1997 Polaris Xplorer 300 4x4 Service Repair Manual PDF

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This manual is designed primarily for use by ATV service technicians in a properly equipped shop. Since a
certain knowledge of mechanical theory, tool use, and shop procedures is necessary to perform the service
work safely, all operations should be performed by qualified service personnel only. In order to perform the
work efficiently and prevent costly errors, the technician should read the text and be familiar with procedures
before starting the work. Cleanliness of parts and tools as well as the work area is of primary importance.

All references to left and right side of the vehicle are from the operator's perspective when seated in a normal
riding position.
This manual includes procedures for maintenance operations, component identification and unit repair, along
with service specifications for 1996-1998 model Polaris ATVs and Light Utility Vehicles. The section index
tabs enable the user to quickly locate the section desired. In addition, a table of contents is placed at the
beginning of each section for location of specific page numbers and service information. Keep this manual
available for reference in the shop area.
To keep this manual current it is important that it is updated yearly with new model information and
At the time of publication all information contained in this manual was current. However, all materials and
specifications are subject to change without notice.

Comments or suggestions about this manual may be directed to: Polaris Industries Inc., Service Publications
Supervisor, 1225 Highway 169 North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441-5078.

1996-1998 Service Manual Volume II Part No. 9913680

1998 Service Manual Update Part No. 9914752

Printed in U.S.A.
Throughout these instructions, important information is brought to your attention by the following symbols:



Failure to follow DANGER instructions will result in severe injury or death to the operator, passenger, bystand-
er or person inspecting or servicing the ATV.


Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to the operator, passenger, by-
stander or person inspecting or servicing the ATV.

A CAUTION indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid minor personal injury, or ATV or proper-
ty damage.
A NOTE provides key information to clarify instructions.


Polaris acknowledges the following products mentioned in this manual:

FLEXLOC, Registered Trademark of SPS Technologies

Loctite, Registered Trademark of the Loctite Corporation
STA-BIL, Registered Trademark of Gold Eagle
FOX, Registered Trademark of Fox Shox
Nyogel, Trademark of Wm. F. Nye Co.
Fluke, Registered Trademark of John Fluke Mfg. Co.
Mity Vac, Registered Trademark of Neward Enterprises, Inc.
Ammco, Registered Trademark of Ammco Tools, Inc.
Torx, Registered Trademark of Textron
Hilliard, Trademark of the Hilliard Corporation
Table of Contents


Chapter 01 .............................. General Information

Chapter 02 .......................................Maintenance

Chapter 03 ............................................... Engine

Chapter 04 ........................ Fuel System/Carburetion

Chapter 05 ....................... Body/Steering/Suspension

Chapter 06 ........................................ PVT System

Chapter 07 .......................................... Final Drive

Chapter 08 ...................................... Transmission

Chapter 09 ..............................................Brakes

Chapter 10 ............................................ Electrical


Model Identification ........................... 1.1 - 1.1 c

Publications Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.2 - 1.2a
Service Videos ............................... 1.2a
Service/Information Bulletin Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.3 - 1.3b
Paint Codes ................................. 1.4 - 1.4b
Model Specifications, 1996 1.5 - 1.8
Model Specifications, 1997 .................... 1.8a - 1.8d
Model Specifications, 1998 .................... 1.8e - 1.8h
Standard Torque Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.9
Decimal Equivalent Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.10
Conversion Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.11
Tap Drill Charts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.12
Warranty .................................... 1.13
Service Tips ................................. 1.14
Glossary of Terms ............................ 1.15 - 1.17
Tool Ordering Information ..................... , 1.18
Routing Diagrams ............................ 1.19 - 1.24
Model Identification

Engine Serial Number Location

Whenever corresponding about an engine, be sure to refer to the engine model number and serial number. This
information can be found on the sticker applied to the manual starter recoil housing. An additional number is
stamped in one of the following locations:
• 4 stroke models - center top of crankcase beneath the cylinder coolant elbow
• 2 stroke liquid cooled models - center top of crankcase beneath the carburetor mounting flange
• 2 stroke air cooled models - top of crankcase near right side of cylinder
Machine Model Number and Serial Number Location
The machine model number and serial number are im-
portant for vehicle identification. The machine model
number is located on the frame on the left side of the
vehicle near the oil tank. Depending on model, the Se-
rial number will be stamped into the frame in one of the
following locations:
• On the right side of the vehicle in front
of the shift selector box (A). (1996)
• Under the seat on the upper shock
mount cross member (8) (1996) VIN Location - 1996
• On the right hand frame rail (C) near
the air box. (1997)
• On the left hand lower frame rail (D)
near the rear A-arm mount.

VIN Location - 1996/1997

Transmission 1.0. Number Location

Transmission model and serial numbers are located VIN Location - 199B-Current
on top of the transmission case below the shifting bell-
Carburetor 1.0. Number Location Example
Mod :ffl 13411571
The carburetor 1.0. number is in one of the following Ser #t 96-1Q273
4 stroke models - right side center of
the carburetor body
• 2 stroke models - right side of carbu-
retor body near choke plunger boss

Transmission 1.0. Numbers

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.1 5/98

Model Identification
1996 Model Identification
The machine model and serial number must be used with any correspondence regarding service or repair.

1996 Machine Model Number Identification

MOD EL ATV or Light Utility vehicle/- T -i~

W 96 81

NUMBERS Year Designation Basic Chassis

Engine Designation

1996 Engine Designation Numbers 1996 Chassis Designation Numbers

27 ........... 250 75 .......... Magnum 2x4
30 ........... 300 78 .......... Trail Blazer / Scrambler
40 ........... 400 80 .......... Sportsman 4x4
44 ........... 425 81 .......... Magnum 4x4
50 ........... 500 85 .......... Trail Boss / Sport
87 .......... 400 6x6 / Magnum 6x6
91 .......... Xplorer 300 / Xplorer 400
92 .......... Sportsman 500
95 .......... Xpress 300 / Xpress 400

5/98 1.1 a Polaris Industries Inc.

Model Identification
Vehicle Identification Number (1997 and Later Model Years)
1997 to Current ATVs and Light Utility Vehicles have a 17 digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). The VIN is
organized as follows: Digits 1·3: World Manufacturer Identifier. For Polaris ATVs, this is 4XA Digits 4-9: Vehicle
Descriptor Section. Digits 10-17: Vehicle Indicator Section. Digits 4-8 of the VIN identify the body style, drive
type, engine type, and emissions equipment. The VIN number and the model number must be used with any
correspondence regarding service or repair.

World Mfg. ID Vehicle Descriptor Vehicle Identifier

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1997-Current V 2 0
4 X A B A 3 8 C 0 ...0 0 0 0 0
VIN Number

Body Style
I Emissions MJdel I T
Year Individual Serial No.
I Engine
Check Digit Plant No.

