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New York
Hong Kong
The Bethesda
System for Reporting
Genrical Gltology
Definitions, Criteria, and
Explanatory Notes
Second Edition


Diane Solomon, MD Ritu Nayar, MD

Senior Investigator Associate Professor
Breast and Gynecologic Director of Cytopathology
Gancer Research Group Department of Pathology
Division of Cancer Prevention Northwestern University
National Cancer Institute Feinberg School of Medicine
NlH, D HHS Ghicago, lllinois
Bethesda, Maryland

With a Foreword by Robeft J. Kurman, MD

With an Introduction by Diane D. Davey, MD

and David C. Wilbur, MD

With 186 lllustrations

Diane Solomon,MD Ritu Nayar, MD
National Cancer Institute Northwestem University
6i30 Executive Blvd. Feinberg School of Medicine
Rockville, MD 20852 Department of Pathology, Ward 6-204
USA 303 E. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611

Cover lllustrations (From left to right):

Front, upper panel: Endocenical cells, liquid based preparation; Atypical squamous ce1lsof unde-
termined significance(ASC-US), conventionalpreparation;Endocervicaladenocarcinoma, conven-
tional preparation.
Front, lower panel: Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSL), liquid based preparation;
Tubal metaplasia, conventional preparation; Adenocarcinoma, extrauterine (metastatic gastric car-
c i n o m a ) .c o n v e n t io n apl r e p a r a tio n .
Bacft: Squamous cell carcinoma, conventional preparation; High grade squamous intraepithelial le-
sion (HSIL), conventional preparation; Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), anal-rec-
tal sample.liquid basedpreparation.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The Bethesda system for reporting cervical cytology / fedited by] Diane Solomon, Ritu Nayar.
P ;cm'
Includes bibliographical referencesand index.
ISBN 0-387-40358-2(s/c : alk. paper)
1. Uterus-Cancer. 2. Cytodiagnosis. I. Solomon, Diane, 1955- II. Nayar, Ritu.
IDNLM: l. Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia-classification. 2. Cervical Intraepithelial
Neoplasia pathology. 3. CervixDysplasia-diagnosis. 4. CervixDysplasia-pathology. 5.
Cervix Neoplasms-diagnosis. 6. Cervix Neoplasms pathology. 1.
Cytodiagnosis-standards. WP 480 8562 20031
RC280.U8848 2003
616.99'466-dc 22

ISBN0-387-40358-2 Printed on acid-free paper.

@ 2004, 1994 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

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The Bethesda System:

A Historical Perspective
In December1988,a small group of individualswith expertisein cytology,
histopathology,and patient managementparticipatedin an NCl-sponsored
meeting in Bethesda,Maryland, with the goal of developing a systemfor
reporting Pap smearsthat would communicatethe cytology interpretation
to the clinician in a clear and relevant fashion. Before that time. laborato-
ries generallyutilized a numeric "Pap Class" systemof reportingresults,
which was confusingand often idiosyncratic,or the "dysplasia"terminol-
ogy that had poor interobserverreproducibility in practice.
The result of this first meetingwas The 1988 BethesdaSystem(TBS).
This new terminology reflectedthree fundamentalprinciples:
1. The terminology must communicate clinically relevant information
from the laboratoryto the patient's health-careprovider.
2. The terminology should be uniform and reasonablyreproducibleacross
different pathologists and laboratories,and also flexible enough to be
adaptedin a wide variety of laboratorysettingsand geographiclocations.
3. The terminology must reflect the most currentunderstandingof cervi-
cal neoplasia.
The new nomenclaturewas initially met with skepticismby many, not
only becauseit proposedreplacingclassificationsthat had been in place
fbr severaldecadesbut also becauseit eliminatedthe diagnosticcategory
of moderatedysplasiaor CIN 2. Traditionally,cellular changesof human
papillomavirus(HPV) ("koilocytotic atypia") were consideredseparate
tiom "true" cervical cancerprecursors,which were subdividedinto four
tmild, moderate,severedysplasia,and carcinomain situ) or three(CIN I,
1. 3) categories,reflectingwhat was perceivedto be a biologic continuum.
TBS proposeda bipartitedivision, low-gradeand high-gradesquamousin-
traepitheliallesions(LSL and HSIL) (SeeFig. F.1 on page vii). The ra-
tionale for reducing(or consolidating)multiple categoriesof HPV effect,
degreesof dysplasia,or gradesof CIN to the two tiers of LSIL and HSIL
t as basedon the principlesof the BethesdaSystemjust stated:

.r. LSIL/HSIL reflectedclinical decisionthresholdsat the timet LSIL was

often followed, but HSIL triggeredcolposcopicevaluation.

b. The reduced number of diagnostic categoriesimproved interobserver

variability and intraobserverreproducibility.
c. Research suggestedthat the biology of cervical abnormalities might
not be as linear and continuousas the spectrumof morphologic changes
would imply.

Of all the changesintroduced by TBS, probably none was as problem-

atic and controversial as the infamous "atypical squamouscells of unde-
termined significance," or "ASCIJS." ASCUS highlights the inherent ten-
sion that exists among pathologists who are not always able to make
black-and-whitedecisionson cellular or histologic specimensand clinicians
whose managementdecisions are more clearly dichotomous-to treat or
not to treat. ASCUS, a true reflection of the cytopathologist's inability to
make a definitive diagnosis in certain cases,often left clinicians feeling
compelledto evaluatethe patient by colposcopy,a time-consumingand ex-
pensiveprocedure.BecauseASCUS was reportedin approximately2.5 m1l-
lion Pap testsin the United Statesannually, this was a major problem. Fur-
thermore, becausethe managementof women with ASCUS results was
unclear,the NCI sponsoreda clinical trial, the ASCUS/LSL Triage Study
(ALTS), to determinethe best managementfor thesepatients.
The results of ALTS provided data for the development of evidence-
based guidelines for managementof women with abnormal cytology re-
sults (using Bethesdaterminology) under the auspicesof the American
Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP). Among the
major findings of ALTS and other studieswas that the spectrum of mor-
phologic changesthat was believed to constitutethe pre-invasivephase
of cervical cancerconsistsof two biologically different conditions:a vi-
ral infection caused by HPV that results in a low-grade squamous in-
traepithelial lesion and an HPV-induced cervical cancerprecursor,a high-
grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. These findings confirmed the
validity of the bipartite LSIL/HSIL classification in TBS.
ALTS, initiated in responseto issuesraised by TBS, has also set into
motion a new approach to cervical cancer screening that utilizes molec-
ular testing for HPV to triage women with ASCUS, as it is more sensi-
tive and very likely more cost-effective for the detection of underlying
high-grade lesions than repeat cytology. In the future, cervical cancer
screeningmay well begin with HPV testing with cytology as a triage for
HPV-positive samples.This changein screeningwill obviously have an
enormousimpact on cytology. On the one hand, the absolutenumbersof
cervical cytology specimenswould decrease,but on the other hand cyto-
logic evaluation,in its new role as a methodof triage,would becomeeven
more important and challenging.
Forew ord




ct N


Classif ication

Comparison of four cytologic classifications for squamous cells: Bethesda

2OO1,CIN Nomenclature, Dysplasia Nomenclature, and Papanicolaou Clas-
sification (the categories not shown to scale). See the end of the legend
for the explanation of abbreviations. The regions are represented by
graded shades of colors to emphasize the morphologic continuum of
cytologic findings and the indiscrete transitions between categories;
shades of blue : negative; green : equivocal; yellow : low-grade in-
traepithelial abnormalities (roughly HPV infection); orange : high-grade
intraepithelial abnormalities (roughly HPV-related intraepithelial neoplasia);
and red : carcinoma. The Papanicolaou Classification was based on risk
of a patient harboring cancer and is represented diagramatically as a
wedge of increasing risk from class I to class V.

