Company Profile AA International
Company Profile AA International
Company Profile AA International
Chairman Greeting
Chairman Greeting
CEO Greeting
About Us
Worldwide Network
Our Achievement
Indonesia is the largest island dedicated to providing high
Our History country in the world, with a quality services to all of our
Management Team population of more than 260 members and to our corporate
Service Description million people spread out over and insurance industry clients.
more than 13.000 islands. Integrity, ethics, honesty, and
Contact Us Providing a wide range of confidentiality are important
medical assistance and other principles that guide our
needed services over such a business conduct, always.
large area is a challenge that
should not be underestimated. I With best wishes,
am proud of our team here at
AAI Indonesia for continuing to Michael Marquardt
rise to this challenge under the Chairman
very capable leadership of our
CEO, Mr. Brandon Heng.
We have become known in
the market for being absolutely
Michael Marquardt
Chairman - AAI Indonesia
CEO Greeting
As long as I can remember, I believe our success is the
there has been a lot of continual direct result of a constant quest
growth at AAI Indonesia. In the for new ways to leverage our in-
early days, back in 2008, our house technologies, our industry
company simply offered 24/7 experience and our commitment
alarm center services as well as to our team. Moreover, together
the management of medical with our compassionate
referrals and evacuations. With colleagues, we are united by our
the evolution of managed care, genuine dedication to solve our
today’s healthcare system is customers’ problems and truly
more complex than ever, and yet support our customers’ needs.
AAI Indonesia continues to be
one of the leading assistance
Brandon Heng service company in Indonesia,
CEO offering a more and more
comprehensive range of total
service solutions for health
benefit management.
From the very beginning, AAI Indonesia’s focusing to Third Party Administration
PT AA International Indonesia (hereinafter be referred professionalism and first-class customer service in all Administrative Service Only
as AAI Indonesia), is an assistance company and the operations, domestic and overseas. During the first year
sole representative of Indonesia in the International until mid-2012; International Medical Assistance, Third International Medical Assistance
Assistance Group (IAG). IAG has more than 60 Partners, Party Claims Administration and Administrative Service Overseas Hospitalization Program
Preferred Providers, and 61 medical and roadside Alarm Only had been the top 3 of AAI Indonesia’s services Mobile Applications
Center around the world providing a large range of which contributed a solid reputation for AAI Indonesia as
assistance services in over 180 countries. one of leading assistance service Indonesia. Roadside Assistance
Air Ambulance
AAI Indonesia located in Jakarta and was formed on Medicheck
December 19th 2007, offers value added services in the
form of convenience and security on just a phone call
Medical Concierge
away. Ensuring your member to quickly receive most Global Secure
proper assistance available. Expert Medical Opinion
First Aid Training
Through AAI Indonesia’s affiliation with the International
Assistance Group (IAG), AAI Indonesia has extended its
Key Figures
presence throughout the world. Leveraging the concept of
“Local Partners, Global Solutions,” IAG is a global network
of IAG in
of independent assistance companies specializing in the
provision of worldwide assistance services.
IAG was founded in 1992 by five European members.
Over the next ten years, interest in the idea of grouping 1.5 billion € turnover
independent assistance specialists grew, and in 2002 the
1.9 million roadside cases per year
International Assistance Group was formally incorporated
as a company in France. 1.0 million medical cases per year
33,000 medical repatriations
Today IAG has more than 60 Partners and Preferred
9.700 total staffs employed
Providers and 9,700 staff working through 24hr alarm
centers. The International Assistance Group's philosophy 4.4 million cases
of supporting expatriate, business and leisure travelers 115 million end users covered by the IAG Partners
through a network of local organization’s has proved
compelling. As a result there are now more than 115
million travelers abroad supported by the IAG Partners.
One of our company’s essential core competencies is our the GOLD medal for The Best Contact Center Operations Bussiness Awards :
excellent, dedicated 24/7 alarm center service, dedicated to 2013 for Corporate Category held by Indonesia Contact
providing top-notch level of customer satisfaction. Center Association (ICCA), we are proud to have been
selected for “Super Service Quality” by the Indonesia
In 2013 we were awarded the prize for “Most Trusted Business Award. As a last achievement to complement a
Company in Insurance Industry of the Year” (International very successful year, AAI Indonesia received two awards at
Good Company Award 2013) and for the “Best Service once at “AA’s 5th Regional Conference – Singapore, 2015”.
Excellence of the Year” (Top 25 Best Companies Award The award was for "Regional Office of the Year 2015" and
2013) by Rajasa and Indonesian Ministries. Also, we have "Best Country Update".
been awarded with a GOLD medal for “The Best Contact
Center Operations 2013” for the Corporate Category, In 2016 AAI Indonesia started the year by receiving two
organized by the Indonesia Contact Center Association major awards at the prestigious ASEAN Business &
(ICCA). Company Award 2016 in the category “The Best Company”
and “Quality Service of the Year”. We feel that this Alarm Center Awards :
In 2014, once again, AA International Indonesia won a achievement is evidence of AAI Indonesia’s commitment to
BRONZE Medal for “The Best Contact Center Operations always providing consistent and excellent service to all of
2014” for the Corporate Category, organized by ICCA. its clients.