Vehicle Identification Number I Model Number Key

Body Style Powertrain Engine Emissions Ogtions

A=Gen II A=2x4 chain 25:::EC25PF(250cc) A=Approved by CARB* A=Std
B=Gen III C=4x4 chain 28=EC28PF(300 cc) C=Non CARB* Approved B=1st
Color Option
C=Gen IV D=4x4 shaft 38=EC38PL(400 cc) D=Norway
E=6x6 chain 42=EH42PL (425 cc) E=Sweden
50=EH50PL (500 cc)

*CARB = California Air Resources Board

Year I Letter Identification

The tenth digit of a 17 digit VIN is the model year of the vehicle. Example: W = 1998; X = 1999 etc. Refer to the
listing below.
V 1997
W 1998
X 1999
Y 2000

1997 to Current Model Numbers

The model year is also listed in the model number. The last 4 digits in the model number correspond to digits
4 through 8 of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
Machine Model Number Identification
W;:;;ATV or Light ___ W 9 8 CH50A B Option Indicator
Utility Vehicle - - - ~' .. .

Year Designation . /Last 5 M~el # Digits=Digits 4-8 of VIN

5/98 1.1 b Polaris Industries Inc.


5/98 1.1 c Polaris Industries Inc.

1996 Publication Numbers
Model Model No. Owner's Manual PN Parts Manual PN 1996 Parts Micro
Fiche Set PN
Trail Blazer W967827 9913584 9913586 9913433
Trail Boss W968527 9913506 9913588
Xplorer 300 W969130 9913332 9913590
Xpress 300 W969530 9913327 9913592
Sport W968540 9913584 9913586
Scrambler 4x4 W967840 9913519 9913582
Xpress 400 W969540 9913327 9913592
Xplorer 400 W969140 9913511 9913598
Sportsman 4x4 W968040 9913414 9913594
4006x6 W968740 9913516 9913596
Magnum 2x4 W967544 9913512 9913603
Magnum 4x4 W968144 9913512 9913605
Magnum 6x6 W968744 9913522 9913607
Sportsman 500 W969244 9913269 9913609

1997 Publication Numbers

Model Model No. Owner's Manual Parts Manual , 997Parts Micro
Fiche Set PN
Trail Blazer W97BA25C 9914011 9914012 9914645
Trail Boss W97AA25C 9914056 9914057
Xplorer 300 W97CC28C 9913980 9913981
Xpress 300 W97CA28C 9913959 9913960
Sport 400 W97BA38C 9914011 9914012
Scrambler 4x4 W97BC38C 9913988 9913989
Xpress 400 W97CA38C 9913959 9913960
Xplorer 400 W97CC38C 9913974 9913975
Sportsman 4x4 W97AC38C 9913966 9913967
4006x6 W97AE38A 9913917 9914081
Magnum 2x4 W97AA42A 9914069 9914070
Magnum 4x4 W97AC42A 9914069 9914083
Magnum 6x6 W97AE42A 9914074 9914075
Sportsman 500 W97CH50A 9913998 9913999
Xplorer 500 W97CD50A 9914134 9914135
Scrambler 500 W97BC50A 9913988 9914307

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.2 5/98


1998 Publication Numbers

Model Model No. Owner's Owner's Parts Parts
Manual Manual Manual Microfiche
Trail Boss W98AA25C 9914659 9914530 9914531 9914532
Trail Blazer W98BA25C 9914659 9914530 9914546 9914547
Xpress 300 W98CA28C 9914659 9914525 9914536 9914537
Xplorer 300 W98CC28C 9914659 9914525 9914526 9914527
Sport 400 W98BA38C 9914659 9914545 9914723 9914724
Scrambler 400 W98BC38C 9914659 9914722 9914725 9914726
Xplorer 400 W98CC38C 9914659 9914540 9914541 9914542
Magnum 2x4 W98AA42A 9914659 9914520 9914552 9914553
Magnum 4x4 W98AC42A 9914659 9914721 9914521 9914522
Scrambler 500 W98BC50A 9914659 9914498 9914499 9914501
Sportsman 500 W98CH50A(&AB) 9914659 9914570 9914571 9914572
Big Boss 500 6x6 W98AE50A 9914720 N/A 9914639 9914640


1995-1996 Magnum and Sportsman 500 Service Manual 9913681
1996 ATV Service Manual Volume II 9913680
1998 ATV Service Manual Vol. II Update 9914752


Magnum 4-Stroke Introduction 9912996 Includes 4 Stroke theory of operation, engine removal,
disassembly, and assembly techniques, along with and
general tech-tips.
Ignition System Diagnostics 9913533 Describes all current Polaris ignition systems. Provides
working knowledge of ignition system theory and diagnostics.
Charging System Diagnostics 9913278 Describes all current Polaris charging systems. Provides work-
ing knowledge of charging system theory and diagnostics.
Polaris Variable Transmissions 9913987 Theory, disassembly, assembly and troubleshooting of the
(PVT) Polaris PVT system.
Fuels and Fuel Delivery 9914393 Describes fuel properties including octane and vapor pres-
sure; fuel mixture and burn characteristics; VM and CV car-
buretor theory and adjustments.

5/98 1.2a Polaris Industries Inc.

