Gelatin As e

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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1811-S1816 S1811

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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine


Document heading doi: 襃2012 by the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. All rights reserved.

Production of gelatinase enzyme from Bacillus spp isolated from the

sediment sample of Porto Novo Coastal sites.
Shanmugasundaram Senthil Balan1, Rajendiran Nethaji2, Sudalayandi Sankar1, Singaram Jayalakshmi3
Research Scholar, CAS Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai, Tamil Nadu
Student, Thanthai Hans Roever College, Bharathidasan University, Perambalure, Tamil Nadu
Associate Professor, CAS Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai, Tamil Nadu


Article history: Objective: In this study, gelatinase producing bacteria were probed from sediment samples of
Received 18 June 2012 Porto Novo Coastal sites, India. Screening and identification of potential strain were done followed
Received in revised form 22 June 2012 by optimization of physico-chemical parameters; bulk production and gelatinase extraction
Accepted 13 November 2012
were carried out. Methods: For probing of gelatinase potential producer primary and secondary
Available online 28 December 2012
screening was carried out for qualitative and quantitative estimation. Optimization of physico-
chemical parameters for improved production of gelatinase enzyme and large scale of gelatinase
Keywords: was produced. Gelatinase precipitation was standardized using different saturation rates of
Bacillus spp ammonium sulphate from 10 to 100% at 4曟.Results: There were 8 morphologically different
Production gelatinase producing bacteria were initially delved through primary screening tests. Bacillus
Marine bacterium spp produced maximum gelatinase activity (2.1U/mL) in secondary screening test. Optimizing
Gelatinase enzyme. its abiotic and biotic factors, maximum enzyme activity was achieved at 48h incubation period
(2.2U/mL), 2.5 pH (2.5U/mL), 35曟 temperature (2.55U/mL), 0.8% lactose (2.6U/mL), 1.4% gelatin
(2.9U/mL) as the ideal carbon source and nitrogen source, 1% salinity (2.9U/mL) and 3ml of
inoculum containing 5.6暳106/ mL (3.3U/mL). From the optimized factors, bulk production was
carried out and saturation rate of 40% ammonium sulphate, precipitated out maximum enzyme
with lowered dry weight indicates its enzyme purity and recovered enzyme showed 4.1U/mg of
activity. Conclusion: The study revealed that the isolated strain Bacillus spp has its potentiality
for industrial scale production and the results will stand as a base line data for the application of
gelatinase in future.

1.Introduction marine producers, their capability have not been explored

in details hence the present study.
The biological and chemical diversity of the marine There were so many chemicals persist in an environment,
environment has been the source of unique chemical THB (Total heterotrophic bacteria) populations adopt to
compounds with the potential for industrial development produce various enzymes including gelatinase to decompose
as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and recycle it. In this backup an attempt has made to
molecular probes, enzymes, fine chemicals, and probe for potential gelatinase bacterial producer which
agrichemicals [1]. An enzyme from the marine source may makes a promising strain with desired nature for industrial
be a unique protein molecule not found in any terrestrial large scale production. Gelatinase is one type of diverse
organism or it may be a known enzyme from a terrestrial group protease, an extracellular metallo- endopeptidase
source but with novel properties[2]. Enzymes reported till or metalloproteinase which is able to hydrolyze gelatin
date is produced mostly by microorganisms of terrestrial and other compounds such as pheromone, collagen,
origin. However, only a few number of reports reported from casein and fibrinogen[3,4]. Gelatinase and Collagenase are
important metalloproteases and these enzymes are widely
used not only in chemical and medical industries but also
*Corresponding author: Senthil Balan S, Research Scholar, CAS Marine Biology,
Annamalai University, Porto Novo, Cuddalore District.Tamil Nadu. in food and basic biological science[5]. Gelatinase enzyme
[email protected] produced by microorganism hydrolyze gelatin into its sub-
Tel: +91 9486198685
S1812 SHANMUGASUNDARAM SENTHIL BALAN et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1811-S1816

