Weld Discoloration - Pharmaceutical Engineering 2011

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The key takeaways are that remote visual inspection of welds is important for stainless steel pipelines in the pharmaceutical industry to ensure no defects that could lead to corrosion or microbial growth. Welds must meet sanitary requirements to prevent contamination of products.

Welded joints in stainless steel pipelines for the pharmaceutical industry must be made so they do not contaminate products with metal ions or microorganisms. They should not have undercuts or unevenness where microbes could grow or have discolored heat-affected zones indicating inadequate shielding during welding.

Potential weak points for corrosion in welded stainless steel pipelines include the weld root, intersections of longitudinal and transverse welds, and the edge of the heat-affected zone where the temperature did not exceed 350°C during welding.

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Remote visual examination of stainless pipelines for pharmaceutical industry



3 authors, including:

Miro Uran Miloš Jovanović

Institut za varilstvo d.o.o. Institut za varilstvo, Slovenia


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The 8th International Conference of the Slovenian Society for Non-Destructive Testing
»Application of Contemporary Non-Destructive Testing in Engineering«
September 1-3, 2005, Portorož, Slovenia, pp. 351-358



G. Rihar, M. Uran, M. Jovanović

Welding Institute, Ptujska 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,
E-mails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


For the construction and maintenance of stainless pipelines the remote visual examination is
employed. The weld roots and the pipe-wall inside are inspected to detect possible defects that
could result in corrosion and bio-chemical processes. Such defects are mechanical and thermal
damages to the oxide layer and defects in the weld roots. The remote visual examination is
mandatory with welding and mounting of pipework systems. It is also used in regular inspections
of the inner surfaces and welds during pipe operation in order to detect locations of potential
corrosion and nests of micro-organisms.
The welded pipelines made of stainless steel should fulfil relevant general and sanitary
requirements. There should be neither undercuts nor unevenness at the root side since colonies
of micro-organisms may occur at such areas. The oxide layer protecting a metal against
corrosion should not become dark-coloured close to the weld due to a thermal influence.
The paper treats sanitary requirements concerning stainless pipelines used in pharmaceutical
factories. Weak points at the weld root side are shown. The relationship between colouring of the
over-heated area and corrosion resistance of the welded joint is indicated. The importance of the
remote visual examination and the assurance of weld quality in the production of equipment for
the pharmaceutical and food-processing industries is underlined).

Keywords: Welding, Pharmaceutical equipment, Stainless steel pipelines, Sanitary requirements,

Pitting corrosion

1. Introduction

In the manufacture of pharmaceutical products stricter and stricter standards specifying

permissible contents of impurities in final products are being implemented. It is known that
rough and damaged inner surfaces of manufacturing devices are an excellent environment for
various biochemical and corrosion processes polluting products. Production lines should,
therefore, be carefully designed and constructed. Particular attention should be paid to welded
joints in piping for processing water of different types such as purified water (PW), water for
injections (WFI), clean steam (CS), and purified steam (PS).
The water quality, that is the allowable content of impurities in water, is specified in various
pharmaceutical standards and guidelines of the associations of pharmaceutical firms. In the
manufacture microbiological pollution cannot be avoided completely but it can be kept under
control by keeping the contents of micro-organisms and metal ions within admissible limits. It

should always be taken care, that in design, construction and maintenance of the piping, there are
as few as possible locations where biochemical processes may start. Pipe systems linking
production lines to the water-preparation facilities should be designed as closed loops. The water
in the system shall constantly circulate. The unconsumed water shall return to the facility where
the micro-organisms appearing will be eliminated by ionization and ultraviolet irradiation.
In the pharmaceutical industry special quality-assurance systems are being introduced. They
include special requirements regarding the quality of welded joints called sanitary requirements.
Standards and guidelines to specify such requirements are under preparation [1]. For the moment
the recommendations of various pharmaceutical associations and client requirements are being
implemented. The American Welding Society (AWS) prepared a specification for welding of
tube and pipe systems for sanitary applications [2]. There is also an ASME standard on welding
and control of pipelines for sanitary purposes [3].