Service Bulletin Index

Service/Information Bulletins - By Bulletin Number

ATV-94-0B 1995 Scrambler - Oil line may contact exhaust head pipe
ATV-94-09 1994400 ATVs and 1995 Xplorer, Sportsman, and 400 6X6 - Poor fuel economy and hesitation
ATV-94-10 1995 Scrambler - Some brake calipers may rub on inside of tire rim
ATV-95-01 1995 Scrambler - Loose clamp on carburetor boot
ATV-95-02 1995 Xplorer 4x4, Sportsman - Front hub oil leak
ATV-95-03 1995 Xplorer 4x4 - Incorrect speedometer angle drive
ATV-95-04 1995 Scrambler - Headlight wiring reversed
ATV-95-05 1995 Magnum 2x4, Magnum 4x4 - Engine oil in air box
ATV-95-06 1995 Scrambler 4x4 - Revised carburetor jetting
ATV-95-07 1995 Models Equipped with Auxiliary Brake - Brake inspection and adjustment procedure
ATV-95-0B 1995 Scrambler 4x4 - Missing lower front bumper bolts
ATV-95-09 1995 Scrambler 4x4 - Incorrect sprocket guard spacer
ATV-95-10 1995 Scrambler 4x4 - Front brake lines may rub against CV joint boot
ATV-95-11 1995 Magnum 2x4, Magnum 4x4 - Oil tank vent fitting restricted
ATV-95-12 All 1995 Models - Transmission lubricant expelled through vent line
ATV-95-13 All 1995 Models (exc. Scrambler, Xplorer, 6x6 - Aux. brake arm may contact right footrest
ATV-95-14 All 1995 All Wheel Drive Models - Faulty Gear Selector Switches
ATV-95-15 1995 Scrambler - Headlight Bulb May Fall Out Of Socket
ATV-95-16 1995 Magnum 2x4 and 4x4 - Rich Condition/Plug Fouling Checklist
ATV-95-17 AI! 1996 - Synthetic Chaincase Lubricant Recommended for all 1996 Models
ATV-95-1B 1996 Sport - Loose Headlight Mounting Screws
ATV-95-19 1995 Xplorer, 400 2x4, Sport, Scrambler, 6x6 - Idle Speed Adjustment on 1995400 cc ATVs
ATV-95-20 1996 Scrambler, Sport 400L - Incorrect Carburetor Jetting Chart in Owner's Manual
ATV-95-21 1996 Scrambler - Water May Freeze in Oil Pump Housing
ATV-95-22 1996 Xplorer 400L, Xpress 300, Sportsman 500 - Plow Blade Mounting Kit Applications
ATV-96-01 1996 Trail Boss; Magnum 4x4 - Water Leaks at Inner PVT Cover
ATV-96-02 1996 Sportsman 500 - Oil Tank Vent Hose Routing
ATV-96-03 1996 Sportsman 500 - Loose Rear Drive Shaft Retaining Bolts
ATV-96-04 1996 Sportsman 500; Magnum 2x4; 4x4; 6x6 - Improved Seat Fit For 1996 ATVs
ATV-96-05 1996 Gen IV models with rear rack extender kit. Flag mount not functional w/ rack extender.
ATV-96-06 1996 Sport, Scrambler - Brake Line Retention Strap May Be Missing
ATV-96-07 1996 Sport, Scrambler - Exhaust Muffler Restricted
ATV-96-0B 1996 All Except Tr. Blazer, Tr. Boss - Cooling Fan Motors May Be Damaged By Water.
ATV-96-09 1996 Sportsman 500 Hose Clamp On Coolant Line May Contact Fuel Filter
ATV-96-10 1996 Sportsman 500 - Engine Overheating due to fan placement and debris in the shroud
ATV-96-11 1995/ 19964 Stroke Models Moisture May Freeze In Oil Tank Vent Line
ATV-96-12 1996/1997 Xlorer and Xpress 300s - Revised Oil Pump Bleeding Procedure
ATV-96-13 1996 Sportsman 500; 1997 Sportsman and Xplorer 500 - Rear Brake Noise / Floating Disc Kit
ATV-96-14 1997 Magnum 6x6 - Fuel Tank Vent Line Routed Incorrectly
ATV-96-15 1997 Sportsman 500 - Pressure Relief Slit Missing Form Oil Tank Vent Line
ATV-96-16 1997 Scrambler 400 / 1997 Scrambler 500 - Brake Lines May Contact CV Boot or Clamp
ATV-97-01 1995 and 19964 Stroke Models - Oil Tank Breather Modification For Cold Temperatures
ATV-97-02 1997 Sportsman and Xplorer 500 - Rear Brake Disc Hub Bolt Torque Procedure
ATV-97-03 1997 Sportsman and Xplorer 500 Revised Serial Number Range For ATV-97-02

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.3 5/98

Bulletin Index - 1996 By Model
1996 Model Bulletin # Type Notes
ALL 1996 MODELS ATV-96-11 Information Moisture May Freeze In Oil Tank Vent Line
1996 Sportsman SOO ATV-96-13 Information Rear Brake Noise / Floating Disc Kit
ATV-96-10 Service Engine Overheating
ATV-96-09 Information Hose Clamp May Contact Fuel Filter
ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-96-05 Service Flag Mount Not Functional
ATV-96-04 Information Poor Seat Fit
ATV-96-03 Information Loose Rear Drive Shaft Retaining Bolts
ATV-96-02 Service Oil Tank Vent Hose Routing
ATV-9S-22 Information Plow Blade Mounting Kit Applications
1996 Magnum 6x6 ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-96-04 Information Poor Seat Fit
1996 Magnum 4x4 ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-96-04 Information Poor Seat Fit
ATV-96-01 Service Water Leaks at Inner PVT Cover
ATV-9S-17 Information Synthetic Chaincase Lubricant Recommended
1996 Magnum 2x4 ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-96-04 Information Poor Seat Fit
19964006x6 ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-95-17 Information Synthetic Chaincase Lubricant Recommended
1996 Sportsman 4x4 ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-9S-17 Information Synthetic Chaincase Lubricant Recommended
1996 Scrambler ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-96-07 Information Exhaust Muffler Restriction
ATV-96-06 Service Brake Une Retention Strap May Be Missing
ATV-9S-21 Information Water May Freeze In Oil Pump Housing
ATV-95-20 Information Incorrect Jetting Chart In Owners Manual
1996400 Xplorer ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-9S-22 Information Plow Blade Mounting Kit Applications
ATV-95-17 Information Synthetic Chaincase Lubricant Recommended
1996 400 Xpress ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
1996 Sport ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-96-07 Information Exhaust Muffler Restriction
ATV-96-06 Service Brake Line Retention Strap May Be Missing
ATV-9S-20 Information Incorrect Jetting Chart In Owners Manual
ATV-9S-1B Service Loose Headlight Mounting Screws
1996300 Xplorer ATV-96-12 Service Revised Oil Pump Adjustment Procedure
ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-9S-17 Information Synthetic Chaincase Lubricant Recommended
1996 300 Xpress ATV-96-12 Service Revised Oil Pump Adjustment Procedure
ATV-96-0B Service Cooling Fan Motor May Be Damaged By Water
ATV-9S-22 Information Plow Blade Mounting Kit Applications
1996 Trail Boss ATV-96-01 Service Water Leaks at Inner PVT Cover
1996 Trail Blazer ATV-9S-1B Service Loose Headlight Mounting Screws

5/98 1.3a Polaris Industries Inc.

Service Bulletin Index - 1997/1998 By Model

1997 Model Bulletin # Type Notes

All 1997 Models
Sportsman 500 ATV-97-03 Service Loose Pins And Locking Hub For Rear Disc Brake
Revised Serial Number Range For ATV-97-02
ATV-97-02 Service Rear Brake Disc Hub Bolt Torque Procedure/Hub Kit
ATV-96-15 Service Pressure Relief Slit Missing From Oil Tank Vent Line
ATV-96-13 Service Rear Brake Noise
Xplorer 500 ATV-97-03 Service Loose Pins And Locking Hub For Rear Disc Brake
Revised Serial Number Range For ATV-97-02
ATV-97-02 Service Rear Brake Disc Hub Bolt Torque Procedure/Hub Kit
ATV-96-13 Service Rear Brake Noise
Scrambler 500 ATV-96-16 Service Brake Line May Contact CV Boot Or Clamp
Magnum 6x6 ATV-96-14 Service Fuel Tank Vent Line Routing
Magnum 4x4
Magnum 2x4
Big Boss 6x6 400L
Sportsman 400L
Xplorer 400L
Xpress 400L
Scrambler 400L ATV-96-16 Service Brake Line May Contact CV Boot Or Clamp
Sport 400L
Xplorer 300 ATV-96-12 Service Revised Oil Pump Adjustment Procedure
Xpress 300 ATV-96-12 Service Revised Oil Pump Adjustment Procedure
Trail Blazer ES
Trail Boss 250

1998 Model Bulletin # Type Notes

No bulletins issued as of 4/24/1998
All 1998 Models
Big Boss 500 6x6
Sportsman 500
Scrambler 500
Magnum 4x4
Magnum 2x4
Xplorer 400
Scrambler 400
Sport 400
Xplorer 300
Xpress 300
Trail Blazer
Trail Boss

5/98 1.3b Polaris Industries Inc.