compounds (polypeptides, peptides and amino acids) that on gelatin agar plate. The colonies were replica plated into
can cross the cell membrane and be used by the organism. a fresh gelatin agar plate, after incubation period the replica
F orms of gelatinases are expressed in several bacteria plate was examined for gelatinase producer using 15 %
including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, mercuric chloride in 20% (vol/vol) concentrated HCl solution
Clostridium perfringens and Serratia marcescens. [12]used as protein precipitating agent. From the mother
In humans, gelatinase are matrix metalloproteinase (MMP gelatin agar plate the gelatinolytic bacterial colonies were
2 and 9) are involved in the breakdown of extracellular collected for further study.
matrix in normal physiological processes, such as embryonic
development, reproduction and tissue remodeling, as well as Gelatin liquefaction test
in disease processes, such as arthritis and metastasis. These Gelatin liquefaction (the formation of a liquid) was tested
enzymes even participate in the turnover of extracellular by stabbing gelatin agar (semisolid with 7.5g/L agar) deep
matrix and together the MMPs are able to degrade any of the tubes. After 48h of incubation, the cultures placed in a
matrix components[6]. refrigerator at 4°C until the bottom resolidifies. If gelatin
Nowadays gelatinase have received considerable attention was hydrolyzed, the medium will remain liquid after
as targets for drug development because of their potential refrigeration. If gelatin was not hydrolyzed, the medium will
role in connective tissue degradation associated with tumor resolidify during the time it is in the refrigerator. The strains
metastasis[7,8]. The potential uses of gelatinase and their high liquefied gelatin was taken for quantitative study.
demand, the need exists for the discovery of new strains of
bacteria that produce enzymes with novel properties and the 2.2.2 Potential strain selection by enzyme assay (Secondary
development of low cost industrial medium and extraction screening)
formulations. Gelatinase activity was quantitative tested according to
In our present study, a potent gelatinase producer Bacillus Tran and Nagano[13]. The reaction mixture contained 0.3 ml
spp isolated from sediment sample P orto N ovo coastal of (0.2%) gelatin in water, 0.2 ml of (150 mM) Tris-HCl, pH 7.5,
sites, India. Discovering such new species, producing containing 12 mM CaCl2, and 0.1 ml sample (crude enzyme).
gelatinase with novel properties will be of great value The reaction mixture was incubated at 30曟 for 30 min and
to the enzyme and pharmaceutical industry for different stopped by the addition of 0.6 ml of (0.1 N) HCl. The released
applications. The isolated strain was optimized against free amino group’s amount was measured by the Ninhydrin
various media components and fermentation conditions method. Gelatinase activity is expressed as 毺mol of leucine
for improved and cost-efficient enzyme production. equivalent per min/ml of the culture filtrate (Hamza et al,
Extracellular enzyme production is highly influenced by 2006). The same mixture except gelatin was used as blank.
media variation in components such as C / N ratio[9, 10].
Besides this, several other factors, such as inoculum density, 2.3 Extracellular enzyme.
pH, temperature and incubation time, also affect the amount
of enzyme produced[11]. In our study we produced gelatinase The potential bacterial strain was freshly inoculated in
enzyme from a potential wild strain Bacillus spp with 100ml gelatin broth and incubated for 48h incubation at 37
maximum activity and the results showed its applicability 曟. A portion of 50ml was taken from the cultured broth and
for the industrial scale production of this enzyme for various centrifuged at 3000rpm for 20 min; pellet and supernatant
commercial applications. were collected separately. The cell pellet was dissolved in
50ml phosphate buffer and sonicated for 1min. Remaining
portion of 50ml cultured broth was sonicated for 1min without
Materials and Methods centrifugation. The three different mediums supernautant,
sonicated cell pellet and sonicated broth culture were tested
2.1 Collection of sediment samples by enzyme assay for gelatinase enzyme location whether it is
extracellular or intracellular or located at both sites.
Sediment samples were collected from five different
off shore sites of Porto Novo coastal region, Cuddalore 2.4 Strain identification
district, Tamilnadu, India using a sterile spatula. The central
portion of the collected samples were aseptically transferred The pure cultures of gelatinase producing bacteria are
to a sterile polythene bags and transferred to the laboratory needed to be identified. I dentification was done with
in an ice box maintained at 4o C for further study. Biochemical methods with the help of Bergy’s Manual of
Determinative Bacteriology.
2.2 Isolation of Gelatinase producing bacteria
2.5 Optimization of physico chemical parameters for
The collected sediment samples were serially diluted and maximum gelatinase production.
spread plated on gelatin agar containing gelatin -15.0g,
peptone - 4.0g, yeast extract - 1.0g, agar - 15.0g, 50% aged T he selection of the best medium components and
sea water - 1000ml and incubated for 48hrs at 37曟. their concentrations plays an important role in product
development, not only the media component but also the
2.2.1 Detection of gelatinolytic bacteria (Primary screening) environmental parameters like pH, temperature and other
After incubation period, bacterial colonies were observed things also has its role in it.
SHANMUGASUNDARAM SENTHIL BALAN et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1811-S1816