2OOl Bethesda System: The categories of ASC-US and ASC-H are rep-
resented by dots that span multiple categories, emphasizing the nonhier-
archical nature of these categories. Most ASC-US reflects difficulties in the
distinction between reactive changes and LSIL, whereas most ASC-H re-
flects the differential between reactive (immature) metaplasia and HSIL. SIL
remains dichotomized; LSIL implies changes that mainly reflect HPV infec-
tion (eliminating the distinction between KA and ClNl), whereas HSIL im-
plies a higher risk lesion, including cancer precursors.

Abbreviations used: CIN = 6srv;6al intraepithelial neoplasia; ASC-US :

atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance; ASC-H = atypical
squamous cells, cannot exclude an HSIL; NILM = negative for intraepithe-
lial lesion and malignancy; ASC : atypical squamous cells; SIL : squamous
intraepithelial lesion; LSIL = low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion;
HSIL = high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; KA = koilocytotic atypia
(HPV effect); HPV : human papillomavirus; CA : invasive carcinoma; NOS
= not otherwise specified; Mild : mild dysplasia; Mod = moderate dyspla-
sia; Sev : severe dysplasia; and CIS : carcinoma in situ.

The most recent BethesdaWorkshop, held in 2001, utllized the Inter-

net to widen participation in the process of reviewing and revising the
terminology. More than 2000 comments were consideredbefore the ac-
tual meeting, which brought togetherover 400 individuals from more than
two dozen countries. The innovative use of the Internet continues with an
interactive web-based Atlas of images that servesas a companion to this
book at www.cytopathology.orgA.{IH.
In the introduction to the first TBS Atlas, it was stated that TBS was
designedto be flexible so that it could evolve in responseto changing
needs in cervical cancer screening as well as to advancesin the field of
cervical pathology. It is paradoxical that instead of TBS responding to
new developmentsand changesin the field of cervical carcinogenesis,it
has actually led the way in many areas.Thus, TBS has played a vital role
in initiating researchin the biology of cervical cancer, in exploring new
approachesand strategiesin patient management,and in incorporating
new technologiesinto cervical cancer screening.

Robert J. Kurman, MD
Baltimore, Maryland
August 2003
I. For Image Contribution
e Bi r dsong:
Ge o r g G. 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,I.5, 1 . 91,. 1 8
CharlotteBrahm(courtesyof Cytyc Corporation): 6.28
Sally-Beth Buckner:2.10,2.30
Terence J. Colgan:2.12(insert),2.39
JamieL. Covell:l.ll, l.l7; 2.2,2.9,2.14,2.16,2.22,2.28,2.36
(right),2.37(left);3.2,3.7; 4.17; 5.14, 5.21,5.27,5.31,5.32;6.1,
6.3,6.J,6.9 (left),6.10,6.1l, 6.22,6.25, 6.27, 6.29,6.32,6.33,6.36,
6 .37 6, .40 6.42:
, 1.1,J.2,J.3,7.4,7.5,7.6,7. 7 ,7 . 8 ,7 . 9
Teresa M. Darragh: 8.1,8.2,8.3,8.4,8.5,8.6,8.7
DianeD. Davey:2.12;5.4,5.19, 5.37(left)
RoseMarieGatscha: 5.41
MichaelHenry:I.6, 1.7, 1.8,1.10;2.3 (right)
RonaldD. Luff: 5.36
Ann T. Moriarty:2.35;3.3,3.5,3.8 (insert)
RituNayar:l.l5 : 2.8,2.9(insert), 2.21,2.3l, 2.32,2.31(right),2.38,
4 .4,4 .16,4.20;
2 .4 0 ;3.8; 5.2,5.3, 5.6,5.7,5.9 , 5 . 2 0 , 5 . 2 9 , 5 .53.53,8 ;
Celeste N. Powers:4.9
MarkE. Sherman: F.1,2.13,2.27; 4.1,4.5,4.8,4.1I, 4.13,4.14 5.33:.
6.6,6.18,6.24,6.39;7.2 (insert),7.8(insert)
Mary K. Sidaway: 4.12
DianeSolomon: l.16 2.1,2.4,2.7,2.1l, 2.15, 2.19,2.20,2.23,2.24,
2 .25 ,2.29 ,2.33,2.34;3.1,3.6;4.2,4.3,4.7 ,4 . 7 0 ,4 . 1 8 ,4 . 1 9 ;5 . 1 ,
5 .8,5.10 ,5 .12 ,5.15,5.16,5.17,5.18,5.22 ,5 . 2 3 ,5 . 2 4 ,5 . 3 4 ,5 . 4 0 ;
6.8,6.9 (righr),6.14,6.16,6.17,6.19,6.20,6.21,6.26,6.31,6.34,
6 .4r
SanaO. Tabbara:4.21
DavidC. Wilbur:1.12,1.13,l.l4; 2.3(left),2.5,2.17; 3.4;4.6,4.15;
5.5,5.I l, 5.13, 5.26,5.28,5.30,5.37(right),5.39;6.2,6.4,6.5,6.12,
6 .13 6. .15 6
. .23.6.38
NancyA. Young:2.6,2.18,2.23(.insert), 2.26,2.36(left)
x Acknowledgments

II. Acknowledgment for Image Selection

ASC-NCI BethesdaTask Force:
ASC. Ritu Nayar, MD (Chair), GeorgeG. Birdsong,
MD, Jamie L.
Covell, BSc, CT (ASCP), Ann T. Moriarty, MD, DJnnis
M. O,Con_
nor, MD, Marianne U. prey, MD, StephenS. Raab,
MD, Mark E.
Sherman,MD, SanaO. Tabbara,MD, Thomas C. Wright,
MD, Nancy
A. Young, MD
NCL.Diane Solomon,MD (Chair)
consultants.'David c. wilbur, MD and Diane D. Davev.
Web site for image selection:
Michael Montgomery, Terrapin Systems,Bethesda,MD
Brandon K- winbush: Information Technorogyconsultant
for De-
partment of pathology, Northwestern University,
Chicago, IL
StephenS. Raab,MD

