Changes in Mathematics
Changes in Mathematics
Changes in Mathematics
What is it about Mathematics that compels us to put so much emphasis and focus on its
learning? Mathematics is one of the subjects most studied, taken up at the Pre-K level all the way
to college. Te Philippine mathematics basic education curriculum has undergone several
revisions over the years. In 1983, the New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) was
implemented, followed by the New Secondary Education Curriculum (better known as the
Secondary Education Development Program or SEDP Curriculum), which was launched in 1988.
After curricular reviews that began in 1995, the Department of Education, Culture and Sports
(DECS, now Department of Education) decided to adopt the Refined Basic Education
Curriculum (RBEC) in 2002.
Despite the many changes to the curriculum, the goals of mathematics education at the
basic education level remain more or less the same: “to provide opportunities for individuals to
develop skills and attitudes needed for effective participation in everyday living and prepare
them for further education and the world of work so that they make worthwhile contributions to
the society at large” (Pascua, 1993).
Mathematics, as we see it, has the following roles in Philippine Education: facilitating
participation in productive life activities, providing a way of making sense of the world, serving
as a means of communication and operating as a gateway to national progress.
More than just a set of isolated facts and concepts, mathematics provides us with “ways
of knowing”, thinking and understanding (Bernardo, 1998). Doing mathematics requires logical
thought and trains students to think both critically and creatively. In school, students usually
encounter specific problems that apply to the topic at hand, in addition, the thought process that
goes into understanding the problem, differentiating what is essential from what is not, being
able to make connections among the given information to generate a solution and verifying its
accuracy is surely something that students can apply even in non-mathematical settings.
Mathematics provides students with the essential skills in reasoning, decision-making and
problem solving to help them make sense of many aspects of our rapidly changing world (FAPE,
1988). Further, it promotes self-refection and develops one’s ability to face life’s problems
(Manuel, 1979). In short, mathematics is a means of empowerment and understanding that
everyone is entitled to.
Since a country’s economic progress relies heavily on its progress in science and
engineering, this demands a strong foundation in mathematics (Pascua, 1993 and Ogena and Tan,
2006). Mathematics is seen as “an essential tool for intelligent participation in a technological
society” (FAPE, 1988). As the level of mathematics needed in the workplace continues to
increase, its study is indispensable in order to develop a “scientifically and technologically
literate citizenry” (UP NISMED, 2001).
These roles are not disjoint from one another and more often than not, are intertwined and
complement one another. For the significant role it plays in our lives as Filipinos, mathematics is
indeed worthy of the focus and attention it receives in our curriculum. It is our hope that through
this framework, we can help educators enrich their students’ lives as they give them the gift of a
high quality mathematics education.
The role of mathematics in the real world
In response to whether they think math is useful in the real world or not, I think many
people would answer "yes". However, there would also be a few people who are hard pressed to
find and answer when asked to be specific in what ways they think math is useful. This is
because they possibly haven't quite noticed that mathematics penetrates the so-called fields of
social sciences, not to mention the natural sciences, and contributes to them.
Let me give you an example you may be familiar with. When shopping at a convenience
store, the barcode printed on the product is scanned and the sum is charged. The barcode isn't
only there to calculate the price; it also sends information on the purchased product and time of
purchase etc. to the convenience store headquarters instantaneously. Furthermore, when a point
card is produced, the purchaser's gender and age etc. are known, indispensible information for
marketing strategies such as product development and product delivery times. Because huge
amounts of this data comes up on a daily basis, how to effectively extract and read beneficial
information and patterns from large volumes and large scale data is the key to setting up
marketing strategies. Various data analysis methods developed in statistical science and machine
learning are used for this purpose.
Technology that learns from the past, and then predicts and controls future phenomena
In the high-speed information technology environment of the 21st century, I think that
everybody has experienced the rapid improvements in lifestyle convenience. However, in today's
society where it is becoming ever more complex and uncertain, it is a fact that we are living our
lives while being surrounded by various risks at all times. For example, the risk of having an
automobile accident, the risk of damage from earthquakes or other disasters such as typhoons
which frequently hit our country, or the risk of contracting a lifestyle disease, the list is endless.
There was a huge outcry when the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear accident
was taken to be a risk beyond expectations. Even when the probability of occurrence is
extremely low, if you multiply the cost for the damage, the numbers appear colossal.
We may still require a lot of time to acquire technology that studies the past and predicts
and controls future phenomena. I believe that mathematics and mathematical science, as a study
which analyzes risks associated with nuclear power, hydrogen infrastructure, and space systems,
and provides useful problem-solving technology in the sciences such as seismology that wages
battle against nature, and meteorology, has an increasingly important role to play.
Under these circumstances, the strong call for the necessity of mathematics in
circumstances surrounding mathematical research in major countries and the sciences in Japan,
and the necessity for promotion of joint research with other fields was concurrently
recommended as policy in 2006 in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology National Institute of Science and Technology Policy report The Forgotten Science-
Mathematics and the Mathematical Society of Japan and Science Council of Japan Mathematics
Committee symposium Foundation Study: Mathematics -Cooperation Between Mathematical
Research and the Sciences and Industrial Technology. This gave rise to new doubts into the way
of mathematical research, and can be said to be the catalyst for mathematical researchers
rediscovering the importance of mathematics as a study supporting the foundation of the sciences
and industrial technology.
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