canada vehicles)
nf_BA.book Page 635 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Vehicle identification labels
Example emission control information la- Example emission control information la- Example emission control information la-
bel for diesel engines (U.S. vehicles) bel for diesel engines (Canada vehicles) bel for gasoline engines
nf_BA.book Page 636 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
*Technical data
Vehicle identification labels
i i
The data shown on the labels is for il- The data shown on the placard is for
lustrative purposes only. The data is illustrative purposes only. The load
specific to each vehicle and may vary limit data and seating data is specific
from the data shown in the illustra- to each vehicle and may vary from
tion. the data shown in the illustration.
Refer to the label on your vehicle for Refer to the placard on your vehicle
data specific to your vehicle. for data specific to your vehicle.
1 Tire and loading information placard For tire and loading information, see
Tire and loading information plac-
ard "Loading the vehicle" ( page 351).
USA only - for vehicles with a gross
weight capacity less than 10,000 lbs
(4536 kg) only.
The tire and loading information placard
is located on the driver’s door B-pillar.
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Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 DOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387, 394 see Electronic Stability Program (ESP®)
vehicles with steering Downhill gradients Driving system . . . . . . . . . . 248–272
wheel buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 cruise control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 cruise control . . . . . . . . . . 248, 258
display messages . . . . . . . . . . 489 parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189, 193 malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
outside temperature . . . . . . . . 157 Drinking alcohol or taking drugs Parktronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
standard display . . . . . . . . . . . 157 and driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 reverse warning feature . . . . . . 271
vehicles without steering Drinks holder Driving tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
wheel buttons see Cup holders automatic transmission . . . . . . . 205
display messages . . . . . . . . . . 484 Driving abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 braking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
outside temperature . . . . . . . . 148 Driving on flooded roads driving abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Door control panel . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 (fording) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 driving in wet conditions . . . . . . 195
opening the door . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Driving safety system . . . . . . . . . 69 driving on flooded roads . . . . . . 195
power windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 see Antilock Brake System (ABS) in winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Doors see Acceleration Skid Control (ASR) overrun cut-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
display message . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 see Brake Assist (BAS) programmed maximum speed . . 311
locking and unlocking . . . . . . . . . 84 see Electronic brake force distribution pulling away . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
opening/closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 (EBV) steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
nf_BA.book Page 644 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
E Electronic Engine
E brake force distribution (EBV) . . . 76 diagnostic, indicator lamp . . . . . 477
EBV display message . . . . . . . . 498–499 engine power output, modifying . . . . 10
see Electronic brake force distribution indicator lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Electric sliding door . . . . . . . . 92, 98 malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 not running smoothly . . . . . . . . 438
programming the key . . . . . . . . . . 97 Electronic Stability number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
programming the remote control . 97 Program (ESP®) operating safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 display message . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
unlocking mechanism for the indicator lamp . . . . . . . . . . 462, 468 starting problems . . . . . . . . . . . 437
electric drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 switching off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Electrical heater booster warning lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Engine cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Emergency exit window . . . . . . . . 66 Engine electronics
Electrical system Emergency mode tampering with . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589 automatic transmission . . . . . . . 441 Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322, 606
switching on/off . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Emergency tensioning
Electrical/electronic checking the level . . . . . . . . . . . 323
retractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 display message . . . . . . . . 508–510
Emission control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
retrofitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 warning lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
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brake pad/lining wear . . . . . . . . 470 Instrument cluster . . . . . . . . 20, 142 ISOFIX child seat securing
coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
engine diagnostic . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 TopTether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
ESP® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462, 468 tachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
handbrake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 vehicles with steering wheel buttons J
operating speed governor (ADR) . . 274 selecting the language . . . . . . 166
poly-V-belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 setting the status line . . . . . . . 167
jacking points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
preglow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186, 476 Instrument lighting . . . . . . . . . . . 144
preparing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
reserve warning Interior lighting
storage location . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
indicator (fuel) . . . . . . . . . . 475, 476 changing bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Jump-starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
windshield washer/headlamp front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
connection point . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
cleaning system washer fluid rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Jump-starting connection
level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 Interior lighting, rear . . . . . . . . . 138
point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
Inflation pressure Interior motion sensor . . . . . . . . . 80
see Tires, Inflation pressures Intermittent wipe . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Information regarding electronic
recording devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
nf_BA.book Page 649 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