III. Acknowledgment for Manuscript Review

The editors would also like to thank Drs. Diane D. Davey
and David c.
wilbur for their review of the manuscript and their invaluable
Foreword by Robert J. Kurman v
Acknowledgments ix
Contributors xiii
List of Abbreviations xv
Introduction by Diane D. Davey and David C. Wilbur xvii
The 2001 Bethesda System in table format xxi

1: Specimen Adequacy 1
George G. Birdsong, Diane D. Davey, TeresaM. Darragh,
Paul A. Elgert, and Michael Henry

2: Non-Neoplastic Findings 21
Nancy A. Young, Marluce Bibbo, Sally-Beth Buckner,
TerenceJ. Colgan, and Marianne U. Prey

3: Endometrial Cells: The How and When of Reporting 57

Ann T. Moriarty and Edmund S. Cibas

4: Atypical Squamous Cells 67

Mark E. Sherman, Fadi W. Abdul-Karim, Jonathan S. Berek,
CelesteN. Powers, Mary K. Sidawy, and Sana O. Tabbara

5: Epithelial Abnormalities: Squamous 89

Thomas C. Wright, Rose Marie Gatscha, Ronald D. Luff,
and Marianne U. Prey

6: Epithelial Abnormalities: Glandular 123

Jamie L. Covell, David C. Wilbur, Barbara Guidos,
KennethR. Lee, David C. Chhieng,and Dina R. Mody

7: Other Malignant Neoplasms 157

Sana O. Tabbara and Jamie L. Covell

8: Anal-Rectal Cytology t69

Teresa M. Darragh, George G. Birdsong, Ronald D. Luff,
and Diane D. Davey
xii Contents

9: Ancillary Testing 177

StephenS. Raaband Mark E. Sherman

10: Computer-AssistedInterpretation of Cervical Cytology 181

Marianne U. Prey

11: Educational Notesand SuggestionsAppendedto

Cytology Reports 185
DennisM, O'Connor

Index 189
Fadi W. Abdul-Karim, MD, Departmentof Pathology,University Hospi-
tals of Clevelandand CaseWesternReserveUniversitv, Cleveland,OH
JonathanS. Berek,MD, MMSc, Depaftmentof Obstetrics& Gynecology,
UCLA Women's ReproductiveCancerProgram,David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles,CA 90095-1740,USA
Marluce Bibbo, MD, Depafiment of Pathology,JeffersonMedical Col-
lege,Philadelphia,PA 19107,USA
GeorgeG. Birdsong,MD,Department of Pathologyand LaboratoryMed-
icine, Emory University Schoolof Medicine and Departmentof Anatomic
Pathology,Grady Health System,Atlanta, GA 30322 USA
Sally-BethBuckner, SCT\SCP), Depaftmentof Cellular Pathologyand
Genetics,Armed ForcesInstituteof Pathology,Washington,D.C. 20306,
David C. ChhiengMD,Department of Pathology,University of Alabama
at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35249-6823,USA
EdmundS. Cibas,MD,Department of Pathology,Brigham and Women's
Hospital,HarvardMedical School,Boston,MA 02115,USA
TerenceJ. Colgan,MD,Department of LaboratoryMedicine and Patho-
biology, University of Toronto, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario,
M5G 1X5 Canada
Jamie L. Covell, BS CT (ASCP),Departmentof Pathology,University of
Virginia Health System,Charlottesville,VA 22908, USA
TeresaM. Darragh, MD, University of California, San Francisco,De-
partmentsof Pathology and Ob/Gyn, San Francisco,CA 94143-1185,
Diane D. Davey, MD, Deparrment of Pathology and Laboratory Medi-
cine,Universityof KentuckyMedical Center,Lexington,KY 40536-0298,
Paul A. Elgert, CT(ASCP), CMIAC, Cytopathology Laboratory, Depart-
ment of Pathology, Bellevue Hospital Center, New York University
Schoolof Medicine,New York, NY 10016,USA
RoseMarie Gatscha,SCT(ASCP),CFIAC, Cytology Service,Memorial
Sloan-KetteringCancerCenter,New York, NY 10021,USA
xiv C o n t r i b u to r s