2. Quality of welded joints

The tubing dedicated to processing water in pharmaceutical applications should not only show
sufficient strength and tightness but also meet sanitary requirements, which means that welded
joints produced should not contaminate pharmaceutical products. Special attention should be
paid to the root side of welds. The weld and the heat-affected zone should not contaminate
products by metal ions and micro-organisms.
The tubing systems for processing water in the pharmaceutical applications are usually made
from high-quality austenitic stainless steel such as X2CrNiMo 18-14-3 (316 L). Tubes shall be
welded longitudinally. The inside surface shall be ground and polished. The most suitable are the
electro-polished tubes of which roughness (Ra) does not exceed 250 nm. Consequently, at the
inner surface of the tube a thin compact oxide layer protecting metal against corrosion will form.
The thin compact oxide layer of a few nanometres in thickness and containing a sufficient
content of chromium oxides will protect stainless steel against corrosion. According to literature
data corrosion resistance can be promoted by as much as 10% Cr in the oxide layer [4]. In more
aggressive corrosion conditions, however, the oxide layer should contain at least 13% Cr. The
composition and structure of the alloy below the oxide layer and their relation are certainly
important as well. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel is affected not only by its chemical
composition but also by the physical properties of the oxide layer, which should be thin,
compact, and without cracks. The metal will thus be well protected by a glasslike oxide deposit.
Such a deposit is well-suited to pharmaceutical purposes since nests of micro-organisms cannot
stick to it.
The chemical composition of the oxide layer is difficult to determine. In the literature different
data may be found [4, 5]. A base of the insoluble layer consists of hydrated iron-chromium
mixture oxides. An important role is played also by other components that may occur in the
oxide film such as molybdenum, manganese, and nitrogen. The Auger electron spectrometry
(AES) was employed to analyse the distinctly tinted oxide layers at X2CrNiMo 18-14-3 steel. It
was found that in all the cases the chemical composition was similar. The oxide layer to a depth
of 20 nm contained 60 at. % of oxygen, 20 at. % of chromium, 10 at. % of iron, and 4 at. % pf
molybdenum. In the depth exceeding 40 nm there was no more oxygen and the iron content
increased from 10 % to 60 %.
No matter how well performed a welding procedure is, it cannot ensure the same high quality of
the oxide protection of the weld root as it can be ensured by grinding, polishing and passivation
of the treated inside surface of the tube. This is due to various welding defects, oxidation of the
zone next to the weld, a rough, cast surface of the root as well as chemical and structural changes
occurring in the heat-affected zone. During welding oxidation will occur and the protective film
will become thicker. As the zone next to the weld heats, the oxide-layer thickness will increase
up to 100 times. Consequently, the layer will crack and get a spongy structure. The oxidation

process is going on at a temperature above 300 °C. The thickness of the oxide layer next to the
weld depends on the temperature, heating time, and oxygen concentration in the shielding gas.
In the weld and the heat-affected zone structural and chemical changes will occur. The
chromium dissolved in the matrix will form carbides in the vicinity of which the alloy will be
locally depleted of chromium. Because of surface defects such as slag residues, poor weld ends
and smaller undercuts, the protective layer will become weaker at some locations.
Corrosion processes will often start just next to the weld. There the oxide film is the weakest. In
pharmaceutical devices the system contains pure water. It is a laic belief that such water does not
initiate corrosion. According to the literature a break-through of the oxide layer is produced by
chlorine ions, which, however, are not found in the processing water. A high content of dissolved
oxygen produces the formation of hexavalent chromium ions, which are water-soluble. Thus a
local failure of the oxide layer occurs where the oxide layer is the weakest. Pitting corrosion will
initiate as well. Pits will be invaded by micro-organisms forming large nests from which they
will migrate to water. Because of the chemical processes in water, metal ions will be transmitted
to water (Fig. 1).

A+ ioni

Nest of micro-organisms

Thickened oxide layer in HAZ

Fig. 1: Pitting corrosion next to weld.

