Chapter 9 Database Management Systems
Chapter 9 Database Management Systems
Chapter 9 Database Management Systems
1. The first problem is a business culture that erects barriers between organizational units that inhibit entity-wide
integration of data.
2. The second problem stems from limitations in flat-file management technology that require data files to be
structured to the unique needs of the primary user. Thus, the same data, used in slightly different ways by
different users, may need to be restructured and reproduced in physically different files
1. data storage
2. data updating
3. currency of information
- efficient information system captures and stores data only once and makes this single source available to all
users who need it. This is not possible in the flat-file environment
- When users maintain separate files, any such change must be made separately for each user. This adds
significantly to the cost of data management.
- If update messages are not properly disseminated, then some users may not record the change and will perform
their duties and make decisions based on outdated data.
- (flat-file approach) user’s inability to obtain additional information as his or her needs change
- The user’s information set is constrained by the data that he or she possesses and controls
- pooling of data into a common database that is shared by all the users.
- Data sharing (the absence of ownership) is the central concept of the database approach. Let’s see how this
resolves the problems identified.
1. No data redundancy
2. Single update
3. Current values
4. Task-data independence.
*navigational or structured models - The way that data are organized in these early database systems forces users
to navigate between data elements using predefined structured paths
- provides a controlled environment to assist (or prevent) user access to the database and to efficiently manage
the data resource
- Each DBMS model accomplishes these objectives differently, but some typical features include:
1. Program development -
2. Backup and recovery - During processing, the DBMS periodically makes backup copies of the physical
3. Database usage reporting - This feature captures statistics on what data are being used, when they are
used, and who uses them
4. Database access
o three software modules that facilitate this task:
data definition language
data manipulation language
query language
Data definition language (DDL) is a programming language used to define the physical database to the DBMS.
- represents the database logically and abstractly, rather than the way it is physically stored.
- This view allows users’ programs to call for data without knowing or needing to specify how the data are
arranged or where the data reside in the physical database.
- There is only one conceptual view for a database.
- defines how a particular user sees the portion of the database that he or she is authorized to access
- Unlike the internal and conceptual views, many distinct user views exist
- Data manipulation language (DML) is the proprietary programming language that a particular DBMS uses to
retrieve, process, and store data.
- The query capability of the DBMS permits end users and professional programmers to access data in the
database directly without the need for conventional programs
*structured query language (SQL, pronounced sequel) has emerged as the standard query language for both
mainframe and microcomputer DBMSs
- is a fourth-generation, nonprocedural language with many commands that allow users to input,
retrieve, and modify data easily