Barbara Guidos, SCT (ASCP), The American Society for Clinical Pathol-
ogy, Chicago,IL 60612,USA
Michael Henry, MD, Division of LaboratoryMedicine, ClevelandClinic
Florida, Naples,FL 34119,USA
KennethR. Lee,MD,Department of PathologyBrigham & Women's Hos-
pital, Harvard Medical School,Boston, MA 02115, USA
Ronald D. Luff, MD, MPH, Anatomic Pathology, Quest Diagnostics In-
corporated,Teterboro,NJ 07608, USA
Dina R. Mody, MD,Department of Pathology,Baylor College of Medi-
cine, Houston,TX 77030, USA
Ann T. MoriarQ, MD, AmeiPath Indiana, Indianapolis, IN 46219, USA
Dennis M. O'Connor, MD, Clinical Associates,Louisville, KY 40207,
CelesteN. Powers, MD, PhD, Department of Pathology, Medical College
of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23298-
Marianne U. Prey, MD, Anatomic Pathology, Quest Diagnostics Incor-
porated,St. Louis, MO 63146,USA
StephenS. Raab, MD,Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh,PA 15232,USA
Mark E. Sherman, MD, Horrnonal and Reproductive Epidemiology
Branch, Division of Epidemiology and Genetics,National Cancer Insti-
tute, Rockville, MD 20852, USA
Mary K. Sidawy, MD, Department of Pathology, The George Washing-
ton University, Washington,D.C. 20037, USA
Sana O. Tabbara, MD, Deprtment of Pathology, The George Washing-
ton University, Washington,D.C. 20037, USA
David C. Wilbur, MD, Department of Pathology, MassachusettsGeneral
Hospital, Harvard Medical School,Boston, MA 02114, USA
ThomasC. Wright, MD, Division of Ob/Gyn Pathology,Collegeof Physi-
cians and Surgeons,Columbia University PresbyterianMedical Center,
New York, NY 10031,USA
Nancy A. Young,MD,Department of Pathology, Fox ChaseCancer Cen-
ter, Philadelphia,PA 19111,USA
List of Abbreviations
AIS: adenocarcinomain situ of endocervix
ALTS: ASCUS/ LSIL Triage study
AGC: atypical glandularcells
ASC: atypical squamouscells
ASC: American Society of Cytopathology
ASCCP: American Society for Colposcopyand Cervical Pathology
ASC-H: atypical squamouscells, cannot excludehigh-gradesquamous
ASC-US: atypical squamouscells of undeterminedsignificance
BIRP: BethesdaInterobserverReproducibilityProject
CIS: carcinomain situ
CIN: cervical intraepithelialneoplasia
CP: conventional preparation
EC/TZ: endocervical/ transformation zone
EM's: endometrialcells
HSIL: high-gradesquamousintraepitheliallesion
HPV: human papillomavirus
IUD: intrauterinedevice
LBP: liquid-basedpreparation
LEEP: loop electrosurgicalexcision procedure
LMP: last menstrualperiod
LUS: lower uterinesegment
LSIL: low-grade squamousintraepitheliallesion
MMMT: malignant mixed mesodermaltumor
N:C or N/C: nuclearto cytoplasmicratio
NCI: National CancerInstitute,Bethesda,MD
NILM: negativefor intraepitheliallesion or malignancy
SCUC: small cell undifferentiatedcarcinoma
SIL: squamousintraepitheliallesion
Spp: species
TBS: The BethesdaSystem
TCC: transitionalcell carcinoma
T zone: transformation
VAIN: vaginal intraepithelialneoplasia
The secondedition of the BethesdaSystematlas representsthe joint ef-
torts of multiple individuals and organizations.Nearly 1 year before the
2001 BethesdaWorkshop,nine forum groups,eachconsistingof 6 to 10
individuals,initiated a lengthy processdesignedto provide for the widest
input possiblevia an Internet-based"discussion."Forty-four international
organizationswith interest in cervical cytopathology cosponsoredthe
BethesdaSystem 2001 Workshop along with the National CancerInsti-
tute (NCI). More than 400 individuals took part in the final working ses-
sion, the third Bethesdaworkshop,in April 2001. As a follow-up to this
conferenceand the publication of the revised 2001 Bethesdaterminol-
ogy,l conferencemoderatorDr. Diane Solomon approachedthe Ameri-
can Society of Cytopathology (ASC) regarding the developmentof a
BethesdaWeb site and an updatededition of the Bethesda"blue book"
atlas. An ASC-NCI task force, named by Drs. Diane Davey and David
Wilbur (at the time the Presidentand President-Electof the ASC), in-
cluded the Bethesdaforum moderatorsor their designeesand selected
consultants.Drs. Ritu Nayar and Diane Solomonjointly chairedthis task
torce. The task force proposedworking in parallel on the new edition of
the atlasand an educationalWeb site featuringadditionalimagesbeyond
the number utilized in the atlas.
This new edition of the BethesdaSystematlasexpandson the popular
f-eaturesof the 1991 edition.2The atlas has been divided into chapters
conforming to the major Bethesdainterpretivecategories.Each chapter
consistsof a backgrounddiscussion,an in-depthdescriptionof cytologic
criteria, and explanatorynotes. New featuresinclude images of liquid-
basedpreparations(LBPs), samplereports,references,and an index. Cy-
tologic criteria are describedin generalfor all specimentypes in every
chapter,with significantdifferencesin LBPs noted following the general
criteria when applicable.Note that Bethesdadoes not endorseany par-
ticular methodologyfbr specimencollection.
Over 1,000 images were evaluatedfor this atlas. The majority went
througha multistagereview process.First, the relevantforum group eval-
uated imagesfrom the previous atlas and hundredsof new illustrations
submittedby the ASC-NCI task force and Bethesdaforum group mem-
bers.Approximately 30Vaof imagessurvivedthis initial review. Second,
the images selectedfrom the first round were placed on a Web site and
scoredindependentlyby the ASC-NCI task force members.Only 58% of
the images-those scorins abovea selectedmean thresholdin the second
I n t r o d u c tio n

round-were then included in the atlas. Third, before publication, ap-

proximatelyhalf the atlasimages(indicatedby an asteriskin the atlasleg-
end) were posted as "unknowns" on a Web site open to the cytopathology
community as part of the BethesdaInterobserverReproducibility Project
(BIRP). Hundreds of participants submitted their answersonline, to pro-
vide a more realistic gaugeof interpretivereproducibility. The resulting his-
tograms of participants' interpretationsof the images can be viewed at
The 186 illustrations in this atlas representthe spectrumof changes
seenon both conventionalsmearsand LBPs; 90Va are new images and
40Voare from LBPs. Some imagesrepresentclassicexamplesof an en-
tity whereasothers,which were selectedto illustrate interpretivedilem-
mas or "borderline" morphologic features,may not be interpreted in the
sameway by all cytologists.We hope that this revised atlas,which pro-
vides explanatorytext and morphologic criteria, will help in laboratory
implementationof the 2001 BethesdaSystem;however, some degreeof
interobserverand interlaboratoryvariability will alwaysremain a reality.3
The 2001 BethesdaSystemincludeschangesthat are basedon clinical
input and advancesin the understandingof the biology of cervical can-
cer. The term "diagnosis"is replacedby "interpretation"or "result" in the
headingof the cervicalcytology report. Participantsat the Bethesda2001
conferenceagreedthat cervical cytology shouldbe viewed primarily as a
"screeningtest, which in some instancesmay serveas a medical consul-
tation by providing an interpretationthat contributesto a diagnosis."rA
patient'sfinal diagnosisand managementplan integratenot only the cer-
vical cytology result but also history, clinical findings, and other labora-
tory results such as biopsy interpretations.This change in terminology
emphasizesthat the cytology resultrepresentsone componentof, and may
not always reflect, the final patient diagnosis.
The goal of the BethesdaSystemhas alwaysbeento promoteeffective
communicationof relevantcytology findings betweenthe laboratoryand
clinician to provide optimal patient care. New chaptersdiscussancillary
testsand computer-based interpretationsthat may be incorporatedinto the
cytology repoft. The most common ancillary test used at presentis hu-
man papillomavirusDNA testing,but any reportingframework shouldbe
applicableto other molecularteststhat may be developedin the future.
The reporting of unsatisfactoryspecimenshas also been clarified; the
presentterminology emphasizesthat to considera specimen"unsatisfac-
tory," significantlaboratorywork must be performedto processand fully
evaluatethe specimen.The revisedterminology for adequacydoes allow
for the mention of other pertinentfindings (such as endometrialcells in
a woman age 4O or older, or organisms)when the specimenis reported
as being unsatisfactory.
Introducti on

The BethesdaSystem was developedprimarily for cervical cytology

specimens,and both the terminologyand morphologiccriteriareflect this.
The term "cervical cytology" is used in this edition of the atlas (as op-
posedto "cervico-vaginalcytology") asthe vaginais not specificallysam-
pled with most cervical collection methods.However, specimensfrom
other sites such as the vagina and anal-rectalsamplesmay be reported us-
ing similar terminology. An entire new chapterdiscussesanal-rectalcy-
tology and includesillustrationsand specific adequacycriteria.
We, on behalf of the American Society of Cytopathology,are pleased
to be a part of this ongoing process,and hope that this updatedand ex-
pandedatlas will prove useful in your cytology practice.Additional in-
formation can also be found on the Bethesda educational Web site

Diane D. Davey, MD
Lexington, Kentucky

David C. Wilbur,MD
August 2003

l. Solomon D, Davey DD, Kurman R, et al. The 2001 Bethesdasystem:terminologyfor
reporting results of cervical cytology. JAMA 2002.287:2114-2119.
Kurman RJ, Solomon D. The Bethesda System.fbr Reporting CervicalMaginal Cyto-
logic Diagnoses.New York: Springer-Verlag,1994.
Stoler MH, Schiffman M. Interobserver variability of cervical cytologic and histologic
interpretations:realisticestimatesfrom the ASCUS-LSIL triage study.JAMA 2001;285:
r 500- l 505.