Graduated from Curtin University of Technology (Major in He shows his dedication in Tax & Accounting expertise for
Accounting & Information System) in 2003, she has 5 years of more than 10 years of experience from various industries. Prior
experience in corporate office for distributor and pharmaceutical to joining AA International, he worked in Oil & Gas Drilling
company in Australia and 7 years experience in insurance industry Service and Trading Company, held a managerial position. Mr.
in Indonesia (life insurance company, direct broker and reinsurance Andreas joined AA International in 2014, bringing to the
broker company). Ms. Bianca contributes to the overall company his proficiency in accounting (ERP software) and
accomplishment of the company by effectively managing all spreadsheet programs.
financial tasks, overseeing, budgeting and accounting.
Mr. Luki Handoko; Ms. Sophia Mulya;
Chief Information Technology Head of HR Department
Prior joining AAI Indonesia in 2012, Mr. Luki has experience for Human resource professional with psychology background. Also
more than 10 years in Network, System, and Database familiar with Service Quality Management which covering all
Administration. Also, he has further capabilities in possess strong aspects from service culture pillars (Leadership, Strategy,
knowledge of the software design and development. Recognized Structure, HR Dimension & Service Infrastructure). Familiar with
for delivering leading edge solutions that meet complex business psychological industry practices, excelled in recruiting, selection,
requirements by implementing IT best practices and contributed in talent management, employee training, employee relations and
developing in-house technology for AAI International’s system process improvement.
Mr. Gideon joined AAI Indonesia in 2014 with more than 12 years Dr. Aldy has served as Head Medical Advisor in Healthcare Division
of extensive experience in sales and customer service, along with since 2013 while pursuing his Master Degree on Occupational
technical knowledge relevant from various industries. Including 5 Health in University of Indonesia. He already has general expertise
years of conducting marketing activities (telemarketing and sales in the areas of evacuation and repatriation from remote area before
call), handle complaint existing costumer & maintaining clients at joining AAI Indonesia. Dr. Aldy is a certified ITLS (International
one of top 5 insurance in Indonesia. Trauma Life Support) and received his medical degree from Sam
Ratulangi University Manado.
For us to succeed as a company, we are obliged to meet the needs and size of businesses on a daily basis in a timely manner. As our clients vary from individual to major
corporations therefore we deliver a comprehensive range of quality services.
For more information and benefits associated with our comprehensive range of products and services, log on to
Designed to allow insurance companies and Offers companies of total administration solution to We assist you with 24-hours Medical Referral, Medical
corporations to enhance their medical benefits achieve an accurate and fair claim processing for all Evacuation, Medical Repatriation, Medical Monitoring,
program, we offer a total convenient hospital parties, through our hassle free system at panel Dispatch of Essential Medication, Hospital Bedside
admission solution. We provide admission guarantee, providers. Supported by our team of experienced Visit, Return of Dependent Children, and Repatriation
24-hours Alarm Center, membership cards, health evaluators and medical personnel, claim Payments of Mortal Remains.
campaigns and etc. For our corporate clients, we are funded by the employer and AAI Indonesia shall
provide cost containment solutions, utilization reports assist to process the claim.
and many more.
Expert Medical Opinion Roadside Assistant First Aid Training
A service to obtain second medical opinion remotely Manages 24-hours call for members with a car Recognizing many employers’ needs to educate their
for diagnosis and treatment plans to be evaluated by breakdown, be it mechanical breakdown or accident. employees on basic life support and first aid
world renowned facilities and specialists from around The alarm center arranges for the member’s car to be knowledge, AAI Indonesia organizes such training for
the world. towed or arranges a mechanic to assist the member. corporates.
A hassle free one-stop solutions for our member's Taking care medical and non-medical services listed
medical needs under our Medical Concierge services. Our air ambulance service offers 24-hours Medivac under Program Benefits, contact an AAI International
We will arrange for medical referral, medical and non emergency medical repatriation across Asia. Alarm Center from anywhere in the world by calling
appointments, travel arrangements such as hotel and Our highly trained medical air-crew and ground directly, calling collect, or by calling the toll-free number
car transfers. management team are committed to provide service 24 hours / 365 days. Our Alarm Center are staffed by
excellence, care, precise and cost effective solutions enthusiastic multilingual assistance agents and medical
for our clients. professionals to help solve your issues or fulfill inquiries.
After Sales Service Medicheck Global Secure
A conceptualized digital mobile application that simplify We provide an educational and interactive event
With our International Assistance Group partnership,
all of healthcare administration process, generates designed for outreach to provide basic preventive
Preferred Providers, more than 60 medical partners
convenience for Members when seeking healthcare medicine and medical screening to group of people
around the world providing a large range of assistance
services only from Smartphone. Briefly, this mobile from community or employees at work as our added-
services, includes placing letter of guarantee for
application, named MedisClick!, enables users (patients) value service to clientele. This event also in
hospitalization worldwide. Our experience,
to fill out hospital forms from their mobile, and then send conjunction with workplace wellness. The discussion
international presence and range of services enable
this data to our alarm center. Next, our agent will mainly provides an in-depth look at individual health
us to meet the needs of around 115 million
actively collaborate by giving proper information also concerns also commonly conducts health screening
beneficiaries worldwide. 9,700 dedicated employees
sending any document needed (In-patient or Out- such as cholesterol testing or blood pressure
serve our clients in over 180 countries.
patient)through MedisClick!. screenings.
Medical Check Up