1996 Pai nt Codes
Model Item Color Raw Material No. PPG Ditzler No.
400L Springs Purple Velvet 8520160 51467
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Trail Blazer Springs Fire Red 8520149 72060
Rims Bright White 8520153 2185
Trail Boss Springs Aqua Marine 8520159 46975
Rims Bright White 8520153 2185
Rack Aqua Marine 8520159 46975
Scrambler Springs Lavender 8520157 N/A
Rims Bright White 8520153 2185
Xpress 300 Springs Bonnie Blue 8520148 12908
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Xpress 400 Springs Blue Green 8520202 N/A
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Xplorer 300 Springs Eddie B. Green 8520150 44931
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Xplorer Springs Fire Red 8520149 72060
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Magnum 2x4 Springs Eddie B. Green 8520150 44931
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Racks Steel Gray 8520151 N/A
Magnum 4x4 Springs Bonnie Blue 8520148 12908
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Racks Bonnie Blue 8520148 12908
Sportsman 500 Springs Black 8520147 9440
Rims Black 8520147 9440
Racks Black 8520147 9440
Magnum 6x6 Springs Eddie B. Green 8520150 44931
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Rack Eddie B. Green 8520150 44931
Box Eddie B. Green 8520150 44931
4006x6 Springs Eddie B. Green 8520150 44931
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Rack Eddie B. Green 8520150 44931
Box Eddie B. Green 8520150 44931

Order direct from Midwest Industrial Coatings (612-934-8252). Mix as directed.

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.4 10/96

1997 Paint Codes
Trail Blazer Springs Fire Red 72060 8520149
Rims Bright White 2185 8520153
Trail Boss Springs Aqua Marine 46975 8520159
Rims Bright White 2185 8520153
Rack Aqua Marine 46975 8520159
Sport Springs Purple Velvet 51467 8520160
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Xpress 300 Springs Bonnie Blue 12908 8520148
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Xpress 400 Springs Blue-green N/A 8520202
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Xplorer 300 Springs Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Xplorer 400 Springs Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Xplorer 500 Springs Screamin' Yellow N/A 8520241
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Scrambler 4x4 Springs Lavender N/A 8520157
Rims Bright White 2185 8520153
Scrambler 500 Springs Screamin' Yellow N/A 8520241
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Sportsman 4x4 Springs Black 9440 8520147
Rims Black 9440 8520147
Rack Black 9440 8520147
Sportsman 500 Springs Black 9440 8520147
Rims Black 9440 8520147
4006x6 Springs Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Rack Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Box Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Magnum 2x4 Springs Fire Red 72060 8520149
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Rack Black 9440 8520147
Magnum 4x4 Springs Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Rack Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Magnum 6x6 Springs Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Rack Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Box Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Big Boss 6x6 Springs Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Rims Brushed Aluminum N/A N/A
Rack Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150
Box Eddie Bauer Green 44931 8520150

10/96 1.4a Polaris Industries Inc.

1998 Paint Codes

1998 Pai nt Codes

Model Item Color Raw Material No. PPG Ditzler No.

Big Boss 500 6X6 Springs Eddie B Green 8520150 (P195) 44931
Rims Aluminum (P117)

Sportsman 500 (Opt. 1) Springs Black 8520147 (P067) 9440

Rims Black 8520147 (P067) 9440

Sportsman 500 (Opt. 2) Springs Bonnie Blue 8520148 (P157) 12908

Rims Aluminum (P117)

Scrambler 500 Springs Black 8520147 (P067) 9440

Rims Aluminum (P117)

Magnum 4X4 Springs Fire Red 8520149 (P093) 72060

Rims Aluminum (P117)
Racks Eddie B. Green 8520150 (P195) 44931
Magnum 2X4 Springs Black 8520147 (P067) 9440
Rims Aluminum (P117)
Racks Black 8520147 (P067) 9440
Xplorer 400L Springs Burnished Brown P218
Rims Aluminum (P117)

Scrambler 400 Springs Fire Red 8520149 (P093) 72060

Rims Bright White 8520153 (P133) 2185

Sport 400L Springs Purple Velvet 8520160 (P194) 51467

Rims Bright White 8520153 (P133) 2185

Xplorer 300 Springs Fire Red 8520149 (P093) 72060

Rims Aluminum (P117)

Xpress 300 Springs Bonnie Blue 8520148 (P157) 12908

Rims Aluminum (P117)

Trail Blazer Springs Fire Red 8520149 72060

Rims Bright White 8520153 (P133) 2185

Trail Boss Springs Fire Red 8520149 (P093) 72060

Rims Bright White 8520153 (P133) 2185
Rack(s) Fire Red 8520149 (P093) 72060
Order direct from Midwest Industrial Coatings (612-934-8252). Mix as directed.

Frames (Medium Black) P067 / 8520147 / Ditzler 9440

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.4b 5/98

Specifications 1997
1997 Model (Gen II, III, or IV) Trail Boss (II) Trail Blazer ES (III) Xpress 300 (IV) Xplorer 300 (IV)
Model Number W97AA25C W97BA25C W97CA28C W97CC28C
Height 44/1 46/1 45.5" 45.5/1
Width 44/1 46.5/1 46/1 46/1
Length 73.2" 74.5" 78.5" 81/1
-.~ .. ,.~
.- , '"~
WheelBase 49.75/1 49.75/1 49.75/1 49.75/1
Seat Height 33/1 34/1 33" 34/1
Ground Clearance 5.5/1 6/1 6.75/1 6/1
Weight 4251bs. 4201bs. 5121bs. 5671bs.
Turning Radius (Unloaded) 60/1 60/1 60/1 57"
Front Suspension Travel 6.25/1 6.25/1 6.25/1 6.25/1
(McPherson Strut) .....
-~- [---.- - .~~-~----"". ~