Indicateconventionalsmear(Pap smear) vs.liquid-basedpreparation vs.

J Satisfactoryfor evaluation(describepresenceor absenceof endocer-
vical/transformationzone componentand any other quality indica-
tors, e.9.,partially obscuring blood, inflammation,etc.)
f Unsatisfactoryfor evaluation. . . (spectfyreason)
I Specimenrejected/notprocessed(specifyreason)
I Specimenprocessedand examined,but unsatisfactoryfor evalua-
tion of epithelial abnormalitybecauseof (specifyreason)


f Negativefor IntraepithelialLesion or Malignancy
I Other: See Interpretation/Result(e.9., endometrialcells in a woman
:-40 years of age)
I Epithelial Cell Abnormality: See Interpretation/Result(specrfu'squa-
mous' or'glandular' as appropriate)

(whenthereis no cellularevidence statethis in theGeneral
of neoplasia,
Categorizationabove and/or in the Interpretation/Result section of
the report--whether or not there are organisms or other non-neoplastic
xxii The 2001 Bethesda System

> Trichomonas vaginalis
> Fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Candida spp.
> Shift in flora suggestiveof bacterial vaginosis
> Bacteria morphologically consistent with Actinomyces spp.
> Cellular changesconsistent with herpes simplex virus

OTHER NON-NEOPLASTIC FINDINGS (Optional to report; list

not inclusive\:
> Reactive cellular changesassociatedwith
. inflammation (includes typical repair)
. radiation
. intrauterine contraceptivedevice (IUD)
> Glandular cells statusposthysterectomy
> Atrophy


> Endometrial cells (in a woman >40 years of age)

(Spectfyif "negativefor squamousintraepithelial lesion")



> Atypical squamouscells

. of undetermined significance (ASC-US)
. cannot exclude HSIL (ASC-H)

> Low-grade squamousintraepithelial lesion (LSL)

(encompassing: HPV/miId dysplasia/ClN 1)
> High-grade squamousintraepithelial lesion (HSIL)
(encompassing:moderate and severedysplasia, CIS; CIN 2 and
crN 3)
. with features suspiciousfor invasion (if invasion is suspected)

> Squamouscell carcinoma


Indicate conventional smear (Pap smear) vs. liquid-based preparation vs.

I Satisfactoryfor evaluation(describepresenceor absenceof endocer-
vical/transformation zone componentand any other quality indica-
tors, e.9.,partially obscuring blood, inflammation,etc.)
I Unsatisfactory for evaluation . . . (spectfi reason)
tr Specimenrejected/notprocessed(specifyreason)
tr Specimenprocessedand examined,but unsatisfactoryfor evalua-
tion of epithelial abnormalitybecauseof (specifi reason)


I Negative for IntraepithelialLesion or Malignancy
I Other: See Interpretation/Result(e.g., endometrialcells in a woman
>40 years of age)
I Epithelial Cell Abnormality: See Interpretation/Result(specfu 'squa-
mous' or'glandular' as appropriate)

(when there is no cellular evidenceof neoplasia,statethis in the General
Categorization above and"/or in the Interpretation/Result section of
the report--whetheror not there are organismsor other non-neoplastic
xxii The 2001 Bethesda System

> Trichomonas vaginalis
> Fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Candida spp.
> Shift in flora suggestiveof bacterial vaginosis
> Bacteria morphologically consistent with Actinomyces spp.
> Cellular changesconsistent with herpes simplex virus


not inclusive):
> Reactive cellular changesassociatedwith
. inflammation (includes typical repair)
. radiation
. intrauterine contraceptivedevice (IUD)
> Glandular cells statusposthysterectomy
> Atrophy


> Endometrial cells (in a woman >40 years of age)

(Spectfi if "negativefor squamousinffaepithelial lesion")



> Atypical squamouscells

. of undetermined significance (ASC-US)
. cannot exclude HSIL (ASC-H)

> Low-grade squamousintraepithelial lesion (LSL)

(encompassing: HPV/miId dysplasia/ClN 1)
> High-grade squamousintraepithelial lesion (HSIL)
(encompassing:moderate and severe dysplasia, CIS; CIN 2 and
C/N 3)
. with features suspiciousfor invasion (if invasion is suspected)

> Squamouscell carcinoma

T h e 2 OO1 B ethesda S vstem xxi i i


> Atypical
. endocervicalcells (NOS or spectfyin comments)
. endometrial cells (NOS or specrfy in comments)
. glandularcells (NOS or specifyin comments)

> Atypical
. endocervicalcells, favor neoplastic
. glandularcells, favor neoplastic

> Endocervical adenocarcinomain situ

> Adenocarcinoma
. endocervical
. endometrial
. extrauterine
. not otherwisespecified(NOS)


Provide a brief description of the test method(s) and report the result so
that it is easily understood by the clinician.

If case examined by automated device, specify device and result.


Suggestionsshould be concise and consistentwith clinical follow-up
guidelinespublished by professional organizations (referencesto relevanl
publications may be included).
Chapter 1
Specimen Adequacy
GeorgeG. Birdsong, Diane D. Davey, TeresaM. Darragh,
Paul A. Elgert, and Michael Henry

Evaluation of specimenadequacyis consideredby many to be the single
mostimportantquality assurance componentof the BethesdaSystem.Ear-
lier versionsof Bethesdaincludedthreecategoriesof adequacy:Satisfac-
tory, Unsatisfactory,and a "borderline" category initially termed "Less
thanoptimal" and thenrenamed"satisfactorybut limited by" in 1991.The
1001BethesdaSystemeliminatesthe borderlinecategory,in pafi, because
of confusion among clinicians as to the appropriatefollow-up for such
tlndings and also due to the variability in reporting"Satisfactorybut lim-
ited by" amonglaboratories.lTo provide a clearerindicationof adequacy,
specimensare now designatedas "satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory."
Previouscriteria for determiningadequacywere basedon expert opin-
ion and the few availablestudiesin the literature.Laboratoryimplemen-
tation of some of thesecriteria was shown to be poorly reproducible.2-a
In addition, the increasinguse of liquid-basedcytology necessitatedde-
reloping criteria applicableto thesepreparations.The 2001 Bethesdaad-
equacycriteria are basedon publisheddata to the extentpossibleand are
tailored to conventionalsmearsand liquid-basedspecimens.

Adequacy Categories
Satisfactoryfor evaluation(describepresenceor absenceof endocenicaL/
tronsformationzone componentand any other quality indicators, e.9.,
p artially obscuring blood, inJlammation,etc.)
G . B i r d s on ge t a l.

