Petition For Review

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Department of Justice


Frontline Service: Filing of Petition for Review

Procedure Employee Time Fee

1. Submit all documentary requirements in two (2)

copies – [original (with CD) and duplicate] Receiving Staff 5 to 10 None
chronologically paginated from bottom page (Window # 10) minutes
upwards, properly arranged in a folder and
2. Secure and submit the accomplished Petition Receiving Staff 1 to 5 None
for Review Form (PRF). (Window # 10) minutes
3. Receive the duplicate copy of the petition duly Receiving Staff 1 to 5 None
stamped “RECEIVED”. (Window # 10) minutes
End of Transaction
Feedback Procedure: Accomplish the Feedback Form and drop into the designated box
before leaving the premises.

Processing time: 60 calendar days (may be more or less depending on the nature of the case and
necessary procedures)
Follow-up: After 60 calendar days at telephone numbers (02)5247433 or (02) 523-84-81 local
Procedure for complaints:
1. Go to DOJ Action Center and directly report any complaint relative to the
2. Contact the Office of the Secretary (OSEC) Docket Section at telephone number (02)
523-8481 local 233; or
3. Contact government complaint hotline “8888”

Documentary Requirements as per DOJ Circular No. 70 and 70-A s. 2000

A. Verified Petition for Review containing:
1. Names and addresses of parties involved;
2. NPS Docket Number and criminal case number, if any, and the title of the case
including offense charged in the complaint or information;
3. Proof of service of a copy of the petition for review to the adverse parties or
counsel and the Prosecution Office concerned;
B. Legible duplicate original or certified true copy of the resolution appealed from
C. Legible certified true copies of the complaint, affidavits/sworn statements
D. Other evidences submitted by the parties during the preliminary investigation
E. Copy of Motion to Defer Proceedings as received by the court, if the case has been filed
in court

Additional Requirements as per DOJ Circular No. 18 s. 2017

A. Verified Petition for Review in addition to its attachments:
1. Compact Disc (CD) containing scanned copy of all documents submitted
2. Long Folder containing all the documents submitted secured with fasteners,
chronologically paginated from bottom page upwards
3. Declaration of Completeness
Department of Justice

Frontline Service: Request for the Issuance of Certified Photocopy of Resolution

(Resolved Cases on Appeal/ Petition for Review)

Procedure Employee Time Fee

1. Submit a letter request together with valid ID card. Receiving Staff 1 to 5 None
(Window # 10) minutes
2. Receive, accomplish, and submit the Request Form Receiving Staff 5 to 15 None
(RF) provided, and secure Order of Payment (OP). (Window # 10) minutes

3. Present the OP, pay the amount due, and receive the Cashier 1 to 5 P75 plus
original Official Receipt (OR). (Window # 13) minutes P2 each for
the 4th and
4. Present the OR, acknowledge the receipt of the Receiving Staff 1 to 5 None
request in the "Received by" portion of the RF, and (Window # 10) minutes
received the Certified Photocopy of Resolution together
with the OR.

Feedback Procedure: Accomplish the Feedback Form and drop into the designated box before leaving
the premises.

Processing time: within the day or 3 to 5 calendar days (may be more or less depending on the nature of the case and necessary

Follow-up: After 5 calendar days at telephone numbers (02)5247433 or (02) 523-84-81 local 233.

Procedure for complaints:

1. Go to DOJ Action Center and directly report any complaint relative to the service/transaction;
2. Contact the Office of the Secretary (OSEC) Docket Section at telephone number (02)523-84-81 local 233; or
3. Contact government complaint hotline “8888”

List of Requirements:

1. For complainant/ respondent:

a. Valid Identification Card (ID)
b. Letter request for the issuance of certified photocopy of resolution
2. For authorized representative:
a. Valid ID card
b. Authorization letter/ Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
c. Letter request for the issuance of certified photocopy of resolution
Department of Justice

Frontline Service: Walk-in Query on the Status of the Case on Appeal/ Petition for Review

Procedure Employee Time Fee

1. Request for a Case Status Slip (CSS) Form and log in the Receiving Staff 1 to 5 None
details in the Visitor’s Logbook. (Window # 10) minutes
2. Submit the accomplished CSS Form. Receiving Staff 5 to 10 None
(Window # 10) minutes
3. Receive the CSS Form with the recent status of the case Receiving Staff 1 to 5 None
and sign in the Visitor’s Logbook. (Window # 10) minutes
End of Transaction
Feedback Procedure: Accomplish the Feedback Form and drop into the designated box before leaving
the premises.

Follow-up: Call telephone numbers (02) 5247433 or (02) 523-84-81 local 233.

Procedure for complaints:

1. Go to DOJ Action Center and directly report any complaint relative to the service/transaction;
2. Contact the Office of the Secretary (OSEC) Docket Section at telephone number (02)523-84-
81 local 233; or
3. Contact government complaint hotline “8888”

List of Requirements:

1. For complainant/ respondent:

a. Valid Identification Card (ID)
2. For authorized representative:
a. Valid ID card
b. Authorization letter from the concerned party/ Special Power of
Attorney (SPA)
Department of Justice

Frontline Service: Request for Certification on the Status of Case on Appeal/ Petition for

Procedure Employee Time Fee

1. Fill out and submit the accomplished Request for Receiving Staff 5 to 15 None
Certification Form together with a valid ID card. (Window # 10) minutes
Receive Order of Payment (OP).
2. Present the OP, pay the amount due, and receive Cashier 1 to 5 P75.00
the original copy of Official Receipt (OR). (Window # 13) minutes
3. Present the original OR. Receiving Staff 1 to 5 None
(Window # 10) minutes
4. Acknowledge the receipt of the request in the Receiving Staff 1 to 5 None
duplicate copy and receive the original (Window # 10) minutes
certification along with the OR.
End of Transaction
Feedback Procedure: Accomplish the Feedback Form and drop into the designated box before
leaving the premises.

Procedure for complaints:

1. Go to DOJ Action Center and directly report any complaint relative to the
2. Contact the Office of the Secretary (OSEC) Docket Section at telephone number
(02) 5238481 local 233; or
3. Contact government complaint hotline “8888”
List of Requirements:
1. For complainant/ respondent:
a. Valid Identification Card (ID)
2. For authorized representative:
a. Valid ID card
b. Letter request for certification
c. Authorization letter from the concerned party/ Special Power of
Attorney (SPA)

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