Rear Suspension 8.5/1 8.5/1 8.5" 8.5/1

Front Tires 23x7x10 23x7x10 23x7x10 23x7x10
Rear Tires 22x11x10 22x11x10 24x11 x1 0 24x11x10
Center Tires N/A N/A N/A N/A
FronVRear/Center Tire PSI -_. 4/3 4/3 4/3 4/3
~ .. -.
Front Brake ~~~ Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Rear Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Auxiliary Brake Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
Fuel Capacity (U.S. Gallons) 4 4 4 4
Oil Capacity (U.S. Quarts) 2 2 2 2
Gearcase Oil Capacity (oz) 16 16 20 20
Main Head Light 12V 60/60W 12V 55W N/A N/A
Grill Mounted Lights N/A N/A 2, 12V 30/30W 2, 12V 30/30W
Tail Light 12V/8.26W 12V/8.26W
- n_. __ .
12V/8.26W 12V/8.26W
Gear Box F/R/N F/R/N HI/LO/R/N HI/LO/R/N
Gear Reduction Low N/A N/A 6.64/1 6.64/1
Drive Type 520 O-ring 520 a-ring -" ..
520 O-ring 520 a-ring
Final Drive 12/4288P 12/4288P 13/3886P 13/4088P
Center Drive N/A N/A N/A 11/2270P
Front Drive N/A N/A N/A 12/2264P
Axle to Axle N/A N/A N/A N/A
Displacement 244cc 244cc 283cc 283cc
Engine Model Number EC25PFE08 EC25PFE09 EC28PFE01 EC28PFE01
Compression Ratio (Effective) 6.1/1 6.1/1 6.1/1 6.1/1
Bore and Stroke 72x60 72x60 74.5x65 74.5x65
Alternator Output 150W 150W 150W 150W
Timing Degrees 25@3000 25@3000 25@3000 25@3000
--~~ . -
Carburetion (1) VM30SS (1) VM30SS (1) VM30SS (1) VM30SS
Main Jet 145 130 155 155
Pilot Jet 40 40 40 40
Jet Needle 5DP7-3 5DP7-3 5DP7-3 5DP7-3
Needle Jet 0-4 (169) 0-4 (169) 0-4 (169) 0-4 (169)
r. •• t::l\AI::I\I
-J 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Air Screw/Pilot Screw 1 Turn 1 Turn 1.5 Turn 1.5 Turn
* See Owner's Manual for rack load recommendations and restrictions.

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.8a 5/98

Specifications 1997

1997 Model (Gen II, III, or IV) Xpress 400 (IV) Xplorer 400 (IV) Sport 400 (III) Sportsman 4x4 (II)
Model Number W97CA38C W972238C W97BA38C W97AC38C
Height 47.5/1 47.5" 47/1 46/1
Width 46" 46" 46.5" 46/1
Length 78.5" 81" 74.5" 77/1
Wheel Base 49.75" 49.75 49.75" 49.75/1
Seat Height 33" 34" 33/1 34"
Ground Clearance 6.75/1 7.375" 5.5" 6"
Weight 5431bs. 5701bs. 4791bs. 5851bs.
Turning Radius (Unloaded) 60" 65/1 60" 65"
Front Suspension Travel 6.25" 6.25/1 6.25/1 6.25/t
(McPherson Strut)
Rear Suspension 8.5" 8.5" 8.5" 8.5"
Front Tires 23x7x10 25x8x12 23x7x10 25x8x12
Rear Tires 24x11x10 25x12x10 22x11x10 25x12x10
Center Tires N/A N/A N/A N/A
Front/Rear/Center Tire PSI 4/3 4/3 4/3 4/3
Front Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Rear Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Auxiliary Brake Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
Fuel Capacity (U.S. Gallons) 4 4 4 4
Oil Capacity (U.S. Quarts) 2 2 2 2
Coolant Capacity (Quarts / Liters) 2.25/2.16 2.25/2.16 2.25/2.16 2.25/2.16
Gearcase Oil Capacity (oz) 20 20 16 20
Engine Counter Balancer Oil 100cc 100cc 100cc 100cc
Capacity (10W/30)
Main Head Light 12V 60/55W 12V 60W 12V 55W 12V 60W ,,~

Grill Mounted Lights Accessory 2, 12V 35W N/A 2, 12V 35W

Tail Light 12V/8.26W 12V/8.26W 12V/8.26W 12V/8.26W
Gear Box
Gear Reduction Low 6.64/1 6.64/1 N/A 6.64/1
Drive Type 520 O-ring 520 O-ring 520 O-ring 520 O-ring
Final Drive 13/3484P 13/3484P 13/3484P 13/3484P
Center Drive N/A 11/2270P N/A 11/2270P
Front Drive N/A 13/2264P N/A 13/2264P
Axle to Axle N/A N/A N/A N/A
Displacement 378.7cc 378.7cc 378.7cc 378.7cc
Engine Model Number EC38PLE06 EC38PLE06 EC38PLE07 EC38PLE06
Compression Ratio (Effective) 6.9/1 6.9/1 6.9/1 6.9/1
Bore and Stroke 83x70 83X70 83x70 83x70
Alternator Output 200W 200W 150W 200W
Timing Degrees 23.5@3000 23.5@3000 23.5@3000 23.5@3000
Carburetion (1) VM34SS (1) VM34SS (1) VM34SS (1) VM34SS
Main Jet 200 200 230 200
Pilot Jet 30 30 35 30
Jet Needle 6CEY6-3 6CEY6-3 6CEY6-3 6CEY6-3
Needle Jet 0-6 (480) 0-6 (480) 0-6 (480) 0-6 (480)
Cutaway 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Air Screw/Pilot Screw 1.5 Turn 1.5 Turn 1.5 Turn 1.5 Turn
* See Owner's Manual for rack load recommendations and restrictions.
5/98 1.8b Polaris Industries Inc.
Specifications 1997
1997 Model (Gen II, III, or IV) Scrambler 4x4 (III) Magnum 2x4 (II) Magnum 4x4 (II) Sportsman 500(IV)
Model Number W97BC38C W97AA42A W97AC42A W97CH50A
Height 47" 47/1 46/1 47"
Width 45.5" 46.5" 46/1 46"
~ngtl 74.5" 77" 77" 7"
Wheel Base 48.5/1 49.75" 49.75" 50.5"
Seat Height 33" 33" 34" 34"
Ground Clearance 6/1 5.5" 6" 10"
Weight 4901bs. 5341bs. 5951bs. 6491bs.
Tuming Radius (Unloaded) 60" 60" 65" 65"
Front Suspension Travel 8.5/1 6.25" 6.25" 6.25"
(McPherson Strut)
Rear Suspension 8.5" 8.5" 8.5" 9.5"
Front Tires 23x7x10 23x7x10 25x8x12 25x8x12
Rear Tires 22x11x10 24x11x10 25x12x10 25x12x10
Front/Rear/Center Tire PSI 4/3 4/3 4/3 5/5
Front Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Rear Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Auxiliary Brake Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mech.
Fuel Capacity (U.S. Gallons) 4 3.5 3.5 5.25
Oil Capacity (U.S. Quarts) 2 2- OW40 Engine Oil 2- OW40 Engine Oil 3
Coolant Capacity (Quarts / Liters) 2.25/2.16 2.25/2.16 2.25/2.16 2.25/2.16
Gearcase Oil Capacity (oz) 16 20 20 32
Engine Counter Balancer Oil 100cc N/A N/A N/A
Capacity (10W/30)
Main Head Light 12V 35/35W 12V 60/60W 12V 60W 12V 60W
Grill Mounted Lights N/A Ace. 2,12V 35W 2,12V 35W
Tail Light 12V/8.26W 12V/8.26W 12V/8.26W 12V 8.26W
Gear Reduction Low ,-
N/A 6.64/1 6.64/1 6.64/1
Drive Type 520 O-ring 520 ing 520 O-ring Shaft
Final Drive 13/3884P 12/3886P 1213886P 3.16:1
Center Drive 11/2270P N/A 11/2270P N/A
Front Drive 12/2264P N/A 11/2268P 2:1
Axle to Axle N/A N/A N/A N/A
Displacement 378.7cc 425cc 425cc 498
Engine Model Number EC38PLE07 EH42PLE01 EH42PLE01 EH50PLE01
Compression Ratio (Effective) 6.9/1 9.2/1 9.211 N/A
Bore and Stroke 83x70 87.9x70 87.9x70 92x75
Alternator Output 150W 200W 200W 200W
Timing Degrees 23.5@3000 30@3500 30@3500 30@3500
Carburetion (1) VM34SS (1) BST34-CV type (1) BST34-CV type (1) BST34 Cv.., type
Main Jet 230 140 140 142.5
Pilot Jet 35 40 40 42.5
Pilot Air Jet N/A #160 #160 #160
Jet Needle 6CEY6-3 5F81-3 5F81-3 5078-3
Needle Jet 0-6 (480) P-8 P-8 P-1
Cutaway 1.5 N/A N/A N/A
Air Screw or Fuel Screw (Tums Out) 1.5 2.5 2.5 2
-- --
* See Owner's Manual for rack load recommendations and restrictions.