For unsatisfactoryspecimens,indicate whether or not the laboratoryhas
processed/evaluatedthe slide. Suggestedwording:
A. RejectedSpecimen:
Specimenrejected (not processed)because_ (specimennot la-
beled, slide broken, etc.)
B. Fully evaluated,unsatisfactoryspecimen:
Specimenprocessedand examined,but unsatisfactoryfor evaluation
of epithelial abnormalitybecauseof _ (obscuringblood, etc.)
Additional comments/recommendations,as appropriate

Explanatory Notes
For "Satisfactory" specimens,information on transformation zone sam-
pling and other adequacyqualifiers is also included. Providing clini-
cians/specimentakers with regular feedback on specimen quality pro-
motes heightenedattentionto specimencollection and considerationof
improved samplingdevicesand technologies.
Any specimenwith abnormal cells [atypical squamouscells of un-
determinedsignificance (ASC-US), atypical glandular cells (AGC), or
worsel is by definition satisfactory for evaluation. If there is concern that
the specimenis compromised, a note may be appendedindicating that a
more severeabnormality cannot be excluded.
Unsatisfactoryspecimensthat areprocessedand evaluatedrequirecon-
siderabletime and effort. Although such specimenscannot exclude an ep-
ithelial lesion, information such as the presenceof organisms,or en-
dometrial cells in women 40 years of age or older, etc. (see Chapter 3,
Endometrial Cells), may help direct further patient management.sNote
that the presenceof benign endometrialcells doesnot make an otherwise
unsatisfactory specimen satisfactory.
A longitudinal study6 found that unsatisfactoryspecimensthat were
processed and evaluated were more often from high-risk patients, and
a significant number of thesewere followed by a squamousintraepithe-
lial lesion (Sll)/cancer when compared to a cohort of satisfactory index
1 . Speci men A dequacy

Minimum Squamous Cellularity Criteria

Conventional Smears (Figs. 1.1-1.5)
.\n adequateconventionalspecimenhas an estimatedminimum of ap-
proximately8,000to 12,000well-preservedandwell-visualizedsquamous
epithelial cells.Note: This minimum cell range should be estimated,and
laboratories should not count individual cells in conventionalsmears.
This range applies only to squamouscells; endocervicalcells and com-
pletely obscuredcells should be excludedfrom the estimateas much as
tiasible. However, squamousmetaplasticcells can be counted as squa-
mouscells during cellularity assessment. This cellularity rangeshouldnot
tre considereda rigid threshold (see commentsbelow). "Referenceim-
rses" of known cellularity are illustratedin Figures 1.1 to 1.5.Theseref-
.rence imageshave been computer edited to simulatethe appearanceof
lx fields on conventionalsmears.Cytologistsshould comparetheseim-
asesto specimensin questionto determineif there are a sufficient num-
ber of fields with approximatelyequal or greatercellularity than the ref-
erenceimage.For instance,if an image conespondingto a 4X field with
1000cells was used as the reference,a specimenwould need to have at
leasteight such 4X fields to be deemedto have adequatecellularity.

Liquid-Based Preparations (Figs. 1.Fl.1O)

An adequateliquid-basedpreparation(LBP) should have an estimated
minimum of at least5000 well-visualized/well-preserved squamouscells.
Some have advocatedthat LBPs with 5,000 to 20,000 cells are of bor-
derline or low squamouscellularity. In specimenswith an apparentbor-
derlineor low squamouscellularity, an estimationof total cellularity can
be obtainedby performing representativefield cell counts.A minimum
trf l0 microscopicfields, usually at 40X, should be assessedalong a di-
rmeter that includesthe centerof the preparationand an averagenumber
trf cells per field estimated.When there are holes or empty areason the
preparation,the percentageof the hypocellularareasshouldbe estimated,
.ind the fields counted should reflect this proportion. SurePath(TriPath
Iniaging,Inc., Burlington, NC) slidesrequire higher cell densitybecause
trf the smallerpreparationdiameter.
Table 1.1 provides the averagenumber of cells per field required to
achievea minimum of 5000 cells on an LBP given a certainpreparation
diameterand eyepiece(ocular).For individuals using ocularsand prepa-
rations not shown, the formula is: number of cells required per field :
5000/(areaof preparationlareaof field). As of this writing, the diameters
G. Birdsong et al

of SurePathand ThinPrep (Cytyc Corporation, Boxborough, MA) prepa-

rations are 13 and 20 millimeters (mm) respectively.The diameterof a
microscopic field in millimeters is the field number of the eyepiece di-
vided by the magnification of the objective. The area of the field is then
determined by the formula used to calculate the area of a circle [pi X ra-
dius squared,ift21. The magnification power of the ocular does not affect
this calculation. See
oculars.html for additional explanation of the pertinent optical principles.
Figures 1.6 to 1.10 show cell coverageor density in satisfactory,bor-
derline satisfactory, and unsatisfactoryLBP. These are not referenceim-
ages,as they do not representan entire microscopicfield; thus, the cell
densityshown in the imagescannotbe compareddirectly to Table 1.1 for
estimationof squamouscellularity.
In some instancesthe cellularity on the preparedslide may not be rep-
resentative of the collected sample. Slides with fewer than 5000 cells
should be examined to determine if the reason for the scant cellularity is
a technicalproblem in preparationof the slide such as excessiveblood in
the specimen.When a technical problem is identified and corrected,a re-
peat preparation may yield adequatecellularity. However, the adequacy
of each slide should be determined separatelyand not cumulatively. At-
tempts to determine cellularity cumulatively by summing the cellularity
of multiple inadequateslides may be confounded by uncertainty regard-
ing the true cellularity of the specimen(not slide), which might be sub-
stantiallyless than in a specimenof normal cellularity. This matter is in
need of more research,and this guideline may changein the future. How-
ever, given the relatively low minimum criterion for adequatecellularity,
caution is warrantedin borderline cases.The report should clarify whether
blood, mucus, or inflammation contributed to an unsatisfactory sample,
or whether the problem was simply low squamouscellularity.

Explanatory Notes
It is recognizedthat strict objective criteria may not be applicableto every
case.Some slides with cell clustering,atrophy, or cytolysis are technically
difficult to count, and there may be clinical circumstancesin which a lower
cell number may be consideredadequate.Laboratories should apply pro-
fessionaljudgment and employ hierarchical review when evaluatingthese
rare borderline adequacy slides. It should also be kept in mind that the
minimum cellularity criteria describedwere developedfor use with cervi-
cal cytology specimens.In vaginal specimens(post total hysterectomy),
laboratoriesshould exercisejudgment in reporting cellularity basedon the
FrouRe 1.1. Squamous cellularity: This image depicts the appearance of a
4 r field of a conventional Pap smear with approximately 75 cells. The
specimen is unsatisfactory if all fields have this level, or less, of cellularity. lt
s to be used as a guide in assessing the squamous cellularity of a con-
ventional smear. (Used with permission, @ George Birdsong, 2OO3.)