An adequate welding procedure, a good root protection, and quality control and assurance will
reduce the undesired welding effects to an acceptable degree.
Sanitary requirements are applied to the manufacture of pharmaceutical equipment. Recently
they have been increasingly applied also to the food-processing industry. They specify how
welded joints should be made not to contaminate products. It is not acceptable that the heated
zone next to the weld be tinted dark. The root side of the weld should show neither surface
defects nor bonding defects

3. Welding

In the pharmaceutical industry the automatic orbital TIG welding became established to secure
high quality and reproducibility. It is used to manufacture tube systems supplying processing
water to production lines. A program unit permitting to vary welding parameters continuously or
step by step makes it possible to weld in all positions. The device is equipped with a
microprocessor storing the programmes for welding of the entire range of different diameters and
thicknesses. Welding is carried out in a chamber filled with a shielding gas.
The root side shall be additionally protected by a backing gas supplied through the tube. The
shielding gas used is argon 4.8 containing 99.998 % Ar, and a mixture with an addition of 10%
Weld edges shall be prepared by a special device so that both tube ends fit well. The tubes shall
be manually tacked.

Welding shall be carried out taking care that the material next to the weld heats as little as
possible and cools as fast as possible. Oxygen, however, cannot be eliminated no matter how
well the root is protected. According to literature data, the system should be purged as long as
the shielding gas does not contain more than 40 ppm O2 [5]. The shielding gas serves as a
backing. The pressure of the shielding gas at the weld root should be somewhat higher than at
the weld face. The correct ratio of the pressures at the two weld sides helps in shaping the weld
and keeping the weld pool in out-of-position welding.
The oxide-layer thickness cannot be measured directly. Its colour, however, permits to
approximately determine its thickness and corrosion resistance. Tinting at the root side is also a
criterion for the assessment of the weld acceptability. Up to a thickness of 20 nm the oxide
shows a metallic shine. An increased thickness results in changes of heat tints ranging from
yellow, brown, blue to black ones (Fig. 2). A yellow tint is admissible at the root side, but at the
weld face a blue tint is admissible too.


Basic state 200-400°C 400-700°C 700-1000°C

Colourless Light yellow Light brown Blue

Fig. 2: Thickened oxide film in HAZ gets tinted.

The harmful effect of oxygen in the shielding gas shall be diminished by an addition of hydrogen
that will bond with oxygen to make water steam at a temperature above 500 °C; therefore, in
practical applications argon 4.8 or argon 5.0 with the addition of 10% H2 are mostly used.
After welding, leaching and rinsing of the weld (passivation) are recommended [6-8]. Various
nitrous-acid and phosphoric-acid based preparations are commercially available for this purpose.
Passivation produces the iron-oxide extraction from the oxide layer. Consequently, the Cr
content will increase.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3: Appearance of weld root (a) and weld face (b) produced by orbital welding of tube.

Figure 3a shows the root side of the weld. A final pit, which may be a potential spot for the
initiation of corrosion processes, is visible. The heat-affected zone is slightly tinted, which
indicates that the root shielding was efficient enough.
Figure 3b shows the weld face. The heat-affected zone is strongly dark-blue-tinted. Considering
that the weld face is not in contact with the medium, tinting of the heat-affected zone is

4. Quality assurance and control of welds in the production of pharmaceutical


The top quality of welded joints required for pharmaceutical tubing cannot be accomplished
without adequate quality control and quality assurance.
Qualified and certified welders are required for welding work. They should master not only
orbital welding but also manual welding of stainless steel tubes. For all tube diameters, a
manufacturer should have approved welding procedures and meet sanitary requirements.
The manufacturer should employ qualified personnel for co-ordination and control of welding
work knowing well the pharmaceutical equipment. He should also meet all other quality
requirements for welding work [9].
Before starting his daily work, each welder should weld control test pieces for all the diameters
to be welded that particular day. These test pieces shall be stored and serve as reference
specimens for the subsequent assessment of weld quality at the facility.
Welding of tubes for the pharmaceutical industry shall be tested by remote visual inspection
(RVI). The camera used for the RVI gives a good view of the weld root and the tinted area along
the weld. Modern devices make it possible to reach welds with a video-camera within 12 m from
the inlet opening. Only tubes having a diameter of 8 mm and more can be inspected in this way.
The root side shall be inspected from various viewing angles. The image obtained can be
enlarged and dimensions of the defect detected can be measured. The images shall be stored on a
video-cassette. An up-to-date videoscope is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4: Videoscope manufactured by Olympus.