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.8c 5/98

Specifications 1997
1997 Model (Gen II, III, or IV) Scrambler 500 (III) Xplorer 500(lV) Magnum 6x6 (II) 400 6x6 (II)
Model Number W97BC50A W97CD50A W97AE42A W97AE38A
Height 47" 47" 47/1 47/1
Width 45.5" 46" 46/1 46/1
Length 74.5" 7" 103/1 103"
Wheel Base 48.5" 50.5" 75" 75"
Seat Height 33" 34" 34" 34"
Ground Clearance 6" 10" 5.5" 5.5"
Weight 5471bs. 6491bs. 8521bs. 8301bs.
Turning Radius (Unloaded) 60" 65" 98/1 98/1
Front Suspension Travel 8.5" 6.25" 6.25" 6.25"
(McPherson Strut)
Rear Suspension 9.5" 9.5" 8.5" 8.5"
Front Tires 23x7X10 25x8x12 25x8x12 25x8x12
Rear Tires 24x11x10 .. ..
25x12x10 25x12x10 25x12x10
Center Tires N/A --_.
N/A 25x12x10 25x12x10
Front/Rear/Center Tire PSI 4/3 5/5 5/5/5 5/5/5
Front Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Rear Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Auxiliary Brake Mech. Mech. Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Fuel Capacity (U.S. Gallons) 3.5 5.25 3.5 4
Oil Capacity (U.S. Quarts) 2 3 2- OW40 Engine Oil 2
Coolant Capacity (Quarts / Liters) 2.25/2.16 2.25/2.16 2.25/2.16 2.25/2.16
Gearcase Oil Capacity (oz) 16 32 20 20
Counter Balancer Oil Capacity N/A N/A N/A 100cc (1 OW30)
Main Head Light 12V 35/35W N/A 12V 60W 12V 60W
Grill Mounted Lights N/A 2,12V 35W 2,12V 35W 2, 12V 35W
Tail Light 12V 8.26W 12V 8.26W 12V/8.26W 12V/8.26W
Gear Reduction Low N/A 6.64/1 6.64/1 6.64/1
Drive Type 520 O-ring Shaft 520 O-ring 520 O-ring
Final Drive 12/38/86P 3.16:1 1214288P 13/4288P
Center Drive 11/22/70P N/A 11/2472P 11/2270P
Front Drive 11/22/68P 2:1 11/2268P 1212264P
Axle to Axle N/A N/A 30/30 116P 30/30 116P
Displacement 498 498 425cc 378.7cc
Engine Model Number EH50PLE02 EH50PLE01 EH42PLE01 EC38PLE06
Compression Ratio (Effective) N/A N/A 9.2/1 6.9/1
Bore and Stroke 92x75 92x75 87.9x70 83x70
Alternator Output 200W 200W 200W 200W .._-_.-
Timing Degrees 30@3S00 30@3S00 30@3500 23.5@3000

Carburetion (1) BST34 CV type (1) BST34 CV type (1) BST34-CV type (1) VM34SS
Main Jet 125 142.5 140 210
Pilot Jet 42.S 42.S 40 30
Pilot Air Jet 160 #160 #160
Jet Needle SD78-3 5078-3 5F81-3 6DH29-3
Needle Jet P-3 P-1 P-8 0-6 (480)
Cutaway ...
N/A N/A N/A 1.5
1--------_.. - - -.. ~-- ... ~

Air Screw 2.0 2 Turns 2.5 Turn 1 Turn

.. See Owner's Manual for rack load recommendations and restrictions.

5/98 1.8d Polaris Industries Inc.