The experiments were done by adopting search technique by optimized conditions. Finally the medium was tested for
i.e., varying parameters one at a time, were conducted in its gelatinase production under aseptic conditions in regular
250ml Erlenmeyer flask containing gelatinase production intervals.
medium and all the experiments were carried out in
triplicate and the average values were calculated. The range 2.8 Ammonium sulphate fractionation and partial
of parameter achieved by one step was fixed in subsequent purification.
Optimization was done with the base of a basal medium, P rotein precipitation was carried out with different
the composition of the basal medium is (g/L): glucose- concentration of ammonium sulphate from 10 to 100 %
2.0; gelatin- 0.5; peptone- 0.5; yeast extract- 0.5, and salt saturation level at 40 C unless as described [14] . A fter
solution- 50 mL (salt solution containing [g/L]: KH2PO4,-5.0; optimized incubation period, the broth was sonicated for 1
MgSO4.7H2O - 5.0, and FeSO4.7H2O- 0.1] with a pH of 7.0 min and the resulting medium was centrifuged at 3000rpm
and incubated at 37曟. for 20min. The supernatant was collected and precipitated
with different saturation rates using ammonium sulphate
2.5.1 Incubation period and kept at over night. The precipitated proteins were
Incubation period was carried out ranging from 8h to collected using centrifugation at 10000rpm for 20 min and the
96 h with 8 h interval and the gelatinase production was pellets were collected. The protein solution was dialyzed
estimated. using dialysis membrane against the phosphate buffer
solution (PBS) at pH 7 for 24hr, with intermediate changes of
2.5.2 pH PBS to remove the salt and the final solution was subjected
The pH of the medium was optimized between the ranges 4 to lyophilize. The final lyophilized sample was gelatinase
to 9 with intervals of 0.5 for maximum gelatinase production. assayed and the dry weight of the sample was also taken
into account for selection of optimized saturation level for
2.5.3 Temperature fractionating desired protein.
The effect of temperature on gelatinase production was
estimated between 20曟 to 50曟 with the interval of 5曟.
3. Result
2.5.4 Carbon sources In our study, sediment samples were collected from five
The influence of different carbon source like glucose, different offshore coastal sites of Porto Novo. The samples
fructose, lactose, maltose, starch, with varying concentration were taken aseptically from the sampling site transferred
from 0.1% to 1% with 0.1% interval were tested for maximum and processed immediately in the lab for the isolation of
gelatinase production. gelatinase producing bacteria. The samples were serially
diluted and spread plated on gelatin agar. After 48h of
2.5.5 Substrate concentration incubation period, sediment samples possessed more
Influence of enzyme substrate gelatin ranging from 0.1% to gelatinase producing bacterial density between 2.3暳102 to
1% with an interval of 0.1% was tested. 1.7暳103 CFU.

2.5.6 Salinity
The effect of varying salt concentration was checked
between 5 - 50 ppt with the interval of 5 ppt since the strain
is of marine origin.

2.5.7 Inoculum density

V arying concentration of inoculum density with
respect to gelatinase production was tested using varying
concentrations of 1ml to 5ml cultured broth inoculation
containing 5.6暳106/ ml to 100ml of media.

2.6 Inoculum preparation

Potential bacterial strain was cultured using optimized

production medium in 30ml broth of 100ml Erlenmeyer’s Figure 1. Bacillus spp showing gelatinase activity against HgCl2
conical flask and incubated for 48hrs at 35曟. solution in gelatin agar