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Rear window heating . . . . . . . . . 214 Removing the battery cover in the thorax sidebag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 driver’s footwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576 windowbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Rear window wiper . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Removing/installing the floor cover- Reverse lamp . . . . . . . . . . . 530, 531
Rear-view mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 ing in the driver’s footwell . . . . . 575 changing bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
Recommended tire inflation Reserve warning indicator Reverse warning feature . . . . . . 271
pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 (fuel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475, 476 Rims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Refueling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Residual heat mode . . . . . . . . . . 222 Road hazard lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Remote control problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 Roll-back warning
auxiliary heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Restraint system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 see Parktronic
battery check lamp . . . . . . . . . 240 airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Roof load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
changing the batteries . . . . . . 541 belt force limiters . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Roof rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
central locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 child restraint systems . . . . . . . . 56 Roof ventilator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
changing the batteries . . . . . . . . 539 display message . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 emergency tensioning retractor . 44 S
lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 front airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114, 116
opening the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . 83 malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112, 114
problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 seat belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
folding rear bench seat . . . . . . . 124
nf_BA.book Page 655 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
fore-and-aft adjustment . . . . . . . 114 Securing tensioning straps . . . . 280 engine oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Selector lever fuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185, 201 gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Service notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 calling up the due date windshield washer fluid . . . . . . . 333
suspension lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 vehicles with steering wheel Setting the blower speed . . . . . 220
swivelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Setting the date . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
vertical lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 vehicles without steering vehicles with steering wheel
Seat belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 wheel buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
adjusting height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 vehicles without steering wheel
cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 Service information . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
telltale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 Service life Settings
wearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 resetting all (vehicles with steering
Seat heating Service products . . . . . . . . 322, 410 wheel buttons) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
switching on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621 Shift range
Seating capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 coolants, lubricants, etc. . . . . . . 616 automatic transmission . . . . . . . 204
Securing a load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612 display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
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direction of rotation, spinning . . 351 problems under/overinflation . . 380, traction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198, 398
driving instructions . . . . . . . . . . 195 382 tread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
important guidelines . . . . . . . . . 346 radial-ply tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 tread depth . . . . . . . . . . . . 349, 405
inflation pressure . . . . . . . . 361, 365 retreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Treadwear Indicator (TWI) . . . . . 196
information placard . . . . . . . . . . 352 rotating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351, 399 Treadwear Indicators . . . . . . . . . 398
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 seating capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
load limit information . . . . . . . . . 355 service life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 vehicle maximum load on . . . . . 399
load rating . . . . . . . . .383, 384, 398 sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 wear pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
loading Information . . . . . . . . . . 352 speed rating . . . . . . .199, 386, 398 winter tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
loading terminology . . . . . . . . . . 393 storing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Tongue Weight Rating
loading the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . 351 temperature . . . . . . . .363, 364, 627 see TWR
low tire pressure indicator . . . . . 478 terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 TopTether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
maximum load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 TIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387, 397 Tow-away protection . . . . . . . . . . .78
messages in the multifunction Tire Identification Number see TIN
display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Tire Pressure Monitoring System
ply composition and material (TPMS), (USA only) . . . . . . . . . . 367
used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 TPMS malfunction indicator . . . 478
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Special design considerations are incorporated into this The antenna cable should be as short as practical and
vehicle’s electronic system to provide immunity to radio routed away from the vehicle wiring when possible. Use
frequency signals. Mobile two-way radios and telephone only fully shielded coaxial cable.
equipment must be installed properly by trained person-
Carefully match the antenna and cable to the radio to
nel. The following must be observed during installation.
ensure a low Standing Wave Ratio (SWR).
The positive power connection should be made directly
Mobile radio equipment with output power greater than
to the battery and fused as close to the battery as possible.
normal may require special precautions.
The negative power connection should be made to body
sheet metal adjacent to the negative battery connection. All installations should be checked for possible interfer-
This connection should not be fused. ence between the communications equipment and the
vehicle’s electronic systems.
Antennas for two-way radios should be mounted on the
roof or the rear area of the vehicle. Care should be used
in mounting antennas with magnet bases. Magnets may
affect the accuracy or operation of the compass on
vehicles so equipped.
2008 Dakota
81-326-0899 First Edition Printed in U.S.A.