Specifications 1998
1998 Model (Gen II, III, or IV) Trail Boss (II) Trail Blazer (III) Xpress 300 (IV) Xplorer 300 (IV)
Model Number W98AA25C W98BA25C W98CA28C W98CC28C
Height, inches (cm) 44/1 (111.8) 46/1 (116.8) 45.5/1 (115.6) 45.5/1 (115.6)
Width, inches (cm) 44/1 (111.8) 46.5/1 (118.1) 46" (116.8) 46/1 (116.8)
Length, inches (cm) 73.2/1 (185.9) 74.5" (189.2) 79.5/1 (201.9) 81/1 (205.7)
Wheel Base, inches (cm) 49.75/1 (126.4) 49.75/1 ( 26.4) 49.75/1 (126.4) 49.75 /1
Seat Height, inches (cm) 33 '1 (83.8) 34/1 (86.4) 34
(86.4) 34" (86.4)
Ground Clearance, inches (cm) 5.5/1 (14.0) 6/1 (15.2) 6.75/1 (16.5) 6" (15.2)
Weight, Dry - Lbs. (Kg) 425 (203.4) 420 Ibs. (199.8) 512 Ibs. (224.7) 567 Ibs. (252.4)
Turning Radius-Unloaded, in. (cm) 60 (1S2.4) 60 '1 (152.4) 60" (152.4) 57 /1 (144.8)
Front Suspension Travel, in. (cm) 6.25/1 (15.9) 6.25 '1
(15.9) 6.25" (15.9) 6.25" (15.9)
(McPherson Strut)
Rear Suspension, inches (cm) 8.5 '1 (21.6) 8.5" (21.6) 8.S" (21.6) 8.5 '1 (21.6)
Front Tires 23x7x10 23x7x10 23x7x10 23x7x10
Rear Tires 22x11x10 22x11x10 24x11x10 24x11x10
Center Ti res N/A N/A N/A N/A
Front/Rear/Center Tire PSI 4/3 4/3 4/3 4/3
Front Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Rear Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Auxiliary Brake Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
Fuel Capacity (U.S. Gallons) 4 4 4 4
Oil Capacity (U.S. Quarts) 2 2 2 2
Cooling System Capacity (Qt'/Liter) N/A N/A N/A 2.25/2.16
Gearcase Oil Capacity (oz) 16 16 20 20
I - - - - -..-~---
Engine Counter Balancer Oil N/A N/A N/A N/A
Capacity (10W/30)
Main Head Light 12V 60/60W 12V 55W N/A N/A
Grill Mounted Lights N/A N/A 2, 12V 30/30W 2, 12V 30/30W
Tail Light 1 Brake Light (Watts) 12V - 8.26/26.9 12V - 8.26/26.9 12V - 8.26 1 26.9 _12V 8.261
.-__ 26.9
.. _ - - -
Gear Reduction Low N/A . - r----'
N/A 6.64/1 6.64/1
Drive Type 520 O-ring 520 O-ring 520 O-ring 520 O-ring
Final Drive 12/4288P 1214288P 13/3886P 13/4088P
Center Drive N/A N/A N/A 11/2270P
Front Drive N/A N/A N/A 12/2264P
Displacement 244cc 244cc 283cc 283cc
Engine Model Number EC25PFE10 EC25PFE11 EC28PFE02 EC28PFE02
Compression Ratio (Effective) 6.1/1 6.1/1 6.1/1 6.1/1
Bore and Stroke (mm) 72x60 72x60 74.5x65 74.5x65
Spark Plug 1 Gap, in. BR8ES (NGK) .028 BR8ES (NGK) .028 BR8ES (NGK) .028 BR8ES (NGK) .028
Alternator Output 150W 150W 150W 150W
Timing Degrees 2S@3000 25@3000 25@3000 25@3000
Carburetion (1) VM30SS (1) VM30SS (1) VM30SS (1) VM30SS
Main Jet 145 130 155 155
Pilot Jet 40 40 40 40
Jet Needle SDP7-3 SDP7-3 5DP7-3 5DP7-3
Needle Jet 0-4 (169) 0-4 (169) 0-4 (169) 0-4 (169)
Cutaway 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Air Screw/Pilot Screw 1 Turn 1 Turn 1.5 Turn 1.5 Turn
* See Owner's Manual for rack load recommendations and restrictions.

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.8e 5/98

Specifications 1998
1998 Model (Gen II, III, or IV) Sport 400 (III) Scrambler 400 (III) Xplorer 400 (IV) Magnum 2x4 (II)
Model Number W98BA38C W98BC38C W98CC38C W98AA42A
Height, inches (cm) 47" (119.4) 47/1 (119.4) 47.5" (120.7) 47" (119.4)
Width, inches (cm) 46.5 11 (118.1) 45.5 11 (115.6) 46 11 (116.8) 46.5 11 (118.1)
Length, inches (cm) 74.5 11 (189.2) 74.5/1 (189.2) 81/1 (205.7) 77/1 (195.6)
Wheel Base, inches (I 1) 49.75/1 ( f) 48.5" (123.2) 49.75" (126.4) 49.75 11 (126.4)
Seat Height, inches (cm) 33 11 (83.8) 33" (83.8) 34/1 (86.4) 33/1 (83.8)
Ground Clearance, inches (cm) 5.5" (15.2) 6.5/1 (15.2) 7.375" (19.0) 5.5/1 (14.0)
Weight - Lbs. (Kg) 4791bs. (215) 519 Ibs. (236) 570 Ibs. (267) 534 Ibs. (244)
60" (152.4) 11 65/1 (165) 60/1 (152.4)
Turning Radius (Unloaded), in.(crn) 60 (152.4)
Front Suspension Travel 6.25 11 (15.9) 8.211 (21.6) 6.25" (15.9) 6.25" (15.9)
(McPherson Strut)
Rear Suspension 8.5" (21.6) 8.5" (21.6) 8.5" (21.6) 8.5 11 (21.6)
Front Tires 23x7x10 23x7x10 25x8x12 23x7x10
Rear Tires 22x11x10 22x11x10 25x11x10 24x11x10
Front/Rear/Center Tire PSI 4/3 4/3 4/3 4/3
Front Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Rear Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Auxiliary Brake Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
Fuel Capacity (U.S. Gallons) 4 4 4 3.5
Oil Capacity (U.S. Quarts) 2 2 2 2- OW40 Engine oil
Cooling System Capacity-qt (liter) 2.25 (2.13) 2.25 (2.13) 2.25 (2.13) 2.25 (2.13)
Gearcase Oil Capacity (oz) 16 32 20 20
Engine Counter Balancer Oil 100cc 100cc 100cc N/A
Capacity (10W/30)
Main Head Light ~.
12V 55W (2) 12V 30/30W 12V 60W 12V 60/60W
Grill Mounted Lights N/A N/A 2, 12V 27W Acc.
Tail Light / Brake Light (Watts) 12V - 8.26/26.9 12V - 8.26/26.9 12V - 8.26 / 26.9 12V - 8.26/26.9
.. ---
Gear Reduction Low N/A N/A 6.64/1 6.64/1
Drive Type 520 O-ring 520 O-ring 520 O-ring 520 O-ring
Final Drive 13/3484P 13/3676P 13/3484P 12/3886P
Center Drive N/A 11/2270P 11/2270P N/A
Front Drive N/A 12/2264P 13/2264P N/A
Axle to Axle N/A N/A N/A N/A
Displacement 378cc 378cc 378cc 425cc
Engine Model Number EC38PLE07 EC38PLE09 EC38PLE06 EH42PLE02
Compression Ratio (Effective) 6.9/1 6.9/1 6.9/1 9.2/1
-- .
Bore and Stroke 83x70 83x70 83X70 87.9x70
.. -~~.~--

Alternator Output 150W 150W 200W 200W
Timing Degrees 23.5@3000 23.5@3000 23.5@3000 30@3500
Carburetion (1) VM34SS (1) VM34SS (1) VM34SS (1) BST34-CV type
~, "

Main Jet 230 230 200 140

Pilot Jet 35 35 30 40
Jet Needle 6CEY6-3 6CEY6-3 6CEY6-3 5F14-3
Needle Jet 0-6 (480) 0-6 (480) 0-6 (480) P-9
Cutaway 1.5 1.5 1.5 Pilot Air Jet #160
Air Screw/Pilot Screw 1.5 Turn 1.5 1.5 Turn 2.5
* See Owner's Manual for rack load recommendations and restrictions.