FrcuRE 1.2. Squamous cellularity: This image depicts the appearance of a

4 < field of a conventional Pap smear with approximately 15O cells. lf all
fields have this level of cellularity, the specimen will meet the minimum
cellularity criterion, but by only a small margin. (Used with permission,
O George Birdsong, 2OO3.)
G . B i r d s o n ge t a l


FTGURE 1.3. Squamous cellularity: This image depicts the appearance of a

4x field of a conventional Pap smear with approximately 5OO cells. A mini-
mum of 16 fields with similar (or greater) cellularity are needed to call the
specimen adequate. (Used with permission, @ George Birdsong, 2OO3.)

Frcune 1-4. Squamous cellularity: This image depicts the appearance of a

4x field of a conventional Pap smear with approximately 1OOOcells. A mini-
mum of I fields with similar (or greater) cellularity are needed to call the
specimen adequate. (Used with permission, @ George Birdsong, 2OO3.)
1 . Speci men A dequacy

FrcuRE 1.5. Squamous cellularity: This image depicts the appearance of a

4 < field of a conventional Pap smear with approximately 'l4OO cells. A mini-
mum of 6 fields with similar (or greater) cellularity are needed to call the
specimen adequate. (Used with permission, @ George Birdsong, 2OO3.)

--linicaland screeninghistory. A lower cellularity may be acceptableun-

Jer thesecircumstances. Laboratorieshaveflexibility in determiningwhich
methodfor cellularity estimation is best suitedfor their practicesetting.
The recommendationfor a minimum cellularity of 5000 cells for an
LBP is basedon preliminaryscientificevidence.T'8 This thresholdis lower
:han the 8,000 to 12,000 minimum cellularity for conventionalsmears.
LBPs, by virtue of the preparationmethodology,presenta more random
and presumablymore representative)sampling of the collectedcervical
materialas comparedto conventionalsmears.Although there are signif-
icant differencesamong various LBP procedures,there are not sufficient
data to justify different minimum cellularitiesfor the LBPs currently on
the market.
One preliminary study reported a higher detectionrate of high-grade
lesionswhen cellularityon LBPs exceeded20,000.eHowever,this study
did not directly investigatethe possiblerelationshipbetween specimen
cellularity and false-negativerates,which is not necessarilythe sameas
the relationshipbetween specimencellularity and the detectionof high-
sradelesions.Laboratoriesmay chooseto appenda quality indicatorcom-
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tcune 1.6. Unsatisfactory due to scant squamous cellularity. Endocervical

cells are seen in a honeycomb arrangement fliquid-based preparation
(LBP), ThinPrep, 10xl.

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Frcune 1.7. Unsatisfactory-scant cellularity (LBP, SurePath). Although this

image cannot be directly compared to a microscopic field, this SurePath
slide had fewer than 8 cells per 4Ox field. A SurePath specimen with this
level of cellularity throughout the preparation would have fewer than 5OOO
Wg .*

iffi #

w @
# irj

# ,-#
,& gB
Frcune 1.8. Satisfactory, but borderline squamous cellularity (LBp,
SurePath). (At 4Ox, there were approximatelyll cells perfield when 10 mi-
croscopic fields along a diameter were evaluated for squamous cellularity;
this would give an estimated total cell count between 5,OOOand 1O,OOO.)

ar #
p i&
r t

# 1'
FtcuRe 1.9. Satisfactory, but borderline squamous cellularity (LBP, Thin-
Prep): 1Ox fields of a ThinPrep specimen should have at least this level of
cellularity to be considered satisfactory. (At 4Ox, in this ThinPrep speci-
men, there were approximately 4 cells per field, which would correspond
to slightly over 5OOOcells. Note that this level of cell density would be
unsatisfactory in a SurePath LBP [See Fig. 1.7), corresponding to less
than 5,OOOcells because of the smaller preparation diameter.)
1 . Sp eci men A dequacy 11

Frqune 1.1O. Squamous cellularity is satisfactory in this LBP from a 70-

year-old woman with an atrophic cell pattern (LBP, SurePath). LBPs may
show less nuclear enlargement than CPs (conventional preparations) due
to fixation in the suspended state. The transformation zone component(s)
may be difficult to assess in atrophy.

ment such as "bordedine or low squamouscellularity" on such specimens

that meet minimal criteria for satisfactory cellularity but have only 5,000
to 20,000 cells. Patients should be managed similarly to other patients
with quality indicator statements.5
Cellularity can be quickly and reproducibly estimated in 1Bpr.r'to
Some manufacturersinclude estimation of LBP cellularity during train-
ing. Preliminary studies show that reference images methodology for
smearsis quickly learnedand has better interobserverreproducibility than
the previous Bethesda10% slide coveragecriterion.ll
Additional studies relating sensitivity to cell number would be useful
for all preparation types. Guidelines may be revised in the future if stud-
ies demonstratethat squamouscellularity criteria different from thoseout-
lined are more appropriate.
12 G . B i r d s o n ge t a l.

Endoce rvical fTransformation Zone

Compon e n t ( F i g s . 1 . 6 , 1 .1 1 - 1 .1 6 )
For both conventional smearsand LBPs, an adequatetransformation zone
componentrequiresat least 10 well-preservedendocervicalor squamous
metaplasticcells, singly or in clusters(Figs. 1.6, 1.11-1.15).The pres-
ence or absenceof a transformationzone componentis reported in the
specimenadequacysectionunless the woman has had a total hysterec-
tomy. If the specimenshowsa high-gradelesion or cancer,it is not nec-
essary to report presence/absence of a transformation component.
Degeneratedcells in mucus and parabasal-typecells should not be
countedin assessingtransformationzone sampling.It may be difficult to
distinguishparabasal-typecells from squamousmetaplasticcells in spec-
imens showing atrophy due to a variety of hormonal changesincluding
menopause,postpartumchanges,and progestationalagents(Figs. 1.10,
1.16) In such cases,the laboratorymay elect to make a comment about
the difficulty of assessingthe transformationzone component.

FrcuRe 1.11. Endocervical cells (CP). Distinct cytoplasmic borders are seen
in the cluster of cells on the left, giving a "honeycomb" appearance. The
cell cluster on the right is seen from a side view, giving the "picket fence"

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y ll
# :{
-** *, s
.** q+


Frcune 1.12. Endocervical cells (LBP). Dissociation is more freouent in liq-

.lld-based preparations than in conventional smear preparations.





FlcuRE 1.13. Endocervical cells (LBP). Routine screening, 27-year-old

.voman, NILM on followup. Normal endocervical cells may appear in large
ryperchromatic fragments, often in the center of some LBPs. The thick-
ress of the fragment may give the appearance of architectural disarray;
iowever, note normal appearing cells at the periphery of the fragment.
Additionally, focusing up and down through the fragment reveals normal
spacing of cells, distinct cytoplasmic borders, and bland nuclear chromatin.
Normal endocervical cell groups with this appearance should not be con-
'used with dysplastic/neoplastic clusters that show more crowding (even
,vithin a single layer of cells), nuclear enlargement, nuclear membrane ir-
'egularity, and abnormal chromatin pattern.
G . B irds onge t a l


[*] FrcuRE 1.14. Endocervical cells (LBP). Normal endocervical cells from
the upper region of the endocervical canal can mimic squamous metaplas-
tic cells. [[*] Bethesda Interobserver Fleproducibility Project (BIRP) image
(see xviii Introduction).1

*. *,

" *

"-%;i-- #_

[*] FTGURE 1.15. Normal squamous metaplastic cells (LBP). Routine

screening, 2B-year-old woman.
1 . Sp eci men A dequacy 15


* *

Fcune 1.16. Atrophy (CP).