2.7 Bulk production. The plate was used for further analysis are needed to be
replica plated, after incubation period the replica plate
For mass scale production, 1000ml of optimized gelatinase was flooded with mercuric chloride solution. While doing
production medium was prepared in 2 litre Erlenmeyer’s this, the proteins present in the plate were precipitated and
conical flask. After sterilization, optimized quantity of showed an opaque appearance on the proteineous sites if
prepared inoculum concentration was added and incubated the bacterial colonies produced gelatinase enzyme showed
S1814 SHANMUGASUNDARAM SENTHIL BALAN et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1811-S1816

a clear zone around the colonies indicates the hydrolysis located extracellular.
of gelatin substrate and the bacterial colonies were taken
from the mother plate for further analysis. There are 7 70
different bacteria showed zone around their colonies in 60
50曟 50 25曟
replica plate were taken from the mother plate was needed 40
to be repeatedly pure cultured on gelatin agar plate. After 30
achieving the axenic culture, the bacteria were broth 10 Gelatinase
cultured, centrifuged and the pellets were lyophilized. 0 activity U/ml
Lyophilize preserved bacterial cells were used for further 45曟
study. The gelatinase producing bacteria isolated in our
study were once second checked for gelatinase production
using gelatin liquefaction test, all the 7 isolated bacteria 40曟 35曟
liquefied gelatin stab agar under refrigeration of 4曟 showed
the synthesis of gelatinase enzyme.
Figure 4. Effect of different temperature on gelatinase production
80 8hrs
96hrs 16hrs
88hrs 40 24hrs 80
80hrs 0 32hrs 50 Glucose
Gelatinase activity U/ml Fructose

30 Maltose
40hrs Lactose
72hrs 20
10 Starch
64hrs 48hrs 0 Cellulose
0.02% 0.40% 0.60% 0.80% 1.00%
Incubation Period Carbon sources (%)
Figrue 2. Effect of different incubation period on gelatinase Figure 5. Effect of different carbon sources with varied concentration
production on gelatinase production

80 4
9 4.5 80
60 70
8.5 5 50

20 40 Gelatinase activity
5.5 Gelatinase activity U/ml 10
0.02% 0.40% 0.60% 0.80% 1.00% 1.20% 1.40% 1.60% 1.80% 2.00%

7.5 6 Gelatine substrate

Figure 6. Effect of different concentration of gelatin on gelatinase
7 6.5 production
F or the maximum production of gelatinase enzyme,
Figure 3. Effect of different pH on gelatinase production
Bacillus spp was optimized for various physic-chemical
The potential bacterium was selected based on the results parameters, initially the optimal incubation period was
obtained from zone measurement of axenic cultures on the examined from 8h to 96 h (fig.2) and gelatinase enzyme
gelatin agar (fig.1) and enzyme quantitative assay. Out of production was maximum at 48h (2.2U/ml). The pH of the
which, strain no P7 produced maximum gelatinase activity medium was adjusted between 4 to 9 with 0 . 5 varying
of 2.1 U/ml and maximum zone formation was selected as intervals (fig.3), the optimum pH for maximum gelatinase
potential gelatinase producing bacteria. P7 was identified as production was at 7.5(2.5U/ml). The effect of temperature
Bacillus spp with the help of Bergy’s Manual of determinative on the enzyme production was found out (fig.4), showed
bacteriology. The location of enzyme plays an important role maximum gelatinase production at 35 曟 ( 2 . 55 U /ml ) .
in the down streaming process whether the enzyme located Optimization of various carbon sources (fig.5) showed lactose
extracellular or intracellular or on both sites. The cell as the best source of 0.8% producing 2.6U/ml gelatinase
free supernatant, sonicated cell pellet and supernatant of activity. The present study revealed that gelatin the enzyme
sonicated broth cultures were subjected into studies and it substrate concentration plays an important role in the
was screened by quantitative enzyme assay. Supernatant of enzyme production showed 1.4% of concentration produced
sonicated broth culture showed maximum activity of 2.1 U/ 2.9U/ml of yielding (fig.6). Gelatin also acts as a best nitrogen
ml followed by cell free supernatant 1.7U/ml and sonicated source among the tested sources for the maximum growth
cell pellet 0.5U/ml, it was clearly stated that the gelatinase of the Bacillus spp. As the sample collected from estuary,
enzyme was located at both the sites but maximum of it was it is the place for both fresh and marine environment
SHANMUGASUNDARAM SENTHIL BALAN et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1811-S1816