5/98 1.8f Polaris Industries Inc.

Specifications 1998

1998 Model (Gen II, III, or IV) Magnum 4x4 (II) Scrambler 500 (III) Sportsman 500 (IV) Big Boss 500 6x6 (II)
Model Number W98AC42A W98BC50A W98CH50A W98AE42A
Height, inches (cm) 46/1 (119.4) 47/1 (119.4) 47/1 (119.4) 47/1 (119.4)
Width, inches (cm) 46/1 (116.8) 45.5" (115.6) 46" (116.8) 46" (116.8)
Length, inches (cm) 77/1 (195.6) 74.5/1 (189.2) 81" (205.7) 103" (261.6)
Wheel Base, inches (cm) 49.75/1 (126.4) 48.5" (123.2) 50.5/1 (128.3) 75" (190.5)
Seat Height, inches (I 1) 34/1 (86.4) 33" (83.8) 34" (86.4) 34/1 (91.4)
Ground Clearance, inches (cm) 6" (15.2) 6.5/1 (15.2) 11 " (27.9) 5.5/1 (14.0)
Weight - Lbs. (Kg) 595 Ibs. (274) 542 Ibs. (246) 660 Ibs. (316) 870 Ibs. (395)
Turning Radius (Unloaded), in. (cm) 65" (165) 60" (152.4) 65" (165) 98" (249)
Front Suspension Travel, in. (cm) 6.25/1 (15.9) 8.2" (21.6) 6.25" (15.9) 6.25" (15.9)
(McPherson Strut)
Rear Suspension, inches (cm) 8.5" (21.6) 8.5/1 (24.1) 9.5" (24.1) 7.5" (21.6)
Front Tires 25x8x12 23x7X10 25x8x12 25x8x12
Rear Tires 25x11x10 24x11x10 25x11x10 25x11x10
Center Tires N/A N/A N/A 25x11x10
Front/Rear/Center Tire PSI 4/3 4/3 5/5 5/5/5
Front Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Rear Brake Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Auxiliary Brake Mechanical Mech. Hydr. Disc Hydr. Disc
Fuel Capacity (U.S. Gallons) 3.5 3.5 5.25 3.5
Oil Capacity (U.S. Quarts) (2) OW40 Engine Oil (2) OW40 Engine Oil (2) OW40 Engine Oil (2) OW40 Engine Oil
Cooling System Capacity (Qt./Liter) 2.25/2.16 2.25 I 2.16 2.25 I 2.16 2.25 I 2.16
Gearcase Oil Capacity (oz) 20 32 32 20
Main Head Light 12V 60W (2) 12V 30/30W 12V 60W 12V 60W
Grill Mounted _Li~ 2,12V 27W N/A 2,12V 27W 2,12V 27W
Tail Light 1 Brake Light (Watts) 12V - 8.26/26.9 12V ~ 8.26 I 26.9 12V - 8.26 I 26.9 12V ~ 8.26 1 26.9

Gear Reduction Low 6.64/1 N/A 6.69/1 6.64/1

Drive Type 520 O~ring 520 a-ring Shaft 520 a-ring

Final Drive ,- 12/3886P 13/36-76P 3.16:1 1214288P

Center Drive 11/2270P N/A N/A 11/2472P
Front Drive 11/2268P N/A 2:1 11/2268P
Axle to Axle N/A N/A N/A 30/30 116P
Displacement 425cc 499 498 498cc
Engine Model Number EH42PLE02 EH50PLE04 EH50PLE07 EH50PLE06
Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) 9.2/1 10.2/1 10.211 10.2/1
Bore and Stroke 87.9x70 92x75 92x75 92x75
Alternator Output 200W 250W 250W 250W
Timing Degrees 30@3500 30@3500 30@3500 30@3500
Carburetion (1) BST34-CV type (1) BST 40 CV type (1) BST34 CV type (1) BST34-CV type
Main Jet 140 155 142.5 140
Pilot Jet 40 40 42.5 40
Pilot Air Jet
Jet Needle 5F14-3 6H25-94-3 5078-3 5078-3
Needle Jet P-9 y-O P-1 Q-6
Cutaway N/A N/A N/A N/A
Air Screw or Fuel Screw (Turns Out) 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
* See Owner's Manual for rack load recommendations and restrictions.

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.89 5/98

Standard Torque Specifications
The following torque specifications are to be used as a general guideline. Some fasteners require a special torque
procedure during installation. In addition, some fastener torque values may be different than the standard torque
value listed below. Critical fastener torques are listed (where applicable) at the beginning of each section. Always
refer to the appropriate chapter for specific torque specifications and procedures before using standard torque.

Bolt Size Threads/In

Grade 2
Torgue in. Ibs. (kg~m)
Grade 5 Grade 8

#10 8 24 ............. 27 (.31) ............... 43 (.50) .............. 60 (.69)

#10 - 32 ............. 31 (.36) ............... 49 (.56) .............. 68 (.78)
Torgue ft. Ibs. (kg~m)*
1/4 20 ............. 5 (.7) ................. 8(1.1) ............... 12{1.6)
1/4 28 ............. 6 (.8) ................. 10 {1.4} .............. 14 (1.9)
5/16 - 18 ............. 11 (1.5) ............... 17 (2.3) .............. 25 (3.5)
5/16 - 24 ............. 12 (1.6) .............. 19 (2.6} .............. 29 (4.0)
3/8 16 ............. 20 (2.7) ............... 30 (4.0) .............. 45 (6.2)
3/8 24 ............. 23 (3.2) ............... 35 (4.8) .............. 50 (6.9)
7/16 - 14 ............. 30 (4.0) ............... 50 (6.9) .............. 70 (9.7)
7/16 - 20 ............. 35 (4.8) ............... 55 (7.6) .............. 80 (11.0)
1/2 13 ............. 50(6.9) ............... 75(10.4) ............ 110{15.2)
1/2 20 ............. 55 (7.6) ............... 90 (12.4) ............ 120 (16.6)

6 x 1.0 72 78 In. Ibs.

8 x 1.25 14-18 ft. Ibs.

10 x 1.25 26-30 ft. Ibs.
*To convert ft. Ibs. to kg-m multiply foot pounds by .1383.
*To convert kg-m to N-m move the decimal to the right one position.

Polaris Industries Inc. 1.9 5/98

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