Explanatory Notes
Data on the importance of the endocervicaVtransformationzone @CnZ)
componentare conflicting. Cross-sectionalstudiesshow that SIL cells are
more likely to be present on specimensin which EC\Z cells are pres-
eaLr2-74However, retrospective cohort studies have shown that women
with specimensthat lack EC|IZ elements are not more likely to have
squamouslesions on follow-up than are women Bird-
song recently reviewed this subject.le A recent study that included col-
poscopic evaluation of all women with abnormal liquid-based cytology
or human papillomavirus (HPV) results plus a random sample of those
with negative test results failed to show an association between absent
ECTZ component and missedhigh-grade lesions.2oFinally, retrospective
case-control studies have failed to show an association between false-
negative interpretationsof specimensand lack of 99.2t,22
The implications of the ECIIZ component could change in the future
as the incidence of endocervical adenocarcinomais increasing.23*2s a6"
relationship between the detection of adenocarcinomaand the presence
of endocervical cells on cervical cytology specimensis unexplored as of
this writing.
16 G . B i r d s o n ge t a l.

Obscuring Factors (Figs. 1.17, 1.14)

Specimenswith more than 757o of squamouscells obscuredshould be
termedunsatisfactory,assumingthat no abnormalcells are identified(Fig.
1.17).When 507oto757o of the cells are obscured,a statementdescrib-
ing the specimenas partially obscuredshould follow the satisfactoryterm.
The percentageof cells obscured,not the slide area obscured,should be
evaluated,although minimal cellularity criteria should also be applied.
Nuclearpreservationand visualizationareof key importance,and changes
suchas cytolysis and partial obscuringof cytoplasmicdetail may not nec-
essarily interfere with specimenevaluation.Abundent cytolysis may be
mentionedas a quality indicator, but most such specimensdo not qual-
ify as "unsatisfactory"unlessnearly all nuclei are devoid of cytoplasm.
Similar criteria apply to LBPs. In LBPs with someobscuringfactors and
borderline cellularity (see Figs. 1.8, 1.9), laboratoriesshould estimate
whether minimum numbersof well-visualizedsquamouscells are pres-
ent as describedabove.When particular cells or areasof diagnosticin-

FrcuRe 1.17. Unsatisfactory due to obscuring white blood cells (CP). lf

5Oo/o-75o/o of the epithelial cells are covered, obscuring inflammation should
be mentioned in the quality indicators section of the report (>75o/o obscur-
ing is considered unsatisfactory if no abnormal cells are identified). In as-
sessing the adequacy of a slide with respect to obscuring factors and cel-
lularity, one should keep in mind that the minimum cellularity criteria refer
to well-visualized cells.

Fgrne 1.18. Satisfactory for evaluation; extensive air drying artifact pres-
errt. Atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraep-
fihelial lesion (ASC-H) (CP). Enlarged, pale nuclei with indistinct chromatin.
The nuclei are crowded and lack an orderly architectural arrangement.
Note that if the interpretation is atypical cells or worse, then the specimen
cannot be considered "unsatisfactory" regardless of specimen quality.
Follow-up in this case was CIN 2.

terestare obscured,a report comment can be added:e.g., "air-drying of

possibleatypicalcells" (Fig. 1.18).

Explanatory Notes
Specimenswith partial obscuring factors have been shown to have fair in-
terobserverreproducibility of adequacyassessment.26 Although retrospec-
rite case-controlstudiesfail to show that partial obscuringfactors indicate
risk for a false-negativereport,2l'22prospectivestudieshave not beendone.
Reporting obscuring factors may be indicated becauseof patient care or
qualify concems.

lntbrmation on adequacyand any implications for patient follow-up may
he provided optionally in an educationalnote. The American Society for
Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology has published managementguide-
tines for specimen adequacy and quality indicators based on the 2001

18 G . B i r d s o n ge t a l.

Sample Reports
Example 1:
Satisfactoryfor evaluation;endocervicavtransformation
zone compo-
nent present.
Negative for intraepitheliallesion or malignancy.

Example 2:
Satisfactory for evaluation; endocervical/transformationzone compo-
nent absent/insufficient.
Negative for intraepitheliallesion or malignancy.
Optional Note:
Data are conflicting regarding the significance of endocervical/trans-
formation zone elements.A repeatcervical cytology in 12 months
is generally suggested.(ASCCP Patient ManagementGuidelines:
Am J Clin Pathol 2002:118:714-118\

Example 3:
Unsatisfactoryfor evaluation;Specimenprocessedand examined,but
unsatisfactoryfor evaluationof epithelialabnormalitybecauseof ob-
scuring inflammation.
Tric homonas vaginali s identified.
Consider repeat cervical cytology/Pap test after treatment of Tri-

Example 4:
Specimenprocessedand examined,but unsatisfactoryfor evaluationof
epithelial abnormalitybecauseof insufficient squamouscellularity.
Partially obscuringblood identified.
Unsatisfactory for evaluation.
Endometrialcells presentconsistentwith day 5 of LMP (last menstrual
period) as provided.

Example 5:
unsatisfactoryfor evaluation;specimenrejectedbecauseslide was re-
ceived unlabeled.
1 . Sp e ci men A dequacv 19

Bethesda System 2OO1 Workshop

Forum Group Moderators:
DianeD. Davey,M.D., GeorgeBirdsong,M.D., Henry W. Buck, M.D.,
TeresaDarragh,M.D., Paul Elgert, C.T. (ASCP), Michael Henry, M.D.,
HeatherMitchell, M.D., SuzanneSelvaggi,M.D.

. . Davey DD, WoodhouseS, Styer PE, et al. Atypical epithelialcells and specimenad-
equacy: current laboratory practicesof participants in the College of American Pathol-
ogists Interlaboratory Comparison Program in Cervicovaginal Cytology. Arch Pathol
kb M ed 2000:124:203-21 l.
l. Gill GW. Pap smear cellular adequacy:what does l\Vo coveragelook like? What
does it mean?Acta Cytol 2000;44:873 (abstract).
-.. RenshawAA, Friedman MM, RahemtullaA, et al. Accuracy and reproducibility of
estimatingthe adequacyof the squamouscomponentof cervicovaginalsmears.An J
CI in Pathol 1999;l | | :3842.
:. Valente PT, SchantzHD, Trabal JF. The determinationof Papanicolaousmearade-
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