At the end of a flexible tube there is a video-camera providing images to the display. The spot
examined should be well-lighted. The device has a strong light source. The light is conducted

along optical fibres to the spot examined. A two-dimensional image obtained is slightly
The camera can provide a front view or a side view of the weld. Figure 5 shows respective views
of the weld in the direction of the tube axis and in the direction perpendicular to the tube axis.

Flexible tube Video camera


Flexible tube Videocamera

Fig. 5: Views of weld root in direction of tube axis and in direction perpendicular to tube axis.

The remote visual testing (RVT) is employed to detect various defects at the root such as lack-of
penetration, misalignment, undercuts, an excessive root, slag residues, and poor weld ends.
The heat tints in the heated zone of the weld indicate whether the root side was adequately
Colour charts were elaborated for some steel types frequently used in pharmaceutical
applications [10]. They show typical cases of tinting of the heated zone appearing with different
oxygen concentrations in the shielding gases. When the oxygen concentration is higher than 15
ppm, the tints vary from yellow, green, blue to grey, and black. The said colour charts can be of
great help in the determination of the acceptance level as well as in the control.
The visual examination shall be applied also to the weld face. Any shape defects at the weld face
will show also in the weld root. The suspicious locations should be carefully examined also from
the inside. The acceptance criteria for the weld face, however, are less stringent than for the weld
root. The blue tint is admissible whereas the grey and black tints are not admissible.

5. In-operation remote visual inspections

In the production of medicines the content of ions and micro-organisms in processing water
should be constantly monitored. If the content of impurities should increase, this means that in
the processing devices used corrosion and biochemical processes have initiated.
On the occasion of maintenance work scheduled, the inside surfaces of process reactors and
transport means shall be carefully examined with remote visual testing. Special attention should
be paid to welds at tubing.
How the orbital welds of high quality actually behave can be established when the welds are
removed from operation during maintenance. The welds being removed now in the

pharmaceutical industry are, as a rule, in poor condition. When tubes removed today were
constructed, the quality requirements were not so stringent as they are today. It is assumed that
the root side was poorly shielded; therefore, the occurrence of pitting corrosion should not come
as a surprise [11-14].
Pits at the weld end appeared in some cases. At the tube inside a small patch of slag at the weld
end was found to be a weak point for the occurrence of pitting corrosion. Some pitting corrosion
was noticed also at the remaining part of the root, and some more at the weld edge [15]. Pits
occurred also at the outside boundary of the heat-affected zone (HAZ). Corrosion appearance
could be expected mainly next to the weld. At this location oxidation is expected to be the
strongest because of elevated temperatures. The majority of pits, however, occurred at the edge
of the blue zone where the tube does not heat above 350 °C. Another weak spot, on which
nothing is reported in the literature, are the longitudinal weld and weld intersections of the
longitudinal and transverse welds.

6. Conclusions

Based on the investigations conducted the following conclusions may be drawn:

ƒ In the manufacture and maintenance of the equipment employed in the pharmaceutical
industry sanitary requirements for the quality of welded joints should be fulfilled.
ƒ Welded joints should be produced so that they may not contaminate products by metal ions
and micro-organisms.
ƒ The root shielding should be so efficient that the oxide layer in the heated zone next to the
weld may not get thicker.
ƒ The colour of the heated zone depends on the oxide-layer thickness. Light tints are
admissible whereas blue and grey tints are inadmissible.
ƒ To ensure sanitary soundness of the pipelines, all the welds should be subjected to remote
visual inspection.
Remote visual testing is applied to construction of pipelines and maintenance of pipelines for
processing water in the pharmaceutical industry.

7. References

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