Pre-Feasibility Report For Proposed Construction Project of "Santnagari" at
Pre-Feasibility Report For Proposed Construction Project of "Santnagari" at
Pre-Feasibility Report For Proposed Construction Project of "Santnagari" at
Gujarat has one of the most revered spiritual destinations in India. The temples of Ambaji, Somnath,
Dwarka, Palitana, Girnar, and Dakor attract pilgrims from India and abroad. Religious tourist accounts for
more than one third of the tourist foot falls in the State.
The Santnagari Project was conceptualized as a mega interpretation center for the life and living of the great
saints of India. Santnagari shall exhibit the teachings of the Saints across time, layers of history, religion
and region, forming a project of international peace, harmony and enlightenment. The underlying vision of
Santnagari is to create an opportunity and forum to expose people to the life and lessons of the great saints
of India.
Eventually this will act as a physical model of enlightenment as well as guide for basic ethics of life to
Indians as well as foreigners.
Project cost of the proposed development project would be around Rs. 157.61 crores.
Water: During construction phase approx 100 KLD water will be utilized for the domestic purpose and for
construction activities. This will be sourced from Dharoi dam near the project site. During Operational
Phase water requirement is assumed on the basis of visitors to be visited the Santnagari i.e. Peak traffic
season, Average traffic season and minimum traffic season so water requirement according to these seasons
will be around 3,170 KLD, 536 KLD and 245 KLD respectively for Domestic purpose only, this will be
sourced from Dharoi dam.
Electrical Energy: During Operational Phase total power requirement will be 25MW (Multiple of 500 to
750 KVA in different location). Power supply shall be met from Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited
(UGVCL). In case of power failure, and D. G. Set 3 MW, 250 KVA and 500 KVA will be provided.
During Operational Phase domestic waste water will be generated, which is assumed on the basis of
persons/saints to be visited the Santnagari i.e. Peak traffic season, Average traffic season and minimum
traffic season so waste water generation will be around 2,536 KLD, 429 KLD and 196 KLD which will be
treated in STP and reused for gardening and flushing purpose.
The proposed tourism development project will be established by Gujarat Pavitra Yatradham Vikas
Board (GPYVB). They are the custodian of the religious tourism in the State. They undertake planning,
maintenance & development related works. This Board was constituted in the year 1995. This Board was
associated with Gujarat Tourism Corporation Ltd. initially and became independent from the year 1999.
A. Sant Areas:
Nos. of Total land area
Description Unit Land area (sq. mt)
Saint (sq. mt)
Sant Pavilion-A type 80 2,500 2,00,000
Sant Pavilion-B type 166 1,200 1,99,200
Sant Pavilion-C type 333 500 1,66,500
Sant Pavilion-D type 1,000 20 20,000
Total 4,220 5,85,700
B. Residential Building/Infrastructure:
Nos. of Total land area
Description Unit Land area (sq. mt)
Building (sq. mt)
Guest House(50 Rooms) (G+2) 1 2,000 2,000
Admin complex (G+1) 1 3,000 3,000
Total 5,000 5,000
C. Special Infrastructures
Nos. of Total land area
Description Unit Land area (sq. mt)
Building (sq. mt)
Cave construction 40 600 24,000
Stone carving (3mt*2mt) 200 50 10,000
Inscription (5mt*2mt) (Story
33 100 3,300
Divine element (7mt*7mt) (Land) 200 200 40,000
Total 49,000 77,300
D. Common facilities
Nos. of Total land area
Description Unit Land area (sq. mt)
Building (Sq. mt)
Food court, Toilets, Rest room,
Public lounge, First aid, Fire 1 2,500 2,500
station, Etc.
Road, Parking, Substations, UGR,
1 1,00,000 1,00,000
OHR, Gardens, Water tanks, Etc.
Total 1,02,500 1,02,500
Dharoi dam will be the main source of water supply for construction and operation. During construction
phase 100 KLD water will be required. Operational Phase water requirement is assumed on the basis of
visitors to be visited the Santnagari i.e. Peak traffic season, Average traffic season and minimum traffic
season. So water requirement according to these seasons will be around 3,170 KLD, 536 KLD and 245
KLD respectively for domestic purpose only.
During Operational Phase total power requirement will be 25MW (Multiple of 500 to 750 KVA in different
location). Power supply shall be met from Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL). In case of power
failure, D. G. Set 3 MW, 250 KVA and 500 KVA of D. G. Set will be provided.
During Operational Phase domestic waste water shall be generated, which is assumed on the basis of
visitors to be visited the Santnagari i.e. Peak traffic season, Average traffic season and minimum traffic
season so waste water generation will be around 2,536 KLD, 429 KLD and 196 KLD which will be treated
in STP and reused for gardening and flushing purpose. Solid waste collection, segregation and disposal
system will be developed and followed.
3.1.2 Rail
The Area is well connected by Railway. From proposed project Taranga hill railway station is located at
approximately 16 km in WSW direction.
3.1.3 Airport
The nearest airport is Mehsana, which is at 64 km from the proposed site in SW direction.
3.1.4 Communication
The site has telephone, internet and mobile connectivity.
For the proposed developmental project, road, electricity, water, manpower, transportation vehicles,
construction equipment and machineries are primarily required.
The proposed project site is having connectivity with the road, railway and air.
Year Mar-17 Aug 17 Feb-18 Aug 18 Feb-19 Aug 19 Feb-20 Aug 20 Feb-21 Aug 21
Aug 17 Feb 18 Aug 18 Feb19 Aug 19 Feb 20 Aug 20 Feb 21 Aug21 Feb 22