habitat so salinity also might plays an important role for has its potentiality for industrial scale production and
maximizing gelatinase production. Salinity concentration precipitated enzyme has stable and showed reproducible
of 10ppt produced 2.9U/ml which showed maximum activity results over consecutive tests. The results will stand as a
and the absence of salinity showed retarded growth of the base line data for the application of gelatinase in future.
organism as well as gelatinase production (fig.7). Finally the
inoculum density was needed to be optimized for estimating Table 1
the correct quantity of inoculum for better production Crude gelatinase enzyme precipitation using different saturation rates
of gelatinase enzyme (fig.8). It was estimated that 3ml of of ammonium sulphate.
inoculum containing 5.6暳106/ ml microbial density per Percentage saturation rate Dry weight of crude Enzyme
100ml of broth attained 3.3U/ml. of ammonium sulphate enzyme per liter of cell free activity
80 10 0.17 1.7units/mg
60 10ppt 20 0.33 2.3units/mg
40 30 0.41 3.5units/mg
50ppt 15ppt
40 0.63 4.1units/mg
Gelatinase acitivity 50 0.72 4.1units/mg
0 U/ml 60 0.78 3.9units/mg
45ppt 20ppt
70 0.89 2.7units/mg
80 1.01 2.3units/mg
40ppt 25ppt 90 1.17 2.1units/mg
100 1.19 1.7units/mg
35ppt 30ppt

Salinity (ppt)

Figure 7. Effect of different salinity on gelatinase production Discussion

84 In the present study an attempt was made to isolate

82 wild type bacterial strains produce gelatinase enzyme and
80 optimize the various limiting and maximizing factors of the
78 isolated strain Bacillus spp from the sediment sample of
76 offshore coastal site, Porto Novo, Tamil Nadu. In our study,
Gelatinase the above results clearly showed that the sediment sample
activity U/ml has large number of bacteria which might be due to richness
of nutrients in coastal sediment.
The gelatinase bacterial producers were screened by
1ml 2ml 3ml 4ml 5ml
gelatin agar with the help of mercuric chloride solution
Inoculum density-5.6暳10 ml and isolated colonies were selected based on the distinct

Figure 8. Effect of different inoculums density on gelatinase morphology. The selected bacterial colonies were pure
production. cultured and individually tested for its enzyme production.
B ased on the results obtained from primary screening
Based on this optimization results obtained, 30 ml of methods seven bacterial strains were showed good results
inoculum was prepared with optimized physico chemical and they are named as P1 - P7 (P - Porto Novo). P7 produced
parameters and inoculated with isolated potential bacterium maximum gelatinase activity over the rest of the other six
Bacillus spp. T he inoculum was transferred to already strains and it was identified as Bacillus spp with the help of
sterilized 1000ml bulk media on 2 liter Erlenmeyer’s conical Bergy’s Manual of determinative bacteriology.
flask which was incubated for 48h. In mass scale culture the When optimizing the physico-chemical parameters of
strain produced 3.6 U/ml of gelatinase. potential bacteria Bacillus spp for maximum gelatinase
O n down streaming process the broth cultures were production, initially the optimal incubation period was
aseptically sonicated using ultrasonicator for one minute examined at 48h (2.2U/ml). Similar[15]result was observed as
and it was centrifuged at 3000rpm for 20min. Resulting 48h was the ideal incubation period for protease production
supernatant was collected aseptically and it was divided into using B. subtilis PE-11. One major factor that is pH may
10 batches each containing 100ml. Each batch was added constitute the maximum production of gelatinase production
with different saturation rate of ammonium sulphate from achieved at pH 7.5. However[16]the maximal protease yield
10 to 100%. The batches were kept at overnight for protein was obtained from the culture Strptomyces pseudogrisiolus
precipitation and centrifuged for 20min at 10,000rpm. The NRC - 15 at p H 9 . 0 . D ifferent temperature ranges were
pellets containing the precipitated proteins were lyophilized checked for the maximum gelatinase production on the
and dry weight of the different saturated proteins were enzyme production was found out (fig.3), showed maximum
estimated (tab.1). The saturation rate of 40% ammonium gelatinase production at 35曟 (2.55U/ml), similar result was
sulphate showed maximum gelatinase activity of 4.1units/mg observed[17]using Bacillus halodurans showed maximum
with lower dry weight of crude protein after precipitation. activity at 37曟 with protease enzyme production. In our
The study revealed that the isolated strain Bacillus spp study optimization of various carbon sources showed lactose
S1816 SHANMUGASUNDARAM SENTHIL BALAN et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1811-S1816

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