LP Soft Tisue Sarcoma
LP Soft Tisue Sarcoma
LP Soft Tisue Sarcoma
Tugas Mandiri
Stase Keperawatan Medikal Bedah
Disusun oleh :
Tiara Sas Dhewanti 17/421016/KU/20201
Daftar pustaka
American Cancer Society. (2016). About Soft Tissue Sarcoma. American Cancer Society
Grimer, R., Ian Judson., David Peaked an Beatrice Seddon. (2010). Guidelines for the
Management of Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Banerjee, R., Bandopadhyyay, D dan Abilash, V.G. (2013). Epidemiology, Pathology, types
and Diagnosis of tissue Sarcoma: A Research Review. Asian Journa of Pharmaceutical
and Clinical Research, 6(3); 19-25.